Soldering and installation of copper pipes for heating and water supply systems. Performance characteristics and advantages of copper pipes and fittings for plumbing How to install copper pipes with fittings

Copper pipelines today have become quite commonplace both in private and in apartment buildings. On the one hand, such systems of water supply, heating, sewerage or gas supply are elite communications due to the high cost of copper elements. But on the other hand, they have such outstanding advantages and such a long service life that the issue of price fades into the background. And the main factors are the reliability of the pipeline and the simplicity that distinguishes the installation of copper pipes and their operation.

Incidentally, speaking of pricing policy, then not everything is as clear as it used to be. Of course, in any store you will be told that, for example, metal-plastic pipes are several times cheaper than copper. But at the same time, any system consists not only of pipes - you also need to buy fittings (connectors for these pipes), and also take into account the complexity of installation. This is where it “pops up” that the polypropylene fittings that are required for a plastic pipeline are several times more expensive than copper fittings. In addition, a plastic water supply or heating system requires and additional elements increasing the reliability of communications. As a result, it turns out that the prices for installing copper pipes are not so high, as sellers of other materials claim. And in many cases, copper piping is generally even cheaper than plastic piping.

Methods for installing copper pipes.

There are two common ways to connect copper pipes into a single system:

  • soldering (or welding for large diameter pipes);
  • threaded connection using a ferrule.

As for the threaded connection, it is so elementary in execution that even a person who does not have any experience in installing copper pipes can handle it. Also, no special tools are required - installation is carried out using simple wrenches. The main thing in this case is to choose the right diameter of the fitting so that it matches the diameter of the pipes. BUT feature Such a connection is that it is detachable, that is, it can be easily disassembled if necessary (for example, when dismantling a pipeline or repairing it).

Note! This type of connection needs regular checks and tightness control. The fact is that changes in temperature or water pressure in the system can cause a weakening of the threaded assembly, so it will have to be tightened periodically. In the event that the assembly is being repaired, the ferrule must be replaced with a new one.

Soldering (welding) is an integral connection of pipes, such a unit does not need maintenance, therefore it is considered more reliable. But to perform soldering copper pipes, you must have sufficient experience in such work.

As already mentioned, the process of installing copper pipes is not very complicated, and it does not require too many tools to complete it. The list of required accessories includes:

  • pipe cutter or hacksaw for cutting pipes of the desired size;
  • file for processing edges after cutting pipes;
  • pliers;
  • sanding paper to remove the oxide film before soldering;
  • gas burner (or industrial hair dryer) - these tools will be required if the installation is carried out by soldering;
  • wrenches for making a threaded connection with a ferrule.

In addition, if you plan to make connections using the fittingless method, you may need a pipe expander - a special tool with which you can expand the end of the copper pipe. It is used with soft copper or pre-annealed pipes.

Materials for the installation of copper pipes.

To count exact amount necessary materials, you will need to pre-design a pipeline of copper pipes. As a rule, drawing up a scheme for laying and distributing pipes is the first stage in the installation of any communication system. The more accurate it is, the easier it will be to calculate how many materials will have to be purchased. So, for the installation of a copper pipeline, you will need:

  • pipes - they should be bought with a small margin, since a certain number of centimeters will “leave” when cutting and making connections;
  • fittings - the choice of a specific type depends on the method of installation and the scheme of the system. If you plan to mount a pipeline from copper pipes by soldering, then you need to buy the appropriate fittings, and if you want to assemble the system using threaded connections, you will need fittings with ferrules. All turns and branchings of the system are also performed with their help: a variety of tees, turn signals, elbows and adapters from one pipe diameter to another;

  • fum tape for sealing threaded joints;
  • flux and solder for soldering copper.

Installation of copper pipes with a threaded connection.

A threaded connection of copper pipes is recommended for use when installing a cold water supply system. They can be used in hot water or heating systems in cases where it is planned that the water temperature will not exceed 100 degrees. Moreover, they are not designed for high pressure medium passing through the pipeline or frequent pressure drops. Therefore, threaded ferrule fittings should be regularly checked for tightness. They are also used when it is necessary to connect a copper pipe with a steel or plastic one.

Threaded fittings are made of brass. The tightness of the connection is ensured by a crimp ring located inside the product. And the process of installing such a connection is very simple:

  • First you need to prepare the pipe - cut it to the desired size and remove the burrs remaining after the cut from the edge.

Note! If you use a pipe in PVC insulation for installation, then this layer will need to be removed from its end. By using ordinary knife the insulation is cut around the circumference and removed by hand.

  • At the end of the pipe, a union nut is first put on, then a compression ring. Then the nut and ring are joined.
  • The structure thus obtained (pipe + nut + ring) is inserted into the fitting.
  • It remains only to smoothly tighten the nut with wrench, as a result of which the ring is compressed on the pipe, sealing the joint.

Note! In the event that copper and steel pipe, during installation, it is necessary to use a fum-tape that provides sealing of the connection. You can also use tow covered with paint. During installation, the tape is first wound on the thread, and then the fitting is installed. And one more requirement for such a connection: the steel pipe must precede the copper pipe, that is, the pipeline must be mounted in such a way that water first passes through the steel part, and then passes into the copper one.

Installation of copper pipes by soldering.

Soldering is the most common way to connect copper pipes during the installation of communication systems. This operation requires a certain amount of experience - after all, the operational characteristics of the connection also depend on how correctly it is performed. Not without reason, when installing industrial pipelines made of copper, craftsmen who have a special permit for working with copper products are engaged in soldering or welding pipes.

The whole process consists of several stages.

  • Preparation of pipes for soldering.

In order for the connection to turn out to be of the highest quality, the pipes must be thoroughly cleaned before soldering. In the event that the product has been cut, the edge is first processed - burrs and other irregularities are removed that may interfere with the connection or further prevent the passage of water through the pipe.

After that, the oxide film must be removed from the edge of the pipe. Remember that it should be removed only from the surface that will be directly involved in the connection. The fact is that this film also performs protective functions - that is, it protects copper from corrosion, so excessive zeal in its removal can adversely affect the durability of the pipeline. This can be done with a sandpaper or a special brush for copper. After that, the surface of the pipe must be cleaned of any contaminants, grease, dust. Finally, the edge of the part should be wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

Note! Do not use coarse-grained sandpaper or metal brushes that are not specifically designed for cleaning copper to clean copper pipes. Also, masters do not recommend using abrasive cleaners to remove contaminants from the surface of the pipe. All this can leave on copper deep scratches that interfere with soldering.

If a pipeline for cold or hot water is being assembled or copper heating pipes are being installed, connections can be made without the use of fittings. The main requirement is that the temperature of the water passing through the pipes should not exceed 110 degrees C. In this case, an additional operation is to expand the end of one of the pipes so that another pipe enters it and there is enough space for solder. This can be done with a pipe expander.

  • Connector assembly.

Before proceeding with assembly, the edge of the pipe, which will enter the fitting or other pipe, is covered with a thin layer of flux. It is necessary in order to protect copper from oxidation, which invariably occurs when it is heated. In addition, the flux does not allow foreign substances to settle on the pipe surface, which can Negative influence for connection strength. It is worth noting that some types of solders do not require the use of flux - for example, copper-phosphorus solder, which is used for high-temperature (hard) soldering when joining copper to copper.

Note! Flux is a fairly aggressive substance with high chemical activity. When applying it, certain safety rules must be observed. Work with the flux should be in gloves, as it is harmful to the skin. It is best applied with a brush. In addition, this composition negatively affects copper itself, so it must be covered with a thin layer, and the excess that appears on the surface of the pipe after it has been joined to a fitting or other pipe should be removed immediately.

After applying the flux, the end of the pipe is inserted into the fitting until it stops. In this case, a gap must remain between the surface of the pipe and the fitting, sufficient for the solder to enter (but not more than 0.4 mm). If the connection is made without the use of a fitting, the end of one pipe is inserted into the expanded end of the other to a depth equal to or slightly greater than the diameter of the pipe.

  • Connection heating.

The connecting unit must be heated evenly over the entire diameter of the pipe. To do this, use a gas burner or blowtorch. You can also warm up the connection using an industrial hair dryer - this method is considered safer, since there is no open flame here. If a burner with one nozzle is used for heating, then its flame is gradually carried out along the circumference of the pipe, without lingering on separate sections to prevent them from overheating.

Note! Warming up should be sufficient, but not excessive - that is, melting of the metal is unacceptable. The solder rod itself does not need to be heated. And to determine that the temperature is sufficient, you need to attach the edge of the rod to the place of heating - if the solder begins to melt, then you can start soldering. Desired temperature It is also determined by the state of the flux - if it contains tin, then when the pipe is heated to the required values, silvery drops form on the flux.

  • Solder seam.

After the junction is sufficiently warmed up, proceed directly to soldering. The edge of the solder bar is inserted into the gap between the pipe and the fitting (pipe and pipe). Then the bar moves along the entire diameter of the joint following the burner flame, melts and gradually fills the entire gap.

  • The final stage.

The joint should now cool naturally at room temperature. It is necessary to try to keep the knot motionless. To do this, the pipes to be joined are laid on a flat place in such a way that during the solidification and crystallization of the solder there is no deformation of the assembly. You can change the position of the pipes no earlier than one hour after the end of soldering.

After the solder has hardened, you can proceed to the next connection.

Note! When all the pipes are connected, the resulting system must be thoroughly rinsed. hot water. This will help to remove flux residues from the internal cavity of the pipes, which adversely affects the durability of the pipeline, as it can cause corrosive processes. Flushing will also help remove other foreign matter from the system that gets there during the installation process. The outer surface of all joints should also be thoroughly cleaned of flux and solder residues.

Safety rules for soldering copper pipes.

When brazing copper pipes, some safety precautions must be observed.

  • Be especially careful when working with solders containing cadmium and fluorine. When evaporating, they saturate the air with harmful substances, so you need to take care of good ventilation of the room where the work is done. In addition, in the course of work, you should use the means personal protection such as a respirator.
  • It is worth taking care of the safety of the eyes and skin with the help of goggles and gloves.
  • Working with a gas burner also requires special precautions. If you have encountered this equipment for the first time, then before using it, you should carefully study the instructions, and in the course of work, follow the instructions contained in it exactly.

Features of the installation of a pipeline from copper pipes.

When installing a pipeline from copper pipes, it is necessary to take into account one of the main features of this material - its plasticity.

On the one hand, this property of copper is attributed to its merits. After all, thanks to this, she perfectly tolerates everything. temperature fluctuations and the impact of different pressures of the medium passing through the pipeline. In addition, plasticity makes it possible to simplify the pipeline installation procedure, as it makes it possible to easily bend pipes, giving the system the desired configuration and saving space inside the room.

But on the other hand, the same plasticity leads to the fact that copper pipes are easily deformed. To avoid this, bending of the pipeline must be avoided. Care should be taken to secure the pipeline well with supports and special C-shaped or O-shaped fasteners.

The step between the fasteners depends on the diameter of the pipeline - the larger it is, the more often it is recommended to install fixed supports. In addition, pipes can be fixed directly to the walls using special brackets. It is possible to lay the pipeline inside the walls - in a specially made shtrabe. In this case, it is recommended to use copper pipes in a PVC sheath, which simultaneously performs a heat-insulating and protective function, preventing damage to either the pipe or the plaster.

The rationality and expediency of using copper pipes in the installation of water pipes have been debated for more than a dozen years. Opponents claim the high cost of connections and equipment, the complexity of installation, high toxicity chemical compounds copper and its high electrical conductivity. Supporters appeal to historical facts that copper water supply systems were built in Europe at the beginning of the century, and are still not only functioning, but also in excellent technical condition. In addition, they cite as evidence the arguments of the high temperature resistance of copper - from -100 to +250 degrees Celsius and its ductility. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. Therefore, we will assume that installation of copper plumbing should be the result of a balanced approach in each case.

For the manufacture of pipes made of copper, not used pure metal, and copper oxidized with phosphorus - Сu-DHP. Such material is easier to solder, has increased resistance to corrosion and increased service life. In addition, chlorine added to water forms on inner surface copper pipes protective film from copper oxide. This connection is in the form white plaque additionally strengthens the walls of water pipes.
The trading network offers a variety of copper pipes different sizes- from 50 centimeters to 25 meters. Such a spread in length is very convenient, because you can significantly reduce the number of joints during installation. In addition, the produced pipes have different diameters. When building a home water supply, as a rule, products with a diameter of 0.25 'to 2' are used.

When choosing pipes, you need to know that they are produced from both annealed copper and unannealed. Pipes are also sold, enclosed in a plastic sheath for additional protection from aggressive environmental influences.

Copper pipes successfully used in the creation of pressure pipelines

The choice of pipes for copper water supply depends on the method of their connection. For mounting by soldering, both annealed and unannealed products are used. To connect pipes using compression fittings, in addition to these two types, products covered with a PVC sheath can also be used.

Mounting with threaded connections

This method of mounting a water pipe is not something new. On the contrary, it is quite time-tested, since this principle has been successfully used by plumbers over the past century. Previously, the connection was made by flaring the pipe, followed by tightening the union nut. Currently, this method of connection is used only for connecting shutoff valves. In many ways, its reliability depends on the quality of sealing materials - poronite gaskets, rubber or silicone rings, and other special seals. Modern plumbers use a different type of threaded connections when installing copper pipelines - connections with crimp press fittings.

Plumbing built with press fittings has a huge advantage - they are collapsible, so any repair will be cheaper and easier than in the case of solder joints.

For installation work, you will need: copper pipes of various lengths and diameters (what materials will be needed and in what quantities is determined based on a preliminary design based on measurements and calculations). It is also necessary to purchase ferrules with nuts or press fittings, plumbing wrenches, a hacksaw or a pipe cutter, a beveler.
Work on connecting pipes using press fittings is carried out similarly to the method of installing metal-plastic water pipes:

  • cut the pipe to the required length and remove the insulation (if a PVC-coated pipe is used);
  • the end of the pipe is treated with a chamfer and the burrs are removed;
  • a union nut and a split ring are installed on the edge of the copper pipe;
  • the end of this pipe is inserted into the fitting and the nut is tightened with open end wrench. The ring will gradually compress the metal, providing strength to the threaded connection.
  • it must be remembered that when attaching a steel product to a copper one, a fum tape is wound on the thread.

Installation of a copper water pipe using threaded connections (video)

Unlike metal-plastic joints, you do not have to worry about tightening the nut after several heating-cooling cycles, since copper has a low thermal deformation coefficient.

Solder connection

This method of installing copper pipelines is much more complicated than the previous one, but it is used more often due to its higher reliability. When it is carried out, certain skills and compliance with safety requirements will be required.

When soldering copper pipes, you can not do without special equipment

For soldering copper pipes you will need:

  • pipe cutter or hacksaw. Be aware that when cutting thin-walled pipes of small diameter with a pipe cutter, you will get a smooth edge and at the same time avoid deformation of the product;
  • manual calibrator;
  • soldering station (copper burner, hoses, cylinders);
  • plumbing key, as well as a set of wrenches;
  • pliers, sandpaper or felt, as well as a file (used to remove burrs).

In addition, you will need copper pipes, the necessary fittings (special soldered ones are used) and a variety of shackles, tees, couplings and elbows needed for installation according to your project. Don't forget to stock up on flux and solder for soldering copper.

High-quality flux and properly selected solder will facilitate the work

There are several types of solder, depending on the types of soldering. When installing water pipes, low-temperature soldering is mainly used. This type of connection is made at temperatures up to 250 degrees Celsius and easily withstands the temperature of boiling water. In this case, ordinary tin-lead solder is sufficient.

In more demanding designs, high-temperature soldering is used, respectively, and solders are used that melt at a temperature of 650 degrees Celsius and above. Most often, copper-phosphorus is used, less often - copper-silver. The latter is much more expensive and is used in the most critical cases.

Soldering copper joints is performed in the following sequence:

  • cut the pipe of the required length;
  • chamfer with a chamfer, remove burrs with a file;
  • with sandpaper or felt, they clean the place of soldering, additionally process the fitting used;
  • wipe the edge of the pipe with a clean, dry rag from the dust left after sanding;
  • flux is applied to the surface prepared for soldering;
  • a fitting is installed on the pipe. Its diameter is selected so that the gap in the joint is no more than 0.4 mm;
  • then fix the pipe and fitting so as to ensure their immobility during soldering;
  • kindle a gas burner, and moving it along the seam, achieve uniform heating of the entire area. With sufficient heating of the joint, the solder should melt when it touches the metal;
  • gradually carry out solder along the entire line of the seam, all the time warming up the place of soldering with a burner;
  • if the pipe and fitting are heated correctly, the solder will flow into the gap between them under the action of capillary tension forces (it is not for nothing that this type of soldering is called “capillary”);
  • the correct seam has a smooth shiny surface, it should not be rough, with the presence of non-uniformly filled areas.

Soldering copper water pipes (video)

It is important not to overheat the pipe, this will lead to its increased annealing, which will undoubtedly affect further operation.

The pipe bender will not only reduce the number of connections, but also improve general form the whole system

During the installation process, it is possible to bend heated copper pipes, this will not only reduce the number of solder joints, but also improve appearance installed plumbing system. To carry out such work, you will need a set of special springs that are installed in place of the bend. They prevent the pipe from flattening, keeping its shape and size. The use of a special pipe bender does not require heating copper pipes before bending. This tool makes it possible to obtain even folds of a wide range of angles.

The installation of pressure pipelines for hot or cold water supply made of copper has a long history. The advantage of such water pipes is not only reliability, practicality and durability. The system, created from copper pipes of different sizes, is in itself an adornment of any home, has a stylish look, and speaks of the high aesthetic demands of the owners.

Even before designing water heating, the developer must decide what material the pipes will be used from. In the post-Soviet space, preference, as a rule, is given to polymers (polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene), metal-plastic is used a little less often, and occasionally stainless steel and ordinary steel. Copper pipes for heating stand a little apart. They are very popular abroad, but they are rarely used here, and no one argues that, in terms of technical characteristics, copper is one of the best options.

Characteristics of copper heating systems

Advantages and disadvantages of copper pipes

Copper pipelines cannot be called innovative; they have long been used for distributing water systems. Many years of positive experience of use proves that copper pipes are suitable for all conditions and in most cases show the best ratio "reliability / practicality". The operational and consumer benefits of heating from copper pipes are primarily explained unique properties copper as a technological non-ferrous metal:

External wiring of copper heating looks good against the background wooden walls

There are still a few shortcomings:

  • The cost of copper pipes for heating is the highest among other options.
  • The heating assembly technique is more complicated than, for example, soldering polypropylene.
  • Due to the high thermal conductivity, copper pipe is recommended to be laid in insulating sleeves in order to deliver heat to heating appliances with the least loss.

Note! Quite often, copper pipes are used only for piping boilers, where the supply temperature is the highest, and then through threaded fittings they switch to more available materials, for example, they make wiring from reinforced polypropylene.

Types of copper pipes

When it comes to copper heating, you need to understand that there are several types of pipes that differ significantly in their consumer properties and technical specifications. The generally accepted classification is based on whole line criteria.

According to the condition of the material:

  • Unfired (rigid) pipe. It is produced in the form of straight segments up to 6 meters long. It has high strength, but a low elongation to break (no more than 15 percent).
  • Annealed (soft, ductile) pipe is obtained by "tempering" blanks at a temperature of about 600-700 degrees. With a loss of strength of about 30%, the elongation at break increases to 60 percent.

Annealed pipe is produced in coils 25 and 50 meters long, using special devices can be bent, for example, for the manufacture of underfloor heating

According to the composition of the material:

  • Pure copper.
  • Alloys containing zinc or tin.

Note! Chemical composition copper pipes is standardized (GOST 859, GOST 15527), there is a classification according to "brands" (M1, M2p, M3, etc.).

According to the manufacturing method:

  • Drawn (cold-formed) pipe,
  • Pressed.

By the presence of a seam:

  • Seamless pipes (do not have a seam).
  • From a welded billet.

By wall thickness:

  • Thin-walled. They have walls with a thickness of 0.15 to 0.7 mm. They are rarely used for heating.
  • Thick-walled. Their walls have a thickness of 0.7 mm to 1 centimeter. AT heating systems ah, products with indicators of 1-2 mm are most often used. The thicker the wall, the more pressure the pipe can withstand.

By the presence / absence of protection:

  • Without isolation.
  • Pipes in a rigid plastic casing (polyethylene, PVC), which protects communications from mechanical damage. Copper pipes are also produced in a shell of foamed polyethylene, which prevents uncontrolled heat loss.

Video: an overview of copper pipes

Installation of copper pipelines

If we consider installation technologies, we can safely say that copper pipes are truly universal. In most cases, using the same pipe, you can choose from several connection methods and even use third-party fittings. Depending on the tasks set, you can perform:

  • welding;
  • mechanical assembly (pressing, compression connection, clamping with self-locking fittings);
  • soldering (solid or soft solder).

Pipes with a diameter of 100 mm or more with a wall thickness of more than 1.5 mm are usually welded. Mechanical assembly has some limitations: not suitable for areas that are in monoliths, or hidden in building structures, such fittings are relatively expensive. In domestic heating systems, low-temperature soft soldering is most often used, which requires special capillary fittings (preferably the material of the same grade as the pipe).

One of the options for mechanical assembly. To fix the connection, press tongs are used.

Note! The use of hard solder involves heating the metal to 600 0 or more, so copper in the joint zone is “annealed”. High-temperature capillary soldering is relevant for pipes with a diameter of 22 mm or more, for example, if you need to get a heavy-duty fixation, or, for example, if the coolant warms up over 170 degrees during operation.

Preparation for capillary soldering

  1. A pipe of the required size is cut with a special tool.
  2. From the outside, a chamfer is removed from the end of the workpiece, which further reduces the hydraulic resistance in the connection zone.
  3. An abrasive sponge, which does not contain metal fibers, cleans the oxide film on the outer surface of the pipe and inside the fitting.
  4. A flux paste is applied and distributed over the entire contact area with a brush (flux is not necessary for hard soldering).
  5. The fitting is put on the pipe until it stops (preferably with a little scrolling).
  6. Flux is removed from the surface with a rag.

Brazing Copper Pipe

  1. The connection zone is heated until the flux begins to melt. The burner nozzle must be evenly moved around the neck.
  2. The filler wire (solder) is smoothly guided along the edge of the joint. If the pipe is horizontal, then starting from the bottom.
  3. The solder will begin to melt and “wet” the surfaces, due to the capillary effect, it will flow into the cavity between the walls of the parts to be joined.
  4. The assembled unit must cool naturally without using water.

With high-quality soldering, the solder completely fills the gap, a clean, neat joint is obtained.

As you can see, a solid capital investment in heating from copper pipes will not be in vain. Homeowners who are able and willing to use copper piping benefit from reliable and durable wiring with better performance. That is why there are so many fans of this technology among professionals.

Video: features of working with copper pipes

copper properties.

Copper can be processed at any temperature. As a rule, the technological qualities of the material deteriorate with decreasing temperature - the material becomes brittle. Especially bright this problem seen in artificial materials. Copper is an exception in this case. As the temperature drops, the ductility and hardness of copper increase. Permissible operating pressure for copper pipes is from 27 to 229 atmospheres at 100 degrees. C (depending on the diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its wall). This property of copper allows it not to be afraid of repeated freezing and thawing. Only two materials used in engineering communications can withstand such temperature loads: high-grade stainless steel and copper.

Versatility of application.

An important property of copper is its versatility. No other material used in everyday life and at work can compare with copper in its versatility. Copper pipes and fittings of the same standard are used for all types of engineering communications- for supply drinking water, gaseous and liquid gas, fuel in refrigeration systems, heating systems, air conditioning. A wide range of manufactured pipes and fittings allows you to design and install a system that best meets the requirements of a particular facility.
The reliability of the use of copper pipes is evidenced by the fact that they are used in a heat exchanger gas water heaters, braking systems of automobiles, aircraft hydraulics.
Copper is almost entirely recycled (this is fully confirmed by the messages familiar to us in the means mass media about the theft of copper). It is estimated that about 80% of all copper ever smelted on Earth is still in operation.

Long service life

Copper has an unusually long service life: it does not age, does not deteriorate - it retains its original strength. Copper pipes and fittings last as long as the building itself exists. If the installation organization wants to have satisfied customers, and customers expect durable and trouble-free communications from it, then the right choice material in this case will be copper. It will also serve future generations.

Health and safety.

Copper is a natural material that has been used for thousands of years to make drinking vessels, pipelines and water tanks. No other material surpasses copper in its harmlessness. After all, pipes and fittings have bactericidal properties, thus ensuring a reliable and harmless supply of drinking water. Copper pipes and fittings ideally protect water from external influences. They are impervious to both harmful and foul-smelling substances and oxygen, which is especially important for heating systems.
There is an opinion that chlorine dissolved in water forms oxides that are harmful to health and leads to the rapid destruction of pipes. The conclusion is unfounded. Since the chlorine existing in water, reacting with copper, forms an insoluble tenorite substance, which additionally protects the copper pipe and increases its service life. The situation in which chlorine can destroy a copper pipe is practically impossible, since in this case such a concentration is needed that can harm human health.

High efficiency.

Copper is not only a valuable material, it is also the highest degree economical. Compared to the cost of systems of other materials, copper installations are completely competitive, they are by no means as expensive as many claim. Copper guarantees exactly what the customer expects - a high level of efficiency.

Deserved respect from professional workers

Copper is a convenient material for installation work installation of copper pipes and fittings. For clients who prefer great quality, a professional always recommends using copper installations. First of all, excellent compatibility and excellent material quality are important for the customer. In this case, copper is the right choice.

Properties of copper pipes

For the production of pipes and fittings, copper of the CU-DPH brand according to DIN 1412 is used - this is phosphorodeoxoxidized copper with the following Cu + Ag content > 99.90% and a residual phosphorus content of 0.015-0.040%. This grade of copper has enhanced anti-corrosion properties, is easy to solder and weld, and does not lose its physical properties (hardness, ductility, etc.) during long-term operation.

Features of properties of copper pipes:

The thermal coefficient of linear expansion (TCLE) of copper is 0.017 (mm / m * K), which is 6 ... 8 times lower than that of polymers;
- thermal conductivity of copper 394 (W / m * K) i.e. 4 times higher than steel;
- copper is resistant to UV radiation;
- copper pipes are absolutely impervious to gases;
- copper has a bactericidal effect;
- operating temperature range of copper pipes is very wide - from minus 200 to plus 500 °C;
- copper pipes are not afraid of freezing in a state filled with water, unlike
steel, due to the plasticity of copper;
- copper is not subject to corrosion in ordinary water.
- copper pipes do not age and do not deteriorate. Over time, they are covered with a thin layer of oxide (patina), which does not affect their strength.

Due to their remarkable properties, copper pipes have proven themselves in pipelines of heating systems, cold and hot water supply, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, pipelines of compressed air, steam, liquid hydrocarbons (gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.), refrigerants, refrigeration units and air conditioners.

Copper pipes are very technologically advanced: they are easy to cut and bend. The technique of connecting copper pipes is easy and reliable. The most common joining technique is capillary brazing. This method is based on the capillary effect, the essence of which is that at a certain distance between the walls of two surfaces, the liquid will rise up the capillary, overcoming the force of gravity. It is this effect that allows the solder (recommended - silver-bronze, but by no means lead) to spread evenly over the entire surface, regardless of the position of the pipe (for example, solder can be fed from below). For the experienced installer, copper pipes and fittings are the best working materials as they:

Equally suitable for equipping new and old buildings,
- easy to handle on any construction site: when rounding corners, holes and other possible obstacles,
- provide simple and quick installation,
- do not require a lot of storage space,
- have an appearance on open surfaces

Copper pipes have a lower roughness factor Ksh = 1.5...2) * 10^-6 m than steel pipes (Ksh = 200-10^-6) and even polymer pipes (Ksh = 8*10^-6) pipes. This increases their throughput and allows the use of small diameter pipes.

What are the negative properties of copper pipelines?

Negative moments are purely "psychological":
- the prevailing idea of ​​the toxicity of copper oxides, which repels many consumers when choosing pipes
- the prevailing perception of the huge cost of installing a copper pipeline
- if water supply and heating systems are installed in the building, then it is necessary to protect them from non-ferrous metal thieves: securely lock basements and attics, exclude access to risers.

The installation of a copper plumbing system is similar to the installation of any domestic plumbing, such as, for example, from or metal-plastic. However, one of the key issues - how to solder copper pipes for water supply - requires detailed consideration.

Modern technologies provide a rich choice of materials for plumbing work: various types of plastic, steel, copper. They are distinguished by physical properties, cost, installation features and application possibilities, but it is impossible to name the best or worst material. Copper pipes for water supply are expensive, require more attention to operation, but are versatile, environmentally friendly and reliable, and also convenient for self-assembly.
This article is not just about how to solder copper pipes yourself, but also about how to make this process as conscious and professional as possible.

Installation of water supply from copper pipes

Installation of plumbing or the installation of plumbing or heating from other materials is not much different.
At the first stage, a well-thought-out scheme of the entire route is needed, with well-calibrated corners and connections. Recall: the scheme should include a mandatory connection to the pipes of the main riser through ball valves, metering devices, additional outlets for future plumbing.

Plumbing from copper pipes

The choice of types and sizes of pipes: annealed and non-annealed, with 3/8 or 3/4 threads, with walls of various thicknesses: K, L, M. The weight of the copper pipe, and hence the entire water supply structure as a whole, may depend on such details, however, the essence of the installation as a whole will not change.
The choice of technology for connecting copper pipes: soldering or push fittings. The choice is always up to the consumer, but we note briefly: the reliability of the connection of push fittings is not very high.
It requires constant monitoring, and fittings require systematic tightening, while soldering copper water pipes– means to provide them with long-term and indispensable tightness.
The main difference is the method of joining copper pipes with soft solder: it requires certain skills and equipment.

Soft soldering technology

Before soldering copper pipes, a few words of theory are needed: if the soldering process is more conscious, then many subtleties will become clear as the work progresses.
In everyday life and during the installation of water supply systems in apartments, the so-called “low-temperature”, “soft” soldering is used: soldering points are heated up to 250-300 C, which allows soft solder (usually tin) to melt, however, these temperatures are also dangerous for copper pipes, so exposure should be directed and short-lived.

Soft solder copper water pipes

Stripping pipes immediately before soldering is not a simple aesthetic manipulation, but required condition, which allows you to get rid of oxidation products on the metal and most effectively carry out the adhesion of materials.
When soft soldering, a capillary effect occurs, in which the molten solder soft for soldering copper pipes evenly spreads over the entire surface of the joint, regardless of whether the pipe is in a horizontal or vertical position.
The recommended gap between the walls of the pipe and the fitting is strictly set - 0.1-0.15 mm: a larger distance requires more solder or will not give a capillary effect at all, a smaller one will create an unnecessary obstacle for the spreading of the solder.

Do-it-yourself tools and materials for installing copper pipes

The copper pipe soldering torch is the key equipment for soldering. There is a variety of types of burners, it is desirable to stop the choice on a gas burner with piezo ignition and a nozzle for adjusting the flame.

  • Solder for soldering copper pipes is usually tin in the form of rods or coils of wire.
  • Flux for soldering copper pipes is a paste that is coated on the surface of pipes and fittings so that it dissolves oxide films on the surface of the parts to be joined, protects copper from oxidation as a result of heating and provides moisture to the surfaces at the moment the solder dissolves.
  • Copper pipe cutter - copper pipe cutting tool
    pipe expander for copper pipe - a tool for increasing the diameter of copper pipes when mounting parts one into another.
  • Chamfer - a tool for chamfering, getting rid of the material from possible burrs.
  • Fittings - connecting parts of various configurations.
  • Brush and steel brush for cleaning the inside and outside of fittings and pipes.

Tools needed for soldering copper pipes with your own hands

Equipment for soldering copper pipes is not expensive and exclusive. But it will take some effort to get confident skills in its use: it is advisable to practice on pipe cuts in order to understand the intricacies of technology and methods.
Step-by-step instructions for soft soldering copper pipes

This is important: the edge of the pipe and the pipe itself must be perfectly straight and even - the quality of the connection of parts depends on this, therefore it is advisable to use a pipe cutter to cut pipes.

Step 1. Using a pipe expander, increase the diameter of the fitting, using a beveler, clean the edges of the pipe.
Step 2. Polish the outer part of the pipe with a brush, brush - inner part fitting.
Step 3. Using a special brush, apply a paste for soldering copper pipes - flux - to the pipe and fitting and immediately connect the parts, avoiding the ingress of any kind of dirt or foreign objects.
Step 4 gas burner for soldering copper plumbing pipes, gently heat the joint over the entire surface. An indicator of good heating is a change in the color of the soldering flux.

Soldering process of copper water pipe

Step 5. After stopping the heating of the surfaces to be joined, apply solder for soldering copper pipes around the entire perimeter of the joint. The burner fire must not touch the solder wire: tin must melt on the copper surface from its high temperature without direct exposure to fire.
Step 6. Wait for the natural and complete cooling of the part - without additional funds for fast cooling.
Step 7. Be sure to remove the remaining flux paste from the surface with a damp cloth. Its impact is necessary only during soldering: it destroys the protective layer of copper parts.

The seam at the point of adhesion of the parts must be even and tight. It will be possible to check the result obtained only when a sufficient pressure of water is turned on in the water supply system, however, if the soldering was successful, the reliability of the seam does not decrease at all from time, possible pressure drops or water temperature.

Appearance of a properly soldered copper pipe

Installation of copper pipes with pipes made of other materials

There are a few important points related to the possibilities of installing copper pipes with pipes made of other materials:

  • Combinations of copper and brass, copper and plastic, and copper and steel are non-hazardous and do not cause corrosion of materials.
  • Installation of galvanized steel and copper can adversely affect the condition of the galvanized steel pipe: chemical processes between copper and zinc leads to the destruction of zinc.

Therefore, if there is a need to connect galvanized and copper pipes, then it is possible only through a brass fitting and only in one direction: along the flow of water from the galvanized pipe to the copper one.

Corrosion of galvanized pipe due to improper soldering with copper

For domestic water supply in Russia, this is possible way out: almost always the central water supply uses steel or galvanized steel, so copper plumbing in an apartment can be purchased without a doubt.
Copper pipes are connected to steel or plastic pipes only with brass push fittings. The main fasteners of the system are carried out through the clamping nut and the clamping ring of the fitting: they are twisted at the standard number of revolutions prescribed in the technical documentation of the fitting, and must be regularly checked during operation for loosening and possible leaks.

Myths about copper pipes

Due to the lack of habit of copper as a material for heating systems, water and gas supply, modern Russian consumers have a mistrust of this material. There are two myths:

  • Plumbing copper pipes are expensive and impractical despite the high price. The impracticality is associated with possible oxidation on the outside of the pipes, while copper pipes are also oxidized from the inside, but they are absolutely not subject to corrosion. More high price copper pipes can be more than covered by ease of installation and durability of materials.
  • Copper pipes are dangerous when combined with chlorinated water. Undoubtedly, copper, reacting with chlorine particles, oxidizes, however, the film formed inside the pipes, on the contrary, protects the pipes from additional chemical influences and is safe for the human body.

However, these myths are destroyed by many years of practice. It is no coincidence that this material was used in plumbing systems several millennia ago, and copper still enjoys well-deserved recognition in European countries.