How to choose a water heater for an apartment is simple! How to choose an instantaneous water heater: an overview of the types of "flow" and advice to buyers

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Competent selection of instantaneous water heaters

For modern man, highly valuing the comfort of life, the problem of providing hot water your home (if there is no centralized hot water supply, annual preventive maintenance of utilities is practiced, or regular interruptions in water supply occur) is very relevant. In many cases, it can be solved by purchasing and installing special equipment - a water heater. However, his right choice - one more problem.

Exist different types heaters classified by the type of energy source they use (gas, electric), by the principle of water heating (storage, flow), by power, volume, etc. At the same time, of particular interest among consumers is instantaneous water heater (the so-called column), which does not limit the residents of the house in the amount of liquid used and provides this more high level comfort.

Pros and cons of flow devices

The choice by many Russians of flow-through water-heating equipment, in which the liquid is heated when passing through a water heater, is due to the undoubted advantages of devices of this type:

Unlike storage devices, when using which heated water after a certain time (depending on the volume of the tank) inevitably ends and cold water begins to flow, the instantaneous water heater provides unlimited uninterrupted supply hot water.

The scheme of using the instantaneous water heater: When using the water heater, it is necessary to: close the tap - "2", open the taps - "1", "3", "4"; when you are not using the water heater: close taps - "3", "4", open taps - "1", "2".

A household instantaneous water heater is much smaller in comparison with a storage water heater, since it does not need a tank to store liquid.

Compared to these significant advantages, the disadvantages of flow-through heaters do not look so significant:

  1. Sufficiently large lump-sum power consumption.
  2. If several water intake points are connected to the flow-through device at once (for example, taps in the bathroom and in the kitchen), then the water temperature will depend on the number of simultaneously operating points. Thus, if both taps are used at the same time, residents will either have to be content with less heated water, or increase the capacity of the water heater.

In general, it should be noted that the choice of a water heater should be based on an analysis of the following factors:

  • to which communications there is the possibility of a more convenient and economical connection: to electrical network or a gas pipeline;
  • what space does it have living quarters for installing a water heater (if there are free areas, it is possible to use a storage device big size, if they are in short supply, a compact flow heater is required);
  • is it possible to use more power indoors.

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Features of electric instantaneous water heaters

An electric instantaneous heater produces water heating with constant use of electricity. The principle of its operation is as follows: inside a small special chamber there is a thermal element - a tubular electric heater, or heating element, which is a metal (most often copper) tube filled with a special heat-conducting electrical insulator and equipped with a conductive thread in the center.

The latter is made of nichrome and has a certain resistance, which makes it possible to transfer the required specific power to the surface of the heater. When the device is turned on in the network, the heating element heats up and transmits thermal energy liquid passing through the water heater.

As noted above, the main advantage of this type of heater is their compact size. Moreover, they are environmentally friendly. The main disadvantage is that they need a lot of power (6-27 kW), respectively, special electrical equipment in the room (manufacturers more powerful than 5 kW do not even complete with a cord and plug, so that users do not include such a water heater in a household electrical outlet).

The choice of heaters of this type mainly depends on their performance, which is determined by 2 factors:

  • incoming water temperature;
  • the power of the device itself.

Most heaters of this type are equipped with an automatic start-up system at the start of the drawdown. The flow-through device is quite capricious: it requires a strong and constant pressure of water, which is due to the peculiarities of its device. In case of insufficient pressure, there is a high risk that the heating element will burn out, and the manufacturer with full right to refuse the buyer a warranty repair.

Therefore, experts strongly advise against installing flow-through devices in country housesnot connected to the centralized water supply system, and on the upper floors of urban buildings located in areas of old development, where the water pressure is usually unstable. Solve this problem in them it is possible by installing pressure boosting pumps that are mounted in the supply line.

Optimal comfortable conditions are created when using a water heater with a power exceeding 5 kW. When choosing equipment, you need to remember that there are devices for both a single-phase (no more than 12 kW) and a 3-phase network (from 12 to 36 kW). For a correct comparison of speakers from different manufacturers, it is advisable to pay attention to what power appears in the description of the device - consumed or useful. These 2 quantities are interconnected by the efficiency of the apparatus (efficiency). It is recommended to compare the equipment in terms of the net power that is provided at the outlet of the column.

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What else needs to be considered when choosing an electric heater

Flow-through electric heaters are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. System (pressure), with a power of 4.5 kW and above. In such models, only a liquid inlet and outlet are provided. They cut into hot and cold water pipes for distribution throughout the living space. This is very convenient, since during periods when hot water is turned off, it becomes possible not only to take a shower, but also to use hot water from any tap in the apartment. Such a water heater turns on and off automatically when the water is started and the tap is turned off, respectively.
  2. Non-pressurized power from 3.5 to 8 kW, equipped with its own kitchen or shower head included in the device. Such water heaters work exclusively at one point of water intake and are used most often in the country. Appliances of this type cannot be fitted with other fittings than those sold with the heater.

Experts recommend using small flow-through heaters with a power of 3-6 kW equipped with shower heads only in summer period... In winter, consumers often complain that a water heater that worked perfectly in summer now suddenly stops heating water normally. And the reason is that in summer the temperature of the unheated water was about + 18 ° C.

And a small water heater with a capacity of 3.5 kW with a delta of 25 ° C, giving 3 liters per minute, easily warmed the water up to 40 ° C, which was comfortable for washing. And in winter, the incoming water is much colder (on average 5 ° C). And it turns out: 5 ° C + 25 ° C \u003d 30 ° C. Under water of this temperature, a person naturally feels uncomfortable.

And the equipment itself has nothing to do with it, nothing has broken in it, it functions as usual. Simply small flow heaters were designed for warm countries (mainly Africa, Asia, Latin America), where there are no large differences between winter and summer temperatures, and the incoming water all year round about + 15 ° C.

Considering the low cost of such equipment, its compact size and configuration features, it is reasonable to buy a small flow heater for each water intake point separately. This provides energy savings for heating water in the pipes supplying it to the water intake points, if the taps are significantly removed from the heater.

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Gas water heaters

All instantaneous gas water heaters have the same design, the main elements of which are a burner, which is used to heat water, and automation, which ensures safe operation. The main indicator characterizing gas water heaters is power (as for electrical appliances).

The higher the power of the unit, the more productivity it has. For example, when heating cold water from 10 ° С to 35 ° С gas water heater with a power of 17.4 kW, it is capable of providing 10 liters of hot liquid per minute, and the column, whose power is 27.8 kW, under similar conditions allows you to obtain 16 liters of heated water per minute. In more detail, the dependence of the heating rate and water volume on the column power is given in the following table:

In this regard, gas water heaters are divided into 3 groups:

  • low power (17-19 kW);
  • average power (22-24 kW);
  • high power (28-30 kW).

Electric water heating systems flow type have significant advantages over storage devices. First of all, it is perfect design and compact dimensions of the unit, allowing the installation of equipment in small rooms. They also emit a high rate of water heating, which makes household work easier.

In order to decide which one is better to buy a flow-through electric water heater, you should know that the installation of the device requires an individual electrical cable and a circuit breaker on the dashboard. Therefore, the installation of equipment is prohibited in buildings of the old type of development. In this case, it is recommended to use equipment with a power of up to 3.5 kW.

How to calculate the required power?

A good instantaneous water heater must meet not only the consumer's criteria, but also the water consumption that is required to perform all domestic processes.

The maximum value of the power indicators of an electric heating device is calculated according to the following formulation:

P \u003d R * ∆t / 14.3

Decoding of the constituent symbols:

  • P is the maximum value of the power of the device, kW;
  • R is the flow rate of circulating water, liters for 60 seconds;
  • T is the required temperature regime of the liquid coming from the mixer;
  • ∆t is the required temperature rise, o C. ∆ t \u003d T - tvh.
  • Tvx - temperature regime of cool liquid: cold season + 5 ° С, hot - + 15 ° С.

These values \u200b\u200bcan also be defined more in a simple way... The performance indicator inherent in the most suitable option must be divided by two. As a result, the estimated water consumption in liters per minute will be released at temperature conditions - 20-30 ° C.

For example, a device with an efficiency of 16 kW provides the user with 8 liters of heated liquid per minute. Of the given quantity will suffice to accomplish one of the goals listed in the table.

If it is necessary to dilute the water supply system at several points, you need to focus on the most frequently used water intake. If you plan to pick up at the same time in several nodes, then you should select a high-performance unit.

It is recommended to install a 13-36 kW instantaneous electric water heater in residential buildingswhere a large amount of electricity is consumed. In connection with the division of classifications, two types of units were formed: three-phase and single-phase.

Pressure or gravity devices

In addition, the equipment has two groups of pressure and non-pressure equipment.

Flow-through electrical units of pressure type make it possible to use water from any mixer installed in the cottage. The device is installed directly on the cold and warm outlet pipeline. This method considered the most convenient in case of disconnection centralized system water supply.

The start-up and shutdown of the device is carried out at an automated level, using a control unit that reacts to the flow rate.

The set of the best instantaneous water heaters includes bath-showers and kitchen nozzles. The parts function exclusively for one water supply unit. This modification is most suitable for use in a warm season in a private house.

If the water intake mixers are located at a great distance from the heating equipment, it will be more profitable to purchase separate devices for each unit. This method will significantly reduce the energy consumption for heating the liquid in the pipes.

VIDEO: how the protochnik works

Since gravity technology is not able to provide a house big amount liquids, the holes of the shower element are small. Thus, a good head can be obtained.

If the coolant has a high hardness, it is required to regularly flush the nozzles with a solution that removes scale.

Most of the free-flow equipment is designed for use in countries with warm climatic conditions. The devices are not designed for harsh weather conditions, therefore, they cannot distinguish themselves with good performance at low temperature conditions. The water will be heated up to no more than 30 o C.

Review of popular models

The technical market presents a wide range of heating equipment from various manufacturers. To choose the right device, you should study the technical characteristics of the most suitable models.

Technique differs in technical specifications, performance and additional options. The units of the Swedish company are equipped with an effective heating element in the form of a spiral.

The electric flowing water heater for the tap has an expanded clay filter and a copper flask.

The Polish brand is one of the best instantaneous water heaters of the system and non-pressure type. The parts that have direct contact with the mod are made of copper and brass material.

The entire line of these units is equipped with an overheating protection system and a safety valve. The front panel is decorated with a display, where there are indicators of temperature, on / off. The main complaint of users is the frequent shutdown and periodic "shooting" of cold water.

When using, care must be taken that the device does not work on full power... This leads to overheating of the wiring and a possible short circuit.

There is no wire and plug included. They are bought separately. The recommended cable section is 4 mm. A separate connection via the machine is required. The quality is excellent. In its price category, it is a leader, which is consistently included in the TOP 10 instantaneous water heaters.

The line of this manufacturer is equipped with a complete set:

  • overheat protection;
  • water filter;
  • plug and wire for connection

In general, it is characterized as a medium power, reliable device, convenient in use and quite reliable. Due to low performance, it does not need a separate wiring, but for safety reasons, turn it on simultaneously with others powerful electrical appliances Not recommended.

Model WHE 4.5 XTR H1 requires mandatory grounding. As for negative reviews, then here many users agree on one thing - it is inconvenient without an on / off button. First you have to turn on the tap, and then plug the device into an outlet.

Before ordering a water heater for 2016-17 years in the online store, you must first answer a number of questions:

  1. The possibilities of the house in which the installation of the device is planned. Whether they meet the requirements of the unit.
  2. Decide on the installation method and, if you do not plan to carry out the process yourself, order an installation service from a specialist.
  3. Clarify warranty periods and availability of spare parts.

In any case, regardless of the state of the wiring, first of all, after the purchase, a separate cable is made and brought to the shield. It will also be advisable to check the condition of the water supply system, and connect the water heater using flexible hoses.

VIDEO: How to choose a water heater? Which one is better to buy?

An immutable attribute modern apartment or at home is the availability of hot water, the centralized provision of which is very unreliable. The solution to this problem is to install an additional autonomous source, for example, a flow-through electric water heater.

The principle of operation of such a water heater is simple and effective - cold water passes through the heating device of the device, where TEN heats it almost instantly to an acceptable temperature - 40-60 degrees. Moreover, such devices do not require constant heating, as in boilers.

Electricity is used only at the moment the tap is opened, and after it is closed, this device turns off the TEN and does not consume electricity at all. It is not only convenient but also economical.

What should be considered when choosing?

To choose the right water heater, you need to decide how it will be used. Its type will depend on this - there are three of them:

  • free-flow;
  • pressure head;
  • faucet - heater.

What type of device to choose is up to you. It will depend on the characteristics of your water supply system and needs, but we will tell you what nuances must be taken into account so as not to be disappointed with the purchase.

The choice, in general, comes down to the selection of the required power, on which performance directly depends. We will tell you how not to make a mistake here.

When choosing, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • required productivity l / minute;
  • required outlet temperature, in degrees.

You can choose the correct performance of the water heater from the averaged data in the table.

The next step is to determine the required heating temperature.

The temperature is considered comfortable:

  • for a shower - 38 degrees;
  • for washing dishes and taking a bath - 45 - 55 degrees.

To the above, we add that the performance of an instantaneous water heater is strongly influenced by the temperature of the water at its inlet - the lower it is, the more powerful the device is required. Based on this, when choosing, it is worth starting from the temperature tap water in winter time - no more than 6-7 degrees.

Separately, we would like to note that the standard electrical wiring apartments will withstand no more than 3 kW of load, therefore, to connect devices of 6 kW and more, you need to provide a separate reliable cable:

  • 3 kW - copper wire with a cross section of at least 1.5 mm;
  • 4 kW - 2.5 mm;
  • 6 - 8 kW - 6 mm;
  • 12 kW - at least 10 mm square.

You can choose the manufacturer and model yourself, according to your taste, taking into account user reviews.

Characteristics of the most popular devices in Russia


Qualitative german instrument with decent functionality.


It is worth choosing it for confined spaces.

power usage 8000 Wt
Control Electronically
Innings 4.4 l / minute
Maximum heating 80 gr.
Execution design Pressurized
Features of the Ability to work with reduced pressure - 0.3 atmospheres, smooth temperature control.
Price 22200 p.
User reviews Heats up perfectly in miniature sizes.

Score - 9.0 on a scale of 10 points.


The best price-quality ratio.

power usage 5500 Wt
Control Hydromechanics
Innings 4.0 l / minute
Maximum heating About 40 gr.
Execution design flowing
Features of the High-quality assembly
Price RUB 3,300.00
User reviews Low price, same performance. Ideal as an additional source of warm water.


Score - 8.5 on a scale of 10 points.


German reliability and solidity.

Score - 9.5 on a scale of 10 points.


Best in Economy.

power usage 6500 Wt
Control Hydromechanics
Innings 4.5 l / minute
Maximum heating 60 gr.
Execution design flowing
Features of the Inlet temperature limitation system - not lower than 16 degrees. Equipped with a built-in water filter.
Price RUB 10,000.00
User reviews Compact, reliable, convenient and inexpensive.

Score - 10.00 on a scale of 10 points.


Powerful device for large needs.

power usage 21000W
Control Hydromechanics
Innings Up to 10 l / min
Maximum heating 60 gr.
Execution design flowing
Features of the Serves several points reliably without loss of pressure and temperature drop. A three-phase connection is required.
Price 19600 p.

When buying a device that supplies you with hot water, you need to take into account many different factors: the number of people living in the apartment, the size and configuration of the room, the purpose of using hot water, daily consumption, the ability to connect to the apartment's electricity network. Based on this, you can choose either storage water heater (boiler), or flow-through.

Storage water heater

This device is a storage tank for water with a built-in electric heater - heating element. The consumer sets the desired temperature, the built-in thermostat switches on a heating element, and the water heats up to the desired value. The temperature is automatically maintained at the preset mode, so the water does not actually cool down.

The rate of water heating directly depends on the size storage tank... Small containers with a volume of 30-50 liters heat up in 40-50 minutes, and large ones, with a capacity of up to 500 liters, can be heated up to 4 hours or longer. For a typical family of 4, a 150 liter heater is usually sufficient if, among other things, a bath is planned.

Storage water heaters can be vertical and horizontal, wall or floor mounting.

What are the advantages of a storage water heater?

  • One of the undoubted advantages is the low power consumption - no more than 3 kW. The boiler can be installed in any house where there is a water supply system, without fear of electrical wiring - all models can be operated from a 220 V outlet.
  • The storage heater supplies hot water to all taps. One boiler can serve the bathroom, kitchen and shower.
  • The heated water maintains a stable temperature thanks to automatic heating and the "thermos" effect due to the high thermal insulation of the tank.
  • It is always possible to choose the model that is most suitable in terms of configuration and aesthetically fit into the design of the room.

What are the disadvantages of a storage water heater?

  • The main disadvantage of the boiler is that it takes up quite a lot of space. There may be problems with the placement of the device, especially in small rooms.
  • The storage water heater constantly uses electricity to maintain the temperature in the tank, even when the water is not being used.
  • If the water suddenly turned out to be insufficient, you will have to wait for it to heat up.
  • To install the device, you need reliable wall, as well as massive fasteners with special hooks and brackets for hanging, in case it is a horizontal model. Other options include the availability of free space for the installation of a floor structure.
  • Service maintenance of the boiler is required periodically. The heating elements tend to become covered with scale over time, especially with poorly treated water.

Instantaneous water heater

Instantaneous water heater is fundamentally different not only in appearance, but also according to the principle of work from the accumulative. In this compact design, the water coming from the water supply network passes through the operating heating elements and heats up instantly. A high-power heating element is installed in the body of the device, due to which cold water is instantly converted into hot water, without an accumulation stage.

A hydraulic relay is installed in the flow heater, which controls the flow level. When the water supply is increased, it turns on the maximum number of heating elements, when weakened, it reduces their number.

What are the advantages of an instantaneous water heater?

  • The device has small size and is convenient for mounting in small apartments.
  • Provides unlimited hot water at any time.
  • The device is built directly into the plumbing pipe, which is convenient in a city apartment.

What are the disadvantages of an instantaneous water heater?

  • To install an instantaneous water heater, you will need a separate power cable from the switchboard, because the device consumes a large amount of energy - from 8 to 20 kW.
  • In the cold season, the boiler may not deliver hot, but warm water due to the low temperature in the system.
  • The device cannot regulate the heating power, the electric circuit is closed only when a certain level of flow is reached, after which the heating is turned on.
  • The design of the instantaneous water heater does not allow distributing water to several water supply points at once.

The ideal solution to the problem of hot water is an instantaneous storage water heater that combines best performance both devices and provides an ideal balance between comfort and cost of operation.

A flow-through household water heater does not need a special storage capacity... The principle of its operation lies in the fact that the required amount of thermal energy is communicated to the flow of water in that short period while it passes through the device.

  • through electrical energyheating a heating element or an uninsulated metal spiral;
  • using a gas burner;
  • using a heat exchanger in which water receives heat energy from a heat carrier.

The last of the listed options is extremely rare; one of the first two is much more often used.

In order to choose the right instantaneous water heater for an apartment, you must consistently answer a number of questions:

1. Energy source: gas or electricity? If there are chimney ducts in your house and the housing office allows the installation of gas equipment, then the most preferred option there will be a gas water heater installation.

The power of a standard gas burner is enough even to heat the shower water in winter period... If your house is not equipped with chimneys, then you will have to install an electric water heater.

Its maximum capacity depends on the type of existing wiring.

For example, in old houses, in the shields of which fuses are installed, designed for a maximum current of 16 amperes, water heaters with a capacity of no more than 3.5 kW can be installed.

During the construction of houses in a later period, power grids were laid, designed for 32 and even 40 amperes.

Such wiring will withstand a heater with a power up to 8 kW. If you want to install a more powerful unit, you must agree with the electricity supplier to lay a separate power cable.

It should be borne in mind that instantaneous water heaters with a capacity from 8 kW are designed for three-phase voltage.

Thus, in apartment buildings powerful "flutes" are used quite rarely, this option more suitable for individual construction.

Video - types and types of electric instantaneous water heaters:

2. Type of water heater: pressure or gravity? For hot water supply to the entire apartment, you will have to install a pressure water heater that cuts directly into the cold water supply riser.

Such equipment is capable of providing hot water to several points of water intake. If you just want to comfortably take a shower during the summer outages of hot water, choose a gravity heater.

As a rule, such devices have low power and are equipped with shower heads. However, it must be borne in mind that they are suitable for heating water in the summer.

In winter, when the temperature of the water in the pipes drops to 5 degrees, there will be little sense from a low-power free-flow "flow".

3. What capacity do I need a water heater? It will be much easier for you to determine not so much the power as the water flow at a known inlet and outlet temperature.

It is this parameter that the manufacturer indicates in the passport of his equipment. Open the water in the usual mode and notice how long it will take, for example, a bucket of water with a capacity of 10 liters.

Calculate the received data into an expense per minute and feel free to go to the store. Now you can definitely choose the most suitable instantaneous water heater.

Be wary of buying questionable products or outright fakes, even if the seller promises you a substantial discount.

Poor quality electrical or gas equipment will not only add to you the hassle of repairing, but also may cause fires or explosions, the consequences of which will cost much more.

When buying equipment, ask the seller to show quality certificate, and also inquire about the warranty period for this equipment.

Popular electric heaters (cost and characteristics) ^

As already mentioned, the use of a powerful flow heater water in the apartment is associated with great difficulties.

Therefore, in this review we will only tell you about devices low power, which occupy leading positions in terms of sales. In our country, the following brands have proven themselves well:

1. "Atmor Summer" (power - 3.5 kW, consumption - up to 3 l / min). Inexpensive heater budget class... Able to "give out" the temperature of 40 degrees, provided that at the inlet it is not lower than 18. Approximate cost - 800-1500 rubles.

2. "Polaris Vega T 5.5" (power - 5.5 kW, consumption - up to 4.4 l / min). A compact device with slightly higher power.

Easily and conveniently mounted under a bathtub or washbasin, absolutely not pretending to be free space in the bathroom. It is completed with a tap or a shower head (depending on the place of installation).

3. "Proton" PEVN 5.0-220 (power - 5.0 kW, consumption - 5 l / min). The approximate cost of this Russian model is 2500 rubles.

This device, like other domestic production, is good because its creators tried to take into account the low quality of water in our water supply networks. Thanks to this, it is characterized by increased service life.

4. "Stiebel Eltron DHC 3" (power - 3.0 kW, consumption - up to 3 l / min). This manufacturer can be safely attributed to the premium class, which, of course, was reflected in the cost of the model: 8000 rubles.

But for this money you get, as motorists like to say, “full stuffing”: double protection against overheating, protection against water ingress (IP24), reliable German automation, as well as a convenient and informative indicator system.

5. "AEG MP 8" (power - 5.0 kW, flow rate - up to 4.4 l / min). Another solid brand, the cost of one model fluctuates within 7500-8000 rubles.

A reliable and unpretentious device, a relatively high price is fully justified by the quality and functionality.

Any water heater requires periodic replacement of the heating element. Read all about the shades for water heaters here in this article:
, learn how to choose, replace, where to buy.

Flow type gas water heater ^

This type of instantaneous water heater is better known as gas water heater... As already mentioned, the installation of such equipment requires agreement with the gas services, and also requires a chimney. Exists two ways to ignite a gas burner:

1. Ignition with a wick. Such a column has a small gas wick that is lit once, for example, in the morning and burns throughout the day.

It is from the wick that the gas burner ignites when the water tap is opened. Such an ignition system is cheaper, but it is characterized by inefficient use of gas.

2. Piezoelectric. A similar principle is often used in lighters for kitchen stove... This system is battery operated, the spark is supplied automatically when the tap is opened.

Inexpensive gas flow models are hydraulically controlled. This means that the water flow simply turns on gas burnerwithout adjusting its power.

In more expensive models installed "smart" electronics, which analyzes the power of the water flow, the temperature at the inlet to the device and at the outlet of it.

In accordance with the data obtained, the valve on the burner is controlled, so that the unit always operates in optimal mode.

An important requirement: in the room where the gas water-heating equipment is installed, the window must be ajar.

This is done to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Do-it-yourself installation of the "protochnik" ^

1. Connecting the heater to the water supply system. It is believed that the most common low-power instantaneous water heaters serve exclusively in the summer, when the hot water supply is turned off for preventive purposes.

Therefore, there is no need to make major changes to install such a device. It is most rational to connect the outlet pipe to the shower tube, and the inlet pipe through a tee to the cold water supply system.

More powerful pressure water heaters, like boilers, connect by return scheme.

2. Connection to the mains. Even if the water heater has an average power - about 6 kW - it is still necessary to connect it it is necessary to pull a separate wire from the shield.

This has to be done for the reason that most meters are not designed for such a current load (approximately 27 amperes).

The cross-section of the wire and the type of circuit breakers (in this case, you need to install an RCD) are selected according to special tables. Remember that the socket into which the water heater is connected must have a ground wire.

3. Connection to the gas main.

It is forbidden to make such a connection on your own!

After the gas water heater is installed and connected to the water supply system, you must invite a representative gas service, which will connect the equipment to the gas supply system.

A small video about the pros and cons of instantaneous water heaters: