Planting and care in the open field for wonderful marigolds is within the power of everyone. How and when to plant marigolds

A frequently asked question about marigolds is growing from seeds: when to plant them in seedling and non-seedling methods, when can you move seedlings to a flower bed, how to care for young plants to ensure earlier and longer flowering? Even lovers of these many-sided flowers are sometimes lost, acquiring new variety or view. On the bags are often written different planting dates for compact and large varieties tagetes, for terry and non-terry forms. And even outwardly, marigolds differ very much: from tiny, not higher than 40 cm, curb bushes with brightly colored, burgundy and brown inflorescences, to tall, about 100 cm "saffrons" with large pompoms of double flowers of all shades of yellow and even with pure white corollas.

They are united by only one thing - the characteristic strong smell of leaves, flowers and stems. Due to this, marigolds of various types have long been used as a seasoning (Imereti saffron), a fragrant additive in tea and marinades, and as a remedy for repelling garden pests.

Sowing seeds

This is the most common way to grow marigolds at home. The beginning of flowering depends on the sowing time. open ground. On average, for any species and varieties of tagetes, 2-2.5 months should pass from the moment the seeds are sown to the start of flowering. Knowing this, you can easily calculate on your own when to sow marigolds for seedlings.

The limiting factor in the regions middle lane Russia are return frosts. Young plants are very sensitive to even a slight decrease in temperature, so the timing of planting seedlings in open ground should take this into account. If we proceed from the end of the frost period at the end of May and if you want to get a flowering border already in early June, then you can plant marigolds for seedlings around mid-March.

Early dates crops are more suitable for undersized and dwarf varieties, since tall ones reach quite large sizes by the time of flowering.

At home, not everyone can accommodate enough such seedlings. Therefore, the grower must decide on his own, based on his own capabilities, the question of when to plant marigolds for seedlings.

How to grow good seedlings

As soon as the date of planting in open ground is determined and the desired flowering time is determined, you can prepare for the main operation - sowing. Marigolds are planted for seedlings in boxes or containers with soil prepared in autumn from a mixture of garden soil and sand (1: 1). Tagetes seeds are very large, and this procedure does not cause any particular problems.

On the surface of moist soil, you need to make furrows with a depth of about 1 cm. The distance between the recesses is 3-4 cm. Spread the seeds into the grooves, leaving approximately the same distance between them. To accelerate the germination and disinfection of the seed, it is necessary to soak the decomposed seeds and the soil around them well from the spray gun. After that, fill the grooves with seeds with a dry mixture of earth and sand with a layer of no more than 1 cm. To preserve moisture, close the containers with glass or film and put in a warm place (+25 ° C) until shoots appear. Convenient and effective method suitable for the amateur grower.

To grow seedlings of marigolds strong and well developed, it is best to use greenhouses or greenhouses. But also in room conditions you can get good specimens of both tall and short bushes. It is important to follow the simple rules for growing marigolds from seeds:

  1. After some of the seedlings have risen, the box must be moved to a very well-lit place. With early sowing (mid-March, early April), seedlings will need illumination and a day length of up to 10 hours.
  2. The temperature when growing seedlings should be no higher than +20 ° C. At high temperatures in conditions of low humidity in the room, the seedlings quickly dry out and wither, as they are very sensitive to a lack of moisture.
  3. After the appearance of 2-4 leaves, the seedlings should be planted in separate pots or in a box according to the 7x7 cm scheme. Seedlings undersized varieties even when sown early, they can grow in these conditions before it's time to plant them in the flower bed. Tall varieties may need another pick when the leaves begin to overlap. Bushes growing in separate containers can simply be moved apart to provide good lighting throughout the seedling and prevent it from stretching.
  4. Approximately 7-10 days before transplanting into open ground, seedlings need to be hardened off: take it outside and gradually increase the time spent in the air. Unprepared plants during transplantation can be burned by the sun, wither from exposure to wind, etc. All this reduces the survival rate of bushes after transplantation and delays the start of flowering.

We sow marigolds in the "snail" (video)

seedless way

Marigolds from seeds can be grown by sowing directly on permanent place. This is especially true for those who did not have time to sow them for seedlings in 2018. Mid-May and early June is the best time for this. Marigolds sown in open ground will bloom in July or early August and will delight the eye on autumn flower beds before the onset of frost.

Planting technology is similar to sowing seedlings. Furrows need to be made for border and group plantings, and single large bushes should be planted by making a depression in the soil and placing 1-2 seeds in it. To be sure that among the marigolds, which are sown directly into the ground, there will be no “bald spots”, you can soak the seeds and wait for them to spit.

To do this, spread the seeds of tagetes on a cloth or cotton wool placed in a container with a lid. Moisten the material well and cover the seeds with a layer of the same cloth. Close the container and put it in a warm place with a temperature of at least +25 ° C. Seeds that show signs of germination in 4-5 days can be planted in the ground. The rest can ascend a little later, but if this has not happened for another 3-4 days, then this indicates their low quality. Such seeds will no longer germinate, and they can be thrown away.

Seedlings planted immediately in the ground will not need picking, they only need to be thinned out if the sowing was done too thickly. For undersized varieties, the distance should be at least 15 cm between the bushes. Tall marigolds, which were sown in open ground, should be at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other in group plantings. Only then will they be able to bloom magnificently and form well-branched, powerful bushes.

How to grow marigolds (video)

What varieties to choose for growing

How to grow marigolds in order to get exactly the plants that a flower grower needs to decorate a flower bed? There is no secret here: among the varieties known in culture, there are only 3 types of marigolds:

  • erect, or African - the tallest, up to 120 cm, with large terry inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, of a single color from white to bright orange;
  • rejected, or French - more compact, medium-sized, up to 60 cm tall with many variegated inflorescences up to 8 cm in diameter;
  • thin-leaved, or Mexican - dwarf, 15-40 cm tall with double and non-double inflorescences.

Seed bags usually indicate the height of the plant, and sometimes its species. Based on this, you can choose varieties with the desired color of flowers and bush height for border decoration (undersized marigolds of Providence, Antigua, Bonanza), or for parterre plantings. For mixborders and group plantings, you can combine large-flowered hybrids of upright Discovery orange (bright orange), Kilimanjaro (white), Sonnenschein (lemon) and other medium and tall varieties rejected Vanilla (white), Gold Ball (yellow), Carmen (orange -red), complementing them with undersized ones.

Landing and care

unpretentious plants not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to dig deep into the ground, add complex fertilizers to it for flowering plants. Sand must be added to dense and heavy soil to ensure good water and air permeability to the marigold roots.

How to water tagetes correctly? Young plants that need a lot of moisture should be watered as often as necessary for their good growth - only allowing the topsoil to dry out a little. As it grows and by the time of flowering, abundant watering becomes not so necessary. Marigolds can easily tolerate a slight dryness of the soil if the gardener cannot water them in time. In the absence of rain and the establishment of dry hot weather, watering can be done only 1-2 times a week, but it should be plentiful (about 10 liters per large bush or 3-5 liters for undersized forms). Under these conditions, the plants will bloom well, but when dry, the number of flowers may decrease significantly.

Reproduction of marigolds

To prepare material for sowing on next year, you need to know about how to collect marigold seeds. In the 2nd half of summer, dry hard boxes with many seeds are formed on the bushes. They must be collected in dry weather, cutting off the box at the base. If the summer turned out to be rainy and the seeds are wet, they can be easily dried by spreading them out in a thin layer on paper.

When collecting seeds from bushes grown independently, it is not necessary to expect the purity of the variety, since marigolds are easily pollinated among themselves. Hybrid plants labeled F1 on the bag may not show properties in offspring, and double large-flowered forms often set very few seeds. All these factors must be considered when collecting seed from your plants. To obtain pure-bred crops, you can plant some bushes at a considerable distance from group plantings, but even this does not guarantee that marigolds from self-collected seeds will be exactly the same as last season.

However, the knowledge of how to sow seeds for different terms flowering, how to grow seedlings strong and healthy, how to plant marigolds in a permanent place, will come in handy in this case too. After all, the beauty of these amazing flowers lies in the diversity of their inflorescences and the unusual play of yellow, brown and red shades.

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes)- This is a genus of perennial and annual plants belonging to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. Plants are native to South and Central America. They have long been used in the rituals of local Indian tribes, as well as to get rid of various diseases. Marigolds came to Europe in the 16th century and were the first overseas flowers that appeared in Russia. Marigold flowers owe their name to Carl Linnaeus, who named them in honor of Tages, the Etruscan demigod, the grandson of Jupiter, who became famous for his gift of soothsayer and beauty. Today, marigolds, or, as they are also called, Chornobryvtsy, number about 40 species and are cultivated in many countries of the world.

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Planting and caring for marigolds (in short)

  • Landing: sowing in open ground in late May or early June. For seedlings - in March.
  • Bloom: from June to frost.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or penumbra.
  • The soil: loamy, well moistened at the beginning of the growing season, nutritious, neutral.
  • Watering: regular and sufficient until flowering, then moderate.
  • Top dressing: mineral solutions: 1st - at a seedling height of 10 cm, 2nd - during budding, 3rd - at the beginning of flowering.
  • Pruning: possible, but not required.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: spider mites, thrips, aphids, caterpillars, snails, slugs.
  • Diseases: gray rot, black leg, root rot, viral infections.

Read more about growing marigolds below.

Marigold flowers - description

Marigold stems are erect or branched, forming a bush with a height of 20 cm to 130 cm. The root system is fibrous, the leaves are pinnately divided or pinnately dissected, opposite or alternate, the color of the leaves is from light green to dark green. flower baskets different shades yellow, brown and orange flowers. The median flowers are tubular, bisexual, the marginal ones are pseudolingual, five stamens. The pistil has two stigmas, the ovary is inferior. Marigolds bloom very abundantly from June until the first frost. The fruit is a linear achene. Seeds of marigolds give abundant self-sowing and remain viable for 3-4 years. A strong spicy smell is not exuded by flowers like marigold leaves.

Growing marigolds from seeds

Planting marigolds is not difficult even for a beginner, since these flowers are completely unpretentious. You can dig ready flowering bush, and it will almost certainly be accepted and will please you long flowering. And you can easily sow the seeds directly into the open ground. This should be done in May, when the soil warms up sufficiently. Make a furrow about 5 cm deep with a chopper, spill it with water, sow seeds in the furrow and sprinkle them with earth. After a couple of weeks, sprouts will appear, and if they sprout too densely, plant them out.

But for those who are not looking for easy ways and are ready to test themselves as a breeder, we will tell you how to sow marigolds, how to grow marigolds from seedlings, how marigolds are obtained from seeds and when to plant marigolds for seedlings.

Preparing marigold seeds for planting

Marigold seeds are purchased only for the first planting, because at the end of flowering you can easily get seeds from your faded marigolds. You just need to let a few inflorescences dry well right on the bush and, if there is no rain, you can easily remove the ripened seeds from the calyx, dry them and save until spring sowing. Just remember that almost all the marigolds that exist in the culture are hybrids, which means that every fourth seedling does not retain varietal properties and can inherit either paternal or maternal traits. Many flower growers plant marigolds for seedlings with germinated seeds. For germination, spread the seeds on a saucer covered with a damp cloth, place the saucer in plastic bag and put in a warm place. After three days, the seeds should hatch.

In the photo: Marigold seeds

When to sow marigolds for seedlings

The sooner you sow marigolds for seedlings (even in early spring), the faster they will bloom. If you are growing different types, then know that earlier than others (in mid-March), upright marigolds are sown, marigolds are undersized and small-leaved - in early April, and then all three species will bloom in June. Growing seedlings of marigolds is a simple process, but there are moments that should not be missed. Prepare a mixture of soil: humus, peat, turf, sand (1; 1; 1; 0.5) and disinfect by spilling a fungicide disinfectant solution or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Make sure that at the bottom of the container there is a drainage layer of crushed stone, sand or expanded clay 3 cm high, apply fertilizer to the soil (any organic matter, except for fresh manure).

At a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, make grooves, spread the seeds in them and sprinkle with a small layer of soil. You need to water very carefully so that the water does not wash the seeds out of the soil. The containers are kept in a warm place (22-25 ºC) and make sure that the soil does not dry out. Sprouts should appear no later than a week later, then the container should be moved to the light and the temperature should be slightly lowered (15-18 ºC).

In the photo: Sowing marigold seeds for seedlings

When to plant marigolds

Seedlings are planted in open ground when the threat of late frosts has passed: marigolds come from warm regions and do not tolerate cold weather. In addition, you need to wait until the seedlings have at least 3 leaves and a powerful root system. This usually happens in late May or early June. Marigolds need soil that is nutritious, well-moistened in the first half of summer, loamy and neutral. If the soil is infertile, you will have to fertilize 2-3 times during the growing season.

In the photo: Seedlings of marigolds in pots

The distance between seedlings depends on the species and variety. High marigolds are planted every 40 cm, the distance between rows is also 40 cm (40x40 scheme), medium-sized - according to the 30x30 scheme, undersized - 20x20. After planting, there is a need for frequent and abundant watering of the marigolds, because despite the fact that they are considered drought-resistant plants, if the marigolds are not watered, they will grow frail, and their inflorescences will be small.

In the photo: Flowering of marigolds in a flower bed

Marigold Care

Marigolds love bright lighting, and although they tolerate both partial shade and even shade well, they bloom most magnificently in the strongest sun. During growth watering should be sufficient, but as soon as inflorescences begin to form, watering should be reduced so that moisture does not stagnate: plants rot and do not bloom from this. Fertilize marigolds are not necessary at all, but if you feed them, the marigolds will respond with gratitude. You need to feed with complex fertilizers when the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, then when the first buds appear and, finally, at the very beginning of flowering.

Marigolds need regular weeding and loosening the soil otherwise it is difficult for them to breathe. In the summer, if the marigolds have grown, spend pruning to form beautiful bushes. Remove faded buds and the plants will bloom even more. The peculiar aroma of marigolds and the phytoncides contained in them serve as protection against fungal diseases not only for the plants themselves, but also for those that grow in the neighborhood. It is not for nothing that many flower growers frame the entire garden plot with plantings of marigolds. But if the summer is too damp, then snails and slugs. The smell of bleach placed in jars between plants can scare them away.

Sometimes it still appears on leaves and stems gray rot. In this case, the affected plants will have to be destroyed so that they do not infect the rest of the marigolds. In a dry summer, plants may be attacked by a spider mite, which will have to be fought by spraying with an infusion of onions, yarrow, red hot peppers. But to prevent this from happening, try to increase the level of humidity in the air by spraying water around the marigolds several times a day.

Marigolds after flowering

As a rule, decorative marigolds are annual plants, therefore, after flowering during autumn digging, they are simply pulled out. If you want to grow marigolds and next year, collect the seeds, dry them and store them until the end of March-beginning of February.

Do not throw away dried inflorescences, they will be useful to you on the farm and in your first-aid kit. For example, if you have to work at the computer for a long time, eat 2-3 small heads of dark-colored marigolds before meals or adding them to a salad.

In the photo: Dried marigolds

With roundworms or pinworms, you need to eat 5 heads of marigolds before going to bed for adults, and 2-3 (depending on age) heads of marigolds for children.

If you throw a bucket of wilted marigolds into compost pit, there will be no midges around it.

Put it on the windowsill and front door a bouquet of marigolds, and unexpected unkind guests will pass by your house.

And finally, we offer several recipes that may be of interest to women:

  • Lip balm(for softness): Mix 2 tablespoons crushed marigold heads with 1 tablespoon apricot oil and 1/3 cup olive oil. Infuse the mixture in the dark for a week, then strain, carefully squeezing the raw materials. Lubricate lips as needed.
  • Face lotion. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed marigold inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and insist overnight, then strain, squeezing out the remnants, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Store lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe your face with infusion three times a day.
  • In case of inflammation or irritation of the skin of the face, prickly heat, use this remedy: pour 2 tablespoons of chopped heads of marigolds with one and a half glasses of hot water, bring to a boil, then leave for 3-4 hours under the lid, strain, squeezing the raw materials, pour in the juice of a large aloe leaf and 2 tablespoons spoons of water. Store the composition in the refrigerator. Wipe the inflamed areas twice a day.

Properties of marigolds

A flowerbed of marigolds is an invaluable home pharmacy: modern Scientific research confirm healing properties marigolds, known from legends and legends, so the cultivation of marigolds not only gives aesthetic pleasure, but also brings real benefits to human health. Lutein, for example, which they contain, reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Also ethnoscience Marigold treats diabetes mellitus and inflammation of the pancreas. Marigolds are medicinal, dried and then infused, they treat stomatitis, bronchitis, asthma and colds, purify the blood. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of crushed flowers with a liter of boiling water, insist for three hours, then strain and drink a glass half an hour before meals for a month.

In the photo: Dried marigold inflorescences

Baths with the addition of a decoction of marigolds have a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety, so they are recommended for depression and neurosis. In addition, peoples have long South America They used marigolds for food and as a seasoning, and for the preparation of sauces and pastries, and for marinades. In the markets of the Caucasus, marigolds are sold as a powder, added to pilaf, satsivi and soups and called “Imereti saffron” by culinary specialists. The French, in order to satisfy the needs of their gourmets, grow marigolds on an industrial scale. Marigold leaves included in marinades give canned vegetables elasticity and a pleasant aroma.

In the photo: Dried chopped marigolds

And here is the recipe homemade cookies, which you will definitely like: beat 4 egg whites into foam; Grind 2 tablespoons of fresh marigold petals with 100 g of sugar; rubbing 4 tablespoons butter, gradually add 4 yolks to it, petals with sugar, then 100 g of flour, and then carefully place the whipped whites on top and mix gently; put the dough on a baking sheet and bake until the cake is golden. Cut the cooled cake into squares.

Types and varieties of marigolds

There are many varieties of marigolds in culture, but three types of marigolds are popular: erect marigolds (usually tall), rejected marigolds (undersized) and thin-leaved marigolds, which are less common in our latitudes than others. The varieties of these three species are very diverse: among them there are large-flowered and small-flowered marigolds, terry and densely double marigolds of all shades of yellow, orange and brown.

Marigolds erect (Tagetes erecta)

Or african marigolds, are giants of the genus, their height is from 30 to 100 cm. Inflorescences, as a rule, are monophonic and double, reach 15 cm in diameter. Among the most popular varieties marigolds Vanilla 70 cm tall with creamy white double inflorescences 12 cm in diameter; Kilimanjaro marigolds 60-70 cm tall with densely double spherical inflorescences; marigolds of Antigua, low, up to 25 cm tall, but erect, with large flowers- up to 15 cm in diameter, golden, lemon yellow, orange and bright yellow in color.

In the photo: Upright marigolds (Tagetes erecta)

Marigold undersized (Tagetes patula)

Or marigolds rejected, or French marigolds rarely grow above 60 cm. They are compact bushes with many double and non-double inflorescences, the diameter of which rarely exceeds 8 cm. These marigolds are also called sprawling. Flower growers are in demand varieties of the Bonanza series up to 30 cm high (Bonanza Bolero, Bonanza Orange, Bonanza Flame, etc.), which have a high decorative effect of terry inflorescences bright colors 5-6 cm in diameter and long flowering time; marigolds Carmen are very beautiful, decorating the flower garden with terry inflorescences with corrugated petals of red-brown along the edges and orange-yellow in the middle of the shades.

Marigolds are annuals herbaceous plants Asteraceae family comes from hot Mexico.

What does marigold look like externally? The stems, depending on the species, are usually erect, have many branches, form a bush with a height of 20 to 120 cm. The leaves look like feathers. The shape is slightly serrated. Foliage color varies from light to dark green.

Reference! A flowering bud is a basket. There are a lot of varieties: simple or terry, yellow, orange or brown. In diameter, the flower reaches from 3 to 4 centimeters. They bloom profusely from June until frost.

In nature, there are about 30, but only three of them have decorative value: upright marigolds, rejected marigolds and thin-leaved marigolds.

You can learn about the varieties of marigolds, as well as see photos of the plant, and from you will learn about the varieties and rules for caring for undersized marigolds.

Where to get seedlings?

Growing seedlings means sowing the seeds of a plant first for the first shoots to appear in more favorable conditions for this, and then, after the plant reaches a certain size, it is transplanted to a permanent place.

Useful video

Watch a video about sowing seedlings of marigolds:


Thus, we were convinced that independently growing marigolds for seedlings is not at all a difficult task.

  1. Decide on the varieties you like.
  2. Decide on the methods of growing seedlings: in the ground under cover on garden plot or in trays on the windowsill of a city apartment.
  3. Prepare a soil mixture of peat, compost and sand. Disinfect.
  4. Sow seeds. Create a greenhouse effect.
  5. Periodically ventilate after the appearance of the first shoots.
  6. When 4-5 leaves of planting appear, dive.
  7. After all the above steps, in late May and early June, you can safely plant young plants in a flower bed.

We hope that our tips will help you grow a real decoration for your garden plot.

Marigolds are a familiar plant that blooms beautifully in flowerbeds, flower beds, balconies, decorating flower beds with a colorful variety. But few people know that marigolds and tagetes are the name of one culture from the Aster family, originally from America, where it also grows wild.

The plant is unpretentious, has a large varietal diversity, looks great in compositions, group and single landings, its usual care - all this made it popular among a huge variety flower crops. Growing marigolds is easy even for a novice gardener, but how to plant and when to plant in open ground will tell you more detailed information about the culture.

Species diversity of marigolds

The plant, in addition to beautiful bright flowers, has an unusual tart smell, the source of which is phytoncides. Many insect pests do not tolerate it, so marigolds are planted next to horticultural crops to scare them away, and in the cuisines of the southern peoples, tagets are used as a spicy spice. Varieties of marigolds vary in size and shape of flowers, leaves, height, so when choosing planting material you need to consider where the flower will be grown.


  1. Thin-leaved (Mexican) - grows up to 25 cm, branches strongly, leaves are dissected, thin, flowers are small - 1.5 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is mainly yellow and orange. Ideal for borders, borders, landscape compositions.
  2. Rejected (small-flowered, French) - forms a lush bush with flowers (double, simple, semi-double) of yellow-brown, yellow, brown-red color. The leaves are thin, dissected. The height difference is quite large.
  • up to 25 cm - dwarf species;
  • no higher than 40 cm - undersized;
  • up to 50 cm - medium;
  • 60cm - high.
  1. Large-flowered (upright, African) - grows up to 1m, the leaves are large, dissected, tubular flowers are always yellow in color. The height of the bushes is different:
  • up to 45 cm - undersized;
  • up to 60 cm - medium height;
  • no higher than 90 cm - tall;
  • more than 90 cm - gigantic.

Site and soil requirements

A site for growing marigolds should be chosen in a sunny, well-lit place. But it should be noted that each variety of culture relates to lighting differently, for example, white-flowered (upright hybrids) need light shading in extreme heat, and varieties with a thin stem and openwork leaves (thin-leaved) shade is contraindicated - they grow weak and frail .

The culture has no particular preferences for the composition of the soil, you just need to know that the root system does not like stagnant moisture and take this into account when planting - heavy soils can be lightened by adding sand.

Preparation for planting begins in the fall - they dig up a plot with the addition of humus or compost (4-5 kg ​​per 1 m²), remove weeds and plant roots. To prevent possible stagnation of moisture, you can dig small grooves for drainage. melt water spring.

Growing marigolds in seedlings

It is difficult to confuse marigold seeds with others - they are long, like thin sticks, with a yellow or beige crest. They germinate for 2-3 years, but the timing of germination in species is different:

  • hybrids and erect - 10-12 days;
  • hybrids and rejected - 10-18 days;
  • hybrids and thin-leaved - 12-18 days.

Seed preparation

Seed germination with any sowing method can be accelerated by treatment with a 0.001% solution of heteroauxin or Epin (growth stimulants), keeping it in it for 6-12 hours. This treatment allows you to get seedlings 5-7 days earlier and helps rapid development. lush bush and beautiful flowers.

If marigold seeds are planted in open ground, and the spring weather is damp, with low temperatures, then it is better not to soak in order to avoid rotting of the seeds. In this case, they should be sown dry - they will sprout under the prevailing, favorable conditions for them.

When and how to plant

When to plant seeds for seedlings largely determines the type of plant. Upright and thin-leaved marigolds bloom either in mid-July or early August, therefore, for seedlings, for early flowering, their seeds are sown in early spring - before March 10, and they will begin to bloom in mid-May or the first decade of June.

Marigolds rejected bloom earlier - mid-June, and sowing seeds in the last days of March will allow them to begin flowering in the third decade of May.

Also, the timing of sowing seeds should be correlated with the climate - young bushes of seedlings will not tolerate spring frosts after transplanting into the ground, and too mature bushes take root poorly.

Seeding rules:

  • pour a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone into a container;
  • mix purchased soil, peat, sand, humus in a ratio of 1:1:1:1 or soddy soil, humus, sand (3:2:1) and fill the dishes for planting;
  • spread the seeds into moistened grooves 1 cm deep in 4-5 cm, sprinkle with soil mixture;
  • cover the containers with a film (glass) and put in an unlit place with a temperature of 20 ° -22 ° C;
  • after germination, the film must be removed, the boxes should be moved to a lighted place with a lower temperature - 17 ° -18 ° С;
  • if the weather permits, then the seedlings are taken out to the balcony, loggia, veranda for hardening.

seedling care

Watering is carried out abundant and infrequent, not allowing moisture to stagnate.

They begin to feed 1-2 weeks after germination - Crystalon green is introduced with the nutrients necessary during this period. AT next top dressing(5-6 days before transplanting into the ground) apply Crystalon yellow - it activates the growth of roots and promotes rapid rooting.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The timing of transplanting seedlings into open ground depends on weather conditions. It is allowed to plant young bushes with steady positive daytime and nighttime temperatures. With the threat of frost, plantings are covered in any convenient way.

The distance between the bushes depends on the type of planting: single, group, in composition. For example, high varieties can be planted every 40-50cm in borders or along the edge of the lawn; in compositions, they can be planted at the top of a triangle with a side of 40-45cm.

Between bushes of medium height maintain a distance of 30-35 cm, between low (dwarf species) - 20-25 cm.

Growing seeds in open ground

Marigold seeds germinate well in spring when sown in open ground directly at the place of cultivation. It is necessary to wait for the thawing and warming up of the soil, and sow in the 2-3rd decade of April or in the 1st decade of May. If the soil warms up badly, the seeds can lie in the ground for a long time and lose their germination.

The rules for planting seeds are the same as for planting seedlings. If a seed material a lot, you can sow thicker, and then thin out the plants, using the removed bushes as seedlings.

Outdoor planting care

The culture is unpretentious and does not require special, different from other flower crops, care: watering, weeding, loosening, fertilizing.

Watering Requirements

Any kind of tagetes looks attractive and beautiful with timely watering. With infrequent rainfall, watering is carried out every 7-10 days, trying not to pour water on the flowers and pouring 8-10 liters per 1 m².

Reference! The plant can lose its decorative effect with rare watering and drying of the soil, but has the ability to recover quickly with regular watering.

Top dressing

If fertilizers were applied during the autumn digging of the soil, 2-3 top dressings are carried out per season.

The first time planted plants are fed at the very beginning of flowering with complex fertilizers without nitrogen or with a minimum amount of it, so as not to stimulate excessive growth of green mass. Good result give top dressing Agricola, Kristalon.

Spraying with Humate in solution every 10-14 days helps to strengthen the plant, abundant and long flowering.

With a lack of iron, when the leaf brightens, and the veins remain green (chlorosis disease), use Ferovit or Agricola "From yellowing of the leaves."

Pest Control Measures

Marigolds are practically not subject to pest invasion due to the presence of phytoncides in the composition, but sometimes, with a combination of adverse factors, they may suffer due to spider mite, aphids, slugs or infectious disease gray rot.

How to fight:

  1. The aphid sucks the juices from the plant, and it gradually dies due to lack of nutrients. Insecticide preparations Confidor, Bi-58, Aktara or tobacco infusion will help: tobacco (200g) is infused in hot water (5l) for 2 days, stirring occasionally. The infusion is boiled, allowed to cool, and after straining, 20 g of crushed soap is dissolved in it, adding 5 liters of water. Spray the entire bush. This remedy also helps against other insects (thrips, caterpillars, bedbugs).
  2. Spider mites appear when there is a lack of moisture during irregular watering, so prevention is regular watering and humidifying the air from a spray bottle (indoors). Spraying with infusion of tobacco dust, treatment with Fitoverm or preparations with sulfur helps.
  3. Slugs damage plantings with strong soil moisture in wet rainy weather. Tobacco tincture (recipe above) and wormwood will help save the plants: dry crushed wormwood (200g) is infused in 5 liters of water per day, the infusion is boiled for 30 minutes, filtered, the volume is adjusted to 10 liters and used for spraying.
  4. Gray rot is observed during prolonged rains and cool weather. Preparations Fundazol, Arceride, Bordeaux liquid (1%) cope with the infection when spraying and watering the soil around the bushes of marigolds-tagets.

How to collect seeds

Marigolds bloom for a long time and to support them during this period, to activate the formation of new buds, wilted inflorescences must be removed, leaving a small amount for the seeds to ripen. All varieties of marigolds, except for hybrids, are perfectly grown from self-harvested seeds.

Reference! Hybrids do not retain varietal characteristics when grown from domestic seeds.

You can collect seed material in August, when the seed boxes dry out. They are cut off on a dry sunny day, laid out for final drying. Dried seeds are easily removed from the box. Each variety is placed in a separate paper envelope and signed.

Marigolds in pest control

By virtue of its chemical composition, marigolds help to scare away many pests from planting garden crops.

The wireworm, the nematode, the bear bypass the areas with marigold plantings - planting them around the perimeter of the beds will decorate and enliven the territory, scare away other insects.

Fight weevil, caterpillars on fruit crops marigolds help in the infusion: fill ½ a bucket with a crushed plant, add hot water(5 l) and stand for 2 days, stirring occasionally, then you need to strain the infusion and dilute 40 g of soap in it. Processing is carried out 2-4 times.

Motley carpet or single landings- marigolds are created in any form positive mood, decorating with bright sunny colors flower beds, lawns, adjoining territory and do not create problems when planting, growing and caring.


Many novice flower growers ask the question: When is it better to plant these flowers for seedlings and seeds in open ground, immediately to a permanent place. In this article we will try to answer this question, as well as touch on ground rules growing marigolds.

Marigolds are considered one of the most popular flowers found in gardens and on summer cottages Russia. These flowers are also very often planted in city flower beds. In another way, marigolds are called Tagetes. Tagetes is the Latin name, according to legend, that was the name of the grandson of the god of heaven and light Jupiter. To date, there are a little more than 30 varieties of marigolds.

AT wild nature marigolds are most common in America.

Marigolds have straight stems. The length can be different - up to 1 meter, depending on the variety.

Blooms in single buds. Flowers may be different colors- yellow, orange, red. To the touch can be smooth or terry.

Flowers do not have a special smell, but the leaves smell very specific. Flowering is very long - from the beginning of June until the first frost.

A little about growing.

Marigold seedlings

Growing marigolds, you can go in two ways - plant seedlings or plant seeds immediately in open ground. Each of these methods has its own advantages. If planted through seedlings, then marigolds will bloom much faster. If you plant seeds immediately in a permanent place, then flowering will be longer.

When grown through seedlings, in the future it will be much more convenient to plant in flower beds. When planting seeds in flower beds, the plants will then have to be thinned out, the marigold seeds are very small.

Before landing in a permanent seat, you must select a suitable seat. A sunny location is best.

Marigolds look very beautiful along the edges of flower beds or paths.

Marigolds are very unpretentious in care. Grow quickly, resistant to drought and cold. However, they do not tolerate transplantation well.

When to plant marigold seeds for seedlings?

Of course, you can land immediately in open ground. But then you have to forget about early landings. Plant seedlings can die at negative temperatures. If you want to get early flowering, then you need to plant only through seedlings.

Marigolds are planted on seedlings mid-March to mid-April, depending on the variety. By planting at this time, you will receive flowering by the beginning of June.

The soil for planting seedlings should be loose and saturated with nutrients. You can plant in any container - from boxes to pots. Seedlings should be grown at home at a temperature of 17-22 degrees.

When to plant marigold seeds in open ground?

Photo: Undersized marigolds

Late landing can be carried out immediately to a permanent place. You can plant marigold seeds in open ground from the end of May to the end of June. The first shoots appear 5-10 days after sowing. Plants begin to bloom in early - late July.

Did you know that the sharp aroma of marigolds repels many pests.

Now you know when to plant marigolds for seedlings and seeds in open ground. Good luck in this business!

Video about sowing marigolds: