Perennial flowers for summer cottages - planting and care without unnecessary effort! Perennial flowers for the garden

Flowers and plants are those beautiful creatures that fill any garden with juicy joyful colors, indescribable harmony and comfort. And their diversity surprises the imagination: more than 300 thousand annuals and perennials!

Yes, inveterate gardeners have a lot to choose from. And now we offer you a look at just a few of the perennial undemanding species.

Varieties of perennials that do not require care

We call undemanding flowers and plants that have been growing in one place for years, resistant to frost and almost no need for care. All conditions for them are in the right place, good "neighbors" and periodic watering.

Unpretentious perennial flowers blooming all summer, you can grow from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can buy the rhizome of an already adult plant in a container and plant it in the ground.

Important! If you prefer the first option, then in no case sow perennial seeds directly into the ground. Only the seedling method is suitable for them. In the open ground, there is a high probability that they will not rise.

Let's get acquainted with these versatile creatures, which we hope will help you transform your garden into a piece of paradise!

Perennial flowers

Name Description
Lupine Due to its adaptability to life in all conditions, it is often called a weed. Lupine seeds germinate even in the cracks between. However, it has many colors (the variegated lupines are especially magnificent) and very decorative carved leaves.

Lupine can be planted as separate sections"Solo" and in combination with other plants. The shape of its inflorescences will perfectly complement the structure of any flower bed. To grow seedlings, you need to plant the seeds early.

Well, if you plant a perennial rhizome right away, then flowering will be in the same year. Any soil is suitable for lupine. True, the instruction prescribes to plant it in sunny places.

Phlox These unpretentious perennial garden flowers are indispensable when decorating a site! A sea of ​​varieties of phlox with flowers of different shades. There are even "chameleons" that change their color depending on the lighting from bright crimson to lilac. Phlox behave similarly to weeds - they take root without any problems and grow abundantly, sometimes displacing their "neighbors". They grow well both in the sun and in partial shade (partial shade is preferable).

For information! Phloxes can delight with their beauty up to 8 years without any care. But over time, their flowers become smaller, so feeding in the form of any fertilizers or organic matter will periodically come in handy. It is also recommended to sometimes water them abundantly - then the inflorescences will be large, and the stem will not be exposed.

To extend the life of phlox, once every 6 years, the rhizomes must be dug out with their own hands, chopped up and transferred to new places. It is better to plant these perennials in early spring.

Rudbeckia and Echinacea Rudbeckia and Echinacea will give any flower garden a structure and successfully decorate the background, in harmony with the rest of the "inhabitants" of your flower bed.

It is most advisable to grow your seedlings by sowing seeds in pots at the end of February. There are no problems with germination of these flowers, so you will certainly get quality seedlings, which will successfully take root in one place.

The type of soil does not matter. You can plant rudbeckia and echinacea in spring or summer. Water them abundantly at first and weed thoroughly.

Periodic feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous. These are such simple manipulations, and next early spring the flowers will already delight with their positivity!

Perhaps the most unpretentious garden flowers are familiar to everyone! They are just one of those about which one can say “grow by themselves.” The real name is dissected rudbeckia, which is popularly considered a weed. Rudbeckia may well become a decoration of the garden, only one needs an eye and an eye behind it, so that it does not fill the entire area with itself.

Sedum These unpretentious perennial garden flowers begin to bloom at the end of August and bloom until the first winter frost. Loves sandy soil and sun rays.

Sage Sage blooms from June to late summer. Undemanding to the ground. Due to its low growth (30-50 cm), it can be planted even in miniature flower beds.

Iris A very elegant flower, suitable not only for flower beds, but also for decorating recreation areas, small ponds, monoclumbus. Iris is quite varied in size and color. For example, there are small bulbous flowers that are indispensable for alpine slides. Some iris varieties prefer moisture and partial shade, others prefer open sunny areas. Well, in general, they are undemanding, they only need sufficient watering and periodic sprinkling of rhizomes with earth. This flower multiplies by simple division of the root, which is desirable to do in early spring.

Astilba Garden unpretentious flowers blooming magnificently even in large shade. therefore different varieties astilbes are used as decorations in the most secluded spots in the garden. The only thing they need is wet soil. Flowering begins around July and lasts 10 weeks.

Gelenium Replete for a very long time and abundantly! If you choose the right varieties, then you can contemplate the flowering of helenium from the beginning of June to the end of October.

Not only flowers will help to ennoble the site, but also such unpretentious green plants for the garden as fern, budra, tenacious, pachisander, cuff, maiden grapes, kirkazon or clematis, shade-loving vines and others. They grow quickly and hassle-free.

Create a flower paradise or design ideas

To get a truly paradise, it is not enough just to plant perennials. An important nuance is their correct disembarkation and a well-composed composition.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. "Blooming carpet"- a rainbow lawn strewn with small wildflowers! It is only necessary to plant low varieties of perennials and annuals in the designated place. These can be chamomile, clover, cornflowers, poppies, helenium, sage, daisies, etc.

  1. "Living" arches and gazebos. If you have similar designs on your site, why not make them more colorful? Gracefully climbing and unpretentious garden plants will do the trick!

These include:

  • Clematis or clematis. A charming handsome man and a seducer of eyes! In beauty, he can safely compete with overseas wonders. Its large flowers of various colors fall from a two-meter height like a waterfall. Luxurious bloom for several weeks - this is a must see!

  • Girlish grapes. Vertical gardening with this weaving plant looks very impressive. In autumn, its leaves turn into a charming raspberry-blackberry color. The decorative fruits of grapes are also pleasing to the eye. Plus, it has a special "creep" and can cling to any surface.

Attention! Maiden grapes give a large annual growth (somewhere up to 3.5 meters). This nuance should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting it.

  • Treelike kampsis is a liana, incomparable in terms of vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness! She does not care about heat, showers, pests and diseases. It blooms incessantly from June to September. Campsis will decorate a gazebo, fence, arch, entrance group or canopy. The intricate shape of its flowers is an oriental mood.

The only negative is that the vine grows by leaps and bounds. But this is not a reason to refuse such a miracle! You can just plant it in a narrow, clamped place, where there will be nowhere to grow further.

  • Climbing roses. Luxurious flowering and captivating aroma make them the real “queens” of the garden! What could be more pleasant than a cup of tea in the early morning in a pink scent? Perhaps the best start to a new day.

  • From annuals - ornamental beans, peas and morning glory. Having planted them once, you will definitely want to see these mischievous vines in your garden next year. With their vigorous weaving up, they diversify a boring post, tree trunk, gate or fence.

  1. Flowerbeds, mixborders, rabatki, alpine slides... In order for these flower beds to dazzle as long as possible, gardeners recommend combining perennials with annuals. The first ones will become the basis, the background. And the latter will help to bring fresh notes to flower beds from year to year.


In conclusion, let us say that for a stable full-fledged flowering of undemanding garden plants you need to give them maximum attention right away, so that later you can rest and contemplate the beauty. It would be nice to pre-fertilize the soil and prepare the seedlings for planting, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

The result of the work will not be long in coming. If you decide to refine your garden, be sure to watch the video in this article. We wish you awesome blooming creations!

The harsh Siberian conditions are the main obstacle to the cultivation of perennial flowers in this area. The fact is that perennials are plants whose roots remain in the soil both in summer and in winter. Perennial flowers for Siberia and the Urals must have a very frost-resistant root system. For this reason, many Siberian gardeners prefer not to take risks and make do with only annual plants in the summer. What flowers and ornamental shrubs still take root in a cool region, and how to choose varieties, taking into account all their features, we will tell you today.

Pros and cons of perennial flowers for Siberia

Of course in creation perennial flower beds more positive aspects... Let's note the main two: you do not need to spend time every year on arranging a flower garden, choosing the right varieties; the plants have already taken root and are more likely to sprout in the spring.

There are also disadvantages to the Siberian stationary flower bed: even flowers adapted to winter may not survive the harsh winter; frost-resistant plants often emerge later and grow more slowly than annuals, so not everyone can mature and bloom in the summer in the Urals.

What exactly will grow, and how not to miscalculate with the choice of varieties? For you, Siberian flower growers, the most popular perennial flowers that will 100% withstand your harsh climate.

Top 10 popular frost-resistant perennials for Siberia

# 1: Juniper

Juniper is a very profitable ornamental shrub in every sense. Although the name of this plant has southern "notes", almost all of its varieties are successfully grown in the harsh Russian climate, including the northern regions. Junipers love moisture and well-drained planting sites. Penumbra is the best place for this plant. The most successful varieties: Blue Carpet, Daursky, Pfitseriana Aureya, Akari and others.

# 2: Ryabinnik

Fieldfare is a universal contender for the Ural garden. It grows well, both in the shade and in the sun, loves watering and periodic mineral fertilizing, grows up to 3 meters. This Siberian unpretentious shrub is prized not only for its decorative foliage, which plays with different colors throughout the season. Its dense white or pink bloom fills the garden with aroma and romance. The fieldberry blooms for at least 30 days, and blooms in different ways, depending on the beginning of the heat in the region. A month of stable warming - and your fieldfare is all in bloom!

# 3: Snowberry

Snowberry is an amazing ornamental shrub with rounded dark green leaves. In spring, the varieties of the snowberry bloom, and by summer, its branches are dotted with pink or white round fruits. This plant is classified as shade-tolerant unpretentious perennial shrubs... Its most frost-resistant variety is the Chenot snowberry. Its pink fruits, while not edible, can help pollinate nearby plants by attracting bees.

# 4: Erantis Siberian

The first lark of your spring garden surprisingly bright yellow flowers of erantis (spring) can become. Delicate buds often appear directly from under the snow, as if in a hurry to tell all Siberian residents that spring has come!

Powerful root system allows the spring plant not to freeze out in the harsh Ural conditions. It is absolutely unpretentious to care for, grows quickly and pleases the owners with abundant spring flowering.

# 5: The True Bedstraw

An amazing plant with thick yellow flowering panicles looks very stylish in any garden. The bedstraw is not only decorative, but also medicinal flower... Decoctions of its flowers and leaves help to overcome depression, ulcerative colitis, liver and kidney pathologies.

This perennial, hardy to any conditions, grows well in the sun, in partial shade, on hills, flower beds, near hedges or near the porch. The bedstraw blooms all summer. In our region, you can also grow fragrant bedstraw, which will fill your garden with a thick aroma from May to June.

No. 6: Small-flowered Clematis

Clematis is an ideal plant for the Siberian climate. It blooms unpretentious plant thick white flowers. Thanks to the climbing branches, this perennial is great for creating hedges, gazebos, arches and balconies.

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M annual flowers blooming in the warm season are the dream of many summer residents. Such plants can easily endure winter time. Decorate own plot flowers can be done without much hassle. After all, many crops do not require hard labor during planting and complex care. A catalog of perennial flowers for a summer residence will help to understand the variety of plant options: a photo with names, which will allow you to consider all the options well.

The beauty of perennial crops

Perennials are cheaper than conventional crops, since such a plant can be divided into several parts during planting. Planting is done in autumn. This uses bulbs, seeds or roots.

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Pansies: planting and care, photos of bright colors

Pansies are distinguished by heart-shaped leaves and grow to a height of no more than 20 cm. The plant has flowers of white, purple, blue or yellow color. Flowering occurs in spring and summer periods... In this case, the seeds are planted in June. The plant thrives on shaded areas. Seedlings are periodically fertilized with water-soluble fertilizing. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are especially recommended. This culture can be used to decorate flower beds, borders and all kinds of alpine slides.

Helpful information! Pansies are prized in folk medicine. The plant contains medicinal essential oils and trace elements. Moreover, this culture has antiseptic, expectorant and even diuretic effects. Preparations containing this plant reduce vascular permeability. The plant helps with chronic bronchitis, whooping cough and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Asters: planting and care in the open field, varieties

Perennial asters are grown in areas exposed to the sun. In this case, the earth must be moistened. This crop can grow in one place for 6 years. A perennial requires simple care. It requires loosening of the soil and treatment with a preparation from powdery mildew and rot. Reproduction and transplantation of the plant is carried out in the spring. Shrub plants are characterized by frost resistance.

Perennials are of the following types:

  • Alpine type of aster belongs to undersized plants.
  • Italian blooms from July to September. The plant has pink, lilac and dark blue flowers.
  • New Belgian aster can grow up to one and a half meters in height. Moreover, the diameter of the inflorescences is small, about 25 mm.
  • New English became popular in Russia. The bushes of this perennial can reach two meters.

Helpful information! Asters are used in rose gardens and gravel gardens. They go well with geraniums and violets.

Periwinkle: planting and care, photos of unusual specimens

Periwinkle is not only a beautiful flower, but is also considered useful plant that is able to bring wealth, love and protection to the home.

This perennial is divided into the following varieties:

  • Lesser periwinkle refers to frost-resistant and unpretentious plants.
  • Large periwinkle grows up to 30 cm in height.
  • The herbaceous species blooms in June with many blue flowers.
  • The pubescent periwinkle belongs to the wild species.

For landscape design, varieties such as periwinkle alba, rubra, variegata, pink or variegated are often used. This perennial is best grown in areas with medium light or even in shady areas. Feels good in the near-trunk environment of apple and cherry trees. The plant must be fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers. It does not require special watering.

Helpful information! Periwinkle has healing properties. It helps with migraines, hypertension and vascular spasms.

Colchicum: photos of successful compositions

Colchicum, which blooms in the autumn, has unique properties. It is unpretentious and can grow in any soil. Perennial is not afraid of frost and drought. The plant is planted with both seeds and corms in August. Colchicum does not require pruning and watering. From the abundant moisture, the bulbs begin to rot. When planting the bulbs, it is necessary to feed. This plant is recommended to be planted on alpine slides and flower beds.

Verbeinik: photo, planting and care, popular species

Verbeynik is distinguished by long flowering, unpretentiousness and shade tolerance. The plant is used to decorate the following objects:

  • Rokariev.
  • Rock gardens.
  • Artificial reservoirs and waterfalls.
  • Bordyurov.

Helpful information! The loosestrife can grow strongly and clog the flowers planted nearby, so its growth must be taken under control.

The following types of perennials are popular among gardeners:

  • Common species with yellow flowers.
  • The coin loosestrife grows on vertical surfaces.
  • Lily of the valley loosestrife has erect stems.

  • Purple is distinguished by red leaves and yellowish inflorescences.
  • The black-purple variety has original dark red flowers.

The verbeynik is planted vegetatively or with the help of seeds. He is able to grow in one place for 10 years.

Hyacinths: outdoor planting and care in landscaping

Hyacinth blooms in spring time bright flowers with a fragrant scent. The plant is distinguished by an abundance of variety of colors: white, pink, burgundy. Purple and even black.

Hyacinth is planted in soil with moderate moisture. The bulbs are planted from August to September at a depth of 15-20 cm. The plant thrives in partial shade and sunny places.

Hyacinth is successfully used in landscape design:

  • With its help, interesting patterns are made in symmetrical flower beds.
  • In natural gardens, the plant is planted in mono composition or in variegated groups nearby with trees and garden paths.
  • Suitable for growing in pots.
  • Hyacinths are planted next to annuals or perennials with lush greenery.

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Perennial gypsophila: planting and care, photo of a rare specimen

Gypsophila prefers limestone rocks. Planting is carried out in early spring in soil with a waterproof structure.

Perennial care has the following features:

  • Supports are mounted nearby to support the plant during flowering.
  • After flowering, pruning is performed, which promotes the emergence of new shoots.
  • Mulching is carried out in the autumn.
  • During wintering, the perennial is covered with bark.
Helpful information! Gypsophila feels great in illuminated areas. In this case, the soil should be nutritious, drained and loamy.

Outdoor Gladioli: Planting and Caring for the Original Composition

Gladiolus is distinguished by its extraordinary grace and splendor. This plant includes about two hundred varieties. This perennial is grown using tubers. Experts recommend landing in an open area. In this case, the place must be protected from the wind. You can not plant a perennial in areas with a large accumulation of water. The soil should be sandy loam and treated with organic fertilizers.

Interesting information! Gladioli in floristry are a symbol of nobility, friendship and loyalty as a sign ancient legend about two friends - gladiators who refused to fight each other and were executed.

Delphinium: photos, popular varieties and interesting colors

Delphinium contains over 400 plant species. For planting in the country, perennials with palmate-separate leaves, which are covered with small hairs, are recommended.

The plant blooms with lilac, white and pink flowers. It does not require complex maintenance. It does not need to be covered for the winter. The soil can be fertilized in advance.

The following popular varieties are worth highlighting:

  • Piccolo has blue petals.
  • Merheim is distinguished by its white corollas.
  • Abgesgang has bright cornflower-blue inflorescences.
  • Nakhtvahe is characterized by purple and bluish petals.
  • The pink sunset has lilac-pinkish inflorescences.

An expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

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“Only fresh seeds are used for planting, otherwise there will be no shoots. The soil is specially prepared, which should contain manure, peat and mineral fertilizers. "

Dicenter: photo, planting and care of the rock garden

Dicentra is a rhizome perennial with a height of about one meter. The inflorescences are pinkish. It tolerates winter well, but does not tolerate drought. In the summer, the dicenter requires watering, as well as soil mulching. Perennials are propagated by dividing old bushes and cuttings.

Dicentra can be an important element when creating landscape design. It is suitable for planting on alpine slides, and is also used to decorate borders and flower beds.

Honeysuckle: photos, varieties, description of edible varieties

Honeysuckle is distinguished by winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. Some species have edible berries. Such species as honeysuckle or Tatar honeysuckle are highly resistant. The plant has inflorescences of raspberry, cream, white and yellow colors. Edible honeysuckle varieties have blue berries. The edible form of honeysuckle grows on Far East, in China and in Eastern Siberia.

A similar shrub begins to bear fruit only in the fourth year after planting. Honeysuckle propagates by seeds and cuttings. Popular varieties include Turchaninov's honeysuckle, Altai and Kamchatka.

Helpful information! Honeysuckle should be planted next to other plants. Experts do not recommend placing shrubs of the same variety, as this impairs fruiting.

Clematis: planting and care. Photo of luxurious flowers

Clematis appeared in Europe in the 16th century. It originated even earlier in Japan. Perennial refers to light-loving plants. It should be grown in sunny locations that are sheltered from the wind. The soil for the plant should be loose, loamy and slightly alkaline. Such crops do not grow on heavy and saline soils. You can not use manure and peat, which can only bring harm.

Clematis care consists of the following manipulations:

  • Watering at least once a week.
  • Loosening the soil and removing weeds.
  • Performing organic feeding.

Kupena: photos and nuances of composition care

Kupena belongs to the lily family. Her inflorescences white with a greenish tinge at the base. This is an unpretentious plant that grows well in shaded areas. It grows especially well on soil that is fertilized with manure or humus. The purchase does not require any special care. It is enough to water in dry times, fertilize every few years and remove weeds. This perennial is planted using seeds and rhizome pieces.

Helpful information! Kupena is known for its medicinal properties. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, and also makes the immune system stronger.

Lilies of the valley: photos of delicate inflorescences and the best varieties

Lily of the valley belongs to the asparagus family. It is unpretentious and grows well in clearings among shrubs with little shading.

There are three main types of plants:

  • Lily of the valley keiske.
  • May.
  • Mountain.

Helpful information! Lily of the valley can get sick with gray mold, which can be removed with fungicides.

Lupins in the open field: planting and caring for flower plantations

Lupine not only has a wonderful appearance but it is also very beneficial for the soil. In its root system, beneficial bacteria multiply, which saturate the soil with nitrogen. Plants can grow in one place for 3-4 years. They are grown from seedlings. Lupine is easy to care for. It should be watered and loosened periodically. Top dressing is performed in the second year of growth. Complex fertilizers are applied before flowering. At the same time, a handful of ash is poured out under each bush.

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Lungwort: photos of valuable varieties and secrets of care

The lungwort belongs to shade-loving and cold-resistant varieties. It blooms immediately after the snow melts. Decoctions from this herb have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. They are used for wound healing and for coughing.

A perennial should be grown under bushes and trees where it does best. Moderate and regular watering is used. For better growth, dry leaves and flowers are removed.

Helpful information! Flowers of different shades can bloom on one inflorescence at the same time.

Euphorbia: photos of beautiful flowers and conditions for planting

Perennial species of milkweed grown in the plots can be both large and miniature. The most famous species is the cypress spurge, which is covered with narrow and thin needles that are soft to the touch. Such a plant blooms from May to July. At the same time, the garden is decorated with inflorescences with a pink, yellowish or burgundy tint. Loam and alkaline soils are considered the optimal soil for such a perennial.

An expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

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“Euphorbia is popular for landscaping. It is used in mixborders. Low varieties are suitable for rockeries and serve as an excellent decoration for the shore of an artificial reservoir. "

Narcissus: planting and care in the open field behind a flower bed

The daffodil is considered an ornamental plant. It blooms in May with yellowish or whitish inflorescences. Narcissus belongs to shade-tolerant crops. The best time to plant is September. This perennial loves moisture, so it needs to be watered frequently.

Narcissus is used for landscaping flower beds and flower beds. An interesting solution the use of a flower in group plantings is considered.

Forget-me-nots: a photo of a decorative composition and interesting views

Forget-me-nots have more than 50 varieties. This plant is popular in England, where an interesting holiday of the "May Queen" is associated with it. The perennial has blue flowers with yellowish eyes. There are also white and pinkish inflorescences. Forget-me-not grows excellently in the shade. It is planted in fertilized and moist soil. The plant reproduces well by seeds.

The following types are often used:

  • Alpine forget-me-not is an excellent solution for decorating flower beds.
  • Swamp can take root in moist soil and grow strongly.

Looks good in rockeries. Combines with tulips and daffodils.

Peonies in the open field: planting and caring for flower plantations

Peony is one of beautiful flowers in the country. Flowering lasts for 2-3 weeks. Experienced gardeners recommend planting this plant in sunny places. Peonies thrive a few meters away from shrubs and trees.

Peony care consists of the following steps:

  • If the soil is well fertilized before planting, then the first year of feeding will not be needed.
  • Loosening is done regularly and very carefully.
  • Watering is done once a week. About 30-40 liters of water is poured under an adult bush.
  • Weeds must be removed in time.
Helpful information! It is believed that with proper care, these plants can grow in one place for more than 20 years.

Perennial primrose: photo, care and planting in unexpected places

Primrose blooms in springtime. Moreover, the flowers have yellow and the shape of miniature keys. Among the Slavic peoples, such a flower was considered the key to summer. In landscape design, this plant is used as a warm flower that can dilute colder shades in flower beds.

Perennial rudbeckia: planting and caring for flowers

Rudbeckia possesses feathery leaves, which reproduces generatively or by dividing rhizomes. Also, seeds can be sown directly into open ground. The plant is planted in May. In this case, you can select a shaded area. This perennial does not require complex care. It needs to be watered regularly, loosened up the soil and removed weeds.

Tall plant varieties must be tied to special supports.

Yarrow: photos of traditional plants

The color of the flowers of the yarrow is interesting. There are shades of pink, yellow, orange and white. Flowering occurs from August to October. You can propagate the culture using rhizomes. It is characterized by resistance to dry periods.

Helpful information! Yarrow has unique healing properties. Decoctions from dry plant raw materials are used to treat the biliary and urinary tract. Also prized for their hemostatic properties.

Perennial phlox: photo, planting and care of a moisture-loving plant

Phloxes are distinguished by long flowering, cold resistance and endurance. This is an unusually beautiful flower that is used by gardeners when creating flower beds. Perennials are very fond of watering. Phlox can be propagated by cuttings. Rooting occurs in a month. After that, the bush for more density, you need to pinch it.

Periodically, this plant needs to be pruned. In this case, to remove aboveground parts secateurs are applied.

Perennial garden chrysanthemums: planting and care, photos of chic inflorescences

Chrysanthemums are famous for their bright and rich colors. They can bloom from July to late October. Garden plants vary in bush shape, height and flowering periods. Perennial has a very rich color palette. The flower beds are decorated with burgundy, yellow, red and greenish flowers.

This plant is light-requiring and needs regular watering. Reproduction is carried out using seeds, cuttings or by dividing the bush. It is recommended to fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Helpful information! Chrysanthemums have been known since ancient times. More than three thousand years ago, they were already planted in pots by the Chinese. The plant has been used in medicine, cosmetology and even in cooking.

Having studied the properties and features of growing plants in the catalog, you can create magnificent flower arrangements at their summer cottage. Many perennial crops have similar care requirements. Useful Tips help plan the placement of flower beds and rock gardens.

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Buying your own summer cottage is a crucial step. Regardless of its purpose, every gardener seeks to allocate a corner for planting a flower garden. Here you can relax after a hard day, spend a weekend with your family in a comfortable gazebo and just admire your work. The best solution perennial plants will be used to create a flower garden. Among these flowers there are unpretentious perennials blooming all summer long with photos with the names of these plants in the materials of the article. And also you will learn about the benefits perennial plants and the secrets of creating colorful flower beds.

It is customary to call perennial plants that annually renew life cycle... In this flower, underground organs help - bulbs, rhizomes, tubers. But there are also such individuals that are renewed by self-seeding. You can grow a perennial in the country with the help of seeds or cuttings.

Know! If you buy a cut, it can be quite expensive, but the grown bush will pay off with interest in a few years. It will delight with flowering annually, while the resulting offspring can be used to increase the plantation and even for sale.

Experienced summer residents prefer perennials, because they have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Unpretentiousness.
  2. Frost resistance.
  3. Low maintenance requirements.
  4. They can grow in one place from three to 10 years.
  5. There is no need to grow seedlings annually.
  6. They reproduce easily.
  7. They allow you to create a colorful flower bed that does not require renovation for several years.
  8. A wide range of seedlings, various varieties for every taste.

Speaking about the shortcomings of garden perennials, summer residents note that due to the structure of the root system, they are more often exposed to diseases of underground organs. Some individuals need more careful supervision, for example, climbing roses, clematis, tulips. The initial formation of a flower garden will require investments, sometimes considerable, it all depends on your preferences and requests.

Catalogs of online stores, encyclopedias of garden plants, as well as photos will help you find a suitable copy ready-made solutions on the design of the garden, where you can see how this or that flower looks live.

The best garden perennials photos with names, flowering dates

Now let's get acquainted with the review best representatives flora, capable of presenting colorful fragrant bouquets even to a busy florist. For convenience, we will divide them into several groups.


Low-growing perennial flowers are unpretentious and versatile. They will organically fit into any corner of the garden: they will fill the bed with a single canvas, tighten an empty piece of the flower bed with a dense clearing, become the edging of the curb, paths, decorate the foreground of the flower garden. Summer residents gave preference to the following undersized representatives of the flora:

  • lyatrice;
  • herbal carnation;

Liatris is a short bush up to 45 cm in height. The underground part is represented by a rhizome, which requires division and transplantation every three years. The flower has erect stems, densely crowned with simple linear leaves. The flowers of liatris are represented by baskets, which are devoid of reed flowers. They sit tightly on spike-shaped peduncles up to 35 cm long. Spikelets are painted in purple, violet and white shades. They go well with wildflowers and look good along the curb and in the foreground.

On a note! After cutting, the bright spikelets of Liatris retain their freshness for two weeks.

Liatris is unpretentious to the soil, does not tolerate damp places, prefers sunny areas, easily tolerates heat and drought. It needs shelter only in a snowless winter, it is recommended to cover the rhizomes with spruce branches to protect against rodents.

Carnation herbal forms loose glades, consisting of thin graceful stems. The growth of the bush is up to 40 cm. The leaves are stalk-enveloping, small, pointed. Carnation flowers are simple wheel-shaped, with a diameter of 12-15 mm. The herb blooms profusely throughout the summer. The color of the corollas is white, pink, purple, red with a ring of a contrasting color near the pharynx. The culture has a high winter hardiness, prefers dry sandy soils in the open sun or in light partial shade. Easily tolerates the division of the curtain, quickly emerges from seeds. Ideal for rockeries and border decoration.

Armeria seaside forms dense low-growing cushions 15-20 cm high and wide. The bush consists of narrow blue-green leaves with a blunt end, collected in basal rosettes. Inflorescences are capitate, the length of the pubescent peduncle is up to 20 cm. The inflorescence consists of many small flowers of white, pink or purple hue. Bred forms with decorative foliage. The decorative period lasts more than two months, flowering begins in late spring, and repeated budding is often observed in autumn.

Armerians tolerate drought stubbornly, prefer acidic moist soils of sandy loam type. Develop well in sunny open places... For the winter, the bushes are covered with spruce branches, the division is carried out every 5-6 years. Ideal for filling the ridges, decorating rocky gardens, borders.

Advice! Armeria goes well with decorative leafy forms of creeping thyme, chickweed, phlox, bells, stonecrop.


The second tier of the flower bed is usually filled with plants 40-70 cm high, this group is called the middle layer. It is the main accent of the flower garden, therefore it requires a careful selection of "candidates". Experienced gardeners preferred the following perennial colors:

  • doronicum;
  • daylilies and lilies;
  • rudbeckia;
  • echinacea;
  • coreopsis.

Doronicum is a bush with erect stems reaching a height of 40-70 cm. The underground organ is a low-branched rhizome. Dense stalks of doronicum are covered with alternate scaly leaves with a slight edge. On the top of the stem are yellow inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 4-6 cm. They can be single or collected in small shields of 2-5 baskets. Blooming doronicum can be observed twice a season - at the beginning and at the end of summer.

Doronicum prefers a well-fertilized soil with a loose structure. Loves abundant watering during flowering, needs to mulch the substrate. Winter hardiness is high, does not need shelter, prefers partial shade. Propagated by dividing the rhizomes every 4 years in the fall.

Remember! Doronicum has no place under the trees, there it will not bloom. It goes well with any flowers and deciduous crops.

Daylily and lily will take their rightful place in any flowerbed. Thanks to the wide colors, a variety of varieties, bush sizes and corolla diameter, they are very popular with gardeners. The daylily bush will retain its decorative effect even after the buds wither. Lilies are more capricious, more often attacked by rodents. Therefore, they are planted next to the imperial hazel grouses, which have tubers with a characteristic garlic aroma. For the winter, you should carefully cover the planting, take measures to protect it from mice.

Crop care, the degree of frost resistance, the duration of the decorative period depends on the varietal affiliation. Thanks to the wide assortment, you can create a bright composition that will bloom for several weeks in a row.

Rudbeckia, Echinacea and Coreopsis- typical daisies from the Aster family. The baskets of these representatives of the flora reach 10-15 cm, they have bright cheerful colors of petals - yellow, orange, red and combinations of these colors. Echinacea has purple-pink baskets. These long-flowering perennials delight the eye in the summer for 2-2.5 months. Bushes reach a height of 60-90 cm, consist of erect stems and openwork foliage.

Rudbeckia, Echinacea and Coreopsis love fertile land, the site must be sunny. During flowering, they need more moisture. For the winter in middle lane Russia does not need to shelter. Rhizomes are divided every 3-5 years.

On a note! Cheerful daisies are organically combined with blue flowers - delphinium, sage, veronica, hybrid cornflowers.


The background of a prefabricated flower bed or the center of a massive mixborder is unthinkable without unpretentious tall perennials. Popular with gardeners are:

  • park roses and floribunda;
  • buzulnik;
  • delphinium.

Park roses are the closest relatives of rose hips, so they have a very persistent character, they easily endure frosts. At the same time, the beauty of these plants is simply amazing, you can pick up several seedlings with different shades, then the garden will always look elegant. Park roses inherent renovation, the ability to bloom all season.

Floribunda also belongs to the unpretentious representatives of roses. It is a bush-bouquet, consisting of dense inflorescences. Each bud has a diameter of 4-6 cm, the range of corolla shades is very diverse. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m, minimal maintenance is required. Roses need a rich soil, periodically they make top dressing to maintain decorativeness. It is better to choose a place for landing that is shaded at noon.

Important! Floribunda will need shelter for the winter.

Buzulnik is a powerful representative of flora up to 120 cm in height. The bush has large, alternate leaves, heart-shaped or kidney-shaped (up to half a meter in diameter). Buzulnik inflorescences are baskets of yellow or orange hue with one row of petals. The core is yellow or brown. The diameter of the basket is 2-5 cm. Flowers are collected in clusters, spikelets or shields. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer. Height flower stem up to two meters.

Buzulnik tolerates shading and excess moisture well, therefore it is often planted near water bodies. He is not picky about the soil, likes abundant watering, needs a garter, does not get sick. The bush can be divided after 3-4 years.

Delphiniums (pictured below) are tall giants up to two meters tall. There are so many varieties of this plant that it can be difficult to find the right one. Large candle-shaped inflorescences are full of various shades, the decorative period is long. The bush is topped with openwork leaves, which gives it extra charm. Bred terry forms, large-flowered, with an eye. Blooms from late June for 4-6 weeks, winter-hardy. Needs a garter, rationing the number of peduncles, loosening, feeding. The division is carried out every 3-4 years.

Of considerable importance for vertical gardening of the site are climbing plants... We advise you to purchase seedlings of clematis, climbing roses and wisteria creepers. These popular perennials have a long decorative period but require a lot of gardening knowledge.

Know! The whimsicality of the vines is associated with the special requirements for pruning and preparation for the dormant period.

Perennials blooming all summer

Not all perennials can boast of flowering throughout the summer, but the representatives of the flora listed below will make the dacha elegant by presenting a bright summer dress:

  • aquilegia;
  • salvia;
  • phlox.

Aquilegia bushes grow up to 0.5-1 m tall, have a powerful taproot. The leaf blades are divided into three dissected lobes; varieties with variegated foliage are available. The unusual flower has a complex structure and is equipped with spurs. The corolla reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm, the palette of colors is wide. The petal and spur are painted in different shades... Aquilegia love open sunny places, rich soil, abundant watering, because the second name of a perennial is a catchment. Hybrids need winter shelter. The division is carried out every 5-6 years.

Botanical species of sage (salvia) have high frost resistance and attractive appearance. The growth of the bush is up to 120 cm, the leaves are pubescent dark green. Small two-lipped flowers of blue or purple shades are collected in long spikelets. Have garden hybrids wide palette of petal colors. Salvia loves the sun, is drought tolerant, and prefers rich, moist soils. Rejuvenation is performed as needed every 5-6 years.

Know! Salvia is a medicinal plant and a valuable honey plant. Decorative qualities hybrids will impress even discerning gardeners.

Phlox forms dense clumps 30-150 cm high. Stems are straight, leaves are lanceolate, whole. Wheel-shaped flowers of five petals boast a dense pleasant aroma... They are collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. The color of the corolla is white, scarlet, blue, pink, varieties with an eyelet, double flowers are bred. Phlox is picky about feeding, develops well in partial shade on soil rich in organic matter, loves a moist substrate. For the winter, the curtain is cut off and mulched with peat to a height of 15-20 cm.

Unpretentious perennial flowers for Siberia

In areas of risky farming, not every perennial will be able to winter, so gardeners prefer frost-resistant species:

  • pansies;
  • daisies;
  • shaved.

Violets, aubrietas and daisies are excellent low-growing ground covers with an unpretentious character. Violets form a small basal rosette of ovoid leaves with a wavy edge. Single flowers have different colors. The height of violets is up to 20 cm. They like fertilized soil and sunny places. Regular watering during flowering prolongs the decorative effect.

Attention! Violets do not tolerate fresh organic matter.

Aubrieta forms hemispherical flower rugs up to 15 cm high. beautiful perennial during budding it is completely covered with small flowers. The pillow keeps greenery under the snow, decorative at the beginning and at the end of summer. Aubrieta needs pruning, tolerates drought well, loves the sun and nutritious soil. Full winter hardiness.

Daisies with small chamomile flowers conquer with their beauty. They grow quickly, so the curtain will have to be divided periodically. Baskets with a golden core have white, pink, scarlet petals. Many terry and pompom varieties have been bred. Perennial daisies do not need shelter, they grow in sunny areas, they love liquid mineral dressings.

Long-flowering frost-resistant perennials for the Urals

The climatic conditions of the Urals also incline gardeners to select frost-resistant green wards. Ural summer residents prefer the following crops:

  • astilba;
  • buzulnik;
  • sedum.

Astilba is a rhizome herbaceous perennial with erect shoots. The height of the stems is 10-200 cm. The dark green foliage is densely dissected, sits on long petioles. Tiny flowers of white, red, pink or purple hue are collected in a paniculate inflorescence. The decorative period is 4-6 weeks, it falls in the middle of summer. Astilbe firmly endure frost, love moisture, do not get sick. The division is carried out every 4-5 years.

Know! A plot with partial shading will extend the decorative period of astilba.

We have already talked about buzulnik, so we will focus on stonecrop or sedum... This ground cover has many faces, its appearance varies depending on the type and variety. The succulent plant is supplied with fleshy leaves of a round or needle-like shape. Foliage is colored not only in green tones, variegated forms are bred.

Sedum throws out several peduncles covered with small star-shaped flowers. The color of the corollas is different. Sedums prefer sunny places with poor soil, do not need additional irrigation, they are afraid of waterlogging. The transplant and rejuvenation of the curtain is performed every 5 years.

We create a blooming garden with our own hands: how to form a flower bed of perennials

To decorate a colorful flower bed, it is important to consider smallest details, because its inhabitants will "live" on permanent place some years. By comparing the above color options with descriptions and photos, you can independently think over the layout of the flower garden. Free computer programs will help you with this, which are used to design the landscape design of the site. You can also contact professionals - landscape designers or gardeners, who will competently select crops for decorating any type of flower bed, comparing their qualities, color of petals, growth.

When forming a flower garden, you should rely on these rules:

  1. Pre-study the varieties of flower beds and choose an option that is suitable in shape, size, location.
  2. Arrange perennials according to the duration of flowering. It is important to choose flowers so that after one species withers, the second begins to bloom, covering the dying vegetation.
  3. Stick to the correct grouping. It is necessary to select crops taking into account their growth in height and width, aggressiveness in relation to "neighbors". Some flowers are capable of growing rapidly, oppressing other individuals, and if the group is incorrectly grouped according to growth, the loss of decorativeness due to shading is possible. Take care of an underground fence that will protect the flowers from aggressive overgrowth of neighbors.
  4. Select crops by method of use. Loaches will decorate an arch or facade of a house. Tall individuals will serve as the center of the composition or the background, and undersized flowers will occupy a good place in the foreground, decorate the border, alpine slide, will fill the discount. If necessary, you should consider a reliable support.
  5. Do not neglect the preparation of the seats. Each inhabitant of a flower bed has its own requirements for the substrate, the degree of illumination, the pH of the soil, and its structure.
  6. Although perennials are unpretentious, when planting, you need to immediately apply prolonged-release fertilizers that will nourish green wards, maintaining health and lush flowering.

Advice! If the selected representatives of the flora have different requirements for the soil, the planting site should be prepared taking into account individual needs.


The unpretentious nature of perennials made them the kings of any flower bed, because among them there are individuals that bloom all summer. The descriptions and photos with names given in the article will help you choose suitable green wards who will fit into any idea for decorating a garden plot. The video will tell you about the secrets of competent design of an inexpensive flower bed.

The choice of ornamental plants for decorating a summer cottage is primarily influenced by the climate. It is difficult for residents of the northern regions, Siberia, and the Urals to find vegetation that can delight with variegated colors throughout the warm season.

This is due to the fact that most of the vegetation is very demanding on temperature conditions, and not all perennial plants survive the cold.

Plots located in northern latitudes are not so easy to arrange, because you want the flowering of ornamental plants to last as long as possible, but in harsh climatic conditions this is difficult to achieve. There is still a solution: there are several varieties of plants that are resistant to temperature extremes, which are also perennial. Naturally, they will require specific care.

All this suggests that the planning of such a design should begin with the study of ornamental plants that are suitable for northern latitudes.

In this article, you can see photos and get acquainted with the names and characteristics of perennials suitable for the regions of the Urals and Siberia with a cold climate.

Low-growing plants that bloom all summer

Usually, low plants are planted on the first line of landscape zones. Here is a list of perennial vegetation suitable for the Urals and Siberia, undersized varieties:

Medium plants

As a basis for decorating a garden zone in Siberian terrain, landscape designers advise using medium-sized perennial plants. They can grow up to 30 cm in height. Medium vegetation can be classified into two types: with beautiful flowers and presentable foliage.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with flowering perennial plants, which make it possible to add variety to the color palette of a natural landscape.

In suburban areas located in the northern area, you can plant early species bulbous plants for example, simple tulips or sophisticated terry tulips. In cold climates, they bloom in late spring. But perennial bulbous varieties require care: each year they need to be dug up and dried to preserve the bulbs.

Frost-resistant and undemanding to care for, types of irises can reach 85 cm in height. For Siberia and the Urals, you should choose the Siberian iris variety, which blooms in blue. The bearded variety of Iris, similar to tropical plants, is also popular. Its bloom begins in June.

By combining different types of plants, you can create a vibrant design for your garden area. Ornamental vegetation will delight you throughout the warm season.

Important! There are iris varieties that bloom twice a season. You can enjoy the beauty of their buds twice a year.

Plant with name mountain cornflower also great for decorating a summer cottage in Siberia. This plant is unpretentious, its bright blue flowers diversify green decoration garden.

Mountain cornflower does not need frequent irrigation and difficult replanting, unlike most other types of vegetation. In height, it can reach 60 centimeters.

You can aesthetically decorate the suburban area curly lily... The leaves of this flower make it look like a turban. Almost all species have pink color, but there is also an orange variety. Summer residents are very fond of this flower, because there are almost no difficulties with its cultivation.

Important! There are a large number of hybrid daylily species: you can consult with landscaping specialists and choose varieties that suit your aesthetic preferences and tolerate cold climates well.

If you are looking for vegetation that will become the highlight of your garden decor, we recommend planting pennsylvanian lilies... The lily continues to bloom throughout the summer; large flowers of orange and deep red color will definitely not go unnoticed.

Another one good idea- decorate the backyard area decorative bow... This plant belongs to the perennial order and has a bright appearance, and is also good for health. Undemanding to care for and resistant to low temperatures, it will survive the winter, and next year it will again decorate your site. You will be able to use the decorative advantages of this plant for a long time.

During flowering, the onion expels beautiful inflorescences with a white, lilac and purple range.

Popular with Siberian gardeners and yarrow... Today there are many varieties of this medicinal plant used for decorative purposes. Ornamental species differ from the usual yarrow in appearance and flowering frequency.

To maintain a presentable appearance of yarrow, you do not have to constantly irrigate and replant it. With its help, you will decorate your site with voluminous inflorescences of different colors, including snow-white and scarlet ones.

The next variety of perennial vegetation, in addition to decorating garden areas, will also make it possible to decorate unpresentable places.

Climbing rose familiar to many gardeners - this plant belongs to the perennial order, its flowering begins in June.

The buds of deep red, pale pink and white color will serve as a magnificent decoration for do-it-yourself hedges.

To create a background in garden areas, perennial plants with decorative foliage are used. When the flowering period of most of the vegetation is over, these species will continue to delight with their green foliage.

For example, you can plant in the country hosts with large voluminous foliage, badan with rounded elongated leaves and pinkish flowers or liatris with thin voluminous foliage and tall inflorescences in a delicate range.

Chrysanthemums will look great in the garden, blooming with luxurious buds, similar to yellow rudbeckia daisies and small doronicum bushes.

In fact, the selection of flowering plants suitable for cold areas is quite large, you just need to study their characteristics and choose the right ones. When choosing vegetation for garden decoration, do not forget that green elements should be combined with each other and not interfere with the growth of neighbors.

Perennial flowers for Siberia: photos and names

Tall vegetation

Tall perennial plants, suitable for the harsh climatic conditions of the Urals and Siberia, and undemanding to care for, will help to complete the garden composition. Plant in your dacha, for example, an unpretentious astilba- the height of this flower can reach 1.5 meters. This plant is an ornamental shrub, it is recommended to plant it in a well-lit area.

During flowering, astilba expels volumetric inflorescences of a pale pink color, rushing upward. There are several types of astilba, and they bloom in different summer months. You can plant several varieties in your garden at once to admire their flowering throughout the warm season.

It's a good idea to decorate your private plot echinacea. This plant is not only beautiful, but also has healing properties: it is used to treat various ailments. During flowering, flowers appear on Echinacea, painted in a lilac shade with a brown core.

Another advantage of echinacea is that it does not require special care, does not need transplants, and blooms all summer.

Perennials in Siberia: photos and names

Another tall plant suitable for harsh climatic conditions belongs to the perennial order - delphinium... When its flowers bloom, the delphinium becomes like bright candles with petals. Usually summer residents plant several types of delphinium on their plots at the same time. Thanks to this plant, you will be able to contemplate the abundance of variegated colors throughout the summer.

The delphinium does not need transplants, it will bloom both in well-lit areas and in half-shaded areas.

Delphinium attracts summer residents not only with its unpretentiousness, but also with a variety of colors: blue, pale pink, purple flowers enchant with their beauty. With the help of this plant, you can create an original and memorable design in the garden. Delphinium goes well with other vegetation.

Perennial flowers for the Urals: photos and names

So, we list again the criteria that should be followed when choosing vegetation for decorating a summer cottage located in Siberia or the Urals:

  • plants must be resistant to low temperatures;
  • it is desirable that flowers and others ornamental plants were undemanding in care;
  • green decor elements should be combined with each other and not interfere with the growth of each other.

Landscaping experts advise combining low, medium and tall vegetation in height. Using plants of different heights, you can create original compositions consisting of several levels. But when planting plants, it should be borne in mind that they will grow, therefore it is necessary to leave free space so that in the future the plants do not interfere with each other.

You also need to take into account that different types different amounts of moisture are required. Irrigation is important point in growing plants.

Read about how to choose the most common varieties to help you choose original design paths and spaces along the curbs on the site.

The main options for using a geogrid at a summer cottage are described.

You can view a photo gallery with ideas for making do-it-yourself garden figures for garden design in the article at:

Plan in advance which of the described perennial varieties are best planted in sunny areas, and which in shady areas.

Prepare a seating plan and follow the diagram when decorating your summer cottage - this way it will be easier for you to create presentable garden decor.

From this article, you learned the names of the most popular perennial plants suitable for decorating home gardens located in northern regions... Using the photo and new information, you can create a fabulously picturesque design of a suburban area.

Frost-resistant and undemanding to care for, ornamental perennial vegetation will retain its attractiveness for several seasons and will delight you with its beauty every year.


Watch a video about perennial ornamental plants that are resistant to negative temperatures, suitable for planting in mixborders, when decorating garden areas:

Even in an area with a cold climate, you can, if you wish, create a beautiful and original design of a summer cottage with decorative vegetation.