Homemade humidifier: a detailed guide. How to make a humidifier at home: from a bottle

A humidifier is absolutely essential during the period heating season - the device will significantly improve the indoor climate. Devices for humidification of air in a wide range are produced by the industry: you can always choose reliable models for your home. But often homeowners try to make appliances with their own hands. Which humidifiers are the most reliable: home-made or factory-made? The answer to this question is in this article. For acquaintance with the models - photo gallery.

IN winter periodwhen the heaters are on in the apartment different types, or a stationary heating system is functioning, the air becomes extremely dry, which makes breathing difficult, leads to drying out of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, causing diseases. But not only people suffer from a lack of moisture in the air:

  • Indoor plants rapidly evaporate moisture through the stomata in the leaves, as a result of which the appearance of the plant changes: the tips of the leaves and young branches dry out, the plants feel depressed, their growth slows down, the ovaries and buds fall off.
  • Unbalanced humidity in the room leads to damage to furniture, which dries up, cracks, and warps.

Advice. To bring the humidity of the room to an optimal state, it is customary to use special devices for humidifying the air during the heating season.

There are factory-made air humidifiers, but some owners arrange artisanal humidification by hanging a plastic bottle on the battery. How to choose a method to increase the humidity in the room, we will figure it out below.

Many humidifiers work according to the same principle - water is poured into the container, which turns into steam when the temperature rises. Water vapor quickly and easily saturates the dry air in the room, thereby increasing humidity.

Battery humidifiers are made of plastic, ceramic or galvanized steel. Environmentally friendly devices include ceramic humidifiers. Products can be with a solid or sectional flask. They are produced by domestic and foreign firms (Germany, Italy), almost all models are sold complete with fasteners (hooks). There are models of humidifiers that are mounted with a tape that wraps around the radiator.

The ceramic humidifier is simple and functional - the container (sometimes divided into separate compartments, which helps the liquid to heat up faster) is filled with water. The device is suspended from the battery, where the liquid is heated naturally and evaporates into the air, thus moisturizing it.

The ceramic humidifier has a small evaporation area, therefore 2 or 3 devices should be suspended per radiator. Ceramic humidifiers are distinguished by reliable fastening, attractive appearance, and economy. It is very easy to choose ceramic models with decorative painting that will be in harmony with general style rooms.

A humidifier for a battery is easy to make with your own hands, using suitable containers that will not melt from high temperatures. Old glass and ceramic vases, plastic glasses, tableware are suitable for work.

It is necessary to provide for reliable fastening of products to the battery, for which you can drill holes and stretch a curved wire through them. To improve the appearance of the humidifier, you can paint the outer surface with paints, make an application, cover the product decorative material... The finished humidifier is hung on a battery, water is poured into it - now it is important to prevent the complete evaporation of the liquid.

Another version of the humidifier can be made from a long, low capacity, which is placed on the top of the battery, filled with water, a napkin is lowered inside it from natural fabric... A wet fabric gradually dries out under the influence of hot dry air, saturating the space with moisture.

In any case, even the simplest hand-made humidifier can improve the room's microclimate.

Besides simple humidifiers on the battery, the industry produces more advanced devices.

  1. Steam humidifier... It works like a boiling kettle - a portion of water is heated in a humidifier to a boil, starting to emit steam. Steam streams entering the room are cooled in the air, turning into microparticles of water, which humidifies the dry air in the room.
  2. Ultrasonic humidifier... These devices have gained the most popularity among consumers. The humidifier works on the principle of knocking out the smallest particles of water from the surface of the poured liquid. Moisture enters the air when ultrasonic vibrations occur due to the operation of a piezoelectric transducer. The resulting fine water mist spreads in the room with the help of ventilation or during the natural movements of air masses.
  3. Cold Evaporating Humidifier... The device consists of discs rotating on a drum, which are partially submerged in liquid. The lower part of the discs is filled with water, which gradually rises to the blown air upper part... Air humidification occurs after the upper part of the wet discs has dried.

The ingenuity of lovers of tinkering truly knows no bounds. For example, many people prefer to make various simple home appliances, spending a minimum of money and effort. In this article we will tell you how to assemble a household humidifier from scrap materials with your own hands and give detailed diagrams actions for each described method.

Before you start assembling a homemade unit, we advise you to understand the algorithm of its operation. As a rule, the humidifier functions according to the following principle: water is poured into the tank, and then it evaporates... Due to the generated steam, the air in the room becomes more humid. Some housewives apply this rule in everyday life: they pour water into a basin, put a cloth or towel on top and in this way increase the humidity in the room. True, this method is not very effective, and it increases the level of humidity only in the immediate vicinity of the pelvis.

Of course, modern appliances work much more difficult, and this should be considered before creating your own moisturizer. Traditional humidifiers work on a cold steamusing a built-in fan and filter cartridges. Steam models resemble in their principle of operation electric kettle : their main mechanism is internal a heating element, or heating element. And finally ultrasonic devices based on the operation of a piezoceramic membrane, using alternating current converting water into tiny particles water mist, which subsequently enters the premises.

Based on this simple knowledge, you should imagine what kind of device you want to get. We will highlight several of the most popular and understandable manufacturing methods for both a humidifier and an air purifier.

Yes, that's right: the simplest humidifier can be built from an ordinary plastic bottle! Such a device gives cold evaporation effect.

We need:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of 10 liters;
  • stationary computer cooler;
  • scotch tape or electrical tape.

  1. Cut the neck of the bottle so that you can easily insert a computer cooler into the hole. Pour water into the existing tank.
  2. Submerge the cooler in this hole and secure it with tape. You can also cut fasteners from cardboard or a piece of thick paper. For the second option, it is enough to make a slot that is inferior in size to the cooler body itself and attach it to the bottle, additionally wrapping it with tape.
  3. Connect the cooler to the power supply. As a result, the air in the room will receive increased humidification.

From expanded clay and buckets

To develop this device, we need expanded clay. This material is able to absorb moisture well and, accordingly, release it.

Here's a list of the items we'll need:

  • 4 waste baskets: 2 small and 2 larger;
  • a bucket with a volume of 10-12 liters;
  • aquarium pump;
  • cooler for a computer;
  • construction hair dryer with a high heating temperature;
  • plastic screeds.

The instructions for creating a humidifier look like this:

  1. We attach two medium-sized trash bins to each other along the edges of the rims. This can be done using a household hair dryer or ordinary plastic ties. This is how the body of the future humidifier is formed.
  2. We connect the baskets in the same way. bigger sizeby placing a case inside, folded from smaller baskets in advance. It turns out a two-layer construction, which, according to the principle of operation, resembles a thermos or a heater.
  3. Cut off the bottom of the basket that is on top. In some cases, it is enough just to make a hole large enough to fill in expanded clay. Keep in mind that the expanded clay must be so large that it cannot seep through the holes in the trash cans.
  4. Place the aquarium pump on the bottom of a previously prepared bucket. We direct the tubes from the pump to the very top of the homemade case made of mesh baskets. We install a plastic ring with holes as a "cover" for the structure. From here, moisture will flow downward, passing through expanded clay into a bucket.
  5. Finally, on top of this complex unit, it remains to install a computer cooler. Its task is to direct air into expanded clay meshes saturated with moisture.
  6. The final stage is also related to the operation of the cooler: it will pump moisture-laden air through the holes in the trash cans.

As you can see from the instructions above, a homemade humidifier is a very real and doable task.

From the fan

Is it possible and how to make a do-it-yourself humidifier if you only have a floor fan out of the suitable materials available? Attach a thick, damp cloth (or even a small rug soaked in water) to the pipe. Suspend the structure higher than the floor fan. This can be a floor lamp, a stable stick, etc. Place the fan directly behind the fabric structure and turn it on. This moisturizing technique is not very effective, and you will have to constantly make sure that the fabric or rug remains damp all the time.

By the way, the same principle works and incubator humidifiermade with your own hands. Hobby poultry breeders adjust a damp cloth or large sponge and create a stream of air to increase evaporation. Sometimes quite effective method natural evaporation of water from previously prepared baths also turns out.

Antibacterial humidifier from a plastic container

If you set yourself the task not only to slightly humidify the air, but also to conduct it basic cleaning, we recommend using this method.

To make the device you will need:

  • plastic container;
  • low speed fan;
  • filter with disinfectant (antibacterial) properties.

Note that an ordinary moisturizing sponge impregnated with an antibacterial agent can act as a filter.

Thanks to the pores, it can easily trap animal hair, hair, large dust particles. Antibacterial impregnation, in turn, provides disinfection.

The following instructions will help you assemble a humidifier and air purifier with your own hands:

  1. Take a plastic container (box) and cut a cutout on the side. The cutout height is approximately ½ the height of the filter itself.
  2. We fasten the filter with plastic ties.
  3. Next, we form a cutout in the container lid. The size of the cutout depends on the size of the fan.
  4. We attach the fan to the top of the container.
  5. Pour water into the structure. The water level must not reach the point where the filter cutout begins on the side of the box, otherwise leakage is possible.
  6. We turn on the fan.
  7. The filter needs to be changed periodically. If you notice that the sponge has darkened, most likely you should replace it with a new one.

Ultrasonic humidifier

If you decide to make an ultrasonic humidifier with your own hands, then for this you will have to stock up on a few more special devices. So, you will need:

  • ultrasonic steam generator (piezoelectric element);
  • computer cooler;
  • a plastic tank with a volume of up to 10 liters;
  • glass;
  • power Supply;
  • any flexible pipe, preferably corrugated;
  • stabilizer;
  • an integral part of a baby toy (pyramid) in the shape of a donut;
  • aluminum corner.

The final cost of all assembly parts will not exceed 1000 rubles, which is much more profitable compared to a "store" humidifier. So, let's start creating a structure:

  1. With a drill we punch holes in the lid of our plastic container. Watch the diameter of the holes obtained: in the future, fasteners from a cooler-fan, an outlet flexible tube and wires of an ultrasonic piezoceramic element-steam generator will be inserted there.
  2. Screw the fan onto the tank and insert the corrugated pipe into the finished hole.
  3. The steam generator must be kept on a surface. To do this, we will make a platform floating in the container, on which we will install the steam generator. The platform can be built from a measuring plastic cup and a donut from a children's pyramid. Place the cup in the bagel, making a small hole in the bottom of the cup beforehand. Attach a piece to the bottom with an elastic band thick fabric - it will act as a filter.
  4. Place the UV converter in the beaker.
  5. This device operates due to the influence of a direct current with a voltage of 24 V. For normal operation of the fan, 12 V is sufficient, therefore the power supply can be regulated thanks to the stabilizer microcircuit.

This model of the humidifier requires constant presence of water in the tank. Also, make sure that the water is distilled, otherwise the device will quickly fail and scale will appear.


Creating a humidifier at home is not difficult at all, and sometimes very exciting. This will save a lot of money, as well as develop the skills of a novice master. And the final effect of hand-made humidifiers is sometimes not inferior in quality to factory models of famous manufacturers.

The characteristics of the air in a room determine the health of its occupants. Therefore, sufficient hydration is necessary, which can be achieved with the help of special device... It is not cheap, but if desired, it is made at home. It is real to humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands, the main thing is to choose simple design.

How to make a humidifier at home

Fast way to achieve the desired room humidity - hang a damp towel on the door, which should be changed regularly as it dries. For an apartment and especially a children's room, this is an excellent option for moisturizing with your own hands, but troublesome and costly in terms of water consumption. Better to do homemade humidifier on batteries or power it from the mains. So it will last longer, and it will bring much less hassle during operation. There are many videos and photos on the Internet that can be used to construct the necessary model, but for the first time it is better to enlist the help of a specialist.

Diy air humidifier diagram

Structurally, such a device consists of three blocks, each of which has its own unique purpose. For example, the evaporator unit resembles an incubator, but represents a reservoir of water, an outlet and a fan. The electronic unit consists of sensors, a transistor key, a microcontroller. The last component of the unit is required to supply voltageto the air humidification circuit, and its main parameters are as follows: 220 V - at the input, 12 V - at the output with a load of 3A on the network.

The 12V output voltage is optimal for starting and smooth operation of the electronics. Maximum permissible load - 3A, with large parameters, it will constantly "knock out plugs" of the lighting panel.Humidifier power supply with his own hands, he turns on the stabilizer, which accepts the voltage, reduces, at the output it gives the desired value to turn the electronics circuit into operation. It is appropriate to buy an L7805 stabilizer, while using an additional 5V output. For household purposes it is a good option, however, to implement it with your own hands, a diagram is needed.

Homemade humidifier

To achieve the required humidity, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive equipment from stores, you can make an air humidifier at home with your own hands. Such a budget option works no less efficiently, but its production takes time, ingenuity, patience and endurance.DIY homemade humidifier releases portions of moist air, which is enough to create favorable climatic conditions for the room, living quarters. To maintain humidity, you can choose one of the devices below.

DIY bottle humidifier

it room option, which is not visible on the radiator by the window.DIY home humidifiereven a teenager will make a plastic bottle, you must follow the prescribed instructions. The proposed method is often used by young parents when providing favorable conditions life for a newborn person. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take a plastic bottle and cut a 15 by 20 cm "window" in it with scissors on the side wall.
  2. Hang the container on the battery on the bandages so that the hand-made "window" is on top. It is important to thread the gauze through the holes in such a way that it is regularly saturated with moisture.
  3. To increase the humidity of the room, it is necessary to constantly add liquid to the plastic tank, which gradually evaporates from the heat of the battery. This rule will soon become a habit.
  4. Enjoy unlimited time slot. At the same time, do not forget to pour settled water into a plastic bottle, while the radiators of the battery must maintain heat.
  5. Install on the battery this homemade device so that small children, as they grow up, cannot reach and use it for other purposes.

Battery humidifier

If option with plastic bottle not suitable, another method is known to get rid of dry air, it is sufficiently humidified in living quarters small dimensions. You can use a ceramic cup or vase, fill it with water and put it on the radiator to warm up. In this way, you can create a favorable atmosphere of humidity in the apartment, but not in the office. The original ceramic container can be hung, making it an appropriate decor element.

Homemade battery humidifier heating is distinguished by its compactness and safe evaporation temperature of the liquid. There are no noise during operation, unlike disc models, there is no need to comply with the conditions when choosing the quality of water. It is allowed to add a few drops of your beloved to the composition essential oil... Industrial enterprises need more powerful devices for humidifying the air; homemade products are not suitable. Otherwise harmful substances negatively affect health.

DIY ultrasonic humidifier

Such a device cannot be created from scrap materials; additional details are required. You can buy them in a specialized store, or disassemble unnecessary household applianceswhich has already stopped working. To fight increased dryness air and raise its humidity indicator, it is required to act in a given sequence:

  1. Prepare an ultrasonic transducer, a plastic container for 10 liters, a computer cooler, a power supply, a plastic cup, an aluminum corner, a corrugation, a plastic cup and a stabilizer.
  2. Make several holes in the plastic container so that the fan mount, the converter wire, the output wire will fit in them. Install the corrugation directly after attaching the fan itself.
  3. Insert a bagel from a toy pyramid, suitable in size, into a plastic cup, secure a piece of fabric on top with an elastic band. This is a kind of filter, it remains only to bring in homemade scheme power supply and ultrasonic transducer.
  4. DIY ultrasonic humidifierworks on the basis of the piezoelectric effect, therefore, it is not required to additionally use a liquid to evaporate humid air. Steam is produced without the participation of the electrolysis process.

  1. Cut off a piece of thick cloth, then tie it tightly to the metal pipe so as to limit the exit of dry air.
  2. Hang the pipe at the height of the floor lamp in such a way that it is opposite a working floor type fan.
  3. All that remains is to moisten the fabric and turn on the fan, increase the air flow. In this way, a cleaned and humidified air stream enters the living space through the pipe.
  4. It is necessary to control the moisture content of the matter so that the home-made unit does not work in vain, otherwise dry air will reappear.

Many ordinary people, in order not to spoil the aesthetics of the interior, are keenly interested in how to replace a humidifier at home, and whether it is possible. Not everyone can make a structure with their own hands, therefore they are in search of a worthy alternative. Alternatively, you can decorate the room with an artificial fountain, put an aquarium with fish or a flower on the windowsill. You can do other models of home humidifiers with your own hands.

Video: Home steam humidifier

08/14/2017 0 2 829 views

Certain conditions must be maintained in the room, one of which is the level of humidity. Learn how to make a DIY humidifier at home to create a welcoming environment in your apartment or house.

Why is it useful to humidify the air?

Why, in general, humidify the air? The optimum humidity level varies from 40% to 60%, and if in summer period indicators are close to normal or are so, then in winter the situation changes for the worse. Due to active exploitation heating appliances and heaters, as well as constantly closed windows the air dries up and the humidity level decreases.

Maintaining optimal humidity levels is necessary for several reasons:

  • A person consists of 60-80% water, it is an integral part of all tissues. And the liquid enters the body not only through digestive tractbut also through skin and mucous membranes. With a lack of it, the state of health may worsen. There will be such problems as peeling skin, drying out and thinning of mucous membranes, respiratory diseases, frequent colds, brittle hair and nails, nosebleeds and some others.
  • Normal moisture is necessary for plants that absorb moisture not only from the soil, but also from the air. With a lack of fluid, they will begin to dry out and die.
  • When the humidity level drops, dust does not settle on the surface, but floats in the air and, accordingly, enters the respiratory tract.
  • Excessively dry air can ruin some interior elements, especially those made of wood.
  • Animals also suffer from insufficient moisture.
  • It is especially important to maintain optimal level humidity in the room of a newborn, because he gets into this world practically from water, and its deficiency can become a serious stress.

3 DIY humidifier options

How to replace a humidifier? This question was asked by many people who do not have such a device. To moisturize, you can use wet towels hung in each room or spread out on batteries. You can place containers filled with water in all rooms. Another option is plants that produce oxygen and humidify the air.

If the level of humidity is significantly reduced, then it will not be possible to do with improvised means. But on the other hand, you can make an analogue of a humidifier yourself, which will perform its functions and support optimal performance... There are three ways to make such a device.

Homemade plastic bottle humidifier

The simplest version of the device is a battery humidifier. To make it you need:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of 2-2.5 liters;
  • gauze;
  • electrical tape or tape;
  • stationery knife;
  • wire or thick fabric;
  • water.

Description of the manufacturing process:

  1. Lay the bottle on its side and make an oval or rectangular hole approximately in the middle. Its approximate dimensions are 10x5 centimeters.
  2. Now, use a piece of wire or fabric-cut strips to tie the bottle to the tube from the battery. And so that the device does not fall, fix the fasteners with electrical tape or tape.
  3. Cut a piece of about 1x1 m out of the gauze and fold it several times in one direction, or simply roll it into a bundle. As a result, you should have a strip one meter long and about 5-7 centimeters wide.
  4. Fill the bottle with water. Dip one end of the gauze cord into it, and wind the other end or simply put it on the battery.

The described device works very simply: the water soaks the gauze, and then, under the influence of the heat generated by the battery, it evaporates and passes into the air. And you can regulate the level of humidity different ways... The first is the approach of the structure to the battery or distance from it: the closer the bottle, the higher the humidity. The second way is to use one harness or several at the same time.

If you have a modern radiator, then you can make decorative humidifier... To do this, fill a vase or any other beautiful container with water and fix it to the heater with a wire or rope. The water will also evaporate and increase moisture levels.

Ultrasonic Air Humidifier

Try making an ultrasonic humidifier at home. For this you need:

  • ultrasonic transducer;
  • a container with a volume of 5 to 10 liters with a lid (a bucket or plastic container is suitable);
  • a functioning cooler from an old disassembled computer;
  • a plastic cup;
  • power supply 24V;
  • corrugated plastic pipe;
  • an element from a children's pyramid (the so-called "donut");
  • stationery knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • voltage stabilizer (it must convert 24V to 12);
  • rubber;
  • the cloth.

The scheme of an ultrasonic homemade humidifier is as follows:

  1. First, you need to make two holes in the lid of the container to fix the cooler. 5 millimeters is enough.
  2. In the opposite part of the lid, make two more holes: for the outlet corrugated pipe and wires of the ultrasonic transducer.
  3. Fix the corrugated tube and cooler on opposite sides. This can be done with electrical tape. Place the transducer wire near the corrugation.
  4. Place the glass inside the element from the children's pyramid, make a hole in its bottom. Also attach a piece of fabric to the bottom with an elastic band, which will act as a filter.
  5. Place the converter in a glass, connect a stabilizer to it so that the humidifier functions more efficiently.
  6. Now connect the power supply to the circuit so that the ultrasonic humidifier from the cooler and converter starts working.

If you have never dealt with electrical appliances, then you should not risk using this method of manufacturing a humidifier, since mistakes made can lead to a short circuit due to the presence of water in the structure.

Fan design

A simple but quite effective device is a fan humidifier. To make it yourself, stock up on the following materials and fixtures:

  • broad metal pipe or a metal profile (then a jigsaw will be needed);
  • dense fabric;
  • thick wire or strong rope;
  • drill and self-tapping screws;
  • scissors;
  • tailor's chalk;
  • floor or small table fan;
  • water.


  1. If you do not have a pipe, then make it from a metal profile by cutting out a piece of the required size with an electric jigsaw, bending it in a circle and connecting the edges that need to be fixed with self-tapping screws.
  2. Now move on to making the fabric part. In diameter, it should be 6-7 centimeters larger than the pipe. Draw outlines with chalk and cut out the workpiece.
  3. Next, you need to fix the fabric on the frame from the pipe. This can be done in two ways. The first is fixing with self-tapping screws along the entire circumference. The second method is fine if you don't have a drill. It will take insulating tape: Use it to attach the fabric to the pipe from the outside.
  4. The main part is ready, and now it needs to be positioned so that it is in front of the fan. A floor lamp, floor hanger or other similar item is suitable as a basis. And for fixing, you can use a wire or strong rope, which you need to tie a pipe with a cloth to a rack so that it is located in front of the fan blades.
  5. Turn on the appliance and dampen a cloth to start the humidifier. The fan will blow on the damp cloth and literally blow water out of it, spreading it throughout the room. But the material will have to be moistened periodically, as it will certainly dry quickly.

Video: do-it-yourself air humidifier for 1000 rubles.

You can increase the humidity level in your home with a homemade humidifier. And now you can make this device yourself.

The winter season is an active period for the use of heating devices. Convectors, oil radiators, batteries dry out indoor air. People who are in hot conditions find it hard to breathe, they get tired quickly, get colds three times more often than those who are constantly in the house with the necessary level of humidity. A humidifier on a battery will help to avoid dry indoor air. Its design reminds decorative bottle, the size is small, for the usability the experts gave a solid five. There are 6-7 varieties of products in this category on the market, each of which will now be mentioned.

Main characteristics of moisturizing elements

Home batteries are constantly hot in winter. This leads to dry air in the apartment. Homemade, purchased humidifiers help the owners to save the situation.

The design is simple, with the following characteristics:

  • there is one flask inside the device, the integral structure has 3-4 subsections;
  • made of heat-resistant plastic, ceramic component, stainless steel;
  • evaporates moisture gradually, distributing it throughout the room;
  • capacity of 200 milliliters of water - the smallest; 2 liters of liquid - a large, stationary container;
  • has filters, replacement of add-ons is necessary every 4 months - a parameter for large installations of the humidifier section;
  • made in the form of animal figurines, simple flasks, stationary, rectangular containers;
  • has reliable fasteners;
  • a subconvector, a battery, an oil heating system is suitable;
  • does not overheat if you are regularly near a hot battery.

Manufacturers offer customers an air humidifier for a ceramic heating radiator in the form of a bulb. There are options for the author's work, specially painted according to the original drawings.

The factory design of this type holds 200-400 milliliters of water, it must be poured after opening the upper spout of the system. If there are 3-4 flasks inside the container, then the effect of freshness lasts 2-3 hours longer. Consumers make water for moisturizing aromatic - drop a couple of drops of essential, flower oil into the container.

Instrument operation method

The humidifier on the battery has strong mounts that can hold powerfully on one of the fins heating apparatus... Stationary 2-liter containers are bolted near the heater body.

Install, apply a supplement to maintain a normal moisture level in the room follows like this:

  • consider the mounting system of the purchased installation;
  • attach the humidifier to the battery according to the instructions;
  • open the lid of a small filter, pour in water;
  • close the system using the cap provided, leave it to work.

When a device emitting steam is placed on a heating battery, its effectiveness is manifested due to these reactions:

  • the heating system is heated, it becomes hot;
  • the humidifier hanging on the batteries heats up slowly;
  • the water inside the flask begins to boil;
  • steam comes out of the distributor spout in regular portions.

When the presented installation has 3-4 cones inside, the water is distributed in even portions, small, which allows it to heat up three times faster, give off steam to humidify the room space. One standard ceramic humidifier will be effective for an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters... Having measured the dimensions of the room, the consumer will be determined. How many cones should he put.

Suspended humidification flask - good design solution for home. The steam from the inside of the structure will not come out hot, the probability of getting burned in this way reaches zero. The structure is built so that water will not pour out of it on its own.

We make a humidifier with our own hands

After completing the presented processes, the consumer should leave the structure to perform its assigned tasks. When there is little liquid left, the person will have to renew the water supply. Such a humidifier would be unsafe for homes with small children. To avoid spilling liquid, the moment the skin is exposed to hot steam, the user should buy the design of the presented sample in the store.

the simplest DIY humidifier

More details about available brands

As already mentioned, batteries dry out the air in apartments, country houses, offices every day. This reduces the productivity of people and harms their health.

There is an opportunity to correct the situation by daily using devices designed to increase humidity of the following brands:

Top di Martino - Italian appliances measuring 24X13.5 cm.

Chip - produced in Italy, size 22X7.5 cm.

A series of domestic ceramics "Cat" - calculated for 330 milliliters of water, size 12X12.

Ceramic model "Cat"

Uni vario - radiator evaporators with a replaceable filter, size 60X29.

A series of domestic ceramic products "Vasilki" - the parameters are the same as those of "Koshka".

model "Cornflowers"

The cost of ceramics is 300-400 rubles. If the humidifier was exclusively scheduled - the price is 1000-1500 units of the national currency. Food-grade plastic devices cost no more than 300 rubles, large radiator evaporators with replaceable filters from one thousand.

Additional application benefits

Battery humidifiers at a favorable cost meet customer expectations for quality, performance, appearance, in terms of ease of use. Ceramic, metal, plastic, large oil fixtures maintain a normal indoor humidity balance.

The functional unit of the presented sample, having a simple design, will serve the consumer until the moment of its destruction - the ceramics breaks if it falls. To avoid breakdowns, a person should choose strong, thick mounting bolts, perform the adaptation process for the battery in all permissible parameters. Installation is completed in 5-10 minutes. When the heating season is over, a person has the opportunity to remove the addition, hide it in the closet, reuse it in cold period of the year.

Ceramic humidifiers are less durable than metal humidifiers and are more aesthetically pleasing. Flasks made of heat-resistant plastic are chosen half as often as metal, ceramic structures. Large, oil-filled evaporator units are mounted on the wall, above the heating system. The efficient operation of steam distributors does not depend on the heating system used in a particular room.

One humidifier is required per 10 square meters of space so that the steam can be evenly dispersed throughout the room. It is better not to engage in independent design of these devices. The effectiveness of homemade supplements is inferior to store-bought, the aesthetic parameters are terrible, children can quickly cope with such a supplement on batteries.

Ceramic, plastic, metal figurines, flasks do not require connection to a stationary electrical networkare economical. You will have to regularly monitor the amount of water inside the container. The liquid changes in a minute, the addition of aromatic oils to make the air fresher is permissible. When buying a device for humidification of this type, the consumer should pay attention to the parameters of its quality in the store in order to select a product without defects.