DIY Roman blinds are a simple and elegant solution. Making Roman blinds with your own hands

It’s very easy to do it yourself, especially if you have a great desire, zeal and a minimum of design abilities. Why design ones? Sewing Roman blinds with your own hands is not just a few lines and seams, it is a whole procedure from cutting, sewing to installation.

The laconicism, simplicity and versatility of Roman blinds allow them to hold the position of modern and current curtains. There is no limit to their practicality, they are stylish and popular. The number of people who prefer these curtains is increasing every year.

History blows

Roman blinds owe their “birth” to ancient Roman sailors. The ship's sails and modern curtains have one mechanism of action: the tissue rises quickly and evenly. In addition, sailors used scraps of material to prevent the penetration of bright rays sunlight to the cabins. Stylish design and the simple mechanism of curtains has not lost its relevance in the modern sophisticated world.

Grace and severity, simplicity and elegance, exclusivity and brevity - these are not all the words that can describe Roman curtains.

Roman blinds can harmoniously complement any interior - from the veranda to the living room. They look most successful in the kitchen, where everything is convenient, functional and comfortable.

Roman blinds have another advantage that allows them to maintain their popularity among other styles. This is ergonomics, uniqueness and original appearance. Indeed, their creation requires less fabric than any other curtains, for example, classic ones. Roman blinds allow you to simultaneously decorate your windows and save your budget. Moreover, you can sew such a window decoration with your own hands.

Have you long dreamed of sewing Roman blinds with your own hands, but did not dare to do it? Be brave! They will help you practical advice and recommendations, and detailed step-by-step instruction will not give you the opportunity to make a mistake.

If you delve into the process of creating a Roman blind, then not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. There are several very important secrets. You still don’t know how to sew Roman blinds with your own hands so that they look perfect? Do you want the quality of their workmanship to shock even the most experienced seamstresses? Then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the technology that allows you to make Roman blinds yourself.

Curtain design

Roman blinds are pieces of fabric small size. They are especially beautiful when they are full of designs. You can sew curtains from a small piece of fabric. This size line allows you to choose the fabric that you like for future curtains, even if it is not cheap. The fabric consumption for a Roman blind is minimal: the width of the fabric should match the width of the window (you only need to add an extra couple of centimeters for the folds). So you can afford the material high cost and sew Roman blinds from it with your own hands.

Choosing material for sewing

It is necessary to choose fabric for curtains based on its functional purpose. Roman blinds perform the following functions:

  • prevent the penetration of bright rays of sunlight (hence, the reverse side of the fabric must be of especially high quality);
  • transmit light streams, while closing access to curious faces and glances.

You should choose fabrics consciously and leisurely, after checking them for light. Fabrics with complicated patterns, thread inserts or even weaving are great for such curtains.

It is important that the fabric has a dense texture and holds its shape. Weighty fabric will look smooth, solid and self-sufficient. Remember that the material must be of high quality, since no one has canceled washing.

But the color palette and brightness of the ornament depend on the color of the room. Both the curtains and the design of the room should be in harmonious unity, while creating the overall integrity of the image. Don’t forget that checkered fabric can hide all sewing flaws, while striped fabric, on the contrary, will highlight them.

Calculating fabric footage

Correctly calculated length and width of fabric for curtains is the key to success. In order not to make a mistake and buy fabric that is not enough (or enough, but only for one curtain), we suggest using this advice.

  1. Measure the width and height of the window
  2. Add 5 centimeters to the results obtained (on all sides)

For example, the length of the window is 120 cm and the width is 40 cm. This means that you need to buy fabric 130 cm long and 50 cm wide. If there are two such curtains, we double the results obtained.

The mount on which the curtain will hang is also important.

Before sewing curtains with your own hands, we recommend that you clearly decide on their appearance. They may have different type fastenings and different variants decoration. The method of sewing and the type of fastening of the rods may also be different.

Roman blinds can be mounted in a window opening, on the wall above the window opening, or on the window frame. If Roman curtains are mounted in a window opening or above it on the wall, you can make a cornice with your own hands. For cases where the curtains are mounted on a frame, a factory-made cornice would be an ideal option. To prevent the appearance of the cornice from seeming too simple next to elegant curtains, buy a ready-made cornice, or even better, order it according to previously taken measurements.

The rods used to fasten Roman curtains can be in the form of tucks, drawstrings or special braid. There are curtain models that do not require rods at all.

According to the sewing method, curtains can be of two types: single and double. Single ones are used when the selected material is light fabric with delicate patterns or translucent. The material is dense and colorful - an ideal fabric for sewing double curtains. Double curtains They look more solid and neat, but such advantages require enormous effort in the sewing process.

Decoration options can be very diverse and depend solely on the degree of creativity of the owners. The most common decoration is beads, cord, ribbons or fringe. Canvases made from combinations of various fabrics look exclusive.

Creating Roman blinds - algorithm of actions

How to make Roman blinds with your own hands if you do not have such experience? The answer is simple. Follow the instructions, and the result will not disappoint you.

Step 1. Measure the length and width of the window opening. Add additional centimeters to the result obtained, they are necessary for processing the side seams. This is 5 cm on each side and approximately 12 cm on the bottom and top of the curtain. In order to calculate the dimensions and calculate the number of folds as competently and accurately as possible, you should use a table that contains the data: window height – number of folds – distance between folds. Let's imagine that the length of the window is in the range of 145-220 cm. This means that with this length of the window the number of slats will be equal to 7. If the length of the window is still greater than the proposed dimensions, the number of folds will increase to 8. Thus, this The table will allow you to determine the dimensions of future curtains as accurately as possible.

Step 2: Mark the boundaries. This should be done only after the dimensions of the fabric have been determined. Next, mark lines on the wrong side of the material. This will be the place for the folds. Crayons or leftover dry soap will help you with this. Here, mark the places for the proposed rings. This step should be done with high degree accuracy.

The marking of seams, and therefore their processing, will be more accurate if the fabric fabric is pre-ironed.

If it happens that the fabric you have chosen has a width smaller than the width of the window, then you can sew several fabric panels.

It is advisable to place the folds evenly, otherwise you risk getting an asymmetrical curtain. The fabric will fold unevenly when lifted, and you can forget about beauty altogether.

Step 3: Finish the side edges after taking measurements. This must be done in the standard way.

Step 4: Secure top bar. To secure the bar on which the curtain will be held, you need to nail it onto the wooden base sticky tape. In addition to nails, a construction or furniture stapler. An important step is when you need to attach another adhesive tape to the top part matter. This will help in the future to easily remove the window decor element at any time.

Step 5: Sew the bottom of the fabric so that a heavy plank can easily fit into the resulting tucked opening.

Treat the upper part of the canvas in the same way if you plan to use an ordinary cornice. The first seam should be made at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.

Step 6. Sew the hem from the wrong side of the fabric. You will get so-called “pockets”. If this action is performed correctly, the wooden strips will be inserted into these pockets without special effort. For the drapery to be beautiful, the folds must be identical in size. Divide the length of the fabric by the number of intended folds. The resulting distance is centimeters, through which the gaps for the slats will be sewn. For pockets, you can use thick ribbons, wide braid, or even fabric folded several times.

Step 7. Sew on the rings. This must be done manually. Nail the rings to the wood plank. The most successful are curtains where the rings are located symmetrically relative to the middle at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

Step 8: Secure the curtains. To do this, connect the sticky parts and secure the fastening part to the window. Thread the cord through the rings, moving from bottom to top. In this case, the cord on the lower ring must be tightly tied. You can also soak the edge of the cord with glue, then tie a knot and secure it tightly to the bottom ring. This step will prevent it from unraveling during use and securely fix the entire product.

Step 9. Pass the cord through the top row of rings. After the cord reaches the very top, do this with all the existing rings. Ideally, you will have three ropes on one side. Pull them off. The folds on the fabric should be uniform across the entire width; distribute them if necessary. If all operations have been completed, use tapes and ribbons to secure the resulting folds.

Step 10. Secure the bar to window frame using the fasteners. Remove the retaining tapes or tape. When the resulting curtains are lowered, straighten them and tie the cords in a knot.

Step 11: Pull the cords through the handle to lift the fabric. Tighten another knot. The distance between them should not be less than 45 centimeters. Cut off the end of the cord that remains below the second knot.

Everything ingenious is simple

That's all... Roman blinds are ready. Now you are convinced that sewing them with your own hands is not difficult. A little imagination, a little time, basic skills to work on sewing machine, availability of consumables and materials, as well as a great desire and good mood is a set of things that will lead you to success in the process of creating a Roman blind. Roman blinds, created with your own hands, will become the property and pride of the whole home.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Roman blinds are an excellent option for window decoration and space design - just below you can find step-by-step instructions on how to make Roman blinds with your own hands (with photos) for beginners, as well as for experienced craftsmen. Doing it yourself allows you not only to save money (sometimes the prices for decorative elements in construction and other stores are simply off the charts), but also to be confident in the quality of the materials used and suitable size. Moreover, this will allow novice seamstresses to practice and try to do something new and useful.

The idea of ​​such curtains was borrowed from sailors of the Roman Empire, which is where they got their name. Such curtains embodied the main elements of a ship and an army - practicality and functionality. Roman blinds require minimum costs fabric - the size of the required curtain square is made up of the size of the window itself and a small amount of material for the seams; no draperies are needed. Thus, when folded, the curtain will take up little space, and when unfolded, you can enjoy the beauty of the fabric if you choose the option you like.

What are they?

There are several types of Roman blinds. The mechanism of their operation is the same, only the appearance when placed on windows and the features of creation differ.

If desired, you can place several types of such curtains on your home windows at once. But be careful! You should not combine several types in one room, as well as pile up curtains wherever you want. A Roman blind should only emphasize the interior and fit into it laconically, and not occupy the entire space.

Fabric selection

Before you start sewing, you should wisely choose the main hero of the occasion - the fabric for the curtains. Before going to a sewing shop or hardware store We advise you to decide exactly what you want to achieve from placing such a curtain.

  1. Light transmittance

    Its light absorption depends on the thickness, material, and other parameters of the fabric. The lightest and most “airy” materials like satin can transmit light almost completely ( White color) or perform only the function of protection from prying eyes (more contrasting colors). Medium-thick fabrics are a compromise between full penetration of light and complete protection; moreover, with the right choice of fabric color, your curtains will fill the room with a pleasant dim light.

    An example of using translucent red curtains in Japanese interior. When light passes through them, the room will be filled with a beautiful reddish light.

    The thickest curtains can almost completely eliminate sunlight from entering through the fabric. However, due to the characteristics of the Roman blind (loose fit to the window), it will not be possible to ensure complete “tightness” from light during the day - the light will break through the cracks. If you are ready to spend money on sun protection, ask the store consultant if they have fabrics with a special light-absorbing coating. Curtains made from such fabrics provide their owner with sun protection along their entire perimeter.

    Almost no light passes through them.

  2. Color

    The color that you use when sewing curtains on the window should be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room. If you have the same style in your room, choosing a fabric will not be difficult, just determine a number of harmonizing colors and buy one or several pieces. However, a room with such a design - perfect option, often each room is individual and unique, and it is important to spoil a bright atmosphere (for example, in a children’s room) with dull colors, and a more restrained one (for example, in a hall) with too bright ones.

    An example of what not to do. The curtains were made before the apartment was furnished. Thus, you will have to select all the furniture to match the curtains. It is much easier to select curtains to match the rest of the interior.

    If you want to use the living room, dining room (the place where you spend the most time), it is worth considering that colors affect your mood. Green and blue colors are calming, yellow is cheerful and invigorating, and black or red can cause anxiety. But these rules are not universal, and if you are furnishing a bedroom for a child or husband/wife, it will be much easier to ask them personally what color they like.

    An example of a good and concise choice. A piece of black fabric and a small strip of red fabric - and now the curtain fits perfectly into the interior!

  3. Other

    It is necessary to measure the size of your windows before you go to the store. It is better to take fabric with a reserve - even when measuring a window with a laser tape measure, there is a certain error. There is also a possibility of sewing errors. In some cases, a damaged piece of fabric may remain unsuitable for curtains, and there will be no other piece of fabric left at hand. And don’t forget about the reliability of the fabric - if you plan to hang curtains on a two-meter balcony door, it is better to be sure that the selected fabric will withstand such a load.

    An example of a creative combination - classic curtains and Roman blinds.

    Despite the fact that Roman blinds do not tolerate redundancy in their design, a few decorative strips along the edges will not harm them. The main thing is to correctly combine the colors of decorative elements and the main body. If you don’t know how correctly the colors have been chosen, consult the seller or take a look at color circle. It allows you to easily and quickly determine the combination of certain colors and shades.


After choosing the fabric and basic preparation, it's time to get to work. Our master class or step-by-step instructions (with photos for beginners) will help you make Roman blinds with your own hands - the main thing is to follow the instructions and double-check everything if you are not sure about something.

  1. Let's prepare the lining fabric. We will draw a sketch of our product on it (it will serve as a pattern). It also serves as a “stabilizer” - in our case, we use light satin fabric, which can easily fly away or slide on any other surface. If we use a hard lining fabric, this will not happen.
  2. We prepare the main canvas and decorative elements. Our main canvas has a width of approximately 1.5 m, and to reach the edges of the window, it will not be enough for about 17 (7-8 cm from each edge). To eliminate this problem, we have also prepared light satin ribbons of blue color 8 cm wide. In addition to the technical solution, they will also perform a decorative function.
  3. We begin to draw (mark the lines of seams and folds on the lining). We take the top of the canvas and mark on it the space for seam allowances (in our case, 5 cm). At a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the allowance line from them we will sew the first tape for the drawstring.

  4. From the seam line we set aside the distance of the fold (in our case 22 cm) and mark the second line of the drawstring.
  5. In this way, we measure out a certain number of folds, depending on the length of your curtain and the size of the window. We have seven of them.
  6. The distance from the last fold to the edge (the seam allowance on the bottom side) should be equal to the distance of the seam allowance on the top side. In our case - 5 cm.
  7. On one side of the lining (where there is no carved edge) we added one centimeter for seam allowances.
  8. We bend them and fix them with a hot iron. The use of steam is not recommended (depending on the fabric, unpleasant transformations may occur with it)

    If you are not confident in your fabric, we recommend ironing it through a layer of thin fabric and using the iron at minimum power. This will take more time, but you definitely won’t ruin the material.

  9. We slightly burn the edges of the decorative ribbons.
  10. Sew decorative ribbons to the side of the lining fabric.

    In our case, we use light and thin fabric, and machine stitching can tighten the fabric. To avoid this, we recommend placing cut sheets of cardboard under the fabric. Thinner materials ( standard sheet A4, magazines) will not work - they will curl up and the desired effect will not be achieved. After all the work is completed, the cardboard is simply torn off from the reverse side.

  11. We place the edge of the main fabric on the edge of our decorative tape and attach it to the lining. We repeat the steps on the opposite side.
  12. We wrap the edge of the curtains. First, make a fold of 2.5 cm from the edge and iron it. Then we wrap it again and iron it again. Thus, we use the 5 cm that we allocated for the seams.
  13. We start the stitching not from the very edge (where we sewed decorative ribbons), but from the junction of the ribbons and the main fabric. We sew to the junction on the other side.
  14. When we reach the junction, change the color of the thread from blue to blue. Sew along two edges.
  15. Along the way, it was decided to sew two more decorative ribbons on the front side of the product - at a distance of 30 cm from each edge. First, we attach the ribbons with any available materials, and then stitch them, leaving some part hanging freely.
  16. We begin to sew on the drawstrings for the slats. Turn the panel over with the wrong side up. We “take away” the laces from the hemmed curtain tapes. Apply the top edge of the tape to the line for the first drawstring at a distance of 1 cm from the side of the curtain. We pin it with pins along the entire length. For drawstrings, you can use any braid instead of curtain ribbons - even satin ribbons.
  17. First, we sew the ribbons between the side inserts (made of blue satin ribbons). The lower thread of the machine is blue - to match the color of the main fabric. Having sewn all 7 ribbons on one edge, change the thread to blue and sew the ribbons on the other side. The photo below is a view from the wrong side after you have sewn all 7 ribbons.
  18. We sew the soft part of the adhesive tape to the upper edge of the curtain from the wrong side.
  19. Let's move on to additional decor. At the bottom of the curtain (on the wrong side) we sew two curtain tapes. First, we pin them at a distance of 31 cm from the sides, this time we do not pull out the laces.
  20. The top of the braid should reach the bottom drawstring - just opposite the place to which the silver braid was sewn on the front side. We sew the braid on both sides.
  21. You can sew fringe to the bottom edge of the curtain.
  22. We begin to manually sew the rings to the drawstrings. We took ordinary plastic rings from linen accessories (diameter about 1 cm). You can use steel rings - but it will cost much more. There will be 3 rows of rings on the curtain: 2 outer ones (3 cm from the sides) and one in the center.
  23. At this stage, you can insert slats into the drawstrings. For us, the role of slats is played by window beads (pre-sanded, if required). They can be replaced bamboo sticks, or special plastic slats, but simple pieces of wood are in no way inferior to the other option, and will cost less. In case of self-production, please note that the diameter of the bead should be 1.5-2 times less than the diameter of the drawstring. The length of the stick should also be a few centimeters shorter than the width of your curtain.

    The best option will sew on the rings after you insert the slats. Then there will be no risk of making holes in the entire canvas.

  24. Are all the rings in place? Then we begin to thread the laces or ribbons. We start threading it from the top and tie it on the lowest ring. A total of 3 laces are needed.
  25. Next, we secure the threads of the curtain tapes with a knot at the bottom of the curtain and tighten it tightly.
  26. We secure the folds with special fasteners. They allow you to adjust the screed and choose the decor to suit your taste.
  27. Pin the ends of the ribbons to the fringe. We are counting on further washing of the curtains - so we will not cut the threads of the ribbons, but simply tie them and hide them.
  28. We create a cornice. For this we take wooden beam slightly longer than the width of the curtain. The best option would be to decorate it with fabric. For this we took the remains of our main material.
  29. We apply adhesive material to the wide edge of one of the sides. We use hot melt glue, but it can be replaced with any other glue - then you will have the opportunity to correct the position of the upholstery during gluing.
  30. On the other side, we fold the edges and fasten them with a stapler. You can also glue them together. At the ends of the beam, we also fold the fabric and secure it in any convenient way.
  31. We place the cornice on the top of the curtain exactly as it will be located later. Below we mark the location of the laces.
    We take self-tapping hooks. First, we close them into a ring with pliers and screw all the screws into the marked points + an additional screw on the side where all the cords will be brought out.
  32. We glue the remaining part of the adhesive tape to the front side.
  33. We attach the curtain rod to the curtain using adhesive tape.
  34. We pass the first cord through the first hook and pull it towards the second hook. We take the first cord in a bundle with the second, insert it into the hole and direct them to the third hook. There we attach the third cord to the bundle and thread it through the third hook. Don't forget to adjust the tension! We tie a knot and braid the rest of the length in a convenient way.
  35. We screw the fasteners onto the cornice and hang the structure on nails, self-tapping screws, screws, etc.
  36. To fix the curtains in the raised state, we will need a hook on the windowsill or below. Simply screw the hook into any convenient place and twist the cord around it if you need to fix it.
  37. Let's check. Ready!

Did you like our step-by-step instructions? Add our site to your bookmarks! We have a huge amount of videos, photos and other materials to help you arrange your interior and make repairs quickly and easily! You can also watch a master class on creating Roman blinds of a different format just below.

Roman blinds are often called " fabric blinds" There is definitely a similarity: when unfolded, the curtain is a straight canvas the size of a window opening. Obviously, the fabric consumption for sewing it is minimal. Let's consider the sequence of actions when creating Roman blinds with your own hands.

Roman blinds can be recommended for any interior. They will organically fit into the kitchen environment, where good lighting is necessary, they can help darken the bedroom or complement an elegant curtain set in the living room. Obviously, in each individual case it will be necessary to purchase fabric of certain properties: translucent light, if light diffusion is required, opaque Blackout type for complete darkening. The kitchen requires fabric with dirt-repellent properties.

An important point: choosing colorful fabrics for sewing natural composition associated with the need to sew a double curtain. The lining will protect the main fabric from fading.

When choosing a fabric, pay attention to the compliance of the plastic properties with the requirements of the style. Soft plastic fabrics or textiles with a sparse structure are not suitable. To sew Roman blinds you need thick fabrics, shape-stable, capable of forming a beautiful, clear fold.

When choosing a color, take into account the features of the curtain style: when unfolded, the ornament and texture of the fabric will appear in all its splendor, but when gathered, large motifs of the ornament may be distorted. If you want to emphasize a spectacular fold pattern, choose plain fabrics light shades. The drapery of dark and patterned textiles will be less noticeable.

To make Roman blinds you will need:

  1. Main fabric, lining if necessary.
  2. Velcro tape with Velcro (calculated according to the width of the curtain).
  3. Weighting agents (aluminum or plastic tubes Ø 5-10 mm).
  4. Plastic rings Ø 10 mm.
  5. Nylon or nylon cord.
  6. Bottom weight bar.
  7. Wooden block 5x3 cm.
  8. Finishing border.
  9. Rings on a screw stem.
  10. Furniture stapler.
  11. Cord holder.

There are ready-made curtain rods for Roman blinds on sale, fully equipped: with a lifting mechanism, stiffening ribs, lower weighting and rings - they are completely ready for hanging. IN standard The cornice has universal fastenings. If you decide to use them, follow the mounting and installation instructions.

Instead of using ready-made kits, you can create your own design that exactly matches the required dimensions.

Necessary measurements and fabric calculations

Measurements are taken in accordance with the location of the canvas.

Roman blinds can be attached:

  • for each sash;
  • into the opening (in close proximity to the glass);
  • to the opening (to the wall or ceiling).

The first and second options are used in the case when the Roman blind acts as a blind and acts in tandem with other elements of the curtain set: curtains, drapes, lambrequin.

Fastening on each sash

In the case where the curtain is attached to each sash, its size is calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the glass. Add 1.5 cm to the obtained measurement results.

Attaching a Roman blind to an opening

Dimensions of Roman blinds intended for mounting in window opening, are calculated based on data on the height of the window and the width of the window opening. The width and length of the curtain should be smaller sizes window opening by 1 cm.

If you plan to install Roman blinds on the opening, you need to measure the width and height of the window. To determine the width of the curtain, add 10-15 cm to the results of measuring the width of the window opening (the overlap is needed so that the finished canvas covers the slopes). Calculate the length of the curtains in accordance with the method of fastening (to the ceiling or to the wall) so that the lower edge of the curtain is in open position covered the window sill.

The number of weights is determined by the ratio of the length of the product to the size of the fold; in your calculations, be guided by the approximate distance between the slats - 20 cm. For example, with a curtain height of 150 cm, 7 weights will be needed.

Next, when calculating the distance between the weight strips, keep in mind that it must be the same in order to form uniform folds. Based on the ratio of the length of the product to the number of weights, you will get the exact fold size of 150 / 7 = 21 cm.

Fabric cutting, sewing and installation of Roman blinds

1. Before transferring the calculation values ​​to the fabric, decate it: soak it in warm water for a few minutes, dry it and iron it. This way you will prepare the fabric for cutting and prevent the finished curtain from shrinking in the future.

2. Transfer the calculated height and width measurements onto the fabric. Add a hem allowance of 2.5 cm on the sides. The size of the top allowance is determined by the size of the wooden block, in our case 5 cm, plus a 2 cm hem allowance. The bottom allowance depends on the size of the bottom weight strip. To attach the bottom strip, you need to fold and stitch the bottom edge of the curtain so that a “pocket” or drawstring is formed. When calculating, do not forget about the hem allowance - 2.5 cm. Finish the edges with a double hem.

3. On wooden block(it can be pre-covered with fabric, painted or varnished) attach a piece of Velcro (the one with hooks). You can secure the Velcro with a furniture stapler or nails.

4. Finish the top edge of the curtain and sew on the other part of the Velcro tape. Finish the bottom edge: turn the fabric over and stitch it so that a drawstring is formed. The width of the drawstring should correspond to the size of the weight bar.

5. On the wrong side of the canvas, mark the places where the finishing border passes; we will use it to attach the weighting material, stitching from the wrong side.

6. Sew the hem to create a channel for inserting the weighting material. Next, insert a weight into each drawstring and sew up the channel on one side. Leave the other side open to remove weights from the curtain when washing.

7. At the places where the weights are attached, sew guide rings, placing them symmetrically relative to the center of the curtain. Place the outer rings no further than 10 cm from the edge of the curtain.

8. Attach the rings on the screw leg to the bar, exactly repeating the location of the guide rings on the curtain fabric, and attach another ring from the end of the bar (to collect all the threads).

9. Attach the top strip (to the ceiling, wall or window opening).

10. Using Velcro, attach the curtain to the beam. Tie the ends of the cords to the bottom rings and thread them through all the guide rings to bring all the cords to one side where the cord holder will attach.

To make the cord look aesthetically pleasing, consider making it heavier. Such a weighting part can be a large bead or curtain ring. To fix the curtains in the desired position, you will need a cord holder; its function can be performed by a hook screwed into the wall.

Roman blinds are popular among connoisseurs of modern and stylish window decor. They are various sizes and colors, and delight customers with all their qualities except the price, but this is not a problem for those housewives who love and know how to make things.

As it turns out, sewing Roman blinds with your own hands is not very difficult, the main thing is to be patient and have the necessary materials. We will tell you how to make them in this article with detailed master class. Of course, you can order curtains to be sewn in an atelier, but the things that we ourselves make for our home carry a special positive energy. Don’t be lazy and read the article carefully and to the end, and then you can create your own masterpiece.

How to take measurements correctly

It’s not that difficult to make Roman blinds at home, the main thing is to choose the right material and take accurate measurements. The measurements also affect the amount of fabric needed. So, the frames can be installed both inside the opening and on the wall above the window. We measure the height and width of the window where the curtains will hang and add 5-7 cm to the sides, and about 10 cm at the top and bottom to fix the weighting material.

In order for the folds to be even and the distance between them to be the same, you need to calculate it correctly. To do this, use the approximate calculation table. We determine the number of folds by eye, divide the height of the curtain by their number and get the distance between them, it should be no more than 30 cm.

Table of approximate calculations of the number of folds on the curtain and the width between them

What you might need

Help to make Roman blinds necessary materials and tools that will need to be purchased in advance, and perhaps something from the list will be at your home.

  • Fabric, thread, scissors, needles.
  • Tape measure for measuring and cutting.
  • Wooden or plastic weight strips.
  • Velcro tape for fixing the canvas on the cornice.
  • Rods made of wood, plastic or metal that will pierce the curtain and form folds.
  • Plastic rings, there should be two or three rings per twig.
  • Nylon cords: 3 pieces, 2 of which are twice the length of the curtain, the third is the length plus the width.

Step-by-step instructions for making lifting curtains

Now that everything is ready to make your own Roman blinds, you can safely start sewing. Detailed step-by-step instructions accompanied by informational photos and videos will help you with this.

1. Take measurements of the window and buy required amount fabrics. You can sew your curtains in one layer of fabric or in two. This depends primarily on the density of the fabric; if it is thin, then it is better to sew a double fabric. Then you will need twice as much material.

2. Calculate the number of folds according to the height of the opening to sew curtains that will suit your window.

3. Cut out the product as shown in the photo. Don't forget to leave allowances for finishing the edges. There should be a large allowance at the bottom, as this will later be a pocket for the weighting material. From the inside out, mark the places where the rods will be inserted and the plastic rings will be attached.

4. Cut out the workpiece and trim the edges with a double hem. You can also use spider web adhesive tape, which glues the fabric together with a hot iron.

5. If you have double curtain, then fold the two parts with the right sides inward and sew them together, leaving one edge unstitched.

6. Now you need to make special drawstrings for inserting frame rods. To do this, you will need specially cut strips of fabric or ready-made border braid. We sew it like a pocket on three sides, leaving one unsewn so that the pins can be easily removed before washing. The rods should be smooth and easily slide over the fabric, so it is better to choose them from plastic or metal.

7. Having marked the location of the rings, sew them to the pockets by hand, they will serve as the basis for the lifting mechanism. Attention! There should be as many rings for threading cords as you think necessary, but the curtain should be easy to lift.

8. Sew one part of the Velcro to the top edge, and glue the second to the future cornice.

9. Fold the bottom edge so that you get the same drawstring where the weight strip will be threaded.

10. Thread the cords into the rings from bottom to top, bring them out to the outer ring with the shortest cord. Tie all the cords into a knot, and roll the curtain itself and tie it with a ribbon.

11. Fix the cornice in the form of a strip to the frame or wall above the window, depending on where you planned to hang the DIY frame. On plastic windows, if the curtain will be attached to the frame, the curtain rod can be hung using double-sided tape.

12. Hang the Roman shade on the curtain rod using Velcro. Remove the tape and adjust the tension level of the lifting cords, check the serviceability of the mechanism. Tie the cords into a knot at the top and bottom and trim off any excess edges. To keep the curtain at the desired level, you need to fix the cords on the side on a wall hook.

Converting old blinds into Roman blinds

Plastic blinds have long been out of fashion; many people had them on their windows at some point in time, and they always broke quickly. So, if you or your relatives have such unnecessary blinds, then you can give them a second life by turning them into homemade Roman blinds.

You will learn how to make Roman blinds from old blinds by reading the detailed description.

1. As in the previous case, we take measurements of the window, note that the width of the curtain will be the same as that of blinds, but the length may be the one you need.

2. Cut out the cut part and finish the edges with a hem with a stitch or using adhesive tape. Here you don't need a large allowance on the bottom edge, as it will be folded under and glued to the placket. We sew the product slowly, taking into account all the nuances.

3. Blinds need to be rid of unnecessary slats, leaving as many folds as you plan to make. To do this, you need to remove the locking lock from the cords, untie all the knots and remove unnecessary strips. You will need approximately 6-7 of them, depending on the height of the window. Trim off any excess rope.

4. Fold the top edge and sew one piece of Velcro onto it. We glue the second one onto the curtain rod.

5. Apply glue along the marked lines and glue the slats to the frame, fold the bottom edge and also glue it to the weighting material. Remember: the distance between the slats must be the same.

6. Hanging ready product on the window opening. Check the serviceability of the curtain lifting mechanism and enjoy the new decorative item you have made yourself in your home.

Decorate the top and bottom edges

To prevent your Roman curtain from looking boring and monotonous, we suggest considering several ways to decorate it. So, the top edge can be decorated with a traditional lambrequin. Moreover, it can be both hard and soft, with both a straight edge and an oblique one.

To make a solid lambrequin with your own hands, you will need a rigid base, it can be in the form thick cardboard. We are making a pattern for the decoration, keep in mind that this type of lambrequin should be long and completely cover the upper part of the side edges of the Roman canvas. We cut out the blank, use glue to place the fabric on a cardboard base of the same shape. Let the structure dry. To install a Roman blind with a lambrequin, you will need a special double cornice, which you can make yourself or order from a specialized store.

With a soft lambrequin the situation is simpler. Its production does not require much effort and time. To do this, first decide what shape it will be, perhaps even from another similar fabric. You can make a simple lambrequin in the form of a long flounce along the entire width of the curtain. Or it will be a decor in the form of a strip of fabric hanging beautifully in the center, and its edges on the sides. In general, your imagination has no limits and you can come up with a completely extraordinary way of decorating.

It is more common for us to decorate the upper part of curtains of any type, but everyone has forgotten about the lower part, but we have not. That is why we will tell you and show in the photo how to do it beautifully and tastefully. For the kitchen in rustic style With the presence of strict Roman blinds, which you even sewed yourself, a certain coldness appears, and to melt it, decorate the lower edge of the canvas with romantic wide lace or flounce made of the same fabric. Fringe with tassels, to your surprise, is a great way to add variety to your traditional look lifting curtains.

Why housewives choose Roman blinds

A unique way of decorating a window has been known since Ancient Rome. Both self-sewn Roman blinds and ready-made ones from the manufacturer have gained popularity these days. But why did they love them so much? How were they able to get ahead of traditional plastic blinds? Let's figure it out.

  • Roman blinds are suitable for small rooms and equally small windows.
  • They take up little space and allow you to fully use the window sill, unlike classic long curtains.
  • Easy to care for: they do not require frequent washing and are suitable for dry cleaning using a rag and a vacuum cleaner.
  • They free up the approach to the window and make it possible to place a sofa or bed near the window, when this would cause inconvenience with long curtains.
  • Easy to hang and take off.
  • Economical when self-production, since they require less fabric than regular curtains.

As you can see, there are no obstacles to sewing Roman blinds with your own hands, so feel free to get down to business.

The best fabrics for Roman blinds

Sewing Roman blinds should begin with the choice of material. Absolutely any fabric is suitable for their manufacture, both very dense and light veils. But it is still better to give preference to denser fabrics, since they can emphasize all the beauty of symmetrical folds, and when lowered it will be a smooth, heavily hanging fabric. Among specific fabrics, we can distinguish thick and translucent cotton, linen, heavy satin and jacquard.

In order for a DIY Roman blind to be not only beautiful, but also functional, it is very important to decide how much your room needs to be darkened, or whether you want the curtain to transmit light well. It all depends on the fabric. To keep the room light and protected from the scorching rays of the sun, choose light-colored fabrics with a dense texture. Translucent eyeglasses will simultaneously protect the room from prying eyes and let in the necessary light.

For full protection To protect against burnout and simply annoying rays, we recommend choosing a unique material with a black out effect. Its reverse side is impregnated with a special solution that protects not only the curtains themselves, but also the walls and furniture from fading.

For the living room and bedroom, choosing fabric is not difficult; here it can be different. But for the kitchen you will need a material with special properties. After all, no matter how hard you try, random stains, ingrained odors and soot are inevitable. Therefore, this is the place for practical and wear-resistant materials. Manufacturers took into account all these nuances and created a wonderful fabric special for kitchen curtains. Basically it is polyester with water-, dirt- and fire-resistant impregnations.

The color and pattern of the fabric you choose for Roman blinds should match the entire interior. Plain materials are the most versatile, they are suitable for any setting, but when choosing a patterned fabric, pay attention to whether you have such colors in your everyday life or where else you can repeat them. Pay attention to the choice of textures. For modern style the best choice These are smooth fabrics, and for elaborate Baroque and Empire styles, printed designs and voluminous embroideries are incredibly good.

To reinforce this, we suggest watching a video on how to make Roman blinds with your own hands.

Everyone wants their interior to change from time to time. The simplest and cheap method- This replacing curtains. Buying new curtains is not difficult, because the range on the market is huge. But those curtains that are sewn yourself will look interesting. Anyone can sew Roman blinds with their own hands, even those who have never done it before.

Previously, only sailors had Roman blinds. They are a piece of fabric resembling a rectangle that covers the window. The advantage of such curtains is that they do not require a lot of fabric. Therefore, to sew them, you can even purchase higher quality and more expensive fabric.

Roman blinds differ from each other:

  1. By fastening. It can be located either in the window opening, above the window or on the frame.
  2. For tailoring. There are single curtains made of transparent fabric and double curtains made of thick fabric.
  3. Depending on the fastening of the rods. This could be a drawstring, tucks or a special braid.
  4. From finishing: fringe, lace.
  5. By mechanism. It can be factory-made or home-made.

Preparation of materials and sewing instructions

Before you start sewing curtains yourself, you need to accurately measure the size of your window. Then calculate how many folds there will be on the product.

What you will need:

  • Material for a future product.
  • Tape for drawstrings or braid will also work.
  • Seven or eight wooden (metal) slats.
  • Weight bar.
  • Hanging bar.
  • Elements for decoration.
  • Duct tape.
  • Cord.
  • Rings of your choice (metal or wood).
  • Nails and hook.

Master class on sewing curtains:

  1. Prepare the material and cut out a rectangle from it, focusing on the size of the window. But don't forget to leave an allowance of about two centimeters.
  2. The future curtain needs to be ironed, folded in the margin on the sides and stitched using a sewing machine.
  3. Then sew on the prepared ribbon.
  4. Then you need to sew on the rings, calculating the fold lines. The rings should be located relative to the midline.
  5. Sew the bottom side and insert the prepared strip for weighting.
  6. Now you need to hem the top of the product and insert the strip. Insert the tube (rail) between the tape and the curtain.
  7. Using sewn rings, secure the curtain to the curtain rod.
  8. Prepared cords must be pulled through the rings.
  9. Now you can pull the cords together, distribute the folds evenly and tie them into a knot.
  10. Attach the hook on which you will hang the curtains.
  11. Decorate the product to your liking.

If something is not clear, you can watch the video.

But some housewives have difficulties when sewing their first such product:

  1. Crooked curtains. This can happen if the cutting is done incorrectly.
  2. The product is too tight on the sides. This may occur due to an incorrect tension mechanism.
  3. The lining of the product is too tight. To prevent this from happening, it must be pre-treated with steam.

How to calculate the number of folds

Every novice craftswoman is interested in this question. Typically, such a product has from 5 to 9 folds. The calculation is very simple:

  • The length of the curtain minus the space at the top.
  • Then the resulting number must be divided by an odd number from 3 to 9.
  • The resulting result will indicate how many centimeters one fold will be.

Let's look at an example:

  • Length – 120 centimeters.
  • The top margin is 5 centimeters.
  • 120–5=115 centimeters.

Next, divide this number by the number of desired folds. Let there be 5 of them. 115/5 = 23 centimeters - the width of one fold. Don't forget about the number of rods. To calculate their number, you need to perform the following operation: o t the selected number of folds must be subtracted by one and divided by two. The resulting answer will indicate the number of rods.

Let's continue our example: how many rods will be needed for five folds? We calculate: (5–1)/2= 2 rods. Everything is easy and simple. Every housewife can cope with this task.

Mechanism diagram

Let's figure out how to make it correctly lifting mechanism. For it you will need:

  • Beam.
  • Wooden slats.
  • Weighting bar.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Take an electric jigsaw and use it to cut pieces one centimeter smaller than the width of the curtain.
  2. If you decide to make a cornice yourself, then take a block and cover it with fabric.
  3. Attach adhesive tape to the bottom edge of the beam using a glue gun.
  4. Now on back side The beam needs to be fastened, due to which the cornice itself will be attached.
  5. Insert the cross slats and weight bar into the prepared product.
  6. Place the cornice on a flat surface and attach the product to it.
  7. Screw four hooks into the back of the curtain rod.
  8. Tie all the cords and bring them out through the eyes.
  9. Now all that remains is to align everything and secure it with a knot.

Fabric selection

Choose correct fabric, it should be:

  • Antibacterial..
  • Repel dust.
  • Repel moisture.
  • Reflect light.

For such a product you can use either a plain fabric or with a different pattern. This will depend on your interior. If the windows get a lot of light and sun, then it is better to use them for sewing cool shades, and if there is little light, then warmer shades.

The size of the curtains will depend on where they are attached. If they are attached to the frame, then it is necessary to measure the glass itself. If the curtain will be attached to the window opening, then you need to measure the opening itself.

After this you need to move on to cutting the fabric:

  1. First measure the width and do not forget to leave an allowance of 2 centimeters.
  2. Then the length of the product, the allowance should be about 15 centimeters.

Required measurements

For one window you will need two such identical segments. Then you need to pick up the ribbons. They should be twice as long as the product itself, plus 23 centimeters.

What you will need:

  • Two slats, the length of which must match the length of the opening and glass.
  • Screws.
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Ribbons.
  • Stapler.
  • Iron.
  • Scissors.
  • Two cords.
  • Two rings.

Fixing and fastening roller blinds. How to make a curtain with a garter ribbon:

  1. Cut out what you need tightly and sew it on three sides. You should get a bag. Turn the piece right side out and iron all the seams.
  2. Then we take the prepared strip and insert it into the unstitched side. We make a pocket for the strip and sew up this side. This will be the bottom of the product.
  3. We attach the upper part to the block using a stapler.
  4. Now we also attach the ribbons to the block. It should hang from both the outside and the inside.
  5. The product is ready. All that remains is to fasten it to the window and make it the desired length, securing it with ribbons.

Roller blinds with tape. How to sew a curtain with a side cord:

  1. Prepared pieces of fabric need to be sewn only along their length.
  2. You need to insert a rail into the lower part and secure it, and sew rings on top. But do not forget to retreat 15 centimeters and each ring must be sewn at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other.
  3. Attach the resulting product to the hooks to the window.
  4. The smaller cord needs to be tied to the hook, pulled through the rail and threaded through the ring.
  5. With the second cord, do the same operation, but you will need to thread it through two rings.
  6. Collect the inserted cords, fasten them and secure them to the wall.
  7. Secure the cords to the wall.

Hanging such a product is very simple using tape or screws. You can watch a video on making such curtains.

Pros and cons of roller blinds

  1. They close the window very tightly from prying eyes and light.
  2. Can be attached anywhere.
  3. They take up little space.
  4. Don't interfere fresh air enter the room.
  5. Suitable for any interior.
  6. They can be used in different ways, both independently and in addition to decorative elements.
  7. The range of such curtains is huge.
  1. Unpleasant odor can easily be absorbed.
  2. They need regular care.
  3. Over time it may become warped.
  4. The lifting mechanism often fails.

Making from scrap materials

Curtains can be sewn from the material that is at hand. This version of the product will be an excellent experience for beginning craftswomen. You don’t need much for this, the main thing is desire, diligence and accuracy.

There are the easiest options for such products:

  • Roman.
  • English.
  • Simple curtains with ties.
  • Lambrequin.

What you will need for this:

  • Threads.
  • Needles.
  • Pins.
  • Material.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Centimeter.
  • A piece of soap or chalk.
  • Scissors.

You can start with simple curtains with ties:

  1. Purchase fabric in advance. The best option would be a plain one. And also don't forget about satin ribbon. It must be a different color to be visible.
  2. Measure the fabric according to the width of the window, the length is at your discretion. Cut off excess material
  3. Now hem the top of the curtains.
  4. Then hem the sides of the curtain and gather them together.
  5. Now you need to hang the curtains on the curtain rod to make sure they are the right length.
  6. Hem the bottom.
  7. Simple curtains are ready. Make ribbon bows and tie them however you like.

Curtains with lambrequin. A novice craftswoman can easily handle such curtains:

  1. Choose the material to suit your taste. Color and fabric may vary.
  2. Calculate how much fabric you will need.
  3. The width should match the width of the window, but if you decide to add folds to the product, the width will be larger. Don't forget about a margin of one and a half centimeters.
  4. First you need to hem the top, don't forget to leave a pocket for the cornice.
  5. Hem the sides.
  6. If there are folds on the product, they must be secured with threads and then ironed.
  7. Now all that remains is to hem the bottom.
  8. If desired, the finished curtains can be decorated with ribbons, beads, etc. at your discretion.

Well, everything is ready, you can admire your work.