Methods for decorating flower pots. How to decorate a flower pot with your own hands (39 photos)

The ability to make something original and new out of unnecessary or ordinary things is very valuable when decorating a house. To create a useful thing with your own hands from improvised material is one of the most common hobbies, and hand made never loses its popularity.

You can make any thing yourself - from decorative ornaments to pieces of furniture. Here we will consider the design of a flower pot with our own hands, which implies a huge scope for creativity. Products created by craftsmen are suitable both for rural houses and country gardens, and for modern interior apartments.

You can consider the design of a flower pot from finished base in the form of the most ordinary plastic or earthenware dishes, or you can use things that seem unsuitable for this as a basis - cans, glass vessels, cardboard, pebbles, various finishing materials and many other items.

For lovers of needlework, decorating a flower pot with your own hands will not cause any special problems. Moreover, for its manufacture, they can use a variety of materials. It is only important that appearance the products were combined with the decoration of an apartment or house. Flowerpots, pots, containers for home plants can be made from whatever you find at hand.

Used things

Every home probably has used aluminum cans, paint and other liquid cans, etc. Their appearance leaves much to be desired, but the right decor will help create unique and interesting gizmos. For example, fairly tall cans of canned pineapple or other fruits, soups, canned pet food, and decorative paints you can simply wash, carefully remove the labels and already use as flower pots... Their silvery surface looks interesting in high-tech or minimalist style.

If the cans are bent during use or look ugly, you can additionally decorate them with fabric, fur, pebbles or walnut shells. Directly about decorating flower pots will be discussed below. Or you can just paint it.

Everyone has plastic bottles. modern man... You should not throw them away right away, because you can create a lot of useful things from them. For example, leaving the necks of the bottles, you can make beautiful flowerpots for climbing plants... To use the base of the bottle as a flower pot, you need to give it strength and interesting to decorate.

Fashionable in recent times was the use of old shoes as flower pots. It can be rubber boots or summer rubber slippers. Most often they are used in gardens and summer cottages; in modern apartments they are not so appropriate.

An old, leaky bucket can make a great spot for a large fern or other massive plant. To do this, the handles are removed from the bucket, the base is decorated and turns into a design masterpiece.

The design of a flower pot and the very process of creating it from old plates seems interesting. Vinyl record heats up and easily changes its shape. If you give it the shape of a pot or a bowl, you get very stylish decor items.

You can glue together wooden or plastic clothespins, forming a pot for plants, use broken children's toys. They also make pots from rolled newspapers or magazine pages. It all depends only on your imagination, free time and desire.

You can also create unique pots, flowerpots or containers for indoor plants from old bags, shades, boxes, plastic packaging, watering cans or other utensils. Even out of old rubber tires, you can create an interesting flower pot, however, you cannot do without brute male power in this matter.

Building materials

From boards, cardboard, leftovers decorative tiles, shards of bricks, wire mesh, or various barrels can also make great coasters or plant pots.

From dense or corrugated cardboard, you can create completely different pots or flowerpots for indoor and garden plants. These can be regular round options for pots, or there can be elongated rectangular or diamond-shaped models. You can find a sweep of such a model from folk craftsmen, or you can come up with it yourself, remembering the lessons of technology or creativity at school.

Quite simple is the design of a flower pot made of planks or wooden blocks. Having cut out the base, you can easily create a real flowerpot for large indoor plants using nails or glue. Moreover, products made from rough, untreated boards are more suitable for streets, and processed wood looks great in an apartment. It can be additionally decorated with burlap, ribbons and other decorative details.

Remains of decorative ceramic tiles can be used to create a small square flowerpot by simply gluing the pieces together. Mirror tiles and mosaic options look interesting.

Wire mesh can be used as flower pots, large production barrels are suitable for installations with large garden plants, and they do not even need to be especially decorated: rough stands with delicate garden plants look harmonious.

Natural material

The most common for the manufacture of flower pots is considered natural material... It can be pebbles, stumps, shells from various nuts, cones, etc.

From pebbles - flat pebbles of a streamlined shape - you can easily glue a whole decorative composition, in which there is room for a houseplant. You can also use cones or nut shells.

Regular hemp or logs, which are often used as seating in the garden, can be cut inner part and plant a plant there. It looks very stylish in the garden.

You can also create an interesting pot for indoor plants from a vine or various twigs, but products from a vine are not so easy.

It is interesting to design a flower pot with your own hands from a half of a coconut shell. It turns out great pots for small plants that fit perfectly into an eco-style interior.

We decorate the usual

Now let's look at the question of how to decorate a flower pot, what techniques can be used and what materials to use. Moreover, you can use the most common purchased plastic or clay pots, or you can decorate what has turned out as a result of the skillful use of used things.

One of the most common ways to decorate a flower pot is by pasting the product. various materials... These can be shells, beautiful pebbles, glass shards, birch bark, coffee beans, cereals, nut shells or cones, buttons or beads. With their help, on the surface of the pot, you can create a certain picture using different textures or colors.

Eggshells, which are applied to the surface using the crackle technique, are considered a special decoration. Shell from boiled eggs pre-cleaned, defatted in a baking soda solution, and then dried. Then PVA glue is applied to the surface of the pot, and the shell is applied on top with the convex side up. Cover the shell with a napkin or paper on top and press to form cracks. To keep the parts of the shell farther apart, you can push them apart with a toothpick. From above, the pattern is covered with ink, and after it penetrates into the cracks, it is washed off from the shell itself with a damp cloth. Ink remains inside the cracks, and the shell has its original appearance. From above, all this splendor can be varnished.

The easiest way to freshen up your home, add colors to a playful mood, is to decorate flower pots.

There are a lot of flowers in our houses, so there is a place for fantasies to roam.

A tastefully decorated flower pot will add charm to an attractive plant and ennoble it.

The most common clay flower pots start to look especially impressive. The advantage of planting flowers in clay pots is that the clay material is porous enough to allow the roots of the plants to breathe, providing adequate drainage for optimal plant health.

But clay flower pots do not look very impressive, they usually lack color and design.

But decorating them is very easy with a little imagination and hands. I'll tell you about the simplest ways to decorate flower pots.

Method 1.

Glue beautiful beads, buttons of interesting shapes, shells, rhinestones, pieces of plastic or glass, stones, amber on the flower pot.

You can pick up different details one color, contrasting with the color of the pot. Or choose decorative elements to match the main color of the pot. This method is very suitable for decorating clay or completely faceless flower pots.

A little trick: buy a glue gun, and it will be easy and quick to glue small decorative parts.

Method 2.

You can use the textiles left over from the curtains to decorate the pots, or pick up scraps of fabric in the color of the curtains.

Or maybe the other way around! Flower pots decorated with bright contrasting ribbons will attract attention.

These can be beautiful ribbons, picturesquely tied around the pot.

A little trick: if you will be decorating several pots at once, make a pattern.

Method 3.

Draw an acrylic painting on a clay flower pot. Acrylic paints are very bright, dry quickly and practically do not wash off (keep this in mind when painting and spread paper when you paint).

The simplest drawing is the one that is based on geometric shapes: ovals, circles.

See how to do this with the example of a drawing of a turtle.

Mark the outline of the drawing with a simple pencil. In this case, you need to draw an oval, legs and a turtle's head. Fill the outline with terracotta paint and draw a frame around the turtle.

This drawing is good because if suddenly your hand shakes, then in this place you can paint on something.

The decorative possibilities for decorating flower pots are almost endless!

Decorating flower pots can be a hobby for you, and it's inexpensive. Involve children in this activity, this is an excellent creative activity for the development of children and spending time together.

Tatiana Kuzminka.

Black and white: painting the pots

This painted black and white pot will look especially impressive when planted with white and black flowers.

Materials (edit)

Ceramic pot 30 cm high.
Paper strips or duct tape.
Paint brush.
Matt white and black paint.
Shards or other drainage material.
Soil mix.
Slow dissolving granular fertilizer.
Thin gravel.


White osteospermum (Osteospermum).
"Black grass" - ofiopogon (Ophiopogon planiscapus, variation).
3 bushes pansies(Viola).

1. Place paper tapes on the outside of the pot to create a checkered pattern. 2. Color the top and bottom rows of cells white, and the rim and middle row- black paint. Remove the strips of paper.
3. Cover the drainage holes in the bottom with shards and fill the pot halfway with soil. Plant osteospermum in the background. 4. Place the ophiopogon near the osteospermum and fill the container with soil. Plant three pansy bushes in a group.

Gardener's Secrets:

Try coloring the pot differently and choosing different shades of flowers for the composition. You can experiment with a blue and white scale, to which the morning glory of the same colors will fit, or a red-green pattern, red pelargonium will be in harmony with it.

5. Spread a teaspoon of granular fertilizer over the soil surface and cover with gravel on top. Water and place in a sunny place.

Hello dear needlewomen and needlewomen!

I have a friend who is a big lover of large indoor flowers. I already gave her several times flowers that grew out of the size of my apartment, and she was just incredibly happy about it.

Indoor plants are so different that there is for every taste, interior and lighting suitable flower... But the pots in which these various indoor flowers grow are usually not so beautiful and original. What if the old flower pot is still pretty sturdy but completely unsightly? And new pots are not always a design miracle, ideally suited to the interior. Meanwhile, updating old ones and decorating new flower pots is not difficult at all - and even pleasant.

Method one: funny stripes. Decorating a flower pot with a strip of fabric, as in the photo above, is easier than ever. The only thing is to find a piece of dense rigid fabric that matches the color, cut out a rectangle along the height of the pot (add 2-3 cm to the hem on all sides) and tuck the sections if they crumble. It remains to fix the fabric on the pot, gluing it along the top edge and on the side, or you can chop off the edges of the “clothes” with pins (or sew on the “Velcro”) - then the cover will be easier to change or remove for washing.

Method two: a la nature. To decorate a terracotta pot in such a wild-natural style, you will need branches about the size of a finger (or thinner), a piece of jute burlap, glue in a gun and thin wire. Cut a piece of burlap to fit the pot. Cut twigs with pruning shears: the length is approximately equal to the height of the flower pot.

Now we glue burlap on a clean pot, and branches on it. The twig branches can be laid tightly or deliberately carelessly - as you please. We wrap the finished structure with wire for reliability.

Voila! Non-flowering plants - ferns, for example, will look especially good in such a vessel. And for the garden, you will get excellent tubs, even if landscape design and phytodesign is not your strong point.

What can be made from a regular plastic pot

You need to take an ordinary plastic pot - there are different sizes of matte brown types of ceramics. There are, of course, some more, but it is better to take a matte surface - so that the paint is better fixed.

I am writing as I did, but much can be excluded at will. First, I pasted pieces of foam rubber under the border for a moment, then tore them off - such torn pieces turned out - under paint like pumice or porous stone. At the same time, she glued snail squiggles from a clothesline to the upper rim (more precisely, what is under it). When everything was dry, I painted the pot with a piece of foam rubber ordinary paint Remaining after the repair (in my case, white) - I made roughness with foam rubber - this is so that later the decorations would be better fixed on glue.

When it dried up, I filled the pot alkyd paint silver color in a spray (I bought it a hundred years ago in the household department for 180 rubles, but I have already decorated a lot of things for her on the little things). And then everything is very simple! The main thing is a bunch of buttons or similar plastic nonsense, well, and essno imagination!

I bought 3 types of glue, but experimentally I went best of all - glue "transparent modeller for plastic" - a yellow tube, it costs 20 rubles. After the pot there is half of it, but my pot is the largest (of those that I have seen). I sculpted buttons as intuition asked. At the end, I painted stepped horizontal stripes and snails made of ropes with black nail polish. Everything!

Reincarnation of a flower pot

Indoor plants will no doubt decorate any home. But how dull and uninteresting the purchased terracotta flower pots look. For a person with a fantasy, this problem is easily solvable.

A little diligence and the simplest materials will help turn an ordinary shelf for indoor plants into an original, cheerful, colorful oasis in the apartment. It will preserve the atmosphere of summer, and its bright, full of life colors will illuminate even the darkest corners.

On the outside of the pot, mark the vertical centerline with a pencil. Lay the pot sideways on a piece of paper so that the line you draw lines up with the edge of the sheet. Roll it over the surface of the paper, marking the top and bottom of the pot as if you were making a pattern. Add a 2 cm (2 cm) seam allowance on both sides to fold over the fabric edges. Then cut out the pattern.

Cover the pot with a thin layer of thickener and let dry. This will protect the surface of the terracotta and, acting as a primer, will help the fabric adhere to the pot. Place the cut paper on the right side of the material of your choice and cut the fabric.

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Place the pattern in a flat dish (tray, dish), pour a little thickener on top and spread it with a brush over the surface of the fabric. Remove the workpiece from the dishes and drain off excess liquid. Do not wring out the material, otherwise it will wrinkle.

Wrap the fabric around the flowerpot, smoothing slightly so that it lies flat. In doing so, pay Special attention on the protruding edge of the pot.
Decorative bow

Cut a rectangle of fabric about one-third the height of the pot and twice the length. Cover it with hardener just like a pot blank. Fold opposite long edges so that they converge in the middle, press and dry for about 45 minutes.
Place the resulting strip on a work surface, wrong side up, and join the short sides in the center. Press down and leave to dry a little. Insert bent pieces of thick paper inside the bow so that it retains its shape and leave to dry completely, until the bow holds its shape by itself.
In the meantime, prepare a small piece of the same material for the center border and coat with hardener. Tie the prepared ribbon in the center while aligning the ends of the bow.
Apply some PVA to reverse side bow (on several points) and, attaching to the pot, secure. Leave to dry.
Using striped fabric, it's easy to decorate the pot with a fun frill. Cut a long tape about 5 cm wide so that the strips run vertically. Cover the material with hardener and wait for the tape to dry.
Fold in the folds using the stripes on the fabric as a guide. Place the tape around the top edge of the pot and secure with clothespins until the hardener is completely dry.

Remove the clothespins, run a narrow strip of fabric, cut so that the strips are horizontal, around the edge of the pot, covering the top edge of the frilled tape, and glue it. Trim the edge by cutting off any excess material.

This gift will appeal to lovers of vintage little things: it can be used both as a decoration for a flower pot (just place the pot inside), and as a stylish pencil holder or a vase for dried flowers!

You won't need much time to make it, and the materials that we used in our work are always at hand!

So let's get to work!

We need:

piece of corrugated cardboard


dispersion PVA glue

flat paint and glue brushes

acrylic paints white, black and bronze colors.

We cut out four rectangles of 9x11 in size and one square of 9x9 centimeters from cardboard. With the help of construction tape (you can also use just strips of paper smeared with glue) we form the base of the vase, as shown in the photo. After all four sides are connected, we fix the bottom. Tear the wrapping paper into small pieces and crumple them in our hands.

We glue the base with pieces of crumpled paper, additionally crushing and deforming them directly on the form. After the entire outer part of the box is sealed, coat it with a thin layer of glue and let it dry. WITH inside We carefully decorate the edge with an even strip. We make flagella from long paper strips and fold them in the form of a flat spiral.

We glue the spiral in the center of one of the sides of the vase and coat its surface with a thin layer of PVA glue. We fix the same spirals on the remaining three sides. Dip a dry brush into white paint and we easily pass it along the entire outer surface of the form, then in places of folds and protrusions we additionally pass it with a brush with bronze paint.

Inside the vase we paint over with black acrylic. So our spring gift is ready! Happy Holidays!

Pot wrapped in twine

Materials and tools: Simple and cheap plastic flower pot, twine (rope), PVA glue.

The workflow is very simple- glue your pot with twine. Gradually apply glue to the pot and wrap with twine. When everything is dry, stick the pieces of twine in the form of decoration, as shown in the photo.


Materials and tools: The cheapest ceramic pots, putty, putty knife, paint for painting.

Progress: These pots made Olga Ermoshkina. She covered the pots with putty and made the patterns with a spatula. For the putty to dry, you need to wait one day. Then paint with paint. You can make different patterns.

Almost all owners of private houses and city apartments are engaged in floriculture today. Some housewives even create mini greenhouses. Flowers are a decoration, improve mood. Stores presented wide choose different flowerpots for plants for the house and the street. But it is much more interesting and profitable to create this item with your own hands at home than to buy it.

Creating pots with your own hands for the house and the street, there is a chance to give old, unnecessary things a second life.

For the manufacture of a flowerpot, anything that can serve as a container for earth is suitable. Thanks to a rich imagination and craftsmanship, abandoned washbasins and chairs become original designs with plants. The basis for creating homemade compositions can be watering cans, mayonnaise buckets, boots, metal boxes, portable barrels, tires, dishes, containers, boots, old dolls, funny figures, rags, etc. There are many master classes on the Internet for making unusual products that you can make yourself step by step.

Clay pot options

DIY clay flower pots for a summer residence will become good decoration and an addition to any interior. For work you will need: water, clay, rag. They take a piece of clay and begin to knead it like dough. If the lump is hard, add a little water. The mixture should be free of bubbles, homogeneous, not sticky to hands.

First, you should try to mold simple shapes: balls, animals. Having gotten used to it, you can start creating a flower pot. To do this, roll the clay into a pancake and cut out a circle that will serve as the bottom of the flowerpot. Then the walls are made and fastened to the bottom with the help of several bundles or twines of 0.5 centimeters in diameter. Clay is easy to create different shapes flower pots.

When the work is finished, the pot is wrapped in newspaper, paper or rag. After the product has completely dried, it is fired twice. The first firing removes all excess moisture, the second gives strength to the product. It should be heated evenly at a temperature of about +300 degrees for three hours.

Pots made of cement, concrete

Street pots made of concrete and cement are original. For their manufacture, a classic recipe is used: sand, cement, water and aggregate are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5: 4. If you plan to create large flowerpots, it is recommended to use a reinforcing frame. To give the perfect smoothness of the front surface, use grinding with an emery and felt wheel.

For pouring a concrete pot, molds from different materials are used. The main thing is that the product does not get wet and keep its shape for five hours. Fit thick cardboard, bucket, glass, tray, plastic bottle, frame from boards. You will also need a rag.

Algorithm for making a cement flowerpot:

  • Take the container and wrap it in foil.
  • Saturate the cloth with cement. It is important that there is not a single dry piece. For this, the material is left in solution for 10 minutes.
  • Place the rag on the container and gently straighten it. Wavy edges or creases can be made.
  • Leave to dry for 72 hours.

It is better to watch the whole process of making a pot from a video on the Internet.

Plaster pot

A plaster flower pot for a summer residence is made by analogy with a cement product. For work, you will need two plastic containers of different volumes, water, gypsum. The 5 liter container should be lubricated with oil inside. Place a smaller form in it. Make a solution of gypsum and water in a 2: 1 ratio. Pour gypsum into the free space between the pots. Let cool for a couple of hours and then remove from the mold.

Decorate with a knife, cutting out interesting patterns. For example, a flower, curved lines. For the pot to dry completely and harden, you need to wait a week. After which the vase is allowed to be painted.

It is better to make pots from plaster. After all, such material absorbs all excess moisture. If you make a main pot from it, over time the product will begin to rot. You can read about how to make a flowerpot with your own hands.

Wooden flower pots

Wooden vases made of boards are less common than clay and concrete ones. But they look original and have a number of advantages. For example, they are convenient in processing, durable, and easy to repair. The tree allows you to implement any design ideas. For work, you will need a hammer, jigsaw, saw, floor chipboard, log or stump.

A part about 40 centimeters long is cut off from the log. Several holes are drilled with a drill at the same distance from the walls. Nests are made in the center to destroy the core. Remove excess wood with a chisel and form a pot. The walls must be strong and thick. The edges must be carefully aligned.

If you have a plastic pot of a suitable diameter, it is best to place it in wooden flowerpot... Otherwise, the inside of the container will have to be impregnated with moisture-proof compounds, lined with polyethylene. After all, wood is hygroscopic; upon contact with wet soil, it begins to rot and deform over time.

Pots from scrap materials

It is easy to make a pot for plants from plastic bottles with your own hands. For work you will need plastic bottles, acrylic paint, knife, music disc, glue gun, scissors. First, the bottle is cut into two halves. An uneven edge will look more beautiful: in the form of a wave or a pattern. A disk is glued to the outer part of the container (from the side of the neck). After drying, the structure should be painted in any color.

Consider another interesting way to make a flowerpot from a plastic bottle. It is implemented by analogy with the previous version. But the growth of flowers is assumed from the bottom. Pots of plastic containers easily suspended from the ceiling. Therefore, these products are ideal for families with children or pets that can harm flowers.

Decorating flower pots

There are many pots and flowerpots on sale. But most of them are not beautiful enough, making the interior more boring and simple. Of course, you can buy a designer model, but it will cost a lot. It is much more profitable to decorate the flowerpot with your own hands.

For decorating containers, seashells, stones, fragments of broken tiles and dishes, buttons, coins are suitable. Before gluing these elements to the pot, they need to be washed and degreased. It is advisable to apply the glue to the container and decor items. Then press the shells to the surface and wait a few seconds.

When all the details are glued, they start painting over the empty spaces. For this, it is allowed to use a mixture of PVA, cement and acrylic paints. The composition is applied with a brush.

Emphasize sea ​​style it is also possible by decorating with river or sea sand. To do this, glue should be applied to the voids and sand should be sprinkled on them at an incline. The final step will be to varnish the pot. This will add shine and durability to the product.

Popular and affordable means decor is an eggshell. First, it must be cleaned of the film, rinsed and dried well. The area of ​​the pot on which the element will be attached is covered with glue. Next, the shell fragments are attached with the convex side outward. If you need to correct the position of the element, you must use a toothpick. When the work is finished, the entire decorated surface is covered with PVA glue.

An interesting method is decoupage, in which napkins, paper pictures, eggshells, macrame threads act as decorative elements. The Provence style technique is suitable for plastic, earthen and corrugated pots.

When doing decoupage with your own hands, you should go through a number of stages:

  1. Cleaning, degreasing, priming the flowerpot.
  2. Coating the surface with paint.
  3. Cutting shapes from corrugated paper.
  4. Gluing paper elements to the surface of a flowerpot or flowerpot.
  5. Decorating with additional materials.
  6. Coating with varnish for fixing.

Lace is often used to decorate the pot. For this on inner surface material, glue is applied and applied to the container. They also decorate themselves with burlap fragments. To transform a flowerpot, use beads, beads.

Unusual uses

There are a lot of ideas for using flower pots. By choosing the most suitable method, you can make the garden unusual. On the Internet, there are different options for creating original flower beds and flowerpots. Pots are also used to make bird feeders and drinkers, candlesticks, and heaters. Interesting toys are obtained from clay containers for flowers and plants.

Flower pot fountain

The fountain is a nice decoration for the garden. But for its construction, a large area or site is needed, which not every summer resident has. There is only one way out of the situation - to create a miniature fountain without a pump from flower pots.

First you need to buy:

  • A large flowerpot with a diameter of at least 30 centimeters. This will be the base of the fountain.
  • A float that will show the water level.
  • Pump.
  • Rubber mesh.

It is required to place the pump in the pot so that its spout is flush with the edges of the pot. Then cut off a part of the mesh and close the container with it from the inside to the very edge. Put a layer of pebbles on the mesh. Fill the flowerpot with water. Use the pump to create the required stream of water.

Little people from flower pots

From just one flowerpot with your own hands, it's easy to make a creative and fun decoration for your backyard territory.

For crafts, clay and plastic pots... Such a little man can be hung in the gazebo.

A master class for making a man from a flower pot is given below:

  1. Pick up flowerpots for the body and head.
  2. Turn them upside down.
  3. Wire the body and head.
  4. Put foam on the edge of the wire so that the pots are securely fastened.
  5. Take a piece of wire and string small containers on it. This will be the hand of a man. The same way make the second arm and legs.
  6. Attach them to the body with wire.
  7. On the face, paint eyes, nose and mouth with acrylic paints. The dried flowers must be fixed to the drainage holes with a wire. It will be hair.

DIY potted tandoor

The tandoor is easy to make with your own hands. This will require a clay pot and a stationary metal barrel. The containers must be installed in each other. A pot located inside a ceramic barrel should be surrounded by glass wool or rock salt... If the outer body of the barrel is made of steel, then holes must be drilled in the bottom of the container through which the ash will come out. Attach wheels to the bottom of the body so that the stove is convenient and easy to transport. The design is ready, it will be a pleasure to use it.

Pot lighthouse

The lighthouse is decorative element landscape design. It is easy to make it from clay pots. You will also need small stands for flowerpots, permanent glue, paint brushes, a battery-powered candle, glass candlestick proportional to the pot, acrylic paint.

The work algorithm is as follows:

Flower pot chandelier

An old chandelier can be given an original look with flower pots. This will require nuts, a cartridge, a cord, a plastic flowerpot, screwdrivers. Decorate the pot as you wish. Strip the wire and connect it to the socket. Use a hot screwdriver to punch holes in the pot and stand. Put a washer on the free end of the wire. Insert the wire from the cartridges into the pot so that the washer remains inside. Fix the cord from the outside with a nut. Thread the wire through the stand, which will be fixed to the ceiling. Adjust the height of the lampshade. Hang a chandelier. It is advisable to take an energy-saving light bulb so that it does not heat the flowerpot.

Pot heater

To create the shape of a small heater, you will need 4 ceramic flower pots: 2 large and 2 small. You will also need nuts, washers, a candle, and long bolts. Drill holes in the stand and pot. Pass through the chain bolts and secure with nuts. Push the bolt through the hole in the pot, put on the washer from below and fix with the nut. Put a pot with a smaller diameter on the bolt. Secure in the same way. Next, put on a stand, a candle and fix it. Do the same with another flowerpot. Hang the ceramic pots on the holder. Put several candles on the stand. Such a heater is allowed to be used not only in the winter in the apartment, but also outdoors in the evening.

Flower slide made of flowers

If there is not enough space on the veranda or in the garden, you can decorate the area with a slide and cascades of flower pots. To do this, take a large flower pot, pour a drainage layer on the bottom and place a wooden rod in the center. Cover with earth. Put a container with a smaller diameter on the rod. Place all other pots in the same way. It is important to make additional holes in the bottoms for the drain. excess water... It is better to plant ampelous plants in such a structure. This will create a beautiful cascade of flowers.

DIY pallets and stands

and a stand in the form of an alpine staircase will be a good decoration for a windowsill in a small apartment. To make such a structure, you will need 5 pots of different sizes. The color of the containers can be the same or different. You need to stick a metal tube or rod into the lowest pot. Secure the bottom with a self-tapping screw or polyurethane foam... Pour small stones, earth into the container and plant a flower. Attach all other pots to a metal rod from larger to smaller so that each flowerpot rests on the opposite angle on the previous container. Better turn the pots in different sides... So the stand on the windowsill will look more harmonious. More details on the manufacturing process and instructions can be found in the photo.

Thus, creating flower pots with your own hands is not difficult. The result is original, beautiful containers and boxes for plants. In addition, interesting designs can be created from flowerpots. The main thing is to show your imagination and take some time.

It is difficult to imagine your favorite garden without flowers, since they are a stylish addition and an integral part of landscape design. Compositions planted in unusual, original plant pots made by oneself look especially impressive. To create beautiful flower pots with your own hands from improvised material is not only useful, but also very fascinating process. Step-by-step master class making original pots with detailed description and a visual photo, further in our article.

What can you make a planter with your own hands?

Today, specialized stores offer a large assortment of various decor and garden decorations for every taste, including original flower pots. However, even with such an abundance of goods, it is not always possible to find what you need exactly. There is only one way out of this situation - try to make the pots yourself.

Oddly enough, but the most unusual decorative flowerpots are obtained from ordinary material. You just need to be smart and give free rein to your very bold ideas and fantasies. Pots made of household items will look most harmonious in the garden. They give a real zest to your yard, creating the effect of grace and refined nobility.

Second life of old shoes

Surely at the dacha you have old shoes that you have not worn for a long time, but did not dare to throw them away. The perfect way breathe into it new life- make an original flower garden out of it.

This will require an unnecessary pair of old boots, the help of skilled hands, and some free time.

Step by step guide

  1. Pour fertile soil (preferably black soil) at the bottom of the boot, then plant seeds or seedlings of your favorite plants in it;
  2. Pour warm water over the resulting decorative flower garden and place it somewhere in the visible side of the house;
  3. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating inside, several small holes can be made in the sole;
  4. To make the composition more interesting kind, boots can be painted in any color you like.

Decorate your boot with your favorite flowers and plants - great idea for a creative summer resident

As a base, you can use absolutely any footwear: rubber boots, sneakers, sneakers, sandals, galoshes, low shoes, sandals, burka. As for flowers, it is better to give preference to bright, unpretentious, low-growing plants.

Important! Planters made from old shoes should have holes for draining excess water. Otherwise, the roots can rot, which will lead to the death of the plants planted in them.

Flower pot made of cement, rags and burlap (photo)

A flower vase made of cement and rags looks very original and impressive. The method of manufacturing the product is quite simple and does not require special skills and tools. It is enough to have at hand cement mortar and unnecessary waste from the textile industry.

Important! Before drying, a rag soaked in a liquid cement solution can take any shape, therefore, such compositions can be made in any form.

So, for work we need:

  • Cloths of the required size. You can use a ripped burlap from cereals or sugar;
  • Components for preparing concrete (water, cement, seeded sand or fine gravel);
  • Patterns made to your liking. You can use ready-made ones, for example, a bucket, a saucepan, an old vase, etc.

Step-by-step master class for making pots

  1. Prepare in the required proportions. To make it easier to work with the material, the solution should have the consistency of liquid sour cream;
  2. Wrap the mold with a dry cloth. If the size fits, dip it in the solution and hold it there for about a minute;
  3. Throw a dampened rag over your workpiece and let dry for 12 hours;
  4. After complete drying, remove the mold. The pot of cement and rags is ready.

Good to know! The setting and hardening time of the cement in the sun is reduced to 2-3 hours.

If you don't like cold and grey colour concrete, or you are simply tired of it, dilute it with bright contrasting colors, so the pots will look more elegant and more fun.

Miniature garden made of tin cans (photo)

One of the most popular materials for making flower pots is tin cans.

  • Why are they so popular among art lovers? Everything is very simple. Metal cans have many colors, shapes and sizes, so you can create a magnificent floral arrangement from them that attracts admiring glances.

The indisputable advantage of making such flower ornaments is the minimum return of effort and time while obtaining the most creative result.

To make a planter out of cans, usually the following materials are required for work:

  • Cans;
  • Nails and hammer;
  • Colored acrylic paints, swing brush;
  • Wooden base for fixing cans

Manufacturing guide

  1. To give the composition a certain shape, all the jars are painted in bright colors;
  2. After complete drying, a hole is made at the bottom of the can to drain excess moisture;
  3. It remains to fix the jars to the selected base, pour soil into them and plant flowers.

To add more expressiveness to the product, patterns can be applied to a slightly dried surface or decorated with a variety of buttons, ribbons, beads or beads.

An unnecessary teapot as a flower garden

Found an old kettle in the garage? Don't rush to throw it away. You can make a beautiful decoration from it that will look original in your garden. In addition, making your own handicraft will help you not only realize your creative potential, but also save money.

A can of acrylic or aerosol paint will help to restore the product to its original appearance. Using a stencil, various patterns can also be applied to the surface of the teapot.

Important! To prevent the paint from swelling over time, the surface must be well prepared before application.

The cache-pot from the kettle is mobile, and if necessary, it can be moved to another place

  • For those who do not want to bother with painting teapot, you can leave everything as it is. A worn and tarnished shade of metal with a light touch from time to time has its own special charm. The cold shine of polished metal looks no less advantageous.

Using an old teapot as a flowerpot is a pretty bold and creative solution.

A vase from improvised means: a step-by-step master class

Today, craftsmen and craftsmen Hand made they make an original pots with their own hands from almost any material that comes to their hand. Ideas for creativity and inspiration can be obtained from anywhere, including from the Internet.

Photos of beautiful pots placed in our article once again prove that a person's imagination has no limit. Innovative solutions and unusual super ideas allow you to create real works of art.

  • If wooden sticks glue together in a hollow cube, so that each new row forms a free space, and each subsequent row overlaps, we get an unusual pots that are perfect for small plants. It can be placed anywhere, for example, on a windowsill or hung on a rope, after planting indoor flowers in it.

  • Plastic bottles... Probably not a single garden craft or decoration can do without their participation. It is very convenient and simple to work with this material, the main thing is to observe precautions. The easiest thing to do from is a hanging flower pot.

However, plastic bottles can be used not only for decorative purposes. You can plant seedlings in them. vegetable crops, therefore, this material is also a favorite among amateurs.

  • You can weave a flowerpot with your own hands from an ordinary rope. At the same time, the shape of the product can be different: cylindrical, round or cone-shaped, the main thing is that the planted plant is freely placed in it. As a material for weaving, some craftsmen use thin vine branches or artificial rattan threads.

  • If we come to creating a decorative flower pots more thoroughly, you can make a more interesting and large-scale composition. Hanging old waste boiler over an impromptu fire of flowers and logs, you can get a very interesting result that will not remain without the close attention of your guests.

Important! To highlight and emphasize the beauty of the composition you have created, you can shield it with a border of ordinary stones, slightly drowning them in the ground.

Boxes for flowers and seedlings

  • Summer residents are resourceful and thrifty people, so they never throw anything away, including trimmings from boards and other sawn timber. After all, they make excellent wooden boxes that can be used as flower pots.

In order to make a planter out of boards, you can get by with the minimum skills of a carpenter, and as tools you only need a hacksaw, nails and a hammer.

  • Good to know! Wooden boxes can also be used for planting seedlings of various crops. Only for this, in the upper boards, it is advisable to make special holes for the hands so that they can be conveniently and safely carried.

Beautiful flower beds made of old things

Oddly enough, but old bike, which has not been driving for a long time, may still be useful to you as a decorative decoration. It is not necessary to violate the integrity of the structure. Just use it as a living flower bed. Additional contrasting elements in the form of flowers and plants will turn the old bicycle into a real masterpiece of art.

Bicycle planter - all ingenious is simple

  • Having shown imagination, a unique pendant decoration with flowers can be obtained from an ordinary bird cages... Just place a pot or container with short plants in it and decorate with some decor.

Important! A cage planter will look more elegant and noble if you use a decorative vintage Provence style cage for it.

  • For craftsmen with golden hands, make decorative pots for giving do it yourself in the form of a cart, it will not be difficult. This will require special tool and certain skills in handling wood and metal.
  • To improve your mood and give yourself bulk positive emotions, you can quickly and efficiently make pots from ordinary garbage cans made of shiny metal. For ease of movement, furniture wheels rotating in different directions can be screwed to the urns.

As you can see, having at hand suitable material It is very simple to make a planter with your own hands for the garden. For making simple products, no skills are needed. Even a child can cope with this task. As for the more complicated products, then you cannot do without the help of adults.

The creative process of creating a pots is not only creative, but also educational in nature. Therefore, even the smallest children can be involved in this exciting activity.

Decorating flower pots with your own hands is an exciting activity that allows you to turn banal, unnoticeable or just boring clay and plastic pots into exquisite decorative elements.

The ideal material for decoration is untreated clay pots without painting and decorations: they are inexpensive and plants feel great in them, while plastic containers do not have sufficient porosity, and therefore do not allow the necessary amount of air to pass to the root system. For original decoration flower pots, almost all hand-made techniques are applicable, from artistic painting and decoupage to crackle. Rich imagination, diligence and golden hands are able to create real miracles! We offer you some interesting ideas that will help breathe new life into nondescript pots and pots.

Decorating flower pots with eggshells using crackle technique

Crackle is a pattern of thin cracks on the surface of a ceramic product, which is created using special tools for decorative effect antiquity. Usually, craquelure varnishes are used for crackle, but we will use shells from boiled eggs. You can mix white and beige shells. If desired, the shell can generally be painted in any shade. Before work, the shell must be washed in warm water, degreased in a baking soda solution and dried. For natural white or beige shells, a dark base is ideal, so if necessary, paint a light pot with dark acrylic paint.

Decorating antique pots: how to create a patina effect

A couple of simple manipulations and the most ordinary clay pot will turn into an antique rarity. How? One-two-three!

1. Degrease the surface of the pot with any alcohol-containing liquid and carefully process it with 70-grit sandpaper.

2. Cover the pot with a moisture-resistant putty with careless strokes and let it dry.

3. Apply marsh-colored paint on top of the putty. When it is dry, use 100-grit emery to lightly rub the places where the putty is too thick. Well, now your pot looks like it was dug up during the excavations of Ancient Rome!

Original decor of flower pots and pots

  • Moss and cones.

  • Birch bark.

  • To keep your green friends always warm and cozy, knit cute blouses for them, or just use sleeves from an old knitted sweater to make covers.

  • A rustic "suit" made of burlap and buttons is perfect for a container with geraniums. We make a pattern, wrap the pot with sacking in several layers, mask the crumbling edges and decorate the "suit" with large decorative buttons, best of all - wooden. To firmly fix the burlap on the planter, we thread and fasten a tourniquet or elastic along the upper edge.

  • We glue the pot with simple pencils with an elastic band of the same color and size, and decorate the composition with a satin and organza bow.