How to make a grill yourself. Metal barbecues are the best choice of braziers for lovers of barbecue and grilling outdoors. What are they made from?

The grill is a convenient and useful culinary equipment for cooking in the heat. This functional invention allows you to cook different foods using natural heat from coals. Despite the fact that it was originally made as universal tool for cooking, today the grill is the basis for cooking meat and barbecue. Around it, trips to the country house and nature are held, saying goodbye to autumn, welcoming the arrival of spring and celebrating summer. And below we will provide drawings of metal barbecues, their photos and videos on the technology of manufacturing barbecues of various designs.

The basis of the grill.

Type of barbecue: regular, stationary, collapsible.

Dimensions and drawings of metal barbecues, photos.

Preparation of future construction.

Welding barbecue.

Metal barbecues with a canopy.

Painting the finished result.

Buying a barbecue is an expensive purchase. A simple metal structure sometimes costs large sums without justifying the quality or its appearance. Therefore, it is much better to make a barbecue with your own hands, using drawings, high-quality metal, and also your skills.

Grill base

Brazier is handy tool cooking in the heat. It has a very durable design, but all its features are nuanced. They allow you to quickly and easily prepare kebabs and other dishes, providing enough heat for cooking.

Among the main advantages of the barbecue, the following are worth highlighting:

  • suitable sizes;
  • air holes;
  • depth;
  • recesses for skewers.

While some are obvious, they are all required for quality cooking. As for the depth of the grill, it allows you to gain sufficient number heat and placing the meat at a height where it will cook but not burn. This way you can put the required amount of wood.

Air holes - especially important nuance these structures. After all, it is because of them that meat cooked on the grill is very different from other methods of cooking outdoors. Regular air flow allows you to maintain the temperature and heat of the coals, fully using their full potential.

Attention! Another nuance of the grill is the pallet. It prevents coals from falling through special ventilation holes into the bottom and contributes to partial air regulation.

For further use design, sizing is extremely important. After all, cooking takes place on a grill or skewers, so you need to rely on its average size. The grill should be wide, allowing you to place the entire length of the skewer and should give required quantities heat, allow more than eight servings of meat.

And the last nuance is making recesses for skewers. They allow you to place the meat in any position, frying it evenly with different sides. This approach plays a big role in preparing aromatic and juicy kebab without burning.

But these points always vary depending on the type of grill.

Deciding on the type of grill: drawings, photos

It’s worth saying right away that there are numerous varieties of such structures. After all, everyone wants to find best option, where to cook meat and other products in the heat. Today they highlight following types barbecue:

  1. Ordinary.

A regular grill has a square design. Although they are heavy, they can be carried. It often has removable legs.

  1. Collapsible.

Lightweight and small collapsible option that you can carry in your car. It is more convenient and simpler, and is also suitable for hiking in the forest.

  1. Stationary.

Powerful grill made of metal. The basis can be brick blocks, providing high reliability. Often such barbecues can be supplemented with steel decorations.

Choosing the type of barbecue is very important when it comes to self-construction. This way, you can decide on the tasks and choose the best option. However, it is recommended to choose the regular type as the most versatile choice for summer residents.

Attention! Barbecues can have different shapes. There are round, rectangular, curved and other types, the cooking of which may differ slightly.

Drawings of metal barbecues: photos of different types

Before you make the appropriate drawings and choose the dimensions for the future barbecue, you need to choose the best option for construction, which is used most often. It is necessary to select the appropriate width and height of the structure, and the appropriate length of the legs. A drawing of a regular barbecue is provided as follows:

Dimensions indicated in millimeters. It is clearly visible that the total height of the barbecue with a leg length of 70 cm and a length of 95 cm. In this case, the depth of the barbecue will be 25 cm, which protrudes optimal distance from heat to skewers.

The width of the grill is 28 cm, which is slightly lower than the average size of the skewer. Length is 54 cm, need for uniform distribution 9 servings over heat.

The upper part of the structure is equipped with gaps for skewers. This way, you can distribute the meat evenly and fix it freely when rotating, ensuring uniform cooking. Moreover, the distance between the gaps should be 6 cm. It is necessary to leave space between the outer walls and gaps so that the meat does not touch them and also does not burn.

Excellent ventilation is an important nuance. Here it is achieved through holes with a diameter of 12-15 mm located on the side walls. The holes are located at the bottom of the sheet of metal in a checkerboard pattern. They are not needed on the front side walls.

Attention! The presented design does not imply the presence of a tray and holes at the bottom of the grill. You can easily fix this by welding small corners to the bottom or legs and choosing the appropriate sheet of metal.

How to prepare elements of a future structure?

Metal sheets serve as the basis for the barbecue. We do not recommend using other materials, since the grill provides sufficient resistance to compactness and heat. The thickness of the metal should be approximately 2-3 mm. To work you will need:

  • Two sheets of metal measuring 280x250 mm and 240x250 mm.
  • One sheet of metal 540x280 mm.
  • Angles 700 mm long and four metal pipes.
  • Welding machine.
  • Drill.
  • Roulette.
  • Metal saw or grinder.

Most people prefer a different assembly option. Miscellaneous sheets can be replaced with a larger one metal sheet. By making cuts, you can connect the structure with a small number of welds. This way it will be more reliable.

It is important to consider additional elements if the design differs from the one above. It can be supplemented with a tray, carrying handles, recesses for legs and other details.

First of all, you need to perform preliminary markings. Welding and fastening points are marked, and special gaps are created. To do this, use a saw or grinder. This step also creates air holes.

Attention! Often such a structure is made on reinforcing legs. They are unreliable, as the structure will wobble even under light loads. Therefore, it is better to replace them with corners.

How to weld a barbecue with your own hands

Welding – best solutions for the barbecue. It can withstand high temperature changes and is bolted efficiently. To do this, use a welding machine, regardless of its type. Then the structure is fixed one by one, and welding is performed at the corners.

Attention! For more convenient welding, use along the sides metal corners. They can also increase the reliability of the seams, as well as significantly make the structure heavier.

Then comes the welding of the arms and legs. They are fixed along the sides (corners) or to the bottom of the structure (pipes). You need to weld them securely, since the grill itself will be quite heavy.

Attention! To fix the legs, you can use collapsible elements rather than a welding machine. Removable legs will significantly reduce the dimensions of the barbecue during storage.

Upon completion of the work, you need to sand the seams and also check the entire structure for reliability.

Metal barbecues with a canopy: drawings

To cook kebabs in bad weather, you can use a special grill design. This allows you to hide the heat and meat from precipitation, but this design itself is not simple. There are two options available here:

  • installing a canopy directly on the grill;
  • installation of an additional canopy that does not belong to the barbecue.

The latter option will be more rational, since it allows you to hide not only the kebabs, but also the person who monitors their preparation. The first option requires additional costs, since the base must withstand the load from the canopy.

In this case, we recommend attaching the structure to metal corners. This is the best option as it makes it easier to assemble. The canvas for the canopy is most often corrugated sheeting. It is fireproof, does not react in any way to temperature changes and is lightweight, which is important for a lightweight design.

Assembling a canopy is not much different from the usual one, and all that is required is fire protection and proper placement of the base. This way, you can safely prepare food without worrying about getting caught on the fittings.

It is worth noting that a metal grill with a canopy is a complex option that can be done by experienced welders. It is important here to create reliable design, the weight of which will be evenly distributed on the base. For stationary barbecues it is much easier to make such a canopy, since a load-bearing foundation can be installed for them.

The structure with a canopy can be decorated metal elements, as you can see in the photo. It won't just improve appearance, but will also make the canopy more stable and reliable.

Attention! If the roof is installed low, equip it with a special air duct.

Finished product painting

An important issue in making a barbecue is painting. You cannot do without it, since the metal used in the structure is subject to rust, and ash and soot do not improve its appearance.

For painting, special compounds are used, which meet the following requirements:

  • heat resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • no harmful fumes.

The following coatings meet these requirements:

  • silicon-organic enamels;
  • heat-resistant paints for various purposes.

It should be noted that painting a barbecue with your own hands is a rather complex and responsible process. They need special firing, after which they receive their properties. Another option is proposed - oxidation. It is quite expensive to implement, but it is possible to do it yourself.

It is better to choose black color for paint. Since there will be a lot of ash and soot nearby, the remaining coatings will quickly become dirty. With this color the plaque will be completely invisible.

Attention! Painting should only be done on the outside. Inside, the coating peels off quite quickly as a result of the high heat, and there is no point in this.

Making a barbecue with your own hands is quite simple. To do this you will need a sheet of metal, a welding machine and desire. However, it is worth sticking to the plan and scheme, since in the future any deviations may affect the ease of use. But the materials on our website “Remontik”, among which drawings of metal barbecues and their photos, as well as videos on production, will be especially useful, will allow you to cope with this task.

Observing correct sizes elements of the brazier and the height of its legs, you can create the optimal temperature for cooking barbecue on coals. To do this, you need to know the length and design of the skewers/barbecue grill, use the drawings or at least the diagram provided below. In other cases, the dish will burn or remain uncooked, and the service life of the hearth will decrease.

To enlarge the drawing and view all dimensions, click on the photo

Since barbecue or any other food is prepared using specific technologies, the following factors are taken into account when calculating the optimal size of the barbecue:

There are options for barbecues with additional functions. For example, a brazier is equipped with a side compartment for unburnt coals with its own chimney. Or part of it is covered hob for simultaneous preparation of a side dish and heating the kettle.

In this case, the main part of the grill should have the dimensions recommended in this manual. The remaining elements are attached in such a way that the process of preparing barbecue occurs without any interference.

Skewer design

The only way to calculate the correct size of a roasting pan is to use skewers, a barbecue grill, or both of these tools of the same length. The standard skewer design is:

  • length – total 45 – 50 cm, working 30 – 35 cm;
  • curl - spiral, located near the handle, length 4 - 6 cm.

You can enlarge the drawing by clicking

In camping (collapsible, folding) versions of the brazier, the size of the sword/skewer may be reduced.

If you lose/replace a working tool, adjust the length of the skewer in accordance with the fryer for which it is intended.

Similar requirements apply to barbecue ovens. The grate should be placed evenly above the coals at a height of 5–8 cm, since the meat is usually pressed by the grids on both sides and cooks faster. The industry most often produces mesh structures with dimensions of 18 x 28 cm, and a brick or steel box is adjusted to fit them into which the coals will be poured.


Attention: There is still no consensus among experts on the issue of the need for holes in the side walls of the fryer. Some believe that they interfere with control temperature regime, and air should be supplied inside with a special fan. Others believe that fanning increases the likelihood of smoldering firebrands catching fire and prefer not to use a fan.

Dimensions of different types of barbecues

Fireplaces for frying meat on coals are made by hand from various construction materials. Which also leaves an imprint on the dimensions of the barbecue structure. For example, a fryer box made from sheet steel will be compact, while a box made from brick will be oversized. Cutting sheet steel is easier than splitting stone for masonry.

Collapsible and folding fireplaces are designed for transportation and usually have smaller dimensions compared to stationary-type roasters.


When using standard skewers, the width of the grill depends entirely on their length:

  • size – 30 – 35 cm;
  • devices for turning the skewer - a vertical slot in the side wall of the frying pan on one side (pointed) of the skewer.

Turns are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • skewers are inserted with the far pointed edge into the vertical slot;
  • then they turn 180 degrees into the same slot;
  • then browned separate areas kebab, the skewers are rotated 90 degrees in any direction, placed flat on the top side of the grill, not a groove.

Click to enlarge

This technology is considered classic, but there are also electrically driven skewers and skewers various designs, allowing them to be fixed relative to the coals at any angle.

In accordance with the standard parameter of a barbecue grill, it requires a roasting pan width of 15 - 18 cm. It should be taken into account that when turning it rests on the side walls of the grill at different heights.


By default, the efficiency of open hearths is significantly lower than that of barbecue stoves with a combustion chamber. With the same fuel consumption, the yield of kebabs is noticeably lower. The depth of the grill is selected depending on the meat and temperature:

  • V normal conditions pieces of pork or lamb should be at a distance of 5 - 10 cm from the coals, which are poured in a layer of 5 - 10 cm to the bottom of the roasting pan;
  • Thus, the height of the side walls is 15 - 20 cm.

Attention: The main mistake when self-production The brazier begins to burn coals directly inside it. For a large fire, the depth of the grill increases, the distance from the burnt-out firebrands to the skewers becomes greater than the required value. The barbecue takes longer to cook, and the consumption of firewood increases.


If the previous dimensions of the barbecue are considered critical for the process of preparing barbecue, then its length is less important factor. However, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • vertical slots for skewers are made at a distance of 8 - 10 cm from each other;
  • if you place them closer, the meat will not cook through and it will become more difficult to rotate the skewers.

Therefore, the length of the roasting pan mainly depends on the number of guests or family members for whom the dish is being prepared. If the grill is used in big company, you will have to set the order, stock up more coals.

In the order of barbecue ovens, the sizes of both grates and skewers are taken into account, but the average sizes are taken. Only a professional mason can correct the design, home handyman It is better to stick to the layout without changes.

For barbecue grates, a 30 cm hearth length is enough; the meat cooks faster, so a portion of coals lasts longer.

Grill height

The quality of operation of the hearth is affected by the height of the grill from the ground level and it should be from 75 cm to 125 cm. A comfortable value for this size is the level from the soles of the griller to his hands:

  • in this case, the spine is unloaded, there is no need to bend over the fryer;
  • Natural draft increases if there are holes in the side walls of the fireplace.

So the height depends on who will cook the barbecue most often. Several drawings metal structures We have already given above, here we will add another drawing of a brick barbecue.

Attention: In mobile barbecues, the comfort of preparing barbecue is deliberately sacrificed at the expense of increased ease of transportation. Short legs take up less space in the trunk of the car.

Brick hearths

Unlike metal braziers, brick braziers are larger in size. This is due large format construction material. Nevertheless, the internal working part of the fireplace must have the specified dimensions. Only the external size of the structure increases; chimneys, countertops and sinks are often made to increase the comfort of use.

The main nuances are:

  • length, height to side and width - these parameters are easier to adjust to standard sizes;
  • the depth of the brazier is strictly tied to the brick format of 6 cm and the seam thickness of 1 cm, and is 21 cm or 28 cm (3 or 4 rows, respectively).

You can enlarge by clicking

By default, a brick structure has a higher resource than an iron one.

Metal constructions

When constructing metal structures, there are many more nuances; different elements can be used: sheet steel, ready-made decorative elements (usually twisted and forged elements) and parts of used products (countertops, barrels, tanks, shelves), and also fireplaces are not only stationary, but also mobile within the site.

Therefore, in one case, it is easier to maintain the dimensions of a metal barbecue; in another case, you have to deliberately change them. For example:

Well, and a video where you can see some additional nuances about the dimensions:

Thus, when making a barbecue or cooking shish kebab on coals, you should use the drawings with the classic dimensions that were given above. This condition is easier to fulfill when using sheet steel, more difficult when laying bricks or partially using parts of high artistic value from used household items.

Today we’ll talk about the constant attribute of the majority country houses. There are many variations of metal barbecues, differing in ergonomics and decorative design. Let's go from simple to complex and explain how to make a barbecue convenient, while leaving room for imagination.

Stationary or portable

There are no special tricks to making a barbecue - it's a simple iron box with holes. It is much more difficult to make it convenient and universal for different tasks and conditions. Even better is to be able to put the iron “monster” out of sight when not in use, or take it with you on trips to the river, while it should easily fit with the rest of your things in the trunk.

Stationary iron barbecues are popular for other reasons. If there is no need to frequently move them from place to place, therefore, there are no restrictions on weight - thicker and more durable metal can be used for manufacturing.

We offer the design of a folding portable barbecue, light and compact when folded, but you can always make it one-piece, inheriting general principles. Approach the choice of barbecue type wisely and carefully. Remember that portable barbecues are not decorated with forging; moreover, it is better to make them from heat-resistant steel.

We select and prepare materials correctly

Why? main reason- gain in weight and durability, greater neatness. A brazier made of carbon structural steel is subject to increased scale formation when burning wood; due to cyclic heating, its walls are quickly “eaten up.” In addition, black sheet steel tends to change its structure under the described conditions, which is expressed in the appearance of waves, swelling and planar deformations on the bottom and walls. So it is likely that you simply cannot disassemble and reassemble a portable grill made of thin carbon rolled steel.

Considering the above, we can safely discard such “improvised” materials as barrels, canisters, system unit cases and other disposable hardware. But 40-liter cylinders for natural gas can be called suitable due to the fairly thick metal and radius shape, eliminating overvoltage points. But they must be burned before use, forever getting rid of traces of gas condensate. Of the features of such a workpiece, we only point out that the small width of the cylinders limits the length of the skewers. It is more practical to use a cylinder to make a smokehouse.

On average, a carbon steel grill reinforced with forging should have a wall thickness of 4, and an unreinforced one - from 6.5 mm. For heat-resistant steel, reinforcement is almost never required: walls made of it (from 13% chromium and more than 10% nickel, with a low carbon content) with a thickness of 3.5 mm survive the fire almost unchanged.

And an extreme warning: any grill will look proportional and impressive if the master paid due attention to the preparation of details:

  • cut as accurately as possible with a tolerance of no more than 0.5 mm;
  • secure the workpiece with clamps to the edge of the table or in a yew;
  • use a larger angle grinder - the larger the plane of the disc, the more accurate the cut.

Do not forget about safety precautions; be sure to wear protective clothing, use gloves and safety glasses.

Making the main box

We determine the width of the grill based on the length of the skewers, on average it is 45 cm. The length depends on the amount of cooking, but preferably not less than the full length of the skewers; they are convenient to store inside. The optimal size is 800 mm, which is enough for cooking and at the same time preparing a new portion of coals.

With height it’s even more tricky: approximately the thickness of the layer of coals at the bottom should be 1.5 times the thickness of the largest piece of meat. And the distance between the meat and the coals should not go beyond 170-200 mm. In general, a height of 290 mm will be sufficient. Remember that the meat should not be heated by hot air, but by the thermal radiation of the coals directly.

By established sizes From a 4 mm sheet of grade 20Х20Н14С2 (or similar) we cut out:

  • bottom 412x800 mm;
  • two longitudinal walls 800x290 mm;
  • two transverse walls 420x290 mm.

From a “black” corner 25x25x4 mm we make a frame with oblique cuts at the corners. The internal dimensions are important: 816x429 mm, you need to measure on the outer surfaces, taking into account the thickness of the walls, do not forget to check the diagonals.

We are finalizing the side (long) walls. In the center on the long side we make a cut 95 mm deep and 10 mm wide, having previously drilled the part to round the edge. On all walls, at intervals of 30-40 mm, we make 10 mm holes in a checkerboard pattern for blowing from the sides.

We weld two or three 20x20 mm longitudinal angles to the bottom from below or place them on steel rivets, which can be made of ordinary steel. We place them at a distance of 120 mm from the edges, and another 30 mm closer to the center we make two rows of 8 mm holes for air flow into the central part of the fryer. On the front side of the bottom we weld short (50-70 mm) pieces of angle steel around the perimeter; they can also be riveted.

The remaining part of the “box” is the upper frame from a corner 20x20x4 mm, welded like the bottom one, but with external dimensions of 412x800 mm. We make hooks on the outer shelves of the frame using one of the following methods:

  1. We make a couple of 12 mm cuts and, after heating the tongues red-hot, bend them outward.
  2. We squeeze in a vice and weld two strips of steel of the same thickness as the walls, with an overlap of 10 mm, and cut them into hooks 20-30 mm wide.
  3. We cut 2-3 cm pieces of corner and weld them around the perimeter of the frame.

At the corners of the bottom, 15 mm from each side, drill a 6 mm hole. We put the bottom into the lower frame, center it and transfer the holes to the corner. We make four L-shaped cotter pins 50x150 mm from 6 mm pins. We weld a 10 mm rod perpendicularly to the center of the bottom. The final touch on the shelves of the upper frame is to make straight and oblique cuts to secure the skewers.

Legs and assembly diagram

The legs of the barbecue are made from meter-long pieces of 35 mm corners. To allow installation on the ground, the bottom of each leg is welded with a “heel”.

At 35 mm from the top edge, a cut is made to the full depth on one of the shelves. In the same shelf, 250 mm below, a second cut is made, then they are both connected longitudinally. At the bottom, the cut continues for another 40 mm. The resulting “tongue” should be bent inside the corner, leveled, secured from below by welding and the protruding excess should be trimmed.

At the top, the cut continues for another 15 mm, but here it needs to be expanded to 7-8 mm, that is, to the thickness of the barbecue wall and the shelf of the corner of the upper frame. It is recommended to process this area of ​​the part manually with a file, adjusting the width of the cut so that the legs fit tightly to the body. After installing all the legs, you need to transfer them through the holes in the corners of the bottom and frame to the gussets inside the corners, and then drill 8 mm holes according to the marks. The legs need to be folded “square” and one 10 mm hole must be drilled in the center and two 6 mm holes 150 cm from the edges of the uncut shelf.

The grill is assembled like this:

  1. We put the bottom into the bottom frame.
  2. We install the walls (the short ones cover the long ones).
  3. We insert the upper frame with hooks onto the walls of the grill.
  4. We hook each leg to the wall, align it and insert the cotter pin into the hole.

After use, the grill can be assembled into a relatively light compact stack. The inverted upper frame is placed on the bottom with a slight offset. On top of it there are short, then long walls, all of which is covered by an inverted lower frame. Now you need to put the legs on top, orienting the protruding rod between them.

First insert another 10 mm rod into the holes in the centers of the legs, and tighten both pairs with threaded cotter pins. Place a bend on top and weld the rod threaded through the corners to the rod secured to the bottom. Now, to disassemble the grill, just unscrew the cotter pins and pull the corners to the side, after which the entire stack will remain free.

Bells and whistles: ash pan, smokehouse, grill grate

In the end, we’ll talk about some additions to the grill that simplify cooking and maintenance. Everything is made modular, so you can only use what you need.

First of all, if you still assembled the barbecue as a stationary one, make it 50 cm higher than planned. At the bottom, place an insert made of 8 mm expanded metal mesh on 50 mm legs from the corner, weld a handle in the center. This will make the burning of the coals and the temperature more uniform, making it easier to remove ash after burning.

Using a system of hooks, like on the top frame, you can also equip the grill with an openable lid, and if you make the legs 30-50 cm longer in height, you will get a support for a small canopy from the rain. If you like to cook meat on a grill grate, don’t be lazy and get a square 10-12 mm stainless steel rod for it, weld with a clearance of 15-18 mm. Such a grill will be heavy, stable and will fit perfectly into the top frame of the new grill.

Possibly one of the most different materials. However, creating a barbecue with your own hands from metal is rightfully considered the best option. What metal options exist and how can you make such a design yourself?

Advantages of metal barbecues

Why are metal barbecues so good? A monolithic barbecue oven or its brick version is distinguished by its solid construction - in this case, the structure will not need to be removed for the winter, and it looks more reliable, stronger, and more durable. In addition, a stone oven can be upgraded with additional work areas, which will allow you not only to fry meat, but also to bake vegetables, fish, and smoke food. At the same time, the stove will look noble; it will organically fit into the appearance of any area. Should we turn to metal?

In most cases, it's definitely worth it. Capital structures have their advantages, but portability is far from a disadvantage. A metal grill takes up little space, which is good for modest-sized areas. You can install such a stove even on a cramped terrace or in a small gazebo. In addition, even its stationary version can be transported from place to place, albeit with minor inconveniences - and when creating a camping folding version, you can take your barbecue with you into nature, even without a car.

There are other advantages to creating a metal barbecue with your own hands.

  • The structure will be completely fireproof. The materials used are resistant to high temperatures; If the correct drawings were used during the work, indicating the sufficient dimensions of the metal barbecue, then even an accidental fire of surrounding objects is unlikely.
  • Small financial costs. While on bricks, concrete or a natural stone could cost a lot of money - at least due to finishing- spending on metal will be scanty.
  • Ease of operation. All that is needed in order to properly make a brazier from steel is the initial skills of working with welding machine. In order to optimize air flow, you will also need to work with a drill.
  • Manufacturing speed. Due to the large number of technological interruptions, it will take at least a month to use a barbecue built from brick or concrete. The metal structure will be ready for use immediately upon completion of assembly.

The downside may be the lack of aesthetics of a steel stove. However, the appearance of any barbecue depends only on the designer and the skill of the manufacturer. One has only to look at some projects to be convinced that such a design can be turned into a masterpiece.

Design options

Before starting work, you need to choose the type of structure according to which the drawing of the barbecue will be drawn up. The choice is made based on a number of furnace characteristics:

  • optimal dimensions;
  • terms of Use;
  • location;
  • operating mode.

There are many designs of metal barbecues. The most common are these models.

Not a separate type of construction, but a very unique option is the manufacture of a roasting pan from pre-prepared metal containers - read the following articles:

Various steel devices can also be used for decoration - for example, the use of forged parts from sewing machines Zinger as a stand.

Making a stationary fryer

It is most convenient to consider the main stages of work using the example of making a simple stationary barbecue. There are two of them: drawing up a drawing and designing a furnace. Additionally, you can consider decorating (painting) the structure and creating additional elements. How to make a metal grill with your own hands?

You need to prepare:


When creating a homemade metal barbecue with your own hands, you can select any size, depending on the operating characteristics of the stove. The main criterion for selecting dimensions is the amount of meat fried at one time. Optimal sizes grills are like that.

  • Width - 30 cm. This corresponds to the length of a standard skewer, on which 8 pieces of meat are placed.
  • The length can be any. Selected at the rate of 10 cm per skewer.
  • Depth - 20 cm. This space will be enough for the coals to warm the meat without burning it.
  • The overall height is adjusted to the height of the person. It is better not to bend your back during cooking. Usually the height is made from 80 to 120 cm.

Having decided on the size issue, you need to determine what to paint the grill with. The paint will protect the metal from corrosion, but it itself must be resistant to atmospheric influences and high temperature. It should not release toxins when heated. Acrylic heat-resistant paint or silicate varnishes are suitable.

Construction of a roasting pan

The choice of 3 mm thickness is due to the fact that thinner metal will quickly burn out, and thicker metal is a waste of money. The work of creating a box is simple - you need to cut out the walls and bottom in accordance with the drawing, cut air holes in them and carefully weld the elements together.

Thus, the work is carried out as follows.

  1. Parts are marked on the blanks and cut out with a grinder.
  2. The optimal place for air ducts is the side walls. They are drilled at a distance of 20 mm from the bottom edge in increments of 50 mm. The diameter of the holes is 10–15 mm.
  3. Grooves for skewers are cut along the upper edge of the side walls. The first is done at a distance of 5 cm from the end, then every 10 cm.
  4. The walls and bottom are welded to each other. There is no need to make a perfect seam - just enough spot welding; additional cracks will only add heat to the coals. That is why it is not necessary to be a professional welder.
  5. Legs are welded to the corners of the grill.

At this point the main structure is ready. Next, you can weld handles to the ends, make a lid, weld fasteners for skewers and pokers, etc. Also, a brazier made of metal is painted: before this you need to remove old rust and prime the surface.

Grill hood

It is worth considering separately. It is a cut-down pipe through which smoke is effectively removed, which under normal conditions prevents the meat from being cooked calmly. The hood is usually a metal dome that is either welded to the main structure or suspended from above if the stove is located under a roof.

To manufacture this device, the same sheets of metal are used, which are welded in the shape of a truncated pyramid, on top of which a short pipe is placed. The area of ​​the base of the hood should be slightly larger than the area of ​​the grill.

The steel hood is easy to clean and simple to manufacture. To prevent it from deteriorating over time, it should be painted with heat-resistant paint.

Features of manufacturing a collapsible structure

The technology for manufacturing collapsible metal barbecues has some nuances. Elements of this design are not welded, but are bolted together. The operating principle is the same.

  1. The walls and bottom are marked and cut out. Along the edges (except for the top), add a few cm to the folds.
  2. Air ducts are made in the walls.
  3. Cuts are made along the fold lines, then the sheets are folded.
  4. Holes for fastening are made on the edges.
  5. Holes are also made for attaching the legs. Another option is to use thin tubes. In this case, bolts are welded to the corners of the structure, to which the legs will be screwed.

You can make a collapsible barbecue with your own hands only partially - weld the walls and make the bottom with fasteners. This will make it easy to clean the stove from ash.

How to make a camping version of the barbecue?

A do-it-yourself folding barbecue is made as follows.

When creating a folding barbecue, it is better to use 2 mm thick steel to reduce the weight of the structure.

If the weather permits, we like to fry with friends outdoors kebabs. However, if the weather doesn’t allow it, we also… fry it. But in any weather, barbecue without a grill is not a serious matter. If you have a private house or a summer house, you can make a stationary, solid installation that combines a grill and a barbecue. They are usually made partly from brick or natural stone, partly made of metal. If you don’t want to build something serious, you can weld a metal brazier and place it nearby - in the backyard under a canopy, in the garage, in a storage room, etc. If you are a lover of outdoor recreation in any form, you cannot do without a portable barbecue. And one that will be convenient to carry/transport. This is how to make a barbecue out of metal with your own hands and will be discussed further.

We grill kebabs both when the weather permits and when it doesn’t... that’s why we need a grill at any time of the year

Metal grill size

Of all the parameters of metal braziers, only the height of the walls (side) remains more or less constant: it is usually in the range of 13-15 cm. If you make it smaller, closely spaced coals will burn the meat; if you raise it higher, you will need a lot of coals for normal roasting. And we don’t always have the opportunity or desire to wait until a sufficiently large number of them are prepared. So 13-15 cm is the most reasonable choice.

You choose all other sizes of metal barbecues based on your personal preferences or circumstances:

Sometimes they also make a second plate at the bottom with longitudinal holes like grate bars. This is probably necessary so that the metal on the bottom does not burn out, but it is quite possible to do without this detail.

The designs of metal barbecues are not particularly diverse. This is a roasting pan with legs. The dimensions of the roasting pan and the height of the legs are all changes. There are, of course, real works of art, but there are simpler options for going out into nature.

Making stationary models

There are several ways. They are not very different, but still there is a difference.

Method one: with a minimum of welds

It can be used if you have a large enough piece of metal on which the entire “reamer” will fit. In this case, mark out all the dimensions found above and cut out the “extra” corners. Then carefully trim the bend points with a grinder: it will be easier to bend.

We start everything by drawing dimensions on a sheet of metal, then cutting out the extra corners (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Next, we begin to work with the welding machine. For welding metal, 2-3 mm is best suited. Probably a barbecue - best product for the beginner welder. There is no need to seal the seams here. Holes are even welcome - combustion air will flow through them. Having applied four seams, we get a finished barbecue box.

Bend the workpiece, then weld the seams (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If the metal used is thin - 1.5-2 mm, the bottom and walls may bend. To prevent this from happening, they can be strengthened with a corner or profile pipe.

The bottom and walls can be strengthened so that they do not bend due to high temperatures

Next, all that remains is to weld the legs. They can be from corners or pipes. The options are different, but both can be used. See the photo for how to weld pipe legs to a metal grill. By the way, you can use the same principle to make legs for a collapsible barbecue - choose the diameters so that they fit tightly. Or weld nuts to the bottom and cut threads on smooth fittings of the appropriate diameter.

How to attach pipe legs to the bottom of a metal barbecue (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Another way to make legs from corners or profile pipes. Here everything is even simpler: weld in the corners.

Method two: a lot of welding

This case is suitable for you if you have metal, but it is available in small pieces. Then you simply cut the necessary blanks and then weld them. In this case, of course, you need better quality: their length is much greater.

The second way to make a metal grill with your own hands is to cut all the necessary parts for the box and then weld it (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

After the box is assembled, all that remains is to weld the legs. There are no differences here. Several options are described above.

Read how to make a metal gazebo for barbecue gatherings

Method three: on a frame made of corners

The sequence of actions differs from the second option. Perhaps it's more The right way: there is a frame that will prevent the metal from bending. In general, such a homemade grill turns out to be more durable. Afterwards the sequence of work is as follows:

  • weld a frame from corners (pictured on the left) or a profile pipe (pictured on the right)
  • You weld the bottom to it, and then the walls.

Well, if you are making a barbecue for yourself, with your own hands, it may make sense to provide a tabletop and/or a frame for laying skewers for comfort, as in the photo below. The top edge of the roasting pan is reinforced with a profile pipe. The reinforcement is welded so that “add-ons” can be inserted. So both the table and the stand for the skewers can be inserted or not as desired.

Homemade metal grill with options: a table and a stand for skewers (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

And for those who like to do everything thoroughly, there is the idea of ​​an iron barbecue under a canopy. Wonderfully done. This metal barbecue with a roof was made by a novice welder with his own hands. He used this project for training: . Very good idea, and the performance is not bad.

Homemade barbecue under a canopy with a “kitchen” corner (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If you are interested in barbecues that are quickly made and do not require special skills, pay attention to.

Do-it-yourself collapsible metal grill

For trips to nature, hunting or fishing, a lightweight, portable, collapsible version is more suitable. There are similar products in stores, but they are made of very thin metal and last a long time. That’s why it’s better to make a portable grill yourself.

There are several types:

  • folding;
  • prefabricated

Folding (folding) barbecues in a suitcase and without

Folding barbecues are most often made in the form of a suitcase. Some come with carrying handles. Others require a separate case or some kind of briefcase-suitcase.

A barbecue in a suitcase is a good idea (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

IN this option The owner made a metal grill for an existing suitcase. Parts are attached to metal door hinges. They were welded using manual electric arc welding. This particular model has painfully thin legs, but this is a cost of compactness.

Another option for a portable camp grill. It can also be “packed” into a suitcase, but you can also make a bag out of canvas: cheap and cheerful.

Another barbecue that can be put in a suitcase (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This version has a bottom with folding legs. The remaining parts are placed inside separately. The sidewalls are fastened together by cuts that go to the middle of the height in different directions.

Another design of a folding barbecue is shown in video format.

Collapsible grills

They differ from the previous ones in that they consist of separate, unfastened parts. They gather on the spot. The assembly methods are different - in some places it’s a few bolts, in others it’s grooves and cuts. No welding is required during manufacture, but you will need a grinder with a diamond blade or a metal saw.

The prefabricated metal grill shown in the photo resembles the children's designer. The idea is interesting, the implementation is excellent. Welding is not needed, but masterful use of an angle grinder is required. If you don’t have a skill of this level, you can finish the most difficult places with a metal saw. If you decide to do something similar with your own hands, first make a layout in cardboard. It is advisable to take it the same thickness as the metal you will use. Assemble the finished layout, adjust it so that everything is perfect. Then you can transfer the patterns to metal.

A metal brazier without welding is made of stainless steel (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The following collapsible grills are made similar to those sold in stores. In them, the legs are made of corners, and cuts in the form of tongues are made in the legs. These tabs are slightly bent. There are holes made in the sidewalls for these protrusions. When assembling, the sides are “fitted” onto the tongues.

A collapsible metal grill - this is easy to make with your own hands (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The bottom of this model of prefabricated barbecue is not fixed by anything. The lower part of the sidewalls is bent inward by 3-4 mm. After fixing them on the legs around the perimeter, you get a side. The bottom is laid on this side. Having experience in operating this particular model, I can say that the structure turns out to be quite shaky and you need to handle it carefully: once you install it, you won’t move it, otherwise everything may fall apart. But our grill is made of very thin metal, 1 mm. Perhaps if you use a larger thickness, there will be no problem.

Another version of the prefabricated barbecue differs from the previous ones in that its legs are forged. The sidewalls are attached to them using special plates.

Collapsible barbecue on forged legs (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

And you will see the simplest of metal barbecues in the photo below. If you have two pieces of angle and a grinder, it can be done in a few minutes. If you can’t bend it, you can drill holes and fasten it with a bolt and nut.

The simplest metal kebab maker. You can do it yourself in a few minutes

Place it over the fireplace, driving the legs into the ground. Not very convenient, but very simple. It will do in case of a fire emergency.

How to paint a metal grill

If you're really bothered by rust on metal, you'll have to clean it off by hand. Preferably none chemicals Do not use, work only with brushes and sandpaper. If desired, it can be painted. But paints must be heat-resistant, or even better, heat-resistant, because only they can withstand the burning temperature of wood. There are several options:

  • heat-resistant paint CERTA (Certa) can withstand up to +900°C, there is another name for the same paint OS-82-03T;
  • heat-resistant enamel Rust-oleum, can be used up to +1093°C, matte, available in white, gray, black;
  • heat-resistant enamel (paint) “KO-8101” can withstand heating up to +650°C, there are twelve basic colors;
  • Heat-resistant enamel KO-8111 Thermal also has anti-corrosion properties and can withstand heating up to +600°C.

If you want it. They create a downright monumental impression. Even the simplest ones. You can practice on simple models.


And finally, a few drawings. Change the sizes at your discretion, there is no crime in this.

Drawing of a collapsible barbecue