Fighting hornets in the country. Hornets - how to get rid of them in the house. What do large wasps eat?

Sometimes large insects similar in appearance appear at the dacha. external signs and habits with wasps. Most likely, the uninvited guests who began arranging their home somewhere in a corner under the ceiling or in a hollow tree turn out to be hornets.

They make a frightening impression, and the first impulse of the inhabitants of the dacha is the desire to completely destroy the buzzing brethren. In fact, this turns out to be not such an easy task, which can be solved if you take a closer look at the character and life cycle this colonial insect.

Hornets are usually called the most large species wasps that adhere to a social way of life: the length of their body, taking into account the impressive sting may exceed 55 mm.

Hornets build cellular cellulose nests, for which they use rotted wood and young birch bark, mixing crushed bark with saliva.

Adults insects love sweets no less than bees, but the larvae prefer the bees themselves, flies and grasshoppers. European varieties are slightly smaller, their poison is weaker.

Nest development begins in late spring, when it gets warmer. In the first three to four weeks of formation, colonies are few in number and therefore most vulnerable. In the future, they will get stronger, breed offspring, set up nests and it will become much more difficult to cope with them.

Possible harm

It makes sense to fight striped aggressors in the country if they begin to pose a danger to people or steal honey bees from the owners of the site for their larvae.

The most compelling reasons to immediately begin clearing the area of ​​hornets and destroying them are:

  1. The presence of children and animals of age on the site - curious, unceremonious kids will certainly be perceived by the hornet family as aggressors.
  2. The presence of honey bee hives nearby - if the hornets do not exterminate the bees, they will thoroughly ruin their lives.
  3. The small size of the area on which the dacha is located - it is better not to encounter territorial insects too often “nose to nose”.
  4. Allergy of any type in any of the owners - the reaction to hornet venom, even of the same species, can be unpredictable in people with different predispositions to intoxication.

In addition, there is an opinion that each subsequent successful attack of this insect increases intoxication, expressed by edema, fever, often suffocation or cardiac failure.

In addition to poison, hornets are famous for their extremely painful attacks, as well as their friendly defense of each family member. Not everyone is able to survive the pursuit of an attacking colony: for example, the Asian species of insect is indicated as the cause deaths of up to 40 people annually only according to data from Japanese statisticians.

Several Possible Reasons to Preserve Insects

It may seem paradoxical, but there are also several reasons to support the decision to peacefully coexist with hornets:

Large wasps are forced to move closer to humans due to the impoverishment of their natural habitat: deforestation. Old trees, which add picturesqueness to the garden plot, are ideal home for social insects, since they can provide a place for overwintering of a young female, food and nesting material all at once.

In the absence of trees, colonies prefer cracks in the siding of buildings, attics, corners of garages and basements, abandoned beehives and rooms that have not been used for a long time. It is worth preventing their settlement in such places - and no grueling fight against hornets will be needed.

In addition to the above, representatives of the wasp order are an important link in the ecosystem, due to which they are subject to protection in a number of European countries.

Stages of the fight against uninvited neighbors

If the need to combat hornets in the countryside is obvious, you should decide how this will happen. The simplest way out of the situation would be calling special pest control services.

However, this is not always possible, so land owners resort to exterminating poisonous insects on their own. The gradual fight against hornets in the country includes at least three stages:

  • search for a nest;
  • total destruction of adult guard individuals;
  • physical destruction of the storage of larvae and pupae.

Stage one

As a rule, it is most difficult to detect a hornet nest on a beekeeper's farm: the buzzing of bees masks the sound signals of the pest family, and the smell of honey attracts them from a great distance.

Usually one representative of the family is caught and marked with a bright beacon in the form of a colored strip of fabric.

At the same time, precautions are taken to ensure that the insect is not killed under any circumstances, since before the death of a member of the hornet family, an odor signal of danger is distributed, designed to raise the entire swarm to its defense. Disturbed insect will go directly to your home, giving away its location.

Stage two

After discovering a nest, they use a whole arsenal of means to choose from, designed to fight hornets - the usual insecticidal preparations to kill flying insects, widely used technical liquids such as car fuel or alcohol, as well as regular boiling water.

In addition, they use homemade traps from transparent plastic bottles with sweet bait, plastic bags, polyurethane foam, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers and even powerful vacuum cleaners.

The use of insecticides is advisable where the nest is located in a hard-to-reach place, for example, under the ceiling: it is very quickly treated with the product, after which it is tightly sealed in a plastic bag with an insecticide, attaching it to the ceiling with adhesive tape. This requires considerable skill and quick reaction. Destroying flying insects in this way is a troublesome task.

Polyurethane foam quickly seals all openings in the hornets' home, depriving them of air, after which the bag with the nest is quickly tied to avoid an assault by the soldier hornets.

It is important to treat the entire nest with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, and then place a container to collect falling insects. The most gentle way to deal with dangerous “neighbors” is considered using a powerful vacuum cleaner Soviet-style without nozzles, but with a long flexible hose.

It will take a lot of courage to catch the hornets flying out of the nest, but if you don’t crush any of them, there will be no attack. Insects disoriented in this way are shaken out into a strong bag and moved away from the summer cottage.

Stage three

A large nest is dumped with a shovel into a pre-prepared plastic bag with a small amount of water or a bag made of thick fabric.

Then the bag tied up and burned or treat its contents with poison. Insects that are not caught in the trap are destroyed with poisons or carbon dioxide from a fire extinguisher.

The socket mounting location is needed treat with a pesticide- diesel fuel or other foul-smelling substance. It is better to do all this in the dark, when the insects return from flying to the home.

Popular means

Whatever method of exterminating hornets in the house is chosen, you must remember to take precautions using thick protective clothing and a mask.

Many people mistakenly believe that hornets fall asleep at dusk. The rhythm of life of these animals involves round-the-clock activity.

Nevertheless, it is best to make attempts to destroy them at dusk: at this time, a person may not yet use additional light sources that provoke insect aggression.

It is worth noting that the choice of insecticides must be approached carefully, since in a series unsuccessful attempts large insects can gain some stability and even develop a conditioned reflex of a preemptive attack.

Flammable liquids are attractive due to their deceptive ease of use and availability in everyday life. However, there are some nuances here: due to regulations fire safety It is unacceptable to use them indoors(especially if the subsequent burning of the nest with all its contents is expected), and their fumes are caustic and can cause considerable harm to the owners of the dacha themselves.

Appearance warning

As in any war, in battles with hornets, preventive adjustment of relationships is most effective. In the cold season, when the fertilized female is fast asleep in a shelter, you can try to eliminate the reasons that prompt her to seek proximity to people.

For this purpose it is necessary carry out timely repairs of all outbuildings, without waiting for them to become dilapidated, destroy the trunks of old trees near the house, as well as coat the cracks in wooden and brick walls insulating putties and solutions.

Such measures will be the best alternative to how to deal with hornets in the countryside at the height of summer season. Some naturalists advise make an imitation started construction of a nest of such insects and place it in the spring in the place of intended nesting. Hornets will not occupy someone else's territory.

With the arrival of spring, hornets cause a lot of inconvenience. This is due to the fact that at this time of year they begin to build their “home”, which is most often placed in residential buildings. How to get rid of hornets is not an easy and quite dangerous task. Remember, a person can even die from several hornet stings. It will be useful for you to learn how to get rid of hornets so that they do not harm you and your family.

The hornet is an aggressive species of wasp. These are quite large insects - up to 55 millimeters long (the sting length is up to 6.5 millimeters). The poison released by hornets can be very dangerous. Hornets live in families. They choose calm, quiet places to build a nest. Habitats: in the ground, under the overhanging part of the roof, in attics, attics, on fences, in trees, in hollows, in sheds, and also in close proximity to apiaries. Most hornets can be found in late summer - early autumn. Hornets perform the function of orderlies; they are designed to destroy truly harmful insects that cause great harm personal plots, gardens and agricultural crops. Moreover, if a hornet’s nest is located near a person’s place of residence, it is simply necessary to get rid of it and its inhabitants. The pain from a hornet sting is much stronger than from the sting of, for example, a wasp. If hornets bite one person several times, there are two possible scenarios: either he will develop immunity over time, or an allergic reaction will appear, which will progress over time. There are cases when such an allergy outbreak ultimately ends in death. If the hornet does sting you, treat the affected area with honey, ammonia, or apply onion or garlic to it of your choice.

Methods of dealing with hornets.

The most optimal time to combat hornets is spring. At this time, only solitary females fly. First of all, you need to find out where the hornets' nest is. When the nest is found, extreme caution must be used, since 10-12 hornet stings can lead to death. So how to get rid of hornets:

  1. An effective method is to spray their nests with chlorophos or carbon disulfide. It is also allowed to light the hornet's home with sulfur dioxide. This procedure must be carried out in the evening or at night, since it is at this time that all the hornets gather in their home. When all the hornets die, you need to remove the nest and get rid of it (bury it in the ground to a sufficient depth or burn it).
  2. Please note: if the hornet’s nest was in a barn, in the attic, under the siding of a house, then after getting rid of it, you need to cover up all the cracks and crevices so that new hornets do not settle in them.
  3. Of course, it is better not to try to destroy the hornets yourself, but to leave this task to professionals. In their arsenal there are clothes designed specifically to combat various harmful insects(including hornets), as well as actually working chemicals, the effectiveness of which has been tested repeatedly. Experts will help you get rid of hornets, and also advise which preventive measures It is worth carrying out to prevent their reappearance.

How to get rid of hornets at home.

To make a simple hornet trap you will need:

— 720 gram jar with a screw cap;

- sharp knife;

- any beer;

Pour sugar into the jar so that its bottom is covered by one and a half centimeters, then pour 100-150 grams of water and mix thoroughly. We wait until the sugar dissolves. We take the lid from the jar, in the center of it we make a crosswise cut with a knife to make triangles. We bend these triangles down to make a hole with a diameter of 9-10 millimeters. Fill the beer up to half the can and cover with a lid. Such traps should be placed in places where hornets are expected to appear.

Externally, hornets look like huge wasps (in fact, they belong to this type), the appearance of individual individuals or entire families near the house or on summer cottage should be alarming. Firstly, giant wasps destroy apiaries, attacking peaceful bees, and secondly, they aggressively defend their possessions.

The bite of a small hornet is not only much more painful than the bite of the same wasp, but it is also much more dangerous: severe headaches, swelling, allergic reactions, malfunction of the cardiovascular system - this is an incomplete list of complications.

Habitat features. For living, hornets choose warm and quiet place: attic, attic, niche under the roof, balcony, above the porch, hollow or dense tree crown. The nest is a large (up to 70 cm in height) spherical structure made of chewed bark, looking like wet cardboard.

If you notice only one hornet in a house or area (not to mention a group of individuals), do not try to drive it away with a fly swatter or newspaper, as this will only provoke and anger the insect, provoking an attack. Radical measures need to be taken.

If action is not taken in time, the nest can grow to incredible sizes and become a threat to the family.

Methods of dealing with hornets

1. Single individuals often appear in an apartment or house, where they are attracted by the smell of sweet food. In this case, a simple trap will help get rid of the hornets.

For construction simplest design cut plastic bottle(volume 1.5-2 liters) across. Pour bait onto the bottom: honey, jam or beer. Upper part insert into the bottom one with the neck down (remove the cap first) - the “trap” is ready! Once inside the bottle for food, the hornets will not be able to get back out. Once all the insects are trapped, pour inside hot water or burn the bottle.

The simplest bottle trap

2. Poisonous baits work no less effectively. Place it near a place favored by hornets, watermelon rinds or place a container with pieces of any raw meat. Renew the bait for several days so that the insects get used to the “feeder”. After that, you can safely add insecticides designed to kill hornets to your food (follow the instructions). Be sure to ensure that pets or children are not interested in the bait!

How to destroy a hornet nest

Precautionary measures

  1. Plan to destroy the nests in the late evening, when the hornets are not as active as during the day, and therefore less dangerous and aggressive.
  2. Wear thick clothing with long legs and sleeves, a hat-mask with a net to protect your face and neck, gloves, and comfortable shoes. If you plan to work with poisons, do not forget about a respirator.
  3. If you do get bitten by a hornet, don’t hesitate - drink it antihistamine and consult a doctor.

Methods and remedies against nests

1. To eliminate a hornet nest under the ceiling or in the attic, fill a bucket with water (about 2/3 full). Carefully “put” the bucket onto the nest from below so that the “house” is completely immersed in the liquid. Then prop the container up with something like a stepladder or tripod and leave it for several hours.

2. Using a spray bottle, treat a large piece polyethylene film insecticide (“Dobrohim FOS”, “Cucaracha”, “Taran”, “Karbofos”, “Masterlak”, “Tsifoks”, Get). Wrap the nest with film, leaving no openings for the hornets. Secure with tape to be secure. The duration of action of a particular product is indicated on the packaging or in the instructions.

Buy poisons designed specifically for hornets! Mosquito, tick, and flea repellents will not help. After flooding or poisoning, carefully remove the nest, place in a sealed bag, bury or burn.

The only way to eliminate a nest in the attic is with water or poisons

3. The easiest way to fill a nest that is in the ground is to fill it with boiling water, used machine oil (a less environmentally friendly method) or burn it by dousing it with kerosene or gasoline. Make sure there are no flammable substances nearby. And of course, refrain from this method if the hornets have settled near the house or outbuildings.

4. Insecticides and polyurethane foam will help destroy hornets that have settled in a hollow tree. Treat the hollow with poison from a spray bottle, fill the hole with foam or putty.

Prevention. To prevent the appearance of hornets in your home, promptly pay attention to cracks in the walls and roof. In the spring, when insects are just beginning to breed, a very small nest in which the queen lives can be seen in the corner of the attic or under the roof.

Hang bunches of hot red pepper near the likely places where insects “settle”, the bitter smell of which scares off uninvited guests.

Hornets never leave their nest unguarded. Aggressive insects attack people and animals who dare to approach their home, even if the victim was just passing by. An adult dies after 10–12 bites, but 3–5 are enough for a child. How to get rid of hornets that have settled in the attic or yard? Destroy the nest. Act carefully and wisely, because angry insects attack the stranger instantly and do not retreat until the threat is eliminated.

Equipment and first aid

Hornets have a long and sharp sting that can pierce even thick denim fabric. A person planning to approach the nest should protect himself by wearing a protective suit. These are what beekeepers wear when they pump out honey. Cover your face with a helmet with a net.

You will need thick, long gloves, because a person allergic to hornet venom only needs one bite to cause Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. What to do if there is no special suit? Put on several pants, a thick jacket and a sweater, wrap your neck with a thick scarf, without leaving even small gaps. Find an old hat and attach a piece of curtain to it, turning it into a makeshift protective helmet.

Wear rubber boots or high winter boots on your feet. No flip flops or sandals. The pants are tucked into socks and then into boots so that predatory insects do not have access to the body.

Before starting the operation, consider retreat options. Perhaps put a barrel in the yard or iron bath filled with water. A person attacked by hornets will be able to jump into a container of liquid and hide for 30–40 seconds. This is often enough for the angry guards to retreat.

A person who has been stung by a hornet needs first aid. Act quickly to stop the poison from spreading throughout the body, so have the following on hand:

  • a bottle of peroxide, ammonia or calendula tincture;
  • package antihistamine, like “Suprastin” or “Diazolin”;
  • roll of cotton wool;
  • a bowl of ice wrapped in cloth.

A cotton swab soaked in an alcohol-containing solution is applied to the bite, and the victim is given an antihistamine tablet to prevent anaphylactic shock. Ice is then applied to the swollen soft tissue to stop the swelling from spreading.

How to find a nest

There are a lot of predatory insects in the yard or near the apiary, but you still haven’t managed to find the nest? You will need a tennis racket and a thin red thread. Get close to any hornet and hit it to stun it. Choose a victim flying alone, otherwise the rest of the individuals will rush at the offender.

While the hornet doesn’t understand anything, tie a thread to its paw or belly. Cut off a small piece so that it does not get caught on a flower or tree, otherwise the insect will never reach the nest. Do a trick with several hornets and then track where they go. The red thread will show where the queen and the nest itself are hiding.

Important: You cannot handle winged predators with your bare hands. Only wear rubber or thick fabric gloves, because an insect can sting at any moment.

Little problem

In the evening, when it gets dark, you need to approach the nest and assess its size. In some houses, up to 700 adult individuals live, and the height of such structures reaches 1 m. Only exterminators can cope with large families, but you can fight with small ones yourself.

If the nest is no larger than a soccer ball, it is recommended to drown it. Fill up a bucket of water, grab a stepladder and approach the hornet settlement. Carefully immerse the cocoon in the liquid without removing it from the branch or ceiling. Keep the bucket for 10–20 minutes, or better yet, put it on the stairs and wait.

The hornets won't understand what happened if everything is done quickly. The walls of the nest will dissolve in the water, and the insects themselves will drown before they have time to fly out.

Fire is the solution to the problem
Hornet cocoons larger than a bucket are burned. The procedure is carried out in the evening, when the insects become lethargic and less aggressive. Pull a thick bag over the nest. The cover must be checked to ensure there are no holes in it. The neck of the bag is tied, the cocoon is cut off sharp knife from a beam or branch.

Important: Sometimes the hornets start to buzz and, trying to get out, sting the cover. Insects can get into the person cutting the cocoon if he leans his body against the bag or gets too close.

A rag soaked in ammonia will calm striped aggressors. They throw it into a bag, and the hornets calm down after a few minutes.

A fire is lit on the street, into which the nest and its inhabitants are thrown. It is not advisable to remove the cocoon from the bag. It is recommended to move 2–3 m away from the fire and wait until the house of the striped aggressors turns to ashes.

The nest, located on an iron base, does not need to be removed. If there are no flammable objects around the cocoon, it is doused with kerosene or gasoline. They wait until the liquid is absorbed into the walls, and then they insert a burning torch made of a wooden stick or newspaper inside. And they quickly retreat to a safe distance, because some individuals are able to get out and attack the person who destroyed their home.

Insecticides against hornets
There is a third option for exterminating dangerous insects. You will need Dichlorvos or another pesticide designed to combat wasps. Pull a huge plastic bag over the nest. Spray the poison inside without sparing. Tie the plastic cover and wait until the hornets die.

The nest is cut off without removing it from the bag and thrown into a landfill. You can burn it.
How to get rid of hornets that have settled in a hollow tree? Buy a can of pesticide designed to kill wasps, prepare a clay solution or putty. Spray the product into the hollow, and then quickly cover all the holes from which hornets can fly out.

Important: Liquid insecticides are injected with a thick needle into the tree trunk. The toxic chemical quickly spreads throughout the plant, droplets of poisoned juice fall on the legs and wings of insects, and they die.

Great danger

Large nests are difficult to drown or burn without irritating the swarm. First, the insects living in huge cocoons are destroyed, and then the structure is disposed of.

Stage 1
You will need a lot of transparent plastic bottles ranging from 2 to 5 liters. Make a cross-shaped cut in the lids, bend the plastic “petals” into the container to form a small hole.

Pour sweet water with vanilla, jam or honey into the bottom of the bottles. Choose bait with a strong odor that will attract adult hornets. Insects enter the container through a hole in the lid and remain inside because they cannot find a way out.

Traps with a large number of striped aggressors are thrown into the fire. You can stick a burning newspaper inside, completely covering the hole. It is not recommended to drown bottles. Hornets float to the surface, and some aggressors are able to find a way out, dry out and attack the enemy.

Stage 2
When the number of adults decreases, they switch to larvae and young insects. Placed next to the nest cans or other containers filled with minced meat. Not necessarily fresh. Ground chicken giblets or fish will also work.

During the first 2–3 days, insects are attracted. Hornets carry meat into the nest to feed the young larvae. On days 3–4, arsenic or Parisian greens are added to the minced meat. For 1 kg of meat preparation, 10–20 g of poison. Stir and place into jars.

Work with pesticides carefully, be sure to wear latex gloves. The cans are tightly closed, leaving only small holes through which an adult hornet can crawl. Baits are placed in hard to reach places. It is forbidden for a pet or child to try the minced meat.

Young individuals and soldiers guarding the queen die from the poisoned treat. The surviving hornets are destroyed with Dichlorvos. Insect repellent is sprayed inside the nest. Holes in the cocoon are sealed with putty or clay so that striped predators do not escape from the trap.
The nest with dead hornets is taken to a garbage heap and burned.

Good timing

It all starts with a small cocoon, which is woven by the queen, guarded by several soldiers. In the spring, it is recommended to check the attic and other secluded places where insects could live. If a mini-version of the nest is found, it is picked out with a stick into a plastic bag, and a rag soaked in ammonia is thrown inside. The product destroys hornets no worse than synthetic pesticides.

Did the striped aggressors camouflage the cocoon well? If the insects get along well with people, large nests are left untouched until winter. Hornets leave summer house before the onset of the first cold weather and hibernate. In December or March, the empty cocoon is removed and burned, and all cracks in the room or attic are sealed with cement to prevent insects from getting inside.

Non-standard way

Don't have time to lure and feed hornets with minced meat containing arsenic? Aggressive individuals are lured out of the nest with a vacuum cleaner. You will need an older model with a fabric dust collector and a long tube.

The equipment is turned on and brought closer to the entrance to the cocoon. Hornets, sensing danger, begin to attack plastic pipe, which sucks them inside the dust collector. What to do with caught insects? You can quickly shake it into a bag and burn it, or leave it inside the vacuum cleaner, plugging the tube with a rubber stopper or rag.

Hornets are dangerous neighbors. They are aggressive and big, and one bite predatory insect capable of killing an adult. You need to fight striped invaders carefully, carefully thinking through every step. And if there are a lot of hornets, and they carefully guard the queen and the nest, it is better to call a team of experienced exterminators.

Video: how to destroy a wasp's nest

How to deal with hornets

Hello! About three months ago, I saw one hornet flying in my area.

This is not a situation that should cause you to worry, but after a couple of days there were already three of them. Further more. A thorough search of my shed resulted in the discovery of an entire nest.

The situation was starting to look dangerous. I already had experience in dealing with hornets before, so I was able to deal with them without any problems. Want to know how to deal with hornets? What are the best products to use? Now I will share with you valuable practical experience.

Ways to fight hornets

Hornets are a genus of the largest wasps. The length of the hornet uterus is 30-35 mm, males and workers have a length of 20 to 25 mm. These are very dangerous insects, the bites of which are more painful to humans than the bites of ordinary wasps or bees.

There are cases where allergic reactions to the stings of several hornets led to death because medical assistance was not provided in a timely manner.

Hornets feed on the pulp of fruits, the juice of flowers, and they do not neglect other insects. If hornets settle, for example, near an apiary, then over the summer they can destroy hundreds of worker bees.

They usually build their voluminous nests in attics, sheds, under the edge of roofs, and in tree hollows.

You can effectively fight hornets in the spring, when in the garden or around country house single females are found. Once a large family of hornets has appeared near your home or in an apiary, it becomes much more difficult to fight them.

Insects can be killed using traps made from wide-necked bottles. You need to pour water sweetened with honey into these containers.

Quite often, minced meat, raw or boiled, is used as bait. It needs to be placed in cans and placed in boxes with holes through which insects can enter.

A day or two later, when minced meat a large number of hornets will feast on it, it is necessary to mix sodium arsenic acid or some other poison into it. It is important that cats, dogs and chickens do not have access to the minced meat. The poison should be handled with extreme caution.

There are methods of control that involve a “gas” attack, for which dichlorvos or some other insecticide in an aerosol can is used.

Having found the hole from which these insects fly out, spray it, blocking the hornets' exit with a strong cloth. It should be prepared in advance. You can fumigate hornet nests with sulfur; this should be done in the late evening, when the insects gather in it for the night.

Problems associated with the independent destruction of hornets arise due to the fact that they navigate in the dark and may well attack a person. These insects often stay overnight in the place where night finds them.

Having flown home in the morning and finding a destroyed nest, they begin to mercilessly sting people who come across them. After being bitten, individuals of this type of wasp, unlike bees, do not die, which is why they are able to sting repeatedly.


Independent control of hornets or wasps in the garden

Wasps and hornets have appeared in your dacha, attic, or balcony. How to destroy wasps and hornets on your own?

As soon as you notice a wasp or hornet in your immediate vicinity, you, of course, want to immediately protect yourself from their possible bite and you try to leave their habitat as soon as possible.

But what if you find a nest of wasps or a nest of hornets in your garden or summer cottage? Here the question arises: you or them. Of course, you want to immediately eliminate a wasp or hornet nest and remove the source of the potential threat of painful bites from your habitat.

Not everyone can, or not everyone wants to use the services of specialized organizations to combat wasps and hornets. Some people decide how to deal with wasps and hornets on their own garden plot, or at the dacha.

As a rule, spontaneous actions to combat wasps or hornets do not always achieve the desired result. Hasty destruction of wasp nests or hornet nests not only does not guarantee their complete disappearance from the area you are interested in, but can also lead to multiple bites that angry wasps and hornets can inflict on you and your loved ones.

Before starting activities to eliminate wasp nests or hornet nests, you should calmly assess the situation and develop the correct strategy for combating wasps or hornets, if possible, in consultation with specialists in the fight against these insects.

Acting hastily, many are ready to eliminate nests of wasps or hornets with almost bare hands, without resorting to the use of protective equipment, without carrying out pre-treatment using insecticides.


This is extremely dangerous. The reaction of a person’s body to a possible wasp or hornet bite is unpredictable. And possible multiple bites, even in an adult, healthy person can cause severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock and even death.

Therefore, in no case should you approach or touch the nests of wasps and hornets with your hands without first carrying out insecticidal treatment and making sure that the adult individuals of these insects are reliably destroyed.

How to deal with wasps and hornets on the site. Today on the open market you can find a variety of insecticides, including: wasps and hornets. It is advisable to use products for the destruction of wasps and hornets in the form of sprays containing acute insecticides, if possible, at the maximum distance from the nest of wasps or hornets. But no further than 3 - 4 meters.

The can is sprayed, creating a poisonous cloud of insecticide, which, settling, covers all surfaces of contact between wasps and hornets with the nest and what surrounds it. Upon contact with a poisonous insecticide-containing cloud, or a surface on which the insecticide has landed, an adult wasp or hornet dies.

But, unfortunately, the effect of using such toxic substances is insignificant over time. The low concentration of insecticide in household spray cans is not sufficient to reliably destroy the entire population of wasps or hornets.

The combination of these factors leads to the fact that part of the insect population survives, and the number of aggressive individuals even increases over a certain period of time. This leads to an increased likelihood of a wasp or hornet sting.

Another common but ineffective method of control is the use of foam to control wasps and hornets. Foam is used to seal the places and openings through which wasps and hornets enter the premises where they build their nests (attics, barns, other outbuildings).

Firstly, the foaming process itself is dangerous. After all, wasps and hornets, at this moment, can bite the person applying the foam. But even after successfully sealing a hole or crack through which wasps and hornets enter the room with nests, the success of the event is not guaranteed.

Wasps and hornets, in a short time, can gnaw a hole in a sealed barrier and again get Free access to your nest. Or find a new slot that has not previously been used to access the sockets.

Equally ineffective and dangerous are attempts to combat wasp and hornet nests using fumigation, attempts to burn nests (risk of fire), drown them, or knock them down with water pressure.

The main mistakes when trying to independently combat wasps and hornets:
Lack of experience - incorrectly chosen control plan, attempts to spontaneously destroy wasp and hornet nests, incorrect or ineffective application of poisonous agents.

Lack of protective equipment can result in multiple bites and even death.

Lack of necessary drugs to reliably destroy the population of wasps and hornets - drugs for wasps and hornets that are commercially available and available for household use, as a rule, have a low concentration of insecticides and cannot reliably destroy the entire population of wasps and hornets.

So, what is the right strategy for dealing with wasps and hornets yourself?

  1. Before the start of the event, we evacuate people nearby to a safe distance. We use protective equipment to prevent possible wasp and hornet bites. Using, if possible, professional insecticidal preparations, we thoroughly treat the nests of wasps and hornets, the surrounding area, and places of entry into buildings where insect nests are located.
  2. We wait enough time and make sure that the insect population is completely destroyed. We eliminate empty nests of wasps and hornets. We seal up holes through which wasps and hornets from other nests can enter your premises and create new nests.
  3. During the warm season, we monitor the activity of wasps and hornets in your garden or summer cottage, observing their movements and their preferred places. If necessary, we carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing the creation of new nests (treating attics and utility rooms with wasp and hornet repellent).

We hope that the above material will help you avoid the main mistakes when independently combating wasps or hornets in your garden plot or dacha.

If you decide to use the services of a specialized organization, for professional destruction wasps and hornets, you should know what the cost of services to combat these insects consists of.

The final price may be affected by: the urgency of the treatment, the distance of the treatment site from the city, the difficulty of access to places where wasps and hornets make their nests. In the combination or absence of these factors, the cost of processing seemingly identical objects may differ several times.

To clarify the cost of exterminating wasps or hornets at your facility, contact the unified dispatch center at the telephone number indicated above and our consultants will promptly calculate the cost of exterminating wasps or hornets in your case.


Fighting hornets

The hornets that appeared on the site are serious danger not only for plants, but also for humans. Victims of a hornet sting say that the moment of the bite can be compared to pain with a blow with a sledgehammer.

There are many cases of death after a single bite. Hornets pose the greatest danger to children. Hornet has large sizes, some species reach a length of 55mm.

They feed mainly on plant foods. These can be sweet varieties of fruit, honey, nectar and other sugar-containing products. During the period of feeding their offspring, hornets begin to hunt insects - bees, grasshoppers, locusts, etc.

But the hornets do not eat these insects, but feed them to the larvae in the form of a suspension. The proximity of a family of hornets to bees is especially dangerous. One hornet can destroy an entire hive of bees in a few hours.

The hornet family, like the bee family, has its own queen, which hides in a secluded place, laying eggs. The queen flies out only once, at the beginning of spring - in search of food to found a new colony.

Fighting the hornet queen is the most effective remedy. If you track down and destroy the queen during her flight, then you can completely stop the appearance of hornets on the site.


If the queen survives and begins laying eggs, it is extremely difficult to track her down. Insects make nests in the most secluded corners, finding their home is much more difficult than, for example, a wasp nest. If you find a nest, under no circumstances approach it without a protective suit! This is extremely dangerous!

Hornet stings are very dangerous for people with allergic reactions. For allergy sufferers, even one bite can cause death. The wasp's sting does not remain in the victim's body (unlike bees), so the hornet is capable of stinging a person several times. The most dangerous bites are for children and the elderly.

The greatest danger is the close proximity to the nest, since several insects can attack a person at once. The pain from a hornet sting has been compared to a hammer blow. The pain is so strong that it stuns a person and sends even a healthy adult man to bed for several days.

Any plant that produces juice well can become food for wasps. Hornets gnaw the bark from young shoots of birch trees (pictured), feeding on their sap, eat up apples hanging on a tree, and can fly into the house in search of food.

Typically, flying insects large quantities discovered by the end of summer, when the hornet colony gains full strength. It is during this period that the fight against hornets is most labor-intensive. It is necessary to destroy as much as possible more insects to weaken the colony.

Even if it is not possible to find a nesting site for the hornets, the colony weakens, and the lack of food that they stop obtaining leads to the death of the colony. To destroy hornets, systemic insecticides are used, which are sprayed on plants favored by insects.

When spraying insecticides, you must not stand in the flight path of insects; you must use personal protection. The main difficulty in fighting hornets lies in the fact that it is necessary to choose the right insecticide.

If the drug is chosen incorrectly, it may lead to the opposite result. Such a struggle will only strengthen the colony, which next year may become immune to the entire range of insecticides in this group.

It is important to collect data on what pest control products have been used on the site previously (including garden insecticides, for example, to control aphids) and decide on the use of one or another product (or a mixture of them).

Injecting pesticides into the trunk of trees that hornets choose to feed on gives good results. IN deciduous trees the injection spreads throughout the tree quite quickly.

The great advantage of this technology is that substances hazardous to humans do not enter the environment. Of course, if injections against hornets are made into the trunk of apple trees, then it will be impossible to eat apples from them this season.


Wasps and hornets: why are they dangerous and how to fight them in your garden?

Preventive measures against wasps and hornets should be carried out in the spring.

It is difficult to find a person who has never in his life seen a gray “bubble” attached to any surface in the area, with wasps or hornets flying around it.

And often this happens due to elementary negligence. Therefore, prevention should be taken up in May, so that in July or August you don’t get an unexpected surprise in the form of a nest with insects.

Wasps and hornets do not build nests overnight, but over several months. For their future home, they choose dark, cool, secluded places. In private homes and outbuildings, these are attics, basements, and nooks and crannies that are not looked after by not very diligent owners.

By using polyurethane foam or building mixtures, it is necessary to eliminate not only all the cracks through which uninvited guests can climb into the building, but also to block the path to hidden cavities that may form under the floor or lining.

In multi-storey buildings, dangerous insects like to build nests between the joints of concrete slabs.

How to eliminate a nest?

On personal plot Residents of Dobrush are infested with hornets. Gradually they built a large nest. The owner wanted to shoot him down himself. He started knocking on the nest - and immediately a swarm of hundreds of insects rushed to attack. The man ran away, but two hornets caught up with him and bit him in the back and head.

The man only had time to tell his wife what had happened when he immediately began to choke - he instantly developed anaphylactic shock. The ambulance only had to confirm the death of the victim. The nest was eventually removed by Emergency Situations Ministry employees...

The fatal mistake of the deceased was that he began to knock on the nest. The Hornets perceived him as a threat who wanted to destroy their home, and went on the offensive...

In fact, getting rid of a hornet or wasp nest is not that difficult. Firstly, all work must be carried out late in the evening or at night, since after sunset the activity of insects sharply decreases. Up to 700 hornets can live in one cocoon!

Secondly, you need to protect yourself as much as possible in advance. There shouldn't be any left open area body, and clothing should be tightly tucked in. One or two thick bags are put on the nest, and a sharp knife or spatula is used to quickly separate it from the object to which it is attached.

A bag with a deadly dangerous cargo must be disposed of immediately - drowned or burned, while observing fire safety rules. But when using insecticides like the well-known dichlorvos indoors, you need to be very careful because they are harmful to humans.

Therefore, before spraying a pesticide, carefully read the instructions. And again, after eliminating the nest, the above-mentioned preventive actions no one canceled. Who can guarantee that another swarm of stinging insects will not like this place?

However, you need to remember the danger of anaphylactic shock, especially for people with allergies. Many people are also afraid of such insects. Therefore, it is best to entrust the elimination of a dangerous nest to specialists. They will do it safely, quickly, professionally and reliably. By the way, the method of work of rescuers is not significantly different.

Stay alive

But danger can lurk not only in tree branches or in the nooks and crannies of buildings. Hornets, among other things, can nest in the ground. They can be disturbed very simply by accidentally stepping on the nest. In addition, their bite is much more painful than a wasp or bee sting.

In addition, the hornet can sting a person several times. Last year, these insects went on a rampage in the Chinese province of Shanxi, where dozens of people died from their bites... The winged aggressors are also collecting victims in Belarus.


The summer of 2008 turned out to be especially terrible in the Mogilev region. A Muscovite came to visit his relatives. Together they went mushroom hunting and came across a nest of hornets. The man was not saved... In Bykhov, the hornets then took the life of a 40-year-old local PMK driver, who, while relaxing on the river bank, climbed a tree for brushwood.

The most important safety rule is to stay away from nests, rescuers advise. - Usually wasps and hornets are not the first to attack unless provoked - do not touch the “house”, do not wave your arms trying to drive away the insect.

Keep in mind that you won't be able to escape from them. They fly much faster than you can run. In addition, the object of attack for them is a moving target.

Therefore, if you unexpectedly stumble upon a nest, slowly move away, do not rush to your heels. In addition, bees and wasps are excited by the smell of cologne. And be sure to explain the danger to children. For children, the results of stinging insect bites can be even worse than for adults.

If the attack could not be avoided, you need to remove the sting from the skin as quickly as possible. This can be done with any available item - tweezers, a fingernail, the blunt side of a knife blade, or even a plastic bank card.

A cold object must be applied to the bite site. If the person is conscious, then give him an antiallergenic drug - suprastin, cetirizine, ketotifen, loratadine. They should also be used in case of anaphylactic shock, which poses the greatest danger to humans.

The victim's blood pressure drops sharply, the skin changes color, he breaks into a cold sweat, convulsions begin and finally the person loses consciousness. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If a pulse is felt on the carotid artery, then the bitten person must be turned on his side. And if there is no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed immediately. You need to monitor the health of the stung person before the medical team arrives...

Price issue

This situation is not considered an emergency, so you will most likely have to pay for rescuers to remove the nest. It should be noted that each case is considered individually.

If wasps, hornets or bees have built a nest on the territory of a social facility - a school, kindergarten, hospitals - travel to destroy it is free. Otherwise, the fee would depend on whether the angry insects posed a direct danger to people. As a rule, it is from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.

The final cost is based on the number of trips on a given day. These services can also be provided by other specialized organizations. But they work in major cities. In small regional centers, the entire burden, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees.


How to fight a hornet

Hornets are the largest wasps that live in families. The common hornet (Vespa crabro) is common in the European part of Russia.

The common hornet is 26-30 mm long, the head and the front half of the chest are colored yellow. The first two rings are dark brown and have yellow stripes, while the rest are yellow with brown spots.

Hornets live in families that form overwintered fetal queens. Each queen creates a nest in the spring in tree hollows, in fences, under the roofs of buildings, in the ground, etc. From the first spring generations, working hornets appear, and by the fall, males and females

Hornets make honeycombs in several tiers, horizontal, one-sided, similar to chocolate bars, with the cells facing down. Construction material For the honeycombs and the walls of the nest, they use paper made from chewed wood with saliva.

Carnivorous larvae emerge from the eggs laid by the queen after 5 days. They are fed a chewed mass of captured bees, bumblebees, flies and other insects.

The development of the larvae lasts 9 days, after which they themselves spin a cocoon, which serves as a lid in the pupal stage. The pupal stage lasts 14 days. The greatest number of hornets is observed in August and September.

The hornet catches bees at the entrance using different techniques. The first technique is a rapid attack of a hornet from the air into a mass of bees flying near the entrance or drinking bowls, and the capture of one of them with further continuation of the flight. In such cases, the abduction of a bee occurs unnoticed by other bees.

The second is an attack on bees with a wait, when the hornet, sitting on the entrance or the front wall of the hive, waits for one of the guard bees to approach it, grabs it and quickly flies away. In such cases, sometimes other bees catch up and fight with him, sometimes killing him.

The third is an attack on bees from around the corner, when the hornet lands on the side wall of the hive, carefully creeps up to the hole of the entrance and grabs the bee.

The fourth is waiting for the bee “from ambush” under the hive, where he grabs the bee when it flies there.

Hornets usually use the first technique. If it does not give results, then the second and then subsequent techniques.

Hornet stings are much more sensitive and dangerous than bees. They are treated by lubricating them with honey, potassium permanganate, ammonia, and applying onions and garlic to the sting site. After several stings, immunity is developed.

Measures to combat hornets. The fight against hornets consists of destroying them in the spring, when single females fly to the apiary.

A good way to combat hornets is to set traps - light, wide-necked bottles with water sweetened with honey.


Very effective method The fight against hornets is to search for their nests and smoke sulfur in the evening, when all the hornets have gathered in the nest. You can destroy hornets by blowing hexachlorane dust into their nests, but buying it is now problematic.

But you can buy karbofos or dichlorvos in aerosol packaging, which is much more convenient.

Adult hornets in apiaries are destroyed by laying out poisoned baits. Baits are prepared from raw or boiled finely chopped minced meat.

The minced meat is placed in cans, plates and placed in the apiary in closed boxes with holes into which hornets can penetrate, or in empty hives with open entrances in such a way that chickens, dogs, and cats do not eat this bait.

After two or three days, when a massive flight of hornets for minced meat is established, sodium arsenic acid and Parisian greens are mixed into it, which will cause mass poisoning of the hornets. For 1 kg of minced meat it is enough to put 1 gram. Parisian greenery.

Paris greens are highly poisonous and therefore require particularly strict precautions when handling them. Empty hives and dishes in which the bait was placed must be thoroughly washed after use. hot water with lye.


Fighting wasps and hornets in the country and in a private house

Wasps that have settled in a country house or in a private country house spoil fruits and berries, scare adults and children, and can attack a person who happens to be near a wasp nest.

Wasp nests are located in the attics of houses, sheds, bathhouses, garages, less often under awnings and in gazebos. They cannot be confused with other objects - they look like paper bags with holes around the perimeter.

Wasps protect their nests, so they bite people and animals that come close. Wasps, unlike bees, do not break their stings when they bite and are capable of stinging many times, causing significant damage to human health.

The harm from wasps is not limited to stings - wasps equally love garbage dumps and sweet berries and fruits, which means they transfer intestinal infections from latrines to the harvest of fruits and berries. Wasps also love to drink, specifically drink, alcoholic beverages: beer, wine, mash, etc. It is the love of drinking that allows them to be caught (details below).

Of course, wasps bring some benefit by exterminating harmful insects (caterpillars, beetles, moths, moths, etc.), bringing them as food to pupae growing in nests. But the harm from the abundance of wasps outweighs the benefits from them. For example, a grape harvest can be completely destroyed by wasps.

Hornets and wasps attack bunches of grapes, destroying the harvest.
I note that it is possible and necessary to fight wasps and hornets, especially if you have to deal not with visiting insects, but with invaders of your territory. In the fight against wasps, all means are good, especially since they will not stand on ceremony with you, if something happens.

In addition, wasps and hornets reproduce quickly, with favorable conditions the number of insects increases several times from spring to autumn.

Therefore, the fight against wasps must begin in the spring, when the overwintered females fly out in search of nesting sites.

Some hornets are so impudent that they build nests right under the windows of the house. Nests of wasps and hornets are located in the attics of a house, barn, or garage; on the veranda; under awnings; under slate; in the cracks of window blocks wooden houses and other secluded places.

I believe that we need to work together to fight wasps and hornets. folk remedies And chemicals, spending complex events for exterminating insects.

Removing old and new nests

In the spring, you need to take time to examine the favorite nesting places of wasps and hornets: attics, sheds, roofs of barns and verandas. You can find nests by watching flying insects - they are not shy in choosing a place.

Wasps “remember” last year’s nesting sites, so if you find an old nest, a new one will most likely be nearby. All wasp nests, including the smallest ones, are removed and burned. And the area around the places where the nests are attached is treated with kerosene or special insecticides.

It is advisable to remove nests at night, when the wasps are sleeping and disoriented. Removed nests burn well, so they are burned in a previously prepared fire. The fire must be hot so that the flying insects burn instantly, otherwise you will not be happy.

Setting up traps

Traps placed everywhere significantly reduce the number of insects. One alcohol trap made from old one and a half liter beer bottles helps catch up to 30 wasps a day. Alcohol traps for wasps and hornets are very effective.

Why is the trap alcoholic, because mash, beer, fermented wine and other alcohol-smelling liquids are used as bait for wasps and hornets. You can pour sweet bait into the trap, but then bees will be caught along with the wasps.

It’s easy to make a wasp trap with your own hands - you need to cut a plastic bottle near the neck, at a distance of 6-10 cm from the end of the neck, and stick the neck upside down into the bottom of the bottle.

Holes are made in the upper part of the structure into which wire or rope is inserted to hang the trap in places where insects accumulate. The result is a cheap, reliable, convenient and durable trap for wasps and hornets.

When a couple of dozen traps have been made, mash, beer or fermented wine is poured into them, directly through the resulting funnel. 100 ml of bait per trap is enough.

Beer traps for wasps work especially well when the sun hits them - the bait heats up and begins to “smell”, attracting dozens of insects. Hornets and wasps crawl into the hole in the bottleneck, drink the liquid and never fly back out.


Traps must be regularly cleaned of insect corpses and the bait must be renewed.

Deception nests. The Waspinator decoy nest for repelling wasps and hornets can be purchased at the store.

Wasps jealously guard their territory from strangers, so they do not settle in places where there are already nests. Insects do not understand the authenticity of nests, so you can safely hang up something that looks like real nests.

Killing wasps with insecticides

Chemical methods should complement folk remedies. In hardware stores you can find many insecticide preparations for wasps and hornets (for example, Otos), but you can also use universal preparations: Moskitol, Dichlorvos, etc.

Having chosen one or more drugs against wasps, at night, treat wasp nests, sparing no effort. Most wasps will die, some will leave their nests in search of a new place to live.

When you get ready for treatment, take measures to protect yourself from insect bites - dress like a beekeeper. Be sure to cover your face with a wide-brimmed, mesh hat.

Modern preparations based on chlorperifos destroy wasps and hornets within a few days. When the legs and bodies of insects come into contact with the treated surface, microcapsules with poison stick to them, which are safely delivered directly to the nests, where the entire colony of wasps dies.

Modern drugs are safe for people, easy to use in practice, and do not need to be deactivated.