Do-it-yourself plastic window care: a set of tools, tips. Do-it-yourself plastic window care

Thanks to the installation of double-glazed windows, there was no need to seal the windows annually for the winter and tear off the sealant or paper with the onset of spring. As manufacturers of PVC windows promise, their products do not need any maintenance and can serve for almost half a century without loss of aesthetic and quality characteristics. However, this is only partly true. The plastic construction will long years look like new if you take care of it properly. In addition to the usual washing of glasses, you need to devote a little time to the rest of the details that make up the window.

The plastic profile is initially covered with a protective film, which protects it from damage during installation. After 2-3 days after installing the window block, it must be removed, otherwise the film will firmly stick to the plastic from exposure to sunlight, and it will be very difficult to remove it.

The profile has a high resistance to any contamination and is quite easy to clean. To care for him, you can not use:

  • hard brushes;
  • abrasive cleaners;
  • bleach;
  • various acids;
  • acetone;
  • nitrocellulose solvents.

If abrasives are used, on a white smooth surface, small scratches where dirt and dust will accumulate. Chemical reagents will spoil plastic cladding, which will significantly worsen appearance designs.

To clean the profile, use warm water and. It is enough to apply detergent on the surface of the plastic and rub it with a soft cloth made of hygroscopic material with a little pressure, as all the dirt will remain on the fabric. The washed profile must be wiped dry so that there are no streaks.

Drainage holes are provided in the lower part of the sashes, which ensure the outflow of condensate to the outside and prevent the windows from fogging up. They should be cleaned at the next soapy water, wire or vacuum cleaner, after removing the protective caps.

Double-glazed windows

A double-glazed window consists of 3 (rarely - 2) glasses, hermetically bonded to each other. And if internal surfaces Glasses do not need to be washed, the exterior ones require regular maintenance. Dirty glass is not just ugly: much less passes through a window covered with dust and dried raindrops. sunlight than through pure glass.
Regardless of whether the double-glazed window is inserted - transparent or tinted - you need to use warm water and a mild detergent. It could be liquid soap, dishwashing gel and even shampoo, which did not suit any of the tenants of the apartment. The washing procedure is quite simple:

  • pour water into the basin and stir a cap of liquid detergent in it;
  • moisten a soft cloth from the side of the apartment and the street;
  • replace dirty water with clean cool water and wash off the remnants of soap solution from the windows;
  • wipe the double-glazed window dry with a hygroscopic cloth so that there are no streaks left (some housewives use ordinary newsprint for this - after it the glasses become shiny and amazingly transparent).

According to the reviews of the owners of PVC windows, it is convenient to wash double-glazed windows with a special mop. With the help of an adjustable holder, it is easy to reach the farthest places on the outside of the window, which are impossible to reach with your own hands.

When washing windows, do not use abrasive powders and metal objects, otherwise scratches will remain on the glass surface. For stubborn stains that cannot be washed with soapy water, it is worth purchasing special household detergents.


Seals are used to create a tight connection between the double-glazed window and the profile. They are made of rubber or rubber with the addition of silicone. The black seal is slightly inferior to the gray one in terms of quality, but with proper care, both of them will last a long time.

Twice a year - in spring and autumn - it is necessary to lubricate the seal with special rubber care products. At home, it can be silicone grease or regular glycerin, which is sold in every pharmacy.

The processing of the sealant is necessary so that it maintains the elasticity and tightness of the window structure in winter and summer, does not let in cold air, dust and noise from the street. If you do not pay attention to rubber parts, after a while they will have to be completely replaced, and this is a rather troublesome procedure that requires financial investments and a home visit by specialists.

The pressing rubber bands on the window sashes also need similar care. In spring and autumn, they should be cleaned with mild detergents, and then lubricated with glycerin, and then wind and frost will not penetrate the apartment.


Fittings quickly become unusable, as they have a large mechanical load, especially if low-quality holders and handles were used in the manufacture of the structure. Extending the life of the fittings is possible only through regular care of it:

  • during the next washing of windows, wipe off dirt with a soft cloth;
  • from hard-to-reach places remove dust with a long brush;
  • lubricate all moving joints with technical vaseline or machine oil.

In order for the fittings to last longer, it is necessary to follow the rules for operating window structures:

  • prevent foreign objects from getting between the frame and the window sash;
  • do not hang anything on handles and sashes;
  • turn the handles and open the window smoothly, without making sudden movements and jerks;
  • if the handle is a little loose, bring it to a horizontal position and tighten the screws.

The special insect net should be washed at least 2 times a year. The best way to do this is with a shower and a soft brush. A soapy solution can be used to clean stubborn dirt, but if you wash the mesh regularly, a strong stream of water from the shower head will perfectly wash the dust and dirt from each cell. Before installing on the window, the mesh must be wiped with a clean cloth and dried in a warm room.

window sills

Plastic window sills require constant attention. Unlike other elements of window construction, they should be wiped regularly with a soft cloth and warm soapy water. Most often, the surface of the window sill has a rough texture, which collects dust, dirt and limescale from water drops.

  • for traditional wet cleaning perfect "Mr. Proper";
  • spilled coffee and other fresh contaminants small size easy to clean with a napkin for office equipment;
  • ingrained dust should be wiped with a damp cloth, after dipping it in baking soda- other abrasives cannot be used, otherwise unstable plastic can be scratched;
  • limescale from water accidentally spilled during maintenance indoor plants, well removed with the help of "Domestos" or other means for plumbing;
  • rust spots can be treated with Sillit;
  • traces of children's crayons or pencils are easily erased.

The biggest problem for owners of PVC windows is most often the window sill that has yellowed over time. Usually this applies to low-quality plastic, which "burns out" under the influence of sunlight. Unfortunately, in this case, it is impossible to get rid of yellow spots. The only option is to replace the window sill with a better one, which is made by trusted branded companies.

Special window care kits

Manufacturers made sure that the owner of PVC structures did not run around different stores in search of necessary funds window care. On sale you can purchase special kits, which include all the necessary tools:

  • PVC profile cleaner;
  • sealant care product;
  • oil for lubricating hinges and fittings.

The advantage of these kits is that when using drugs from the window “first aid kit”, you don’t have to worry that any of the products will harm the structural elements of the window. In addition, each bottle is equipped with a special nozzle - dropper or sprayer, which facilitates the work during cleaning and lubrication of window parts.

Thrifty owners may not spend money on buying a set, but then they will have to take care of the presence in the house of detergents, cleaning and lubricating preparations that will carefully care for the component parts of the window unit.


Proper care of plastic windows includes washing structural elements and lubrication of moving joints 2-3 times a year. Besides, in winter time you need to ventilate the apartment daily, leaving the window sash ajar for at least 15-20 minutes. This is a forced procedure caused by the tightness of the room and the lack of natural ventilation. If the above tips are followed, plastic windows will last for decades without repair and replacement of parts.

In modern times, everyone tends to quickly abandon the old wooden windows and install modern metal-plastic. And indeed, it is much easier to live with them. They save heat, perfectly soundproof, they do not need to be painted and insulated in the cold season.

However, like any thing or design, plastic windows still require care. In order for the metal-plastic window to remain airtight and not blow through, it is necessary to properly care for the sealant.

Let's look at all the features of caring for a metal seal plastic windows and doors. Why can a seal fail and can it be replaced?

The seal deteriorates from exposure external factors: direct sunlight, moisture and fast drying, from dust and dirt. Without proper care, over time, the sealant loses its inherent elasticity. It may even begin to crumble and fall apart. As a result, the metal-plastic window loses its sound insulation properties, begins to see through, passes dust and quickly becomes dirty in hard-to-reach places.

When replacing the seal, it is necessary to accurately calculate the distance around the perimeter of the window or door. It is unacceptable to use several pieces of tourniquet. There should be only one seal joint.

Any thing in our everyday life in any case requires care, and window seals are no exception. Spend everything on time necessary procedures, and metal-plastic products will delight you with high-quality operation and a long service life.

After installing plastic windows, of course, you will be interested in the answer to the question of caring for them. PVC profile systems do not require special attention. However, they need minimal proper care.

Plastic windows have many advantages. But to feel them fully, you need to regularly perform quality care winter and summer.


Cleaning a plastic frame, unlike a wooden one, is much easier. This material is easy to clean and does not need to be treated with protective compounds.

Caring for plastic windows with your own hands primarily involves washing this component.

The frame can not only get dirty, over time yellowness appears on it, which is a little more difficult to get rid of than dirt and dust.

  1. Use a sponge with a soft side to remove dirt. Normal dishwashing liquid is sufficient. It copes well with any stains, except for yellowness.
  2. Do not use powdered products, no matter how the seller advertises them. Such compounds scratch the surface. Do not use Pemolux, acetone, solvents, acid and alkaline solutions.
  3. You can not apply too much effort when. Polyvinyl chloride - brittle material, you can not press hard on it, it can burst.
  4. Pieces of dirt mounting foam or cement should not be scraped off with sharp objects or anything else. You will need to buy a professional reagent that can remove such contaminants.

When caring for plastic windows, the frame is cleaned first. It accumulates the most pollution.

PVC surfaces and aluminum profiles can be washed with cleansing milk. For example, from Nowax "Cockpit Milk".

This tool easily copes with dust, fresh and old stains. It will also remove yellow stains.

Mode of application:

  1. "Cockpit Milk" is applied to a soft, lint-free cloth.
  2. The material is passed along the surfaces of the frame.
  3. Cockpit Milk should be rubbed into the PVC in a circular motion until it shines.

Cleansing milk does not need to be rinsed off. It creates thin film on a surface that prevents long time re-deposition of dust.

Double-glazed windows

Caring for modern double-glazed windows is no different from washing Soviet windows. The only plus of current windows is that they do not need to be washed inside. Dust does not collect there, since single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber double-glazed windows are hermetically sealed.

First of all, caring for them is protection from shock and damage. The main thing is to prevent the appearance of cracks and scratches so that it is possible to operate them for decades.

How to care for plastic windows -:

  1. The internal parts do not need to be washed, they do not get dirty, because they are hermetically sealed. But the outer sides need to be cleaned regularly so that more light enters the apartment. To do this, first remove dirt and dust big amount water. Do not scrape off dried foam or cement, but moisten it well, and they themselves will lag behind the glass. Change water as needed. Dirty do not wash, because it accumulates dirt that can scratch. Finally, wipe the glass with newspapers. They shine beautifully.
  2. If there is greasy spots, wash the glass with soapy water. Use the cheapest shampoo or dish detergent. Finish with a rinse clean water and wiping with microfiber.
  3. Buy a rubber scraper from the store. This is effective if the house was being renovated and there are drops of paint and other products on the glass that are difficult to remove from the surface with water.
  4. For the care of plastic windows use and folk recipes. Glass is cleaned with water mixed with vinegar, salt or ammonia. You need to work with gloves.
  5. You can wash glass without water. Use Mister Muscle and similar professional reagents. Proceed according to the instructions and wear gloves.
  6. The last and most expensive window care product is wipes and monitor fluids. They are sold in small bottles, effective, economical, but too expensive.

Glass cannot be cleaned with washing powder and other similar cleaners. It is also forbidden to use iron scrapers and hard brushes.

The elastic seal around the perimeter of the sash and the skylight also needs to be maintained. This component of the windows is necessary so that the sashes fit snugly against the frame, do not allow air and moisture to pass through when closed.

The rubber wears out quickly if it is not properly cared for. Over time, it begins to let cold air into the apartment and needs to be replaced.

Therefore, it is useful to learn how to properly care for the elastic seal immediately after installation of the structure.

It is necessary to lubricate the gum around the perimeter of the sash once a year. This is quite enough for the window system to receive good service.

It is advisable to do this in spring or autumn.

PVC window care kits:

  1. Fenosol retains the original elasticity of rubber parts and increases wear resistance. This is a unique liquid for all occasions, which has found its application in the field of PVC windows.
  2. BE Edel Weiss is a set that includes 4 products. This is a detergent for the profile, a bottle for an elastic band, for lubricating fittings and a napkin. The composition for lubricating gum is of high quality and is made from good raw materials, it is tested, it is not harmful to humans. This is not silicone grease. The agent is absorbed into the sealant, keeping its elasticity for a long time.
  3. WD-40 is a general purpose lubricant. It is used for cars, doors and other fields. human life. This composition is not only the most recognizable, but also one of the most accessible. WD-40 creates a waterproofing film on the surface of the gum, thanks to which the elastic seal does not burst when low temperatures and serve for a long time.

Plastic windows must be treated with similar compositions. Otherwise rubber compressor After a couple of years, it will begin to crack and tear.

All PVC structures, as well as metal-plastic ones, are equipped with high-quality fittings. These elements are practically maintenance-free, however, in order to increase their operational life, they sometimes need to be lubricated.

Take care of the fittings in the following way - basic rules:

  1. It is impossible to wash moving mechanisms with water, they can become rusty.
  2. It is forbidden to use industrial vaseline, acid solutions and resins for cleaning.
  3. It is impossible to buy hard brushes and metal brushes to remove dirt, they will damage the anti-corrosion coating and rust will begin to appear.
  4. 3 years after the start of operation, plastic windows begin to lubricate the moving mechanism with special lubricants. For these purposes, you can use oil, BE Edel Weiss products and WD-40. Lubricants are added to the slots of the fittings, they can also process other mechanisms that are in sight (for example, those that are on the side to fully open the window).

All fittings should be protected from dirt and staining. If this requirement is violated, then cleaning is carried out at the expense of the owner, even if there is a valid warranty.

These window elements are also made of plastic. You can’t lean heavily on window handles; its mechanism wears out quickly even without it.

If it does not turn well or jams, the fittings are most likely clogged. It is necessary to disassemble it, and remove particles of dust and dirt from the frame sash.

If you hang something on it, lean on it, or the child pulls the handle and it loosens, then you need to tighten the screws.

It is better to call the master, but you can do it yourself if you have at least a little knowledge and skills.

Action algorithm:

  1. Raise the decorative bar under the handle.
  2. Rotate it from vertical to horizontal.
  3. Tighten the screws quickly, they are located under the handle.
  4. Then put the bar back in place.

Window handles are very flimsy and break quickly. To extend them operational properties and not break, use them correctly.

Try not to lean on the handle or use force when turning to the desired position.

Drainage holes are drainage holes. They take water out of the windows, which gets there due to bad weather conditions.

The drains are located at the bottom of the body. They are located in places where the window sashes open. Flip it open and look down, below the rubber band at the joint and there is a water-repellent hole, as well as on the outside.

Drainage holes are clogged. Over time, a lot of dirt accumulates in them, which flows down the glass and falls into this hole. So sometimes cleaning is necessary.

To unclog drainage system All you need is a vacuum cleaner. There is no need to use special cleaning compounds.

First wipe the window of dust and remove the dirt from the drain hole with a brush. Then take a vacuum cleaner, put it on the drain hole, and pull out all the dust.

Water-repellent holes need to be cleaned from the inside and outside, they are hidden under the plugs.

If it was not possible to completely clean the drainage system, use a wire. Stick it in the hole under the plug and pull out all the dirt.

How to avoid sweating?

Caring for plastic windows in winter also involves the use of anti-fogging agents.

Since the "dew point" does not have the option of physical adjustment, it can only be influenced by changing the temperature and indoors.

Tips for preventing window fogging:

  1. Increase the humidity in the room to 50%.
  2. Do gravity ventilation. It will be enough to remove water vapor, carbon dioxide from the room to the street.
  3. Ventilate the room more often, you can always keep the window open in summer, and open it several times a day for 10 minutes in winter.
  4. To prevent the windows from misting up, install supply valves, heating structures or intra-profile ventilation.
  5. Another option is to install a moisture absorber. Such a container can be bought at a building supermarket.
  6. You can also treat glass with special compounds. They are sold in the form of aerosols and liquids, and are intended for cars, but they are also used for PVC windows.

The fogging of the glass threatens to moisten the entire structure. Mold will appear at the top, bottom and sides, then it will smoothly move to the walls of the apartment.

Therefore, you need to deal with this problem and not ignore the dew drops.

Proper care PVC structures extend their service life. It must be rendered not when the time appears, but when it is required. Lubricate the movable joints, wash the glass and the frame, clean the drainage system and then the plastic windows will last for decades.

Do not think that by installing PVC windows, you can forget about cleaning and careful handling of them. All plastic windows, even the most reliable, need to follow certain operating rules, otherwise damage may occur that is not subject to warranty service.

Video: How to properly care for windows

Rehau specialist Vladimir Mudrak answers the question: "How to properly care for plastic windows?"

Rules for the operation of windows: care for fittings

Fittings installed in PVC windows are equipped with a mechanism that requires care when handling. Here are a few tips to prevent exit window fittings damage and extend the overall life of your windows:

  1. Rotate window handles within the fixed position for them. Do not turn them further to avoid breakage.
  2. When opening the sash, make sure that it is firmly pressed against the window frame.
  3. If the plastic windows are already open, do not turn the knobs.
  4. Keep track of the position in which the handle is fixed for the selected opening method.
  5. If you try to open and tilt the window at the same time, the mechanism in the swing-out sashes may fail.
  6. Do not adjust the fittings of plastic windows yourself. It is recommended to entrust window adjustment to a specialist, as it requires special skills. The maximum that can be done if necessary is to tighten the screws.
  7. Lubricate plastic windows with machine oil in moving places. In this way, damage to the hardware can be avoided.
  8. Under no circumstances should products containing resins and acids, which destroy the corrosion protection, be used.
  9. Make sure that dirt, construction debris and sand do not get into the mechanism. If the premises are held construction works window sashes must be closed.

Care of the profile and glass of plastic windows

At the end installation work from window profile must be removed protective film If this is not done at the very beginning of the operation of plastic windows, then very soon they can become untidy.

Window PVC profile easy to clean, however, it is strictly forbidden to use grinding agents, abrasive powders, solvents, gasoline and products containing acetone and acid to clean it. Otherwise, the profile surface will become rough and change color. It is best to use liquid detergents or special cleaning compounds from the manufacturer of PVC windows to wash the profile.

The double-glazed window of a plastic window must be washed with standard glass cleaners. In no case should dirt be removed from the glass with hard and sharp objects. Inner part double-glazed windows does not get dirty, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning it.

Caring for the seal, valves and window sill

The PVC sealant makes the window airtight, however, over time, the rubber dries out and ages. It is recommended to regularly clean the seals from dirt and wipe them with special compounds with glycerin or silicone oil. If the seals are cracked or no longer elastic, they should be replaced.

It is also important to periodically clean the drainage valves located at the bottom of the window from dust and dirt.

Do not forget about window sill care, which is often used as a work surface. It is strictly forbidden to cut anything on it, dilute paint or put hot dishes on it. Otherwise, stains, scratches and warped surfaces will be difficult to avoid.

Mosquito nets should be periodically washed with soapy water and removed in the winter season.

Taking care of plastic windows, you can be sure that they will serve you for many years.

Windows and doors made from VEKA profile systems do not require special care. Nevertheless, like any product, even the highest quality metal-plastic window needs maintenance. It is not necessary to call specialists. You can easily take care of plastic windows with your own hands.

Useful advice: if you are doing repairs and you have already installed metal-plastic windows, open them to a minimum, and after repair (if there were many building dust) be sure to call specialists to completely clean (with removal) and lubricate the fittings.

The first is plastic care: never use abrasive and aggressive chemical cleaners (containing chlorine, alcohol and other additives designed to actively fight dirt) to care for plastic windows. Even if at first it seems to you that nothing is happening with the plastic, after a while you may be unpleasantly surprised by the changed color of your once-white window. To care for the surface of plastic windows, you can use degreasing detergents, or a simple warm soapy solution. We also recommend using soft sponges.

The second is the care of double-glazed windows: double glazing in plastic window no different from ordinary glass and you need to take care of him in the same way. Just a reminder: avoid hitting detergents on plastic parts, and also, which is very important, do not allow alcohol-containing products to get on the rubber seal.

The third is the care of accessories: VEKA strongly recommends lubricating all moving fittings once a year. Please note that many hardware manufacturers put “oiler” or “droplet” icons in the appropriate places. Use an oil free of resins and acids. Ordinary machine or oil for sewing machines fit.

Fourth - care for the plastic window seal: At least once every six months (at least in spring and autumn), we recommend cleaning the seal. This element of the window is primarily responsible for keeping the heat in your home, the absence of drafts, protection from street dust and noise. Wash the seal with a mild soapy solution and a soft sponge or cloth, wipe dry and lubricate with silicone grease. Silicone grease for automotive seals is also suitable for this purpose.

Fifth - drainage holes. If you open the sash, then there should be holes in the lower part of the frame - drainage channels. As it becomes clear from their name, these are drain holes, they serve to remove moisture, water outside the frame. Make sure they don't get clogged.

If you do not have the time and opportunity to take care of plastic windows with your own hands, you can invite specialists who will quickly and professionally carry out all the work for a moderate fee.

In addition, the sets special means for the care of plastic windows you can buy either in specialized window sales stores or in building supermarkets.

Take advantage of our advice on the care of plastic windows, and they will serve you for many years!