How to clean kitchen towels: effective ways to remove any kind of dirt. How to clean very dirty kitchen towels

In the kitchen, it is impossible to do without towels for drying dishes. Of all home textiles, they are the most prone to stubborn stains. To make the kitchen shine with cleanliness, each housewife is looking for ways to wash kitchen towels... Contamination comes from grease, wine, tea, coffee and other foods. Washed towels spoil the look of the kitchen and the reputation of the hostess.

How to use towels correctly

Stains on the fabric do not just appear. For a good, attentive housewife, a tea towel serves exclusively for wiping a well-washed kitchen utensils before being placed in the closet.

Do not allow family members to use towels for other purposes. Teach household members to use them in the kitchen only after washing the dishes. Many people manage to wipe their dirty hands with them, brush off the leftovers of food from the table, use them as an oven mitt for the greasy handle of a frying pan.

Kitchen textiles should be washed more often than regular bath towels. Bacteria that multiply in humid environment are very harmful to health. For this reason, you cannot use terry towels, they dry for a long time and serve as a favorable environment for microbes.

An ideal option is bactericidal bamboo textiles. It is light and thin for instant drying, and is excellent at absorbing moisture when wiping dishes. Their disadvantage is the high cost. It is advisable to hang 2 towels in the kitchen at once, so that each has time to dry.

Washing fabric with greasy stains

Washing kitchen towels by hand is very difficult. You better entrust this mission washing machine because the water in it heats up to high temperatures, and washing becomes similar to boiling.

To remove stains old fat, towels must be prepared in advance for washing. Dampen them with water and lather generously with laundry soap. Place soap towels in a bag and tie tightly. After a day, send the soaked items to the drum of the washing machine.

For white natural fabrics, the temperature is set to the maximum, for colored towels - no more than 60 degrees. This long-standing lathering method helps to get rid of even old stains.

The second way is to use dishwashing detergent. Its direct purpose is to eat away fat. Treat the most contaminated areas with detergent, and after a few hours send the towels to the washing machine. To stay soft, the towels can be rinsed in the softened water or the cap can be added to the machine before washing. This guarantees not only cleanliness, but also a fresh smell in the kitchen.

You can save colored towels from fat at home by soaking them in special solutions.

  1. In a 3-liter saucepan, mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of dish soap. After 2 hours of soaking, the products can be sent to the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Soak the towels in water with the addition of vinegar. After a couple of hours, the items are ready for regular washing.

Sunflower oil and bleach

Another way to deal with oily traces is to remove them sunflower oil and bleach. This is an old "grandmother's" method, which has long helped to save even very dirty kitchen towels. It is only suitable for white cotton fabric. You will need the following components:

Boil 7 liters of water in a large saucepan. Add two tablespoons of bleach to it and vegetable oil and 50 grams of washing powder (can be replaced with half a bar laundry soap grated). The towels are boiled for 5 minutes, then the gas is turned off and left to cool in the pan. Some housewives recommend using the non-boiling method: just dip the products in boiling water and wait until the water cools.

Removing stains of different nature

Not only greasy traces are considered intractable, but also the consequences of spilled drinks during tea drinking. Coffee or black tea stains will help remove table salt. A strong solution is being prepared: 5 tablespoons in a five-liter saucepan. Towels are soaked for two hours and then washed in warm water with powder. This method helps to wash away not only tea, but also wine traces.

The second option is soaking in a strong solution of ammonia and water (1: 1 ratio). An hour of soaking is enough that all contaminants can be easily washed off. washing machine... This method is not suitable for people who cannot tolerate a strong odor. ammonia... Ammonia can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide. A half-hour soaking in pure peroxide saves products from stains of various origins.

Fruit, tomato or beet juice can be removed with shampoo.

Soaking towels in the very simple means for washing hair for half an hour will help restore the whiteness of the product. If that doesn't work, use citric acid. No need to prepare a solution. Just wet a towel and sprinkle acid crystals on the dirtiest areas. After 5 minutes, send the towel to the wash.

Whitening kitchen towels

Colored terry towels do not need bleaching, but waffle towels, which not so long ago shone with whiteness, need to be saved from dullness. This can be done by boiling or soaking.

  • Boiling in a soda-soap solution. A bar of brown laundry soap is grated or cut into thin plastics. 50 g of baking soda and 150 g of soap dissolve in a bowl of water. The soaked textiles are boiled for 1.5 hours. This removes all dirt and whitens even old towels.
  • Whitening with mustard powder. The powder is mixed with water to form a thick mustard mass. It is applied in a thin layer to the product, and after 8 hours the towels are sent to the wash.
  • Whitening with potassium permanganate. Unlike the previous method, towels must be pre-washed. In a five-liter saucepan of boiling water, add a glass of powder and a few drops of potassium permanganate so that the water takes on a light pink hue. You need to soak the products until they are completely cooled.
  • Bleaching with boric acid. The method is suitable for thick fabrics (terry towels or waffle towels). Add 2 teaspoons of acid to a saucepan with boiling water and soak the products for two hours.

Kitchen textiles must be used strictly for their intended purpose. At correct application removing stubborn stains will not be a problem for you. Regular washing at high water temperatures will help keep garments whiter. Knowing folk recipes for getting rid of stains at home, you can easily cope with even the most serious stains.

How to clean kitchen towels, it is necessary to know every self-respecting housewife. It is a towel that is an essential element in your kitchen. After all, they can wipe up spilled liquid, take a hot pan, and in general, it is for a towel that you grab after each washed plate or chopped vegetables for salad.

It often happens that it is with towels that they wipe dirty kitchen table, greasy stains either gas stove so they get dirty very quickly. That's when we think about how to remove stains. Due to frequent washing, towels quickly lose their presentable appearance and quality. And then we run to the store for new ones. But, unfortunately, they will soon suffer the same fate ...

How do you extend the "lifespan" of your favorite towels? In order for them to serve you as long as possible, you need to know the basic rules for caring for them, and also do not forget about the effective and gentle methods of washing kitchen towels.

How to use and wash?

Any housewife knows how difficult it can be to wash your favorite towel. Therefore, so that you do not have to throw it away, there are some tricks, knowing which, you will extend the life of your kitchen towels.

And these tricks are simple and straightforward:

1. So that you wash kitchen towels as little as possible, use several sets at once. This way you will not "drag" just one towel to such an extent that after preparing various dishes for festive table it can be thrown away. Make it a rule not to dry tables with a towel, use only a rag or sponge for this.

A family of three to four people needs two kitchen towels for permanent use and about ten in reserve, so that a soiled towel can be replaced with a new one at any time.

2. Have you ever thought about the fact that by using a kitchen towel while preparing various dishes, we thereby create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms? Terry towel is especially "dangerous". In its long pile bacteria are perfectly "registered", plus everything is there for them the most favorable environment, since the terry dries for a very long time. Therefore, try not to use such a towel in your kitchen. Ideal option is waffle or paper: they dry quickly, perfectly absorb moisture and have no lint, therefore bacteria in such material will not "settle" for a long time.

3. Washing kitchen towels is much easier if you do it regularly. There is no need to wait until the end of the week in order to load all the towels at once, because there is a possibility that during this time the stain will penetrate so deeply into the fibers of the fabric that you simply cannot save it. Slightly soiled towels can be immersed in washing machine with the rest of the laundry, sorting them by color and type of fabric.

Do not wash kitchen towels with other things if the first ones have grease or evening dinner stains, as as a result, the towels will not be washed, and the things will become unusable.

4. Try to change your towel every few days. Even if it seems to you that it is clean, it should be washed. If you have dried your hands several times while cooking, it may no longer be clean and must go to the washing machine.

5. In order to effectively wash white kitchen towels, set the temperature from 90 to 100 degrees, for high-quality washing of colored towels, use the water temperature from 40 to 70 degrees.

6. Bleach can be used on white tea towels. It must be added while boiling. But wash them thoroughly before immersing dirty towels in boiling water: otherwise, you just "weld" all the stains that are present on them.

Towels bright colors cannot be boiled. They should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, otherwise they will simply fade and lose the brightness of their colors.

7. Kitchen towels on which stains of wine, juice, berries and fruits have managed to "settle" must be washed and boiled with the addition of chlorine bleach. It is necessary to boil the towels in an enamel bowl, be sure to check its integrity so that there are no damage and rusty spots on the surface of the container. Otherwise, the towels can be thrown away or used as a doormat.

8. In order to disinfect kitchen towels that cannot be boiled, you can use special antiseptic agents. They suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. But do not forget that you should not overuse such processing. Otherwise, you will ruin the quality of your favorite waffle towel, as it will become less and less durable.

9. Be sure to iron the tea towels after washing. Set the iron to the maximum temperature. This will keep them clean longer.

10. In order not to get your favorite towel dirty again, use disposable paper napkins in the kitchen. By knocking over tea or juice, you will not grab onto a freshly washed towel, but will blot the liquid with a napkin. Try to use a cotton towel exclusively for your hands, and trust that you won't be washing it anytime soon.

11. So that you do not have to wash the tea towel for half a day, do not wipe it kitchen stove and greasy pots. Use a special fiber cloth or dishwashing sponge for this.

12. Very dirty towels must first be soaked before washing them with powder and bleach.

Believe me, dear hostesses, that by adhering to these simple recommendations, you will wash kitchen towels much less often. And by purchasing disposable napkins and special fiber cloths, you will not reach for a waffle towel in order to wipe up the spilled soup. Save your favorite kitchen textiles.

How to wash at home?

Every day, more and more housewives are interested in how to wash kitchen towels at home, using available tools. V modern life we try to use different household chemicals and washing powders. And we are doing the right thing! You must try to preserve your health, because, in addition to aggressive chemistry, our body already gets a lot.

But our grandmothers and great-grandmothers coped well with all the problems. And they washed, and the dishes were washed exclusively with those available means that were in the house or garden. So, come on, and we will follow their example and figure out how you can wash kitchen towels at home.

Everything folk remedies, which we need for this, are in your home!

Handy tool

How to use it correctly?

Rock salt

Believe it or not, even the most stubborn and greasy stains can be removed with regular salt. Before starting washing, kitchen towels must be soaked in a solution prepared according to this recipe:

  • put five to six liters in the basin hot water;
  • add the same amount of tablespoons of table salt to it (observe the proportion: one tablespoon of salt per one liter of water);
  • dissolve the crystals well;
  • immerse dirty towels in saline solution and leave for several hours;
  • after two to three hours, you can take out the towels and wash in an automatic machine with the addition of any washing powder.

Rock salt is excellent at destroying greasy stains, as well as traces of ketchup and coffee.

Silicate glue

This product is great for cleaning white tea towels at home. Don't worry about not being able to wash the glue from the fibers of the towel afterwards. It is important to simply rinse them thoroughly immediately after washing.

You probably won't put your mind to it, how can you wash dirty towels with glue? I will now tell you this secret:

  • pour three liters of water into an enamel bucket or saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • add a tablespoon of silicate glue and washing powder;
  • thoroughly dissolve the glue so that it does not remain in the form of lumps on the towel;
  • submerge white towels;
  • boil for half an hour;
  • after the specified time, immediately remove the towels;
  • rinse them thoroughly with warm water.

I assure you, hostesses, that the end result will pleasantly surprise you! White kitchen towels after such washing will shine with pristine cleanliness and whiteness.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is a universal remedy in everyday life. And it came in handy for kitchen towels. I will say more: it is household or glue soap that perfectly removes tea towels from greasy stains at home.

There are several ways to wash towels with laundry soap.

Method one:

  • Soak tea towels liberally with warm water;
  • rub all greasy stains with soap;
  • put in plastic bag and tie tightly;
  • leave the towels in the bag overnight;
  • the next morning, it remains to wash the kitchen towels and rinse thoroughly.

This method is suitable for washing colored towels.

Method two (this method provides for boiling, therefore only suitable for white towels):

  • fill the enamel container halfway with water and bring to a boil;
  • grate a bar of 72% laundry soap on a fine grater;
  • throw grated soap and a few tablespoons of baking soda into boiling water;
  • mix thoroughly so that the soap is completely dissolved;
  • as a result, you get a cloudy thickish liquid;
  • Submerge dirty kitchen towels in a boiling solution and reduce heat;
  • boil for half an hour;
  • when finished, take out the towels and load into the washing machine;
  • Pour some bleach and washing powder into the powder container;
  • wash towels as usual (you can additionally set the boiling mode).

Once you take the towels out of the drum of the machine, you simply do not recognize them. Not a single greasy spot will remain on them.

Dishwashing liquid

This product not only removes grease on your dishes well, but also perfectly removes grease stains from kitchen towels.

It is not necessary to add such a product to the water, it is enough to apply dishwashing detergent on the greasy spots of dry towels and leave it overnight, and also better for a day... Before loading into the washing machine, be sure to rinse the towels As the detergent creates a lot of foam, add a little detergent and use your normal wash cycle.

If the stains have not disappeared after the first wash, this procedure can be repeated. Use only colorless products, as colors can stain the fibers of the fabric.

Baking soda

Baking soda washes even the dirtiest kitchen towels effectively and efficiently at home.

You can use soda for washing in two versions.

Option one(suitable for machine or hand wash):

  • If you decide to wash towels by hand, add baking soda to a bowl of water along with the powder;
  • if you chose a machine wash, pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drum of the washing machine;
  • wash towels as usual;
  • Finally, rinse them thoroughly and iron them out.

Option two(suitable for boiling white kitchen towels):

  • pour a few liters of water into an enamel bucket or saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • Pour a glass of baking soda into the water and stir well;
  • immerse towels in water and boil for an hour;
  • then the towels can be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

If you still have stains after boiling, don't worry. They will disappear immediately after washing.

Table vinegar

Plain vinegar can help remove stains and freshen up old towels.

It is enough to soak kitchen towels in warm water and add half a glass of acetic acid. After half an hour, they can be washed by hand or in a typewriter.

Vinegar is excellent at breaking down fat in tissue fibers.

Dry mustard

Many of you will probably remember how our grandmothers used exclusively dry mustard for washing and washing dishes.

Now I will tell you the secret of how you can wash and bleach kitchen towels with the help of mustard.

  • mix dry mustard and warm water until a thick gruel is formed;
  • apply the resulting mustard paste to the soiled areas of the towel;
  • leave for a few hours;
  • after that you can wash using any method convenient for you.

If you want to return the kitchen towels to their former whiteness, you need to do the following:

  • collect hot water in a basin;
  • dissolve a package of dry mustard in it;
  • mix well;
  • immerse white towels and leave overnight;
  • Wash them the next morning with the addition of detergent.

Dry mustard perfectly removes greasy stains from kitchen towels and gives them extraordinary whiteness. From time immemorial, this tool has been considered effective for cleaning any surfaces and things at home.

Sunflower oil

You will hardly believe, hostesses, but you can use vegetable oil to remove greasy stains from kitchen towels. Sounds funny, right? But it really is! The trick is that the oil is able to soften the fat in the fibers of the fabric when exposed to hot water.

The procedure for removing stains with vegetable oil:

  • pour five liters of water into an enamel bucket and bring to a boil;
  • dissolve in it a few tablespoons of bleach, washing powder (we don't need a lot of foam, so use an automatic washing powder) and vegetable oil;
  • immerse tea towels in the resulting solution and boil for an hour;
  • then turn off the gas and let the solution cool;
  • do not take out the towels;
  • since this mixture has not very pleasant aroma, while cooling down, take the bucket out onto the balcony or outside;
  • Once the water has cooled completely, wash the kitchen towels in the washing machine.

Rest assured, this method really works! Believe it or not, you can wash towels with vegetable oil just as effectively as with expensive laundry detergents.

Perhaps you cannot believe in the effectiveness of the available tools that are in your home. I will not persuade you, I will only say one thing: feel free to try any of the proposed options. You will see the result yourself.

How to get rid of stains?

Stains on kitchen towels appear at the speed of sound, but the finances for various stain removers are not always enough, so now I will tell you about an effective and economical detergent for washing towels.

Experienced housewives know how to wash various spots with kitchen towels. You should not be upset if you do not know about all the nuances, since only for you I have a few secrets.


Pollution type

How to prepare / use the product?


Fruit stains

Take your favorite hair shampoo and a dirty tea towel. Well, let's get started:

  • soak a towel in hot water for 10 minutes;
  • squeeze out excess moisture a little;
  • Apply a little shampoo to the fruit stain and lather well;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • at the end of the specified time, wash the kitchen towel by hand or in the washing machine.

There should be no trace of the stain. Well, if it was not possible to wash it off the first time, then the shampoo treatment can be repeated.


Coffee and black tea stains

Prepare ammonia, warm water, and laundry detergent. Everything is? Then let's go:

  • mix water and ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • pour the resulting solution onto a coffee or tea stain and leave for 30-45 minutes;
  • after that, soak a towel in hot water, after dissolving a handful of washing powder in it;
  • let the towel sit in soapy water for 15 minutes;
  • wash it in a way convenient for you.

Extra-class salt

Red wine stain

Take your time to submerge the towel in hot water. as the wine stain can change color, and then it will be much more difficult to remove it.

Before washing a kitchen towel, you must:

  • make a thick paste with fine salt and cold water;
  • apply the resulting paste to the wine stain and rub well;
  • leave for 30-45 minutes;
  • rub the contaminated area well;
  • you can now wash your kitchen towel in hot water.

If this remedy did not help the first time, repeat the procedure. But this time, leave the salt paste overnight.

Hydrogen peroxide or citric acid

Old stubborn stains

Take any of the suggested products that you have in your home. Found it? Then let's get started:

  • if you decide to use citric acid, dissolve one pack in a little warm water;
  • soak the old stain thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide or citric acid and leave for several hours;
  • dissolve a little washing powder in hot water and immerse a towel;
  • let it "lie down" for 30 minutes;
  • wash the stain well;
  • if the towel has not been washed, put it in the machine and set the standard wash cycle.


Mold stains

If you notice mildew spots on the towel, do the following:

  • mix water and vinegar in equal proportions;
  • immerse a towel in the resulting solution and leave for several hours;
  • at the end of the specified time, the kitchen towel can be washed.

If the stain has not completely disappeared after hand washing, wash the towel in the automatic machine. Pour some vinegar into the rinse aid compartment. And wash the towel and clean the washing machine from limescale.

Potassium permanganate and laundry soap

Bad smell

Any unpleasant odor can be removed with laundry soap and a weak solution of potassium permanganate:

  • prepare a solution in advance by dissolving several crystals of potassium permanganate in water, so that the water is slightly pink;
  • wash the towel with laundry soap and immerse it in the solution;
  • leave overnight;
  • Rinse the towel well in the morning.

Believe me, it is completely removed even from the smell of fish, and gray bloom disappear without a trace.

Well, have you made sure that there is nothing difficult in removing stains from a kitchen towel? For this, we continue to use those available tools that are available in every home. Now, dear ladies, do not even doubt that you are experienced hostesses.

Basically, to wash kitchen towels, just throw them in the washing machine:

  • White towels are washed at the maximum time and temperature settings (90-100 degrees). If the towels are not too dirty, then the optimal temperature is 40-60 degrees.
  • Colored towels it is better to wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

However, removing stubborn stains from, say, grease, coffee, or beets requires more serious measures and clever tricks: boiling, soaking, bleach and stain remover, baking soda, vinegar, and other home remedies. It is about them that we will talk about in this article.

  • The main thing is not to use radical methods more than once a month, so as not to wear out the fabric ahead of time. If properly cared for, your kitchen towels will last for several years.

Another important note: only white and light waffle towels can be boiled and bleached with chlorine bleach. Colored and terry cloths can be hand washed / machine washed with oxygen bleach only and not too long.

Method 1. How to bleach kitchen towels without boiling with vegetable oil - super easy way

Bleaching with vegetable oil will help to wash kitchen towels from greasy and any other stains, to get rid of yellowness or grayness. This method is as simple as possible, but it works 100%. In addition, it is quite versatile - suitable for washing terry and waffle towels, colored and light.


  1. Boil 5 liters of water in a saucepan (this will bleach about 8 kitchen towels).
  2. Pour boiling water into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry bleach, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of detergent and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and stir.
  3. Wet dirty towels cold water, then put them in a basin and leave to soak for 8-12 hours (for example, from evening to morning).

  1. Rinse the towels in clean water and hang it up. If desired, the bleached towels can be machine washed to remove any debris.

Method 2. How to wash kitchen towels in a washing machine with bleach

This method is the first aid for dirty towels. Bleaches are good at removing greasy and plant stains, disinfect and eliminate unpleasant odors, and bleach yellowed or gray towels.

Important! Only oxygenated bleach is suitable for washing in a washing machine. Moreover, it is suitable for both white and colored linen. Even if your machine allows the use of bleach, you should not abuse its use, as it is harmful to both fabrics and the machine itself.


  1. Dampen towels with cold water and load them into the machine.
  2. Pour the required dose of bleach (most often 175 ml, that is ¾ glass) into the compartment of the powder receptacle with the || icon, if desired, add washing powder. It is better to do this: first pour in the powder, let the machine pick it up, and then pour in / out the bleach.

  1. Select the desired temperature and wash time settings and start the machine. Wash light towels as long as possible at 90-100 degrees, and colored towels at 40-60 degrees.
  • Before pouring the bleach into the cuvette, insert a special dispenser for liquid detergents (if available in your model of washing machine).
  • Do not use fabric softener as it is only good for clothes and bath towels. For kitchen textiles, air conditioning is meaningless - it does not eliminate, but only masks the unpleasant odor and, moreover, covers the material protective film which reduces the washing efficiency.

Method 3. How to boil tea towels - basic instructions

Boiling will help out if the house doesn't have a washing machine, or if the towels seem so dirty that they're easier to throw away than trying to wash them.

Important! Do not boil colored tea towels.

  1. Fill a large saucepan / bowl / metal bucket about 2/3 full with water. Add detergent / bleach / stain remover / other detergent to it at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the product in 1 liter of water (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for the product).
  2. Place a basin over medium heat, load towels into it and bring the solution to a boil. Try to stir the contents of the basin as often as possible.

  1. When the solution boils, reduce heat to low and continue to simmer kitchen towels for 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how dirty and color the fabric is. It is better to cook colored towels for no more than 15-20 minutes, light ones should be kept longer. Remember to stir the contents of the bowl constantly.
  2. Now that the towels are boiled, transfer them to an empty bowl with tongs and leave to cool.
  3. Squeeze cold items well and rinse as usual.
  • Before boiling with bleach, it is advisable to first wash the towels by hand or in the washing machine.

Washing powder can be replaced with a mixture of laundry soap (72%) and soda. Rub the soap on a medium grater at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water, pour the shavings into the water, then add soda at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water. Next, boil kitchen towels in this solution, following basic instruction above. Also, baking soda and soap can be used separately.

Method 4. First aid against unpleasant odor - washing with vinegar

The simplest and effective remedy against the stench of moldy towels - this is vinegar.

In the washing machine:

  1. Load dirty towels into the washing machine, add detergent, select the maximum temperature and wash time settings.
  2. Pour 1 / 2-1 cup of 9% vinegar into the softener drawer before or during washing. During the rinse phase, the vinegar will enter the drum and remove odors.
  3. Remove and hang the washed towels immediately after washing.
  1. For 5-10 minutes, soak the product in a 5-9% vinegar solution (can be mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio).
  2. Rinse the towels thoroughly and hang up immediately.

Method 5: How to bleach kitchen towels without bleach (3 home remedies)

  1. With mustard powder. This method can both disinfect and bleach kitchen towels. For this dry mustard powder it is diluted in hot water to a thick slurry, after which the mixture is applied to wet towels, kept for 6-8 hours and finally washed.

  1. With the help of potassium permanganate. This is very effective method, which is almost always valid. For a bowl of boiling water, you need about 200 g of washing powder and a little potassium permanganate (the water should be only slightly pink). Put the previously washed items in the solution, cover the basin with plastic wrap and wait until the water has completely cooled down. Finally, rinse the towels well.
  2. By using boric acid. This method is suitable for heavy, waffle or terry towels. Into a bowl with hot water add 2 tablespoons of boric acid, then soak dirty towels in the resulting solution for 2 hours. Finally, wash them as usual and rinse them out.

Method 6. How to remove stains with citric acid

Citric acid can remove stains of various origins, but it is especially good at removing stains from beets and tomatoes.


  1. First, under running hot water, wash the towel with laundry soap, squeeze it out a little.
  2. Pour citric acid on the stains and leave for 5 minutes. If the stains are old, leave the towel on for an hour.
  3. We rinse as usual.

Method 7. How to remove stains with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for removing stubborn stains of various origins.


  1. We soak the dirty places in the solution, leave for 30 minutes.
  2. We wash and rinse in the usual way.

  • How to wash kitchen towels in the washing machine correctly? First, temperature is important. As we have already noted, a temperature of 90-100 degrees is suitable for white products, 40-60 degrees for colored ones. Secondly, it is best to wash kitchen towels separately from clothes, linen, etc. The third tip: if necessary, it is better to pre-soak very dirty towels.
  • How to achieve best results whitening? First, the laundry needs to be washed or soaked with powder, and only then you can start bleaching.
  • What's the best way to store dirty kitchen towels at home? This method is perhaps the most convenient: somewhere in the kitchen, hang a basket or a small bag (preferably mesh) on a hook. The towels will dry and be stored there until the day of washing. And if you allocate a place for storing clean towels nearby, then changing kitchen textiles will become even more convenient.
  • How often to wash and change towels? Ideally, once a day, especially if you are an active cook, you have a large family and cook several times every day. Another tip: try to wash and change towels after wiping your hands / cutting board / utensils with them while cooking raw meat, fish or eggs.
  • Which towels are more practical? For wiping dishes, surfaces, vegetables and fruits, it is better to have waffle towels or smooth kitchen towels.

  • But terry towels are appropriate in the kitchen only for wiping your hands. as dirt accumulates faster in them. To help the kitchen towels get less dirty at first, try ironing them with an iron after washing.
  • How many towels should be in the kitchen? Usually, the duty set includes: a hand towel, a towel for wiping dishes and vegetables, optionally - a towel for wiping work surfaces, washing, cutting board(besides the rag). In any case, there are not many towels in the kitchen, because the more often we change them, the less we get them dirty and wear out with aggressive washing.
  • How to prevent odors? Air dry the dishcloths before placing them in the laundry basket. After washing, try to hang the items immediately, ideally dry them in the sun or hot battery... For textiles to smell pleasantly, add a mixture of baking soda and your loved one to the water when rinsing tea towels. essential oil.
When ugly stains appear on kitchen textiles, it becomes greasy to the touch or begins to exude an unpleasant odor, it's time to decide how to wash kitchen towels at home, returning them an attractive look. What methods will help?

Special remedies for ugly stains and grease

So that you do not have to deal with the question of how to wash kitchen towels from grease or old and difficult stains in a panic, you need to make it a habit to change such textiles as often as possible, without delaying washing for several days. And also use special napkins or disposable rags that are not afraid of the influence of fat. But if the problem with dirty kitchen towels is still very acute, you can contact different methods putting them in order.

On the territory of the kitchen, it is better to have towels made of cotton fabrics, which are easier to wash. And it is worth giving up terry towels, which strongly absorb various odors. It is problematic to remove any kind of pollution from their surface, and if used improperly, fungi, bacteria, mold can quickly multiply in terry fibers.

The simplest and often the most effective option of how to wash kitchen towels at home, there is a method of machine washing using specially designed products.

What to use to tidy up very dirty towels?

  1. Active washing powder for automatic machines. For complex dirt, the amount of agent added to the device should be increased.
  2. Using a commercially available fabric softener can help remove odor trapped in the fibers by freshening up the towels.
  3. Various kinds of bleaches, including cheap counterparts, such as "Boss" or "Swan". Suitable for natural and undyed fabrics.
  4. There are two types of stain removers: for white materials and for dyed fabrics with a pattern. For example, Vanish is capable of removing all kinds of stains on kitchen towels.
  5. Dishwashing powders or gels. They can also be added to the machine when washing, but in a minimal amount so that there is no thick foam and the device does not fail. Such washing is especially helpful in a situation when ugly greasy stains and stains are visible on the towels.
In some cases, before performing a machine-type washing of towels, it may be necessary to soak the textiles for a short time in solutions of stain solvents or using folk remedies.

Using a strong solvent, it is necessary to apply the product exclusively to stains located on the fabric, avoiding contact with the substance on clean areas of the material.

Preferring hand washing, the question of how to wash dirty kitchen towels is solved using plain or bleaching laundry soap (at least 72%). It effectively removes many impurities and is able to remove fat from the fabric.

How to wash kitchen towels: options for using laundry soap for hand washing textiles:

  • cut the soap on a medium-sized grater, add to warm water, dissolve, forming a foam; wash towels without soaking in the solution;
  • rub dry textiles with soap in places where dirt is noticeable; after washing using detergent or powder for hand washing;
  • avoiding soaking the linen, slightly moisten the towels, rub with soap, and pack in plastic bag, tie tight; leave for 10-15 hours, then wash in a convenient way.
Laundry soap is suitable for washing both white and colored towels, does not harm the fibers of the material. In its solution, you can also soak products for 2-3 hours. A solution of "Whiteness" may be suitable exclusively for white fabrics, in which kitchen textiles should be left for 20-30 minutes, then washed and rinsed well.

In order to do without boiling towels, it is important to take into account the degree of heating of the water during washing. In cool water, no stains will go away. Therefore, for white natural fabrics, the temperature should be at least 90 degrees, for colored fabrics, not exceed the threshold of 60 degrees.

Boiling in the fight against tough and long-standing impurities

How to clean kitchen towels at home if powder, soap, and stain removers don't work? In this case the best option can become the process of digestion of kitchen textiles (i.e.). In this case, boiling can occur with the addition of various active substances, which wash away the dirt that has eaten into the material.

Before the process of digestion of the material, it is necessary to wash off particularly noticeable or old stains. This is required so that the dirt is not absorbed into the fibers of the fabric during the boiling process, and is not "brewed" inside the towels.

How to wash kitchen towels: how to boil textiles
  1. The most simple option digestion in ordinary soapy water acts. For this, dirty towels are placed in a large container (metal or enameled), water is poured. After that, add either a glass of powder with a stain remover, or a few tablespoons of washable detergent, soap shavings. Put on the stove and boil for 3-4 hours, stirring the towels.
  2. You can wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil and boiling water. To do this, add a glass of any abrasive powder, a couple of large tablespoons of oil, two teaspoons of baking soda or soda ash and half a glass of the chosen stain remover to a basin or pan to water and textiles. Boil over high heat for 1-2 hours, then boil for another hour and wash in the usual way.
  3. Effectively acts ammonia solution added to soapy water for boiling. 5 liters of liquid will require 10-15 drops of ammonia. It should be boiled for 2-3 hours.
  4. You can replace ammonia with two or three tablets of hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Soda can quickly remove any kind of stains on kitchen textiles, so it should be added to the water prepared for boiling the towels. For 5 liters of soapy liquid, 2-3 small tablespoons of soda powder are enough. You need to boil for at least 2 hours.
In addition to the options described above for saving kitchen textiles from serious pollution, you can also turn to folk methods with which it will be easy to remove even very complex stains.

Folk washing methods

In the past when it didn't exist chemicals that aggressively affect stains, grease, and the fibers of fabrics themselves, the question of how to wash kitchen towels was solved with the use of various improvised means. Therefore, in the arsenal of folk methods there are enough tips for solving everyday problems.

How to wash kitchen towels: how to get rid of dirt and grease stains
  • citric acid or citrus juice;
  • soda and salt;
  • mustard or powder from it;
  • sunflower (vegetable) oil;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • ammonia (ammonia) and hydrogen peroxide;
  • table vinegar and white or ready-made vinegar solution.

Using folk methods for washing, most often you will need to spend large quantity time, rather than using modern detergents. This is due to the fact that most of the tissue cleaning process occurs during the period of soaking the towels. This must be taken into account when planning a large-scale washing of kitchen textiles.

How to wash kitchen towels: folk recipes
  1. Fighting stubborn stains, you can make gruel from mustard or mustard powder. This will require 2-3 tablespoons of the main substance and a little warm water. The gruel is applied to the contaminated areas from the inside out, left to act for 2-3 hours. Then the towels should be washed and rinsed.
  2. Soaking for 10-15 hours in a cold solution of salt will help remove many contaminants. For 5 liters of water, you need to take 2-3 small tablespoons of salt, then put towels inside the container, cover with a lid and leave in this state. Then rinse, wash if necessary.
  3. Apply lemon juice or diluted citric acid to soiled areas of towels. Leave for a couple of hours. Then wash the textiles.
  4. Another mustard method: pour a few tablespoons of the powder with boiling water, leave for 30-50 minutes. Then strain and soak dirty kitchen textiles in the existing solution for 8 hours. After washing. Suitable for lightening fabrics that have yellowed over time.
  5. Vinegar helps fight stubborn stains on white towels. It is necessary to dilute 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar in a couple of liters of water. Soak towels in the mixture, wait up to 5 hours, wash.
  6. Soaking in potassium permanganate is capable of bleaching the material. Places of dirt on the fabric should be rubbed with laundry soap. Dissolve 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water and soak overnight in a towel solution. Rinse in the morning.
  7. Add up to 10 drops of ammonia to the prepared soapy water (use either laundry soap or dish gel). Soak towels in the mixture, leave for 6-8 hours and wash.
  8. Add 2 teaspoons of ammonia, 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide, a little soap to warm water. Load towels into the container, leave to infuse for several hours. Then wash and rinse well. You can replace the peroxide with two tablespoons of boric acid.
  9. You can easily wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil without using the boiling technique. Two ways:
    • add to a metal container: half a glass of any powder, a little of the selected stain remover (by eye), 3 tablespoons of soda; mix the ingredients with sunflower oil (2 large spoons) and boiling water; soak kitchen textiles in the mixture, leaving them covered overnight; squeeze out, rinse and wash again in the machine or by hand in the morning;
    • kitchen towels with vegetable oil are also washed in the following way: mix 1: 1 powder (detergent) and oil in a container, dilute with hot water; soak the towels, pressing them down with some weight on top, leave for 8-10 hours; then wash and rinse.

It is not necessary to use a special conditioner to get rid of the ammonia smell. After washing, you can soak the textiles in a mixture of baking soda, any essential oil to taste, and water. Hold in the solution for about half an hour, rinse and hang in the air to dry.

Three unusual folk way To eliminate even the most difficult stains on the surface of towels, see the video below:

You can get rid of tea towel stains by choosing one or more effective methods. And so that after washing they get less dirty, the textiles should be dried. naturally, and then be sure to iron with a hot iron without steam. And then the towels will delight for a long time with an attractive look and pleasant smell.

How to clean kitchen towels at home without wasting family budget to buy powders? For this there are many folk recipes that will solve the problem no worse store funds.

Washing kitchen towels won't be very difficult if you remember a few important tips well:

  • Don't wait until the end of the week - change your kitchen textiles every 2-3 days. The longer your towel is dirty in the basket, the deeper the stain will sink in;
  • For effective washing of light towels, set the highest temperature (90-100 degrees), for colored items 40-70 is enough;
  • Kitchen towels should not be washed together with items that have grease stains;
  • Bleaching towels is easy - first you need to wash them well, and then boil them with whiteness or bleach. If you throw towels straight into a bowl of boiling water, the stains will only harden;
  • Use an antiseptic to kill microorganisms and disinfect tissue. But do not overdo it, otherwise your towel will become thin and not very strong;
  • After washing it must be ironed by setting the maximum mode on the iron. This will save fresh look and cleanliness;
  • Do not use a towel to dry the stove, pots, or table. A special napkin or kitchen sponge is more suitable for this;
  • Very dirty towels must first be soaked for a couple of hours, and then washed with powder.

Home remedies for laundry

To make all your towels shine and smell fresh and clean, choose any of these products as soon as possible.

Dry mustard

Thanks to the dry mustard, which was also used by our grandmothers, you can put very dirty towels in order.

  1. Pour warm water over the mustard to make a gruel.
  2. Apply this mustard mixture to all stains.
  3. Leave it on for 2 hours.
  4. Hand wash the product or send it to the machine.

Using this recipe, you can also bleach gray towels:

  1. Fill a bowl with hot water.
  2. Pour 1 pack of mustard into it.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Soak towels overnight.
  5. In the morning they need to be washed with powder.

Vegetable oil

Yes, yes, don't be surprised! Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is very easy and simple:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into a basin.
  2. Let it boil.
  3. Add 3 tbsp each. l. bleach, machine powder and vegetable oil.
  4. Throw in towels and simmer for about 1 hour.
  5. After 60 minutes, turn off the stove and let the solution cool. Be aware that the mixture with sunflower oil does not smell very pleasant, so the basin with the solution must be taken out to the balcony.
  6. When the water turns cold, wash the towels.


Plain table vinegar is a great helper for every good housewife, because it breaks down fat. Soak the towels in warm vinegar water (0.5 cups is enough) for about half an hour and machine wash.

Baking soda

Soda is capable of efficiently washing even very dirty textiles. For washing, it is available in two versions at once.

Option 1 - for machine and hand wash

  1. Add baking soda to the washer drum or to a bowl of water.
  2. Wash towels, rinse and iron.

Option 2 - for boiling white towels

  1. Boil a few liters of water in an enamel bucket.
  2. Add baking soda (1 glass) and stir.
  3. Submerge the towels and simmer for 1 hour.
  4. Wash them by hand or in the washing machine.

Dishwashing liquid

She will not only wash the dishes, but also quickly wash the kitchen towels. You just need to apply a little detergent to the stains of dry textiles and leave it overnight. Dishwashing detergent produces a lot of foam, so rinse the towel well before sending it to the machine. If the stains persist, try again.

Laundry soap

A versatile product that will not be superfluous for kitchen towels. it perfect choice for old greasy stains. Craftsmen know several methods of washing textiles with laundry soap.

Method 1 - for colored textiles:

  1. Lather the stains with soap.
  2. Place the towels in a plastic bag and tie it tightly.
  3. Leave the textiles overnight.
  4. They need to be washed in the morning.

Method 2 - using boiling:

  1. Fill the enamel container about halfway with water and let it boil.
  2. On a fine grater, grate a bar of laundry soap (72%) and add 3 tbsp. l. soda.
  3. Stir this mixture to dissolve the soap.
  4. Dip tea towels in the solution and simmer for half an hour over very low heat.
  5. Then they need to be washed in an automatic machine using powder and bleach.

Silicate glue

Another great detergent for washing dirty towels. The main thing is to rinse them immediately, otherwise the glue may remain in the fibers of the textile.

  1. Fill enamel pot water (3 L) and bring to a boil.
  2. Add silicate glue (1 tablespoon) and detergent powder (1 tablespoon).
  3. Stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  4. Submerge the towels and simmer for half an hour.
  5. At the end of the period, wash them in the machine and rinse thoroughly.

How to get different stains off a kitchen towel?

How many times have we spilled red wine and coffee, black tea and fresh juices? How many times have these puddles been wiped off with a towel? That's just it! It has probably already covered a dozen spots. It's time to get rid of them!

Citric acid and hydrogen peroxide for stubborn stains

  • Dampen the stain with peroxide or citric acid dissolved in 100 grams of warm water;
  • Leave on for 3 hours;
  • Soak a towel in warm water with powder for about half an hour;
  • Wash well.

Remove fruit stains with hair shampoo

  • Throw a towel in hot water;
  • After 10 minutes, wring it out slightly;
  • Lather shampoo on fruit stains;
  • Leave it on for half an hour;
  • Wash and iron.

Ammonia for coffee stains

  • Mix ammonia with water (1: 1);
  • Apply this mixture to the coffee stain;
  • After 45 minutes, throw a towel into the powder water;
  • After another quarter of an hour, wash it in the machine.

Remove wine stains with extra-class salt

  • Prepare a mixture of salt and cold water;
  • Apply it to stains and rub with a sponge;
  • After 45 minutes, rub the stains again;
  • Wash the garment in hot, soapy water.

Laundry soap against unpleasant odor

How to wash kitchen towels at home, and at the same time remove a not very pleasant smell? Soap and ordinary potassium permanganate can help with this:

  • Dissolve potassium permanganate in water until slightly pink;
  • Wash items with laundry soap;
  • Submerge them in the solution and set aside overnight;
  • Rinse in the morning.

Now your kitchen textiles will be 100% clean!