Useful properties of aloe juice (agave) and recipes for home use. Benefits of Aloe Vera, Juice Uses, and Aloe Vera Recipes

Aloe Vera is credited with many healing properties. Aloe is a succulent plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors. Aloe Vera has been used in many forms as a soothing and anti-inflammatory agent for centuries.

What is Aloe Vera

Aloe has strong perennial roots and fleshy grey-green leaves that look almost like cacti in nature. Aloe vera gel is a yellowish, clear liquid. It can be obtained by simply tearing the plant. The liquid can be applied topically or internally. The leaves can also be crushed and used as an ointment.

  • Beneficial features The aloe plant is due to the 20 amino acids it contains, 8 of which are essential for the human body, since our body cannot synthesize them.
  • Minerals - Aloe vera contains copper, calcium, selenium, chromium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium and zinc.
  • This herb is also rich in many vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, and E.

About Aloe and Aloe Vera

When we hear about Aloe Vera, most of us think that it is the only kind of Aloe. However, there are over 240 various kinds Aloe that grow in dry and arid climatic zones Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Of all these different types Only four Aloe have been identified as fit for human consumption, and Aloe Vera is the main one. Therefore, you need to make sure that any Aloe-based product you buy is made from Aloe Vera.

While Aloe contains many important ingredients, the manufacturing process for Aloe products is an important factor, which determines the overall effectiveness of the product you are buying. For example, Aloe gel, when exposed for a long time (about 4 hours), may oxidize and lose its effectiveness. Therefore, the harvest time and the process of removing the outer layer of leaves to make the gel should ideally be completed within 4 hours.

Manufacturers who buy aloe in bulk from farmers or other growers may use poor quality aloe because the ingredients are no longer as fresh or nutritious as they should be. Therefore, it is much better to buy aloe from brands that produce it themselves.

It is also interesting that aloe loses its effectiveness at high temperatures or when chemicals are used in the processing.

What does Aloe Vera heal?

It is used to naturally heal damaged skin, to soothe tanned skin. Aloe Vera is also used to make juices, gels, powders, and is often added to foods. For example, it can be found in cosmetics, shampoos, lotions, and many other common household products. The many benefits of Aloe Vera have not been fully explored until now.

For centuries, people have respected the soothing properties of Aloe Vera. Aloe can often be found in homes as indoor plant. Families often pass on Aloe plants from generation to generation along with the knowledge of the beneficial properties of this plant.

Aloe Vera juice has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including constipation, peptic ulcers, bowel disorders, and kidney stones. Traditionally, in these cases, it was prescribed to be taken orally by mouth. However, even though it is a natural product, aloe vera juice can have a number of side effects, some of which can be dangerous.

Laxative properties

According to the National Institutes of Health in the US, scientific evidence suggests that Aloe Vera juice has powerful laxative properties. While these laxative properties make it an effective treatment for constipation, Aloe Vera juice can cause diarrhea and cramps in some people. In addition, the use of Aloe Vera juice as a laxative for more than seven days can not only lead to dependence on the drug, but also worsen constipation.

Hypoglycemic properties

Aloe Vera juice can lower blood sugar levels to dangerous levels. That is, it has hypoglycemic properties that can lead to lower blood glucose levels. It can be harmful for people who suffer from diabetes.

Electrolyte imbalance

Ingestion of Aloe Vera can lead to dangerously low blood levels of potassium as well as electrolyte disturbances. Long-term intake of Aloe juice can lead to electrolyte imbalances in the blood, which can be dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle fatigue and abnormal heart rhythms.

Other dangers

The use of Aloe Vera injections in cancer therapy has led to the death of several patients. You should also not swallow the juice if you are also taking medications such as digoxin, glibenclamide, or diuretics. Aloe juice may be harmful to individuals who suffer from appendicitis, temporary intestinal blockage or paralysis, severe pain in the abdomen or sporadic bowel movements. There have been reports of hepatitis as a result of oral intake of Aloe Vera. Taking juice for more than a year can increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

The healing properties of aloe vera have been known since ancient times. The juice and gel of this plant can be used not only to improve immunity and digestion, but also for beauty purposes. In this article, you will learn why and how to properly use aloe vera for skin and hair at home.

The healing properties of aloe vera and what it contains

Aloe vera contains over 70 active ingredients (vitamins, minerals, acids, enzymes, etc.) that can have miraculous effects on your health, hair and skin. Below are the main benefits that aloe vera boasts:

1. Powerful antioxidants for youth and beauty

Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C and E, which are well-known antioxidants, support collagen and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

The journal Molecules also published a study by Spanish scientists who found antioxidant and antimycoplasmic (the ability to fight bacteria that cause mycoplasmosis) properties in aloe vera extract. Another study by researchers in South Korea found that aloe vera can protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation.

2. The most useful vitamins for hair:

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that promotes collagen synthesis, hair growth and strengthening;
  • Vitamin A - fights free radicals and helps the skin produce healthy sebum, which protects hair from drying out and falling out;
  • Vitamin C - perfectly fights bacteria on the scalp, protects against dandruff, promotes collagen production and restores hair;
  • Vitamin B12 - supports healthy skin and promotes hair growth.

3. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and soothing properties

Studies in 1935 and 1996 showed that aloe vera extract reduced inflammation in skin conditions and relieved itching or burning sensations. That is why aloe vera is used as an ambulance for cuts, burns and insect bites, as well as for the treatment of allergies, eczema, acne and psoriasis.

These and other miraculous medicinal properties aloe vera is justified by the fact that in addition to the above vitamins, it contains:

  • Vitamins choline (B4) and folic acid (B9);
  • 10 useful minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, chromium and manganese;
  • 8 enzymes, one of which reduces inflammation of the skin when applied topically, while all the others are involved in the breakdown of sugar and fats;
  • Glycoprotein, which has anti-allergic properties;
  • 12 anthraquinones, which are laxatives, as well as aloin and emodin, acting as analgesic, antibacterial and antiviral agents;
  • Fatty acid: 4 plant steroids, cholesterol, campesterol, β-sizosterol and lupeol (all have anti-inflammatory properties, and lupeol is also an antiseptic and analgesic);
  • Hormones: auxins and gibberellins, which help in wound healing and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • 20 of the 22 essential amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids;
  • salicylic acid with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • lignin- an inert substance, often included in topical preparations and facilitating the penetration of other substances into the skin;
  • Saponins- soapy substances that form about 3% of aloe gel and have cleansing and antiseptic properties.

Benefits and Recipe of Aloe Vera Drink

The recipe for this drink is very simple: you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe vera gel with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey in 1 cup warm water. You can beat in a blender to get a smooth consistency and add more honey, lemon juice, orange, cucumber or pomegranate to your liking. Use immediately for internal use.

Aloe vera gel and its application in cosmetology

The photo below shows how to properly cut aloe vera gel for making cosmetics at home (you can use a knife or spoon instead of a vegetable peeler). This is your first step to all subsequent recipes. You can also buy aloe vera gel from a pharmacy, but the consistency is slightly different, so you will need to adjust the proportions of the ingredients a little.

Recipe for moisturizing face and hand cream with aloe vera

This moisturizer won't leave a greasy film or clog pores on your face. A tiny amount of it is enough to moisturize the entire surface of the face and neck, so the resulting volume should be enough for you for several months.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel;
  • 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, which deeply moisturizes the skin, soothes irritation and reduces;
  • 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oil, which has antibacterial, antiseptic and moisturizing properties;
  • 1 st. l. beeswax(binding ingredient that locks moisture and protects the skin from bacteria);
  • 10 drops of your favorite essential oils (the author used lemon and orange oils).

Heat the almond oil, jojoba oil, and beeswax in a double-bottomed saucepan or over a water bath until completely melted and smooth. It usually takes about 2-5 minutes. Pour the mixture into the bowl of a blender (or tall bowl if using a hand mixer) and let it cool to room temperature. Mix separately essential oils with aloe vera gel. When the oil and wax mixture has cooled, start slowly pouring the aloe vera gel into it, whisking with a mixer or whisk until a creamy consistency is reached (about 10 minutes).

3 important tips:

  1. If the cream is too thin, then you have added too much almond oil or not enough beeswax (adjust the proportions).
  2. If you can’t mix oils with aloe vera gel, then your ingredients probably have big difference at temperatures (they should all be around room temperature). Other possible reasons are the rapid addition of aloe or insufficient whipping time.
  3. Store your aloe vera face moisturizer in a cool and dark place to prolong its shelf life. It can be in the refrigerator.

How to use aloe gel face wash

To make your own aloe vera face wash at home, you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 4 tbsp. l. liquid soap base;
  • 2 tsp coconut butter (melt in a water bath), can be replaced with almond oil (remember that coconut oil can clog pores!);
  • 5 drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. distilled water;
  • Small bottle with dispenser.

Mix all the ingredients together, adding the chamomile essential oil last. Shake the bottle before each use, pour about 1 tsp. on a cotton pad and rub your face with it. After that, wash with warm water.

Aloe Vera Skin Toner at Home

This 3-ingredient toner will help you tighten pores, remove toxins, reduce redness, and hydrate the skin on your face and neck. Here's everything you need:

  • 2 green tea bags;
  • 1 st. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 1 glass of water.

Brew tea bags in 1 cup hot water within 5 minutes. Let the tea cool, then discard the tea bags and add the aloe vera gel. Stir the mixture thoroughly until no visible lumps of aloe remain in it. Pour into a jar or spray bottle.

Apply the toner to a freshly washed face and neck by spraying it directly onto the skin or by moistening a cotton pad. Gently wipe the skin and apply moisturizer.

How to use aloe vera gel for acne

Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural remedies for soothing irritated skin, fighting bacteria and inflamed acne. This recipe also contains tea tree oil, which has shown good results in the treatment of acne in tests ().

Ingredients used:

  • ½ cup aloe vera gel.
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil (it has powerful disinfectant properties, the ability to tighten large pores and reduce excess oil on the skin).
  • 7 drops ef. m. lavender (soothes the skin, reduces inflammation and acne scars).
  • 7 drops ef. m. clary sage (Clary Sage). This oil helps to balance the sebum and promote skin cleansing. Geranium essential oil has similar properties, which you can replace it with.

To ½ cup of aloe vera gel, add tea tree oil, then lavender and sage oils. Whisk all the ingredients together, then transfer the mixture to an amber glass jar (this will protect the essential oils from harmful light).

Apply a small amount of this Aloe Vera Facial Gel to freshly washed, damp skin. Wait for it to dry and apply moisturizer on top. Store the product in a cool dry place.

Best Ways to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Stretch Marks

Aloe vera gel can be applied to stretch marks in its pure form, gently massaging the skin with it for 2-3 minutes 2 times a day. After the procedure, the gel is not washed off at all or is washed off after 1-2 hours. The results of this application of aloe gel will become noticeable in a few weeks, subject to daily procedures.

For even more effectiveness, you can combine aloe vera with other natural stretch mark remedies, such as:

  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel + 10 vitamin E capsules (add the contents of the capsules to the aloe gel, mix well and use as described above);
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel + 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds (mix together, apply once a day to stretch marks and massage in circular motions for 1-2 minutes; keep the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water);
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel + 1 tsp. lemon juice (mix and use according to the first method 1 time per day);
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel + 1 tbsp. l. castor oil (mix and warm a little before use, apply to the skin 1 time per day and massage for 2-3 minutes, rinse after 30 minutes);
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel + 1/4 cup of olive oil (massage the skin area with the resulting mixture for 2-3 minutes, leave overnight, rinse with warm water in the morning);
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera + 1 tsp. almond oil + 1 tbsp. l. honey (use as a mask: apply to the skin and keep for about 30 minutes; rinse with warm water, repeat 2-3 times a week).

Pamper your body with a nourishing and moisturizing shower gel made from natural products and scented with your favorite essential oils!


  • 1 st. l. shea butter;
  • 1/4 st. aloe vera gel;
  • 3/4 st. soap base;
  • 3/4 tsp guar or xanthan gum (plays the role of a stabilizer and thickener);
  • 25 drops of essential oils (the author used orange, lemon and lime).

Melt the shea butter over low heat or a water bath. Add the aloe vera gel, let the mixture heat up a little more, add the gum and beat with a whisk. Finally, pour in the soap base and mix the mixture thoroughly, preferably using an immersion blender (this will allow the gum to spread well and make the mass homogeneous). Be prepared that your aloe vera shower gel will foam a lot as a result of this procedure, but this will pass after a few hours. When it has cooled to room temperature, add essential oils (optional) and use a watering can to transfer the gel to a container of choice.

Aloe Vera Body Scrub Recipes

We bring to your attention several recipes for scrubs with aloe vera based on oatmeal, honey, sugar and salt. Thanks to the moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and soothing healing properties of aloe, these scrubs are quite gentle and suitable even for sensitive skin.


  • 1 glass of aloe gel;
  • ¼ st. honey;
  • ¼ st. olive oil;
  • ½ st. ground oatmeal (grind with a blender).

Mix ground oatmeal with olive oil and honey, then combine the resulting mixture with aloe vera. Beat everything together for 2-3 minutes until you get a paste-like mass, ready to use.

Oatmeal combined with aloe vera can make your skin glow! She provides high-quality cleaning, helps to tighten pores and relieves itching from irritation, therefore it is suitable for use not only on the body, but also on the face (unlike salt scrubs).

If you do not want to use honey, then here is a similar recipe for you without this ingredient:

  • 2 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal;
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 1 tsp almond oil.

Mix the ingredients together, then use this scrub on your face and/or body, massaging the skin in gentle circular motions. It is allowed to apply 2-3 times a week.

2. Salt Aloe Vera Skin Scrub


  • 1 tsp finely ground salts;
  • 1 tsp Matcha green tea powder (optional)
  • 2 tbsp. l. argan oil;
  • ¼ cup aloe vera gel;
  • A few drops of your favorite essential oils.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients into a paste-like consistency. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. Store in a dark place and avoid exfoliating before sun exposure as many essential oils are photosensitive.

3. Aloe Vera Deep Cleansing Scrub Recipe


  • 1 st. l. soda;
  • 1 tsp shallow sea ​​salt;
  • ½ cup aloe vera gel;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice.

Combine all substances into a soft paste, adding a little oil or mineral water if necessary. Use the resulting product for deep cleansing and exfoliation of the skin once a week.

Recipes for face masks with aloe vera at home

Another popular use of aloe vera gel at home is in the preparation of moisturizing and soothing face masks. At the end of this article, we present below the 7 most interesting recipes:

1. How to use aloe vera face mask

Aloe vera gel can be applied to the face in its pure form or mixed with other beneficial and natural ingredients. So, for additional moisturizing and fighting acne, it is combined with the juice of vegetables, berries and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, citruses), and to nourish dry skin - with oils (olive, shea, jojoba, etc.). At the same time, eggs, honey and natural yoghurt provide gentle care and moisturizing oily skin, on which the use of oils is undesirable.

To prepare a gentle aloe vera yogurt face mask, you will need:

  • 1 st. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 1 st. l. natural yogurt.

Mix aloe vera gel with yogurt, apply on face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. This mask is quite gentle and can be applied 2-3 times a week.

2. Anti-aging face mask with aloe vera and cucumber

Aloe gel promotes the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, so its external and internal use helps prevent wrinkles and sagging skin. In addition, it contains antioxidants that fight premature aging. Combined with cucumber (which also has moisturizing properties and vitamins), it will help you stay young and beautiful longer.

Required Ingredients:

  • 100 g of aloe vera gel;
  • 100 g cucumber.

Grate a cucumber or use an immersion blender to mix it with aloe vera until smooth. You can add some lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face and leave overnight (or at least 2-3 hours). Wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer to your skin.

3. Face mask with aloe and almond oil

This recipe is perfect for treating dry, flaky skin. What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 3 tsp almond oil;
  • 1 banana.

Crush the banana with a fork, then add the other two ingredients in turn, mixing well. You can use a blender. Spread the resulting paste on the clean skin of the face, neck, décolleté and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

4. Combine the healing properties of aloe vera and basil

Face mask with aloe gel and basil has a powerful cleansing, rejuvenating and moisturizing effect, helps with acne, refreshes and tones the skin.

Here are the required ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 1 st. l. mineral water;
  • 1 bunch fresh basil (a small handful of leaves should come out)
  • And the same amount of neem (optional).

Grind the basil and neem until they release their juice and can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients to apply on the face. The easiest way to do this is with a mortar and pestle. If you do not have these tools, you can simply rub the leaves with your fingers. After that, fill them with prepared water, mix thoroughly and add aloe gel. Apply the resulting mass on a washed face and neck, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water.

5. How to use aloe vera gel for face with egg

The combination of these two ingredients improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin, promotes additional hydration and nutrition, and also prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

The recipe for this mask:

  • Whisk 1 egg in a bowl;
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel;
  • Beat the mixture again and apply to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Let the mask dry for 15 minutes;
  • Wash off with warm water.

6. Face mask with aloe vera and oils

This mask has a nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. Here's what you need to prepare it:

  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe gel;
  • 2 tbsp. l. shea butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Just mix all the ingredients together. If the shea butter does not dissolve well, heat the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds and mix again. After the mask has cooled to room temperature, apply it in the same way as the previous methods.

7. Tomato Aloe Vera Facial Mask Recipe

Tomato juice combined with aloe gel helps fight acne, cleanses pores well and tones the skin of the face and neck. How to make this mask:

  • Pour into a bowl 2 tbsp. l. tomato juice(or 1 tomato pureed with a blender);
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel and stir;
  • Use in the same way as the previous masks.

Useful advice to those who have read the article to the end! Before using any mask and to wash it off your face, wash your face with warm water - it helps to unblock and clean the pores. And when you wash off the mask, rinse your face several times with cold water or wipe it with an ice cube - this will help clean pores to quickly tighten.

Be beautiful!

In many apartments you can now find these ornamental plants. But not everyone knows that aloe vera plants are not only beautiful, but also useful. Aloe has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. However, there are many nuances in phytotherapy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out what diseases the plant treats, how to use it, what properties and contraindications it has. It should be remembered that aloe also contains toxic and harmful compounds, so use healing properties plants can only be complete information about him.


Aloe is a genus of flowering plants in the Xanthorrheaceae family, with about 500 species. Most representatives of the genus are succulents that grow in arid regions of the tropical belt and have mechanisms for conserving water. At the same time, plants are distinguished by their love of light and heat. Aloe is very diverse in size. It can be trees 10 m high, and small plants. characteristic feature representatives of the genus - thick xiphoid leaves extending in all directions from the trunk, usually covered with a whitish bloom and equipped with spikes along the edges. In nature, the leaves of the plant just serve to accumulate moisture. For medicinal purposes, it is also mainly the leaves that are used, sometimes parts of the stem.

What is the difference between aloe and aloe vera and what is the difference between agave and aloe?

In medicine, no more than a dozen species of the genus Aloe are used. Of these, two are best known for their medicinal properties - this is aloe vera or real aloe and tree-like aloe or agave. Thus, aloe is the name of a plant genus, while agave and aloe vera are called separate species. Although in everyday life both of these plants are often referred to simply as aloe, which can cause confusion, since it is not clear which plant is being referred to.

The medicinal properties of both species are similar, but have some differences. Aloe vera is thought to be more beneficial for treating skin conditions, wounds, and cuts, while aloe vera has more medicinal properties when used internally.

Aloe vera

The plant is native to Northeast Africa. It is a little over half a meter in height and has fleshy, slightly bluish leaves growing from the bottom of the stem.

Now aloe grows wild in various regions - in the Canary Islands, in North Africa. Also, the plant can be found on the Arabian Peninsula. Even the word "aloe" is of Arabic origin. It means "bitter" because the leaves of the plant contain bitter-tasting substances.

The plant can also be grown at home. It takes root well in the apartment, but rarely blooms.


Grows mainly in South Africa- Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The extract of the plant was used by the ancient Egyptians to embalm mummies. The plant looks like a small tree or shrub 2-5 m tall. Fleshy leaves grow at the top of the trunk. The inflorescence has the form of a long brush with bright orange flowers.

Also can be used as home plant. However, home grown specimens are significantly smaller than their wild counterparts.

The chemical composition of the leaves

Aloe is a unique plant. By the number of active biological substances contained in it (approximately 250), it has no equal among the representatives of the flora.

The main component of the leaves of the plant is water (97%).

Also in the leaves you can find:

  • Esters
  • Essential oils
  • Simple organic acids (malic, citric, cinnamic, succinic and others)
  • Phytoncides
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannins
  • resins
  • Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E)
  • beta carotene
  • Amino acids (including glycine, glutamic and aspartic acids, essential amino acids)
  • Polysaccharides (glucomannans and acemannan)
  • Monosaccharides (glucose and fructose)
  • Anthraglycosides
  • Anthraquinone
  • Allantoin
  • Trace elements - selenium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper and others
  • Alkaloids, including aloins


Aloe are known primarily as ornamental plants that have unusual view. Meanwhile, the healing properties of aloe became known several millennia ago. Various parts of the plant were successfully used by Egyptian priests and ancient doctors. Modern science confirms its healing properties. They are explained unique complex vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other compounds that have a beneficial effect on various systems of the human body.

But even when grown as a houseplant, aloe can bring healing benefits, as it freshens the air and enriches it with phytoncides. In addition to medicine, the plant extract is widely used in cosmetics and perfumery. Juice and pulp are used for cooking.

Medical use

As a rule, juice obtained from the fleshy leaves or the outer parts of the stem (sapwood) is used in medicine. Both fresh juice and evaporated (sabur) can be used. Juice is obtained by collecting it from freshly cut leaves. It is also possible to obtain juice using a press. Aloe flower, despite its beauty, has no medical use.

Photo: Trum Ronnarong/

Fresh juice and sabur are the most useful species drugs. Their high effect is explained by the complex action of various compounds on the body. Individual components of the plant, which can be found in various pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, do not have such a high effect due to the use of preservatives.

In addition, aloe oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetics. It is also prepared from the leaves. In traditional and folk medicine, dosage forms such as syrup, gel, ointment and liquid extract are also used. In some cases, the extract can be administered intramuscularly by injection.

What does aloe treat?

Plant components provide positive influence on the following systems and organs of the human body:

  • the cardiovascular system
  • gastrointestinal tract
  • the immune system
  • nervous system
  • eyes

Also plant components:

  • Have antifungal and antiviral activity
  • Removes toxins and waste from the body
  • Increase the overall tone of the body
  • Restore intestinal microflora
  • Lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Help with allergic diseases
  • Relieve muscle, joint and toothaches
  • Used in dentistry for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and plaque
  • Used as prophylactic from oncological diseases and auxiliary in their therapy
  • Possess antioxidant, diuretic and laxative properties
  • Used to treat respiratory diseases (tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia)
  • They are used in gynecology in the treatment of diseases such as candidiasis, vaginosis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, genital herpes

Aloe juice has a powerful bactericidal effect. It is active against:

  • staphylococci
  • streptococci
  • dysenteric bacillus
  • typhoid bacillus
  • diphtheria bacillus

Different pulp compounds are responsible for improved performance various systems organism. So, for example, the anti-inflammatory effect of the plant is explained by the presence of salicylic acid in it, the laxative - anthraquinone and aloins, the choleretic effect - zinc and selenium, etc.

Application in gastroenterology

Sabur improves intestinal motility. It can be used as a laxative and choleretic agent, as well as a means to improve digestion. In addition, preparations derived from the plant are used for:

  • gastritis
  • Enterocolitis
  • gastroenteritis
  • ulcerative colitis
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Application in dermatology

The plant is most beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases. Oil is best for skin application. The oil has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and wound-healing properties and is used to treat various dermatitis, rashes, psoriasis, urticaria, eczema, acne, bedsores, burns, wounds.

Application in ophthalmology

Aloe juice can be used to treat various ophthalmic diseases - conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane, progressive myopia and even cataracts. The healing properties of aloe for the eyes are explained by the presence in the plant of an extensive complex of vitamins, primarily vitamin A. The components contained in the juice improve the blood supply to the retina and tissues surrounding the eyes.

Photo: Ruslan Guzov /

Application for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

The beneficial effect of plant components on the cardiovascular system is primarily due to enzymes that reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and sugar in the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. Studies have shown that daily intake of juice of 10-20 ml can reduce general level cholesterol by 15% within a few months. Studies also show that the gel of the plant can reduce the risk of coronary disease.


Internal intake of drugs from the plant is contraindicated in:

  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases
  • Individual intolerance
  • Severe hypertension and severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system
  • Bleeding - hemorrhoidal, uterine, menstruation
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholecystitis
  • jade
  • cystitis
  • hemorrhoids
  • Under 3 years old
  • Pregnancy

Ointments and oils used for wound healing and in dermatology have fewer contraindications. In particular, they can be used by pregnant women. For the treatment of children, ointments can be used from the age of one year.

Treatment of children under 12 years of age with internal means is recommended only after consultation with a pediatrician. With caution prescribe drugs from aloe to the elderly. During lactation, the use of internal drugs is also not recommended.

Side effects

Most of the compounds contained in the plant have an effect on human body positive impact. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

When using the extract, it should be remembered that the skin of the leaves contains bitter substances. But bitterness in itself is far from their main drawback. Modern research suggest that the bittering alkaloid aloin is carcinogenic. Although aloin in small concentrations and occasional use is most likely not dangerous (moreover, it is used in aloe-based laxative preparations, and is also used as a food supplement), but still, when preparing juice from leaves, it is recommended to carefully clean them from skins.

The plant also contains special enzymes - antaglycosides. In overdose, they can lead to bleeding and miscarriages in pregnant women.

With the internal intake of juice, violations of the digestive tract are possible - dyspepsia, heartburn, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Occasionally, there may be blood in the urine, heart rhythm disturbances, muscle weakness. It is not recommended to take plant preparations immediately before bedtime, as this can cause insomnia.

Application at home

Of course, for treatment you can buy at the pharmacy various drugs that contain plant components. However, it is most effective to use fresh aloe juice. It can be prepared from plants grown at home on your own.


The plant does not require much care. Since it is adapted to a dry climate, it can do without frequent watering. It is enough to do this 1-2 times a week, in winter - once a month. However, it is worth considering that the plant loves heat and sun, so for him better fit a well-heated and lit place. In winter, the plant must be protected from cold and drafts. The easiest way to propagate a plant is with the help of apical shoots, cuttings and shoots that grow at the base of the shoots.

For cutting, the largest leaves with a dried top, located at the bottom of the stem, are most suitable. Do not be afraid to remove them, as the plant is able to quickly grow new ones. Before the leaf removal procedure, it is best not to water the plant for a couple of weeks, as this contributes to the concentration of nutrients.

Leaves must be cut, plucked or broken off at the very base. You can either squeeze the juice with your hands, or chop the leaves and pass them through a meat grinder or blender. For the preparation of some compositions, this method is preferable. Before crushing the leaves, it is necessary to remove the skin from them.

It should be remembered that only fresh leaves have the greatest benefit, therefore, leaves should be removed only before the direct preparation of the medicine. After a few hours, many active compounds begin to decompose. The juice or gruel from the leaves also cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator. Of course, they will not deteriorate, but at the same time they will lose many of their useful properties.

Aloe vera medicine at home

Below are some juice or pulp recipes that you can make at home. Very often, honey is added to the juice, which enhances the effect of aloe. However, when using honey, it should be borne in mind that it is a strong allergen, even more powerful than aloe itself. The dosage should be strictly observed, since aloe products can cause some side effects. It should be remembered that these recipes do not replace treatment, but can only supplement it. Before using them, you should consult with your doctor.

To improve digestion, as well as to strengthen the body after serious illnesses, it is recommended to mix:

  • 150 g juice
  • 250 g honey
  • 350 g strong red wine

This mixture should be infused for 5 days. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Another recipe is suitable for children to strengthen the body:

  • Half glass of juice
  • 500 g crushed walnut
  • 300 g honey
  • juice of 3-4 lemons

It should be taken 3 times a day before meals for a teaspoon.

During the course of treatment for tuberculosis, the following mixture will do:

  • 15 g juice
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g cocoa powder
  • 100 g honey

The mixture should be taken 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

In the treatment of ulcerative colitis, it is recommended to take juice of 25-50 ml twice a day. For gastritis, the juice is taken in a teaspoon half an hour before meals for 1-2 months. For constipation and colitis, it is also recommended to take juice in a teaspoon before meals.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, you can prepare the composition by taking 0.5 cups of crushed leaves and ¾ cups of honey. It is necessary to insist the mixture for 3 days in a dark place. Then add a glass of Cahors, leave for another day and strain. The composition is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Pure juice can be used to treat respiratory diseases. With a runny nose, it is recommended to instill 3 drops every day in each nostril. The course of treatment is a week. For sore throats, gargling with plant juice diluted in equal proportions with water will help. With stomatitis, you can also use freshly squeezed juice for rinsing.

For the treatment of neurosis, mix aloe leaves, carrots and spinach and squeeze the juice out of them. Take two tablespoons of juice three times a day.

In the treatment of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the gruel from the leaves should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Do not use undiluted juice! Infuse the mixture for an hour, boil for an hour and strain. The resulting liquid must be used for lotions and rubbing.

  • 3 art. l. juice
  • 6 art. l. honey
  • 9 st. l. vodka

The components are mixed and the resulting substance is moistened with gauze, which is applied to the affected area.

Succulents are very popular in indoor floriculture. They are widely used for landscaping, both apartments and offices. One of these plants is aloe real or otherwise faith.

In addition to attractive appearance This plant also has a number of medicinal properties.

plant description

Aloe vera is a typical representative of the Aloe genus of the Asfedelo family. In terms of composition and medical use the plant is very similar to. Its natural habitat is quite extensive. Aloe is found in the Canary Islands, in Egypt, Sudan and the Arabian Peninsula. Also in most countries it is cultivated artificially.

Scarlet real has ability to survive in extremely adverse arid conditions. In the absence of natural precipitation, it closes the pores on the surface of the leaves, thereby reducing the evaporation of moisture to a minimum.

The description of aloe vera is known to almost everyone. It is characterized underdeveloped root system and very short stem. Its leaves have the ability to form a rosette with a diameter of up to half a meter.

The surface of the leaf plates is variegated with spines along the edges. tubular flowers orange color. Very rare at home.


Inexperienced flower growers very often ask: "How to care for aloe?" Some does not require special care or constant attention. The main thing is to initially create suitable growing conditions for him. Also, as the plant grows, it must be transplanted into a more spacious container.

Aloe vera is very easy to grow at home. Even a child can easily cope with this task. This plant has the ability to adapt to the most different conditions cultivation.


For normal development, this plant requires bright, but diffused light. Therefore, a pot with it is best placed on windows with a southeast or southwest orientation. In hot summer days aloe should be protected from direct sunlight. Especially if the flowerpot with the plant is on a plastic window.

To in winter period the growth of the plant did not stop; it must be illuminated. For this, ordinary fluorescent lamps are used. The duration of daylight hours during supplementary lighting should be at least 12 hours.


In special temperature conditions this type of aloe does not need. It grows well and develops at normal room temperature. If possible, in the summer it can be taken out to open air and placed in the shade of trees.

To stimulate flowering in winter, aloe is recommended to be kept at a temperature not higher than + 15 °. The duration of such a cold period should be at least 8 weeks.

The soil

Before planting aloe, you need to carefully study its requirements for the composition of the soil. Under natural conditions, it grows on rocky soils that are poor in composition. He will need the same when growing at home.

Advice! If there is no possibility for self-compilation of the soil, then you can purchase a special substrate for growing succulents.


Aloe transplant is usually carried out transshipment method. To do this, it is carefully knocked out of the old flowerpot and, together with a clod of earth, is transferred to a new, more spacious one.

The best time to transplant is early days of March. At this time, the plant begins to actively grow. Therefore, it is very easy and quick to take root in a new place.

This video shows how the huge aloe vera flower itself is transplanted simultaneously with the separation and seating of the layering:

top dressing

With a properly composed substrate, aloe does not need top dressing. The only exceptions are those cases when the plant has undergone a cardinal pruning or needs to be fed after the injury.

Attention! Aloe should not be used for fertilizing universal fertilizers. They contain a large amount of nitrogen, which is detrimental to him.


Aloe, like the vast majority of indoor plants, easiest to propagate by cuttings. To do this, during a period of active growth with healthy plant top cuttings are cut.

Attention! Harvested cuttings before planting must first be slightly dried. To do this, they are left for several hours in a dry and warm place.

to plant planting material recommended into the sand. The depth of embedding in this case should not exceed 2 cm. At first, the cuttings should be regularly sprayed with warm water. After they start growing, you can start transplanting them into separate containers.

At home, aloe can also be propagated with the help of layering.

They form in abundance at the base of old plants.

They are simply carefully separated during transplantation and planted in separate containers.

Inexperienced flower growers who do not know what layering looks like, they are shown on top of the aloe vera photo.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of aloe have been known for a very long time. It is widely used in both folk and official medicine. Its juice is one of the most common wound healing agents.

aloe vera extract widely used in cosmetology. There it is used as a component in the manufacture of face and body skin care creams. Cosmetic ice can be made from ordinary homemade aloe, which has a very good effect on the skin of the face.

The aloe vera bush is Ambulance for small cuts, abrasions and scratches. Used for medical purposes both the leaves of the plant itself and the juice squeezed out of them. Also, honey is often added to it, which greatly enhances its beneficial effect.

The only thing to remember when using them is that they are fairly strong allergens. Therefore, people prone to allergic reactions, drugs and products based on them should be used with great care.

In order for the healing properties of aloe vera to be preserved after the harvesting of raw materials, it must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Leaves should be harvested only from 3-4 year old plants.
  2. Before harvesting, the plant is not watered for two weeks.
  3. The leaves are carefully broken out near the very base of the stems.
  4. Only the leaves located at the very bottom should be plucked.

After harvesting, the leaves can be stored on the bottom shelf of an ordinary refrigerator for quite a long time without losing their medicinal properties.

Attention! Leaves prepared for storage should not be washed. If necessary, they are rinsed with cold water immediately before use.

As a storage container, you can use an ordinary plastic bag or a regular food container with a lid of a suitable size.

In conclusion, we note once again that there is nothing difficult in the proper cultivation of aloe vera. The main thing is to create suitable conditions for it and, if necessary, transplant it into a more spacious container in a timely manner.

A green aloe vera plant with thick, fleshy leaves that grows in the garden or as a houseplant, on a window in a flowerpot, is not just a decoration.

What kind of plant is this, aloe vera medicinal properties and contraindications, use inside and for the face, today in this article. Why is this mysterious plant so widespread?

Plant extracts gradually appear in everything we use. It is the backbone of an entire industry that earns millions of dollars every year creating a wide range of products - from creams to juices and dietary supplements.

The aloe vera flower, planted in a pot, grows no more than half a meter high, with needle-like leaves, bitter in taste, which is its protection against being eaten by animals and insects. In nature, the succulent can grow up to 4 meters. Its homeland is considered to be the island of Barbados, which is located next to the Arabian Peninsula.

Aloe vera medicinal properties and contraindications

It is curious that this succulent, aloe vera, has about 500 different species, but only 15 of them have healing properties. Their number also includes the agave, which people grow with love and care on the windowsills. The healing properties and contraindications of aloe vera are studied by folk and traditional medicine for several millennia, and each time new interesting aspects appear.

Plant preparations are used orally, injected, widely used at home for face and body skin care, hair. Look at the photo, what types of this plant are found in nature:

The chemical composition of the leaves

Aloe leaves contain a viscous, transparent and very bitter gel, known throughout the world for its healing properties. This gel is 96 percent water. Some organic and inorganic components are noted in its composition: rabarberone and glycosides, nanaloin and polysaccharides, chromones and sterols, resinous substances. This viscous liquid contains 18 out of 20 amino acids that are identical to those found in our body, as well as vitamins of group B, A, C, E, in total there are about 12, 200 enzymes, essential oils, about 20 useful minerals.

Aloin is considered a particularly popular substance, which gives the very bitterness to the plant. Since ancient times, all nations have used it as a diuretic. Its laxative effect is so strong that pharmacists mix it with other substances that, at least a little, but neutralize its effect.

But aloin also has another worthy property, it perfectly protects the skin from exposure. ultraviolet rays, therefore, the cosmetic industry actively uses this component in the composition of creams and gels. Watch the video, aloe ara medicinal properties and contraindications.

Another valuable element contained in the juice of aloe leaves is a complex of carbohydrates, which is also known as acemannan or mucinous polysaccharide. When communicating with each other, they form legtins that prevent the formation of the smallest capillaries in tumor tissues. And without a blood supply, tumor cells soon die.

Acemannan encourages immune cells to work more actively and devour all foreign cells, which allows traditional medicine to use these important properties in the fight against oncology.

Aloe vera medicinal properties

The healing properties of aloe vera are due to the healing substances that make up its composition. They give such a wide range of properties. What is useful for aloe juice, a succulent plant is different:

☀ Antibacterial properties, therefore, the leaves of the plant and its preparations are used in the fight against streptococci and staphylococci, the preparations destroy dysentery and diphtheria bacilli, intestinal and typhoid.

☀ The feature is antifungal and antiviral. These important medicinal properties of the agave are given by acemannan, which is mentioned above, amino acids and vitamin C. Therefore, it is used to improve health in respiratory diseases and in the common cold.

☀ The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory feature of the plant is inherent due to the content in its composition of steroid molecules, the enzyme bradykininase and salicylic acid.

☀ Antioxidant and antitoxic properties of aloe are given by phenols, enzymes, manganese, copper and vitamins.

☀ In addition, the plant is characterized by other signs:

  • laxative and choleretic,
  • hypoglycemic and analgesic,
  • anti-cancer and anti-allergic,
  • regenerating and healing.

☀ The medicinal properties of the plant have a beneficial effect on the body's metabolic processes, activate the digestive glands, relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, and help normalize the gallbladder.

☀ Break down cholesterol plaques and lower blood cholesterol levels.

☀ Activate the growth of fibroblasts, which contributes to skin rejuvenation, due to enhanced nutrition, hydration and toning. And regeneration during the healing of small wounds takes place without scarring. Remove skin irritation and itching.

☀ Promote healing of wounds after sunburn, stimulate skin functions in case of pustular infections and other skin diseases.

What are the dangers of aloe vera contraindications and overdose

Despite its effective medicinal properties, aloe has numerous contraindications.

Since aloe vera has a laxative effect, you should not use drugs with other laxatives. It must be remembered that all diuretics remove potassium from the body.

Drugs can also affect blood sugar levels, so patients with diabetes mellitus should be treated with caution. Glucose levels should be constantly monitored.

Aloe juice can be harmful if consumed in the evening before bedtime, they can cause insomnia.

Aloe juice is prohibited when:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • at serious illnesses heart and hypertension
  • with acute malfunctions in the digestive function,
  • with hemorrhoidal bleeding.

overdose andby-effect. Violation of the formulation of the preparation of drugs and instructions for taking, can lead to an overdose. It is especially dangerous to get carried away with fresh juice, antiglycosides contained in the juice cause poisoning. As a rule, it is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, loose stools with bloody secretions. Blood is also seen in the urine.

In pregnant women, the use of aloe can provoke a miscarriage.

Do not use the leaves together with the skin for a long time. It contains aloin, which has a carcinogenic property. American scientists conducted research on rats, which were mixed with an extract prepared from a whole leaf of the agave. In 50 percent of the studied rodents, malignant tumors formed in the intestines.

Therefore, be careful with all drugs, whether it is aloe injections, juice used orally, drinking gel or gel that is applied to the skin.

Aloe juice for oral use

Aloe vera juice is used in various forms. At home, fresh juice is squeezed out, tinctures and syrups are prepared.

One of the most valuable elements contained in the juice of aloe leaves is a complex of carbohydrates, which is also known as acemannan. It allows beneficial substances to enter the cells, nourish and maintain them, while freeing them from toxins.

Ayurvedic teachings, Chinese folk methods and ancient treatises consider the use of aloe vera as a healing agent for both external use (compresses, masks, rubbing) and internal use. Consider the most useful and effective ways applications of aloe leaves and how to prepare aloe juice at home.

For gastrointestinal health

fresh aloe vera juice folk recipes it is recommended to use for people with low stomach acidity, constipation, enterocolitis and colitis, biliary tract disease. And just like a drug that stimulates the appetite of the digestive system. Among other things, good juice helps with a prolonged cough. Recipes for the stomach:

Instruction 1. Three times before meals, a teaspoon. With gastritis, juice will have to be treated long time, up to 2 months.

Precept 2. For the stomach, combine 100 g of goose fat, cocoa powder and honey. Add 15 ml of aloe juice. Stir and eat a tablespoon, stirring the healing composition in a glass of hot milk. If it is impossible to get goose fat, replace it with butter, only this time cocoa will have to be excluded from the recipe. In the second case, it is not necessary to dilute with milk, take it twice a day, in a tablespoon.

Aloe Vera Use for Stomach Cancer

I want to make a reservation right away with oncology, do not rely only on folk methods. Use them as aids.

Order 3. In 500 ml of cognac, add 2 tablespoons of biostimulated juice. Separately, make an infusion of geranium leaves: 3 parts of finely chopped leaves, pour 3 parts of boiling water and soak for 6 hours in a water bath. After filtering and bringing to the initial volume, pour the infusion into cognac. And here drip 5 drops of iodine 5 percent tincture.

The drug is drunk three times a day on an empty stomach. The recipes say that after two days, pain appears, but later they pass, which is considered a good sign on the road to recovery.

To support weakened immunity in oncology

As usual, patients need good nutrition rich in vitamins. Therefore, biostimulants with aloe juice are a good help. How to use:

Precept 4. Prepare a mixture of 300 g of honey and 500 g of walnuts, add 100 ml of juice and infuse for about a month in the dark. Eat the mixture three times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

Order 5. Prepare in equal proportions the juice of carrots and beets, radishes and juice black currant, cranberry juice and birch juice, St. John's wort leaves juice and juice of 10 lemons. Mix 200 ml of alcohol and 500 ml of honey with juices and infuse in the dark for three weeks, remembering to shake this mixture. After straining, drink three times 30 ml, before meals.

Order 6. Prepare 100 ml of juice of yarrow leaves and calendula, aloe juice and meadowsweet. Stir in 50 g of powdered licorice roots and heat the mixture while stirring, but do not bring to a boil. Drink the medicine three times a day, before meals. Store in a cool dark place.

Prescription 7. Dissolve a kilogram of honey in a water bath and add 250 ml of aloe juice to it. Separately make a decoction of 500 ml birch sap, on birch buds (25 g) and St. John's wort (25 g), keep it on a low heat for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day, before meals, shake well before use.

To strengthen the physical strength of the body

Prescription 8. Prepare in equal parts butter and lard (can be replaced with goose fat), aloe juice and honey, ground into dry rosehip powder. Heat the mixture well, but do not bring to a boil. How to use? Three times a day, before meals, a tablespoon dissolved in a glass of hot milk.

Prescription 9. Prepare a solution of aloe juice (150 ml), honey (250 g), grape red wine (350 ml), rosehip powder (100 g), ground parsley seeds (30 g). The healing solution must be infused for two weeks in a dark place, sometimes shaking. Drink the medicine three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Prescription 10. Prepare a solution of aloe juice - 100 ml, chopped walnuts - 500 g, honey - 300 g, dry parsnip root powder. After mixing, store the drug in a dark and cool place. Drink three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

To activate metabolic processes

Prescription 11. Mix 15 ml of squeezed agave juice with honey (250 g) and red wine like Cahors (350 ml). Keep in a dark and cool place for up to a week. Drink three times a day, before meals, a tablespoon.

Rule 12. Agave leaves 5 years old, keep in the refrigerator, chop and pour boiling water. Keep the ratio 1:3. Hold for 2 hours and strain. Add 500 g of chopped walnut and 300 g of honey to the infusion. Take three times a day, before meals, a tablespoon.

With menopause to improve bowel function

Aloe juice with honey. In 150 g of finely chopped leaves, add 300 ml of warmed honey (in a water bath). After 24 hours of infusion, heat again and strain. Drink once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, a teaspoonful.

Use in folk medicine for inflammation of the gums

Crush 100 g of agave leaves to a mushy state, allow the slurry to brew for about an hour. Then heat it over a fire, without bringing it to a boil and pour it into a glass dish with a ground stopper. Dilute 2 teaspoons in 50 ml of water and rinse your mouth.

For a compress for sore throat and arthritis, pneumonia

Mix one part of aloe, 3 vodka and 2 honey. Moisten a piece of cloth with this mixture and apply a compress to sore spots. Do not forget to warm up over the bandage.

Aloe juice in the nose

The plant has long been used for the common cold. Moreover, for the treatment of the common cold, not only home remedies are used, but also ready-made medical preparations. The treatment is fast and effective, nasal congestion is relieved and the inflammation of the mucous membrane disappears. And all this thanks to the healing properties of antibacterial action.

Is it possible to drip juice into the nose of a child? The treatment is effective not only for adults, but also for children older than 12 months. But it is necessary to consult a doctor and accurately establish the nature of the disease. With the viral nature of the disease, it is not recommended to drip the nose with aloe juice.

How to drip into the nose of a child? For children from one year old to 12 years old, before instillation, the juice is diluted with boiled water in a ratio (1: 3). Drip 3 drops into each nostril, three times a day. Treatment is carried out for 5 days.

For adults and children over 12 years old, the juice is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1.

Treatment with aloe pyoderma juice

Inflammation of the skin of a pustular nature, including acne vulgaris, is more often the result of the development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, patients are prescribed either injections of aloe extract subcutaneously, 1 ml, for two weeks and up to 2 months, or taking juice three times a day, a teaspoonful before meals.

For vasculitis and vitiligo

Succulent juice is used as a herbal remedy that activates the work of the adrenal cortex and metabolism. For this, traditional medicine recommends taking the juice three times a day, a teaspoon before meals.

Application in gynecology

More often with gynecological problems, especially inflammatory processes, aloe is used in injections.

Cervical erosion . At home, aloe juice treats cervical erosion. To do this, soak a tampon and insert it into the vagina for 2-3 hours.

Adhesions and scars are treated with a pharmacy extract of aloe in ampoules. The number of injections is determined by the doctor.

Myoma of the uterus. For treatment, take aloe syrup. To prepare it, you will need gruel from aloe leaves (200 g), 600 g of honey, 600 ml of red wine and 3 tbsp. l finely chopped roots of the bulb plant. The mixture must be heated in a water bath. After cooling and straining, store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Another recipe for curing fibroids. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry sea buckthorn berries with a liter of boiling water, put a tablespoon of chamomile here. After boiling, remove the mixture from heat and cool, then strain. Separately, mix 2 tablespoons of vodka and 3 tbsp. l. agave juice and mix with the prepared broth. Take three times a day, a tablespoon. It is important to recall that the instructions for use must be followed. The same recipes are used when planning pregnancy.

In the pharmacy you can buy aloe extracts in ampoules for injection, eye drops, liniment.

Aloe juice for skin

Bill Coates, a renowned dermatologist, believes that the skin needs special care. Aloe regulates water balance, heals, exfoliates, restores and provides constant nutrition to human skin. Apply enveloping aloe vera gel on the skin and you will feel how it soothes and cools. In Ayurvedic medicine, aloe vera is considered a miracle plant that heals wounds, cuts, burns and moisturizes dry skin.

With dilated capillaries on the skin

In the morning or evening, lubricate the skin with dilated capillaries with pieces of biostimulated aloe leaf. The skin should be clean and can be wiped with infusion of green tea beforehand. After lubricating with juice, to improve absorption, make patting movements with your fingertips. Finally, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. You may experience a tingling or burning sensation, this is normal. The procedure is carried out every other day, only 12 times.

With psoriasis

Prepare a mixture of equal parts (25 g each) of agave juice, celandine, calamus root and linseed oil, cocklebur herb and table vinegar. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over the well-mixed mixture and leave for two hours. Apply the medicine in the form of compresses to the affected areas on the skin.

With purulent discharge from the eyes and inflammation of the eyelids

2-3 drops of aloe juice pour hot water, cool and rinse eyes several times a day. This scarlet water can be used to wash wounds and abscesses.

In case of inflammation of the eyelids, make lotions on the eyes, applying tampons moistened with a solution to the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

For burns

If the burns are minor, then cut a well-washed agave leaf lengthwise into two halves and apply to the affected areas of the skin.

With erosion and dermatitis

Agave juice lubricates sore spots. To enhance the effect, use recipes 6, 7, 8, which strengthen the body from the inside.

For herpes and wounds

Frozen pieces of juice are applied to the affected areas with a rash of herpes. And small wounds are powdered with powder from the dried leaves of the agave, a loose bandage is made on top.

Treatment of boils

The leaf of the agave, having removed the upper skin, is applied to the inflamed area. It accelerates the maturation of the boil and helps to draw out the pus. To wash the wound, use an infusion of fresh agave leaves.

Aloe juice for acne

A glass of boiling water is poured over two tablespoons of finely chopped agave leaves. Leave for about two hours. After filtering, wipe the face affected by acne with a swab.

How to make biostimulated aloe juice

How to prepare aloe juice. ethnoscience advises to apply only leaves of 5 years of age. Usually cut off the lower and middle leaves. An important point is leaf biostimulation. This is an excerpt fresh leaves under certain conditions.

The cells of the leaves of a heat-loving plant, having fallen into the cold, begin to actively produce biostimulants that have unique properties. Therefore, the healing properties of such leaves increase several times after aging in the refrigerator.

Wrap the leaves in wrapping paper and place on the middle shelf to reveal all the medicinal properties of the week for two. And after that, use them to prepare tinctures and decoctions.

Leaves can dry out, losing water, they become wrinkled and brittle. Dried raw materials are stored for 2 years. Dried, peeled and crushed aloe is used as a laxative, but its effectiveness has not been proven.

How to make aloe juice at home

To do this, you will need one aloe leaf aged in the refrigerator, 250 ml of water, pieces of fresh pineapple or citrus fruits and honey. Cut off the top of the sheet with a knife, as thin as possible. And mix all the ingredients in a mixer. Add honey to taste as the leaf gel is very bitter.

How to take aloe juice. Ready drink should be drunk immediately after preparation. You should not store it, because all vitamins and active substances are destroyed after 15-20 minutes after preparation. Drink the drink better on an empty stomach, once a day, preferably in the morning. Drinking the drug in the evening, you can deprive yourself of sleep.

Aloe vera its medicinal properties and contraindications are amazing. Its qualities are not only health, nutrition, but also have a rejuvenating effect.

  • Read:

Use this succulent for yourself and be healthy!

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