Asymmetrical curtains for the bedroom. Asymmetrical curtains: down with balance. Short models for a small kitchen

In our business and rational world Often you have to deal with straight lines and symmetrical shapes. Out of habit, we often decorate our homes this way, forgetting that consistency can be very boring. But adding a special mood to any interior is very simple. It is enough to choose asymmetrical curtains for the windows.

Why are they needed and how to choose them correctly, how to beautifully decorate a window opening with them and what practical benefits do they provide? asymmetrical curtains?

This concept can hide a variety of images, surprisingly diverse and dissimilar from each other.

  • One of the most common options is panels of different lengths. The right curtain is shorter, the left one is longer. Or vice versa. Most often, this option is used when decorating windows with an adjacent door leading to a balcony or loggia.
  • Sometimes only one part of the entire “curtain complex” is made asymmetrical. For example, a layer of transparent tulle looks completely classic, and only one curtain is used, but diagonally across the window. Often at the same time it is also collected. Then you get an asymmetrical semicircle of fabric. This option looks very beautiful when made with dense, heavy, shiny fabric.
  • One curtain can be asymmetrical, which closes the entire window. One of its edges is made shorter, sometimes even just to the middle of the window, and the second goes down in smooth folds to the floor. This asymmetry is suitable for transparent fabrics, including multi-layer combinations. In this case, you can choose curtains of a completely ordinary type. This basic asymmetry can be supplemented, for example, with canvases Japanese curtains which will give more modern look room and emphasize its dynamics.
  • Asymmetry can also be created by individual elements of curtains, for example, lambrequins. The luxurious asymmetrical finish of the lush and majestic curtains looks original. With asymmetrical lambrequins, such curtains look quite relevant and stylish. The archaic and old-fashioned nature of the draperies and lush folds is offset by the dynamism of the decoration.
  • Asymmetry can be created not only by the shape or length, but also by the color of the curtains. Having made panels of paired curtains different colors, you can achieve the same dynamics, and additionally create an original color accent or support the overall interior of the room.
  • Another type of asymmetrical curtains lies in the way they are controlled. Sometimes the entire canvas moves when opened to only one side, and is fixed there, for example, with a decorative tie. When closed, such a curtain is a classic model, and when opened, it creates a very dynamic asymmetrical image for the window opening.

Using asymmetrical curtains in the interior

In what cases will asymmetry of curtains be justified and appropriate, and when is it more prudent to abandon it?

  1. Window irregular shape– an excellent reason to use asymmetrical curtains. A variety of attic, ceiling, polygonal windows really need to be decorated unusual curtains. You won’t find any options in such cases! One corner curtain, curtains beveled at different angles, moved only in one direction, combining different lengths and even widths. Such windows provide great opportunity in order to show remarkable imagination.
  2. Another reason for decorating a room with asymmetrical curtains is the desire to give the interior more dynamics, to make it relevant, interesting, and more mobile. This is where experimenting with different lengths and colors comes in handy. It would be appropriate to use multi-layer asymmetrical curtains. If you just want to add some modern accent to the interior, stop at the soft shapes of asymmetrical curtains. To you suitable option when unevenness appears in only one element - a lambrequin or a layer of transparent curtains.
  3. The desire to adjust the geometry of the room is another reason to use asymmetrical curtains. Curtains of various lengths will help balance a disproportionate balcony block, and bright asymmetrical curtains placed on window opening short wall. Such curtains will attract the eye, a short wall with a window will appear closer, and the room will appear more square.

In what cases is it better to avoid using asymmetrical curtains?

But there are also situations when it is better to refuse asymmetrical curtains:

  • In too small spaces. Such curtains look out of place in tiny rooms and only overload the interior.
  • In rooms crowded with furniture and interior items. The design of such a room is already oversaturated with details; asymmetrical curtains will simply get lost against this colorful background.
  • Specialized, official premises are not the place to experiment with textile fantasies. Even in the private offices of doctors or private consultants, not to mention government and financial institutions, such curtains are inappropriate, since people come precisely for stability and confidence. Therefore, even a hint of frivolity can damage the image of a company or institution.
  • In places where there is too much light, movement and events. For example, the room of a hyperactive child is not the best place for asymmetrical curtains. Yes and in groups kindergarten, school classrooms or in the living room of a large family, such curtains will not be appropriate.
  • In prim classic interiors, close to authenticity, fantasies on the theme of asymmetry will only disrupt the holistic design image. The same applies to very old interiors. It will not be possible to revive them only with the help of asymmetrical curtains; you will have to decide on some other alterations.

In order to emphasize the dynamics of the created image, it is important to choose the right one color scheme curtains

  1. If you have chosen one of the curtain elements as an object of asymmetry, then you do not need to highlight it with color. It would be better if it remained in the same tone as the main color scheme.
  2. Having settled on curtains of different lengths, it is wiser to also make them the same color, then they will look like a single complex, and not dissimilar elements. If you decide to make it asymmetrical transparent curtain, then you can safely order external curtains in a contrasting color or pattern.
  3. You settled on the option of color asymmetry, when you have curtains of the same length and design, but different color? Great. The main thing is to choose colors that are harmonious. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you can use these tips experienced designers and select combinations according to color wheel Itten. Colors located opposite each other in a circle will give you contrasting and energetic combinations: red - green, orange - blue. For a more subdued mood, use shades four colors apart from each other. For example, lilac - yellow or lilac - blue.
  4. Do you want to create an asymmetrical look, but don't want curtains in different colors and sizes? You can choose the same curtains, but make them asymmetrical using a pattern. On one curtain it can be large and noticeable, but on another it may be completely absent. You can choose a pattern on both curtains, but on one it can be large and on the other small, or you can choose patterns of different colors.

As you can see, asymmetrical curtains can be very diverse in both shape and color. With their help, you can not only change the geometry of a window or the atmosphere of a room, but also create an original, creative interior with just a few touches.

If you are tired of classic and regular curtains monotonous shapes and colors, they can be diversified by using one detail.

You can use asymmetrical curtains. They will be able to change the appearance of the room and doorway.

The room will be unusual and individual. Curtains of this type can be used on doors and windows.

The photographs contain a large number of design examples of what the design of a room with asymmetrical curtains will look like.

They will fit into any interior and add romance and unusualness. Use your imagination and create an atmosphere that will be pleasant and cozy for you.


With the use of asymmetrical curtains, you can create a variety of images of space.

Curtains of different lengths are a very popular type. This design option would be good for a balcony with a door.

You can make different lengths on only one side of the curtain. You can make air curtains attached diagonally.

One such curtain can completely cover a window opening.

The difference in length can be made by using different decorative techniques or simply by controlling the curtains differently. The curtain can be moved to one side and picked up in an original way.

So, you can experiment not only with the placement of the curtain and its material, but also with its color.


It is necessary to focus on the fact that sometimes it is better to cancel the use of curtains of this type.

This is unacceptable if you have windows in your apartment. unusual shape(not rectangular). But if the windows have a classic shape, then decorating them in an original way would be the best option.

Asymmetrical curtains are modern decor and help change the visual space of the room. For example, they will correct uneven ceilings or walls.

To create the necessary atmosphere and comfort, experiment with colors.

Asymmetrical curtains in the living room

The living room is considered main room in the house and should always look impeccable and stylish. Asymmetrical curtains will help highlight her individuality.

Here you can choose any size and shade of curtains. You can create any designs.

You can even make lush asymmetrical curtains; it will look balanced and unusual. For sophistication, you can add decorations, for example, lambrequins.

Asymmetrical curtains in the bedroom

In the bedroom there will be asymmetrical curtains in the theme, delicate and soft, for coziness. Airy tulle curtains would be a good addition.

Kitchen window design

Large and heavy curtains are not suitable for the kitchen, but asymmetrical curtains are ideal for the kitchen.

In most cases, short curtains are used in the kitchen; they are practical and look beautiful. But you can also choose original asymmetrical curtains that will look quite appropriate.

Color spectrum

To create a design in which curtains will contribute, you need to choose their color correctly.

If asymmetrical curtains are made of one element, then it is better to use several shades. Curtains are not the same length, it is better to use one color.

If tulle creates asymmetry, you can use different shades.

Asymmetry can be created with different colors, which will look stylish and beautiful. The curtain will be the same length, but thanks to the different colors, visually it will look asymmetrical.

Photo of asymmetrical curtains in the interior

Traditional window decoration with straight curtains is no longer fashionable. This interior is beautiful and cozy, but does not contain any zest. This is felt by the owners of apartments or houses, whose vision of the interior requires non-standard solutions. The solution will be asymmetrical curtains - ideas on how to decorate rooms are described in detail in this article.

Types of asymmetrical curtains

The most understandable design of windows is with canvases of different lengths. It is traditionally used for balcony blocks - a long curtain hides the door, and short curtains cover the windows. Further:

Use canvases different shapes, length, color, means giving free rein to your imagination. However, you cannot do without special knowledge, so it is important to listen to the advice of designers and find own version, which suits the interior owners according to the parameters.

The decoration and design of the window with asymmetrically shaped curtains is appropriate for the corresponding openings. Let us describe which ones in detail:

  • Balcony blocks. Corner fabrics are acceptable there. Multi-layered fabric is encouraged - light tulle, with trim sewn around the edges, flounces, ruffles and traditionally long textiles on the side balcony door. The fabric for it is dense, with a spark. Such options include asymmetrical curtains for the living room, where the block is present - this is traditional for standard apartments.
  • Attic window openings of non-traditional shapes - round, triangular or trapezoidal. It is important to emphasize the opening itself, so curtains for an asymmetrically located window should not be multi-layered - one base sheet divided into two halves is enough.
  • Bay windows. These are the ledges of an apartment or house with windows located nearby. They are built in both traditional rectangular elongated shapes and arched ones. Such openings are located in the halls, so asymmetrical multi-layer curtains for the living room are without clutter. There are enough chic side panels on the floor and different sizes on the openings themselves. The composition looks complete if you purchase a flexible cornice for all windows.

  • Arches. The most difficult to decorate are asymmetrical canvases. Therefore, they play to emphasize the form. Interesting design curtains for the living room are emphasized by cornices and tiebacks that reveal the splendor of the window. On arches, a different layering is appropriate than on simple openings– Roman or roller blinds+ corner panels on the outside.
  • Several openings on one wall of the room. This layout is simply a godsend for asymmetry. The inner fabric will traditionally be tulle, and it’s not a bad idea to play with the outer ones. For this, one strip of base fabric is used, and a second strip is attached to it with a decorative tie, less dense and strikingly different in color, but without being dissonant - a shade from the same line.

Another option for curtains for asymmetrical walls is swags twisted around the cornice, with one end falling to the floor. In this case, the tulle is dense, not translucent or, in extreme cases, translucent. Cannot be used dark colors, since this will overload the room with darkness, and a large number of windows means receiving sufficient light.

Before purchasing such curtains, it is important to visually present the finished picture. There are all the “tools” for this - detailed examples online design, 3D modeling and more. The Internet makes it possible to leave a question to a designer online and receive an answer to your question regarding a specific task in a short period of time.

  • Small rooms do not accept irregular fabric lines. A non-symmetrical curtain for a small room will look out of place, reducing the already un-royal size of the window. For them, traditional fabrics are always considered - multi-layer curtains and floor-length tulle.
  • Children's rooms. Playing with fabrics is more appropriate in rooms common use. Asymmetrical curtains for children's bedrooms will be overloaded; for children's eyes during games, this is contraindicated.
  • Rest rooms. Sleeping curtains for irregularly shaped windows still remain a traditional shape, since asymmetry involves leaving the edge of the window open, which is inappropriate for sleeping. And heavy fabrics, selected specifically for the bedroom, should fall to the floor, without forming diagonals.
  • Rooms with big amount furniture and accessories also do not accept overload with asymmetrical textiles - everything will merge into one large woven spot.
  • Cabinets do not welcome multi-layering. Ruffles, lambrequins and other things that make the room a kind of alcove. In offices, curtains with asymmetrical ties are not used - this is bad manners.
  • In interiors of new styles - high-tech or minimalism, canvases with lambrequins or asymmetrical curtains for the kitchen, bedroom, living room will become out of the general concept. For such a vision, only multi-layers of light curtains and blinds are possible.

The correct design of window decoration with asymmetrical canvases must be verified at the stage of purchasing such canvases.

Curtains should be one with the room

It is also worth thinking about working with your own hands if the skill of working on sewing machine There is. A variety of curtain shapes - corner, with lapels, puffs - will transform a simple window and highlight the non-standard one.

Everyone knows what symmetry is. In most interiors, everything is arranged symmetrically. But sometimes in an interior “laid out on shelves”, you want something original. Asymmetrical curtains, lambrequin or tulle will help here: they, no worse than mirrors and lamps, can transform space, create illusions, and emphasize the originality of the interior. In addition, you can make a simple model of them yourself. The opportunity to create something extraordinary appears when you need to make curtains for irregularly shaped windows. It is precisely these windows - asymmetrical, beveled and oblique - that will be discussed in this article.

Such window decoration is also an excellent option for non-standard cases in the layout of premises: in attics, on windows with balconies, when the window opening has a polyhedron shape or is located on the ceiling.

Another option when asymmetry can save space is a window in a small kitchen, located closer to the corner of the room. Due to space saving, it sometimes turns out to be partially blocked household appliances or furniture, and hanging a curtain in a darkened corner will not work. A simple option is suitable here: a bias curtain, lambrequin or curtain, which are easy to sew with your own hands.

What is asymmetry?

Several ways to design a window asymmetrically:

  1. Use curtains of different lengths. This option is most justified for a window with a balcony;

    Asymmetrical, but simple - curtain on one side with a tie-down

  2. Instead of two curtains, hang one wide one, securing it with a tie on only one side;

    The design of the living room kitchen takes into account the furniture, thanks to which the curtains form a single ensemble with the interior in coral-brown tones

  3. Choose an asymmetrical lambrequin according to style;

  4. Decorate the window with a curtain cut diagonally. On one side, only part of the window will be covered; on the other, the curtain can reach the window sill or the floor. Such a model, suitable just for the kitchen, is easy to create with your own hands;

    Lambrequin curtains, cut on the bias, made in two layers - an option for the kitchen-living room

  5. Decorate the opening with a multi-layer composition, where the curtain, lambrequin and curtain fabric consist of several parts of different shapes and lengths;

  6. Take advantage of “symmetrical asymmetry” - hang curtains on two adjacent windows on one side in a mirror image;

  7. Play with color: choose identical curtains in different colors (or take one plain canvas, and the second with a pattern).

    Bias curtain on one side for a kitchen with a balcony, in bright colors, corresponding to the interior

This, as they say, is where the nuances begin. Color and pattern are a special topic when creating asymmetry. Asymmetrical curtains in themselves are a powerful design technique. Variety can cover up other details of the design idea. Therefore, below are some “color” tips for curtains of irregular shape.

Color palette and designs: do not create dissonance

Don’t try to collect all the beautiful textiles that you have stored for the room into one ensemble on the windows. Instead of an “interior symphony” you get an “amateur artistic performance”. Here are some tips on how to maintain a sense of proportion when decorating a window with your own hands.

If the window composition as a whole is symmetrical, and there is only one “wrong” element in it, it is preferable to highlight it with color, or choose more dark tone.

It is advisable to leave two curtains of different lengths the same color. But in combination with identical curtains and an asymmetrical curtain, the color of the former can be contrasting.

In multi-layered ensembles it is better not to be colorful. If they consist entirely of transparent fabrics, let them all be plain. Choose shades based on how they look when placed on top of each other. If the composition is completed by curtains or a lambrequin, they can be with a pattern, but the tulle part remains monochromatic.

Avoid combining two fabrics with different patterns. Such combinations are only possible for a professional.

Photo gallery of asymmetrical curtains

We sew asymmetrical window decorations with our own hands

Let's try to sew the flirty model shown in the photo. This is one of the options suitable for a kitchen with a window in the corner of the wall.

The bottom fabric is very easy to sew. Determine the length as desired, take approximately double the width (for assembly). The bottom cut is finished with a tight zigzag stitch or a roller stitch, if your machine has one. A curtain tape is attached to the top edge.

For the most draped curtain, you will also need at least two widths of fabric (if you want a more fluffy gather, take an even wider fabric). The length is also arbitrary (in the photo - up to the window sill).

We process the upper and lower cuts in the same way as the first option. Now we begin to create the “highlight” - the oblique drapery. It is obtained by tightening a cord stretched along an oblique line.

To determine its location, you can hang the curtain on the curtain rod and secure it with a rope or tape in the right place. Mark the beginning and end points of this line from the wrong side, then lay out the canvas and connect these points from the wrong side with chalk or soap.

The drawstring for the cord itself can be designed in different ways:

  1. Sew bias tape along the line and thread the rope through it. Connect the ends and secure them to the outer hook, pulling them to the desired amount.
  2. Instead of trim, you can sew the same curtain tape - the gathering will be uniform.
  3. Thread an elastic band into the drawstring, which is used in belts to regulate volume - it has holes for buttons. By sewing a button on the inside of the top edge of the gather, you can also change the size of the gather.

Sewing such a curtain with your own hands is not a difficult task. All that remains is to iron the product.

Asymmetrical curtains are a difficult element of the interior. But, chosen correctly, they can change it beyond recognition.

If you are bored with straight lines and monotony of interior shapes, we recommend paying attention to asymmetrical curtains. They are able to add zest to the template design of rooms, making it non-trivial and not boring. How to achieve an interesting effect? We will talk about this below, and also present several original design ideas.

What do asymmetrical curtains look like?

This concept implies the most various options, among which:

  • Stepwise fixation of curtains with decorative tiebacks. The advantage of this solution is that the fabric gets dirty less, since the curtains are located at a sufficient height from the floor. Suitable for the kitchen or nursery.
  • Parallel curtains of different lengths - the right one is longer, the left one is shorter, or vice versa. Similar option usually practiced when decorating a window leading to a balcony or loggia.
  • Multi-layering, when one curtain for the entire window reaches its middle, and the second goes down to the floor. The fabric should be transparent.
  • Asymmetry in color. By choosing several plain curtains of different colors, you can get the same effect and additionally create an unusual color accent.
  • Asymmetry in the way curtains are controlled. Such a canvas in closed looks standard, but when opened it shifts to the right or left side and is secured there with tie-backs, tape, tassels and other decorative accessories.
  • Curtain from thick fabric, covering the window opening diagonally.

  • In fact, there are not so few options for asymmetrical curtains, the main thing is that the design you choose does not “stray” from the overall concept of the interior.

    Terms of use

    The use of asymmetrical curtains in the interior is not permissible in all cases; when choosing such a design, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the window openings, as well as the features of the room. So, in what cases will asymmetry be very appropriate? Let's consider successful examples with visual photos.

    Asymmetrical windows (round, triangular, trapezoidal) are simply created for their design. Here it is important to emphasize the non-standard nature of the window opening itself, and therefore the curtain should be transparent. And no layering!

    Several windows on one wall. Asymmetrical curtains fit perfectly into this layout. In this case, you can use multi-layering: let the inner fabric be tulle, but you can experiment with the outer one. Two strips of fabric of different colors are selected, one of which runs along a horizontal line, and the second is fixed on it with decorative tiebacks. The color of the fabrics should not be discordant - the combination of shades with each other is important.

    Asymmetrical curtains in design are also used for the purpose of visual correction of geometric defects in the room. An asymmetrical lambrequin and lush ruffles (as in the photo below) will help to visually “stretch out” a wide, low window in old buildings. Space narrow room will add curtains with drapery and an asymmetrical bandeau the length of the entire wall, and balance the elongated rectangular roombright curtains on the window located on short wall. Canvases of different widths or lengths will help balance the proportions of a loggia or balcony.

    Asymmetry will look inappropriate in the following cases:

  1. Small spaces. You should know that such curtains overload the interior; they will “eat up” the space of an already tiny room.
  2. Rooms decorated in hi-tech, classicism or minimalism. A detail such as asymmetrical curtains will not fit into the overall design concept; light tulle curtains or blinds will look more harmonious here.
  3. Rooms filled with furniture and other interior accessories. Curtains with asymmetry run the risk of adding overload to the design and unnecessary “tinsel.”
  4. Office premises, work rooms. Non-standard design solutions This is not the place - it will look tasteless and frivolous.
  5. Children's rooms. Disproportionality of shapes and lines will have an adverse effect on the child’s psyche, and besides, such textile experiments are simply useless here. But in the room of a teenager who, due to his age, prefers something unusual, asymmetrical curtains will come in handy.

Asymmetrical curtains in the interior of various rooms

Curtains with asymmetry will be appropriate in the design of any room, the main thing is to choose the right type, texture and color.

In the living room

The living room is the heart of any home, and a certain solemnity and splendor must prevail in it. Therefore, asymmetrical curtains will fit into the decor just perfectly. You can safely experiment with the length and width of curtains, drapery and tiebacks, color and texture of fabric.

For example, for a living room with non-ideal proportions, curtains of different colors (from light to dark), or options where the asymmetry is expressed in the length of the main canvas (see photo below) are perfect.

If you need to add a little mystery to the room by dimming sunlight, thick curtains should be used in an ensemble with airy tulle or organza.

In the bedroom

It is better to choose soft, airy ones, with a smooth flow of shapes and shades, with light drapery - nothing pretentious, distracting or bulky. Curtains with a diagonal offset or an open edge of the window will not work here - the sun should not shine in the face of those sleeping. One of good options is to fasten the main fabric (preferably tulle) to the eyelets and fix the decorative lambrequin to the bracket a little higher. It should fall down in spectacular folds.