How to calculate the amount of timber per house using elementary mathematics? Step-by-step calculation of building a house from a bar

Building a house from a bar opens up a lot of advantages for its owner, the main of which is the environmental friendliness of the chosen material. The process of calculating and choosing the material precedes the construction of the house, and we will talk about it further.

Timber house - varieties and advantages

Making houses from timber is becoming more and more popular. Since this material is harmless, and even beneficial to health. Living in a house made of wood has a beneficial effect on well-being. Since, exactly, wood is able to regulate optimal level humidity in the room.

For the manufacture of timber, solid wood is used, from which rectangular beams are cut. Trees are the most commonly used material. conifers. Since they are distinguished by the highest level of resin content, which makes the material more durable and prevents it from rotting, thereby increasing the service life.

There are two types of timber:

  • ordinary type;
  • profiled.

The standard type of timber is a timber with a square or rectangular section. The procedure for manufacturing profiled timber is more complicated, as it requires cutting out locks, grooves and ridges. This beam is more convenient in connection and the room that is made from it has the highest thermal insulation characteristics.

In relation to the structure and production technology of timber, the following material is distinguished:

  • whole;
  • glued type.

For the production of the first version of the beam, the presence of solid trees is required, from which the beam is cut. To make a glued-type beam, it is necessary to have boards of a certain size, which are glued and pressed together. For additional resistance to decay, antiseptics are applied to the boards, and then interconnected with resin. This type of timber is more resistant to cracking, but not fireproof enough. It is possible to manufacture glued laminated timber using various kinds of wood, for example, spruce and pine. In the process of gluing, the main thing is not to allow the fibrous parts of the boards to coincide with each other, since the beam, in this case, becomes less durable.

In addition, in the process of manufacturing glued beams, boards on which defects are present are not used, but replaced with new ones.

The most important and indisputable quality of any type of timber is its environmental friendliness. Since solid wood is used for its manufacture, which has all useful properties natural wood. If we compare glued and solid timber, then the second option is more environmentally friendly, since the resins used for gluing glued timber emit toxic substances in small quantities.

Although in architectural terms, the use of glued laminated timber is more convenient. Since with its help it is possible to build buildings of any shape. The standard length of glued laminated timber is 6 m, but there are cases when logs reach a length of 15 m.

A house made of profiled timber allows you to hide communications by cutting out special niches. The building, in the process of manufacturing of which glued laminated timber is used, is more fire resistant, since in the process of its manufacture each of the boards is impregnated with fire-resistant mixtures, which make it incombustible.

Among the disadvantages of making a house from a bar are:

  • if the material is not properly dried, it is not able to perform all its functions with high quality;
  • requires constant application of impregnations that improve its quality characteristics, otherwise, the tree begins to rot and deteriorate;
  • glued laminated timber has a very high cost, which is its big drawback, although it is fully justified by the complexity of its manufacture and durability in operation.

How to calculate a beam: features of the implementation

When buying a bar, its cost is measured in cumobetry. Therefore, for glued laminated timber calculation or edged board also use this unit. To determine the amount of material needed, you should first find out its size. For example, with a width of 15 cm, a length of 6 m, and a thickness of 10 cm, the number of logs is determined by dividing one cubic meter by the volume of the timber. One cubic meter of this timber contains 11 logs.

The calculation of the amount of timber per house involves the determination of materials for its various sections.

The first to be calculated are the ceiling and floor beams. When building a house on unstable ground, it is advisable to replace the floor on beams with a monolithic base. Otherwise, the use of wood is recommended. The standard size of ceiling and floor type beams is 10x15 cm. Their laying step is not more than one meter. To ensure maximum strength, the beams should be cut into each other in a vertical position. To calculate the total length and number of required beams, you must perform a series of actions:

  • divide the total length of the house by the step of laying the beams, and then subtract 1.

For example, if a house has a length of 6 m and a width of 5 m, with a laying step of 1 m, the beams are calculated as follows: 5/1-1=4 pieces.

The beams are produced in a standard length of 600 cm, which is the same as the length of the house.

The next stage is the calculation of the cubature of the beam, for the construction of the truss system. We offer an example of a calculation option for a straight gable roof. In this case, the installation step of the rafter is 600 mm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees. For the manufacture of rafters, a material with a cross section of 10-15 cm is used. Please note that with an increase in the angle of inclination, the amount of snow that accumulates on the roof in the winter decreases, and the load on the building decreases, although the resistance of the roof to the wind also becomes less. Therefore, for regions with increased windiness, it is recommended to build a roof with a low angle of inclination, and in places with large quantity precipitation, in the form of snow, it is better to give preference to a roof with high level tilt.

In order to arrange truss system you must first install two rafter legs, and then fix them with a beam. Next, the rafters are installed.

If the value of the run of the house is 1000 cm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees, then in order to calculate the length of the rafter leg, it is necessary to calculate the sum of the legs squared. Given value will be 424 cm. For the construction of each triangle, you will need to purchase 850 cm of material.

To calculate the number of triangles, we divide the total length of the roof, which is 1000 cm, by the laying step - 60 cm, and subtract one, we get 16 pieces. Now we multiply the number of triangles by their length - 16 * 850 = 13600 cm. In addition, one should not forget about the run, which is 1000 cm, we add it to the main value and get 145 m of wood. If the cross section of the beam is 5x15 cm, then to calculate the number of cubic meters, you need 145 * 0.15m * 0.5 \u003d 10.9 cubic meters.

Calculation of the beam load on the surface of walls, gables and internal partitions produced in accordance with the design of the building. When carrying out the calculation, one should proceed from one approach to calculating the material for internal partitions and walls. All elements must be converted to geometric figures and based on the formulas for each determine their area. If there are openings in the form of windows and walls, their area should be determined. Subtract the opening area from the pre-calculated wall area, multiply the resulting value by the wall thickness and you will get the amount of material that will be needed to build the wall. After calculating the value for each of the walls, summarize the results.

The calculation of the strength of the timber depends on its weight, which is affected by the rock and humidity. The last value is determined by percentage the amount of water in the tree. The humidity value determines the quality of drying and storage conditions of the material.

Dry wood is a material that has been dried under technological conditions, or stored in warm and dry rooms for a long period of time.

Raw wood is called a tree that begins to dry. If the material contains equilibrium moisture, then it is classified as air-dry wood. When storing material under conditions high humidity it takes the form of a wet or freshly chopped tree.

The construction of a house with the use of timber is easier to carry out calculations, compared with houses made of logs. In addition, the use of timber opens up a large number of options for finishing both the interior and exterior of the building for the owner of the house.

In relation to the cross section of the beam, materials are distinguished: 12x12, 15x10, 18x18, 20x15, 15x15, 10x10, 14x14. Most optimal size timber for building a house 15x15 cm. Since it is this type of timber that has an acceptable cost and high thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, this beam is easy to install and easy to operate.

The use of a profiled beam with such a section will allow you to build an excellent house that will serve its owner long years. The only drawback of this beam is its high cost, therefore, when calculating a profiled beam, you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake and not spend a lot of money.

For correct calculation the amount of material with which you want to build a house, use the formula:

A * B * C \u003d number of timber

A is the length of the wall;

B is the height of the wall;

C is the thickness of the material.

For example, for the construction of a house, the length of which is 8 m, and the width is 6, using a beam with a section of 15x15, calculations are carried out according to the formula: 2 (6 + 8) \u003d 28 m - the value of the perimeter. The height of the wall is three meters, so this value is multiplied by the perimeter, we get 54 m. Now we multiply the result obtained by the cross section of the beam, which is 0.15 m, we get 8.1 cubic meters. Therefore, this will be the value of the amount of timber needed to build a house.

How much timber is needed to build a house

Factors on which the amount of timber for the house depends:

  • type of timber used in the construction process;
  • the amount of timber in one cubic meter;
  • house design.

To calculate the amount of timber for external and inner wall, use the algorithm:

1. Calculation of the perimeter of the building.

2. Multiplying this value by the total height.

3. Multiplying the result obtained by the cross section of the beam.

4. It turns out the amount of cubic meters of material needed to build the building.

In the process of making calculations, attention should be paid to the fact that the device of the first crown will require more material, since its width must be increased. AT this algorithm calculation, this condition is not taken into account, therefore, to calculate the beam of the first crown, it is required to apply a separate formula.

The cross section of the beam for the first crown should be chosen larger than the main one, since it is this crown that is load-bearing and takes on the entire load from the building. In addition, it requires additional processing with engine oil or an antiseptic solution.

When the calculation of the beam for bending is completed, the procedure for determining the number of pieces of timber for building a house follows. This value will help save time in the material purchase process. In addition, in this way it will be possible to avoid fraudulent actions on the part of the seller.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main values ​​\u200b\u200bof the quantities of timber in one cubic meter, taking into account the length of the material of 6 m:

  • 10x10 cm approximately consists of 16.6 pieces;
  • 10x15 cm - 11 pieces;
  • 15x15 - 7 pieces;
  • 10x20 - 8 pieces;
  • 15x20 - 5.5 pieces;
  • 20x20 - 4 pieces.

To determine the amount of timber in pieces, one should general meaning, for example, in 14 cubic meters, divided by the volume of one piece of timber in a cube. To calculate given number you will need to divide the cross section of the beam by the number of pieces in one cube. For standard size timber 15x15 cm, this is 0.13. 14/0.13=107.6 pieces.

When setting the number of pieces needed to build a building, there is no need to accurately measure each cubic meter when buying material. Enough piece-by-piece counting of the material.

The height and width of the beam play an important role in the construction and operation of the building. In a higher beam, the interventional seams are reduced and the construction procedure is accelerated. When choosing the optimal width, the need for permanent or temporary residence in the house is taken into account. Minimum Thickness timber, recommended for the construction of a building in which people will constantly live, is 20 cm. At the same time, foam plastic or mineral wool, laid in a layer of 10 cm. If you plan to build a bath, then the layer thickness should be increased to 16 cm.

Work in progress country house, in which people will live only in summer period time, it is enough to purchase a beam with a section of 10x10 cm.

When calculating a stepped beam, an important factor is the preliminary design of the building. It is on the project that both external and interior view houses, the number of walls, doors and windows.

There are several options for obtaining a project:

  • its own production;
  • order from specialists;
  • purchase on the Internet;
  • project purchase;
  • use of the finished project.

To independently create a project at home, you need special skills in working with drawings. For its compilation, the climate in which the house is located, the soil on which it is based, and other factors are important.

Therefore, the most right decision will hire specialists who are able to take into account all individual characteristics site.

Remember that when calculating a timber for building a house, it is better to buy material with a small margin than to stop construction works due to his lack.

Width, m:

Height, m:

Section (mm):

150x150 180x180 200x200

Length (m):

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The calculation of the timber for the house is necessary in order to determine the required amount of lumber for the construction of the truss system, the implementation of formwork and the overlapping of the floors of the construction site. Its correct calculation is especially important when building cottages from glued or sawn timber.

How to calculate the amount of timber per house?

In order to properly navigate the needs of lumber, it is necessary to make a building project indicating the exact dimensions on which the length of the timber depends. Regarding its thickness, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • for a private house or baths will do timber with a section of 200x200 mm;
  • for seasonal construction, it is possible to use wood with parameters of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm.

Based on the fact that the cost of wood building material is indicated in cubic meters, in order to calculate the exact number of logs per 1 cubic meter, it is necessary to make a simple calculation:

1m3/Z/W/L, where

  • Z is the width of the board;
  • W is the thickness of the board;
  • L is the length of the board.

The design of the house provides for the calculation of the required volume of ceiling and floor beams, the determination of lumber for the truss system, external walls, gables, internal partitions.

Often, ceiling and floor beams with a section of 100x150 mm are used in construction with a step of 0.7 to 1 meter. In order to determine their number, you must use the formula:

  • Ld is the length of the house;
  • Ls is the length of the applied step.

Taking into account the fact that lumber is sold by the supplier in cubic meters, the calculation of the cubature of a bar involves multiplying its cross-sectional area and linear length.

Calculation of timber for external walls and load-bearing partitions provides for the determination of the area and thickness of the walls. Multiplying these parameters will give the total volume of timber required for the construction of these structural elements.

Calculator for calculating the cubature of timber

For an accurate calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber for a rafter system, the use of special arithmetic algorithms will be required. The beam calculation calculator will greatly simplify the task. The correct determination of the required building material guarantees the reliability of the construction of the structure of the building and saves financial costs.

The program will allow you to calculate the beam online by entering the initial data. By changing the given parameters, you can compare several projects and choose the most profitable one from a financial point of view. By processing the individual parameters of the house project, the calculator will make the most accurate calculation, eliminating the risk of overpaying for extra material. It is important to consider the possible percentage of rejects, which is about 5% of the total volume of lumber.

A beautiful cottage is the dream of every summer resident. For a resident of a modern metropolis, a dacha is almost the last refuge of nature and an opportunity to bring their creative impulses and fantasies to life. Everyone wants their site to be unique and comfortable, so that the eye rejoices in their favorite beds and flower beds, and the neighbors look with envy and delight.

Of course, you can hire a landscape designer, but it’s much more interesting and enjoyable to do beautiful dacha. Each of us has a craving for creativity, which we are far from always able to realize, so why lose unique opportunity express yourself and do everything on your site the way we want ourselves. Let everything in your country house be the way you want it to be. Photos of beautiful dachas on our website will help you generate new ideas in dacha design.

How to make beautiful in the country? The main advantage of any dacha and its own decoration are. Proper planting is important because large area they will be viewed from all sides and your mistakes will be much more noticeable. Water, air, heat and light are the main factors on which the development and growth of plants depends. They are closely related and do not replace each other. Therefore, in order to make the cottage beautiful, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the plants. Plants in closed ground in poor lighting need a low temperature. Better plant more undemanding plants of one species rather than trying to grow exotic but capricious species. How to make a cottage beautiful

Shrubs are less demanding to care for, so they are perfect for decorating your summer cottage. Excellent decoration your site can become a pond, which, if necessary, can be used for irrigation, because the water in the pond warms up perfectly in the sun. Looks great in the country forest corner. Shady space will give you a lot of joy on hot summer days. How to make beautiful in the country

When creating a beautiful cottage with your own hands, do not forget to choose plants suitable for your site. Moisture-loving plants planted in dry soil may wilt and die. Most plants do not like excess moisture as well as its lack. With very strong and frequent watering root system plants begin to suffer due to the lack of oxygen, as a result of which it weakens, the plant becomes ill and, soon, dies. Therefore, soils that can retain water after watering or rain are not used for growing flowers or they create special soil drainage.

For the garden, it is necessary to prepare a sunny plot and Special attention it is worth giving paving, do not use recycled materials. This will be especially important if your garden is viewed from the second floor, you risk spoiling the view from the window for yourself and your neighbors. Smooth and beautiful paths will allow you to personally feel the spring and autumn. It is during this period that they will be responsible for the attractiveness of your dacha.

An online lumber calculator for building a house and other structures will allow you to quickly calculate lumber, taking into account the size of the building. In accordance with the result obtained, the calculation of dowels will be carried out, thermal insulation tape and the total cost of the material.

When developing an online calculator, a formula was used that takes into account the parameters of the timber and the dimensions of the structure, including also the dimensions of the pediment and their number. This allows you to more accurately calculate the material for the construction of a structure of any complexity.

To perform the calculation, you must fill in the appropriate fields in the calculator form. First of all, data on the dimensions of the building are entered - the length and width, as well as the height of the walls.

If the building has complex shape, then in the field "Length additional walls» you must enter the total length of all walls, excluding the building itself. For example, a standard residential building has rectangular shape, but in the future a non-residential veranda, a barn and warehouse space. To fill in the field, it is necessary to measure the total length of all walls of additional extensions.

Preliminary calculations allow you to determine the transport and delivery of the material to the facility

If in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the material for the gables, then you will need to enter data on the quantity, as well as the width and height parameters. When measuring the latter, the maximum values ​​are taken.

Finally, data about the material is entered - its width and height. When filling in the appropriate fields, keep in mind that data on the parameters of the structure are entered in meters, and on the beam - in millimeters.

As a result, the online program will calculate the volume of building material needed, as well as its total weight, which will allow you to choose the appropriate transport if you plan to deliver the material to the site yourself. Additionally, the calculation results indicate the number of crowns, length roll insulation and the number of dowels needed to fix the beam.

How to calculate without a calculator

In addition to special calculators and programs, calculation wooden beam at home can be done using simple mathematical formulas. Their knowledge will help when performing a preliminary calculation of the material at the facility when there is no Internet access.

Glued laminated timber is made from pre-prepared lamellas

As an example, let's write out the calculation of a beam with a size of 150 × 150 mm for building a house 6 × 8m with a wall height of 2.5 m. The calculation logic is as follows:

  • building perimeter: (6+8)*2=28 m;
  • building wall area: 28*2.5 = 70 m2;
  • required volume of material: 70 × 0.15 = 10.5 m3.

When performing manual calculations, it should be taken into account that 10% of the material is taken as a buffer. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from a shortage of materials during the construction process. If the calculations take into account savings on window and doorways, then this material can be taken as a buffer part without a surcharge of 10%.

What timber is used to build a house

For the construction of residential, non-residential and auxiliary structures, two types of timber are used: profiled and glued. Profiled timber - modern material, made, as a rule, from pine, spruce or larch wood. The beam canvas is made from a single log without the use of chemicals and adhesives.

The outer part of the profiled timber can be either flat or semicircular. The upper and lower parts are made according to the “thorn-groove” system, which ensures a more accurate fit of the canvas when assembling the frame of the structure.

Glued timber is construction material from various types of wood, the manufacture of which occurs by gluing wooden lamellas. Mostly lamellas are made of spruce or pine, a little less often - from cedar pine or larch.

Profiled timber is made from a single log

If we compare both types of timber, then profiled timber has greater strength, due to which its cost increases. In addition, profiled timber is more demanding in the process of laying and further processing.

Glued laminated timber has a constant strength factor, humidity in the region of 10–20% and a standardized appearance. In fact, glued laminated timber is more versatile, but when choosing, it should be borne in mind that the quality of the product depends entirely on the adhesive compositions used.

Depending on the size of the building, the following options are used for its construction:

  • 100 × 100 mm - usually used for the construction of small summer cottages, baths and sheds;
  • 150 × 150 mm - used for the construction of capital one-story housing and insulated summer cottages;
  • 200 × 200 mm - used in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings and country cottages.

When calculating a timber for a house using an online calculator, you can also find out its total cost. To do this, just enter the price per cubic meter of the product. When calculating, it should be remembered that the data obtained are indicative values ​​that can already be contacted by the developer.

If you plan to purchase the material yourself, we also recommend that you calculate on paper using the formulas above.