Secrets of growing fescue from seeds. Gray fescue: growing from seeds, reviews of gardeners

Bluish hedgehogs-clumps with spikelets on long stems - this is what gray fescue looks like. The ground cover plant winters well in open ground, does not require special cultivation techniques. Basic care comes down to pruning and watering. Planting fescue does not give a single chance to weeds. Ornamental varieties of crops are planted in flowerbeds and alpine slides.

Description of fescue: types and varieties

The plant belongs to a large family of cereals. In total, the fescue genus includes more than six hundred species.

Sizaya. The most sought after type landscape design. Narrow leaves form a dense bush spherical shape as in the photo. The color, depending on the variety and lighting, varies in a greenish-blue range. The species does not grow over a large area, but forms a neat rosette. Varieties:

  • Azurit (prefers moist swampy soils, the color of the stems is bluish-green, height up to 60 cm);

  • Blaufuhs (can be bred on dry, infertile soils, subject to irrigation, low bushes with bluish-gray narrow foliage);
  • Meerblau (blue leaves with an emerald green tint);
  • Blue tussock, Lapis lazuli, Blue (domestic selection).

furrowed. distributed wild in steppe zones. It tolerates drought and severe frosts (up to 50ºС). Propagated by seeds, used mainly for lawns.

Sheep. It is resistant to drought and frost, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. A dense planting will tolerate low mowing and regular trampling equally well. It is planted not only on the lawn, but also on flower beds and slides, as well as in decorative flowerpots.

Sheep fescue

Valisian or fescue. Very decorative look with thin needle-like leaves. Growing, plants create a continuous dense "carpet". The color of the leaves is green with a matte coating.

Mayeri. Maieri's homeland is the Altai highlands. The stiff stems curve gracefully, giving the fescue a spherical shape. The surface of the leaves is glossy, the color is greenish-gray. Thin flower panicles adorn an already attractive plant.

Paniculata. A low growing species with light green foliage. Growth is fast, in the third year it forms lush large mounds.

Fescue: how to propagate and plant an ornamental plant

For fescue, choose a bright place with well-drained soil. A small penumbra is allowed. Do not plant fescue under tall trees and bushes, this will not allow her to develop fully.

Attention! Some species prefer more humid areas, such as the banks of water bodies.

It is preferable to choose loose sandy-humus soils. In one place, fescue can grow up to 10 years. To preserve the decorative qualities, the cereal culture is rejuvenated every 2-3 years. The plant is propagated vegetatively or by seeds.

  1. vegetative way. The best period is considered to be early spring or late autumn. Adult bushes are dug out completely, the old overgrown core is removed. The remaining parts are carefully separated, keeping the leaves and the root system. Delenki are seated in separate holes. Some gardeners prefer to keep the donor bush until spring in a greenhouse, and carry out the breeding procedure in the spring. Children are seated in containers, transferring to open ground only at the beginning of summer.
  2. seed way. Fescue seeds have high germination and are capable of self-sowing. Evidence of this is the young growth near the old bushes. Plants easily take root in a new place. You can collect the material yourself. To do this, choose large ripe ears, which are dried until the seeds are completely spilled. They are planted in open ground in the spring after the end of frost, or in the fall before the onset of sub-zero temperatures. The holes are not dug deep, 3–4 cm. 5–7 seeds are lowered into each to obtain a lush bush. The distance between the holes is arbitrary, depending on what you want to get.

Advice. Before sowing, be sure to pickle the seeds in a solution of manganese or special. drug.

Fescue care: fertilizing and watering

In open ground, the plant does not require special attention. On particularly dry days, fescue is watered. There is practically no need for weeding and loosening. Fertilizers are treated with caution, as fescue does not tolerate an excess of nutrients. During the season, you can not make any additional dressings at all.

Fescue does not require special care

To maintain an attractive shape, get rid of last year's dead leaves. Do this with the advent of spring, cutting off excess stems and leaves. If the plant is not required to obtain seeds, then the peduncle is also broken out.

Advice. Purchase only varieties adapted to your area.

Of particular danger to fescue are snowless frosty winters and spring floods. To prevent the plants from dying, they are covered with straw or a dry leaf. Placing fescue on higher ground and slopes will help prevent root rot.

If fescue is present in the composition of the lawn mixture, then take care of it according to the instructions on the package.

Pests and diseases of fescue, combinations with other plants

The culture is resistant to diseases, rarely affected by pests. In cases of waterlogging in open ground, opheobelosis develops (fungal stem rot). Mycelium quickly spreads around the site and infects new plants. It is difficult to detect the disease at an early stage visually. Rot is most often detected when the leaves and stems turn black. As a preventive measure, it is useful to apply ammonia-potassium complexes to the site and acidify the soil. Infected plants are burned.

The fungus also causes infection of seeds. A brown felt coating appears on the spikelets. Such material is not suitable for planting and must be destroyed.

Fescue in landscape design

Wild fescue is common in almost all climatic zones. The plant is found everywhere in the forests of the middle zone, in the subtropics and tropical mountainous regions. It thrives well on poor stony soils and in dry areas. Fescue is used as a pasture fodder crop. One more practical use- the turf holds back crumbling embankments. Decorative varieties adorn flower beds, rockeries, unusual "rock gardens".

Fescue is combined with many plants. A classic is partnership with conifers: juniper, cypress,

Glacial tit fescue is an unusually beautiful cereal that is conquering everything today. greater location gardeners. Such popularity is due to its unpretentious care and excellent appearance. This plant is herbaceous, having long very narrow leaves with a bluish bluish color, which form a pretty semicircular bush up to 50 cm high. If you want to ennoble your site, give it a decorative effect, then the best choice will be one of the varieties of this plant. For example, glacial tit fescue, growing from seeds of which, in general, is not difficult, as well as caring for it. For readers of Popular Health, we will tell you about this plant.

Glacial fescue - description

Titmouse fescue is a perennial grass that is common in middle latitudes with a cold and temperate climate. Where does the name come from ... It is a rather lush, rounded bush almost perfect shape, consisting of numerous thin needle-shaped leaves of green-blue color with a characteristic bluish tint. It blooms in summer, producing erect narrow panicles with inflorescences at the ends. It bears fruit in autumn with oval-shaped achenes. Rhizomes creeping, branched.

Glacial fescue differs from gray fescue big size bush, as well as denser and stiffer leaves. They feel prickly to the touch due to their density. There is also a slight difference in the color of the leaf plates - in the gray fescue they are more gray, and in the glacial one they are closer to the color sea ​​wave. This plant today adorns thousands of lawns and flower beds, delighting passers-by and owners with its unobtrusive beauty. household plots. What conditions are necessary for planting this cereal in your garden?

Photo of glacial tit fescue

What conditions does the glacial tit fescue prefer??

If you have an alpine slide on your site, then the glacial fescue is the place there. This grass loves loose well-drained soil, rocky places, humus is not suitable for it, as it is excessively viscous and dense. As for a suitable landing site on the site, then choose one where there is a lot of light.

Glacial fescue can grow in partial shade, but it is impossible to completely deprive it of sunlight. Thanks to the influence of ultraviolet, its leaves become more saturated and beautiful. What you need to protect this cereal from is waterlogging. This grass is able to accumulate moisture and spend it very moderately. Stagnation of water in the soil is detrimental to the plant, in such conditions it usually dies. Choose elevated places for planting cereals so that when the snow melts, water does not accumulate where it grows.

How does glacier fescue tolerate heat? Although this herb bears such a name, this does not mean at all that it will die in hot weather. Almost all representatives of fescue calmly endure hot weather. During a prolonged drought, it is advisable to water the plant periodically, but do it sparingly. The soil should be moist, but not wet. How to plant a glacial tit fescue in your area?

Grass fescue - growing from seeds

This grass can be planted by seed, and if you have access to an adult plant, you can divide the bush and plant it on the site. However, not everyone has this opportunity. But fescue seeds are now sold in almost every flower shop, and they can also be ordered via the Internet.

The seeds of the plant do not require any preliminary preparation. One of the main conditions for growing fescue from seeds is the weather. It should already be more or less warm so that the soil layer warms up a little after the winter and becomes softer. The optimal time for planting seeds is the end of April - May (the weather differs in different regions).

Since the bushes grow quite quickly, it is necessary to make shallow holes in the soil, leaving a distance of about 30-35 cm between them. 4-5 seeds should be lowered into each hole, and then sprinkled with soil (thin layer). Then the ground at the landing sites is moistened quite a bit from a watering can. Fescue from seeds will germinate in a couple of weeks and you will be pleased with its first tender shoots.

By the summer, the bushes will grow significantly and will bloom in July, releasing their spikelets. What kind of care does the plant need? Only during a period of intense heat and in the absence of rain, fluffy mounds should be moderately watered occasionally. Periodically remove leaves that fall from trees onto fescue. After 3 years, it is desirable to rejuvenate the plant by dividing the bush. In older individuals, their decorative effect is gradually lost. However, this is not difficult. Growing fescue does not require shelter for the winter and protection from pests. In severe frosts, the grass can freeze slightly, but in the spring it quickly recovers.


The plant we are considering will become a real treasure for gardeners, because its original form catches the eye and attracts attention, and it does not take time and effort to care for it at all. Together with it, other cereals can coexist on the site, as well as plants that have similar requirements for soil composition and lighting. These include - meadowsweet yarrow or ordinary muzzle. Other garden cereals, for example, gray fescue, have similar properties. If you are planning to do a landscape design of the site in the spring, then be sure to pay attention to these attractive plants. From seeds, even glacial fescue, even gray fescue, sprout very well.

Gray fescue (Calle Island) - highly decorative perennial the cereal family. The unusual color of grass-leaves and rare unpretentiousness won the hearts of gardeners who pay attention to the design of their plots. Special attention. Gray fescue is easy to plant and requires minimal care, which increases its attractiveness.

Description and varietal features

Gray fescue is a herbaceous bush-clump up to 60 cm high. Narrow long leaves are painted in bluish-blue, silver-green, ashy colors, for which it is often given the corresponding names - ashen fescue, blue fescue. It is noteworthy that the shade of the leaves often changes with weather conditions.

The narrow evergreen leaves of fescue have an unusual shape for cereals - they are thin tubes, which gives the bush an unconventional look, and also saves moisture. Spherical bushes are dense, prone to growth. root system small size, formed by dense thin roots.

Calle fescue blooms in the first half of summer. Although the flowers are small and inconspicuous, on the whole the plant looks impressive: spikelet inflorescences seem to float in the air on thin stems.

For the design of flower beds, varieties of gray fescue from domestic seed producers are often used.

  • Glacial Titmouse- herbal bush about 40 cm high, leaves-tubules of blue-gray color. Does not require special care, but is prone to freezing in snowless cold winters.
  • Lapis lazuli is a compact dense bush, not exceeding 20 cm. The color of the leaves is steel, with a blue tint. Unpretentious, grown mainly in middle lane as a groundcover.
  • Blue Tussock - a tall spherical bush with leaves of azure-blue color. Ideal for poor and dry soils.

For planting on the site, varieties and forms of fescue are acquired, zoned for the area. When choosing, pay attention to the peculiarities of growing a variety, since there are also lovers of wet places (Azurit) and those requiring frequent watering (Blaufuhs). This applies to varieties of European selection.

Landing methods

All fescue grow with pleasure in well-lit places. In the most sultry, sun-drenched areas, they feel great. This feature is used in the design of the southern and eastern slopes of the alpine hills. But they are poorly adapted to the shade, they lose their exquisite color.

When choosing a place to plant, it is important to consider that the plant does not like piercing winds and drafts.

Fescue is also unusual in that it does not require fertile soil. Loose, with good air permeability, the soil that dries quickly after rain suits the plant best. To avoid stagnant water, which is detrimental to the roots, it is often necessary to lay a drainage layer at the landing sites. Clay areas are easily structured by adding sand and rotted compost, but not more than 3 liters of the mixture per square meter.

Preparing a site for planting fescue consists of digging the soil and removing weeds.

Planting seeds

When growing species forms, one of three options is used:

  • direct sowing in open ground;
  • seedling method;
  • self-seeding transplant.

All options are equally good, seedlings easily take root in place, but with direct sowing, seedlings appear earlier.

Growing varietal fescue from seeds, if they are collected on their own, is not recommended, because the plant loses the qualities inherent in the variety, including frost resistance.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out with the onset of consistently warm weather in the spring or shortly before the onset of cold weather in the fall according to the following algorithm.

  1. Self-collected seeds are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate. Purchased in a specialized store, additional processing is not needed.
  2. Holes for sowing seeds are dug 5 cm deep, the distance between them is at least 10 cm.
  3. Several seeds are placed in each hole (the lush shape of the bushes will form earlier with this sowing).
  4. Seeds are covered with earth, rammed, watered.

Sprouts appear in 2-3 weeks.

Seedlings are grown from the beginning of May according to the following method.

  1. The substrate for seed germination is selected light, with good moisture and breathability.
  2. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil mixture, sprayed with water from a spray bottle.
  3. The seedling container is covered with a film and placed in a warm place with good lighting. In a greenhouse, the seeds germinate in a few days.
  4. When shoots appear, the container is transferred to a cool windowsill. At lower temperatures, the seedlings will not stretch and lie on the ground.
  5. After the formation of two true leaves, the seedlings dive. For growing them, several pieces are placed in separate containers.

In the first half of May, seedlings are planted on permanent place in the garden. Landing scheme can be any:

  • dotted line - at a distance of half a meter between copies;
  • linearly (for decorating borders) or with a solid carpet - with an interval of 15-20 cm.

Moisturizing seedlings is treated extremely carefully: excess moisture, even the smallest, leads to decay of the root system.

Vegetative way

Vegetative propagation of gray fescue is practiced for varietal plants. It is combined with transplanting or dividing overgrown bushes.

The optimal time is early spring, before the start of sap flow, or autumn, when the plant is preparing for winter period rest.

The procedure for the spring division of the bush:

  1. dig up heavily overgrown bushes or intended for transplantation;
  2. carefully divide them into parts with a sharp knife, trying to minimally disturb the earthen clod;
  3. delenki planted in designated places;
  4. the middle part of the bush, which violates the decorativeness of the plantings, is removed and no longer used.

The optimal age of a fescue intended for division is at least two years.

If vegetative propagation is scheduled for autumn, they act according to a different algorithm, which allows them to maintain the winter hardiness of fescue.

  1. The mother bush is dug up with a clod of earth.
  2. They put it in a container and determine it for wintering in a cold place (2-5 ° C) with good lighting and low humidity - a cold veranda, a greenhouse empty in winter, etc.
  3. At the end of winter or the beginning of spring, the bush is divided, the divisions are placed in containers with a substrate (garden soil, humus and sand in equal parts).

Planting delenok in open ground is carried out in late May - early June.

With any planting method, it is preferable to plant several copies of fescue in one hole - so young plants will not be “lost” next to their neighbors.

Gray fescue care

Fescue is so unassuming that it requires little to no care.

Watered very rarely and sparingly. Abundant watering is required only immediately after planting / transplanting. The expression “it is better to underfill than overfill” is applicable to fescue, so indifferently it tolerates drought. During the planting season, fescue is irrigated 2-3 times.

Mulching the soil next to the fescue bushes decorative materials additionally gives two positive results: moisture retention and a barrier to weeds.

The ratio of fescue to top dressing is the same - the less, the better. Fertilizers are applied only in those cases when the plant slows down or stops development. In spring, specimens growing on rocky areas are fed. For feeding use complex mineral fertilizers or organic.

When fertilizing under fescue, strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. It is impossible to exceed the recommended dosage: excessively fertilized soil will immediately affect the decorativeness of the plant.

Pruning is carried out in the spring in order to restore the decorative effect of the curtains: dead, dried or frozen leaves are removed. The procedure is performed manually or with garden shears. You can use a rake - hard fescue leaves will not suffer from a rough "comb".

At the end of flowering, flower stalks are removed, preventing the seeds from ripening if they are not interested in self-sowing. To collect their planting material, the largest spikelets are left, which are then cut and dried in a dry, shaded place.

The disadvantages of fescue include "baldness" of the central part of the curtains as they grow. When the first bald spots appear, the bushes are transplanted: they dig out, divide into parts and sit down again. With extensive planting of cereals, this disadvantage turns into a significant difficulty. The optimal transplantation time is every two to three years.

Preparation for winter is determined by the variety and the climatic conditions of the growing region. Always cover plants of European selection and imported from warm regions. At high degree the likelihood of a harsh winter with little snow is also covered by hardy domestic varieties using straw or dry leaves.

Fescue has good immunity to major garden plant diseases and pest attacks. It is extremely rare that grass can become infected with fungal diseases from plants growing in the immediate vicinity. The most dangerous of these diseases is helminthosporiasis, which manifests itself in spots on the leaves, rotting of the root system, and coloring of peduncles in brown. At the first signs of the disease, the plants are sprayed with fungicides - "Fundazol", "Topaz". If time is lost, diseased plants are dug up and burned, the soil is carefully treated with copper-containing preparations.

Fluffy gray fescue jackets serve as an excellent backdrop for flowering plants. Especially effectively it emphasizes large tapeworms, borders of lawns and flower beds. As a ground cover, it is used to secure loose rocky slopes.

Gray fescue is the dream of any gardener, lazy or overly busy growing more capricious plants. A minimum of hassle associated with planting and caring for unusually colored grass gives excellent long-term results.

Do you know a plant that grows well on poor soils and at the same time requires little to no care? There is such a plant, and it is a gray fescue.

I planted a shrub in my garden last year, the only thing I do with it is water it and remove dead leaves. In this article, you will learn about interesting plant A bit more.

The gray fescue is a stunted bush interesting shape spheres. The main decorative qualities of this plant are the interesting color of the shoots and custom shape bush. In addition, the hardiness and unpretentiousness of the fescue makes it a leader among ornamental garden plants.

  • This shrub belongs to the grass family. The plant is perennial and wild nature usually grows in forests or meadows. Such shrubs decorate places with a temperate or subtropical climate. Recently, the distribution zone of fescue has already reached the hot tropics and cold regions;
  • This culture is good for any kind of soil. Dry and poor soils also do not bother fescue. Surprisingly, the worse the soil, the better and more comfortable this plant feels on it. This feature greatly facilitates the cultivation and care of the shrub;
  • The most popular type of plant is the gray fescue. The name speaks for itself, the color of the leaves of the bush is gray-blue. Despite the fact that with the advent of cold weather, these leaves become much lighter, the plant does not look worse;
  • The bush is quite lush, the stem can reach a length of up to 60 cm. The leaves are modified, they are twisted into a thin tube, which allows the plant to save on moisture consumption. The roots of the bush are not very large, but rather dense;
  • During the flowering period, the bush is covered with unattractive small light brown flowers. The plant blooms in mid-summer. After flowering, extremely small seeds are formed;
  • In one place, fescue can grow without a transplant for up to 10 years. If appearance the bush began to suffer, then it is quite possible to plant a bush, without even waiting for the age of five;
  • It is better to choose a spacious area for fescue, with good light;
  • Low-growing varieties are actively used in garden decoration, as a ground-blooded plant. Higher varieties are no less popular, they also look good in landscape design.

Plant propagation

The most convenient and therefore common option for plant propagation is the vegetative method.

  • In spring or autumn, the fescue shrub should be divided into several parts;
  • Young bushes are planted in a new place and at the same time rejuvenate;
  • With this method, the middle of the bush can dry out, then you just need to destroy it, it is not suitable for transplantation.

Planting fescue

If you are well acquainted with the characteristics of this plant, then you probably know how to increase its numbers in your garden. Planting a fescue, like its reproduction, is not a painstaking and time-consuming job. You only need to follow the basic rules for agrotechnical work on your site.

The most successful place for planting fescue will be open area with good lighting and without drafts. Do not plant bushes next to tall plants, which will shade it and displace it from the site. In the shade, the foliage will lose its interesting color and become more green.

In a lighted area, the leaves will be especially beautiful. It is better if the land on the site is light and nutritious, although this is not at all necessary. The main thing is that water does not stagnate at the landing site. Excessive dampness will not benefit the shrub, so it is better to first build a good drainage layer.

If you still decide to improve the scarce soil, then humus, sand and peat will help you with this. Do not overdo it with top dressing, because you will still see the best growth on poor soil. You can often see a fenced fescue piece with decorative pebbles, in which she also feels great.

Planting seeds

  1. You can sow seeds under seedlings or directly in open ground;
  2. Before sowing, treat the material with a weak solution of manganese;
  3. Put at least 5 seeds in one hole, so you will get a good bush nest in the future;
  4. The hole should be no deeper than 5 cm;
  5. Between the holes you need to leave no more than 10 cm of free space;
  6. You can sow the material in autumn or spring, when the frosts have definitely receded;
  7. The first sprouts appear in a few weeks and very soon they will turn into lush shrubs.

For more information about planting a plant in the video:


beautiful and healthy plant you will receive by observing elementary agrotechnical rules. The bush does not need special care. In the spring, you need to cut off the dry shoots that died during the winter, for this you can use an ordinary rake.

In summer, you need to cut off all flower stalks during the flowering period, as they have no decorative value, but only take away nutrients.

Watering is carried out moderately and only when necessary. Fescue is better to underfill rather than overfill. Every few years, the bush needs to be divided and transplanted to another place, so you rejuvenate the plant. Fescue is not afraid of cold weather, therefore it does not require shelter for the winter.

If the winter turned out to be snowless, then the bushes can be covered with straw, thereby preventing the death of many shoots.

Fescue in all its varieties is incredibly decorative precisely because of its simplicity: thick thin leaves-needles form real “balls”, from which rare spikelets stick out on tall thin pedicels during flowering. It looks perky and spectacular, especially if the cereals set off the brighter flowers.

Gray shades are especially interesting due to their rarity. A slightly bluish tint effectively sets off any green plants and even bright flowers. It is impossible to refuse such an attractive plant, which, moreover, is very easy to care for.

Conditions for growing fescue


This ornamental grass is very fond of the sun, so choose well-lit areas. Lovers of rocky gardens will be especially happy: the plant easily tolerates heat and lack of moisture, so feel free to plant fescue where you can sometimes “forget” about it.

It should be remembered that the penumbra or shadow is perceived by the grass sharply negatively, and the gray-gray species can change color, losing their decorative bluish tint.

The soil

Fescue is suitable for garden soil of any composition, but loose soil without stagnant moisture is preferable. For the full development of the plant, it is necessary that the soil structure is air and moisture permeable. It is easy to achieve the desired structure: if the earth is clayey, heavy, you need to add sand and a little loose organic matter (rotted compost), but no more than a third of a bucket per square meter. Excess humus is perceived by the plant negatively. The best soil for the plant - stony soil with good drainage, where the fescue manifests itself in all its glory.


The good cold resistance of fescue allows it to be grown in areas with severe winters, even without covering. By purchasing planting material, it is better to consult how successfully this species takes root in the conditions of your area and choose already tested varieties. So you can protect yourself from any unpleasant surprises and get a variety that will feel great in the climatic conditions of your zone.

Transplantation and rejuvenation

Fescue grows in one place up to 2-3 years, after which the bush begins to degenerate. To rejuvenate the plantings, you will have to dig and separate the bushes, planting them less often. you should not be upset at the same time: fescue grow rapidly and in the first year reach maximum decorativeness.

How to care for fescue

Lazy gardeners will be very happy to know that in addition to good choice space and soil, the plant does not need anything else. Yes, transplant every three years. The rest of the worries about watering and top dressing will be completely superfluous.

A good result will be given by mulching the soil with decorative pebbles: weeds will not break through such a mulch, condensation will form under it at night (here you have watering), and in the heat there will be no intensive evaporation of moisture.

To keep the bushes in nice view, in the spring it is enough to remove dead leaves by cutting them or “combing out” with a rake. After flowering, it will not be superfluous to cut dried panicles. That's all the "wisdom" in the care of fescue.

Reproduction of fescue by dividing the bush

Transplantation, rejuvenation of the bush and its division, reproduction of fescue - all this is a simple and accessible process to everyone. It is enough to pry a clod of earth under the fescue with a shovel and dig it out. With a sharp knife divide the bush into several parts, maintaining the integrity of the earthy coma. The dead central part of the bush is thrown away.

New bushes are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm, if they want to get a solid carpet, or less often (50-60 cm), so that the plants look apart.

You can breed fescue in early spring, for which, since autumn, dug out and transplanted into pots are brought into a cold room mother plants. They contain them at low positive temperatures, but provide good lighting. In spring, the plants are divided and planted in a flower bed.

Growing fescue from seeds

How and when to sow fescue in the ground

Growing fescue from seeds is not difficult. Sowing begins at the end of March, as soon as the soil is ripe. The seeds are large enough, so you can plant decorative fescue one seed at a distance of 10-15 cm. The depth of embedding is 2-3 cm. Lawn grasses are simply scattered evenly over the surface of the earth and covered with a rake. In the spring, there is enough moisture in the ground for the plants to germinate. But if you want to speed up the process, you can occasionally water the bed, however, avoiding overflow and the formation of an earthen crust.

When shoots appear, you need to remove the weeds and loosen the soil. Fescue grows and develops very quickly, so by the end of summer you will get full-fledged bushes.

How to grow fescue from seeds for seedlings at home

Patient gardeners like to grow fescue through seedlings. To do this, at the end of February, seedlings are prepared, filled with loose earth. Plant 1-2 seeds in each cup and lightly water. The place should be chosen warm and well lit, better south or east windows.

Remember that moisture stagnation is unacceptable, so there must be drainage holes in the bottom of the cups, and excess water from the pan must be drained.

Plants grow and develop quite quickly. Already in April, provided there are no frosts, fescue seedlings are planted in a flower bed using the transshipment method. The distance between the holes is approximately 15 cm.

The best types of fescue with a description and photo

Blue or gray fescue Festuca glauca

The most popular species that has earned the attention of gardeners with its unusual blue tint. Separately planted bushes, growing, form spherical curtains resembling fluffy pompoms. Thin, sharp leaves are tough enough to keep their shape even in strong winds and precipitation. During flowering, rare paniculate inflorescences beautifully emphasize round balls of leaves. the height of the bushes is from 30 to 60 cm, depending on the variety.

Myra fescue Festuca mairei

Gives a special romanticism to any flower garden, diluting the colors and introducing touches of naturalness, non-interference of man in the harmony of nature. Beautiful spheres, which have a somewhat "tousled" look, are effectively combined with bright colors such as echinacea.

Red meadow fescue Festuca rubra

Lawn, reaches a height of 60 cm, tolerates a haircut. It has long been a pasture plant, and only recently landscape designers have shown interest in it due to the unusual reddish tint of spike-shaped inflorescences.

Filamentous fescue Festuca filiformis

Incredibly thin, this plant looks beautiful next to other plants, being an expressive backdrop for brighter representatives of the flora. Landscape designers are happy to use filiform fescue in group plantings, adding elegance and unique charm to compositions.

Glacial fescue Festuca glacialis

A magnificent plant for rock gardens: with its hard needle-like leaves, the grass looks very impressive against the background of large decorative stones. The spherical compact shape is particularly attractive with its finished look. Paniculate spikelets-inflorescences with a slight lilac tint turn the bush into a fantastic firework.

Siberian fescue Festuca sibirica

A very hardy perennial that can be grown in the harshest conditions. This fescue is planted as a lawn grass and as an ornamental grass in flower beds. The grass is low, up to 20 cm in height, have paniculate spike-shaped inflorescences. Grows even on poor stony soils, does without watering.

Valisian fescue or fescue Festuca valesiaca

It resembles Siberian, grows very densely in the ground, forming strong sods. The density of green bristles is obtained through annual self-seeding, due to which dying old bushes are replaced by young ones. Suppresses any weeds, aggressively conquering territories. Very decorative during the flowering period: light gray panicles-inflorescences effectively stand out against the background of dark green needle-shaped leaves.

Cane fescue Festuca arundinacea

It is a lawn grass with high resistance to trampling. It has a well-developed, powerful root system, thanks to which it is able to extract moisture from the deep layers of the soil, even in dry periods. Retains an attractive appearance and does not fade even in extreme heat. Handles shearing well. Thanks to its many advantages, it has earned special love from landscape designers.

Sheep fescue Festuca ovina

This is also a lawn grass, characterized by intensive growth. The powerful roots of the fescue weave the upper part of the soil so that it is not subject to erosion during the rainy season. The grass is resistant to trampling, tolerates frequent haircuts, quickly growing young greens.

Meadow fescue Festuca pratensis

High frost resistance, excellent endurance in any conditions have gained high popularity of this lawn grass, which was included in various mixtures. Perfectly tolerates haircuts, quickly restores the vegetative mass. Very decorative even in group plantings in a flower bed.

Blue or gray fescue in landscape design photo selection

The spherical shape of the bushes, an unusual metallic bluish tint give room for imagination: in any flower garden or rock garden, such a plant will become a real highlight. Fescue is planted randomly in group plantings or geometric patterns are formed in the form of rows, rectangles, semicircles, circles, triangles. Cereals are beautiful with any wild flowers or bright colors of red, blue.

Gray fescue is planted not only in flower beds: alternating clearings of various ornamental cereals in the roadside area look quite original.

Plantings with field grasses like decorative yarrow are very beautiful.

Compositions with undersized flowers of purple, blue, red shades are popular. White and cream flowers also look good against a bluish fescue background.

Look nice too joint landings different types fescue, for example, blue and Valisian.

There are many options, the main thing is to use your imagination and not be afraid to experiment. Inspiration to create your own unique design garden!