A simple homemade humidifier using expanded clay or ultrasound. How to make a humidifier at home

The health and well-being of a person depends on the air in the room, therefore it is so important to maintain the required level of humidity. If the climate in the apartment or office is too dry, then you can buy or make a do-it-yourself humidifier. There are many simple designs, which are easy to make yourself from scrap materials. It will take a little time, and the result will not be long in coming.

Reasons for the need for moisturizing

Little attention is paid to air humidity in the home, although the comfort of people, pets and plants depends on it. Few organisms are able to exist in low humidity conditions - for example, in the desert it is only 25%, and most living things will not survive in such conditions. For a person, this indicator should reach 50-60%, although fluctuations are also permissible - from 40 to 70 percent will be a completely normal value.

If the air in the room is too humid, this can lead to many negative effects - the appearance of mold and fungi, damage to objects. Almost everyone knows about this, but at the same time, they often turn a blind eye to the lack of moisture in the air. Nevertheless, this parameter must also be monitored - when the water level in the air drops to 30%, it is possible the following processes:

Humidification is especially important in winter, during the period of operation of heating radiators. Because of them, air humidity sometimes drops to 20%.

Fortunately, all of these consequences can be easily avoided by building and installing indoors. homemade humidifier air. There are many design options - from the simplest and most primitive to very convenient, comparable in efficiency to industrial devices. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself - it all depends on the needs and materials available on the farm.

If it is not possible to make it yourself, flowers and other houseplants will help regulate the amount of moisture in the room. In addition, an aquarium for fish and an ordinary bucket of water can cope with the task. But, of course, if there is time and effort, it is better to spend them on building at least the simplest device.

From the bottle to the battery

Perhaps the easiest and fastest way to make a do-it-yourself air humidifier is from a plastic bottle. Materials for its creation can be found in any apartment:

  • plastic bottle;
  • scotch;
  • gauze;
  • scissors;
  • water;
  • strips of cloth or wire.

First you need to put the bottle on its side in front of you and cut a hole in it about five by ten centimeters. It can be of any shape - oval or rectangular, as it will be more convenient to cut. After that, you need to hang the structure on the battery with the hole upwards using strips of fabric. For convenience, you can cut small holes in the plastic for the ropes or wrap them around the bottle body. Alternatively, they can be glued with tape.

Then you need to take a piece of gauze and fold it so that you get a piece about a meter long and about ten centimeters wide. It should be pretty thick. For these purposes, you can take a square meter by meter and roll it into a bundle. One end must be lowered into the hole in the bottle, and the other must be wound around the radiator.

The structure is ready, and you can start using it. Water must be poured into the bottle, which, due to contact with the battery, will gradually evaporate and humidify the room. The intensity of this process can be regulated in different ways. For example, use one or more gauze strips, hang the bottle farther or closer to the battery. You will have to constantly monitor the humidifier - add water and see if the water runs down the gauze onto the floor.

If you don't want to waste time making such a device, you can do an even simpler thing: hang any container with water on the side of the battery.

We make a DIY AIR HUMIDIFIER from a PLASTIC bottle in a couple of minutes.

Of course, evaporation from it will be less intense, but there is an opportunity to make it more beautiful by using a decorative vase or other trinket as a vessel for water, which otherwise would not perform any useful function.

Mechanical with fan

The previous option has one significant drawback: its use is limited to the cold season, because heating radiators do not work in summer. To overcome this obstacle, you can assemble a more complex mechanical device that will not depend on conditions. environment. For this you will need:

To make a humidifier at home, draw two circles on opposite sides with a compass on the lid of a plastic container. It is best to take a diameter of 8-9 centimeters. The first of them will be used for the cooler to release humid air, the second - for the supply of new, dry air masses.

After that, four holes are made in the lid around one of the holes for the cooler, where it is attached with self-tapping screws. For optimal performance device, it must be securely screwed to the plastic.

Powerful do-it-yourself humidifier for 1000r.

The wires coming from the cooler must be connected to the wires of the power supply and insulate the place of twisting.

Then you can start using the device: you need to pour water into a container and plug the cooler into a power outlet. Care should be taken to ensure that the air flows out of it into the room, and does not blow into the bucket or container. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.

This device will work more autonomously than the previous one, but still its operation will have to be regulated: add water to the vessel and turn it on or off from the outlet. You can modify it and provide additional options if you use a monitored power supply. Then it will be possible to speed up or slow down the fan, on which the evaporation rate will also depend.

Ultrasonic device

There is also a much more efficient, but equally complex version of a home air humidifier. If all the details are not found at home, you can buy something in addition. Here's what you need to make a DIY ultrasonic water vaporizer:

  • computer fan;
  • ultrasonic steam generator;
  • power supply 24v7;
  • disposable plastic cup;
  • plastic pipe;
  • plastic container - a bucket or container with a volume of five to ten liters with a lid;
  • round element from a children's pyramid;
  • voltage regulator capable of converting 24V to 12V.

To make this home humidifier, you need to cut small holes in the lid of a bucket or container for attaching the cooler - about five millimeters in diameter, as well as larger holes for the outlet pipe and the steam generator wire. After that, you need to attach the tube and cooler to opposite sides of the lid.

Having inserted a glass into a bagel, you need to cut a hole at its bottom and tie a piece of fabric to it - this is how it will turn out homemade filter... After that, the steam generator is installed in the glass.

Since this device operates on 24 V, and the cooler requires much less, a stabilizer is indispensable. In addition, the circuit can be supplemented with fixed and variable resistances, due to which the system will work more efficiently.

Then you can start using the device: pour water into the container and connect the power supply.

It is best to use only distilled water in such a device, since it will not create plaque on furniture.

From expanded clay and buckets

Expanded clay is a material that is perfect for both isolation and absorption of moisture. A humidifier with such a filler can be rarely found, since few people have enough of this substance, but in some cases it the best option... Although it contains parts that will have to be purchased in the store, it will still cost you a lot less than any store-bought option. So, to make it will be required:

The first step is to make a humidifier body from two small waste bins. They need to be soldered together - this can be done, for example, using a household hair dryer. Alternatively, one can use plastic mounts... This structure must be strong, since it is on it that the entire device will be held.

Then, in the same way, you need to solder two large baskets, before placing the soldered small baskets inside. The result is a device that resembles a heater or thermos.

At the top basket, you need to cut off the bottom or just cut a hole large enough to place the expanded clay inside. In this case, the individual elements of expanded clay should be larger than the holes that were originally in the baskets so that it does not all spill out.

Why buy an air purifier and humidifier?

At the bottom of the bucket, you need to place a pump for the aquarium, bring the pipes from it to the top of the homemade case. Then a cooler is installed upstairs, which will distribute humid air throughout the room.

After all the work has been done, the device can be connected and used.

Nice and useful

Those who do not want to degrade the design of the room with strange designs made of plastic bottles or who have no room for bulky structures can make a simpler humidifier. Its effectiveness cannot be compared with other options, since the water will evaporate by itself, but it will only add beauty to the apartment.

You can use almost anything in it., but here are the main elements that you cannot do without:

  • glue;
  • container for water;
  • larger decorative vessel;
  • decor details - multi-colored sand, stones, branches.

First you need to prepare an external decorative container. It is best to use materials that are not exposed to water, but any material will work. It can be decorated to your liking, preferably with stones of different sizes and colors. They are glued to the surface of the vessel.

After that, you need to glue the outer and inner containers together. Then stones, sand and other are placed on the bottom of the inner vessel. decorative elementsnot spoiled by water. It is also recommended to fix them with glue. Then the structure must be properly dried so that it is durable.

The humidifier is ready, you can pour water into it. It will gradually evaporate, improving the air in the apartment.

Even if there is no time and effort to make complex structures, it is worth remembering that even the simplest device is better than none.

In winter, when it is freezing outside, and various heating devices are working in full force in buildings, the air in the premises becomes very dry. This removes moisture not only from the human body (which affects the condition of the skin and hair), but also from the surrounding objects made of hygroscopic materials, which also harms human health and the condition of these objects. Also, due to less oxygen in dry air, a headache starts and the risk of catching a cold or flu increases.

In general, there is little pleasant in dry air, and mothers of young children know especially well about this, since as soon as the child appears in the house, a double boiler, a yogurt maker, a humidifier and an air ionizer appear after him. And from the doctors' stories about what threatens your child with too dry air in the apartment, you can collect a whole book. To be honest, I wanted to buy a humidifier myself when a new addition appeared in our family. And not so much because of the dry air, but because of the presence in the house fluffy cat: thanks to the humidifier, wool and dust do not fly around the apartment, but settle on the floor or furniture, so it becomes much easier to clean it all up. Therefore, I also wanted a water vacuum cleaner. :) But my husband, as befits a true life hacker and a man who does not tolerate a pile of things in a house, said not to invent and cope with grandmother's methods. The “grandmother's method” is a bowl of water on a radiator, which, unfortunately, is not very convenient, and, considering the cat and the child, who poke their curious noses everywhere, it is also difficult to do.

And just a few days ago, one of the readers of Lifehacker, Andrey Soloviev, sent us a life hack on how to make an air humidifier. If I saw this 5 years ago, I would not have to suffer with bowls and batteries.

To make a humidifier, you will need a plastic bottle, a utility knife or scissors, gauze, water, and of course a battery.

  • Cut a hole about 5x10 cm in the side of the plastic bottle.
  • Hang it with the hole up on horizontal pipe batteries using fabric straps.
  • Fasten the straps to the bottle with tape so that it does not slip away.
  • Fold the gauze in several layers in the form of a rectangle 10 cm wide and about a meter long.
  • Lower one end of the wick into the slot of the bottle, and wind the rest around the hot tube of the battery. Better to make two of these wicks.
  • Pour water into the bottle (for example, using another bottle).

The device has been successfully installed and ready to use.

Maintenance consists of periodically adding water. The intensity of humidification can be adjusted by raising and lowering the unit.
Make sure the wick does not hang anywhere below the water level, otherwise water will start dripping onto the floor.

The humidity level is one of the most important indicators of the microclimate. Dry indoor air can cause ill health and even health problems. How to increase the humidity in the apartment if you don't want to spend money on expensive equipment? There are ways - you can both make a humidifier with your own hands, and use improvised means.

Do you get tired quickly? Allergy haunts? Do you get sick often? Dry air may be to blame. Low humidity - especially in winter period - becomes a problem in many homes and leads to negative consequences.

You don't have to buy expensive devices to humidify a room. However, do not think that a basin of water in the middle of the room will solve the problem with low humidity once and for all: alternative ways not as effective as, therefore, they can only be considered a temporary measure.

Why do you need to humidify the air in the apartment

It is imperative to monitor the humidity level. But why is dry air in an apartment harmful?
Why do you need a humidifier in an apartment - at least a homemade one?

  • Dry air causes a sore throat, cough, dries up the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes; eye problems are especially true for lens wearers.
  • Air with low humidity and high dust content is especially dangerous for children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers. In addition, the risk of allergies increases in healthy people.
  • With a lack of moisture, fatigue often increases, drowsiness, sometimes even occurs.
  • Hair and nails become more brittle and faded, and the skin becomes dry.
  • In dry warm air, bacteria and viruses tend to multiply faster, which means that the risk of disease increases.
  • Dry air negatively affects not only humans. From lack of moisture, they stop growing or dry out houseplants, deteriorate faster wooden furniture, windows, doors, musical instruments etc.

The list is impressive. However, the consequences are too many, so it is better to observe the golden mean.

To make the apartment comfortable, it is necessary to maintain a humidity level of 40-60%. About, for example, in the nursery or office, you can also read on our blog.

indoors in several ways. If you do not have special devices at hand, you can use folk ways. The exact figure this, of course, cannot be defined, but if the room needs humidification, you will know for sure about it.

  1. Pour water into a bottle.
  2. Put it in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  3. Remove the container and leave it in the room for five minutes. The walls of the bottle will quickly become covered with condensation.
  4. If after five minutes the drops on the bottle are almost dry, then the air in the room is very dry. When excessively high humidity the drops will turn into a small puddle. If the drops slowly slide down it, then the humidity is normal.

A spruce cone will also help measure the moisture level. A fully opened bump indicates low humidity; if the scales of the cone are only slightly open or tightly pressed against each other, then there are no problems with moisture.

To find out the exact moisture content in the air, you need hygrometer. The main thing is to put it away from batteries and other heating appliances: this is how you get the most accurate information.

If you want to find out not only the level of air humidity, but also other indicators of the microclimate (for example, the temperature and the content of carbon dioxide in the air), then you should pay attention to the smart microclimate system. It allows not only to monitor the characteristics of the air in the house, but also to automatically control the climatic equipment.

The most common advice for humidifying the air in an apartment is to put wet towels on the radiator. But the towels will often have to be moistened, which is not very convenient. More elegant and creative solution there will be special humidifiers for the heating battery.

These humidifiers are a container into which water is poured. The vessel is hung on a radiator, and the water in it gradually evaporates, filling the room with moisture. Most humidifiers different forms and sizes are made from ceramics, plastic, steel and other materials.

According to reviews, the most popular option is a ceramic humidifier. True, its evaporation area is small, so it is better to hang two or three devices on the radiators. Ceramic humidifiers are inexpensive, their mounts are, as a rule, reliable, and the variety of shapes, colors and decorative paintings will make it easy to choose a copy that matches your interior.

Hard tap water can spoil appearance the walls of the container. Therefore, before pouring water, it is worth filtering it out.

1. A humidifier for a battery can be made with your own hands:

  • The main thing is to choose a product from a material that does not melt at high temperatures. Ceramic vases or bottles, dishes made of heat-resistant plastic, etc. will do. You can also make a home humidifier from a plastic bottle, but then you have to forget about the aesthetic side.
  • It is necessary to make a hole in the container and pull a reliable fastener into it. Strong wire is fine.
  • The final look of a homemade humidifier is entirely up to you! You can paint it with paints, make an applique, cover it with a beautiful fabric.
  • To fill the room not only with moisture, but also with a pleasant smell, you can add a couple of drops to the water essential oil with your favorite scent.

2. The easiest way to humidify the air at home is take a spray bottle and spray indoor water or place a water tank in front of the fan. You can also put a pot or a half-open kettle with boiling water in the room. But you should not abuse this method: hot steam has a bad effect on the durability of wallpaper and furniture.

3. The next method is similar to the previous one, only it turns into a humidifier kitchen stove. Place a pot or other container of water on the stove and simmer over low heat. Add cinnamon sticks, lavender, orange or apple peels to create a pleasant scent in your home. Remember to keep the water from boiling over.

4. The bathroom is known to be the source of the highest humidity in the house. Leave the bathroom door open after taking a shower. Is an easy way to add a little extra moisture to the air.

5. Not sure how to deal with low humidity? Wash your entire wardrobe! You without extra effort fill the air with moisture if you dry clothes on or near a radiator. So you will kill two birds with one stone: both things will dry faster and the humidity will rise.

In general, a hydrogel is decorative ground, which is used in floriculture, but it is also suitable for humidifying the air. Instead of placing basins and pots all over the house, you can put them in a beautiful glassware hydrogel in the form of colored balls. Under the influence of moisture, they increase in size several times and gradually release moisture to the air in the room.

Do not forget to add water to the container with balls from time to time so that the evaporation process does not stop.

The microclimate in your home may improve slightly if you design a small home garden. , the question is controversial, but some specimens can help in moistening: plants need a little water from the ground, 99% of moisture evaporates through leaves, flowers and stems.

Should choose moisture-loving plantsthat need regular watering or spraying, such as ficuses, ferns (for example, nephrolepis is a type of fern), hibiscus, dragon tree, etc. And do not turn the mini-garden into a jungle - a few plants that complement the interior will be enough.

Any container with water can become a humidifier, since water tends to evaporate gradually. The aquarium is the same container with water. You need to choose an open aquarium without a lid - closed models are not very suitable for our task. The only drawback is that the aquarium and the fish in it need to be constantly looked after.

In winter, due district heating in apartments, the air becomes very dry. As a result, the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes loses its elasticity and becomes dry. The eyes are red and sore. A person feels sluggish and sad - these are just small consequences of an improper microclimate in the house. To humidify a room, it is not at all necessary to spend money on the purchase of special devices, you can make a humidifier yourself.

A simple and effective battery humidifier

To do this, you need any container that can withstand the heat from the battery. For this purpose, a small kitchen utensil or a vase is suitable. You can use plastic containers, a tin beer can. If you want the container not to spoil the interior, then it is better to opt for a vase.

The next step is to make holes in the dishes, through which the jar can be easily secured. If the walls of the dishes are thick and strong, you will have to drill. If it is soft like a beer can, then you can easily make holes using any available means. Wire will be threaded through the holes. With its help, fasteners are mounted in the form of hooks, which will be fixed to the battery.

For beauty, you can decorate the front of such a humidifier. It can be a sticker, or you can cover the item with beautiful velor or leather. After such a homemade humidifier is mounted to the radiator, water is poured.

Important! It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of water in the tank. There is no sense in empty capacity on the battery.

You can also use a bandage. Immerse one part of it in water, and put the other on the radiator. In this way, water will evaporate easily and quickly, while saturating the air in the apartment. This DIY home air humidifier can be made in 1 hour.

Cooler humidifier

It is necessary to take plastic bottle 2 liters, trim upper part with the expectation that a cooler will be mounted in it. In order for the device to be fixed, it is necessary to build a platform from cardboard or a piece of thin plywood. In it, a hole is cut out for mounting the bottom of the device. The cooler is fixed to the water tank with adhesive tape.

Important! The humidifier must be installed on a flat, stable surface and only then connected to the mains.

Such a simple device does not require large financial investments, however, the noise level may increase during the operation of the cooler. Therefore, when buying it, you should pay attention to this important characteristic.

Expanded clay - as a humidifier

Characterizing expanded clay, two features can be distinguished: it absorbs and releases moisture. Therefore, to normalize the microclimate at home, it can be safely used. The following elements will help make a moisturizer:

  • waste baskets - 4 pcs;
  • pump for aquariums;
  • cooler with a diameter of 14 cm;
  • 12 L plastic bowl or bucket for water;
  • screeds.

Important! Waste baskets will be needed different sizes... Two more and two smaller.

Use plastic ties to connect two small waste bins. Thus, the body of a homemade humidifier is obtained. The structure must be hollow on the inside. The same way two large waste bins are connected to each other. But there is already a core inside - this is a ready-made frame made of small baskets.

The bottom of the large upper basket is cut off. This is done in order to fill up the coarse gravel of expanded clay. After all, if it is small in size, it will fall out through the slots of the trash cans. A pump for aquariums is placed at the bottom of the bucket or bowl, the tubes are led out to the top. The drilled plastic ring will be installed at the very top of the humidifier. Thanks to them, water will flow down into a bowl or bucket, but at the same time wash the gravel.

A cooler is mounted at the top of the homemade humidifier, which, when turned on, will be able to pump air into the gravel from expanded clay. Thus, moisture will be driven out and drained into the bowl.

Important! Before filling the expanded clay into the basket, wash it with warm water. A homemade air humidifier with your own hands is easy and quick, and most importantly (who does not know) expanded clay is made from clay, therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly material.

Handmade humidifier

This air humidifier not only benefits and moisturizes the room, it is also beautiful. Decorative humidifier - this is the result of fantasy, which can include a variety of decorative elements.

A straw basket or an original cookie tin box can serve as a decor for a bowl of water. It is not necessary to choose a beautiful water bowl. It is important that it is smaller than the decorative basket. Stones must be selected rounded small sizeso that they do not particularly stand out against the background of the decorative composition. Flat-sided stones will work as well. Do-it-yourself air humidification can be supplemented with glass figures.

A bowl with lined stones is inserted into a decorative frame. To fix the stones, as they look better, you need to apply glue. However, it is better for the stones to mask the walls. inner surface bowls. If voids have formed, you can decorate them with sand.

After the design of the water tank is over, it is necessary to allow time for the glue to dry. After that, water is carefully poured into the bowl. This beautiful humidifier can be installed in the most conspicuous place in the apartment. It will decorate the interior of any home with dignity.

DIY green oasis

You can make a home air humidifier using a flower arrangement. To do this, you need to pick up a tub. She can be very different in style. Put expanded clay at the bottom. Cover with a universal earthen mixture. Next, you need to plant the plants. If the tub will stand under the wall, then tall plants they land against the wall. The middle tier is in the center, with low plants in the foreground.

Using a spray gun, periodically spray green spaces, this must be done in addition to daily watering. However, it is worth making sure that the plants are not flooded. Roots will rot if excessive moisture is present.

Important! Flowers should be selected unpretentious, they do not require special attention to yourself. These can be fan or feathery palms, sansevieria, chlorophytum, cyperus, geranium.

You can create a whole collection of one group of plants. It is fun and can turn into a hobby. Besides moisturizing flower composition will enrich the room with oxygen. However, if the family has small children, then it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the features of the plant before planting, its juice may be poisonous. Also, plants should not have modified leaves - thorns. They can hurt the child.

Simple humidifiers can help create a good indoor climate. However, whichever option is chosen, it is necessary to often ventilate the room, both in winter and in damp autumn. This is the only way to achieve a healthy atmosphere in the home. To control the level of humidity, it is enough to buy a hygrometer at a pet store. With normal humidification, the device should show 40-70% humidity. The humidifier should be installed in the rooms where the most time is spent. It can also be installed in the bedroom to improve sleep. The main thing is that when the humidifier is operating, noise does not interfere with sleep.