How to decorate a fence at the dacha: chain-link mesh and corrugated sheeting in the photo. Decorating a fence at the dacha with your own hands How to beautifully decorate a fence at the dacha

Corrugated fences are beautiful, strong and durable. They reliably protect the fenced area, they are easy to install, and the price of such structures is quite acceptable for a person with average income. In many cities and towns you can see completely unique, original fences made of corrugated sheets.

Design ideas for a fence made of corrugated board are varied, especially since new materials appear every year.

The height of fences for private houses and summer cottages usually does not exceed 3 meters, and the proposed ready-made options for fences made of corrugated sheets take this into account.

The design of a fence made of corrugated sheets involves a combination of corrugated metal sheets with concrete, wood, brick, forged and carved parts and other design elements.

Fence decoration

Architects and designers can tell you how to decorate a fence made of corrugated sheets . But, most often, each owner develops his own decor for the fence without the help of specialists .

Decorative corrugated sheeting

To obtain a beautiful fence, you can use sheets at the same time different colors, with different heights and types of corrugation, combining them with beautiful concrete, stone, brick foundation and pillars. There are no limits to imagination here.

Currently, various corrugated sheets for fences are produced. Not so long ago, a profiled sheet appeared on sale, on which the textures of dark and light wood, stone and brickwork were applied.

Decorative corrugated board for a fence looks very beautiful and unusual:

The design of the structure may include the creation of protection of metal sheets from corrosion and deformation. Steel end strips for corrugated sheets will not only protect the profile sheets, they themselves play the role of decorative elements. The poles can be protected from moisture with special canopies. They are purchased ready-made or made into tins.

If metal sheets are mounted on simple steel pillars, and the owners of the household would like “brick” pillars to be erected instead, then they can be imitated using special plastic panels.

On sale you can find fence panels made of corrugated sheets to match yellow, white or red brick. Panels, unlike brick or stone, are cheap, do not get wet and are not destroyed by atmospheric moisture. Panels can be used to decorate not only pillars, but also the foundation. They are easy to install, light weight and require no maintenance. Application experience shows that the panels retain good appearance long years.

Forged elements for decoration

Forged elements are placed against the background of plain profiled sheets. Forging masters can create any geometric or floral pattern according to customer's sketches .

Fences made of corrugated sheets in a frame look good if the forged pattern is placed not only against the background of metal sheets, but also in the form of openwork superstructures above them.

Shaped trimming of corrugated sheets

Trimming the corrugated sheet allows you to diversify the look of even the most austere fence. Typically, the corrugated sheet is cut from the top in the form of an arc, leaving the middle part high.

Other pruning options are less common. Often such trimming is combined with forged finishing parts.

Sheet steel decorations

Animal figures cut out of steel sheet and attached above the gate and along the contour of the fence look funny. Methods plasma cutting steel sheet allows you to produce the most unusual shapes.

Decoration elements and combinations made of sheet steel can be multi-layered; they are placed along the contour and in the center of the corrugated sheet.

Drawings on the fence

Well-executed designs and paintings on the fence improve its appearance and attract attention. This, without exaggeration, is a full-fledged “field of creativity” for the owners of the estate. Most often they are depicted mountain landscapes, wild animals, cartoon characters, less often - ornaments and geometric patterns.

In cottage villages you can see very beautiful paintings made using airbrushing on metal fences.

What to plant along the fence?

Gardeners and amateur flower growers have no question about how to cover a corrugated fence from the inside or outside. Climbing plants are used for this - girl's grapes, ivy, ornamental beans, clematis, climbing roses and other perennial and annual plants.

In the area along the fence you can plant spruce trees, shrubs, and flowering plants in front of them different heights(cosmos, iberis, lilies, other flowers suitable for the chosen garden design). Often flowerpots with flowering plants are placed on poles.

  • Finishing the fence on the yard side may involve construction beautiful shelves, on which you can put and hang flowers in flowerpots.
  • In addition, the shelves can be used to store garden tools and other things.
  • On the street side you can make a grass lawn, plant honeysuckle bushes, ivy, grapes, and ranetka.

It can be said that decorative finishing a fence begins with a neat foundation. Construction strip foundation takes some time, but it has a number of advantages: it is durable, strong and protects the area well from weeds.

If there is, then, as a rule, the question of how to close the gap under the fence does not arise.

If there are still gaps or there is no foundation, then the gap is closed with scraps of corrugated sheets, plastic panels, boards. This always spoils the appearance of the fence, but if you plant dense bushes along the fence, the problem will be solved in the best possible way.

It is better to plant emerging shrubs - magnolia, honeysuckle, lilac, barberry, elm, boxwood.

If high foundation It is not planned to cover it with anything, then it should also look good, since flowers that are not afraid of shadow (for example, rhododendrons) can be planted along it.

Smooth walls of a concrete base are obtained if the formwork for a corrugated fence is made from a good board or plywood. For pouring, it is recommended to use concrete with the addition of stone chips.

Beautifully decorated local area country house- the pride of any owner. But not everyone can boast that they are satisfied with everything about the exterior of the site. After all, there will always be unsightly buildings and elements that would be useful to remove, hide or disguise. But turn disadvantages into advantages, transforming unattractive buildings into examples of exquisite landscape design- a task that anyone can solve. The main thing is to show imagination and apply skills to realize the idea.

By erecting a fence around the perimeter of the site, everyone tries to protect themselves from the curious glances of passers-by, and local area- from the encroachments of uninvited “guests”. But a dull solid fence with its appearance can spoil even the most cozy and picturesque garden.

You can decorate an unsightly fence by planting climbing plants around the perimeter. Lianas climbing the walls of the fence will help give the garden additional vertical volume

By using fencing to decorate, you can not only successfully decorate its walls, but also supplement your garden’s plant collection with extraordinary specimens. In addition, climbing plants will protect the building from destruction, covering it from slanting rains and reducing the heating of the walls.

Many vines are attached to walls using suction cups, firmly fixing into microcracks in the surface, thereby contributing to its destruction. To avoid this, it is enough to secure hooks on a vertical surface and stretch ropes between them, along which the plants will weave.

Beautifully flowering vines can grow in areas with slight shading, but they are most decorative only when there is plenty of sunlight.

Beautifully flowering annual and perennial vines are ideal for decorating the southern walls of fences: morning glory, campsis, wisteria

To decorate fences located in slight shade, it is better to use climbing and climbing plants that do not require light: virgin grapes, lemongrass, ivy, hops, wood pliers. You can successfully decorate a low fence using hanging potted plants: pelargonium, nasturtium, asparagus, begonia. By placing containers on the top side of the building, you can create a beautiful “living” curtain of flowing greenery.

You can turn a fence into an original art object using any available materials: pieces of stained glass film, fragments of a mirror, broken tiles.

An artificial window decorated with curtains and decorated with container flowers displayed along the window sill nailed to it will look very impressive on the fence.

An excellent addition to such a “fake” composition would be the old door leaf, performing the function of an “emergency exit”. A solid wall can act as a backdrop for placing an expressive decorative object: a wooden flower cart, a fancy garden chair, an antique fishing net.

A solid wooden fence can serve as a support for numerous shelves, on which it is convenient to display the same container flowers or arrange a collection of old tools that are hopelessly cluttering the barn. But a fence decorated with simple drawings and ornaments will give the site a special charm.

Painting will help transform a boring fence into a bright decoration of the site bright colors made by the hands of both adults and children

We decorate the walls of country houses

Hanging planters – perfect option design of unattractive walls of outbuildings on the site. They are indispensable in cases where for some reason it is not possible to plant climbing plants along the foundation.

Improvised hanging mini-beds are attractive primarily due to their original compact shape, bright colors of greenery and for a long period fragrant buds blooming

Mobile hanging containers decorated with bushes of greenery and herbs, can transform unsightly walls and rickety old fences

You can disguise an unsightly building using a lattice made of slats or. The main advantage of this design is mobility. If desired, it can always be rearranged or removed, adding variety to the exterior.

Plants with thin graceful stems are best suited for decorating a trellis: clematis, climbing honeysuckle, decorative beans and sweet peas

Often buildings on inhabited areas starting from summer kitchen, barn, workshop and ending with a toilet, have architectural diversity. The easiest way to create a single ensemble, thanks to which you can successfully camouflage each of the buildings, is to design it in a common color scheme.

To create a holistic picture, it is also desirable to give all objects uniform architectural features: decorate the windows, decorate the facade, think over the carving elements, shape and color of the roof. Improvised canopies, all kinds of pergolas and trellis walls decorated with openwork foliage also help to bring buildings into a single ensemble.

Installations made from improvised means will help “revive” the architectural composition, for example: old bicycles arranged as vertical flower beds

“Playing with” the unevenness of the terrain

The appearance of the site is often spoiled by all sorts of uneven terrain: depressions and mounds. Since leveling the surface is a very expensive and time-consuming process, decorative techniques help to visually “smooth out” unevenness.

It’s easy to “play out” a hole or depression on a site by arranging a small one.

The placement of improvised bridges and decks, based on support posts, helps to visually smooth out uneven terrain.

Even a high one, the area of ​​which is slightly larger than the size of the depression, will help to “cover” the unevenness.

We design low-rise outbuildings

When designing utility buildings that are present on each site, one should be guided by the principle: “if a defect cannot be hidden, do not hide it.”

Even unattractive compost heaps and bins can be turned into a spectacular piece of art. To give compost heap for a more attractive look, just plant pumpkins, zucchini or cucumbers next to it. Under the large spreading leaves, an unsightly but much-needed pit for composting plant residues will be successfully hidden.

Material on creation will also be useful high beds in the African manner:

By planting cucumbers in a compost bin, you can successfully accomplish two tasks at once: to cover an unattractive place in the garden and provide yourself with a rich harvest of fresh vegetables.

You can turn concrete wells into attractive decorative elements by decorating the walls of the structures. A mosaic made of colored glass and bright broken tiles, shimmering colorfully in the sunlight, will create an atmosphere of celebration and beauty on the site.

The same flowers will help you decorate technical wells and fertilizer barrels. Great solution An old stepladder will serve to build a mobile flowerbed. Containers with flowers, displayed in several tiers on the steps of the stairs, will cover the object and create a picturesque cascade. In the event that it is necessary to open access to a well or hatch, the stepladder can be easily rearranged without much hassle.

Tall “green” beauties of mallows can act as a decorative backdrop for an old rainwater barrel, tree peonies, hibiscus, sunflowers and Jerusalem artichokes

Desktop - necessary thing Location on. In addition to its direct purpose, it serves as an open “storage room” for storing leftover building materials, cans, improvised tools, pegs...

Make your old desktop look perfect the new kind you can just paint it in a bright and colorful shade

We improve old trees and stumps

Old tree stumps, which due to the branching of deep roots, are likely to be found on any site.

“Play up” the left cuts, turning them into interesting accents of the garden, you can make garden stools or coasters out of them. street flowerpots with flowers

They will help to add brightness and uniqueness to the tree. hanging pots with flowers that can be purchased at a gardening store or made yourself

To make a flowerpot in each pot, drill 3 holes at a distance of 2-3 cm from the top side, placing them around the circumference at a distance of 120 degrees from each other. We pull 3 identical cuts through the holes aluminum wire or thick fishing line and secure them with knots so that they hold the container. We collect the free ends of the wire together and fix it on a tree branch. We line the bottom of the containers with expanded clay. We fill the containers soil mixture, we plant flowers: nasturtium, lobelia, pelargonium.

Outbuildings, transformed with the help of imagination and skill into original art objects, will become a worthy decoration of the site and the pride of the owners.

Any fence, first of all, should protect the territory, however, it can be given an attractive appearance and made it stylish. For this purpose, the decor of the fence is specially developed, when you can show maximum imagination, and not just.

Decorating a fence at the dacha using paints

You can decorate a fence in a variety of ways; the choice is quite large. Forged figurines and various wooden parts look very beautiful. All this gives the fence a unique style.

The following are often used to decorate a fence:

To create decor with your own hands, you only need imagination, and experiments can be continued endlessly.

Wooden fence and its decor

Wood has not lost its popularity for many decades. It is quite possible to fit harmoniously into a country landscape; it becomes an adornment of the surrounding landscape.

The advantage of wooden decor is the decoration of a wide variety of buildings in the country.

An example of decorating a wooden fence with various available materials

For this work you can use:

  • boards;
  • slats;
  • pegs;
  • logs;
  • branches.

This material allows you to create a standard fence with your own hands, having miniature dimensions.

Decorating with climbing plants

In most cases, to decorate fences at the dacha, a variety of plants are used. In this way you can decorate almost any fence with your own hands. An ordinary one will look very attractive. This decoration is done different ways. Most often done:

  • Planting shrubs;
  • Tree planting;
  • Decoration with grape vines;
  • Planting climbing plants.

Decorating a wooden fence with live plants

A good option for decorating with your own hands is to place moss between bricks or install small ceramic pots with flowers.

When at the dacha, the decor can be a green waterfall made of plants. It will completely hide the metal mesh with a thick plant wall.

Concrete fence decor

When it is mentioned, the image of a heavy monolithic structure immediately appears. However, today, to decorate a concrete structure with your own hands, you can purchase beautiful borders on the market that can be used to decorate garden paths and decorate flower beds.

Concrete fences are decorated with patterns, and the concrete itself is made in the most different shades. ABOUT gray color no one remembers today.

It’s quite easy to create such a fence with your own hands if you use polyurethane molds.

This is what a decorated concrete fence looks like

Popular chain link fence

It looks very nice when made from climbing plants, which acts as a decoration for a chain-link fence.

Annual plants will be able to cover in a month. Morning glory and sweet peas are suitable for this purpose.

The only disadvantage of this decor is its temporary nature. With the onset of autumn, the plants will dry out, the fence will take on its own original appearance.
Therefore, to decorate a fence with your own hands, it is better to use perennials that can withstand winter cold:

  • ivy;
  • campsis;
  • honeysuckle;
  • hop.

Can also be used climbing rose However, it is necessary to have reliable posts and wires passed over the chain-link mesh.

Some summer residents plant chokeberry bushes; they grow strongly and reliably hide the chain-link mesh. To avoid large overgrowths, the bushes need to be trimmed regularly.

In fact, chain-link mesh is a universal material that is not very expensive. To make the look of the chain-link more attractive, there are several ways.


For decoration we use:

  • jasmine;
  • lilac;
  • cotoneaster;
  • hawthorn.

Grape lovers may be advised to cover the fence with grape branches. Except beautiful view, you can get a good harvest. The negative side of this method is the transformation of such a living fence into a chain-link mesh when it comes winter time.

Decoration with patterns

They can be very different. It all depends on the owner’s imagination. Perhaps these will be beautiful figures, or perhaps images of cartoon characters.


Specially designed for lovers rustic style.


For each site you can imagine, for example, decorate a fence gate with a beautiful flowering plant, and the remaining perimeter is a hedge.

Decoration of a fence made of corrugated board

When corrugated sheeting was invented, its main purpose was considered to be finishing the most different rooms:

  • warehouses;
  • workshops;
  • parking lots;
  • hypermarkets.

For all such buildings, the aesthetics of the material and its quality are completely unimportant. Today, it has become popular for individual construction. Most often, corrugated sheeting is used to build a fence or roof covering. Of course, every summer resident strives to make his fence more attractive and decorative. To do this, several methods are used.

Decorating a corrugated fence with a landscape

Combination of materials

This method has gained the greatest popularity. Corrugated sheeting is combined with. This fence does not have high cost, but looks very attractive.

To make such a corrugated fence look neat, careful adjustment of all parts is required.

Tired of the appearance of your country fence? Or has it lost its appeal, and even fresh paint won’t save it? Then it's time to get down to business to freshen it up. And excuses that all this will cost a pretty penny are not accepted. You ask: “How to decorate a fence at the dacha so that it looks creative and expensive at minimal cost?” There are methods that are used by many owners of summer cottages. And there are ideas that surprise and delight. Let's look at some of them.

Floral decorations

Having asked the question of how to decorate a fence at the dacha, many people come to the conclusion that the easiest way to do this is with their favorite flowers. In this case, it is easy to decorate the old fence with your own hands, and the choice of plants, annual and perennial, is very large. In addition, the “picture” can be changed every year. The most popular plants:

climbing roses

These blooming beauties will perfectly disguise an unsightly country fence or decorate a new one, but not very attractive. Climbing roses have many varieties that have different heights, as well as many shades. Having planted them once, you can admire the beauty of the camouflaged fence for many years. When decorating a country fence with your own hands, you often plant roses of different heights. Then, unraveling, they cover the entire surface of the fence with their branches. This design method is great for disguising old chain-link mesh, wattle fence, and picket fence.

Decorative climbing beans

This plant unravels quickly. But it will decorate the fence only for one season, since it is an annual one. If you like its appearance, then you can create such a decoration with your own hands every year. Beans will quickly curl your picket fence or chain-link fence. To disguise another type of fence, it will need to be tied up. The beans bloom magnificently until frost.

morning glory

By mid-summer, the unpretentious climbing annual will cover the entire fence, decorating it with lush greenery and bright gramophone-shaped flowers. This vine requires virtually no care. All she needs is sufficient quantity moisture so that it is thick and blooms profusely.

Floral fantasies along the fence

The role of decoration can be played by flower beds of perennial and annual flowers planted along the fence. The “picture” can be changed annually, and even beginners in gardening can make such a decoration with their own hands. Unpretentious flowers such as mallows, delphiniums, and geraniums are suitable for this purpose. Unusual combinations are obtained if you plant climbing perennials next to flowering annuals. Gardeners dedicated to their work go further, creating the most beautiful mixborders. In them, the plants are selected in such a way that the flowerbed remains blooming throughout the warm season.

Let's braid the fence with climbing perennials

This is perhaps the most common way to decorate an old fence with your own hands. Plants are planted once, remaining an element of decoration for a long time and being a business card summer cottage. The most popular climbing perennials:


Its popularity can be explained simply: the evergreen plant decorates the fence all year round. In addition, ivy grows quickly, covering the entire surface of the fence with dense foliage. This vine is absolutely unpretentious in care and tolerates winter frosts well. In order for it to develop well and delight with thick foliage, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture.

The unpretentious vine tolerates drought and frost well. Maiden grapes are decorative throughout the warm season. Dense foliage has a rich green color spring and summer, and colors in autumn rich colors from orange to purple shades. The plant grows well in both sun and partial shade. Maiden grapes are resistant to pest attacks and diseases.


A grassy vine will quickly weave and decorate an old, unsightly fence. Its dense foliage will tightly cover it. And hop cones have healing properties. Over time, the lower parts of the stems become bare. Therefore, other perennials are usually planted next to hops. These can be ferns, hostas, peonies.


The flowering vine grows quickly, and looks simply luxurious when covered with many bright colors. She is unpretentious in care, loves moisture and open sunny places. In order for clematis to bloom twice a year, faded flowers must be removed in time.

How to decorate different types of fences

You can simply refresh an old fence by painting it. Or you can be smart and add some joy to an ordinary task by making some crafts and decorations for a dilapidated fence with your own hands. But fences are different: metal, wood, plastic, concrete, stone. What jewelry should I choose for them?

Decorating a wooden fence

There are a lot of cute ideas for decorating a wooden fence, starting with floral decor and traditional coloring, finishing with any available material. Very often old shoes are used for this purpose. It is enough to clean it, refresh it with any paint, and fill it with soil. Annual flowers are planted in such a “container” and secured to the fence in any order. This kind of creativity refreshes the boring look of the fence and amuses those around you.

Fence decorated with flowers planted in old slippers

Another way to decorate: holes are made in a wooden fence and covered with glass. Holes can be made different shapes, arrange them arbitrarily, stylize them as windows or mirrors, paint the pieces of glass in different colors, depict cartoon characters on them.

On inside fence, you can attach shelves. Thus, the useful area is used for storing tools and equipment or simply decorated with potted plants.

Decorations made of plywood, mounted on wooden fences and painted with children's drawings, look original. Another original way– decorate the fence with tree cuts. Simple and effective!

Picket fence in the shape of colored pencils

How to decorate a wattle fence? With the same available material! You can make crafts with your own hands from plastic bottles, paint them and place them over the entire area of ​​the wicker fence. Caps from plastic bottles are also suitable for this purpose. If you work hard and collect enough of this multi-colored material, you can make entire paintings from it. Another option is to use old CDs, which are easily attached to the wicker and play all the colors of the rainbow in sunny weather.

Decorating a fence made of corrugated sheets

A fence made of corrugated board looks attractive in itself. But if you want to add some zest, you can come up with ways to decorate it. How to decorate a corrugated fence with your own hands? The easiest way is to color it. Drawings with different themes look good on country fences. But it is important to remember that for this purpose you need to choose only high-quality polymer paints that will not be destroyed under the influence of natural factors.

You can decorate a fence made of corrugated sheets with potted flowers, elements of rural decor: watering cans, clay pots, buckets, garden tools.

But design using plasma cutting or forged elements should be entrusted to a professional.

Decorations for mesh

The most common way is to decorate the chain link climbing plants. For the same purpose, artificial needles are suitable, which are sold in rolls and are easily attached. But you will have to update it often.

You can make your own decorations for the chain-link mesh. Craftsmen make flowers, butterflies, and weave all kinds of pictures from multi-colored ribbons. Of course, this requires certain skills and enough time to work. But there will definitely never be such an original fence in the area again!

Decorating a concrete fence

Such fences are reliable and durable, but do not look very attractive. To decorate them with your own hands, they most often resort to the dyeing method. And stylization on any theme will help to revive it. For example, you can recreate a picture of the last century with the help of planted moss, laid around an old brick, and a bench placed next to it. The monotony of the building will be diluted by shrubs and trees planted nearby.

As you can see, you can decorate an old country fence in different ways. The main thing is to tune in to the right wave and catch the rainbow mood!

How long ago did people begin to fence the territory of their home with a fence? Yes, perhaps, ever since these dwellings appeared.

First they protected the territory from unexpected and dangerous animals, then from enemies, thieves and prying eyes. Currently, the fence carries not only a functional load, but also, of course, a decorative one, and everyone tries, to the best of their ability, to make it as attractive as possible.

If you have a desire to build or decorate an existing fence, then welcome to us.

Today we will look at several options for decorating and decorating fences.

Types of fences and fences

First of all, fences are solid and have varying degrees of transparency. And there are rules and regulations for installing fences that must be followed.

So, between neighboring areas, the fence should not obscure one or the other territory; for this reason, it is recommended to erect a mesh or lattice fence with a height not exceeding one and a half meters. On the street side, it is permissible to install a blind fence.

Based on the material used, fences can be divided into the following types:

  • - metal;
  • - wooden;
  • - concrete, stone;
  • - combined;
  • - hedges.

Metal fences can be made of mesh, corrugated sheets, round or square rods.

The most expensive and highly artistic metal fence is forging self made. Such a fence, of course, does not require any additional decoration.

Wooden fences also have a variety - this is an ordinary wooden fence made of boards nailed vertically, horizontally or overlapping; decorative picket fence and no less decorative wattle fence.

Stone and concrete fences are reliable and durable. You can purchase set elements for constructing a fence, reinforced concrete panels, or make it from blocks, bricks, rubble.

Combined fences, as a rule, consist of several materials: some are supports, a plinth, others are infill.

A hedge is a fence that cannot be erected overnight like other types of fences. It takes more than one year to grow and shape, but in the end it is quite decorative and attractive and goes well with the overall landscape of the area.

In our region they are rarely the main type of fencing, but in the West they are very popular.

Ways to decorate fences

Each type of fencing has its own advantages and disadvantages. Over time, any fence loses its original attractiveness.

How to decorate a fence in a country house or on the territory of a private house if for some reason the fence no longer pleases you? There are many options: painting, partial modernization, and finally, decorating with flowers and various improvised means.

Having installed a chain-link fence or an iron welded lattice fence as a temporary fence, you often don’t get around to replacing it, and sometimes you simply don’t have enough money.

You can make such a fence more attractive by planting decorative climbing plants along it - vines (ivy, clematis, virgin grapes, sweet peas, climbing roses and many other species).

You need to choose plants specifically for your climate region. The high decorative properties of flowering vines are not only a decoration for the fence, but also for the area of ​​the site as a whole.

Similarly, you can decorate a picket fence or wattle fence, adding decorativeness to it.

And by being smart when constructing the fence initially, you can get this result.

You can paint an old fence, but be creative with your painting. Even children can take part in the process. Joint work unites and helps the whole family have a good time.

You can paint not only a picket fence, but also a solid concrete fence. Such a painting will not leave anyone indifferent. The theme of the painting can reflect any of your desires: landscape, graffiti, etc.

You can also decorate the fence using ordinary plastic bottles. This various panels against the backdrop of a blank concrete fence. And simple at first glance flower pots, hung in some order on the fence. Flowering plants planted in these flowerpots will become bright spots against the general background of the fence.

Decorative elements fences in the shape of flowers, made from the bottoms of bottles, can also become a decoration.

There are even fences made from plastic bottles, which serve as filling for wooden or metal frame.

Decorating a fence with your own hands is, first of all, using improvised means. This is the kind of creative decor you can get if you use rubber boots as flower pots.

How to decorate a fence, with minimal costs? Just! Does your old wooden fence have holes due to fallen knots? Fill them with decorative colored glass pebbles, which are on sale, and your fence will sparkle in the sun.

You can also use old CDs to decorate your fence by working on them a little. Such a fence will also sparkle in sunny weather with all the colors of the rainbow.

You can make panels from plastic bottle caps. You just need to come up with and apply a drawing to the surface of the fence, assemble required amount covers and glue them securely, for example, using waterproof glue, and to a wooden fence with self-tapping screws.

Well, if you don’t have the time or inclination to decorate, then just plant them in a row along the fence ornamental trees, which will cover the old fence.

All methods are good if you get true pleasure from the process, the result pleases you and your guests, and passers-by never tire of being amazed at your resourcefulness, courage and creativity. Come up with your own options, do it with us, do it better than us! Creative success to all!

Decor and decoration of the fence

Any fence, first of all, should protect the territory, however, it can be given an attractive appearance and made it stylish. For this purpose, fence decor is specially developed, when you can show maximum imagination, and not just paint the fence at the dacha.

Decorating a fence at the dacha using paints

You can decorate a fence in a variety of ways; the choice is quite large. Forged figurines and various wooden parts look very beautiful. All this gives the fence a unique style.

The following are often used to decorate a fence:

To create decor with your own hands, you only need imagination, and experiments can be continued endlessly.

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Wooden fence and its decor

Wood has not lost its popularity for many decades. It is quite possible for a wooden fence to fit harmoniously into a country landscape; it becomes an adornment of the surrounding landscape.

The advantage of wooden decor is the decoration of a wide variety of buildings in the country.

An example of decorating a wooden fence with various available materials

For this work you can use:

  • boards;
  • slats;
  • pegs;
  • logs;
  • branches.

This material allows you to create a standard fence with your own hands, having miniature dimensions.

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Decorating with climbing plants

In most cases, to decorate fences at the dacha, a variety of plants are used. In this way you can decorate almost any fence with your own hands. An ordinary wooden picket fence will look very attractive. This decoration is done in different ways. Most often done:

  • Planting shrubs;
  • Tree planting;
  • Decoration with grape vines;
  • Planting climbing plants.

Decorating a wooden fence with live plants

A good option for DIY decoration brick fence placing moss between bricks or installing small ceramic flower pots is considered.

When the fence at the dacha is made of chain-link mesh, the decor can be a green waterfall made of plants. It will completely hide the metal mesh with a thick plant wall.

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Concrete fence decor

When a concrete fence is mentioned, the image of a heavy monolithic structure immediately appears. However, today, to decorate a concrete structure with your own hands, you can purchase beautiful borders on the market that can be used to decorate garden paths and decorate flower beds.

Concrete fences are decorated with patterns, and the concrete itself is made in a variety of shades. Today no one remembers the color gray.

It’s quite easy to create such a fence with your own hands if you use polyurethane molds.

This is what a decorated concrete fence looks like

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Popular chain link fence

A do-it-yourself hedge made from climbing plants, which acts as a decoration for a chain-link fence, looks very beautiful.

Annual plants can cover a galvanized fence mesh in a month. Morning glory and sweet peas are suitable for this purpose.

The only disadvantage of this decor is its temporary nature. With the onset of autumn, the plants will dry out and the fence will take on its original appearance.
Therefore, to decorate a fence with your own hands, it is better to use perennial plants that can withstand winter cold:

  • ivy;
  • campsis;
  • honeysuckle;
  • hop.

You can also use a climbing rose, however, you must have reliable posts and wire passed over the chain-link mesh.

Some summer residents plant chokeberry bushes; they grow strongly and reliably hide the chain-link mesh. To avoid large overgrowths, the bushes need to be trimmed regularly.

In fact, chain-link mesh is a universal material that is not very expensive. To make the look of the chain-link more attractive, there are several ways.

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For decoration we use:

  • jasmine;
  • lilac;
  • cotoneaster;
  • hawthorn.

Grape lovers may be advised to cover the fence with grape branches. In addition to a beautiful view, you can get a good harvest. The negative side of this method is the transformation of such a living fence into a chain-link mesh when winter comes.

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Decoration with patterns

They can be very different. It all depends on the owner’s imagination. Perhaps these will be beautiful figures, or perhaps images of cartoon characters.

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A reed fence is specially designed for lovers of rustic style.

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For each site, you can imagine, for example, decorate the fence gate with a beautiful flowering plant, and the remaining perimeter with a hedge.

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Decoration of a fence made of corrugated board

When corrugated sheeting was invented, its main purpose was considered to be finishing a wide variety of rooms:

  • warehouses;
  • workshops;
  • parking lots;
  • hypermarkets.

For all such buildings, the aesthetics of the material and its quality are completely unimportant. Today, corrugated fences have become popular for individual construction. Most often, corrugated sheeting is used to build a fence or roof covering. Of course, every summer resident strives to make his fence more attractive and decorative. To do this, several methods are used.

Decorating a corrugated fence with a landscape

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Combination of materials

This method has gained the greatest popularity. Corrugated sheeting is combined with brick pillars. Such a fence does not have a high cost, but looks very attractive.

To make such a corrugated fence look neat, careful adjustment of all parts is required.

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A fence made of corrugated sheets will look much more harmonious and natural if it imitates red brick or a wooden surface.

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You should always remember the color palette of the fence. The color of the fence should be combined with the color and design of the building and harmonize with the color of the roof. For example, a pink facade goes well with a brown fence.

But this is not at all necessary. You can choose other colors. Eg, Brown color goes well with soft red or green fence Looks great Blue colour combined with gray.

An example of painting a fence to match the color of the house

A fence made of corrugated board becomes more attractive if its edging is black. Return to contents

Shaped cutting

The curly edges of the corrugated board also decorate the fence. In this case, it is necessary to edge it with a profile. Protective strips attached to the upper end of the corrugated sheet will create a very aesthetic appearance.

Decorative elements made from sheets, cut out using a stencil, can decorate any fence.

These parts are obtained by plasma cutting and are coated with powder paint, which never cracks and is not afraid of direct sunlight.

An example of decorating a picket fence with curly cutting

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With the help of forging you can create the most complex patterns. Such products are not attached directly to corrugated sheets. First, a special frame is made, onto which the forged decoration is welded.

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Summer residents who know how to draw often decorate their fence with their own drawings of various subjects. Real artists put large reproductions of a wide variety of paintings on fences. To prevent the work from losing its original appearance, special facade paints. This original fence remains attractive all year round.

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Stencil decoration

To carry out decoration, special stencils are often used that are suitable for any surface.

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How to make a stencil

To do this you need to have:

  • Whatman sheet;
  • Copy paper;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Glass.

Stencil manufacturing technology:

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Letter stencils

Such stencils are used for applying inscriptions to a gate or fence gate.

How to decorate a fence at the dacha

Every person who has a cottage or dacha outside the city often has a question: how to decorate a fence to make it look more beautiful and elegant? This question may arise for several reasons. Firstly, if the fence has been standing for several years, it deteriorates over time and in order not to build a new one, many people try to simply decorate the old one in some way - in this case it will last for several more years. And secondly, you can add to the fence additional elements, and it will look even more beautiful.

Original fence decoration

If the question arises of how to decorate a fence at the dacha, then it’s really time to do something. Today, many summer residents have completely different fences: stone, metal, wood. Therefore, you must first decide which type of decoration is suitable for a particular material. You can see photos of how to decorate a fence made of corrugated board, which will give you new ideas and solutions to this issue.

Any fence is the main detail of the landscape decor of the site, so the more original the decoration, the more beautiful the entire site will look. It is quite difficult for many people to even imagine how to decorate a fence with their own hands, but if there is a desire and a bit of imagination, then this does not pose any difficulty at all.

Wooden fence

One of the most common materials used for fencing construction is wood. Naturally, the boards need to be either painted or varnished every few years. If you put in the effort, even the simplest wooden fence can be made into a real work of art.

In most cases, either a picket fence or a blank wall is used wooden wall. One of the most simple options decorating a wooden fence - make its top arched or curly.

If it is a solid wooden fence, then you can draw some image or drawing on it. It is better if it is flowers or other plants. In the case when it is just a picket fence, it can be decorated in different colour, and at the same time each bar.

In order for this coloring to last longer, the picket fence is also covered with transparent varnish. You can figure out how to decorate the fence with flowers, but not painted ones, but real ones. Small hanging baskets with flowers on posts and always near the gate will look especially original.

Corrugated fencing

Today, many summer residents also install a metal fence made of corrugated sheets. It can be made more beautiful if you additionally use a forged lattice. If you watch the video, you can do it yourself, without inviting specialists. But it is worth keeping in mind that such decoration will be expensive, since Forged Products They're not cheap.

Before you decorate a fence made of corrugated sheets with a forged lattice, you should know that these sheets are coated with a polymer composition, so you need to be careful. You can also decorate with climbing plants (wild grapes or ivy, climbing flowers), which are suitable not only for corrugated sheets, but also for wooden, brick fence.

If desired, you can apply any design to the corrugated sheeting, as well as to a wooden fence, or plant beautiful ones in front of it. ornamental plants. It is also important that you can get pleasure from such creativity.