Indoor azalea. How to care for azalea at home. Azalea photo. Azalea room: home care

Azalea is very beautiful evergreen shrub comes from the mountainous regions of the Carpathians, East Asia and the Caucasus with a humid cool climate and loose soils. The plant is famous for its beautiful, similar to flowers with a variety of colors from white to purple. According to the shape of the petals, azalea flowers are corrugated, ordinary with smooth edges and terry.

The azalea flower is a subspecies of the heather family and reaches a height of 0.5 to 1.5 m. When the plant is in a dormant period, it resembles a dry bush with small nondescript foliage, and in Greek the name of the plant sounds like this - "dry". All the beauty of the azalea is revealed when it blooms its beautiful flowers of the most incredible colors and shapes.

Azalea room - home care

Azalea fans often wonder: “How to care for an azalea at home so that it blooms often and luxuriantly?”. However, as a houseplant, the azalea is quite whimsical. But if you create all the necessary conditions, then the shrub grows well and regularly pleases its owners with a lush hat of variegated flowers.

Indian azalea, home care for which is simpler, most suitable for indoor maintenance. This ornamental shrub grows up to 60 cm in height, and the period of continuous flowering lasts for two whole months (from December to February).

You can also find in flower collections japanese azalea. Its flowers are much poorer and smaller, but the green crown is very beautiful. That makes it possible to use the plant as an evergreen ornamental shrub.

There is also, the cultivation and care of which is similar to the care of indoor specimens.

Azalea photo

Proper Azalea Care

Because of their beautiful flowers, azalea has become an excellent gift and often appears in the house after family celebrations and holidays. And so that the plant does not dry out immediately after the first flowering, it is necessary to make every effort.

Like any indoor plant, rhododendron needs conditions close to natural. Therefore, for proper care you should take care of:

How to choose the right place for an azalea?

Determining the location of the plant, it is necessary to rely on its natural habitat. They are cool, full of clean air and scattered sunlight places. Therefore, try not to place the plant pot in direct sunlight.

Ideal for locations away from heating appliances where there is natural diffused lighting. And unlike others indoor plants, azalea is not at all afraid of drafts.

Temperature regime

The temperature regime is very important for rhododendron. In nature, the azalea lives in a cool climate, the heat is detrimental to it.

When the plant is in the stage of flower bud formation ( October November), temperature environment maintained in the region of 5-7 degrees. And during the flowering period, it should be increased by 6-10 degrees. 10-15 degrees Celsius are considered optimal.

Of course, what is good for azaleas is not very comfortable for people. Therefore, many flower growers are cunning and, to cool the plants, cover the pot with dry ice or often treat it with water from the refrigerator.

How to properly water an azalea?

Azalea very moisture-loving plant preferring frequent and abundant watering. From a lack of moisture in the soil and in the air, the green crown may turn yellow and crumble.

At the same time, the soil should not be oversaturated with moisture, as this is detrimental to the root system.

Along with frequent watering, daily spraying of the entire crown and the surrounding area is carried out. This contributes not only to the saturation of the plant with moisture, but also to a decrease in ambient temperature.

For watering, soft cool is used ( rainy or settled) water. Tap water is defended, and then boiled and cooled.

During the budding period, watering should be slightly limited, because the natural need for moisture decreases in the plant.

How to maintain air humidity?

One of mandatory conditions comfortable growth of the shrub is the high humidity of the surrounding air. Maintaining a high percentage of humidity in the room is not easy, but possible. We put the flower pot in a large tray filled with small pebbles and moss. Pour cool water into the pan, as for irrigation, and as it evaporates, constantly add.

An additional method of moisturizing is daily spraying. They are best carried out from a small spray gun so that the droplets are very small.

How and with what to fertilize azalea?

Considering that the plant requires a large amount of nutrients, both during the period of active growth and when laying future flowers next year it needs to be fed regularly. This is best done with special complex fertilizers for azaleas from March to November.

Feeding is repeated twice a month, that is, every two weeks. These top dressings are very important and cannot be neglected, otherwise the plant will not bloom well or may die.

As an additional nutrition, you can use citric acid ( for 1 liter of water 2 gr.) and superphosphate (1 5 gr. per 1 liter of irrigation water).

Light mode

It has already been mentioned that the azalea does not tolerate direct sunlight. However, during the flowering period, it needs intense diffused lighting. And to prolong this wonderful period of life of the azalea, constantly remove wilted flowers and avoid getting water on the petals when spraying or watering.

Secrets of long flowering azalea

"Why isn't the azalea blooming?"- this is a question that arises among many fans of this representative of the flora. Indeed, the plant is quite capricious, but strictly following all the recommendations, you can easily achieve violent and long flowering.

In some cases, there are so many flowers that they completely cover the green foliage. But along with the optimal conditions of detention, there are secrets that allow you to admire this beautiful sight for a long time:

  1. In order to cool the shrub during flowering to 10–12 degrees, snow is laid out along the edge of the pot or the plant is watered with cold water. Because the optimum temperature for flowering - 12 degrees, with it the azalea blooms for 2 months. If the temperature is higher, then the flowering period is reduced by 3.5–4 times.
  2. Unlike other plants, during the flowering period, the azalea can be safely moved and rotated. But for the correct laying of flower buds, after flowering, the pot must be returned to its original position.
  3. For long-term flowering, wilted flowers are removed immediately and avoid moisture on the petals.
  4. Careful care of the azalea after purchase will also ensure a long and beautiful bloom. Contrary to popular belief, purchased flowers at home do not bloom and grow for a long time.

Azalea pruning and pinching

After flowering, the plant needs pinching and pruning of the stems. Pruning azaleas after flowering enhances the intensity of future flowering and allows you to form beautiful bush. The purpose of pruning is the formation of a dense dense crown.

Pruning is usually done in the spring summer period. First of all, weakened and overgrown branches are removed.

All young shoots are necessarily pinched, leaving 5-6 leaves on the stem. All young shoots that have grown near flower buds are also removed. After a couple of weeks, young leaves appear on the cut branches.

Azalea transplant

After pruning, if necessary, the azalea is transplanted into a flat pot. bigger size with a wide top. Azalea transplantation at home is done carefully, transshipment method so as not to damage root system.

If you are late with the procedure, then the overgrown rhizome can cause stagnation of water, rotting of the substrate. And this is fraught with the emergence various diseases and pests.

Young shrubs are transplanted every year, and three-year specimens every 2-3 years.

The soil mixture for planting should be loose with a slightly acidic reaction. It must contain peat, river sand, heather soil and other components.

If you are a non-specialist, then it is difficult to choose proportions on your own. Therefore, it is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture for azaleas in specialized outlets.

After transplanting, the plant should be watered regularly and fed every decade. potassium sulfite, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

Azalea transplant, video:

Azalea breeding

Reproduction of azalea is not an easy and rather troublesome business. From April to August, the shrub is propagated stem cuttings. The whole process from cutting cuttings to the first flowering takes from 2 to 3 years.

So how to propagate azalea at home? To do this, choose the shoots of last year's pinching, which branches by 7-10 cm and cut cuttings from them. For each cutting, 3 lower leaves are removed, forming a small cutting. All other leaves are cut in half. Under the lowest kidney, a sharpened knife makes a cut obliquely.

Before planting, I tie the prepared cuttings in 10–15 pieces and immerse them in slices for 6–10 hours in a growth stimulator solution to speed up the formation of young roots.

Then they make a mini-greenhouse. Fine gravel is poured onto the bottom of a suitable container with a layer of 2 cm, the same layer of coarse river sand and a mixture of peat with a coniferous substrate. The cuttings are deepened by 3–3.5 cm, the surface of the soil is abundantly sprayed and the greenhouse is covered with a transparent film.

Already 7 days after planting, the cuttings are regularly aired, slightly opening the film. Do this for an hour in the morning, excluding the possibility of drafts.

After a few months, the cuttings form a powerful root system. But on condition that the temperature in the greenhouse will not be less than 22 degrees, and the humidity is below 80%.

Take a look at this stuff -

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and abundant spraying and watering begin. When the shoots grow a couple of centimeters, they are planted in separate pots or seedling boxes ( scheme 10×10).

For further branching and the formation of a bush, after a couple of months, pinch each top. The first buds must be removed so as not to load a plant that is not yet ready for flowering.

When the shrub gets a little stronger and undergoes re-pruning ( after 2–3 months), it is transplanted into small flat pots with a drainage layer and a fertile light substrate.

Propagation by cuttings is quite long, but effective method Azalea breeding.

Azalea cuttings, video:

Azalea diseases and pests

Improper care not only shortens the flowering period of the plant, but also causes a number of diseases and the appearance of pests. So always keep a close eye on your plant. If you see the signs listed below, take the necessary measures immediately.

Signs of the disease and their causes:

Every winter, shops are filled with flowerpots with these beautiful bushes. Emerald green round slightly pointed leaves are almost invisible behind the lush elegant flowers. White, like bridesmaid dresses, or luxurious red, crimson, pink, interspersed - this flower will suit every taste. It is difficult to resist the azalea and not give yourself or loved ones a little beauty. However, as soon as it blooms, we lose it in a matter of days. Care for this capricious beauty not easy. So let's look into the details.

First steps after purchase

Very rarely we come across competent and caring flower sellers. Therefore, on the way from the store home, the plant may suffer from external weather conditions. In the case of an azalea for transportation, it must be carefully packed: cover it with foil, tie it in several bags, cover the ground with paper and other options. It’s good if you prepared for the purchase in this way or if your husband got a good seller. And now the flower is already at home, what to do next? There are a few rules in order to reduce stress for our azalea:

  • Temperature. The optimum temperature for azaleas is + 10-15˚С. In summer, it is necessary to ensure that it does not rise more than 18 degrees Celsius, and in winter it does not drop to +5. If in winter time you have to transfer the flower from the loggia to the room, protect it from the dry air of the batteries by frequent spraying, laying ice on a pallet, watering it with melt water. Compliance with these conditions will help the azaleas to form as many flower buds as possible in winter.
  • Water. For watering and spraying azaleas, you should stock up on distilled, well-infused, boiled or melted water. Hard water is contraindicated for them. Therefore, once every two weeks, add citric or sulfuric acid to the water when watering. Such watering is carried out only on the condition that the soil is already moist.
  • Watering. As soon as you have this lush bush, decide on a watering regime that is convenient for you and the right one for the flower. Azalea is a fan of a humid climate, but many flower growers are guided by the rule: “It is better to underfill than overfill. Wet and wet ground are two different things.” At sufficient level moisture, spraying is not necessary. If the soil dries out, place the flower pot in a container of water for 3-4 hours. After a couple of days, start watering it as usual. Competent watering includes alternately moistening the upper and lower layers of the soil: once watering from above, the second through the pan and again. In summer, water the azalea twice a day.
  • Lighting. Here you have to tinker, because azaleas love bright abundant light. The western and southern sides are contraindicated for its placement. It should be located near the windows, which can be covered with blinds on a hot afternoon. Therefore, many use artificial lighting to protect from direct rays and shade blinds.
  • Bloom. In July-August, before the appearance of the first buds, it is necessary to pinch. For abundant flowering azalea must be provided with a complex of trace elements for flowering plants. As soon as the buds appear, remove the young shoots, if any begin to sprout near them. But after it has faded, we continue to care. First of all, remove faded flowers with pedicels and browned leaves, as well as weak and distorted shoots. A month later, you should pinch the tops of the shoots when shoots with 3-4 leaves appeared.
  • Transfer. After flowering, you need to transplant the flower. This procedure is repeated until the azalea reaches the age of three. Then the transplant is reduced to 1 time in two years. Flat wide pots are ideal for planting, in which the horizontal root system of azaleas will avoid waterlogging. The soil should be well aerated and not require loosening: peat, leafy, heather and coniferous soil with river sand. You can buy special soil for azaleas. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot! Tip: when immersing a flower in the ground, leave the root collar open, and the roots should not be damaged once again by changing the earth around them. This is where the transfer method works best.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests on azalea appear from improper care. Most often, all troubles come from non-compliance with the temperature regime, lack or excess of lighting, not proper watering and soil. Here are some common mistakes:

  • lack of moisture and an excess of lighting lead to wrinkling and lethargy of the leaves, drying out and falling of the buds;
  • the lack of abundant light and not maintaining a balance between temperature and moisture can lead to the transient death of the flower;
  • yellowing and falling of leaves is associated with watering with hard water;
  • uneven and irregular watering in dry air leads to the appearance of spider mites.

In the first three cases, it is necessary to arrange care for the azalea, following the rules prescribed above. But with spider mite it's hard enough to fight. You can resort to the old methods of destruction, namely spraying from the underside of the leaves and washing them with a weak tobacco solution with soap. And also resort to the help of insecticides already ready for such a case. However, remember: spraying with such toxic agents must be carried out outdoors. And 3 hours after that, the leaves should be washed cold water.

Follow these rules and your azalea will delight you with its lush flowers for many years.

Azalea - wayward indoor flower. In order for the plant to please with amazing flowering for several months, it needs appropriate care. Azalea needs appropriate lighting, abundant watering, temperature control, fertilizer, as well as timely pruning and transplanting.

How to care for an azalea - lighting

When arranging the flower, it is worth considering that the azalea requires diffused light, because it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Or it should be partial shade. In the summer, the plant can be taken out into the street, it is necessary to put it in a cool place where there is mostly shade. In an apartment, the western or eastern window is considered the best location. For azalea, the presence of radiators near the radiators is considered a detrimental factor. Therefore, close joint location should be avoided.

How to care for an azalea - watering

  • Azaleas need a lot of watering. The health of the flower depends on proper hydration. Never let the potting soil dry out, but the pan must also be empty. For irrigation, clean precipitation or melt water is needed, if there is none, then it is necessary to boil water from the tap or stand for a day. The water temperature must match the room temperature.
  • It is very important to maintain the acidity of the soil. Water should be acidified two or three times a month. Add a couple of crystals per liter of water citric acid.
  • It is also necessary to regularly spray the azalea with water, especially in heating season. Because hot batteries dry the air a lot.
  • Quite often, peat soil is used for planting, but when it dries, it hardens into a lump. Therefore, it must be moistened periodically, namely, place the flower pot in a container of water.
  • Loosening the soil in a pot can lead to the death of the plant, since the azalea has small roots that can be accidentally damaged.
  • If your plant is in a cool place, then in winter you can put snow or pieces of ice on the ground in a pot, which will melt and provide moisture. But this option is not suitable for warm houses, apartments, as a sharp jump in temperature can adversely affect the development of the flower.

How to care for azalea - temperature regime

The acceptable temperature for growing azaleas is 8 - 16 degrees. However, with proper watering, moisturizing, the flower takes root even at a temperature of 21 - 22 degrees. If the flower was located on the street in summer, then by the approach of winter it is necessary to bring it into the house before heating is supplied, since the temperature difference will lead to flower diseases. It is recommended to keep the azalea at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees during the flowering period. In winter, it is necessary to periodically spray the flower, thereby moisturizing it. Because temperature regime the content of this plant is slightly lower than in your home, then you can artificially provide the flower with the necessary conditions. To do this, flower growers put pieces of ice on the ground in a pot or water it, spray it with chilled water.

How to care for azalea - fertilizer

For proper development, the azalea must be fertilized. The choice of fertilizers depends on the season, namely:

  • during the spring and summer months mineral fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks;
  • in the autumn-winter months, top dressing consisting of potassium and phosphorus 1 time in 2 weeks.

Carefully study the dosage of top dressing so as not to burn the plant.

How to care for an azalea - pruning and transplanting

In order for the azalea to bloom magnificently, it must be periodically cut, pinched and transplanted.

  • Shoots should be pruned in early summer or immediately after flowering. Weak or overgrown shoots need to be plucked.
  • For abundant flowering, pinching the stems should be carried out. It is necessary to pinch young shoulder straps.
  • Young shoots that are near the buds must be removed immediately.
  • A young azalea should be repotted every year after flowering, and an adult flower should be repotted every 3 years.
  • A transplant pot should be chosen according to the criteria: wide, but not deep.
  • Azaleas are propagated from cuttings in the summer.

Azalea is demanding on her care, but she thanks you for your work with bright, lush, long flowering!

If the morning started with positive feelings, then the whole working day feels better and more positive. The content of flowers is quite favorite hobby which will give positive emotions not only to family members but also to many neighbors. Passing by a well-groomed corner, it is impossible not to catch a glance at some bright fruit. And immediately the thought comes, or maybe think and grow a garden? Plants are a worthy improvement for any design.

How should you care for an azalea?

Azalea may require more careful care and strict adherence to all rules of keeping at home.

This indoor flower is a highly branching shrub that grows in height from 30 cm to 1.5 m. The leaves are lanceolate, ovate, pubescent on both sides. It blooms with beautiful bright double and simple flowers, red, pink, orange, yellow color with a pleasant aroma.

With the appropriate selection of varieties (early, medium, late), as well as observing the care of the azalea, you can achieve continuous flowering from November to May. Flowering time up to 3 months. In addition, indoor azalea may bloom at other times, it all depends on the conditions of home maintenance and care.

The plant is often grown as a horticultural crop in regions with a mild and humid climate. It blooms profusely with small (up to 3 cm in diameter) flowers of various colors.

Azalea home: care before and after flowering

How to get Azaleas to bloom? It is known that the azalea, outwardly a very beautiful plant, is as fastidious in care as it is beautiful. Good conditions it is not always easy to create for her, but if you follow all the recommendations for care, then home flower Azaleas will not disappoint you.

The secret to long flowering and preservation of azaleas until next year lies in abundant watering, low temperatures and bright diffused lighting. In a room that is too warm and dry, the flowering time of the azalea is reduced, and in some cases the buds can completely fall off.

For laying flower buds in the autumn-winter period, a cool light content at a temperature of 6-8 degrees and limited watering may be required. When flower buds appear and buds swell, the temperature is raised to 16-18 degrees. Ideal Temperature 12-16. This temperature can be created in autumn or spring on a glazed balcony.

Many flower growers to achieve necessary conditions resort to various tricks. For example, spread on the edge flower pot ice or water the plant with cold melt water. At a temperature of 12 degrees flowering room azalea can last two months, at a temperature of 20 degrees - only two weeks. It is necessary to ensure that in winter the temperature does not fall below "plus five".

There are sometimes so many flowers that the leaves are not visible. Unlike many other plants, an azalea can be rotated and moved during flowering, but after the plant stops blooming, it must be returned to its original place in the position in which it was at the time of budding.

Azalea fertilizers and growth stimulants

The plant is fed every two weeks with mineral fertilizers that do not contain chlorine; superphosphate is recommended during the budding period (15 grams per 10 liters of water). It is best to use the special Azalea fertilizer for care and dressing. To accelerate flowering or during the budding period, fertilizers containing more phosphorus and potassium are used - "Uniflor-bud" and "Kemira-lux". After flowering and during the growing season, when new shoots grow, more nitrogen is used: "Uniflor-micro".

A good tool for adaptation, growing roots, stimulating flowering is zircon. It is sold in flower shops in plastic ampoules. You can pour into a syringe and add 2-3 drops when watering in a watering can or spray a flower. But it is important not to overdo it - he will not allow an overdose.

Antistress - epin, unlike zircon, can only be sprayed no more than once every 14 days. It is less effective, besides, it cannot be used when the azalea is in bloom, in any case, it is impossible to spray a flowering plant.

Another great stress reliever for watering and spraying at any difficult time in their lives is HB-101. Economical (1-2 drops per watering can or spray bottle). Another anti-stress drug in bottles is Ecogel-antistress. They can also be both sprayed and watered.

Iron chelate (ferovit) is a very important top dressing, used for chlorosis - when azalea leaves turn yellow due to iron deficiency. Ferovit contributes well to the growth of greenery and generally improves the appearance of azalea.


Azalea care at home

You have an azalea. The question immediately arises: how to care for azalea?

To make the azalea at home feel good and bloom long time, she needs to create conditions close to natural for her.

For example, natural look Indian rhododendron, or indica, grows in humid mountain forests. It is quite cool and damp there, as it often rains. Therefore, azalea indica care involves keeping this plant in a humid and cool room.

Azalea care at home includes, first of all, choosing a place where your plant will grow, bloom and delight others.

Indoor azalea flowers love coolness and Fresh air and in very warm rooms wither quickly. Therefore, you need to choose a place with a low temperature and good lighting. Azalea home care has some differences in the winter and summer seasons.

Therefore, azalea care at home requires great attention to this issue. Very well. if you add a drop of vinegar or citric acid to the water for watering the plant once a month.

It must be remembered that azalea flower care necessarily requires air humidity up to 60-80%. In the conditions of our apartments, such conditions can be created using " foot bath". To do this, gravel is poured into a pallet or planter, a little water is poured and a potted plant is placed on top. This procedure is contraindicated for other plants, but it not only does not harm the indoor azalea flower, but, on the contrary, provides a favorable, easily regulated water regime.

Azalea care at home from March to September also includes spraying settled or boiled one or two times a day, depending on the weather.

Azalea how to care during flowering? Yes, there is one interesting feature of caring for an azalea flower at home, during flowering. It consists in the fact that the azalea is covered with snow or ice. This is done so that the flowers do not wilt and fall off, remaining on the plant longer. Also, during flowering, it is necessary to promptly remove fading and already withered flowers.

Azalea care after flowering also has its own rules. Flowering depletes the plant, so it is necessary to carry out constant feeding. The azalea flower is especially actively fed with mineral fertilizers during the period of budding, during the flowering of the azalea, as well as for three months after flowering. Fertilizers for fertilizing azalea at home should not contain calcium and magnesium salts, so it is best to use a complete mineral fertilizer intended for hydroponic culture.

Good results are obtained by the azalea mix flower care, in which the plant is transplanted after it has faded. At the same time, we take a pot that is slightly wider than the previous one, because our flower is constantly growing. We make drainage in the prepared pot. The substrate for the azalea should consist of peat, leafy soil and river sand in equal proportions. We pour a little prepared substrate and transfer the plant from one pot to another. It is we who transship, this is very important, because the azalea has a very delicate root system and if the roots are damaged, the plant may die.

How to take care of a beauty?

top dressing

Azalea care, as with any plant, also includes specialized flower nutrition. It is better not to experiment with fertilizers, but to use special dressings for azaleas, which are sold in stores.

For all azaleas general rule- at the beginning of summer they are fed with fertilizers containing more nitrogen, and from August until the end of flowering - with phosphorus and potassium. Since the azalea loves acidic soil, then once every 10 days add a couple of drops of citric acid to the water for irrigation, it should practically not be felt to taste.

During the flowering period

Very useful information

Well, one last piece of advice: when you choose an indoor Azalea in the store, take the one with a lot of buds, not blooming flowers. Such a plant is easier to adapt to new conditions and will bloom longer.

Azalea is one of the most beautiful, but at the same time, capricious indoor plants. Caring for him is quite complicated and time-consuming, especially for beginner flower growers. Often, a lushly blooming azalea bought in a store does not adapt to the conditions of an ordinary city apartment, sheds flowers and leaves, and then dies. If you want to prevent this, this article is for you. In it, we will tell you how to properly feed, water and trim the azalea. In addition, we will describe how to transplant this magnificent plant and how to rid it of pests and diseases. We hope this information will help you grow a healthy flower. Azalea will become a real decoration of your apartment.

Description of the plant. Natural distribution area

Azalea belongs to the heather family and the genus Rhododendron. It is believed that the ancestor indoor varieties is a simsa plant (Indian rhododendron), growing in mountain forests at an altitude of 2.5 km above sea level. This evergreen shrub is native to Asia and North America. It was from the Sims that various hybrids were obtained. The modern azalea is a shrub that has small, dark green leaves and gorgeous flowers. They can have a wide variety of colors - red, pink, lilac, white, cream, yellow, etc. In the natural environment, the azalea flower is common in Asia, Europe, North America and even the mountainous regions of Siberia. In warm regions, it is cultivated as a garden plant, and in cold regions, as a houseplant.

Varieties of magnificent azalea

Conventionally, scientists subdivide these beautiful plants into several main types. The most popular and frequently encountered of them are:

  • Japanese azalea - grown as a garden plant;
  • Indian - used for indoor breeding;
  • North American is a deciduous shrub grown in open ground, in mild climatic conditions.

The Indian azalea flower is a small evergreen shrub reaching 50 cm in height. Dark green leaves are small, up to 3.5 cm long, usually covered with reddish hairs. Flowers reach 5 cm in diameter. They gather in inflorescences, can be both double and non-double, have a variety of colors - from white to rich orange, lilac and dark purple. Often the petals are two-tone - white with a pink or red border. Budding of room azalea more often occurs in the winter.

The most popular varieties of Indian azalea

For indoor cultivation varieties such as: Avenir, Albert Elizabeth, Heroes of War, Ilva, Niobe, Professor Walter, Eggebrehti, etc. are excellent. Plants belonging to the first grade are sprawling, rather tall bushes. They have large, semi-double flowers reaching 11 cm in diameter, usually of a bright pink-carmine hue. They bloom in December. Azalea variety Albert Elizabeth is a spreading shrub with dark small leaves and lush double flowers reaching 10-11 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is pale pink, salmon. The azalea flower of the Heroes of War variety has non-double lilac or pink flowers, also quite large (up to 10 cm). They exude pleasant aroma. Plants of the Ilva variety are usually compact, medium tall. They produce non-double, funnel-shaped pink flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm. Buds begin to appear in February or March. Niobe is a compact plant with white double flowers with a diameter of 8 cm. Azalea Professor Walter is a sprawling and tall shrub with bright pink non-double flowers. Often in the center of the petals there are raspberry specks and spots. The Eggebrehti variety is distinguished by its compact size, rich crimson flowers with petals wavy at the edges. Next, we will tell you how to keep azalea flowers, how to care for them and what growing conditions to create so that they bloom intensively and for a long time.

Temperature regime

An indispensable condition for the cultivation of Indian varieties is the creation and maintenance of the maximum favorable conditions. First of all, it concerns the air temperature. Maintaining 10-15 ° C is considered the most optimal. Coolness is necessary for the growth of the seedling, the development and laying of buds. Hot climatic conditions with temperatures above 20-24 ° C will destroy the azalea flowers. How to care for them if there is no way to lower the temperature to 10 ° C? In spring and autumn, before the cold sets in and the temperature drops below 5 ° C, the pot of azalea can be taken out to the balcony, loggia or garden. There the plant will feel much better. In the summer, you can place it in an air-conditioned room and periodically spread pieces of ice next to the pot. This measure will "deceive" the flower, reduce the temperature of the air around its trunk and allow it to survive the hot summer. And in winter, experienced flower growers advise keeping the bush cool - this will help the plant to prolong flowering.

Azalea flower: how to care for at home? Air humidity

The azalea flower is extremely sensitive not only to temperature. The plant requires maintaining a sufficiently high humidity. Therefore, in the room where the bush is located, it is advisable to install a humidifier. In addition, indoor azalea flowers need to be regularly sprayed once or twice a day, especially during the work period. central systems heating. Experienced flower growers it is advised to place the plant pot on a pebble tray filled with water. So the azalea will not suffer from excessively dry air.

Proper watering of room azalea

How to care for an azalea flower? As for watering, he prefers softened cold (ideally melted) water. It is necessary to moisten the soil in a pot abundantly and regularly, preventing it from drying out, but at the same time avoiding liquid stagnation. In addition, irrigation water should be acidified. For one liter of liquid, 2 g of citric acid must be used. In the autumn-winter period, watering is slightly reduced, but the substrate is not allowed to dry out. If you accidentally made a mistake and did not water the plant, urgently carry out resuscitation procedures. Soak the azalea pot in water for a few hours.

Lighting and nutrition

The azalea flower is also extremely susceptible to lighting. How to care properly? Place the pot near natural source light, but so that the direct rays of the scorching sun do not fall on the plant. Remember, the room should be sufficiently light and cool. Lack of lighting, hot and dry air are detrimental to the azalea, it stops blooming and can shed its leaves. In addition to proper watering, spraying and creating optimal climatic conditions, the plant must be fed. In the autumn-winter period, a special fertilizer for the azalea plant should be applied once every two weeks. The flower shop will offer you a choice of several different top dressings, choose one that is suitable for flowering plants, but without chlorine.

Azalea flowers: care and transplant

In order for the plant to form a healthy root system, it grows well and blooms, it is necessary to make timely transshipment. How to care for flowers? Azalea young needs an annual transplant. Mature plants are transshipped less frequently - once every two or three years. For transshipment, you should pick up a wide and flat pot, slightly larger than the previous one. As for the soil, nutrient acidic soil- peat with coniferous, as well as a small amount of sand. The plant will also feel good in deciduous soil. If you do not want to make the mixture yourself - get ready-made soil for acid-loving flowers. Transshipment should be done carefully, trying not to disturb or injure the root system. Do not forget about drainage, it must be in a pot. It is worth noting that new, just bought azaleas, especially imported ones, are in dire need of a transplant. Bringing the flower home, carefully remove it from the container, place it in a bowl of cold water. Rinse and clean the roots (and this will take a lot of time). When a minimum of substrate remains, rinse the roots again with cold water. running water and transplant the flower into good soil. Be sure to put expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. If desired, ash can be added to the soil mixture - it has bactericidal properties and will prevent root rot. After transshipment, on the first day, the substrate is not watered too abundantly, since the roots of the flower are already sufficiently saturated with moisture.

Flowering and shaping crown pruning

For abundant and long flowering, it is necessary to pinch the shoots in a timely manner. It is also necessary to regularly trim the indoor azalea flower. How to care for him and how to form a beautiful crown? Young shoots are pinched so that no more than 5 leaves remain on them. Those located next to flower buds, pinch first. Several buds appear from each bud - from 2 to 4. Faded buds must be removed so that the azalea blooms longer. In addition, seed pods are also removed to prevent depletion of the plant.

Azalea, which has the shape of a tree, is cut as follows: first, the strongest branch is determined, and the rest - weak, too long or faded shoots - are cut off. A support is used to support the plant. When the tree reaches the desired height, pinch the central branch, then it begins to branch. Periodically turn the azalea different sides to the light source. This will gradually form a beautiful uniform crown. The form of bush azaleas is created as follows: cuttings are pinched at a distance of 10 or 12 cm from the soil. Withered flowers are removed immediately. When flowering stops, all branches are cut to 5 cm, and the sick and weak are removed completely. If the plant has brown leaves, they are also removed.