What material is better for building a house. What is the best material to build a house from?

Home is what we leave behind, what connects generations. What this memory of us will be depends on us. True, the construction of a house greatly depends on both the amount of our money and the climate of the area where it will be located. And the variety of building materials today dazzles the eyes. Therefore, in order for the house to be strong, cozy and last a long time, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of this or that material, but also its disadvantages, so that our beauty does not decay and crumble in a few years.

Basic materials for building a house

Despite all the diversity and dissimilarity of houses, we build them from practically only two materials: wood and stone. To be fair, it is worth noting that they are specially processed and given the properties required in each specific case.

Let's look at the wood: rounded logs, plain and laminated timber, carriage. Everything seems to be made of the same material, but the characteristics of, for example, laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs differ like heaven and earth. But there are also frame houses, also consisting of wood and insulation.

By stone we do not mean wild stone(mostly it is used for backfilling under the foundation or for decorative finishing), but artificially created. Well, since it was created by the mind and hands of a person, then the properties of the stone were given such as the person needed. And no matter how frightening the abundance of brands and standards of such stone may be, it easily fits into the following classification:


    Blocks where the binding component is cement;

    Building blocks made without the use of cement, based on lime or clay.

The greatest variety of manufacturing technologies (and therefore types) exists in the second group, that is, the group of cement-based building blocks.In house construction, lightweight concrete is most often used, which differ in the brand of cement, the composition of the filler, and the composition of the heat-insulating component. And depending on these characteristics, we can distinguish cellular concrete, where air or gas bubbles serve as thermal insulation, and blocks, where expanded clay, wood chips or foam balls play this role. However, first things first...

Brick: pros and cons

Yes, brick is durable, frost-resistant, not afraid of fungus and does not rot. It is not afraid of precipitation and does not burn; solar ultraviolet radiation does not have any effect on the brick. The brick is durable and also complies with all environmental and aesthetic standards. The strength of the house is explained both by the quality of the material and the method of masonry - each subsequent row of bricks knits the previous one, that is, there are no vertical seams passing through at least two rows.

This masonry requires certain skills, especially when linking corners and laying a wall more than one brick thick. Thus, the complexity of building a brick house requires highly skilled labor. Another significant drawback is the weight of the brick: a reinforced, strong foundation is needed.Due to the high thermal conductivity of brick, the house cools down quickly, and it takes several days to warm it up so that it doesn’t seem damp in the house. This can be explained quite simply: when laying, the thickness of the mortar is somewhere around 1 cm , and with small brick sizes, such a thickness of mortar is no longer a “bridge”, but a real “bridge” of cold. The delivery time for brick houses is usually delayed, since they cannot be immediately plastered for two reasons: shrinkage of the house (and the house will certainly settle due to its significant weight) and the moisture in the solution, which takes several months to completely evaporate. In addition to all these disadvantages, brick can deteriorate if it absorbs moisture before winter. And this can be possible even if all brick production technologies are followed, if you come across clay with salts dissolved in it: the water will wash the salt out of the brick and will itself occupy the voids. This is the beginning of a destructive process.

And one moment. The cost of producing bricks is no less than one and a half times more expensive than the production of other materials from which walls are built. Considering that brick is several times smaller than any other building block, the labor intensity of construction increases significantly. Together, price and labor intensity make a brick house quite expensive.

Properties of cellular concrete

Cellular concrete includes foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks. Inside the concrete in the first case there are cells with air, in the second - with hydrogen. In the first case, bubbles are formed as a result of foaming; the concrete hardens under normal conditions. In the second, aluminum powder or paste is added to the solution, which, when interacting with water, releases gas (hydrogen). The solution “grows” and is sent to an autoclave, where it hardens at a certain temperature and pressure. Let's look at the pros and cons of these materials separately.

Foam concrete we knew in the middle of the last century, but we started building with it recently, when people started talking about heat conservation everywhere. Of course, air is an excellent heat insulator. At the same time, almost no sounds pass through foam concrete. Since foam blocks are light and larger in size than bricks, masonry does not become a labor-intensive process. Yes, and it’s easy to ditch walls for communication systems. How easy it is to give the block different shapes, which means you can create bay windows, make an oval wall, etc. In addition, foam concrete does not burn and is easy to transport.

The disadvantages include fairly high moisture absorption (albeit to a shallow depth). The walls require annual settlement, and they must stand on stable slab foundations, otherwise significant cracks will appear on the blocks as a result of deformations.

Aerated concrete even lighter than foam concrete, perfectly processed (it can be cutwith an ordinary hacksaw, drill with ordinary drills, etc.). Thermal insulation and noise protection functions are also excellent. Lightness requires less labor, and good heat-shielding properties reduce the number of required material. With all this, do not forget about high strength at a relatively low price.

Disadvantages can appear in two cases. The wall breathes and therefore gradually accumulates moisture. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to finish the wall with good waterproofing. The second disadvantage is the fragility of aerated concrete, that is, the wall should not experience any movement in order to avoid cracks. And for this you need a solid strip foundation.

Other lightweight concretes

These concretes are heavier than cellular ones: instead of gas or air, which changes the properties of the wall material, they contain heavier components. Therefore, these concretes are approximately 1.2 - 1.5 times heavier than water, while dry foam concrete and aerated concrete can float on the surface of the water. However, these components are not crushed stone, gravel, but wood, expanded clay, that is, compared to heavy concrete, this material has a significantly lower specific gravity.

Expanded clay concrete contains a relatively light component(foamed and baked clay). With the light weight of the blocks, this material is durable and versatile (not only load-bearing walls are laid from it, but also partitions, and also fill frames in monolithic housing construction). The material is an excellent sound insulator, it is more moisture resistant than concrete, it resists aggressive environments better, and in other respects it is not inferior to cellular concrete.

The porosity of expanded clay concrete, while improving its thermal and noise-proof qualities, reduces frost resistance due to moisture entering the pores. Porosity also affects strength: you always have to accurately calculate whether the lower blocks can withstand the load of the rest of the structure (does our private developer know the strength of materials?).

IN polystyrene concrete The role of heat and sound insulator is played by polystyrene beads evenly distributed in the concrete. It seems that everyone likes the material: it is warm and durable, it blocks noise well, it is light and not expensive, but it all cancels out one drawback. But what...When there is a fire, polystyrene begins to melt, releasing toxins.

Cinder concrete the name is more collective than specific. The point is that inThe filler in this building material can be either slag, coal, ash, an admixture of expanded clay with something, screenings, etc. Specifically, slag is used from waste from metallurgical production. To comply with environmental standards, it is kept outdoors for a year. Blocks with a coarse filler fraction are ideal for external walls, and fine ones for internal walls. Voids to improve thermal qualities are created using special molds for the production of this type of concrete. The material is strong, cheap, very durable. The high speed of construction of cinder block walls is important.

The disadvantages include low sound insulation. It is clear, denser material means higher sound conductivity. Also, the material is afraid of water, so it is advisable to cover it. But if you line a house made of cinder blocks with bricks, this will significantly increase the cost of construction. In addition, it is difficult to lay communications in cinder concrete, and if some kind of groove or hole is needed, it is better to provide them in advance and place a block in the cinder block blank in the right place.

Arbolite blocks - This construction material, the main components of which are concrete and organic filler: wood chips, flax fiber or seed cake from which the oil has already been squeezed out. Of course, most often it is wood chips. A characteristic feature of wood concrete is that, unlike other lightweight concretes, it contains only 10 - 20% concrete, the rest is wood chips.A house made of such blocks is more reminiscent of a wooden house in properties, but unlike it, it is practically not susceptible to microorganisms and fungi. One of his interesting properties material - the wood concrete block is able to restore its shape when the maximum loads are removed. It retains heat and keeps out noise. It does not burn, but when exposed to open fire it begins to smolder. Once the source of the flame is removed, the smoldering stops. Eco-friendly, breathable material.

The disadvantage of wood concrete is its increased moisture permeability, and therefore the relative humidity inside the room cannot exceed 75%, while the outside must be lined. The foundation must rise above the blind area by at least half a meter so that splashes do not fly onto the wood concrete blocks. The roof overhangs should extend beyond the walls by the same half a meter so that water is less likely to hit the wall.

Blocks without cement

When choosing a material for building walls, you may come acrossgas silicate . Attention! It should not be confused with aerated concrete. We already know that cement is needed to produce aerated concrete. In the production of gas silicate, lime acts as a binding element. The porous structure is acquired due to the gases released during the interaction of quicklime with aluminum particles. What is the difference between the qualities of gas silicate and aerated concrete? Aerated concrete, thanks to cement, is more durable, gas silicate, thanks to lime, reduces heat loss and better protects against noise. Despite all the high qualities of gas silicate blocks (lightness, insulating properties, low cost etc.) in them, as in foam concrete, the formation of fungus is possible due to the porous structure.

Ceramic blocks also do not contain cement. In addition to clay, their composition may include sand and sawdust. The voids inside the blocks resemble honeycombs. The blocks have grooves and protrusions on the outside of their side faces. This allows masonry to be done without vertical seams. As a building material, ceramic blocks are durable and can be used to construct multi-story buildings. They are very lightgood noise protection and thermal insulation. A significant disadvantage of walls made of this material is the impossibility of perforating (and often simply drilling) and attaching anything to the walls, since the abundance of voids and the fragility of thin partitions do not allow even the installation of cork.

Who doesn't dream of their own cozy home In the countryside. Many people move from desires to actions and begin planning construction. What prevents others from doing this? First of all, the high cost of building a house is frightening. After all, you want to build a permanent building that will last without problems long years, and will still be left to the grandchildren.

Capital construction is also required by the climate in our country. And if you also take into account the cost of the land plot and the installation of all communications, then you simply give up. But there is a way out!

You can build a house cheaply. At the same time, it will look very presentable and modern. In reality, it is enough to spend no more than half a million rubles to get a spacious turnkey house.

You just need to consider what factors influence the cost of construction:

  1. House layout. You can save up to 20 percent on the project.
  2. Choosing a house design and materials. The right choice of materials will reduce costs by up to 40 percent.
  3. House construction work. Some work can be easily done independently. This will also allow you to save a lot on the services of specialists.

Choice in favor modern materials helps reduce construction costs, because they are easier to work with. Many manipulations can be done with your own hands. In addition, they have high quality characteristics.

The time to build a house can also be reduced by using the latest developments in the field of building materials. As a result, construction will take up to 3 months.

Material for house walls - what to build a residential building from?

There are a number of building materials that meet the requirements for building quality and can satisfy almost any customer needs.

The most commonly used materials for the construction of private houses are the following:

  • Profiled and sawn timber;
  • Rounded log;
  • Gas silicate blocks;
  • Brick.

First of all, you need to decide how the house will be used:

  1. Seasonal operation. Such buildings are designed for living in summer season. Enough frame house from thin timber or rounded logs with a small diameter.
  2. Permanent residence. These houses must be heated in winter; the walls can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees. The walls must be made of logs or stone.

Basic building materials and their costs

A house made of wood is preferred by people for whom the environmental component is important. tree like natural material, allows you to relax, promotes good rest. It maintains a comfortable atmosphere in the house at any time of the year.

1. Choosing a stone house is more practical. The main reasons for this choice are as follows:

  • Low operating costs;
  • Small heat loss;
  • Long service life.

2. You can stop at combined house when two types of materials are used. It combines the practicality of stone and the comfort of wood. As a rule, the first floor is built of stone, and the second is made of wood.

3. Construction costs wooden house can be reduced by choosing a lighter foundation. In addition, there is an opportunity to not carry out interior decoration in a log house, which will also reduce costs. This is despite the fact that this material is quite expensive.

Construction cost wooden houses depends on the choice of wall material, on the planned use, size of the building and varies from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

4. The cost of houses made of warm ceramics is very high. These are complex buildings with large wall thicknesses - up to 50 centimeters. This material has very high quality characteristics, but it is possible to build a house from warm ceramics only in the warm season.

5. A monolithic house with permanent formwork will cost less. Construction time is short, a heavy foundation is not needed, wall materials are inexpensive, but have good thermal conductivity.

6. Monolithic walls made of polystyrene foam are durable and reliable, resistant to destruction. But they require expensive interior and exterior finishing. It is possible to build a monolithic a private house middle price category.

7. A house made of gas silicate blocks has good frost resistance, vapor permeability, and lasts a long time. The cost of the material is low, but the work is expensive. It requires the construction of a complex foundation. In addition, work can only be carried out in warm weather.

How to choose wall material: brick house?

It should be noted that the cost of building a brick house compared to wooden buildings. In addition, there is no point in building such a house for temporary residence. This is due to the fact that it needs to be constantly heated.

The costs of building a brick house increase due to the fact that a capital foundation is required. Should do right choice design of a brick cottage so that it looks appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.

The brick house has a number of attractive features.

  1. Durability and strength of the building. This is a great option for country house, in which permanent residence is planned.
  2. High fire resistance. At the same time, reliable communications should be created and network engineering and use them correctly.
  3. Extensive selection of architectural solutions. It is possible to build a house in any style, from avant-garde to classic Gothic.
  4. Many options for both interior and exterior decoration. By the way, exterior finishing may not be produced at all.

Foam block walls: pros and cons

According to consumer reviews, positive characteristics There are many more houses made of foam blocks.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  • The blocks are quite light, maximum weight – up to 25 kilograms. The construction will be easy, which allows you to avoid making an expensive foundation.
  • Easy installation. You can make it yourself very quickly.
  • Environmental friendliness. Impurities in foam blocks are contained in minimal quantities. Thermal insulation rates are high.

The disadvantages of foam blocks include:

  • Unattractive appearance. The house doesn't look very nice, but you can choose different types of finishes to elevate it.
  • The blocks are fragile, may be damaged during transportation.
  • During the period of shrinkage of the house, cracks may appear in the walls. It depends on the quality of production.
  • The service life of a foam block house reaches 80 years with proper use. This may seem like a short time to some.

Everyone makes their own choice of material. In order to make a choice, you can ask friends who have houses made of the materials of interest. It is possible to read reviews on construction forums.

Are expanded clay concrete walls used in private construction?

Expanded clay is a durable material that holds heat better than its analogues. For example, cinder concrete walls will need to be made thicker.

To his positive aspects may also include:

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Low water absorption.
  3. Durability.
  4. No shrinkage.

Expanded clay concrete is expensive, the weight of the blocks is large. But they are also actively used in private construction. As a rule, external walls are built from them, but sometimes expanded clay concrete blocks are also used for internal partitions, creating floors, floor screeds.

Wooden walls and a cheaper alternative

A few words should be said separately about wooden housing construction. Wood is relatively inexpensive; it is only important to choose the right type of wood from which the house will be built. There has long been preference coniferous species– pine, larch, spruce. Pine and spruce are the most commonly used materials in house construction.

The main advantages of wooden houses are:

  • Low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Light weight.
  • Lets air through (“breathes”).

The main reason why people refuse to use this material is high fire hazard. You can secure your wooden house if you install everything correctly electrical devices, comply with all operating requirements. It should be noted that the cost of restoring a brick house after a fire is equivalent to building a wooden house.

Also repulsive is the fact that wood susceptible to destruction for various reasons: shrinkage of the house, rotting, the appearance of fungi, mold, exposure to negative natural factors. But this can and must be fought. There are a lot of products that are used to protect wooden surfaces.

The cost of building a wooden house is definitely higher than a building made from cheaper foam block or expanded clay concrete. But positive features obvious. Only with the help of eco-friendly and natural wood can a person feel like a part of nature. A wooden house is a cozy refuge for the whole family.

Foam walls: advantages and disadvantages

Walls can be erected from foam blocks, which are also called polystyrene foam. They have cavities inside. A house built from this material is considered a thermal house. Expanded polystyrene has its own characteristics.

The advantages include:

  1. Moisture resistance. They can withstand even prolonged exposure to moisture.
  2. Excellent noise insulation characteristics.
  3. The double layer of blocks provides excellent thermal insulation.
  4. Good air permeability.
  5. Light weight of the blocks, which ensures simplicity and ease of installation and processing.

But this material also has negative sides:

  1. Foam walls are afraid of high temperatures.
  2. It is necessary to create special fire safety conditions. In case of fire, the material releases very harmful substances that cause irreparable harm to human health.
  3. The blocks are not environmentally friendly.
  4. The material is easily damaged. Additional wall finishing is required.

The cost of blocks is quite high. But if we compare the construction of brick walls and polystyrene foam walls, the second option is more profitable. For the reason that brick walls it is required to insulate and finish at least from the inside.

This material is used for the construction of houses up to 5 floors high.

Frame wall construction

Frame construction is actively used in the private sector for the construction country houses. At the base of the house is a frame, which is sheathed on both sides with various materials. The walls are multi-layered.

This type of construction allows you to build modern houses quickly and efficiently.

Their advantages include the following facts:

  • The wall structures allow you to install all the necessary communications inside.
  • The technology does not require time to shrink the house and dry the walls.
  • Any finishing materials for frame walls can be used.
  • The design is light, the foundation can be created more economically.
  • You can live in a frame house all year round.
  • Much less wood is used for construction than for the construction of a house made of timber.
  • Convenient finishing. The walls come out perfectly smooth with correct angles.
  • Frame houses do not require constant heating. They can survive the winter well, maintaining their positive qualities.

Finishing a frame house

A frame house makes it possible to use the most different materials for cladding.

The main options that are used most often are:

  1. Brick. It can be used in different ways: to create a plain surface or to make a pattern of bricks various colors. Brick cladding allows you to protect and strengthen the structure, improve sound insulation and reduce heat loss.
  2. Decorative stone or ceramics. They give the building a serious, respectable appearance; the house will look like a family estate that was built in past times. This type of finish goes well with wood and plastered surfaces.
  3. Decor wooden clapboard or block house. You can create the look of a log house. It is easy to install the lining; it has different textures, which allows you to create original surfaces walls It also does not put a lot of stress on the walls.
  4. Decorative plaster. It can be applied over a layer of insulation.
  5. Siding finishing. Popularity of this facing material V last years has increased greatly. Its service life is long, and a huge selection of textures allows you to create an original exterior of the facade.
  6. Thermal panels. They allow you to solve two problems at once: insulate the walls and decorate the facade. Their installation is simple; they are mounted on pre-prepared profiles.

Wooden houses

The materials that can be used to build a wooden house are the following:

  • Rounded log;
  • Chopped log;
  • Beam.

These materials are, of course, natural and safe. But they are not suitable for cheap construction. Primarily because the construction process will take a long time. After all, a log frame made of wood shrinks. This will require additional investments to eliminate the consequences - cracks, holes.

Do not forget that any wood requires antiseptic treatment of the walls. This allows you to keep them in their original condition for a long time, protecting them from the negative effects of the environment, rotting and the appearance of beetles.

Laminated timber: beautiful, but expensive

Glued laminated timber is of high quality and visual appeal. But its cost is very high. Even the fact that a structure made of timber does not shrink and will not require additional investments in finishing does not guarantee that significant savings can be made on this.

Rounded log: a house in the traditions of Russian architecture

Construction from this material requires virtually no manual work. The house is assembled like a construction set. The log has a convenient shape; all cups and landing channels are created in production. The logs are connected as tightly as possible. There is no need to finish the walls.

Not only houses, but also bathhouses are built from cylinders.

The advantages of this material include the following:

  1. Reducing construction costs and reducing construction time.
  2. Noble appearance.
  3. Achieving tightness of all connections thanks to the technological precision of the log arrangement.
  4. The building looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

Dmitry Balandin

It is believed that during his life a man must plant a tree, raise a son and build a house. Most likely, it is the third point that you will have to tinker with. In this article we will try to make a rating based on the quality and cost of construction, and make a calculation: what is the best material for building a house, how much it can cost required amount materials for construction?

Types of residential buildings, their pros and cons

So, in order for what we are building to be that cozy nest, it is necessary to take care of such qualities as durability, moisture resistance, thermal conductivity, and sound insulation. It is also important to remember about eco-friendly materials and the energy efficiency of your home.
There are two main ways to build a residential building:

  • Traditional - implying brickwork;
  • Frame – designer of cottages divided into blocks. Both technologies are good, so here you should figure out which material is better to build a house from permanent residence. Let's look at the most popular Consumables for the construction of a suburban or country house.


Such houses are far from being an innovation, but rather true classics, durable and safe. Nice brick resistant to fire or rot, which means you can be sure that even large apartment house really durable. But at the same time, energy-saving qualities leave much to be desired. As an alternative, ceramic blocks can be used. They have the strength of brick, but at the same time transmit less heat. However, a high-quality ceramic block will cost more than brick, and it is more difficult to find a mason who works with this raw material.

Advantages of brick:

  • High strength;
  • Aesthetic aspect: good appearance and the ability to create many architectural variations;
  • Resistant to high and low temperatures;
  • Fire safety;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of brick:

  • Limited possibilities for carrying out work in winter;
  • Costs for a solid foundation;
  • Implies the presence interior decoration buildings;
  • High thermal inertia requires high heating costs;

Advantages of ceramic block:

  • Good energy saving indicators;
  • Sound absorption;
  • Has a low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • Fire safety;
  • Resistance to damage from insects, fungus, mold;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of ceramic block:

  • Relatively expensive material.
  • To work with the material, highly qualified specialists are required;

Foam blocks and aerated concrete

These types of blocks are similar, but there are differences. Aerated concrete is characterized by strong hygroscopicity, so it is necessary to ensure that it does not get wet during construction, since drying it is problematic, unlike foam blocks. But both of them retain heat and will succumb even to non-professionals who are building a house with their own hands. External finishing is reduced to putty and plaster, which has a positive effect on the cost of construction. It should be noted that due to their porosity, these blocks are less durable, and cracks are inevitable when bending.

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • Due to its light weight, it does not create transportation problems and does not place high demands on the foundation;
  • Highest thermal insulation performance;
  • Sound absorption;
  • Can be used for any type of construction and finishing work, subject to a wide range of mechanical influences;
  • Resistance to low temperatures (but lower than that of brick);
  • Resistance to damage from insects, fungus, mold;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Relatively low cost of material.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  • Fragile structure and fairly low strength;
  • High degree of thermal conductivity;
  • Requires protection from groundwater and moisture penetration.

Pros of foam block:

  • Due to its light weight, it does not create transportation problems and does not place high demands on the foundation;
  • Fire safety;
  • Sound absorption;
  • Relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of foam block:

  • Fragile structure, requiring special care during transportation;
  • Quite low strength. Often additional strengthening of erected structures is required;
  • Presence of chemical elements in the composition (there are no guarantees in the absence negative influence for health);

This inexpensive and therefore profitable building material can be used during housing construction, but today the sale of cinder blocks has decreased significantly. The thermal conductivity of such walls is high, so insulation cannot be avoided. And together with its greater weight, this makes cinder block less popular than, for example, expanded clay concrete. The latter, at a low cost, has such pleasant characteristics as strength, low thermal conductivity, and environmental friendliness.

Pros of cinder block:

  • Long service life of the finished building;
  • Fire safety;
  • Sound absorption;
  • Does not require high qualifications to work with the material;
  • Resistance to damage from insects, fungus, mold.

Disadvantages of cinder block:

  • Fragile structure, requiring special care during transportation;
  • Requires protection from groundwater and moisture penetration;
  • The hollow type of cinder block will exhibit low levels of sound absorption;
  • Implies the presence of external and internal finishing of buildings.

Advantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • Thanks to high level vapor permeability, naturally regulates indoor humidity;
  • Does not require high qualifications to work with the material;
  • Relatively low time and labor costs for the construction process;
  • Sound absorption;
  • High degree of thermal conductivity;
  • Fire safety;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Resistance to damage from insects, fungus, mold;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • Requires additional thermal insulation;
  • Weak resistance to low temperatures;
  • Requires protection from groundwater and moisture penetration;
  • Prone to the formation of cracks and irregularities during machining;
  • Implies the presence of external and internal finishing of buildings.

Shell rock blocks

The fact that shell rock blocks are very safe materials means that the volume required will have a significant impact on the cost of construction, and the blocks themselves are very fragile. However, based on soundproofing properties and thermal conductivity, it still has a place to be. Some builders use shell rock as an additional layer to help retain heat between brick wall and lukewarm.

Pros of shell rock:

  • High strength;
  • Long service life of the finished building;
  • The ability to protect the air from harmful substances;
  • High thermal insulation performance;
  • Sound absorption;
  • Due to the high level of vapor permeability, it naturally regulates the humidity in the room;
  • Low thermal inertia reduces heating costs;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Cons of shell rock:

  • The need for additional reinforcement during the construction of buildings of 2 floors and above;
  • Different sizes of individual blocks (requires additional time and labor, as well as an increased amount of solution);
  • Possible high cost of delivery;
  • Requires protection from groundwater and moisture penetration.

House made of stone (rubble)

When choosing these energy-efficient consumables, be prepared for high fuel consumption during the first “warm-up” in a long period. In other respects, a house made of stone is strong, warm, and solid.

Advantages of rubble stone:

  • High strength;
  • Long service life of the finished building;
  • Does not require protection from groundwater and moisture penetration;
  • Fire safety;
  • Low temperature resistance;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of rubble stone:

  • The relative high cost of the material;
  • Financially, time- and labor-intensive construction process;
  • Difficulty in transportation due to heavy weight;
  • Difficulties in masonry;
  • The cost of a solid foundation.

Houses made of logs

Despite the advantages of building a country house from timber (low thermal conductivity and cost), it is necessary to remember that wood is prone to shrinkage, which means that even a one-story house made of laminated veneer lumber can change slightly depending on weather conditions. In addition, to build a house from timber or wood, there is a risk in the event of a fire or electrical wiring malfunction, which is eliminated by impregnation (which will increase safety by reducing the environmental friendliness of wood); to ensure heat retention, the thickness of the wood must be at least 40 cm, with a standard thickness of only 25- 30 cm.

Advantages of timber:

  • Does not require external or internal finishing of buildings;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of timber:

  • For fire safety purposes, it must be subjected to special treatment, which reduces environmental friendliness;
  • Difficulties with drying;

Composite panels - best option, which is suitable for those who care about how long it takes to build a residential building. However, you will need to pay well for such new, but not entirely environmentally friendly panels, and also think about sound insulation. The fire resistance of such a house is close to that of a wooden one. Therefore, you will have to choose high-quality composite panels so that such savings do not play a cruel joke on you.

Advantages of SIP panels:

  • High strength;
  • Low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • Highest energy saving rates;
  • Minimum costs of finance, time and labor for construction;
  • Due to its light weight, it does not create transportation problems and does not place high demands on the foundation;

Disadvantages of SIP panels:

  • Fire hazard;
  • Low sound absorption level$
  • Tendency to damage from insects, fungus, mold;
  • Ambiguity in environmental issues.

Frame house

Complete our list panel houses for permanent residence - an innovative and convenient type of construction, requiring very little time, at a convenient cost, even if the thickness of the wall of the frame house is impressive. Frame houses for permanent residence are less durable than brick ones, but with quality work they will last almost as long as a “heavy” one.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • Minimum costs of finance, time and labor for construction;
  • Low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • Due to its light weight, it does not create transportation problems and does not place high demands on the foundation;
  • Ease of interior finishing;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of frame houses:

  • Fire hazard;
  • Low level of sound absorption;
  • Tendency to damage from insects, fungus, mold.

Which house will be warmer?

Calculations and comparisons have shown that houses made from different “heavy” materials used, such as stone, take longer to warm up, but at the same time they have lower heat transfer. This means that such houses are more suitable for permanent residence. And “light” small houses, such as frame or wooden ones, warm up faster and give off heat, so they are better suited as a summer cottage option.

"Heavy" materials:

  • High thermal inertia requires more time to heat the building (but also takes longer to cool down);
  • There is no need for additional insulation;
  • It's hot in summer;
  • More suitable for permanent residence.

"Light" materials:

  • Low thermal inertia (heats up quickly, cools down quickly);
  • Requires insulation;
  • Do not heat up in summer;
  • More suitable for seasonal living (dachas, cottages).

What materials are environmentally friendly?

Choosing materials for building a house is a very responsible task. At correct operation and well-functioning ventilation, any home is not afraid. However, if environmental friendliness is the most necessary or significant factor for you, it is necessary to refuse or significantly limit:

  • Polymers;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Some other harmful types of building materials.

And give preference to eco-materials that nature gave us.

What is cheaper to build a house from?

An important factor in construction is how much money will be needed for it. It is difficult to say what is the cheapest material for building a house.

Buildings made from any “light” materials, for example, wood, are cheaper, but if you want your timber dacha to last for a long time, you shouldn’t even skimp on “light” raw materials.

It turns out that it is more profitable to build an expensive modular house for permanent residence than a “heavy” brick one. Therefore, the overall calculation of how much you will spend depends not only on natural materials, but also on the layout of the house, on the construction of the foundation of the house, the space available for construction, your desires, and budget possibilities.

Comparison table 1

Brick Aerated concrete Foam block cinder block Expanded clay concrete

Read the article to the end and you will find out: what materials are best used today for building the walls of a house, what are their advantages and disadvantages. And also: at the end of the article - interesting reader survey regarding this issue.

Let's figure out what houses are built from nowadays. Or more precisely, what materials are used to build walls. We will present the information “without water” and in a structured manner. First, we will consider the most popular building materials, and then those that are used less frequently.

Of course, each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, we will also talk about this. So…

Popular materials for building walls of a house

There are a lot of them. Let's start with the most proven and reliable option.

Ceramic brick (red)

Made from clay - an environmentally friendly material. Firing gives it a red color and improves its strength properties.

Previously, houses were built mainly from brick. And they performed well. We can say briefly about this material: it is a classic... Time-tested.

Pros of red brick:

  • high strength;
  • reliability;
  • ability long time withstand heavy loads.

Disadvantages of brick:

  • high cost of material;
  • complex and expensive masonry (requires highly qualified workers);
  • relatively large time costs for construction.

Red brick houses are always in price. They are reliable, durable, and warm enough (for wall thicknesses of 60 cm or more). Such a house, after construction, can be sold at a good price after 25 years. Because brick houses and serve for 100 years.

Ceramic blocks (porous ceramics)

Modern material for the walls of the house. Essentially the same red brick, only with numerous voids. It is made by firing the same clay. However, this creates voids in the material, which significantly improves it thermal insulation properties. In addition, sawdust is added to the starting material during production. When fired, they burn out, resulting in the formation of microscopic pores.

Advantages of porous ceramics:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • large-format blocks (laying is done quite quickly);
  • less weight (and therefore less load on the foundation).


  • high price;
  • reduced load-bearing capacity and strength (compared to solid ceramic bricks);
  • increased fragility (especially noticeable during transportation, loading/unloading);
  • easily absorbs moisture.

By the way, relatively strength characteristics One point should be noted... Manufacturers often claim that porous ceramic blocks (used for the construction load-bearing walls) in strength correspond to concrete grade M100. For example, you can often hear that “the strength is the same as that of ordinary solid red brick.” However... in practice this does not always work out. The strength of porous ceramics may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, you need to be vigilant when purchasing.

Despite its shortcomings, this material is now very popular. Used for the construction of luxury houses.

Aerated concrete

The material is a type of cellular concrete. It is made from quartz sand, cement, and special gas generators. In addition, lime, gypsum, as well as slag and other industrial waste are used. The output is a material with an open porous structure (pore diameter is approximately 1...3 mm).

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • small weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of machining;
  • good strength;
  • relatively low price.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  • strongly absorbs moisture (due to the open porous structure);
  • increased fragility (a reliable foundation is required to prevent even small subsidence).

Now the popularity of aerated concrete is at its height. After all, for a relatively low price you can get a warm and quite durable house. Due to the low thermal conductivity, it is possible to build walls that are much thinner than, for example, in the case of red brick. This further reduces the cost of masonry materials. In addition, the cost of labor for workers is noticeably lower. Houses made of aerated concrete are built relatively easily and quickly.

Foam concrete

Also a type of cellular concrete. Unlike aerated concrete, this material has a closed porous structure. It is made from sand, cement, foaming agent and water.

The technology for making foam concrete is quite simple. Production does not require expensive equipment. And it must be said that this fact not only gives a plus, but also adds an important minus: there is a lot of foam concrete on the market manufactured by dubious private companies (handicraft production). Accordingly, the quality of such material cannot be high.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  • light weight;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • ease of processing (easy to drill, saw);
  • Due to its closed porous structure (the pores are closed), foam concrete does not absorb moisture as much as aerated concrete.

Disadvantages of foam concrete:

  • poor vapor permeability (walls “do not breathe”; a good ventilation system is required);
  • almost no bending;
  • Over time, it shrinks significantly (which means cracks may form).

Despite significant disadvantages, foam concrete is used for construction residential buildings. This material is also used for sound and heat insulation - walls, roofs, floors, etc.


Natural material, time-tested. Houses have been built from wood since ancient times. This material has not lost its popularity even today.

Moreover, there are different technologies for constructing wooden houses. So, they can be built from logs ( old method) - when the trunks are cut to the required length, locks and grooves are made in them, and then laid to create walls.

There is also a method of construction from rounded beams. In this case, the logs are processed in production to a smooth surface and marked. In this case, the beams can be planed, sawn, or glued.

Advantages of wood:

  • relatively affordable price(compared to other expensive materials);
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • aesthetic and attractive appearance;
  • no need to build a strong foundation;
  • a fairly long service life (with proper construction and care) - naturally, different types of wood have different wear resistance;
  • ease of machining.

Disadvantages of wood:

Despite the shortcomings, houses built from wood have been and will always be in value. IN wooden house It’s nice to be there, it’s easy to breathe. It is cozy and comfortable. In a word - tree.

Shell rock

This is an absolutely environmentally friendly material of completely natural origin. The rock of this stone is porous, carbonate. It consists of pressed shells. Hence the name - “shell rock” (also called “shell rock”, “limestone”).

Stone can vary in density, shape, type and number of shells that form its base. Accordingly, the strength, aesthetic and other characteristics of different shell rocks can vary greatly.

However, in general, the following can be said about the pros and cons of this stone.

Benefits of shell rock:

  • complete environmental friendliness (exceeds even wood, since it requires impregnation with special protective substances);
  • does not accumulate radiation (usually it is below the sensitivity level of measuring instruments);
  • relatively low price (except for delivery);
  • high speed of construction (for example, it can be cut into blocks measuring 490x240x188 mm);
  • dense stone has quite high strength (suitable for the construction of load-bearing walls).

Disadvantages of shell rock:

  • increased ability to absorb moisture (especially in porous and low-strength stone) - higher than that of ceramic bricks;
  • the dimensions of the blocks are inaccurate, significant deviations are often observed (due to the fact that the blocks are not stamped, but cut out);
  • the thermal conductivity is inferior to brick, aerated concrete, wood and some other materials;
  • heterogeneity in density and strength is often observed (the material is completely of natural origin).

People's attitude towards this stone is ambiguous. In some regions, most houses are built from this stone. In others, they practically do not build due to existing significant shortcomings and give preference to other building materials for the construction of walls. Of course, this is also due to the fact that delivering stone to some regions can be expensive and unprofitable.

Other building materials for wall construction

Now let's list what is used less often. Moreover, there are also advantages here.

Expanded clay concrete

It is made by pressing from a mixture of water, sand, cement and expanded clay (which is made from clay). Additionally, the blocks can have voids of different volumes and shapes (for example, rectangular, cylindrical).

Masonry is usually done using reinforcing mesh (every 3-4 rows).

Advantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good strength (higher than, for example, aerated concrete);
  • relatively low price;
  • environmentally friendly (in fact, the basis is clay);
  • small mass (due to the presence of porous and lightweight material- expanded clay);
  • The manufacturing technology is quite simple (you can make it yourself);
  • durability (time-tested);
  • good vapor permeability (walls “breathe”).

Disadvantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • Increased water absorption (needs waterproofing, protection from external atmospheric influences);
  • A solid foundation is required;
  • The presence of cold bridges (thin seams are problematic to make due to significant deviations in the size of the blocks);
  • There is “handicraft” material of low quality (due to the simplicity of the manufacturing technology).

It should also be noted that expanded clay concrete is quite versatile. Suitable for the construction of load-bearing walls in low-rise construction, as well as for the construction of partitions, floors, and ceilings. This material is often used simply as insulation.


Refers to lightweight concrete. Another name is also used - arbolite blocks. Cement, water, organic fillers, and chemical additives are used for production. Moreover, various materials can be used as fillers (80-90% of the total volume) - wood chips (often), flax or hemp seeds, cotton stalks, etc.

Chemical additives are used to eliminate the negative impact of organic matter on the cement hardening process. These can be: liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate, etc.

Advantages of wood concrete:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity (you can do without insulation);
  • good fire resistance (does not support combustion, and when exposed to fire it only chars);
  • speed of construction of walls (blocks of sufficiently large sizes);
  • high bending strength (has the ability to restore shape after exposure to loads - due to the presence of wood particles);
  • a strong foundation is not required (as, for example, for aerated concrete);
  • You can easily screw screws into walls and hammer nails (they hold securely).

Disadvantages of wood concrete:

  • protection from moisture is required (due to the presence of organic substances in the composition);
  • in some regions the material is difficult to find;
  • the price may be clearly inflated by the manufacturer (this is why making wood concrete with your own hands is popular).

In general, we can say that this is a pretty good building material for building walls. Moreover, if desired, you can make it yourself.

Used for low-rise buildings (usually up to 3 floors). These can be both residential buildings and commercial buildings.

cinder block

This stone is produced by vibration pressing or the natural shrinkage of slag concrete mortar is used. The binder is cement, the filler is metallurgical slag.

However, it must be immediately emphasized that currently all stones that are made by vibration pressing from concrete mortar are considered to be cinder blocks. In addition to slag, the following can also be used as filler: granite screenings, broken bricks, hardened cement, broken glass, etc.

In this case, the resulting blocks can be either solid or with voids (which in turn can be different shapes and size).

Pros of cinder block:

  • does not burn;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • long service life (about 100 years);
  • affordable price;
  • good sound insulation;
  • retains heat well (due to the porous structure), although in this regard it is inferior to some other materials (for example, aerated concrete);
  • high strength;
  • building walls is simpler than, for example, laying bricks (the size of the blocks is much larger).

Disadvantages of cinder block:

  • Hygroscopic (capable of absorbing moisture by 75%) - waterproofing is needed;
  • The walls still need insulation;
  • The composition may contain substances of dubious origin that can have a toxic effect on the human body (production waste makes itself felt);
  • the environmental friendliness of the blocks depends on the integrity of the manufacturer;
  • the high strength of the material makes it difficult to lay cables and pipes in it;
  • the walls have an unpresentable appearance (therefore finishing is required).

In general, we can say that cinder block is a good material for building walls. It is also used for laying foundations and constructing partitions.

However, many are stopped by the question of harmfulness. Therefore, for residential buildings they often prefer to use other options - brick, aerated concrete, etc. A cinder block is for outbuildings, garages, fences.

Building materials for house walls: draw conclusions

As you can see, today the market offers many options to solve this issue. You can build a house the way you want - not only according to appearance, but also in terms of thermal insulation, strength and other characteristics.

So choose optimal material for building the walls of the house and... for work.

And now, as promised, a survey among our readers.


What is the best material to build the walls of a house from? How do you think?