A new look at the cultivation of cabbage: non-traditional varieties. Savoy cabbage: benefits and harms, features of variety selection and cultivation

Savoy cabbage is a photophilous plant. A long daylight hours favorably affects the formation of heads of cabbage.

Of all types of cabbage, Savoy cabbage is highly frost-resistant. Some of its late-ripening varieties are especially resistant to cold. Seed germination occurs already at a temperature of +3°C, and intensive growth occurs at 16-18°C. Temporary cooling down to 8 °C slows down the development of plants, but does not stop it. Sprouts of medium and early varieties tolerate short-term frosts down to -1-2 °C, late - up to -5-6 °C.

Seedlings of savoy cabbage tolerate a lack of moisture better than other types of cabbage, but adult plants are moisture-loving. Moisture evaporates intensively through large leaves, and plants need regular watering.

The culture prefers fertile soils and is responsive to. Late varieties are more demanding on top dressing than early ones. When growing Savoy cabbage in the Urals and in the Middle lane, they are used mainly. The specificity of these regions is such that only early ripening varieties have time to form in a short summer. Plants develop quickly, and organic matter rots slowly, lagging behind this process.

Bad predecessors of Savoy cabbage are: radishes, turnips, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, good ones are potatoes, carrots, legumes. Savoy cabbage needs to be repositioned annually. It is recommended to re-plant the vegetable on the beds no earlier than after 4 years (see).

Popular Savoy Cabbage Varieties

Depending on the timing of ripening, varieties of Savoy cabbage are divided into:

  • early ripe - 105-120 days;
  • mid-season - 120-135 days;
  • late-ripening - more than 135 days.

Popular varieties savoy cabbage early ripening:

Popular varieties of mid-season Savoy cabbage:

Popular varieties of late-ripening Savoy cabbage:

Growing seedlings of savoy cabbage and planting in the ground

How to grow savoy cabbage?
First of all, you need to prepare the ground. Before autumn digging, they contribute at the rate of 5 kg / 1 m 2. In spring, the soil is harrowed to fill with moisture. Before planting cabbage, the site is dug up to a depth of 15 cm.

Seeds of early-ripening varieties for seedlings are planted in mid-March, mid- and late-ripening - in mid-April. After the emergence of sprouts, the temperature is reduced to 8-10 ° C.

Watering begins when embryonic leaves appear. Watering the seedlings is done in the morning, followed by airing. In the bright sun, the seedlings are shaded with a newspaper soaked in water.

Dive seedlings in about 2 weeks. Cabbage is recommended to be transplanted into nutrient pots. The root of the plant is cut to a third of the length.

Landing in the ground is carried out after 40-45 days. By this time, 4-5 true leaves should have formed. For early varieties in the garden, well-lit areas are chosen, preferably on the southern slope. If the weather is cool, then the plants are covered with foil or caps to avoid shooting.

Planting early ripe varieties can be divided into several periods until the end of May. Mid-season and late-ripening - planted in June-early July.

Savoy cabbage planting patterns:

  • early ripe - 35x40 cm;
  • mid-season - 50x50 cm;
  • late ripening - 60x60 cm.


Savoy cabbage care includes weeding, top dressing, pest control.

The first loosening of the soil with a depth of 5-7 cm is carried out after planting the plants in the ground. As it grows, the loosening depth is increased to 15 cm. The denser the soil, the deeper it needs to be loosened. Plants spud after 3-4 weeks.

Watering is carried out once a week, in hot weather the frequency should be increased. Early-ripening varieties are especially demanding on moisture in May, mid-ripening and late-ripening - in July-August.

After the cabbage begins to grow, perform the first top dressing. From organic matter, mullein is used (1:10).

From mineral fertilizers, the composition is used:

  • water - 10 l;
  • urea - 15 g;
  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • potash fertilizers - 15g.

The next top dressing is carried out in the phase of head curling. During this period, the concentration of phosphorus and potash fertilizers is increased by 1.5 times.

Harvesting and storage

Savoy cabbage is harvested from the end of June. It is important to remove heads of cabbage prone to cracking in a timely manner. There is also a way to prevent cracking. To do this, remove lower leaves or the root is cut with a shovel.

Late varieties tolerate cold snap and light frosts well. Taking advantage of this feature, some gardeners leave cabbage in the winter on the beds under a layer of snow and cut it off as needed, raking the snow.

Savoy cabbage is stored in boxes or on racks, laid out in one row. The optimum storage temperature is -1-3 °C.

Savoy cabbage. Growing. Care. Harvesting

Savoy cabbage differs from white cabbage in having blistered or corrugated leaves without a waxy coating.

The shape of Savoy cabbage leaves is due to the increased growth of tissues between the vascular fibrous bundles. On the contrary, the vascular fibrous bundles themselves are less developed in Savoy cabbage than in cabbage cabbage.

Nutritional value of savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage is rich in protein, contains many vitamins, salts and biologically active substances. Savoy cabbage is more tender than white cabbage, its leaves have less fiber, 7-14% dry matter, 3-6% sugars, 2-3% protein, 21-77 mg% ascorbic acid, 7 mg% carotene, 2-3 mg% vitamin E It is more valuable in protein and vitamin C.

There is absolutely no bitterness in the leaves of Savoy cabbage, it is used to prepare very tasty cabbage soup, fillings for pies, salads. It is not suitable for pickling. Savoy cabbages are not suitable for long-term storage.

Unwanted Items

Nitrates and nitrosamines

Cabbage plants are able to accumulate a lot of nitrates, but there are varieties in which the accumulation of nitrates is much less. It has been established that the use of nitrogen fertilizers in moderate doses does not lead to the accumulation of nitrates, provided that the composition of nutrients supplied to cabbage plants is balanced, i.e. plants receive enough phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

The accumulation of nitrates in cabbage occurs:

1) in low light;

2) during dry periods;

3) when alternating drought with floods of water;

4) with a lack of potassium;

5) when the dose of potassium exceeds the dose of phosphorus;

6) with a lack of sulfur and molybdenum;

7) on acidic soils (pH below 5).

The accumulation of nitrates is also affected by varietal characteristics, therefore, for personal consumption, it is necessary to select varieties that do not accumulate nitrates.

Growing savoy cabbage in the garden

Savoy cabbage - a plant more cold-resistant compared to white cabbage, resists frost better, but in general, its cultivation differs little from cultivation white cabbage.

Savoy cabbage varieties

Golden early (WORLD GARDENING) - early ripe, from sowing to ripeness 106-110 days. Medium-sized socket, semi-raised. The leaf is rounded, concave, medium wavy, highly corrugated, dark green, medium wax coating. The edge of the leaf blade is medium concave. Midrib protruding, light green. The head of cabbage is round, semi-open, the integumentary leaves are highly bubbly, dark green. Inner and outer stumps medium size. The density of the head is medium. Weight 0.7-0.8 kg. Productivity 2.8-3.2 kg / sq. m. Resistant to cracking.

Sphere F1 (WORLD OF GARDENING) - mid-season, from germination to ripeness 120 days. Rosette raised, petiole outer sheet short. The leaf is broadly ovate, dark green with a medium wax coating, medium bubbling, medium fretted. The upper side of the leaf blade is concave. The waviness of the edge is medium, there is a notch. The length of the inner and outer stalk is medium. Head of medium size, medium dense, rounded, rising to the base, partially covered. The color of the covering leaves is dark green, whitish in the cut. The blistering of the covering leaves is medium, there is a curvature of the edge. Head weight 1.5-2.5 kg. Commercial yield 8-10 kg/sq. m.

The Need for Growth

Cabbage should not be grown in shady places. Cabbage requires a lot of light, it is a long day plant, i.e. with a long day, her development processes go faster. The lack of light leads, as already mentioned, to the accumulation of nitrates, disrupting the development of the plant.

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, it can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to -7 ° C, and even lower in autumn. For the growth of cabbage, cool weather with a temperature of 15-18 ° C is most favorable. Temperatures above 25°C adversely affect the formation of heads. In hot dry weather, increased accumulation of nitrates begins.

Cabbage is very demanding on moisture, but excessive moisture is harmful to it. With excessive moisture, the roots begin to die off and bacteriosis develops.

Cabbage is placed after well-fertilized crops - potatoes, root crops, legumes. In the same place, it cannot be grown more often than once every 3-4 years to avoid diseases. Next to cabbage plants, it is good to grow celery, thyme, sage, coriander and anise to repel cabbage fly and to attract entomophilous insects that destroy cabbage pests.

Soil preparation for growing savoy cabbage

Cabbage consumes a lot of nitrogen, potassium and calcium. Under it, high doses of organic fertilizers (manure or compost) are used, but the introduction of the maximum dose of nitrogen contributes to the deterioration of product quality - more nitrates, less sugars and dry matter.

The best effect is obtained by combining organic fertilizers (30-60 kg per 10 sq. m) with mineral fertilizers. In order to avoid the accumulation of nitrates, only greenhouse humus or compost should be applied to early-ripening varieties of cabbage. Fresh manure can only be applied at late and mid-season varieties and only from autumn, scattering over the surface of the soil. At the same time, manure should not be allowed to mix with lime, which is also introduced in the fall.

The best ratio of fertilizers for cabbage: 30-60 kg of organic fertilizers plus 90-120 g of mineral nitrogen, 90 g of phosphorus and 60 g of potassium and 1-2 g of boron fertilizers per 10 square meters. m.

During spring plowing, all phosphorus, 2/3 potassium and half nitrogen are introduced. The remaining fertilizers - when closing rows and curling heads.

Of the trace elements for cabbage, manganese, boron and copper are the most important. Their introduction in dressings (preferably foliar) increases the yield of early cabbage by 20-30%, late - by 10%.

The optimal pH value of the salt extract of the soil for cabbage is 6.6-7.4.

On soddy-podzolic soils, liming of the soil is necessary. It prevents many cabbage diseases and promotes the proper absorption of fertilizer nitrogen. The amount of lime applied to the soil depends on the quality of the soil, its physical and chemical composition and the degree of acidity. On average, on slightly acidic soils, from 1 kg (on sandy soils) to 4 kg (on clayey) lime is applied, on strongly acidic soils, respectively, from 2 to 10 kg per 10 square meters. m. Lime or chalk is introduced in the fall, scattering them over the surface of the dug up soil. It is desirable that the introduced lime does not come into contact with manure. The introduction of lime not only changes the acidity of the soil, but also improves its structure. Cabbage tolerates excess calcium well.

With optimal soil acidity, the number of bacteria increases significantly, the number of fungi decreases, and the development of pathogenic microorganisms, as a rule, does not acquire a dangerous size.

Growing Savoy Cabbage Seedlings

Cabbage is grown from seedlings to speed up ripening. Seedlings of the same age, grown in different calendar periods, differ sharply. Improving temperature and light conditions accelerates growth, and with earlier sowing, seedling development may be slower if growth conditions are worse. Therefore, when calculating the sowing time for cabbage seedlings, one must keep in mind the possibility of creating optimal conditions for its development, first of all, a sufficient amount of light and not too high a temperature.

For cultivation in open ground without shelter, Savoy cabbage can be sown on March 10-15 with landing in a permanent place in late April - early May.

Seedlings can be grown in a greenhouse with solar heating or nursery under the film, prepared for the earliest possible sowing from the first decade of April.

Seeds before sowing are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate or disinfected hot water with a temperature of about 45-50 ° C for 20-30 minutes, followed by rapid cooling in cold water. To increase productivity and resistance to diseases and pests, seeds are treated with a biological growth and development activator before sowing - Agat-25, El-1, Albit, Zircon.

The best way to get healthy seedlings is growing in cassettes (pots) with a volume of 65 cm3 (4.5x4.5x3 cm). Seedlings grown in cassettes tolerate transplantation more easily, get sick a little.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, crops are immediately watered. For growing seedlings of cabbage, the temperature is maintained at 15–18 ° C during the day, and at 8–10 ° C at night.

To increase growth, anti-stress activity, as well as disease resistance, 10 days after sowing and 5 days before planting seedlings in a permanent place, the soil is treated with a 0.015% sodium humate solution.

Seedlings are fed twice: in the phase of two or three true leaves and 3-5 days before planting in the ground. For top dressing, 15 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium chloride are diluted in 10 liters of water. For one plant, 0.15 liters are used for the first top dressing and 0.5 liters for the second. Spraying cabbage in the phase b-8 leaves with Silk leads to an increase in yield, an increase in the content of sugars and vitamin C.

7-10 days before planting seedlings in open ground it is hardened, i.e. withstand in more severe conditions: increase ventilation, reduce temperature, reduce watering.

By the time of planting, the seedlings should be hardened, 18-20 cm high, with 4-5 well-developed leaves (this is the age of 35-45 days).

If the growing regime is violated (poor ventilation, plant thickening, strong temperature changes and waterlogging of the soil), peronosporosis may appear (false powdery mildew). It appears on the cotyledons and leaves of seedlings in the form of gray-yellow oily spots, covered with powdery coating on the underside of the plate. To combat peronosporosis, cabbage is pollinated with wood ash (50 g per 1 sq. M) with an interval of 5-7 days. But first of all, it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions for keeping plants.

Cabbage seedlings are often affected by blackleg. The infection persists and accumulates in the soil, develops with excessive air humidity, sharp fluctuations in soil temperature and dense planting, lack of ventilation. When symptoms of a black leg appear (the root collar and stem turn black, thin out), the plants should be watered with a 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l of water - crimson). Calcined sand is poured to the treated plants with a layer of up to 2 cm.


In low waterlogged places, cabbage should be planted on ridges 100 cm wide and 18-25 cm high. In areas where there is no danger of waterlogging, cabbage is grown on a flat surface. Growing on narrow beds has a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the crop.

Cabbage needs to be given a very bright place. Even a slight shading will lead to a slowdown in development and a decrease in quality - a drop in the content of vitamins, the accumulation of nitrates.

Planting dates for cabbage

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, it can tolerate temperature drops down to -5 ° C, but only for a very short time. Therefore, planting cabbage seedlings in a permanent place can be started from mid-April "under the film" with frost protection with non-woven covering material. Shelter landings nonwoven fabric raises the temperature by 1.2-5.1°C, accelerates the production of environmentally valuable products by 7-10 days, increases the yield by 2.3-5.4 times. At the same time, seedlings are not pulled out, since the non-woven material passes air more easily. Shelter with non-woven material and especially film must be removed in a timely manner; in May days there should not be overheating, which leads to stretching of seedlings, curvature of the stems.

In a field without shelter, seedlings of Savoy cabbage in middle lane start planting in the second half of April (depending on the position of the site and the weather) and finish between May 5 and 20.

Savoy cabbage planting patterns

For Savoy cabbage, the distance between rows is 70-80 cm and in a row 50-70 cm (depending on the size of the head), and for late-ripening varieties with large heads, the distance between rows is at least 70 cm, in a row 80-90 cm. worth it - the resulting heads of cabbage will be poorly stored, the possibility of disease will increase.

In order to use the area more rationally in the first month, you can plant early green vegetables between the plants, which will be removed within one month.

The sequence of actions when planting cabbage

The afternoon is best time landing. The site must be watered the day before planting.

1. 2-3 hours before planting, seedlings are watered to minimize root damage. To stimulate root formation, you can pour not with water, but with a solution of heteroauxin (2 tablets per 10 liters of water).

2. The root system of the seedlings taken out of the pot (cassette) is lowered into a clay mash with the addition of 0.3-0.4% phytolavin-300 solution to protect against black leg and bacterioses.

3. Chalk and a handful of humus are added to the planting wells, the wells are watered with a suspension of the nemabact biological product to combat the cabbage fly.

4. Each plant is planted in a hole up to the cotyledon leaves, tightly compressing the roots with soil. It is necessary to take special care of the heart (apical kidney), in no case sprinkle it with earth. It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not bend and do not clump, but are distributed more or less evenly so that the seedlings are well compressed by the ground (after planting, with a slight twitch, the seedlings should not be removed).

5. Pour 0.5-1 l of water under each plant. When watering, the watering can should be kept as low as possible to the ground, since streams of water falling from a height destroy soil lumps, after which a crust forms.

6. An hour or two after watering, sprinkle the soil surface with dry earth. Last operation important, it can be equated with watering.

7. To scare away the cabbage fly, the next day after planting the cabbage, the soil around the plants in a radius of 4-5 cm is sprinkled with tobacco dust or its mixture with freshly slaked lime or ash (1: 1). For 1 sq. m spend 20 g of this mixture.

Seedless growing method

Cabbage is frost-resistant, it can be sown directly 3-6 weeks before the last frost. Seedless cultivation has the advantage that the plants grow in the same place all the time and root system they are not damaged. Sowing is carried out in well-dug soil, sowing 3-4 seeds in a nest at the same distance as planting seedlings. Then the seeds are carefully covered with earth or a mixture of peat with humus. When growing cabbage, it is advisable to use an unperforated film, removing it no later than the 2nd true leaf. The microclimate contributes to the faster passage of developmental stages in which plants are susceptible to diseases. Further cultivation under the film leads to stretching of seedlings, curvature of the stems.

When the second and third true leaves appear, thinning is performed, leaving two in the nest at first, and when thinning again, one plant each.

plant care

10-15 days after planting in hot, dry weather, earthen fleas are fought, the rows are dusted with ash or fluffy lime.

To increase immunity to diseases during the growing season, cabbage is sprayed with immunocytophyte in the whorl and head-setting phases, 300-500 ml (0.01%) of the working solution per 10 square meters. m. The natural plant growth regulator, Gibbersib, also works well. They treat cabbage 3 times: in the phase of 6-8 leaves, at the beginning of head formation and 7 days after the second spraying.


Good growth and the formation of a high yield of cabbage are possible only with good water supply. It is especially sensitive to the lack of moisture in the phase of active growth and head formation. It is necessary to water the cabbage every 6-7 days, pouring 1-2 liters of water into the hole under the plant, and during the growth of the head of cabbage, this rate is increased to 3-4 liters of water. However, excessive watering is also harmful, it is better if the soil is saturated with water more or less evenly up to 70-80% of moisture capacity. Stop watering 2 weeks before harvest.

Soil loosening and hilling

10-15 days after planting, the first loosening of the soil around the plants is carried out.

The first hilling is carried out when large leaves begin to form, the second - 20-25 days after the first. Early and middle varieties spud 1-2 times, late varieties with a high stump - 2-3 times.

It is better to spud on the second day after the rain. It is important that a loose, moist layer of soil is rolled to the plant, and not dry lumps. When hilling in dry weather, you must first rake upper layer dry soil, and then spud the cabbage with damp earth.

Hilling causes the formation of additional roots, increases the supply of nutrients and water to the cabbage, and also gives the plant the necessary stability. After the formation of 8-10 leaves, the cabbage has a large surface and is swayed by the wind so that at the base of the stem a funnel-shaped extension forms in the ground. Strong swaying of plants interferes with the good rooting of cabbage, so hilling favorably affects the development of plants.

When the tops cover the aisles, hilling is not carried out, since the soil already retains friability well.


Early cabbage is fed 1-2 times during the growing season, mid-ripening - 3-4 times.

Cabbage needs enhanced nitrogen, potassium and calcium nutrition. At the beginning of growth, cabbage consumes nitrogen more strongly, during head formation - phosphorus and potassium. In general, the higher the ratio of potassium to nitrogen, the better the preservation of cabbage, and even better if the amount of potassium is 1.5-2 times more than nitrogen.

In the first feeding (usually two weeks after planting seedlings) per 1 sq. m make urea 10 g, superphosphate 20 g and potassium chloride 15-20 g. Mineral fertilizers are applied dissolved in water into the grooves in the middle of the row spacing, which are made at a distance of 10-12 cm from the row or hole, after the fertilizer is applied, the holes fall asleep.

The second top dressing is used at the beginning of the tying of heads of cabbage, 2-3 weeks after the first. Fertilizers are applied in the middle of the row spacing to a depth of 12-15 cm, the composition of the mixture includes 10-12 g of urea, 20-30 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium chloride.

Foliar top dressing

If the plants of late varieties of cabbage are poorly developed, foliar top dressing is needed. To do this, 1 kg of potassium chloride, 70-80 g of double superphosphate and 10 g of molybdenum are taken per 4 liters of water, the solution is kept for a day before spraying. If the plants are yellow-green in color, grow slowly, then during foliar top dressing add 1% urea.

Pest and disease control of savoy cabbage

To repel insects, cabbage plants are treated with infusion of tomato or potato tops, red pepper. Against aphids, you can also use a tobacco solution with the addition of laundry soap or a solution of wood ash with soap (5 g of soap and 20 g of ash per 1 liter of water).

Planting strong, healthy seedlings in peat pots in early dates on the optimum depth reduce the risk of damage to plants.

To increase the yield and resistance to diseases and pests, three weeks after planting, the plants are sprayed with the Symbiont-universal biogrowth stimulator. For 1 sq. m will need 400 ml of a working solution containing 0.001% of the drug. Anti-stress agents that increase overall immunity and resistance to diseases - Immunocytophyte, Immunofit, Sodium Humate.

When growing cabbage, from the very beginning, you need to monitor the appearance of cabbage fly eggs around the stems of plants. When eggs are found, they must be raked away from the stems together with the ground, sprinkled with fresh earth and planted high, which contributes to the formation of additional roots. This must be done several times during periods when females lay eggs.

A systematic inspection of plants is also necessary to combat cabbage aphids and white caterpillars. Good helpers in the fight against aphids are ladybugs and lacewings.

To scare away cabbage flies, immediately after planting cabbage, the soil around the plants within a radius of 4-5 cm is sprinkled with tobacco dust or its mixture with freshly slaked lime or ash (1: 1). For 1 sq. m spend 20 g of this mixture.

To protect against cabbage flies, "collars" of polyethylene film or thick cardboard, which are laid around the stems of young plants.

Whites are scared away from butterflies by empty chicken eggs, stumbled on pegs a little higher than the cabbage.

In the fight against leaf-eating caterpillars of cabbage nice results gives the use of the microbiological preparation entobacterin (1-3 g per 10 sq. m). The drug is effective at air temperatures below + 18...20°C.

The microbiological drug bitoxibacillin is widely used on cabbage in the fight against cabbage moth, turnip and cabbage whites, cabbage and other types of scoop. Application: 4-5 g of powder, or 8-10 tablets, diluted in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to process 100 sq. m crops.

To protect cabbage from cabbage scoops, you can use the egg-eater Trichogramma, and from biological products - bitoxibacillin and lepidocid. Lepidocide is a microbiological preparation, like some other microbiological preparations, highly effective against openly living caterpillars. Lepidocide is most successful against all types of cutworms (especially caterpillars younger ages). Application: 4-6 tablets are diluted in 1 liter of water, 10 square meters are treated with this amount. m planting cabbage in the evening.

Most of the population of cabbage moths and other leaf-eating pests on cabbage is suppressed by a mixture of two microbiological preparations - Lepidocide with Entomophtorin. Against the cabbage moth, you can use the mushroom preparation Boverin.

Savoy cabbage differs from other varieties in its tender and thinner leaves. It is usually used in salads, but it can also be used to make other delicious dishes. This vegetable crop not whimsical. It is more resistant to various diseases and pests. But, like other vegetable crops, savoy cabbage also needs certain rules for planting, growing and caring. How to grow Savoy cabbage, care for it, fight pests and diseases, you can learn from this article.

Variety Description

Savoy cabbage is a subspecies of garden cabbage. Varietal group sabuada. going on this species from North Africa and western Mediterranean. Savoy cabbage got its name from the Italian county of Savoy, where this vegetable has been cultivated for a long time. Initially, in some countries of the world, Savoy cabbage was not grown, as it was believed that this variety was very whimsical. But Europe, Central and East Asia this subspecies of cabbage was successfully cultivated.

Head Features

The head of Savoy cabbage is loose, but quite large. The leaves are dark green in color, corrugated structure. The taste is almost the same as white cabbage. Because of the soft and thin leaves, savoy cabbage is more commonly consumed in salads.

Useful properties of savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains amino acids, mustard oils, phytoncides, fiber, protein, sugar. It is also worth noting a number of useful substances - glutathione (a powerful antioxidant), ascorbigen (prevents the formation of cancerous tumors), alcohol beckons (an alternative to sugar in diabetes).
Savoy cabbage contains iron salts, magnesium and potassium, which improve the functioning of the circulatory system. Thanks to this, tissues receive more oxygen and other nutrients.

Savoy cabbage cultivation and care

Savoy cabbage, like another variety of this crop, is grown from seeds and seedlings. Seeds can be purchased in stores, and seedlings in the market or from a local farmer. seed cultivation takes more time than the seedling method. But at proper cultivation both methods allow you to achieve a good harvest.


Soil preparation

For sowing seeds, you can use boxes, boxes, trays and cassettes for seedlings or other containers. As a rule, the soil mixture has been harvested since the fall, but if it has not been prepared in advance, then this issue can be dealt with right before sowing. In order for the soil to be fertile, you need to mix one part of soddy land or peat with humus. Next, ash is added (10 tablespoons per 10 kilograms of earth), after which the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed. Ash performs antiseptic actions, preventing various diseases at an early stage of plant growth.

It is not recommended to use garden soil for sowing seeds, especially if other crops were grown in it. There is a high probability that dangerous infections are present in this land that will negatively affect the entire crop.

Seed disinfection

Before sowing, seeds must necessarily undergo a disinfection process in order to prevent various bacterial and fungal pathogens. Basically, a strong solution of potassium permanganate is used, in which the seeds are placed, and then washed running water. You can also apply heat treatment. The seeds are placed in gauze and dipped in very warm water for 20 minutes. The water temperature should be 50 °C. After heat treatment, the seeds are washed cold water and dry up.

It is very important to adhere right temperature water. If the temperature is a couple of degrees higher, the seeds may lose their germination, and if lower, then this disinfection method will not lead to the desired result.

seed hardening

The next step is seed hardening. Seeds should be kept within 24 hours in places where the temperature range is 1 - 2 °C. Such a process will accelerate seed germination and increase the cold resistance of this crop.

Sowing seeds

After the disinfection and hardening stage has been completed, the seeds must be dried well until they stick to the fingers. After that, they can be sown in a prepared container with fertile soil.

Holes are made in seedling containers before sowing. The distance between them should be 3-4 cm, and the depth 1 cm. 3-5 seeds must be placed in each hole, then sprinkled with earth, moisten the entire surface and cover the container with a film. A box with planted seedlings must be kept at a temperature of 18 ° C. If the soil is dry, then it must be moistened. Germination can begin in 5-7 days. At the first shoots, the film must be removed, and the seedling container should be placed in a cooler place with a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C.


Tanks planted with plants should be kept in a refrigerated room until they are planted on open ground. The temperature ranges of the content should be: in the daytime 14 - 15 ° C, at night 9 - 10 ° C. If the soil dries out, it must be well moistened, but without excess moisture. After planting the plant, you need to remember about fertilizer. During the growth period, seedlings need a balanced top dressing. The first fertilizer is applied 8-10 days after sowing. At this time, the plant begins to germinate and the first leaves appear on pastures. The composition of the fertilizer can be as follows: for 1 liter of water, mix potash fertilizers and ammonium nitrate 2 grams each, superphosphate 4 grams. Plants must be watered before fertilizing.

The second fertilizer is carried out 14 days after the first. During this period, the seedlings will grow significantly and the following components can be used as part of the fertilizer: for 1 liter of water, mix potash fertilizers and ammonium nitrate 4 grams each, superphosphate 8 grams. The third top dressing is hardening, because it contains a huge amount of potash fertilizers. Thanks to this, the plant will take root well on open areas earth.
As a top dressing, you can use a ready-made complex fertilizer purchased in specialized stores.

Site selection and soil preparation

Savoy cabbage is a thermophilic vegetable crop. Sites for landing should be selected well-lit by the sun's rays. This variety moisture-loving, but excess moisture is highly discouraged. The plane on the beds should be as even as possible so that there is no stagnant water. Savoy cabbage grows well in light loamy, loamy and sandy soils. It is not recommended to plant cabbage in sandy, clay and acidic soil.
After determining the location of the landing, the bed must be prepared in advance. Usually, land plot prepared in autumn. The land in the beds is subject to deep digging. After a certain time, weeds will begin to sprout on the dug up earth, which must be eliminated. After that, the earth needs to be limed and dug up again. AT spring period the land is being fertilized. Per 1 m2, rotted manure is distributed from 3 to 4 kilograms, complex mineral fertilizer from 30 to 40 grams, wood ash from 100 to 200 grams. After that, the earth is to be dug up to a depth of 20 centimeters.


To safely remove seedlings from boxes, the ground must be very well moistened and left for 2 hours. The plant is planted in holes. For early varieties, the distance in a row between seedlings should be 30-40 centimeters, and the width between rows should be 40-45 centimeters. For mid-season - 50 by 50 centimeters. Late varieties are planted with a distance of 60 by 60 centimeters. After the seedlings have been laid in the holes, they need to be dug in with earth and spilled with plenty of water. Until the seedlings take root completely on active sunny days, it must be shaded, and in case of severe frosts, cover with a film.


When growing, Savoy cabbage, like other vegetable crops, needs proper and careful care - watering, fertilizing, loosening and hilling.


It is almost impossible to grow Savoy cabbage without watering. Such a procedure should be clearly planned and carried out when necessary. Planted seedlings are watered every other day or two. For one irrigation, 8 liters of water per 1 m2 should be consumed. After the plant takes root well and gets stronger, the number of waterings is reduced to once a week, but at the same time using 13 liters of water per 1m2.

top dressing

If the seedling is well rooted and has begun to progress in growth, it must be fertilized. As a top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers: dissolve urea in 10 liters of water - 15 grams, potash fertilizer- 15 grams, superphosphate - 40 grams. After some time, savoy cabbages will begin to form heads. At this moment, the second top dressing is carried out: in 10 liters of water, dissolve urea - 15 grams, potash fertilizer - 37 grams, superphosphate - 100 grams.

Loosening and hilling

The first loosening is carried out a couple of days after planting the seedlings, with a depth of 4-6 centimeters. If weeds grow in the garden, they must be removed. The second loosening process is carried out at the moment when the cabbage is well rooted and the loosening depth should be 10-13 centimeters.
If the soil is wet and heavy, then loosening should be carried out deeper. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every week.
The hilling process is carried out 2-3 weeks after planting seedlings. If necessary, this procedure is carried out twice.

Precautions against diseases and pests

Any variety of cabbage has many diseases, Savoy cabbage is no exception. It is necessary to take as a rule that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. Very often, this vegetable crop is exposed to such diseases: black leg, black ring spot, tracheomycosis, vascular bacteriosis, downy mildew, clubroot and other diseases.
For the prevention of various kinds of diseases, the rules for cultivating and planting seedlings must be observed. At the very beginning, the seeds are subjected to heat treatment. Much attention should be paid to the land in which the vegetable is sown. Before planting, the earth must be dug as deep as possible, remove all weeds from the garden. Carry out timely loosening and hilling. After harvesting, all the remains of cabbage are removed from the ground and burned.

But, despite such precautions, the plant can get mosaic and black spot. Such diseases, unfortunately, are incurable. The affected cabbage should be removed and burned as soon as possible, and the soil should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Other diseases are curable. They are treated with drugs that can be purchased in specialized stores.
Apart from various diseases cabbage can be affected by pests. For prevention, it is necessary to plant the plant as early as possible, regularly weed the beds. After harvesting, remove all crop residues from the garden and dig deep into the soil. If the cabbage is affected by pests, it is necessary to use complex means.
In this way, you can grow and care for Savoy cabbage, which will allow you to collect a high-quality and rich harvest.

Harvesting and storage

It is recommended to harvest in dry weather. They begin to harvest early cabbage in the first half of summer, and late cabbage in the middle of autumn, as it is able to withstand a temperature range of up to -7 ° C. Therefore, harvesting can be delayed as long as possible. Early cabbage is consumed after cutting, because it is not suitable for storage. Late varieties at proper storage remain fresh and useful for six months.
The harvested crop can be covered with a small layer of ground chalk and for two days the heads of cabbage should be in a dry room. After that, the heads are transferred to places of permanent storage, where the air humidity level is 90-95%, at a temperature range from 0 to 3 °C.
Heads of cabbage are preserved in several ways. Cabbage heads can be kept hanging, with each head in the net. Also, the heads are stacked so that the stumps are in the upper position, which can be sprinkled with dry sand. If special racks are built in the cellar, then each head of cabbage can be wrapped in a sheet of paper and placed on the shelves.
By following certain rules, you can create conditions for the best preservation of heads of Savoy cabbage, and in the winter season you can enjoy tasty and healthy salads and other dishes.

" Cabbage

Savoy cabbage was developed by Italian breeders in the late 18th century and has become widespread in Europe in the 21st century. With proper care, its cultivation is not difficult.

This vegetable crop is a head of cabbage with bright green, delicate, soft leaves. The head of cabbage is not dense, does not have coarse veins. Delicate and savory taste good for salads and meatballs. Do not use for fermentation and salting.

In the first year of growth on a massive stem, a small rosette is formed weighing from 0.5 kg to 1.2 kg. On the next year the head of cabbage grows up to 3 kg, the leaves become soft. The taste becomes more pronounced.

The stem throws out inflorescences with seeds, which are subsequently used to grow seedlings. With proper storage, it can be used as a seed material, up to 5 years.


Savoy cabbage has valuable dietary properties.


  • crude protein - 1.7-4%;
  • vitamin C - 2–90 mg;
  • vitamin P - 4-3 mg;
  • vitamin A - 0.3-0.7 mg;
  • sugar - 4-7%;
  • mineral salts - 0.85%.
frost-resistant, has a high resistance to diseases and pests. Easily tolerates lack of moisture.


Among the disadvantages of Savoy cabbage are the following:

  • this vegetable cannot be eaten with ulcers, gastritis, duodenal disease, thyroid disease;
  • causes increased gas production.


Early varieties

  • Jubilee 2170;
  • Vienna - early 1346;
  • Julius F1.


  • Melissa F1;
  • Sphere;


  • Verosa F1, Ovasa F1;
  • Morama F1.

Preparing seeds for growing

Seeds must be properly prepared before planting.

For 20 minutes pour hot water on them(not lower than +60 degrees), then lowered for 3 minutes in a very cold water and then soak the seeds for 14 hours in a solution of trace elements.

After soaking, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator for a period of 22 to 24 hours. This will increase frost resistance and seed germination will be maintained for 5 years.


Planted seeds in the beginning of March. For planting seeds, it is necessary to prepare special soil. In wooden boxes, in equal proportions, mix soddy soil with sand and peat. Shed the prepared soil with a weak solution of manganese.

Sowing seeds at a distance 1 cm. Row spacing at least 3 cm, groove depth 1 cm. The grooves are covered with earth. The boxes are covered with foil or glass on top.

It is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room at least 18 degrees. Before the first shoots appear, the ground should be well watered. After the emergence of seedlings, open the boxes and lower the temperature in the room to 15 degrees during the day and 8 degrees at night.

On the 7th day, thinning should be performed so that the distance between the sprouts is 2 cm. In order for the seedlings to grow strong, they need a large amount of light. In the light, seedlings should be at least 14 hours. To do this, you can use an ultraviolet lamp.

Watering should be done daily with a small amount of water so that the soil is always moist.

The water should be slightly warm. After watering, you need to loosen the earth so that there is no stagnation of water. After 2 weeks, seedlings should dive. The roots are shortened by 1/3 and transplanted into peat cups.

Seedling feeding

Initial feeding should be done, when two leaves appear on the seedling. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • complex fertilizer - 0.5 teaspoon.

Spray the leaves with this solution. Repeat feeding after two weeks.

For feeding you need:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • superphosphate - 4 grams;
  • saltpeter - 3-4 grams;
  • potash fertilizers - 4-5 grams.

Before top dressing, the soil should be pre-watered to prevent burns.


14 days before disembarkation seedlings into the soil must be hardened. Hardening is performed as follows:

  1. On the first and second days, we open the window for 4-6 hours;
  2. Within 8 days, put seedlings on a loggia or glazed veranda, shading from the sun on daylight hours. At night, seedlings must be brought into the room;
  3. 4 days before transplanting, seedlings can be left on the loggia for 24 hours.

7 days prior to disembarkation stop watering. 2 hours before planting on the garden, seedlings should be watered abundantly.

Soil preparation

soil for growing cabbage prepare from autumn. It is necessary to initially carry out a deep digging and wait for the weed to sprout. After destroying the weeds, liming and digging the site a second time.

In the spring, mullein or rotted compost is introduced into the soil at the rate of 3-4 kilograms per 1 sq. meter, 35–40 grams mineral fertilizer, 150-200 grams of wood ash and dig the beds 20 cm deep.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

Transplantation in open ground is performed:

  1. When 5-6 leaves appear on the seedlings.
  2. The transplant is carried out in the evening;
  3. Seedling height from 18 to 20 cm;
  4. Well developed root system;
  5. Seedling color is bright green.

Seedlings are planted at intervals in a row 35–40 cm. Aisle width 45–50 cm. The groove is well shed with water. In depth, the groove should be identical to the size of the pot in which the seedlings previously grew. Dip the seedlings with earth to the first leaf.

Suitable for growing cabbage well lit area, where cucumber, onion, tomato, and potato were previously grown.

Clay soil is not suitable.

7 days after transplantation, it is necessary to perform loosening to a depth of 7 cm. Subsequent loosening is performed every week to a depth of 15 cm. Hilling should be done 30 days after transplantation.

Re-hilling is performed when the leaves begin to close. In the process of growth, cabbage must be fed with a solution cow dung or fertilizers. To protect the cabbage from insects, it is recommended to sprinkle it with ashes.


Savoy cabbage pests include:

  • cruciferous flea;
  • spring cabbage fly;
  • scoops and whites;
  • bedbugs;
  • wireworm;
  • slugs.

Diseases and prevention

The most common diseases are:

  • blackleg;
  • mosaic;
  • powdery mildew;
  • linen;
  • phomosis;
  • black spotting.

When sick mosaic and black spotting it is necessary to remove the diseased specimen from the garden and shed the soil with a steep solution of potassium permanganate. When sick fungus cabbage should be treated with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Cleaning and storage

Early varieties are harvested in July.

They use early varieties for making salads, make cutlets, cabbage rolls. Early varieties are not stored.

The late variety is harvested at the end of October. For storage leave heads of cabbage weighing from 500 gr. The leg is shortened, 3 top sheets are left on the head. Cut heads of cabbage are covered with crushed chalk and laid out in a dry room on racks for 2-3 days. After that, the heads of cabbage are suspended each separately in a grid under the ceiling or placed in boxes in such a way that the heads of cabbage do not touch each other. The temperature in the room should be from 0 to +3 degrees. Humidity up to 95%. To extend the shelf life, a temperature of -1 to -3 degrees is required.

Observing such simple rules planting and care is not at all difficult to get a high yield.

Savoy cabbage (photo) is a special subspecies of white cabbage and is characterized by a certain cultivation technology and care.

It contains a large number of useful substances, in particular fiber, protein, and thanks to the unusual appearance, the vegetable is of considerable interest to summer residents and gardeners.

Description and characteristics of Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage is an independent subspecies of white cabbage and requires special principles of care and cultivation. The first mention of it was back in the 18th century in Italy, so this country is considered to be a kind of vegetable. At present, the plant is widely grown in many countries, from which it is isolated North America and many parts of Europe.

Apart from useful properties, the popularity of Savoy cabbage is also based on the fact that the crop is harvested 2 times a year.

Among the shades of vegetable leaves, dark and light are more common. green color. The fruit differs from the white-headed one in its density and a distinctive mass of 3 kg.

When the cabbage is replanted for the 2nd year, it releases a long stem, on which inflorescences form. Thanks to them, gardeners propagate vegetables and increase their yields.

About 10 kg of cabbage can be harvested from 1 m2. Compared to white cabbage, the Savoy variety has a rich taste and contains a large amount of protein.

Interesting! Due to its unusual external shape, savoy cabbage is widely used by women to decorate dishes for the festive table.

The main advantage of this vegetable is that it easily tolerates low temperatures, so the cultivation of Savoy cabbage takes place mainly in open ground.

The vegetable grows for about 140 days, the seeds germinate even at a temperature of +3 C °. Such frost-resistant properties are characteristic of all subspecies of cabbage - early, middle and late.

Growing Savoy Cabbage Seedlings

Seeds of Savoy cabbage are planted in the soil, previously watered with potassium permanganate, diluted with water. After furrows are made 1 cm deep at a distance of 3 cm from each other, and seeds are planted. For better germination, the bed is covered with glass and maintained at a temperature of about 18 ° C.

Watering is carried out as needed. The first sprouts of cabbage may appear after 5-7 days. As soon as this has happened, the glass is removed and the seedlings are taken out to a sunny place at a temperature of no more than 8 ° C.

When to sow seedlings

To achieve a rich harvest from Savoy cabbage, it is necessary to adhere to a special cultivation technology and proper plant care. The time of planting a vegetable is largely determined by the type of variety, territorial feature and man's desire to reap the harvest.

It is believed that the optimal time for landing early ripe variety vegetable is the interval between March 5-10.

Late and mid-ripe variety should be grown on March 10-20 or throughout April immediately in open ground under glass or film.


How does savoy cabbage grow? The cultivation of such a plant is carried out in two ways: planting seeds in pots from which seedlings are obtained, or planting is done immediately in the ground with seeds.

The first method is more widespread in the cultivation of Savoy cabbage. Since in this case there is a greater chance of growing a plant and getting a good harvest.

To plant a vegetable, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. First, the seeds are planted in pots and previously prepared soil.
  2. After they make a pick of the seedlings, plant them in separate containers and shorten the roots somewhat. Watering is done as needed.
  3. When planting early cabbage, 40 cm intervals are made between the furrows in the garden. Medium and late varieties are planted at intervals of 20 cm more. After 7 days, germination is observed, if the seedlings have not taken root, they are removed and new cabbage roots are planted in this place.
  4. When growing this plant, you should observe optimal temperature, illumination and protect seedlings from external influences (wind, rain).


When, after planting the seeds of Savoy cabbage in a pot, the first sprouts appeared, after the formation of the leaves they are cut and planted in different containers.

To strengthen the roots, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate for watering. The first day it is necessary to limit the flow of direct sunlight to the plant. The temperature regime is also important to maintain in a certain state. It is believed that at first it is recommended to set the temperature to 17-18 ° C, after 13-14 ° C, up to 10 is allowed.

Watering the soil during the picking period is carried out as the beds dry out. After the formation of 2 leaves, seedlings are fertilized with special top dressing or a tablet is diluted in water to enrich the earth with vitamins.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

How to grow savoy cabbage outdoors? It is believed that this type of vegetable does not require complex care, it is enough just to carefully familiarize yourself with the features and principles of growing such a plant. First, before boarding open ground, plant seedlings, which are later planted on the street.

When to plant outdoors

Growing and caring for Savoy cabbage in open ground conditions is carried out according to a special technology. It is believed that vegetable seedlings can be planted in the soil only with the development of at least 2 true leaves.

In addition, one should good feeding cabbage 2-3 weeks before the expected day of disembarkation. To do this, you can use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate or urea per 10 liters of water. After the roots, starting from 10 minutes, it is recommended to take them outside to acclimatize and get used to the plants to a different temperature.

When the seedlings will tolerate well low temperature the whole day, you can plant them in open ground.

What soil is needed for savoy cabbage

How does Savoy cabbage grow (photo) and what does it need for successful ripening? It is desirable to plant a plant on the south side, given the cabbage's need for warmth and sunlight.

Vegetable beds should be changed every year. For cultivation, choose loamy or sandy soils. It is necessary to exclude acidic, sandy or clay soil. It is believed that Savoy cabbage is best planted in a place where onions, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes and beans grew last year.

Fact! The optimal soil pH for planting Savoy cabbage is considered to be 6.5-7.

How to plant savoy cabbage outdoors

Before planting a plant outside, the soil must first be prepared in the fall. The soil is carefully dug up, waiting for the emergence of weeds, removing the latter and digging up the ground again.

In the spring, fertilizer is carried out with humus or compost at the rate of 3-4 kg per m2, and the soil is dug up again. Before planting, the seedlings must be watered abundantly. The roots are immersed in the soil at the level of the leaves. Between them observe a gap of 40 cm, and between rows of 45 cm.

Features of growing savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage can be planted not only in Europe and America, but also in Russia. In order for the vegetable yield to be high, a certain growing technology should be followed:

  1. The seeds of the plant germinate in the soil at a temperature of at least +3 ° C and can freely tolerate frost down to -7 ° C.
  2. For the cultivation of cabbage, it is desirable to choose special types of soils with a high content of fertility. It is also recommended to regularly apply organic additives and other fertilizers, since a vegetable requires a lot of additional compounds for a good yield.
  3. Seedlings of such a plant do not need abundant and frequent watering, but adult cabbage requires moisture. When forming kachans, the juiciness of the leaves depends on the amount of liquid, so it is advisable to water more often, but not overdo it.
  4. Before planting cabbage in open ground, the seeds are planted in pots, and only after the roots germinate, the latter are planted in the soil. For better survival of the crop, it is recommended to fertilize the land more often, loosen it and organize proper plant care. On the first day, it is advisable to cover the seedlings with glass to protect it from external influences and provide the desired temperature.


Plant care consists in systematic watering, loosening the holes, weeding the beds and timely destruction of pests. After planting the seedlings on the street, on the 20th day, it is necessary to start feeding and hilling the vegetable. So that the stem and leaves are not affected by pests, it is recommended to add ashes.


Any variety of cabbage loves moisture. It gives juiciness to the leaves and makes them much tastier. It is necessary to water the plant according to a special principle; at the beginning, the seeds are sprinkled with water as the earth dries. Seedlings are watered before and after planting every 2 days. 8 liters are taken per m2 of land, and after 13 liters of water. After each watering, the wells are carefully loosened.

top dressing

When cabbage seedlings adapt to new conditions, it is necessary to start feeding the plant. To do this, use a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10 with water or pressed fertilizers in tablets. After the formation of curls on the leaves and the development of heads of cabbage, potassium sulfate or superphosphate should be poured into the soil.


As a preventive measure against damage to cabbage by pests or a fungus, it can be pollinated with wood ash or use a strong solution of potassium permanganate for watering.

Possible diseases and pests of savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage, like other types cruciferous plants, It has common pests. More often, as a result of their activity, the root and leaves are damaged. Possible diseases of such a vegetable are:

  1. Belle - occurs in many plants and causes the leaves to become dark and dry.
  2. Kila - such a disease of cabbage is characterized by the appearance of growths various shapes right on the root, which later rot and the vegetable disappears.
  3. Mosaic - manifested by bending and deformation of cabbage leaves, a pattern and necrotic spots form on the latter.
  4. Alternariosis is a fungal pathology that affects leaves with the development of small dark spots.
  5. Vascular bacteriosis - leads to uneven growth of the vegetable, at first the leaf itself is affected, and after the veining, so the plant quickly fades and looks undeveloped from the outside.
  6. Downy mildew - characterized by the appearance of spots of various shades on the sheets.
  7. Black leg - often affects seedlings, because of which it turns black and quickly fades.
  8. Phomosis - with this disease, the stem and leaves of Savoy cabbage are damaged. They develop dark spots, which later rot and the plant dries out.
  9. Tracheomycosis - the leaves acquire an unnatural yellow-green color, begin to fall off, grow poorly and the plant itself dies.
  10. Black ring spot - is determined by the formation of light, and then black spots on cabbage leaves in the vein area, subsequently they become necrotic.

The most common pests of cabbage are bugs, fleas, moths, slugs, flies, scoops and bears.

Methods for controlling diseases and pests

To exclude diseases of Savoy cabbage, it is necessary to follow the principle of caring for and growing a plant, water it in time, dig up beds, destroy pests and apply fertilizer.

If cabbage is still damaged, use wood ash, potassium permanganate solution or special chemicals (blue vitriol, fundazol, colloidal sulfur).

Storing Savoy Cabbage

Cut savoy cabbage is placed on shelves or a box and covered with crushed chalk. The storage room must be dry, which allows you to prepare vegetables for a period of six months or more, depending on the weight of the head.

Arrange the cabbage cut side up, being careful not to touch each other. In the room it is necessary to maintain humidity 90-95%, temperature 0-3 C °. Or put an oilcloth on a shelf and lay out whole heads of cabbage. Also widely practiced is the method of storing cabbage, which consists in hanging kachans on hooks in cellars or cellars in nets.

Savoy cabbage varieties

Savoy cabbage for planting outdoors is divided into several subspecies, differing in the duration of ripening - early, middle and late.

Early varieties

They are planted in early March and grow for about 105-120 days.

Viennese early

A popular variety of cabbage, dark green leaves, round head. Maximum weight up to 1 kg.

Golden early

High-yielding Savoy cabbage weighing up to 800 gr. The head is green, the leaves are juicy and bubbly.


The cabbage variety ripens in 80 days, is resistant to diseases and pests. Kachan has an average density with light leaves.

Anniversary 2170

Savoy cabbage of this variety ripens for about 80-115 days. The weight of the head reaches 800 g, the leaves are bubbly, juicy with a light green tint.


A medium density variety, the cabbage is yellow on the inside, and the leaves are green on the outside. The maximum weight of the swing is 1 kg.

Medium varieties

They are planted at the end of March or in April, the duration of cabbage ripening is 120-135 days.

Spin 1340

Savoy cabbage can reach a weight of 2.5 kg. Kachan is dense, the leaves are green, juicy, with pronounced blistering. The only disadvantage of the variety is the difficulty in storage.


Cabbage heads are light green, leaves are wavy. The vegetable is dense, can grow up to 2 kg.


Kachans have a rich green color, dense, their weight reaches 2.5 kg. The leaves taste juicy and somewhat bubbly.


The earliest ripe type of cabbage from medium varieties. Ripens in 80 days, weight is possible up to 3-4 kg. The leaves are blistered with a dark green color.

Late varieties

Planting begins after March 20 and may continue throughout April. The duration of cultivation of such cabbage is from 140 days or more.


Frost-resistant, high-yielding variety. Kachan grows up to 2.5 kg.


Variety with dense, green heads. The leaves are bubbly, juicy, weighing up to 2.5 kg.


Savoy cabbage of this variety is characterized by medium density, large heads weighing up to 3 kg. The leaves have excellent taste.


Frost-resistant subspecies of cabbage weighing up to 2.5 kg. The leaves are green, juicy without veins.


This variety is known for its wonderful taste. Kachan has a red tint, weight reaches 2 kg. The leaves are thin with vesicles.