Electric home heating: which electrical heating appliances are more efficient and economical. Heating a house is cheap with electricity: types, calculation, installation

Heating country house electricity is a publicly available, but very costly solution to the problem of heating a home. However, relatively cheap ways of heating, nevertheless, exist. Therefore, in this article we will consider both typical and alternative technologies for heating with electricity.

Standard electric heaters work with typical coolants - water or oil.

Well, the principle of such work is implemented as follows:

  • Electrical energy heats up a refractory heating element.
  • The heated element raises the temperature of the coolant.
  • The heated coolant circulates through the system due to natural or forced convection. And gives its energy to the heated space.

Moreover, natural convection is provided by the density difference between hot and cold media, and forced circulation of the coolant is possible only if special pumps or fans are used.

Based on this design scheme, the following heaters work:

  • Oil coolers , the heating element of which transfers energy to the coolant (oil) circulating through the internal space of the housing naturally. Further, the heated oil transmits heat to the body, which heats the air in the room. Full heating country house Of course, you can’t build electricity based on such a heater, but you can heat a small room in an apartment
  • Electric boilers , the heating element of which transmits energy to a plurality of radiators connected to the heater by a special pipeline. The coolant (usually water, less often oil) circulates through the pipes, transmitting energy from the heating element to the radiator housing, which heats the surrounding space. Moreover, the circulation in the system is provided by a special pump.

In a word, all the above-mentioned heating devices operate according to an indirect heating scheme, when energy is not transmitted into space, but into a coolant that gives off heat to a heated space.

Economic heating with electricity: alternative options

All alternative solutions involve direct heating of the heated space, due to the transfer of energy directly into the heated environment.

That is, the following scheme of work is assumed:

  • Electrical energy heats up the heating element.
  • The heater transfers energy to the air or surrounding objects.

Moreover, circulation is necessary only in the case of heating the air. And as in the case described above, it can be natural (thermal convection) and forced (using a fan).

Alternative schemes electric heating The following heaters are available:

  • Electric convectors, the heating element of which heats up the air itself. That is, the heated medium itself acts as a heat carrier, as a result of which the efficiency of the entire heating system increases.
  • Infrared heaters, transforming electrical energy thermal radiation, with the help of which it is not the air that is heated, but the surrounding objects, walls and even the human body.

That is, in this case, there is a direct transfer of energy, which eliminates energy losses at the stage of heating the coolant.

Optimal heating systems for a private house with electricity

All of the above designs heating appliances operate either a direct or indirect heating scheme.

Moreover, comparing the "direct" and "indirect" types of electric heating, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • In terms of the efficiency of the solution, the alternative direct heating scheme certainly wins. It is characterized by minimal heat losses, because the energy from the heating element is transmitted to the heated space without an intermediary heat carrier.
  • By availability of the solution, of course, wins traditional scheme indirect heating. An oil cooler can be bought and installed in a room today. And the electric boiler is integrated into a typical water heating system, mounted directly above gas or solid fuel equipment.
  • In terms of the effectiveness of the solution, almost all options for “heaters” are doubtful. Oil cooler - heats only small rooms. Electric boiler - has a very low efficiency. Infrared heaters are expensive and are mounted under the floor or behind wall panels. Ultimately, the most efficient heating electricity of a private house can only be realized on the basis of a convector. It is cheap, easy to install and has a relatively high efficiency (in this indicator, the convector loses only to an infrared heater).

Therefore, further in the text we will consider how to equip an autonomous heating of a private house with electricity using thermal convectors that heat the air itself. This information is useful to all homeowners looking for a worthy replacement for a gas or solid fuel boiler.

Electric heating at home with a convector: calculation and arrangement

A typical convector consists of the following parts and assemblies:

  • An aluminum or steel case, in the upper part of which there are exhaust slots (for the outlet of heated air), and in the lower part there is an inlet pipe (for sucking in cold air).
  • The heating element is a tungsten coil embedded in a ceramic tube. The heater is installed in the inner part of the body. It heats up to 600 degrees Celsius, increasing the air temperature in the convector body.
  • Circulation unit - a fan mounted in the supply pipe (in the lower part of the housing). This node enhances natural (thermal) convection, accelerating the process of warming up the room. Moreover, the fan can only be used for primary stage, moving, as the room heats up, to natural convection.
  • Control unit - this element monitors the temperature in the heated zone and controls the operation of the heating element. Moreover, the control can be either mechanical (based on a timer that turns on and off heating elements), and electronic (based on a temperature sensor, the signals of which are read by the microcircuit).

Such a structural scheme assumes the following order of installation of the convector:

  • Under the window (or in any other place), a bracket is mounted on the supporting surface (wall), fixing it with self-tapping screws or dowels. Moreover, converter electric heating in wooden house involves special measures to protect the bearing surface - between the wall and the bracket, in this case, a heat-insulating gasket is mounted that protects the wood from contact with heated parts.
  • Further, a separate three-core cable is brought to the attachment point, with a core cross section of 2.5 mm2. Moreover, the cable is connected to a separate residual current device (RCD), to the free contacts of which the converter itself is connected.
  • Temperature sensors are placed at some distance both from the converter itself and from the window.

The number and power of convectors is determined according to the following scheme:

  • First, we calculate the volume of the heated room. To do this, multiply the area by the height of the ceiling. That is, with an area of ​​​​32 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the volume of the heated room will be 80 m3.
  • Next, we convert the volume into watts - a unit of power. To do this, you need to multiply the cubic capacity of the room by 30-50 watts - the power factor, the value of which depends on the degree of insulation of the house. And if we operate with average indicators, then for heating 80 m3 you need to spend 3.2 kW of electricity.
  • Knowing the energy intensity of the heating process, it is possible to calculate both the power and the number of convectors. For example, to heat 80 m3 of space, 2-3 convectors with a capacity of 1.5 kW / h are needed. Or 3-4 heaters with a power of 1 kW.

Moreover, the above calculations can be performed for the total area of ​​the entire house (or apartment) and for each room separately.

When arranging a private house one of the most important issues facing the owners is a reliable and effective system heating. Depending on the available energy sources, boilers that run on natural gas, solid or liquid fuels or electricity are used for this. This article will focus on electrical systems, which are often the most suitable choice considering the available alternatives.

An autonomous heating system with electricity can be based on two design principles:

Which of these methods is better is an open question. Water electric heating benefits due to the greater thermal inertness of the liquid, and the use of convectors significantly reduces the installation cost, since it requires minimal installation work.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with electricity

Of course, the ideal heating system for a private house in terms of operating costs is a gas boiler with water heating. However, not all places have the possibility of mains gas supply, and if it is, then the cost of connection can be very high. So heating with electricity is in many cases optimal solution due to a number of advantages:

  • low initial costs. There is no need to pay for design, laying a pipe to the house, installing a chimney and installing a large number of security sensors;
  • ease of use. There are no quickly failing elements in the system components (heat exchangers, fans, sensors, etc.), in addition, it does not need periodic maintenance work;
  • safety. At correct installation any threat to the life and activities of people is completely absent;
  • silent operation, environmentally friendly, durable.

However, like any modern engineering system, electric heating has its drawbacks:

  • The main disadvantage of such a system is traditionally considered a high power consumption. There is a strong opinion that, in terms of the cost of consumed resources, heating with electricity is about ten times more expensive than gas heating. Is this really so, we will figure it out at the end of the article;
  • dependence on the mains voltage. In many places, especially in rural areas, power outages can seriously complicate life in winter period. Your own generator, of course, will help a lot in such a situation, but this is a serious additional expense during the installation period;
  • high power consumption. On average, it is considered that the consumption of electricity for heating 10 m 2 of area is approximately 1 kW. Therefore, for example, in a private house with an area of ​​150 m 2, it is necessary to ensure the consumption of 15 kW only for heating. Given the widespread shortage of electricity, such capacities per consumer may simply not be available.

As an effective measure in the fight against these shortcomings in a private house, we can recommend the highest quality insulation. The less heat loss in the house, the less heat is needed to heat it and the less electricity will be consumed during the heating season.

In addition, the widespread introduction of multi-tariff meters makes it possible to distribute the consumed energy by time of day and shift the load peak to the period of the lowest tariffs.

Practical example

Now let's try to evaluate how much more expensive heating with electricity is actually than with gas. We will calculate the total heating consumption for 15 years of continuous use of the system in a private house during the heating seasons. For a rough estimate, it is enough to consider the cost of gas and electricity approximately equal to 4.0 and 3.80 rubles. per 1 kW, respectively (this roughly corresponds to the tariffs for the private sector in the Moscow region at the end of 2013).

Suppose that the area of ​​​​our private house is 150 m 2. This means that in order to compensate for heat losses, under the condition of average statistical thermal insulation, it is necessary to ensure the generation of 15 kW of thermal energy.

Let's assume that heating season lasts 5 months, during which there are both cold and warm days. Therefore, we will assume that, on average, half of the maximum value of heat energy, i.e. 7.5 kW, is sufficient (in practice, this is approximately what happens).

  • In one year, it is necessary to produce 150 * 7.5 * 24 = 27,000 kW of thermal energy.
  • When heating with electricity, the heating cost will be 27,000 * 4 = 108,000 rubles. for the season.
  • For a 24 kW gas boiler (we take Baxi Luna-3 Comfort 240 Fi), the maximum productivity is 2.84 m 3 / h. This means that 1 m 3 of gas will provide a heating power of a private house of 8.45 kW.
  • Given the boiler efficiency of 90%, we will adjust this figure to 8.45 * 0.9 = 7.61 kW
  • Thus, the gas consumption for the season will be 27,000 / 7.61 = 3548 m 3 of gas, the cost of such a volume will be equal to 3548 * 3.8 = 13,482 rubles.

The difference is, of course, quite significant. If we bring the calculated consumption to an interval of 15 years, we get:

  • the cost of electric heating will be: 108,000 * 15 = 1,620,000 rubles.
  • gas heating costs will be equal to: 13,482 * 15 = 202,230 rubles.

Now let's try to estimate the indirect costs of maintaining each system. If we do not take into account the small costs of replacing the coolant, then the cost Supplies and operation of the system on electricity is zero. For gas heating On the contrary, very significant investments will be required:

  1. The cost of connecting a private house to the turnkey main gas network in the Moscow region is approximately 700,000 rubles;
  2. The gas boiler requires regular maintenance. If you choose an average service company, the annual contract will cost about 8,000 rubles. In total, in 15 years another 120,000 rubles will run up;
  3. Another quite probable expense will be that in 15 years the gas boiler will most likely fail, so you will have to buy a new one. Its cost with installation will be approximately 50,000 rubles.

In total, the owner of the gas system will be forced to spend an additional 870,000 rubles. At the same time, we do not take into account the costs that are quite likely in private use, such as repair or replacement of nozzles, fans, heat exchangers. Another factor that increases the cost of ownership of gas equipment may be a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler due to the formation of scale or limescale on the surface of the heat exchanger or the formation of frost on coaxial pipe chimney.

Let's summarize. For 15 years of operation, the owner of the electric heating system will spend 1,620,000 rubles. Gas heating in exactly the same house will require an investment of 1,072,230 rubles. That is, a competent analysis shows that the difference will not be 10 times, as often written by many authors who do not quite understand the issue, but only one and a half.

So, when designing a heating system for a private house, you should not blindly trust the popular belief that electric heating is an order of magnitude more expensive than gas heating. Therefore, in the absence of prospects for connecting to a gas main over the next few years, you can safely buy an electric boiler and equip a water heating system. She will last reliably. long years, and when a branch from the gas pipeline appears in your area, you can simply change the boiler and save yourself in operating costs for the rest of your life.

Heating a house with electricity is an efficient and convenient way ensuring comfortable living in a private house, as well as the possibility of a significant reduction in utility bills. If earlier electric heating systems did not differ in fuel efficiency, which is why they were not popular on the market, today, with the improvement of technology, everything more Homeowners are looking for low-cost electric home heating that is both safe, efficient and easy to use. Let's talk in more detail about how to inexpensively heat a house with electricity.

Modern technologies of electric heating in comparison with gas and water systems are practical and economical . Talking about the benefits of heating private house or apartment with the help of electrical technology, the following can be noted:

Undoubtedly, the electric heating systems of a private house cannot be called ideal, since they have there are certain disadvantages. So, for example, in some regions, the cost of electricity will be so high that it is much easier and cheaper to heat a house with gas or solid fuel. Yes, and in old apartments it is often difficult to use such electric heating, since it will be impossible to disconnect from the central heating.

V last years economical heating of a private house with electricity is becoming more and more popular, and an increasing number of owners of private houses and modern apartments choose this technology, preferring it to gas and other methods of heating the house.

Varieties of heating systems

Today, there are several common varieties heating systems, which are suitable for a private house or high-rise apartment. Each of these technologies has its own specific advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at each of these popular today electric heating systems.

Electric heated floor

Similar technologies appeared in the middle of the last century and today are successfully used by both residents of high-rise buildings and owners of private houses. The only nuance of such a heating of a house is that the power of the system is often not enough to consider it as the main method of heating a house. The effectiveness of the use of such structures of electric underfloor heating will largely depend on compliance with the technology when laying the material, as well as right choice floor coverings, which must transfer heat well, performing efficient heating of the room.

Underfloor heating system will be fully controlled by the automation, receiving the necessary data from the room temperature sensors, turning the heating on and off at the command of the automation. This ensures significant savings in electricity, increases the comfort of living in an apartment and a private house. Such a warm floor is very popular in kitchens, bathrooms and in the corridors where ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware, which perfectly transfer heat, ensuring correct and efficient heating of the room.

Organization of economical heating

The homeowner, if he wants to ensure maximum comfort of living in the house, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem in a complex.

Autonomous solar systems

In recent years, alternative energy technology has been developing by leaps and bounds. using solar panels, which from light generate electricity used for the life support of the house, including for heating. A few years ago, such systems on solar panels seemed to us something from the category of fantasy, but today, with a significant increase in efficiency and a decrease in the cost of such equipment, such an economical way of heating a house is becoming more and more relevant and popular on the market.

There are many various systems cheap electric heating at home that use electricity generated by solar panels. Today, technology allows not only the optimal use of sunlight resources, but also allows you to accumulate them, subsequently using them to heat the room. Such a house, subject to the correct choice of power and the number of solar panels, will not require connection to hot water supply, electricity and central heating.

The homeowner will need to properly plan all autonomous system on solar batteries, determine the future electricity consumption, select high-quality solar panels, batteries and other equipment that will be required to organize the life support of a private house. Such systems may still have a fairly high cost today, however, given the constant increase in electricity prices, solar energy and systems autonomous heating quickly pay off, making the house completely independent of the presence or absence of available energy resources in the form of gas and electricity.

Such heating systems on solar panels are especially popular with owners of private houses who mount receiving equipment on the roof of the house, which allows them, through the use of high-quality panels, to fully cover all the needs of homeownership in heat due to solar energy. Experts note that this technology and the use of solar panels and electric heating systems are the future, since homeowners in this case get the opportunity to save significantly and at the same time ensure the comfort of living in a private house, regardless of whether the building is connected to engineering communications.

The most massive and effective method heating an apartment or a private house is the use of a heating system that runs on natural gas.

But as is usually the case in dachas, there is simply no gas pipeline.

Therefore, the only safe and environmentally friendly source of energy for heating is electricity.

And even more so, the reserves of natural minerals are limited, and over time, you will have to look for an alternative, that is, electricity.

Today we will consider the main systems of a private house or apartment. Moreover, there are many ways of electric heating, which we will definitely consider.

Pros of using

Let's start, as always, with the benefits:

Cons of using

The disadvantages include:

  1. Electric heating depends on electricity. There is no electricity, no heat.
  2. Voltage instability can permanently disable the boiler or electrical appliances.
  3. High power consumption. Consider the condition of the wiring. You should clarify how much power you are allocated to the house. You may need a three-phase electrical system.

The first two problems can be effectively solved by purchasing a generator. Correspondingly, the costs increase.

Overview of electric heating options for a private house

Before moving on to discussing the types of heating, it should be said that the heating system should be designed and calculated before the construction of the house, so that later you do not have to do alterations.

Prepare the electrical wiring

Particular attention should be paid to electrical wiring.

In order for the wiring not to heat up, you should follow the rule: 1 mm2 of the wire section corresponds to a current strength of 8 A.

And most importantly, if the house or apartment was not intended for heating with electricity, then you will either have to install an electric boiler and bring a separate input to it.

In the process of arranging, it is important to prepare everything you need in advance.

Option number 1. Infrared heaters

This is an innovative and high-tech way of heating houses and apartments.

One of the most effective, but expensive methods. The principle is based on the emission of long-wave infrared waves, which freely propagate in the air and, hitting an opaque surface, heat it.

As a result, we do not heat the air in the room, but objects, which in turn transfer heat to the air. When using this type of heating, uniform rapid heating of the room occurs. There are no losses in this case, which gives high savings and efficiency.

Appearance of equipment

It is carried out in the form of suspended or mobile equipment.

Hanging equipment looks like lamps.

Mobile heaters allows you to direct heat when you need it where you need it.

Film radiant electric heaters

But recently they have been using (PLEN). It is based on heat-resistant plastic, on which emitters (foil plates) are applied. The emitters are connected by copper plates. The film has a thickness of about 4 mm.

PLEN release form

Available in strips of different widths and lengths.

Can be mounted on the floor, ceiling, roof slopes, walls. If desired, the film can be closed finishing materials without loss of efficiency. During operation, the film heats up to 40 -50 degrees Celsius.

The film is not afraid of moisture and dynamic loads. Easily dismantled and moved to another location. Ideal for houses that come periodically, as the room warms up quickly, the air is ionized and odors are removed. To automate the process of electric heating, you can install thermostats.

Option number 2. Convectors

By appearance reminiscent of radiators.

They are also installed vertically, the principle of operation is simple; cold air enters from the bottom of the grilles, passes through the heating elements, heats up and exits through the upper grilles. Heating elements do not dry out the air and create a steady upward flow.

The design includes a thermostat and an electronic unit that controls the heating process, which makes the device economical.

This type of electric heating has the following advantages:

  • There are models that can be installed in rooms with high humidity. Have an IP-24 protection class.
  • Ease of setup and safety of the device. No exposed parts bare wires. The outer screen heats up to a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius. That allows you to use them in children's rooms.
  • Silent operation.
  • A wide range of models and design solutions.
  • Complicated piping and individual rooms are not required.
  • Ease of installation and connection.

There are also special convectors that are installed in the thickness of the floor, in front of doors or panoramic windows. It should be noted that this species heating is effective only in houses with high thermal insulation.

Option number 3. Electric floors

The principle is based on the fact that from the heated floor surface, warm air flows are evenly distributed to the ceiling.

It can be used as the main type of heating of the room, and auxiliary. Heating cables or heating mats can be used as a working element.

Cables are usually laid under a concrete screed, which in turn heats up and accumulates thermal energy. Cables can be single-core or two-core. The principle of operation is simple through the wire passes electricity, resulting in heating of the conductor.

Heating mats are easy and convenient to install. If the cable is placed directly in concrete screed, then the mats can be placed under the floor finish.

There is a kind of mats made in the form of rods, two conductors are placed in parallel. Then they are connected by jumpers in the form of rods. Main Feature is that if one element fails, the mat continues to function.

Subject to the installation technology and the use of high-quality materials, this type of heating will last up to 80 years. The control is carried out by a thermostat unit, and the temperature sensor is installed in the thickness of the floor.

This type of heating, as the main type of heating, is not effective. It is often used as an additional heat source, usually to create comfortable stay areas.

Option number 4. Electric boiler

The principle of heating in is to build an extended system of pipelines and radiators throughout the area of ​​a country house.

A liquid coolant (water) circulates in the system. V winter time coolant will need to be drained. Is one of the most effective option heating.

According to the method of heating, all boilers are divided into:

  1. Electrode.
  2. Shadow.
  3. Induction.

Electrode boilers

So the boilers electrode action based on the work of an electrolyte (a liquid that conducts electricity). Since, the current in our network is variable with an oscillation frequency of 50 Hz. These fluctuations excite fluctuations in the tones of the electrolyte, as a result of which we get a rapid heating of the entire volume of the electrolyte.

An electrode is used as an ion exciter; it usually looks like a graphite rod. And as an electrolyte, only water with a certain value of resistivity is used.

The use of non-freezing liquids is strictly prohibited!

The pluses include: high efficiency about 98%. Fast heating. It depends on the frequency of the current in the network, and little depends on voltage drops. Overheating of the boiler is not possible; in the absence of electrolyte, the boiler simply turns off.

The disadvantages include: the electrode is destroyed over time and needs to be replaced, you can replace it yourself. Electrode boilers work on full power always and nothing more, hence the problem of automation. A ground loop is required to install the device.

The composition of the electrolyte should be constantly maintained and the system should be cleaned every year.

The boiler kit includes: Control block.

You will have to buy an expansion tank and a pump yourself.

Boilers with heating elements

The heater is made of a metal conductor, which is packed in a waterproof case. The conductor is heated by passing an electric current.

Due to the fact that the heater is packed in a case, the efficiency drops sharply to 80%. To ensure high-quality heating, several heating elements are used simultaneously. Modern boilers on heating elements - heaters, are equipped with modern automation, programmatic shutdown of heating elements in stages, to maintain the set indicators.

The main disadvantage is the formation of scale on the heaters, which leads to their malfunction. Modern, you have to add special preparations to the heating system.

Induction boilers

The principle of operation is similar to that of an electrical transformer.

The primary winding coil is fixed in the boiler body. The coil is sealed and does not come into contact with water. An alternating current is passed through this coil.

The role of the secondary winding is played by a system of tubes through which the liquid circulates. Since the secondary winding (pipe system) is located in the electromagnetic field of the primary coil, it induces voltage there. And when we close the secondary circuit, a current begins to flow through it, resulting in a quick and uniform heating.

In such a system, there are practically no losses and the efficiency is 100%.

The approximate weight of such boilers is about 20 kg, the power is about 2-3 kW. This boiler can heat a room of about 30 sq.m.

Installation is simple, the device has threaded connections for tapping into the system and the control unit.

Vortex induction boilers

Such boilers are elements of a variety of induction boilers.

The electrical power is converted to high-frequency because of this, there is a rapid increase in tension. There is no secondary winding. Its role is played by the case, which is made of an alloy with ferrimagnetic properties.

As a result of the action of Foucault eddy currents, magnetization reversal occurs, which causes heating of all ferromagnetic surfaces. Efficiency is about 99%. Boilers of this type are very heavy. They have a wide range of models.

Advantages when using induction boilers

As a working fluid, both water and low-temperature fluids can be used. Service life over 10 years. Heating of the coolant occurs quickly, and the control unit will allow you to adjust the entire system as accurately as possible.

Scale is not formed. The efficiency of boilers of this type is 20-30% higher than that of boilers of similar types.


High mass, which requires special attention during installation. There are complaints about a slight vibration during operation of the device. High price, the minimum cost is 30,000 rubles.

Option number 5. Air conditioning

Also referred to as houses and apartments.

As experts say, energy costs are negligible when operating an air conditioner, but installation, maintenance and purchase of the equipment itself is a costly business. Adjustment is quite simple and convenient. Used to maintain comfortable temperature in a separate room.

The main disadvantage is that it requires constant professional maintenance.

Option number 6. Oil coolers

The efficiency of such a device is 100%. Very mobile, all models have wheels. It has the form of a cast-iron battery, due to the ribbing, the heat exchange area increases.

Even after turning off oil radiator gives off heat for a long time.

Option number 7. Thermal fans

A nichrome coil is used as a heating element.

The air flow passes through a hot spiral, heats up and is able to heat small space, small room. It is not recommended to use this device for a long time, as it dries the air.

It cannot be used in heating a country house, only locally and not for a long time.

Option number 8. Reflectors

Heaters of this type are rarely used because of their inefficiency.

The design is simple: several spirals are placed in quartz tubes. Due to this, a directed flow of heat and heating is created. small area premises.


Today we have considered almost all methods of electric heating.

The main conclusions can be drawn as follows:

  • It should be noted that the use of local heating sources (infrared heating, fan heaters) cannot be used as the main method of heating a house.
  • It should be approached by using several types of electric heating in a complex way.
  • A large role in the efficiency is played by high-quality insulation of the house.
  • Scheme and calculation of wiring and installation locations of all appliances, before building a house.
  • Use of multi-tariff meters. Application of automation, use of auxiliary sensors.

All of these activities will help bring heat loss to a minimum and make heating comfortable and efficient.

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  • Owners country houses and summer cottages often face the problem of choosing a suitable heating system. This is due to the fact that the conduction of the main gas - expensive pleasure, and even more so, not all settlements have the possibility of such a connection. The only way out of the situation will be the organization of electric heating, which is an effective alternative for natural gas and has many advantages, including safe operation and the absence of any permits for the arrangement of the system.

    In addition, heating the house with electricity- the most economical way to make your room warm and protected from the effects of cold. For this reason, more and more people prefer this type of heating systems. Heating a private house with an electric boiler has many advantages. Among them are the following:

    Heating a house with electricity - cheap and cheerful

    Today there are two main methods the use of electric convectors for heating a private house, which are characterized by low cost and ease of installation.

    • The first implies a direct connection, when the heating of each room in the house is carried out using special devices connected to the electrical network;
    • The second involves the use of a coolant that heats radiators that are installed in a heated building;

    There are many opinions about the best electric heating for country dwellings in terms of "price" and "quality". Fans of the second method allocate a long cooling time for the coolant, which allows you to successfully stop the boiler and reduces energy consumption. Adherents direct way explain own choice affordable price and the absence of difficulties in the installation of equipment, they believe that such a solution allows to reduce the cost of acquiring an expensive system and at the same time obtain efficient heating of the house with a boiler.

    Heating the house with an electric boiler: how to equip the heating of a private room

    Among the most popular options for heating a house with electricity are the following:

    1. Water heating with electric boiler;
    2. Heating with multifunctional electric convectors;

    Choosing the first option, you will have to create an additional heating circuit, where pipes are used to transport the coolant, radiators for heat transfer and other related components that ensure the normal functionality of the system.

    In addition, for correct installation you need to choose a suitable theme for the CO of your country house, following the architecture of the building and design characteristics. In the second case, you will have to equip a certain number of electric convectors in each building. The method has many advantages, among which: no need to carry out complex system design and build heating circuits. The whole complex of events is quite possible to implement independently with your own hands..

    And now we will deal with the main features and the principle of operation of the above two options in order to make your choice simpler and more correct. Considering a number of criteria and factors influencing the purchase, you will be able to successfully select suitable solution and save yourself from unreasonable expenses. Also recommended in advance talk to experts and get their opinion on both options. Perhaps these tips will allow you to correctly assess the situation and arrange a productive heating system who will perform their duties in the best possible way.

    Electric boilers: system features, pros and cons, schemes

    Currently, heating boilers can be heated using three basic principles, including heating elements, electrodes and the principle of magnetic induction. The biggest demand the first type is used, since it involves the use of tubular heating elements that heat the coolant from the system and move it to CO. The principle is characterized by increased safety and excellent productivity. It is also able to operate in automatic mode and provide effective control of the temperature of the coolant and air in the building.

    Boilers built on the basis of electrodes, work quite differently. Their heating element is equipped with a pair of electrodes that are subjected to very high voltages. As a result, the electric current quickly heats the coolant and heats the room in a short time.

    It is important to note that electrode boilers operate without the electrolysis process, so the appearance of scale is completely excluded. This is due to the use of alternating voltage with a frequency of at least 50 Hz. Depending on the intensity of use, the electrodes become thinner and their heating functions deteriorate. For this reason, the use of such boilers involves the periodic replacement of electrodes.

    As for induction boilers, they look more interesting, both from a constructive point of view and in terms of the ratio of "price and quality". Such boilers do not work like other heating elements. The coolant passes through the heat exchanger, which, in turn, is an indispensable part of the magnetic circuit, where a powerful magnetic field is created. As a result of this procedure the heat exchanger and the coolant are heated, and the generated heat circulates through the CO.

    Advantages and disadvantages of heating country houses by indirect heat transfer

    If we talk about electric heating of country houses and summer cottages by indirect heat transfer, then this method can offer the buyer a lot of advantages over gas, air and other heating systems. All this is due to the higher reliability of the design, long service life and high efficiency. At the same time, the use of electric boilers eliminates the arrangement of a chimney, which is very convenient. Of the disadvantages of such heating structures we can only highlight the need to purchase good wiring and ensure a stable electrical supply.

    As for water heating systems With electric boilers, then this method may require additional costs, and especially if you need to use the help of professional specialists who will develop projects and install, configure and maintain the system in your home. Choosing such a technology, one must be prepared to pay a decent price for a number of activities to further care behind the equipment, which include: flushing radiators, checking the operation of valves and many others.

    Electric convector: principle of operation and design features

    Despite the simplicity of design and the absence of installation difficulties, electric convectors work very efficiently and quickly. At the bottom of the metal case dry heating elements are placed, operating on the basis of an adjustable thermostat. The heated air rises and is supplied to the upper part of the housing through a special grille. In the "vacated" place there are new, colder air masses that heat up and enter the house in the same way. As a result, efficient air circulation is carried out, which ensures productive heating of the house.

    Currently, on sale you can find a wide selection of a wide variety of convectors, which differ in different capacities, circuits and operating principles, external features and installation method (there are floor, wall and universal models). When choosing a suitable solution, you should take into account your preferences and compliance with the “price + quality” ratio. . It is important to note that home heating with electric convectors are low cost, because in the process do not need to buy additional devices or order the services of a specialist.

    The main difficulties lie in the selection of suitable power and the number of convectors. Here it is necessary to carry out a lot of calculations and pay attention to some schemes. It is better to entrust such activities to trained professionals with the appropriate skills and experience. If you have the skills, you can implement the installation of the system with your own hands, following the instructions.

    How to increase the productivity of electric boilers

    To get the most productive heating, it must be properly equipped. Due to bad thermal insulation properties indoors, the efficiency of the system may be reduced. The presence of various gaps, cracks and poor insulation leads to rapid cooling of rooms.

    If no one comes home throughout the day, it would be wise to install an automatic heating on and off controller in the system, which will start the system a few hours before the owners arrive home. To fully warm up the room space, two hours of work is enough.

    A huge role is played by a properly created project, which was drawn up taking into account the layout of the heating elements. Experts advise installing a multi-tariff meter that will save electricity when working at night.

    Electric heating in the house. Advantages and disadvantages, benefits and costs, summing up.

    Asking the question: does it make sense to install an electric heating system in a private house, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, consult a specialist, and make sure that you can install the equipment yourself. Otherwise, it is better to entrust the action to a professional. For example, you can take brick house with basic insulation of the attic and floor area of ​​150 square meters. It is known that for heating 10 square meters 1 kilowatt of thermal power is needed. To heat such a property, you will have to equip an installation with an electricity consumption of 15 kilowatts per hour of operation. For monthly heating, about 5400 kilowatts will be required.

    Even if you do not understand the details of electric heating systems, it is easy to guess that this technology has many advantages and is really effective. And although gas heating is significantly cheaper in terms of the cost of equipment and installation, electric heating works more productively. If you don't want to spend additional funds for the arrangement of gas heating, be sure to think about buying an electric converter for your private home. In this case, the issue of installing a good heating installation will be resolved in a short time.