Leadership charisma and capacity development. How to be a group leader

Leadership Theory(“great people”, “charisma”) comes from the possibility of defining a universal set of leadership qualities (physiological, psychological, intellectual and personal), which allow forming groups of followers to solve problematic problems. This theory is based on the deification of leaders, but it does not explain the success of leaders with a different set of qualities.

Leadership Theory

Leadership theory reflects the earliest approach to the study and explanation of leadership. The first studies attempted to identify the qualities that distinguish the great men of history from the masses. The researchers believed that leaders had some unique set of qualities that did not change over time. Based on this, scientists have tried to determine leadership skills learn how to measure them and use them to identify leaders. This approach was based on the belief that leaders are born, not made.

Subsequent study led to the identification of the following four groups of leadership qualities: physiological, psychological, intellectual and personal (Table 1).

Table 1. Qualities most often found in leaders

Quality group

Characteristics of qualities

Physiological qualities

Pleasant appearance (face, height, figure, weight), voice, good health, high working capacity, vigor, representativeness

Psychological qualities

Personality type: extrovert, introvert. Temperament: phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric. Power, ambition, aggressiveness, superiority, balance, independence, courage, creativity, creativity, self-affirmation, perseverance, courage

Intellectual qualities

High level of intelligence: mind, logic, memory, intuitiveness, encyclopedic knowledge, breadth of outlook, insight, originality, quick thinking, education, prudence, conceptuality, sense of humor

Business and personal qualities

Business qualities: organization, discipline, reliability, diplomacy, economy, flexibility, commitment, initiative, independence, responsibility, riskiness. Personal qualities: benevolence, tact, sympathy, honesty, decency, vigilance, conviction, attentiveness, sociability, adaptability

Personal characteristics of leaders

The theory of great people

The Great People Theory states that a person who possesses a certain set of personality traits will be a good leader regardless of the nature of the situation they are in. The absolute embodiment of the theory of great people is the concept of a charismatic leader, before whom others bow down.

If this theory is correct, then there must be some key personality traits that make a person a great leader and an outstanding leader.

Psychologists, attending to this issue, have conducted many special studies. Surprisingly, very few personality traits appear to be directly related to leadership performance, and the relationship found is usually quite weak.

Here are some ratios discovered between individual personal characteristics and leadership.

1. Leaders usually have a little higher intelligence than their "flock". But not much. In no case should a candidate for leadership be separated from the average intellectual level of his followers.

2. Power Motivation. Many leaders are driven by strong desire. They have a strong concentration on their own person, concern for prestige, ambition, excess energy. Such leaders tend to be better socially prepared, more flexible and adaptable. Lust for power and the ability to intrigue help them long time to stay afloat". But for them there is an efficiency problem. For example, Boris Yeltsin is usually viewed as a leader with an extremely strong desire for power. He managed to rule Russia for almost 10 years. However, the question was whether it was for the country effective leader while remaining open.

3. A study of historical records showed that among the 600 known monarchs, the most famous were either very highly moral or extremely immoral personalities.

4. American psychologist Simonton (Simonton) has collected information relating to 100 personality traits of all US presidents. These included characteristics of the families in which they grew up, education, previous occupations, and personality traits themselves. Only three of these variables are: height, family size, and number of books published by the president before he took office, — correlate with the effectiveness of the president's performance in his post (determined by historians' estimates). Simonton found that US presidents who grew up in small families are more likely to go down in history as greats politicians . For example, Franklin Roosevelt, who is considered one of the most prominent American presidents, was an only child. The remaining 97 characteristics, including personality traits, according to the results this study, have nothing to do with a person's effectiveness as a leader.

5. There is a small positive relationship between a person's height and the likelihood that he will become a group leader. Thus, almost every election in the United States was won by a higher candidate, with only two exceptions. In 1992, Bill Clinton was 4 inches (10 cm) taller than George W. Bush. In 1996, he was only half an inch taller than Robert Dole. Once in the White House, high presidents are more likely to become prominent historical figures. It can be argued that a tall person is slightly more likely to become a leader. However, do not forget that the greatest leaders were Napoleon, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and many others who could not boast of high growth.

6. Surprisingly, there is very little evidence that traits such as charisma, courage, dominance, or self-confidence are indicators of a person's performance as a leader.

So, some modest relationship between personal characteristics and leadership abilities can be found. But in general it is very difficult to predict how good a leader a person will be based on personality traits alone. Therefore, over time, researchers began to incline to the opinion that it is not enough to consider only the features. It is necessary to take into account the situation in which these traits are manifested. This does not mean that personality traits do not affect the chances of becoming a leader at all. One simply has to consider both the personality of the person and the nature of the situation in which he or she has to play a leadership role. According to this view, one does not have to be a "great person" to become an effective leader. Quicker, need to be the right person in the right place and at the right time.

Steve Jobs - founder of Apple

A leader can show his leadership qualities only in the right situation. For example, a business leader may be very successful in some situations and fail in others. Consider the example of Steve Jobs, who at the age of 21 co-founded the legendary Apple company with Stefan Wozniak. The eccentric Jobs looked the least like a traditional corporate executive. He was brought up by the counterculture of the 60s, and turned to computers, already having behind him the experience of using LSD, traveling to India and living in a commune. In the days when there were no personal computers yet, Jobs's unusual style was just what was needed to create a new industry. Within five years, he had become the leader of a multi-billion dollar corporation. It turned out, however, that Jobs's unorthodox manner was ill-suited to the delicate and complex business of managing a large corporation in a competitive marketplace. The company began to suffer losses, losing in competition with competitors. Jobs was forced to retire in 1985. He returned when the company was faced with the need to make a technological breakthrough: to improve the quality operating system their Macintoshes, restore customer confidence and their previous position in the market.

Thus, a corporate leader who wants to remain effective for the long term must be able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and flexibly vary his behavior. It happens to very few people. Much more often, a manager gets hung up on one style of behavior, which, for example, turned out to be effective in the days of the company's formation, but is completely unsuitable for a period of intensive growth and holding the won positions. As a result, the firm eventually loses its ability to compete in the market. Another characteristic example is the sad fate of the legendary John Akers, the chief executive of IBM, who was ingloriously fired from the corporation in 1993 after many years of a bright and successful career. By making IBM the flagship of the computer industry in the 1980s, Akers found himself unable to keep up with the rapid technological changes that swept the computer industry in the early 1990s. It is no coincidence that in today's Western high-tech business it rarely happens that top management can safely rest in their chairs for more than five years. Periodic "changing of the guard" allows corporations to remain dynamic, adequately navigate in a rapidly changing world.

Most people who hear the term "leader" associate it, of course, with a persistent and self-confident person. An excellent mentor can be not only the head of the company, a successful businessman, but also a common person striving for a good life. In studying the nature of activists, it is also necessary to learn what qualities a leader possesses.

As a rule, such people go ahead not only in their business, but also in the usual Everyday life. All the "leaders" are trying to imagine what their life path. And they develop plans for what they will become in the near future and in many years to come.

Leader character

What qualities of a political leader must be present in order to win the support of the people around? The character of such a person is clearly manifested in those moments when the leader finds himself in a difficult situation. life situation, and much depends on his actions at this moment. The main thing for him is stability and hardness.

As a rule, true leadership is inseparable from attracting other people. The trust of followers in leaders is lost if they notice some instability of character. Stable emotionality and fortitude is a success in relationships with people.

Qualities a leader should have

The quality of a leader is an integral factor that determines success and failure. The main condition for achieving success in any human activity is the skill and ability to take on certain functions and provide appropriate guidance.

Today it is proposed wide choose books on how to develop the skills and qualities of a leader not only in business, but also in everyday life.

Leaders cannot be born, leaders can be made!

When given a favorable opportunity, a person looks for ways to take a leadership position. Many live ordinary lives until some situation arises that requires them to take a decisive step, as a result of which they take on the responsibility of leadership with all its consequences.

One can become a leader only when, not only in business, but also in everyday life, a person shows certain qualities, as well as the norms of the behavior that is characteristic of a leader.

What is leadership?

Along with other skills, leadership is the improvement of behavior and attitude towards life through practice through repetition. Such a quality as the desire to lead people is usually rewarded in full. If you are a leader, you will certainly win the support and respect of those around you. Enjoying a sense of vast control and personal power in all aspects of life becomes an integral part of you. Goals that may have seemed sky-high in the past are now much easier to achieve.

Is it possible to become a leader?

The more you can apply the qualities of a leader to yourself, the more positively you will feel about yourself. There will be a feeling of pleasure high level self-esteem and self-respect. Feeling smart strong man with the ability to reach best results, you can make changes to better side not only at work, but also at home.

To give rise to the thoughts and actions that are inherent in leaders, and by applying all these qualities in practice in your business and personal life, you will be able to attract more and more possibilities, use all your talents to an even higher level.

It is worth listing the main qualities of a leader, without which it is difficult to stay on top of the pedestal.

Qualities required of a leader

  • Courage- these are bold decisions and actions on the way out of failures and difficulties. Controlling yourself in fear, making tough decisions, and taking action when there is no guarantee that success will be on your side are the qualities of a good leader.
  • Sincerity. To earn trust, you must first be honest with yourself. Only then can we say that we are open to other people around us.
  • Realism. Accept the world as it really is, not as you would like to see it yourself. This golden rule realism. You must not allow yourself to be upset because of troubles, and you should not trust that someone else will solve a painful problem for you. Being an example in everything is an essential quality of a true leader. It is customary to look up to such people, they are very reliable. If the leader has made a promise, though perhaps very tentatively, it is worth relying on it being kept.
  • Analytic mind- this is exactly what will make it possible to take valuable experience out of failure. In the future, such “stuffed cones” will definitely come in handy and help to avoid possible failures.
  • Ability and willingness to learn. Personal growth, self-development - all this requires conscious preparation, effort and work on oneself. A leader is one who is always ready for the new and unknown, one who wants to deeply study those nuances that will later make him an even more determined person.

All these qualities that a leader needs in order to achieve success must be improved daily.

Psychological qualities

We all know that every person is an individual. But not everyone knows that it is the personality in the process of formation and formation that is characterized by psychological qualities that, as a rule, remain with us throughout life.

The psychological qualities of a leader are positive and negative. Upbringing, society and other factors can influence this. For example, people who play sports are more likely to have stamina, the will to win, and endurance. We can develop a sense of taste in ourselves if we read a lot, are interested in art and are engaged in creativity. And there can be many such examples.

Cons of a leader

Alas, not all qualities we can regard as positive. For example, the very classes named earlier may have reverse side medals: sport implies serious competition, and hence it follows that the main quality of a person will be cruelty. This can apply to absolutely any occupation that we are ready to devote our lives to, plunging into them with our heads.

Throughout life, a "skeleton" of personality is formed in people. It is sometimes impossible to predict everything, many events happen against our will, but one way or another they leave an indelible mark, which subsequently forms the psychological qualities of a leader.

Behavior of a True Leader

A person leading others must have the following skills and abilities:

Political leadership

A political leader is a person who, having certain qualities, is able to lead people and the entire system as a whole.

There are three aspects that define the components of personality:

  • the instruments by which power is exercised;
  • immediate situation.

What character traits help political mentors gain trust from others? And what personal qualities of a leader are inherent in a politician?

Distinctive features of a political leader

Conventionally, all of them can be divided into three groups:

  • natural qualities;
  • moral qualities;
  • professional quality.

The first, perhaps, include the willpower of character, the presence of subtle intuition, determination, magnetism. The second group should include such qualities political leader, as honesty, nobility, morality, concern for others and justice.

The following qualities of a leader can be attributed to the third group:

Taken together, these characteristics pave the way for the possibility of carrying out state and public activities. All these qualities necessary for a leader, as a rule, are directly related to his political activities and the ability to stay on top.

Functions of a political leader

The goals that a leader sets for himself are usually directly related to the functions that he performs. Situations are critical and extraordinary, but it is important to create such a program of action that under any circumstances could be implemented.

List of the main functions of a political leader:

  • Analytical. It involves a deep analysis of the current situation.
  • Development of a program of action. The performance of this function depends on such a quality of the leader's personality as the ability to take on great responsibility. It also requires determination and courage.
  • Mobilization of citizens of the country. The ability to convince, negotiate, lead the masses and inspire are the main qualities of a leader required to implement this function.
  • innovative: development of improved programs, new ideas, formation of goals and objectives.
  • Organizational is a combination of communicative and innovative functions. The ability to organize communities, win the trust of the human masses, regulate reforms and transformations.
  • Communicative: serving people, expressing the interests of society, taking into account the change in public mood, opinion, which reflects the dynamics of life.
  • Coordinating. Coordination of transformations, coordination of all branches of government, including the court and executive bodies.

Once you can master the basic personality skills listed earlier, each future step will become easier every day. All these recommendations will certainly help in getting a little closer to your cherished dream or simply becoming more self-confident.

You need to understand that in order to become a leader, you need to go a long and hard way, which requires constant work on yourself. It is a process of reincarnation that never ends. On the path to success, you need to enjoy your own self-improvement.

Finding new options to motivate others is the task of a true leader! Everyone can cope with it, it is enough to make an effort. Such work on oneself must be carried out every minute. But having learned to enjoy such changes, a person will no longer want to stop and will go to new heights.

Each candidate to take the place of a leader in the team must have a number of leadership qualities. Exactly leadership skills and define the role of a leader, explain why some become such and are ready to captivate and lead, while others are not accepted in this capacity and do not enjoy authority.

- is a collection psychological qualities, skills and abilities to interact with a group that are able to ensure the successful implementation of leadership tasks and functions. It is impossible to single out one or two qualities that characterize a leader. There are many more. On the other hand, one can list qualities for quite a long time and interpret them as leadership qualities. And the more the list becomes, the less practical use it has, it's easier to get confused.

This article will present the main leadership qualities, the development of which can make a real leader out of any person.

Personal qualities of a leader


To know yourself, to feel what is happening inside yourself, to be able to listen to your emotions and feelings, to your intuition, to clearly and clearly imagine what you want is an integral quality of a leader. It helps to navigate life and understand other people, it helps not to miss your chance by recognizing the right opportunity. A real leader cannot be knocked off the intended path; it is difficult to manipulate him, because he knows exactly what he wants.


This is one of the leadership qualities that is inherent in many modern leaders. For example, Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Corporation, which today manages more than 300 different companies around the world, is the image of a leader who is always ready to take risks. Often he risked everything, both in business and in ordinary life (take a balloon trip around the world, for example).

The reason why true leaders are not afraid to take risks and change your life, is the understanding that sometimes you have to pay a considerable price for not showing initiative. Therefore, people who seek to anticipate events are always ready to take risks.

Today there are many business owners, managers who strive to build a meaningful "business" without taking risks, but by working in the style of "quietly you go - you will continue." As John Kennedy said: There are costs and risks to any action plan, but they are far less than the long-term costs and risks of comfortable inaction.».


High and adequate level of self-esteem leader, together with self-confidence, help him in necessary cases take risks, increase courage and decisiveness in critical situations. Confidence in own forces allows the leader to expand the limits of his capabilities and acquire new life experience. This theory was substantiated in 1981 by B. Bass, who analyzed the leading research in the field of leadership qualities and confirmed that the feeling self-confidence, the leader is an order of magnitude higher than that of those who follow him.


The leader is the bearer of the norms and values ​​of the association of people, therefore his worldview, his actions must be consistent with the universal norms of morality - honesty, justice, reliability, responsibility and consistency in actions and deeds.


For adequate orientation in the situation, the leader must have an active life position. It's necessary leadership quality, which allows the leader to always be in the thick of things, learn about everything firsthand and be more informed.


Proactive and active people do not wait for someone else to make them want to work. They know that only they have the responsibility to convince themselves to leave the familiar comfort zone. And they make self-motivation a regular practice. Here is what Theodore Roosevelt, one of the enterprising and the greatest people 20th century, endowed with a mass of leadership qualities: " There is nothing outstanding and brilliant in the biography, except that I really did what, in my opinion, needed to be done ... And when I had an unequivocal opinion about the need to do something, I acted».

Managerial and organizational leadership qualities


The ability to attract people ideas and thoughts, ideals, skill convince a person) and create a team of followers and like-minded people - a quality that determines the success of an individual in the role of a leader. Setting common goals and values ​​and controlling the adherence of followers to these goals are among the main leadership qualities.


This is one of the fundamental organizational qualities of a leader. It consists of the ability to distribute responsibilities between team members, the ability to inspire and motivate a group to perform tasks and functions, coordinate work, etc.


The person who leads the group is simply obliged to know where to go. Observation, vision of the prospects for the activities of your group, the prospects, the team that follows it is one of the most important organizational qualities of a leader.

Leaders have no right to get so caught up in the minutiae and details that they lose sight of something that is truly important. The writer Alfred Montaper wrote: Most people see obstacles in front of them, only a few see goals, history marks the successes of the latter, while for the former, oblivion becomes a reward».


Leaders are often participants in complex processes, they are in the "arena", where a large number of all kinds of forces operate, which are sometimes beyond the boundaries of his knowledge and control. Therefore, the organizational leader must feel the situation, be able to quickly navigate it and make the only right decision.


The unwillingness of the leader to provide support to his like-minded and follower in the case when it is very necessary and he is able to provide it, in most cases, deprives him of his followers and the status of a leader.

People respect such a leader who never forgets their interests. If you focus on what you can give to your followers, rather than what you can get from them, they will respect and love you, and this will make your relationship lasting and stronger.

As one of the leaders of General Motors said: “ Fields of the most various industries industries are littered with the bones of enterprises whose leadership qualities were thoroughly saturated with rot and moral decay, where they firmly believed that one should only take instead of giving ... where they did not understand that the only asset of the company that cannot be quickly replaced is her people».

Remember! The ability to thank and encourage the quality that helps the leader to successfully perform organizational and managerial functions.

Psychological and socialleadership skills


Important leader quality is an sociability The ability to quickly establish contacts with people and feel confident in a team. It is difficult to imagine a leader of a person who experiences shyness when communicating.


The leader coordinates relationships in the team, therefore, in assessing the actions and actions of other people, he must be fair, objective and unbiased.


The leader represents common interests, so the ability to defend them in external instances and take full responsibility for corporate activities is important quality leader.


This leadership quality is the basis for the formation of followers' trust in the leader and readiness to follow him.

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Be a leader.

For some, this phrase contains all the sweetness of having power, influencing people, feeling the limitlessness of possibilities, non-existent - because everything is within your power - borders ... Some kind of superhuman, hypnotic, super-strong miraculous ability to feel not like a "rag", but "having the right" ...

To be a leader… For thousands, these two words are associated with a sticky fear of responsibility for something or for someone, with insomnia, the hysterical expectation that someone will call to account, force them to lead, lead, comply, when it is impossible to sit out aside, laugh it off, do not take up this notorious tug, be it wrong! ..

To be a leader... Undoubtedly, for many, this is a daily and hourly reality, a way of being. This is energy and joy from the fact that you are not only recognized, but also in demand, not only ready to make decisions, but also know how to do it. He is ahead, he is busy with problems - not only his own, but also those who are nearby, who trust him, the leader, the right to be a pioneer. Such a person in no case perceives himself as a "framer" and to the question "Do you need more than others?" unequivocally and distinctly gives a positive answer.

Being a leader is both a joy and a burden of responsibility, and dozens of dilemmas that need to be solved, and the ability not only to get along with people, but also to remain true to principles. This is high energy, this is the ability to plan, knowledge of tactics and choice of strategy, this is clarity and purposefulness, charisma and willpower, the ability to forgive others and demand from oneself according to the Hamburg account ...

To be a leader means to learn how to be one, because leaders are not born. The natural prerequisites of the mind, character, the influence of the environment are only a launching pad for the run. Otherwise, this marathon involves a long breath and remarkable moral and physical strength for training, which will eventually lead to the achievement of the goal.

Throughout life, we can observe leaders who are successful and not so successful. Leaders in spirit, in style of life and those who are set to be a leader. The one with authority is not yet a leader. His role is sometimes completely unenviable: to lead someone and be afraid that someone will shout out from the crowd: "And the king is naked!"

At the same time, a true, even if not formally defined, leader is a happy person. Success in leading a group, the ability to communicate effectively with partners give him constant confirmation of recognition. This is a wonderful reward - emotional and intellectual satisfaction, a sense of success, self-confidence ...

Our parents, teachers, army commanders and class leaders, "yard kings" and student leaders, politicians and artists, managers and scientists, our friends and girlfriends are an endless field for reflection and testing of what is true and imaginary leadership. Unlimited opportunities for self-learning, practice, mastery of leadership qualities. And the very fact that the ability to be a competent leader can be learned is a reason for optimism. In fact, numerous consultants, trainers, managers will help us master the knowledge necessary for a leader and suggest how to put it into practice with the same simplicity with which they teach us. foreign language, bookkeeping or the ability to drive a car.

To one degree or another, we will try to deal with the dilemmas of power and subordination, the ability to achieve the set task, to lead, and not "lead by hands", to be understandable in the course of our effective communication ready to negotiate, to be effective in resolving a variety of conflicts. You can test your capabilities and abilities already during the training. This is the essence of what we are going to do - the process of experiential learning.

"One of your responsibilities is to help participants learn how to work in a group, and not in a company of disparate individuals. Groups educate themselves. After all, in the arithmetic mean, the group knows more than you on almost any subject. It is your job as a leader to release this collective a force that will take the participants much further than you can do on your own.

You can spur this driving force groups, helping members recognize their unique problem-solving abilities and suggesting ways in which they can put these abilities to the service of the entire group. When this starts to happen, the boundary between "teacher" and "student" disappears. These roles become interchangeable, and you and the group continually share knowledge in a soulful energy often referred to as synergy."

In our opinion, the central place given in the above passage to the group, its influence on the process of any learning, on the relationship between teacher and student, perfectly illustrates the function of a leader. In principle, we are talking about the fact that with the successful course of the training, the trainer-head of the educational process is constantly ready to delegate his leadership powers to the students. Leaders should emerge in the process of training in the group itself, and the practical nature of the training and activities will put them in front of the need to lead their comrades to the solution of the problem set by the trainer.

A leader is a person who is able to influence others in order to effectively achieve their goals. In other words, good leader- a successful communicator. After all, in the process of his influence on others, he must be convincing, able to change the opinion and mood of partners. We have the right to expect from the leader the ability to formulate a task, to organize its solution as a group process in which each member of the group is ready to participate. During this process, events that provoke conflict may occur, but the leader will lead the group through dangerous reefs of quarrels, competition and struggle of egos, while maintaining a sense of sufficient personal comfort for the participants, high motivation, helping to cope with difficulties, and maybe even certain hardships.

To ask questions.

A leader is a person of any group, organization, team, who has a recognized authority and influence, which manifests itself in the form of control actions. It is in every group or community of people. The qualities of a leader are not only innate, they can also be formed and developed, and this is what we will consider in our article below.

Key Leadership Traits

Society changes, leaders change. Each of the human collectives requires special qualities from the leader. Some character traits are needed for the captain of a football team, others for the captain of a ship. But you can also find general leadership qualities. Such character traits that are in demand in our society are:

  • honesty;
  • openness to new knowledge and willingness to change;
  • imagination;
  • self-confidence;
  • sense of humor;
  • enthusiasm;
  • rationality and rigidity;
  • readiness for change;
  • the ability to see and hold the target;
  • ability to quickly find necessary funds for the realization of the goal;
  • interesting appearance and charisma.

Leadership development is a daily job, and it will require all your strength.

What does a leader look like

Who is the leader on the outside? Look - successful man always noticeable. If there is a firm decision to develop leadership qualities, work on your appearance. Charisma is a collection external characteristics person as a leader, attracting people. You must have:

  • good stylish clothes;
  • neat hairstyle and well-groomed appearance;
  • clean shoes;
  • stylish accessories - briefcase, watch, diary, gadgets.

Decide what kind of leader you are or what you want to become

  • formal and informal. This is a familiar situation - the formal leader is the official head of the company, but the tone in it is set by the informal one;
  • a leader - an inspirer who generates ideas and organizes a group around it or a lead performer who knows how to best accomplish a task;
  • business - the organizer and inspirer of the production process, who knows how to properly distribute work tasks;
  • emotional - the heart of the group, causing sympathy and trust;
  • situational - manifesting itself at a critical moment and taking the lead in solving a specific problem;
  • a universal leader who combines all these qualities.

Try to become one of these leaders, use your innate features. Decide what you do best - organize work, generate ideas, or masterfully conduct business meetings. Become perfect in this and climb one more step up on the way to the goal.

Leadership qualities, such as the ability to motivate people, allow group members to reach their full potential, pushing them to do more than they could before. Its energy allows you to unlock the hidden resources of the rest - the personal properties of a person, the hidden capabilities of a group or company. A leader is a beacon that marks the way for others to follow voluntarily.

What needs to be done to develop leadership skills

What qualities should a leader have in order to lead others?

A leader is one who can identify and keep in mind the ultimate goal, retains the ability to lead a group to it even under the most adverse conditions, infects others with his faith, energy and passion to achieve it.

Whether a person is born like this or the necessary leadership qualities develop in the process of life is a question open to discussion. But their formation with purposeful work and perseverance is possible. This is a constant work, work on oneself of a person who is ready to be responsible for others.

  • Vision of purpose

Determine the goal, clearly know where to go and what you want to get at the end of the path. Be able to build a strategy to achieve the desired goal. To develop such a trait in yourself, you need to study the biographies of historical leaders and successful people of our time, get acquainted with classical literature business strategy, look for those who have these traits.

Plan your every day, analyze the effectiveness and correctness of actions in the evening. Gradually lengthen the planning period.

  • Ability to make quick and accurate decisions

Do not be afraid to make difficult and responsible decisions. To learn how to make decisions, start where the mistake will not be critical and will not violate self-confidence. Even if it's wrong, it's a great opportunity to learn a lesson about how not to do it. Learn to defend your point of view with confidence in the correctness of decisions.

  • Ability to take risks

Do not be afraid to act in undefined situations, be prepared for the fact that a good result may not be achievable. Be adventurous and ready to take risks. To properly evaluate a decision, learn to weigh the situation, clearly identifying the pros and cons of all options developments on a five-point scale.

Then you should evaluate the options, realizing that all solutions are imperfect and you can lose. But every mistake is always an opportunity to learn something new.

  • Ability to inspire team members

The leader is able to create a team with which it is much easier to achieve the goal. It unites people to achieve it, is able to motivate them to work at a level that was previously unattainable for them.

To learn this quality, learn to manipulate people, study the motives that move them. To do this, learn to listen to the person. Listening and hearing are two different things. When talking, you need to fully concentrate on the interlocutor, let's understand that you are listening to him: with gestures, a smile, nods. If necessary, write it down. Learn how to initiate discussions among team members, critically evaluate all points of view and extract a healthy grain from them. Such attention to everyone will unite the team.

  • Active work on yourself

Be honest with yourself and others in assessing the negative and positive aspects of yourself, get ready to change if necessary, because there is no limit to perfection.

Learn consistency, know how to restrain fits of rage and outbursts of hysterics - this sets an example for team members. Be prepared for criticism. To do this, do not be afraid to ask about what to improve in your leadership style, keep a diary - this helps to critically evaluate your actions. Provide feedback with team members to help correct behavior.

  • Don't try to please everyone

Remember that there are no ideas that suit everyone. Don't try to be liked. Leadership development is about not being afraid of constructive criticism and being afraid of unfair praise - it slows down progress. You have to learn to find positive aspects events.

  • Improve your health

Working on yourself is hard work. Excellent physical shape and health are also leadership qualities. To stand out in the crowd:

  1. devote at least an hour a day to exercise and sports. Daily physical activity should become a necessity;
  2. get enough sleep - a person who sleeps for four hours a day loses clarity of thought, speed of reaction. Compliance with the regime of the day with the obligatory full sleep will allow you to maintain an attractive appearance;
  3. eat regularly - a haggard appearance, bags under the eyes do not adorn the leader;
  4. consult a nutritionist and choose the right diet for yourself. This will ensure high performance;
  5. obligatory day off, min once a week should become the norm.

Violation of the diet and diet will instantly affect appearance and health. The syndrome of constant fatigue is a daily companion of violators of these rules.

How to speak, move and listen

Appearance is only a component of the characteristics of a leader. Developing true leadership skills complement:

  • good manners;
  • clear, literate speech;
  • restrained gestures;
  • good posture and ability to move;
  • confidence.

Learn proper manners - there is a large amount of business literature of this kind published. Watch the leaders, their demeanor. You also need to learn how to speak correctly. For this:

To learn how to move well, sign up for a dance school. This will help to match physical activity, emotional relaxation and learning the right movements. Communication in a new team for oneself is the development of sociability as leadership qualities.

There are people who are born leaders, but do not realize their potential. But there are those who are able to become them, having developed the necessary leadership qualities in themselves. Nurturing a leader is hard work. But without it, it is impossible to talk about achieving success in life.