Early, late and sweet melon varieties

Sweet, tender, juicy, with aromatic crunchy pulp, the golden beauty is a favorite among summer fruits. This is not just a sweet fruit, but a whole storehouse of nutritious minerals, vitamins A, C, P, ascorbic acid... The fruits of this melon plant are considered one of the paradise fruits. Juicy, large melons can be eaten raw, jams and sauces are prepared from them, slices are used in desserts and as a side dish. It goes well with a good beef steak.

This culture was known a couple of thousand years ago in Ancient Persia and Egypt. In Russia, it appeared already in the 16th century. Under Tsar Peter, it was grown in special greenhouses.

This delicacy has the following composition:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, E;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • fluorine.

Doctors advise eating foods from the fruits of this plant while losing weight. They help remove excess fluid from the body and are even a good remedy for cellulite. They strengthen the immune system and normalize the menstrual cycle.

But for diabetics and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to eat this delicacy.

Any sweet tooth is looking forward to summer to finally taste delicious fruits - the first melon harvest. Adored by adults and children, the sunny melon delicacy has a variety of characteristics. It depends on which variety you choose. It can be an elliptical melon, yellow with white flesh, Snowflake F1, round melon with an orange mesh skin, Dubovka melon, or Melon Sweet miracle. The name of the variety of this melon speaks for itself about its characteristics.

Growing this fruit is not easy: the plant is not resistant to various diseases and pests, and is sensitive to temperature extremes. Growing begins with the selection of the right place: successful cultivation will be in a warm, windless area with fertile soil. You can feed the soil in the early stages with organic, potash and phosphate fertilizers. Better to buy dutch seeds melons and plant them in peat pots for seedlings, but still a high-quality and lush harvest is guaranteed only if you choose the melon variety that suits the climatic conditions of the landing site.

Much has been written about what melons are. But we decided that it would be better to sort everything out on the shelves and present the best varieties, dividing them into groups according to the ripening period.

Early varieties

The largest number of lovers of the first type. Early species melons are those in which the period from the appearance of the cotyledons to the harvest is sixty-five days. Such plants thrive in areas with short and cool summers. They are great for wholesalers. Growing them is inexpensive because of their early maturity.

The early ripe ones include dwarf and ordinary individuals: Titovka melon (the most popular variety among gardeners), Roksolana melon, Ambrosia melon, Ignazio melon, Dina melon, Cinderella, Assol, Altai, Scythian gold, Raymond, Delano, Bizhur and others.

The early melon crops include a whole type - the Galia melon. Do not confuse the types and varieties of melons. The type unites varieties of individuals similar in characteristics: super early, bright yellow, like bananas, round, small in size. This is an Indian melon crop, but it is believed that it was developed in Israel. Melon Galia also exists as a variety. The flesh of the melon is greenish-white, crispy.

Raymond loves warm areas under the sun. During landing seedling method the fruits become ripe after a month and a half, when sowing seeds in open ground- after 60–65 days. Raymond F1 is famous for its large pumpkins, ideal oblong shape. The skin has a bright yellow net color, ribbed to the touch, dense. The inside of a ripe dessert vegetable is comparatively not very juicy and has a honey flavor. The seed chamber occupies small percentage area. The plant is short, with a powerful root system. When suitable for correct development the weather and the correct agronomic approach, the culture sets 5 fruits each.

Scythian gold has a ripening period of up to eighty days. It demonstrates itself best in greenhouses. The fruits are round, yellow, reticulate, small (1–1.5 kg). Growing begins in seedlings at the beginning of May. They are planted in open ground according to the scheme 70 by 150 cm.

Delano is an early ripening variety with abundant fruiting. Fruits are elliptical, reticulate, weighing up to 6 kg, sunny in color. The pulp is snow-white, without fibers, with a small seed chamber. Has a very strong characteristic aroma. Up to 4 fruits are tied on the plant, while it is recommended to sow 6-8 thousand seeds per hectare.

The fruits are resistant to disease and inconstancy of the weather. Very presentable and perfectly transportable.

Ignazio F1 is a highly productive hybrid. Many fruits are set on one plant. A massive leaf system shelters the fruits from the sun's rays. The fruits themselves are elliptical, weighing up to 5 kg, have a hard peel. The snow-white inside, fleshy, during storage remains the same as when collected. Stored for several months.

Roxolana F1 is an early ripe hybrid that belongs to the above-described species. Ripens in about sixty-five days. Due to the massive leaf system, the fruits do not receive sunburn... The flesh is creamy and the skin is light yellow. Requires a well-lit area. Care includes pinching, watering and feeding.

Assol belongs to the Altai species. The fruits are obtained with a weight of 1000 g. The peel is dirty yellow color with green stripes. The inside is grainy, tender, juicy.

Winter melon (kassaba) - early plant, which has medium-weight spherical fruits. The rind is golden or creamy. A feature of the cassaba melon is its high transportability and increased flavor in winter period storage.

Melon varieties such as Pineapple are also early varieties. Melon Oksana F1 belongs to this type. This is a hybrid insensitive to fusarium wilt and powdery mildew, which will not be difficult to grow. Striped melon is also considered pineapple.

Bizhur - hybrid is a very early, high-yielding plant of the Pineapple cultivar. It matures over seventy days and has a powerful leaf system. Has an oval or oval-elongated shape. Fruit weight varies from 2 to 3 kg. The inside is very juicy and sweet. The fruit tastes like honey, suitable even for baby food.

Melon Goldie is a pineapple type hybrid known for high yield, honey flavor and disease resistance. The average weight of a mature plant is 3.5 kg.

The F1 Lychee melon is practically the earliest melon of melons, because its ripening period is about thirty-five days. Why is it so attractive to growers? Because its peel is not yellow, not pink, or even orange, but white, like a chamomile.

Melon Golpri Gold has the following description: on one plant 2-3 fruits are formed, the average weight of which is 3000 g. Golpri Gold F1 has an orange skin and soft creamy flesh. Differs in its heat resistance.

Mid-season varieties

Melon Don Quixote, Primal, Anzer, Cappuccino, Northern Star melon, Anna Max melon, Jumbo, Chogare, Assate, Sunny delicacy melon, Hermius, Luna are considered to be medium early. Their ripening period does not apply to either the early or the average and is seventy days.

Fruits are globular, creamy yellow rind with a wide net. On average, the fruits weigh 1.5 kg. The inside is dense, sugary, pleasant to the taste. 10 thousand seeds are sown per hectare. The hybrid is resistant to stressful conditions, fusarium and other melons and gourds. The fruits are good for transportation and storage.

Jumbo has a ripening period of 90–100 days from the start of sowing. Gives good harvest when grown in greenhouses. The plant is powerful, climbing. Fruits are elongated, elliptical, weighing up to two kilograms, depending on the observance of the rules of agricultural technology. The skin is reticulate, with distinct segments, creamy yellow with light green color. The inside is orange in color. The dessert vegetable tastes great, has a fiberless texture, and is resistant to a number of common diseases.

Sowing: at the end of April in peat pots at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to transplant into a greenhouse when 4 true leaves appear, and into fertile soil.

Care includes such processes as pinching, regular but moderate irrigation, fertilizing with complex fertilizers. The crop is ready to be harvested at the end of summer.

Don Quixote F1 is a mid-season hybrid with oblong fruits of about 5 kg. The skin is green with a distinct mesh. The inside is white and soft, sweet, sugary. The fruits are stored for almost ninety days.

The hybrid is bred in such a way that it is resistant to fusarium, powdery mildew.

Melon Kamar - a plant with rounded-elongated fruits mesh type and a very small seed chamber. Feature - high resistance to fusarium wilt.

Melon Chudo-Yudo - medium early, has round fruits weighing up to 2.5 kg. The name of the melon does not inspire confidence, but in fact, the fruits are very presentable and sweet.

Mid-season popular varieties: Marquise melon, Sweet Tooth melon, Bereginya, Dzhukar.

Melon Blondie is recognizable for its characteristic stripes on the white skin. It is better to start growing this variety in April. Its fruits are the smallest among all white melons - about 600-700 g.

Ethiopian has a ripening period of eighty days. The plant does not spread widely. The leaves are heart-shaped, and the fruits are round, light yellow, very clearly segmented. The inside is white and dense.

Amal F1 is the most popular variety among the mid-season. From the moment of emergence to fruiting, an average of seventy-nine days pass. The fruit is very presentable and attractive to consumers. It is light golden, oval and reticulate. The pulp is tender, melts in the mouth, yellow with a pinkish tinge. Perfectly transported for about a month. Excellent candied fruits and marmalades are prepared from this variety.

Melon Creme brulee is a mid-season long-leaved plant. Fruits are oval, smooth, yellow-orange, like cauliflower.

Melon Unusual F1 - really from the "exotic" section, because it looks more like a pumpkin. Usually it is grown under a film (less often in the open field). The pulp is oily, very juicy and fragrant.

Late varieties

Late melon is the most popular among gardeners. Obviously, everyone has heard of such varieties as Princess Maria melon, Powdered sugar melon, Emerald melon, Torpedo, Walking.

Princess Maria is known among gardeners for good germination, balanced taste and unusual color. This is a late hybrid. Fruits are spherical, gray-green, with a whitish mesh. They grow up to a mass of 1.3–1.5 kg. The pulp is rich orange, juicy, sugar, with a nutmeg aroma. The peculiarity of the hybrid is its resistance to bacterial and viral diseases.

It is cold resistant, different wonderful aroma, suitable for storage. In areas with a cold climate, this hybrid is grown under a film in a greenhouse. Leaving necessarily includes pinching the shoots. Watering is stopped 10-15 days before ripening. This variety can be consumed without heat treatment, as well as sweets.

Melon Wintering - late grade Altai type. The flesh of the melon appears to be emerald in color, of medium thickness. The weight of the fetus reaches 2.5 kg. It is easily transported and stays sweet for a long time. You can harvest on the ninetieth day.

Torpedo - this variety ripens for more than 110 days. This plant is excellent for long-term storage and transportation. Until early spring, fruits weighing 5–8 kg do not lose their taste... They are elongated in shape, yellowish, covered with a fine mesh. The inside is soft, juicy, snow-white. A pleasant aroma comes out during cutting.

Gulyabi is a Central Asian sweet melon. Ripens in 133 days and yields 15 kg per square meter. Fruits are ovoid, weighing up to 8000 g. The surface is divided into small, barely visible segments. The fruit is dark yellow in color, with a hard skin.

The late types of melons include Piel de Sapo. This type combines oval, crack-resistant, ribbed fruits weighing up to 2.2 kg. The flesh is snow-white, and the rind is hard and dark green. This type includes the varieties Ricura and Mabel.

Whatever the variety, it is affected by the same diseases and pests. This powdery mildew, fusarium wilting, peronosporosis, anthracnose, root rot... Unwanted guests are melon aphids, wireworms and spider mites.

You need to be prepared for all these diseases in advance so that the money spent on quality seeds is not wasted.

Each of them determines the best varieties of melons according to their own criteria. Someone needs fruits the size of Walnut Some people like exotic, unusual melons like Kiwano. Someone is worried about growing and trying to find the best seeds.

It doesn't matter if it is bush melon, Turkish orange melon, banana melon or kiwi melon. The main thing is to follow all the most important stages of growing and care. Then the sweet beauty will delight with aroma and summer taste on family table and generate huge income.

Video "Planting melons in open ground and greenhouse"

In this video, you will learn how to plant plants in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Melons and gourds are found in almost every garden plot. Melon is one of the most common and useful of them. This fruit is valued for its high concentration of easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins, as well as mineral salts, which tone all the internal organs of a person. Plus, given vegetable crop famous for its rich taste properties. Consider the five most delicious varieties melons and bring brief description each of them.

The homeland of this plant of the Pumpkin family is traditionally called Central Asia and Asia Minor... However, today melon is grown everywhere. Its growth is especially well observed in hotbeds and greenhouses. Breeding specialists develop improved varieties that delight their consumers with deep aroma and taste. Some of them can grow in the short northern summer and bear fruit after the second month of germination.

The described variety is officially included in the state register of breeding achievements approved for use. It belongs to the category of ultra-early ripening and takes about 60-70 days for the first collection of fruits. For this reason, "Cinderella" is great and is planted mainly in middle lane Russia.

The plant itself is distinguished by its special climbing ability. However, the fruit is very attractive in appearance. All of them are smooth, oval, with a uniform yellow color without a pattern. The approximate weight of a melon is 1.5–2 kilograms.

The fruits of "Cinderella" have a very attractive appearance.

The pulp stands out for its substantial thickness. It has a light creamy hue, delicate, juicy and crunchy in taste.

Fun facts about the variety "Cinderella":

  • It can be grown in a greenhouse, seedlings or in the open field;
  • Resistant to a large number of diseases, pests, as well as temperature extremes;
  • It is allowed to use as in fresh and prepare various sweet dishes and desserts from it.

This melon will become a welcome plant in any garden. It ripens by the beginning of August, during which it can be found in the markets of all regions of Russia.


Most crop lovers know that the sweet, aromatic and juicy "Torpedo" variety ripens in late summer.

The product is grown mainly in Central Asia and it lends itself well to transportation, which explains its huge deliveries to Russia. This melon is famous for its flavor properties and is sold in markets, fairs and also in supermarkets.

Most crop lovers know that the sweet, aromatic and juicy variety "Torpedo" ripens in late summer.

The shape of the fruit has a characteristic oblong shape, reflected in the name of the variety. Vegetables are 35–45 centimeters long and weigh 5–10 kilograms.

The yellow skin is covered with a fine mesh of veins. When chewing the pulp, you can catch the aromatic notes of vanilla, pear and pineapple.

The inflorescence is included in the category of southern and thermophilic crops, therefore, in the Central European part of Russia, it is recommended to cultivate it in a glazed greenhouse or greenhouse. The variety belongs to the late-ripening varieties of melon, the fruits of which become ready for consumption after 85–95 days.


The birthplace of this group cultivated plants Krasnodar is considered. They were classified as inflorescences of average ripening time. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the readiness of the fruit is 70–85 days. Agricultural producers harvest this melon in mid-August.

Melon "Golden" is known for its bountiful and fixed yields. With proper care, it is possible to get more than one hundred centners per hectare.

The fruits of the plant stand out for their round, elongated shape, with a poorly expressed mesh. Their surface is smooth with a predominance of yellow-orange shades and a complete absence of patterns. Melons reach a mass of 1.5–2 kilograms.

Melon "Golden" is known for its bountiful and fixed yields

A very juicy and tender white-colored pulp is hidden under the thick skin. When chewing it, you can feel the dense and thick structure of the melon.

The variety is widespread, and also approved for use in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions since 1979. The fruits of this melon crop can be found on market counters and in some shops specializing in the sale of fruits and vegetables.


It is a hybrid that was originally developed for the commercial production of very early ripening fruits for sale. However, after some time, this variety was especially loved by gardeners for its resistance to changing weather conditions and fast reproduction of the crop.

The fruits of "Caramel" are ellipsoidal, weighing up to 3 kilograms. The melons are covered with a bright yellow skin with a coarse white mesh and thick skin. They are fully ripe by the end of July and from that time may already be ready for sale.

The subcutaneous part of the vegetable is almost completely white. When chewing it, you can clearly catch the rich taste of caramel.

The fruits of "Caramel" are ellipsoidal, weighing up to 3 kilograms

From full germination to the first harvest of fruits, approximately 60–65 days should pass. This variety is included in the State Register by North Caucasus region and is actively cultivated in it.

Interesting facts about the variety "Caramel":

  • Watering the culture is done no more than once a week;
  • Resistant to many diseases, especially fusarium;
  • Perceives fertilizers exclusively in diluted form, and not in their concentrated counterparts.

At correct cultivation gardeners will get a delicious melon that exudes a pleasant aroma and has a marketable appearance. You can find this product both in Russia and in Ukraine. It is sold in the markets and has a modest price compared to other varieties.


It was bred by Russian breeders and included in the State Register in 2013. This variety tolerates heat without noticeable complications and is not susceptible to the formation of yellow burns on the crust, which distinguishes it from many of its counterparts.

Melon "Ethiopian" is attributed to mid-season varieties and requires the first harvest after 80–90 days. The goods usually ripen by mid-August.

The bush of the plant looks very compact, and its unique property is self-pollination. Thanks to this, all melon flowers are tied.

Melon "Ethiopka" is attributed to mid-season varieties and requires the first collection of fruits after 80-90 days

The fruits of the variety are especially large and weigh about 2.5–3.5 kilograms. All of them acquire a dark yellow color pigment.

Under the peel, medium in thickness, there is an orange, fragile and melting pulp when chewed. While eating it, it is possible to feel a pungent melon aroma, which promotes appetite and carries some hints of honey smell.

This is a thermophilic variety that is available for cultivation in the Lower Volga region and is especially loved in personal subsidiary plots. The fruits are transported to all corners of Russia and are to be sold on the markets.

Taking into account not particularly picky care requirements, the plants of the Pumpkin family have a noticeable health-improving effect... They are able to lower blood cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels and improve the overall biological background of the body.

Most delicious views melons are mainly preferred in the southern growing regions and require medium maturation. Nevertheless, the plant quickly adapts to different soil and climatic conditions and can be grown in every vegetable garden.

The homeland of the melon belonging to the pumpkin family is Asia. Here, in hot summer conditions, from Central Asia to the tropical regions of India, the largest number of cultivated and wild species of this plant that exist in the world matures. The real center for the emergence of melons as an agricultural melon crop is the Central Asian region, Afghanistan, Iran and China and India.

But it is unlikely that it will be possible to see the ancestor of the varieties and varieties of melon obtained to date. Over thousands of years of selection, cultural forms have become strikingly different from those growing to this day wild-growing species. And the increasingly large and sweet fruits of melons with trade caravans and troops of the Romans and other conquerors came to the north of Africa.

There is evidence that in European countries they learned about the existence of melon and its unforgettable taste only in the Middle Ages, and on the territory of Russia, for example, in the Volga region, melons brought from Persia and Central Asia were grown already in the 15th century.

Central Asian varieties of melons: names, photos and descriptions

Although many are not familiar with the Central Asian names of melon varieties, their photos invariably amaze both melon experts and ordinary consumers. Such a variety of forms and types of melons, as in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other states of the region, is not found anywhere in the world. Here melon growers managed to get not only the largest-fruited, up to 25 kg in weight, but also the most delicious melons.

In this case, the shape of the fruit can be completely different from flattened and spherical to elongated-ellipsoidal. The palette of colors on a smooth or mottled with small cracks is also surprising.

The illustration shows varieties of melons with various shapes, skin color and consumer characteristics:

Among the Central Asian varieties there are melons of summer ripening, which are ready for use immediately after picking from lashes, and there are varieties that are kept fresh for at least 5-6 months and show their best qualities only in spring next year.

Melons of the Kassaba variety type, in the photo, the names of varieties of these melons can be seen under numbers 1 and 4, they are also called winter melons, since their ripening begins extremely late.

After harvesting, the fruits are braided with reeds and hung in dry rooms or under sheds for aging and storage. Only by March does the tough greenish pulp become juicy and sweet.

Melon Chogary, number 2, or, as it is more often called in Russian-speaking regions, Bukharka has a thick white very sweet pulp and gives oval fruits with a slightly pointed end, weighing up to 6 kg. Due to their high juiciness, these melons can rarely be found far from Central Asia, but here the variety is in demand and widespread.

But the Gulyabi melon, pictured at number 5, is well known on the territory the former USSR... Rarely does a plant manage to play a role in a feature film. This variety of Central Asian melon was lucky enough to appear in the film "Station for Two", albeit under a pseudonym. Everyone who watched this film remembers the alien melons sold by the main characters. In fact, there is no such variety, but the large, up to 3-5 kg ​​in weight, egg-shaped fruits of Charju melons were well known in the Soviet Union.

This variety, bred in the Chardzhui region of Turkmenistan, is distinguished by dense white pulp, sweetness, good keeping quality and transportability, therefore it is not surprising that fruits from the Uzbek or Turkmen SSR railroad were brought to the European part of the country even in late autumn.

The third number in the photo is pineapple melon or Ich-kzyl, which gives medium-sized oval fruits. The mass of such a melon ranges from 1.5 to 4 kg. And although this summer variety was not familiar to a wide circle of melon growers and gourmets in central Russia, the pink, high-sugar pulp of this delicious melon is prized at home, in Uzbekistan.

Today, under the name Pineapple melon in our country, breeders offer an early-ripening variety that resembles Ich-kizil in shape, exotic notes in taste and a network of cracks on the peel. True, in just 60–75 days from the moment of planting, a modern variety can, even in the Non-Black Earth Region, please a melon grower with fruits up to 2 kg in weight, which Central Asian melons are not capable of.

Melon Torpedo, in the photo, belongs to varieties of late ripening, its large oblong fruits, thanks to the shape of which the plant got its name, tolerate transportation well. In Uzbekistan, where this old variety comes from, numbering at least three centuries of history, the fruits are called Mirzachul melon.

In ripe fruits, the color of the peel covered with a fine mesh of cracks becomes pale yellow with a pink tint, the pulp acquires an exquisite aroma, is sweet and juicy.

European melons: varieties, names and photos of popular species

Early-ripening Khandalyaki melons are especially popular in the East; their round shape and small size are very reminiscent of the Kolkhoznitsa melon, the most famous variety in our country.

As you can see in the photo, melons of the Kolkhoznitsa variety are medium-sized, weighing up to 2 kg, fruits with white or yellowish pulp, gaining a good amount of sugar even in the difficult climatic conditions of Russia. Despite the emergence of new hybrids, due to its unpretentiousness and early maturity, the Kolkhoznitsa variety, in the photo at the time of harvesting melons, is the most massive melon crop of this genus.

The photo with the names and varieties of melons at number 6 shows another ancient plant variety with an enviable and difficult history. This cantaloupe comes from Afghanistan or Iran, which by the will of fate through Armenia and Turkey came to Europe, or rather to the table of the Head of the Catholic Church.

The taste of the Cantaloupe melon hidden under the thick skin of the bright flesh, as in the photo, so pleased the Pope, that the fruits of this variety have since been named after the papal estate in Cantalupo in Sabina, where a whole melon plantation was planted.

Today, the Cantaloupe melon is the most famous and demanded variety in Europe and the United States, which has served many breeders to create new fruitful and unpretentious varieties.

As you can see in the photo, the Cantaloupe melon has an oval or slightly flattened shape and is covered with a dense network of whitish cracks.

This makes Cantaloupe akin to the Ethiopka melon. In this melon, oval-round, like in cantaloupe, fruits with a rough lobed surface reach a mass of 3 to 7 kg. But if the "Papal melon" has a rich orange pulp, then according to the description, the Ethiopian melon has a white pulp, very juicy and sweet.

Banana melon, or the increasingly popular elongated variety of cantaloupe growing up to 80 cm in length, has a delicious flavor and aroma. Moreover, the fruit not only resembles a banana in the shape and color of the pulp, but also the taste of the melon is just as soft, buttery-tender. Try growing this unusual melon on your plot next to carrots and other vegetables.

The closest relative of this unusual variety is the Silver melon or Armenian cucumber, which has roots in common with cantaloupe, but is so unlike the usual melon fruits.

From a cultivated melon in a ripe fruit, up to 70 cm long and weighing up to 8 kg, only the melon aroma remains, and the Armenian cucumber is still eaten green. Moreover, the plant is extremely unpretentious to growing conditions and bears fruit until frost.

Exotic melons: photos and names of varieties

Vietnamese melon stands out from a number of congeners bright pattern of alternating light yellow and brown stripes. However, this is not the only advantage of the variety.

No wonder the variety from Vietnam is called pineapple melon. She has very good taste, strong characteristic aroma and soft pleasant pulp. Many people compare this variety with the famous southern and Central Asian melons, but only the weight Vietnamese melons barely reaches 250 grams.

Melotria rough or mouse melon from the Maldives claims to be the smallest representative of the genus. At home wild plants are.

In Europe and the USA in Lately the culture is often called dwarf watermelon and under this name the melon variety, in the photo, is grown in indoor conditions and indoors. The fruits are edible, but not sweet, but have a sour refreshing taste and are suitable for conservation and fresh consumption.

Kiwano, another exotic melon culture, came to Europe from Africa. The herbaceous liana, which yields yellow or orange fruits up to 12-15 cm long, is called horned melon for a reason, since bright pumpkins adorn soft conical thorns.

Unlike the usual varieties of melon, where the flesh is the edible part, Kiwano eat a greenish core, where there are numerous white or light green seeds. The sweetish juicy, refreshing jelly-like pulp of horned melon can be consumed both fresh and used for making jams, marinades and pickles.

Video about torpedo melon varieties

It is impossible to describe all the variety of thousands of varieties of melons. They are grown everywhere, even in England and the Leningrad region have their own zoned varieties of melon. Of course, in terms of sweetness and taste, they are far from the Turkmen and Uzbek varieties, which are famous in the world and even exported. However, breeders forced the thermophilic plant to bear fruit wherever there are greenhouses.

How to understand the variety of varieties

The first feature that made it possible to grow melons was the ripening period:

  • ultra-early ripening, hybrid ripening in less than 60 days;
  • early ripening, ripening in 60-70 days and sugar content. from 8 to 15%;
  • mid-season, ripen in 75-100 days, sugar in them is 14-15%.;
  • autumn-winter, ripening for 95-100 days, very sweet, lying, large;
  • winter, huge, up to 30 kg in weight, sugar up to 16%, but stored well in a cool room;

The shape of the melons is ellipsoidal, spherical and elongated like pins. Top part can be smooth, mesh or ribbed. The flesh is crispy, white, yellow or greenish. In some varieties, during storage, the pulp gradually turns yellow from green.

There are several subspecies of melons. It is generally accepted that the fruits grown in Central Asia are the tastiest. But among them, the Uzbek melon is the most popular. This is facilitated by the composition of the soil, and the warm period without frost, ranging from 193 to 273 days a year.

European varieties were obtained later, these are mainly early ripening and ultra early ripening hybrids, mostly obtained using the Cantalupa variety. Currently, European hybrids reach a sugar content of up to 15% with a ripening period of 55 days from the ovary.

Melon varieties loved by summer residents

Before growing a melon in the garden suburban area you should study the characteristics of the variety, and choose zoned, that is, specially created varieties for your climate. You cannot plant southern varieties you like in the North. The harvest will not work.

Melon Gulaba is the hallmark of the melon region - the Fergana Valley. This is the famous Charjuy melon. The variety is known in the country as it is suitable for transportation. The average weight of these melons is 3-5 kg. Gulyabi are cultivated in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The variety is late-ripening. The sugar content reaches 15%, the pulp is white, dense fibrous. The large amount of pulp allows this variety of melons to be used to obtain a dried and dried product.

Cantaloupe melon or Persian or Cantaloupe is named after the Italian city. This is a species of the Asian population, but adapted to different conditions. This species is characterized by small fruits with a ribbed surface. She gave rise to greenhouse European varieties that are more moisture-loving and put up with a lack of light and heat. The flesh of cantaloupe is orange, aromatic, slightly tart.

The cantaloupe comes from Persia and was cultivated before our era. For the inhabitants of Persia, she was a symbol of the sun and goodness.

Melon Turkmen is a late-ripening variety of Uzbek varieties. She has the average size fetus. Most often it can be seen with a green mesh skin. You need to wait for the full ripeness of this fruit and only then eat. Usually, the berry is brought unripe to the northern regions, and therefore few people manage to taste delicious, sweet, soft slices of this variety. Ripeness is indicated by a dark, almost brown crust in the cracks. It is impossible to forget the aroma and taste of a ripe Turkmen woman.

Pineapple melon or delano has ellipsoidal fruits weighing about 2 kg. In the middle lane, the melon is grown through seedlings and the watering regime is important. If the summer is rainy, the plant should be protected from excess moisture. The fruit may burst.

It takes about 100 days from germination to ripeness. The skin of this variety is thin, the pulp is sweet, aromatic. The plant is vigorous and requires pinching. The keeping quality of ripe fruits is good, transportation is possible.

Green melon is so named for its greenish flesh, which can turn yellow over time. All these varieties are characterized by green or gray-green peel. It can be ribbed or smooth, oval or round. There are such varieties in Japan and Uzbekistan. An example of a green melon is the Israeli variety Galia Diamant. The fruit is oval, with a mesh-like crust, the flesh is green-white, sweet and aromatic. Tannins and minerals give the melon a slightly astringent flavor. In Uzbekistan, there is a variety of green melon called skullcap. The variety grows only in the vicinity of Karshi, resembles both a watermelon and a skullcap from the outside, and the melon pulp is very pleasant to the taste.

Cinderella melon is an early maturing variety. The plant is recommended for cultivation in small farms and summer cottages. Variety early term ripening. Melon scourges are long and require growth regulation. The fruit is yellow and smooth with a mesh. Berry weight 1-2 kg. The pulp is about 3 cm, not very sweet, 5-9% sugar, but tasty and aromatic. The fruits are stored for three weeks, used on the spot, since the transportability is low. The plant is resistant to temperature extremes.

Melon Lada is a successful variety of the Astrakhan selection. It is adapted to hot dry climates. But this variety does well in greenhouses as well. An important property is its unpretentiousness. Irregular watering does not lead to cracking of the fruit. Melon aphids, American and downy mildew do not damage the bush. The variety has smooth, round fruits with a net, the weight of which is 2-3 kg. The pulp contains up to 10% sugars, light creamy shade. This variety is loved by many gardeners.

Ribbed melons are characteristic of cantaloupe. They can be green, yellow. In Ukraine, there is a variety called ribbed melon. By outward appearance these melons are more pumpkin-like, they are called "plump". Ripe ribbed melon is considered the most delicious, aromatic and sweet berry in Ukraine.

Uzbek melons require a special description. More than 100 varieties are cultivated in the region, divided into 6 districts, in each they give preference to their own varieties. Areas in which natural conditions certain varieties of melons are grown, divided:

  • Tashkent.
  • Samarkand.
  • Bukhara.
  • Khorezm.
  • Fergana.
  • South.

Depending on the solar activity, the number of clear days per year, temperatures cultivate the most adapted varieties. Products High Quality exported to other countries.

Among the many varieties, torpedo melon is always heard, according to the local Mirzachul, green Basvaldi and others.

There are varieties that can only be tasted on the spot. The fruits are tender, juicy and not stored. Others reach for New Year's table... A fertile climate, suitable soil create conditions ideal for converting the energy of the sun and earth into a healing product, which is mentioned in the Bible. The fruits grown in other climatic conditions are inferior in taste to the melon ripened in Uzbekistan.