How to bleach kitchen towels at home. How to Bleach Dish Towels Using Vegetable Oil: Several Ways How to Bleach Dish Towels at Home

Towels in the kitchen are a must-have thing that may be needed at any moment, which means they should always be at hand. Besides serving as a practical function, towels also create a certain mood in the kitchen. For these reasons, they should always be not only clean, but also beautiful. However, with frequent use, kitchen towels quickly lose their "marketable" appearance and become covered with stains of a different nature.

What products can be used to whiten towels?

To bring back the old appearance kitchen towels can be used both vegetable and chemical agents... Moreover, most of them are always at hand.

Herbal remedies include:

  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice or citric acid;
  • mustard.

Chemicals suitable for bleaching kitchen textiles:

  • soda ash or baking soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • washing powder;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • silicate glue;
  • bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • "Mole" pipe cleaner.

If the dirt is not too serious or still fresh, then it can be removed with soap, powder or soda. In this case, it will be enough just to soak them in soapy water and rub them well. In cases where the dirt is deeply embedded in the fabric and serious bleaching is required, it is worth using more potent substances.

Folk Ways to Bleach Kitchen Towels

To date, retail chains offer the most various means for bleaching fabrics in general and towels in particular. However, often these funds are either not effective enough or have too much high cost... Moreover, their chemical composition corrodes fabric fibers over time. Therefore, in order to whiten kitchen towels, you can safely apply proven "grandmother's" methods using tools that are almost always at home.

Important! In addition to the fact that these methods can be safely called budgetary, they are unlikely to be able to cause an allergic reaction to their components.

Ways to remove grease and stains from kitchen towels

Rarely, when used in the kitchen, towels do not leave greasy or other stains on them that cannot be removed by regular washing. To deal with such "guests", the following tools are suitable:

The most common source of contamination in the kitchen is fatty substances. Fat, whether animal or vegetable, is deeply ingested into the fibers of the tissue. And it can be very difficult to remove it from there.

Therefore, kitchen towels should be changed as often as possible. Used towels should not be stored for a long time while waiting to be washed. This will prevent dirt from firmly "fixing" in the fibers of the fabric.

In addition, soft cotton or terry cloths are usually chosen as the material for towels. They absorb moisture well, while also capturing dirt. After the fabric dries, the dirt remains on it, penetrating deeper and deeper. For this reason, it is better to stop your choice on waffle towels or you can purchase a roll of disposable paper towels.

Modern housewives care about cleanliness and home comfort in incomparable better conditionsthan their grandmothers. And still, there are no less problems, for example, one of them is how to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling and using modern chemicals. In the kitchen, not a single housewife can do without napkins and small towels, and I really want them to be always fresh, clean and shine with whiteness. But unfortunately, by their intended purpose, kitchen towels have to absorb stubborn stains from sauces, fatty foods, coffee, tea and the like, and over time, the towels lose their neat attractive appearance, turn into gray rags. Today we will introduce you to effective methods, time-tested and our respected grandmothersto help bleach towels at home.

How to avoid heavy stains on kitchen towels?

Small household goods manufacturers offer consumers many alternatives for the kitchen: paper towels, cellulose napkins, absorbent sponges, foam sponges. However, housewives still use textile products, as it is convenient, easy and familiar. It is much more convenient to dry your hands with a towel than to tear off the napkin from the roll.

But only the napkin can be thrown away, and the tea towel remains greasy spots... And to minimize stains and use textiles wisely, heed the following guidelines:

  1. Do not use kitchen towels to wipe stains on the counter, sink, or stove. Wipe your hands and clean dishes with a towel, use paper napkins and sponges for wet and dirty surfaces.
  2. Keep textiles away from the stove, oven and another household appliances... During cooking, greasy drops may scatter from the surface of dishes and household appliances, which are difficult to wash off.
  3. Wash your tea towels as often as possible so that the stains don't have time to dig into the fibers and you won’t rack your brains on how to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling.
  4. Keep a few towels and an oven mitt in the kitchen at the same time. Separate wipes for dry and wet cleaning will also do the trick.
  5. It is best to have white textiles in the kitchen, as stains are immediately visible on it. This means that you wash the stained towel immediately.
  6. Do not use terry towels in the kitchen, as they get dirty faster, wash worse and take longer to dry. Buy for the kitchen: linen, cotton and waffle towels. It is much easier to bleach such textiles.
  7. If stains appear on the surface of the textiles, start fighting them immediately. It is much easier to get rid of a fresh stain than an old, dried one. Dilute in 5 liters of water ( room temperature) 10 tablespoons of salt. Submerge the textiles in the solution for several hours. Then, rinse well and wash in washing machine.

How do I clean tea towels?

Use a machine wash before bleaching kitchen towels at home.

For the most efficient washing process, use the following tips:

  1. Load white towels separately from colored items.
  2. Wash towels at their highest power level. Set high temperature regime (70 degrees).
  3. Use a bleach washing powder and stain remover.
  4. Use oxygen-containing bleach stain remover and always without chlorine.
  5. Be sure to activate the pre-soak mode.

Important! If the automatic machine does not cope with the task, then you will have to use the old grandmother's method - boiling. Of course, this is long enough and not very pleasant, but you will not only whiten the textiles, but also disinfect them. Boil the towels in an enamel bowl over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

And there are a few more secrets:

  1. If you decide to boil your kitchen textiles, wash them first. Otherwise, all the dirt will stick to the fibers of the fabric, and you will no longer be able to bleach such towels.
  2. If, after washing, the textiles are ironed with an iron, then it will become less dirty.

How to bleach towels at home?

In some cases, it is impossible to use modern chemicals. For example, if there are allergy sufferers in the house or there is simply no money to purchase expensive bleach. In this case, improvised means and folk recipes will come to the rescue to whiten kitchen towels at home without boiling.

The most effective folk remedies for whitening:

  • Laundry soap.
  • Mustard.
  • Soda ash.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Vegetable oil.

Skillful use of these products will help to cope with the problem of loss of whiteness due to numerous washes and stubborn dirt. We offer you several folk recipes for bleaching textiles, and you choose the most convenient and acceptable.

Method number 1. How to clean kitchen towels with mustard?

Dry mustard can whiten textiles at home and do not cause any harm to towels.

The whitening technique is quite simple:

  1. Stir in hot water a small amount of mustard powder: 1 tbsp. spoon for 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  3. Leave the solution on for a while.
  4. Drain the cloudy liquid into a separate container. The sediment for bleaching is not needed, since it is the liquid accumulated on the surface that contains active substances that will not only whiten the fabric, but also degrease it.
  5. Leave the towels in the solution for three hours.
  6. Remove towels and rinse.

After such soaking, even further washing is not needed, the textiles will become clean and white.

Method number 2. Soda ash + chlorine

The most common bleaching method is using a baking soda and bleach mixture.

Proceed as follows to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling:

  1. Add 500 grams of baking soda and 500 grams of bleach to a container with warm water.
  2. Stir the solution thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Set the prepared mixture for several hours to settle. During this time, the components are activated, and unnecessary substances will settle to the bottom.
  4. Strain the solution to remove any impurities.
  5. Place towels in the solution.
  6. Leave the textiles in the solution for several hours (at least three).
  7. Wash and rinse towels well.

Important! Protect your hands before using aggressive products rubber gloves... All procedures for soaking and washing should be carried out only in protective gloves to protect the skin of the hands from the effects of chemicals.

Method number 3. Potassium permanganate + soap

This method is laborious, but quite effective:

  1. Dissolve 6-7 crystals of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of very hot water. The water should turn bright pink.
  2. Grate a quarter of a bar of laundry soap.
  3. Add soap shavings to the solution.
  4. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  5. Soak towels in the solution overnight.
  6. In the morning, rinse the textiles in clean water.

Important! As a result this method, towels are not only bleached, but also disinfected, since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent.

Method number 4. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can always be found in any home medicine cabinet, as it is indispensable for treating wounds on the skin. But not everyone knows that hydroperite has a powerful whitening effect.

Use peroxide for bleaching as follows:

  1. Wash the textiles first.
  2. Heat the water to 70 degrees.
  3. Add hydrogen peroxide to the hot water, and for more effect - a little ammonia: for 6 liters of water - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of peroxide + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia.
  4. Fill the towels with the solution, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse the textiles several times.

Important! Only use peroxide on thick, white fabrics, as other fabrics can be corroded by hydroperite.

Method number 5. Vegetable oil

This method may seem counterintuitive, but the oil really helps to not only soften, but also remove dirt.

To whiten you will need:

Use the ingredients as follows:

  1. Fill an enamel bucket with water.
  2. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil.
  3. Dissolve all whitening ingredients in water.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Dip the towels into the solution.
  6. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  7. Let the water cool down.
  8. Take out the towels, rinse thoroughly.

Important! You can use this method without boiling. Just soak the textiles in the prepared solution for a day. Then - wash and rinse.

Method number 6. Boric acid and soap

Laundry soap with a strong odor and a fatty acid content of at least 72% is indispensable in the fight against stains. You can use soap for both soaking and washing.

Here's one way:

  1. Wet towels, squeeze lightly.
  2. Lather the textiles with soap until a white foam forms.
  3. Place the towels in a whole plastic bag.
  4. Remove air from the bag, tie it tightly.
  5. Leave the towels in the bag overnight.

You can easily wash the towels the next day.

The next method involves using soap and boric acid:

  1. Wipe away stains laundry soap.
  2. Soak the textiles for 4 hours in very soapy water, adding a few tablespoons of boric acid to it.
  3. Position the towels so that they are completely submerged in the solution.
  4. Wash them as usual.

Important! If the towels are yellow with greasy stains, use a liquid dish detergent. Dissolve the product in water until a cloudy soapy solution is obtained, soak towels in it. Wash the textiles after half an hour.

How to bleach a terry towel?

To return the terry towel to its original cleanliness and not damage the fabric, use old proven products: soda, salt, mustard.


Baking soda is a unique product because soda ash is both a detergent and a cleaning agent. You can use it to soak towels, besides, not only white ones.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution: 200 grams of baking soda in 2 liters of water.
  2. Soak the towels overnight.
  3. Rinse in warm water.


Use mustard as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard per 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Soak towels overnight.
  3. Rinse thoroughly in the morning.


In the struggle for crystal whiteness, salt will help:

  1. 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak dirty towels in brine overnight.
  3. In the morning, wash your towels as usual.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to bring kitchen towels back to whiteness and rid them of grease, ketchup, chocolate and other culinary contaminants. In addition, quite affordable home remedies can be used for this purpose. In addition, all of the above methods of bleaching involve minimal use of chemicals, which means that they are safe and environmentally friendly. Use the information of the article for health! We wish you cleanliness and comfort!

In the kitchen, no housewife can do without towels. Even an ultra-modern kitchen won't be comfortable without them. But after a while, beautiful and previously bright towels turn into nondescript rags of an incomprehensible color, covered with various spots. What to do? How to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling so they return to their original appearance? Of course, you can use household chemicals as well, but there are other ways to quickly and effectively bleach kitchen towels at home. Their advantage is that they will not harm fabrics, they can be used often and without harm to health, and there are components for such bleaching in almost any kitchen.

Kitchen towels are made from a variety of fabrics. The most popular are linen and waffle towels. And in order not to look for those suitable for the design of your kitchen and not spend money on it, you can easily follow our master classes.

Important! Terry fabrics are not the most the best choice for the kitchen, as they dry for a long time, and harmful microflora develops in them faster.

  • Old dirt is more difficult to get rid of than fresh dirt. Therefore, change towels in a timely manner, wash them often.
  • Use several sets alternately.
  • If you are cooking something in the kitchen, then along with towels, use napkins, paper towels, which can be simply thrown away after use.
  • Do not use towels to wipe dirty tables, grease or other contaminants.
  • Iron the towels after washing to make them less dirty.
  • White towels made from natural fabrics can be boiled. It is advisable to wash them just before boiling.
  • You cannot boil colored towels with patterns - they are washed at a temperature of 40 degrees, and they are used to remove stains special meanssuch as oxygen bleaches.
  • Hang kitchen towels away from stoves, ovens, and other household appliances. This will help protect kitchen textiles from stubborn stains.
  • Try to use cookware in the kitchen with a tight-fitting lid. This will prevent grease stains from splattering all over the kitchen and your towels will be less likely to get dirty. And in order to take hot dishes, not towels are used, but special potholders. There is a separate publication on our site, in which you will find many interesting ideasto.

Ways to bleach towels

Skillful use of some of the tools that are in every kitchen can give the most unexpected results. It turns out that you can bleach towels with vegetable oil... There are several ways to use oil when bleaching kitchen textiles, let's take a closer look.

Vegetable oil for bleaching

Oil tends to soften dried stains, so it is easier to wash them off later. That is why it is added for bleaching:

  • Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket and put on fire. As the water boils, add 20 ml of oil there (sunflower oil is best), add 20 grams of dry bleach, 50 grams of washing powder and 30 grams of soda. You can take any bleach, for example "Boss" or "Swan". Put towels in the prepared solution, turn off the heat, leave it all to cool. Then the towels need to be rinsed and hung up to dry.

Important! The bleach can be replaced with half a glass of vinegar.

  • Three tablespoons of oil, washing powder, bleach and soda are added to the boiling water. Towels are placed in the solution and left overnight. In the morning, you can start a regular wash with an automatic machine.

Important! It is advisable to set the mode of repeated rinsing in order to wash off the product well.

  • The third way came to us from Japan. Water is poured into the bucket - its temperature should be about 60 degrees. 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 1 tablespoon of vinegar are added to the water. We put towels in this solution, close the bucket with a lid. After 12 hours, you need to remove the products and rinse four times, alternately in hot and cold water.

Laundry soap

This method, proven over the years, allows you to fight yellowness, oily stains and an unpleasant odor:

  1. Wet contaminated items, lather them well with laundry soap.
  2. Then put them in plastic bag so that air does not get inside.
  3. Leave it for a day.
  4. Then the products only need to be rinsed.

Potassium permanganate

The well-known potassium permanganate, which is called potassium permanganate in everyday life, will help to effectively whiten kitchen towels at home. It is a strong oxidizing agent, so it bleaches things well.

To process the laundry, you need to make the following mixture:

  • Grate 100 grams of laundry soap.
  • Dilute the potassium permanganate in a jar until bright pink.
  • Dilute the soap in 10 liters of boiling water and pour the potassium permanganate into it. You should have a dirty brown solution.

Place previously washed items in this solution, the container must be tightly closed and left for at least 6 hours. Then the products need to be rinsed.

Important! Instead of soap, you can use a glass of washing powder.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective methodhow to get rid of tea towel stains at home.

Important! Also suitable for delicate items, as this does not damage the fabric.

We prepare the solution and apply it:

  1. For 6 liters of water heated to 70 degrees, there are 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. We place in ready solution pre-washed linen, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the towels need to be rinsed thoroughly.

Important! You can remove almost any stains from different clothes with ammonia. Click on the link for a special publication where we have collected the most effective verified.

Mustard powder

Here's another tried and true recipe - wash kitchen towels with mustard.

Important! Dry mustard is an excellent bleach that does not spoil the fibers of the fabric.

How to apply:

  • You need to pour some powder into hot water.
  • 1 liter water goes 15 grams of mustard.
  • This mixture should settle for a while.

Important! For bleaching, it is not a powder sediment that is useful to us, but a cloudy liquid that has formed on the surface of the mixture. It contains active ingredients that whiten and degrease the fabric.

  • It is necessary to leave the towels soaked in this liquid for several hours, then rinse thoroughly.
  • No washing is required with this method.

Important! The abundance of modern household chemicals the kitchen is not always good for health. Mustard powder can make an excellent alternative to dishwashing.


  1. Ordinary table salt is added to cool water - 1 tablespoon goes to 1 liter.
  2. Things are left in this solution for a while - depending on the degree of soiling, you can leave from 1 to 8 hours.
  3. Then wash towels as usual.

Dish detergent:

  1. In 10 liters of water, dilute 20 grams of any detergent for dishes.
  2. If there are large greasy stains, they can be rubbed with a product undiluted in water.
  3. Leave on for 10-20 minutes, then wash.

Soda and ammonia

This method will perfectly whiten white products:

  1. For 5 liters of water, there are 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 tablespoons of ammonia.
  2. Things are soaked in solution for 3-4 hours.
  3. Then you can wash as usual.

Important! It is advisable to rinse the product before washing.

Any housewife, the keeper of the hearth in the kitchen uses a kitchen towel, but the time comes that you need to wash the towel after a long use, and then many face a problem due to the large amount of absorption of difficult to remove stains, for example, they spilled something, splashed accidentally, smeared etc.

In addition, there are many ways to bleach kitchen towels, which should be read in more detail.

How to bleach kitchen towels - folk remedies

A variety of bleaching agents are currently available to remove stains from any fabric. Nobody also canceled bleaching with the manufacture of folk remedies from grandmother.

For the most part, many people use people's councils and they generally do one hundred percent better than regular branded tea towel bleaches. If you have decided, the methods can be found here.

Consider folk ways at home that our ancestors offer:

Method 1

There is this product in every apartment or house, there will be enough of it to whiten:

  • Soda ash (1 tablespoon);
  • Bleach (2 tablespoons);
  • Edible salt (2 tablespoons);
  • Plain powder for washing (1 glass);
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).

Pour water into a bucket and put on a gas stove, bring to a boil, while dissolving all the above components at the same time. Place the tea towels gently in the mixed bucket and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. , discussed in detail here.

After that, you need to wait until the water cools down a little and you can start rinsing the towel. Or you can do the same thing, add water, ingredients and towels to the bucket that you want to wash, and not boil, but just soak for a day.

Method 2

Bleach is also made at home by yourself.

For 10 liters of water, preferably not very hot, add powdered bleach (500 g) and soda ash, about 500 g.

Use gloves for this procedure so that the solution does not corrode the skin of your hands. Use the solution after only 2 days. Before use, be sure to get rid of water-insoluble impurities by filtering the solution through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar, and use the remaining sediment to clean the bathroom.

Method 3

Potassium permanganate is dissolved with 10 liters of boiled water, however, the water should acquire a slightly pinkish color. To this, add 200g of washing powder and immerse the already rinsed towels.

You can cover the bucket with a plastic bag and wait for the water to cool completely, then take out a towel and rinse it well without adding various products.

4 Method

Add to boiled water mustard powder and wait until the mixture is infused, this method does not need a sediment, but the liquid itself. In this solution, the towel should be soaked for three hours, then rinse.

5 Method

The stains on the towel are washed with laundry soap and left to soak for more than five hours in soapy water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of boric acid.

Submerge the towel or linen completely in the water. After that, you can wash the towel in the washing machine with rinsing.If it's time to wash kitchen curtains, can be found here.

6 Method

Effective and efficient way to remove stubborn stains on towels. The stain, if it is fresh, can be sprinkled rock salt, in case of dry stain, moisten it before the process.

The linen is soaked with salt (3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water) for about an hour and then thrown into the washing machine at the selected high temperature. Before washing in the machine, be sure to rinse the laundry in the basin, as the remaining salt can adversely affect the operation of the washing machine.

Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil

To wash off dirty towels you have to sweat a lot, since sometimes one wash is not enough.

Therefore, it is necessary to take global measures:

  • Before that, we considered this method with vegetable oil. Here it is enough just to add 2 tbsp to the water. tablespoons of powder bleach, also vegetable oil and half a glass of washing powder, put on a high heat and throw towels there. Bring to a boil and turn off to cool completely. We take out and rinse.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil, bleach to boiling water. Soak for a day and wash in a typewriter when choosing a quick wash mode.

Stories from our readers!
"This cleaning agent was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the brazier and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered myself the same."

I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator at home, ceramic tiles... It even removes wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture... I advise. "

Specialty Chemical Towel Bleach

Terry towels are easy to wash with a kitchen detergent. Pour warm water into a bowl and dilute two tablespoons of Fairy detergent or another, soak a towel for about 4 hours.

Be sure to rinse in clean water so that the residues of the product have completely left the textiles. Make sure that the already treated terry towel is washed in the washing machine in the standard way.

When washing, the temperature should not be set more than 45 degrees, the turnover should not exceed - more than 900 rev / s.

All kinds of gels can remove stains from different fabrics.

This is not always considered reasonable, chemical agents do not guarantee a 100% result. In fact, together with the stain that appears, household chemicals can spoil the color and fabric of the towel.

You should not spend money on expensive household chemicals, which include a small number of words familiar to you. Ordinary folk remedies can cope quite well, and with any pollution it is cheap, easy and harmless.

How to remove stains from kitchen towels?

Dirt on kitchen towels cannot be avoided, which is why many hearth keepers look for proven remedies quick disposal returning from stains former appearance towel. Next, let's consider what is the secret of removing stains?

A lot of food in the kitchen contributes to the contamination of your towel and is different in that it remains various traces on the fabric.

Disposal measures various spots on towels:

  • Any hair shampoo can get rid of the fruit. Apply shampoo to the stain and wash in boiled water.
  • It removes ammonia well from coffee or tea, or ammonia is called in another way. Also dab the stain with ammonia and wash.
  • It is advisable to start washing red wine immediately. Add water to table salt, you should get a gruel, and gradually rub the stain with it. Leave the towel to soak for a couple of hours before washing.
  • Tomato removes salt well. Salt (1 tablespoon) is diluted with water (1 liter), the towel is soaked in this solution for an hour and then they start washing.
  • Citric acid will relieve berries (cherries, currants) and even beets. The stain on the towel should first be wetted and citric acid added, leave it all for five minutes and you can rinse.
  • Vinegar will save you from mold. Soak in water and add vinegar, then rinse after a couple of minutes.
  • Traces that turned out to be for unknown reasons and are unknown to you will be removed by hydrogen peroxide. Dampen the dirty area and wash after 30 minutes.

Removing oily stains

Often there are problems with removing oily stains. In order for oily marks not to seem problematic, many resort to constant replacement of towels at least once every three days. Then there is no need to soak them before washing.

It is enough to throw the towels into the machine and wash with regular powder on a suitable mode and without additional additives.

Any stains must be fought so that even the most beautiful towels do not have to be constantly changed. The methods that are proposed are effective and simple.

Remove stubborn stains, even if they are outdated, will help the means that everyone has:

  • Vinegar - diluted with water, preferably warm, put a towel there and keep for about two hours, then wash.
  • Laundry soap - rub the stain with soap and moisten a little with water. Place a towel in a plastic bag and close so that no air can enter. Leave in this form for one day, then remove and rinse well.
  • Baking soda Suitable for washing dishes and will help remove stains from the towel. For three liters of water, add three tablespoons of baking soda and so much detergent. The towel should be soaked for an hour. Then wash.

Features of washing terry towels

It is very important to maintain the quality of the towel textiles. You should carefully consider the selection of detergent, bypassing the rows of washing powders and choose gels that will not spoil the terry and will not contribute to the stiffness of the fabric.

When using the powder, you should take into account the rinsing process, since it should occur no more than three times, before drying, be sure to shake the terry towel.

Ammonia (liquid ammonia) and laundry soap are best. Even if these funds did not help, then the stain, in addition to clean areas, can be rubbed in carefully with a stain remover (Antipyatin, Boss, etc.). After that, immediately start rinsing the towel in clean water.

You can rinse not by hand, but use an automatic machine. Keep in mind that the machine should not be overloaded with excess, leave free space, set the temperature at 60 degrees in medium mode. Add a softener with silicone to soften the fabric.

  • It is recommended to change towels twice a week so that they do not have time to get dirty.
  • Dish towels must be ironed after every wash. So they will look not only beautiful, but also less dirty.
  • Add starch to water.
  • Wash immediately after the towel gets dirty.
  • For dishes, gas stove and hand use different towels.
  • Do not use terry towels, they often absorb dirt quickly and dry for a long time, they are even considered ideal for fungi and bacteria.
  • Wash white and colored items separately to avoid staining.
  • Do not store wet things in the washing machine for a very long time, otherwise they may acquire a rotten smell.
  • It is recommended to dry washed towels on fresh air. sunlight Is a good bleach.
  • Save money on expensive air conditioners and use a folk remedy.
  • Waffle towels are the most suitable choice for your kitchen.

By following the advice from housewives, you will not be able to expose kitchen towels to heavy pollution, then you will not have to buy new ones over and over again and wash old ones diligently. Use disposable wipes to keep the towels clean at all times.

  • Tricks of storage and use
  • Kitchen towels are essential items that should always be at hand and in plain sight. Therefore, they must be beautiful and clean. Let's find out with what methods you can wash even the oldest dirty towels to perfect condition.

    10 effective and budgetary remedies for removing stains

    The easiest way to wash dirty towels at home is in a washing machine, and it is enough to resort to special methods and means once a month, otherwise the fabric will quickly wear out.

    Completely ordinary products will help you get rid of grease and stubborn stains, such as:

    1. Salt

    Best for: Removing coffee or tomato stains on white and colored fabrics.

    Recipe: we make a solution in a basin at the rate of 5 liters of water - 5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, and then soak the kitchen utensils and leave them for 1 hour. Then we wash it by hand or in a typewriter.

    And also suitable for: removing red wine stains on white and colored fabrics.

    Recipe: We make a very “cool” saline solution, soak and wash the fabric in it.

    2. Laundry soap.

    Suitable for: breeding different spots, including from fat on colored and light-colored fabric.

    Recipe: all dirty napkins should be rubbed abundantly with laundry soap and closed in a bag overnight. After that, you need to wash and rinse the products well.

    3. Washing powder + stain remover + vegetable oil.

    Washing kitchen towels this way almost always removes the oldest stains. In a large, 10-liter saucepan, bring 5-7 liters of water to a boil, then turn off the heat. Then add 2 tbsp. l. washing powder (better "Automatic", as it foams less), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l of any stain remover or bleach and stir the solution. Then put the textiles in the pan, stir a little more and wait until the water has cooled. Then take out the towels and, without wringing out the water, shove them into washing machine... The oil will soften all the dirt on the textiles and move away more easily from the fabric. You need to cover the container and wait until the water cools down, then rinse the products thoroughly. In this case, you do not need to boil and wash towels - the oil will not remain on the fabric.

    4. Shampoo.

    Suitable for: Removing fruit stains.

    Recipe: Pour shampoo on the stain, hold it, and then wash it.

    5. Hydrochloric alcohol + glycerin.

    Suitable for: removing stains fromtea and coffee.

    Recipe 1: you need to soak dirty kitchen textiles in a solution of ammonia and water in a 1: 1 ratio for 1 hour, and then wash.

    Recipe 2: Tea stains can be wiped off with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a 1: 4 ratio.

    6. Silicate glue.

    Best for: Removing all kinds of stains, but only on white fabric.

    Recipe: A solution is prepared from a bar of soap and a spoonful of silicate glue. In this mixture, you need to boil the textiles for about half an hour.

    7. Dishwashing liquid.

    Suitable for: Removing greasy stains on colored and white fabrics.

    Recipe: dishwashing liquid is applied to greasy stains and textiles are left for a day, then the towels need to be washed and rinsed.

    8. Vinegar

    Best for: killing mold.

    Recipe: you need to soak the product in a vinegar solution of 5-9% (if necessary, dilute the 70% essence) for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.


    Suitable for: Removing beet and tomato stains.

    Recipe: first, under running hot water, wash the towel with laundry soap, squeeze it a little, and then sprinkle citric acid on the stains and leave for 5 minutes. Then we just rinse.

    And also suitable for: removing old stains of various origins.

    Recipe: Wipe citric acid all dirt, leave the towel for an hour, and then rinse.

    10. Hydrogen peroxide.

    Suitable for: Removing stubborn stains of various origins.

    Recipe: soak dirty places in a solution, leave for 30 minutes, and then wash the usual way

    8 ways to bleach kitchen towels

    So, we figured out the removal of stains and washing. And how to bleach kitchen towels if they have lost their fresh look? You can restore whiteness to gray and yellowed kitchen towels with or without boiling.

    Here are 8 effective and simple ways:

    1. Whitening without boiling with mustard.

    This method and disinfects and bleaches. To do this, dry mustard powder is diluted in hot water to a thick slurry, after which the mixture is applied to wet towels and kept for 6-8 hours, and then washed.

    2. Whitening without boiling with potassium permanganate.

    This is very effective methodthat is almost always valid. For a bowl of boiling water, you need about 200 g of washing powder and a little potassium permanganate (the water should be only slightly pink). Put the previously washed items in the solution, cover it with a film and wait until the water has completely cooled down. Then rinse the towels well.

    3. Bleaching without boiling with boric acid.

    This method is suitable for heavy, waffle or terry towels. Into a bowl with hot water add 2 tablespoons of boric acid, then soak dirty towels in the resulting solution for 2 hours, and then wash them as usual.

    4. Whitening with boiling, soda and laundry soap 72%.

    With the help of baking soda and boiling, you can whiten laundry and remove stains absolutely safe for you and as gentle as possible for the fabric. For this, approximately 50 grams. soda ash must be mixed with grated laundry soap (72%), and boil textiles in this mixture for 1-1.5 hours.

    5.Express wash and bleach without boiling.

    Some bleaches and stain removers remove stains and dullness very quickly and literally before our eyes. For example, for hand washing 1-2 towels you can use very effective remedy "Universal bleach for all types of fabrics" from Amway. It is usually added when washing in a washing machine, but kitchen towels with tough stains are best hand washed.

    We offer such an express method for washing kitchen towels: pour 1 liter of boiling water into a regular bowl, put all kitchen utensils there, then add 1 tbsp. l of Amway powder and stir our solution with a spoon. The water will immediately sizzle and foam. Then you can leave the napkins to soak until the water cools completely, or after a few minutes add cold water and start washing right in this solution. To wash more complex dirt, you need to increase the soaking time or completely boil the towels.

    6. Whitening with ammonia

    We are offered to soap a damp towel well, put it in a bag and add 3 tables to it. l ammonia. The bag should be tied quickly and left in this form overnight. Then we wash the towels in the usual way.

    7.Bleaching with soda ash, vegetable oil, salt, bleach, washing powder

    It is necessary:

    • Soda ash - 1 table. l
    • Sunflower oil - 2 table. l
    • Edible salt - 2 tablespoons l
    • Bleach - 2 tablespoons l
    • Washing powder - 1 glass

    Pour a bucket of water and bring it to a boil. Add all of the above to the water, mix. Gently dip the towels with a wooden spatula into the solution and boil for 30 minutes. We leave everything to cool down. And rinse well.

    In this solution, you can soak towels for a day if there is no possibility of boiling.

    8. You can make another solution for soaking for 5 liters of boiling water.

    For this we take:

    • washing powder - ½ cup
    • bleach - 1 table. l
    • vegetable oil - 2.5 tablespoons

    Tip: When washing kitchen towels, you can do without conditioner by simply adding a mixture to the water baking soda and suitable essential oil... So your kitchen textiles will delight not only with pristine freshness, but also with a pleasant aroma.

    Tricks of storage and use

    • For wiping your hands while cooking, towels made of variegated or dark fabrics are more suitable, since grease and other contaminants are less noticeable on them. And, of course, try to wash your greasy hands whenever possible, rather than dry them on a towel. Alternative option - paper napkins.
    • Washing kitchen towels won't be a headache if you have a lot of them in the kitchen and you change them often. Ideally, you should have towels to cover baked goods, to wipe clean hands after washing dishes, to dry your hands while cooking, to wipe fruits and vegetables, to use as an oven mitt, etc.
    • Terry towels are not the best choice for the kitchen, since such fabric easily absorbs dirt and quickly loses its tidiness.
    • To prevent the stain-resistant towels you use during the day from spoiling the look of your kitchen, just throw them in a pretty basket (not too high or too low). For example, a rattan wicker basket like in the photo on the right will do. Well, clean towels can be kept in plain sight.