Which is better, technoplex or penoplex? Technoplex or penoplex - which is better?

The construction market is filled with a lot of types insulation materials. They come in rolls, slabs, backfill and sprayed. Since the assortment is very large, it can be difficult to make the right and informed choice. What can I say if there are more than 6 types of foam materials alone? We are talking about Ravaterm, Polyspen, Stirex, Penofol, Penoplex and Technoplex. The materials are used for internal and external insulation. Which material is better? To do this, you need to understand the features of each material, its advantages and disadvantages. Most experts recommend using Penoplex or Technoplex.

Why are they so good? Technoplex or Penoplex, which is better? What if you compare them with other materials? This is exactly what we will do.

Foamed polystyrene - what is it

Penoplex is produced by the company of the same name. It creates insulating material using a special technology: extruded polystyrene is foamed under high pressure. The same applies to the technology for creating Technoplex, according to open sources. It is produced by TechnoNIKOL. As for the remaining details of the process of creating Penoplex and TechnoNIKOL insulation, nothing is reported about them. True, fragmentary data leads us to the following thoughts:

  1. Polystyrene granules, which act as the main raw material, are mixed with the gasifier. The mixture is heated to a high temperature and pressed through small holes. In this case, polystyrene granules must be highly purified.
  2. As the mixture passes through the micro-hole nozzle, the flow begins to break up into microscopic threads. In this case, the polymer molecules are pulled out and form a connection with each other. And thanks to pressure, they begin to harden.
  3. When the polypropylene comes out of the nozzle, it begins to foam and forms a porous material with thousands of small bubbles.

Important! In the future, we will denote Penoplex as the first, and Technoplex as the second.

It turns out that based on the technology of creation, it cannot be said that Penoplex or TechnoNIKOL is better. They are almost the same, the difference lies in composition and strength. According to the TechnoNIKOL company, the composition of their products, namely Technoplex, is enriched with amphora carbon or graphite. In this case, the rolling rollers can better form the material into its final shape and thickness.

So, Penoplex is made by extrusion. And Technoplex, thanks to the inclusion of graphite nanoparticles, increases the strength of the material, and its thermal conductivity coefficient decreases even more. Both the first and second materials are environmentally safe. They are safe and non-flammable. The materials will not dissolve in water or soil.

Note! Eat a big difference between well-known and cheap manufacturers.

Conventional production technology involves the use of light freons mixed with carbon dioxide as a vapor-forming gas. As for new creation methods that are much better. For their implementation, liquid and powder gas-forming agents are used.

Comparison of Technoplex and Penoplex

In addition to the above, the materials contain antioxidants, stabilizers and anti-perenons that characterize the material. What is the difference between Penoplex and Technoplex? Let's compare specifications materials to answer this question:

  1. Area of ​​use. Penoplex is used for external, internal, roofing and road thermal insulation. But Technoplex is used for internal insulation residential buildings.
  2. Density of the material. For Penoplex it is 25-47 kg/m3. And Technoplex has a density of 26-35 kg/m 3.
  3. The flammability group of Penoplex and Technoplex is the same - G4.
  4. Moisture absorption. Penoplex has a water absorption coefficient of 0.2-0.4%, and Technoplex 0.2%.
  5. The vapor permeability coefficient is almost the same, for Penoplex it is 0.012 mg/(mchPa), for Technoplex it is 0.010 mg/(mchPa).
  6. Cost - the first can be bought for 90-250 rubles/m2, and the second for 100-290 rubles/m2.

But that's not all that can be said about the materials. Let's compare some technical specifications.

Strength of insulation

It is easy to compare products by density if you use equipment for this. The mechanical compressive strength at a deformation of 10% of Penoplex type 35 is the same as that of Technoplex “XPS30-200 Standard”. As a result, the indicator for both one material and the other is 250 kPa.

As for the bending strength limit, Penoplex has an average value of 0.4 to 0.7 MPa. With strong bending, Technoplex has a strength limit of 0.3 MPa. It turns out that the first material has better resistance to bending, which is applied to it, and therefore is able to withstand heavy loads. It all comes down to the fact that the strength of insulation directly depends on its density. And with Penoplex it is higher.

Working temperature

Here the second insulation takes first place. Why can you say this? Operating range optimal temperature the first is from -50 to +75°C. But the optimal operating temperature range for the second is from -70 to +75°C.

And if you believe the theory, then the choice falls on the second insulation. But it is obvious that even in the coldest region the air temperature does not reach -70 degrees. Therefore, this advantage cannot be called significant.

Heat conductivity and moisture absorption

The thermal conductivity coefficient is one of the main parameters for insulation. The thermal conductivity parameter of the first is on average in the range from 0.028 to 0.031 W/mK, it all depends on the operating conditions. The second has an identical thermal conductivity parameter of 0.031 W/mK. It turns out that the effectiveness of materials in this area is the same.

The same applies to water absorption of materials. The first has an indicator of up to 0.2% of the volume per day, just like the second. This is truly surprising and shows that each of the materials copes well with moisture and resists it. Therefore, if anyone asks whether Penoplex or mineral wool is better, then we can confidently say that the first option. When wet, mineral wool loses its properties.

Note! The same applies to the frost resistance of the material. Its properties are not lost during frequent freezing and defrosting.

Cost of products

Penoplex wins this confrontation. It is about 10% cheaper than its brother. At large volumes, this minor difference becomes quite significant. Therefore, in order to save money, it is better to choose the first option. The price in each region of Russia may be different, this should be taken into account.

With all this, we can conclude: each of the insulation materials is an excellent option. They are similar in their characteristics, but, nevertheless, Penoplex is a little better. It turns out that for a lower price you get high-quality insulation material. It is versatile and can be used for different purposes. Technoplex or Penoplex, which is better? Reviews say that each of the materials is good.

The difference between foamed polystyrenes

As mentioned above, the use of liquid and powder gas-forming agents is better, so products obtained using this technology have stable thermal insulation characteristics. Although, this cannot be called the only reason why Technoplex and Penoplex do not contain freon. There are two more:

  1. Sealed cells of new material that have not yet been used have remnants of freon. Formally, it is called safe, but in reality it is better not to deal with it. It can cause lung problems in children.
  2. Over time, the gas will be forced out of the cells by air and humidity. And if dirty raw materials containing styrene were used in the manufacture of the material, then the contents will penetrate into the external environment.

And if technical brands EPS, such as Penofol, is used to treat foundations, highways, and plinths; the presence of freon in the composition does not affect the material in any way. But to insulate your home, it is better to use safe products. Therefore, the answer to the question: Penoplex or Penofol, which is better, can be answered - the first option.

How do you know which is better Penoplex or expanded polystyrene? After all, many recommend insulating with foam plastic, because it has a low price and excellent characteristics. To answer this question, you need to know how penoplex differs from expanded polystyrene. Let's start with production technology.

Technoplex, Penoplex and even Penofol are created during the extrusion process. This allows you to obtain a very dense linear structure, which affects the material’s resistance to water and humidity, as well as strength. Therefore, foam plastic is somewhat worse than materials created by extrusion methods.

Comparing expanded polystyrene foam with other insulation materials

The main competitor for such materials are felt and fiber insulation. Some prefer to use mineral wool, others prefer Technoplex or Penoplex. Which is better, penoplex or mineral wool for insulation? Each of the materials has its own positive and negative properties. In the photo below you can see the features of expanded polystyrene foam.

Like mineral wool, they are durable, safe and environmentally friendly. True, the thermal insulation qualities and moisture absorption of mineral wool are worse.

Private one- and two-story premises are best treated with Penoplex. It is much more effective. Mineral wool is used for finishing high-rise buildings. The fact is that it does not burn at all. Fire retardant additives will not be able to protect EPPS 100%; mineral wool is better in this regard. However, it is not recommended to use it in damp and damp areas.

Another competitor for EPPS is isolon. This is insulation made from foamed and modified polyethylene. Some people ask, Izolon or Penoplex, which is better? Izolon is suitable for insulation interior walls and building floors. And the thermal conductivity coefficients of the materials are almost the same. Izolon can withstand heating up to 80 degrees Celsius throughout the day. The material has excellent sound and noise insulation. It is safe and environmentally friendly. When heated, it will not emit harmful substances. The main disadvantage is the softness and flexibility of Izolon. Having laid it on the wall, it requires fixing with sheets of plasterboard or MDF boards. You cannot glue wallpaper or plaster on Izolon. This is why it is recommended to use it in conjunction with EPS insulation.

You can also find the following queries on the Internet: Ravaterm or Penoplex, which is better, Polyspen or Penoplex, which is better, or Stirex or Penoplex, which is better. It is impossible to answer the question unequivocally. All of them belong to XPS and have almost identical characteristics. The difference is the price and some additional nuances.


Insulation is an important part of creating comfortable home, in which it is a pleasure to live. Materials made from extruded polystyrene foam have excellent characteristics. They are safe, durable, effective, do not interact with moisture in any way and retain heat in the house. As for comparisons of species, one cannot be noted here best material. They are all good at something different, have the same characteristics and are used for a particular situation. You can consider reviews of the materials. They will complement the overall picture.

When building any house in Russia, owners ask themselves about its insulation. Today the insulation market has big amount names, tile thermal insulation materials are in particular demand. Among them, technoplex and have proven themselves. To better understand their properties, you need to make a small comparison of the main characteristics.

Composition of materials and method of their production

Extrusion or penoplex refers to tiled heat insulators. It is produced by extrusion from polystyrene.

This method allows you to achieve a uniform structure of the material, consisting of tiny cells with air.
During production, polystyrene granules are mixed at high temperature and pressure, and a foaming agent (light freons with carbon dioxide) is introduced into the mixture. The next stage of production is extrusion. The resulting material has good thermal insulation properties.
Technoplex is also a tile material for thermal insulation. During its production, graphite nanoparticles are added to extruded polystyrene foam; they further reduce the thermal conductivity of the material, while increasing its strength.

Both materials are environmentally friendly, do not support combustion, and do not dissolve in water and soil. They are suitable for private construction, thermal insulation of balconies and the installation of “warm floors”.

Strength of materials

In terms of mechanical compressive strength at 10% deformation, penoplex (type 35) and technoplex XPS30-200 Standard have the same values ​​of 250 kPa. This value depends on the density of the slabs.

The tensile strength during static bending of penoplex is, depending on the type, 0.4-0.7 MPa. The same indicator for technopex is 0.3 MPa. It can be concluded that penoplex is more resistant to static bending, as it can withstand greater loads.

Operating temperatures of materials

Operating temperatures of penoplex are from -50 to +75ºС. The operating temperature range for the technoplex is between -70ºС and +75ºС. Obviously, the temperature range of the technoplex is greater, this is its advantage, but -70ºС is rare even in our country.

Thermal conductivity and water absorption of penoplex and technoplex

The thermal conductivity of penoplex, depending on the type and operating conditions (A or B), is no more than 0.028-0.031 W/mK. This indicator for technoplex at different conditions operation is equal to 0.031 W/mK. Thus, both materials are effective thermal insulators.

The water absorption of technoplex is no more than 0.2% by volume in 24 hours. The water absorption of penoplex (type 35) is only 0.1%. Penoplex immersed in water for 28 days increases by only 0.2% of its volume. This indicates the negligible water absorption of penoplex.

In addition, this material is able to retain its properties after a large number of defrost-freeze cycles. For example, after 1000 such cycles, penoplex changes the thermal resistance by only 5%.

Price for penoplex and technoplex

If you choose materials for thermal insulation based on price, then penoplex is a little cheaper. The difference in the price of materials is no more than 10%. Depending on the region, prices for materials may differ, but the trend in price differences will continue.

Thus, penoplex and technoplex can be called similar materials, with slight differences in some indicators. Their main difference is the price.

Expanded polystyrene panel thermal insulation has significant reserves for further improvement. The range is updated due to the development of new materials and improvements to already existing models in high consumer demand.

Buyers managed to appreciate the obvious and hidden advantages of extruded polystyrene foam, which meets basic requirements modern technologies.

New for the season is Technoplex, which is positioned by manufacturers as a material with additional operational properties. This information includes comparative characteristics standard expanded polystyrene and its improved version - Technoplex.

Performance properties of extruded thermal insulation Penoplex

Extruded polystyrene foam panels are produced using special technology. The insulation compares favorably with polystyrene foam due to its perfect structure, increased strength, unique moisture and frost resistance and a long fifty-year service life.

Unlike the granular structure of polystyrene foam, the composition of extruded insulation is a homogeneous closed-cell structure that can withstand high compressive loads without consequences.

Naturally, the more complex and energy-intensive production of extruded material has resulted in an increase in its cost.

  • A popular insulation material that determines its suitability for use in large-scale projects is in demand in the thermal insulation of flat roofing structures and thin concrete screeds, used when installing floor tiles.
  • Extruded panels, which are focused on efficient and high-quality installation, are an excellent option for thermal insulation of foundations and blind areas, as well as underground structures for a variety of purposes.

Do you want to buy Penoplex at a dealer price with an official guarantee from the manufacturer? The time to do this is now!

Review of the characteristics of the modernized thermal insulation Technoplex

Technoplex panel insulation contains graphite nanoparticles, which has a positive effect on increasing its strength and reducing thermal conductivity.

According to experts, the insulation is initially intended for use in complex and extreme conditions, therefore, in standard projects its use is not economically feasible.

  • As a result of the strength tests carried out, Penoplex 35 and the more advanced Technoplex XPS30-200 Standard showed the same result - an average of 250 kPa.
  • Resistance to bending loads of Penoplex different types is in the range of 0.4-0.7 MPa; for Technoplex, this figure is two times less, only 0.3 MPa. A reasonable conclusion is that the less expensive Penoplex is more resistant to heavy loads and bending deformation.

Penoplex remains operational in the temperature range from -50 to +75°C. Technoplex can be operated without problems at a temperature of -70°C, which determines its use in industrial equipment. Technoplex compares favorably with standard Penoplex more effective heat preservation, but slightly inferior in moisture resistance.

Attention! In modern construction technologies the improved properties of more expensive insulation with graphite additives are not in demand today.

When choosing polystyrene foam insulation to a greater or lesser extent, its cost is taken into account. The collected information showed that the standard of which in our company is 10% lower than the less popular Technoplex, is in high demand.

This indicator is taken into account more when implementing large-scale projects. Therefore, both in private and large-scale construction, Technoplex is significantly inferior in popularity to Penoplex.

With the help of modern thermal insulation materials, used in the construction various houses, buildings and structures, you can not only reduce the cost of heating premises, but also protect them inner space from adverse external influences. Insulation materials will help maintain the temperature inside buildings at an optimal level for living, while completely eliminating any heat loss.

Currently, you can find a huge variety of thermal insulation materials manufactured by both foreign and domestic companies. These products can be purchased at any hardware store, but for this you need to know its varieties and characteristics. This is the only way to purchase exactly what you need to solve the problem.

The progenitor of modern heat-insulating material is polystyrene foam, known to everyone.

With its main properties - high thermal insulation and low specific gravity, polystyrene foam is an improved version of this old friend. What properties distinguish Penoplex from polystyrene foam?

In this article

Properties of expanded polystyrene

This thermal insulation material has been known in Europe for more than 50 years. Its popularity is explained by the presence of closed pores, where the use of freon is not expected, as well as low cost of production. You can purchase extruded polystyrene foam at any building materials store. Despite low cost, it has high thermal insulation efficiency.

Polystyrene foam consists of air bubbles, frozen foam. This is where the name Expanded Polystyrene comes from.

The differences lie in a completely new production method and a more modern material base.

In polystyrene foam, up to 85% of the volume is air, hence the thermal insulation properties. The denser the material, the lower the thermal insulation. Balls with a polystyrene shell (frozen polystyrene foam) successfully combine two properties - low thermal conductivity and high density.

The original foam is not permeable to steam, but it can absorb moisture up to 4%. Expanded polystyrene practically does not absorb water due to its density. But the improved waterproofing properties do not prevent this material from breathing. This happens due to the molding method; extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex is molded by cutting. The strength of this insulation is much higher due to the production method using extruders. The molecular bonds in this material are several times higher than in simple foam.

The fire safety of Penoplex is due to the addition of fire retardants to it. These are special substances that prevent the material from catching fire. Like any polymer, foam will burn if it can be set on fire. This is prevented high stability to sunbathing. Its biological stability is also high. Molds They cannot live on polymers.

We can briefly conclude that all the improved properties of expanded polystyrene are due to its denser and more uniform structure, as well as the use of raw materials with improved properties.

It is necessary to take into account a number of properties that polystyrene foam cannot provide:

  • Low noise absorption capacity. The rigid cells of insulated air act as resonators rather than sound dampers.
  • Expanded polystyrene is not resistant to aggressive environments. He is afraid of acetone, varnishes, drying oil and turpentine. But it does not react with bitumen, soap and mineral fertilizers.
  • In the heat, foam oxidizes. While it is impossible to carry out complete polymerization of the components in production, harmful substances will be released when exposed to high temperatures.

Technology for the production of extruded polystyrene foam

In order to understand the properties of this material, it is necessary to understand the technology of its production. Extruded polystyrene foam is made from pure granulated polystyrene. Technological process mixing molten polymer with a foam mass, and then extruding it through a molding head “die” is called extrusion.

The foamy mass is formed by injecting “porofor” - low-boiling liquids or gases (for example, isopentane or freon). During the polymer melting process, the foam mass is introduced directly into the extruder and mixed in it. In this way, a dense, finely porous homogeneous mass is formed, in which subsequently, when cooling, the molecules of the foaming agent (foaming agent) are exposed to atmospheric air.

This determines beneficial features expanded polystyrene:

  • density,
  • ease,
  • low thermal conductivity coefficient,
  • compressive strength,
  • low chemical activity,
  • fire safety,
  • environmental friendliness.

Your choice of good insulation

When the question arises about choosing insulation for a home, an ignorant person, when searching for options, comes across many discrepancies. Commercial offers on the Internet are replete with different terms. Polystyrene foam, as a general name for many insulation materials, is widely used in advertising by many suppliers. Let's take a closer look - Penoplex or expanded polystyrene?

The technology of combining the mixing of molten polymer components with the injection of a steam generator into it, called direct carbonation extrusion, was developed in the United States half a century ago. Developments in technology, the development of new, more modern extruders, and the use of improved materials and components have led to the fact that extruded polystyrene foam is produced in several countries. Penoplex is produced in Russia from general-purpose polystyrene using a foaming agent based on light freons with an admixture of carbon dioxide. These freons are ozone-safe, non-flammable and non-toxic.

Penoplex is the most popular type of extruded polystyrene. Penoplex is available in the form of special mats. It has many advantages, of which it is worth highlighting moisture resistance and the ability to retain its original properties even under adverse external influences. This material is widely used as a good thermal insulator for foundations and roofs, as well as for finishing wall surfaces.

The brands of Penoplex produced differ in their intended purpose. The characteristics of each brand correspond to certain production standards and meet a specific purpose of use. Below is a comparison of the properties of the two most popular brands of Penoplex.

Briefly, these brands can be characterized by their purpose.

Penoplex 35

Penoplex 35 is produced for use in construction, including housing. The main goal is thermal insulation of buildings and structures. During production, a fire retardant is introduced into it to increase resistance to fire.

The uniqueness of these additives is that when burning Penoplex 35 emits only CO2 and CO gases, similar to burning wood, which shows its high environmental safety. The size of the produced slabs is also dictated by ease of use in construction. Width 600 mm, length 1200 mm. The thickness of the slabs varies from 23 mm to 100 mm with a gradation of 20 mm. For insulation of foundations, this brand can be produced without fire retardant additives in order to reduce the cost.

Penoplex 50

Penoplex 50 is characterized by increased compressive and bending strength. This brand is used for thermal insulation road surfaces, runways, railways. Can be used for insulation of building foundations and ground floors, as well as exploited roofs. It is in this brand that qualities such as resistance to wetting and operational durability are most in demand. Environmental requirements are lower; the requirements for density and strength of the material come to the fore. This brand is more often advertised under its production name expanded polystyrene Penoplex 45, which can withstand loads of up to 50 tons per 1 m2.

Types of foam plastics according to their use in housing construction

Home builders are showing the greatest interest in using Penoplex 35 expanded polystyrene. Low-rise construction using modern technologies is interested in inexpensive and efficient building materials.

In this regard, there is a classification of foam plastics according to their scope:

Any brands of Penoplex comply with GOST standards and are environmentally safe.

A reliable material for insulation, which is widely used in industrial and private construction, is extruded polystyrene foam. It can be found under the names extruded polystyrene foam or XPS. In addition, the names brands manufacturers are often applied to the materials they produce.

So, Penoplex, Technoplex, Stirex slabs are all the same extruded polystyrene foam. One of the most famous Russian market companies producing Construction Materials based on polymers, is Penoplex. It began its activities about 15 years ago and has already deservedly won respect - today its products made from extruded polystyrene foam occupy about 50% of the entire market of thermal insulation materials in Russia. Penoplex slabs, in addition to traditional low thermal conductivity, minimal moisture absorption and high compressive strength, are also distinguished by good quality. They are used to insulate structures from the foundation to the roof: plinths, basements, walls, floors, roofs. The production of sandwich panels with penoplex as a heat insulator has been launched. Reviews about penoplex are the best, and its price is quite affordable.

However, before using an unfamiliar material, any owner will first of all study the opinion about it: what are the reviews of penoplex from workers, builders, consumers, friends and neighbors who have used it. We will also look for reviews about penoplex insulation on the Internet: what is the price-quality ratio? Is it easy to work with? Is it worth insulating walls, floors, and foundations with this material, or is it better to look for other options (foam plastic, mineral wool) for individual rooms?

Reviews about wall insulation with penoplex

It is known that heat loss through walls can reach 45%. High-quality insulation will solve this problem. Extruded polystyrene foam is very convenient for insulating walls both inside and outside. Penoplex can be wallpapered and plastered. Reviews call wall insulation with penoplex a simple and pleasant task, since the slabs already have ready-made grooves for connection - all that remains is to join them tightly. They cut well, which allows you to give them the desired size with a regular jigsaw.

When it comes to insulating walls with penoplex from the outside, reviews unanimously state that this is much less troublesome than using, for example, mineral wool. The advantage compared to polystyrene foam is better thermal insulation characteristics and greater density, and with other modern good insulation materials for external walls, penoplex prices vary - extruded polystyrene foam is cheaper.

  • “We recently insulated country house. Without straining, I covered 60 squares with penoplex in two days. The slabs fit perfectly and it’s a pleasure to work with. All that remains is to plaster and that’s it.”
  • “In terms of thermal insulation characteristics, 50 mm of expanded polystyrene is equal to masonry the width of a brick. What do you think is easier: to cover a house with bricks or to cover it with slabs? Is it cheaper? I don’t see any options – only slabs.”

As for the reviews about penoplex insulation from the inside, they generally agree that this should be done if it is not possible to insulate from the outside. We are talking about garages, basements, internal partitions and so on. What's the matter? Judge for yourself.

  • “Insulating from the inside is a dangerous business; there may be side effects. Especially if the thickness is large and a film is used for vapor barrier, but with penoplex, vapor barrier is not needed at all.”
  • “How do you hang a cabinet on polystyrene foam walls, excuse me? You will have to dig all the way to the concrete and beyond, that is, in addition to everything else, plus another 5 cm of insulation you need to go through.”
  • “And we are not going to hang anything on this wall. We need sound insulation, because the neighbors have a bathroom in this place, and especially at night... you yourself understand what we are listening to.”

There are other questions. How wallpaper glued to penoplex holds up - there were reviews about this too. As a rule, a sickle mesh is placed on the slabs, puttyed and then finished as desired. But is it possible to glue wallpaper directly onto the slabs if there is no time to finish them?

  • “Anything is possible, and you can stick wallpaper directly onto the penoplex too. But it is better not to do this, since the strength of the wall surface will suffer. The best way out is wooden frame and drywall, and it’s easy to glue wallpaper on it. Or this option: facade mesh plus putty.”
  • "Penoplex is additional material for insulation, not intended for similar finishing. Besides, Fire safety requires that interior decoration the premises were made of non-combustible material.”

Insulation of floors and foundations with peneplex

Now let's study the opinion of those who put penoplex on the floor - there are numerous reviews about this, since heated floors are quite widespread, and polystyrene foam is well suited for their installation. It is compatible with electrical equipment, and also serves as a screen that reflects heat and prevents heating the neighbors below.

What type of screed should be used for penoplex – the reviews here do not differ from the manufacturer’s recommendations. Its thickness is from 5 cm, it is often required (when laying, for example, tiles, laminate), but when installing a wooden floor you can do without a screed. There is no need to be afraid of the destruction of slabs under the weight of furniture - this material is even used for insulating floors in garages, where the loads are, of course, very significant. In general, we can say about those who have used penoplex - floor insulation receives good reviews.

  • “I was interested in soundproofing floors with penoplex - I studied the reviews and decided to install it. Compared to polystyrene foam, it’s heaven and earth, at least take the thickness, but there was no need for me to raise the floor an extra 5 cm. I laid the screed on the penoplex, with the laminate on top. Soundproofing of the floor plus heat. I specifically went downstairs to ask the neighbors - indeed, it had become quieter. My child, of course, still stomps, but the audibility below is not the same.”
  • “We were building a dacha - we put in polystyrene foam, both the outside walls and the floor. It has been standing for several years now, so far everything is fine and warm. They didn’t install a stove, but following the example of a neighbor they made “warm floors” - he came, turned it on and enjoyed it. By the way, penoplex is not much more expensive than polystyrene foam.”

Reviews from builders about insulating the foundation with penoplex say that there is nothing better than this material. Extruded polystyrene foam is almost ideal, solving problems such as protecting the waterproofing layer, ensuring drainage groundwater etc. It is not biodegradable. Penoplex for foundation insulation is used in industrial construction in all climatic zones, including the Far North, it is also popular in private housing construction.

General pros and cons of penoplex

The advantages of extruded polystyrene foam advertised by the manufacturer are:

  1. Low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability
  2. High compressive strength
  3. Durability
  4. No water absorption
  5. Ease of use
  6. Environmental friendliness
  7. Fire resistance

The last two points cause controversy among consumers, and reviews of penoplex here vary. Some doubt its environmental friendliness. Fire safety also raises questions.

  • “Although manufacturers of extruded polystyrene foam claim a low fire hazard, it is worth remembering about smoke. Expanded polystyrene smokes acridly even after extinguishing. And the mice are chewing on it.”
  • “Polystyrene is as harmful as plastic windows, vinyl wallpapers, laminate, etc., since all these materials are somehow related to polymers. All of them change their characteristics under the influence of the sun, and polystyrene foam is no exception, so it is necessary to cover it with finishing. It is better to install polystyrene foam to insulate walls outside, rather than inside, the house, thereby minimizing the harm from decomposition products.”
  • “Cuts, drills, saws, no formwork needed, not heavy... what else? They say what is harmful, but which building materials are not harmful? Tree? How thick should it be? In general, penoplex completely suits me.”

Another area that is often mentioned about penoplex is sound insulation - it has different reviews. Some claim that penoplex is an excellent sound insulator, others do not see such properties in it. It would be correct to say that this material certainly absorbs noise, however, if the task is not to insulate the walls and floor with penoplex, but rather to soundproof, then it is better to use other materials specifically designed for this. However, one does not exclude the other.

Let's summarize. Consumer reviews about penoplex are mostly positive. The ease of working with this material, the versatility of its use and affordable price forcing more and more masters to look in his direction. Reviews about the insulation of walls and floors with penoplex left by workers who had to deal with this heat insulator note the ease of laying and adjusting the slabs. The production of extruded polystyrene foam is cheap, and this affects the cost, allowing penoplex to be classified as a low price category among construction insulation materials. It is no more or less environmentally friendly than other polymers, from which today not only building materials are made, but also dishes, toys, etc. As for flammability, it is worth remembering that penoplex is not finishing material, but insulation, which must be hidden from external influences. It is really very good and has exceptional consumer properties that have deservedly brought it popularity.

Reviews of penoplex, insulation with penoplex reviews, penoplex on the floor reviews

Increasingly, extruded polystyrene foam is used to insulate a house - a heat insulator with unique properties. This material has already earned...

Technoplex XPS and penoplex - what is the difference and what is needed as a thermal layer for the floor?

We need to make a floor. The apartment is on the ground floor, there is a heated basement below. We are thinking of doing this: put insulation on the slab, then a thin screed. A specialist advises EPPS with a density of 45, 3-4 cm thick. But on the Internet I find two types of similar insulation - XPS technoplex with a density of 30- 38 and orange penoplex with a density of 25-30. Explain the situation and advise what material is needed for this work? Thank you.

Eps (extruded polystyrene foam) with a density of 45 is used for the floor. And Eps with a lower density is used for walls, because it does not bear a static load.

« The specialist recommends 45-density EPS with a thickness of 3-4 cm.»

Do you doubt the competence of this specialist?

No, I have no doubt! I just haven't found that density yet. And I don’t know what I indicated - is it extruded or not, which one is needed?

It's extruded. And there is one that is not extruded - it is polystyrene foam. It's white, made of small balls. and its density is even lower. There is definitely no need to lay it on the floor.

Everything is clear. So you need to find the required density. Yes, more. And should you put a metal mesh on it for rigidity?

A mesh is needed both for rigidity and for the strength of the surface of the plaster layer.

There are no questions yet, thank you very much for your advice and patience. But all the repairs are ahead, so we will have to bother you.

Technoplex XPS and penoplex - what is the difference and what is needed as a thermal layer for the floor, Ideas for renovation

We need to make a floor. The apartment is on the ground floor, there is a heated basement below. We are thinking of doing this: put insulation on the slab, then a thin screed. A specialist advises EPPS with a density of 45, 3-4 cm thick. But on the Internet I find two types of similar insulation - technoplex