Design and installation of a mansard roof. How the rafter system of an attic roof works: a review of designs for low-rise buildings Do-it-yourself installation of an attic roof

When building such a complex structure as a mansard roof with your own hands, you should take into account a lot of different factors. First of all, you need to choose the type of roof, of which there are many. Next, you need to draw up a project calculating the rafter system, the slope of the slopes, the roof area and the amount of materials required for its construction.

The roof is erected using certain technologies that cannot be violated. About how to do country house a full attic floor and we’ll talk about it in this article.

Types of mansard roofs

Before we begin to understand how to properly build a mansard roof, let’s see what types of such structures there are. Such roofs differ in the shape and number of slopes, their angle of inclination, the type of roofing material used, as well as the degree of insulation. The choice of one type of roof or another depends on a variety of factors: architectural solution the house in general climate zone, in which the building is located, the financial capabilities of its owners, etc. In principle, an attic can be installed under the roof of any structure.

Mansard roofs are:

  1. Single-pitch. This is the easiest type of roof to construct. Under a pitched roof in the attic there will be only one full wall;
  2. Gable. Device mansard roof This type is also not particularly complex. Its disadvantage is that the usable area is not too large. After all, the corners of the room under the gable roof form an unused “dead” zone;
  3. Gable broken lines. This option is much more convenient in terms of arranging a living space;
  4. Tent-shaped. Such a roof is installed in square buildings. The hip roof has four slopes of equal size;

A hipped mansard roof is installed in square houses

  1. The hip ones. This is also a hipped mansard roof. Instead of gables, the design includes slopes. Hip roof it is also very convenient for constructing an attic underneath;
  2. Multi-pincer. Such roofs have a very complex configuration;
  3. Pyramidal, conical, domed. Roofs of this type are installed on buildings of complex shape.

Any roof design can be converted into an attic

There is also a mansard-type roof itself. Its design involves moving the slopes quite far beyond the building itself on special consoles.

On a note: Most often, a gable sloping roof is installed under attics with your own hands. The technology for its construction is quite simple, and the resulting room is quite spacious.

How to calculate a roof

In order to make a calculation of the amount of roofing material, insulation, hydro- and vapor barrier film First of all, you should determine the area of ​​​​the future roof. Particularly difficult to accomplish necessary calculations in the event that the roof is broken and has a complex configuration. At the same time, a diagram of the attic roof is drawn and divided into simple geometric figures. Next, the area of ​​each figure is calculated. The results obtained are added up.

The area of ​​a triangle is calculated by the formula S=(bxh)/2, where b is the length of the base of the triangle, h is its height. The formula for calculating the area of ​​a trapezoid is S=((a+b)/2)xh, where a and b are the bases of the trapezoid, h is its height. The formula for a circle is S= pxr 2, where r is the radius of the circle. Number n=3.14

Mansard roof. The drawings allow you to easily calculate the roof area

  1. Roofing material used. Manufacturers always indicate what minimum and maximum angle of inclination is acceptable for a particular type;
  2. Climatic conditions. A do-it-yourself mansard roof is installed taking into account the region in which the building is located. The steeper the angle of inclination, the greater the load the wind will exert on the roof. But at the same time, the load from snow and ice on the roofing pie and rafters will be less;
  3. Purpose of the building. The design of the attic roof in our case should be developed taking into account the fact that in the future it will be a living space. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an angle such that the height from the floor beam to the top point of the roof is at least 2.5 m, taking into account the thickness of the heat insulator and sheathing.

The installation of the attic roof continues by installing the lower (layered) rafters. A timber with a cross section of 50x150mm is suitable for them. You should first make a template from a board that is not too thick. One end of it is applied to the Mauerlat, and the other to the purlin. Next, mark the shape of the cut and cut it out. The rafters are cut using this template.

To install the upper (hanging) rafters, mark the center of the roof. In this case, a temporary stand is nailed to the Mauerlat and an extreme tightening is installed. Next, a template is prepared from the board and the ends of the upper rafters are cut out from it. In the center they are fastened together with metal plates. Then you need to install hanging racks (25x150mm timber). After this, the lower rafters are strengthened with struts (50x150 mm board) and the pediments are sewn up.

To fasten all elements of the rafter system, galvanized corners, screws and nails are used.


Mansard roof projects may involve the use of a variety of roofing materials. Very often you can see roofs made of metal tiles or corrugated sheets. A sparse sheathing can be installed under them. Using roll materials is mounted solid.

The sheathing of the attic roof can be solid or sparse

Waterproofing and installation of roofing material

A do-it-yourself attic roof will only be reliable if high-quality waterproofing is installed. Most often, a superdiffusion membrane is used to protect roofs. They begin to mount it from the bottom. With a roof slope angle of 15 to 30 degrees, the overlap between the rows of film should be approximately 25 cm, with an angle greater than 30 degrees - 15-20 cm. The film is attached to the rafters using special brackets. A counter-lattice is placed on top of the film. The roofing material is attached to it.

Roofing material is mounted on top of the waterproofing film

Important: During installation, you must ensure that the film does not stretch. The material should sag slightly. This ensures ventilation of the under-roof space.


If all insulation technologies are followed, you will get an attic roof suitable for furnishing a living space. The heat insulator is usually installed from the inside of the room with your own hands. In the case of installing insulation from the outside, the attic is first sheathed from the inside. After the installation is completed, in order to prevent the slabs from falling out, they are covered with wire from below, securing it to the rafters.

Insulation of the roof of houses with an attic. Photo of basalt wool between rafters

On a note: Most often used for insulating attics mineral wool. It fits between the rafters more tightly than polystyrene foam. As a result, the appearance of cold bridges is eliminated.

Vapor barrier and sheathing

Attic gable roof arranged with the mandatory use of vapor barrier material. It is necessary to stretch the isospan with foil over the cotton wool into the room. A counter-lattice is placed above it under the cladding. In this way ventilation is arranged. The inside of the attic is lined with plasterboard, clapboard or plywood.

In this way, a reliable attic roof can be erected with your own hands. The video below shows the process of installing a roofing pie with laying insulation on the outside.

As you can see, the procedure for erecting an attic roof is quite technologically complex. However, it is still possible to arrange additional living space in your dacha with your own hands, with a little effort.

If you want to maximize the usable space of your home without spending exorbitant amounts of money, you should definitely consider attic projects. The experience of developers suggests that this the best way economy class housing layouts, because one square meter Living space in it is several times cheaper than in two-story buildings. There is a misconception that the attic is only suitable for seasonal use in the warm season.

However, it is erroneous, since a high-quality insulated sloping attic roof perfectly retains heat in winter, its temperature regime no less comfortable than in heated rooms on the first floor.

Even without additional thermal insulation, the attic is a kind of “air cushion” that preserves optimal temperature inside the house.

A broken mansard roof is considered technically complex design, advising you to entrust its construction to a professional team. However, a person who is familiar with roofing work using the example of a traditional gable roof is quite capable of mastering its construction with his own hands, with the help of two auxiliary workers and assistants. The main thing is to understand that this is a process that requires a serious approach, which it would be reckless to start without preliminary calculations.

Types of mansard roofs

An attic is a heated or cold space under the roof that is used as living space. According to building codes, it is necessary to equip the attic space with windows for natural light and ceilings of sufficient height for a person.

Rooms under the roof in which these conditions are not met are called attics. The following types of roofs are suitable for installing an attic:

broken roof

Installation of an attic roof suitable for living requires mandatory thermal insulation, organization of natural lighting using attic or vertical windows and forced ventilation.

Advantages of a broken structure

Of course, you can even equip an attic by building an ordinary triangular roof with your own hands. But due to the steepness of the slopes, for the ceiling to work, the height of such a roof must be very large. This is not economical, and also impractical, because a roof with a variable pitch angle allows you to use the available space more efficiently.

The flatter top makes the ceilings appear higher. According to building codes, if the distance from the floor to the ridge connection is less than 2.5-2.7 meters, the room is not considered residential, it cannot be called an attic, it is rather just an attic.

  • The sloping roof design has the following advantages:
  • Possibility to arrange higher ceilings. High level of protection against atmospheric precipitation
  • , wind.
  • Light snow falling off the slopes.
  • Helps conserve heat.

Rational use of under-roof space.

Construction stages

Creating a Project

When drawing up a project for a broken mansard roof for construction with your own hands, it is better to draw up drawings with different projections, which will comprehensively show the location of its elements. Based on the length and width of the house, you need to determine the size of the attic space, as well as the roof. First of all, the geometry of the slopes is built: In order for the project calculations to be correct, it is important to accurately take primary measurements, as well as maintain scale. Computer programs can make design easier; you just need to enter the dimensions of the building and the desired type of roof; they do the rest of the work automatically. If you have access to this software

no, it’s better to use ready-made projects.

Calculation of the rafter system

Rafters are the main supporting elements of a sloping attic roof, a kind of its backbone. They are subjected to enormous loads, so special requirements are placed on them.

  • The choice of the cross-section of the rafter legs does not occur randomly, but in accordance with the installation pitch, the distance between the supports, and the values ​​of the wind and snow load. If the first three indicators can be easily determined from the drawing, then the last two require special explanation.
  • There is also zoning based on wind load, which also includes 8 zones. Using a coefficient that takes into account the height of the building, amendments are made to the table value of this indicator.
  • The values ​​of these two indicators are summed to determine the total load. Numbers should be rounded to big side to provide a small margin of safety. Based on them, the required cross-section of the boards is determined using reference tables.

Mauerlat installation

The beginning of work on equipping a sloping attic roof is the installation of a Mauerlat, a strong beam measuring 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. It is fixed to the end of the side external walls.

Its main task is to distribute the weight of the roof structure, transfer it to the foundation, and also protect the slopes from tipping over. The Mauerlat is laid along the top of the wall over pre-laid waterproofing, which is used as roofing material folded in half or several layers of a special film.

Fastening is carried out using metal stud, they must be placed in concrete screed. If we are talking about do-it-yourself roof reconstruction, it is mounted with anchor bolts to the wall to a depth of 15-17 cm.

For timber and log houses, wooden dowels are used. Please note that installation is flush.

Assembling the rafter system

Assembly rafter system of a sloping mansard roof occurs in the following order:

Compliance with the above points forms one truss truss. The rest are installed in the same way in increments of 60-120 cm.

Waterproofing and roofing works

When the DIY installation work is completed, you need to organize its waterproofing. To do this, you need a waterproofing film or membrane, which is usually produced in the form of a roll.

Fasteners are selected depending on the type of material. For tiles, galvanized self-tapping screws with rubber heads are used, which, during the tightening process, are deformed in such a way that they waterproof the hole.

In order to speed up the process, you can use a screwdriver. Shinglas or ondulin are fixed with nails 100 mm long. After completion of the roofing work, the gables and overhangs of the attic sloping roof are designed.

To summarize, we can say that a broken mansard roof will help you expand the area of ​​your house with your own hands. You can build it with your own hands, however, this will require special skills and costs, which will undoubtedly pay for themselves.

Video instruction

Many males, having found a family, sooner or later think about purchasing their own home. Someone takes out a mortgage on an apartment, and someone saves money for... But save up for big house Not many succeed and the alternative would be to build a house with.

What is a mansard roof?

The attic can be built from or from a material suitable for you.

It will not be difficult to build an attic, but it requires patience, hard work, suitable materials and availability of tools.

The shape and design of the roof must be included in the design of the house in order to avoid incidents during further operation.

You can build a house with standard project or order it from professionals. In such documentation you will be able to understand where to start and choose the appropriate materials for construction.

Now you can purchase everything you need, but first equip a place to store building materials and tools. The storage place must be dry and so that rain or snow cannot harm the construction material.

It will also be possible to equip a small workshop under the canopy for the manufacture of some parts of the house or roof. For a house made of or who does not have the opportunity to build a full second floor, the choice of an attic roof will be the best option. The house from will budget option. Next we will look at the structure of the attic.

The design elements of the attic are practically no different from gable roofs.

Materials required for the construction of an attic roof

The roof is the outer covering of the roof, it protects inner part attic and can be made of various materials.

For roofing, as a rule, such materials are used:

Stages of building a do-it-yourself attic roof

After familiarizing yourself with the names of the roof structure, we can continue to further disassemble the construction step by step.

First stage

Attic construction always begins from mounting the Mauerlat.

When building on a stone box, you need to think about securing with studs or anchors at a distance of no more than two meters.

At the locations of the anchors, the timber is marked, a hole is made in it and put on the anchors, then the Mauerlat is fixed with nuts to the wall.

To simplify the marking, you need to place the beam on the anchor and lightly go over it with a hammer, after these manipulations there should be traces left, they will be the places for drilling holes.

Second phase

The second stage of the attic construction will be the installation of floor beams.

Actions must be consistent.

First of all, the outer beams are installed at the ends, then the intermediate ones. Between the intermediate and outer beams it is necessary to tension nylon cord or forests, you can also use a level. These devices are needed to indicate the plane.

Third stage

We install, align in a vertical position and secure the support posts.

We strengthen it with jibs and make horizontal runs.

It must be taken into account that the racks are placed in equal numbers with the floor beams on two parallel sides of the attic.

The rigidity of the supporting structure is ensured by horizontal girders.

Fourth stage (rafter system)

We install the rafter structure parts prepared according to the template according to the template and fix them to the vertical supports.

The elements can be fixed using boards or metal plates with holes.

Fifth stage (gables and sheathing)

we sew up the gables, leaving room for them, and attach sheathing boards along the entire roof. This is the most simple work during the construction of an attic.

Sixth stage

Now we have come almost to the completion of construction and this is the insulation of the attic roof with our own hands.

IN modern construction They use a variety of materials for insulation and you can purchase them at any hardware store.

Final stage

The installation of an attic allows you to expand the useful space of the house. A structure with a high slope roof will look solid, and its construction will require less effort than constructing a two-story building. The article will talk about how to make an attic roof at home with your own hands.

Types of rafter structures and roofs

How to make an attic roof for a house depends primarily on the intended roof structure.

There are 2 types of roofs for organizing an attic:

  • Standard gable. The roof structure has 2 inclined slopes. The pediments in this case are triangular.
  • broken roof. Both slopes in this design are further divided into 2. The gables have a pentagonal shape.

How to make a mansard roof

The construction of a gable roof is much simpler. But you should understand that the attic in such a design will be small and low ceilings. Therefore, to complete the task, a sloping roof with a slope angle of 40 to 45 degrees is preferable. And the smaller the slope, the more it will turn out attic room. But in this case, additional strengthening of the structure is necessary, adjacent beams between the rafters.

There are 2 types of rafter structures:

  1. Layered structures. In this case, only the outer walls serve as support for the rafters.
  2. Hanging structures. In them, additional strength is given due to the capital partitions on which the rafters rest.

The layered option can be implemented if there are no such partitions. But in this case, load-bearing walls will have to be very high load. Therefore, it is allowed to install layered structures only if the distance between the main walls is no more than 8 meters. If this is not the case, then it is preferable to organize hanging rafter systems.

How to build a mansard-type roof with a broken slope? For this purpose, it is mainly installed combined types designs. In them, the upper rafters are mounted in a hanging manner, the rest - layered. This design is most rational for buildings with a low roof slope.

To organize an attic room with ceilings of 2.5 meters, you need to make a roof with a break height of 3.1 meters. The preferred design slope is 60 and 30 degrees. At the top of the rafters, angles from 15 to 45 degrees are possible.

Do-it-yourself Mauerlat installation

In construction, the Mauerlat is the lower support of the roof, which is installed on top of load-bearing external walls. It allows you to support the roof structure by taking on certain part loads. Let's figure out how to make an attic roof yourself.

To organize a gable structure, it is necessary to fix the Mauerlat on both sides of the building where the rafters are located. In this case, the load from the roof will be distributed over the surface of the walls. If the roof structure is relatively light, then it is possible to install a mauerlat under the rafters. In other cases, it is placed along the entire perimeter of the walls.

It is necessary to prepare a timber beam coniferous species, which will be used to make the Mauerlat. It is recommended to apply a waterproofing layer to the material. Ruberoid or bitumen are excellent for the task.

To install an attic roof with your own hands to the base, threaded rods designed for a wide washer are used. In its design you need to make holes corresponding to the size of the fastening. The drilling step should not exceed 2 meters.

Now let’s consider the option of how to make an attic roof with your own hands if the house is brick. To install the power plate on brick walls wooden plugs are used. It is advisable to leave pockets in the masonry - special gaps for laying the structure. In this case, the installation procedure will be easier. IN brickwork you can place a wire rod to which you can easily screw the Mauerlat to the base. If you plan to build a house from concrete slabs or aerated concrete, then it is necessary to install an armored belt with metal studs. Moreover, their length should be such that it is enough to install the power plate with subsequent tightening with a lock nut.

IN wooden structures It is possible to replace the standard support with a beam or the top log of a log house. This is another way to make a mansard roof correctly.

Installation of purlins and struts

Purlins are additional horizontally located beams designed to strengthen the structure.

Types of runs:

  • Lateral. Such purlins are placed along the entire roof slope. Their number depends on the surface area, as well as its slope.
  • Skate. Used as support for the upper part of the rafters. Ridge purlins do not have to be used for sloping roofs.

Instructions for building a mansard roof with your own hands step by step:

  1. The first step is laying the Mauerlat.
  2. Then you need to place a temporary deck on the roof to make it easy to move around.
  3. Now the installation of a U-shaped frame of racks, crossbars and purlins is underway.
  4. When the frame is completed, 50x150 mm rafters need to be laid on it. The braces will add rigidity to the structure.

Installation of rafter legs

There are 2 types of rafter fastening:

  1. sliding(it is also called hinged). It provides so-called skids in the mount, along which the rafters move along the mauerlat. It is suitable if there is a possibility of settling at home.
  2. Hard. In this case, staples with bolts or wire with nails are used for connection.

The option of how to properly make an attic with a sliding fastening demonstrates greater reliability, since it takes into account the mobility of roof elements when the ground subsides. Sliding mount will be useful during construction wooden house, for which shrinkage is possible. It will help the roof “adapt” to the movement of the building.

How to build a roof correctly

Recommendation: to understand the location of the upper rafters, it is worth making a temporary stand from beams. It is attached to the Mauerlat so that its top is located along the center line of the roof. This design will be a hint when aligning the upper rafters, which will greatly facilitate the task.

It is necessary to make the upper part of the Mauerlat beveled. It is advisable to first make it from a thinner board. Then you need to attach it to the purlin and trace its contours. And then fill in the form according to the received form. This approach will allow you to do the work more accurately. Now you know how to build an attic roof with your own hands.

Equipment attic room significantly increases the living space of the house. Even an unheated room will serve as additional thermal insulation for the home.

A mansard roof is made in the form of a broken gable structure, but there are many other options:

  • classical gable roof characterized by simple calculations, the work of constructing rafters is doable even for a novice master, its disadvantage is the low ceiling;
  • shed - a simple type of roof that provides one full wall in the attic;
  • tented, having four slopes of the same size;
  • multi-pincer – attractive and balanced, but complex design.

The gable sloping attic roof of the house allows you to obtain a sufficient height of the ceilings in the room and expand the comfortable area. To build it, you will need a well-designed project. Creating it yourself is not an easy task; you can order it from a construction company or use a special computer program. The design diagram will allow you to calculate required amount material for rafters, insulation, waterproofing, roofing. The angle of inclination for roof slopes is calculated taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer of roofing materials; in addition, climatic conditions are taken into account - snow and wind load.

Features of a gable sloping roof

The lower part of the rafter system is installed at an angle of 60 °, its support pillars become the frame for interior walls premises. The angle at the top of the rafters does not exceed 45 °, which allows you to reduce the amount of material used, but without compromising the quality of the coating. Additional rigidity to the frame of the room is given by struts, which are attached to the floor beam and the bottom of the rafters.

Construction stages

  1. A support beam - Mauerlat - is laid along the perimeter of the building. It is attached to load-bearing walls and transfers the load from the rafters to the base of the building. The mauerlat is attached to brick or block walls using embedded anchors or studs. You can mark the places for drilling holes for fastening with a tape measure or by placing a beam on the wall and pressing it down until dents appear. Roofing material must be laid under the timber for waterproofing. The Mauerlat is put on the anchors and secured with nuts.
  2. The floor beams are made of durable softwood timber. They are laid on the Mauerlat and extend beyond the perimeter of the walls by 0.5 meters to increase the area of ​​the attic. Another way is to attach it to special pockets left in the masonry. The ends of such beams must be covered with mastic and roofing felt to protect them from moisture. The beams are fastened with self-tapping screws and angles. The outer beams are laid level, and the cord is pulled to ensure proper installation of the rest. The optimal pitch of the beams is 0.6 m; it allows you to lay insulation without trimming. All beams are leveled in height; if the level is insufficient, boards are placed; if the beam protrudes, it is cut off.
  3. Vertical posts are attached to the outer supporting beams. Their height and installation location are determined by the drawing. After being aligned vertically using a level and plumb line, the racks are temporarily fixed with jibs from the board. After securing the outer posts, a cord is stretched between them, along which the remaining beams are installed. Each rack is placed on a beam and temporarily fixed, creating two parallel rows.
  4. The racks are fastened with purlins - boards; this element is necessary to impart rigidity to the structure. A crossbar is placed on top of the purlin, which connects the racks on opposite sides. The tie is attached to the posts metal corners. The complex of these elements limits the attic space. To make the structure stronger, struts are subsequently installed.
  5. Before installing the lower rafters, a template is made to facilitate the work. In order not to check every time how to properly saw off the upper part of the rafters, take a board and, attaching it to the purlin, cut it at the desired angle. This will be the template. A groove is cut at the bottom of the rafters, which are attached to the Mauerlat. If the lower rafters rest on an extended beam, they are cut in place and secured with angles, screws and nails.
  6. Before you build the upper rafters, you need to mark the center of the roof. For convenience, you can nail the board to the Mauerlat and the end tie; it will serve as a guide for aligning the rafters. To be able to trim the upper rafters on the ground, a template is made. To do this, take a board and apply it to the purlin and saw it off at an angle. All rafters are made according to the template, with correct installation racks, they are all the same size. Top part hanging rafters fastened with metal plates or scraps of board. The joints with the purlins are fastened with corners. The outer ones are installed first rafter legs, then the rest. Suspended racks made of timber measuring 25x150 mm connect the places where the rafters are attached to each other and the tightening.
  7. The lower rafters require reinforcement with struts, for this they use a board bolted to the rafters and load-bearing beam. After installing all the struts, the temporary supports are removed. Having collected completely truss structure, sew up the gables.

A vapor barrier membrane is attached to the rafter structure using a stapler. The spreading of the canvases begins from the cornice; they must be laid with an overlap of 15 cm and secured with tape. Insulation is laid on top, the material is laid tightly, leaving gaps is not allowed. To fix the insulation, lathing is stuffed. It is made from planks, the width of which is from 10 to 15 cm, and the thickness is 5 cm. This part of the work ends when interior decoration premises.

On the outside, waterproofing is attached to the rafters, protecting the roof from water ingress. The material is fixed with a lathing on which it will be attached. roof covering. The pitch between the slats depends on the type of material. Soft roof needs continuous sheathing, so the entire area of ​​the attic roof is covered with sheets of plywood, providing a flat and strong base.

When sheathing the gables, space is left for windows, if they are provided for in the design.

Work on self-construction roofing is a complex and painstaking process. Using the experience of craftsmen who share construction secrets in the provided video will help you understand the sequence and nuances of roof installation.


This video shows how to make a mansard roof at home:
