Aquatic hyacinth is one of the most beautiful plants. Water hyacinth: planting and care

In artificial reservoirs open ground and in winter gardens you can see surprisingly delicate, blue, white or light purple flowers surrounded by brilliant juicy green leaves - this is eichornia, or water hyacinth, in everyday life - water hyacinth.

Taxonomy and names

Eihornia crassipes is the Latin name for the plant and belongs to the Pontederia family, the Monocotyledonous class.
The synonymous name for Pontederia crassipes is excellent pontederia.
Eichornia is called water hyacinth for the distant external resemblance of flowers to the flowers of oriental (or garden) hyacinth. Phylogenetically, these are not related plants.
At home, the water hyacinth is called the "green plague" because of its rapid, excessive growth and reproduction.
In the photo: flowering of water hyacinth in the garden pond, for middle latitudes it is August-September.


The homeland of Eichornia is the tropical regions of South and Central America. Currently, the plant has spread widely and lives in warm water bodies of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America.

Morphological features

The life form of eichornia is perennial herbaceous plant... Leaves are whole, leathery, shiny, on long petioles, collected in a rosette. The vein at the leaves is arched. The bottom of the leaf petiole of Eichornia is strongly thickened: inside there is a spongy tissue. This fabric, which contains a lot of air in the pores, keeps water hyacinth on the surface of the water. In the photo: a cut of the eichornia petiole.
Its root system is fibrous, the roots can reach 50-60 cm.
Water hyacinth flowers are zygomorphic (they have only one axis of symmetry), with a simple perianth, which can be of various shades: white, pink, blue, lilac. Each flower of the water hyacinth lives for one day, after which it hides under the water along with the peduncle carrying it.

It is interesting! At favorable conditions water hyacinth reproduces rapidly vegetatively. Growing up, it not only interferes with river navigation, but also disrupts the oxygen regime and intensifies the processes of decay in the water. This leads to the fact that other inhabitants, both plants and animals, perish in the reservoir.

Growing features

A prerequisite for life for Eichornia is the aquatic environment. Dissolved organic components (humus, humus, compost) must be present in the water.

Since water hyacinth grows in tropical and subtropical climatic zones, then for it successful cultivation need a high temperature of water and air of about + 26 ° C, for flowering - about + 30 ° C. If the temperature is insufficient, the eichornia will not bloom, although it can quickly build up biomass.
Water hyacinth, which is grown outdoors in temperate climates, should be planted in May-June, when the water warms up, and when it is guaranteed there will be no night frosts.

The more organic residues in the water, the faster the water hyacinth will grow. The root system of the plant is very branched, with many adventitious roots. Under water, it occupies a huge area and, accordingly, absorbs a large amount of organic matter. In clean water, eichornia will grow poorly or even die.
Any organic matter can be used as water additives, from bottom silt to manure. The limiting factors, in this case, will be the smell and aesthetics of the reservoir. Sometimes fertilizers are used for feeding for indoor or aquarium plants.

In the video: flowering water hyacinth on a summer cottage pond

With the onset of autumn, the water hyacinth must be transferred to a warm place. An aquarium or other container of water is suitable for this purpose. You can use a 10 liter cut-off plastic bottle. It is advisable to use water from a reservoir where the plant grew in summer.
The air temperature during wintering should not be lower than 20 ° С, the water temperature should not be lower than 18-20 ° С. Sometimes, for better health of the water hyacinth during periods of short daylight hours, additional illumination is used. In this case, the total number of light hours should not exceed fourteen. It is necessary to provide the plant with access fresh air, protect it from drafts during ventilation.
It is believed that water hyacinth can overwinter in a container with wet sand. Isolated successful cases of such wintering only confirm that the eichornia needs water, and not just a wet substrate. It is enough for the water to protrude 5-10 cm above the surface of the sand. Organic components must be added to the sand.

We advise you to read:
Garden hyacinth (oriental)
Marsh iris (yellow) Water lilies (cultivation) Mouse hyacinth (muscari) Yellow capsule

Water hyacinth can be propagated using new outlets, separating them from the mother plant. Reproduction by seeds is possible only when the growing conditions are in full compliance with the natural wildlife which can be very difficult to achieve.

It is interesting! One of the properties of water hyacinth is the absorption of harmful toxic substances and metals, including: nickel, cadmium, phenols, insecticides, phosphate compounds and even heptyl, toxic substance, which is part of rocket fuel. Thus, eichornia cleans polluted water bodies. This property of the plant is used in some countries to maintain the purity of water.

On video: flowering of wild-growing Eichornia at home

Use in landscape design

Water hyacinth is suitable for open and closed ground... But it should be borne in mind that the plant was not called the green plague for nothing: eichornia will dominate ecosystems, suppressing its neighbors.
This will be especially pronounced in aquariums and winter gardens, that is, where the same year-round temperature is maintained.
In open ground reservoirs, the eichornia looks beautiful in the company of water lilies and egg-pods (you need to make sure that it does not suppress their growth). But marsh irises and sedges will not suffer from water hyacinth: their leaves are directed upwards, and do not float on the water.
When keeping water hyacinth in aquariums, remember that the plant reduces the amount of oxygen in the water. For the normal functioning of the aquarium and the comfort of its inhabitants, constant aeration of the water is required.
Water hyacinths in ponds in winter gardens can be a real disaster, just like in their homeland. If, in addition to eichornia, other aquatic plants (victoria, lotuses, water lilies) grow in the reservoir, you need to constantly monitor the population of the water hyacinth.

Water hyacinth, also known as eichornia, belongs to the Pontederia family, which has about 30 varieties of aquatic plants. This plant has long been a permanent inhabitant of decorative ponds and aquariums, but there was a period when it posed a serious threat to ecological system... They began to call it water hyacinth because of the similarity of flowers, but in reality, eichornia has nothing to do with hyacinth.

Eichornia - floating plant

In nature, eichornia grows in water bodies with fresh water in tropical and subtropical climates. The most densely populated area of ​​hyacinth on earth - this is the Amazon basin, where average temperature ranges from 20 to 27 degrees above zero. Most often, water hyacinth is located on the surface of the water and only occasionally spreads its roots in the muddy bottom. Remarkable is the fact that this plant settles in water bodies of absolutely any depth.

Eichornia is a floating plant with large ellipsoidal leaves with small bulges at the base. leaf petioles... These the blisters are filled with air, which keeps large leaves on the water surface. Beautiful leaves dark green, having a smooth texture, are collected in a kind of basket, and flowers resembling an orchid bloom for only one day.

Filamentous roots perfectly cleanse the reservoir of poisonous chemical elements that get there through the fault of a person. When growing at home, for example, in an aquarium, the flower will not allow an excessive concentration of salts in the water, neutralizing them.

Flowers and reproduction

The flowers of the plant are very beautiful and graceful, have six pleasant petals. lilac, one of which is necessarily decorated with a bright spot. In the middle of the flower there are several tall dark blue stamens. After pollination in the place where the flower was, the fruit grows with big amount seeds that subsequently enter the water.

Once in the water, the seeds begin to grow rapidly, but for this they good illumination is necessary and the temperature is at least 25 degrees Celsius. In the Russian climate, this plant spreads vegetatively releasing young shoots.

As already mentioned, it cleans water well, but using it for these purposes on its own is dangerous because it is rather breeding difficult to control plants over a large area. The flower will multiply quickly and take over the entire reservoir completely, displacing other plants, and will destroy the local fauna.

It should be noted that the aggressive behavior of the plant manifests itself only under very warm and mild climatic conditions, for which the people called it the green plague. In climates similar to ours, he behaves quite moderately.

The popularity of eichornia

The plant looks great in reservoirs, so it is understandable why it has gained great popularity among gardeners all over the world. The plant can be grown even in central Russia with its cold climate in garden ponds. In small ponds, the water warms up well by the end of spring, and the hyacinth can be planted in the reservoir.

It is noteworthy that if the water in which the flower grows will constantly be in a restless state then the foliage stalks will grow thick. If the reservoir is quiet and calm, or if the hyacinth grows in an aquarium, then the petioles will have a long, slender shape. Under suitable conditions, eichornia will delight you with its greenery of large leaves and beautiful flowering.

Eichornia loves warmth

There are no particular difficulties in growing it, it is only necessary to create a moisture and temperature suitable for the plant. Then you just have to watch behind the development of the plant and in time to remove the emerging horizontal shoots from the leaf rosettes, in order to avoid excessive spread in the reservoir.

Lateral shoots of water hyacinth must be removed in rubber gloves, since the plant sap is highly concentrated and often causes irritation skin... Eichornia blooms in the summer and loves warmth very much. In this regard, it is necessary to take care of the plant in winter period and observe a number of measures when growing it. In countries with tropical climates cold winter does not happen, so hyacinth reproduces all year round.

Water hyacinth in winter

In cool climates, the plant requires human intervention, therefore, in the cold season, the hyacinth is moved from the reservoir to the aquarium or damp sand and taken to a warm room. It is imperative to maintain heat and humidity until spring, otherwise the plant may die.

Moving from the reservoir must be carried out until the water reaches a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. When the water temperature reaches about 15 degrees above zero, the plant is carefully caught with a net from the reservoir and transferred to a previously prepared container.

It is important to take into account that the water in the container must be the same as in the reservoir in which the hyacinth grew, so that the plant does not undergo a temperature shock and does not die. Since the flower came to us from a tropical climate, he needs to try to recreate as close as possible conditions for life. In winter, the daylight hours are much shorter than in summer, and the water hyacinth is accustomed to 12-hour daylight hours, so fluorescent lamps are installed above the containers with plants.

Subtleties of care

It is very important to ensure that the plant is not exposed to temperature fluctuations and to protect the hyacinth from drafts, but at the same time, a constant supply of fresh air should be ensured. If you notice that during the winter it begins to lose its leaves, it means that the plant does not have enough lighting, in this case it is necessary to install additional lamps.

In the spring, when the plant is moved to new reservoir, you first need to add superphosphate, and then the hyacinth is planted. Sometimes eichornia leaves during wintering, they can rot in stagnant water, to avoid this, the plant is placed on a special ring float. With this device, the leaves do not touch the water, and the roots do not stick out to the surface, and the rotting stops.

If you decide to purchase a plant in a store, then it should be borne in mind that some varieties are too thermophilic and very whimsical, and even due to small drop temperatures may not bloom. It is recommended to purchase only Eichornia species proven in our cold climate.

Eichornia as a purifier

The root system of an adult water hyacinth resembles a long and bushy beard. In our climate, the roots of eichornia, growing, reach more than one meter. Scientists have discovered the extraordinary ability of eichornia is impressive processing speed organic pollutants and various chemical compounds... In fact, it turns out that the more polluted the reservoir, the better the hyacinth grows and spreads.

Noticing this feature, people began to grow eichornia and successfully use it in wastewater treatment plants and industrial enterprises, saving on expensive water treatment systems. Scientists from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics conducted research and experiments in various places and conditions. As a result, it was proved that eichornia also successfully absorbs cesium, strontium radionuclides and a number of heavy metals.

After the plant has exhausted its resource, it can be burned. From one ton absorbed radioactive elements Eichornia, when burned, only about 20 kilograms of radioactive ash remains, which must be buried in the future.

Water hyacinth as a food supplement

V South-East Asia Water hyacinth has long been used as a dietary supplement in livestock diets. In Russia, eichornia underwent official research at the Don Zonal Institute of Agriculture.

Scientists have found that the plant is very rich in the following substances:

  • Protein.
  • Carotene.
  • Vitamins: A, B, C, E.

One hectare treatment facilities on the basis of eichornia gives from 350 to 1500 tons of plant mass, from which about 30 tons of dry fortified feed is obtained.

One ton of this feed contains:

  • Potassium - 60 kg.
  • Nitrogen - 20 kg.
  • Phosphorus - 17 kg.
  • Protein - 28 kg.
  • A large number of amino acids.

Nuances of use

Consumption of water hyacinth feed promotes the best absorption of the main livestock and poultry. To use water hyacinth for livestock feed, plant drying is required. It is produced in the shade, under a canopy, for better preservation of nutrients and vitamins, and especially carotene. Depending on the growing environment of the eichornia, the chemical composition may change somewhat.

If you use eichornia in agriculture, then she, undoubtedly, to a certain extent, will help in solving problems with livestock feed and birds. The green mass that you receive from your reservoir will subsequently be enough to feed livestock or poultry from your private treatment facilities. And the main thing is that the reservoir on which the eichornia will grow will be environmentally friendly.

An amazing plant - aquatic hyacinth, known among flower growers as eichornia or "green plague", is often used as an aquarium culture. In addition, it feels great in natural or artificial reservoirs. In warm water, Eichornia grows quickly and blooms beautifully. More recently, the plant was a wonder for our climate. But fragrant flowers the most delicate shades, juicy bright leaves have simply conquered connoisseurs of beauty. The decorative properties of hyacinth have been appreciated by gardeners. In addition, the plant is an excellent natural water filter.

Description of hyacinth

Eichornia is an unusually beautiful plant. On the surface of the water, it creates dense rosettes consisting of bright green leaves. The petioles thicken towards the base and form many cavities filled with air.

Water hyacinth grows in the pond, on graceful thin stems, if the element is calm. In bubbling - the plant forms a rather spreading rosette on short thick cuttings.

Eichornia has long roots. In dry or shallow ponds, they can reach the muddy bottom. Having rooted in the soil, water hyacinth provides itself with additional nutrition.

Culture is rightfully considered a decoration of the landscape. It is especially beautiful during the flowering period. You just can't take your eyes off the bright spectacle. Flowers are collected in rosettes of 5-12 pcs. They look a bit like orchids in their appearance. Flowers can delight with beautiful blue, lilac or yellow shades.

The plant needs certain conditions. In this case, it will delight the owner with its beautiful flowering several times during the season.

"Planting" a plant

Even a novice gardener can grow a strong and beautiful water hyacinth. "Planting" and leaving does not require a lot of effort. After all, the plant is able to withstand almost any conditions.

  1. The rosette of the plant must be placed in an aquarium with warm water. It is desirable to provide an abundance of light.
  2. If the conditions turn out to be unsuitable, then when a new leaf appears, the old one will die off.
  3. In a favorable climate, the plant will begin to develop. The roots will grow, the leaves will not die off. A new rosette forms around May.
  4. You can transfer water hyacinth to the pond in June, when the weather is warm. The landing process is very simple. Tropical beauty just dipped into a pond.


If you provide the right care for such a plant as water hyacinth, then it will delight you with wonderful flowering. Create comfortable conditions not difficult for culture.

Remember initially, Eichornia loves sunlight. Therefore, it is better for her to choose lighted areas in fresh warm waters. Although the plant is able to perfectly exist even in a shady area. However, for beautiful flowering, she just needs an abundance of sun.

When doing this, try to avoid drafts. Their plant simply does not tolerate. And it may even die.

Temperature regime

It should not be forgotten that the historical homeland of the plant is Brazil and South America, which have a hot climate. Therefore, Eichornia feels most comfortable in warm conditions.

In order for the plant to fully and correctly develop, it is recommended to listen to the opinion of experts:

  1. For the full development of the plant, a temperature of at least 22 ° C is required. With this in mind, the planting of the water hyacinth takes place in June.
  2. The optimum temperature for a heat-loving plant is 25-27 ° C. And during flowering - 28-29 ° C.
  3. The plant does not tolerate temperature extremes.
  4. When it gets cold, the hyacinth must be placed in an aquarium with water and transferred to a warm room.
  5. V winter time the plant can withstand temperatures no lower than 15 ° C.

Growing features

Despite the exoticism of the plant, caring for the crop is quite simple. The most important thing is to provide the Eichornia with conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

In order for the plant to fully develop, it is necessary to provide it with the right environment. The culture needs water enriched with organic components. In such an environment, it will pleasantly surprise you with its graceful flowering.

Excellent supplements for culture can be:

  • mullein infusion or compost;
  • bottom purified sludge;
  • humus;
  • complex fertilizers for aquarium plants.

By providing the necessary nutrients, you will notice how the fertilization will affect the growth of the outlets.

Eichornia feels great in weakly alkaline waters. She is not afraid of harmful impurities that can become destructive for other plants.

Branched powerful roots spread out under water. They are able to cover large enough volumes. In this case, water hyacinth is often called a "filter". After all, the roots, like a pump, absorb not only organic matter. They absorb metal oxides, phosphates, insecticides, traces of phenols and oils. After a while, the pond cleans up perfectly.

Due to this property, the culture is widely used for filtration. naturally polluted water bodies.

Wintering plants

As soon as the air temperature begins to drop, the plant must be moved to a warm room. Eichornia can overwinter:

  • in the pelvis;
  • aquarium;
  • suitable transparent container.

The vessel should be filled with the same water in which the culture developed in the summer. It is recommended to add a little sludge to the container. This will allow the plant to take root and winter comfortably.

So that the water hyacinth does not die at home, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. The plant no longer needs high temperature. But it is still necessary to provide warmth. Optimal performance- 20 ° C.
  2. Hyacinth rosettes are very sensitive to lack of light. It is recommended to install a backlight above the container. This will allow you to get through the winter normally. Eichornia should receive light for at least 14 hours a day.
  3. The plant needs warm water. The liquid temperature should be around 20 ° C.
  4. Provide fresh air for your culture. However, do not forget that she cannot stand drafts.
  5. Monitor moisture levels carefully. Evaporation of water can kill the plant. Therefore, you should periodically add water.
  6. To protect the hyacinth from starvation, it is recommended to add a little fertilizer. Use special formulations for aquarium plants.

Water hyacinth can be a wonderful decoration for a pond. It will delight you with a special, magnificent spectacle during flowering. However, owners should be aware of the significant disadvantage of the plant. In favorable conditions, it is able to multiply rapidly. Covering the pond with a "thick blanket", the culture can lead to the death of many inhabitants of the pond. Therefore, the plant should be thinned periodically.

Water hyacinth or eichornia excellent - herbaceous aquatic plant with a rosette of rounded green leaves and beautiful flowers... Homeland of Eichornia South America. In hot tropical climates, the plant grows rapidly, covering the surface of water bodies. In addition to its decorative appeal, water hyacinth has practical applications. His root system absorbs harmful substances and heavy metals dissolved in water.

Water hyacinth in a greenhouse

Botanical description

Eichornia excellent or thick-legged (Eichhornia crassipes) belongs to the Pontederia family. These are monocotyledonous plants common in the subtropical and tropical zones. Water hyacinth is an annual, creeping along the surface of the reservoir with shoots up to two meters long. Glossy fleshy leaves form a rosette of 4-8 pieces. They are curved, somewhat narrowed towards the apex, the edges are even. Longitudinal veins are clearly visible.

At the base of the leaves, a spherical or ovoid swelling with a diameter of 4-9 cm is observed. If the cutting is cut in a wide area, the porous middle is visible. The spongy tissue is filled with air, which prevents the plant from completely submerging. Unique floats keep large leaves and flowers on the surface. With a massive accumulation of outlets, the swelling decreases in size.

Spongy tissue inside the convex part of the cutting

Information. The water hyacinth eichornia originated in Brazil. V natural conditions it is found in the tropical regions of the Amazon. From South America the water flower has spread to Africa and Asian countries.

The fibrous branched root is completely submerged in water. It is black in color, grows up to 50 cm in length. In shallow water it takes root in the muddy bottom, in the middle of the reservoir it swims freely. Flowering begins in August. The spike-shaped inflorescence resembles an oriental hyacinth, hence the second name of the plant. No family ties between decorative flower and no aquatic plant.

The water hyacinth has curved leaves and a fibrous root.

A simple perianth has six petals. In diameter, they grow up to 6-7 cm. On one peduncle there are up to 35 flowers, but on average about 5-7. When ripe, a multi-seeded capsule 1.5 cm long is formed. It opens, throwing seeds into the water. In hot tropical waters, they germinate, giving life to a new plant.

There are blue and lilac eichornia. The photo shows what an interesting pattern covers the upper middle petal of the water hyacinth. You can admire this miracle only for one day, then the stem falls into the water. On a sprawling plantation, flowers bloom continuously, so the process looks amazing.

Interesting fact. Large curved leaves help eichornia beatiful to settle in new places. They, like sails, carry a rosette over water bodies.


Water hyacinths reproduce vegetatively. Processes (whiskers) are formed, like those of a strawberry. At the end, a new rosette of 4-8 leaves is formed. The process is proceeding with great speed, especially under favorable climatic conditions. Growing water hyacinth from seeds is not practiced. In our climatic zone they do not have time to mature, it is much easier and safer to propagate the plant vegetatively.

Landing of adults and young Eichornia in the pond

Planting and care in the pond

Water hyacinth is not so exotic plant for reservoirs middle lane Russia. It takes root well in artificial and natural ponds. Planting and caring times for water hyacinths depend on the climate in the region. In the south, it is lowered into water bodies in May, in more northern latitudes in early June. The main conditions for its development are high temperature, prolonged illumination, enough organics and dissolved minerals. If the first requirement is beyond the control of people, then the rest are easy to fulfill.

Eichornia group in a pond

For young plant store bought any body of water in an open area will do. Often artificial ponds are filled with fish and algae. With such a neighborhood, an excellent eichornia will always be provided with food. At the same time, it purifies the water in the pond.

In a clean reservoir, the plant has nothing to eat. Fertilization will be required:

  • bottom silt;
  • complex mineral supplements;
  • humus.

Nutrients are especially important in spring, during the summer, plants and insects fall into the water, creating a breeding ground. Care consists in periodically cutting off the overgrown shoots. The water hyacinth should not cover more than 60% of the water surface.

Attention. The slow development of rosettes and the pale color of the leaves indicate a lack of nutrients in the reservoir.

In cold summers, the water warms up slightly, so the water hyacinth does not bloom. But the juicy dark green foliage of a rounded shape looks decorative.

How to preserve water hyacinth in winter

Subzero temperatures do not allow leaving eichornia excellent in open reservoirs in cold period... How to preserve water hyacinth in winter? This can be done in two ways: by placing it in a container with peat or in an aquarium. In the first case, a young rosette is taken and placed in a pot of wet peat. The container is placed in a tray, where water is always poured. Instead of peat, a 1: 1 mixture of garden soil with sand is used. The plant is placed in a warm place with good lighting. A window will fit, facing south.

For wintering at home, it is recommended to leave the plant with a root of no more than 10 cm. It must be healthy, then the chances of keeping it up until the beginning of summer increase. Not always the conceived succeeds, what reasons lead to the death of Eichornia:

  • The plant was not transferred to a warm room in a timely manner. Cold night temperatures, in the region of 10-8, could lead to water hyacinth disease. The frozen plant darkens and rots.
  • The leaves dry, starting from the bunks from too dry air in the apartment. Tropical flower requires not only high temperature but also humidity. Covering the container with pots will help ensure the right conditions. plastic wrap with ventilation holes. The aquarium is covered with a glass lid.

Advice. Leave free space between the leaves and the shelter, they should not touch the cover.

  • Insufficient water volume and poor nutrition lead to the death of the plant.
  • Failure to comply with the recommendations for the temperature of the content and the length of daylight hours.
  • A sharp change in temperature, exposure to a draft.

Recommended room temperature + 24-25 °, water - 20-22 °. In cooler conditions, parts of the plant will turn brown and die off. Have experienced florists there is a secret, they collect water for wintering the water hyacinth in the reservoir where he lived in the summer. When stored in a pot, peat is replaced with silty bottom sediments from the same pond.

Interesting fact. After rooting, growths disappear on the cuttings, which act as buoys. The plant does not need to stay in the water, the transformation of spongy tissues occurs. When returning to a deep reservoir in summer, the swelling on the cuttings is restored.

Water hyacinth for aquarium

The floating plant can be kept in spacious, buried tanks on a permanent basis or during the winter. They need good lighting, high temperature and water with an abundance of macronutrients. A lamp and aerator are installed in the aquarium to supply oxygen. There should be a distance of about 20 cm between the coverslip and the surface of the water on which the plant is supported. Before buying a water hyacinth for an aquarium, prepare everything you need.

You will need sand and peat in equal proportions. The mixture is poured into the bottom of the aquarium and used to root the eichornia. The layer should reach 10 cm. The roots are added to it, then water is poured. The rosette should float to the surface. The content must comply with the following conditions:

  • temperature - 22-25 °, during the flowering period raise to 28 °;
  • acidity of water - 6-6.7 pH;
  • fluorescent lamp for illumination with a power of 3 kW per sq. cm;
  • duration of lighting is not less than 11-12 hours;
  • the absence of drafts is provided by the glass covering the aquarium;
  • aerator.

Information. If the water hyacinth is kept in a tank with fish and other plants, it should not grow too much. Over time, the instance will become smaller.

In favorable conditions, the water flower grows rapidly, releasing processes from the leaf axils. They need to be cut off. Once a year, it is necessary to remove specimens with a large root, which increases in size and loses its decorative effect. Organic matter is needed for nutrition. In an aquarium with living inhabitants, they are in large numbers. When growing eichornia, fertilizers for aquarium plants are applied in a separate container. There is information about feeding with humus and compost. Good advice, but not everyone will like the smell of fertilizer dissolved in water.

Green plague

An ornamental aquatic plant with inept use in short term turned into a biological weapon called the green plague. In the southern United States, Australia, Africa and Asia, eichornia has infested rivers, lakes, irrigation canals and rice paddies. It impeded navigation, fish died due to lack of oxygen, and the peasants were left without a rice crop. They tried to fight a large-scale disaster with the help of animals, but even the mighty hippos did not have time to eat the leaves. The water hyacinth was blown up, but it turned out that it was only for his benefit. Parts of the plant took root in new places. Finally, the herbicides were applied. Pesticides temporarily stopped eichoria, but killed many animals and fish. The use of herbicides was banned.

Dense green mass interferes with river traffic

Almost desperate scientists went to the homeland of the aquatic plant, where no one suffers from its fertility. It turned out that the water hyacinth has natural enemies - insects. Several species of weevils, mites and moth butterflies feed exclusively on Eichhornia crassipes. The insects were released into the thicket aquatic flowers... Soon the result of their activity appeared - free areas of water.

In some countries, green plants are used to feed livestock, make fertilizers and paper from it.

Water purification with eichornia

The main function of the water hyacinth root is to extract nutrients from the water. It actively absorbs pesticides, phosphates, petroleum products, organic matter and other pollutants. For the plant, they are a breeding ground. There is a practice of planting eichornia beautiful in sedimentation tanks, ponds, spoiled waste water... On personal plot it can be used for post-treatment of domestic waste water. Plants do an excellent job with the assigned functions, improving water quality.

In temperate climates, you don't have to worry about the uncontrolled spread of green mass. With the onset of cold weather, the plant dies. It remains to get it out of the reservoir. The spread of the innovation is hampered by the problem of disposal of water hyacinth contaminated chemicals.

Eichornia or water hyacinth is an aquatic plant for a pond, native to the tropics. It is successfully grown in our conditions, in reservoirs and ponds, despite its tropical origin. Moreover, thanks to the harsh winters, the water hyacinth got rid of some of its shortcomings!

7 factors successful storage in the winter in the aquarium + 3 other storage methods, and features of care in the summer, not everything is so simple with water hyacinth!

Water hyacinth (Eichornia) - description

Eichornia leaves are collected in a rosette. There is a specific bulge at the base of the sheet, distinctive feature plants, inside of which there is a porous tissue, thanks to which the plant is kept afloat. According to the observations of gardeners, in calm waters, this compaction becomes less pronounced. The roots are long (up to 0.5 m), completely submerged in water.

The flower is extraordinarily beautiful, its shape resembles a hyacinth, pink, blue or purple. Flowers appear in late summer.

Water hyacinth is capable of absorbing hazardous and harmful elements dissolved in water:

  • insecticides,
  • phenols,
  • phosphates,
  • cadmium,
  • nickel
  • silver.

In warm regions, at home, eichornia multiplies rapidly and soon covers the surface of reservoirs with a dense carpet. Due to the dense vegetation layer, the oxygen regime of the reservoir deteriorates sharply, which leads to the death of other plants, the reservoir itself acquires an extremely unpleasant odor.

In our conditions with cold winters, eichornia does not have time to fill the water surface during the warm season enough to become a problem. And for the winter you have to hide it in a warm room. It seems to be unpretentious plant, but in the summer and during the winter, water hyacinth shows its character, knowing its requirements, you can easily get along with it!

Eichornia in a pond, a pond - summer, planting and care

Eichornia absorbs harmful substances, it would seem the best plant to cleanse the pond cannot be found. But everything is not so simple, in the mineralized and nutrient-poor water of the lake, it does not grow very well. More precisely, it does not grow at all.

  • There must be a lot of nutrients in the water!
  • And the water should be saturated with oxygen to the maximum!

As soon as the plant lacks oxygen, growth and development will stop!

In practice, forced aeration of reservoirs is equipped, and fertilizers are supplied.


In shallow reservoirs, the water warms up well in the sun, and already in the middle of spring you can plant a plant in a pond.

In well-warmed water of the reservoir, eichoria begins to multiply rapidly.

It propagates vegetatively, daughter plants develop on the side shoots, they are separated and planted.

The best reservoir for eichornia:

  • Open
  • Not deep
  • With forced aeration or dynamic natural, with springs and water movement.
  • With a lot of organic residues - for nutrition.

Water hyacinth - how to keep in winter?

When the temperature drops below +10 degrees, water hyacinth is brought into the room. More precisely, they bring in the future planting material... The main task is to keep the plants alive for reproduction in the next season.

Known methods for storing water hyacinth in winter are:

How to store water hyacinth in an aquarium in winter: 7 success factors

  1. Water must be taken from the reservoir in which the eichornia grew, this is the most the best option... In extreme cases, it is defended. Water from the reservoir should be prepared in advance for the whole winter.
  2. Sludge from the pond native to the water hyacinth is added to the bottom of the container.
  3. The storage container should be transparent: an aquarium, a jar.
  4. The water must contain nutrients for the plant. some gardeners recommend adding fertilizer to aquarium plants.
  5. Do you need backlighting? Most gardeners believe that lighting is indispensable, but there is practical examples when hyacinth survived in a regular jar on a regular windowsill without additional lighting.
  6. Leaves often rot during storage. To prevent this phenomenon, the plant is "planted" on a foam float in an aquarium, glass container. To prevent the leaves from touching the surface of the water.
  7. The temperature is suitable for the usual room temperature.

Keeping eichornia in wet sand in winter

The water hyacinth is planted in the sand, and the humidity is constantly maintained.

How to store water hyacinth in silt in winter

Another way to store eichornia.

  • A deep pot is filled with silt from the day of the reservoir.
  • The water level in the pot is constantly maintained at 3-5 cm.
  • The pot is placed on a regular windowsill.
  • Not supplemented.

How to store eichornia in a three-liter jar in winter

The third year of successful storage of eichornia in a three-liter jar in an apartment!

  • Tightly closed plastic cover.
  • North window.
  • No backlight.
  • Young shoots (about 10 cm in diameter) are stored, and the roots are about 10 cm long.
  • I take water - from my own reservoir.
  • The bank is one third full.
  • The temperature on the windowsill is room temperature, but fluctuates when ventilated.

By spring, the water turns dark brown, like tea. Most of the leaves die off, the bulk of the roots disappear. But the plant itself survives. In the reservoir, it quickly grows roots and leaves, and blooms by August.

The area of ​​cultivation of eichornia, and where to buy water hyacinth?

We know for certain that wild hyacinth can be grown in almost all regions of our country with warm summer period... The readers of these cities succeeded in growing and propagating on their own pond:

  • Minsk
  • Tashkent
  • Moscow
  • Penza
  • Krasnodar
  • Uralsk
  • Volgograd
  • Novosibirsk
  • Saint Petersburg

And these are only facts known to us. You can buy eichornia - water hyacinth easily and simply in the online stores of the "everything for ponds, reservoirs, fountains" group.

So bolder, everything will work out!

Water hyacinth - photo

Eichornia (water hyacinth) - video

Have you come across a water hyacinth? Can you save it in winter? How do you store it? Share in the comments!

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