How to properly paint a heating radiator in an apartment. How to paint a cast iron battery: paint selection, surface preparation and painting technique. How to paint a heating radiator

A heating radiator goes well with the decor in the apartment if it is painted with a shiny emulsion in an even layer. Old batteries, the coating of which has faded and began to bubble, spoil the interior. Therefore, it is important to update them from time to time, painting in a color identical to the tone of the walls in the room. True, this process can be difficult for do-it-yourself work.

Difficulties in painting a battery in an apartment

Often, when updating heating radiators, problems appear, but they all have a solution:

  • It happens that the coloring emulsion is spread unevenly. In this case, the work must be interrupted. When the already applied emulsion dries up, the process must be resumed, starting from the forgotten stage - removing the old layer and treating the battery with a solvent;
  • Some elements of a heating radiator are often not stained. This problem can be encountered using inappropriate tools. Hard-to-reach places are covered not with a foam roller or a regular brush, but with a special curved brush small size... More for coloring internal elements a simple toothbrush is suitable for batteries;
  • It is always inconvenient to renew the heating radiator cover. In order to completely facilitate the task, it is worth dismantling the object to be painted. Such a trick will allow you to get a brush dipped in paint in absolutely all places that seemed inaccessible. But this does not mean at all that the battery must be removed from the wall. In this case, one should focus on the shape of the radiator and the complexity of dismantling;
  • The paint may not adhere neatly to the surface, forming streaks, or bubbling. This problem is often caused by staining a hot radiator. In order for the new coating to be even, you only need to update cold battery... If the repair of the heating radiator fell on the winter, it is necessary to block the access of heated water to it and wait until it becomes cold.

It should be noted right away that it does not always make sense to cover the battery with a new layer of coloring emulsion. It is worth updating the heating radiator if it is made of cast iron. Being flaky and faded, such heating equipment will negatively affect the quality of heat transfer. It is also recommended to periodically paint convectors that look like a rounded pipe supplying hot water with ribbed elements added to it.

Do not paint the battery if it is aluminum. The coating on a heating radiator made of such a metal is unlikely to be able to be updated neatly. Factory dyeing method heating equipment cannot be compared to applying emulsion with a regular brush. Therefore, an aluminum heating radiator, the paint on which has cracked and faded from time to time, is more expedient to cover with a decorative element.

The nuances of the choice of paint and calculation

The quality of the paint significantly affects how a heating radiator will look after renewing its surface. Therefore, it must be immune to high temperatures (up to 100 degrees), abrasion resistant and not emitting toxic substances.

Also, the type of coloring emulsion affects the result of the work on dyeing the battery. Each has its own characteristics:

  • Acrylic paint is easily taken with a brush and does not flow down the surface to be treated, since it is the same in consistency as sour cream. The battery covered with it takes on a uniform glossy shade that does not wear off or turn gray for a long time... While this dye dries, a faint acetone odor may be felt in the air;
  • Alkyd paint is chosen by many of those who decided to update a heating radiator. It has such advantageous characteristics as high thermal stability, wear resistance and a huge range of shades. But such a coloring emulsion dries up for more than one day and smells like something caustic, since Stoddard's solvent is included in its composition;
  • Water-based dispersion paint. It is so named because the first coat requires the addition of water. Such an emulsion dries on the battery during the day, and most importantly, a pungent smell does not come from it;
  • Oil paint. It is considered a relic of the past, which is why almost no one uses it. This coloring agent is not suitable for covering heating radiators, as after a while it becomes faded, loses its shine and is streaked with cracks.

How to calculate the required amount of material

How much coloring emulsion is required to process the surface of a heating radiator depends on its area. One section of a cast iron heating radiator is equal to 0.254 m 2. Manufacturers will certainly indicate the approximate consumption of paint per 1 m 2 on the label of the can, because each emulsion has its own consistency. On a battery of 9 ribs, more than half a can, weighing 0.9 kg, is usually spent.


Besides thermal insulation paint, for the forthcoming work it is necessary to prepare following tools and means:

  • Soft and narrow brush for covering visible areas of the radiator;
  • Small and curved brush for easy painting of internal battery cells;

The size of the brush is very important as the process of painting a heating radiator requires special care. This indicator of the tool can correspond to half the width of one section of the battery. Too narrow a brush will take a long time and poorly smear many areas of the heating system equipment.

  • A grinder, which is not hard to hold in your hands, with an iron brush attached to it;
  • Manual brush for cleaning metal;
  • A primer for heating radiators;
  • Thinner to degrease the surface of the battery.

Instructions for the correct application of paint with your own hands

In the process of covering the heating radiator with a new layer of paint, the following steps must be performed:

  • To clean the surface from the previous layer of emulsion, on the outer areas using a grinder with an iron brush, and on the inside - a manual metal brush;

Removal of old paint is carried out with protective goggles and a respirator on the face. This is to avoid inhaling large amounts of rising dust.

  • Moisten a small piece of cloth and wipe the scraped off radiator with it until it is completely clean;
  • Treat the battery surface with a solvent to degrease and protect the metal from corrosion;
  • After a few hours, when the solvent is absorbed, it is necessary to apply a primer to all sections of the heating radiator, which is heat-resistant and prevents the appearance of rust. Without it, it will not be possible to mask all the stains formed due to metal corrosion, even after treating the battery several times;

If desired, in a hardware store you can find a coloring emulsion, to which both a conventional primer and an anti-rust liquid have already been added. When applying it, the previous point can be omitted.

  • Lay cardboard from a cut box or foil under the heating radiator so that drops of paint do not fall on the floor. You can also protect the wall from emulsion stains by sticking paper behind the battery;
  • Stir the coloring matter to soften the resulting lumps;
  • Start painting the battery, starting with its internal elements. If the first thing to do is to treat the outer areas, then later, when applying the emulsion to hard-to-reach areas, you can get dirty and ruin the already painted areas with a brush handle;

The paint will adhere perfectly to the surface if you first apply the emulsion to the top of the battery and then to the bottom. Heating equipment cannot be smeared with a thick and thick layer of paint, because of this, irregularities will appear on it.

Many people make repairs in an apartment in winter, and the question often arises: is it possible to paint hot radiators?

Modern paints have a number of positive qualities that allow you to paint your radiator at any time.

Heating devices in an apartment play the role of not only a heat source, but also a part of the interior, which means that they should always look good.

In the article, you will learn how to paint heating batteries with your own hands.

Radiator paints and necessary tools

Many people believe that only the front part of heating radiators should be painted, but, unfortunately, this conclusion is erroneous.

Often, especially on Soviet batteries, rust spots begin to appear, and if they are not removed, then the corrosion can spread further.

It will help get rid of unwanted corrosion good paint... To find out what paint to paint the heating, you need to find out the characteristics of this product.

The purchased paint must be resistant to high temperatures, because radiators get very hot in winter and keep their natural color for a long time.

For the right choice paint and varnish material you need to know what types are on sale.

Acrylic paint has a long-lasting natural color and is renowned for its lack of strong odor.

This option is well suited for painting radiators in winter time, because the apartment does not need to be ventilated.

Alkyd paint is resistant to high temperatures and is therefore ideal for radiators. Of the minuses, an enhanced smell can be noted, so it is better to use it in the warm season, and not in heating season.

There is another type of acrylic paint that is used in conjunction with a solvent. This material has good performance, firstly, the paint can be used without additional primer, and secondly, the coating is different good view and a glossy surface.

The well-known oil paint used to be a popular product, but with the development of the technological process, it receded into the background.

This is the main list paints and varnishes for cast iron radiators that can be purchased. For panel radiators, you can use spray paints (preferably auto enamel).

It is no longer fashionable to have white batteries, so feel free to experiment with colors, the main thing is that the cover fits into the design of the apartment.

In the children's room, you can decorate brightly radiators, especially panel ones, on which you can reproduce the whole landscape.

So what to paint radiators and in what style, it's up to you.

But it should be remembered that in order to coloring material lays down well, you must have a special tool, such as:

  • sandpaper for pre-cleaning;
  • a sharp object or knife to remove old paint;
  • several types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • unnecessary rags for cleaning the room.

This whole set is needed for high-quality conduct work and will help transform old and ugly radiators into a luxurious piece of furniture.

Preparatory work and battery staining process

To understand how to paint a heating battery, you need to know the principle of the work performed.

As with all types of construction work, the painting process begins with the preparation of the batteries. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the contaminated areas and check the product for corrosion spots.

When the old paint and dirt have been removed, heating radiator should be wiped with a damp cleaning cloth.

Swollen places must be cleaned with sandpaper, and if rotten places are found, they must be removed.

At the final stage, the radiator should be covered with a primer mixture, but only the characteristics of the further material should be taken into account, because some types paints and varnishes do not require a primer.

To clean heating devices from dirt and old paint, several types of cleaning are used. The first method is called chemical, and the second method (is to use special tool) is called mechanical.

To remove dirt chemically, solutions consisting of acids and solvents are used. You can make this mixture yourself or buy it at the store.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sodium carbonate (soda ash), about one kilogram;
  • slaked lime, in the same proportion;
  • water, about five liters;
  • large capacity, more than ten liters.

The solution is prepared as follows. Soda is dissolved in hot water, the water temperature is about 60 degrees, after which lime is added in small doses. This is done to prevent strong foam.

The mechanical method involves the use of a special tool or ordinary sandpaper.

The process is long and dusty, but for acceleration, you can use a special drill attachment or use a grinder.

In this case, you must follow the safety rules and carry out such work carefully so as not to damage the radiator.

As for carrying out the staining process itself, special skills are not needed here, the main thing is to know how to paint the heating device correctly.

Before starting work, you should equip workplace, cover the floor with paper (or other material), protect the walls with a gasket (you can put a large sheet of cardboard), prepare the necessary tools.

The paint is applied to the radiators with a brush, preferably from top to bottom - so there will be no drips. The layer should be thin and uniform. After the paint has dried, a second coat must be applied.

The inner parts of the radiators must be painted over first so as not to get dirty in the process. Small parts and difficult areas must be painted with a sponge or roller.

That's the whole principle of painting radiators.

You can do the work efficiently and beautifully on your own, you just need to take into account all the nuances and follow the rules.

Here are a few more useful tips from professionals:

  • the painted radiator should not have drips - for this, apply the paint with a thin layer and smooth movements;
  • back part heater best to paint with a curved brush with a long handle;
  • if you use to clean the radiators chemical method, then it is necessary to use personal protective equipment;
  • after finishing painting works the room must be well ventilated. If work is carried out in winter, then paints should be taken without a pungent odor;
  • pipes and hidden elements do not need to be painted, which will help preserve heat transfer;
  • to understand which paint is better to paint, it is necessary to study all the characteristics of the product.

There is nothing difficult in this type of work, therefore, you can paint the heating system yourself.

You just need to listen to the advice of experts, and your radiator will be as good as new.

If you play with imagination and change the color of the radiators, they will become even better than the new ones.

New shades of the restored battery should be chosen based on the interior of the room: if it is a children's room, then it is better to choose bright hues, and the radiator in the bathroom should be in a neutral color.

What paint to paint the batteries in the kitchen or in other rooms is up to you personally.

It should be remembered that new bimetallic radiators are very capricious, and to paint their surface, you should contact a specialist (preferably at a service station), in case self repair it is necessary to apply autoenamel in the form of an aerosol.

For panel radiators, both aerosols and ordinary paint can also be used, only it should be taken into account that it is necessary to paint the grille, and not just the panel itself.

Restoration of radiators is a primitive work, so feel free to update the design of your heating devices and enjoy the result.

It is necessary to paint the heating battery for two reasons: if the old paint is irradiated, cracked. They also repaint if it is necessary to change its color: it has turned yellow, but has no defects. Yes, it just does not fit into new decor... In the first case, the procedure is as follows: first you need to delete old paint and only then paint. If the paint is in normal condition and there are less than three layers, then it can not be removed.

We paint the battery

When painting works important rule: Better two or three thin coats of paint than one thick one. And don't try to paint it perfectly the first time. By using more paint on your brush, you will most likely get a greasy drip that will not be easy to get rid of. At the same time, it will be no closer to a perfectly native surface than to painting. Therefore, we take a little paint and rub it thoroughly. Even if you can see some metal or old paint. Everyone will fix the subsequent layers.

First we paint inner surfaces... A brush with a curved handle can help with this. You may need several of them: from rather thick to the thinnest. Some places can only be accessed with an old toothbrush, so find that too. We start painting from top to bottom from the outermost section. Where is the extreme - to the right or to the left - as it is convenient for someone.

After you have painted everything inside, you start painting the outer surface. The sequence is the same: from one edge to the other, from top to bottom. Why not the other way around? Because when painting from below, drops will fall on the already painted surface, they will again need to be rubbed with a brush. Extra work and time.

After applying the first layer, wait until it is completely dry. Drying times before overcoating are usually indicated on the label. Then apply the second one in the same sequence. Then you decide if you need to paint again.

One more point: if after the first layer lay unevenly, there are streaks and irregularities, after drying, take the sandpaper and level them. The second time there will be more experience and everything will turn out better.

Painting a radiator with a normal paint finish

In the normal state of the paint without visible flaws, if there is only one layer (or two) and they lie flat, you can paint on top without removing the old coating. Only preprocessing is needed.

We paint an aluminum and bimetallic battery

If you want to paint aluminum or, in which you are not satisfied with only the color, think well whether it is worth spoiling good coverage... Maybe in this case, close the radiator? And one more thing: if the radiators are under warranty, then after painting the factory (or the seller) will refuse warranty repair. Even if the reason is completely different.

If you want to get a color similar to the “factory” one, contact a specialized service station. They paint cars using the same technology. May they agree to paint your radiators

If need to paint aluminum or bimetal radiator nevertheless, it is better to contact a specialized auto repair shop. Only they can professionally help. If you want to do everything yourself, you can use spray paint for cars. But with this option, there is a possibility that in those places where the radiator is often touched, upper layer will wear off, although it depends on the quality of the enamel and the starting radiator coating.

If you still decide to use auto enamel, you need to work on hot batteries. And the hotter the better. Drying time at 130 o C - 20 minutes, at 60 o C - 40 minutes, and at 20 o C - a month.

An important condition: during work and all the time while the paint dries, the window must be open, the doors to other rooms must be closed. Bring work in a mask and gloves.

Everything around will have to be covered with paper, old rags. The can is a good thing, but I almost turned it in the wrong direction, and everything is painted to match the radiators ... During operation, observe the distance that is needed for even spraying - this is about 20-30 cm, but it is written on the package for sure. And in general, even before buying, carefully read the instructions and recommendations for use. So you will understand whether you can provide the required conditions for applying paint.

The order is the same: start with the inner surfaces, then work the outer surfaces from top to bottom. Don't try to get the perfect color the first time. This is almost unrealistic, especially if the base color is white and some kind of bright shade is applied to it. If you keep the jet in one place for too long, sagging and sagging will appear. They are much more difficult to deal with than unpainted areas. It is better to apply one or two more coats after complete drying. The result will be better.

Change the color of the cast iron

Most often, old-style cast iron batteries need painting. It is definitely better to carry out the work after the end of the heating season: it is safer for you, and the painting will be of better quality. Then the order is:

Painting the panel radiator

There can be two options. If there is factory spraying of enamel, it is better to use a spray can with auto enamel. If the paint is normal, the procedure is the same as for cast iron. The only difference is that it will be easier to paint the front panel with a roller, and not with brushes.

But in panel radiators you also need to change the color of the grilles. They will already need to be painted with brushes. If there is rust on the gratings, they should first of all be cleaned, then treated with a rust converter, primed (with an anti-corrosion effect), and only then painted. All these funds are easiest to buy at the car market - there are many of them in different packaging.

How to remove old paint from a battery

Often the question is not how to paint, but how to remove old paint. There are several ways.


You can remove paint from the radiator using a drill and a special nozzle. Another mechanical method includes sandpapering the radiator. But this is a very lengthy process that will take a lot of time and no less effort. If you don't have a drill, you can pay for its rent and remove all layers of paint down to metal in a few hours. Manually, you will have to spend a whole day on this, or maybe more than one - it depends on the size of the battery and the amount of paint on it.


A special paint remover paste is often used. It looks like a gel. Take a clean brush and apply the composition to all surfaces. If there is a lot of paint, the treatment must be repeated after 20 minutes (right on top of the previous layer). Then it is recommended to cover the radiator with a film - this way the effect will be more intense. After waiting for the time interval specified in the instructions, put on a mask, gloves, arm yourself with a spatula and a brush with metal bristles. First remove the paint with a spatula, then brush off the rest. Particularly "harmful" or hard-to-reach places can be rubbed with sandpaper.

Thermal method

The paint-and-lacquer coating on the batteries is thermally resistant, but even at certain temperatures it begins to flake off. Therefore, in order to remove the old paint from the radiator, it must be heated.

The metal radiator will heat up enough construction hairdryer or blowtorch... When the temperature of the metal exceeds the critical point for the paint (this is usually 120-140 o C), it will swell and begin to bubble. This is where you need to remove it with a spatula.

The cast-iron battery will have to be heated in this way for a long time, it will take a lot of time, and the effect will be insignificant. Cast iron has a very high heat capacity; it is very difficult to heat it up with a building hair dryer to 120-140 o C. Alternatively: partially use chemical method, partly - thermal, in places cleaning with hands or a drill.

There is one way, but only for old "accordions". He will also remove all deposits that have accumulated inside. But for this, the battery will need to be removed, and then completely repacked. And immediately about the sad: when using this method, the disadvantages of casting can be revealed. During the cleaning process, rusted particles fall off and fistulas may appear. But on the other hand, it is better to immediately exclude all leaky sections than to repair the damage later during the heating season. Moreover, you still have to go through the entire radiator.

Now about the method itself. Take off the radiator and throw it into the fire. All paint burns, you just have to clean the surface with a metal brush or a drill with a nozzle. The cooled battery must be disassembled into sections, the burned-out gaskets on the collectors must be removed. Then tap each section with a mallet and empty out all the garbage that has accumulated there over the years. When assembling, put new gaskets, you can use new nipples, or you can put old ones if they are in good condition. The assembled battery is pressurized and then painted. It takes a lot of time, but this is not only painting, but also "general cleaning".

How to paint a cast iron radiator

After the old paint has been removed, the battery is stripped down to metallic luster(drill with cord-brush). Then it is thoroughly treated with a "non-greasy" solvent, for example, acetone or pure gasoline. Wipe everything until the cloth soaked in solvent is clean.

After drying, prime the entire surface both inside and outside with a primer. For a cast-iron battery, be sure to take a composition that provides anti-corrosion protection. Otherwise, after a while on the surface will appear rust stains and drips. It is possible (and even necessary) to use primers for cars. They provide quality protection. The paint application technique is described above: start with internal parts, and we start from the top, move down. Then, according to the same principle, we process the outer surfaces. Apply thin layers. Each time we wait until it is completely dry. We clean up the flaws, then we go through the second, and if necessary, the third time. This is the only way to achieve high-quality coloring.

How to paint over only an area

There are times when it is necessary to paint only some small area... There is no point in removing all the paint and repainting the battery (or pipe). Then you need any in an accessible way clear the required area, capturing some "adjacent territories". Sand it to the metal, and treat it with a solvent to a "clean rag", apply a primer. After the primer has dried, apply the paint.

If there is a difference in levels between the painted and the cleaned surface, you need to level the difference with metal fillers. They are epoxy and polyester. Sold, also in car dealerships. Despite the fact that these are car enamels, the heating temperatures "keep" normally. Smooth the surface with fine-grain sandpaper, then prime and apply several layers of paint.

Is it possible to paint a hot battery

In principle, you can. But then you need to select a paint with a suitable application mode, and they cost twice as much, require compliance with safety measures (respirator and open windows), "smell" much stronger, and are available in a much smaller assortment. So it's a controversial decision.

Is it possible on hot battery inflict regular paint? This is not recommended. But, as usual, many do so. The smell is then much stronger, but when working with a mask and with an open window, the risk of poisoning is minimal. But that's not all trouble. Some types of paints change color during "hot" application, there is a risk of getting


The second trouble is that the paint on a hot battery dries very quickly. You cannot come off or be distracted, you need to work intensively with a brush all the time. Still, it will be difficult to achieve an even color. If you only need to "update" the color, it is still possible, but drastically changing it is unrealistic. Wait until the end of the heating season or turn off the battery with ball valves.

There are several types of paints that are desirable to be applied specifically to hot radiators. These are some types of car enamels. Another acrylic enamel "Rainbow" for metal and heating radiators. Here it is desirable to apply it to a hot battery or pipe. Cracks will appear on the cold after drying. But before starting work, read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly. The enamel is good, odorless. If repairs are needed urgently, look for such a suitable color.

Read more about paints for radiators here.


A seemingly uncomplicated process is painting the battery, but there are many subtleties here. From how old coatings are removed, to how new layers are applied.

If during the renovation of the room it is not possible to replace the old radiator, you can improve its appearance by applying fresh paint. This can only be done with cast-iron heating devices or old-style radiators. It is undesirable to paint a more modern aluminum radiator with fins with your own hands - you need to apply a thin and even layer on them powder paint, it is quite difficult for a layman to achieve a smooth coating at home.

In order to avoid mistakes, before starting work it is worth studying the recommendations, watching photos and videos of the process.

For coloring old battery any paint will not work.

The following requirements are imposed on the tool:

  1. It must be heat resistant. Since the temperature of the radiator reaches about 80 ° C during the heating season, the paint should not crack under such conditions.
  2. Possess anti-corrosive properties.
  3. Will not fade over time, be resistant to wear and tear.
  4. Contain in its composition a minimum of toxic substances or be non-toxic.

It is not recommended to cover cast-iron radiators with oil paint - it exudes a strong odor, dries for a long time, has a toxic composition, therefore it is considered outdated.

Suitable types of paints:

Work surface preparation

Before painting the radiator, you should prepare it for paint application.

Even if it is planned to paint a new battery, it is necessary to properly process it: clean it of dust and dirt, sand and degrease it. This is necessary so that the applied coating lies flat and adheres to the surface as firmly as possible.
If you neglect these recommendations, subsequently there may be problems: the dried paint will begin to crack, its integrity will be violated, the surface will be uneven. In addition, the heat dissipation of the radiator will decrease.

Together with heating devices, they usually paint and cast iron pipes, then they also need to be properly prepared.

Action plan:

  • remove dust and dirt from surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • get rid of the remnants of old paint;
  • the places of the radiator damaged by corrosion are thoroughly cleaned;
  • using sandpaper, the working surfaces are sanded and then degreased with alcohol;
  • a primer is applied to the cleaned surface (it is advisable to use an anti-corrosion one to protect the batteries from rust).

All the incomprehensible points can be clarified by watching the video with professional advice.

Work should be done with gloves, opening the vents and protecting the respiratory tract with a respirator.

Methods for removing old paint

You can get rid of the remnants of the previous coating in two ways.
The first is mechanical - use a spatula, sandpaper or grinder... Even with the help electrical appliance the process will be very laborious, so the second method is often used.

It consists in applying a chemical wash. The solution is applied abundantly to all painted surfaces, the battery is wrapped in a film to increase efficiency, and left for the time indicated on the package of a particular product. Then, using a metal bristle brush and a spatula, remove the easily detached old layer cover.

General rules

You can paint only a cold radiator - applying it to a heated surface will lead to the fact that the liquid will bubble, distribute unevenly, and the dried battery will be covered with streaks and stains.

It is correct to do this before or after the end of the heating season. If necessary, carry out staining in winter period, access hot water to the radiator, they are closed with valves, and work begins after it has completely cooled down. The valves are reopened only after the paint is completely dry.

Dyeing process

Start applying paint from the top, otherwise the lower painted parts will be damaged by drips. The entire radiator is covered with paint, including the back of it. For a high-quality and durable coating, it is necessary to apply 2 thin layers, taking a break between them so that the first one has time to dry out.

To facilitate the process of painting the radiator with your own hands, you can remove it - so hard-to-reach places will be smaller and more comfortable to work. In this case, it is better to use a spray gun. You can study the photo showing the process of applying paint with this device to appreciate the ease of working with it.
It is recommended to dilute the paint to a thinner consistency if painting with a spray gun is planned. This is done taking into account its type: water-based emulsion is diluted with water, and in alkyd enamels and varnishes add white spirit.

When working, the jet should be fused from top to bottom, holding the device at a distance of about 30 cm from the surface to be treated.

You can also get a smooth and evenly distributed layer of paint with a small diameter foam roller. For places where it is inconvenient for them to work, it is worth using a brush with a curved end, designed specifically for this purpose.

The paint is applied sequentially, without making gaps, without picking up too much liquid on the brush at a time. A thick layer will look uneven and impair the heat dissipation of the battery.

After reviewing step by step photos the dyeing process, a video in which experts talk about the nuances of the work, and taking into account the above recommendations, you can easily and efficiently update the old coating on the batteries with your own hands.

Old batteries lose their power over time. aesthetic appearance, rust appears, cracks appear on the coating, paint peels off. Agree, changing the radiator in this case is not a good idea. It is much easier, faster and more economical to re-paint the battery. Moreover, it is quite easy to update the appearance of the heater.

We will help you in choosing the right enamel composition, explain how to prepare and how to paint the radiator correctly. We will also outline the nuances that should be taken into account when working with different types of radiators.

Suggested photo ideas will inspire you to choose interesting solution and the implementation of the design idea.

There is not always a material, and in many cases, a technical opportunity to supply a new radiator. It is easier to refresh the outside of the heating device if it is still capable of serving. In the event that the battery has already had to be repaired or it does not heat well, then it is better.

The painting process as such is not particularly difficult, but this does not mean that you can buy any composition and immediately start restoring the attractiveness of the radiator.

The paint must be selected according to certain parameters, and the battery must be carefully prepared. If this is not done, then the new coating will not last long, and soon you will have to repeat the process again.

An old cast-iron battery with peeled paint looks very unaesthetic. In addition, the material of its body is subject to oxidation and rusts.

When choosing a composition, it is best to dwell on options specifically designed for heating devices. But if there is no such inscription on the label, you should carefully study the instructions and find data on its heat resistance.

Paintwork requirements:

  • Heat resistance. The composition applied to the radiator case must withstand temperatures up to 80-90 degrees and be flawless during the time promised by the manufacturer.
  • Adhesion. It is necessary that the composition has good adhesion to the painted surface. Does not flake off when heated and alternately heated / cooled.
  • Corrosion protection. The composition must contain anticorrosive substances so that the coating in contact with the body does not cause its destruction.
  • Color fastness. An unconditional condition, since painting of radiators is done for aesthetic purposes, among other reasons.
  • Abrasion resistance. From direct contact with a variety of furnishings, items to dry, etc. the coating should not become thinner.
  • Safety. It is very important that there are no components harmful to health in the composition.

Varieties of compositions for dyeing batteries

When painting a battery, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the technical component of the dye. But aesthetic characteristics also play an important role.

Benefits of acrylic dyes

Kill two birds with one stone acrylic paints, which belong to the group of water-based dyes. Their undoubted advantage is that they do not emit harmful substances, odorless, safe for humans.

They dry quickly (about 30 minutes at a temperature of 18-23 degrees), have water-repellent properties, form a very durable coating resistant to mechanical stress.

The technical and aesthetic characteristics of acrylic paints are excellent for heating appliances.

Well, and, perhaps, the most important thing - they perfectly withstand high temperatures, retaining their qualities and not changing original appearance for seven to eight years.

During this time, they will not acquire a yellow tint, crack or peel off. The whiteness ratio of the acrylic dye is 96%, the color is very juicy and bright, and the surface looks like plastic cover with a slight sheen.

Features of alkyd compositions

Alkyd paints are highly heat resistant and are also suitable for battery painting. In terms of strength, they are superior to acrylic compounds, have anti-corrosion properties, fit well on the surface, forming an even and beautiful coating.

However, they are not as safe as paints that have water base... The solvent in their composition causes bad smell, which remains indoors for at least a day.

Paints dry rather slowly, and a specific smell can persist even after drying. Alkyd dyes can only be used in a well-ventilated area, and it is advisable to leave it altogether until the smell has completely disappeared.

When working with alkyd compounds, precautions must be taken and the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

Another significant drawback is that paints retain their color for a relatively short time and begin to turn yellow over time. If you do decide to paint the battery alkyd paint, it is better to choose a composition that forms a glossy finish.

In this case, the period during which the radiator will remain white is increased by about 20%, in comparison with matte and semi-matt paints.

Other types of paints for heating devices

For painting radiators, paints based on aluminum and silicate resins are suitable, which form a dense and elastic layer on the surface, on which cracks do not appear even with temperature changes.

Silicate paints are characterized by high adhesion and do not require preliminary priming of the surface; they are designed to work at very high temperature conditions... Their disadvantage is a strong unpleasant odor.

Another type of paints worth stopping at is hammer paints, which are a type of alkyd compounds. They form a rather interesting, but very specific coverage. After their application, the surface is not smooth, but as if beaten with a hammer (hence the name) or with the effect of embossing.

Hammer paints perfectly hide all irregularities cast iron radiator- a property that is very useful for owners of houses with an old heating system

A significant advantage of hammer dyes is that the heterogeneous texture will make various roughness, irregularities and other minor defects of radiators invisible.

This property is especially valuable when it comes to painting the old Soviet era, the rough surface of which is completely hidden behind the original coating.

Very often, for painting radiators, silver is used, which is a mixture of varnish and aluminum powder. It can withstand high temperatures perfectly and can be applied to both primers and old coatings. However, the paint has a persistent odor, so the room must be well ventilated during and after application.

Silver can be purchased ready-to-use. You can prepare the composition yourself by mixing two parts of aluminum powder with five parts of varnish.

Aluminum powder is an explosive substance. The self-cooking process is quite risky. You should not resort to it if there are easily combustible structures in the house, and even more so small children.

Battery preparation procedure for painting

Surface preparation for painting is a stage no less important than painting itself. Treat it responsibly, because all the flaws and shortcomings that you make during preparation will certainly affect the quality of the color and the appearance of the battery. Immediately, we note that all work should be started only after the end of the heating season.

Dust and grease removal methods

First of all, the battery must be cleaned of accumulated dirt and dust. This can be done dry with a vacuum cleaner or brush, and wet with water and detergents... If there are grease build-ups on the radiator, rinse them with normal dish soap. Then let the battery dry and proceed to the next step.

Cleaning the battery from paint can be done with an ordinary metal brush, but this process will take you a lot of time and effort.

Now it is necessary to remove rust and old cracked paint from the heater.

How to do it? There are two ways: mechanical, but it is quite long and laborious, and chemical - simpler, but it has some nuances that will be described below.

Mechanical cleaning of old coatings

To remove the paint mechanically, you will need a metal brush. Everything is simple here - take it in your hands and rub until you get tired, and you get tired pretty quickly, so it is better to use a more productive method. A grinder with special attachments - a brush-brush or a grinding wheel will help you in your work.

You can quickly and effortlessly remove old paint with a grinder, on which a nozzle with a metal brush is put on.

Old paint can be removed with this power tool in a few hours. But be careful, do not run at high speeds, especially for non-ferrous metal radiators, because together with the paint you can imperceptibly damage the surface of the battery itself.

In this case, it is not necessary to completely remove the paint. Even, non-cracked areas can be recoated.

How to get rid of paint with chemicals?

Now let's look at the chemical method. It consists in washing off the paint with special compounds, which come in the form of a gel, paste or aerosol. If using gel and paste products, apply to the entire battery with a natural bristle brush, then cover with plastic wrap for best effect.

The exposure time depends on the agent used and can be from fifteen minutes to several hours. The exact time is indicated on the label. After the paint has softened, clean it off with a spatula and the rest with a metal brush.

Aerosol washes are convenient to apply, they are easy to treat even hard-to-reach areas of the radiator. The principle of operation is the same as that of helium formulations - after a certain time (15-40 minutes, depending on the product), the paint softens and can be easily removed with a brush.

Do not forget to cover the surrounding furnishings, floors and walls before applying.

Under influence chemicals old paint will soften and flake off. Then it is not difficult to remove it with a spatula.

However, chemicals are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. First, they have a strong unpleasant odor and should only be used in a well-ventilated area. It is advisable to wear a respirator and protective gloves before work.

Secondly, it is not known how the metal will behave when interacting with aggressive chemical composition... Perhaps it will react with it, and after washing off, you will find a damaged surface.

Old cast iron batteries are not afraid of modern chemicals. But here you need to be wary of something else: before, hemp was used to seal the radiators ( natural material made from flax or hemp), so it can be very easily corroded by chemistry.

As a result, when the heating season comes, water may splash from all compounds. Therefore, decide for yourself which of the ways to cleanse the old paintwork suits you better.

Surface priming rules

After the old paint has been removed, before proceeding directly to the painting of the radiator, it is necessary to go through a number of procedures. To remove cracks, scratches and other minor flaws, smooth steel or copper surfaces need to be sanded. Cast iron batteries are best treated with a wire brush.

Primer GF-021 has anti-corrosion properties and creates additional protection from rust formation

Now the radiator needs to be degreased and primed. When choosing a primer, it is necessary to select a product intended for metal, with anti-corrosion properties and compatible with the paint.

For example, GF-021 primer is well combined with domestic paints and varnishes. If an imported dye is used to paint the radiator, Dulux or Sigma primer can be advised.

Heating radiator painting

So we got to the main stage - direct staining. Here it is advisable to adhere to the following rule: it is better to apply two thin layers of paint than one thick one.

The first time it will hardly be possible to get an ideal surface, and if you apply paint with a thick layer, the effect will be the opposite: thick and ugly smudges form on the battery.

General dyeing technology

For painting, purchase at least two brushes: one regular, the other for hard-to-reach places with a long curved handle. With its help, it is convenient to apply paint on rear walls and the inner surfaces of the battery. Fluff up the stubble before using it so loose hairs fall out.

The upper parts inside the battery are painted first, then the lower ones. After that, proceed to the outer surface. It is also painted from top to bottom. If you start from the bottom, then drops will fall on the painted surface. The second layer of paint is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

How long it takes depends on the paint, usually this parameter is indicated on the label. If the first layer turns out to be uneven, then when it dries, sand the surface, removing all irregularities and smudges.

The nuances of painting aluminum radiators

All previous tips related to painting cast iron, copper, etc. How to paint an aluminum radiator? But first, it is better to answer the question: is it worth doing this at all?

Remove chips and dents from aluminum radiator can also be used with automotive filler. Pre-degrease the surface and treat it with a primer. Then apply the required shade of filler with a brush.

If you decide to completely re-paint the battery, you do not need to remove the old paint. Degrease and prime the surface and apply two coats of alkyd or water-based paint using a spray bottle.

An alternative option for decorating a radiator is heating - installation.

Interesting Battery Coloring Ideas

The white radiator is a classic that we have become accustomed to since Soviet times, when almost all houses were equipped with the same type of cast-iron batteries.

The color of the heater, if it affects the heat transfer, is only to a very insignificant extent, so nothing prevents you from painting the radiator in accordance with the interior of the room.

The battery can be made almost invisible by painting it in the color of the walls

Today you can find many interesting design solutions where the radiator is one of the decorating elements that blend harmoniously with the surrounding space.

You can, on the contrary, build a composition using contrast, and make the battery an accent that attracts attention by painting it in a bright juicy color.

Red battery on background bright interior looks unusual and very impressive

Today it is very fashionable to paint objects using the ombre technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the first sections of the battery are painted in pale, barely perceptible shades, all subsequent ones are a tone or two darker, and very bright saturated colors are used for the last sections.

The ombre-painted battery will be an excellent decoration for any interior. juicy colors, paint the battery with interesting drawings, turn it into a zebra or a set of colored pencils

You don't need to have any special skills to paint a battery. And although in this, as in any other work, there are certain difficulties, they are easy enough to learn. Observing the painting technology and knowing all the nuances of the work, you will be guaranteed an excellent result.

Do you have practical skills in battery painting? Perhaps you have encountered any difficulties in your work or want to ask a question? Please leave comments on the publication. Form for feedback is below.