How to bleed air from an aluminum battery. How to bleed air from radiators and heating pipes

It would seem that it could be easier to drain water from the heating system? After all, for this it is enough to connect to the battery drain hose and open the water. However, an incorrectly performed operation can lead to the most unpleasant results, especially in case of unforeseen situations in apartments, where you can simply fill all the neighbors with water. We will talk about the rules for removing fluid from the heating system in this article.

We drain the coolant in the apartment correctly

It is necessary to intervene in the operation of the heating system only if such actions are necessary for the normal operation of communications, the prevention or elimination of breakdowns. For example, it is impossible to replace a radiator in a room without first draining the liquids. In addition, it is necessary to remove liquid from the pipes in case of leaks, contamination of the system and, if necessary, replace the coolant with a new one.

AT autonomous system home heating is the easiest way to drain the coolant. To perform such work, special permits and approvals are not required, since even the occurrence of unforeseen situations in this case cannot cause significant harm to people. To replace the coolant, we perform the following work:

  1. 1. turn off the heating boiler;
  2. 2. we wait for the complete cooling of the water in the system;
  3. 3. close the valve for feeding the system with cold water;
  4. 4. open special air valves, which are necessarily present in closed communications.

Modern heating networks have drain valves that are located at the lowest point of the system - usually on the return pipe in close proximity to the boiler. After performing the operations described above, connect a hose to this tap, through which water can be drained from the circuit. When there is no coolant left in the heat supply network, you can start repairing the communication, replacing its damaged elements, or any other work for which the drain was performed.

It is more difficult to properly drain water from pipes and batteries of an autonomous system if a "warm floor" is installed in the house. In this case, to remove the coolant, you will have to connect a compressor to the inlet pipe of the network, which will help to displace water from the pipes using air pressure. Although it is not always necessary to completely drain the water from the system. For example, if you need to replace only one heating battery in the house, you can drain the coolant only from it, of course, if the design of the system and the features of its installation allow it.

It is highly desirable to provide for the possibility of draining water from a particular radiator by installing valves and taps.

So that when the described recommendations are followed, the replacement of the coolant does not cause big problems, it is necessary to prepare a suitable container in advance. All the liquid from the independent heat supply must fit into it without residue. In some cases, you can simply use a long hose that is pulled from the heating drain valve to the street. However, the longer the hose and the older it is, the higher the likelihood of leaks during the repair of the heating network.

Drain the coolant from the heating system located in apartment building, much more difficult. If you need to remove water from the communication in order to upgrade it, you will have to free the entire riser from the coolant, passing through all the apartments located in the same vertical. Such repairs require prior approval from the company serving the heat supply of the apartment building.

The service of draining water from the riser is paid, it is performed by employees of the responsible company, its cost depends on the time of the repair. The most expensive drain in winter period during heating season and the cheapest in the summer. Therefore, you should plan ahead for the modernization and maintenance of heating elements.

How to replace a radiator - dismantling procedure in an apartment building

The easiest way is to replace the radiator in relatively new apartments, in which the engineering communications are installed correctly, and the builders provide for the possibility of draining the liquid from the system without affecting the common riser. In order to replace the radiator in such an apartment, first close the shut-off valves at the battery inlet, thereby stopping the water supply to separate sections heating network, but without stopping the circulation of the liquid as a whole. Your further actions for working with the coolant depend on whether the design of the system provides for outlet cocks on the radiators. If there are taps, then you only need to connect a hose to them and drain the liquid into a large container.

FROM single pipe heating need to work differently. You will have to first open the valve on the bypass (bypass), which is a backup path for the coolant, which is used to replace the radiator. Only after opening the valve on the bypass can the shut-off valves on both sides of the battery itself be closed.

After that, you can proceed to disconnect the radiator from the heating network in the house. When a new battery is installed instead of a broken battery, it is necessary to check the sealing of the connection, check the tightening of the lock nuts, and only then gradually open the valves at the inlet and outlet of the radiator. At the end, you can open the Mayevsky tap and slowly close the bypass so that the radiator is filled gradually. Slow filling of the system will prevent water hammer, and air will escape from the battery through the Mayevsky valve. The faucet can be closed after water begins to flow through it.

We solve problems with the heating network

Problems with engineering communications happen quite often, however, for the repair of heat supply it is not at all necessary to always remove the coolant from the pipes. The most common heating problems include:

  • air entering the system circuit;
  • pollution;
  • insufficient diameter of the pipes of the system;
  • low power circulation pump;
  • absence check valves in complex networks;
  • making various mistakes during installation work.

Problems in the heating network are often related to each other. For example, the murmur of water in pipes can be caused both by air entering the pipes, and by poor sealing of the joints, by the presence of leaks. For the system to provide an apartment necessary quantity thermal energy and did not cause discomfort to users, it must be constantly checked. Monitor the quality of the connection, bleed the air through the Mayevsky taps, and if you can’t find the problem and get rid of it on your own, contact the professionals for help.

Timely call of specialists upon detection of the slightest signs of problems in the operation of heating will help to avoid serious malfunctions, to eliminate which you will have to spend your money and time, obtain permission to drain water from the riser and coordinate your work with responsible authorities.

Special video instructions and training materials will help you bleed the air from the radiator The question of how to bleed the air from the heating radiator arises almost every year. Without this procedure, the owner of both apartments and private houses will simply freeze in their premises. At the beginning of the heating season, problems such as cold or noisy systems appear, and they can arise even in the case of perfectly carried out installation. In order to not only identify, but also eliminate such problems, it is necessary to carry out preventive work to eliminate airing.

Signs of air accumulation: how to bleed air from the battery

Determining whether your batteries are airtight is not difficult.

This is evidenced by the following signs:

  • Heat transfer has noticeably decreased (radiators that were previously hot stopped heating up);
  • You began to notice the presence of noise, cod, murmur and a decrease in pressure in the pipes;
  • If you have heating system, then an increase in fuel consumption will become apparent;
  • The liquid stopped moving in the system, the circulation is disturbed.

The presence of air in the radiators threatens not only to reduce temperature indicator, but more global issues. For example, batteries made of steel begin to oxidize, rust and fail. Bottlenecks silt up and need to be flushed or completely replaced. If your heating is individual, then the accumulated gas in the system can lead to failure circulation pump, after all, in a normal state, the bearings are constantly in the water. In case of airing, the unit is subjected to dry friction, which causes excessive heating and shaft failure.

Why the system airs and how to air the heating system

Before you learn how to eliminate the plug from the system, you need to clarify the reason for its formation.

The most common factors are:

  • Incorrect installation work;
  • Incorrect heading or tilt angle
  • The pressure is low, which leads to the formation of a void;
  • The natural process of gas formation in the process of heating water;
  • The system was not properly filled after installation;
  • The tightness at the joints was broken;
  • The underfloor heating system was not properly connected;
  • Corrosion eats inside radiators and pipes;
  • The coolant has too much speed;
  • The air intakes are out of order.

It should be noted that in radiators aluminum type, which are installed in apartment buildings, air jams are the most common problem. In this situation, it is more reasonable to install bimetallic installations, cast iron or steel. A temporary solution to the problem may be the installation of an automatic air vent.

With what and how to bleed air from a heating radiator

In order to control the gas content of the system both in an apartment and in a private house, a manual or automatic air release valve is used. They should be considered in more detail.

These include:

  • Automatic air valve;
  • Air separator;
  • Mayevsky crane.

The automatic air valve is able to independently release the air that has accumulated in the radiator. It consists of a brass body, float, articulated arm and valve. A special cap protects against leakage, and protection under the spring protects against external contaminants.

The system works according to the following principle:

  • As long as there is no air, the float keeps the valve closed;
  • In the process of gas accumulation, the float begins to lower and gradually open the valve;
  • The accumulation of air leaves the compartments, and the system returns to its original state.

It is important to note the fact that all automatic options are equipped with connectors that are suitable for a screwdriver or octagonal keys. Thanks to this shape, you can open the valve even in manual mode if the automatic mode suddenly breaks.

As for the air separator, this system is a little more complicated. The principle of its action is to absorb air, turn it into bubbles and bring it out. Most often, separators are combined with sludge, which is able to trap dirt, sand or rust. If we talk about the design, then it is presented in the form of a metal cylinder, which includes an air outlet at the top and a valve at the bottom, which serves to discharge foreign contaminants. Inside such an installation is a grid that creates a vortex flow.

The same method is used if there is a water circuit that is connected to the heating. The release in the water supply is carried out as bleeding. That is, through the bleeder, you can also release a stream of air or water with impurities.

Mayevsky crane: how to bleed air

Mayevsky's crane should be given Special attention. This is a needle type radiator unit which includes air valve, screw and cone shaped body in a unique design. All these parts are hermetically sealed to each other, which completely eliminates the flow of water. As for the air that may be in the radiator, it exits through a small hole located on the side of the tap. Such an installation can be opened using a special key, which is always included in the kit, but if there is none, then you can use a regular screwdriver, and some models provide manual opening.

If we take into account the current bimetallic installation, then they already have holes for mounting cranes. The Mayevsky crane itself must be installed in such a way that the air outlet tube is located on the opposite side, and is parallel to the floor.

If your batteries are made of cast iron, then air vents are best suited here. automatic type. They correspond to the features of the design and composition of the material.

In order to use the Mayevsky crane to remove air, you must follow a sequence of certain actions.


  • Prepare keys or a screwdriver, a container for liquid and a rag;
  • If your system includes a pump, then it must be temporarily disabled;
  • Place the container under the tap and gently turn it counterclockwise;
  • Air will begin to descend from the faucet, possibly including dirt or rust;
  • You need to wait until water flows from the tap, and turn it off.

If the water quality is not the best, then you need to install a few additional shut-off valves. They should be located before the Mayevsky tap and protect it from possible blockages.

How to remove an airlock from the heating system in a private house

Get rid of air lock in an autonomous heating system of a private house is more difficult.

To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Determine the location of the plug. A murmuring noise, a cold area, will indicate its place.
  2. Move up to the nearest valve. The valve must be slightly opened and gradually bleed the air.
  3. If this method does not work, you can try to increase the pressure and temperature of the heat carrier. In most cases, the plug will begin to move and can be removed through the faucet. The work must be done very carefully, as there is a chance of getting burned from steam or hot water.

If joints are not installed in your system, then you will have to drain all the fluid from the system and refill it. Besides common cause airing in a private house becomes a warm floor, which is attached to radiators.

Blow out the plug or simply expel excess air accumulation into heating system, a special device can help, it is called a descent or reset. It works on the same principle as the bleed valves, which help to expel or completely remove airiness.

Removing gas formation in batteries is a very important procedure. How exactly to vent the system, bleed the air plug, clean the radiators and restore the flow of water supply, you can also find out in the video. It will be especially useful for owners of a boiler who want to push air in a system that has been aired.

Causes of air in the system

Winter is on the threshold, the beginning of the heating season is approaching ... Finally, the long-awaited day has come when the house will become warm and comfortable, but, unfortunately, the rooms are still cool: the radiators are hot below, completely cold in the upper part.

This is due to an airlock in the heating system.

There may be several reasons for its appearance:

  1. there is dissolved air in the water - in the process of heating the water, air begins to be released in the form of bubbles. They rise to the upper parts of the pipelines, accumulating there, thereby creating air locks;
  2. airing occurs during the repair of pipelines and subsequent assembly;
  3. incorrect filling - the system must be filled slowly, simultaneously removing air from distributors, radiators. It is necessary to act according to the following principle: the more extensive and branched out the system, the slower it should be filled;
  4. poor tightness - not very large flaws in the system are difficult to notice, for example, a leak at the connecting joint is hardly noticeable, since hot water evaporates quickly. It is through such leaks that air is sucked into the heating system.


How to determine the places of airing?

As you know, with air "plugs" in the heating system, extraneous sounds may appear (for example, gurgling in the pipeline, water flow).

The location of the plug can be determined by gently tapping the pipes and heaters. Where the sound of impact is the most sonorous, and an air pocket formed.

Ways to remove air from water heating systems

Since heating can be both natural and forced circulation coolant, then the air in the heating system can be bled in different ways.

For systems with natural circulation (upper piping is considered) the air lock can be removed through the expansion tank, which should be at the highest point relative to the entire system.

The supply pipeline should be laid with a rise to the tank. If the wiring is lower, air removal should be provided in the same way as in a heating system with a circulation pump.

For forced circulation systems an air collector should be provided - in the very highest point, which will be responsible for the descent of air.

The supply pipeline in this case is laid with a rise in the direction of movement of the coolant, and air bubbles, rising along the riser, are removed from the heating system through air valves, which must be installed at the highest point.

In any case, the return pipelines should be laid with a certain slope - towards the water drain, in order to speed up the emptying of the pipes during repair work.

AT heating systems closed type automatic air vents are provided - they are installed at several points along the pipeline line, air is discharged from them separately.

If the installation of the heating system and the laying of pipes at the required slope are done correctly, then bleeding through the "air vents" will be simple and not entail any problems.

I would like to note that the removal of air from the pipes is accompanied by an increase in the flow rate of the coolant and an increase in pressure in them. In case of airing heating batteries there may be poor tightness of heating pipelines or an uneven temperature difference.

Very often in residential buildings equipped with an independent boiler with open system heating, water can be discharged directly through the expansion tank: after emptying, it is advisable to wait at least half an hour and only then open the "vent" on the tank - the air will come out all by itself when the water temperature in the system rises.

Where are air vents installed?

The main ("critical") points of installation of air vents are:

  • Kinks in the piping system ("elbow", turn).
  • The highest marks of the location of pipelines.

Varieties of air vents

Air vents can be manual or automatic.


This includes the Mayevsky crane, which has small size. The place of its installation is at the end of the heating device. Adjusting the Mayevsky crane is quite simple - manually, with a key or a screwdriver.

Since the dimensions of the crane are small, its performance is low, therefore, such an “air vent” can only be used for local removal of air “plugs”.



These models generally do not need human presence. The automatic air vent consists of:

  • corps;
  • float;
  • rocker arms;
  • spool.

Its principle of operation is based on the displacement of gas when it enters the chamber of the device.

The float mechanism moves in the chamber. If there is no air in the system, then it is located at the highest point. The spool is connected to the float using a rocker arm. The spool closes the air nipple until air enters the system. The spool is fixed under the action of a spring.

Automatic air vent valve mounted vertically. The air outlet must point upwards. As a rule, an air vent is installed at the highest point of any system, since gas (air) is lighter than water and rises.

The device is mounted simply. For this you will need open end wrench. With its help, the air vent is screwed into the threaded connector using sealing means. It is necessary to tighten directly behind the hexagon on the tap body, otherwise the device may be damaged.

When installing the automatic air vent, the air valve closed with a cap to avoid damage.

In order to further conveniently operate the device, it is recommended to install it after the shut-off valve. In this case, the air vent can be uninstalled without draining the fluid from the system.


How to bleed air from a heating radiator using a Mayevsky tap?

When bleeding air from the radiator, it is necessary to unscrew the valve with one hand, and hold the rag with the other so that water does not get on the floor. First, hissing will go, and when water appears in the form of a small trickle or drops, depending on the pressure in the system, you need to screw the valve back.

There is no need to be afraid that your entire apartment will be flooded, since the hole in the tap is very small.

Unscrewing the valve in most cases is enough for one turn, is no longer needed, since the flow of air and water is limited by the opening of the tap itself. And if you unscrew it completely, then there is a chance that you will hardly screw it back in due to the high water pressure. That is, the principle of operation of the Mayevsky crane is quite simple.

It is better not to put Mayevsky automatic taps on old cast-iron radiators when using central system heating, since the water in it is most often dirty and with a tap opening of only 2 mm, you will often have to remove it and clean it with a sewing needle or pin for its normal functioning.

Mayevsky cranes are most often installed either on upper parts heating radiators, in other words, batteries, opposite the upper connection of a pipe or thermostat, since air always tends to the highest point, or on a heated towel rail.

The Mayevsky crane is installed by screwing it into the radiator cap. You just need to choose the right thread size 1 inch, ¾ inch or ½ inch. If there is no tap hole, the plug must be replaced.

Buy faucets with rubber or silicone seals, but for better reliability you can also use linen winding or a special tape to seal the threaded connection.

When installing or replacing a faucet, it is necessary to hold the plug itself with a key, since it must be remembered that left-hand threads are used on all plugs and radiator plugs.

As a result, by screwing in the air vent, you loosen the heating radiator plug and, conversely, when the air vent is unscrewed, the plug is tightened.


Problems of aluminum radiators

Aluminum of even the highest quality heating devices can react with the coolant, followed by the release of hydrogen. The intensity of this process depends on the quality of the coolant (its pH level), the heating temperature, and also on the presence in the heating system of individual parts and elements made of steel, which is the cause of the process of electrochemical corrosion of aluminum.

To protect against corrosion, the metal is coated from the inside with a layer protective film, the effect of which weakens over time, and then completely stops. This means that when installing aluminum radiators, the process of hydrogen evolution, which can also create air pockets and block the movement of the coolant is inevitable.

It's all about time: the appearance of hydrogen can begin literally from the first days of operation of the heating device, or it can be "late" for several years, or even decades.

The danger of aluminum radiators is also that the process of hydrogen evolution can proceed at a high speed, at which the gas does not have time to rise up and forms zones high pressure that can completely disable the heating system.

Pipes and radiators burst and cannot be restored.

To remove air pockets from single-pipe heating systems, as well as from heating systems with aluminum radiators, air vents are used. various designs, which are installed in the places of the most likely formation of air jams.


How to remove an airlock from an aluminum heating radiator?

To date, radiators are most often changed according to one simple standard scheme.

Two taps are installed on the radiators to turn off, and a jumper is mounted in front of them, or as some call it, a bypass. By the way, it is not recommended to install a crane on a jumper. If you install it and have no idea how the heating system works, then you can regularly block the circulation of water in the pipes on all floors of your house.

For these actions, you can quarrel very strongly with local plumbers from your management company. Instead of installing a faucet, the jumper is made with a pipe of a smaller diameter than the main pipes suitable for the radiator. Thus, the main flow of hot water passes through the battery, heating your room as much as possible.

In those cases when the room becomes hot, the radiator can be turned off, shut off any (upper or lower) faucet, thereby stopping the circulation of water in it. You can also close both taps at once, nothing bad will happen, but more often this is done when they want to remove the radiator.

How do you bleed air from the radiator? The procedure is quite simple, for this there is a Mayevsky crane. A small "pimpochka" located on top of the radiator on the opposite side of the incoming pipes. The air faucet comes with a small plastic key. If there is no special key, you can use an ordinary screwdriver.

How to understand that you need to bleed air and how often to do it?

It is very easy to determine whether there is air in the radiators or not; during the heating season, if you notice that half of the radiator is warming up and half is cold, then there is air in it.

Most often, airing occurs after turning off the heating in the house, for repair work.

The procedure for airing the radiator is as follows: the upper shut-off valve on the radiator is closed, the lower one is open. Some kind of container, for example, a mug, is substituted for the water drain spout, and the Mayevsky tap itself opens.

We wait until water flows from the spout in an even stream without admixture of air. Flowed? Spill a small amount of water, perhaps more air will come out and you can close it. When finished, do not forget to open the tap on the battery.


What to do if it doesn't help?

There are situations when even after the air is released, the battery does not have the necessary heating. Or the radiator heats up, but not for long. In this case, the batteries must be flushed or purged.

If the heating system installed offline, then it is necessary to check its full filling. If water acts as a heat carrier, then it expands rather quickly. When the temperature drops, the water may not be enough.

Often in houses with an autonomous heating system, it is necessary to drain water through an expansion tank. It is always located at the highest point of the heating system. But before draining the water, you need to open the valves and turn off the house from heating.

Next, you need to wait half an hour, and only then you can open the tap on the expansion tank. You will hear the flow of water by the characteristic noise. Usually the airlock comes out on its own when the temperature rises. If its exit is difficult, bring the water in the heating system to a boil. So the air will definitely come out.


We release air from the battery - what needs to be prepared

Before performing the procedure, prepare everything you need:

  • radiator key. Sold in a hardware store. It must fit the size of the battery. You can explore your toolbox. Take a small key from the set right size, wrench or another tool. An ordinary screwdriver is suitable for bleeding air from modern radiators;
  • large wide basin or bucket. You will pour water into the container;
  • rags. Spread them on the floor near the radiator so as not to flood the neighbors, you never know what happens.

Lightly tap the radiator with a hammer before bleeding. If you hear in some place too ringing sound- the cork is here.

We lower the air from the battery with the Mayevsky crane

Mayevsky's crane is located on the battery at the top. Some models have a plastic handle, no tools are required to open the faucet. Before venting air in the radiator with a Mayevsky tap, do not block the entire riser of the heating system and do not wait until the coolant has cooled down. This work is useless and reduces the effectiveness of the fight against traffic jams, as the pressure in the system will drop.


  • substitute a basin under the tap to collect the coolant;
  • put rags on the air vent. The liquid will be absorbed into the rags and will begin to drain smoothly;
  • smoothly unscrew the tap with a key or by the plastic handle. Hear a whistle or hiss, it's air coming out;
  • wait until a steady stream of water begins to flow. This indicates that you have broken an airlock. This will take 5 to 7 minutes. Experts recommend draining up to two buckets of water;
  • close the valve.

We bleed air from the battery with an automatic air vent

This device operates in stand-alone mode and is mounted horizontally or vertically on a battery. Removal of air congestion occurs without your participation. A special float is installed on the air vent. It hermetically covers the tap if there is enough water in the system. As soon as air accumulates, the float drops, the hole opens and the gas comes out. But the device has a drawback. It is very sensitive to water quality. If there are impurities in the coolant, the mechanism breaks. Therefore, use filters and periodically change the o-ring. Also, clean the valve regularly, otherwise water will leak from the battery. If you take care of the device, you won’t have to deal with air jams on your own.

We bleed air from the old battery with a plug

On old cast iron batteries usually there are plugs, if you have not changed them to Mayevsky taps. The work ahead is difficult, the plugs are fixed with tow and paint. First you need to turn off the heating system. For work, prepare an adjustable or gas key. Your next steps are:

  • put a rag on the floor;
  • put a bucket under the tap;
  • slowly and carefully unscrew the plug with a wrench. If it doesn’t work, apply a special lubricant or a little solvent to the thread;
  • after the air has escaped and the water has drained, wrap the thread of the plug with flax or FUM tape and tighten it. This will prevent possible water leaks.

We bleed air from the battery in a private house

In the heating system of a private house, air is released using expansion tank. It is located at the highest heating point. After draining the water, wait a little and unscrew the tap on the tank. The cork will come out by itself, because the temperature rises. If there is no positive result, bring the water in the circuit to a boil and the air will definitely come out.

Timely removal of air pockets from the batteries improves the efficiency of the heating system. After right action warmer in your apartment. The work is simple, but if you have any difficulties, call the experts.

Why is an air lock in a radiator dangerous?

If there is air in the battery, nothing good will come of it. Excess air is an obstacle to the normal functioning of the system. And it can also cause corrosion on the walls of the radiator.

If a circulation pump is installed in the circuit, an air lock can also disrupt its operation. When the system is functioning correctly, the plain bearings on the shaft of the pump unit are constantly in the water. And in the presence of air, the effect of "dry friction" occurs, which negatively affects the sliding rings, and can damage the shaft. Therefore, it is important to know how to expel air from the heating system at home. Measures taken in time will help prevent damage to the heating network.

How to understand that there is an air lock in the battery?

Before you release air from the heating system, you need to figure out why it is formed in the circuit and how to understand that there is an air lock in the radiator. Most often, excess air accumulates as a result of improper filling of the system with water. The reason may also be the result of errors made during installation. Low pressure in the circuit, low-quality coolant with the presence of dissolved oxygen can also lead to airing.

Air lock can also occur under such circumstances:

The following signs may indicate that excess air has accumulated in the system: hissing and gurgling sounds in the battery, the heating quality decreases, heating becomes uneven, and the radiator may be cold in areas where air is present.

Such situations are not uncommon. Surely every owner of an apartment or a private house faced a similar problem. Therefore, it is important to figure out how to remove air from the heating system at home, especially since it is not at all difficult to do it yourself. It should be noted that most often an air lock is formed in batteries that are installed on the upper floors of the house.

In this case, no matter how much you bleed excess air, it will form again. And the reason lies in the fact that the material from which the battery is made contributes to the formation of gases. There is only one way out of the situation - to buy a new radiator. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase heaters from conscientious manufacturers.

How to remove excess air from the battery?

Before you bleed air from the heating system, you need to understand the features of this procedure well and prepare everything necessary tools and materials. Consider how to remove air from the heating system in more detail. For such work, you will need a special key with which you can open the air valve on the radiator.

A radiator wrench is best. It is sold at any hardware store. If a modern battery is installed, you can take a simple screwdriver. It is also necessary to prepare a container into which the coolant will merge. And also have a couple of rags nearby in case of unforeseen situations.

The algorithm of actions on how to properly bleed air from the heating system is given below:

In addition to Mayevsky taps, automated air vents for heating systems are often used, which bleed excess air on their own. Such automatic units are compact and reliable. But at the same time, you have to be extremely careful. After all, the valve works without supervision. And the slightest violation in the process can cause flooding of the attic or riser.

Some nuances

There are situations when the masters, when installing the heating system, do not install special valves to release excess air. Let's consider how to release air from the radiator in this case. To work, you will need an adjustable or gas wrench. Use it to open the cap. This must be done very slowly. Sometimes the plug won't open. Most often this happens if the battery is cast iron. In this case, it is necessary to apply a special lubricant to the thread and after a while try again.

When the plug is unscrewed, the same algorithm of actions is performed as with a conventional tap. When the cork is screwed into place, one must not forget to wrap either FUM tape or linen on the thread. This will avoid leaks and give the connection a tight seal.

If air has accumulated in the heating system of a private house, the water will have to be drained using an expansion tank.

This container is always located at the highest point of the heating system. When the water is drained, you need to wait a bit, and then unscrew the tap on the expansion tank. Usually, when the temperature of the battery rises, the cork comes out on its own. If such actions were ineffective, then the water in the circuit should be brought to a boil. In this case, the cork will definitely come out.

How often do you need to bleed air?

Knowing how to bleed air from the heating system can prevent and solve many problems. But how often should such a procedure be carried out for prevention purposes? As a rule, this should be done at the beginning of the heating season. Twice is enough (the first time for verification, the second for control). Of course, if there are defects in the system or it is faulty, then the number of descents can be large.

If the apartment has aluminum radiators, then before starting the system it is necessary to drain the water. This will help increase battery life significantly.

Preventive measures

Of course, knowing how to blow out a heating battery is important and necessary. But it is better to air the system as little as possible. It is better to prevent this situation and install an air vent.

At the moment, air collectors of heating systems can be of two types: manual (represented by the Mayevsky crane) and float (or automatic). Each of the above types can be installed in various places where there is a risk of air entrapment. The Mayevsky crane configuration is traditional. Auto air vents can be angled or straight.

In order not to puzzle over how to ventilate the heating system, it is imperative to install an air vent on each battery.

Manual air vent type

Air vents manual type usually mounted on the front side of the radiator. With their help, you can easily bleed excess air. It is enough to have only a special key. The performance of such devices is small. Therefore, such an air collector for the heating system is installed only for use at home.

Automatic air vent type

As for automatic air vents, they operate offline. You don't need to unscrew or open anything. The device does everything on its own. Mount them strictly in a horizontal or vertical position. But I must say that such a valve for bleeding air from the heating system has one drawback - high sensitivity to pollution of a different nature. Therefore, it will also be necessary to additionally install a filter that will clean the device from mechanical impurities.

Important! If air has formed in the heating system, you should find out the cause of this situation. Especially if there were no such problems before. It is important not only to remove the airlock, but to take all measures so that it does not reappear. Therefore, it is necessary to check the device for tightness. Perhaps somewhere you should change the nuts or tighten the bolts, better seal the joints. Or perhaps the air vent is installed incorrectly or the automatic air separator for heating is out of order.

Air locks in heating radiators interfere with the efficient operation of the system. The battery does not heat up completely, and the family freezes in the apartment, because the cork does not allow water to spread normally through the radiator. Call the master from the housing office, he will remove the cork. But often the masters of high-rise buildings have to wait a long time, and the owners of private houses solve this problem themselves. If you know how to bleed the battery, you can easily do it yourself.

We release air from the battery - what needs to be prepared

Before performing the procedure, prepare everything you need:

  • radiator key. Sold in a hardware store. It must fit the size of the battery. You can explore your toolbox. Take a small wrench of a suitable size, wrench, or other tool from the kit. An ordinary screwdriver is suitable for bleeding air from modern radiators;
  • large wide basin or bucket. You will pour water into the container;
  • rags. Spread them on the floor near the radiator so as not to flood the neighbors, you never know what happens.

Lightly tap the radiator with a hammer before bleeding. If you hear too loud a sound in some place, the cork is here.

We lower the air from the battery with the Mayevsky crane

Mayevsky's crane is located on the battery at the top. Some models have a plastic handle, no tools are required to open the faucet. Before venting air in the radiator with a Mayevsky tap, do not block the entire riser of the heating system and do not wait until the coolant has cooled down. This work is useless and reduces the effectiveness of the fight against traffic jams, as the pressure in the system will drop.


  • substitute a basin under the tap to collect the coolant;
  • put rags on the air vent. The liquid will be absorbed into the rags and will begin to drain smoothly;
  • smoothly unscrew the tap with a key or by the plastic handle. Hear a whistle or hiss, it's air coming out;
  • wait until a steady stream of water begins to flow. This indicates that you have broken an airlock. This will take 5 to 7 minutes. Experts recommend draining up to two buckets of water;
  • close the valve.

We bleed air from the battery with an automatic air vent

This device operates in stand-alone mode and is mounted horizontally or vertically on a battery. Removal of air congestion occurs without your participation. A special float is installed on the air vent. It hermetically covers the tap if there is enough water in the system. As soon as air accumulates, the float drops, the hole opens and the gas comes out. But the device has a drawback. It is very sensitive to water quality. If there are impurities in the coolant, the mechanism breaks. Therefore, use filters and periodically change the o-ring. Also, clean the valve regularly, otherwise water will leak from the battery. If you take care of the device, you won’t have to deal with air jams on your own.

We bleed air from the old battery with a plug

Old cast-iron batteries usually have plugs, if you have not changed them to Mayevsky taps. The work ahead is difficult, the plugs are fixed with tow and paint. First you need to turn off the heating system. For work, prepare an adjustable or gas key. Your next steps are:

  • put a rag on the floor;
  • put a bucket under the tap;
  • slowly and carefully unscrew the plug with a wrench. If it doesn’t work, apply a special lubricant or a little solvent to the thread;
  • after the air has escaped and the water has drained, wrap the thread of the plug with flax or FUM tape and tighten it. This will prevent possible water leaks.

We bleed air from the battery in a private house

In the heating system of a private house, air is released using an expansion tank. It is located at the highest heating point. After draining the water, wait a little and unscrew the tap on the tank. The cork will come out by itself, because the temperature rises. If there is no positive result, bring the water in the circuit to a boil and the air will definitely come out.

Timely removal of air pockets from the batteries improves the efficiency of the heating system. After the right actions in your apartment will noticeably warmer. The work is simple, but if you have any difficulties, call the experts.

The question of how to bleed air from a heating radiator arises almost every year. Without this procedure, the owner of both apartments and private houses will simply freeze in their premises. At the beginning of the heating season, problems such as cold or noisy systems appear, and they can arise even in the case of perfectly carried out installation. In order to not only identify, but also eliminate such problems, it is necessary to carry out preventive work to eliminate airing.

Signs of air accumulation: how to bleed air from the battery

Determining whether your batteries are airtight is not difficult.

This is evidenced by the following signs:

  • Heat transfer has noticeably decreased (radiators that were previously hot stopped heating up);
  • You began to notice the presence of noise, cod, murmur and a decrease in pressure in the pipes;
  • If you have autonomous heating, then an increase in fuel consumption will become apparent;
  • The liquid stopped moving in the system, the circulation is disturbed.

The presence of air in the radiators threatens not only with a decrease in the temperature indicator, but also with more global problems. For example, batteries made of steel begin to oxidize, rust and fail. Bottlenecks silt up and need to be flushed or completely replaced. If your heating is individual, then the accumulated gas in the system can lead to failure of the circulation pump, because in the normal state the bearings are constantly in the water. In case of airing, the unit is subjected to dry friction, which causes excessive heating and shaft failure.

Why the system airs and how to air the heating system

Before you learn how to eliminate the plug from the system, you need to clarify the reason for its formation.

The most common factors are:

  • Incorrect installation work;
  • Incorrect heading or tilt angle
  • The pressure is low, which leads to the formation of a void;
  • The natural process of gas formation in the process of heating water;
  • The system was not properly filled after installation;
  • The tightness at the joints was broken;
  • The underfloor heating system was not properly connected;
  • Corrosion eats inside radiators and pipes;
  • The coolant has too much speed;
  • The air intakes are out of order.

It should be noted that in aluminum-type radiators, which are installed in apartment buildings, air locks are the most common problem. In this situation, it is more reasonable to install bimetallic installations, cast iron or steel. A temporary solution to the problem may be the installation of an automatic air vent.

With what and how to bleed air from a heating radiator

In order to control the gas content of the system both in an apartment and in a private house, a manual or automatic air release valve is used. They should be considered in more detail.

These include:

  • Automatic air valve;
  • Air separator;

The automatic air valve is able to independently release the air that has accumulated in the radiator. It consists of a brass body, float, articulated arm and valve. A special cap protects against leakage, and protection under the spring protects against external contaminants.

The system works according to the following principle:

  • As long as there is no air, the float keeps the valve closed;
  • In the process of gas accumulation, the float begins to lower and gradually open the valve;
  • The accumulation of air leaves the compartments, and the system returns to its original state.

It is important to note the fact that all automatic options are equipped with connectors that are suitable for a screwdriver or octagonal keys. Thanks to this shape, you can open the valve even in manual mode if the automatic mode suddenly breaks.

As for the air separator, this system is a little more complicated. The principle of its action is to absorb air, turn it into bubbles and bring it out. Most often, separators are combined with sludge, which is able to trap dirt, sand or rust. If we talk about the design, then it is presented in the form of a metal cylinder, which includes an air outlet at the top and a valve at the bottom, which serves to discharge foreign contaminants. Inside such an installation is a grid that creates a vortex flow.

The same method is used if there is a water circuit that is connected to the heating. The release in the water supply is carried out as bleeding. That is, through the bleeder, you can also release a stream of air or water with impurities.

Mayevsky crane: how to bleed air

Maevsky's crane should be given special attention. This is a needle type radiator unit which includes air valve, screw and cone shaped body in a unique design. All these parts are hermetically sealed to each other, which completely eliminates the flow of water. As for the air that may be in the radiator, it exits through a small hole located on the side of the tap. Such an installation can be opened using a special key, which is always included in the kit, but if there is none, then you can use a regular screwdriver, and some models provide manual opening.

If we take into account the modern bimetallic installation, then they already have holes for mounting cranes. The Mayevsky crane itself must be installed in such a way that the air outlet tube is located on the opposite side, and is parallel to the floor.

If your batteries are made of cast iron, then automatic air vents are best suited here. They correspond to the features of the design and composition of the material.

In order to use the Mayevsky crane to remove air, you must follow a sequence of certain actions.


  • Prepare keys or a screwdriver, a container for liquid and a rag;
  • If your system includes a pump, then it must be temporarily disabled;
  • Place the container under the tap and gently turn it counterclockwise;
  • Air will begin to descend from the faucet, possibly including dirt or rust;
  • You need to wait until water flows from the tap, and turn it off.

If the water quality is not the best, then you need to install a few additional shut-off valves. They should be located before the Mayevsky tap and protect it from possible blockages.

How to remove an airlock from the heating system in a private house

It is more difficult to get rid of an airlock in the autonomous heating system of a private house.

To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Determine the location of the plug. A murmuring noise, a cold area, will indicate its place.
  2. Move up to the nearest valve. The valve must be slightly opened and gradually bleed the air.
  3. If this method does not work, you can try to increase the pressure and temperature of the heat carrier. In most cases, the plug will begin to move and can be removed through the faucet. The work must be done very carefully, as I have a chance of getting burned from steam or hot water.

If joints are not installed in your system, then you will have to drain all the fluid from the system and refill it. In addition, a common cause of airing in a private house is a warm floor, which is attached to radiators.

To blow out the plug or simply to expel excess air accumulation in the heating system, a special device can help, it is called a bleeder or a bleeder. It works on the same principle as the bleed valves, which help to expel or completely remove airiness.

Removing gas formation in batteries is a very important procedure. How exactly to vent the system, bleed the air plug, clean the radiators and restore the flow of water supply, you can also find out in the video. It will be especially useful for owners of a boiler who want to push air in a system that has been aired.

How to bleed air from a heating radiator (video)

In conclusion, it should be said that it is very important to monitor the heating system in a private house or apartment. As practice shows, the initial problem of the appearance of air is precisely the incorrect installation and errors in the creation of the project. In order not to solve this problem urgently in the future, it is better to take care of the correct installation in advance, the availability of manual valves and, of course, the constant maintenance of the entire system.

Today, unforeseen situations often arise that force you to do unusual things, and therefore the question of how to properly drain water from a heating battery is being asked more and more often by people who are not specialists in this field.

Read more about how the process is carried out in the article.

We drain the water from the battery correctly

If the battery is not heated enough in winter, when replacing or when pipes break due to a temperature jump, it becomes necessary to drain the water from the battery. You have to do it yourself most of the time.

How to properly drain water from the battery? You just need to take into account some points of the process and follow the recommendations of specialists.

First of all, it should be understood that the water in an apartment building is drained from a section of the network, and in private houses the entire system is drained.

Drainage of water in the apartment

Drainage of water in the apartment must be carried out as follows:

  • close the distribution valve, which departs from the riser;
  • perform certain actions depending on the type of reinforcement.

If there is a Mayevsky crane, it is necessary to unscrew the key with plastic handle or use a slotted screwdriver.

The faucet has a side hole that faces the wall. It must be covered, otherwise dirty water from the battery system can flood the wall.

After that, you need to slightly unscrew the screw - until water flows out of the hole.

Why is this being done? So that part of the air mixed with the coolant comes out in the process. When the jet becomes stable, it is necessary to tighten the valve of the system.

To check the correctness of the above actions, it is advisable to make sure that the previously cold part of the battery has warmed up. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to drain the water again.

If you have a conventional faucet, you must connect a long hose to the valve, which should be enough to sewer.

Then you need to open the valve of the battery completely to create a strong flow inside.

As the water speed increases, the air exits faster, but the network pressure and the power of the air lock are better taken into account.

It is necessary to control the drain process until the cold sections of the battery begin to warm up. This is usually quite lengthy.

In the absence of fittings, it is advisable to resort to the help of specialists, especially if you drain water from the system of cast-iron Soviet batteries.

If the apartment has a cast-iron radiator, then it is necessary to unscrew the nut and make sure that the gasket does not leak after tightening it.

Drainage of water in a private house

In modern sectional, it is necessary to slowly unscrew the top plug by 1-2 turns.

Drainage of water in the house must be carried out as follows:

  • disconnect the boiler from the electricity supply;
  • turn off the tap through which water enters the boiler;
  • follow the steps above, depending on the type of reinforcement.

It is imperative to drain water from all devices to which it is connected. You should not forget about water seals - these are curved sections drain pipes under various types of plumbing.

Water may remain in the system cleaning filters, various types household appliances(washing and dishwasher), including electric water heaters.

Therefore, for the process of draining to them, it is necessary to provide Free access. The temperature should be around +5°C.

As a rule, the process of draining water from batteries in an apartment and a private house is not particularly difficult.

It is quite possible to perform the procedure on your own, but in the absence of a Mayevsky tap, you should still contact the specialists, otherwise it may end up flooding the neighbors with water, leaving the house without heating for a long time and filing a lawsuit.

Frost protection of the system

Exist various options home heating systems. They are based on the fact that if the owners of the house are not around for a long time, then the heating system is controlled by electronics.

This is a sensor that is installed in the room and reads the temperature, and a receiver that communicates directly with the boiler. An important condition for such automation is the need for constant access to the Internet.

Another option for freeze protection is the use of antifreeze.

However, if the system consists of zinc pipes, then this liquid cannot be used in the process.

Interacting with zinc, antifreeze loses its properties. In addition, it has a lower heat capacity than water, therefore, it requires the installation of a more powerful radiator and circulation pump.

To prevent freezing of residual water, it is recommended to use mixers with ceramic elements and taps with rubber seals in the system.

In addition, it is better to use low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) pipes. They have higher performance characteristics, and when water freezes in the pipe, complete tightness is maintained. However, no damage to the pipe itself is observed.

A few words should be said about the safety outdoor system water supply. The correct depth of soil freezing is important condition laying plumbing.

The required slope of the pipes contributes to the unimpeded backflow of water.

If the pipes go outside, then a heating cable is required, which allows you to maintain the required temperature in the system and protects the pipes from condensate.

You need to turn it on at a temperature of -5 ° C and regulate the heating. If the temperature on the street has dropped below the specified one, and you did not have time to turn it on, you will have to wait until the resulting ice melts.

Proper frost protection and proper maintenance of the heating system will ensure that the system will serve you for many years.

However, it must be said that the whole process plumbing work requires time and attention and is necessary to avoid emergencies.

Therefore, if you still have questions about how to properly drain water from a heating battery, it is better to contact specialists.