Characteristics and methods of applying facade paint to brick. What paint to paint brick

Brick is one of the most common building materials... It is used not only for the construction of walls, but also for facing facades. Therefore, its decorative data in some cases is extremely important, and in order to improve them, they often resort to staining the brickwork.

However, improving the attractiveness of the material is not the only function of the paint. In addition, it protects walls from destruction, which can occur as a result negative impact environment... Next, we will consider the features of brick paint and the technology of its application.

Paint properties

When choosing a coloring composition, you must pay attention to its properties.

Exterior brick paint should have the following characteristics:

  • Alkalinity - is one of the main requirements for the coloring composition for brick. The point is that in cement mortarused in the execution of masonry, there is an alkali, which adversely affects paints that do not have this property.
  • Lightfastness - the paint should not fade, delaminate or crack when exposed to sunlight.
  • Water resistance - due to this property, brickwork will be protected from atmospheric precipitation.
  • Vapor permeability - unlike moisture, steam must pass through the paint freely. This property will allow the brick wall to "breathe", which will provide natural moisture exchange in the room.
  • High level of adhesion, i.e. good adhesion to the painted surface.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.

To improve the adhesion of the paint, it is necessary to apply an acrylic primer to the surface.

In addition to all of the above points, it is also necessary to study the technological and decorative properties of the paint. The latter include the possibility of tinting and reflectivity (creating a glossy, matte or semi-matt surface). Technological properties are the speed of drying of the composition, its consumption, as well as the convenience and ease of application.

Paint selection


Knowing the main characteristics that brick paint should have, choosing a suitable composition is not difficult. If you study the properties of paints that are presented on the modern construction market, it turns out that acrylic paintwork is best suited for these purposes. They have all of the above characteristics, including alkalinity and vapor permeability.

Such compositions are based on acrylic resins, which create a strong film on the surface to be painted that can protect the brick from environmental influences. Another advantage is quite affordable price, which is also important when choosing building materials.

For bricks that are difficult to paint, a special method of applying a coloring composition has been developed. It consists in mixing acrylic primer with acrylic facade paint on brick.
This mixture fits perfectly and retains its color for 8-10 years.


By doing internal works, it is allowed to use water-based paint or paint made on an adhesive base. However, it should be borne in mind that these compounds do not have sufficient waterproofing, so they cannot be used for finishing rooms with high levels of humidity.

For the rest, the instructions for the material will help to determine the choice, which usually indicates the scope of its application and the main characteristics.

Separately, it should be said about the mineral facade paint, which is also perfect for painting brick surfaces. This composition is based on cement, due to which it has a high degree of water resistance and good vapor permeability.

Since this paint and varnish coating tolerates regular onslaught of moisture and other atmospheric influences, it will be most appropriate.

One of the main advantages of this paint is that it can be restored. For example, if after a while the wall loses its original appearance, then you can use a special solution that will eliminate damage to the coating and restore its natural color.

You can start painting bricks no earlier than a month after the wall has been erected.
During this time, the material leaches out.
If the finishing needs to be done earlier, a special primer must be used before painting.

Brick painting technology

Foundation preparation

Painting itself brick house the outside is nothing complicated and unusual. The coloring composition is applied in the same way as on other types of surfaces.

To do this, you can use:

  • Roller;
  • Brush;
  • Spray gun.

In the photo - cleaning a brick wall

The only thing that deserves special attention - This is the preparation of the surface of the walls. If you do not want to paint again in a month, then by this stage must be taken very seriously. This applies not only to the facades of buildings, but also to any other external brick surfaces that need to be painted.

So, before you paint brick house outside, you must do the following:

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the wall is dry.
  • Then you should clean the surface of all contamination, if any. This includes dirt, dust, old finishes, etc.
  • If there are traces of mold or mildew on the surface of the walls, then they must be treated with a metal brush or grinder with a special brush head. In the same way, you can get rid of efflorescence, which are water-soluble salts.
  • Then the brick must be rinsed well with water, however, without the use of detergents and other chemical solutions - the water must be clean. Of course, after that, the walls must be allowed to dry well, at least for a day.


Apply the primer in an even layer using a roller. As a rule, this procedure is performed in two passes - after the first layer of the solution has dried, the walls are processed again.

Painting the walls

After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to painting the brick walls.

The work is done as follows:

  • First of all, you need to stir the paint and, if necessary, add color to it. You can pre-mix a small amount of paint to determine the proportions.
  • Then paint is applied in one of the above ways. The most important thing is to make the layer even, without streaks. So that there are no color differences on one wall, it is necessary to apply the composition from corner to corner in one go.
  • If, after applying the first layer of paint, flaws remain on the surface or the color of the brick appears through the paint, then the procedure can be repeated.

That, in fact, is the whole painting technology. Now, after finishing the walls, the surface must be protected from precipitation and direct sunlight until the paint is completely dry.


The most difficult thing when painting a brick with your own hands is to choose the right one coloring composition and qualitatively perform surface preparation. The recommendations given above will help to cope with this task.

Otherwise, the staining process should not cause any difficulties. For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.

Brickwork is painted in two cases, when the wall has lost its "former beauty" over time, and when the facade is radically changed. Staining will give the house an updated look and will make it stand out from the surrounding buildings. With the help of a well-chosen color, you can favorably emphasize the architectural features of the building. The article will focus on options for painting a brick wall.

Such a finish carries not only a cosmetic effect, but also protects the wall of a brick house from adverse effects. external environment... To obtain a high-quality surface, it is necessary to pay great attention to the preparation of the painted surface and the choice of the material itself.

Brick wall photo

Brick wall color

  • Painting masonry is quite in a practical way not only to give the facade an attractive look, but also to decorate the walls indoor spaces... A wide range of painting materials will allow you to choose the desired shade.
  • Color choices are not based solely on personal preference. The external brick wall, first of all, should be combined with the shade of the roofing material, not create a sharp contrast with existing buildings (bathhouse, gazebo, utility blocks, etc.).
  • An important factor in the selection of paint is the shape of the house. If it has a classical basis, built on straight lines, then it is perfect here pastel shades... Complex architecture with balconies, pilasters, columns and other elements can be decorated in bright, rich colors.

  • The coating can be either glossy or matte. Splashes of gloss on interior walls will expand the space. But the matte surface is considered more resistant to mechanical stress, that is, it is characterized by increased resistance to abrasion.

Brick wall paint

The painting material presented on the market is subdivided according to its purpose: for the facade, interior works, and according to the operating conditions (water-resistant, heat-resistant products). It should be noted that exterior paint can be used to decorate walls indoors, but interior paint is not suitable for a facade.

The final coverage must meet the following technical characteristics:

  • vapor permeability... Brickwork allows condensation to pass through itself, which inevitably occurs during the operation of housing. Therefore, the paint must have vapor permeable properties. Otherwise, the accumulated moisture will drain between the wall and the coating layer, which will lead to the exfoliation of the latter;
  • water resistance. Precipitation no one will ever cancel. A material with such characteristics is relevant not only for painting external walls, but also for interior rooms with a high level of humidity (unheated change houses, bathrooms, kitchens);
  • resistance to UV radiation. Special additives will prevent active sunlight from affecting the coating. It should be noted, however, that whitish areas are more likely to appear on dark-colored surfaces;
  • elasticity.Such material fits well on porous material. The plastic layer will perfectly withstand small deformation changes in brickwork during seasonal temperature fluctuations;

  • hiding power... This indicator is responsible for the economical consumption of paint, which is especially important when used on walls made of microporous bricks. Not every paint is capable of forming quality coverage in 1-2 layers;
  • frost resistance... The additive is responsible for the performance properties of the coating at subzero temperatures and severe climatic conditions. Heat resistant material is chosen for coloring brick ovens and fireplaces, moisture resistant for rooms with high humidity conditions.

The ecological component of the paint is of no small importance. Today, the consumer is offered products made on an organic and water-dispersion basis.

Types of paint for painting a brick wall

It would be useful to remind you that it is better to purchase products from well-known brands. World manufacturers follow their reputation, therefore they produce paint made in accordance with technological requirements... Each package contains reliable information about the rules of operation, technical characteristics and material properties.

A brief overview of the most popular types of paints will help to draw conclusions about the quality and create the basis for choosing one or another product:

  • silicone paints form a reliable layer that allows water vapor to pass freely. Material resistant to mechanical damage, seasonal temperature changes. Well, the cost for them is appropriate;
  • latex products distinguished by vapor permeability, high decorative qualities and a harmless composition. Its disadvantage is the low degree of wear resistance. In addition, if you want to remove the old coating, then it will not be so easy;

  • lime based paints environmentally friendly, breathable and beautiful. There is a significant disadvantage - low performance properties. After drying, small detachments are observed, which spoil the overall picture and nullify all the efforts made.

Brick walls can be painted with cement, silicate and polymer paints. For this type of work, a water-based acrylic material is perfect. It does not contain components harmful to health in its composition, and the coating is obtained in rich tones, characterized by high wear resistance. Acrylic paint with the addition of silicone is widely used. The painted surface is characterized by improved performance.

Together with the paint, it is necessary to purchase primers. Preparing walls with a primer before painting:

  • removes dust from the surface;

  • will increase the adhesion between the paint and the surface;
  • prevents the appearance of streaks and promotes uniform coloring.

For additional protection of walls from moisture, you can use a water repellent. He will raise thermal insulation properties walls, forms a water-repellent and breathable film.

How to paint a brick wall. Highlights

  • If you plan to finish immediately after laying the brick, then here you should postpone the work for at least a year. During this time, the walls will completely dry out and erode. The paint on freshly erected walls will certainly peel off. Outdoor work is carried out in the warm season at a temperature not exceeding the 25º mark.

  • When performing this process, it is very important that there is no wind, otherwise, together with the air currents on the newly painted, wet surface dust particles that will spoil appearance facade. It will be possible to get rid of defects only with repeated repainting, and this entails additional material costs and considerable time costs.
  • During interior work, all furniture is taken out of the room. If it is not possible to vacate the room, then the furniture is moved away from the walls to the center and, without fail, is covered with polyethylene or old sheets.
  • It is recommended to dismantle existing skirting boards and platbands; if it is impossible to fulfill them, they are protected masking tape... The floors are covered with paper or foil.

For execution finishing works, including the preparatory process and the staining itself, you will need:

  • scraper and brush with metal bristles;
  • detergent or special cleaning compounds;
  • mortar for grouting masonry joints;
  • primer;
  • roller, brush or spray gun;
  • painting pallet;
  • paint;
  • facilities individual protection (gloves, mask, glasses, etc.).

Work before painting

Surface preparation for painting serves as a reliable basis for the final coating. Therefore, the efforts made will more than pay off in the form of high-quality and durable decorative finishes.

Work stages

  • The brick wall is brushed. Before painting the brick wall on the loggia, the old finish (if any) is removed. To do this, you can dilute bleach powder with water (1: 3). After processing, the surface is watered abundantly with water. Also, the surface is cleaned of loose pieces of brick or masonry mortar.

  • With the help of a wire brush and a special solution, the masonry is processed from the existing salt deposits. If this is not done, then efflorescence will soon spoil the painted surface, because the salts will show through again and again. They will not only affect the decorative quality of the finish, but also lead to the flaking of the material.
  • Antiseptic solutions are used to combat fungus and mold. As a substitute for a special preparation, you can use chlorine-containing products such as "Whiteness". They are applied to the walls and left for 15-20 minutes to act, then cleaned off with a scraper or stiff brush.
  • The entire wall is thoroughly washed with soapy water. Next, you need to wait until the brickwork is completely dry. Otherwise, any, even minimal residues of moisture will cause swelling and peeling of the paint layer, as well as the appearance of cracks on the surface.
  • The masonry is carefully examined for the presence of cracked joints, cracks and brick chips. All crumbled parts are removed, the resulting grooves are cleaned of dust and dirt. Defects are sealed with sand-cement mortar, water-based silicone sealant or other compounds. As soon as the plaster dries, the excess is rubbed with sandpaper.
  • If there are greasy stains, they must be primed in advance.
  • Further, the almost completely prepared surface is allowed to dry - at least a week. After this time, the masonry is primed (preferably in 2 layers) using a roller, brush or spray gun.
  • A primer based on latex or acrylic will increase the adhesion between the paint material and brick blocks, provide a reliable base for finishing, and reduce paint consumption.

Let's start painting

  • After completing preparatory work in in full, and after waiting for the walls to dry, you can start painting them. Before starting the process, it is recommended to close thick cardboard all window and door openings in order to avoid long washing from drops of paint.

  • Small architectural details that cannot be painted or are intended for painting in a different color are also protected from the ingress of paint material. This is especially important if the painting will be carried out with a spray.
  • For painting work, you can use a flat brush 80-100 mm wide, this indicator is optimal for applying paint in a horizontal direction. A medium bristle roller is also perfect. It does not leave streaks and streaks. The handle design allows the bar to be used for high-altitude work.

  • The spray gun will ensure uniform application finishing material, will significantly speed up painting, due to the high speed of the processed surface per unit of time. Before starting work, it is necessary to set up the tool by test runs on a rough surface.
  • Staining begins from the upper corner of the wall, gradually moving from site to site. Using a brush or roller, apply even pressure to avoid bald spots or excessive application of material. The paint in the container is regularly mixed, this will not allow sediment to form.
  • After the first layer has dried, proceed to re-staining. The drying time is indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging. If there is no such information, then the standard three hours are expected.
  • Depending on the porosity of the brick and the hiding power of the painting material, a 2-3 layer coating may be required.
  • If desired, masonry joints are painted over with paint with a lighter or darker shade. With the latter option, the geometry of each brick will be emphasized as much as possible.

  • Thus, competently selected for quality and color scheme paint, as well as its application in compliance with the technological process will help to give the facade decorative view... In addition, brick walls will be protected from adverse conditions.
  • The only drawback of this finish is the need to paint every 5-8 years, depending on the composition and performance of the paint material.

Brick wall painting video


Today, there are a number of materials on sale for exterior finishing works.

Modern paints and varnishes have a number of the following properties:

  • complete absence of chemically harmful substances in the composition;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and sunlight);
  • elasticity of the coating after staining;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • compatibility with other paints;
  • wear resistance;
  • very easy to clean from dirt;
  • vapor permeability.

For painting both a new house and old buildings, paint on silicate bricks is suitable. It is applied easily, does not form drips, does not splash. At cost, it is much cheaper than other materials, more affordable for a wide range of consumers.

In general, by its characteristics, a brick is a material that is completely ready for long-term use while maintaining its original appearance. However, the building will look familiar and uniform. Paints will give it a completely new, sometimes fabulous appearance.


The main types paint coatings for brick are acrylic, silicone, silicate, enamel paints... They are glossy, semi-matte and matte. Each has its own reflective ability (complete absence in matte, the highest in glossy).

Acrylic coatings are highly resistant to temperature changes, the term of their use is 8-11 years. Facade painted walls are not prone to cracks and wash well. The paint does not peel off when exposed to rain and sun. Acrylic resin is added as a component, so moisture is poorly absorbed.

Complete drying of the wall after processing is achieved after 24 hours.

In most cases it is not recommended to coat a newly erected façade. This rule does not apply to acrylic paints, since they contain a binder that stops alkaline corrosion present in a fresh solution. Therefore, within 30 days after the construction of the building, you can paint it in any color.

Silicone paints and varnishes are distinguished by their durability and drying speed (- 3 hours after painting). They are protected from mold and mildew by a siloxane (resin-based) solution in their composition. In regions with hot climates and high air temperatures, painted facades do not change their appearance under the influence ultraviolet rays.

Dust contamination on covered buildings is removed very quickly naturally (precipitation). A painted house can last 18-20 years until the next renovation. Various tints are used to change the color of the paint. The main color is white. You can convert it to any.

Silicate paints are subject to changes in air temperature.They tolerate moisture well, have high vapor permeability and fire resistance. Apply in two steps. The first layer dries up in 24 hours. The second in 8-11 hours.

Enamel coatings are fire hazardous and toxic. They contain varnish. However, these paints are very moisture resistant, tough and corrosion resistant. Drying period is 6-20 hours.

On the basis of cement, a special mineral paint for brick was created. It is intended for previously painted facades that are difficult to restore. The degree of water resistance and vapor permeability of such a paint and varnish material is very high. The color of a brick house will not change for 10 years after the walls are treated with such paint.

Oil paints are used much less often. Most often they are used to paint Russian stoves installed in summer kitchens (temporary huts). Beautiful artistic ornaments and drawings are very convenient to apply with this paint and varnish material.

A colorless varnish can be a substitute for oil paints; it fits well on a brick wall, which looks natural after painting.

The best option for staining is multicolored latex acrylic paints (Belinka, Sicily, Acrylatil, Husky, Mikrel and others). Each of them has its own unique characteristics.

Sicily paint is a silicone-modified and alkali-resistant, self-cleaning material. Used for the facades of houses located in dusty areas.

Preparation for painting

If the building was built a long time ago, then white salt spots may form on the surface of the walls. Latex paint manufacturers have developed adhesives capable of forming a film that prevents such deposits from forming on brick walls. To prevent the process of accumulation of white layers, you should find the causes of their occurrence.

It is necessary to carefully check the surfaces for the presence of condensation, with the help of a sealant (cement), eliminate the places where moisture penetration from the outside is observed. All cracks and irregularities must be repaired. This is followed by the plastering process, after which facade walls give time to dry. Then processing (grouting and smoothing of the seams) is carried out with a metal brush.

The treated surface should be washed with water, chlorine can be used. The dried walls are primed.

The primer can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself.

Ready-made are of the following types:

  • Acrylic - fit best way for latex paint.
  • Silicate - has good air permeability. Resistant to precipitation.
  • Epoxy - provides surface waterproofing and adhesion.

To make your own mortar for priming brick walls, you need to take the following components:

  • copper sulfate -1 part;
  • laundry soap-2 parts;
  • wood glue (bone) -5 parts.

Then take a bucket of water and bring it to a boil. Laundry soap is crushed by rubbing it on a kitchen grater. Pour the resulting soap crumbs into boiling water, stirring until dissolved. Joiner's glue and vitriol are added to the solution.

After that, the heat is reduced and the mass is left to boil for half an hour. After the lapse of time, the container with the mixture is removed from the heat, cooled slightly and filtered (warm) through a sieve. The solution is ready. It is applied like any primer with a brush, roller or special painting apparatus.

The whole preparatory process ends here.


Painting the facade from sand-lime brick - This is a long, but completely uncomplicated procedure.

You need to choose a paint that meets all the requirements, the main of which is vapor permeability. After painting, the house should become saturated, not having lost the ability to "breathe". An important point is the consumption of material. The more paint is used up, the denser it will lie, hide all the irregularities and imperfections on the wall. Don't forget about the color after drying. As a rule, the surface of the walls will be slightly darker than the color of the original dye used to paint them.

Before starting the work itself, it is imperative to cover the parts of the house with polyethylene, which do not need to be painted. it entrance doors, windows, basement. You will also need scaffolding or a high staircase, scaffolding.

Finishing, restoration or simply decorating the facade often becomes a real headache for owners of private houses. If your house is built of bricks, then for sure the main option that you are considering is painting the brick, but which paint is better for such work, and how to paint a brick wall outside?

This question is very important, especially considering all the variety paints and varnishes in modern building stores, and that's what we'll talk about in this article.

It is with the answer to this question that you need to start your choice. What qualities should brick paint have, and why do some facades retain their neat appearance for many years, while others lose it after just one season?

Consider the main selection criteria:

  • Moisture resistant... The first and the most important factor... If your paint is permeable to moisture, it will deteriorate pretty quickly. Not every material has moisture-repellent functions, so you need to look for information on this on the packaging.

  • Vapor permeability... At first glance, it may seem that in relation to the first item, this indicator is mutually exclusive, but this is not so. Modern paints have high vapor permeability, that is, they release moisture to the outside, but at the same time do not let it pass under the surface.
  • UV resistant... The action of the sun's rays is constantly falling on the facade, and many paints simply fade away, so it is so important to choose the one that will retain its appearance without losing color over many sunny periods.
  • Durability... No matter how trite it may sound, the facade is the face of the house, and its restoration is a laborious and expensive business. It is very important that the paint is kept for more than 10 years, and not all manufacturers give such a guarantee.

  • Wear resistance. Sooner or later, any facade gets dirty, and sometimes it is not easy to clean it running water, but also use hard brushes or chemical detergents... The paint should be resistant to such procedures, and not rub off on contact with cleaning tools.
  • Ease of application... The factor is especially important for those who decide to make repairs with their own hands. Instructions for the use of some paints do not provide for their application with a brush or roller (see), and you may need expensive equipment, which is, to put it mildly, impractical to buy for a one-time job.

Advice! Give preference only to trusted brands, about which there is a lot positive feedback... It is not a fact that a less well-known manufacturer will be worse, but the risk in this case is an unjustified thing, and the result of savings may be the need to repaint in a couple of years.

So, we figured out the main criteria, which means we can proceed directly to a detailed examination of the materials. Below we will talk about two types facade paints, and we will try to figure out which one is more reliable.

Facade latex paint

It is produced on the basis of natural rubber resins, and today it can be called one of the most popular options for painting the facade. Immediately, we note that pleasure is not cheap, but the service life of such a paint, according to manufacturers' assurances, is at least 25 years under the most intense load.

Another feature of latex paint that can be considered an advantage is its environmental friendliness. The paint does not contain chemical components, therefore, even during operation, it does not emit unpleasant odors.

Interesting! Often latex paint is also used for work in an apartment, since it has no smell, but it is important to remember that the facade paint is different from that used for interior work, and the price for it is significantly higher.

Characteristics and features

Features of latex paint:

  • High vapor permeability... Despite the fact that latex is a material that resembles rubber in properties, the paint from it perfectly releases steam from under the coating, so you can not worry about the appearance of mold or mildew.
  • Moisture resistant... Another key value that this paint has on high level... Latex prevents moisture penetration, as it creates thin film... One of the photos in this article shows how water droplets behave on a painted surface.

  • Latex paint, by definition, cannot be glossy.... In any case, the finish will be matte. This factor cannot be attributed to disadvantages or advantages, but you need to know about it when choosing this material for your home.
  • Latex paint is best applied with a roller or brush, as due to the water base, when spraying, smudges may form on the surface.
  • Such paint itself is maximally resistant to ultraviolet radiation., but only on condition that you do not use tinting paste, which in turn may lose its color over time.

And finally, one more rule that must not be forgotten: do not mix latex paint with materials on a different base. Due to the water base, folding will not occur, but the adhesion will be completely broken, and the whole mixture will have to be thrown away.

Oil based paint

Even 20 years ago, this was the only answer to the question of how you can paint a brick wall. was the most common, and for facade works she had no competitors at all.

They use it today, although not so intensively, and the point is that it specifications turned out to be simply irrelevant for our time, and other brands of paints are much ahead of it. As for the cost, you can't call it low either, and besides, oil paint is a product of the chemical industry, and in our age, when more and more strive for environmental friendliness, they simply try to refuse it, preferring cleaner and safer materials.

But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Have oil paint and dignity, for example, its ability to retain color long time... Of course, this is only relevant for well-known manufacturers who value their reputation.

PF does not fade in the sun, and besides, it perfectly retains moisture. Under such paint, the facade will be reliably protected for many years.

Features of oil paint

Features of oil paint in detail:

  • Low vapor permeability is one of the main disadvantages of this material. PF creates a thick film on the surface, under which moisture does not penetrate, we already talked about this above, but the paint does not release moisture either, which means that, before application, the facade requires especially careful protection in the form of soil and impregnation.
  • You can apply paint with a paint roller and a spray gun (see). The only difference is that for spraying, you have to dilute the paint to a more liquid state, or select a more powerful spray gun that can lift it.

  • According to the instructions, oil paint is diluted with white spirit, but if desired, it can be replaced with solvent 646, by the way, the gloss of the coating in this case will increase, and the drying time will be reduced several times.
  • Drying time, an aspect that can be attributed to the shortcomings of the material, since depending on the ambient temperature and general humidity, it can take up to several days. In the summer, if the paint is diluted with a solvent, this process takes only a few hours.

  • Resistance to mechanical damage. High-quality oil paint creates such a strong film that it is very difficult to damage it. Of course, a hammer blow will leave its mark, but you don't have to worry about accidental touches and blows.

Advice! Do not use gasoline to dissolve the oil paint. In this case, the coating dries much faster, but it loses color after a few years. In addition, adhesion to mineral surfaces is significantly impaired, which also affects the service life.

And in conclusion

Well, that's basically all that we wanted to tell you about these two materials within the framework of the article. And finally, we invite you to watch the video in this article, which shows the process of applying paint with a spray gun.

If at the time of reading, you still have not decided how to paint a brick wall, then we bring to your attention a small comparative table, which will surely help you make a choice.

As you can see, latex paint has more advantages over its competitor, so it can be considered our today's winner. But do not forget about the PF, in some conditions, it suits best, and with large volumes of work, you can also save money.

The fashion for the use of brickwork in interior design has provoked the search for solutions for its effective decoration. The easiest way to do it yourself is to paint the brick. The same approach can be used to update brick facades.

Things to Consider Before Painting a Brick Wall

The decision to repaint a brick wall must be carefully weighed. You need to understand that there will be no way back, since it is almost impossible to remove the applied paint without significant damage to the brick. The natural roughness and terracotta shade will be lost forever and any other color change can only be achieved by another repainting. In this case, such procedures are inevitable, since even the best paint materials tend to gradually fade and crumble.

Fireplace before and after painting bricks

Brick itself is a rather specific material. It is characterized by some porosity and vapor permeability. After manufacturing, a certain time must pass for the material to dry well and weathered. Therefore, categorically it is not recommended to paint "fresh" brick walls: it is advisable to let them stand for several years ... Otherwise, ugly salt stains and wet spots may appear on the surface of the paint: this not only makes the painted wall ugly, but also contributes to the rapid peeling of the paint layer.

Stains on a brick wall from improper painting

Painting a brick facade makes it possible not only to make it more attractive, but also creates additional protection from negative external influences. If everything is done correctly, the masonry will receive additional resistance to moisture, chemical and mechanical stress. At the same time, much will depend on the correct selection of paint.

What types of paint are suitable for bricks and how to choose them

All commercially available paint materials are divided into two large groups - facade and for interior use. The first category is characterized by the presence of greater resistance to moisture and temperature differences: facade paint can be applied both outdoors and indoors.

Brick paint requirements:

  1. Moisture resistance. This is especially true when it is necessary to paint street brick walls. It will not be superfluous in those cases when the interior in the kitchen, bath or hallway needs updating.
  1. The ability to pass steam. Most types of bricks are vapor permeable, and if you create a "deaf" layer on top of such a material, this will provoke the accumulation of condensation under the paint layer. As a result, the paint begins to flake off rapidly.
  1. Good hiding power. Flexible paints are best suited for decorating rough brick surfaces. Due to some plasticity similar finish will not crack during seasonal or shrinkage deformations of the brick wall.
  1. Resistant to temperature fluctuations. This is especially true for the outer surfaces of a brick wall, which experience all the charm of climatic influences. Good heat resistance of brick paint will also be needed in cases where additional finishing of brick stoves and fireplaces is carried out.

In general, all paints used for painting bricks can be water-based or organic.

Each of the compositions of this type has its own specific application:

  • Nitroenamels, oil dyes. They are well absorbed into bricks, tolerate sunlight and mechanical stress. However, after their application, a strong hydrophobic film is created on the surface of the material, which completely clogs the structure. As a result, condensation begins to appear on the brick wall.

Nitroenamel - not the best choice for painting bricks

Organic paints not recommended for use in residential interiors , as this will provoke dampness of the walls and a violation of the internal microclimate. They are more suitable for decorating brick facades, fences and balconies.

Acrylic facade compounds are much stronger and more reliable: after hardening, they can be dry cleaned. They also increase the ability of masonry to resist moisture.

but most suitable option water-based paint for bricks is an acrylic-silicone solution , the service life of which can reach 10-12 years. After drying, the material forms a vapor-permeable layer with good hydrophobic and anti-vandal characteristics. The cost of this paint is quite high, but the result obtained fully compensates for all costs.

Acrylic silicone paint is one of the the best options for painting bricks

  • Epoxy. The composition of this material may differ slightly: in some cases it contains toxic components, which should be checked with the seller. In general, all epoxy paints have good brick adhesion and strength. To increase the resistance to climatic influences, after the paint has set, it can be hidden with a layer of varnish.

Epoxy paint is strong and adheres well to bricks

  • Mineral ... The basis of mineral paints is cement. They can be used to decorate brick facades, fences and balconies. After hardening, the coating resists moisture well, temperature fluctuations and mechanical stress. Usually mineral dyes are used for outdoor use.

Mineral paint works well for bricks

  • Silicone. Excellent for very smooth brick walls with low adhesion. Basically, silicate brick has such characteristics. There is a line of heat-resistant silicone paints especially for finishing stoves and fireplaces.

Silicone paint is perfect for sand-lime bricks

How to prepare the surface before painting

In addition to choosing the right paint, the quality and durability of the decorative layer largely depends on the correct preparation.

List of required preliminary works before painting a brick wall:

  1. Cleaning. The brick wall must be thoroughly cleaned from traces of dirt, dust, particles of masonry mortar and old finish (if available). All the seams of the masonry are subject to careful examination for the detection of a fallen out or dried mortar. All elements that have lost their strength must be removed by sealing the resulting voids with sand-cement mortar or silicone sealant... In the same way, it is necessary to eliminate all the cracks found. After the sealed areas have dried, they are sanded with sandpaper.

To begin with, all cracks in the wall must be repaired, and then everything must be sanded with sandpaper.

  1. Washing off efflorescence. For these purposes, a stiff brush and an aqueous solution of bleach (3: 1) are usually used. There is an erroneous opinion that traces of salt on the brick are successfully painted over with paint: it should be noted that the effect of painting will be short-lived, and salt deposits will quickly appear on the decorative finish.

To wash off efflorescence, it is necessary to apply a solution of bleach, clean these places with a hard brush and rinse everything thoroughly with water

  1. Fighting mold and mildew. If there are traces of mold and mildew, an antiseptic treatment will also be required. Instead of expensive products, you can use the usual "Whiteness", diluting it in water 1: 1. After processing the affected areas of the wall, it is necessary to pause for 15-20 minutes, then remove the mold with a scraper.

To combat mold and mildew, you can apply the Whiteness solution to the wall, scrape off everything with a scraper, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

  1. Fighting greasy stains. Deserve special attention greasy stains, as some types of paint simply will not stick to them. To neutralize the grease on the walls, special degreasers are used (for example, Docker).

Docker Degreaser

  1. General washing with soapy water. After the antiseptic dries, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe painted brick wall should be washed with soapy water. After washing, the surface should dry well.

The wall must be washed with soapy water

  1. Primer. After letting the prepared surface dry for 5-7 days, it must be primed in 2 layers. The choice of a suitable primer composition depends on the specifics of the wall to be prepared and its operating conditions. To increase the degree of adhesion of the surface to the paint, you can use the usual latex or acrylic impregnation: this will also reduce the consumption of the painting material by an order of magnitude.

The final stage in preparing a brick wall for painting is a primer

If the brick surface will be exposed to significant effects of moisture, then it is best to prime it with Polyfluid: this waterproofing agent contains synthetic resins, which crystallize after penetrating deep into the brick. As a result, the capillaries are clogged and a completely waterproof barrier is formed. The primer is usually applied with a roller, brush or construction spray.


Brick Painting Tools

When choosing exactly what to paint on a brick wall, it is necessary to take into account the degree of surface roughness and the type decorative effectto be achieved:

  • Brush. Convenient tool for painting bricks, allowing a good surface feel and even spreading. In this case, it is more convenient to move along the masonry pattern. If acrylic paint is used, it is advisable to buy good quality polyester brushes. For alkyd and oil dyes, natural bristles are preferable. Most optimal size and the shape of the brush for painting the brick is a flat tool having a width of 70-100 mm. It is more convenient to paint the corners with narrower brushes with obliquely cut bristles.

Brick Wall Brush

  • Roller. Excellent for applying the first paint coat as a brick surface usually absorbs quickly decorative solutions... For such work, foam rubber or woolen tools with a medium pile length are selected. To paint a wall at a height, you can put a special extension bar on the handle.

Roller for painting a brick wall

  • Spray gun. It is used for quickly painting flat sections of a brick wall of a large area. This could be, for example, brick fence or the facade of a building. To achieve a good decorative effect, a tool is needed.

Brick wall spray gun

  • Sponge. It is used exclusively for creating indoor interiors. With its help, you can get the effects of an old, sun-burnt coating. it good welcometo whiten the masonry, achieving some transparency of the decorative layer. The sponge is especially convenient when painting relief areas, as it makes it possible to tint the entire depth of a rough texture. This method dyeing is good for creating beautiful silver and bronze highlights. Surfaces can be communicated with additional contrasting spots or stencil patterns.

Sponge for painting bricks

In addition to the tool for directly applying paint to the brick, you will also need some additional devices... Basically, we are talking about protective clothing and gloves, as well as film and tape, with the help of which it is convenient to protect adjacent surfaces from smearing.

How to paint a brick (brick wall)

For interior work, a roller or brush is usually used, while facades are more convenient to paint with a construction spray gun (spray gun).

It is desirable to start from the top of the wall, from any of the corners. To apply the first layer, it is advisable to dilute the paint a little: water-soluble compositions are especially convenient in this regard, where for this it is enough to add a little water to the material and stir it thoroughly. If the work is carried out on the street, then it is advisable to choose a dry, cool day for it: optimum temperature air - +15 - +20 degrees.

As a rule, for a high-quality painting of a brick surface, it will be necessary to apply 2-3 layers. Before laying the next layer, it is necessary to wait until the previous one is completely dry. The most popular water-based formulations usually dry within 3-4 hours. As for decorating new brick walls, painting is allowed no earlier than 1-2 years after the completion of construction. During this period, the brickwork shrinks, weathered and leached out: if these processes take place under the paint layer, it will surely begin to crack or become covered with whitish stains.

1 - apply paint in a convenient way (with a spray gun, brush or roller); 2 - wait until the paint is completely dry; 3 - apply a second coat of paint.

If a brick wall needs to be given solid color, then problems with such decoration usually do not arise: all that is required is to choose a suitable application tool and take care of protecting adjacent surfaces from splashes. However, more complex types of finishes can be used indoors. For example, a mosaic of multi-colored bricks is very popular when you need to use several paints of different tones at once.

A brick wall can be painted in several shades at once

Often, the effect of aging, matte or glossy shine is reported to the brick walls in the interior. In each of these cases, you will need to use some specific application technique.

Artificial aging of bricks

The easiest option to make a brick wall not just plain, but to decorate it in a special way is to use stencil images. They are usually thematic and are applied over a pre-applied solid color coat. The interior looks very interesting, where the brick walls are decorated with beautiful graffiti. Another option is to make the seams of the masonry bright and contrasting.

White mortar for grouting brick walls

Maintenance of painted brick surfaces

Take care of painted brick wall very simple: it must be periodically wiped with soapy water using a sponge. If local damage or paint peeling is found, simple restoration measures are taken. To do this, you need to carefully clean off the exfoliated fragments with a scraper, then prime and carefully putty the formed cavity. After drying, the patch is lightly sanded and painted. In order to achieve complete invisibility of the repaired area, it is advisable to use paint of the same series for painting as in the original decoration.