How to grow pineapple at home from the top - helpful tips for beginners. How to plant pineapple at home

Pineapples are some of the most unusual tropical fruits in the world. Pineapple can be grown in temperate climates under controlled conditions or in an apartment. Most often, for cultivation for decorative purposes, the crown of the pineapple fruit is used as a planting material, in this case, the most difficult stage of cultivation is getting the roots. But it is worth noting that it is possible to get a plant from pineapple seeds, here the problem is in the selection of seed material.

With a certain amount of patience and care, perhaps even grow your pineapple at home on the windowsill. Of course, you won't be able to achieve a full-sized plant and a large fruit, but an overseas guest will undoubtedly become your favorite home plant.

Pineapple belongs to the bromeliad family and is related to some ornamental plants sold in nurseries. Plants of this family are interesting in that they accumulate water (dew) and nutrients in the places where leaves attach to the trunk, forming reservoirs. And from there, through the hairs, moisture is absorbed by the plant; thus, bromeliads have adapted to survive dry periods. Pineapple, however, uses roots as its main food source.

Growing pineapple from a tuft.

First you need to purchase a ripe pineapple. Here you will find comprehensive tips on how to choose a ripe pineapple. The tuft of a suitable pineapple for planting should have healthy, strong, green, lively leaves, and the skin should be golden brown. The presence of gray spots on the base of the leaves indicates the presence of worms; it is better not to use such pineapples for planting. For greater probability, choose two pineapples, if one of them dies, the experiment can be continued with the other, or you can immediately choose a stronger specimen.

Then you need to prepare the pineapple crown for planting. Grasp all the leaves with your hand and twist slightly. The tuft should separate from the fruit with a small stem underneath. You can also use a knife to do this by cutting off upper part pineapple, but the remaining pulp must be separated from the crown so that decay does not occur in the future. Remove a few lower leaves so that the base of the pineapple trunk is exposed a few centimeters, and roots should then emerge from it. After pruning and peeling, leave the pineapple for a few days so that the cut and leaf scars dry out and not rot.

To get the roots, use the simplest and, as practice shows, the most effective method: Place the dried crown in a glass of water so that the water covers the bare trunk. Place the glass of pineapple on the windowsill next to your houseplants. Monitor the water level and periodically replace the water completely, after about three weeks the pineapple should take root. When the roots reach a couple of centimeters in length, then the pineapple can be planted in the ground.

As a rooting substrate, a mixture in equal shares of soil is suitable for indoor plants, peat and river sand. For the initial planting, take a small pot, about the size of the tuft in diameter. Organize good drainage from expanded clay, so that with frequent watering there is no stagnation of moisture and rotting of the soil. Young pineapple loves to keep the soil constantly moist, but not flooded. Also, it should not be in direct sunlight, but the place should be lit.

Rooting a homemade pineapple will take six to eight weeks. A good sign will be the appearance of new leaves, which means the plant has taken root, put down real roots and is ready to grow further. If there are no signs of pineapple life after two months, you can think about replanting a new plant.

In the future, the original leaves of the pineapple tuft will brown and die off, their place should be taken by the grown greens. As the old leaves die off, they need to be carefully trimmed. The grown pineapple should be watered no more than once a week.

After about one year of growth indoor pineapple need to be transplanted into a larger pot with the addition of potting soil, the same composition as the soil for cacti. Pineapple does not tolerate stagnant water, therefore, high-quality drainage from gravel and expanded clay is a prerequisite successful cultivation pineapple at home. During the winter months, pineapple growth stops, after a dormant period, development should continue in the spring. If this does not happen, it is likely that the pineapple has already depleted the soil and a next transplant is required, replacing part of the old soil.

Homemade pineapple care. Light and temperature.

Pineapple is a tropical plant and cold, much less frost will kill it. If you live in a temperate climate, your indoor pineapple can be placed on the balcony for the summer or taken out into the garden, in a moderately lit place. Finding on fresh air stimulates its growth. Pineapple should be located in a well-lit place for at least 6 hours a day, regardless of the season.

During colder months, keep the plant indoors, draft-free and away from heating appliances... V winter period place the pineapple tree on the south side for maximum sunlight. Optimum temperature for pineapple it is 22-26 degrees Celsius, if you feel comfortable, then indoor pineapple feels good too.

Watering and feeding pineapple in a pot.

Ripe pineapple does not need frequent watering and is not poorly adapted to droughts. When growing pineapple, it is sufficient to water the plant once a week. When the plant is on outdoors, you can sometimes spray the leaves with water and then the liquid will be absorbed by the pineapple from the bases of the leaves, and the excess will quickly evaporate under the influence of the wind. The soil in the pot should not dry out completely, but on the other hand, the water should not linger, but as much as possible flow out through the drainage. During the period of active growth, indoor pineapple should be watered more often than in winter. In case of overflow and rotting of the soil (the appearance of mold, a marshy odor), the soil must be completely replaced, otherwise the plant may die.

Feed the pineapple carefully, about once a month, and only during the growing season. It is possible to fertilize with liquid fertilizers through spraying the leaves, but in this case, make sure that the nutrient mixture does not get on the young leaves, otherwise they may be damaged.

Pests and diseases.

Indoor pineapple will be minimally affected by pests with proper care. However, even in the home, pineapple can attack mealybugs and various mites. These pests can be removed by washing the plant with soapy water and then rinsing. clean water... It is possible to use insecticides, be sure to follow the instructions of the drug.

Another disease that your pineapple may suffer from is core rot caused by fungal attack. The central leaves of the diseased plant turn black and are easily pulled out of the trunk. In case of fungal infection, pineapple can be preserved by pouring the fungicide into the core of the plant. If the agent destroys the infection, then the plant will release a lateral shoot; the old trunk can be cut off over time.

Blooming and fruiting pineapple at home.

Under natural conditions, pineapple takes up to 26 months to produce a new fruit. When growing pineapple at home, flowering times can change in any direction. Usually, after about 16 months, when the pineapple reaches a height of at least 25 cm in height, you can count on the appearance of an inflorescence. The bud begins to form at the top of the plant, gradually moving away from it on the stem growing upward, which is a continuation of the trunk. Flowering should begin within two months, lasting two weeks. Bright blue flowers come off row by row. Each flower opens for just one day.

After the last flower dries up, the fruit begins to develop. The period of its development and ripening is from 3 to six months, depending on the conditions and variety of pineapple.

Forced fruiting of indoor pineapple.

Often, when growing pineapple in a pot, flowering is delayed, or it may not happen at all. If the pineapple has developed enough and reached the right age, then it can be stimulated to bloom. Ethylene is a stimulant of forced fruiting of bromeliads. To obtain it, pour a teaspoon of calcium carbide in half a liter of water and keep the solution in a closed jar for a day. Then pour the liquid into another container, freeing it of sediment. This water will be an aqueous solution of ethylene. Once a day for a week, pour 50 grams of the solution into the bases of the upper leaves of the pineapple.

After this procedure, flowering should begin in 4-6 weeks. If this has not happened, then your indoor pineapple is not yet ready to bear fruit, or it is sick.

After fruiting, pineapple, like any herbaceous plant will die, but this will happen gradually with the release of many side shoots, which are usually used for growing pineapples on an industrial scale. Try to grow your pomegranate tree from seeds at home and achieve fruiting.

It turns out that pineapples have some harmful properties, so not everyone can eat them!

Tell your friends about it.

Lovers of home floriculture have accumulated experience in growing pineapple in indoor conditions... At the right approach it turns out a fruit that is taste no different from its tropic-raised counterpart. It is important to choose well planting material and create for the plant favorable conditions similar to natural.

The choice of planting material

Right choice fetus - first important condition to grow pineapple at home. Main criteria:

  • the leaves have a rich green color and a tough structure;
  • the peel is golden yellow (the presence of gray spots is unacceptable);
  • pleasant sweet smell;
  • the fruit is moderately firm (too hard or too loose - a characteristic of low quality pineapples);
  • summer - early autumn is the optimal time to purchase planting material (in winter time there is a high probability of freezing of the fetus).

Preparing to plant the apex

Most affordable way growing an exotic plant - plant a pineapple from the top. It is also called a rosette or crown. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Grasp the rosette of leaves with your hand and carefully unscrew it. Together with the leaves, the stem should separate (this is a small cone-shaped shortened structure).
  2. In an immature fetus, the crown does not detach well. In this case, it is cut with a knife directed at an angle of 45 °. It is impossible to make a horizontal cut so as not to damage the stem.
  3. Future root system pineapple grows from the stem. It must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp residues to prevent the decay process.
  4. Cut off the top together with the leaves, stepping back 3 cm from the tuft.Carefully remove lower leaves so as not to damage the kidneys.
  5. Pre-germinate the stalk, place in a container with settled water room temperature to a depth of 3-4 cm.
  6. Place the container with the handle in a warm, bright place with a constant air temperature. Change the water every 2-3 days.
  7. The first roots appear after about 3 weeks, after which the rosette can be planted.

Potting mix and capacity

For the first planting of a cutting, an ordinary low one is suitable flower pot with a diameter of 30–35 cm, because the pineapple root system is formed in top layer soil. At the bottom, there must be a hole for water drainage. For future transplants, it is important to choose low flowerpots with a large diameter. To grow pineapple at home, you will need a loose nutritious soil, which can be purchased at a flower shop (Universal is suitable) or you can cook it yourself. Variants potting mixes:

  • peat and river sand (1: 1);
  • sod soil, leaf, peat, birch sawdust, coarse sand (3: 2: 2: 2: 1);
  • leaf humus, sod soil, sand, peat (2: 1: 1: 1).


Correct fit- the key to the successful development of the plant. Algorithm of actions:

  1. 2 days before planting works treat the soil with boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Fill a layer of expanded clay (pebbles, perlite, granite crushed stone) at the bottom of the flowerpot. The thickness of the drainage layer is 2–3 cm.
  3. Fill the container with prepared soil.
  4. In the middle of the pot, make a hole about 3 cm deep, place the rooted cutting in it, cover it with soil to the level of the leaves.
  5. Compact the soil.
  6. Water the plant is not big amount warm water.
  7. Place the flowerpot in a warm place with plenty of light (the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight).
  8. In cold weather, cover the seedling with a transparent cap. With the appearance of the first leaves, the protective device can be removed.
  9. A pineapple sprout takes 1.5–2 months at a temperature of 25–27 ° C.

Care rules

Home-grown pineapple requires special care. It is important for the plant to create favorable conditions:


Air temperature

22–25 ° C, in winter 16–18 ° C

2 times a week, in winter - 1 time (abundant watering leads to decay). Use settled water at room temperature.


A lot of light. Pineapple grows well under one-sided lighting, you do not need to rotate it. In winter, an additional light source is required. It is recommended to illuminate for 8-10 hours with a fluorescent lamp located at a distance of 20 cm.

Top dressing

During the growing season (late February - September), fertilizers are applied every 10-15 days. Mullein solution or mineral fertilizers(except alkaline: wood ash, lime).

Flowering and fruiting

At proper care indoor pineapple blooms in 3-4 years. The flowering process can be stimulated. For this purpose, use:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of calcium carbide in 500 ml of water, let it brew for a day. Drain clear liquid (sediment and impurities are not suitable for use). For 7 days, pour 50 ml of the solution into the middle of the outlet. Flowering will come in 1–1.5 months.
  • Cover the pot with the plant with a plastic cap, put smoking coals next to it. The procedure is carried out until they stop smoking. You need to perform stimulation 2-3 times with a week break. The pineapple will bloom in 2–2.5 months.
  • Place the flowerpot in plastic bag, put 3-4 apples or tomatoes there. Change them periodically.

The harvest ripens 6-7 months after flowering. The sweetish smell indicates the ripeness of the fruit. Their weight is 0.3–1.5 kg. During fruiting, only organic fertilizers can be used to feed the plant. After fruiting, the plant forms new shoots for 2-3 years, after which it dies. "Children" are used as planting material.

Pests and diseases

Pineapple grown at home is not immune from diseases and pests. Problems can arise if the rules of care are not followed. Some signs to look out for:


Leaves wither

Hot or very sunny

Spray with water, rearrange to a cooler place

Leaves turn pale and curl

Rearrange to a brighter place, arrange additional lighting

The trunk is rotting

Excess moisture

Reduce watering to a minimum until the plant recovers

The leaves are covered with a film

Mealy worm

Washing with soapy water, treat with Karbofos

Root system affected

Root worm

Stop watering, treat the soil with insecticides

There is a thin spider web on the outlet

Spider mite

Remove with soapy water, moisten the plant, treat with an insecticide

Sticky coating


Wash with soapy water


Loved by many, pineapple is a plant that can live in conditions of a lack of moisture. It satisfies the need for liquid in a peculiar way - its thick leaves form a natural bowl where dew flows down, and then penetrates into the plant. Thinking about how to plant pineapple at home, you can use this property. It is enough to root the top, and after a while such an unusual plant for Russian latitudes will grow at home.

Since pineapple can only grow in the tropics, in the climatic conditions of Russia such a plant can be grown:

  • v winter garden or greenhouse;
  • in a heated greenhouse;
  • in the apartment.

And before you start breeding pineapples, you need to choose the right planting material.

The choice of planting material

Since it can take several years from planting the top to obtaining a new fruit, it is necessary to carefully examine the donor plant before deciding what planting material can be taken from it.

  1. Choose only ripe pineapple.
  2. The fruit should be healthy, with no spots or curvatures on the skin.
  3. Do not plant pineapples that have been exposed to low temperatures.
  4. The selected specimen should have dense, deep green leaves. Dried or dented fruit speaks of disease or staleness of the fruit.
  5. The fruit must have pleasant aroma... If there is a sharp sour or putrid smell, then it is better to immediately refuse to buy such a fruit.

Advice! It is best to buy fruit for breeding in late summer or early autumn, because at this time fully ripe pineapples enter the market.

Preparing the pineapple top for rooting

A lot depends on how to plant the top of the pineapple so that the plant takes root. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the "tuft" of the leaves.

There are two ways to extract the top from the fruit itself:

  • it can be twisted out of a pineapple by tightly grasping a bunch of leaves;
  • and you can also cut off a few centimeters of pulp from the fruit along with the leaves, and then cut off the excess with a knife.

If you use the first method, it will immediately be clear whether the fetus is ready for transplantation. Did you manage to twist the bunch of leaves along with the base? You can safely plant it.

Advice! To speed up the germination of roots, the pineapple can be hung with the cut part facing up.

Then water is poured into a glass container and the bundle is placed in it with a cut down.

  • The jar should be wrapped in a dark cloth so that no light falls on the roots.
  • Plants are placed in a warm place without drafts.
  • It is best to place the pineapple under the phytolamp.
  • The water must be refreshed every other day.

Soil preparation and selection of planting containers

The pot in which the fruit will grow should be no more than 0.5 - 0.7 liters in volume. And also it is necessary to make good drainage holes in it.

Pineapple soil is made according to the following recipe:

  • peat - 1/4 part;
  • leaf humus - 1/4 part;
  • fine-grained sand - 1/4 part;
  • perlite - 1 tablespoon;
  • rotted cow dung- 1/4 part.

Or you can buy in the store special mixture for bromelets.

It is important to remember that any soil must first be disinfected by spilling it with biofungicides.

How to plant properly in the ground

Before the pineapple, which has already taken root, is planted in the ground, you need to lower the roots in a solution of biofungicides, and then hold them for several hours in a solution of growth stimulants. Then the roots are slightly dried in a dark place for an hour.

  1. Next, a thick layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot.
  2. A thin soil layer is poured onto the drainage from above.
  3. The ground is moistened from the spray gun.
  4. The pineapple is placed in the middle of the pot.
  5. Around the soil is carefully poured and compacted, but so that the young roots are not damaged.
  6. After that, a small groove is made around the future trunk and the plant is carefully watered.
  7. The groove must be covered with dry soil and the pot must be transferred to permanent place residence.
  8. For better rooting, you can build a mini-greenhouse for the plant, covering it with a glass cap, or make a case from a special covering material.

After planting, the pineapple must be taken to the brightest and warmest place.

It is also possible to grow pineapple from the seed, but for this you need to buy the fruit at the beginning of autumn, so that it is definitely ripe, with seeds saturated with strength. But besides, how to get seed on your own, you can buy it at any store that serves gardeners.

  1. It does not matter how the seeds were obtained, in any case, to begin with, they must be soaked for 12 - 14 hours in a solution of biofungicides.
  2. Further, for 4 hours, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator.
  3. Then they germinate either in a special composition or on damp gauze. It is important to high humidity was supported constantly and the bone was warm. The higher the temperature in the room where the seeds sprout, the faster they will hatch.
  4. The potting mix should be exactly the same as for the top germination.
  5. Sprouted seeds are buried 2 cm into it and covered with a greenhouse.
  6. The pot must be ventilated several times a day.

It is important to remember that germination of some seeds may take six months. And all this time you need to make sure that the soil remains moist, and it is warm around.

Planting a pineapple at home is quite simple, but it will be possible to grow it only if the grower follows the rules of caring for the plant.

  1. It is necessary to maintain constant humidity, but at the same time, rotting of the roots should not be allowed.
  2. The leaf funnel must be filled with water as it dries.
  3. Water the pineapple with warm, or even better, hot water.
  4. Leaves need to be washed periodically.
  5. Several times a day, the plant can be sprayed with warm water, but it must be ensured that there are no drafts.
  6. Temperature the environment should not be lower than + 20 ° C.
  7. Several times a month it is necessary to apply rotted cow dung by irrigation. Replacing such a valuable organic fertilizer with something else is difficult, so you should prepare in advance.
  8. At the same time, mineral fertilizers are applied quite rarely, and in the winter dormant period they should not be added at all. During the spring, summer and autumn, superphosphates and potassium salts are added four times.

Advice! A regular apple can be used to stimulate the pineapple during flowering. But it is important that it is natural and not off the shelf. The fruit must be cut in half and one part must be buried in the soil closer to the roots. The other half is located in a leaf outlet. Next, the pineapple is covered with a plastic cap for several weeks. The ethylene that will release the apple will help the pineapple blossom.

The main mistakes when planting pineapple

To the question: "Is it possible to plant a pineapple at home", an affirmative answer is always given. But growing such a complex plant is a completely different story. Therefore, you need to take into account errors that can completely neutralize all efforts.

  • It will not be superfluous to repeat that pineapple loves warmth. Moreover, the humidity should also be high - it does not tolerate dry air.
  • A short daylight hours will not allow the plant to develop, so it needs to provide a full eight-hour daylight... It is best to do this with a good phytolamp - it will give the entire required spectrum of radiation.
  • There should be a gap between the pot and the drain pan, and water should not stagnate there.

Not every grower has the patience to grow pineapple at home, but if you still manage to achieve the cherished goal, then first the plant will give the owner a wonderful flowering, and then it will give the opportunity to enjoy the delicious fruits that they got, oh how difficult it is!

The overseas fruit pineapple is a herbaceous plant from the bromeliad family. This species is characterized by the fact that the plants are adapted to live in drought conditions, have fleshy leaves that form a funnel in the center. Morning dew flows into an improvised container and nourishes the plant from above. This property of absorbing moisture through the leaves at the top of the fruit, their connection with the heart of the plant suggested a way to plant pineapple. Rooting the top and getting a new plant at home is possible if the breeding conditions are observed.

How to grow pineapple

In an average climate, pineapples can only be grown in greenhouse conditions, greenhouses or on a windowsill. One of the reasons is the long-term cultivation of pineapple until it is ripe. Several years, up to 4 years, pass in anticipation of the formation of an inflorescence. And six months are required for the filling and ripening of the fruit. Later, the plant dies off, leaving behind numerous shoots, with which the plant is bred on an industrial scale.

At home, fruiting occurs after 26 months of plant development. After removing the fruit, the plant dies off, leaving many offspring with which it is propagated. In indoor conditions, a plant blooms with a height of 25 cm and at the age of 16 months. Flowering will begin in two months, lasts two weeks. One flower blooms for 1 day. The fruit is formed and ripens up to six months.

So, you can grow pineapple:

  • seeds obtained from a mature fruit;
  • undergrowth from an adult or dead bush;
  • the tip of a ripe pineapple.

The seed method of breeding is rarely used, since this is due to the lengthening of the growing season. For those who like to start from scratch, you need to know which ripe exotic fruit you can collect seeds. At home, for cross-pollination, it is necessary that two adjacent plants bloom at the same time. In the future, the seeds are sown in light soil and after the emergence of seedlings they are grown up to 6 cm and planted in a permanent pot.

How to plant pineapple from the top

The most common way is to get a pineapple sapling from the crest on the top of the fruit. Pineapple is selected from a freshly harvested batch. A strong bunch of leaves on top of the pineapple cone will be a sign. The leaves should be alive, not dry and as little wrinkled as possible. The fruit must be ripe in all respects.

  1. Grasping the fruit firmly with one hand, unscrew the rosette of leaves from the base with the other with a smooth screw movement. Better to do it together. If this is not possible, then the crown is cut off with a sharp disinfected knife. Then the soft part is carefully removed from the resulting cone so that it does not rot in the ground during rooting.
  2. We clean the base by 2-3 cm, carefully pinching off the leaves. In this place, roots will appear and grow, as in the bottom of an onion or garlic clove. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal or ground cinnamon.
  3. Within a week, the plant is dried in room conditions by hanging the scalp with the cut part up. This is to speed up root formation.
  4. We lower the bottom of the pineapple seedling into the water and wait for the roots to appear. The place for the jar needs to be chosen light and warm. Drafts and temperature changes are unacceptable. Choose dark glass or wrap the container in black paper. Change the water every two days, avoiding acidification.
  5. We choose a pot for a young seedling no more than 0.5 l in volume, with a good drainage hole. The soil is made up of equal proportions of sand and leaf humus. You can buy soil for bromylium, but any composition must first be cleaned of pathogens and possible insect pests. Before planting, watering with hot potassium permanganate and subsequent drying is required.
  6. We plant pineapple with roots in a pot with a pre-laid drainage layer. The soil should be moist, but not soggy. If the plant is already with roots, then we leave the plant open and monitor the humidity. If, after drying, the pineapple seedling was not placed in water, then rooting is carried out under a hood to create a microclimate.

How to plant a pineapple from the top is clear. It remains to wait for the rooting results. If the plant is accepted, young leaves will appear. And only then and subsequently to water young plant you need from above so that there is always water in the funnel of leaves.

How long to wait for rooting results depends on external conditions and from compliance with all conditions. The plant can take root for 6-8 weeks. When rooting, the leaves will gradually dry out and the tips should be cut off. At the same time, replacement greens are growing. Over time, the bush will completely lose its old hair. Water the plant once a week for up to a year. Transplant the flood into a larger pot in the cactus soil.

In winter, pineapple leaves will not grow, this is a dormant period. This means that both watering and feeding should be reduced.

How to plant pineapple at home - video

A lover of exotic plants at least once comes up with the idea of ​​growing a pineapple with his own hands. Not every florist knows how to grow a pineapple at home from the top, creating for him comfortable conditions for growth and fruiting in a city apartment or house. In fact, it is quite within the power of a person who does not have much experience in plant breeding.

How to plant pineapple at home?

To figure out how to plant a pineapple at home and how to grow it, you need to know which natural conditions are accustomed to him. Pineapple is a herbaceous plant of dry and warm plains, like a bush with hard leaves, from the center of which a peduncle grows. On it, the fruit is tied, which we habitually see on supermarket shelves.

Planting pineapple at home can be done in several ways:

  • "Palm" (top leaves) of ripe pineapple;
  • "Kids" (side shoots) from an adult plant;
  • seeds.

Pineapple is able to give lateral shoots. You can plant them directly in a pot with suitable soil and grow pineapple from them. It is fair to say that you still need to find someone who can get hold of such "kids", because not everyone grows pineapples on their windowsill! Can pineapple be grown from the top? Without a doubt, this is possible! Buy a ripe pineapple, separate this "palm" from it, plant it in the ground, and eat the pineapple at your pleasure.

How to plant pineapple from the top correctly?

Before you can admire your own pineapple on the windowsill, you should learn how to grow pineapple without making mistakes. First you need to find a pineapple suitable for this purpose on sale. Better to buy pineapple for planting stock in the summer or early fall. The fruit should be ripe and exude a delicate aroma, its rind should be golden color, the leaves are green, elastic. Do not take pineapple if its leaves are dry or frostbitten, gray "dusty" color, have spots (which may indicate damage to them by pests).

How to prune pineapple for planting?

The easiest way to prepare planting material is by literally unscrewing the "tuft" of leaves from the fruit. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wear gloves to protect your hands from the thorny leaves.
  2. Firmly grasp all the leaves with the fingers of one hand closer to the base.
  3. Hold the fruit firmly with your other hand.
  4. Slowly but firmly rotate the tip as if you were removing a screw.

It is important not to overdo it. From a ripe fruit, the top should be unscrewed without problems, but if it does not work, then it can be cut out with a sharp, clean knife. Here's how to properly prune pineapple:

  1. Having departed 4-5 cm from the tuft, make a cut.
  2. Keeping the knife at 45 °, cut the leaves together with the root of the pulp. Don't damage the core!
  3. Make sure the flesh is completely peeled off the root, otherwise it will rot during planting.

Pineapple sprouting begins with the preparation of the top. The easiest way to grow pineapple at home from the top:

  1. Remove the lower leaves (2-3 cm), exposing the growth points of future roots on the trunk of the plant. Then, when you plan to put the tuft directly into the water, then you can not dry it, but pre-treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Take an opaque container (you can use a regular cup) as a vessel for germinating the cutting.
  3. The water should be at room temperature, clean, and settled. The water should be changed every two days, not allowing it to become cloudy. Watch the water level.
  4. The petiole should be lowered into the water to the height of the root growth points, while not immersing the tuft leaves in the water.
  5. Place the container with the handle in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sunlight, temperature extremes, drafts and pets. After about 7-10 days, the roots will hatch. When they get stronger and grow 2-3 cm, the plant can be planted in the ground.
  6. Before planting, remove it from the water, dry it on a paper towel for several hours, treat it with ash or activated carbon, then proceed to planting.

Another way to grow pineapple is by rooting the prepared tip without first sprouting in water. The top is cut from the pineapple using the above algorithm. Before planting, the base must be dried for a couple of weeks by hanging the "palm" with the leaves down to heal the wounds on the handle. Before planting, flower growers treat the petiole with ash, crushed activated carbon to disinfect and prevent decay.

Prepare small size clay pot. Lay it loosely in it, make a depression in the moss and slightly press the base of the tuft into it. Place the seedling pot in a bright, warm (23-25 ​​° C) room away from direct sunlight. Spray the rosette of leaves regularly with a spray bottle. You can cover the plant with a transparent cap to create a microclimate. Do not overmoisten! If young leaves appear in the center of the outlet, the plant has taken root and is ready for planting in a permanent place.

So, we have a sprout with roots. In which pot to plant a pineapple sprouted in one of the ways to create suitable living conditions for the plant? There must be a drainage hole in the pot. To begin with, take a pot slightly larger in diameter than the crest itself, about 15 cm.Do not take a large container right away. It is better to do the transshipment later, increasing the size of the pot to the required one. Since the pineapple roots are close to the surface, a very deep container is not required.

Getting started landing:

  1. Prepare the ground. A couple of days before planting, disinfect it by spilling it with potassium permanganate solution or boiling water. At the time of planting, the soil should be slightly damp, but not wet.
  2. Place expanded clay, vermiculite at the bottom of the pot by about a third of the height of the container.
  3. Fill the pot with prepared soil, make a depression in the center, the size of which will allow you to freely place the roots and stalk up to the height of the leaves.
  4. Place the tuft in the fossa, being careful not to damage the roots. Hold the seedling with one hand, and with the other, carefully fill the space around the stem with soil, lightly pressing the soil with your fingers.
  5. To make the plant immobile, you can fix it with wooden or plastic sticks.
  6. Water the plant with a little water or spray the soil with a spray bottle.

Soil for pineapple

Land for planting pineapple is on sale - this is the soil for planting bromeliads. You can make the soil yourself by mixing in proportion

  • peat - two parts;
  • river sand - one part;
  • forest land (or sod land) - three parts

Pineapple in a pot - how to care?

When the plant has new green leaves, we can assume that the first stage is complete. However, in order for a decorative pineapple in a pot to grow and develop without problems, it needs proper care:

  1. The location is a very bright place with no direct sun.
  2. Temperature range - 23-27 ° С
  3. Watering is plentiful, but not frequent. The soil should dry out between waterings.
  4. Top dressing - every two months.
  5. Spraying from a spray bottle every day, pineapple loves moist warm air.

That's all the wisdom of how to grow pineapple at home from the top! You can create an entire plantation on the windowsill, surprising guests and delighting your home with fragrant pineapple fruits. Observing simple rules for care, it is possible to get a beautiful, strong, amazing exotic plant out of seemingly no one the required leaves, which, as usual, go to the trash can.