Which linoleum is best for an apartment: expert opinion. Is linoleum harmful in the apartment? How to choose linoleum: types, types, specifications

Despite the fact that there is wide choose finishing coatings for floors, linoleum continues to be in great demand. The reason for the demand for this material is due to its constant improvement. Today, the texture and types of linoleum are so diverse that everyone can easily choose something interesting for themselves. However, when choosing a consumer, a lot of questions arise. This article will help you understand the variety that exists.

What is linoleum like? Below is the classification according to the material from which the coating is made.

  1. ... Linoleum composition: lime, tree resin, linseed oil and cork flour. Possesses excellent antistatic properties, does not absorb grease and is less susceptible to fire.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). What it is made of is clear from the name. The base can be different: non-woven, foamed or heat-insulating. In addition, the coating can be either single-layer or double-layer, which affects its density.
  3. Alkyd (glyphthalic). This type is made using alkyd resins and pigments based on woven fabric. Technical properties: fragility, high level of heat and noise insulation.
  4. Rubber (relin). It is based on used bitumen and crushed rubber; upper layer- synthetic rubber with a backfiller. This type of floor covering has ductility and moisture resistance.
  5. Nitrocellulose (colloxylin). Unlike previous varieties, it has no base. It is a thin elastic material that is resistant to moisture.

Despite the variety of materials of manufacture, it is PVC linoleum that is most popular with consumers.

Types of linoleum by properties

Linoleum can be divided into classes depending on which technical properties he has. The most important among them are the indicators of abrasion and wear resistance.

Abrasion means how much the coating thickness decreases under load. There is a European classification EN660-1, on the basis of which linoleum is subdivided into four groups and has the following marking (the change in thickness after rolling with a special roller is indicated in brackets):

  1. F - the cheapest and fastest abrasion class (0.6 mm);
  2. M - linoleum, which wears out moderately (0.3 mm);
  3. P - low abrasion (0.15 mm);
  4. T is the most durable class (0.08 mm).

The wear resistance classification is based on the ability of the coating to withstand mechanical stress. The characteristics of linoleum are affected by its thickness, if it is single-layer (homogeneous). If it is a material, then the level of wear resistance depends on the thickness of the top layer.

To determine the class of wear resistance, marking is used European system EN 685. The index consists of two digits. The first defines the scope:

  • 2 - living quarters (houses, apartments, etc.);
  • 3 - public places (kindergartens, schools, hospitals, offices, etc.);
  • 4 - production facilities (workshops, stations, airports, etc.).

The second digit in the index means the intensity of the load:

  • 1 - low;
  • 2 - medium;
  • 3 - rather high;
  • 4 - very high.

When choosing, the following varieties are most optimal:

  1. 21 - for bedrooms, closets and other rooms where the load on the floor is minimal;
  2. 22 - for children's rooms and living rooms;
  3. 23 - for vestibules, hallways with high intensity of use.

You can use other types of linoleum of a higher wear resistance class. However, the higher the grade of the flooring, the more expensive it is.

Today, such types of linoleum are used as household, semi-commercial, and special. They have different density and scope. If you already know which type you will use, all that remains is to measure the room and decide on the size of the material.

The width of the purchased canvas must be at least 100 mm greater than the length of the wall relative to which the measurements are taken.

How wide is linoleum? Manufacturers produce a wide range of linoleum flooring. Its width can be from 1.5 to 5 m in increments of 0.5 m. Thus, you can easily select a roll of the right size for any room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing a floor covering, you should study not only specifications linoleum, but also positive and negative qualities of this material. The undoubted advantages include:

  • Ease of care and ease of use. Dirt is least visible on linoleum, which is especially important for floors in public places.
  • Simplicity of styling. You don't need professional skills to lay the floor, so it's easy.
  • High degree resistance to moisture and impact chemicals... This allows you to lay the flooring in areas where wet cleaning is often carried out.
  • Significant degree of sound and heat insulation.
  • Low slip that has essential for the movement of people.
  • A wide range of colors, giving freedom to make design decisions.

As seen in the market finishing materials a wide range of linoleum coatings is presented. In order to do right choice, it is only necessary to study the types of linoleum, the classification of the material and its technical properties (wear resistance, abrasion, density, etc.).

Despite the fact that manufacturers have provided the flooring market with a variety of assortments that meet all the requirements and building codes, in the process of choosing a flooring for their home, the consumer still opts for traditional linoleum. This is due to the fact that, using the example of this floor covering, the manufacturer has the opportunity to demonstrate the optimal combination of price and quality, which is not always possible for similar materials. In addition, linoleum is one of the most unpretentious and, unlike parquet, materials that are easy to install. It would seem that the choice is obvious, but there are also pitfalls here. The flooring market is evolving and linoleum continues to improve as well. All this leads to the fact that the consumer has to deal with big amount varieties of linoleum, each of which is characterized by its own purpose, advantages and disadvantages. Having faced a choice, an inexperienced master who does not have theoretical knowledge about various types of linoleum is often unable to quickly navigate, which leads to various kinds of difficulties and mistakes when choosing suitable material... To prevent them, and to help inexperienced craftsmen in the process of choosing a popular flooring, our specialists have prepared this article describing the purpose, advantages and disadvantages of each of the types of linoleum.

Linoleum: main advantages and disadvantages

For linoleum, rightfully called one of the most economical and demanded materials among those offered by the construction market, there are certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will consider below.

The fundamental advantages of linoleum:

  • Ease of installation of flooring is one of the main advantages of linoleum, thanks to which you can carry out flooring on your own;
  • Ease of operation and unpretentious maintenance, since, unlike laminate or parquet, traces of street dirt are less visible on linoleum, which is especially important for rooms with high traffic;
  • No need to apply a protective coating, which is mandatory for parquet;
  • Moisture resistance and resistance to acids, which makes it possible to lay linoleum in rooms with frequent wet cleaning;
  • Elasticity and low slip level, ensuring the safety of movement of people, which makes it possible to use linoleum as a floor covering in gyms and public places;
  • High heat and sound insulation characteristics, which is also important not only for residential but also public premises;
  • Thanks to the variety of decor and colors, designers receive an inexhaustible field for the implementation of their most daring ideas.

Disadvantages of linoleum:

Before you carry out the linoleum flooring, you need to make sure that the base on which you will lay the linoleum is perfectly flat. But in general, this applies to any floor covering;

  • In the process of using synthetic linoleum, chemical components are used, however, PVC coatings comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards;
  • When furniture moves, you may find dents in the flooring left by the furniture.

Important! If you carefully analyze the disadvantages and advantages of linoleum, you will notice that the latter prevail and are more convincing, and therefore, not every flooring able to compete with linoleum.

Scope of use of linoleum: main varieties

In the process of choosing linoleum for residential or public premises, it is important to take into account not only the external characteristics of the material, but also its physical properties. Elastic PVC coatings, in accordance with the degree of wear resistance, distinguish several classes of linoleum application. In accordance with European standards, linoleum is classified into classes 21-23, 31-34, 41-43. Russian standards imply the division of linoleum in accordance with the scope of its use, that is, there are three main types of flooring, each of which includes linoleum of a certain class.

In accordance with this feature, household linoleum, commercial and semi-commercial linoleum are distinguished, each of which is intended for laying in rooms with different traffic. In addition, special-purpose linoleum is distinguished separately.

Under the concept household linoleum means a floor covering of class 21-23, made on a foam base and characterized by a multilayer structure. Among the advantages of this class of material, one can single out high-quality soundproofing indicators, environmental friendliness, high decorative characteristics and pleasant tactile sensations upon contact with the coating surface - these are the main characteristics that the manufacturer provides in the process of making cheap linoleum. However, it is impossible to create a material that meets all the requirements, and therefore, a budget option loses to its more expensive counterparts. Cover thickness household linoleum does not exceed 0.1-0.35 mm, as a result of which this material suffers from low wear resistance and insufficiently effective appearance. For residential use only.

Commercial linoleum, also called technical, is a floor covering with increased wear resistance, belonging to the 41-43 class of use. The manufacturer guarantees at least 10 years of service in areas characterized by high traffic. These include school corridors and classrooms, reception areas, trading halls, and even airports. The strength of such a coating is ensured different ways... If the strength of homogeneous (single-layer) linoleum is provided due to the density and homogeneity of the material, then to ensure the reliability of the heterogeneous material, the manufacturer uses additional reinforcing and stabilizing layers. Environmental friendliness technical linoleum is in no way inferior to household varieties, and therefore, it can be used for domestic purposes, which is significantly limited due to the high cost of the material.

In addition to technical and household linoleum, there is a "golden mean" - semi-commercial linoleum, implying a material with 31-34 class of use. It is characterized by greater wear resistance compared to household linoleum, and less demanding installation than commercial flooring. Semi-commercial linoleum can be used both in household and in public premises, characterized by average traffic.

Types of linoleum photo

Layer-by-layer composition and technical characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum

This type of flooring consists of three layers:

  • PVC backing(for the semi-commercial variety, only foamed). Some models are characterized by the addition of fiberglass to the foam backing, which increases the strength of the material and allows it to avoid stretching. In addition, fiberglass performs heat and sound insulation functions, which even allows it to be separated into a separate, independent layer;
  • Decorative layer responsible for the appearance of the floor covering. It can be either one-color or include several colors, as well as imitate any natural materials, including stone, granite or wood;
  • PVC or polyurethane protective layer preventing premature wear of the coating. For semi-commercial varieties of linoleum, its thickness is 0.4-0.6 mm.

Technical characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum:

  • Weight 1 sq. meters - 2-2.5 kg, unlike household linoleum, the weight of 1 sq. meter of which does not exceed 1.2-1.8 kg;
  • Choosing semi-commercial linoleum, which is 2 to 4 meters wide, you should know that thanks to optimal thickness of the protective layer, it is resistant not only to temperature, but also to mechanical stress;
  • The guarantee for this linoleum is from 7 to 20 years.

Varieties of linoleum in accordance with the material used

Taking into account this feature, the following types of linoleum are distinguished:

  • Natural linoleum;
  • Polyvinylchloride (PVC linoleum);
  • Colloxylin (nitrocellulose linoleum);
  • Glyphthalic (alkyd linoleum);
  • Rubber linoleum or so-called relin.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Natural linoleum, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of only natural ingredients in the composition, is considered an absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly material. For its manufacture, wood and limestone flour, flour obtained from balsa wood, linseed oil, natural resins are used. conifers and natural dyes. For the manufacture of the supporting base, natural materials are also used - most often it is jute fabric. Sometimes, to increase the wear resistance of natural linoleum, it is covered with a polymer, but you can purchase a floor covering without a varnish layer. Natural linoleum can be either baseless or on fabric base... Natural linoleum has the following advantages:

  • High wear resistance combined with a spectacular appearance;
  • Optimum fire resistance and flame retardancy in case of fire;
  • Ease of care, limited to dry or wet cleaning, and long-term preservation of the original characteristics;
  • Bactericidal properties provided by linseed oil, which is part of it;
  • No tendency to accumulate static electricity;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, non-concentrated acids and ethyl alcohol.

Important! Despite the indisputable advantages, this material has one significant drawback - insufficient plasticity, and therefore, difficulties often arise during its transportation, since careless handling can cause bends.

PVC linoleum, as well as natural material, can be produced with or without a base. At present, natural materials are rarely used in the role of a base, which have been replaced by synthetic ones. Distinguish between baseless synthetic linoleum, linoleum on a foamed, fabric or heat and sound insulating non-woven base.

Important! A popular representative of linoleum using a non-woven heat and sound insulating substrate is PVC linoleum on felt base, in the manufacturing process of which a thick substrate made of artificial felt is used. Due to its unique structure, when laying linoleum on a felt base, there is no need to glue it or use a screed. This kind linoleum, the dimensions of which vary from 1.5 to 3.5 m in width, has a transparent protective layer, as well as a needle-punched heat and sound insulating base made of polypropylene and lavsan fibers, which is used mainly for domestic purposes.

An important disadvantage of synthetic linoleum, with the exception of those models for which a foam or fiberglass base is used, is a large shrinkage when it is used at high temperatures and the presence of artificial components in its composition. Despite the fact that they meet all quality standards and are absolutely harmless, there is a stereotype in the world that the presence of artificial components in the composition of a material affects not only its quality, but also environmental safety. Besides, characteristic feature such a floor covering is a specific smell that disappears during its use.

According to the number of layers, PVC linoleum can be divided into two groups: homogeneous, consisting of one layer, and heterogeneous, which includes several layers.

  • Homogeneous linoleum is a panel with a thickness of 1.5 to 3 mm, characterized by a single-color pattern. Limestone, talc and kaolin are used for its production. So that the fillers that make up linoleum do not come out on its surface, polyurethane protection is applied to it. A significant disadvantage of such linoleum is the need to grind off the protective coating at least once every 3-6 months;
  • Heterogeneous PVC linoleums are a more versatile and practical floor covering with a multi-layer structure. Fiberglass impregnated with polyvinyl chloride paste, covered with a PVC layer with a different composition on the front side, is used as the basis for the specified floor covering. It is on it that the manufacturer applies a pattern, which is protected by a transparent polyvinyl chloride layer of high strength, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.15 mm.

Important! Linoleum, the pattern on which is applied not by a chemical, but by a mechanical method, is more consistent with quality standards and is a more reliable floor covering.

In addition to fiberglass, in the production of linoleum, a substrate is used, which can be foamed, polyester, fabric or jute. It is applied to the fiberglass base from the wrong side and prevents the appearance of deformation of the linoleum when exposed to high temperatures.

Less common, but still used in construction practice, varieties of linoleum are the following types of flooring:

  • Colloxylin or so called nitrocellulose linoleum, which is a thin baseless floor covering, characterized by elasticity and high moisture resistance. But, despite the indicated advantages, it is unstable to fire;
  • Glyphthal linoleum, which is superior to polyvinyl chloride varieties in terms of heat and sound insulation performance, is made using a fabric base. Characteristic feature this variety is its increase in width and decrease in the length of the strips;
  • Relin - rubber linoleum is a material consisting of two layers, the lower of which is represented by crushed rubber bound by bitumen-containing materials, and the upper one is a mixture of synthetic rubber, fillers and pigments. Distinctive feature Relina is elasticity and high moisture resistance.

Varieties of linoleum in accordance with the type of base

In order to fully answer the question: "How to choose linoleum?", You need to familiarize yourself with its varieties, depending on the type of base used, systematizing the information already obtained earlier. In accordance with this feature, a distinction is made between:

  • Baseless linoleum, which is a thin single-layer coating without a base. It is characterized by low cost and is used for domestic premises with high humidity such as kitchens and bathrooms. Due to its small thickness, it should only fit on an absolutely flat base;
  • Foamed linoleum is a multi-layer structure with a thickness of 2 to 3.5 mm and does not need to be glued over the entire area of ​​the canvas, but only along the diagonals and corners. Just like the previous version, it is used in household premises with high level humidity, where the joints of the canvases are welded hot welding or cold, using specialized liquid formulations;

  • Warm linoleum is a floor covering consisting of a base, represented by natural or artificial jute or felt, and an upper protective polymer layer. The thickness of felt-based linoleum is at least 5 mm. Due to its elasticity and ability to retain heat, linoleum on a warm basis is used in domestic premises with normal humidity levels. Experts recommend laying it in a single sheet, without joints, as this will avoid moisture penetration through the joint onto the base. Since it expands slightly during operation, this must be taken into account during installation, leaving a small gap between the coating and the wall, not exceeding 5 mm.

Special types of linoleum: a brief description

Antistatic linoleum characterized by a structure that prevents the accumulation of static electricity associated with a large number of electrical appliances. Due to the fact that dust has a negative effect on highly sensitive devices, the antistatic coating of linoleum prevents its accumulation. Unlike other types of linoleum, antistatic linoleum can be used in rooms where high-precision equipment is located;

Sports linoleum- material intended for installation of floor coverings in sports facilities. Due to the fact that high-strength polyvinyl chloride is used as the top layer of sports linoleum, it is able to withstand increased loads and at the same time maintain its original performance characteristics... It is characterized by strength, elasticity and injury safety;

Liquid linoleum, also called a polymer self-leveling floor, is an innovative development and does not differ in appearance from ordinary linoleum, but to the touch it resembles ceramic tiles.

What are its main advantages?

  • Due to the fact that the floor is poured at a time, there are no gaps and butt joints;
  • You can use it in rooms with different configuration complexity, without wasting time for pattern matching;
  • Due to the inclusion in its composition of various dyes of decorative pigments, it is characterized by the widest color palette;
  • High strength, reliability and impact resistance of the coating, due to its significantly greater thickness compared to other varieties (more than 1.5 mm);
  • Absolute waterproofness, ensuring the effectiveness of its use in rooms with high humidity;
  • Environmental safety, which makes it possible to use it in children's rooms.

3D linoleum is another innovative development of flooring manufacturers that allows you to emphasize the unique style of any room. The ability to visually enlarge the space of a room several times, thanks to 3D effects, is not the only advantage of this material. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, the manufacturer, taking into account the wishes of the customer, applies drawings to the linoleum with 3D effects, which will give the impression of volume when looking at them. Like others innovative developments, 3D-linoleum is characterized by high wear resistance, impact resistance and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Characteristics of linoleum, types and differences

Linoleum is probably the most common floor covering. What do we know about it, how, apart from the price, linoleum differs from each other ...

The main argument in favor of linoleum is played by such factors as ease of installation, high wear resistance, compliance with environmental safety requirements.

At the moment, there are many types of this flooring, from the simplest and most inexpensive to multi-layer and luxury.

Linoleum is divided into several types that determine its origin.

PVC linoleum- the material for the manufacture is polyvinyl chloride. This type of linoleum is the most common and is produced both without a base and on a base, which can be fabric or heat and sound insulating. PVC linoleum is single-layer (homogeneous) or multi-layer (heterogeneous).

  • Homogeneous linoleum - this is a single-layer PVC linoleum, where the pattern runs through the entire thickness of linoleum, such linoleum is often used in places with high traffic, since uneven wear is not terrible for it.
  • Heterogeneous linoleum - is a multi-layer coating, where the upper transparent layer is a protective one, under the transparent layer there is a decorative painted layer, the lower layer is usually on a foam base.

The main disadvantage of PVC linoleum is the loss of elasticity at low temperatures.

Colloqueiline linoleum- the basis of the material is nitrocellulose, it is produced without an additional basis.

This type of linoleum has good elasticity and resistance to moisture. Minus one and not unimportant - nitrocellulose-based linoleum is fire hazardous (rarely used in residential premises).

Glyphthalic (alkyd) linoleum- the composition includes alkyd resin, has a fabric backing.
In comparison with PVC, linoleum has higher heat and sound insulation properties... It also has a minus - at negative temperatures it becomes brittle.

Linoleum "relin"- such linoleum consists of rubber, the bottom layer can be made of recycled rubber bound with bitumen, the top layer is made of synthetic rubber with the addition of pigment and filler.

The thickness and dimensions of linoleum

Linoleum is available in rolls of different widths, the most common widths are 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 meters.

The thickness of linoleum and its substrate plays a big role in further performance.

So, for example, baseless linoleum can have a thickness of 1.2 to 1.6 mm, and linoleum on a foam base can have a thickness of 2 to 4 mm.

Linoleum with a warm backing can be up to 1.5 cm thick.

Thin linoleum should have an ideal base of the floor, since the unevenness of the thin linoleum coating will not smooth out.

Linoleum with a thick warm backing is less whimsical to the base of the floor.

All types of linoleum can be classified into three main classes

  • Household linoleum- designed for residential use. The requirements for household linoleum are high in terms of environmental safety. The wear resistance of such linoleum is not the highest.
  • Semi-commercial linoleum- used in rooms with medium traffic: restaurants, offices.
  • Commercial linoleum- it is used outdoors and is designed for very intensive use, can be used in schools, shopping centers and hotels. Commercial linoleum is the most durable and durable.


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An excellent leveling material for the floor is tongue-and-groove chipboard. By their structure, these are slabs made from natural wood shavings and using a hot press ...

Of the whole variety of floor coverings, artificial household linoleum on a polyvinyl chloride basis combines a fairly high strength and durability, a huge variety of colors and textures and an ideal price / quality ratio. The linoleum coating is very easy to fit on the prepared surface, this allows you to do the work on your own, it is easy to clean with any household detergents, which makes maintenance easier.

Different thicknesses of the protective film and some differences in the main layer of the material allow you to choose linoleum for residential and public premises without extra costs, obtaining balanced coverage characteristics depending on the purpose of the room. In the bedroom, living room, study and other similar rooms, linoleum is used, which is characterized by an acceptable price, sufficient strength characteristics and the richest collection of textures and colors, allowing you to choose a harmonious combination in any stylistic.

The order of prices in the article is indicated in rubles based on the dollar exchange rate $ 1 = 65 rubles.

The main characteristics of household linoleum

Currently, a huge amount of various household-class linoleum is produced with various materials basics and manufacturing technology. Linoleum happens:

  • Natural, PVC or Glyphthal;
  • Baseless, based on natural woven fabrics or strong synthetic fibers;
  • Various thicknesses and widths;
  • Homogeneous (single layer) or heterogeneous (multilayer);
  • Painted over the entire thickness of the coating or with a thin decorative layer.

Household-grade linoleum, made from natural linseed oil, natural resins, fillers and applied to a jute fabric base, has unique wear resistance and excellent environmental characteristics. But its price is so high that the cost of such a coating is comparable, and in some cases even exceeds the cost of natural floors. parquet boards, this sharply limits the possibility of its use when carrying out inexpensive repairs.

Using synthetic materials, it was possible to obtain acceptable quality, optimal price and good environmental characteristics of linoleum, which led to its widespread distribution. Prices for household linoleum start at 200 rubles / m2. But the optimal ratio of price and quality in most cases is at around 400-500 rubles. per meter.

Until recently, the technology for making household linoleum made it possible to obtain more thin-layer homogeneous coatings with a dull monotonous pattern, but with the advent of multilayer heterogeneous linoleum, the situation has changed radically. Now even cheap household linoleum is produced using multilayer technology.

The foam underlay of linoleum provides excellent heat and sound insulation properties, especially important when installing floors on concrete foundations... The porous structure of the PVC base is able to withstand alternating loads, bending under the weight of a person walking on it and instantly restoring its original shape after removing the load. Therefore, walking on such linoleum is very comfortable.

A strong fiberglass mesh impregnated with a special paste, which determines the strength characteristics of linoleum and largely eliminates its main drawback - a significant coefficient of linear expansion with temperature changes. In some linoleum models, mesh is not used, but a thicker foam base is used.

Next comes the decorative layer, which is responsible for the tactile characteristics of the coating and its appearance. Due to its low heat transfer coefficient, this layer creates the impression of a warm surface when touched, on which it is pleasant to stand not only in shoes, but also barefoot, and the applied decorative pattern allows you to create original patterns or imitate various natural materials.

A protective layer of durable and transparent polyvinyl chloride is responsible for the wear resistance of linoleum, which does not exceed 0.3 mm for household linoleum, and the service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 15 years. In some cases, an additional polyurethane layer is applied to the surface, which increases the surface's resistance to abrasion, which is important when installing floors in a kitchen or corridor.

How to choose high-quality household linoleum?

There is a huge variety of materials from foreign and domestic manufacturers on the flooring market. These are mainly Belgian trade marks IVC, Beau Floor, Ideal, Jutex brand from Slovenia and Tarkett household linoleum, production of which is located in Russia.

When choosing a material, you should adhere to a few simple recommendations, and rather trust “sales consultants” who sometimes have little idea of ​​the quality characteristics of the goods they offer:

  • We focus primarily on our sense of smell. If linoleum emits a very sharp "chemical" odor, then it is necessary to stay away from such a coating. The best linoleum hardly smells.
  • Considering the vending sample, you should pay attention to the state of the surface, which should not have spots or too pronounced gloss. High-quality linoleum has a homogeneous, closer to matte, surface with a pronounced pattern.
  • When choosing a new household linoleum, it will be useful to ask about the thickness of the protective layer, on which the wear resistance and durability of the coating depends, which are very close to the parameters of semi-commercial models at a slightly lower price.
  • Having looked at the model you like, especially the manufacturer is unknown, do not be too lazy to check the linoleum in the rolled state for the absence of dents and bumps that can occur if the production technology is violated, leading to the heterogeneity of the material.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the factory marking, in which the manufacturer indicates the characteristics and features of the use of the material.

Multinational transnational corporation TARKETT, developing the production of flooring in Russian Federation, produces about 640,000 square meters linoleum per year, which is recognized as one of the highest quality on the market and offered at the lowest price.

Household linoleum Tarkett has two dozen collections of very different price ranges. Collections Grace, Fashion, Favorite, Magic, Discovery, Empire, Grand, Favorite are presented in 21-32 wear resistance classes and provide customers with a roll coating up to 4 m wide. can be used successfully in the bathroom or in the kitchen without reducing the service life.

The adequate order of prices for premium linoleum is in the range from 800 - 2000 rubles / m2.

Having chosen linoleum as a floor covering, you should definitely think about whether it makes sense to use it in an apartment expensive models commercial flooring in the pursuit of strength and durability. Is it worth overpaying for characteristics that are unnecessary in everyday life or should you limit yourself to high-quality household coatings with a long service life?

The modern variety of floor coverings unwittingly puts any person making repairs in an apartment or a house, before the "torment" of choice. Well-known manufacturers, perfectly building their advertising policy, persistently recommend their products, which are really good. But it happens that for this you will have to part with the amount that was not planned. And the good old linoleum for some reason is undeservedly relegated to the background, considering it a choice for the poor. In fact, it has a number of advantages that the consumer most likely does not know about. It might be worthwhile to be more aware of this popular flooring and find out which linoleum is best for your home.

Linoleum is mistakenly attributed to modern and artificial materials, but its historical roots are hidden in the name. The word linoleum consists of Latin: linum - meaning flax or linen, as well as oleum - oil. Linoleum was patented back in 1860 by the Englishman Frederick Walton. Originally, this flooring used a woven linen or jute backing that was coated with oxidized vegetable oil combined with cork flour. Technologies have been constantly improving, manufacturers have learned to apply patterns on linoleum and at the beginning of the 20th century it was one of the most popular materials.

Due to the high cost of plant materials and the development of chemical synthesis, in the 60s of the last century, they began to produce outdoor roll coatings on a synthetic basis, which was left with the old name - linoleum, although this is a completely different material. In the 90s, they remembered the traditions of the production of natural linoleum, and the volume of its production is constantly increasing, since there is a steady demand for it. Thus, under the name linoleum, a very wide class of flooring, both natural and synthetic, was united.

Types of linoleum

To find it easier to navigate the ocean of proposals and make the right choice, it is worth learning about the types of existing linoleums and specifically which ones are suitable for the home.

Natural linoleum

One of best choices Is a natural linoleum. For its production, exclusively natural ingredients are used: linseed oil, wood flour, jute or linen, natural wood resin, limestone. A rich palette of natural colors along with modern technologies allow you to paint this wonderful coating in any color. Natural linoleum has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High strength. Natural linoleum can withstand pressure up to 16 MPa.
  • Linseed oil, which is part of the composition, makes this coating bactericidal.
  • High wear resistance determines a long service life: up to 30-50 years.
  • Exclusively natural ingredients determine its environmental friendliness.
  • Natural linoleum does not absorb dirt and is easy to clean from various dirt with detergents.
  • Static electricity does not accumulate on the natural linoleum.
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet rays, does not fade from the sun.
  • Low flammability.

With such an impressive list of advantages, natural linoleum is still not devoid of disadvantages:

  • Natural linoleum has a high price, comparable to a parquet board.
  • In rooms where a natural linoleum coating is planned, there should not be high humidity, since the natural base is prone to decay.
  • Low elasticity limits the use of natural linoleum in cold rooms and makes it difficult to install.
  • Features of manufacturing technology limit the variety of patterns and ornaments.
  • Only the laid natural linoleum flooring has a specific smell, which may not be to everyone's liking. However, after a few months, the smell disappears.

For all green living enthusiasts who are willing to go for high costs, natural linoleum will be great choice for residential premises. Low moisture resistance limits its use in kitchens, bathrooms and hallways.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) linoleum

PVC linoleum (international designation - PVC) is the most widely used. It can be either without a base or with different kinds basics:

  • Fabric base. For it, both natural jute and synthetic fabrics, for example, fiberglass, can be used. The patterned top cover is made of PVC. Such linoleum can have an impressive thickness - up to 5 mm.
  • Non-woven backing made from natural felt or synthetic materials improves thermal insulation properties, but in rooms with high traffic and high humidity, it is not worth using such linoleum, since it does not like intense loads, and the porous base will perfectly absorb moisture.

  • Foamed PVC backing. Such linoleum began to be produced in the 90s of the last century, and this type of substrate is one of the most popular. The main porous layer of PVC absorbs all loads and “forgives” small irregularities in the base, and the reinforcing fabric retains the geometric dimensions of the canvas. Foamed PVC can be applied chemically and in a more progressive mechanical way, which is better, since such linoleum will not wrinkle under high loads.

Also, some types of linoleum are made, which combine several types of the above layers. Linoleum, which has several of them, is called heterogeneous, and one is homogeneous. The number of layers and their purpose in linoleum for various purposes can be very different from each other.

The advantage of homogeneous linoleum is that its pattern is present throughout its entire depth, therefore, with its inevitable wear, the pattern will not be erased. The thickness of such linoleum can be from 1.5 to 3 millimeters, and it is intended for rooms with high traffic. Its use in apartments and houses is impractical. The main disadvantages of homogeneous linoleum are its high price, as well as the impossibility of applying complex patterns.

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum has a number of advantages that explain its widespread use.

  • PVC linoleum has high elasticity, which greatly simplifies its installation.
  • A variety of patterns and textures of PVC linoleum will allow you to realize any idea of ​​interior design.
  • PVC linoleum has a reasonable price.
  • Easily cleaned from dirt.
  • Linoleum from well-known manufacturers is non-toxic, which must be confirmed by the presence of a hygienic certificate.

The disadvantages of PVC linoleum are:

  • When exposed to high temperatures, linoleum shrinks.
  • Only after installation, the PVC linoleum coating has an unpleasant specific odor, which disappears after several weeks of operation.

Alkyd linoleum

Alkyd, also called glyphthalic, linoleum is always made on a fabric base, on which modified alkyd or glyphthalic resins with special fillers that improve the properties of the coating are applied using a special technology. Pigments and dyes are also added, which make linoleum either one-color or multi-colored. The advantages of this type of linoleum are:

  • Compared to PVC linoleums, glyphthalic linoleums have better heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Such linoleums are extremely wear-resistant, they can last 40-50 years.
  • Contamination from such a coating is easier to remove than from PVC.

The disadvantages of alkyd linoleum are:

  • Low elasticity at temperatures close to zero.
  • Alkyd linoleums require qualified installation.
  • Insufficient fire safety severely limits their use in residential premises.

Glyphthal linoleum is widely used in transport: flooring in carriages, sea transport cabins, and airplanes.

Rubber linoleum (relin)

Such linoleum is made in two layers: the lower one is made of recycled rubber, the upper one is painted in different colors synthetic rubber. These layers are connected to each other with bitumen mastic. These floor coverings have several advantages:

  • Excellent water resistance allows you to install the relay in the wettest rooms.
  • High elasticity and strength.
  • Excellent anti-slip properties.
  • Long service life.

Rubber linoleums can be used near swimming pools, in garages, workshops, sports rooms and halls, but in residential premises their use is contraindicated, as they emit harmful substances into the ambient air.

Nitrocellulose ( colloxylin) linoleum

These types of linoleum are a single-layer, baseless coating made from nitrocellulose with the addition of various components: gypsum, red lead, plasticizers and dyes. Currently, such coatings from this material are not used due to the increased fire hazard.

It is possible that such an abundance of information about the types of linoleum will further complicate the choice. Moreover, most modern linoleums are heterogeneous and can combine several different layers. That's why European manufacturers developed a special standard EN685, in which linoleums are divided into classes depending on strength characteristics and areas of application in certain premises. Each class is designated by a two-digit numerical code and a corresponding pictogram.

The first number in the class indicates:

  • 2 - linoleum is intended for residential use.
  • 3 - for office or commercial premises.
  • 4 - for industrial premises.

The second number in the class indicates the degree of load that linoleum can withstand:

Household linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 21-23, is usually called household. According to EN685 standards, it must have the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.25-2.25 kg / m 2.
  • Thickness - from 0.15 to 3 mm.
  • Flexibility and elasticity should be such that no cracks should form when wound on a rod with a diameter of 45 mm.
  • Sound absorption - not less than 13-18 dB.
  • Water absorption should be no more than 1-1.5%.
  • Shrinkage during operation - no more than 0.2 mm per 1 meter.

The cost of household linoleum from well-known manufacturers can range from 3 to 10 euros per square meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

Linoleum, belonging to classes 31-34, is called semi-commercial, and it is intended mainly for office and office space. Must have the following characteristics:

  • Specific gravity 1.6-2.5 kg / m 2.
  • Elasticity and flexibility should be such that no cracks should form in the linoleum when wound on a cylinder with a diameter of 10-40 mm.
  • Sound absorption should be at least 12-16 dB.
  • Shrinkage during operation - no more than 0.1 mm per 1 meter.
  • The service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is at least 7-20 years.

Semi-commercial linoleum is an excellent solution for modern offices

The cost of semi-commercial linoleum ranges from 5 to 15 euros per square meter. A slight difference in the price of household and semi-commercial linoleum makes it advisable to use it for domestic purposes in those rooms where there is an increased load on the floor covering: kitchens, hallways and others.

Commercial linoleum

If linoleum belongs to classes from 41 to 43, then it is called commercial. Its purpose is floor coverings in rooms with intensive movement of people and equipment. Such linoleums have a hardened film layer (up to 0.8 mm), even lower shrinkage (0.02-0.1 mm / m) and a warranty period of operation (from 10 to 25 years).

The relatively high cost of such linoleum (10-40 euros per square meter), combined with technical characteristics that are excessive for apartments and houses, make its use in residential premises impractical. Some commercial linoleums may have special uses:

  • Sports surfaces that are soft and resilient for good contact with sports shoes.
  • Coatings resistant to chemical reagents and with bactericidal properties, which is very useful in medical institutions.
  • Anti-slip coatings near swimming pools and other areas with high humidity.
  • Antistatic coatings.

The thickness of the protective layer of linoleum

Most modern linoleums have a durable protective film made of pure PVC. It is its thickness that should be taken into account when choosing linoleum, depending on the purpose of the room. Manufacturers offer the following gradation:

  • A 0.15 mm thick film is quite suitable for using such linoleum in living rooms and bedrooms.
  • A protective layer of 0.20 mm will be optimal for children's rooms.
  • 0.25 mm - for kitchens, hallways and corridors.
  • 0.30 mm - service and office space with an average load.
  • A protective layer of 0.50 mm or more - for rooms with high and very high loads.

Linoleum marking

When choosing linoleum, all its technical data must be provided by the seller along with the necessary certificates: compliance and hygiene. Manufacturers of high-quality linoleum on back side they always apply their logo, as well as all the information that will greatly help the buyer:

  • Linoleum class - will help you make the right choice.
  • Lot number - if you plan to purchase a large amount of linoleum, then it is desirable that it be from one batch.
  • Date of manufacture.

Also, the manufacturer can apply additional pictograms, which speak about the special properties of the coating. Such possible designations are shown in the figure.

How to choose linoleum correctly?

Now that there is complete clarity with the types of existing linoleums, you can indicate a number of important points that will help you make the right choice.

  • You should purchase linoleum only in specialized stores, where all storage requirements are met, and there is also a full set of accompanying documents confirming compliance with standards and safety.

  • Depending on the purpose of the room, a linoleum class is chosen and it is better to do this with some margin: one step higher than necessary.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the linoleum, its strength and the presence of an upper protective layer.
  • It is necessary to strive to ensure that the linoleum flooring does not have connecting seams or there are a minimum of them. This is achieved by carefully measuring the premises and choosing the rolls of the required width.
  • The modern variety of colors, textures, patterns of linoleum allows you to make any choice, but you must take into account the purpose of the room, pleasant colors for a comfortable stay in it and the preferences of all household members.
  • In rooms with possible heavy pollution, it is better to use glossy linoleum.
  • When buying, you must carefully examine the entire surface of the linoleum and make sure that there is no damage.
  • Poor preparation of the base and illiterate linoleum flooring can negate all the advantages of this coating.

Video: How to choose the right linoleum for your home?