Making flower beds from petunias in the garden: photos and examples. Do-it-yourself vertical flower beds and flower beds in the photo How to arrange vertical flower beds from petunias

There are flowers that don't need to be introduced. It is worth seeing the petunias in the garden, the design of the flower beds, and it becomes clear without words, this is the perfect summer. With its help, it is easy to realize the most daring design ideas, and for vertical gardening he is just a find.

I just want to exclaim: “You, darling, are good in all your outfits!”

Lady Perfection Hispanic

She burst into the world of decorative floriculture not so long ago, some 200 years ago. That's what broke in. The petunia flower looks like a sultry beauty with an admixture of common blood, eclipsed by the flower aristocracy. A strong, hardy, unpretentious plant, with the tireless care of breeders, acquired an aristocratic gloss, from a naive village simpleton turned into Lady Perfection.

Homeland of the popular annual Solanaceae family - South America, from where it spread throughout the planet, up to the Arctic Circle. The wild ancestors of our heroine were not particularly beautiful, at least they thought so until the first hybrid plant bloomed. Since 1834, the magical transformation of a modest flyer begins, the hybridization of which was carried out by eminent breeding companies in the USA, Great Britain, and Japan.

Today it is the best-selling flower, the seeds of which make up a third of the world's assortment.

What for which flower bed to choose?

Plant breeding has progressed and is advancing on several fronts.

  • There was an enlargement and improvement of the flower - the result was varieties with simple, double, fringed, corrugated petals.
  • Created various forms plants - tall and compact, spherical, curly.
  • Improved and multiplied color. Petunia flowers come in all shades of the rainbow except for yellow and orange (which is what breeders are working on today). There are varieties of monophonic, two-color, with edging along the edge, contrasting venation, and a star-shaped pattern.

How not to get lost when choosing varieties and hybrids for the garden?

large-flowered group

Large-flowered petunias include hybrids and cultivars, the flower of which is 7–12 cm in diameter. These are also the most beautiful representatives of a large family - bright, juicy, with unusual shape petals.

Examples of sorts:

  • Pikoti F1 (petals with a white border and a ruffled edge);
  • Falcon F1 (flower with contrasting venation);
  • Hit Parade F1 (early, full range of colors);
  • Daddy F1 (saturated color with contrasting veins);
  • Ensign F1 (blooms until frost);
  • Red Mon F1 (corrugated edge of the petals).

Petunias of this group will look great in the design of carpet flower beds, paths, lawns, as shown in the photo of the flower bed below. By by and large- it universal flowers, which are suitable for both open ground and container plantings.

Compact multi-flowered petunias

The advantage of the large group of "multiflora" petunias is a compact, branchy plant with an abundance of medium-sized flowers (ø 4–7 cm). As well as their cold resistance, resistance to wind and bad weather. Hybrids are more decorative than varieties. They are less sprawling, form a bush, similar to a flowering ball.

Among flower growers, the following series of hybrids are very popular.

  • Merlin F1 (compact multi-flowered plants up to 25 cm tall, bicolored);
  • Mirage F1 (with double flowers);
  • Pram Time F1 (profusely flowering, richly colored flowers with wavy petals).

Compact petunias are purchased for breaking lawns in the garden, alpine slides, as in the photo below, decorating balconies, all kinds of raised flower beds.

unpretentious floribunda

And if you want a lot of flowers, and not small ones? There is an intermediate group - "floribunda". Her gramophones are relatively large, up to 8 cm in diameter, flowering is plentiful, among other important advantages are unpretentiousness in care, nutrition, heat and wind resistance.

The most advantageous varieties of this group look in bulk - in large flower beds, flowering monograms on the lawn, in the design of cascading flower beds.

Examples of sorts:

  • Sonya F1 (bright purple, crimson, burgundy flowers, with venation, star, petal edging);
  • Strength F1 (represented by 13 colors, not afraid of rain and heat).

Queen of vertical flower beds - ampelous group

Petunia in hanging flowerpots, planters, balcony boxes - who has not admired the photo of vertical flower beds with this weaving beauty? Ampelous varieties and hybrids differ from other representatives of the genus in the ability of branches to grow mainly downward, falling down with beautiful lashes. In vertical gardening, the annual confidently occupies the largest niche, far pushing aside its closest competitors - pelargonium, nasturtium, fuchsia, verbena.

Note! A significant drawback of many forms of ampelous petunias (surfinia, for example) is mainly vegetative propagation. This does not always suit people who are inexperienced in floriculture, for whom seed propagation is more familiar and understandable. Thankfully, in Lately hybrids appeared that can be obtained not only by cuttings, but also by sowing.

What can you offer lovers of weaving petunias?

  • Surfinia (numerous series with large solid colors rich color, yes terry varieties);
  • Supertunia (7 varieties of purple-raspberry shades);
  • Wonderwave or Fortunia F1 (bright gramophones with a dark throat, propagated by seeds);
  • Conchita (abundantly flowering, medium-sized flowers (up to 5 cm), bright, with contrasting venation).

Ideas, options, photos of the design of vertical flower beds

Bright, long-blooming gramophones can decorate any flower garden, but vertical flower beds for petunias look especially advantageous, which, moreover, are easy to build with your own hands.

Alpine slide

The first option is associated with the use of a climbing plant in a relief garden. If there is an alpine slide, a few compact petunia bushes will dilute the interesting, but, in general, rather modest subalpine flora. Here, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Since petunia is a light-loving, heat-resistant plant, plant it on sunny side stone hill. Choose discreet colors so as not to contrast with common style flower garden.

Flowerpots, planters, hanging baskets

A simple option for vertical gardening is planting flowers in hanging containers. With their help, decorate balconies, stairs, porches, patios, gazebos, decorate walls, openings.

For such mini-flower beds, it is necessary to purchase varieties adapted to growing in conditions of a small amount of soil. This is an ampelous group, in particular, surfinia, supertunia, as well as representatives of the “multiflora” class. Low-growing plants have a developed root system capable of maintaining the plant at the peak of flowering for a long time.

raised flower bed

Raised flower beds provide room for imagination. This is a ground structure, towering above the level of the site. Vertical flower beds for petunias of a similar plan can be made with your own hands from improvised materials.

  1. From cut car tires of different diameters. Round containers are made from them, filled with soil and placed on top of each other like a pyramid. The second option is to cut out the bottom from the metal sheet according to the diameter of the tire, the resulting containers are strung on a metal rod, rigidly fixed by welding.
  2. From old baskets, buckets, bags. The material for the construction of the landing tank does not play a role. It is important to beautifully fix the raised flower bed, beat it with elements of garden decor. But even if this did not work out, the blooming letnik, gradually growing, forms a flowering ball.
  3. From asbestos-cement or plastic pipes of large diameter. The pipes are cut into pieces of different heights, dug into the soil, grouping 3-4 pieces. The inside is filled fertile substrate and plant petunias. You get a beautiful multi-tiered cascade.
  4. From flower vases and pots. For the base, take a flowerpot of large diameter. It is filled with soil and "pinned" to the ground with a strong metal rod passing through the center. Pots for a future petunia are strung on it, as shown in the photo below, and a raised flower bed is filled with soil.

Flowerbed-cascade or tower

A variant of a raised flower bed is a cascade of flowers. It is made of a metal mesh with large cells and agrofiber (lutrasil, burlap).

With the help of a grid, a cylinder of the required height and diameter is constructed, the inside is lined with agrofiber, filled fertile soil. Flowers are planted from above, as well as along the side surface, making cuts in the agrofiber through the mesh cells.


If there is a withered tree in the garden, do not rush to uproot it. It will serve as an excellent basis for a vertical flower bed.

Along the perimeter of the crown in the internodes, planting containers are attached, preferably wide and not very high. Ampelous annual hybrids are planted in them. Such trees look more stylish if one plant variety is used. Who loves a holiday in the garden, plant flowers of different colors.

flower arch

Arched structures are not uncommon in personal plots. This form is often used in the construction of gazebos, covered patios, driveways or alleys. One of the options for decorating it is a planter with an ampelous petunia.

There are several options for attaching landing containers:

  • hang baskets;
  • fasten balcony boxes on the crossbeams;
  • link "soft" planting containers made of agrofibre, etc.

When constructing an arch, the main thing is not to overdo it - after all, you still need to take care of it.

Flowerbed as an art object

Petunia is a fertile material for creating flower art objects. Do you think this is only available to advanced landscape designers? But even if nothing original comes to mind, you can peep.

Features of growing petunias in small containers

There is no doubt that do-it-yourself vertical flower beds for petunias are beautiful and unusual. But in order for the flower in the garden to be like in the picture, you need to properly care for the plant enclosed in a small container. And here there are secrets.

  1. Choose planting material, originally intended for container farming.
  2. Plant in humus-rich soil when planting. Don't forget drainage. Add hydrogel to the substrate - these are balls that retain moisture and release it gradually. Use long-acting fertilizer in case you forget to feed on time.
  3. Ampel plantings need more frequent watering, because they have no connection with deep soil layers.
  4. In addition to watering, practice spraying, especially in the heat. Use a fine mist sprayer to avoid damaging the delicate petals.
  5. To make the plant happy bright, abundant flowering, need weekly liquid top dressing with a complete fertilizer. Make sure it contains potassium.

With these simple, but important components of care, your petunias will bloom until frost, causing genuine and well-deserved admiration of others.

Ways to form a flower ball from a petunia

Petunia is an unpretentious, frost-resistant, long-flowering plant. Gardeners are very fond of this flower, and breeders are constantly working on new hybrids and types of petunias.

Petunia is an annual plant, but recently there have also been perennial varieties that do not require special care and annual spring sowing(read about perennial and annual petunias). Any gardener or gardener can create a magnificent flower bed on his site. of these flowers, which will delight with its magnificent flowering until late autumn. We wrote in more detail about such a beautiful plant.

Petunia is an unpretentious plant, but for good growth and lush flowering, you need to follow some rules for planting and agricultural technology:

Types of flower beds and their photos

Flower beds for flowering plants are divided into the following types:

  1. cascade;
  2. border;
  3. classic flowerbed;
  4. vertical flower bed;
  5. rockery and others.

Many novice gardeners are wondering: how to build a vertical flower bed on your site for the queen of the garden - petunias?

Photo of a vertical flower bed:


This type of flower beds is very popular with landscape designers, as it can decorate not only summer cottages and household plots, but also any city courtyard. Do-it-yourself vertical flower beds of petunias without resorting to the help of specialists.

There are several types of vertical flower beds, which differ in the type of supports and the method of attachment - these are:

  • ground vertical structures;
  • hanging flower beds;
  • wall-mounted compositions - wall-mounted;
  • structures mounted on the wall - wall flower beds.

For vertical flower beds, an ampelous petunia variety would be ideal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vertical beds have a lot of advantages, which explains their popularity:

  1. They take up little space - they are equipped on small areas, gazebos, terraces and yards where it is not possible to build a full-fledged flower bed.
  2. Quick and easy watering - no need to stretch a long water hose.
  3. Ergonomic - quickly dismantled for storage, and does not take up much space.
  4. Multiple use.
  5. Can be moved to another location if needed.
  6. Nice and effective look.

But despite the large number of positive aspects, these flower beds have disadvantages:

  • Quick drying earthen coma.
  • A small amount of soil that quickly depletes.

Important! when arranging a vertical flower garden, you need to water and feed the petunia twice as often as the one planted in a classic flower bed.

Arrangement instructions

Vertical flower beds look very impressive and attractive, consider the most common options for these flower beds, which you can make yourself.

There are many ways to create mesh structures for planting petunias, consider the most common and popular ones.

plus stones

Grid application and natural stones to create a vertical flower bed for petunias will help to decorate and emphasize the harmony of landscape design. To create a flower garden you will need:

  • Galvanized mesh.
  • Pebbles or stones - are selected in accordance with the cells of the grid.
  • Soil for seedlings.

Execution of works:

  1. To create a vertical snail-shaped flower bed, you need to bend the mesh and secure it with pegs driven into the ground.
  2. Then take another piece of stainless material and install the second wall of the chain-link at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  3. Pour stones into the gap between the grids in such a way that a small depression under the ground is obtained in the middle.
  4. Fill the soil and sow flower seeds. The flower bed is ready.

Add a flowerpot, geotextile

This is a very impressive structure, the manufacture of which does not require much time and money. From the materials you will need:

  • Large vase.
  • Mesh with large cells.
  • Geotextile, or any other black material.
  • Mounting clamps.

A vertical flower bed is equipped as follows:

  1. Take a large flowerpot and build a pole from the grid of the desired height, connecting it with clamps.
  2. Pull the geotextile inside the post and fix it in the upper part of the structure.
  3. Pour the prepared soil inside the vertical flower bed.
  4. In the places where petunias are planted, cut through the textiles, make a small depression in the soil with your finger and plant the seedlings.

Advice! For planting, you can use seeds that are placed in pre-prepared holes for 2-4 pcs.

Consider two options for the construction of vertical flower beds from this material.

Option one:

Second option:

  1. Take two pipes - 100mm and 28mm.
  2. Make holes in the pipes, in a small one for water, and in a large one for planting petunias.
  3. Bury a large pipe in the ground so that it stands vertically.
  4. Insert a smaller pipe into the middle, and fill the gap between them with earth.
  5. Plant seedlings of ampelous petunia in the holes.

Before installing a water pipe, you need to wrap it with any cloth, this will prevent the water from washing out the soil while watering.

flower pots

It's not complicated, but enough effective method creating a vertical flower bed. For the construction, you need a large metal rod, the length of which should be 10-20 cm more than the height of the flower bed and the right amount flower pots small to big.

  1. Make holes in the bottom of each planter exactly in the middle, equal to the diameter of the iron rod.
  2. Install the largest flowerpot in the place where it is supposed to break a vertical flower garden.
  3. Drive a rod into the ground, which will be the basis for holding the entire structure.
  4. Pour pre-prepared soil into the flowerpot.
  5. Install a smaller planter, putting it on a metal axis and fill it with earth.

So all prepared pots are installed. After that, seeds are sown in the soil or seedlings are planted. The vertical flower bed is ready.

With your own hands from improvised means

For the manufacture of such structures, you can use any improvised material:

  • bags;
  • old bags;
  • worn boots;
  • plastic containers;
  • glass bottles;
  • old dishes or furniture;
  • car tires that have served their time.

Consider the most affordable and easiest way to create a vertical flower bed - car tires, for this:

  1. The material must be washed well, dried and painted with acrylic paints of different colors.
  2. Build an impromptu pyramid or tower from tires.
  3. Fill the structure with special soil and plant flowers.

- the plant is not whimsical, but in order for it to grow well and delight with its flowering in a vertical flower bed, you need to properly care for it:

  1. Increase the number of fertilizing plants with various fertilizers, which should be diluted in water before watering.
  2. The flower bed should be installed in an open sunny place.
  3. Frequent watering. Do not forget that there is not enough soil in the flower bed, so it will dry out quickly.
  4. Correctly form the bushes by plucking.
  5. During heavy rainfall, protect the flower bed from waterlogging the soil. This can be done by establishing good drainage.

You can find all the details about petunia care at.

Watch a video on how to make a vertical flower bed for petunias with your own hands:


Decorate your household plot vertical flower beds can be independently. To do this, you do not need to make a lot of effort, and if you use improvised materials, then you will not have to spend money. Petunia is a magnificent plant that will decorate your local area.

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Petunia is one of the most popular and widespread annual flower crops. Currently, the variety of its varieties is simply amazing. Among them there are both low bush plants for decorating various borders and creating flower beds, as well as giant varieties, the length of the stems of which is good care may be more than 1 meter. So, how can you plant a petunia in a country house or garden plot?

How to plant a petunia on the site: methods and technology

All currently existing varieties of petunia must be grown seedling way. This is explained by the rather long period of growing seedlings. So, for example, terry varieties bloom only after 3 months from sowing, and large-flowered varieties after 2-2.5.

There are quite a few different techniques.. Below we will look at the most common of them.

Growing seedlings in common containers

The simplest and affordable way cultivation. Any plastic containers are suitable for it, the main thing is to arrange drainage holes in them. The soil must be sufficiently loose, moisture-intensive and nutritious. Petunia seedlings are very sensitive, so it is best to use ready-made soil mixture for growing seedlings of flower crops.

Important! Petunia seeds are photosensitive, that is, they can germinate only in the light. Therefore, when sowing, they are not covered, but simply laid out on the surface of the soil.

Depending on the form of release, the seeds can be pelleted or simply loose. The first option is certainly preferable, such petunia dragees are faster and easier to place at the right distance from each other.

But bulk seeds also have their advantages. Firstly, they are much cheaper than their pelleted counterparts, and secondly, they germinate much faster and easier. Therefore, if there is no experience in sowing petunias, it is best to start learning from them.

After sowing is completed, the soil surface is well moistened with a spray gun, and the container itself is covered with a film or a piece of glass to create a greenhouse effect. The rate of seed germination directly depends on the ambient temperature. At 18-20°, this process can drag on for 2 weeks or even more, and at 30°, fresh seeds begin to germinate as early as 7-8 days.

Very important do not miss the moment of the appearance of the first shoots, in the absence of sufficient lighting, it can stretch out strongly even in a day. And this will subsequently have a very strong impact on the quality of seedlings. Petunia seedlings are very small, so you need to be very careful when watering them. Moisturize them best with a spray bottle.

After the appearance of the second true leaf, they begin to pick the seedlings into separate cups. In this moment root system plants are still small enough that for convenience, you can use a toothpick with a broken tip. After picking, the plants are shaded for several days. This helps them deal with stress faster and better. Further care for seedlings consists in timely watering and loosening of the soil surface.

How to prepare the soil for planting petunias (video)

Growing seedlings in peat tablets

Many flower growers for growing seedlings of petunias use peat tablets. Their use allows you to avoid such a laborious process as picking. Peat tablets must be soaked before use. To do this, they are placed in any suitable container and poured enough warm water.

After 20-30 minutes, they will swell, after which the remaining water is drained, and the tablets themselves are slightly squeezed. Now they need to be placed in a suitable size Plastic container. After placing the tablets, you can start sowing seeds. Depending on their size, 1 to 3 petunias can be placed on each.

After placing the seeds, the tablets are moistened on top from a fine spray, after which the containers are covered with a film on top. Subject to all conditions, after 10 days it will already be possible to see the first shoots.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Well-developed petunia seedlings should have 4-5 leaves and be stocky by the time they are planted in open ground. If it is strongly elongated, it means that significant violations of the temperature and light regimes were observed during the growing process. When planting, such plants will have to be additionally formed.

For growing petunias, open, well-lit areas are best suited. The soil must be fertile and well-drained. Petunias are much easier to put up with a lack of moisture than with stagnant water.

Compositions of petunias in the flower garden

Petunia is a universal culture, it can be very advantageously combined with most annual and perennial flower crops.

When to plant a petunia (video)

Why flowers are good in landscape design

At the moment, petunia is one of the most common annual crops in landscape design. Its popularity is explained by the following:

  1. Unpretentiousness.
  2. An abundance of colors.
  3. Relatively high heat and drought resistance.
  4. Possibility of use as a container culture.

Petunia with other flowers: the best plant companions

Petunia itself is a chic culture. But to create flower beds and flower beds, it very often has to be combined with other colors. To make petunias worthy of competition, they must also be sufficiently heat-resistant and unpretentious in care. Below are the top 10 most popular petunia companions:

  • Pelargonium or geranium. It is an excellent companion, quite unpretentious in care, and its flowering period lasts until the very frost.
  • Marigold. They will also become worthy opponents. They bloom profusely and for a long time until frost.

  • Snapdragon. Spectacular perfectly complement the petunia flower bed. And in terms of unpretentiousness and drought resistance, it differs little from petunias.
  • Ageratum. Also known under popular name Longflower. Blooms quickly and blooms for a long time.
  • Verbena. It is valued for its unpretentiousness, abundance of colors and the ability to withstand light frosts without any problems.
  • Coleus. Spectacular and unpretentious decorative and deciduous culture. Pairs perfectly with petunias. Very well suited for creating bright accents in the flower bed.
  • Lobelia. Relatively new annual. Very well suited for framing petunia beds.
  • Levkoy. It is also quite unpretentious and drought-resistant. Gets along very well with petunias.
  • Calendula. Currently, there are terry varieties of this crop. Valued for abundant and very long flowering.
  • Cineraria. Unpretentious and beautiful decorative leafy plant. With its help, you can create a spectacular frame for a flower bed.

We create a flower bed of marigolds and petunias

Marigolds and petunia are one of the most beneficial combinations in landscape design. To create a flower bed, it is best to use low-growing bush varieties of petunias and rejected marigolds. Choice suitable varieties big enough. Marigolds should be planted in a flower bed with seedlings at the age of 1 month. Petunia is also planted in 2 month old seedlings.

To create a carpet effect, the distance between plants should be no more than 20 cm. Petunia and marigold plants can be alternated in any convenient way.

We create beautiful flower beds from petunias with our own hands

Create on suburban area beautiful flower bed from a petunia with your own hands is not difficult. This culture goes very well with almost all annual flowers.

Vertical planting of petunias

Vertical planting of petunias makes it very profitable to plant a wide variety of places in the garden. There are a lot of types of designs for a lot, but According to their location, they can be classified into the following types:

  • floor;
  • Suspended;
  • Wall.

Their shape and size are not limited by anything other than the imagination of the owner of the site.

How to make a flower ball out of petunias

A do-it-yourself petunia flower ball is a great alternative to long-bored flowerpots and flower beds. It can be placed very advantageously in almost any corner of the garden. To make it, you will need wire, sphagnum moss and of course patience.

A fairly strong and dense spherical wire frame is constructed from the wire, which is then stuffed with sphagnum moss along the edges, and in the center with peat soil. After that, ampelous varieties of petunias are planted in the cells of this design.

Purchased and homemade flowerpots for petunias

Planting petunias in homemade and ready-made flowerpots is one of the most affordable simple ways decoration garden plot. Their main advantage is that they can be placed in any convenient place.

Homemade flowerpots have one indisputable advantage - this is financial availability. You can make them from almost any available improvised materials. For example, very often old car tires, cracked plastic buckets or basins, and even leaky pots and cast irons, which can be placed both directly on the ground, and various coasters can be used.

Decorative fences of the flower garden

To decorate the edges of flower beds and create borders of borders, various decorative fences are very often used. Without them, the design of the yard will be incomplete. For these purposes, you can purchase ready-made plastic fences or make decorative fences with your own hands.

Other design options

Of the other design options for flower beds with petunias, it is worth noting the use of various stones or even paving slabs. They can be interleaved and combined as you like.

Create beautiful compositions from petunias and other annuals in the garden is not at all difficult. This culture is absolutely unpretentious and gets along very easily with almost all ornamental plants.

A vertical flower bed is quite simple and quite original way decorate a garden plot at minimal financial cost and occupying the least amount of space, which is especially important for small suburban areas.

Many people think that creating a vertical flower garden is a complex process in its execution. But in fact, such designs are quite easy to carry out, and even a novice summer resident can easily cope with their manufacture. In this case, the result will always look spectacular and unusual.

Vertical flower beds, in addition to saving space in the garden, have other advantages:

  • they significantly transform the overall look of landscape design;
  • easily moved from place to place, if necessary;
  • quickly assembled and disassembled and can be stored in a barn with the onset of winter until the next season;
  • do not require any special effort in self-care.

But they also have their drawbacks:

  1. plants planted in flower beds of this type require regular, additional feeding and frequent, plentiful watering;
  2. in the cold season, they are often subject to severe freezing of the soil.

It is for these reasons that flowers such as petunias are most suitable for planting in vertical beds. They not only bloom profusely and look beautiful, but are also resistant to various aggressive manifestations. external environment and quickly take root in the flower garden.

But don't forget about simple rules care for such plants in order to preserve all their beauty for a long time:

  • petunias need special long-acting top dressing, the composition of which is abundantly filled with useful minerals and all kinds of microelements, and abundant watering twice a day;
  • it is recommended to add fertilizer with iron to the water for irrigation in order to avoid problems with the development of various plant diseases;
  • flowers also need regular trimming of faded leaves and buds, this allows new buds to form faster;
  • a flower garden with these plants is best placed on the sunny side of the site.

In general, care for petunias does not require any special efforts and even a novice florist can do it. An additional advantage in favor of choosing these plants is the possibility of combining petunias with other flowers in the flower bed, which gives great scope for the realization of fantasies on the design of the site.

Types of vertical flower beds

All flower beds of a vertical type are divided among themselves into different types, depending on its shape and method of attachment:

  1. wall systems;
  2. suspended structures;
  3. ground compositions.

Any of the above types goes well with this unpretentious plant like a petunia.

Attention! When choosing a petunia variety for a vertical flower bed, you should pay attention to those plant varieties that freely fall down with flowers, thus covering the base of the vertical flower bed.

Materials that are used to create vertical flower beds

A vertical flower bed is the type of flower garden that does not require large financial investments to create. As a starting material for the manufacture of a vertical flower bed for petunias, any means at hand can be used, depending on the imagination and capabilities of the performer.

Important! You can, of course, buy special vertical containers for flower beds of this type in a specialized store, but often many summer residents, to organize the planting of petunia seeds, use various unnecessary things and other materials, and make flower beds with their own hands.

One of the most popular materials for creating such a flower garden are decorative stones different size and all kinds of cobblestones. A vertical flowerbed of petunias, made of this material, perfectly emphasizes all the natural beauty of the landscape and looks especially good against the background of various reservoirs.

A similar flower garden is made of galvanized mesh, which is laid out in the form of a kind of snail, and the space inside this figure is filled with stones and soil, where petunia seedlings are subsequently planted.

Often, for the manufacture of vertical flower structures, old, unnecessary car tires are also used, which are pre-processed according to a certain scheme: they are thoroughly washed, dried and painted with acrylic paint v different colours, corresponding to the design of the entire garden plot.

Car tires prepared in this way are stacked in the form of a pyramid, tower or any other vertical figure, and filled from the inside with soil, into which, after some time, petunia seeds are planted. Distinctive feature such a method is the absence of the need for a supporting frame, here the tires themselves perfectly fulfill its role.

Old planters and unnecessary flower pots are also often used as a material for the manufacture of vertical flower beds. To create a vertical-type flower garden, they are stacked on top of each other in such a way that a strong base built into the lower tier passes through all levels of the flower bed through a drainage hole made in each pot.

The main thing when choosing such a material is to choose the right size of the containers themselves (from larger to smaller) and maintain a flower bed with petunias in the same design style as the rest of the area.

Another favorite among many summer residents and available material to create vertical flower beds - these are large plastic bottles. They are pre-cut lengthwise, filled with soil, into which the petunia is later planted, and fixed in a lying position on a wall or on a fence. At the same time, the bottle caps are twisted loosely so that water, in the event of, for example, heavy rain, can safely drain out.

Many manage to make such a design even from an ordinary bag or an old bag, filling the fabric container with soil and making cuts on one of the sides where the seedlings are planted. Previously, a bag or bag is lined with a film from the inside, and the fabric itself is well quilted.

From a piece of unnecessary plastic pipe you can also build a vertical flower bed. To do this, the pipe itself is cut along, forming two equal parts of it with a gutter, which are suspended with a rope rope in the right place and filled from the inside with soil; seedlings are planted there. In this case, it is also important to install restrictive elements on the sides of impromptu beds so that the soil does not spill out.

Or you can not cut the pipe, but bury it on the land for a third of its length, filling the cavity inside it with a substrate mixed with petunia seeds. In this case, small holes are made in the pipe used, where the plants subsequently grow, covering the base of the pipe, and a kind of irrigation system is installed inside it in the form of a pipe of a smaller diameter, made of woven material.

For the manufacture of vertical-type flower beds, many summer residents also use pallets made of wood or plastic, which are lined from the inside with a mesh, and covered with straw or straw on top. nonwoven fabric. The soil itself is poured into the finished flower bed, where seeds or seedlings of petunias are subsequently planted.

In general, the choice of material for the manufacture of a vertical flower bed of petunias is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the summer resident. Most gardeners manage to make vertical-type flower beds not only from the materials described above, but also using even unnecessary clothes or shoes, and other household items.

How to make a vertical flower bed with your own hands?

Such flower beds are often made according to the following principle:

  • the type of vertical flower bed and the material of manufacture are selected;
  • the foundation is being made;
  • an irrigation system is created, if necessary;
  • soil for plants is laid, which is often fixed with a net;
  • and plants are planted.

In order to prevent the soil from spilling out, if necessary, plastic fine meshes or other restrictive elements should be used, which will also contribute to the reliable fixation of the root system of plants.

It is also important to follow color combination flower beds. For example, a composition consisting of a white petunia planted with similar blue flowers, decorated in the form of a vertical flower bed, in pots placed on top of each other.


A do-it-yourself vertical petunia flower bed is the perfect solution for every yard as it doesn’t require a lot of financial investment and easily fits into the design of any landscape.

The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments, and then you can really make a real work of art out of your garden plot.