Paint non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven wallpaper for painting: complete instructions. What is non-woven wallpaper

Have you previously pasted over a room with non-woven wallpaper and are you a little tired of the color? They can be refreshed. It happens that a person disappears at work from morning until late in the evening, comes home, and cream wallpapers are already tired. I want a fun warm color, or even draw something on the wall yourself.

In addition to painting wallpaper, you can remove your old curtains and hang new fashionable ones in their place. Put cute trinkets on the shelves, vases for small bunches of flowers, decorate the room as you like and everything will sparkle with colors, come to life. Of course, the wallpaper can be completely changed, but it will cost you more. Not every family has the means to play repair every six months. Do it once and soundly so that it hangs for many years.

Painting wallpaper with a roller

It is important for you now to buy the right paint and when doing everything for the first time, stick to the technology. Non-woven wallpaper, which you will paint, creates relief, which is very beautiful. After all, if you paint the surface of foamed vinyl, it will not succumb to scratching with nails and even the claws of a cat or dog.

You need to paint the wallpaper and they will be reliably protected. Owners of several cats say that they do not take the claws of their pets to the painted canvas. At home you will have cleanliness and long-awaited order, thanks to the walls with a non-woven solid base.

About non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven backing wallpapers are durable and are considered an excellent choice for families who want to do homework. overhaul no more than once every five years. Cloths can choose plain or with a pattern, but on a non-woven basis. Choose to your taste.

Air with moisture penetrates through them, they are not harmful to people. How do you know they are non-woven? This will be written on the label, the manufacturer is also indicated there, the characteristics of the material and there should be recommendations on which glue to use for applying to the wall.

Specific interior created with paintable wallpaper

On wallpapers that are specially designed to be painted, a layer of vinyl is applied on top of the cellulose fiber at the factory. They lose their full breathability, but become beautiful, embossed. They are called vinyl wallpaper, on a durable non-woven base. Most often, in order to dye people buy white or pale blue, light green, yellow and other colors. light tone canvases.

Such stripes are smooth to the touch and embossed. Choose any that suits you in the hall, bedroom or nursery from the hallway. Sometimes this design method is used for kitchen walls. The main thing is that the label indicates that the coating is made of vinyl. It is it that tolerates staining well. Then a few more can be applied on top of the first layer. For example, if you want to refresh or change the color every three years. So you can apply paint on the canvas 5-6 times.

We paint beautifully

If you decide to apply paint to your old stripes, you can do this using a roller, brushes or a spray gun. So you emphasize the relief of the wallpaper and redecoration will have a great effect on psychological state all family.

There is a tutorial on the Internet on how to apply paint on a non-woven surface, a video. Everything is clear to an experienced person here, because the coloring of this surface is similar, as if you were painting benches in the garden or trees with lime in the spring. The technology is simple.

It is possible to make additional effects. To do this, you need a roller or brush. Take a large sponge in your other hand. Apply paint with a tool, and then gently blot the relief with a sponge. Leave the base as is.

You can not get wet, but take a rubber spatula and remove some of the paint from the surface, which will also create peculiar effects. Those who love a flat surface immediately choose such canvases without a foamed bulk layer. Now you can find any for sale.

The relief must be carefully painted over

There is an original technology when the color of canvases can be changed by applying paint from the inside out. This is before attaching them to the wall. Paint the strips from the wrong side and let dry. The base will be clearly visible, and the foamed vinyl layer will look especially gentle. And such canvases can then be painted from the outside up to 5 times. But this is a matter of the future, and now you will choose your favorite color and you can paint the walls.

Before repair, test a small piece of wallpaper (for example, behind the bed), paint it and see if you dreamed of such a tone for the whole apartment or will it tire you quickly? Psychologists do not recommend making the whole room in dark colors. If you want, paint the first half from the bottom, for example, in burgundy, and make the top half cream or another.

If the canvases are dark, then there should be a lot of color in the room. Take care of it. In addition to a chandelier with many light bulbs, hang a sconce by the bed or armchairs, put a chic floor lamp. beautiful setting in the room will delight you every day until the next cosmetic repairs. You may like the process and soon decide to freshen up the walls with a different color.

The use of two colors in the design of the room

If you do everything yourself, then do not worry, there is nothing complicated here. Even a teenager can handle it. The main thing is to paint everything carefully, applying colors in moderation. Before starting work, read or watch a high-quality video on the Internet on how to do it better and get started.

Do simple non-woven wallpaper paint

Yes, if you wish, you can apply paint on them with a roller or in two hands with your spouse with brushes. These canvases are not very suitable for such an update (vinyl is slippery), however, no one will forbid you to try. Experienced builders advise the surface of such wallpaper to be primed with a special compound. Then, you need to wait until it dries and start staining.

Prime so that the entire area is treated with mortar. Do your work carefully, carefully and with love. Otherwise, the painted old wallpaper in places may peel off and fall off. Or the paint itself will not work and after six months, it will begin to crumble actively. Experts recommend priming with the same solution twice.

Painting work with regular wallpaper

Do not forget to completely degrease the walls before applying the first primer. For this purpose, any dishwashing detergent that you have now is suitable. Still need to check whether the canvases adjoin the walls tightly in all areas? If not, you will need to glue or abandon the idea of ​​staining. Save up for new non-woven canvases, paste over the walls, and then apply paint. Then everything will be fine for 5-10 years.

By the way, use only acrylic or water-based paint. If you want to first make the surface plain, and then apply an ornament, use stencils. You can make them yourself. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is that you and the family members involved in the repair enjoy the process. Good luck with your repair!

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Non-woven wallpaper for painting - choose, glue, paint, plus answers to the 5 most pressing questions

What are non-woven wallpaper for painting, how to choose them, how to glue, what kind of paint is needed for non-woven wallpaper and how is it applied? All these questions swirl in my head home master. Let's go all this way together from the idea to the final result, and at the end I will answer the 5 most popular questions on this topic.

What is non-woven wallpaper

Wallpapers based on non-woven fabric have long gone out of the category of curiosities and have taken their place of honor among the most popular products in this niche. However, most people have a rather vague idea of ​​the origin and main characteristics of this material.

Non-woven material is not new; for more than half a century, sewing masters have been using it as a lining. Nonwoven fabric is made from the same cellulose fibers as regular paper.

But the wallpaper is not made from simple natural cellulose, but from a modified version, that is, it has been heat-treated, pressure tested and impregnated with various protective compounds.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

There are 2 types of such wallpapers - these are completely 100% non-woven and non-woven vinyl.

  • Pure interlining is a two-layer canvas, where the bottom layer is the base, and the top one is responsible for textured embossing, that is, for the pattern;
  • Vinyl wallpapers on non-woven base are similar, only PVC coating is applied on top.

Let's compare which is better - vinyl or non-woven wallpaper:

Pure interlining Interlining with vinyl coated
Cellulose and textile fibers, no matter how you process them, still remain a natural, environmentally friendly material. PVC foam coating is considered neutral, but in any case it is plastic, so it is not advisable to glue vinyl in children's rooms and bedrooms.
Vapor permeability.
The canvas practically does not interfere with the passage of air, the walls "breathe". PVC does not allow air or moisture to pass through, although there are models where only the textured details of the ornament are applied with vinyl, here it is already 50 to 50.
Anti-vandal qualities.
Natural material is less resistant to mechanical damage; such canvases cannot be not only washed, but even rubbed with a stiff brush. Smooth canvases can be safely washed, and textured ones can be wiped with a soft sponge.

Both pure interlining and vinyl-coated canvases are afraid of scratches.

On average, it is designed for 3-5 layers of paint. Can be dyed up to 7 times.
The cost of a quality textured roll starts from 800 rubles. Smooth vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base can be found for 400 rubles a roll.

Now let's go through the general advantages:

  • The canvas has a dense base, which allows you to hide minor defects in walls and ceilings;
  • When wet, the canvas does not stretch;
  • When pasting, glue is applied only to the ceiling and walls, the canvas itself does not need to be lubricated with glue, therefore, the process is much simpler and the work moves faster, plus you do not need to constantly wipe the floor and wait until the wallpaper is saturated with glue;
  • When the time comes to change the old coating, you do not have to wet the walls with plenty of water, and then scrape them with a spatula for a long time, the dense canvas can be easily removed;
  • As for UV resistance, since we are talking about paintable wallpaper, it all depends on what paint to paint the wallpaper with, the non-woven base itself is under a layer of paint, so “she doesn’t care.”

A few words about competitors

There are only 2 direct competitors for such coverage:

  1. Paper wallpaper for painting- this is a two, and sometimes even a three-layer canvas with convex embossing. While the canvas is new, everything looks great, but the paper stretches and does not withstand more than 3 stains, and there is no talk of any wet cleaning at all, but the price of this product is much lower;
  2. Glass fiber- fiberglass canvas is strong and durable, the highest quality models can be painted up to 10-12 times. This material has absorbed all the advantages of non-woven wallpaper, but such a coating also costs about 2 times more.

Let's move on to practice

Wallpaper for painting is almost the most the best solution in the wallpaper niche, once glued and then only repainted, but first things first.

Subtleties of pasting

The first and most important rule is that any wallpaper is glued tightly closed doors and vents, the slightest draft will inevitably lead to the fact that everything will peel off. The vents can be opened no earlier than a day, and preferably two days after the end of work.

The whole process is divided into 2 stages - this is gluing the ceiling and gluing the walls. Personally, I recommend that you first glue the wallpaper on the ceiling. If you start with the walls, then when you go to the ceiling, the walls can get dirty.

Illustrations Recommendations

  • Wide paint roller, can be foam rubber;
  • Narrow roller for corners;
  • A pair of plastic spatulas;
  • Metal spatula with a blade from 30 cm;
  • Plumb or better laser level;
  • tassel;
  • Roulette;
  • Tray;
  • Bucket.

What to glue.

There are many on the market now different types glue, but I recommend taking the French Quelyd glue.

The real Quelyd glue is simply poured into the box, if the glue powder is additionally packed in polyethylene, then this is already a fake.

We glue the ceiling.

Stage 1.

I will not dwell on the cultivation of glue, there is an instruction for this. After breeding, take the roller and generously lubricate the surface with glue.

Stage 2.

Here it is more convenient to work with an assistant.

One person slowly rolls out the roll, and the second from behind expels air from under the canvas with a plastic spatula.

It is not worth aligning especially, small overlaps on the wall are allowed.

According to the rules, wallpaper on the ceiling is glued perpendicular to the window so that the joints are less visible.

Stage 3.

Once again we go through the entire plane: we finally expel the air and seal the corners.

Stage 4.

When cutting, the blade of the knife does not come off. You move the spatula and then cut. The video in this article shows the process clearly.

Wall gluing.

Usually, the strip is cut off and, in expanded form, is applied to the wall smeared with glue.

But if you glue with your own hands alone, then I recommend cutting the strips and rolling them along, as in the photo on the left.

Front page.

The first canvas is glued from the corner, but according to the scheme shown on the left.

  • Beat the vertical by level or plumb. The marking is applied lightly, with a dotted line, since it can then shine through through the wallpaper for painting;
  • Smear the wall with glue;
  • Apply the edge of the canvas to the markup and slowly roll it towards the corner, after which you expel the air with a plastic spatula.
Joints of canvases.

The joints between the canvases can be pressed with the same plastic spatula or rolled with a special roller, as in the photo.

We glue the corner.
  • Having reached the opposite corner, the canvas is also glued slightly overlapped;
  • After that, with exactly the same overlap, we glue another canvas, but already on an adjacent wall;
  • Next, take a spatula and form a corner.
We cut.

Now, just as we did on the ceiling, we put an iron spatula in the corner, cut the wallpaper with a knife and remove the overlaps that we did.

We select paint

The question of how to paint non-woven textured wallpaper has many answers, each paint company has its own opinion on this matter. If we summarize all the opinions, then something like this picture comes out:

  • The main thing is that painting non-woven wallpaper with paints that contain a solvent is prohibited, the canvas can simply corrode;
  • Then it all depends on the size of your budget. If you have enough money, then buy latex paint. For economy options, there is an excellent water-based paint for non-woven wallpaper, the price there starts at 350 rubles for 2.5 liters. Acrylic compositions are the golden mean;
  • The number of layers and color options directly depend on the level of grinding of the coloring pigment, the finer the fraction, the better paint will lie on the wallpaper and more layers will "fit";
  • It is not necessary that “For wallpaper for painting” be written on the bank, as practice has shown, such an inscription is just a marketing ploy that allows you to sell paint more expensively;
  • If you are going to wash the wallpaper, then buy the appropriate paint, often on such compositions it is written that they are intended for the kitchen and bathroom. This does not mean at all that the paint cannot be used in the living room, just the inscription indicates water resistance.

Coloring process

Before painting non-woven wallpaper, you need to prepare a tool, but if you have glued wallpaper with your own hands before, then you already have a tool, you don’t need to buy anything new.

Illustrations Recommendations

We dilute the paint.

The paint is applied to the wallpaper in 2 layers.

  • For the first layer, the paint is diluted with water 1 part of water to 10 parts of paint;
  • For the second layer, the paint is not diluted.

The first layer dries for about 1 hour, after which the next layer can be applied.

Painting borders.

In order not to stain the perimeter, you can seal it with masking tape, but I prefer to use an iron spatula.

Just put the spatula on the border and paint with a brush about 5–7 centimeters from the spatula.

Painting the plane.

Now we take a roller with a pile suitable for the texture and paint over the entire wall.

How to decorate walls with stencils is shown in the video in this article.

Five burning questions

Question Answer
Question number 1.

How long does it take to paint wallpaper after pasting?

Not earlier than 2 days later.
Question number 2.

Do I need a primer before painting?

If you are gluing on clean plaster, then it is necessary to prime it, and a couple of times. If wallpaper has already been pasted on the wall, then once is enough.

As a primer, use the same glue with which you will glue the wallpaper.

Question number 3. Is it possible to paint non-woven wallpaper with oil paint? It is possible, but not the usual sexual one, where the dye grinding is too large, but with compositions intended for artwork.

And first, check the paint for solvents, just apply it to a piece of non-woven wallpaper and wait a couple of days.

Question number 4. What is the best roller to use for painting? Foam rubber is categorically not suitable, there will be small bubbles. Then everything depends on the depth of the texture.

For a standard texture, take a roller with a short pile, the deeper the texture, the longer the pile.

Question number 5. Why is the paint smudged? Even expensive paints can be slightly smeared in the first 3 to 4 weeks, especially when high humidity, for example, in the kitchen.

If even a month after the repair the paint is “taken”, then you slipped a fake.


As you can see, the choice, gluing and coloring of non-woven wallpaper only at first glance seem to be a difficult task. If you did not find the answer to your question on this topic, then welcome to the comments, I will try to help.

June 12, 2017

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How and how to paint non-woven wallpaper

Many owners of houses and apartments sometimes have a desire to change the color of the walls. Of course, the most radical option is sticking new wallpaper but it takes a lot of time and money. If at one time you preferred non-woven wallpaper, then more the best option is their color.

Of course, this operation also has some nuances that you need to know. Therefore, next we will consider − how and what paint to paint non-woven wallpaper. After reading this article, you probably will not have problems with painting.

What wallpaper can be painted

First of all, it should be said that there are special non-woven wallpaper for painting. They are usually white or have solid color. However, this does not mean that colored non-woven fabrics, not originally intended for dyeing, cannot be dyed in a different color.

Most often, home craftsmen are confused by the type of material, for example, non-woven fabrics topped with vinyl. However, there is no need to worry about this how to paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper is also possible. The only thing is that the canvases must be glued with high quality. Sometimes novice home craftsmen try to glue them with ordinary wallpaper glue, but this serious mistake, because glue non-woven wallpaper for painting follows a special technology with special glue. Otherwise, they may simply not withstand the painting process and fall off.

However, in any case, before proceeding with the decoration of the walls, it is advisable to apply paint on a small piece. non-woven fabric, which probably remained after the repair. In extreme cases, you can move a closet or other furniture and paint small plot walls, which, in case of an unsuccessful experiment, can be hidden.

This way, you can know in advance how the paint will take and how the coating will look.

Paint selection

Now let's take a closer look, what paint to choose for non-woven wallpaper. It should be said right away that the choice of dyes is especially small - they must all be water-dispersion.

For these types coatings include the following compositions:

  • latex;
  • Acrylic;
  • Water emulsion.

Latex mixtures are a good option, however, their price is quite high, so it is better to opt for acrylic mixtures. Also, you can use a regular water emulsion, but in this case you need to pay attention that it does not include a solvent and harmful components.

It is best to buy paintwork with water-repellent properties.

This will allow you to wash the surface of the walls, which may be needed in a couple of years.

Coloring technology

ground preparation

Before how to paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper or simply non-woven fabrics need to prepare the surface. This procedure consists in cleaning the walls of dust or other contaminants, if any. In addition, the surface must be degreased.

This procedure cannot be ignored, since the paint will not adhere to a poorly prepared base. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about some kind of quality in this case.


Usually, apply paint on non-woven base up to six times.


Do your own painting You can use a roller, brush or spray gun. Next, we will consider how this procedure is carried out using a wall paint roller, since this method is most often used.


If the canvases were glued recently, then you can start painting only after they are completely dry.

So, wall painting instructions treated with non-woven or vinyl sheets, is as follows:

  • First of all, the water-dispersion composition is poured into a special plastic tray and the roller is unfolded in it until it picks up the paint composition.
  • After that, the paint should be squeezed out a little by running the roller over a special area in the tray.
  • Then the composition is applied to the walls. It is best to perform this procedure from top to bottom, however, fundamental differences this is not. Rolling the roller, you need to evenly distribute the coating on the wall, avoiding smudges.
  • In this way, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is evenly covered. It is unlikely that it will be possible to perform the procedure qualitatively the first time. Therefore, the coating is usually applied in two layers. It is possible to apply paint again only after the first layer has dried.
  • If a bubble of paint appeared on the wall during work, then it must be pierced and this place painted over.
  • After processing the main part of the walls, attention should be paid to the junction of the treated walls and ceiling, as well as the corners. Hard to reach places it is more convenient to process with a brush. In this case, the skirting boards must first be pasted over with masking tape to protect them from paint ingress.
  • Advice! It is best to paint with a foam or long pile roller.

It is such a tool that is able to properly cover the relief surface of the walls with the composition.

Here, perhaps, are all the main nuances, how to paint non-woven wallpaper. If in the future you decide to repaint the walls, then new composition can be applied over the old.


Painting non-woven wallpaper does not require any special knowledge or skills. Even an inexperienced master simply needs to get acquainted with the technology in order to perform this work with high quality.

The main thing is to choose the right paint and first make sure that it fits your wallpaper.

non-woven wallpaper photo in the interior

Apartment renovation is always associated with difficult choice materials for interior decoration. One of the most popular ways to diversify the appearance of walls is to wallpaper them. Meet different kinds wallpaper and one of the most popular among them are vinyl. On the building materials market various options their colors and structures, but if you still can’t find the right ones, the best way out is to paint the wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper and their varieties

Vinyl wallpaper is a material of two layers - the lower and upper. Depending on what they are made of, and classify vinyl coatings:

  • bottom layer or base. He is thicker. There are wallpapers on non-woven and paper basis;
  • upper layer or decorative.

There are several types appearance vinyl wallpaper. They are suitable for various premises. For example, for the kitchen and bathroom, more dense and moisture resistant varieties, consisting of several layers of polyvinyl chloride, and some options are made using hot stamping technology, applying various textures. Distinguish:

  • foamed vinyl;
  • flat vinyl;
  • silk-screen printing;
  • polyplene;
  • hard vinyl.

Only foamed vinyl and non-woven wallpapers can be painted, as they absorb the paint and do not deform under the influence of the water contained in it. Currently, manufacturers indicate whether dyeing is possible, and also produce separate lines “for painting” in white or other colors. light shades with varied terrain. When choosing a wall covering, it is worth considering its relief: the more complex and finer the pattern is depicted on the wallpaper, the more difficult it is to paint it. Volumetric ornament will require more paint and layers.

If this is your first time painting the walls yourself, it is best to give preference to wallpaper with a small and simple pattern.

What to paint?

Along with a huge selection of wallpapers, there are many types of paint, and having decided on the first, you need to pay no less attention to the second. Basic rule: paint should not contain chemically active and toxic substances. Organic-based paints are not suitable for staining: oil, alkyd, enamel. Glue and silicate options - also not the best way not only for vinyl wallpaper, but also for wall coverings in the house in general.

Perfect for paints water based , they are easy to apply, and you can buy ready-made certain color or give the desired shade yourself with the help of special dyes. With its help, the surface can be made matte, glossy (semi-gloss) and satin. A matte finish looks great in large rooms, while a glossy finish will help visually expand small and dark rooms. The satin surface is suitable for any size room. water paints there are:

  • water emulsion. Such a coating is antistatic, has many other advantages, but is not intended for wet cleaning: if you wipe the wall with a wet cloth, the paint will remain on it;
  • dispersion. Water-based paint made from synthetic polymers (scrap or oil). After applying the mixture to the wall, the water evaporates and the solid particles form a smooth and impervious surface;

  • acrylic. Such paint dries quickly, does not mix when applied in several shades, withstands washing, including with the use of cleaning products;
  • latex. They are expensive, but they allow you to create a smooth glossy finish with a long service life. The paint can be used for walls pasted over with old wallpaper.

water-based paint it is worth painting the walls in the bedroom, nursery or living room, acrylic and latex - in any room, dispersion ones are ideal for the kitchen or bathroom. Before purchasing paint, calculate its required volume depending on the type of wallpaper, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the desired shade. If the paint is not tinted immediately, then it is worth buying a tint. Its amount depends on the brightness of the color that is needed. After mixing the paint and dye, apply the composition to a small area of ​​wallpaper or on the wall and wait until it dries completely to determine the final color.

Usually the paint is sold quite thick, and it is difficult to apply it to the walls. It is enough to dilute it with the usual clean water to a consistency resembling sour cream. You can also repaint old walls with any kind of paint. In order for it to lie flat and not peel off, you first need to process the existing coating, remove dust and dirt, and putty the imperfections.

In some cases additional priming may be required.

How to paint?

  • before wallpapering. In this case, the paint is applied to the wallpaper strips before they are glued to the wall. It is necessary to cut the panel of the required length from the roll, apply paint and, after drying (about an hour), proceed to gluing;
  • if the wallpaper is already pasted, then it is worth waiting for the glue to dry completely (drying time, as a rule, is indicated in the instructions for it), and after painting.

Prepare everything in advance necessary tools. You can apply paint with a brush, roller, spray gun or spray gun. When choosing a roller, pay attention to the height of the pile: the deeper and stronger the relief of the pattern on the wallpaper, the longer the pile should be. It will be inconvenient to apply with a foam coat, as it will spoil the texture and will not allow you to apply an even layer of paint. In addition, you need a paint tray, a soft cloth, masking tape.

It is better to cover the floors with film or paper, newspapers, and for your own protection, you must wear gloves, a hat and glasses.

If the wallpaper that is being painted is on the ceiling, then for convenience it is worth purchasing an extension-telescope for the roller. It is best to paint the walls with a spray gun - this way the color will be even and uniform. If there is no sprayer, use a roller to paint the walls, and a small brush to work out the corners and joints. The procedure for painting vinyl wallpaper is as follows:

  • seal all joints with masking tape wall covering with doors, floors and skirting boards;
  • close the floor and existing furniture in the room;
  • remove any dust or dirt from the surfaces with a slightly damp cloth or vacuum cleaner;
  • stir the paint in the jar and pour a small amount into the tray;
  • the ceiling is painted first, then the walls;
  • it is better to paint the shelves parallel to the incident light, so strokes will not be visible;
  • walls are painted from the bottom up;
  • when applying several layers of paint, it is necessary to wait for each of them to dry completely before applying a new one;
  • the final color and gloss will fully appear 3 days after staining.

To diversify the look of the room will help various methods of painting the walls. Please note that not all of them are available for execution, but some can be applied without resorting to the help of a specialist.

  • Staining with wiping. Allows you to make the convex part of the vinyl wallpaper lighter. After applying a layer of paint over the entire canvas, they “walk” with a soft cloth, removing the top layer of paint. This process is time-consuming, it requires the participation of two people: one applies the paint, the second uses the fabric.
  • Electoral drawing. First, the desired number of layers of paint is applied to all walls, then with a brush and paint of a different (often darker) shade, a pattern on the wallpaper is highlighted. This is a long process, which is suitable for wallpapers with an unusual and beautiful relief.
  • color base. The method involves decorating the wallpaper before sticking. The paint is applied to the wallpaper with inside, after it has completely dried, glue them on the walls. It turns out very effectively.

  • Several colors. If several shades prevail in the interior, then the walls can be painted with one of them. Masking tape is used to separate the colors. The method is suitable for wallpapers with a small or, conversely, a fairly large relief, since in places where the adhesive tape does not come into contact with the base, the paint will spread, and straight lines will not work. The same method is suitable if two types of wallpaper are selected or those that imitate the presence of a dividing plinth on the wall.
  • Using textured roller . In stores you can find rollers with ornaments carved on them. This method is very light, it allows without extra effort apply beautiful drawing for wallpaper. The basic rule of work is the clarity of action, because the stripes must be even.
  • Using a sponge or a piece of paper. They are used when applying the last layer. Wet the tool with paint and lightly touch the wall. It will leave a textured imprint. The method allows you to get a beautiful and unusual view but it takes a lot of time.

Suppose you bought colored wallpapers, by the way, and those that are intended for painting may also already have the original not white, but another delicate tone (light green, yellow, peach, lemon, etc.). But either you didn’t like their appearance on the walls, or you just got tired of this color and want another, and you are wondering: is it possible to paint non-woven wallpaper of this type? Do not immediately rush to the wall with a roller or brush - test it on a piece of wallpaper. After all, for sure, you still have scraps after gluing. If not, then take the trouble, for example, to move the closet and try the intended color in the place that, in case of failure, can be hidden from prying eyes. Wait for it to dry completely and then evaluate whether such a result suits you?

Many are also interested in the question - is it possible to paint non-woven wallpaper that does not have a mark that they are intended for such processing? In most cases, you can. But, remember that in any case, what is decisive is how to paint the wallpaper for painting!

Choosing what paint to paint non-woven wallpaper

So, paint for non-woven wallpaper should be only water-dispersion (latex, acrylic, water-based), and no other. An ordinary water-based emulsion is also suitable, which can be given any color using tinting. The main thing is that in its composition it does not have solvents and harmful components. Therefore, carefully study the composition.

But it is even more convenient to use ready-made acrylic paints water-based, which are widely represented on the market by leading European manufacturers. If you choose the more expensive and quality version, choose such that after the surface has dried, it can be washed. In a year - another water-repellent properties will be very useful to you. After spending general cleaning and washing the walls, you will again get a shining clean room without any extra effort.

How to paint non-woven wallpaper - correctly and beautifully

If your wallpaper is already pasted on the walls, then you can use both a roller or a brush or a spray gun to paint them. In any case, you will not get a boring, uniform surface, because a fresh layer on a transparent coating base will look a little different, creating an additional play of light and shadow, and enhancing the relief.

To learn more about how to paint non-woven wallpaper, you can also see educational video. If you want to create additional effects, you can use a brush or roller and immediately wipe the protruding relief with a damp sponge without touching the base. You get two colors. You can not wipe, but carefully remove the paint from the relief with a rubber spatula.

It is also fashionable today to change the color of the wallpaper even before gluing it to the wall. And - from the wrong side. Cut into strips (according to your calculation for pasting the room), they are painted from the inside out and allowed to dry. And only after that they paste over the walls. It turns out very beautifully: the base shows through brightly, and the unpainted vinyl pattern becomes especially embossed. In the future, you can change the color of such wallpaper in any way you like.

But even if you clearly understand how to paint non-woven wallpaper, still do not forget to test on the remaining pieces or in an inconspicuous place in order to make sure in a timely manner that you want just such a room finish. And then a successful effect will delight you until the next cosmetic repair!