Russian language workbook 3 part 2

Language and speech.
Types of speech. With. 3, ex. 1-3

Text p. 5-7, exercise 7-12

Appeal. from 12, ex. 25-26

Word in language and speech

Word composition

Ready-made homework or GDZ for the first part of the workbook for the third grade in the subject of the Russian language, the author of Kanakin's notebook, will make life easier not only for the third graders themselves, but also for their parents.

Language and speech.
Types of speech. With. 3, ex. 1-3
What is language for? With. 4, ex. 4-6
Text. Sentence. phrase
Text p. 5-7, exercise 7-12
Offer with. 8-9, ex. 13-18
Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement with. 10, ex. 19-20
Types of sentences by intonation. With. 11, ex. 22-24
Appeal. from 12, ex. 25-26
The main and secondary members of the sentence. With. 13-15, ex. 27-32
Simple and compound sentences. With. 16-17, ex. 33-37
Phrase. With. 18-19, ex. 38-41
Word in language and speech
The lexical meaning of the word. With. 20-22, ex. 42-48
Synonyms and antonyms. With. 23-25, ex. 49-56
Homonyms. With. 26-27, ex. 57-62
Word and phrase. With. 28, ex. 63-64
What are phraseological units? With. 29-30, ex. 65-70
Parts of speech. With. 31-34, ex. 71-80
One-word words. With. 35, ex. 81-83
Word and syllable. Sounds and letters. With. 36-40, ex. 84-97
Word composition
Root of the word. With. 41-42, ex. 98-103
Word forms. The ending. With. 43-44, ex. 104-108
Console. With. 45-46, ex. 109-114
Suffix. With. 47-48, ex. 115-120
The base of the word. With. 49-51, ex. 121-129
Spelling parts of a word. With. 52, ex. 130-132
Spelling of words with unstressed vowels in the root. With. 53-56, ex. 133-141
Spelling of words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root. With. 57-60, ex. 142-152
Spelling of words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. With. 61-64, ex. 153-160
Spelling of words with double consonants. With. 65-66, ex. 161-165
Spelling of suffixes and prefixes. With. 67-72, ex. 166-178
Spelling prefixes and prepositions. With. 73-75, 179-186
Spelling of words with a separating hard sign. With. 76-79, ex. 187-195

Answers to tasks of the 1st part of the workbook for grade 3

GDZ site on the topic Language and speech.

Answers to the paragraph Types of speech

Exercise 1, p. 3

1. Read. When do they say so?

What a person is, such is his speech.

So they say, because by the speech of a person you can judge him. How a person speaks, conveys his thoughts, what words he uses - one gets the impression of his literacy, education, culture, character.

  • Write off. Give examples to support this idea.

For example, if a person is well educated, we will hear a speech that is distinguished by a consistent presentation and completeness of the statements expressed, the correctness grammatical forms(teacher, scientist, diplomat).

Exercise 2, p. 3

  • What words would you refer to oral speech? Highlight them. What types of speech would you classify other words as?
  • Which of these words have the following meanings:
    a) use, own oral speech;
    b) to talk, to talk.

a) speak;
b) talk.

Exercise 3, p. 3

3. Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning.

1. The word - that a sparrow will fly out - you won’t catch it. 2. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. 3. First think, then say.

The word - that a sparrow will fly out - you will not catch. Spoken, spoken words cannot be taken back.
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe. Once the written word has become known, it cannot be corrected.
Think first, then say. Think carefully before you start talking.

  • Write down the proverb that talks about writing.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

GDZ on the topic What is the language for?

Exercise 4, p. four

4. Read.

Language is the most amazing thing in the world!

  • Explain how you understood the meaning of the sentence. Write down an offer.

What can be in the world better language! With the help of language, cities are built, the culture of peoples develops. With the help of language, we study sciences and gain knowledge; with the help of language, people can declare their love. Therefore, one must think that there is nothing better than a language.

Exercise 5, p. four

5. Read. Insert the missing letters.

C ru ss which language can create h at desa. There is nothing like that in and know in our minds that b za would pass ru ss kim word.

K. Paustovsky

  • Explain how you understand this statement.

“The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language. The Russian language is rich and diverse.

Exercise 6, p. four

6. Read. Connect the parts of each proverb with a line. Explain the meaning of any of them.

Do not rush to answer, ⇒ hurry to listen.
Talker's tongue ⇒ will not lead to good.
Eat bread and salt, ⇒ and listen to clever speeches.
Know how to say, ⇒ know how to be silent.

  • Write down any proverb you have made.

Do not rush to answer, hurry to listen. It is important to be able to listen to the interlocutor.

Answers to the section Text. Sentence. phrase


Exercise 7, p. 5

7. Read. Name from which fairy tale N. Nosov these sentences.

These lines are from N. Nosov's fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends"

(1) In one house on Kolokolchikov Street lived sixteen short babies. (4) And he knew a lot because he read different books. (3) He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. (2) The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka.

  • How to arrange the sentences to make a text? In the circles indicate the sequence of sentences in the text with numbers.
  • Tell me, how did the text turn out: description, reasoning or narration?

This is a narrative text.

Exercise 8, p. 5

8. Read. Title the text and write the title before the text. Write in brackets the type of text.

beautiful rooster

The rooster was so beautiful. There is a fiery necklace on the neck, the back is gray, in small white mottles, and in the magnificent tail there are long, crescent-shaped blue-black feathers.

(Type: text-description)

Exercise 9, p. 6

9. Read. Insert the missing letters.

musical drops

Goldfinches learned to sing. They were still bad. Z Once, after a thunderstorm, music began to play in the forest. These are raindrops, flowing from the branches, falling into puddles and scattered with a magical ringing. Z Then the mother-teacher began to pick up musical drops on the fly and carry them to her children's nest. The goldfinches opened their beaks wide, and silver bells rang in their necks.

V. Stepanov

  • Title the text and write the title before the text.
  • Select three parts in the text, separate them from each other with a Z sign.
  • Explain the correctness of the completed task.

This text can be divided into three parts. The first part is the beginning, it says that the goldfinches learned to sing. The second part is about musical raindrops. The third part, how a mother taught children to sing with the help of musical drops.

Exercise 10, p. 6

10. Read. When do they say so?

Sorry. Please. Thank you.

Sorry. This is what they say when they ask for forgiveness for something.
Please. So they say in response to "thank you" or with an appeal to help in something.
Thank you. This is what they say when they thank someone.

  • Write down these words.
  • Work in pairs: make up an oral dialogue using any of the given words in it.

Exercise 11, p. 7

11. Read. Here are two songs-amusements "hidden". Make these songs out of the lines.

Needle-needle, Fly to the meadow,
bee-bee, Don't give me a finger,
You are sharp and sharp, Bring me honey.
golden withers, Shay sarafan.

  • Read the received songs. Underline the lines of one of them, and write down the other song.

golden withers,
Fly to the meadow
Bring me honey.

Exercise 12, p. 7

12. Read. Insert the missing letters.


FROM e october, wet e rock, b e cutting, in about robi, os and above e jealous, girl about chka, r e byata, with about tank, apple about no, apple about to, to a empty, ur about zhay, m about rkov, oh about genus.

  • Work in pairs: 1. On what topic can you compose a text using these words? Write this theme over the words. 2. Orally compose a text on this topic. Write down 2-3 sentences from the compiled text.

September has come. A warm breeze is still blowing outside, but the aspens and birch trees are already trying on new outfits. Sparrows have chosen an apple tree and are watching the work of a girl in the garden. Autumn is a hot season, especially in the countryside. The harvest begins. The guys help pick apples, cabbage, carrots.

GDZ 7 gurus on the topic Suggestion

Exercise 13, p. eight

13. Read. Fill in the missing words in the definition.

The offer is word or Few words, which express the complete thought. The words in the sentence are connected within the meaning of.

  • Check your textbook (p. 16) to see if you have written the definition correctly.

Exercise 14, p. eight

14. Read. Write off.

red brush Rowan lit up.

M. Tsvetaeva

  • Underline the grammar in the sentence.

Exercise 15, p. eight

15. Read. Make a sentence out of these words.

mice, to, tie,
mustache, jump,
bow, cat,
Leopold, him, and.

  • Make a sentence out of these words. Change the form of words if necessary. Write down the offer.

The mice jumped up to the cat Leopold and tied his mustache with a bow.

Exercise 16, p. 9

16. Read. Complete the words that are appropriate in meaning so that a sentence-proverb is obtained on each line.

Friends are known in trouble.
Fear has eyes great.

Exercise 17, p. 9

17. Read.

Kissel is cooked there. rubber
They make tires there. from clay
the brick is burning there. from milk
curd is cooked. from sand
glass is melted. concrete
dams are built ... from oatmeal ...

A. Arsyriy

  • Work in pairs: discuss where you need to put points so that the poetic text of the joke becomes understandable.
  • Write down one of these sentences.

Tires are made from rubber.
They burn bricks from clay.
Curd is made from milk.
Glass is melted from sand.
Concrete dams are built...
Kissel is boiled from oatmeal.

Exercise 18, p. 9

18. Work in pairs: look at the drawing.

  • Prepare an answer to the question, what do you know about these punctuation marks.

1. If something is calmly reported in a sentence, then a period (.) is put at the end of the sentence.
2. If the sentence contains a question, then at the end of the sentence is put question mark (?).
3. If the sentence is pronounced with strong feeling(with joy, chagrin, appeal), then an exclamation mark (!) is placed at the end of the sentence.

  • Orally make up sentences at the end of which you will put each of these signs.

Summer flew by quickly.
Who writes children's books?
Do not break branches of trees and bushes!

Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement

Exercise 19, p. ten

19. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentence.

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are: narrative, interrogative, incentive.

  • Check in the textbook (p. 17, 18) whether you have written the names of the sentences correctly.

Exercise 20, p. ten

20. Read the dialogue. Put appropriate punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

What is the first thing
The bird will learn ?
- Fly !
- What is the first thing
The schoolboy will learn ?
- Read !

V. Berestov

  • Explain the punctuation marks in these sentences.

If the sentence contains a question, then a question mark is placed at the end of the sentence.
If the sentence is pronounced with a strong feeling (with joy, chagrin, appeal), then an exclamation mark is placed at the end of the sentence.

Exercise 21, p. ten

21. Read. Make up and write down such sentences.

Narrative. Here comes autumn.
Interrogative. Are we going to the cinema tomorrow?
Incentive. Let summer come soon!

Answers site on the topic Types of sentences by intonation

Exercise 22, p. eleven

22. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentence.

According to the intonation of the sentence, there are: exclamatory and non-exclamatory.

  • Check in the textbook (p. 21) whether you have written the names of the sentences correctly.

Exercise 23, p. eleven

23. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. How does Rod begin? and on the? C to a pictures on tv about eat alphabet. (M. Matusovsky) 2. Have you heard about round m about ryah on the moon? Didn't hear?! (V. Shaposhnikov) 3. Not tr e shield m about roses in the reserved forest! (S. Marshak)

  • Determine the type of sentences according to the purpose of the statement and intonation.

Where does the Motherland begin? (interrogative, non-exclamatory)
From the picture in your primer. (narrative, non-exclamatory)
Have you heard of the round seas on the moon? (interrogative, non-exclamatory)
Didn't hear?! (interrogative, exclamatory)
Do not crack frosts in the reserved forest! (incentive, exclamatory)

  • Write down the sentence according to intonation exclamatory, according to the purpose of the statement it is motivating.

Do not crack frosts in the reserved forest!

Exercise 24, p. eleven

24. Read. Determine the type of offers.

Here is the boletus mushroom!
He is handsome and great!

(E. Trutneva)

Here is the boletus mushroom! (narrative, exclamatory)
He is handsome and great! (narrative, exclamatory)

  • Make up your own proposals on this topic. Write them down.

Animals have known for a long time:
Fly agaric is inedible!

On a stump a hundred mushrooms
Yelling merrily together!

GDZ 7 gurus to the topic Appeal

Exercise 25, p. 12

25. Read the dialogues. Name the stories.

- Great, good fellows!
- Hello, grandfather!
- Where are you going?
- We are going with the filthy Miracle Yud to fight, to fight, to defend our native land.

("Ivan - peasant son and miracle Yudo")

- Are you warm? girl? Are you warm red?
- Oh, it's warm darling Morozushko!


  • Determine the type of sentences in the dialogs. Emphasize references.

Hello, good fellows! (narrative, exclamatory)
- Hello, grandfather! (narrative, exclamatory)
- Where are you going? (interrogative, non-exclamatory)
- We are going with the filthy Miracle Yud to fight, to fight, to defend our native land. (narrative, non-exclamatory)

Are you warm girl? (interrogative, non-exclamatory)
Are you warm, red? (interrogative, non-exclamatory)
- Oh, it's warm, my dear Morozushko! (narrative, exclamatory)

Exercise 26, p. 12

26. Work in pairs: make up a greeting dialogue from two sentences. Such a dialogue can take place when two friends or acquaintances meet. Use adverbs in dialogue sentences. Write down the written text.

Hello Vanya! How are you?
- Great, Alyosha! I'm glad to see you!

  • Explain the use of punctuation marks in dialogue sentences.

In a dialogue, a dash is placed before the words of each person - a participant in the conversation. In the end interrogative sentence is a question mark. An exclamation point at the end of an exclamation point. The appeal is separated by commas.

Main and secondary members of the sentence

Exercise 27, p. 13

27. Read. Fill in the missing words.

The main members of a sentence are the subject and the predicate.
The main members of the sentence form the basis of the sentence.
The secondary members of the sentence explain the main and other members of the sentence.

  • Check your textbook to see if you have written the definitions correctly.

Exercise 28, p. 13

28. Read.

  • Arrow indicates the relationship of the main terms with minor members. Above the arrow, write down the question that each minor member of the sentence answers.

Exercise 29, p. fourteen

29. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. Leaves in the field e flew. 2. Entered the class teacher. 3. In e gray squirrels frolic at the pine. 4. On tr a wincu sat down e flaky grasshopper. 5. In about diana spider m a wipes the house out of thin air.

  • Underline the main terms in each sentence.
  • Find and write out sentences that fit these schemes.

Cheerful squirrels frolicked at the pine.

A green grasshopper sat on a blade of grass.

Exercise 30, p. fourteen

30. Read. Extend any sentence with two minor members that explain the predicate. Write down the resulting proposal.

1. Swifts flew away.
2. The guys worked.

  • Orally analyze the written sentence by members.

In autumn (adverbial) swifts (subject) flew (predicate) to the south (objective).
Yesterday (circumstance) the guys (subject) worked hard (circumstance) (predicate).

Exercise 31, p. fifteen

31. Read. Make two sentences from these words.

Dawn, over, edge, sang, illuminated, eastern,
valley, loudly, clouds, in, sky, lark.

  • Write down your suggestions. Underline the main terms in them.

Dawn lit up the eastern sky.
Above the valley in the clouds sang loudly lark.

Exercise 32, p. fifteen

32. Read. Prove that you have read the uncommon sentences.

Rain poured.
The trees were noisy.
Friends hid.
The drops rolled off.
The sun came out.

These are not common proposals, since they consist only of the main members.

  • Spread each sentence by minor members. Write it down. Underline the main clauses in the sentences.

Strong rain poured all night.
Trees terribly and menacingly noisy.
Out of fear friends hid under a canopy.
Drops rain rolled off the roof.
In the morning it suddenly appeared sun.

Answers to the topic Simple and complex sentences

Exercise 33, p. 16

33. Read.

wilted herbs. Summer passed.
forest trails autumn swept up.

M. Isakovsky

  • Prove that these sentences are simple. Underline the basis of each sentence.

Sentences are simple because they have the same grammatical basis.

Exercise 34, p. 16

34. Read. Think of a title for the poem. Write down the title.

The breath of winter

Sparrow sad behind the window,
Unusually calmed down at home.
By about to about vrovym d about ro and kam
Comes imperceptibly and ma.

  • Find difficult sentence. Underline the grammatical elements in it.
  • Underline the studied spellings in the words of the second sentence.

Exercise 35, p. 16

35. Read. Where are commas missing?

1. Morning. Shines dew, and through the forest from the scarlet dawn light spills. (I. Surikov) 2. birdies the sun is waiting birdies songs are sung. (I. Nikitin) 3. The burning sun sparkles. (A. Apukhtin)

  • Find complex sentences. Underline in each complex sentence its grammatical foundations. Put a comma between parts of a compound sentence.

Exercise 36, p. 17


  • Decipher the entry: there are two sentences, the second sentence is complex. Write down each sentence, making sure the beginning and end of the sentences are correct and putting a comma between the parts of the compound sentence.

Lonely snowflakes occasionally fell from the cloudy sky. We gently breathed on them, and they turned into pure drops of water.

Work in pairs: Check with each other if you have written the sentences correctly.

Exercise 37, p. 17

37. Read. Make up and complete the second part of each complex sentence.

1. Lessons school is over but pupils didn't rush home.
2. bug dozing in a kennel, and sparrows peck from her bowl.
3. Strong blew wind, and fell leaves.
4. Walked rain, and we did not leave the house.

  • Underline the grammatical elements in each complex sentence.

GDZ to the topic Phrase

Exercise 38, p. eighteen

38. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. On to about stock reddened morning dawn.
2. W and roco spread out e Lena expanse ocean.
3. bear cubs the weight e lo played on the bank of the river e ki.
4. V l e sleeping t and bus loudly tr e shchali grasshoppers.

  • Underline the basis of each sentence.
  • Write out the phrases from the first and third sentences along with the questions.

1. Zaalela (where?) in the east, dawn (what?) Morning.
2. They played (how?) Fun, played (where?) on the bank, bank (what?) of the river.

Exercise 39, p. eighteen

39. Read. Make suggestions for this beginning. Write down the continuation of each sentence.

Early morning we went for a walk in the forest.
Lesnaya path led us to a beautiful meadow.
Glittered on the grass transparent drops dew.
From tree to tree flew voiced birdies.

  • Underline the main clauses in the sentences.

Exercise 40, p. 19

40. Read the phrases.

  • Indicate in each phrase the main word with an x ​​and the connection of words with an arrow. Make sentences from phrases. Write it down.

On a sunny day, at the edge of a spruce forest, colorful aspens gathered for an autumn carnival.

  • Work in pairs: write a text on the topic "Autumn carnival in a forest clearing."

Autumn carnival in the forest clearing

On a sunny day, at the edge of a spruce forest, colorful aspens gathered for an autumn carnival. They dressed up in unusual red outfits. Aspens swirled along the multi-colored carpet. And all the trees applauded them, showering them with golden, brown, fiery, green leaves. This carnival was accompanied by the music of a bird orchestra.

Exercise 41, p. 19

41. Read. Determine the type of sentences according to the purpose of the statement and put the appropriate sign at the end of the sentences.

1. What bird has a long tail?
2. What bird has a beautiful tail?
3. Which bird breeds chicks in winter?

  • Write down the answer to any question.

Magpie has a long tail.

  • Underline the main terms in the sentence, write out the phrases.

It has (what?) a tail, a tail (what?) is long.

GDZ to the section Word in language and speech

Answers 7 gurus to the topic Lexical meaning of the word

Exercise 42, p. twenty

42. Read. Write off.

Man has found words for everything he has discovered in the universe.

S. Marshak

  • What does the word universe mean? Read the meaning of this word in explanatory dictionary textbook. How did you understand this proposal?

The universe is the whole world.

Man for all objects, phenomena found their names. Any word has lexical meaning, stands for something.

Exercise 43, p. twenty

43. Read. Define a word by its lexical meaning.

1. Sky about big juicy fruit shrubs and herbs. (Yagoda.) 2. One who studies at school. (Student.) 3. First month I c winter. (December.) 4. Tool for k about panorama of the earth. (Shovel.) 5. Cereal. (Wheat.) 6. Part of the horizon where the sun rises. (Dawn.)

  • Insert the missing letters. Enter the words.
  • Check the spelling dictionary to see if you spelled the words correctly.

Exercise 44, p. 21

44. Read. Choose 2-3 words for each topic.

Plants: mountain ash, bluebell, begonia.
Animals: fox, cow, hare.
Tools: spade, hammer, rake.
Months of the year: January, July, September.
Natural phenomena: rain, snow, tsunami.

  • Write down the words. Test yourself.

Exercise 45, p. 21

45. Read. Find and underline the extra word in each group of words.

Fabric - silk, hat, velvet, wool.
Footwear - shoes, boots, mittens, bast shoes.
Clothing - dress, trousers, shoes, blouse.
Crockery - plate, tea, teapot, glass.

  • Read each group of words without an extra word. Write down the common name for these words.
  • Write out multiple words. Explain their meaning.

Hat (headdress, top part fungus), wool (fabric, animal hair), plate (cup, part of a musical instrument), tea (drink, plant), glass (drinking vessel, shell case).

Exercise 46, p. 21

46. ​​Find the word landscape in the explanatory dictionary. How many meanings does it have? Make up sentences using the word landscape in different meanings. Write down one sentence.

Landscape - 1. View of the area. 2. A drawing, a picture depicting nature, a type of terrain, as well as a description of nature in a literary work.

From the seashore, a magnificent landscape opens up.
The painting depicts a rural landscape.

Exercise 47, p. 22

47. Read.

1. The prince built a crystal house for the squirrel. (A. Pushkin) 2. The whole day is like crystal. (F. Tyutchev) 3. During the night the ground froze, all the hazel in silver. (O. Vysotskaya) 4. The monotonous bell rattles tediously. (A. Pushkin)

  • Find meaningful words. Underline those that are used in a figurative sense.
  • Write down any offer.

The whole day is as if crystal.

Exercise 48, p. 22

48. Read. Why did you smile?

The lights went out in the room and we turned on the candle.
I ventilate the window every morning.

From the magazine "Primary School"

  • Make up and write each sentence correctly.

The room went out light, and we lit a candle.
I air the room every morning.

  • Underline the grammatical elements in the complex sentence.

GDZ to the topic Synonyms and antonyms

Exercise 49, p. 23

49. Read. Insert missing words.

1. Synonyms are words that are close in meaning.
2. Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning.

  • In what dictionaries can these words be found? Write down one pair of synonyms and antonyms from these dictionaries.

Synonyms can be found in the dictionary of synonyms. Antonyms - in the dictionary of antonyms.

Synonyms: neat - neat.
Antonyms: to answer - to ask.

Exercise 50, p. 23

50. Read.

"Snowstorms, blizzards and snowstorms -
How many with them gimps,
How much noise, push,
How tired I am of them!"
So grumbled Frost sullenly.

V. Berestov

  • Find and underline a polysemantic word that has the following meaning: long, with delays, interference, monotonous occupation, business.
  • Write out synonyms for these words from the poem.

Gloomy - gloomy; hum - noise;
trouble - rigmarole; blizzard - blizzard.

Exercise 51, p. 24

51. Read. Find and write down synonyms in pairs.

Naughty, sweet tooth, bird, cry, onlooker, lie, sticky, frog, wallow, bird, mischievous, roar, gourmet, sticky, frog, rotozey.

  • Underline the words that are used most often in colloquial speech.

naughty- mischievous
sweet tooth- gourmet
birdie- bird
cry - roar
onlooker- rotozey
lie - wallow
sticky - sticky
frog- wah

Exercise 52, p. 24

52. Read. Specify the number in which order the synonyms should be arranged according to the degree of increase in the sign.

2 fast, 1 fast, 3 fast.
3 Huge, 2 Huge, 1 Large.
1 wind, 3 hurricane, 2 whirlwind

Exercise 53, p. 24

53. Read. Connect the synonyms with a line.

  • Which of these words are considered obsolete? Highlight them. Orally make up a sentence with any word.

A flower shop has opened on the corner of the square.

Exercise 54, p. 25

54. Read.

  • Write off. Underline the antonyms.

And afternoon and at night scientist cat
Everything goes around in circles.

A. Pushkin

Exercise 55, p. 25

55. Read. Write in each sentence an antonym to the underlined word.

1. The book has questions and answers. 2. Whoever wants to know a lot needs little sleep. 3. Evening came, and the noise was replaced by silence. 4. Sadness and joy live in the neighborhood. 5. Better a bitter truth than a beautiful lie.

Exercise 56, p. 25

56. Read. Choose and write an antonym for each word.

cold - heat damp - dry
night - day loud - quiet
good - evil tears - laughter
shout - be silent praise - scold
friend - enemy big - small
boring - fun bad - good
synonym - antonym rare - frequent

GDZ site to the topic Homonyms

Exercise 57, p. 26

57. Read. Fill in the missing word in the sentence.

Homonyms are different words, which are pronounced and spelled the same, but have completely different meaning.

  • Work in pairs: say in which dictionary you can find these words. Choose from this dictionary any homonymous words and orally make sentences with them.

In the dictionary of homonyms.

Oatmeal - oat groats or porridge from it. Bunting is a small bird.

Oatmeal is the best healthy porridge.
The bunting bird feeds on plant seeds.

Exercise 58, p. 26

58. Read the riddle Guess.

I am and lee for animals b ka,
for over chk a and pow chk a.
There is also you h ka mine:
rare t ny star e fur river.

  • Underline the studied spellings in the words.
  • Write in each sentence the homonym word (guess) and its interpretation with words from the riddle.

A mink is a dwelling for an animal.
Mink is a furry animal.

Exercise 59, p. 26

59. Look at the pictures and write down the homonyms.

Parsley-parsley. Bow-bow. Braid-braid.

Exercise 60, p. 27

60. Read. Prove that this sentence is complex, and the underlined words are homonyms.

late autumn Earth falls asleep
Leaves wind sleeps her.

V. Berestov

  • Write off. Underline the grammatical bases in the parts of the complex sentence.

This is a complex sentence as it consists of two simple sentences, it has two grammatical bases.
The highlighted words are homonyms because they are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings. The earth falls asleep (goes to sleep). The wind falls asleep (covers with leaves).

Exercise 61, p. 27

61. Read.

Little lynx
From all strengths
ripens trot
Following mom trot.

  • Find homonyms in the poem. Underline these words. What do they stand for?

"He keeps pace with the trot" - the gait of the animal.
"Following Mommy Lynx" is a feline mammal.

Exercise 62, p. 27

62. Read. What might these words mean?

Line 1 - a continuous seam on the surface of the fabric.
Line 2 - a series of words, letters or other characters written or printed in one line.

Boxing is a sport.
Box2 - men's hairstyle.

Laika1 - dog breed
Laika2 - a grade of soft skin.

Carnation1 - genus herbaceous plants.
Cloves2 - spice.

Mumps1 is a disease.
Pig2 - animal (guinea pig).

  • Make up two sentences with any pair of homonymous words. Write down suggestions.

Word and phrase

Exercise 63, p. 28

63. Read the phrases.

Indoor plants: azalea, dracaena, pelargonium.
Sports goods: bicycle, scooter, ball.
Toys: doll, rattle, spinning top.
Wild animals: wild boar, wolf, fox.

  • Choose for each phrase the words-names of objects that can be attributed to their common name. Write down the words.

Exercise 64, p. 28

64. Read. Form phrases by choosing the right word from brackets and putting it in the right form with or without a preposition. Indicate with an arrow the connection of words in the phrase.

What are phraseological units?

Exercise 65, p. 29

65. Read. Make up all possible phrases from these words. Write them down.

Faithful comrade, Russian comrade, Russian language, hang your nose, hang your coat, vowel sound, long tongue, long nose.

  • Which of the following phrases are phraseological units? Explain their meaning.

Hang nose - get upset, long tongue - about a chatty person

Exercise 66, p. 29

66. Read. What do the underlined phrases mean? Write down a poem.

Porridge in the head of Uncle Sasha,
And the boots are asking for porridge.

A. Shibaev

Porridge in the head - lack of clarity, disorder, randomness of thoughts.
They ask for porridge - they demand repairs.

Exercise 67, p. 29

67. Read. Draw lines to connect each idiom with its meaning.

Take water in your mouth - be silent.
Sit back - do nothing.
To win is to win.
To prevaricate - to deceive.
Raven count - look around.

  • Orally compose a sentence with any phraseological unit.

Katya did not master the topic well, because she counted the crows in the lesson.

Exercise 68, p. thirty

68. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Like the back of my hand

What does it mean to know like the back of your hand? Firstly, to be able to count, and secondly, to know the name of each fell b chika:b about big, uk a pectoral, middle, nameless, little finger. But so that x about R about to know any other subject, you need to try, work hard in order to have the right to a zat: "I know how my five fell b tsev".

G. Stavskaya

  • Underline phraseological units in the text.
  • Determine the type of text: is it narrative or reasoning?

This is a discourse text.

Exercise 69, p. thirty

69. Read. Explain the meaning of phraseological units. Now look at their interpretation in the dictionary of the textbook. Write down their interpretation.

Grandma's tales. Fiction. Nonsense.
Shot sparrow. Experienced, seasoned person.
Do not sit in your sleigh. Don't mind your own business.

Exercise 70, p. thirty

70. Read. Underline phraseology.

The woodpecker can't sing.
The woodpecker has no hearing.
They say he bear
stepped on the ear

L. Tatyanicheva

  • Explain the meaning of phraseology.

A bear stepped on his ear - someone is completely devoid of a musical ear.

GDZ to the topic Parts of speech

Exercise 71, p. 31

71. Read. Pick up and write down the words of these parts of speech.

Noun: tree, lamp, cat.
Adjective: sad, bitter, cold.
Verb: run, come, read.
Pronoun: he, we, you.

Exercise 72, p. 31

72. Read a tall tale. Insert the missing letters.

pr. noun noun noun ch.
In the sky, brothers, bear flies,
noun ch. noun ch.
Bear flies, wags its tail,
noun noun ch.
Ears, paws waving.
pr. noun ch. noun
Carries in claws cow,
adj. adj.
Black-and-white and white-tailed...

  • The highlighted word is a conjunction. What parts of speech are other words?
  • Underline the animate nouns.

Exercise 73, p. 31

73. Read. Insert the missing letters. Mark the stress on the words.

praz d n and to, about rex, a album, p about n e delnik, h a rya, p about year, tract about r, h yo rny, psh e nitsa, with about rock, r and sunok.

An extra word is black (adjective).

  • Find the extra word. State what part of speech it is.

Exercise 74, p. 32

74. Read. Select desired letters from brackets.

In the village Buryan
near the city Myshkin
Lived Koshkin Ivan
In a wooden house.
And letters to Ivan
Wore postman
On Sleepy Street
In the sleeping area.

I. Stozhkova

  • Fill in the missing letters in the words. Prove that you did the right thing.

In d e jealous (dictionary word), B uryan (proper name - the name of the village), mountains about yes (vocabulary) M yshkin (proper name), zhi l (combination of zhi-shi with and), To oshkin (proper name), And van (proper name), in d e R e vyanny (tree, dictionary word), d about bear (house), pis b ma (separating b), And vanu (proper name), on FROM onnuyu (proper name), With pallid (noun).

  • Find in the first sentence and underline the proper inanimate nouns.
  • Find in the last sentence and underline the noun animate common noun.

Exercise 75, p. 32

75. Read. Name the bird. Write down its name as a title.

This bird has a black top of its head, wings, and tail.
The back is bluish-gray and the abdomen is red.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
The beak is short, thick, black.
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

  • Define the text type. Underline the adjectives

Description text.

  • What is the role of adjectives in this text?

Adjectives help describe a bird vividly and in detail.

Exercise 76, p. 33

76. Read. Make phrases from the given nouns and appropriate adjectives. Fill in the missing letters.

Ruddy apple about ko, faithful t about comrade, strong m about roses, cold wind e r, beautiful k a artina, garden l about pata, wide d about horns, white obl a co.

  • Make up and write down a sentence with any phrase.

We had a beautiful painting in front of us.

Exercise 77, p. 33

77. Read. Determine the main idea of ​​the poetic lines of the poet A. Usachev.

Commandment of the cook

self porridge brewed -
Himself and try:
Himself her oversalted-
Himself disentangle.
It's not about the bowl of porridge -
Here is the recipe for our whole life!

  • Read the highlighted phrases. Explain their meaning.

Brew porridge - start some unpleasant, troublesome business; by their actions to create a difficult, unpleasant situation.
To disentangle yourself - to cope with the consequences of one's own or someone else's rash, incorrect actions.

  • Underline the verbs. Write them out. Before each verb write the question it answers.

(What did you do?) brewed, (what to do?) try, (what did you do?) oversalted, (what to do?) disentangle.

Exercise 78, p. 34

78. Read. Indicate above each word what part of speech it is.

pr. noun ch. noun adj. noun
Golden backs are warm on a blade of grass spiders.

E. Blaginina

  • Underline the main parts of the sentence. Write out the phrases.

Golden spiders, warm backs, warm on a blade of grass.

Exercise 79, p. 34

79. Replace numbers with numerals and write them down with appropriate nouns.

Four ducklings, five pencils, seven days, six monkeys, eight forks.

Exercise 80, p. 34

80. Work in pairs: who can decipher the words faster? Write down the words.

100 persons 40a 3buna 7th s3zh

Capital, magpie, tribune, family, swift.

  • Make up and write down a sentence with one of the given words.

Moscow is the capital of our country.

GDZ to the topic Single-root words

Exercise 81, p. 35

81. Read. Collect single-root words from these parts.

K- -isch- -fish-onk- -n-in- -ak -a -th

  • Write down the words and explain their meaning. Highlight the root in the words.

Pisces)a - an aquatic animal with fins, fish) ka - a small fish, fish) looking for a huge fish, fish)onka is an affectionate name, fish) ny - from fish, fish ak - a person who catches fish, fish)ina is a big fish.

Exercise 82, p. 35

82. Read. Match these words with the same root words and write them in a column. Highlight the root in the words.

forest) color) feed) light)

forest)Noah color)Nick feed) abalone light)ly
forest)Nick color)OK feed)it light) lyachok
re( forest)OK color)et feed) new light)silt
forest)OK color) full time feed) light)it

Exercise 83, p. 35

83. Read. Find and underline the extra word in each group of words.

1. Hour) shepherd, part, hour)s.
2. Compass, the circus), the circus)ah.
3. rap)a, rap)ka, burdock.
4. Weight, oil)yonka, oil)about.

Word and syllable. Sounds and letters

Exercise 84, p. 36

84. Read. Make words out of syllables and sentences out of words.

Conversation passes the way, and the song - work.

  • Write down the proverb, before the union and put a comma. Explain the meaning of the proverb.

For an interesting conversation, the road seems shorter, but with a song, things are arguable.

Exercise 85, p. 36.

85. Read. Insert the missing letters.

I saw on a re
H ý bottom castle on the mountain
But I couldn't enter it
on dv e ryakh hung castle.
At mouth page e| lok st about|it,
Vo|mouth zó|l about| volume ra | stitched.

  • Mark the stress on the words. Underline words that are spelled the same but are pronounced differently and have different meanings.
  • Separate the words of the last sentence into syllables with a vertical bar |.

Exercise 86, p. 36

86. Write down all the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Aa, Bb, Vv, Gg, Dd, Her, Eyo, Lj, Zz, II, Yy, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, RR, Ss, Tt, Ou, Ff, Xx, Ts, Hh, Shsh, Schshch, b, s, b, Uh, Yuyu, Yaya

Exercise 87, p. 37

87. Read. Continue recording.

Vowel sounds: [a], [o], [and], [s], [y], [e].
Letters denoting vowel sounds: a, o, i, s, u, e, e, yo, yu, i.

  • Underline the letters that in some words can denote a vowel sound and the softness of the preceding consonant, in others - the fusion of the sound [th "] and the subsequent vowel sound, for example: [th" a], [th" o], [th "e], [th "y].

Exercise 88, p. 37

88. Read expressively.

You want, leaves, dance,
Above autumn city fly,
A flock of magical birds circle?
On the farewell ball us to invite?

T. Ozerova

The main idea is that you need to be responsible for your actions.

  • Insert the missing letters. Underline the sentence in the sentence. Determine the type of sentences according to the purpose of the statement.

According to the purpose of the statement, these sentences are interrogative.

  • Underline the words that have more letters than sounds.

Exercise 89, p. 37

89. Write down three words in which you need to remember the spelling of the highlighted letters.

oh yag about Yes, about reh, tract about R.
a Z a rya, a album, m a tire
e Together e, psh e nitsa, h e tyr e.

  • Check if you spelled the words correctly.

Exercise 90, p. 38

90. Read, naming the letters correctly. Fill in the missing letters for consonants.

b, c, d, e, g, h, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch.


  • Write on the first free line a word in which all consonants are hard, on the second - a word in which all consonants are soft, on the third - in which all consonants are deaf, on the fourth - in which all consonants are voiced.

Exercise 91, p. 38

91. Read expressively. Explain punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Who are you, raven?
- Kar l! Kar l!
- Stealing corals?
- Kra l! Kra l!
- A crow Clara
My clarinet

  • What does the word clarinet mean? Say in words the sound combinations that convey the cry of a crow. Underline the letters that represent these sound combinations.

Exercise 92, p. 39

92. Read. Insert the missing letters denoting consonants paired in deafness-voicedness.

b c d e h f
p f k t s w

  • Choose words that will end with each of these letters. Write down the words.

Oak - soup, sleeve - a scarf, snow - a century, a garden - a mole, frost - a vacuum cleaner, installation - a hut.

Exercise 93, p. 39

93. Read. Choose a test word for each of these words. Write it down. Insert the missing letters.

sharply in- uka islands h ka - indicate
goal b b - pigeons shka f- cabinets
mud d ka - utyu bed G- irons

Exercise 94, p. 39

94. Read.

Anchor, cabin, lilac, blizzard, berry, morning, tree, lights, lighthouse, beehive, herring, tulip.

  • Write these words on each line as follows: on the first line there are words with the same number of sounds and letters, on the second - words in which there are more sounds than letters, on the third - words in which there are fewer sounds than letters.

Anchor, blizzard, morning, beehive.
Cabin, berry, tree, lighthouse.
Lilac, lights, herring, tulip.

Exercise 95, p. 40

95. Work in pairs: say a pair of words. What sounds are different words in each pair of words?

thunderstorm - rose [g], [a] - [ó] tooth - soup [s] - [s]
lynx - rice [p] - [p '], [s] - [and], [s '] - [s] riddle - slingshot
country - string [a] - [y] five - drink [a] - [and]
circle - hook [p] - [p '] field - field [y] - [y'y]

Exercise 96, p. 40

96. Read. Continue the sound-letter analysis of the word finch.

Finch [z "abl" ik] - 2 syllables.

z [z "] - acc., ringing guy, soft guy.
i [á] - vowel, stress.
b [b] - acc., bell. steam, solid par.
l [l "] - acc., voiced. unpaired, soft. paired.
and [and] - vowel, bezud.
to [k] - acc., deaf. steam, solid par.
6 points, 6 stars

Exercise 97, p. 40

97. Read. Find the studied spellings in the words and underline them.

thicket, ro shcha, cha scale pr zhi on the, zhi raf
m about ryak, r e ka psh e nice, tract about R
yarn and ka, ska h ka but chk ah, tell chk a
l b dina, nel b zya druz b i, sem b I
AT olga, O b To ursk, B elgorod

Next to each word, write down the word with the spelling for the same rule.

GDZ to the section Composition of the word

Answers to the topic The root of the word

Exercise 98, p. 41

98. Read the tongue twister.

Kos) ary braid)silt, braid) u wore.
Kos)and, braid) and while the dew,
Down with dew - braid) ets home.

  • Highlight the root in single-root words.
  • Write out the highlighted word. Label it as a root. Write the related words next to it.

House)oh - house), house)ik, house)ashny, house) new.

Exercise 99, p. 41

99. Read. Think of words of different parts of speech with the given roots and write them down. Select their root.

Ex. App. Ch.

ringing) ringing)OK ringing) cue ringing)it

world) world) building world)ny world) to be

noise) noise)iha noise)ny noise)et

Exercise 100, p. 41

100. Work in pairs: prepare answers to these questions.

1. What is the root of the word?

The root of a word is the main meaningful part of the word. The root contains the common lexical meaning of all cognate words.

2. How to find the root in the words ribbon, kittens, track?

To find the root, you need to pick up words with the same root and highlight the common part in them.

Tape) point - tapes)a, tapes) full-time.
Cat)yata - cat)ik, cat).
Dorozh)ka - dearer)ny, dearer)enka.

Exercise 101, p. 42

101. Read. Highlight the root in the words. Make compound words from the roots of these words. Write it down.

Sheet), stars)a, waters)a, pad)at, myself), With( shaft)it, var)it, cat)it.

(Stars)about( pad), (sheet)about( pad), (water)about( pad).
(Myself)oc( shaft), (myself)about( var), (myself)about( cat).

Exercise 102, p. 42

102. Read. Choose a single-root word for each word so that instead of the letter e, the letter ё is in the root. Write down the words, highlight the root in them.

ice) yano - ice) bees)other - bees)s
tears)inca - tears)s honey) new - honey)
topics) no - dark)ny yellow)et - yellow)th

Exercise 103, p. 42

103. Read. Fill in the sentences with the correct word in brackets.

1. Forest) Nick guards forest). 2. mines)er works in mines)e. 3. Confectioner) manufactures confectioner) sky products. four. Gymnast) is engaged in sports gymnast) ikoy.

  • Highlight the root in single-root words.
  • Explain how you understand the meaning of the other words in brackets.

The arborist cultivates the forest.
The driver drives the car.
Conductor - an employee who accompanies the train.
A high school student is a high school student.

Word forms. The ending

Exercise 104, p. 43

104. Read the tongue twister.

  • Highlight the endings in the words.

In the field[e] field[e] Floor[i] request[o],
Weed[and] takeaway[it] Fros[i].

  • What do the underlined words mean?

Millet is a cereal grain from which millet is made.
Weeds - wild plant, drowning out cultural crops.

  • Write down the phrase.

Exercise 105, p. 43

105. Read. What do you need to do to make a sentence out of these words?

1. Sailors, lowered, sail, water, on, and, bath, sail, in, arranged.
2. Boys, ship, with, jump, water, in.

To make sentences, you need to change the form of some words.

  • Make sentences and write them down.

1. The sailor [and] lowered[and] the sail on the waters [y] and arranged [and] in sail [e] bathing [th].
2. The boy[and] jumped[and] With ship[i] in waters [y] .

  • Highlight the endings in the words. Underline the suggestions.

Exercise 106, p. 43

106. Work in pairs: orally prepare answers to these questions.

1. What is an ending?

An ending is a variable meaningful part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to connect words in a phrase and sentence.

2. How to find the ending in the words red, rose, blossomed?

To find the ending in a word, you need to change the form of the word:
red[th] - red[th], red[th], red[s];
roses [a] - roses [oh], about roses [e], roses [s];
blossomed [a] - blossomed [and], blossomed [o].

Exercise 107, p. 44

107. Read. Insert the missing letters.

In the old garden [y] track[and] overgrown [and] burdock[s]. In herbs [e] buzzed [and] hairy [s] bumblebee[s]. At the porches [a] to the lake [e] from d about waiting [oh] waters [oh] With and div[a] b about large [th] s e linen [and I] frogs[a].

  • Highlight the endings in the words. Underline the main clauses in the sentences.
  • Write out the highlighted words. Next to each of them write down a single-root word. Highlight the root in the words.

dearer)ki - dearer) ny, in lakes)ke - lakes)o, with rain) eva - rain)ik

Exercise 108, p. 44

108. Work in pairs: read the endings. Choose and write down words that can have such endings.

-ie -oh -oh -ut -ya -i
adj. adj. noun noun adj. adj.
Gray [s], blue [her], lamp [a], window [o], beautiful [th], warm [th],

noun ch. adj. adj. ch. noun
floor [e], smog [ut], spring [her], autumn [ya], says [it], people [and].

  • Above each word, indicate what part of speech it is.

Gray clouds covered the sky.

GDZ to the topic Prefix

Exercise 109, p. 45

109. Read the sentences from the poem "What happened?" G. Vitoza.

What? What happened?..
The dog barked, the horse neighed.
The cat ran away to the neighbors
The pear fell from the tree
The fence sagged
A can fell off the table
And made a terrible call ...

  • What do you think happened?

It's in the attic
In the farthest corner
The gray mouse was blown
And she is apchi! - sneezed!

for | barked, for | neighing, at | fled, with | fell down, for | the town, | looked sideways, at | fell, at | built.

  • Write out the highlighted word. Next to it, write down the single-root words.

horse - equestrian, stable, horse meat, groom, horse, horse breeder, horse thief, cavalry. Root - con-

Exercise 110, p. 45

110. Read the prefixes and the verb. Form other verbs from this verb using prefixes. Write them down.

in|wrote, wrote|wrote, wrote|written, s|wrote, wrote down|wrote, described|wrote, re|wrote, wrote|wrote, signed|signed, over|wrote, attributed|wrote.

  • Orally compose a sentence with any verb.

In this exercise, I wrote out the verbs with prefixes.

Exercise 111, p. 46

111. Read. Highlight prefixes in words. Write next to each verb another verb with the same prefix.

Read | read, ran | ran; painted | painted, named | called; turned away | returned, from | jumped; to|jumped, reached|flew; re|pulled, re|wrote; for | rang, went | went; jumped | jumped | swam.

Exercise 112, p. 46

112. Work in pairs: read the questions and prepare answers to them.

1. What is a prefix?

A prefix is ​​a meaningful part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form words.

2. How to find a prefix in words to make, pull out, come up with?

To find a prefix in a word, you need to pick up a single-root word without a prefix or with a different prefix. The part of the word that comes before the root will be the prefix.

Make - do, redo.
Pull out - drag, drag.
To think - to think, to conceive.

Exercise 113, p. 46

113. Read. Fill in the missing prefixes in the words of the proverbs.

1. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't fix it.
2. You let out a word, you won't catch up even on the porch.
3. Hurry up and make people laugh.

Exercise 114, p. 46

114. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Before | fled before shop,
with |lez With tree,
by | rode on highway,
behind | walked per comrade.

  • Highlight the prefixes in the words, underline the prepositions.
  • Think up and write down other phrases with the same prefixes and prepositions.

with|sang With friend, in|lez in window, went on path, with | flew With branches, read|read about shark.

Answers to the topic Suffix

Exercise 115, p. 47

115. Read the suffixes.

Work in pairs: pick up words that can have such suffixes. Write down a few words. Highlight suffixes.

Zaich / onok \, decree / k \ a, cat / ik \, old man / ok \, gray / young \ y, fish / onk \ a, rogue / ishk \ a, ant / nickname \, teacher / tel \, cat /yonok\.

Exercise 116, p. 47

116. Read. Form words from these words with the help of suffixes. Write the words in a column, highlight the suffixes.

fluff house nose cat
push/ok\ home/hic\ nose/hic\ cat/hic\
fluff / s \ th house / s \ oh nose / s \ oh cat / yonok \
push/east house/search nose/search cat/yat

Exercise 117, p. 47

117. Read. Find a single-root word from the brackets to the given word and highlight the suffix in it.

Ostrich - ostrich / yonok \,
focus - focus / nickname \,
autumn - autumn / n / y,
hedgehog - hedgehog / onok \,
spot - spot / yshk \ o,
snow - snow / ok \,
viburnum - viburnum / k \ a.

Exercise 118, p. 48

118. Read. Highlight the suffixes in the words. Choose and write down for each word another word with the same suffix.

lemon / n \ th small / little \ y hedgehog / ik \
stone / n \ th warm / little \ th bow / ik \

grew / ink \ a grain / yshk \ and herbs / k \ a
croup/ink\a wings/yshk\o brooch/c\a

stars/points/a cows/ear/a beaver/yat/a
lamps/points\a games/ushk\a reb/yat\a

Exercise 119, p. 48

119. Work in pairs: read the questions and prepare answers to them.

1. What is a suffix?

A suffix is ​​a meaningful part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form words.

2. How to find a suffix in the words nest, accordionist, birch?

To find a suffix in a word, you need to pick up words with the same root without a suffix or with other suffixes. The part of the word that comes after the root before the ending will be the suffix.

nests / yshk \ o (nests [ o] , nests / yshk \ [ and] ),
button accordion / ist \ (bayan, button accordion / ist \ [ s] ),
birches / onk \ a (birches [ a], birches / onk \ [ e] ).

Exercise 120, p. 48

120. Read. Title the text.

First thunder

The first thunder rumbled across the river. And each of the animals began to think: "What is this?" They thought and thought, and finally the smart Bear / onok \ said:
- Probably, a big rattle / ear / a was born. And now her wind is on her hands ukach / willow \ no - bom-bom-bom!

G. Tsyferov

  • Read the sentences that reflect:
    a) the inner speech of animals; b) oral speech.

a) "What is it?"
b) - Probably, a big rattle was born. And now her wind is rocking in her arms - bom-bom-bom!

  • Find words that have suffixes you know. Highlight suffixes.

GDZ from 7 gurus on the topic The basis of the word

Exercise 121, p. 49

121. Read. Insert missing words.

The stem of a word is a part of a word without an ending.

  • Check your textbook to see if you wrote the definition correctly.

Exercise 122, p. 49

122. Read.

move it by forest ferrets -
predator th small oh animal.
Fleet swim et to native oh land e.
flag on every ohm ship e.

S. Marshak

  • What part of the word is missing in these words? Enter it.

Words are missing endings.

  • Highlight the stem in these words.

Exercise 123, p. 49

123. Read. Name the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky.

And in Africa
And in Africa
On black Limpopo,
Sitting and crying in Africa
Sad Hippo.

This is the fairy tale "Aibolit"

  • Underline the words that have the same stem. What do they stand for.

Limpopo - river in South Africa. Hippo is a hippopotamus.

  • In other words, highlight the stem and other significant parts of the word.

  • Write the answer to the question, who was Hippopo expecting?

Hippopo was expecting Aibolit.

Exercise 124, p. fifty

124. Write in the cells the words-names of the four significant parts of the word. On free lines, write down these names in the order they appear in the word.

1. Prefix 2. Root 3. Suffix 4. End


Exercise 125, p. fifty

125. Consider the diagrams. Match them with words with the same composition. Write it down.

Exercise 126, p. fifty

126. Read. Insert the missing letters.

At caterpillar) tract about ra caterpillars)s st a flax. They are made up of many a stay. Each such a st is called a truck. Now it is clear why the path about ru was given that name. St a flax caterpillar - it's like d about horn without n a chala and without about nca. Tract about r spreads it for himself and rides on it to St. about their wheels.

  • What is the meaning of the underlined word? Name a homonym for this word and explain its meaning.

A caterpillar is a wide chain that is put on the wheels of a tractor.

Homonym: caterpillar - butterfly larva with several pairs of legs.

  • Find words with the same root in the first sentence, highlight the root in them.

Exercise 127, p. 51

127. Read. Insert the missing letters.

How glorious are the names of l e dreamy well and bodies! Fluff, for example. Downy ball, like a ball of thread. Whitebrow Thrush with white brow b yu, with and Corydalis Nichka - from x about trash, redstart - with a bright, like og about nok, xv about stoma And the bugs! All these mustaches, skrrt and patches, sheeters. Horses, clickers, karapuziki.

  • Name the birds and beetles. Why were they named like that?

Puffy - it looks like a downy ball, like a ball of thread.
Blackwing thrush with a white eyebrow.
Titmouse Corydalis - with a crest.
Redstart - with a tail as bright as a light.
Barbels are beetles with long whiskers.
Violinists - make squeaky sounds.
Leaf rollers - fold the leaves of trees in the form of peculiar bags or tubes.
Horses - have the ability to run fast
Clickers - make clicking sounds.
Toddlers - has a round body.

  • Work in pairs: find words with the same root and identify the root in each of them.

fluff) varnish - fluff) new,
white)about( eyebrows)nick - from white)oh eyebrow)Yu,
crest)atka - with crest)om,
mountains)and( tail) - With tail) ohm.

Exercise 128, p. 51

128. Read. Sort the words by composition.

Exercise 129, p. 51

129. Work in pairs: discuss whether the prefix is ​​correctly highlighted in the first word, the root in the second, the suffix in the third, and the ending in the fourth.

Podo action figure, beauties a, school ik, funny e.

  • Highlight the significant parts of the words.

GDZ to the topic Spelling parts of a word

Exercise 130, p. 52

130. Read. Highlight the studied spellings in the words.

uly b ka, b about xer, p e R e pour, cheese and k, courage b, X and tretz, goal b, nail and k, p about earthy.

Write out the spelling words:
a) at the root: smile) ka, boxer, cunning) ets, dove), carnation) ik;
b) in the prefix: re | pour, under | earthly;
c) in the suffix: cheese / nickname \, brave / awn \, nail / ik \.

Highlight the significant parts of words that have spellings.

Exercise 131, p. 52

131. Read. Find and underline the extra in each row. Explain why it is redundant.

M about R oz ), cold, m about R oz )ny, for( m about R oz )ki.
Vet e R), vortex, in e t e R)OK, in e tr) more.

  • Underline the spelling in the words. Highlight the root in single-root words.

Superfluous: cold, whirlwind - are not the same root words for the rest of the words in the lines.

Exercise 132, p. 52

132. Read. Add 2-3 vocabulary words to each row.

Tools: l about pata, m about l about current, t about since.
Plants: b e cut, g about rox, s e ml I Nika.
Birds: in about R about bey, in about rona, with about rock.

Spelling of words with unstressed vowels at the root

Exercise 133, p. 53

133. Read. Insert the missing letters.

By blue in about ocean lights,
Only the stars will shine in e b e sah,
ship od and nokiy n e sutsya,
H e sits on all a rusakh.

M. Lermontov

  • What does the underlined phrase mean?

Very fast, with extreme speed.

  • Write down the words with the missing letters. Write a test before each word.

(Waves) by in about lnam, (ne bo, heavenly) n e b e sakh, (one) od and noky, (brought from) n e sёtsya, (pá rus) on p a Rusakh.

Exercise 134, p. 53

134. Read. Underline the checkable spelling at the root of each word. Write a test word before the word to be checked.

to l - d about lina so l - s about flaky
red - cr a snotá bold - see e lchak
le d - l e dyanoy te n - t e low
vsta no - vst a et color t - color e tet
cheerful - weight e lo ti ho-t and honko

  • Make up and write a sentence with any word.

Cherry blossoms outside the window.

Exercise 135, p. 54

135. Read the riddle. write down the answer

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull
They milk, not a cow,
Lyko pulls, but does not weave bast shoes.

  • Write down 4 words with an unstressed vowel in the root. Write down the test word next to it.

C b about R about doy - bó childbirth, beard; st a rik - old; with p about gami - ro g; pl e tet - plyo l.

Exercise 136, p. 54

136. Read. Insert the missing letters. Highlight the root in the words. Write down the test words next to it. Mark the stress on the words.

P about l about With)á, po los)s, polo with)ka.
X about l about d)á, ho lod), cold) ny.
St about R about n)á, side)s, side)ka.
St e b e l)ok, stem), stem) chat.
W e l e n)et, green laziness), green n)th.
AT e h e R) no, ve cher), evening)
G about l about in)á, goal)s, head in) ear.
To about l about With)ok, co los), spike)I.

  • Make up and write a sentence with any word.

Spikelet grows in the field.

Exercise 137, p. 55

137. Read. Next to each word, write down a single-root word with an unstressed vowel at the root.

ringing) - ringing)it moan) - moan)at
creak) - creak)et step) - step)at
crackling) - crackling) teach squeak) - food)at
snow) - snow) Inca distance) - gave)yokii

  • Highlight the root in the words.

Exercise 138, p. 55

138. Write down alphabetically the words-names of the drawn objects.

AT about R about beat, to a R a ndash, l about pata, l I goose, m about rkov, about rex, r a chum, with a pog, t e traditional, apple about to about.

  • Underline unchecked spellings in words.

Exercise 139, p. 55

139. Read. Insert the missing letters. Pick up and write down two single-root words for each of these words.

Gore about x, peas, peas.
W e ml I nika, strawberry, strawberry.
O blue, aspen, aspen.
R a chum, rocket launcher, rocket launcher.

Exercise 140, p. 56

140. Read. Insert the missing letters. Title the text and write the title.

leaf fall

V l e su quiet. Windless. A with bl and and) the most maple to me and pouring well yo cold sheet b)I. What is the hour at desa? Podh about zhu closer)e. Along the branches e va b e squirrel lives. She arranged it l and st)fall.

G. Kulikova

  • Find similar words in the text. Highlight the root. Which word in each pair of cognate words will be a test for the other? Highlight it.

Exercise 141, p. 56

141. Read the riddle of M. Pozharova and guess it. Insert the missing letters. Explain the answer.

I have r a botanists,
in everything p about can hunters
day and night with me:
whole d e syatok
faithful p e boy. (Fingers)

  • Explain the meaning of the underlined word. Name the homonym for this word and its meaning.

Hunters - that is, with a great desire to help.
Homonym: hunters - those who are engaged in catching birds, animals.

GDZ related site Spelling words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root

Exercise 142, p. 57

142. Read. Insert the missing letters.

paved autumn
leaf road,
go into the wilderness moose,
lay down bear in a lair.

V. Kharitonov

  • Prove that this is a complex sentence. Underline the grammatical basics in its parts.

This sentence is complex because it has three grammatical bases.

  • Write down an offer. Underline the spelling of the learned rule in the words.

Paved autumn foxes t yami road, in the wilderness w moose go away, bear lay down d in the den.

Exercise 143, p. 57

143. Read. What letter denoting a consonant paired by deafness-voicedness is missing in each of the words?

Lo d ka (boat), roma w ka (chamomile), pereska h(retellings), kov w(ladles), this and(floors), cro in(roofing), naho d ka (find), blood t ka (crib), kaktu With(cacti), spra in ka (reference), bodice t yor (lift), shtra f(fines), prunes in(prunes), butcher b ka (meat grinder), coming out P(dill), co G ti (claw), bread b(grain growers), skorlu P ka (shell), lo to ti (elbow).

  • Insert the missing letters. Prove that you did the right thing.
  • Highlight in compound words roots.

black)about( drain, meat)about( rub)ka, bread)about( rob.

Exercise 144, p. 58

144. Read. Underline the letter in brackets to be chosen. correct spelling the words. Write a test next to each word.

Gla(t, d) cue - smooth; ro( b, p) cue - to be shy;
how(with, h) cue - slide; well (w, w) - good;
gru(n, b) - rude; re(s, h) cue - sharp;
me( G, k) cue - soft; lo(f, in) cue - dexterous;
sve(sh, and) - fresh; polite(f, in) - polite.

Exercise 145, p. 58

145. Read. Insert the missing letters. What hatch are you talking about?

I cried in pain d to,
But from the bow - so much h!
Lou to shoots very hard t to:
And not in bro in b, but right in the eye h .

G. Glushnev

The poem is about onions.

  • Read the highlighted expression. Explain its meaning.

That is very accurate.

Exercise 146, p. 58

146. Read. Compare the pronunciation and spelling of words with a consonant in the root paired in deafness-voicedness.

About [s '] ba, ask, about With bba.
Molo [d '] ba, thresh, molo t bba.
Ko [s '] ba, mow, ko With bba.

  • What do these words mean? Choose and write down test words for each word.

A request is a polite way of addressing someone to do something.
Threshing - the time when they thresh.
Mowing - cleaning grass, cereals.

Exercise 147, p. 59

147. Say the words. Indicate in brackets the sound you hear in these words. Explain what letter should represent this sound in each word. Write down the word itself and the test to it.

Hear: Check: Write:
rope [f] ka rope rope
herring [t]ka herring herring
sala[s]ki sled sled
uly[p]ka smile smile
light[x] cue lightly light

Exercise 148, p. 59

148. Read.

Before and dh, ko f ta, ku in tire, gvo h yup, fu t bol, h health, in tornik, gro h dh, whether f ter.

  • Explain why the spelling of the highlighted orthograms in these words must be remembered.
  • Write the words in alphabetical order.

The spelling of the selected spellings must be remembered, because it is impossible to pick up test words.

AT tornik, gvo h gee, grue h d, before and d, h health, to f ta, ku in tires, whether f ter, fu t Bol.

Exercise 149, p. 59

149. Read. Work in pairs: discuss what spellings are in each word. Underline the spellings.

plo d- fruits of tra in ka - grass
hour - cha sy plo sparing ka - plo shcha d
ve h- I'm taking chi and- chi zhi

Exercise 150, p. 59

150. Read. Choose for each word a single-root word with the suffix -k-. Write it down.

G about l about va-g about dexterity, b about R about yes - b about rodoka,
birch - take h ka, road - road and ka,
morco in b - Morco in ka, naked b b - goal b ka.

  • Underline spelling checks.

Exercise 151, p. 60

151. Read. Insert the missing letters.

kitty-k about current - gray l about side. Lasko in Vasya, yes and ter; la P ki velvet, n about goth sharp. Vasyutka's w ki chu t ki, mustache long, shu b like silk.
L a the cat is rolling h ki closes the song about yet, but we got it w ka - do not be angry! Gla h ki b about big, la P ki like st a flax, zu b ki curves, ko G you graduation!

K. Ushinsky

  • Prove that you did the right thing.

Kotok - cat, pubis - forehead, affectionate - affectionate, cunning - cunning, paws - paws, marigold - nail, ears - ears, a bit - a bit, fur coat - fur coat, caresses - weasel, eyes - eyes, sings - sing, mouse - mouse, large - more, steel - steel, teeth - teeth, claws - claws.

Exercise 152, p. 60

152. Read. Continue the sound-letter analysis of the word coat of arms.

Coat of arms - [herp] - 1 syllable
g [g ’] - acc., call. steam, soft par.
e [e] - vowel, shock.
r [r] - acc., voiced. unpaired, hard par.
b [n] - acc.., deaf. steam, solid par.
4 points, 4 stars

GDZ on the topic Spelling words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root

Exercise 153, p. 61

153. Read expressively.

What a delightful day today t ny,
The sun is shining in the sky.
Illuminates the month t ness and surroundings t ness
And invigorates with the warmth of his heart.

  • Which of the underlined words is important:
    1) terrain, surrounding space;


  • 2) a place, a section of the earth's surface.


  • Work in pairs: prepare to explain the spelling of the underlined spelling.

charming - charm, the sun - the sun, festive - idle, the area - the place, the neighborhood - the surroundings, the heart - the heart.

Exercise 154, p. 61

154. Read. Insert the missing letters.

dobles t ny, ches t good day, bad shcha dka
stars d noah, holiday d no deed, sky
forest t lovely, lovely t color e current, warrior

  • Form phrases consisting of an adjective and a noun. Write them down:

Valiant warrior, honest deed, starry sky, holiday, landing, lovely flower.

  • Sort out the underlined words.

Exercise 155, p. 62

155. Read. Determine which words have an unpronounceable consonant sound.

Pos d ny, wonderful, dangerous, month t ness, interesting, bridles, lime t ny, heart, delicious, yaros t ny, cabbage t ny, svis t nope, beautiful.

  • Underline the letters in the words that indicate the unpronounceable consonant sound.
  • Choose a test word for each word that will clearly show whether the word has an unpronounceable consonant sound or not.

(opoz d at) pos d ny, (miracle With en) a miracle sn oh, (oops With en) opa sn th, (month t o) months t ness, (interest With en) interest sn th, (uz d a) knot d tsy, (lime t f) lime t ny, (ser d Eternal) gray d tse, (vku With en) vku sn oh, (furious t b) rage t ny, (cabbage t a) cabbage t ny, (hanging t et) svis t kick, (stop With en) perfect sn th.

Exercise 156, p. 62

156. Read.

sadness - grief t ny
heaven - heavenly
region - region t Noah
honor - honor t ny
giant - giant t sky
power - vlas t ny
happiness - time t livid
star - stars d ny
joy - joy t ny
horror - terrible

  • Choose for each word and write down the adjective with the same root.
  • Underline the letters in the words that indicate the unpronounceable consonant sound.

Exercise 157, p. 63

157. Read. Underline the letters in the words that need to be spelled.

Hello in go ahead, forest t nitsa, chy in stvo.

  • Write the words in alphabetical order. Label them for emphasis.

Exercise 158, p. 63

158. Read. Replace each phrase with one word. Write it down.

Publish whistling) - whistling) to publish crunch) - crunch) no.

  • Highlight the root in single-root words.

Exercise 159, p. 63

159. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Devil and, rare t ny, chu in stvovat, lepes t ki, forest t nitsa, frying pan d ka, okres t nost, tablet t ka, hang t ka, whip t poke, chocolate d ka, boom and ka, hang t livy, months t ness, participation t nick, scree P ka, not us t ny, sting t livid, screw in ka, nail d b.

  • Complete one of the tasks:
    1. Determine which spelling groups you can assign these words to.

Paired for deafness / voiced consonant: hell and, re d bone, lepes t ki, frying d ka, tablet t ka, hang t ka, chocolate d ka, boom and ka, scree P ka, screw in ka, nail d b.
Silent consonant: rare t ny, chu in go, forest t nitsa, okres t ness, whip t huff, hover t livy, months t ness, participation t nick, not us t pity t livid.

  • 2. Underline in the words the letters denoting the unpronounceable consonant at the root of the words.

Blueprint, rare t ny, chu in steve, petals, forest t nitsa, frying pan, okres t ness, tablet, agenda, whip t poke, chocolate, paper, hung t livy, months t ness, participation t nickname, violin, not us t pity t livy, rifle, nail.

  • 3. Write out the highlighted words, sort them out by composition.

Exercise 160, p. 64

160. Read. Insert the missing letters. Title the text. Write down the title.

Forest Lake

It was quiet e sleepy oz e ro. According to b e R e gam its st about yali oaks-in e lycans. Trees guarded the water d b oz e ra.
By the very water With cable t Nick. Ducks liked to rest near him, and on b e R e gu w and whether the mouse. Only sometimes they violated l e snuyu t and tire, and then the cable t nickname with e roared at them and about roared loudly.
AND and whether on oz e re and h at gum leb e di. They swam slowly a whether from reeds. Loeb e di admired the white lily, nor h who bowed their heads before her about you.

N. Sidorov

  • Underline the main parts of the sentence in the third sentence.
  • Work in pairs: check with each other if you have completed the tasks correctly.
  • Orally compose a continuation of this text. Get ready to tell it.

There were trees all around. Thick foliage seemed to protect this lake from prying eyes. The rays of the bright sun could hardly penetrate through it. In the water surface, as if in a mirror, the trees, the sky, the sun were reflected. Many flowers grew around the lake, as in a field. Not far from the lake there was a clearing with strawberries. How generous Russian nature is for beauty!

Answers to the topic Spelling words with double consonants

Exercise 161, p. 65

161. Read. Insert the missing letters.

It's nicer to find under the tree gris b ,
How to get angina or gris pp .

  • What do the underlined words mean? Compare their spelling and pronunciation.

A fungus is a plant, influenza is a disease.
Mushroom [gr′ip], flu [gr′ip] - these are words that sound the same, but are different in spelling.

Exercise 162, p. 65

162. Read. Pick up and write down other words with the same doubled consonants.

ss mm ll
highway gram collection
story grammar millimeter
profession telegram crystal

nn kk pp
tennis neat appetite
antenna hockey band
tunnel chord apparatus

  • Make up a sentence with any word.

I read an interesting story.

Exercise 163, p. 65

163. Remember the names in which there are doubled consonants. Write down these words. Separate them with a hyphen.

An-na, Al-la, Rim-ma, In-na, El-la, In-no-ken-tiy, Jean-na, Em-ma.

Exercise 164, p. 66

164. Read. Insert the missing letters. Add a clue word.

Zaga d this one is not easy:
P and Shusya always through two to;
Both the ball and the puck w coy bey,
My name is hockey.

  • Pick up and write down the same root words for the guess word. Underline the double consonants.

Ho kk hey ho kk eist, ho kk her.

Exercise 165, p. 66

165. Read. Replace these interpretations with words that have double consonants.

1. Drawing in the text of the book - and | ll yu|stra|qi|ya.
2. The sixth day of the week - su bb ota.
3. Sports running - kro ss.
4. One thousand grams is a kilogram mm.
5. Significant part of the word - su ff X.
6. Scottish Shepherd - ko ll and.
7. Collection of homogeneous objects - ko ll section.
8. Programming Specialist - Programmer mm ist.

  • Underline double consonants.
  • Divide the word into syllables with the sign |.

Spelling of suffixes and prefixes

Exercise 166, p. 67

166. Read. Make suffixes from these letters. Write them down.

K-, -ik-, -enk-, -ok, -onk-, -ek-, -ist, -ushk-, -evat-, -tel, -shchik, -n-, -l-, -liv- , -ost, -sk-, -ov-.

Exercise 167, p. 66

167. Read. Fill in the missing suffixes in the words.

Would l and chickens points a ripple enk and I,
Demolished l a testicle to o bel enk oh.

  • Remember the fairy tale. Write a sentence about what the mouse did.

A gray mouse ran
Touched the testicle with a tail,
It rolled, fell and broke.

Exercise 168, p. 67

168. Read. Work in pairs: pick up and write down the words that have these suffixes.

Onok - hedgehog / onok \, belch / onok \, hare / onok \;
-onk- fox / onk \ a, eye / onk \ and, lay down / onk \ y;
-enk- small / enk \ y, gray / enk \ y, red / enk \ y;
-ik- table / ik \, pencil / ik \, siskin / ik \;
-ok- son / ok \, forest / ok \, oak / ok \;
-ek- ravine / ek \, peas / ek \, handkerchief / ek \.

Exercise 169, p. 68

169. Read. Form nouns from these words with the help of suffixes. Write down the resulting words.

Stars / points \ a, ruff / ik \, nests / yshk \ o, cockerel / ok \, nut / ek \, carp / ik \, birch / onk \ a.

  • Highlight the suffixes in the words.

Exercise 170, p. 68

170. Read. Form adjectives from these words with the help of suffixes. Write down the resulting words.

Yellow / bright / y, autumn / n / y, rain / rain / y, fluff / s / y, lay down / onk / y, rus / sk \ y, raspberry / ov \ y.

  • Highlight the suffixes in the words.

Exercise 171, p. 68

171. Read. Insert the missing letters.

N. Sakonskaya

  • In which meaningful parts missing letters? Highlight these parts of the words.
  • Find words with prefixes. Select attachments.
  • Choose synonyms for the underlined word.

Exercise 172, p. 69

172. Read. Form single-root words from these words using these suffixes.
Suffixes: -ik-, -ek-, -ok-.

Snow, hut, key, beetle, walnut, ravine, spider, cucumber, apron, tongue, box, bush.

  • Write the words in 3 columns depending on the suffix. Underline the letter in the root that has changed in the formation of a new word.

hut ore w ek dream and OK
ovr's key and ek zhu h OK
fartu cucumber h ek pow h OK
bush boxes h ek languages h OK

Icy - cold, icy, frozen.

Exercise 173, p. 69

173. Read the phrases. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

Came out of cha cabbage soup, from cha shchi forests, went out to b e dir about to, on r e chny b e dir about k, went out with m e dvezh about nkom, with a little bear cub, brown m e dweed and ca.

  • Make a sentence out of these phrases and write it down. Underline the grammar in it. Highlight suffixes in nouns and adjectives.

Exercise 174, p. 70

174. Read the prefixes. Fill in the missing letters.

on, over, from, with, under, from, at, in, for, for, by, about, with, in, transfer.

  • Match the words with these prefixes. Write down the words.

On| draw, over| write, from | to blame, when | cook, under | keep, away | give, u| fly, in | walk, for | climb, by | pour, about | knit, with | move, in | take, transfer | move.

Exercise 175, p. 70

175. Read. What piece is this passage from?

Kashtanka pr about fell asleep. From street and tsy d about there was noise. In the room a they didn't have a soul. Kashtanka p about stretched, yawned, about walked around the room a those. She is about sniffed corners and furniture e l, s a looked into the hall and did not a walked nothing int e woody. Kashtanka saw another door, about scratched her paws, about worked in about went to another room.

This is an excerpt from the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chestnut".

  • Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.
  • Who is the text talking about? How did you understand the meaning of the highlighted phrase and the highlighted word? Define the text type.

The text refers to the dog Kashtanka.
There was not a soul - there was no one.
Front hallway.
This is a narrative text.

  • Highlight prefixes in verbs.
  • Work in pairs: prepare to prove that you have completed the tasks correctly.

Exercise 176, p. 71

176. Read. Fill in the missing prefixes in the words.

from | give
sharpen | sharpen
to feed | to feed
to glue with | to walk
donate | donate

  • Write any of these verbs with other prefixes.

Glue, peel off, glue, re-glue, up to | glue, in | glue, glue.

Exercise 177, p. 71

177. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Salad "Happy Mouse"

Four processed cheeses P about |t e grind on a coarse grater, P about | chop two in a rynykh I eggs, P about |d a chop garlic, that's it P e R e |m e serve with mayonnaise or sour cream. finely n a | cut p e paprika and dill and at| paint the salad. |

  • What does the word salad mean? Tell me what kind of salad you can make.

Salad - a cold dish, a mixture of various chopped foods.
I can cook a vegetable salad: cut cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper, add salt, mix everything, season with olive oil, finely chop the parsley, garnish with olives.

  • Find words with prefixes. Select attachments.
  • Write out the highlighted word, next to it write down the same-root words with other prefixes. Select attachments.

Cut | cut, cut | cut, cut | cut, cut | cut, over | cut, cut | cut.

Exercise 178, p. 72

178. Read the beginning" New Year's fairy tale"S. Kozlova. Insert the missing letters. In what significant parts of the word are they located?

Before the New Year Hedgehog and ka with M e dv e and about nkom n a driven by aliens. aliens flew to With e ribbed plate with windows. When the plate sank into the clearing, M e dv e and about nok hung the last star on the tree e zdu.
- Ouch! - shouted the Hedgehog and to.
M e dv e and about the leg twitched, and e hello r a huddled.

  • What does the word alien mean? How was this word formed? What does the word plate mean?

Aliens are inhabitants of other planets.

Yin) + o + planets) + yang + e
aliens ← other planet

The saucer is an aircraft.

  • Complete one of the tasks:
    1. Write out the words highlighted in the text and sort them out by composition.

  • 2. In the second sentence, underline the main members.
    3. How did S. Kozlov's fairy tale end? Make up your own story using the beginning of this text.

The fairy tale of S. Kozlov ended with the fact that in open door flew in big star and sat on the tree. And in the morning, the Hedgehog and the Bear cub saw such an elegant Christmas tree and so many gifts under it - that they would be enough for the whole forest. And there was also a letter from aliens.

Sergey Kozlov

Christmas story

Before the New Year, the Hedgehog and the Teddy Bear were visited by aliens.
Aliens arrived in a silver plate with windows.
When the plate sank into the clearing, the Bear cub hung the last star on the Christmas tree.
- Ouch! - shouted the Hedgehog.
The bear cub twitched, and the star broke.
- Hello! - said the first alien, and the Hedgehog heard him well, although the house had double frames.
- Hi! - whispered the Hedgehog.
- Who are you talking to?
- Go here! - whispered the Hedgehog.
While the Little Bear was going to the window, the second alien had already descended the stairs. He waved to the Hedgehog with the Bear cub.
- Who is it?
- Wave your paw, - said the Hedgehog.
A third got out, and all three went to the Little Bear's house.
There was waist-deep snow in the clearing, but the aliens walked without falling through. They were in spacesuits, but the helmets were left in the plate, so the Hedgehog and the Bear cub could see that the heads of the aliens looked like potatoes in May, with shoots.
- We weren't expected! - said one.
The little bear grabbed a broom and swept it up. The hedgehog opened the door. All three came in and said hello.
- Hello! We are very glad to see you! Happy New Year!
- And you!
- And you! - nodded the Hedgehog with the Bear cub.
The little bear put down the samovar, and the Hedgehog shifted from foot to foot - he did not know how to suggest to the aliens to undress.
“Nothing, nothing, we’re not hot,” the first one said soundlessly. And everyone sat down at the table.
"Is this all a dream or is it for real?" - thought Little Bear.
"Really, really," the second said silently.
"Really?" thought the Hedgehog.
“Really, really,” said a third.
- What do you like? - asked Little Bear. - Honey or cranberries?
- Cranberry-cranberry.
- And honey, - said, without opening his mouth, the first.
The hedgehog quickly put everything on the table and poured tea from the samovar.
- You're doing very well here!
- Highly! - nodded the first.
- So calmly, calmly!
- The tree is beautiful!
The little bear wanted to ask how long they flew and in general - from where, but was too shy.
- We are from afar, - as if guessing the thoughts of a bear, the first one began.
“Very far away,” nodded the second.
- Our planet is so far away, - noticed the third, - that it is not visible.
- Where? - asked Little Bear.
- But nowhere.
- What is it like? - The hedgehog raised his head for the first time and looked directly at the potatoes in the shoots.
“You can’t see it anywhere,” said the third, smiling. - Nowhere, nowhere. We are from another galaxy. The Hedgehog and the Bear Cub looked at each other.
- from another solar system- silently, explained the first.
- Do you have ... the sun is different? - exhaled the Hedgehog.
- Another-another, - the aliens nodded and laughed softly. Having laughed, all three began to drink tea from saucers, eat cranberries and honey.
- You eat, eat, - the Hedgehog treated.
- Eat, - the Bear cub nodded.
- We have a lot, - said the Hedgehog. Enough for the whole winter!
- It's nothing that you have a different sun, - the Bear cub encouraged, grabbing more honey with a spoon and putting it on the aliens. - And honey is delicious everywhere!
"True, true," said the first without a sound.
- Yeah! Sour! - the third grimaced.
“And if you mix it, it will be sweet and sour,” said the Hedgehog.
He wanted to somehow better, more hospitably meet the aliens, so that here, on their land with the Bear Cub, in their forest, the aliens would be happy and good.
- We are happy!
- We are good!
- We are very satisfied! All the aliens spoke together. But the Hedgehog opened the hatch, went down to the cellar, took out mushrooms, lingonberries, and nuts - everything that they had in the house. And the Little Bear took the balalaika from the wall and began to play.
- Eh! Eh! - The hedgehog took a handkerchief and went to dance.
And the aliens, awkwardly pushing, got out from behind the table and danced around the Hedgehog. And the smallest one, the third one, squatted down.
"Ah, you canopy, my canopy!" - the Bear cub played.
And the appendages on the heads of the aliens moved.
And the Hedgehog kept dancing, the Bear cub was playing, and they didn’t even notice that there was no one in the house besides them.
- Oh! - hedgehog gasped and rushed to the window.
In the place where the plate sat, lay even, untouched snow. They ran out onto the porch - the young month, like a parrot, was sitting on a branch. And - not a trace, not a speck!
Only there were five cups on the table instead of two, but if the Hedgehog and the Bear cub were together, why would they need three more cups? The hedgehog felt himself, then - the Bear cub.
- We are, - said Bear cub.
- Yes, - whispered the Hedgehog.
And then they saw how a big star flew in through the open door and sat on the Christmas tree. The star flared up - and it became so beautiful that the Hedgehog and the Bear cub closed their eyes. And then an important Penguin entered through the open door - in a black tailcoat with a bow tie.
- Dance of the little swans! Penguin announced.
The music rose, the swans fluttered.
Snow-white swans danced, bending their flexible necks, and their dance was so beautiful that the Hedgehog and the Bear Cub began to cry.
Then everything disappeared, and only big butterfly Machaon was spinning, spinning, spinning under the ceiling, until the Hedgehog and the Bear cub, embracing, fell asleep on the bench.
And in the morning they saw such an elegant Christmas tree and so many gifts under it - that they would be enough for the whole forest.
There was a drum for the Hare, and a whistle for the Hamster, and a violin for the Komarik, and boots for the Piglet - you can’t count everything.
And then there was this letter:
Hedgehog and BEAR.

GDZ to the topic Spelling prefixes and prepositions

Exercise 179, p. 73

179. Read.

A. Pushkin

  • What is given in brackets: prepositions? prefixes? part of the root?
  • Write the sentence without brackets.
  • Underline the suggestions. Select attachments.

Exercise 180, p. 73

180. Read. Insert appropriate prefixes and missing letters.

M. Isakovsky

  • Underline the prepositions in the sentences, highlight the prefixes.

Exercise 181, p. 73

181. Work in pairs: remember and write down the prepositions that you know.

In, on, about, for, by, at, to, from, to, about, about, from, because of, from, under, before, over, through, for, with, without

Exercise 182, p. 74

182. Read the riddles. Insert prepositions into sentences. Write down the clues.

1. Fish in the sea, and the tail is on the fence. (Ladle.) 2. He came from the sky, left for the earth. (Rain.) 3. Under the pines, under the trees lies a bag of needles. (Hedgehog.) 4. He walks along the sea, he walks, and when he reaches the shore, he will disappear here. (Wave.)

  • Find antonyms in one of the riddles. Highlight the prefixes in these words.

came | came, left | left.

Exercise 183, p. 74

183. Read. Write the word combinations by inserting the missing letters and prepositions.

  • Highlight prefixes in words. Underline the suggestions.

Exercise 184, p. 74

184. Read. Make up phrases so that the words in them are connected in meaning with the help of these prepositions.

1. Stepped over a puddle.
2. Walked near the house.
3. Out of control.
4. Ring around the planet.

  • Orally compose a sentence with any phrase.

The boy stepped over the puddle.

Exercise 185, p. 75

185. Read. What is given in brackets: prefixes or prepositions? Insert the missing letters.

V. Fetisov

Exercise 186, p. 75

186. Read. Insert missing letters and end-of-sentence marks.

N. Krasilnikov

  • Write the text without brackets. Highlight prefixes in words. Underline the suggestions.

Spelling of words with a separating hard sign

Exercise 187, p. 76

187. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Here's what happened:
Moth seal b my fur coat with b ate.
on dv about re cracks pestilence about h,
A seal b and goal and boss.

  • Write out a word with a separating solid sign, pick up words with the same root for it, but with other prefixes. Write down these words.

Ate, ate, ate, overate, ate.

Exercise 188, p. 76

188. Read. Change the words or select words with the same root for them so that they have a dividing soft or dividing solid mark. Write it down.

Nightingale, happy, go, cook, huddle (from the cold), ear, explain, eat, amuse.

  • Complete one of the tasks:
    1. Underline the soft separating sign (b) with one line, and the hard separating sign (b) with two lines.
    2. Select the prefix in words with a solid separator.

Exercise 189, p. 77

189. Read. Insert the missing letters into the words.

1. To the construction site under b rode under b drain faucet. 2. Who is on the branch w and shki gra h and br about sal about b caustic down h? 3. With b film capacity already started a lass. 4. How to b cringed sleep e weight from the cold! 5. Fly agaric - carried b edible mushroom.

Exercise 190, p. 77

190. Work in pairs: discuss what sounds make pairs of words different.

ate - sat down ate - sat down
[y'el] - [s'el] [sy'el] - [s'el]

  • Say if the number of sounds and letters in the word ATE is the same. Say in order all the sounds in this word and give a description of each sound.

ate - [sy'el] 1 syllable
with [s] - acc., deaf. steam, solid par.
ъ [-]
e [th '] - acc., call. unpaired, soft unpaired
[e] - vowel. percussion
l [l] - cog l., call. unpaired, hard par.
4 points, 4 stars

Exercise 191, p. 77

191. Pick up and write down the words in which there are such signs:
a) soft sign denoting the softness of the preceding consonant sound:

octopus, palm tree, horse, five, large;

b) soft separator:

blizzard, family, watering, ants, housing;

c) a solid separating sign:

announcement, entrance, explain, filming, furious.

Exercise 192, p. 78

192. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

cool under b yup, time b furious beast, b clarify the problem b ruffled sparrow, under b sump faucet, with b edible mushroom, under b drive quietly, b reveal the winner.

  • Make up and write phrases with these words.
  • Write the underlined words, separating them with a hyphen.

disheveled, edible

Exercise 193, p. 78

193. Read. Explain the meaning of these expressions.

You can't eat without bones and fish. (This means that in any business there are difficulties that must be considered and overcome)
The cat knows whose meat it has eaten. (Realizes that he is guilty)
I can’t eat, but it’s a pity to leave. (The greedy one will not give anything to anyone, even if he himself does not need this thing)

  • Explain what the underlined letters do in words. Write down one of the expressions.

The highlighted letters are the separating b and b, they separate consonants from vowels. In the word "sorry" the soft sign is an indicator of the softness of the consonant.

You can't eat without bones and fish.

  • Work in pairs: write a story about one of these proverbs.

You can't eat without bones and fish

We went somehow to the forest for mushrooms Grandson and grandfather. The grandfather's basket is already full of mushrooms, but the grandson cannot find a single mushroom. He says to his grandfather:
- I have already run all the clearings more than you, there are no mushrooms, and you follow me on the heels and collect them. How so?
Grandfather answers:
- Without bones, granddaughters, and you can’t eat fish. I am not in a hurry, I rake up every bump, I look under dry leaves, mushrooms hide there.
The grandson began to try too, began to look closely at each mound and picked up a lot of mushrooms. And in the evening they cooked a delicious Georgian soup!

Exercise 194, p. 79

194. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Resurrected b e, about b phenomenon, joyfully b yu, uch e nicki rubs b his cla ss a, collection u under b riding school, ave and drove, l e snoe razdol b e, winter ska h ka, with e R e bristly in e y, push and thick snow, birds b and traces, oud and significant sound e rivers, times b rode full of oars b I.

Exercise 195, p. 79

195. Look at the picture. Compose text according to the picture. You can use the words from ex. 194.

  • Title the text. Write down the title and the written text.

Winter walk

The school put up an announcement that on Sunday all third-grade students were going to the forest. The collection is announced at the entrance of the school. On the appointed day, everyone gathered and went to the forest. The forest looked like a winter fairy tale. Fluffy snow lay in deep drifts. Silver frost adorned the trees. There are many bird tracks around. Suddenly, an amazing red animal ran ahead and climbed a tree. This is a squirrel. The guys watched how funny she gnawed a bump. Everyone went home in a great mood.

GDZ in Russian language Grade 3 Workbook

Possession of one's own speech to perfection is considered a sign of good taste, education and general sanity. Modern world built primarily on understanding social order owing to which there is an exchange of information flows. The current rhythm forces humanity to interact closely in all directions, and clearly, direct contact plays a major role. Today we will talk about the wonderful educational publication of the publishing house Enlightenment UMK "School of Russia". Russian language workbook Grade 3 Kanakina, Goretsky is a great addition to the main textbook. Carefully analyzing two branches educational material, the guys will be able to as soon as possible to study a huge base. In the process of mastering the most interesting exercises, incidents may arise that easily and simply lead to a stupor. This is extremely negative, will affect educational activity, and reduce the student's progress on all fronts. To prevent this from happening, experts across the country recommend using ready-made homework assignments. On the portal GdzPutin collected clues with correct answers to all existing questions, which means that a difficult task can no longer scare anyone.

The subject under consideration is quite interesting, which means that unexpected surprises and a variety of tricky puzzles await students. The Russian language throughout absolutely the entire school career is always aimed at one goal. Competent oral and written presentation of ideas. It is important not just to retell or come up with a text, you need to do it with all the rules that our vast speech is rich in. Third graders will focus their eyes on words that connect long sentences. Verbs, nouns, cases, etc. By honing the fundamental topics, it will be possible to get to the bottom of the essence and, most importantly, to understand why and what properties act in a particular case. Of course, the path will be long, because a multi-level system looms before the youngsters, with which, after getting to know each other, one must competently cooperate at all levels. It should be noted that the direction is one of the mandatory examination subjects. You should draw a conclusion, prioritize and gradually move towards the goal. Here to help in the analysis homework will be able online solution book, with its clear program correct answers.

GDZ to a notebook in Russian Kanakina for grade 3 offers to use unique offer, solve D / Z quickly and without hesitation. The cheat sheet has solutions for any example on its pages and the child only needs to rewrite. Also have complete analysis exercises, it is this particle that is considered the most priceless. Increasingly, one can observe those who choose on their own school way faithful comrade in the face GDZ and has no doubts about the choice.

GDZ in the Russian language Grade 3 Workbook

Possession of one's own speech to perfection is considered a sign of good taste, education and general sanity. The modern world is built, first of all, on the understanding of the social system, due to which there is an exchange of information flows. The current rhythm forces humanity to interact closely in all directions, and clearly, direct contact plays a major role. Today we will talk about the wonderful educational publication of the publishing house Enlightenment UMK "School of Russia". Russian language workbook Grade 3 Kanakina, Goretsky is a great addition to the main textbook. By carefully analyzing the two branches of educational material, the guys will be able to study a huge database in the shortest possible time. In the process of mastering the most interesting exercises, incidents may arise that easily and simply lead to a stupor. This is extremely negative, will affect educational activity, and reduce the student's progress on all fronts. To prevent this from happening, experts across the country recommend using ready-made homework assignments. On the portal GdzPutin collected clues with correct answers to all existing questions, which means that a difficult task can no longer scare anyone.

The subject under consideration is quite interesting, which means that students are in for unexpected surprises and a variety of tricky puzzles. The Russian language throughout absolutely the entire school career is always aimed at one goal. Competent oral and written presentation of ideas. It is important not just to retell or come up with a text, you need to do it with all the rules that our vast speech is rich in. Third graders will focus their eyes on words that link long sentences. Verbs, nouns, cases, etc. By honing the fundamental topics, it will be possible to get to the bottom of the essence and, most importantly, to understand why and what properties act in a particular case. Of course, the path will be long, because a multi-level system looms before the youngsters, with which, after getting to know each other, one must competently cooperate at all levels. It should be noted that the direction is one of the mandatory examination subjects. You should draw a conclusion, prioritize and gradually move towards the goal. Here you can help in the analysis of homework online solution book, with its clear program correct answers.

GDZ to a notebook in Russian Kanakina for grade 3 offers to take advantage of a unique offer, to solve D / C quickly and without hesitation. The cheat sheet has solutions for any example on its pages and the child only needs to rewrite. There is also a complete analysis of the exercises, it is this piece that is considered the most invaluable. Increasingly, one can observe those who choose a faithful comrade on their school path in the face of GDZ and has no doubts about the choice.