Pistachio lucky nut growing from seeds. Is it possible to grow a pistachio tree?

Pistachio, or pistacia, is a plant whose name comes from the Persian “pisteh”, the birthplace of this plant is Iran. For many thousands of years, pistachios grew actively in the territory from Afghanistan to Syria, in Western Asia. They are valued for their high nutritional value and good creamy taste. Pistachios were the Queen of Sheba's favorite nut. The amazing thing is that pistachios were mentioned in the Bible along with just one other type of nut. During the heyday of the Roman Empire, pistachios were brought to Italy and Greece from Syria. But even today interest in this plant does not disappear, and many want to know how to grow pistachio tree with your own hands. We will talk about this and more in this article.

A little history

In America, pistachios have been cultivated commercially since the late 1890s. Production began in California. Currently, the annual production of these delicious nuts in the United States is second only to Iran, which is the largest producer of this nut in the world. Most of the pistachios supplied from different countries, consumed in the USA.

Description of the pistachio tree

The pistachio tree is also known as green almond. It grows up to 30 feet tall, usually in poor, rocky soils. The pistachio tree can be found on steep slopes and in areas with cool winters. Thus, the pistachio tree easily tolerates frosts down to -20 degrees. It tolerates periods of drought well and does not require special care. Beautiful leaves and many reddish fruits make it attractive, which is why it is prized and ornamental plant. In countries Central Asia, where pistachios grow in their natural environment, there are many rocky slopes. This is where these trees grow. They have an unusual root system, so trees easily extract moisture from semi-desert and rocky areas. The root system does not allow trees to form thickets, since it is closed, unlike other types of trees.

The nuts ripen towards the end of summer, and that’s when they are harvested. The pickers wait until the husk covering the outside of the nuts loosens and they fall easily when the tree is shaken. Pistachio nuts are pale green and covered beige colour frame. One tree produces approximately 50 pounds of already shelled nuts, i.e. approximately 23 kg. Roasted pistachios, placed in airtight bags, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month. If you freeze them, they will be stored for a long time without losing their properties and taste.

Applications of pistachios

Pistachios are rightfully considered one of the most delicious nuts. Approximately 90% of these nuts are consumed as a snack after the roasting process. Most often they are eaten salted, but unroasted peeled pistachios are also used in cooking; they have a sweet taste.

It is worth growing a pistachio tree, if only because these nuts are very useful. They are considered healthy foods because they are rich in healthy fats. Pistachios are high in potassium and low in sodium; they help regulate fluid balance in the body and normalize blood pressure. In pistachios:

  • a lot of protein;
  • contains calcium;
  • there is phosphorus;
  • enough iron;
  • Vitamins E and B are present.

It is important that the nuts are low in cholesterol compared to other types of nuts. They contain a lot of fiber, which is also good for human body. Grow your own pistachio tree for a nut-rich diet low in saturated fat but high in monounsaturated fat. Thus, by including pistachios in your diet, you can reduce the risk of heart attack. Antioxidants contained in pistachio fruits reduce the risk of cancer.

Pistachios are actively used in the following cuisines around the world:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Middle Eastern;
  • Indian.

Vegetarians include unsalted pistachios in their diet. Pistachios are complemented by various types of snacks; they are included in bread, cookies, ice cream and other sweets. Various salads, sauces, fillings for meat and fish cannot do without these nuts.

If you want to grow a pistachio tree yourself, you need to thoroughly study this issue. IN middle lane our country to grow a pistachio tree on the street in open ground almost impossible, since this tree requires hot, dry summers and short, slightly frosty winters. However, it is possible to create similar conditions in your home, which means that the dream of planting a pistachio tree and growing it can come true.

Choosing the soil

The soil for this tree should be predominantly sandy. The plant should be watered very rarely when the soil becomes completely dry. The ideal soil for a pistachio-bearing tree has a pH between 7.0 and 7.8.

If you plan to harvest pistachios from indoor tree, then you need to buy and plant two seedlings at once - a female and a male. You can grow a tree from the fruit of a pistachio tree - a nut - but you will need to find a nut that has not been subjected to any processing. It is also important that the nut is tightly closed with the shell. Typically, a tree grown from a cutting begins to bear the first nuts in the 7-8th year of its life. A pistachio tree grown from a nut bears fruit only in the 12th year.

Pistachio ornamental tree

The pistachio tree has aesthetic appearance, so it will quickly find a place in your home. We must not forget that a plant grown in artificial conditions, needs regular feeding. However, fertilizers should be rotated frequently.

Germination of a pistachio tree nut occurs as follows. Fresh drupes are soaked in a growth stimulator, then planted in a sandy soil mixture, watered and covered with lutrasil - non-woven material, which is used to create greenhouses. The emerged plants are usually very fragile, so considerable effort is required to grow a pistachio nut tree. In addition, it is difficult to determine which of the “hatched” plants are “girls” and which are “boys”. It is much more convenient to buy a mature pistachio seedling from a nursery.

For an adult pistachio seedling, a large hole should be prepared. For several seedlings, holes are made at a distance of at least three meters. Before planting, the roots should be inspected, if necessary, cut off the damaged parts and sprinkle the cut with ash. The seedlings are planted, after which the soil is compacted and watered abundantly. Young trees do not require special care. It is enough to water them once every two weeks, and in the fall watering even less often. In the second year after planting, pistachio trees should be fed with phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen fertilizers. The soil around the plants should not be overgrown with weeds.

Industrial cultivation of pistachios

Today, industrial cultivation of pistachios is carried out in Iran and Crimea, since these trees are to their liking warm air, scorching sun, rocky poor soils. From these countries, pistachio fruits reach the store shelves of our country.

The pistachio tree (true pistachio, sometimes called green almond) is a ancient cultures. It was mentioned in 7000 BC. e. The first specimens appeared in the Middle East, after which the plant spread to European countries, where its ease of care, excellent taste, and beneficial and nutritional properties of the fruit were appreciated.

History of the species and distribution areas

Pistachio trees have grown for thousands of years in areas from Syria to Afghanistan. Culture was highly valued, and in Persia it was even called a symbol of wealth. During the Roman Empire, pistachio was brought from Syria to Italy and Greece.

As for where the pistachio tree currently grows, it is worth mentioning first of all Syria, the USA, Iran, Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey, because this is where the largest plantings of the crop are located. Türkiye remains the largest producer. And in second place is the United States, and America is not only a large producer, but also the main consumer of these nuts.

Where pistachios grow In what regions can they still be found, besides the ones listed:

  • Australia;
  • Israel;
  • North West Africa.

Here the nut is also found in cultural plantings, but the harvest volumes are not as large as in exporting countries.

These trees are grown both in Russia and Ukraine. To understand where pistachios grow in Russia, you need to know that these trees prefer hot climates and stony, rocky soils, so pistachio trees can be found in the south of Crimea and Black Sea coast Caucasus Mountains. Pistachios, the cultivation of which in Ukraine is limited to the territories of Odessa and Kherson, are found here only in small plantings gardeners.

Description of the tree

Pistachio trees grow solitary, far from each other and from other trees. This is due to their large two-tiered root system, which can extend up to 14 m deep and 20 m laterally.

Pistachios- true long-livers, their average lifespan is 500 years, however, about a third of trees live up to 700-900 years. Behind long life they grow up to 5-10 m in height, the trunk diameter reaches 1-1.5 m. If a pistachio grows in a harsh desert climate, then instead of one trunk it may have several thinner stems, which makes it look like a bush.

Pistachio has a dense crown from leaves, the length of which reaches 15−20 cm. The plant blooms in March-April. Flowers yellow color have an admixture of reddish tint. Pistachio belongs to heterosexual plants. Female inflorescences are long, male inflorescences are shorter and looser.

Fruit- drupes 2.5−3 cm long. When ripe, the nut shell cracks a little, which is why the light green kernel becomes visible. Harvesting takes place from September to November. The fruits should be collected at night, since during the day pistachio leaves release a large amount of essential oil. This can lead to dizziness and even fainting.

Beneficial features

ABOUT useful qualities pistachios, which in Chinese means “ lucky tree", people knew already in ancient times. Their fruits contain benefits for the human body:

  • acids (palmitic, linoleic, oleic, etc.);
  • vitamins of groups A, B, E;
  • fiber;
  • amino acids.

Pistachio nuts are eaten fresh, fried and salted. In addition, they are used for preparing dishes and food products (ice cream, culinary products, sausages, cheese). Eating pistachios has a beneficial effect on brain function, immune system, liver, intestines, and also helps improve blood composition, improves performance and improves mood.

Use of nuts

The resin of the pistachio tree, which is used to strengthen teeth and gums, also has beneficial qualities. And pistachio oil, widely used in cosmetology, nourishes and protects against ultraviolet rays skin.

Pistachio leaves, containing tannins, are used in the manufacture of paints. The wood is used in carpentry, and the cake is used as feed for domestic animals and poultry. In addition, pistachios are needed for the production of certain medicines.

Growing in the garden and at home

You can grow real pistachios in your dacha, just living in Krasnodar region or Crimea. In other regions it will not grow due to unsuitable climate. It is worth noting that the fruits obtained from these trees can only be used to obtain oil; they are not suitable for food. The plant will begin to bloom only 10-12 years after planting, and for it to bear fruit there must be several trees (male and female plants).

To plant seedlings, you need to choose a sunny place with salty, rocky or sandy soil. The holes for planting should be quite deep, the distance between seedlings should be at least 3 m. Young trees should be watered only in the summer once every 2 weeks.

Trees over 2 years old need to be fed with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. There should be no weeds around the plant.

You can also grow pistachios at home. For the plant, you need to prepare a tall pot or flowerpot filled with salty sandy soil. The tree needs to choose a sunny place (for example, on a balcony). The plant will only grow well in low humidity, so a dehumidifier should be used. IN winter period The pistachio should be moved to the warmest and brightest room.

The pistachio tree is valuable not only for its useful fruits, but also for its lush, beautiful crown. It can decorate any garden plot or window sill.

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Real pistachio or pistachio tree(lat. Pistácia vera, Sumacaceae family) - an evergreen or deciduous multi-stemmed tree (in certain climatic conditions - a shrub) 3 - 10 m high, with a wide spherical crown, well known as a source of nutritious fruits (pistachio nuts) with many beneficial properties, valuable non-drying fatty oil, very strong and durable high-quality wood, tannins and resins, tannin and other products.

According to scientists, pistachios are among the oldest flowering crops on our planet, where they have existed for about 80 million years and include up to 20 various types, differing in their purpose (food, technical, decorative). Their homeland is desert, semi-desert areas, as well as rocky foothills and low mountains (500 - 2200 m above sea level) in Africa, Southern Europe, Asia. These plants are also found in America, where they were introduced in the 1880s, and where the habitat of pistachios covers the territory from Mexico to the southern states of the United States (California, Texas) inclusive.

IN wildlife pistachios grow as single specimens or form open forests. This is due to their unusual two-tiered root system, thanks to which plants can receive moisture both from soil layers located at a depth of 10–15 m (during periods of prolonged drought) and from surface horizons (during intense rainfall), where their roots are located in the upper ball, covering the area of ​​the trunk circle with a radius of up to 20 - 25 m. Such a significant distance of the roots explains the large distance between neighboring pistachio trees - the plants are closed not by their crowns, but by their root systems.

Pistachio is a wind-pollinated, dioecious plant (both female and male tree specimens are required for fruit formation). Fruits can only form on female plants. This feature should be taken into account when growing pistachio trees. Usually one male tree is enough to pollinate 8 - 10 female ones. In properly organized pistachio plantations, every 11th tree in a row is male.

Flowering of pistachios occurs in April - May, when beautiful yellow-red, sometimes greenish or purple panicle inflorescences appear on tree branches, from which bunches of drupe fruits are then formed, colloquially known as pistachio nuts. The average length of the nuts is about 25 mm. When ripe (August - September), the kernel, covered on top with a thin pinkish or light brown skin, acquires green color, and the shell is light beige. Ripe nuts have a shell that cracks with a click and opens slightly, which is why these fruits are also called “smiling nuts” in Iran, and in China they are known as “lucky nuts.”

Fruit ripening occurs non-simultaneously, in 2–3 stages. The nuts in the lower part of the bunches ripen the earliest, so they are collected first. Then comes the turn of the fruits located in the middle part. The last ones to collect are the nuts remaining at the base of the brush. Harvesting is carried out in the evening, night or morning, when the sun's rays have not had time to heat the leaves of the trees. On a hot afternoon, pistachio foliage is abundantly covered with essential oils, which in large quantities are a strong allergen for humans and can have a toxic effect, causing significant harm to health (dizziness, fainting, etc.). The collected fruits are peeled from the stalks and dried well in a draft, in a place shaded from direct sunlight. To neutralize the phytic acid contained in pistachios, the technology of soaking them in a saline solution and then drying or roasting is also used.

Of all the types of pistachio, the one that has gained the greatest fame due to its commercial value is real pistachio. Since ancient times, its targeted cultivation has been carried out, thanks to which the plant, which originally grew in Persia, has spread to the territory from the Middle East to the Mediterranean coast. High nutritional value and long shelf life have made pistachio nuts an indispensable product for travelers, explorers and traders. Today, pistachio fruits are well known throughout the world as a source of antioxidants, protein, fiber, vitamin B6, thiamine (B1), copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements essential for the body.

This high-calorie and dietary product is one of the most expensive on the world market. The price of pistachios is three times higher than the cost of walnuts and four times the cost of almonds, so growing pistachio trees is a very promising and highly profitable business, the popularity of which is growing every year. Trees that have reached the economic fruiting stage are capable of generating a profit of more than 26 thousand dollars per 1 hectare. In addition, the plant has a unique ability not only to grow in arid climates, on rocky slopes, saline, depleted, degraded and unsuitable lands for other crops, but also to reclaim them, improving the structure of the soil and performing a soil-protective and water-protective role.

Taking into account the fact that breeders have developed new frost-resistant and large-fruited varieties pistachios, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing this crop even in temperate climates, where hot and dry weather prevails in summer, looks very attractive. Establishing pistachio plantations is an opportunity to obtain stable income for many generations, since the trees grow and bear fruit for more than 400 years, and their yield only increases over time from year to year. Modern pistachio varieties are able to grow and produce yields in a temperature range from – 25°C to +45 ° C, which makes it one of the most promising and profitable crops for a wide climatic zone.

The pistachio business based on varietal plants is a long-term project, since the first fruits will begin to appear only on 6-8 year old seedlings. Grafted pistachio trees, depending on age, produce an average of 0.5 to 3 kg of nuts, and the first harvest (more than 5 kg from one tree) can be harvested 10 to 15 years after planting. The maximum yield of a 20-25 year old pistachio is 6-8 kg. That is why in regions with warm and temperate climates, mixed (alternate row) plantings of pistachios and almonds are practiced. Since almonds begin to bear fruit at 3-4 years of age, they will help you get a return on your investment at an earlier date.

It is possible to return part of the investment before the trees begin to bear fruit (in the first eight years), in order to increase the profitability of the plantation and accelerate profit generation, by growing drought-resistant crops (except for grains!) in row-crop rows: melons, peas (chickpeas), flax, peanuts. When pistachio seedlings grow to a height of 0.4 - 0.5 m, productive crops such as safflower, clover, and alfalfa can be grown in rows.

To provide young plantings of pistachio seedlings with protection from pests, they resort to creating a hedge around the perimeter of the area from crops such as rose hips, oleaster and other thorny shrubs that do not require special care. Considering that rosehip fruiting lasts 20–25 years, its edible fruits (like oleaster berries) can be used not only for your own needs, but also sold on the market, where they are in great demand. This is another opportunity to earn additional income.

To plant a pistachio plantation, you must choose sunny areas with loose, well-drained, calcium-rich soil. And although the best soils for pistachios there are gray soils, light and medium loamy soils with a high (up to 80%) sand content; this crop is able to generate income even on unproductive, gravelly lands unsuitable for other plants (6< рН < 8). Очень важно учитывать, что корни фисташки не выносят застоя влаги в грунте и excess quantity in saline soils, salts other than calcium-containing ones.

First technological stage includes cultivation of the soil of the site - plowing and chiselling. This will also create conditions for growing crops between rows. The correct establishment of the plantation is ensured by marking the places for planting seedlings using pegs according to a 6 m x 8 m pattern, which allows you to place up to 208 trees on one hectare. The most acceptable way to grow pistachios is by grafting (budding) varietal scion material purchased from a nursery onto a wild rootstock. Budding is carried out on 3-4 year old plants. In the first years after planting seedlings and grafting, it is very important to prevent the formation of a bush-like form of pistachios and to form a tree-like crown with a clearly defined trunk up to 1 m high.

Consistently high yields of pistachios are guaranteed when several different varieties are planted on the plantation, differing in terms of flowering and fruiting. This will help to avoid a pause in harvesting, since the frequency of fruiting for each specific variety is individual. In some varieties, the fruiting period can last 2–3 years with a break of 1 year (for example, Central Asian high-yielding variety"Albina", with an average ripening period; large-fruited varieties of Iranian origin “Urozhaynaya” and “Gourmand”), representatives of other varieties can “take a break” after 1 - 2 years. In addition, all varieties have different biological productivity.

Although pistachio is a drought-resistant crop, sufficient moisture supply to plants affects not only the productivity of their growth, but also the level of yield. Post-planting watering of the rootstock is no more than 1.5 - 2 liters per plant. If in summer period the amount of precipitation is minimal, then for the first two years, until the root system of the seedlings is formed and sufficiently strengthened, such watering should be carried out all summer, 3 - 5 times a month. Plants older than two years of age do not need watering.

It is recommended to fertilize pistachio trees growing on depleted soils no more than once every three years (during spring treatments soil). If the plants have not yet begun to bear fruit, then for 1 hectare of pistachio plantation it is enough to add tree trunk circles trees (based on the application area for each plant being about 16 m2): 100 – 150 kg of nitrogen fertilizers, 75 – 100 kg of phosphorus-containing fertilizers and 15 – 20 kg of potassium fertilizers. For plants that have reached 15 years of age and older, these doses increase to: 300–400 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers, about 300 kg of phosphorus fertilizers and 50–75 kg of potassium fertilizers.

Pistachio care is carried out regularly and includes agricultural soil care ( maximum conservation and accumulation of moisture, removing weeds, loosening the surface layer), feeding plants with fertilizers and caring for the plants themselves, including the formation of the crown. Pistachios are very light-loving, so removing all shoots growing inside the crown is the key to increasing the yield of trees. The formation of a cup-shaped crown improves air access for plants and sunlight, which promotes intensive photosynthesis of the vegetative mass of crops and increases their productivity.


Check whether the climatic conditions in your region are suitable for the development of pistachio trees. For good growth, the plant needs hot and fairly dry summers and a short winter period without severe frosts.

The plant requires sandy soil; in addition, pistachio trees do not tolerate high humidity. Pistachios are now successfully grown in the arid regions of Central Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Do a soil test. Pistachio trees thrive in rocky, dry, slightly saline and alkaline soils with a pH of 7.0 to 7.9.

Buy seedlings. You will need at least two plants: a male and a female. In general, one male tree for every eight female trees is enough, but in a private garden two will be enough.

However, a pistachio tree can easily withstand frosts down to 40°C. The trees can easily be classified as long-livers - in the natural environment, a pistachio can last about 200-300 years.

Pistachios are called nuts, but from a botanical point of view they are not, like peanuts or Brazil nuts: they are drupes, or seeds. Pistachios grow on shrubs of the Anarcadiaceae family, which belong to the genus of the same name and are divided into several species. Nuts are formed from inflorescences and form large clusters on the branches.

Shrubs of the pistachio genus

Pistachios are a genus of shrubs and sometimes trees that can be either deciduous or evergreen. They belong to the Anarkadiev or Sumakhov family, which are representatives of the class. Pistachios are usually short, up to four meters in height, but sometimes grow taller and have the appearance of a multi-stemmed tree. Despite small sizes, these are very hardy and prolific plants. They tolerate the conditions of mountain and steppe soils well, can grow on slopes and cliffs, they can rarely be found in the vicinity of other trees - they are real hermits flora. Pistachios tolerate drought well and are even found.

The bushes have a unique two-tiered structure: open in winter and spring top part, which stores moisture, and in the summer the lower one begins to function. The plant is characterized by slow growth, and only after ten years it begins to bear fruit, still in small quantities. A good harvest can be harvested from pistachios that are over twenty years old.

The trees have thick bark and the branches are covered with a thin waxy coating. They have small oblong leaves, also with a waxy surface. Reddish fruits develop from small pink inflorescences, which gradually ossify and turn into the usual pistachios. This is a long process - flowers appear in March or, and are formed by October.

Pistachio growing regions

Pistachios grow in tropical and subtropical regions; they are found in both the New and Old Worlds: in America, in the Mediterranean, and in different parts of Asia. Most of the pistachios imported to Russia are produced in Central Asia, Iran, Turkey, a small percentage is grown in Crimea and Caucasian regions, although these fruits are significantly inferior to Asian ones and are often unsuitable for food, they grow taller than their tropical comrades - up to ten meters in height. They are produced only to obtain resin. Pistachios are also grown in Spain, Greece, Italy, and in some areas of Africa.

It is not recommended to grow these shrubs in Russian climatic conditions; even in the southern regions the plant will not have enough sun to form fruits. In addition, pistachio leaves emit essential oils that are harmful to humans and cause dizziness, so you should not plant these trees in your dacha, especially next to country house or a gazebo. For the same reason, nuts are collected when no oils are released.

To find out, you need to visit any country with a hot climate. These trees prefer rocky terrain and air temperatures of 30°C. In these conditions they bear fruit more abundantly.

And acne, promote wound healing.

They have been known for a very long time: since 7000 BC. However, they appeared in Europe only at the beginning of our era. Pistachio trees prefer a warm climate, so they mainly grow in hot countries: Syria, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Central and Central Asia, Africa, Italy. Iran is considered the birthplace of this plant. Pistachio trees were brought to Europe 2.5 thousand ago. In the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan you can find entire pistachio groves.

In the 18th century, the first seedlings were planted in Crimea, where they took root well. But not all “Crimean” nuts are suitable as food. There are tree species whose fruits are used only for making oil, and whose leaves are used to obtain tannins needed in the leather industry. There are many pistachio trees in Greece and Spain. In some Americas, where the climate is hottest, many kilometers of pistachio plantations are cultivated.

These trees prefer rocky, rocky areas. The “True Pistachio” plant is a tall deciduous tree, often with several powerful trunks, with grayish (gray-brown) ribbed bark, riddled with cracks. It is distinguished by a dense, low crown with odd-pinnate oblong leaves, up to 20 cm long. The height of the trees can reach 10 m. If the pistachio grows as a multi-stemmed bush, its height is 4-6 m.

The plant blooms in March-April. The flowers are yellowish, collected in massive axillary panicles up to 6 cm long. Female inflorescences are also distinguished, the latter being the loosest and longest. The period of fruit ripening is autumn. In different regions it can vary from early September to late November. If the air temperature, starting from the moment the plant blooms, stays around 30*C, then the tree produces significantly large quantity fruits in the form of drupes with protein seeds.

The leathery shell of pistachios can be different color: yellowish, reddish or purple. The kernels are always greenish in color. They can be eaten as fresh, and lightly toasted. These nuts have many beneficial properties. In particular, they have a beneficial effect on the liver, help get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy, and help restore the body weakened after illness.

It is difficult to find a person who would not appreciate the taste of pistachios. But in Russia, few people know what a pistachio tree looks like and where it grows. The reason is that only in some regions of our country there are suitable conditions for the growth of the species.

Geography of plant distribution

The territory of modern Iran and Syria is considered to be the birthplace of the pistachio tree. There it was called the tree of life, since it was noticed that constant consumption of the fruit led to rejuvenation of the body and its strengthening. There were times when pistachios were used as currency here.

Later, the plant spread to the southwestern and central parts of Asia, southern Europe, and some areas of America, Africa and Australia. Wild species of pistachio tree are found in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Residents of Turkey know very well how pistachios grow. About half of all fruits sold on the world market today are grown on plantations in this country.

To answer a question in Russia, you need to know what natural conditions necessary for plant growth and development. Only if they are followed can trees be grown and harvested.

Requirements for plant growing conditions

The pistachio tree is cultivated in the arid, hot climate of deserts and semi-deserts. The plant is interesting in that it successfully tolerates both high and low temperatures air. There are cases where tree plantings survived at twenty-five degrees below zero.

Growing under conditions of lack of moisture affected the development of the plant's root system. It is very developed, has several tiers. The roots go fifteen meters deep and grow to the sides by 25 meters. The activity of different tiers of the root system is not the same, it depends on the time of year.

Has experience in growing pistachio trees in Russia positive result. Back in the 18th century, about three dozen trees were planted in Crimea for experimental purposes. They took root well, but their fruits did not have high taste.

How do pistachios grow in Russia today? For cultivation in the arid regions of the south of the country, among the huge variety of plant species, true pistachio has become widespread. There are also plantings of such trees on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

What do you need for efficient cultivation plants? Farmers know that for each region where pistachio is cultivated, it is necessary to choose certain type, which will optimally use natural conditions for its growth and development.

How do pistachios grow?

Due to the structural features of the root system, pistachio trees do not form dense thickets, but only open forests. Other types of plants also try to avoid their proximity.

Life expectancy of a tree favorable conditions can be from 900 to 1000 years! Over its long life, the plant reaches a height of 3-10 meters. The thickness of the trunk is from 1 to 1.5 meters.

If pistachios grow in a harsh desert climate, they may develop several stems instead of one trunk. Then the plant appearance resembles a bush. Both the tree and the bush have a very dense, beautiful crown. The length of the leaves is 15-20 centimeters.

The crop begins to bloom in March or April, and the fruits ripen only in October-November. The plant is dioecious. For getting good harvest A pistachio plantation must have both male and female plants.

The above description will allow you to create general idea about what pistachios look like and how they grow. The photos posted in the article clearly illustrate our story and give Additional information about the plant.

Plant in a natural community

Having become acquainted with where and how pistachios grow, it is not difficult to guess what role these trees can play in the wild.

Firstly, the foliage of the plant provides excellent protection from the sweltering heat, so small animals and birds find refuge in the tree crowns. On the ground, in the shade of branches, larger inhabitants of deserts and semi-deserts hide from the sun.

Secondly, pistachio fruits are food for rodents, birds, wild ass, foxes and other animals living in the areas where the crop grows. The leaves are eaten by sheep and camels.

Benefits of pistachio tree for humans

The use of the fruits of the tree and its other parts by humans has been known since time immemorial. Even 7,000 years ago, people not only knew how pistachios grew, but knew how to use them for a variety of purposes.

Fried, dried, fresh or salted fruits of the pistachio tree were eaten, as they are now. They contain a large amount of oil, enriched with acids beneficial to the body. For this reason, pistachios are widely used in the preparation of certain dishes or food products - certain types of cheese, sausages, culinary products, ice cream. It has been proven that in combination with alcoholic drinks beneficial features pistachios are lost.

Pistachio resin strengthens gums and teeth well. In addition, eating the fruits of the tree has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system and brain, improves digestion processes, and activates the body’s excretory functions. Some substances obtained from the fruits and leaves of the plant are used in the production of medicines.

Cosmetics containing pistachio oil cleanse the skin well, get rid of age spots and other skin diseases.

Using the plant for technical purposes

The cake remaining after using the fruits in the industrial production of oil or other products is used to feed domestic animals and poultry.

Wood is used in carpentry. Resin is obtained from it, which is used to prepare high-quality varnishes.

The leaves of the plant contain tannins in large quantities, so they are widely used in the tanning industry and in the manufacture of paints.

Decorative possibilities of wood

Knowledge of how pistachios grow and what a rich crown these trees have has allowed people to successfully use this crop for landscaping streets, decorating parks and squares.

Floral arrangements, which include leaves and branches of pistachios, amaze with their unique beauty and originality.