How to make a pattern for a table lamp shade. Actions are performed in stages. Chandelier made of plastic bottles in the form of leaves


Most suitable and available materials Is paper and the cloth ... They lend themselves easily to transformation, each of us is familiar with them and they can be found in each home ... Wonderful fixtures are obtained from threads or yarns. Naturally, glass can also be used for shades. At home, these are ordinary or unusual, with an interesting shape, banks or bottle ... In especially bold projects, plastic containers, coffee packaging, and plastic children's toys were noticed.

Also, don't throw out options like rattan, bamboo, and rubber. As a basis for a future product, both raw materials and already ready product... So, for example, designers got the hang of creating delightful lampshades from beads, globes, parts of sets, mirror shards and even crumpled sheet music! One has only to look closely at the objects around you ...

Realizing how difficult it is to move from thought to action, especially to see an exquisite accessory in an ordinary can, we have prepared several master classes for you. Following step by step instructions, you can easily make cute hand-made new things for any room in the house.

Ideas and their implementation

Since we have already announced the materials suitable for the manufacture of shades and lampshades, let's start with paper.

Plafond with butterflies

For work we need:

  • white thin cardboard
  • thin twine or line
  • glue gun
  • wire for frame
  • stationery knife or scissors
  • round nose pliers

Advice! Before starting work, decide on the dimensions of the finished plafond. In our example, the diameter is 30 cm, which means we need a piece of cardboard 90 cm long.

  1. Making a frame. Cut off a piece of wire 96-98 cm long. Roll the wire into a circle with a diameter of 30 cm and fix the ends with round nose pliers.
  2. We cut 3 suspension elements from twine or fishing line. We measure the length of the pieces, based on the height at which you plan to hang the lamp. We tie them to the wire in three places, evenly distributing the load.
  3. Draw butterflies on cardboard different sizes and cut them out.
  4. We roll up the cardboard, glue the joint with a strip of thick paper or stitch it with a stapler.
  5. We fix the upper part on the wire. For this, you can use both glue and thin wire.
  6. The joints and cuts can be decorated with butterflies remaining after cutting.
    See what an elegant lamp we have. It will fit perfectly into the nursery and the bedroom. You will see a special chic when you turn on the lamp and butterflies flutter along the walls.

Advice! Instead of butterflies, you can cut snowflakes, stars or flowers. Decide for yourself what you like best.

60s style

If you ask our grandmothers, they will certainly remember floor lamps with lampshades in the form of an inverted bucket, tied with colored threads. We can do exactly the same with our own hands.

We need:

  • frame for lampshade - 2 pcs.
  • decorative braid (3 colors, choose a combination according to your taste)
  • scissors
  • crochet hook

Let's start manufacturing.

  • We tie the first braid to the lower ring of the lampshade, leaving a tail of at least 5 cm.
  • We pull it on the upper ring from the outside, throw it over it and stretch it through inner side lower ring. We alternate actions until the beginning of the next sector of the frame.
  • We fasten the first braid and use a braid of a different color. We knit it to the next sector, not forgetting to leave the tail on the first knot.
  • We do the same with the third sector, filling it with the remaining tape.
  • We stretch the ponytails along the bottom of the lampshade using a crochet hook.

Here is our shade from the distant 60s and is ready, it remains only to insert the cartridge and assemble the chandelier in any order.

Fringed braid

Another original idea for a do-it-yourself lampshade is also associated with braid, but not single-layer, but with fringe. What do we need for this?


  1. two metal hoops or use an embroidery hoop
  2. fringed braid
  3. line
  4. acrylic paint, the same color with tape
  5. glue gun
  6. scissors

Advice! Fringed braids are available from curtain and furniture stores.

  1. We paint the hoops or hoops acrylic paint... If they are already covered with varnish or other paint, it is better to sand and clean them.
  2. We wait until the paint is completely dry, and make three marks on each ring of the lampshade, placing them at an equal distance from each other.
  3. Cut three identical pieces of fishing line.
  4. We tie them to the smaller ring of the lampshade, leaving the upper ends with a margin, so that we can then tie them to the lamp cord.
  5. We measure the length of the fringe, subtract 2 cm from it, and tie the fishing line to the second ring for the resulting length. So we can get a cascade.
  6. We heat the glue gun and carefully glue the tape along the lower ring.
  7. We do the same with the upper ring, pulling it out of the lower one.

Advice! Note that hot glue can melt the line, so be careful not to apply it directly to the line. Drop the glue onto the paper, let it cool slightly, and then apply it to the line.

Cozy evenings with a book in your favorite armchair, soulful tea drinking with your family in the kitchen, romantic dates with your loved ones ... And above all this - a familiar, familiar, traditional lampshade for table lamps, wall lamps or floor lamps.

Beautiful hand-made lampshades become noticeable and irreplaceable interior items. They bring a touch of romance into everyday life and fill home atmosphere warmth and beauty.

The material for making a lampshade for a lamp can be fabric, paper, beads. Having shown imagination and patience, you can transform the old lampshade for the lamp with your own hands beyond recognition. Such an exclusive element will make the interior individual and truly homely.

DIY workshop on making a lampshade for a lamp

A popular material from which to make a lampshade with your own hands is fabric. Linen, silk, jeans, organza - any option.

A whole piece or strips of cloth will do. You can simply cover the frame with a printed fabric, make it monochromatic with embossed flowers from the same fabric.

It is important to understand in advance exactly where your lampshade will "live". A romantic environment requires an appropriate "companion", strict minimalism - another.

Expert advice: You can take a frame from old lamp... Making it out of hard wire yourself is also easy. And the lamps should be selected of an energy-saving type - so that the fabric does not catch fire.

How to make a beautiful DIY lampshade?

  • We take a finished frame, for example, with a ring diameter at the top of 20 centimeters, at the bottom - thirty-six, twenty-eight centimeters high;
  • select the fabric and cut it into strips, the width of each is four to five centimeters; about twenty-five stripes in total;
  • the edges of the ribbons should be even;
  • iron them well with an iron;
  • wrap the upper ring with one edge of the tape and sew it by hand;
  • now we lead it down and wrap the lower ring, and again the upper one;
  • when the strip ends, we fix its edge by sewing to the fabric;
  • take a new tape and continue;
  • when the whole frame is wrapped, we sew "belts" for the edges;
  • to do this, we take two strips of matter of a different shade and cut out two strips from it, the length of each is thirteen centimeters, the width is ten;
  • we iron the ribbons, bending the longitudinal edges by 2.5 centimeters to the wrong side;
  • then bend the strip in half;
  • we glue double-sided tape on the hoops of the frame;
  • we glue a strip of fabric on it, along the way slightly cutting its edge so that the matter lies as evenly as possible;
  • bend the second edge of the tape on inner surface cases and also glue with tape;
  • thus we decorate the top and bottom of the frame with "belts".

You can make the edging from crocheted ribbon or ruffle.

DIY lamp shade made of plastic and fabric

The second homemade lampshade is also made of fabric. You can make it based on an old lampshade. Or you can transform a typical product bought in a store:

DIY lamp shade. A photo

- the first step is to measure the circumference of the upper and lower rings, as well as the height of the frame;
- add two centimeters to the obtained dimensions from each edge so that the seams can be made;

DIY lamp shade. Master Class

- we take a sheet of thin plastic and cut out a rectangle or trapezoid from it - the basis on which the homemade lampshade will be held;

How to make a lampshade with your own hands. Step by step photo

- we cut the fabric to size, with the help of masking tape we glue it to the table;

- we glue the fabric on the plastic;

Master class - DIY lampshade. A photo

- we bend around the frame of the lampshade with the obtained part and fasten its edge with clamps;

- mark on the fabric the place where the seam will pass;

- remove the paper clips and glue them along the marked line with glue; press the joint with something heavy and let it dry;

Homemade lamp shade. A photo

- then we turn the lampshade over with our own hands and also glue it inside;

- now you can glue the body connection with the rings;

- when everything is well fixed, remove the clamps;

- we decorate the bottom and top of the lampshade using a paper tape; we glue it so that one edge goes beyond the ring;

- bend the free edge inside the case and glue it;

- fold a strip of fabric of a different color to the height of the lampshade and five centimeters wide in half, fold the edges inward, iron;

- we apply glue to the inner surface of the tape and glue it;

DIY lampshade. Step by step photo

- glue the strip to the seam on the lampshade;
- cut out two ribbons from paper of the same width as the finished strip for the seam; then we glue it to the upper and lower edges of the lampshade; fix with clamps; glue a strip of fabric on top of the paper.
Homemade lampshade is ready.

DIY lampshade ideas with photos

Such a "floral" lampshade will perfectly complement a romantic interior.

A little imagination - and a bouquet with variegated roses is ready.

Delicate tones create a romantic mood.

"Ruffle" of white roses is the perfect complement to the strict simple design.

This wonderful lampshade brings back memories of grandma's napkins.

These origami lamps will look great in a minimalist interior.

Another representative of the ancient Japanese art of creating masterpieces from paper.

Light green-blue strokes will perfectly fit into the design of green tones.

Beautiful lampshade from postcards or castle pictures

You will get a beautiful and original lampshade. We need a picture with locks, scissors, scotch tape, a cutter and a small lamp (lamp).

Even the smallest and most insignificant element plays an important role in the interior of each apartment. Only one unsuitable detail and the interior is ruined. That is why the choice must be approached carefully and very responsibly. Let's talk in this article about such interior decoration as lamps. It is not enough to hang only a light bulb, you also need to decorate it somehow. This can be done with a lampshade. Shop variations of lampshades can not always please, and rarely among them you can choose the model that will harmoniously blend into our interior. We do not always choose a new lamp with beautiful design, sometimes the old one no longer attracts us, has gone out of fashion or absolutely does not fit into new interior... All these factors push us to create DIY lampshade (photo).

It would seem that decorating a lampshade on your own is a rather complicated procedure, but in fact everything is very simple. Allocate some free time, and we will show you several options for creating beautiful lampshade... Make dIY lamp shade can be from any materials that you come across at hand. It can be any fabric you like, and ribbons, and beads and many other materials that, in your opinion, are suitable for decorating an original lampshade.

DIY lampshade for a floor lamp everyone can do it. The main thing is not to set yourself too serious tasks. If you have never encountered homemade products and it is difficult to imagine how to cope with the task at hand, then it is better not to risk it, but to choose for yourself a simpler version of the lampshade design.

A beautifully selected material, color and shape for the future lampshade will create a truly spectacular interior element. Neat and original floor lamp or another lamp can perfectly complement the design of a hall or other space.

It is not always convenient to make a lampshade from scratch; it is much easier to transform an existing one. In particular, such a solution is much easier for those who first decided to make with my own hands decor of the apartment and add a fresh touch. To create a new design for central lighting or a floor lamp, you need to take an existing lampshade or purchase the simplest inexpensive option in the store. Each of the proposed options is good in its own way. In the first case, the former lampshade does not always have ideal condition, which, accordingly, can add problems in its design. In the second case, you get the whole new material for the manifestation of your imagination, but at the same time you will incur small losses.

But in any case, making a new one from a finished lampshade will not be as difficult as decorating a new one. What can be done from an old floor lamp? Having cut out, for example, parts from cardboard or plywood, they can be attached to the existing lampshade, painted in one color or covered with fabric. We will receive a lampshade with new shapes. This solution is often used when parents are looking to create a fabulous design. Just imagine how great the boy's room will look, decorated in a space style with elements of unearthly planets, and a lamp made in the form of a space creature or a small satellite. But it is not difficult to make such a lampshade for a lamp in the above way. Dream a little, involve your child in the process, who is always full brilliant ideasthat you would not even think about. A little time and effort and you will succeed original solution for central lighting of a children's room. All guests who come to visit you will be delighted with the solution they saw.

If you have a solid color lampshade, there will be no problems with its design. Solid colors - perfect material for homemade decoration, because here you can embody any wishes and ideas. For example, you can get an original lampshade using appliqués, embroidery, and even ordinary stickers that can be found in many stores.

DIY lampshade - master class

We offer you an interesting dIY lampshade (master class), in which we will tell you how to get a work of art from an ordinary light lampshade. During the day, our floor lamp will represent an ordinary element of the interior, and at night it will turn into a wonderful decoration.

Our master class will be devoted to creating a lampshade in the form of a night city. To do this, we need directly the lampshade itself in light colors, yellow, orange or light pink shades are desirable. They will most of all resemble night lighting when the lamp is on. We take black fabric and cut out our model of the night city from it. It can be trees, buildings and even cars. Using PVA glue or any other, we glue our applications on the inside of our lampshade so that no wrinkles are formed. You can sew a black ribbon on the bottom. Please note that it is better to stitch with white thread or a thin ribbon. This will create the effect of a city road.

In daylight, our app will not be visible. And when the light is on, the landscapes of the night city with houses and trees bathing in the moonlight will open before us.

Choosing a colored floor lamp with bright ornaments and patterns for decoration, it is enough to slightly decorate it by adding pendants with beads bright colors... Perhaps decorate with satin thin ribbons to create a brighter effect. Such a lamp will fit perfectly into. Thanks to such a small additional interior, she can feel like a real princess living in a fabulous room with a cute interior.

How to make a lampshade with your own handsfrom scratch?

If you are interested in a question, how to make a lampshade with your own handsfrom scratch? Then you can simply purchase a few plastic folders and wire. Cut out the necessary parts for the frame from the folders, and use a wire to connect them together. This solution will allow you to create a completely new, original and unique lampshade.

Before embarking on any design of a lampshade, you need to take into account all those colors that are found in the room for which it will be intended. As you understand, the luminaire should harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, match the texture and color scheme of the space. In addition, observe the safety measures. That is, if you have a baby who is still too small and strives to grab onto everything that comes his way, then try to arrange a more restrained version of a floor lamp or lamp, to which the baby will not reach out. The fact is that more than once we have encountered situations when children pulled on pendants on floor lamps and overturned it on themselves, while receiving various injuries. Let's not talk about the bad. Just try to take into account all factors other than beauty.

What materials are used most often to create a lampshade? The most common option is textiles. It is good not only for its flexibility and ease of use. Its popularity is also deserved thanks to the chic variation of colors, which allows you to design absolutely any floor lamp that is perfect for any interior, let it be minimalism or Ethno style. Among the whole variety of fabrics, it is best to choose thick cotton or felt, which will quickly gain its popularity among needlewomen. Felt is an excellent material for creating a lampshade. It allows you to create a variety of multi-layered compositions, for example, dIY lampshade with butterflies.

If you do not want to tidy up your old lampshade for central lighting, we offer you a very interesting option doing it from scratch. This option does not take much time and effort, it is good for any interior, especially for.

To create a new lampshade for the ceiling lamp, we need a ball, glue and thick threads. Performed dIY thread lampshadevery simple. Inflate the balloon. Dip the threads in glue and wrap the ball in random order. Just don't overdo it. There should not be too many threads, there should be enough space between them in order to let light through. In addition, it is worth leaving a small space without threads on one side, this will be the bottom of our lamp, through which light will flow. The creation process is almost ready, just wait a little until the glue dries, after which you can blow off the ball.

Our threads will remain in the form and shape in which they were at the time of drying. If desired, our lampshade can be painted with paints in order to give it brightness and originality, while combining several colors. Now we just have to hang our lamp on the lamp. As you have seen, there is nothing difficult about this. But the interior will receive a new note of originality.

To decorate an old lampshade, you can use satin ribbons and even scraps of cloth. They can be sewn on to the diameter of the canvas, thereby creating horizontal stripes. For example, you can combine several colors. For example, let our lamp be light color pink, and we will insert the stripes in burgundy colors with bright small flowers... The combination of turquoise with brown... Such a lampshade is suitable for interior decoration of the hallway, and one of the rooms. A cute floor lamp can be put in the nursery, and more bright solution leave for the guests to see in the living room.

Recently, people have been striving to create new and original elements for interior decoration with their own hands. Therefore, in their works they use absolutely unpredictable elements, among which we can note kitchen utensils, artificial leaves, bamboo and other equally interesting materials. Lampshades look unusual, the frame for which is made of transparent plastic, and pasted over from the inside with old slides, photographs or decorative stones.

As you can see, making a new floor lamp or chandelier is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Everything is quite simple if fantasy works and there are many brilliant ideas. Make original item the interior can be made from any available means, applying a little new look to their design. Imagine, experiment and you will be able to create bright interiorfull of unusual and unique details of the overall composition.

If a person loves creative experiments and wants to spend a day off with benefit, you can make a new beautiful lampshade.

This craft will decorate your home. And only at first glance it seems that it is too expensive to make lampshades for table lamps with your own hands. There are ready-made proven schemes with dimensions. All you need is a little wire, fabric and thread (or fabric glue). This is done easily, and simple materials at hand are suitable for crafts. An interior element such as a lampshade will add a new motive to the familiar interior of a room or will become a wonderful gift for friends and acquaintances.

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands?

What is a living room without a beautiful lampshade? Craftsmen of hand-made art have in their arsenal a lot of advice on how to create a wonderful lampshade for an old lamp from the time of grandmother's youth. Most practical option - this is to make a round wire frame for a lampshade for a table lamp. And pull the fabric over the wire and fix it.

There are ready-made proven schemes with dimensions. By following the instructions, a beginner will avoid many mistakes. Let's give an example of the most common classical scheme frame of the lampshade. We also make a pattern for the fabric according to these dimensions, but with an allowance.

The best fabric for a lampshade is felt or cotton. Felt allows you to make multi-layer unusual craft... And on plain cotton before fixing the fabric on the frame, you can apply a pattern with an iron. To fix the fabric correctly and evenly, it is convenient to use transparent textile glue... You can easily find it in a decoupage store. The result is an excellent lamp.

How is the drawing applied? There is no special trick in this either. You need to find special paper for thermal transfer of photos. A suitable drawing is printed on it, and then you need to take a heated iron and iron every millimeter of paper well. You don't need to do anything else. When the pattern has cooled, the fabric is securely attached to the frame. Just do not forget to make a small gap when cutting out fabric shreds so that the edges (top and bottom) can be bent and carefully glued from the inside out. Or use ordinary colored tape for these purposes.

Frame options

DIY lampshades for table lamps are, in any case, nicer than factory-bought ones. Perhaps everything that the author's imagination is enough for. But for a round shape, the easiest way is to choose a pattern that is glued to the fabric.

If you don't feel like messing around with drawings, just take an ordinary plain chintz fabric and make patterns that are suitable for the shape of the wire frame. The main elements of crafts are imagination and the ability to work with your hands. Therefore, the wire frame of a lampshade for a table lamp is made by anyone.

Unusual lamps for a new interior

When in new room renovation has been made, and I want to complement the image of the living room with some kind of exclusive detail, you can put one lamp with unusual design on a small coffee table... Or on the dressing table in the bedroom. This will be an excellent solution. After all, even when the cost of decor is minimal, creative taste is always appreciated.

To find unusual ideas for a lamp, and, in particular, a new lampshade, you can at exhibitions of handicrafts, or simply by using your maximum imagination. Popular now various shapes Rice paper lampshades. Many people love colored things and decorate the frame with decorative colored beads.

The main thing in creative experiments is to choose the right shade of small decorative elements. When style, color and shape are chosen correctly, even the simplest things will look sophisticated in your room.

Stylish cardboard lampshade

You can make a do-it-yourself lampshade for a table lamp from cardboard. He will be completely different from others. The material for the craft needs to be selected durable, but thin. The advantage of this option is that it is an incredibly easy way to create a lampshade from scratch.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. 4 identical frames are cut out of cardboard. The same frames in which photographs are placed.
  2. A piece of fabric is glued to each frame at the back.
  3. On the side, neatly make several holes with a gypsy needle and sew the frames with laces. You need to make a small flashlight. The cardboard is pre-glued. It is stitched to make the craft look more beautiful.

The advantage of this option is that it is a completely simple way to create a lampshade from scratch. Moreover, this "flashlight" is a very light object. And it is possible to repaint it in any color, but preferably to match the selected fabric. It looks unusual and is suitable in style for elegant interiors.

DIY lampshades for table lamps made for a nursery

An interesting lamp in the nursery will be very useful. Make a better lampshade for your child together. Trust his personal taste. Indeed, for a child, the main thing is the process, not the result. You can use thicker materials that do not transmit light well, for example, plastic pasted over with paper. With a plastic lamp shade, the lamp weakly illuminates the room, it acts as a night light.

Maybe the child will want to see his favorite cartoon character on such a night light. Using the cotton print idea it can be done.

Lampshade for a cozy bedroom

But for a women's bedroom, a lampshade with a knitted pattern is more suitable. Some stores sell simple knitted napkins to decorate tables or shelves. These napkins are great. If a woman knows how to crochet, she can make such a napkin herself.

When the napkins need to be shaped into a ball, you need to put a few pieces on the baby ball, coat it completely with glue and let it dry a little. Remove unnecessary details in advance. The fabric is then removed and hung on the prepared wire shade circle.

A self-knitted napkin already has the desired size in advance, it does not need to be adjusted to the size of the frame. The napkin is sewn to the edge of the frame with ordinary threads. DIY crochet lampshade for a table lamp

A ball of thread as a lampshade

A very popular method is a glued ball of fine threads. You just need a skein of thread, PVA glue and balloonhic. You can take thick threads.

What to do?

  • A balloon is inflated, covered with glue.
  • On the fresh glue on the ball, wind the threads layer by layer in any order.
  • A place is left at the bottom so that you can then twist the light bulb.
  • When a ball is obtained, a layer of PVA is smeared on top of the thread chaos again.
  • This ball is left to dry for 12 hours.

After that, the balloon is pierced with a needle and pulled out. The lampshade is now ready to be installed on the lamp. DIY lamp shades for table lamps made using this technique do not have to be round. Instead of a ball, it is convenient to take a plastic 5-liter bottle or other square-shaped object, and apply the same "scheme". You will get a wonderful lampshade if you use an inverted plastic flower pot instead of a shape.

New life of an old lampshade

What if there are lamps with lampshades, but the old glass shade is broken? How to repair a table lamp shade with your own hands? Sometimes you don't want to say goodbye to your old favorite things, although they age and fade over time. What can be done to make them continue to serve? They can be refined, they can be returned to their beautiful stylish look. But how to update the lampshade of a table lamp with your own hands?

Of course, the old frame must be painted again, repaired, if it is cracked somewhere. Nowadays, many types of glue for the restoration of such things are sold.

Then think about which base you will choose for your craft. If you are new to hand-made, ask for advice from those who are more familiar with the details of this hobby. But still better foundation for the lampshade there will be a classic fabric.

A do-it-yourself table lamp is one of the most available ways decorate the interior and give it individuality. As soon as designers and amateurs do not scold them! The reason is simple: in relation to functionality and possibilities of creative self-expression to the required costs of materials, labor and skill, the table lamp is firmly in the top of the leaders among household items. In this article, and we will see what you can do with it, without straining your hands or your wallet too much. Just fiction.

Which one to do?

Rack table lamps (pos. 1 in the next figure) illuminate the working area, which does not require prompt movement of the light spot on the table surface: dressing table, desk... Opportunities decorative design in this case, the largest. Technically, the design of a desk lamp on a stand is the simplest. There are practically no possibilities for operational adjustment of the size of the illuminated zone. Dimming working area possible if there is a thyristor voltage regulator in the lamp, but the spectrum of the emitted light changes significantly.

A huge advantage of rack-mount desk lamps is the ability to obtain relatively by simple means so called. cosecant-square radiation pattern (DP) of the illuminator, see also at the end. Cosecant-square DN provides, within a certain angle φ, almost uniform illumination of the working area (see the figure on the right), which sharply reduces fatigue from intense intellectual work.

Lamps with a breakable articulated arm (item 2) are more suitable for technical creativity. Lamps on a pantograph arm at home are impractical and technologically complex, and making a lamp on a flexible arm at home will cost more than buying a ready-made one.

The design of a table lamp on a breakable arm is limited by laconic and utilitarian forms. The design is more complex than that of a lamp on a stand, primarily due to the requirements for ensuring electrical safety, see below. Possibilities of operational regulation of light in the working area are wide both in terms of the size of the illuminated area and in terms of its illumination with a constant spectrum.

Console table lamps (item 3) are less common in everyday life, because for stability, they require a heavy base and, most often, a counterweight, which complicates and increases the cost of the structure. Console lamps have less opportunities for operational light adjustment in the working area than lamps on brackets, but it is possible to obtain a cosecant-square DN.

Table lamps without raising the light source above the supporting surface are no longer table lamps, but night lamps (pos. 4). The fundamental difference between the one and the other is that the night lamp does not have a working area with certain requirements for light in it. Accordingly, the light from the night lamp can be anything you like, as long as it does not harm your health.


In any type of table lamp, a trace can be distinguished. structural elements:

  • Electromechanical - ensures the stability of the luminaire and the safe supply of power to the lamp holder.
  • Reference - supports the illuminator or reflector and, possibly, allows you to change its position.
  • Illuminator - a light bulb in a lampshade or reflector.

Electromechanics in the design of a table lamp plays a role only insofar as it can be hidden in the support of the illuminator. Design delights fall on the support and lighting. In rack lamps, as a rule, the lampshade carries the main aesthetic load, and the rack complements it; in hinged ones - on the contrary. But there are plenty of exceptions to this rule.


The wiring diagram of a table lamp is simple: a power plug, cable, switch, bulb holder. Sometimes a voltage regulator is added. The pendant lamp holder E27 (for the base of a lamp of normal width, item 1 in the figure) can only be mounted on a threaded shank M10 or M12. The cartridge for a narrow base-minion E14 is also attached to a thread or to a lamella in the form of a steel strip; the socket under it is shown with a green arrow in pos. 2. For a table lamp, chandelier holders (item 3) with threaded union flanges are best suited: between them you can clamp a steel faceplate with a lampshade frame or a clamp for mounting on a hinge. Drawings of the E27 chandelier electric cartridge of various modifications are given in pos. four.

It is necessary to make a table lamp in such a way as to ensure its electrical safety. This is especially true for hinged and console lamps. Achieving the safety of a table lamp is quite simple:

  1. The cable must be taken round with double insulation.
  2. The conductors of the cable are flexible, made of many wires. The cross section lived from 0.35 sq. mm.
  3. Places of cable routing through conductive or damp parts of the structure must be protected by sufficiently strong flexible dielectric bushings, cuffs or elbows.
  4. The cable inside the lamp structure must not be taut.

A diagram of the mechanical part of the support with a load of a homemade rack table lamp is shown in Fig.:

The cable is tied with a knot from the inside before entering (highlighted in color) or pulled through the holes of the dielectric fixing washer so that, by pulling it from the outside, the cable cannot be torn inside. Decorative finishing made of polymer clay (plastic, cold porcelain) on a dummy from a cut plastic bottle - the best option at home, but, of course, only one of many. If you want, for example, to carve the decorative shell of the rack out of wood - please, if only the mechanic would sit down properly. However, polymer clay as a material for a table lamp stand allows you to realize the most original ideas its decor and fully meets the safety requirements: dried polymer clay is a mechanically strong, non-wet, non-combustible dielectric.

Original supports

It is not necessary to fence in a rather complex and requiring turning work support of a rack table lamp if its lampshade is light, for example. made of threads (see below) or thin hard plastic, and it is not supposed to place a dimmer and other electronics in the support. In this case, a fairly stable lamp support is obtained from a "pot-bellied" glass bottle with a wide bottom, pos. 1 in fig. A narrow bottle can be made heavier by throwing stones (pos. 2), steel balls, etc. into it. The holder of the lampshade is fixed on the neck with a standard screw plug or a piece of solid EPS polystyrene, ground in along the neck thread.

The hole for the cable in the bottle is drilled with a thin-walled tubular diamond drill... But glass is not at all like a tile, so you need to drill it in this way:

  • The bottle is placed on its side and secured securely.
  • Around the future hole, a plasticine side is sculpted with a height of 2-3 cm.
  • Water is poured into the resulting hole.
  • Drill under a layer of water at not less than 2500 rpm with the most gentle and smooth feed.

Like a whiskey bottle " Jack Daniels"A table lamp is being made, see the video below:

Video: do-it-yourself table lamp from a bottle

Such a lamp will organically fit into, steampunk and other technogenic and utilitarian. Just don't make the mistake of trying to make her lampshade out of a flower pot or any other utensil. Technogenic-utilitarian styles are not a senseless heap of rubbish, their concepts are clearly thought out. Interior elements for them should be related to industrial, not agricultural or food production. A lampshade, for example, is needed from a tin reflector from an old industrial pendant lamp on a pantograph, a car headlight, a small spotlight, etc.

In fig. on the right is still very original version supports of a "real big" table lamp made of ... rope! It is done in this way:

  1. The rope is taken from a natural organic layer 6 + 1, i.e. 1 strand along the axis and 6 around the circumference;
  2. Stretch a piece of rope with your hands and loosen it, turning at the same time in different sides against the direction of the twist of the strands;
  3. The axial strand is carefully pulled out and a thin-walled copper tube with a fishing line threaded into it is inserted in its place to tighten the cable;
  4. The rope with a tube inside is pulled together, turning with your hands in the direction of the twisting of the strands;
  5. The ends of the rope are firmly fixed to the tube by winding with a cord;
  6. Tighten the cable into the tube;
  7. The workpiece is bent and knitted. You need to bend a little, carefully so that the tube does not break;
  8. The rope is tightened again, picking up the puckered strands, and impregnated acrylic varnish.

Note: the tube must be taken for air conditioning systems, made of oxygen-free copper. The red copper gas or electrical tube in the assembly is likely to break.

Hinge features

The mechanical part of a table lamp on an articulated arm is more complicated. The lamp shown on the left in the figure does not meet the electrical and fire safety: The cable is caught in flammable parts and may become stretched when handling the illuminator. Its hanging down loop can be hooked with a hand or a sharp object in semi-darkness.

The cable to the bulb holder in a table lamp on a hinged bracket should be routed along dielectric fireproof elbows either between the sidewalls of its links, or, if the hinge link is one-piece, along its top, in the center and on the right in Fig. In this case, the cable must be secured to the hinge link. If the hinge links are tubular, the cable is routed inside them. In any case, Ω-shaped cable loops with a diameter of 60 mm or more, but not less than 12 cable diameters, are made over the kinks of the hinge links. At the transition of the cable from the bracket to the illuminator, the Ω-loop is made from 90 mm, but not less than 20 cable diameters.

The balance of the swivel table lamp changes in wide range and it is rather difficult to ensure its stability with a surcharge. Because of this, manufacturers sometimes invent such systems that it is easier to shine with a flashlight than to adjust the light from such a miracle, see Fig. left. Therefore, hinged table lamps are often fitted with screw clamps.

As a screw clamp for attaching a homemade table lamp to a tabletop, a small carpentry clamp is excellent, see fig. on right. Better lamp clip from furniture store: costs less, holds more reliably. The grip of the clamp is wider and the lamp can be attached to any worktop thickness imaginable or unthinkable. It is necessary to ask the carpentry, tk. sponges of locksmith clamps without a soft coating.

The clamp is turned into a lamp holder using a socket made of a steel tube with an inside diameter of 10 mm and a length of 120-150 mm. In the tube approx. for half the length, make a longitudinal cut with a width of the thickness of the clamp holder. The socket is fastened to the clamp with through bolts. A steel pin with an eyelet is inserted into the socket tightly, but not tightly, which is a fixed link of the lower hinge of the lamp bracket. Hooks for hanging chandeliers with an end bent into a ring are well suited here; the thread does not prevent them from turning smoothly in the socket.

When adjusting the clamp to the lamp holder, you need to remember that its holder is made of highly carburized steel; so it is necessary that the jaws of the clamp do not succumb under the back pressure of the parts being compressed. High-carbon steel is very hard and quite brittle, so you need to drill it with a carbide drill at 800-900 rpm with a not strong smooth feed. Pounding with hard objects and trying to bend the clamp clip is prohibited!


This desk lamp assembly should give correct light into the work area and is often the main decorative element... First of all, it should be noted here that compact, lightweight and economical LED illuminators (see fig.) Shine well only in 3D models. In reality, their light is still far from satisfying the health requirements for local work lighting.


Hinged table lamp illuminators are made reflective, the lampshade is too bulky and heavy for them. The reflector should be parabolic, it gives a fairly concentrated and even light. You can make a single conical reflector yourself, but the light from it is uneven, tiresome to the eyes, and a lot of it is “scattered” to the sides. Reflectors of good articulated table lamps are made with a reflective surface of the 4th order of curvature (for example, in the “Hobby”, which has not lost its popularity for more than 20 years), but it is unrealistic to build one yourself.

The way out, if a suitable reflector is not found, is to use a krypton incandescent lamp with an internal reflector, it is also of the 4th order of curvature from conscientious manufacturers. In this case, the manufacture of the illuminator is reduced to installing a shell of any shape around the lamp from any sufficiently strong and light material that protects the lamp from accidental impacts.

The reflector of a desk lamp illuminator on a hinged arm must necessarily have an opening or openings at the top for the heated air to escape. Housekeeping fluorescent lamps and LEDs seem to heat up poorly, but from being in a heated air cushion their resource sharply decreases, and they are not cheap.


Illuminators for rack desk lamps are made in the form of a light bulb underneath. Its purpose is not only to be a fertile field for decoration, but also a partially translucent reflector that provides the required illumination of the working area of \u200b\u200ba given value. The table lamp shade can be made by rigid frameless and soft on the frame. The frame of the lampshade is most often made of wire in the form of a truncated straight cone, on the left in the figure, with simple (in the center) and complex (right) curvilinear generators.

The simplest way to cover a straight tapered lamp shade is with strips of tape. It is laborious, but good in that the outer surface is smoothly curved, without fractures. The seams on the rims of the lampshade are masked with ruffles (pos. 1 in the next figure), braid, fringe, etc.

It makes no sense to cut the fabric in the form of a sweep of a truncated cone for trimming a conical lampshade, because as a result of tightening the material, the lampshade will turn out to be not conical, but faceted, pyramidal. It will be easier to sew a lampshade cover from wedges, the patterns of which are built step by step completely without using geometry:

  • A sheet is applied to the frame section thin cardboard or thick stiff paper;
  • Cardboard / paper is tied to the frame with an elastic band or tape;
  • The contour of the pattern is encircled from the inside, this will give an under-coverage of the fabric, which is necessary for tight fitting of the lampshade with it;
  • The fabric is taken in satin, twill or staple weave;
  • Cut so that the warp threads are oriented along the longitudinal axis of the pattern.

The finished lampshade is often decorated with rosettes, bows, etc. For such a case, there is an interesting design technique: the main fabric is taken thin, well translucent colorful, and the rosettes are sewn on pale pastel colors or very light, pos. 2. In the light, the lamp stands modestly in the interior, but if you turn it on in the dark, everything is colored.

How to fit a lampshade

On the frame of the lampshade with complex curved ribs (with a "waist"), the sewn cover can be simply thrown over and pulled off with ribbons (pos. 3), thread, elastic band. But according to the rules, covering the lampshade with fabric is done like this:

And in a different way?

There are other ways to make a table lamp shade that allow you to embody a variety of original design ideas in the material. For example, a dummy mandrel (item 1 in the figure) is glued from ordinary writing paper and impregnated with acrylic varnish twice. After the varnish has dried, lanolin is rubbed into the block several times until it stops absorbing. A blank coated with lanolin is wrapped with a thread stretched through PVA glue, as in the manufacture christmas tree decorations do it yourself. The device for pulling the thread through the PVA is shown in Fig. right below. The finished hard cover of the lampshade is fixed with drops of glue on the frame, which in this case can only consist of a lower rim, fastening ties and a faceplate for a chandelier cartridge.

The same dummy is used to make a rigid seamless lampshade made of thin synthetic fabric. Cut out like a sweep of a truncated cone (with an allowance), a block is wrapped with a cut. The fabric is fixed at the edges with paper clips and impregnated with acrylic varnish with a wide strip in the middle. When the varnish is dry, the staples are removed and the edges are soaked on the outside. The paper is ripped out of the dried lampshade. The cuffs are trimmed inside, thick fishing line is put in the bends and fixed with drops of glue.

The frame with curved ribs can be braided horizontally with strips of fabric (pos. 3) or narrow ribbon, newspaper tubes, straws, etc. Ordinary propylene twine is excellent in lighting technology, but its aesthetics ... not very much ... Finally, a soft textile cover for the lampshade can be sewn with a simple straight sleeve along the diameter of the lower rim, and pinned on top, pos. four.

Quite original

The following 3 table lamp shade options are among the outwardly extravagant, but provide very good lighting performance. Which, by the way, cannot be said about many homemade textile lampshades. For example, we buy (it is a sin to steal, as Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Caribbean would say) dairy plastic shade for street lamp. Not that expensive, perfect light transmittance with light diffusion, and won't beat. And at the bottom there is a wide opening through which enough light will come out for local working lighting. We decorate the outer surface of the plafond with decoupage on a transparent basis or paint by hand. What happens in the end - see fig. But this, of course, is an option for an amateur, resistant to psychedelic influences.

Plywood or board-glued lampshade (see next figure), due to internal reflections, has good light transmission and greatly softens the light. You can even put an LED bulb with a frosted bulb in a table lamp with it. Rims - embroidery hoops of different diameters. In the same way, you can make a table lamp, integrated with a lampshade (on the right in the figure). It will take up a lot of space on the table, but it looks original, “environmentally”, and the light is very soft, not tiring.

A table lamp integrated with a lampshade can also be made from the same wonderful material -; in a thin layer, it is translucent. The jellyfish lamp (see fig. On the right) is made from it. The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

Green lamp

Revise old photos with Lenin, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Theodore or Franklin Delano, Mahatma Gandhi. Or, if you like, with Hitler, Mussolini, General Tojiyo, Chiang Kai-shek. And take a look at their table lamps. Really, they look like the one on the left in the rice? Which in the USSR was not sold to the "broad strata of the population"? And which gave birth popular expression Green lamp?

Luxurious green table lamps antique and modern

"Green lamps" are still produced and sold well. True, judging by the prices (on the right in the figure), they did not become more affordable for ordinary citizens. The secret of the "green lamp" is in the lampshade made of green glass painted in mass, covered from the inside with a translucent (more precisely, 3/4 transparent) layer. The shape of the lampshade corresponds to a well-defined mathematical law. Within wide, approx. 3 diameters of the lampshade, the working area of \u200b\u200bthe DN of the "green lamp" is practically cosecant-square, and then its illumination very smoothly turns into a greenish twilight. I slightly raised my gaze from the papers - my eyes and mind are resting.