DIY plywood orphanage. How and from what to build a children's playhouse in the country

A happy childhood is the key to a healthy adult life each person. This is why parents try to create the necessary conditions, for the formation of a full-fledged and successful personality.

Children are often attached to their moms and dads and like to give them most of their time. However, each child needs his own small space, where only he will be the owner.

For this purpose, you can build a wooden children's playhouse at the dacha for the summer pastime of your beloved child; his toys will live in it, there will be space for his fantasies and dreams. And if you are truly caring parents, do not miss this opportunity: build a house with your own hands, taking into account the wishes of your child. Even better is to involve him in the construction himself, entrusting him with the role of an architect, engineer or designer.

How to make a children's house out of wood

There is nothing difficult in building a children's house, even for a man who does not have a special construction education. After all, this design should be simple. The main thing is to decorate it externally and internally so that it turns out bright and colorful, like in a children's fairy tale. So where to start? Of course, from the project.

Construction plan

When developing a project, consider the following points:

  • what type of house do you want: open or closed;
  • dimensions of the future structure;
  • location;
  • materials for walls, roofs, windows and doors;
  • the presence of additional components (terrace, slide, outbuildings, fence, swing, stairs, sandbox, etc.) and decor (for example).

In addition, consider such nuances as:

  • mobility or stationarity of the main structure;
  • window height (at least 500-600 mm from the floor);
  • door height (at least 200 mm higher than the child’s height);
  • the quality of the walls (they must be smooth and safe);
  • roof (must not be flat so that the child cannot climb on it).

Develop the drawing yourself; if in doubt, consult with one of your familiar specialists to get the correct design.

Drawing of a house with stairs

Drawing of a playhouse with benches

Tools and materials

To build a small house you will need:

  1. Board panels with posts from which the walls of the house will be erected.
  2. Bars.
  3. Thin planks.
  4. Roll of roofing felt.
  5. Screws and nails.
  6. Stain and paints different colors For decoration.

Can't do without necessary tools: shovels, rammers, hammers, screwdrivers, levels, circular saw, stationery knife, paint brushes.

Be sure to make cuts with inside panels to avoid chipping on the outside.

We install walls, windows and doors

Choose a place for the house. It is important that there is a lot of free space around the house. After all, kids love to frolic in the fresh air.

Compact upper layer soil and make a frame of timber for the flooring. Then use the plank panels to form the floor.

Preparing the foundation for the future home

Also, make wooden panels for the walls from beams and panels. Now it is important to cut out openings for windows and doors in them. The house must have at least two windows so that the room is sufficiently lit. Start with the windows, but don't cut the doors all the way down. so that the loose panel does not lose its rigidity. Finish sawing doorway only after attaching the front panel.

Cover all components with stain and varnish (inside and out), then connect them. Fix the decking first, then attach the walls.

Ideas for wooden houses for children

If you want to do something original, then consider the following selection of options:

  1. Two-tier house with a ladder.
  2. Fairytale hut on chicken legs.
  3. Wooden treehouse with ladder.
  4. House with stairs and canopy.
  5. A small hut.
  6. House with an attic.
  7. Dollhouse for girls.
  8. Hanging tree house.
  9. Tree house with suspension bridge.
  10. Gazebo house in the garden.
  11. House with a spiral staircase.
  12. Towers, spaceships and rockets, flying saucers, etc.

Two-tier houseBright house with furniture

As you can see, a children's house can be the way your children or your imagination see it. The main thing is that the building is safe, becomes a cozy refuge for your child and instills happiness and love in his soul.

“Chick-chirk, I’m in the house,” is the kids’ favorite saying when they are playing tag. It turns out that each of them dreams of their own premises, so caring parents are ready to build a house for their child with their own hands in an apartment, in the yard or on a summer cottage.

Having separate apartments that you can furnish yourself with personal belongings is a truly worthy desire for a child. Here he will be able to spend his leisure time usefully, dream about a wonderful future, “fly in the clouds” and prepare for adulthood. This makes it easier for parents to do important household chores without worrying about their child.

Currently, many versions of such play structures are produced. They can easily be purchased in the children's section of any supermarket. But if the budget does not allow you to give such a gift to your baby, this is not a reason to leave him without his own “abode”. Wise parents remember school lessons labor, find suitable materials, tools and get down to business.

According to most psychologists, play buildings develop useful skills in children that will be useful to them in adulthood.

DIY child's house in an apartment: purpose and importance

A miniature house, built with your own hands on the territory of the apartment, plays an important role in the development of the baby as a person. Here he feels like a rightful owner. Responsible for its execution. Maintains order and spends his leisure time. As a result, the child develops the following qualities:

  • thrift;
  • responsibility;
  • love of home;
  • careful handling of valuables;
  • independence.

But the most basic function of a house for children is a useful pastime. On the one hand, here he has the most convenient playing area, on the other hand, it is unique. Child psychologists say that such “buildings” are one of the most common dreams of children. They imagine themselves as masters;

  • a fairy-tale house on chicken legs;
  • Indian wigwam;
  • a decorated royal tent;
  • forest wooden hut.

The benefits of such dreams about a children's house are development psychological state little inhabitant of the earth. Parents often notice how their child huddles in a corner, hides in a closet, under a table, or secludes himself in his room or on the balcony. And this does not mean that he is planning to do some kind of prank (cut the dog’s hair or test the “taste” of his mother’s lipstick). Probably, the time is already coming when he wants to create a personal space away from the “caring” eyes of his parents. Now is the time to design a house for a child in an apartment with your own hands to meet his needs.

A tool for proper development

For a child, such a structure becomes the real center of the Universe. Here he keeps his “jewels”, personal belongings, toys dear to his heart. When guests come to him, he receives them on his territory, so he decides what to entertain and treat them with. He tries to care for him 24 hours a day, for which he is responsible to his parents.

In such a developmental house for children it is easy to retire to:

  • read your favorite fairy tale;
  • create masterpieces from plasticine;
  • paint pictures;
  • prepare lunch for the doll and feed it;
  • wait patiently for your prince.

What little kids dream about when they retire to their amazing dream oasis.

Parents should not forget that the child feels safe in such houses. Therefore, they need to fully support their endeavors.

With the help of a homemade house for a child in an apartment, parents help develop self-esteem. Over time, they will become self-confident, ready for new difficulties. The lack of such a play area often leads to the following factors:

  • growing up, the child does not want to equip his nest;
  • he has complete indifference to his place of residence;
  • increased desire to have a personal home.

Although the latter factor seems noble, it often leads to family discord. The unbridled desire to create your own little world at any cost causes a lot of suffering to people dear to your heart. Therefore, sensible parents try to take a balanced approach to parenting issues, using expert advice. But how to make a house for a child in an apartment in order to develop positive traits? Let's consider wise advice specialists.

Types of designs

No matter the size of the children's room, the child still wants to have his own personal space. In it he will be able to hide from others, relax and go about his important business. Manufacturers offer many different types of playhouses for children. To an apartment or to a dacha, to a playground or to a private house. Having become acquainted with the options, everyone is free to make their own choice, the main thing is to please the kids.

There are designs different sizes, therefore it is necessary to take into account the living area of ​​​​the room. Compact houses are suitable for apartments, spacious ones for country houses.

Often, children's houses for apartments are made from the following materials:

  • natural wood;
  • plastic;
  • textile;
  • cardboard;
  • plywood.

The main selection criteria are the design shape, material and purpose.

Wood products

Playhouses made from this material often resemble a real home. Therefore, they are installed not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The design looks good in a child’s play area and requires special care. It must be frequently ventilated, and the parts must be treated with anti-fungal agents.

You can make a children's house in an apartment with your own hands from plywood. This will be a wonderful analogue of a structure made of natural wood. If you decorate it beautifully, it will also resemble a real residential building.

Plastic structures

Modern alternative wooden houses- plastic products. Such designs are preferred by those parents who are not able to make a house on their own.

Often prefabricated houses for children are made from plastic. Original red roof, stable “stone” foundation, carved windows, a chimney, a canopy protruding above the porch. In just a few minutes, your baby can become the owner of this exquisite masterpiece. He will arrange the interior of the building: he will put a chair, throw a rug on the floor, and cover the windows with curtains. Indeed, houses for children made of plastic are a cozy abode for dreams!

In addition, they resemble a construction set that can be assembled and disassembled at will. And how convenient it is to care for them! Each part is thoroughly washed in soapy water once a year, which helps keep the structure clean. Exist different kinds design of such “toys”:

  • designs Pink colour with turrets for young princesses;
  • dark fortresses for boys;
  • multi-deck boat for kids.

All of them are made of high-quality material that is odorless and durable.

Inflatable structures for strong one-year-olds

Most best option- an inflatable house for a child in the room where he spends his leisure time. Since it is considered the safest "structure", it is used for active games with kids. They are made from PVC fabric. They do not have sharp corners, but children really enjoy jumping on the slightly undulating surface. The design is convenient to fold and move around the house.

Under the canopy of a colorful tent

A bright house tent for children in an apartment is a great opportunity to give your child a real fairy tale. It’s easy to imagine yourself as a treasure hunter, a brave traveler, and even an Indian. The house can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands. In any case, the child will love such a colorful play structure.

To raise productive members of society, moms and dads make great sacrifices to achieve this goal. They communicate with them, educate them, teach them and, of course, play with them. Creating a house for children in an apartment with your own hands through joint efforts is a sure way to touch their young hearts. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • set a goal;
  • design a building;
  • choose a place in the room;
  • purchase materials;
  • prepare tools;
  • consult with family;
  • allocate time;
  • act.

When your heart is full of enthusiasm, all you have to do is figure out how to make a small house for your beloved baby with your own hands. Useful tips masters will help young parents cope with this task.

Fabric tent

To build a spacious playhouse you will need big square, so this option will do those who have large apartments. If you don’t have that luxury, it doesn’t matter. Even in a small room, you can create a house for children with your own hands - a tent from multi-colored fabrics. To do this you will need to make a frame from a suitable material:

  • wooden slats;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • plastic structures.

The master himself chooses what he likes best. Some use parts old furniture. You can even take a regular table as a base and cover it with a piece of fabric. Of course, initially they measure the parameters of the table, calculate the size of the canvas and sew a kind of cover. Ready product pulled onto the prepared table.

When creating a house for children in an apartment with your own hands, it is not necessary to purchase new fabric. Tents made from old bedspreads or remnants of thick curtain fabric look original. Windows made from polyethylene will help give the house a special look. A secure lock in the form of a regular zipper is installed at the entrance. In this case, the structures are made from a mattress or a thick blanket. Here the child will be comfortable, warm and pleasant to spend his leisure time.

Most quick option playhouse - Indian wigwam. Several supports, a fabric sheet and the structure is ready. It is easy to move around the room, which is especially popular with kids.

Play tunnel for developing motor skills

Caring parents watch closely physical development your child. An invaluable help in this matter is a fabric tunnel for children. How to sew such an original device with your own hands? Luckily, it's quite simple. For construction you will need:

  • thick fabric;
  • several metal or plastic hoops;
  • strong threads;
  • sewing machine.

The first step is to calculate the structure. The next step is to cut out the necessary parts. They are sewn together in the form of a long bag, inside of which several hoops are installed. With the help of such a device, the child will be able to actively and cheerfully spend his leisure time in the apartment.

Construction for children made of cardboard

An original version of a playhouse for busy parents is to make it from scrap materials. Often this can be thick cardboard. Better to use standard sheets, which are easy to cut and then join into a structure.

When cutting the material, accidental creases or cuts should not be allowed. Otherwise it will suffer appearance structures.

More affordable way make a house for children out of cardboard with your own hands - using packaging boxes from large household appliances. First, mark the openings (windows, doors). Next, using a sharp utility knife, cut these holes on the box. Together they begin to decorate the playhouse. Children can paint it to their liking, and parents can add decorative items.

If you plan to make a house for a girl in the apartment, you should also think about interior.
The “room” should have enough space for all the necessary things. This includes a crib for a doll, a stroller, a “closet” for clothes, a toy kitchen, and a hospital. Young housewives will undoubtedly be grateful to their parents for such participation in their lives.

Made from cardboard, they are intended for dry rooms because they are resistant to moisture. They are also easy to destroy. Therefore, such designs are suitable for calm, rather than dynamic kids.

Playhouse made of cardboard - video

Moscow is a city of many millions, in which it is increasingly difficult to find a cozy playground. But I really want the younger generation to be able to play outside in comfort. Therefore, sometimes there is no other choice but to make a children's house with your own hands. Plus, it's very simple!

How to make a children's house with your own hands with a minimum of effort and cost

Those who have started large-scale suburban construction have no shortage of wooden pallets. You can hand them over and receive a small reward for it, or you can put them to use. In addition to a variety of furniture, pallets are perfect as an almost ready-made construction set for a small house!

House made of pallets - what is needed for this

In order for construction to proceed without delays and small customers to be satisfied, the necessary materials should be delivered to the site in advance:

Also, do not forget about the tool. You can screw in the screws manually with a screwdriver, or you can speed up the process with a screwdriver or drill with an attachment. It is more convenient to cut window and door openings with a jigsaw, but in the absence of one, it will do hand saw. And you can smooth out all the unevenness so that the little ones don’t get their palms splintered, using a grinder with a sanding attachment or regular sandpaper.

How to assemble a house in one day

It is best to paint a miniature house before assembly, especially if you plan to paint the inside as well. To do this, first the walls are assembled on a rough surface and the central lintels with “cubes” are removed.

After this, the boards are sanded and painted. It is important to remove or cut off all the nails after dismantling the elements - after all, everything is for children.

Also at the stage of rough assembly (without fixing with self-tapping screws), windows and a door are marked and cut out. You don’t have to make a door, limiting yourself to only three walls.
As soon as preparatory work finished, you can start assembling:

All that remains is to bring in the chairs and the “affordable housing program” is completed!

Children's house as a training for frame construction

In addition, by insulating the building and making it at least 3x3 m, in the future such housing can be used as a guest house.

Foundation for a house

To do this, you will need a gas drill, which you can rent instead of buying. Pipes are installed in the holes made level and sprinkled with sand. Concrete is poured inside the pipes.

You can even use ordinary metal rods, and “string” logs on them through pre-made holes.

House assembly

If you are planning an insulated version, then you will have to do everything according to technology - stuff skull blocks along the bottom of the joists, lay down waterproofing, lay insulation and only then sew it up with a floorboard.

The lower frame is secured, the racks are erected and fixed in the corners, and the vertical is checked with a level. Then the internal racks are installed. The distance between them must be the same. If you plan to lay insulation, then the distance should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the mat - the insulation should be inserted tightly.
The top trim of the frame is made, and the places of window and doorways reinforced by jumpers. The dimensions of the openings need to be thought out in advance, since their width will depend on the distance between the posts (minus 8 cm per box).

Considering the small height, you can even do this yourself. First, the outer rafters are installed and checked for level, and then all the rest are at an equal distance between them. When insulating a roof, the pitch of the rafters must correspond to the width of the insulation (for example, so that two mats are placed between the rafters).

To simplify the work with windows, the window sill is installed before installing the frame. Children really like to sleep in the attic, so if the height allows, it’s better to do it as well. attic floor, not forgetting about the window.

Interesting ideas for children's houses

If you want to make something beautiful and multifunctional, you can build playhouse in the form of a gazebo. The kids will grow up, but the gazebo will remain. You can even make a full-fledged home, with a slide and a fireman's pole, as in the photo.

But a personal tree house will bring much more joy to children! Building it, although difficult, is quite feasible with your own hands.

Simple tree house

If there is an old tree on your dacha plot that you don’t dare cut down, you can turn it into a shelter for little “Robinsons”. To do this, at the desired height around the trunk, it is placed and fixed in advance. assembled frame floor.

Do not dig pillars into the ground. Even treated with an antiseptic and coated with bitumen, they will quickly rot.

It is much more reliable to make a foundation of concrete blocks laid on a sand and gravel bed. Holes are made in the blocks into which special anchors for the timber are inserted.

This ensures a strong connection between the foundation and pillars.

The entire length of the beams must be pre-impregnated with antiseptics to prevent rotting. But bitumen or roofing felt laid between the anchor and the tree will not help - the moisture will flow down the post.

Anyone can build their own children's house. And for those who are not yet completely confident in their abilities, the video shows the entire construction process in great detail - from the foundation to the roof!

DIY children's houses. Keeping a child busy is not an easy task. Especially when you need to free up quite a significant portion of your time. Of course, it’s great if you have grandparents or funds for nanny services. What to do in a situation where there is neither one nor the other?

Well, there is a solution - why not build a children's compact house for your little fidget? On the one hand, it will become cozy place to play, and on the other hand, it will allow the child to acquire personal space.

To make a children's playhouse with your own hands, you just need to use your imagination and remember everything you learned in labor lessons. As a last resort, you can find necessary materials and advice on the Internet.

First, let's find out what a children's house or tent is? This perfect solution to organize the baby’s free time for the benefit of his development. Any little person will enjoy spending time in his personal “fortress.” A children's house or tent will allow you to please your child and lighten up your own day for personal matters.

Making a wooden playhouse with your own hands is not difficult; almost every one of us can make a tent or cardboard structure, and this article will help you in this exciting activity. So, we build a children's playhouse in the apartment with our own hands

Children's playhouse: choice of material

Each of us has an idea of ​​how to build a children's house: you just need to draw up a plan for the future construction and decide on necessary materials. A house can be built not only from wood, but also from cardboard, although wood as a raw material for this construction is optimal for a number of reasons:

  • Wood is stronger and more durable than cardboard, and in the case of building a house for children, this plays a huge role;
  • can be made with various decorative cut-out elements, thereby making it attractive and interesting for the future owner;
  • a wooden structure looks more aesthetically pleasing than a cardboard product.

Despite all the above advantages of wood as a material for building a nursery play building, you need to decide for yourself where the constructed product will be located. According to many parents, for an apartment it is still better to choose a cardboard option or even install a fabric tent.

Such a design will take up much less space, its construction will not bring a large amount of garbage into the house, and if necessary, it will be much easier to liquidate such a house.

House dimensions

The next step after choosing the material will be to determine and calculate the dimensions and parameters of the future house. To make it interesting for your child to be in it, keep in mind that the more free territory there is, the safer and more comfortable it will be for the child to play in his “fortress.”

If you are building a house outside the apartment (for example, in the country), also choose a freer plot. Although, of course, the territory of the dacha plot will allow you to express your plan much more freely and widely.

DIY wooden house

If you prefer wood when choosing a material, then pay attention to the option of construction from beams. First, we make a frame from them, which should then be covered with boards.

Keep the kids busy with long ones winter evenings not easy. An excellent solution is houses for children. They can hang out in them for hours, rearranging things, dragging and changing toys. The most important thing is that they are busy.

What kind of children's houses for apartments are there in stores?

If we talk specifically about indoor playhouses, they are mainly represented by products made of plastic (namely, houses) or fabric (these are more like play tents). There is also a not very common type - inflatable ones made of polymer film. For children under 4-5 years old, this is a good option: it’s both warm (not playing on the floor) and safe.

Inflatables are a great solution for kids

Houses for children made of plastic are much more common; they are often collapsible. If necessary, they can be disassembled into relatively small parts and hidden or transported to another location. The minimum height is from 110 cm, the maximum for two-story ones is about 2 meters. The smallest ones occupy about 1.2-1.3 in area square meters- depends on the thickness of the walls. Material: PVC. If it is of proper quality, it is absolutely safe (there must be a SES certificate). Types and varieties - sea:

  • Open, like summer kitchen or gazebos.
  • With windows and doors, with and without shutters.
  • There are houses with a veranda (the area can already be 2-3 m2).
  • Two-story - 2 meters high.

This is a collapsible option

Playhouses made of plastic are good because they are easy to clean, and you can safely take them with you to the country, for example. In winter it is a home playhouse, in summer it is a country house.

But not all rooms allow you to leave the house overnight. In this case, a folding version of the “tent” type (they are also called “play tents”) will be more convenient. On a flexible frame steel wire sewn fabric. All this is rolled up into a very small circle, which fits into a box of 50*50*10 cm or even less - depending on the size of the “structure”. Installation is even simpler: you take it out of the box and let it go. Under the influence of elastic force, the frame unfolds and the fabric is stretched over it. Everything takes a few seconds.

This type of tent house is even easier to transport, but you cannot simply install it on the ground. It is advisable to make a platform from boards, plywood, etc., you can lay out an old carpet, a piece of linoleum, carpet... in general, the idea is understood.

The designs are approximately the same as in the photo above, but the colors can be very different: with cartoon characters, a princess’s home, a berry, etc.

Houses for children with favorite cartoon characters on the walls

These are, perhaps, all the ready-made playhouses that can be placed in the apartment. Perhaps there is also a loft bed, but this is more related to furniture. But there are a decent number of options homemade designs- different formats, from different materials.

Do-it-yourself houses for children in an apartment (photo reports)

What’s great about hand-made things is that you customize them to your size and needs. It’s the same with children’s houses - you can perfectly fit even a stationary building, and folding and folding models can be made quite inexpensively.

From timber (sheathing with fiberboard, gypsum board and plywood, you can also)

For this personal housing, a place was found in the hall - the nursery was too small, and the sons really wanted to have their own “room”. It was decided to allocate two or three squares in the corner near the door. Remnants from construction were used for the cladding - some fiberboard, plasterboard and plywood.

In the permitted area we install a frame made of dry timber 50*50 mm. We attach the racks to the floor and ceiling using corners and dowels. Between the racks we place crossbars from the same timber, making the frame of the “door.” In general, we assemble the frame of the house. We immediately cover the adjacent walls with plasterboard.

The first stage is assembling the frame

From a 50 mm thick board we cut out two stringers - the bases for the steps. We make the steps 25*25 mm. It’s a little difficult for small children to climb, but the older one will be fine, and in a year the younger one will grow up too.

We attach the stringers to the floor and the wall, additionally install a powerful block on the floor and fasten it well. We also assemble a frame under the stringers on the wall (it is visible in the photo below). We also put supports under the stringers. The thickness of the board is, in principle, sufficient for adults, but additional insurance will not hurt anyone. At the same time, a sheathing is formed on the outside of the stairs to fasten the sheathing.

We begin covering the frame from the inside (mostly gypsum board is used). The technology is traditional: we cut off the fragments and fasten them with self-tapping screws. We cover the roof with boards (25 mm), and place a sheet of plywood on top.

We begin covering the stairs. For greater rigidity, we nail the steps in the middle of the depth cross bar. It should be in the same plane as the casing. We nail it with three nails on each side, and attach the sheathing (thin chipboard) on top.

What is a house without lighting? We draw a line from the nearby switch, install a lamp inside, and then connect the switch to the side wall of the stairs. All wires are in non-flammable corrugated hose. It may not be very beautiful, but it is safe.

Let's get started external cladding. There is nothing complicated here either. The main thing is a normally charged screwdriver.

Little things remain - installing crossbars on the railings. And then paint it.

At first we decided to make the railings not very massive. Then they seemed very flimsy, and another plank was nailed into the edge of the steps. All that remains is to paint.

From cardboard

A less monumental, but no less convenient for play house can be made from cardboard. You just need to take not the corrugated one (it quickly breaks and wrinkles), but the hard one, in which household appliances are also packed.

Cardboard from packaging, hot glue, a gun for it, a tape measure, scissors, adhesive tape or tape, a sharp wallpaper knife - these are all the tools that are necessary for “construction”

Draw a design and add dimensions. For one child, an area of ​​1 square meter is enough. m., that is, the length of the walls should be approximately a meter. Height - preferably 110 cm or higher. The design is your own. It's simple: cut out windows and doors, make a roof. All is ready.

Ideal if you have a refrigerator box or washing machine, something just as big. If you don’t have one, ask your friends and acquaintances. A condition for providing a warranty on equipment is the presence of its packaging. So people are forced to store boxes. The warranty period is running out, the container has long been forgotten and not thrown away. It’s lying around gathering dust, but it will be just right for you.

In such boxes they simply cut out windows and doors, and make a roof out of something. There you go.

It is advisable to first examine the inside of the box. They are fastened with staples, and they can stick out somewhere. To ensure your child doesn't get hurt, check everything. It is necessary to glue the corners and joints of the cardboard with tape. It will hold the walls, and the dangerous staples will be closed.

If flat roof doesn’t fit, it’s easy to build a gable one from another box. You can simply put it on the corners of the walls, or you can cut out “ears” in the upper part of the wall (or glue it so as not to lose height), make slits in the roof, thread the ears through them, bend them and glue them.

If you want a more civilized look, you can take care of the finishing. For example, take thin polystyrene foam, cut it into strips and place it on the foam. And cover the roof with “tiles” - sheets of colored paper. It looks nicer this way.

Cardboard houses for children can be covered with fabric. It is easier to secure it with staples made of construction stapler. They turn out very well. You can cover it with paper—remnants of wallpaper, for example.

Fabric-covered walls look much better

What to make a play tent frame from

When making a tent, the main question is what to assemble the frame from. There are usually no problems with “walls” - a piece of fabric is not difficult to find, but the base is a problem. There are two good options: wood and plastic pipes. It’s up to you to decide what kind of plastic to use - for soldering, glue or for dismountable fittings (the most the best option, but also the most expensive). The design is at your discretion. You can assemble anything from these pipes.

The same structure can be assembled from bars. They just need to be treated very well to make sure there are no splinters.

Another option is a triangular tent. Two rectangular frames are movably connected at the top. This option is convenient because it can be folded.

Triangular tent - 7 slats needed

Another version of the same design in a male version is shown in the photo below. Among the options here is “starry sky”. IN thick fabric small holes are made, which are loosely tied with threads. When viewed from the inside, the vault resembles the night sky.

To assemble this tent you need four planks and three wooden poles. Holes are drilled along the edges of the boards according to the diameter of the rods.

The boards are connected in pairs by rods in the form of two letters “P”. Then the unused edges are crossed so that the holes made coincide. A third rod is inserted into these holes. For reliability, all connections are glued with wood glue. All that's left is to sew and attach the cover.

Another option is a play tent in the form of a wigwam. It's several boards tied together at the top. To prevent the “ribs” of the frame from moving apart, they can be tied 10 cm above the floor level, and another strapping belt can be made approximately in the middle of the height. The design will be quite rigid and will withstand the pressure of children.

Homemade wigwam-type play hut for children

And a very simple frameless option - sheets or bedspreads hung from the middle and tucked under the mattresses.

A very simple option