Simple solutions. How to improve ventilation in a city apartment

Air pollution is a problem that affects our health. In conditions that exacerbate atmospheric problems, it is necessary to improve the quality of life for people suffering from asthma and allergic diseases.

A reasonable way out is to use an air purifier that will remove negative components from the air mass. We will analyze which air purifier to choose for an apartment, based on the principle of operation and the capabilities of the device.

An air purifier is a reliable assistant in the struggle for perfect health and cleanliness. ecological situation... Small in size, the device allows you to create an optimally favorable environment for a metropolitan inhabitant. Indeed, according to the conclusions of the experts of the healthcare organization, polluted air in living quarters acts as a dangerous risk factor for human health.

The main purpose of the device is to purify the air by removing impurities, substances and toxic fumes from it, which can irritate the bronchi and lungs of a person.

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The principle of operation of such units is based on a standard filtration mechanism:

  1. The air flow is sucked through the receiver into the chamber.
  2. Passing through filters and auxiliary elements located in the chamber, the directed flow is subjected to multi-stage cleaning.
  3. 80-99% purified air in the form of a directed flow is discharged outside the housing.

If your device model provides additional functionality, then the output is more productive and complete.

Many models are equipped with auxiliary elements designed to break down and oxidize contaminated impurities at the molecular level to harmless components.

Regular processing of the air circulating inside the room allows you to create the most comfortable microclimate for your health.

In addition to the main function, most of the models on sale have a complex effect:

  • humidify the air;
  • and ozonized;
  • trap mold microspores;
  • kill pathogenic microflora soaring in it.

But when purchasing an air purifier, it should be borne in mind that it is still not able to fully replace traditional ventilation and the more branched modern system... After all, the main purpose of the equipment is to eliminate allergens and impurities, but certainly not to saturate the air with oxygen.

Inside the unit housing there are filters that capture the smallest inclusions, as well as plates that attract harmful impurities and possible allergens

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

People with allergic diseases who have tried the use of the device on themselves will confirm how much the quality of life has improved since the moment it was turned on for the first time.

The indisputable advantages of using air cleaners include:

  1. Neutralization of harmful components contained in the air.
  2. Creation of a clean and fresh microclimate within an enclosed space.
  3. Removing even the smallest allergens from the air.
  4. Destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, harmful toxins and chemicals, unpleasant rotten smell and tobacco smoke.

People who use the devices report that during the acute stage of the disease, the devices help to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks, as well as clinical manifestations cough.

A significant advantage of air purifiers is their low power consumption, which does not exceed 35-70 W

Devices of this type have only one drawback - high cost... Simple price budget models starts from 5 thousand rubles and above, and semi-professional devices of the middle price segment - from 15 thousand rubles. The total cost is determined by the number of auxiliary options provided in the device.

Air purifiers should be used with caution by people who suffer from these types of ailments:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypersensitivity to the slightest stimulus;
  • people with reduced immunity, who often have viral diseases.

Among the disadvantages of budget models, some users refer to the noise level generated by the built-in fan. To eliminate this flaw, manufacturers have released devices in which a night mode is provided, which implies a decrease in blade speed.

The cost of air cleaners in the middle price segment, depending on the type of filters installed and the set of functions, varies from 15 to 45 thousand rubles

The most effective types of cleaners

There are hundreds of different models, differing in functionality and equipment. And it's easy to get confused in the variety of air purifiers. But if we take the principle of operation of the device and the type of filter element used as a basis, then the following options for air purifiers are most suitable for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Devices with air cleaning

Units of this type differ in that the water environment created inside the unit is responsible for air purification. For this, one or more "wet" drums equipped with special plates are provided in the body. These structural elements attract debris and harmful impurities to themselves, passing already purified water further through themselves.

The principle of operation of the device is based on trapping the smallest harmful impurities, moistening them and then collecting them on the filter surface

Modern models are equipped with electronic displays and special sensors that monitor and signal the owner about the degree of contamination of the device.

Devices with HEPA filter

It is these models that are rightfully considered the best option for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. Indeed, thanks to a multi-stage cleaning system, they are able to remove up to 99% of allergens from the air.

Fine cleaning systems can be safely used not only in household terms, but also installed in rooms where there are increased requirements for the air condition

The effect of fine cleaning is achieved due to the special HEPA fabric, laid inside the filter on thin corrugated strips, the size of the holes of which ranges from 0.3 to 6.4 microns.

In cheaper models, it can be replaced by a synthetic analogue. But it should be borne in mind that in terms of operational parameters, synthetic substitutes are inferior to the original.

The efficiency and speed of cleaning depends on the size of the work surface. But the structure of the corrugated fabric is also of no small importance.

When choosing, keep in mind that solid corrugated HEPA strips should not be too thin, but at the same time not too dense, which is optimal for high-quality filtration

Such devices are easy to operate, thanks to which even people who are "not very friendly" with technology can easily master their control.

Devices with ionizing effect

The principle of operation of devices of this type is similar to traditional counterparts. The only difference is that the mechanically cleaned directed air flow enters the ionization chamber, in the cavity of which it acquires a positive charge.

After that, it enters the chamber with plates installed inside, which have a negative charge. As a result, the positively electrified dust simply settles on the surface.

In the process of work, a large number of negative ionic particles are created inside such a device, which destroy unsafe components and allergens floating in the air.

Devices of this type can be reused. To clean the contents, you just need to unplug the device, remove the plates from it, and then rinse them in soapy water.

Ionizing cleaners are chosen for people with insufficient immune protection and allergy sufferers. Devices that capture solid impurities, the size of which reaches 0.1 microns and above, are installed in living rooms and bedrooms.

Purifier models with ozonizers

Devices equipped with ozonizers are, in fact, generating devices of triatomic oxygen. The principle of operation of such purifiers is based on the synthesis of ozone, in which oxygen molecules at the moment of passing through an electric arc are converted from diatomic to triatomic. Synthesized ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent.

Ozone can have a detrimental effect not only on microscopic mites, but quickly deal with microspores of molds

Modified oxygen generating units are excellent at fighting disease-causing microbes and destroying toxins. Their only drawback is that when the equipment is operating, you must leave the room. After all elevated level ozone in a room can negatively affect well-being.

Air purifying devices with photocatalysts

In addition to the main function, units of this type are capable of disinfecting the air in the room, effectively destroying those harmful to human body substances. This result is achieved through the interaction of ultraviolet light and photocatalyst.

The size of contaminated particles destroyed by such a device is minimal and comparable to the size of the smallest molecules

Photocatalytic models are safer than other types. This is due to the fact that due to ultraviolet radiation bacteria simply do not multiply on their surface. Therefore, in the event of an untimely change of the "cartridge" accumulated inside the device harmful substances one fine moment will not be thrown into the air.

Medium efficiency model types

Models rendering different high level cleaners usually have replaceable cartridges. Among these types of cleaners that are recommended to be used to improve the quality of life of asthmatics and allergy sufferers, there are three main ones: coal type, electrostatic systems and options with a moisturizing effect.

Active particulate collection filters

Devices of this type are equipped with filter cloth pads, the size of the holes of which ranges from 1 to 6.5 microns. Their principle of operation is simple: the fan directs air flows to the mesh filter, on the fabric surface of which all particles settle.

The only drawback of such filters is a limited service life, not exceeding a period of 12 months, at the end of which the device will have to be replaced with a new one.

Due to the limited service life, such filters are turned on only in case of exacerbation of seasonal allergies, for example, when rhinitis appears at the time of flowering of plants.

Electrostatic cleaning devices

Air purification in units of this type is carried out due to the formation of stable electromagnetic fields generated by the action of the converter. Thanks to the electrostatic filtration method, the system "selectively" picks out "magnetized" inclusions floating in the air.

At the expense of electric charges allergens and harmful substances are attracted and retained inside the device, and the purified air is removed outside of it

The only drawback of this type of equipment is the insufficient degree of purification, which does not exceed 80%. This is due to the fact that the plates are capable of capturing only those particles that have the ability to acquire a charge. Therefore, electrostatic devices are far from the best option for people with asthma or allergies.

Moisturizing cleaners

Moisturizing models are equipped with wet drums, which, while rotating, trap and collect particles of dust and wool.

In humidification mode, the air is saturated by passing through a moistened sponge on drums, which is impregnated with an antibacterial composition

Devices of this type, in parallel, driving the air mass through the housing equipped with wet drums, perform two tasks:

The cleaning efficiency of devices with a humidification function is 90% on average. The output is clean and well-humidified air.

For more information on how to choose a humidifier-air purifier, see

Carbon filter models

Models of this type are chosen for rooms where work processes are accompanied by the release of harmful evaporating substances. They are equipped with mechanical filters that suck up large dust particles and carbon filtersadsorbing molecules of harmful gases.

Due to its porous structure, activated carbon is able to adsorb not only the smallest particles, but also molecules of harmful gases

The active element of carbon filters perfectly cleans the air from semi-volatile and volatile organic compounds. Thanks to this, the air in the room is freed from burning and smoke, the smell of nicotine and the aromas of cooking food.

The power and efficiency of coal models is determined by the size of the pellets. The smaller the granules, the better the quality, but at the same time the absorption is slower. If coarse-grained coal is placed inside the chamber, then during the same period of time it is able to pass a larger volume of air through itself.

Coal-type devices are the best suited for homes where there are pets, since they are able to effectively destroy their unpleasant odors

The volume of air and the resource of models for asthmatics and allergy sufferers is determined by the dimensions and capacity of the structure. The more coal is laid inside the chamber, the more there will be suction pores in it that absorb harmful substances.

Criteria for a competent choice

Air purifiers help improve the well-being and quality of life for people with allergic and asthmatic conditions.

But to avoid disappointment, it is important to consider a number of points when choosing a purifier:

  1. The range of exposure of the device. To determine the best option filtering equipment that can eliminate a specific allergen, before purchasing it, consult with an allergist or find answers on thematic medical forums.
  2. Living space. Each model is designed for a specific area, which is indicated in the passport for the product. To get more high quality cleaning, it is better to choose devices "with a margin", covering large area.
  3. . If the room has dry air, the humidity level of which does not even reach 50%, it is worth considering the option of purchasing a model with options for a humidifier and washing.
  4. The state of health of the patient. For people with a weakened the immune system the best option would be models with ionizer and ozonizer options. If the patient has frequent asthmatic attacks, only devices with HEPA filters will help to alleviate the condition.
  5. The frequency of use of the equipment. Any type of model is suitable for permanent use. But if you plan to use the unit only in case of exacerbations of diseases, it is better not to take options with air washing and the effect of humidification for this purpose, since during the period of inactivity, the liquid inside them will stagnate.

The purifier can be purchased for each room separately, or you can purchase one device for the entire apartment.

When choosing one common powerful cleaner for the entire apartment, you should focus on the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest room

Allergy is a disease of our time, which is always provoked external factors, the causative agents of which can be mold microspores, house dust, waste products of dust mites, plant pollen, toxic fumes from cleaning agents and animal hair.

Therefore, the type of air cleaner model must be selected for each specific case. After all, it should be aimed at combating a specific irritant.

So, if a person is allergic to animal hair, it is worth choosing models that, in addition to mechanical cleaning through a mesh filter that keeps particles within 10 micrometers, are equipped with a humidifying option.

This decision is explained by the fact that in a dry state the woolen fibers weigh a minimum, and in a wet state they become heavier and therefore are better retained on the filter.

Cleaners equipped with wet drums and devices based on electrostatic filtration do well with animal hair.

For people who are allergic to plant pollen, it is better to choose models with this type of filtration:

  • air washing;
  • HEPA filters;
  • devices of the electrostatic principle of operation.

If the culprit of an allergic disease is dust mites, when choosing devices, one should be guided by those that are aimed not only at arresting, but also at destroying living microscopic organisms.

Microorganisms entering the system must be completely destroyed so that they no longer pollute the air in the room with their waste products.

In the fight against dust mites and other microscopic living organisms, devices with an electrostatic mechanism of action and models with an ultraviolet effect have proven themselves well. Due to the presence of an emitter in the design of the purifier, all microorganisms that enter together with the air stream simply die.

Review of leading manufacturers

A range of affordable air purifiers for russian market represented by devices of domestic and Chinese production. But devices of this type do not differ in durability, and exterior design budget models can hardly be called presentable.

Equipment over high class represented by European companies, as well as manufacturers from Japan and Korea. Most widespread got such trade marks: "Vectra", "Electrolux", "Philips", "BIONAIRЕ", "Sharp", "Air-O-Swiss".

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All of them are equipped with two to three powerful filters. different principles actions and involve several modes of cleaning, which are convenient to select depending on the degree of contamination. Most models are equipped with sensors for the degree of contamination of the filter elements.

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In the middle price segment, there is a wide range of air cleaners from Electrolux. Units with humidification and air ionization are popular, for example, Electrolux EHU-3715D

Models with a minimum set of functions, which process air only with multi-stage filtration, are actively in demand.

There is a reasonably high demand for the Electrolux EHAW-6515 air cleaner with a sink - a relatively inexpensive unit with an air sink

The fan directs the air flow to the rotating "wheel", which captures the air and washes it in the water tank

Nice renovation, reliable furniture, cutting edge appliances - all this is necessary for comfortable life in home. However, there is invisible, but vital important thing, the quality of which depends not only on our comfort, but also on our health - air. So, the site "RIA Real Estate" decided to find out what devices will help households "breathe deeply".

Home weather station

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, ionizers and purifiers - what devices have not been invented to maintain good quality air. In order for a person to correctly choose a device for himself, he needs to understand his needs. Also, the home weather station will help monitor the climate in the house - a small device that will show the temperature, pressure and humidity level. The cost of such stations starts at 1 thousand rubles.

Air humidifiers

"So, with the start of the heating season, the air in the house dries up, the residents of the house begin to dry their skin, a runny nose appears, since the nasal mucosa is irritated. Therefore, the humidity indicators need to be increased. Comfortable humidity indicators are 40-60%," shop "World of Air" Elizaveta Osipova.

She points out that there are several types of humidifiers - steam, ultrasonic and traditional. All of them are filled with water.

Steam generates hot steam, a kind of electric kettle effect. It is good to place them in rooms where there are a lot of plants, for example, in winter gardens, explains the interlocutor of the agency. However, in this case, you need to be careful with the device, since the hot steam can burn yourself. Prices for steam humidifiers start at 9,000 rubles.

The principle of operation of ultrasonic humidifiers is as follows - a membrane is installed inside the device, onto which water enters and breaks down into small particles, turning into steam. Accordingly, a jet of steam enters the room, and it is already cold. However, in the case of ultrasonic humidifiers, there is one rule, Osipova warns, there you need to use only soft, distilled water, otherwise all liquid impurities will settle on the furniture in the form white bloom... For this reason, ultrasonic humidifier cannot be used in a room where there are small children under three years old. But this type of humidifier is the most budgetary, they start at 3 thousand rubles.

When using a traditional humidifier, there is no steam jet, as this is natural evaporation. Inside it is either a humidifying filter or a drum placed in water. If a new-born child appears in the family, then doctors recommend installing humidifiers of the traditional type in the children's room, the World of Air specialist points out. The price tag for traditional humidifiers starts at 7 thousand rubles.

But the dehumidifiers in residential buildings are needed only when the windows begin to "cry", there are smudges on the windows and the smell of dampness and even fungus appears on the slopes.

Fight with mushrooms: how to remove mold in an apartment or in the countryMold in an apartment or house not only disrupts the aesthetic appearance of the premises, but is also an infection that can seriously harm the health of household members. How to deal with this scourge found out the site "RIA Real Estate".

By the way, it is important to remember that when choosing absolutely any air cleaning devices, especially humidifiers, you need to correctly determine the area for which they are designed. "The area that was initially declared in the data sheet is not entirely correct, you need to take with a margin. Roughly speaking, you cannot put a device designed for 20 square meters into a room of the same size. In this case, he will have to work for a very long time to achieve desired effect, this annoys many. Therefore, it is better to put such a device in a room 10-15 meters away, "Osipova instructs.

Air purifiers

If among the households there are allergy sufferers who have a particularly hard time in the spring-summer season, then an air purifier will come in handy in the house, draws attention to the expert of the "World of Air". In principle, it will not be superfluous in any apartment, especially in megalopolises, where the level of air pollution is often high.

Air purifiers differ only in the number of built-in filters. The more filters, the higher the degree of cleaning. Plus, air purifiers are already quite large devices compared to humidifiers, so you need to allocate space for them in the room. It is important that nothing interferes with the air intake, so it is impossible to force the device with cabinets and other pieces of furniture, Osipova points out.

We evict dust: how to make your apartment hypoallergenicSpring is the time of open windows and have a good moodbut unfortunately not for those with seasonal allergies. Experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate told how to equip their apartment for allergy sufferers.

The cost of such air cleaners starts from 7-8 thousand. But there are also more expensive climatic complexes with the function of humidification and ozonation of the air. Their cost starts from 20 thousand rubles. All devices are designed for continuous operation, even with the included humidifier. "The fact is that a traditional humidifier is used there, which, in principle, is not capable of overmoistening the air. The indicators never rise above 60% due to the fact that this is natural evaporation," explains the Air World expert.

Air ionizers

Ionizers are bought in premises with a lack of fresh airfor example, if the building has few windows or they face the motorway and there is no way to frequently ventilate. "Ionizers produce positive and negative ions in equal amounts to make it easier to breathe in the room. Roughly speaking, this is the production of oxygen. Plus, they have bactericidal properties, since they have built-in ultraviolet lamps", - says Osipova.

Some people are afraid of such devices for fear of oxygen poisoning. However, Osipova emphasizes that ionizers are not harmful to humans, unlike ozonation - the complete elimination of all bacteria. "It is no coincidence that climatic complexes with air ozonation function indicate that this mode must be turned on in an empty room, without people or animals. For example, you can turn on the ozonation function before going to the store or for a walk," the agency's interlocutor explains. Ozonation of the air is necessary if there are sick people or allergy sufferers in the house.

The cost of ionizers starts at 1,000 rubles.

In winter, the humidity level in the apartment drops to 15–20%. And that's bad. Why?

Firstly, because dehydrated air dries out the skin and mucous membranes, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, young children are especially sensitive to its effects.

The second reason is that insufficient moisture damages plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimum level of humidity in an apartment is about 40-60%.

You can measure air humidity using a special device - a hygrometer. If you don't have one, use the next method. Fill a glass cold water and leave it in until the liquid temperature drops to 3-5 ° C. Then remove the glass and place it in the room away from the batteries. Observe the glass surface for five minutes. Evaluate the result in this way:

  • If the walls of the glass are first fogged up and dry after five minutes, the air in the room is dry.
  • If the glass is still fogged up after five minutes, the humidity is medium.
  • If streams of water appear on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Is the air dry? Then use one of the following tricks to restore normal moisture levels.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the most simple ways... Leave the door to your room open every time you shower or bathe. Vapors will penetrate into the apartment and humidify the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but let it cool first: this will increase the amount of steam.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that does not require any effort from you. Just place the dryer with the washed items next to the radiator: clothes will dry faster and the air will be saturated with moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning agents left on the things. Otherwise, you will breathe chemistry.

A similar way to humidify the air is to hang wet towels over the radiator. You can extend the life of such a humidifier by using a water bottle.

How to build such a structure is described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a stove and a saucepan or kettle.

  • Option 1. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and place it on a table or windowsill so that the steam will humidify the apartment.
  • Option 2. Boil the kettle and leave it on low heat for a longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you are preparing food (the air often gets dry at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to the water. Their scent is soothing and the vapors kill germs and reduce the risk of colds and flu. You can also throw cinnamon sticks, herbs, or other spices into the water to create a fragrant air.

4. Place the containers with water around the apartment

You can do without boiling. Just fill vases, bottles and other vessels with water and place near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, you get beautiful composition - the guests, most likely, will not even guess that these are not decorative elements, but homemade humidifiers... Just do not forget to periodically wash the containers and change the water.

5. Get indoor plants

House flowers not only humidify the air, but also ionize it. Some are also excellent and disinfect.

The following plants give off a lot of moisture:

  • nephrolepis (home fern);
  • fatsia;
  • cyperus;
  • sparmania (indoor linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Set up an aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative elements also humidify the air. Of course, buying them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to have fish or decorate your house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Ventilate and do wet cleaning

Even in winter, it is not superfluous to ventilate the apartment 2-3 times a day in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. Well, you probably know yourself that you need to dust off and wash the floors from time to time.

8. Build an electric humidifier

Option for owners crazy hands... This humidifier cost Lifehacker about 300 rubles. An ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on AliExpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

High humidity in an apartment (more than 70%) is no better than dry air. It contributes to the appearance and occurrence of allergies. And it just creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So don't overdo it with hydration - and the strength will be with you!

Good renovation, reliable furniture, advanced household appliances - all this is necessary for a comfortable life in the house. However, there is an invisible, but vitally important thing, the quality of which depends not only on our comfort, but also on our health - air. So, the site "RIA Real Estate" decided to find out what devices will help households "breathe deeply".

Home weather station

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, ionizers and purifiers - so many devices have not been invented to maintain good air quality. In order for a person to correctly choose a device for himself, he needs to understand his needs. Also, the home weather station will help monitor the climate in the house - a small device that will show the temperature, pressure and humidity level. The cost of such stations starts from 1,000 rubles.

Air humidifiers

"So, with the start of the heating season, the air in the house dries up, the residents of the house begin to dry their skin, a runny nose appears, since the nasal mucosa is irritated. Therefore, the humidity indicators need to be increased. Comfortable humidity indicators are 40-60%," shop "World of Air" Elizaveta Osipova.

She points out that there are several types of humidifiers - steam, ultrasonic and traditional. All of them are filled with water.

Steam generates hot steam, a kind of electric kettle effect. It is good to put them in rooms where there are many plants, for example, in winter gardens, explains the agency's interlocutor. However, in this case, you need to be careful with the device, since the hot steam can burn yourself. Prices for steam humidifiers start at 9,000 rubles.

The principle of operation of ultrasonic humidifiers is as follows - a membrane is installed inside the device, onto which water enters and breaks down into small particles, turning into steam. Accordingly, a jet of steam enters the room, and it is already cold. However, in the case of ultrasonic humidifiers, there is one rule, Osipova warns, there you need to use only soft, distilled water, otherwise all liquid impurities will settle on the furniture in the form of a white coating. For this reason, an ultrasonic humidifier cannot be used in a room where there are small children under three years old. But this type of humidifier is the most budgetary, they start at 3 thousand rubles.

When using a traditional humidifier, there is no steam jet, as this is natural evaporation. Inside it is either a humidifying filter or a drum placed in water. If a new-born child appears in the family, then doctors recommend installing humidifiers of the traditional type in the children's room, the World of Air specialist points out. The price tag for traditional humidifiers starts at 7 thousand rubles.

But dehumidifiers in residential buildings are needed only when the windows begin to "cry", there are smudges on the windows and the smell of dampness and even fungus appears on the slopes.

Fight with mushrooms: how to remove mold in an apartment or in the countryMold in an apartment or house not only disrupts the aesthetic appearance of the premises, but is also an infection that can seriously harm the health of household members. How to deal with this scourge found out the site "RIA Real Estate".

By the way, it is important to remember that when choosing absolutely any air cleaning devices, especially humidifiers, you need to correctly determine the area for which they are designed. "The area that was initially declared in the data sheet is not entirely correct, you need to take it with a margin. Roughly speaking, you cannot put a device designed for 20 square meters in a room of the same size. In this case, it will have to work for a very long time to achieve the desired effect. , this annoys many. Therefore, it is better to put such a device in a room 10-15 meters away, "Osipova instructs.

Air purifiers

If among the households there are allergy sufferers who have a particularly hard time in the spring-summer season, then an air purifier will come in handy in the house, draws attention to the expert of the "World of Air". In principle, it will not be superfluous in any apartment, especially in megalopolises, where the level of air pollution is often high.

Air purifiers differ only in the number of built-in filters. The more filters, the higher the degree of cleaning. Plus, air purifiers are already quite large devices compared to humidifiers, so you need to allocate space for them in the room. It is important that nothing interferes with the air intake, so it is impossible to force the device with cabinets and other pieces of furniture, Osipova points out.

We evict dust: how to make your apartment hypoallergenicSpring is the time of open windows and good mood, but, unfortunately, not for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate told how to equip their apartment for allergy sufferers.

The cost of such air cleaners starts from 7-8 thousand. But there are also more expensive climatic complexes with the function of humidification and ozonation of the air. Their cost starts from 20 thousand rubles. All devices are designed for continuous operation, even with the included humidifier. "The fact is that a traditional humidifier is used there, which, in principle, is not capable of overmoistening the air. The indicators never rise above 60% due to the fact that this is natural evaporation," explains the Air World expert.

Air ionizers

Ionizers are bought in rooms with a lack of fresh air, for example, if the building has few windows or they face the motorway, and there is no way to often ventilate. "Ionizers produce positive and negative ions in equal amounts to make it easier to breathe indoors. Roughly speaking, this is the production of oxygen. Plus, they have bactericidal properties, since they have built-in ultraviolet lamps," says Osipova.

Some people are afraid of such devices for fear of oxygen poisoning. However, Osipova emphasizes that ionizers are not harmful to humans, unlike ozonation - the complete elimination of all bacteria. "It is no coincidence that climatic complexes with air ozonation function indicate that this mode must be turned on in an empty room, without people or animals. For example, you can turn on the ozonation function before going to the store or for a walk," the agency's interlocutor explains. Ozonation of the air is necessary if there are sick people or allergy sufferers in the house.

The cost of ionizers starts at 1,000 rubles.