Cherry grafting: basic rules and plant compatibility. Grafting of fruit trees and bushes Grafting of cherries in spring for beginners

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Can cherries be grafted onto cherries?

They say that my hand is light, I won't stick it into the ground, everything is growing. But this is in the ground, but I tried 3-4 times with vaccinations - zero result. I tried it in February, March, and April. I have tried both an apple tree on an apple tree, and a pear tree on a pear tree - none of the vaccinations was successful. It seems that I am doing everything according to the pictures, according to the descriptions, at first glance everything is correct, but nothing comes of it. I tried different methods of vaccination - they still do not take root. I'll try again, the neighbors have one apple tree and one pear too good, I want the same. But, alas, by now.

Can an apple tree be grafted onto a cherry tree?

It is better to plant on a spreading plum (cherry plum), you can try on a thorn-plum or any wild or samoseyka.

Thank you, and in what weather is better and at what temperature, the months do not coincide with us, I live in the Novosibirsk region. - 3 years ago

Can a pear be grafted onto a cherry?

Especially dangerous species damage is the root collar podoprevanie Soil

Can a peach be grafted onto a cherry?

Vegetative propagation of felted cherries is possible with green and lignified cuttings, horizontal layering, grafting, but only from those plants that are already well acclimatized.

Cherry grafting in spring

Fruit color - from yellowish-light pink to dark red and dark cherry, almost black. They are spherical or ovoid, 10-18 mm in diameter, and are very easy to collect. Their taste is pleasant, refreshing, from sweet to sour; it is less acidic than common cherry. The taste of these fruits is more reminiscent of cherries, they ripen in late July - early August. Their average weight (with stone) in selected plant forms is 1.5-2.5 g, and in some cultivars it even reaches 5 g. The pulp is pink, juicy, tender. The stone is small, oblong, smooth; weighing 0.1-0.25 g, which is 8-13% of the weight of the fruit, is poorly separated from the pulp.

How to plant cherries - timing and material

(Cerasus tomentosa Wall.)

In fact, cherries are one of the most commonly planted crops. They are vaccinated in spring and summer. In spring, April and May are suitable for this technique, that is, during active sap flow in the trees.

How to plant cherries correctly in spring?

Cherry can probably be found in almost every garden: it is unpretentious, frost-resistant, gives a good harvest. But, what if the entire small-sized area is planted with cherries, and you really want to grow some other fruit? There is a way out: use cherries as a rootstock for grafting. We will tell you what can be grafted onto cherries.

Spliced ​​tomatoes) did not work) It is for you to address the scientific followers of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko. They "grafted" tried to solve most of the selection and genetic problems.

Personally, I graft all trees in August, it's called grafting green handle- excellent survival rate. I graft in the simplest way - with a handle in the cleft.

Indeed, it is better to use the same plum or cherry plum as a rootstock, but wild (resistance to diseases, natural adaptation to the conditions of a given area, to soils, survival ...).

Felt cherry

How to grow felt cherries in the North-West of Russia

Which often occurs in winter with thick snow cover covering unfrozen soil. And although root system usually remains alive, the bush dies, since the felt cherry does not give root suckers. If the root collar has died only partially, offspring may appear on the surviving parts of it. But even then the bush will hurt for a long time and recover very slowly. Weakened, it often perishes completely in subsequent winters.

Felt cherry likes light, rich, cultivated, well-drained, preferably sandy loam or light loamy, with a pH of 5.5–6. Acidic soils it is necessary to lime. Clay and peaty for its cultivation are completely unsuitable. She does not tolerate and high level groundwater and even a very brief flooding. And on waterlogged soils, its shoots do not have time to ripen and freeze slightly. The main breeding method for cultivars is The chemical composition of fruits: sugars up to 10%, organic acids - 0.3-1.4, fiber - 0.5, pectins - 0.4%. Vitamins contain C (11-32 mg%), A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP.

Features of culture

Transferred to the fruit growing of North China, Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Of the Far East Russia. In the European part of our country, it is acclimatized by I.V. Michurin.

But the cuttings (scion) for self-grafting should be prepared in November-December, that is, at the time when severe frosts hit the street. To a greater extent, grafts cut from young, but already fruiting trees are suitable for grafting cherries in spring. The stalk should be 30-40 cm long. True, they should be placed in a cold place, where the temperature will be -2 ⁰C until spring. A refrigerator is perfect for this purpose. If you have not made the preparation of the scion, do this spring, choosing branches with well-formed buds.

Generally the majority experienced gardeners claims that the best grafted tree (scion) takes root on the rootstock of a closely related culture. Sweet cherries and cherries, belonging to the same genus of stone fruits, are perfectly combined with each other, and therefore tolerate the vaccination well. Usually, wild cherries are used for cherry stock, the so-called antipka (a type of wild cherry) or varieties Lyubskaya, Griot, Vladimirskaya, Izmailovskaya, Rubin, Korostynsky and many others.

No, I didn’t graft plants

But seriously, vaccination is possible only on the so-called. "felted cherry", which is genetically much closer to the plum.

To You can try plums on cherries, especially if cherries are wild.

It should be remembered that

After planting, in the first years, the bushes are almost not cut off, forming a crown of 10-12 branches, removing only dry, diseased, frail and thickening branches in the center of the crown. But every 4-5 years, it is advisable to carry out anti-aging pruning, in which you completely cut out or shorten old unproductive, poorly leafy branches, especially in the center of the crown, leaving replacement shoots. And the cuts must be immediately covered with garden varnish or plasticine. Without rejuvenating pruning, yields will decline rapidly in the future. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before bud break.

Green cuttings

Felt cherry varieties

The fruits are good for consumption in fresh, as well as for making jams, compotes, juices, wine, jam and other homemade preparations. Their skin is thin, delicate, not dense, because of this, they are poorly stored and transported. Therefore, in industrial horticulture, felt cherry is not widespread. Another thing is in the farms of amateur gardeners, where these shortcomings play a secondary role. In horticulture, it can become one of the leading fruit crops.

Felt cherry is a bush, less often a tree up to 3.5 meters high. It is frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures as low as -40 ° C. However, its winter hardiness is only average, since it suffers greatly from thaws.

Growing seedlings from seeds

In general, there are many ways of grafting trees, but only a few are optimal for cherries: grafting with a bud (budding), grafting with splits and grafting for the bark. Let's consider each method in more detail.

In the same way, attempts to graft cherries onto cherries are successful: as a rule, the stock with a cherry cuttings grow together rather quickly. Truth, in order for everything to be successful, choose a young stock, for example, cherry offspring, in which the trunk thickness ranges from 4-8 cm.

I need to know if Cherry plants are combined with plums like no

Planting seedlings

It is still better to plant cherries on cherries. And a plum for a wild plum. Here the apricot on the plum goes well.

Vegetative propagation of felt cherry

Plant plums on cherries

There are no particular difficulties, but there must be a sharp tool (a knife for splitting and a knife for working with cuttings). It is advisable to do everything quickly and protect the contact surface of the scion and rootstock from moisture. And a quality scion. For splitting, it is better to use rootstock shoots no thicker than 1.5 cm, for other types of grafting - 1 cm, then the overgrowing process occurs much faster. After the graft has taken root, you need to gradually remove (shorten) the shoots of the rootstock, transferring growth to grafting.Felt cherry prefers frozen soil and thin snow cover, therefore it should be planted in places with little snow Nitrogen fertilizers

... They are harvested in the first half of June, when young growths reach 15-25 cm, the shoots are cut into cuttings bearing 3-4 buds. The lower cut is made under the kidney, observing an angle of 45º, and the upper cut horizontally, above the kidney. After that, the cuttings are placed for 12 hours in a growth stimulator solution (30 mg of heteroauxin per 1 liter of water). Then they are washed and planted in a greenhouse in washed or calcined sand, covered with a layer of 4-5 cm above rich soil. Rooting lasts up to 25-30 days, during which the greenhouse is maintained optimal humidity soil and air. The rooting rate of cuttings is about 80%. After that, the rooted plants are grown for one more year in a greenhouse or by planting in a garden.It does not yet have zoned varieties for Central Russia and the North-West. The only variety recommended for amateur gardening in all regions of the European part of the country is the Dream variety. Far Eastern varieties, such as Delight, Vostochnaya, Children's, Krasavitsa, Fairy Tale, Eastern Darkie, Triana, Alice, Amurka, Pionerka, Ogonyok, Khabarovsk and others, brought by cuttings and seedlings, cannot be introduced directly into the culture of the European part of the country. They will develop and grow badly enough.

This plant is light-loving, does not tolerate shading. Felt cherry is drought tolerant. In conditions middle lane and the North-West is short-lived, here the maximum life expectancy is about 20 years, but usually she rarely lives more than ten years. Old bushes must be replaced in a timely manner.

Choosing a place and soil in the garden

If you decide to use a bark graft, then keep in mind that you can use 2-3 prepared cuttings. On the stem of the stock, previously shortened, several cuts of the bark are made to the bottom by 2-4 cm.In cuttings in the lower part with a sharp knife

If you like to experiment and want to know if it is possible to plant an apple tree on a cherry, then we hasten to upset you. The "like - for like" rule works in this case as well. The best option for this culture would be a plum or cherry plum, but not an apple tree. An apple tree grows well with an apple seedling stock of varieties Anisov, Antonovka, Shubinka, Tonkovotka. True, it is recommended to properly prepare the apple scion.

So far I only planted citruses and pomegranates. I haven't grown the stock for garden ones yet) Although it should be vaccinated. These are stone fruits for pome fruits and vice versa. That is, it will definitely not take root on the apple tree.

, You must be able to do it quickly and efficiently. But you can do it. Stone fruits are grafted to stone fruits.

Top dressing and disease and pest control

How to vaccinate? I would recommend - in the split. Cut the one-year (two-year) branch at the desired height. With a knife, make a split, 3-5 cm. Quickly insert the scion stalk (2-3 buds, 3-5 mm thick), making side cuts at an acute angle. The cambium layers must be aligned. Insert cuttings from both sides. Tighten tightly with electrical tape so that the cuttings "sit" tightly. Cover the gap on the rootstock with garden pitch (but not deep). For vaccinations, grabbing part of the stem, put on a bag, I also put a moistened wad of paper in it (to maintain moisture). Further, according to the weather, you observe their development and make adjustments to the vaccination shelter. Additionally, in order to reduce the risk of podoprevaniya, at a distance of 15-20 cm from the root collar itself in the fall, it is advisable to shake off the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm and fill the resulting hole with coarse sand. Better yet, sand mixed in half with foam granules.

Applied under felt cherry only in spring (20 g / m² of urea or ammonium nitrate), and phosphoric (15 g / m² of superphosphate) and potash (20 g / m² of potassium chloride) - in autumn. When leaving, the soil under the bushes is not dug up, but only loosened.

However, the felt cherry has a remarkable property: its seedlings grown from varietal seeds, are extremely plastic, and in most cases they acclimatize well enough, and most importantly, they largely retain positive properties mother plant. Therefore, from the Far Eastern varieties, which, as already mentioned, are difficult to cultivate directly, it is worth importing and sowing seeds.

Its root system is superficial, located at a depth of 35 cm. Branching is strong, crown is dense, broadly spreading, oval, up to 2.5 m wide. Branches are numerous, straight, rough. The bark on them is dark gray or gray-brown.

Make side cuts up to 3-4 cm long. Then the bark of the rootstock at the cuts is slightly pushed away from the wood, where then the scion is carefully inserted. And they do it in such a way that the edge of the cuttings cuts is 2-3 mm above the rootstock cut. After that, the grafted place needs to be tied with a film and greased with garden varnish.The stalk should be cut not in spring, but in winter in December or, in extreme cases, in March. Store the scion in a cellar or refrigerator.

Hawthorn - which is easier, but why graft, the seeds germinate perfectly, but .... with slightly brown fruits (not ripe) and it grows very quickly. Felt cherry on a plum - no, it should not grow together, but (in my understanding) felt cherry will take root when the side branches are added, like currants or gooseberries. As for the hawthorn, I heard that wild mountain ash vaccinate. Take a look here There are several ways. The best method of vaccination is considered at the end of July (Ukraine) - by budding (kidney).

As some illustration. At the end of March-beginning of April, already last year, I grafted a pear on a pear (with a handle for the bark) - 100% survival rate. Plum for wild plums (split) - 100% result. Peach on bitter almonds (split) - about 30% yield. The year before last, at the end of September, plum on bitter almonds (bud for bark). The result was expected to be good, but he did not remove the film in time and part of the kidneys died.

After winters with prolonged thaws, branches can also dry out in spring. varying degrees... In general, despite some shortcomings, and they are in all fruit breeds, felt cherry is very promising for cultivation in the horticultural areas of the North-West of the country. Therefore, in every possible way, you should select better forms felt cherries, more adapted to our climate.

Pests and diseases

Take root in 30-40 days. Layers are obtained according to the standard technology, bending to the ground, fixing with hooks and sprinkling one- or two-year-old shoots with earth. After the formation of the roots, they are separated and planted in a permanent place.

How to plant plums on cherries?

Before sowing, it is advisable to store the seeds in a moist substrate so that they do not dry out. And if the seeds were still dry, they should be soaked for 4-5 days before sowing, changing the water daily. During spring sowing, a long and gradual stratification of cherry pits with a total duration of up to 130 days in a wet mixture of peat with sphagnum moss (1: 3) is required. The first month - at a temperature of about + 20 ° С, then 40 days - at + 5 ° С, and after the cracking of the seeds has begun, they should be further stored at 0 ° С.


Shoots are greenish or greenish brown. The leaves are small, strongly wrinkled, oval, on short petioles, resembling elm leaves, but much smaller, tomentose-pubescent underneath; in autumn they turn yellow-orange.

If we talk about how to graft cherries in spring using the splitting method, then it is used in cases where the stem of the stock is thicker than the graft-graft. The shortened stem of the rootstock is split to a depth of 3-4 cm. The end of the cutting is cut wedge-shaped, that is, it is thinned on both sides. Then the scion is inserted into the crevice of the rootstock, tied with a film and smeared with garden varnish.

Unfortunately, grafting pears onto cherries can also fail. Firstly, the pear scion will take root for a long time in a new place. And secondly, even if combined, the grafted pear gives

Hawthorn can be grafted on mountain ash, pear. irgu, and even though it grows quickly from seeds. but it begins to bear fruit at 7-9 years old, the felt cherry is close to plum, so I think it will work out, I myself only graft apple trees and pears on the wilds, respectively, apple trees and pears

Http:// And you can graft cherries on plums. Try, learn.

But you can plant a plum on a cherry and a cuttings in the cleft or behind the bark, but this must be done in early spring, during the sap flow of plants.


I took photographs of the growth process of grafts, but for placement, they still need to be "squeezed"

It is very fertile, blooms beautifully, is especially attractive, strewn with bright red fruits, therefore, in addition to fruit growing, it can be used both as an ornamental culture, and in landscape design... In it, it is especially good as a curb shrub. Moreover, although it usually grows typical bush, for decorative purposes, it can be formed in a standard or semi-standard form.

She is hardly surprised. An attack of aphids and scale insects is possible, and from diseases - the disease of moniliosis, spotting and gray fruit rot. She is resistant to coccomycosis.

Varieties and forms of plants that are not resistant to root collar support are best grown by grafting them onto plums. Inoculate better in spring, the most suitable methods of grafting are budding and improved copulation. The inoculation should be done above the expected snow cover level, i.e. at a height of 0.7-1 m.

Nikolai Sosiura

To avoid all these troublesome operations, it is preferable to sow cherry seeds in felt in autumn - in September - October. Seeding rate - 100 seeds per one running meter ridges to a depth of 2-3 cm and at the same distance from each other. The rows are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. The crops are watered and slightly mulched.The felt cherry begins to bloom 2-3 days earlier than the common cherry, simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves. It blooms profusely, in our climate - from the end of May, up to two weeks. Flowering bushes unusually picturesque, they look like huge bouquets. The flowers are single or double, very numerous, pale pink or white, fragrant, on very short (2-4 mm) pedicels, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, rich in nectar, fragrant with honey aroma, attract a lot of bees. And, which is very important, they can withstand frosts down to -3 ° C, but for safety reasons it is still more advisable to plant late flowering forms in the garden.When budding, a strip of bark 3x0.5 cm in size is cut out in a shortened rootstock, where then the cut with a bud is applied and petiole stalk, tied with a film and smeared with garden pitch.

A poor harvest or does not bear fruit at all, or the tree becomes vulnerable to various adverse conditions and soon dies.

I managed to plant the felt cherry on the plum. But here you have to try experimentally. Not every type of plum is suitable.

Did .... failed .... I get better vaccinations for the bark, and my friend does all the vaccinations in the summer It is hardly possible to successfully graft onto the cherry itself, only if you make an insert of felt cherry and then graft into this insert.


Vladimir Starostin, dendrologist, candidate of agricultural sciences

In winter, felted cherry bushes often damage mice and hares, so adequate protection from pests is necessary. And in summer, birds willingly peck ripe fruits. In addition, heavy rainfall during ripening can cause the fruit to crack.


When placed in the garden, felted cherry bushes like to have protection from the drying cold winter winds on the north side. They also do not tolerate landing in low places. Self-fertility in felt cherry is low, the bushes normally bear fruit only with cross-pollination. For this, at least two or three different varieties or generative forms should be planted on the site.

In the spring, weak seedlings are removed, leaving only strong ones, and then, when the 4-5th leaf appears, the plants are thinned again at a distance of about 10 cm, leaving the best ones. Very good planting material obtained by growing it in film greenhouses. When they reach a height of 30 cm, seedlings are pinched for better branching. After that, they grow on the ridge for another year.

Cherry can probably be found in almost every garden: it is unpretentious, frost-resistant, gives a good harvest. But, what if the entire small-sized area is planted with cherries, and you really want to grow some other fruit? There is a way out: use cherries as a rootstock for grafting. We will tell you what can be grafted onto cherries.

Can cherries be grafted onto cherries?

In general, most experienced gardeners claim that the best grafted tree (scion) takes root on the rootstock of a closely related culture. Sweet cherries and cherries, belonging to the same genus of stone fruits, are perfectly combined with each other, and therefore tolerate the vaccination well. Usually, wild cherries are used for cherry stock, the so-called antipka (a type of wild cherry) or varieties, Griot, Izmailovskaya, Rubin, Korostynsky and many others.

In the same way, attempts to graft cherries onto cherries are successful: as a rule, the stock with a cherry cuttings grow together rather quickly. Truth, in order for everything to be successful, choose a young stock, for example, cherry offspring, in which the trunk thickness ranges from 4-8 cm.

Can an apple tree be grafted onto a cherry tree?

If you like to experiment and want to know if it is possible to plant an apple tree on a cherry, then we hasten to upset you. The "like - for like" rule also works in this case. The best option for this culture would be a plum or cherry plum, but not an apple tree. An apple tree grows well with an apple seedling stock of varieties Anisov, Antonovka, Shubinka, Tonkovotka. True, it is recommended to properly prepare the apple scion.

The stalk should not be cut in spring, but in winter, in December, or, as a last resort, in March. Store the scion in a cellar or refrigerator.

Can a pear be grafted onto a cherry?

Unfortunately, grafting pears onto cherries can also fail. Firstly, the pear scion will take root for a long time in a new place. And secondly, even if combined, the grafted pear gives a poor harvest or does not bear fruit at all, or the tree becomes vulnerable to various adverse conditions and soon dies.

Can a peach be grafted onto a cherry?

We hasten to please those gardeners who are thinking about whether it is possible to graft a peach on a cherry. This sweet-fruited tree works well with cherries as a rootstock. True, the peach scion does not get along with all types of wood. Felt cherry and sand cherry are considered suitable crops. Here you can find a fat plus - peaches grafted on these cherry varieties will not grow tall. In addition to the above crops, cherry, apricot and plum can be grafted onto cherries (on felt cherry seedlings).

Any garden that claims to be well-groomed and productive, periodically needs rejuvenation and expansion. To get new varieties, renew old trees, or just experiment, gardeners try to graft young cuttings on pre-planted seedlings or on prepared branches of older plants. To know how to inoculate cherries, they study the timing, plant material and method of carrying out the procedure.

Grafting cherry cuttings (rootstock) that promise to give good harvests delicious berries, on a persistent young base (scion) allows you to get strong tree with high rates of fruiting. The process of connecting the lower and upper parts of the plant is not very difficult, but it requires quick confident actions from the gardener, knowledge of some basics. The effectiveness of the procedure will depend on the timing of the vaccination.

The most correct, giving the maximum percentage of rootstock survival, is considered the period of early spring, when the tree comes out of hibernation, the movement of sap in the trunks is activated. If spring grafting was not carried out or was unsuccessful, it is allowed to carry out in the summer, around mid-July. It is better to choose calm, windless, dry days, without strong night frosts, optimal time- early morning or evening.

How to prepare the base, cuttings, tools

The graft for grafting is grown independently from a bone, seed or seedling, purchased from other gardeners or formed from an adult healthy tree... The junction of the cutting and the base is selected, prepared depending on the method of grafting.

Culture cuttings are harvested:

  • in late autumn before the arrival of frost, followed by storage in a cool, dry place;
  • in early spring or summer just before grafting.

For cuttings, young shoots are selected, which are cut at an angle, divided into blanks 25-30 cm high. 3-4 buds are left on a separate cuttings. For long-term storage twigs are wrapped in damp gauze, placed in a cold place (basement, cellar, refrigerator).

To carry out the procedure, it is enough to have the tools:

  • garden knife (pruning shears are suitable for cutting cuttings);
  • strapping material (scotch tape, grafting tape);
  • garden var or oil paint;
  • plastic bag.

Knives (secateurs, hatchets) must be well sharpened so as not to injure the plant with blunt ends. They are advised Preliminary processing antibacterial agent. The package creates a "greenhouse" effect for the grafted rootstock, but attention is required to weather conditions so as not to overheat the plant.

It is believed that the closer the relationship between the rootstock and the scion, the higher the percentage of established cuttings. That's why the best way- plant cherries on cherries. At the same time, it is better to take varieties with high resistance to weather conditions, immunity to diseases, pests as a basis.

There are a number of other breeds on which cuttings of cherry varieties take root well, namely:

  • cherries;
  • plum;
  • bird cherry;
  • cherry plum;
  • thorn.

Experienced gardeners are advised to choose as a rootstock wild varieties stone fruit trees, because they differ in strength, endurance. Likewise, the listed crops can be grafted onto cherries; many cases of the survival of apricots, peaches, combined with a cherry base are known. But any combination of stone fruit with seed crops (apple, pear) rarely ends up with positive results.

There are several grafting methods, depending on the stock available, the time of year, and the convenience for the gardener. These include:

  • bark grafting;
  • inoculation in the incision;
  • budding;
  • copulation.

Tools, cuttings, the basis for each of them are procured in almost the same way.

Bark grafting

This technique is used in the presence of wide, powerful branches or stems of the stock. The top of the base branch is cut off, cleaned with an even cut. On opposite sides, shallow straight cuts of the bark are made up to 3 cm high.

The lower part of the cutting is cut at a very sharp angle so that the scion fits exactly into the cut in the rootstock bark. Having connected both parts, the branch is tightly wrapped with tape (sticky layer outward) or grafting tape, cover the junction with garden pitch. If necessary, the cuttings are insulated with a plastic bag for 1-2 weeks.

Cleavage grafting

It is considered one of the most effective, simple spring grafting methods. The stock is noticeably wider in diameter than the grafting material. The base is harvested by the method of direct cleaned cut.

Splitting is done to a depth of 3-4 cm along the diameter of the prepared base branch with a hatchet or knife. On the grafted shoulder straps, wedges of the lower part of the same height as the rootstock cut are made in advance. 1-2 cuttings are precisely placed in the recess, then the joint is processed with a strapping and sealing material.


A technique that is popular, especially among novice gardeners. In this case, the graft is not a whole stalk, but a separate bud or "eye". On the rootstock, a grafting site is selected, above which there should be no other pagons.

It is advised to cut the kidney before the procedure; when preparing the main trunk, place it on a moistened gauze or rag. The "eye" is removed together with a part of the surrounding cortex (about 2 cm).

A T-shaped incision is made on the base branch, the bark of which is slightly pulled back. The kidney is tightly pushed into the incision so that there are no gaps. The joint is tied with tape or tape, outside of which only the "eye" itself remains.


It is chosen when the diameters of the rootstock and the grafted material coincide, which on average is 0.7-1 cm. The disadvantage of the method is poor resistance to strong winds, therefore the strongest base is chosen or the cuttings are grafted closer to the middle of the crown.

The same sharp cuts are made on the scion and rootstock, with which they should fit snugly to each other. In addition, closer to the opposite edges of the cut branches, straight cuts are made to a depth of 1.5 cm. Further, both parts are joined together, wrapped with tape.

Whether a new plant has taken root or not becomes clear after about a few weeks. This is evidenced by the buds of the scion, which increase in growth in the case of positive result... Remains of tape or grafting tape can be removed after a while, but it is better to leave it until next year.

Having chosen summer time for grafting, thorough watering of the trunk is carried out in advance in order to accelerate the flow of internal juice. Particular attention is paid to the cleanliness of the sections and the instruments used. To protect the future tree from infection, antibacterial solutions must be used to treat fresh "wounds".

Planting cherries is not a difficult and interesting process, allowing you to experiment with new varieties. Adhering to accuracy, choosing a convenient technology, you can avoid many mistakes and achieve your goal the first time.

If the grower is not happy with the taste and size of the cherries, he can plant the cherries on the plum. To give strength to the delicate look of the stone fruit culture, you need to graft cherries on cherries. The grafting process is not overly complicated. In order for the scion to take root safely, you should find out which rootstock for cherries will be the best.

Fundamental rules

Gardeners are interested in grafting cherries for various reasons. Someone is dissatisfied with the amount of the harvested crop, but someone wants to improve the taste of stone fruit. A stock is a tree whose roots remain in the ground. A fragment of a plant that needs to be planted on a mother tree is called a scion. It is not always possible to plant cherries correctly. Mostly inexperienced gardeners face the difficulties of crossing trees.

It is worth listing the rules of vaccination:

  • it is better to plant plants in spring;
  • it is important to choose a period when there will be no frosts;
  • if you decide to vaccinate in the summer, choose a cloudy day for these procedures;
  • the air temperature must be above +5 degrees;
  • you can not plant plants in the rain and in hot weather;
  • experienced gardeners can do grafting during the fall months.

In order for stone fruit cultures to grow together, you need to start grafting no later than 50 days before the onset of winter.

Better ways

Vaccination is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • budding - grafting by the kidney;
  • copulation - connection of shoots;
  • improved copulation;
  • grafting for the bark;
  • into cleavage;
  • in a semi-cleavage;
  • grafting into the side cut;
  • grafting with a bridge.

If the summer resident first decided to take up vaccination activities, he should practice waste material... An experienced sculptor, thanks to a cast, creates an image of his future work, and the sculpture itself will be made of expensive materials. So a gardener, having stuffed his hand on ordinary branches, can graft a cherry tree with a bud.


When choosing the optimal time for grafting cherries and cherries, it is worth considering how you are going to do this.

High survival rate of cuttings will be in April and May. After the juice begins to move along the branches, all the garden plantings wake up. If you decide to cross stone fruit crops with shoots, perfect timing for these events it will be spring.

Split grafting and side-cut grafting are versatile procedures. They can be carried out in spring, mid-summer, and early autumn. Cherry budding is carried out in summer. Best period for this event - the first decade of June. At this time, the sap is still moving along the branches of the plants. If the summer is hot, the plants selected as rootstocks need to be watered vigorously. Otherwise, the donor shoot may not have enough moisture.

Gardeners sometimes argue about the appropriateness of fall grafting. They can be carried out in two cases.

  • The gardener carries out autumn grafting of cherries in an emergency mode in order to save a valuable subspecies of the plant.
  • The event was planned taking into account all possible difficulties.

For the fall grafting to be successful, frosts should not come ahead of time.

Cherry-compatible fruit trees

It is not easy for novice gardeners to decide what to plant cherries on. So that the plants become one and bear fruit in the future High Quality, it is important that the scion and the mother tree are related crops.

Not all people know if cherries can be grafted onto cherries. The method of combining different varieties of sweet cherries is a good decision for the summer resident. If one tree has already managed to take root in a harsh climate, and the second is sick, bears little fruit, you can graft a weaker plant into the cleft of a relative. Grafting on resistant wild game will keep warm cherries from freezing during the winter months.

If you want to add hardiness to your cherry tree, grafting on cherries in the summer will help you achieve the desired result. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of crossing.

The summer resident decides which cherry to choose as a mother tree based on his needs. As a rootstock, Russian gardeners actively use the Antipka variety. And you can also plant a thermophilic variety of cherries on wild cherries.

Plum grafting will allow you to get unusual tasty fruits from the tree branches. The success of the event depends on the following factors:

  • properly prepared young stalk;
  • a well-chosen place of incision (splitting) on ​​the mother tree;
  • the best time for crossing stone fruit crops: you can plant other garden crops on plums from April to mid-September;
  • the quality of the procedure performed.

Sometimes cherries are grafted onto cherry plums. The survival rate of these two crops is low. Only a horticultural magician who knows all the features of the development of stone fruit trees is capable of crossing them.

Procurement of grafting material

Whatever varieties of stone fruit crops you are going to cross, experienced summer residents recommend giving Special attention preparation of grafting material.

  • stock up on cuttings in the second half of autumn;
  • annual shoots are suitable for vaccinations;
  • the best option for grafting would be cuttings with a diameter of 5-6 mm;
  • there should be a growth bud at the top of each shoot.

It is imperative that the shoots have leaf buds. You can store wood material in the refrigerator. First, the cuttings are wrapped in a piece of damp cotton cloth. Then they are placed in a plastic bag. This bag is recommended to be placed on the refrigerator shelf, which is 2 levels below freezer... The second storage option: shoots are placed in a mixture of peat, sawdust and wet sand. Vegetable "splendor" is removed in a cool place. The substrate needs to be moistened from time to time.

Give up the idea of ​​planting freshly cut green shoots. Such material rarely takes root.

Popular grafting options

Conventional copulation is carried out if the grafted crop and the mother tree are of the same thickness. The process goes like this:

  • the same oblique cuts are made on the mother branch and on the shoot;
  • the length of the slices must be at least 3 cm;
  • the slices overlap each other, it is important that the match is perfect;
  • the vaccination site is tightly tied with a film;
  • the area of ​​the upper cut on the petiole should be treated with garden varnish.

Improved copulation provides a more durable fusion of crossed varieties. How it is carried out:

  • a cut is made on the petiole;
  • then with a knife, tongues are cut into the scion and rootstock, to do this, measure from the lower edge of the petiole and twig a distance equal to 1/3 of the entire length of the cut;
  • the tongues should be even, without chipping;
  • the donor stalk is applied to the branch of the mother tree;
  • it is important to make sure that the tongues are connected.

Implementation of budding:

  • a few days before grafting, the rootstocks are sawed;
  • all shoots present in the lower part of the mother trunk are removed;
  • on the day of budding, a bud with a fragment of wood is cut from the scion;
  • a vertical incision is made on the branch of the mother tree;
  • a fragment of the scion with a bud is placed in the prepared incision;
  • we carry out fixation using tapes.

The main advantages of budding: ease of procedure, the ability to cross different types horticultural crops.

How cherries are grafted into the bark:

  • branches are removed with a saw;
  • in the places where the scion petioles will be placed, longitudinal cuts are made;
  • these areas are covered with polyethylene film and tied;
  • punctures are made in the right places;
  • these voids are filled with thin cuttings;
  • the connection zones are tightly tied with tapes.

Other ways to cross trees

To plant cherries on cherries (or plums), you can use the split method. Stages of the procedure:

  • branches are cut from the mother tree in early April;
  • some of the branches must be left on the tree;
  • on the main branch, 2 knots are eliminated;
  • using a sharp hatchet, the wood is split;
  • the split should fall in the middle of the cut;
  • the length of the split section is 10 cm;
  • cuts are made on prepared shoots;
  • the wedge-shaped part of the ax is inserted into the slot to move it slightly;
  • the resulting slot must be filled with cuttings.

Final steps of grafting: the ax is taken out, the gap is closed. Then the damaged areas are treated with garden varnish. Disadvantages of the method: the complexity of the grafting measures, a significant area of ​​damage to the mother wood.

Grafting cherry cuttings into the semi-cleavage is a more gentle option. It is best to place twigs with a diameter of 2 cm in the side cut of the mother tree.

Grafting with a bridge is used if the trunks of the cherry or sweet cherry are badly damaged.

Necessary care

How to plant cherries on cherries: without proper care, trees can grow badly together, you need to take care of the plant. It is necessary to ensure that new shoots do not appear below the grafting site. A month after the procedure, a splint is applied to the vulnerable area. Hazel shoots can serve as a tire. To prevent the summer heat from exhausting the tree, it should be watered abundantly.

On next year after the event, it is necessary to prune. If the plum is attacked by aphids, the tree must be sprayed with garlic infusion. Tobacco infusion can be used as a protective liquid.


If you want to protect the cherry tree from freezing or give unique taste its fruit, you will be interested in how to plant a cherry. Wild cherries, cherries and plums are used as rootstocks for this horticultural crop. Vaccination is carried out in several ways. Most simple options vaccinations are budding and copulation. It is advisable to cross trees in the middle of spring.

Cherry grafting on cherries in the summer may seem challenging task... However, having studied the nuances of grafting, even an inexperienced summer resident will be able to cross his favorite garden crops.

Even at the smallest personal plot there is always at least one cherry tree growing. And why? First, because growing and caring for a crop is simple enough. Secondly, and this is the main thing, the berry and all sorts of delicacies made from it are very tasty. In addition, having several varieties of cherries, the assortment of delicacies, it would seem, from the same berry, is significantly expanding. But it's good if the plot is large and there is enough space for planting different varieties. And what to do when the territory is small? The first is not to get upset. The second is to familiarize yourself with the gardeners' recommendations on how to plant cherries in spring step by step, with strict adherence to the sequence of these very steps.

Why plant cherries

By by and large cherry already feels great and gives a good harvest. Here are just a good harvest and some kind of garden is not enough for a real gardener. We need strong planting, tasty fruits, an assortment. All this can be ensured by correctly carried out vaccinations. Of course, in addition to the correct general care... So what do vaccinations give?

First... Reliability in terms of yield. Trees grown from seeds can be called inferior to some extent. They will grow, they will yield crops, but small and from time to time. From grafted cuttings, the culture is "reliable" and complete.

Second... Rejuvenation of landings. Over time, the tree grows old, dries out in places, and ceases to be fruitful. In order not to start growing cherries from the very beginning, from a seedling, relatively old, but still suitable for rootstock, trunks and branches are used to renew the garden.

Who does not know, gardeners call the stock what the cutting will be attached to (a separate branch, a tree trunk). The graft is the cutting itself or the cut bud. And do not forget that grafting cherries in the spring has certain dates, non-observance of which leads to the death of the cuttings.

Third... Expansion of the range. Imagine that there is one cherry of a certain variety on the site, there is no place for planting several more trees, but you want to have different varieties berries. In this case, grafting other varieties of cherries on the existing tree will ideally solve all problems.

As an option for useful entertainment, you can mention the possibility of "placing" on a cherry tree, say, cherries. It will turn out original, useful, there will be "two trees" in one place.

On which rootstocks the cherry grows well

Cherry - perfect option vaccinations - vaccination on yourself like that. There is an old, but strong cherry in the garden, so on it and "create" a young tree. It is even better to use a wild game as a stock. This is the toughest thing that nature has come up with. Of other types of trees, the following are recommended:

Cherries- almost the same culture with similar characteristics. The cherry scion "takes" very well.

Plum- despite a slightly different structure, cuttings grafted on it take root well. One of the best trees to ensure good survival rate of the scion.

Cherry plum- there are almost everywhere, there are no problems with finding a cherry rootstock. In addition, the culture tolerates severe frosts well, which makes it possible to some extent grow frost-resistant cherries.

Thorn- the same plum, but more "wild". Cherry "accepts" well, cuttings take root perfectly, gardeners use it quite often.

Bird cherry- it cannot be said that this is a fruit tree, but it copes well with the role of a rootstock. The best variety for vaccinations is Antipka.

Apricot- as an option when there is nothing else. In practice, apricot rootstocks are rarely used.

Subject to all other rules, one should not forget about the seasonal indicators of the rootstock and scion. It is not recommended and sometimes pointless to plant cuttings early varieties for rootstocks late varieties and vice versa. A mismatch in the growing season will not lead to anything good.

Types of vaccinations, timing, harvesting cuttings

How the vaccination will be carried out depends on several factors:
- time of work;
- the purpose of the event;
- the sizes of the used scion and rootstock.

Budding- kidney vaccination. This method can be called universal, since work can be carried out at any warm season, on a young branch of any size.

The whole process goes like this:
- the desired kidney is selected;
- cut from a branch so that the bark remains with it, about 2-3 centimeters long and 0.5-1 centimeters wide (depending on the size of the stock);
- on a branch from top to bottom, a cut of the bark with a small amount of wood is made for the length of the cut bark with a bud;
- the cut part on the branch is shortened by half, a scion is applied to the cut site, the bottom is covered with a half of the cut bark, the bud is attached, the places of open wood are covered with garden varnish.

Copulation- the type of work, when it is necessary to combine the cuttings and shoot of the same size on a tree. Ideally, it is better to start inoculation in this way at the beginning of the movement of the juice.

The procedure is simple:
- straight oblique cuts at an acute angle are made on the rootstock and scion;
- the cut parts are aligned;
- are wrapped and lubricated with garden varnish.

The cut off places of the branch and the cutting will turn out to be as even as possible if the work is carried out with a good and very sharp tool. The survival rate of the scion depends on the quality of the cut.

There is also an improved copulation, but here, in essence, everything is the same as the usual one, only with a slight addition. At the place of the cut, a small cut is made in the middle so that it looks like a tongue. For high-quality splicing of the cuttings and shoots, the method is good, however, it is more difficult to execute.

Cleavage grafting- anti-aging. This is when a young promising stalk is attached to the end of a completely removed branch or trunk.

Apart from some points, everything is quite simple:
- the stock is neatly split by 10 centimeters;
- the scion is trimmed from one side under the cone and inserted into the split;
- the vaccination site is pulled together with tape or twine;
- covered with garden var.

About some points. The rootstock and scion will grow together quickly if the angle of the cut on the cutting is equal to the angle of the split on the rootstock.

Bark grafting- somewhat similar to a split, it is also done from the end of the stock, but it is simpler in execution.

All work is carried out in three stages:
- the bark is cut along the branch and at the place of the cut it “breaks off” from the wood;
- the stalk is cut at an acute angle, inserted under the bark;
- everything is wrapped and processed with garden varnish.

With a careful conduct of the entire procedure, it turns out quickly, efficiently, without observing the angles and dimensions.

Side cut grafting- has shown itself well, but requires precision in the preparation of the cuttings and stock. A triangular cut is made on the cut branch from the end and from the side. At the same angle in the form of a triangle, the scion is cut and inserted into the triangle on the rootstock. The main difficulty of this method is that the angles of the undercut on the branch and the cut on the handle are the same.

For special cases, you should consider, so to speak, the type of compulsory vaccination. Forced because all of the above are done at will, and this one is due to circumstances. Bridging vaccination is what the talk is about. It is carried out when the cherry bark is artificially damaged. For example, hares or other animals gnaw the bark ring from the bottom of a tree trunk. Leave it like that - it will be lost. Winding up with something will not help. The only way out to save the plantings is to "set" cuttings or pieces of thin roots from the same tree between the upper and lower sections of the preserved bark. Basically, given view vaccinations can be called bark grafts. Only in the first version, the scion is fixed on one side, but here on two. Such a cherry grafting in spring has unlimited terms, is carried out after damage to the tree.

Cherry grafting in spring: timing

Now according to the time of the vaccinations. For budding it has already been said - this is the time from spring to autumn. All the rest are best done in the spring, so that the cuttings during the spring sap flow receive maximum moisture for good fusion with the stock. But this is just a recommendation. With sufficient experience, work can be carried out throughout the season. Although there is a certain risk of getting negative result is still present.

Preparation and storage of grafting material

It's good when there is an opportunity to get any kind of vaccination right now, say, in the spring. I cut the stalk, prepared the stock, connected it - the job is done. But there are circumstances when, for some reason, it is not possible to get the scion when needed. Then cuttings, not buds, they are "transferred" immediately, harvested in advance in the fall. There is nothing wrong with that, the cultivation of cherries allows this. And since the rules for harvesting cherry cuttings are the same as for any other fruit tree, having experience in, it will not be difficult to prepare cherry shoots for the spring.

Several general advice on the correct grafting of cherries

1. For the future scion, shoots are selected strong, healthy, with developed buds, growing in a bright place in the crown.

2. Before carrying out summer budding, the tree needs to be well watered for several days. In summer, the movement of the juice is not as strong as in spring and this negative moment must be compensated for.

3. On horizontal branches it is better to place the scion on top. In the future, during fruiting, young shoots with fruits will not break off.

4. It is advisable to avoid contamination of fresh sections. There can be no talk of a successful engraftment in the mud.

And do not forget that when using high-quality properly prepared instruments, the chance to get vaccinated correctly and the first time increases significantly.

How to plant cherries: video

That's all the recommendations on how to plant cherries in spring step by step, in accordance with the rules for caring for a cherry tree. But again, vaccination is optional. This is more the prerogative of a real gardener who wants to have beautiful garden and receive excellent harvest... What about beginners? So see for yourself. Needed delicious cherries in large numbers - join us.