The ideal care for the Decembrist is very simple! Decembrist - home flower. Care

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In books on indoor floriculture, it is sometimes difficult to find information about the Decembrist, a popular indoor plant that blooms in winter time. The fact is that in different editions in the table of contents are various titles: Schlumbergera (Schlumbergera), Christmas cactus, epiphyllum (Epiphyllum) and zygocactus (Zygocactus). You can find a rare folk name - Christmas.

(this is a well-known popular name) belongs to the Cactus family. As a rule, we grow hybrid forms of this perennial forest cactus, which, at first glance, differ in flower color, flowering time and the shape of segments. Other differences for the amateur grower are less significant.

Description of the Decembrist

Decembrist is a generalized name for three types of forest cacti. These are Schlumbergera truncata, Schlumbergera gaertneri and Schlumbergera bucklei. The name of the genus (schlumbergera) was given in honor of the name of the famous cactus breeder. A number of authors of books on indoor floriculture use the name epiphyllum. (Epiphyllum).

Schlumbergera truncated (Schlumbergera truncates, Zygocactus truncatus). This species can be found in the literature as "zygocactus chopped off, or blunted." The shoot segments have sharp teeth along the edges. The flowers are bilaterally symmetrical. Their petals are bent back. The color of the flowers is white, pink, light lilac or purple.

Schlumberger Gaertner (Schlumbergera gaertneri). This is a fairly large plant, in which the segments are 6-7 cm long. Bell flowers are red-orange with pointed petals.

Schlumbergera Bookley, or Buckley (Schlumbergera bucklei). The plant has light green segments with small protrusions along the edges. There are many varieties with symmetrical flowers of different, often lilac-pink, colors.

The homeland of this plant is South America, where it grows in the rainforests of the ocean coast. M. Gesdörfer has a description of the territories in the book “Room Gardening”, published in 1904.

Flowering Schlumbergera, growing in the forks of trunks and near the roots of trees, in the southern tropics occurs in the summer season. We (in the Northern Hemisphere) have winter at this time.

The branched stems of the Decembrist are flattened-segmented. Flowers bloom at the ends of the segments. The most common flower color is raspberry, white, cream, lavender, salmon, orange-red, crimson, and lilac. There are multicolored flowers. New hybrids appear on the market every year. As the Decembrist grows older, the tissue of the trunk changes. He is getting stiff.

Zygocactus blooms in late autumn or in winter. For many amateur gardeners, this plant blooms a second time closer to spring.

Decembrist care

Place. The Decembrist feels best in a bright place, but shaded from the bright sun. Burning sunlight is one of the main causes of yellowing, redness and drying of the segment shoots. Schlumbergera is successfully grown on window sills oriented to the north and east. On the south and west side in the summer, it is desirable to shade the plant from direct sunlight. An adult bush from time to time (not during the period of budding and flowering) is turned to a lighter side, otherwise it will lose its shape and become one-sided. In summer, you can take out a pot of Decembrist on Fresh air.

We have a Decembrist living on an insulated glazed loggia. Light and heat conditions contribute to abundant flowering. The temperature in frosty winter is about plus 12-14°С. It's warmer on sunny days.

Several times I had to reanimate a Decembrist bush that had been burned in the summer in the sun. I moved the Schlumbergera pot into a room where there was less sunlight and cooler than on the loggia. Watered and sprayed only with warm water. The plant quickly recovered, again became green and juicy. I had to cut off the completely dried-up segments.

Watering and humidity. Watering is moderate, only soft warm water. Excess water leads to rotting of the root system, which often causes the death of the plant. During the flowering period (from the moment of the mass appearance of buds), watering is increased. From mid-April to September, water only as the soil dries. A warm shower is useful, which may well replace spraying with warm water. Buds and flowers try not to moisten.

The soil. The soil mixture is made up of leaf and sod land, peat and sand, with the addition of brick chips (the smallest expanded clay). Coniferous soil significantly inhibits growth and inhibits the plant. Purchased substrate intended for cacti needs to be improved, as it usually contains too much peat. The drainage layer is up to one third of the height.

Top dressing. There are various liquid fertilizers designed for cacti and other succulents. They can be safely used to feed the Decembrists. If you take complex fertilizers for room fertilizers, but only at low concentrations. Too much fertilizer is worse than too little. During the flowering period, the Decembrist is better not to feed.

Diseases and pests. The Decembrist may suffer from a red flat tick. In this case, the leaves become sluggish and die. They have yellow spots on them. In addition, fungal and bacterial infections are dangerous. In case of bacterial infection (slippery spots), it is best to re-cut the Decembrist, taking healthy segments. The diseased plant is destroyed. There is a chance to save the bush by removing the affected part and treating the plant with any antibacterial drugs. It happens that it appears, which leaves a sweetish sticky discharge. not bad preventive measure is spraying with warm water.

Reproduction. The Decembrist is easily propagated by cuttings. The best time- after flowering and in May. For this, cuttings are taken (only two to four segments are enough), after which they are planted in light soil. Before this, you need to dry the stalk for several days so that it does not rot. The rooting process is more active under the hood of glass jar or from plastic bottle. Of course, ventilation is necessary.

You can root the cutting in a jar of water. To do this, put a twig in the water and do not remove it until the roots appear. It is better not to change the water, but to add fresh water. In order to prevent rotting, charcoal or an activated charcoal tablet is lowered into the water.

A rooted cutting from a flowering plant often blooms in the second year.

Transfer. The Decembrist is transplanted only after flowering. This means that by the end of February, you need to prepare a suitable soil mixture, the right size pot and expanded clay. The pot is taken small, in nature root system of this epiphyte is relatively poorly developed. A too deep and wide pot provokes an increase in the mass of the root system, while there is little strength left for flowering.

Young Decembrists are transplanted annually or every other day. Adult Decembrists can be transplanted less frequently and not disturbed for several years.

How to stimulate flowering?

From the very beginning of October to the end of November, the Decembrist is kept in a cool place. At this time, buds are intensively laid. Watering is restrained. We grow several Decembrist bushes on the loggia (insulated and glazed). There is a gradual natural decrease in air temperature, so there are no problems with flowering.

It is often advised not to move a blooming or blooming Decembrist from place to place in any case. According to my observations, and in our country these plants have been living and blooming profusely for many years, this does not affect the quality of flowering in any way. Judge for yourself: we buy flowering plant and bring it home, after which we are afraid to budge. But after all, before coming to us, the Decembrist traveled a long way and changed his position more than once. And this did not affect flowering in any way, did not prevent the plant from attracting our attention with an abundance beautiful flowers. And who would buy a bush with crumbling buds? I boldly rearrange the pots with the Decembrist so that other plants do not interfere with the flowering bush. Sometimes on frosty days (more precisely, nights) you have to move the Decembrist away from the glass.

Flowers most often bloom on young shoots. Shortening them helps to increase their number. To do this, pinch off a couple of segments at the ends of hanging elongated shoots. The plant itself regulates its capabilities quite well, from time to time freeing itself from ballast, the lower parts of too long shoots.

I noticed that if the Decembrist has adapted to certain living conditions, then he can grow and bloom beautifully against all the rules. So, at one of my acquaintances, a huge bush grew and bloomed profusely literally in the “swamp”, which the caring hostess spread in a large flower pot watering the plant exclusively with drained tea.

stamp form

I have seen the standard form of Schlumbergera several times. This nice solution, which can be realized by buying a ready-made grafted copy or you will have to master the techniques of grafting cacti. The rootstock is usually Pereskia aculeate, Hylocereus or Selenicereus. Such vaccinations were carried out in pre-revolutionary Russia.

The epiphyllums traded are usually crowned trees obtained by grafting them onto small, flexible stems of other cactus species, mainly Peireskia stems. The crowns of such trees consist of many leaf-shaped segments, taking a generally drooping position. When the terminal segments are covered with buds and flowers, the grafted epiphyllums present a remarkably beautiful sight. (M. Gesdörfer "Indoor Gardening")

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Did you know that in nature there are cacti without thorns, they bloom every year, they hate heat and love water? Of course they did. After all, it grows in many houses. This is a Decembrist. That's just sometimes naughty. It begins to wither, the buds drop.

How to care for the Decembrist at home, so that he annually pleases the owners with flowering? Now we will learn how to create the most comfortable conditions for him.

Pot selection

The material of the container does not matter. It could be plastic pot, earthen pots or even an enameled bowl. The main thing is that it be wide and stable. Only small. The Decembrist has a small root system, so she does not need a huge pot volume. For example, at the age of 20, a flower pot with a volume of only 3 liters is enough.

After purchasing a zygocactus in a store, be sure to transplant it at home. The soil in which the plant was located is transport. It is completely unsuitable for good growth and lush flowering.

What kind of soil does the Decembrist need

This is a cactus. A little unusual, but still. However, he is in natural natural conditions does not grow on the ground. Usually the Decembrist can be found on old trees. The tiny root system allows it to penetrate into cracks and under the bark.

At home, it is difficult to recreate this. Therefore, they simply plant a flower in the ground for cacti. Or they collect the mixture with their own hands. Nothing complicated. Turf land, peat and coarse clean sand in equal proportions. For greater certainty, you can throw a bunch of coals. Only from leafy species of trees. Mix everything well and you're done.

Planting a Decembrist

There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the container. And a thick layer of drainage itself. The root system of zygocactus does not tolerate the slightest stagnation of water. Immediately starts to rot. In principle, then additional roots can grow, feeding the entire plant. But this takes time.

The next layer is sand. A little, about an inch. Then it's just soil.

Care after landing

Lighting. The Decembrist does not tolerate heat very well. But loves good lighting. Best of all, he will feel on the north or east windows. Or in the back of the room, but always with additional lighting with phytolamps.

If it has to be placed on the south or west window, then it will certainly be shaded. It can be a curtain made of white fabric, thick paper, foil. It is important to avoid direct sunlight. They cause redness of the shoots and burns.

Temperature. Its performance should be in the range from +18 to +26°C. And a strict absence of sharp drops. In summer, it is quite possible to take the Decembrists out into the street, under the rarefied shade of trees. But in the daytime, when the sun is the hottest and hottest, it is better to bring the flower into a cooler room.

If the room has air conditioning, then it is advisable to leave the plant in the house. Just not under a stream of cold air.

Watering. During the dormant period - moderate. After complete drying of the earthen coma. During the flowering period - plentiful. Drying out of the soil is prohibited. How to determine the time of watering, if each case has its own conditions of existence? Everything is simple. You need to pierce the soil in the pot with a wooden stick and leave it there for 9-11 minutes. Then they pull it out and look at the level of soil moisture. Depending on the period of the growing cycle, they decide whether it is time to give the Decembrist a drink or wait.

By the way, often wipe the shoots from dust or arrange a weak warm shower. This is necessary not only to eliminate dust and dirt. The flower loves high humidity air, so you need to spray it very often. And what's the point if the stomata are clogged with dust? The Decembrist will not be able to enjoy the microdrops.

Top dressing. Suitable for any cacti. If these are not available, then use any complex mineral fertilizer. And be sure to reduce the dose by 2 or even 3 times. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the timing of fertilizer application. An overdose is fraught with the fact that new shoots will be weak, discolored and deformed.

As the name of the flower implies - in December. If you follow the recommendations, you can achieve long flowering almost 3 months long! True, a single flower lives only 3 days. But on the other hand, the abundance of buds allows you to enjoy them for quite a long time.

In general, it depends on the watering and temperature of the content whether the zygocactus will bloom this year. He has several important points during a year. All times are approximate. Focus on your conditions of detention, the microclimate in the room and the region of residence:

March 15 to September 30. This is the time of active growth of the Decembrist. The whole period he needs top dressing and good watering. To be sure that the roots do not rot, the pot is placed on top of another, turned upside down.

Be sure to ventilate the plant, often sprayed. You can rearrange the flower as much as you like, drag it to the street, balcony, loggia. Just keep out the rain. Extra watering is useless.

From 1 to 31 October. First dormant period. At this time, the Decembrist stops growing and begins to pick up buds. To bookmark flower buds passed as successfully as possible, it is necessary to lower the temperature to + 11-17 ° С. This can be achieved by leaving the Decembrist on the street or in an unheated room.

By the way, now it can still be rearranged to another place and rotate the pot around its axis.

Watering is practically reduced. Moisten the soil a little only when the shoots begin to lose a little elasticity. And it is advisable to pour not just water, but brewed black tea of ​​medium strength. According to reviews, this helps the Decembrist to lay flower buds.

From November 1st to January 31st. At the very beginning of November, the Decembrist is installed on permanent place. If he was on the window, then do nothing. If on the street - then they bring it into the house. Everything, from this moment the pot cannot be moved, rotated, transferred to another place.

At the same time, the Decembrists begin to water. Quite often, but be sure to drain excess water. A little ground eggshell is added to the liquid. Be sure to defend the water itself or make melted water. Boiling tap water will suffice.

The temperature of the content is set in the range of +18-23°C. Lighting - no more than 10 hours a day. The flower is not washed, the shoots are not touched. All hygiene must be carried out before this time.

If everything is done correctly, then after about 6-8 days the buds will begin to appear. From this moment on, it is categorically not recommended to change the conditions of detention and care. For a Decembrist, dropping flowers at one moment is a trifling matter. This can come from any interference in his personal space. At proper care flowering lasts 2.5 months.

February 1st to March 14th. For the Decembrist, a second period of rest begins. This is the time when the plant goes to sleep to rest after flowering. What can be done? Yes all! Form a bush, transplant, remove unnecessary shoots.

Watering at this time is scarce, but drying out of the soil is not recommended. Feeding is not applied. But you can turn the pot, move it to another place.

All terms are relative. The Decembrist can bloom with you until mid-spring, if he scored enough strength for this. In this case, the terms of other periods are not shifted, but the very first one is shortened - the time of active growth.

It happens that after a rest, the Decembrist is going to bloom again. Here the choice is up to you. Can you help the plant recover later? short term? So let it bloom again. Not confident in your abilities? Move the pot to another place. The Decembrist himself will throw off all the buds and begin to build up shoots. This will enter its normal growing cycle.

Correctly form

Zygocactus every year during the growing season throws out new shoots in large numbers. If it grows in a potted form, then this growth must be controlled. Otherwise, some of the branches will be too long, which is aesthetically ugly.

To do this, in the second dormant period, unnecessary branches are carefully broken off to the required length. Or unscrew to form a lush bush. The fracture of the handle must be done strictly along the line of the “elbow”. That is, it is impossible to cut or break in the middle of the sheet. Such an open wound does not dry out for a long time. And it can even cause rotting of the stem. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cut with a knife or blade.

For ampel cultivation the Decembrist also needs to be formed. But they unscrew only one joint on the escape. This will allow the length of the branches to remain, and cause them to bush more.

We transplant the Decembrist

The plant is transplanted once a year until the age of 5 years. After that, a transplant is required every 2-3 years. If the Decembrist feels great, develops well and blooms magnificently, then it is better not to touch his root system at all.

If signs of disease or wilting are noticeable for no apparent reason, then a transplant will cure the flower. Carefully shake off the soil from the roots. Sometimes there are putrefactive processes there, but they are not visible from the outside. You will have to cut with scissors or secateurs all the damage to healthy tissue. After that, you need to soak the roots in a solution of phytosporin for 25 minutes. And only then planted. Definitely in a different soil. The pot can be left the same, thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. Or take another, larger than the old one in diameter.

  1. In our climate, there are few pests that the Decembrists love. And even then, they can choose a plant while it is in the garden. If the zygocactus is constantly in the house, then the likelihood of infection is practically excluded.
  2. At the first sign, treat the flower with any systemic insecticide. In this case, it is necessary to close the soil in the pot. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 6 days.
  3. Of the diseases, the Decembrist suffers mainly from various rots. And this happens when low temperatures and constant stagnation of water at the roots. Eliminating such conditions of detention, you can completely eliminate the possibility of the disease.
  4. Sometimes zygokatus can pick up late blight. In this case, you will have to grow the plant again, breaking the cuttings. This fungus first of all affects the root system of the Decembrist. Getting rid of adversity is very problematic. Although, you can try to fight. Use cover fungicides. Will it suddenly work?

How to care for the Decembrist at home? As you can see, it's not that difficult. We just remember or write down simple secrets. And then he will annually show his beauty during flowering.

Video: how to make the Decembrist bloom

Schlumbergera, or zygocactus, is a forest epiphytic cactus that usually blooms in December. It is because of the unusual timing of flowering that the plant is often called the Decembrist or Christmas tree. The flower has no thorns. In the wild, zygocactus grows on the trunks or roots of trees. It has the form of a bush with hanging branched green stems, consisting of segments similar to leaves.

The Decembrist has a weak root system, therefore, with improper care or adverse conditions, the plant dies very quickly. hallmark Decembrist are "search" roots that are able to absorb required amount moisture from the air, which allows it to survive and form new roots.

Flowers with long stamens appear at the ends of the shoots. In the wild, they are pollinated by insects or small birds. The color of flowers in nature is white or bright red; plant breeders have bred plants with raspberry, purple, yellow and pink flowers.

Types of Decembrists

Currently several types of plants have been bred, differing in leaf size and flower color. Among them you can choose:

Home care

How to care for a Decembrist, you can always ask experienced flower growers. And they will answer that it is not difficult to keep zygocactus if you follow some rules. Decembrist care at home includes timely watering, fertilizing and transplanting.

native to the tropics South America, some of its varieties develop well at home in our climate zone. The flowering period of cultivated species clearly coincides with the onset summer season in the tropics. The color of the flowers of the plant has a wide palette of colors, thanks to long work selectors. About how to care for the Decembrist, so that he pleases with his beautiful appearance every grower who decided to grow this amazing flower in his home should know.

Fundamental rules

This home cactus has other names:, Rozhdestvennik, Decembrist. Care for him at home should be correct and timely. V wild nature conditions for normal development are not the most suitable.

The plant has to deal with a lack of lighting, a lack of nutrients in the soil, temperature fluctuations, and other no less important factors. You can grow healthy indoor specimens on your own, if you follow some rules for caring for them.


This indoor plant does not tolerate excess moisture, so it should be watered sparingly, like deciduous houseplants.

Throughout the unique flowering period, it is necessary to water the flower abundantly. The earth must be constantly moist. After flowering is completed and during the transition to a dormant period, the flower should be watered less frequently, and throughout the rest of the spring and all summer, watering should be carried out only when the soil dries in the container. As soon as the change summer days autumn came, before the appearance of new buds, you need to take care of a cool room for the plant and periodic watering.

Watering should be carried out exclusively with soft water at room temperature.

On hot days of summer, be sure to spray the Christmas tree at home or after covering the soil with polyethylene, wash it under a warm shower.


The best place for growing a Decembrist is partial shade. Direct sunlight can adversely affect the health of the plant. Under the condition of shading, you can take the plant to fresh air with the advent of summer.

Temperature regime

Zygocactus tolerates significant temperature fluctuations and can easily survive at 2 degrees Celsius or as much as 37. But experts identify an ideal temperature limit when 18-25 degrees will be enough for the normal development of this plant.

Before flowering, namely from the beginning autumn period and before its completion, it is necessary to provide the plant with a temperature ranging from 12 to 16 degrees Celsius.

Warm mode must be maintained until the end of flowering. When the last flowers fall, the container with the Decembrist must be returned to a cool room.

top dressing

For the normal development of the plant and full growth, fertilizing is indispensable. The most optimal mixture, which can be prepared independently or purchased in a specialized store, should consist of:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

All components must be mixed in water and applied to the soil. Top dressing is stopped a month before the budding process.

Christmas tree transplant

It is very important to transplant the plant correctly so as not to harm it. Therefore, the Decembrist transplant has several rules that must be followed:

  1. Land for transplantation should be only nutritious.
  2. It is possible to transplant a Christmas tree only in a container with good layer drainage. It should make up a third of the entire pot.
  3. The container should be wide, but not deep.
  4. You can transplant a flower only during the dormant period.
  5. Young specimens of the plant can be transplanted annually, adults - no more than once every 3 annual cycles.


As a rule, for the reproduction of this amazing plant experts recommend using

Here small instruction for this process:

  1. Cuttings, namely several segments of the branch, must be carefully torn off with your hands. Sharp or metal objects are strictly prohibited.
  2. For 3 days, you need to dry the cuttings.
  3. After planting the plant material, you need to cover it with polyethylene.
  4. Do not forget about shading and ventilation.
  5. Maintain a certain temperature regime, which should vary from 15 to 20 degrees.

flowering period

Quite often, in the process of growing, you need to wait a long time for the Decembrist flower to bloom. How to care for him so that this does not happen, every grower should know. If you do not want to get into such a situation and dream of enjoying the beautiful flowering of the Decembrist, then you need to adhere to certain care at home. Only then will he be able to please with his flowering.

  1. Do you want your Christmas tree to bloom? In this case, you need to grow it in a narrow container.
  2. You can extend the flowering period due to cool air.
  3. During flowering temperature regime should be stable. Drops are prohibited.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to move, rotate or harvest cuttings when the plant is flowering.
  5. Be sure to take care of additional lighting in winter.
  6. For active flowering, keep the temperature no higher than 16 degrees.

For last day summer, watering should be minimized, and spraying and fertilization should be completely eliminated.

As often as you'd like? And all because its flowering directly depends on the arrival of summer in the tropics. But there are special methods and preparations that can prolong or increase the number of flowering periods.

If you have purchased a flowering zygocactus, then do not be surprised when its flowers begin to crumble quickly. This is a natural process of adaptation at home.

Diseases and pests

Often, the Decembrist is exposed Why is this happening? But because diseases immediately enter the plant through the soil or wounds on the flower.

Diseases differ from each other and can be recognized without much difficulty. To eliminate diseases, it is necessary to treat the zygocactus with special preparations or solutions prepared at home.

spider mite


Why do lumps appear on the plant white color resembling cotton? The reason for this - The cause of the appearance may be excessive watering. You can get rid of the pest by treating the plant with special means.

Important information

What needs to be done for the Christmas tree to bloom?

As a rule, if there are a lot of leaves on the Decembrist, but it does not bloom, then the whole problem lies in improper care. It is necessary to eliminate possible obstacles to this process.

Main reasons:

  • the earth in the container contains an insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • the plant needs to be transplanted;
  • insufficient amount of lighting;
  • lack of moisture.

The flowering period of the Decembrist directly depends on caring for him at home throughout the entire annual cycle. Be sure to send the container with the flower to fresh air as soon as the weather permits.

Additional Tips:

  1. Choose a tight growing container.
  2. Do not disturb the Christmas tree during the flowering period.
  3. Be sure to cut the buds that have already faded if they do not fall off on their own.

Why do leaves dry?

In fact, there can be many reasons for this phenomenon.


If on the fallen leaves you notice brown spots, means . Urgently go to a specialized store for the appropriate drugs and process the flower. Along with this, you need to wash the place where the container was located well and wipe the entire window sill.


Falling off and changing the shape of the leaf can provoke direct sunlight. It is necessary to protect the plant from excessive burning ultraviolet radiation.

Many flower growers will say that with the onset summer period, the Decembrist at home is not as remarkable as in winter. It becomes an ordinary plant with green leaves. But every flower grower should know how to care for the Decembrist and, for the sake of his beautiful winter flowering, take care of him throughout the rest of the time.

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Reproduction of the Decembrist: how to transplant at home

For lovers of needleless, lush-flowering cacti, we will reveal the secrets of zygocactus reproduction and tell you how to transplant a Decembrist at home.

Decembrist (zygocactus) begins its flowering in December, feels great on the windowsill.

We are talking about the same plant. Zygocactus is official name a flower, popularly referred to as the Decembrist, or Rozhdestvennik (Christmas cactus). vernacular name associated with the flowering period. And the flowering period is quite long. It begins in December and, with proper care, lasts at least 2 months. Caring for the Decembrist is simple - sufficient watering, as he loves moisture, and in no case should he move or turn, avoid sudden changes in temperature during the flowering period. The Decembrist reacts to any changes during this period by dropping buds.

If the Decembrist reacts so sensitively to any, even the most insignificant changes, then it is not worth transplanting it during the flowering period. At the same time, it must be remembered that after transplantation, all plants “get sick” for some period of time, adapt to new conditions of existence. Therefore, it is not necessary to replant the Decembrist immediately before flowering - if necessary, it is better to carry out this procedure at least 2 months before the buds appear or wait until the end of flowering.

Reproduction of zygocactus

Zygocactus is propagated most often with the help of processes.

Zygocactus has a tree-like shape. How to transplant a Decembrist at home? It's easy to do. Over time, the plant ages and will need to be rejuvenated. No need to buy again young plant in a flower shop, you can plant a shoot at home. The Decembrist is propagated by cuttings. It is worth noting that in nature, the zygocactus also reproduces by strengthening the segments torn off by the wind or animals and insects in the soil. It is possible to propagate a Christmas tree with seeds, but a plant grown in this way does not retain varietal properties.

It is necessary to separate the cutting from 3-4 young segments from an adult plant. The separation is carried out by pinching (not cutting): the lower segment, which remains, is clamped with the fingers of one hand, and the upper one is “unscrewed” at the junction with the fingers of the other. The place of separation of the cutting (kink) does not need to be processed.

Leave the separated stalk for 2-3 days without access to water, so that it dries up, and then plant it in moist soil.

The cutting should be planted in a small pot of small diameter. It quickly gives roots and strengthens. But small size the pot does not stimulate the development of the root system, but the ground part of the plant. In the process of growth, it is possible to form the shape of a Decembrist by plucking 1-2 segments on a branch. Regular plucking helps to strengthen the stem and more abundant flowering.