Where should the interior door open? Where and how do the “correct” doors open according to fire safety standards

World standards provide for more often opening the door leaf inward, Russian ones outward, but there is no fundamental difference. For owners, external opening saves space inside the hallway, therefore it is considered more preferable. But besides this, a few more requirements must be observed when installing doors, especially if its design changes. They are regulated by SNiPs - building codes and regulations.

Fire safety depends on the opening side

The need to comply with the rules is explained by the fact that leaving the apartment is at the same time a means of evacuation in case of emergency. This means that the door should not be an obstacle to the emergency exit of people from the premises, as well as the removal of possible wounded on a stretcher. Therefore, the opening side is not fundamentally important, but the requirements are as follows:

  • fully opened sash is at a distance of at least 1 m from opposite wall(that is, the width of the resulting passage is not less than a meter);
  • door leaf when open, does not block the entrances to other apartments or internal living quarters;
  • if there are other doors nearby, they will not be able to block each other when opened at the same time.

If these requirements are met, the opening side of the door is fundamentally unimportant. But if earlier the door leaf opened in the other direction, it is still better to coordinate this moment in advance with neighbors and utilities in order to avoid trouble and extra expenses. Although such coordination is not mandatory, since it is not considered a redevelopment.

SNiP defines the only situation when the entrance apartment door should open exclusively inwards. This is a variant of the location of the doors opposite each other in narrow corridor, so that they block each other when opened at the same time. Although it is often possible to solve it simply by changing the side of the location of the loops.

There are also requirements for the size of the doorway. Its width should not be less than 80 cm, and its height - 190 cm.

Other entry door requirements

The standards define other indicators that the entrance doors must comply with. The Guardian company takes them into account at the production stage, but it doesn’t hurt to have some idea.

  1. Adequate level of tightness is required. To do this, the gaps between the door frame and the wall are carefully sealed, and along the perimeter of the door leaf and the inner perimeter door frame at least two sealing circuits are installed.
  2. Entrance doors, especially metal doors, need a sufficient level of sound insulation. The noise insulation index should be at least 30 dB.
  3. The ability to pass cold air is regulated by the blowing parameter. It should not be higher than 1.5 kilograms of air per square meter in one hour.

Much more stringent requirements apply to armored and fire doors. But they are almost never installed in residential premises.

Although strict control behind the installation of entrance doors to residential premises is not present, the likelihood of imposing a fine, administrative proceedings, or even the need to rework a repair that has just been made remains. Therefore, it is better to agree on this issue in advance.

Settling in new apartment or changing the input metal door, homeowners think about which way and in which direction it should open. Judging by the discussions on the Internet, even engineers and firefighters sometimes find it difficult to give an exact answer to this question, let alone civilians. Let's break it down and look at the topic from different points of view.

If we take the requirements of SNiP as a basis, the opening of doors must be organized in the direction of evacuation from the premises. This is stated in the prescription "Fire safety of buildings and structures." The content of Federal Law No. 123 does not contradict this requirement: people must leave the burning building in the direction of the emergency exit, opening the doors from the room to the outside.

It is doubtful that the law does not specify the types of buildings that fall under this rule. fire safety. However, the information is explained in more detail in the technical regulation, namely in Article No. 32.

According to its content, ensuring fire safety in private apartment buildings- the work of the homeowners, while opening the door in public, industrial, administrative buildings is regulated at the legislative level. Thus, the requirements of developers and management companies play a dominant role in the installation of entrance doors, but over time, the owner of the apartment can change the way the door opens at his discretion.

What to look for when choosing a door opening option?

If you have to decide where to open Entrance door, pay attention to the following points:

  • The sash that opens onto the platform saves usable space in the apartment, makes it easier to exit it in case of fire and makes it possible to install a second door to improve heat and sound insulation;
  • If your floor has a small vestibule with a separate entrance or the corridor on the site is too narrow, it is better to install a door that opens inward - this will eliminate the possibility of a collision with neighboring doors and injuring people present in the vestibule. The Guardian DS 7 company has similar models.

The opening side also matters. The main criterion in making this decision is convenience and safety. If the area at the entrance is quite spacious, you need to proceed from the layout of the apartment. If there is a vestibule, you need to coordinate the opening side with your neighbors so that when you leave the apartments at the same time, you do not block the path to each other. Traditionally, the front door opens from left to right (when viewed from the inside) - this option will be familiar to almost everyone.

If the conditions allow you to implement any solution, you can do everything according to Feng Shui. According to Taoist practices, the door should open into the dwelling, as this allows you to save energy flows in the house. When opened externally, they will splash outward, depriving you of the strength and desire to achieve an improvement in the quality of life.

Installing doors is one of the finishing processes of any repair. And many owners in this process are guided exclusively by the aesthetic side of the matter, forgetting that even this case has written and unwritten rules.

Where should the interior door open?

Not only how convenient it will be to use the new door leafs, but also the issue of the safety of residents depends on their observance. So, installed correctly?

Inside or outside?

Most of us know that the front door to the apartment should open exclusively outward. This is due to two reasons at once:

  • If the door opens inward, then it can be knocked out or squeezed out without any special complications, opening access to the room. This can be used by robbers and other persons with bad intentions;
  • In the event of a fire, a door that opens inward can create additional inconvenience for people trying to leave the premises.

Interroom doors can be mounted exclusively depending on the wishes of the owners of the apartment.

However, if we are talking about repairing a bathroom, then here the installation of the door leaf should also obey a certain logic. Doors leading to the bathroom (as well as doors to the toilet and other rooms small size) should open outwards. First of all, this is due to the fact that inner space a standard bathroom is already too small for the door to open inward. A standing person will experience a certain inconvenience when opening it, since he himself will interfere with the movement of the door leaf. Even a small corner bath 125x125 http://santehnika-msk.ru/Akrilovye_vanny/uglovye-vanny/vanna-125x125/ can be an irresistible reason for opening the door inwards.

One should also not forget that a person, as Woland said, is suddenly mortal. Let's not talk about fatal cases, but even a banal fainting can cause a person's body, falling to the floor, to block the door that opens inward and deprive him of the opportunity to provide assistance. In addition, in the bathroom, you can easily slip with similar consequences, falling on a sharp edge, which even some have. acrylic bathtubs http://santehnika-msk.ru/Akrilovye_vanny/. Of particular concern in this sense are our elderly relatives, who are most often prone to uncoordinated movements, heart ailments and problems with pressure. It is for these reasons that the doors to the bathroom should always open only outwards.

And if more?

Speaking of bathrooms and where does the bathroom door open, we most often mean typical premises, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 5-6 square meters. However, in many modern houses improved layout, they take up much more space. In a large spacious room, even an inward-opening door is unlikely to interfere with an acrylic corner bath 140x140 http://santehnika-msk.ru/Akrilovye_vanny/uglovye-vanny/vanna-140×140/ and even bigger size. Yes, and the issue of compliance with safety regulations is not so acute here. So is it possible to mount a door in such a bathroom that will open inward?

No. According to building codes and regulations (SNIPs), the doors of all bathrooms, toilets and kitchens, as well as the entrance doors, should only open outwards. There is no indication that these standards may vary depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, so the installation of a canvas that opens inwards will be a direct violation of the norms established by the state. Better to follow the law, right?

Publication date:

Where should it open interior door? No matter how strange this question may seem to you and the obvious answer, there are whole standards according to which interior doors must open in a strictly defined direction.

Schemes for opening interior doors.

Moreover, it can open not only outside and inside the room, but also to the left and right. That is, there are as many as 4 ways to place an interior door.

According to the fire safety rules and SNIP, which must be observed by all building organizations without exception, in small-sized rooms (bath, toilet, kitchen), doors must open outward. This arrangement is due to the fact that in case of an emergency it will be easier for a person to leave the room by opening it outside. In addition, if a person becomes ill and he is in an unconscious state in small room, then he will not be able to block the door, which is opened outward. And this means that precious minutes will be saved, and help will come much faster.

So how are the doors supposed to open? The basic rule for installing interior doors is: they should open in the direction where the space is larger. Most often when standard layout this rule implies that interior doors should open towards the room. But on the staircase, the situation is the opposite. That is, it should go outside, not inside. This requirement is dictated by security considerations. Outsiders will not be able to crack it with a simple physical effort, that is, such a door cannot be knocked out. However, if when you open your front door it takes up a lot of space in the stairwell and makes it difficult to move, it would make more sense to make it open in the opposite direction.

SNiP regulations

Door installation diagram.

According to building codes and regulations (SNiP) "Fire safety of buildings and structures" dated 01/21/1997, doors at emergency exits and on escape routes should open towards the exit from the building. In all other cases, the direction for opening is not regulated, since it does not have standards. Below is a list of them:

  • apartment buildings;
  • private houses;
  • premises in which no more than 15 people can be at the same time;
  • pantries, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is not more than 200 m²;
  • bathrooms;
  • the outer walls of buildings that are located on the northern side of the climatic zone.

Interior door fixing.

Also, the SNiP document dated 01/21/1997 states that at the design stage of the building it is necessary to position the doors in such a way that at the moment of simultaneous opening they should not block each other.

Where should the interior door open: the basic rule

That is why there are situations when in the same room the doors, although they open in one direction, but with different hand. Today, there are "right" and "left" doors. In Russia, these standards differ significantly from European canons. For example, if a door is opened with right hand it is considered to be "right". And if to open you need to use left hand, then such a door is considered "left". Experts advise to be extremely careful when buying them and not to neglect the advice of consultants. If you need a "left" door, then be sure to describe it to the seller as the one in which the hinges are located on the left side when opened towards you.

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Space Saving Design Solutions

Modern housing layout sometimes puts homeowners in front of a difficult choice: follow fire safety rules and install doors strictly according to the rules, or install according to the intended design, which, although it looks beautiful, does not always have a functional component.


We all know the fact that a complete swing door able to occupy enough places at the time of opening and closing. Therefore, when you install it, try to find a "golden mean" in which the location will not only be beautiful, but also convenient and safe.

If your priority is saving every centimeter in the room, then the front door should open outward.

And if the corridor space is occupied by shelving or a wardrobe, then for greater convenience it will have to be mounted in such a way that it opens into the room.

In some cases, designers recommend sacrificing the front door and redesigning the opening. For example, they do this by connecting the kitchen and living room with a decorative arch. Thanks to this technique, you can not only visually increase the space, but also facilitate the passage between rooms.


When installing an interior or front door, remember that for best use it must not only be properly installed, but also positioned so that it opens in accordance with the rules and regulations of fire safety. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a court order for a forced alteration.

feng shui front door

The front door is an object of close attention in Feng Shui. And this is not an accident, because the front door itself performs the function of protecting the home, enclosing the house, making it comfortable and safe for its own inhabitants.

Apart from these obvious functions, the front door is also the main "supplier" of positive Chi energy for your home. Directly through the door, excellent energy enters the house and circulates freely throughout the apartment, if nothing interferes with it.

Planning the space: or where should the doors open?

Feng shui front door correct placement, refinement and color is a guarantee of your success and health, even if the rest of your apartment is not arranged according to all the rules of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui front door placement

As for the location of doors in general, there are several very strict rules in Feng Shui for their placement:

Front door and mirrors

Feng Shui is generally careful about mirrors. This also applies to the front door, which in no case should be reflected in the mirror. So, if a mirror hangs opposite the front door or in an adjoining room or corridor, and the door is reflected in it, then the appropriate Qi energy will be reflected, refracted in this mirror, and rapidly go back. She will not stay in the house, and this threatens trouble for all family members.

Otherwise, mirrors are absolutely appropriate in the hallway, so do not be afraid of them, but position them so that the front door does not reflect into them.

Entrance door and stairs

Staircase relative to the door

Stairs and entrance doors must be in the correct position in relation to each other. In no case should the staircase inside the house begin close to the front door or become its continuation - this will not only lead to a lightning-fast release of Qi energy, but also enhance the impact of negative Sha energy. Make sure that the staircase is not connected with the front door - it does not “continue” the entrance, is not part of it and is not located on the same lane with the entrance.

Bad entry door

If there is a staircase in front of the front door leading to the 2nd floor or down, this is also not necessary, since in this case energy leaks along the stairs, such a staircase distracts the attention of the incoming person. In this case, attention can be distracted by placing an obstacle in the form of a plant, sculpture, bedside table, curtains, etc. your corridor is located.

The most unfavorable placement is the outer and inner stairs, which form one line, but are broken by the front door. This should not be done in any case, because in such a house you will always feel danger, discomfort, and also often get sick.

feng shui door color

The color of the front door is directly related to the sector in which your door is located.

With the help of a lopan compass, you can simply find in which zone your front door is located, and arrange it in such a way as to enhance the beneficial effect or block the negative one.

Door leading to the west

Responsible for the affairs of children and parents, it is worth decorating metal elements(the element of the West), choosing white or brown.

Keep all the decorations on the door in a very clean, “brilliant” state - this will activate the zone.

East facing door

The door to the apartment of a happy friendly family. Family happiness, you will enhance the well-being of all the residents of the apartment thanks to the tree from which it is advised to make “eastern” doors. Wood can be both the door itself and the ornament on it. The main thing is that the tree should always be in good condition - without cracks, shiny, varnished. Black or green color is suitable for this door.

south facing door

If your front door faces south, you can safely make it red or green, and then your activity will be crowned with success and even glory.

North facing door

The door facing north, to the career zone, can be painted blue or black, decorated with wavy elements (the north is under the influence of the element of Water), and then you will be successful in promotion.

Door facing northeast or southwest

For a door in the northeast or southwest, brown or yellow colors, the southeastern doors can be made yellow or any of its colors - these are the colors of wealth.

Color enhancement is true for all interior doors. If you need to increase the impact of a sector on your life, just take care of the door that falls into it: paint it in the right color, decorate it with the right elements.

Internal doors of the apartment

Sliding doors

A few words about other doors in the house, for example, those leading to the hallway. If you are building a house yourself, then it is best not to plan the doors to the toilet, bathroom or kitchen next to the front door. The corridor should lead directly to the rooms general use and not for personal or business use. Your guest should get through the corridor into the living room or dining room, bypassing all other, personal, premises.

Because many of us live in houses built far from individual project, you have to put up with what you have and look for a better way out.

The doors to the toilet and bathroom, if they go into the hallway, should not be very large and massive, otherwise, with their size, they will attract a lot of energy to themselves. You will spend a lot of time in these rooms, the toilet and bathroom can become the most important in your life, and this, you see, is not great. It is also important that the doors to these rooms are always tightly closed, otherwise you risk losing luck flowing through the sewer. (By the way, this also applies to the toilet lid).

The same can be said about the door to the kitchen: if people entering your hallway see a “kitchen entourage”, get ready for the fact that they will find themselves with an extraordinary appetite, and will always come to you at first to eat deliciously, because opened door into the kitchen directly evokes such "inviting" associations. Therefore, if your kitchen door is in front of the guests, close it. If there are large transparent glass elements in the door (for example, half a transparent glass door), they should also be covered from inquisitive glances.

The doors to the private rooms of the owners should also be closed, at least with the arrival of guests. The rest of the time they can not be closed, thus not creating barriers to the flow of Qi energy.

All doors in the apartment, even if you do not use them, need to be opened more often. So the energy will circulate freely around the apartment, and at the same time you will activate the area of ​​your life to which the door belongs. Don't forget to keep your doors clean, keep them in working order, lubricate the hinges, get rid of shabby, old and disgusting doors just in time. Remember that in good doors positive chi energy will enter with ease and never leave your home, making it comfortable, comfortable and safe.

The question in which direction the entrance doors should open is solved differently in different traditions.

Since ancient times, in Russian villages, they opened only inside the hut. In winter, heavy snowfalls and blizzards often occur. The entrance can be blocked by a huge snowdrift. If the door opens outward, then leaving the house is simply unrealistic. If inside, you can simply open it and blaze a path in the right direction. In many villages, this rule is still observed, born out of experience and common sense.

Feng Shui and proper door installation

The philosophy of feng shui is in complete solidarity with Russian traditions. According to this teaching, the positive energy of luck qi enters the home through the front doors. The correct opening of the front door is inside the building. So it will not block the way for qi flows. Opening the door outward changes their direction, driving away good luck and prosperity.

For the free flow of qi energy, it is also important that secret vertical “arrows” are not directed at the entrance: the spiers of neighboring buildings, lampposts, drains, sharp corners. They degrade the feng shui of the home. To accumulate good energy, you can hang a lantern in front of the entrance of the house (it is important that the place is well lit). Feng Shui experts advise people living on the upper floors to hang a small round mirror above the front door. It will reflect the flows of bad energy.

Where should the front door open according to Vastu Shastra

The Hindu philosophy of Vastu Shastra advises to set the main door in the house so that it opens inward and only in a clockwise direction. It will bring good luck and health. The best directions for entry equipment are east and north. From the east, the powerful energy of the rising Sun penetrates into the house. It brings health, fulfillment of desires, glory and clarity of mind. Energy flows from the north bring fertility and luck in all matters.

Extremely undesirable are the southern and western direction. South along Vastu is the zone of influence of Yama. In Hinduism, this is the name of the god of death. Energy entering from the south brings disease, destruction and death. The west and southwest are in the zone of strong influence of Rahu. This is a shadow planet with negative energy. It hinders all good undertakings, brings illnesses and poverty.

Like feng shui, Vastu focuses on the fact that there are no large obstacles in front of the main entrance (trees, lampposts, etc.). They slow down good energy flows.

Rules of convenience and fire safety

According to fire safety standards, the front door must open onto the landing. In the event of a fire, it will not block the entrance, will not become an obstacle to the movement of panicked people. If on a small landing several doors at once, all of them are installed so as not to interfere with each other (that is, with inward opening).

If all neighboring doors swing open to the outside, they will interfere with each other and not all residents will be able to quickly evacuate from the burning house. For the arrangement of a private mansion, the rules are not so harsh. In it, the front door can open in any direction.

The appearance and wide distribution of GWP (grooved slabs / partitions) is due to the achievement of a reduction in the cost and labor intensity of laying partitions for interior purposes. It is worth discussing the GWP in more detail.

Advantages of building material

GWP ( tongue-and-groove slabs) are an inexpensive, accurate solution to the issue of prompt redevelopment of any dwelling, both during the activities of professional masters of the construction business, and for the reproduction of construction and redevelopment of a dwelling with their own hands. When using GWP for arranging interior, and even inter-apartment, wall partitions, each user is guaranteed to be insured against dirt, excess debris and cash costs. The complete absence of mountains of garbage and minimal labor costs are due to the fact that you do not have to use cement mortar, as in activities with brickwork, and install a system of partitions, as when installing drywall boards.
During construction interior partitions tongue-and-groove plates have distinctive advantages:

  • Easy to install;
  • Possibility of mounting the partition without the presence of special equipment;
  • No wet processes;
  • Immediately after the construction of partitions, you can paste over them with wallpaper;
  • To move to painting work, it is necessary to carry out only finishing putty;
  • The tongue-and-groove tile material is easy to saw, plan, nail and mill;
  • Save usable floor space.
  • Tongue-and-groove hollow-core slabs have a clear advantage over the usual, familiar to everyone, wall ceilings. Although they are lighter, strength characteristics identical. Hollow structures reduce transport costs and significantly save on final work.

    Material properties

    The properties of a hollow tongue-and-groove slab are concluded in the following indicators:

  • Soundproofing
  • The level of sound insulation of such a plate is 43 dB. The specified value is equal to the level of sound protection in elite class homes.

  • Strength
  • If the correct fasteners are selected during the installation of the attachment, then the plate with two attachment points can withstand weights up to 200 kg. The most reliable type of fastener is a dowel.

  • Not flammable
  • Due to this property, it is possible to lay electrical wiring and a pipeline of small diameter in hidden longitudinal voids.
    So standard sizes tongue-and-groove slabs different type please refer to the table below:

    The results of the research proved that the breaking load for ordinary plates was 874 kgf, and for moisture resistant ones - 907 kgf. At the same time, similar Russian and European standards for the minimum breaking force are more than 170 kgf.
    Using a tongue-and-groove partition for installation doorways can do without additional work. To install doorways with a standard width of 90 centimeters, there is no need to resort to reinforcement.
    High level tongue-and-groove sheets gained popularity when developers began to sell apartments without interior partitions. Buyers got the opportunity not only to be creative in creating unique interior in your home, but also to solve the difficult task that is associated with all the features of the repair.

    How to update the old wooden door do it yourself at home?

    Installation of wall coverings

    The popularity of tongue-and-groove material lies in economy and simplicity. Nowadays, the task of any builder is to complete repairs with the least material, labor and time costs. If tongue-and-groove partition slabs are used in construction, then one qualified master can build up to 30 sq.m. partitions. No other materials allow you to work at such a speed.
    Installation of interroom partitions from tongue-and-groove plates is quite simple. Any master who does not have special building skills can handle a typical process. In order to install a partition from tongue-and-groove plates, it is necessary to adhere to temperature regime in room. So the installation must be carried out at temperatures above +5°C. Before installation, the material must lie in the room for at least 24 hours. As an adhesive for laying it, a putty mixture is used in the base, which includes a gypsum binder.

  • It is necessary to remove dirt and dust from all surfaces that are near the future structure.
  • It is recommended to create a partition layout and project it onto the walls of the room. For this, a plumb line is used.
  • If necessary, level the floor surface, first you should do this process by laying a layer cement-sand mortar regarding all requirements and norms for arranging and leveling the floor.
  • PGP sheets must be installed horizontally with the groove up. All plates that are in the first row should have their combs removed. The tongue-and-groove sheet is quite simple to process, so it will not be difficult to cut it with a hacksaw with a wide blade or an electric jigsaw.
  • After that, all the plates of the first row are assembled, and the structure is checked by a level for horizontality.
  • Then you can proceed to the installation of the second row of plates. To do this, the mounting adhesive is applied to the groove of the bottom row, as well as to the crest of the mounted sheet. They are carefully assembled and checked for density.
  • After installing the row, it is important to remove adhesive residue from the surface.
  • It is very important that the slabs are installed at random and there is no overlap. vertical lines. Additional elements are cut out in stages.
    It is constantly necessary to evaluate the verticality of the structure using a plumb line.

  • The last row of the slab can already be installed vertically in order to save material. The space between the ceiling and the structure must be filled with mounting adhesive.
  • This method of installation is called rigid. It is used where there are no special requirements for sound insulation.

    5 /5 (1 )

    How should the doors in the house be opened? This question worries everyone who plans to install new door structures. To correctly answer it, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of use and the rules for the rational organization of space and, in addition, satisfy the requirements of fire safety.

    Where should the interior door open in terms of convenience?

    Typically, interior door blocks are installed so that they open into the room. This is due to the fact that, opening towards the corridor, create inconvenience when bringing furniture or large-sized household appliances. And the door leaf to the nursery must necessarily open into the room so that you can break it out if the baby accidentally closes.

    small room. must open outwards and kitchen doors because the kitchen is one of the most dangerous rooms in the apartment.

    - double-leaf or single-leaf - in the open state should not block the room. Therefore, when choosing in which direction the doors should open, it is better to set the opening of the canvas towards the nearest wall.
    It is necessary to decide where the interior door should open at the stage of ordering door blocks. In the online store of the Porta Prima factory, you can order both left and right door blocks, with outward or inward opening.

    How should doors be opened in terms of fire safety?

    In accordance with building codes, the doors to the apartments multi-storey buildings must be installed with an outward opening in the direction of travel. This is the most correct option from the point of view of fire safety, if you need to quickly evacuate residents or take out the wounded on a stretcher. But when choosing how fire safety doors should open, it must be borne in mind that the open sash should not block the exits from neighboring apartments and not interfere with free evacuation. Therefore, when discussing the issue of opening with the manufacturing company, you need to make sure that the open door leaf does not block the neighbors from leaving the apartment.

    Fire safety rules do not impose strict restrictions on opening interior doors. However, when thinking over where the doors should open, it is necessary, first of all, to make sure that they do not interfere with each other and do not create inconvenience in case of simultaneous opening.

    Interior organization according to Feng Shui - how should the doors in the house open?

    By following the advice of the Feng Shui teachings, you can attract positive energy to your apartment or house. To do this, you should correctly arrange all the elements of the interior and take into account how the doors should open according to Feng Shui.

    Interior doors from the point of view of Feng Shui play a central role in the distribution of vital energy. And the teaching clearly defines where the door to the bedroom, living room or kitchen should open: they should open strictly inside the room and to the left of the person entering. Another Feng Shui rule says that when opening interior doors, they should allow you to see most of the room. And in no case do not rest against a wall, closet or other pieces of furniture. In addition, they should not spontaneously open or close, so as not to disrupt the circulation of vital energy flows.