Potato planting calendar. Planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar - criticism of the method and the correct calculation of favorable days When to plant potatoes

The second month of spring, as you know, is dedicated to a very diverse and fascinating processes: pruning and processing trees, cleaning flower beds and lawns, taking special care of seedlings and preparing a place for their future planting. The lunar calendar for the gardener for April 2016 is real lifebuoy for all gardeners. With its help, it is easy to determine the best days for replanting, tying bushes, preventing diseases and pests, feeding and removing all shelters from heat-loving plants.

But even information from sowing calendars is far from unambiguous. The presence of the Moon in a particular constellation is of great importance. After all, each sign of the zodiac is considered suitable and unfavorable for certain types of work in the garden and garden:

  1. Sagittarius - tillage, watering and fertilization
  2. Capricorn - planting grain and root crops, harvesting
  3. Aquarius - picking vegetables, berries, fruits, ban on planting and transplanting
  4. Fish - planting plants, harvesting conservation for the winter
  5. Aries - caring for the garden and garden, cleaning the backyard area
  6. Taurus - planting shrubs, flowers and vegetables from seedlings
  7. Gemini - Planting Legumes, Harvesting
  8. Cancer - planting any crops without restrictions
  9. Lion - it is forbidden to plant, you can make any manipulations to care for plants
  10. Virgo - cleaning the territory, taking care of equipment
  11. Scales - maximum planting of any crops
  12. Scorpio - pruning, transplanting, tying, weeding, etc.

For seedlings

Throughout April, you can sow vegetable seeds for seedlings in warm greenhouses in order to later plant in open ground... It can be tomatoes early varieties white cabbage and cauliflower, kohlrabi, sweet black onion.

This is the requirement

If you decide to grow a radish, you have to consider its "weaknesses".

The main one is that he has an underdeveloped root system... In this regard, it is necessary to strictly monitor soil moisture, especially when forming root crops. It is necessary to water the radishes in two to three days, and in dry hot weather - every day, at the rate of 5-8 liters of water per square meter.

Let's add lime

If the soil on the site is acidic, and it is necessary to plant crops on it that do not like such acidity, you can add slaked lime - no more than a quarter of the required amount. This should be done two weeks before sowing or planting.

The rest of the lime will need to be applied in the fall.


At the very beginning of the growing season, it is advisable to feed sorrel and onion with urea (5-6 g per square meter). Rhubarb, along with this fertilizer, is embedded in soil and humus. They also mulch the garden around the plants.

We are in no hurry

In the first half of April, as soon as the soil warms up, you can sow carrots, parsley, scorzoner, parsnips, turnips, early beets in bunches, as well as summer radishes, peas, beans, sunflowers. It's time for greens: dill, cilantro, various salads, mustard leaves.

If the beds are ready, you can plant seeds in them. chinese cabbage, radish.

Protecting the gooseberry

Spring processing will not harm gooseberry bushes, especially those affected powdery mildew... Immediately after flowering, they should be sprayed with a solution. baking soda (50 g soda and 50 g laundry soap on a bucket of water) or mullein infusion (part of manure, three parts of water, stand for three days, then dilute with three parts of water and strain).

And then this treatment must be repeated two or three more times with an interval of a week and a half.

Will be early

Sowing cucumbers in a film greenhouse, find a place there for a couple of long bushes chinese cucumbers... They are picky and bear fruit from spring to autumn - only manage to pick the greens in time.

Will become bitter

Do not plant carrots near an apple tree, and melons next to cucumbers - all the fruits will taste bitter. It is better to grow melon next to radishes, and carrots interspersed with onions or garlic. You can mix oat root with it when sowing.

Cruciferous fleas

These insects damage young leaves of radish, lettuce, spinach, beets, cabbage. To protect plants from cruciferous flea, it is necessary, firstly, to weed the beds from the weed in time - the pest multiplies and feeds on it. And secondly, you need to sprinkle young leaves with ash or a mixture of ash and shredded tobacco (1: 1). This processing is carried out twice.

Water on time

Outdoor vegetables are best watered in the afternoon to avoid excess moisture loss through evaporation.

In foil and glazed greenhouses, watering should be carried out in the morning and avoid watering in evening time, so as not to create excess moisture and the formation of water droplets at night on plants, which is especially dangerous for crops at low night temperatures.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month April in 2016

Unfavorable days for planting: 2, 3, 4 (until 8:49), 7, 14 (from 16:55), 15, 16, 22, 29 (from 11:50), 30.

April 1... Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn - Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, root parsley, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke, beets and other root crops, flowers

April 2... Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn / Aquarius (4:42) - Care for seedlings, garden and vegetable garden

April, 4... Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius / Pisces (8:49) - Rhubarb, onions, dill, sorrel, spinach and other green

6 april... Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces / Aries (3:53) - Sowing radishes, carrots, Chinese radish and other root crops

7 april - Annunciation... Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries, new moon - Maintenance of the garden and vegetable garden

April 8 and 9... Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries / Taurus (from 9:11 on the 8th) - Tomatoes, peppers, all types of cabbage, eggplants, planting flower seedlings, rhubarb rhizomes

April 10 and 11... Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Taurus / Gemini (from 9:00 on the 10th) - Sowing and planting legumes and ornamental climbing plants, colors. Sowing watercress and spinach for greens

April 12 and 13... Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini / Cancer (from 11:09 on the 12th) - Planting seedlings of cauliflower and broccoli, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, sunflowers, sowing greens, beans, corn, melons. Vaccinations, feeding trees and shrubs

14th of April... Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer / Leo (16:55) - From 16:55 - care for seedlings

April 15 and 16... Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo - Garden and vegetable garden care

April 17 and 18... Sunday and Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Leo / Virgo (from 2:24 on the 17th) - Dill, sorrel, lettuce and other greens, seedlings of trees and shrubs, flowers

April 19... Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo / Libra (14:23) - Until 14:23 - green, seedlings of trees and shrubs, flowers

20 April... Wednesday. The moon in the zodiac sign Libra - Onions on greens, planting of seedlings of cauliflower and late cabbage, watermelons, rhubarb, melons. Sowing cucumbers, pumpkins, squash

The 21st of April... Thursday. The moon in the zodiac sign Libra - Onions on greens, planting of seedlings of cauliflower and late cabbage, watermelons, rhubarb, melons. Sowing cucumbers, pumpkins, squash

April 22... Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra / Scorpio (3:18), full moon - Maintenance of the garden and vegetable garden

April 23 and 24 - Palm Sunday ... Saturday and Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio / Sagittarius (from 15:48 on the 24th) - Planting seedlings of broccoli and cauliflower, eggplant, sweet pepper, squash, zucchini, sunflower, sowing greens, beans, beans, corn, alfalfa. Planting seedlings of raspberries, currants, rose hips, rooting strawberry whiskers

April 25 and 26... Monday and Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius - Radishes, onions, cauliflower and red cabbage, planting rooted strawberry mustaches

April 27... Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius / Capricorn (2:55) - Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, root parsley, beets, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke and other root vegetables, flowers

28 april... Thursday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn - Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, root parsley, beets, horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke and other root crops, ornamental plants

April 29... Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn / Aquarius (11:50) - From 11:50 - care of seedlings and garden

Gardener lunar calendar for April 2016 for Belarus and Ukraine

On the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, from the beginning of April, the time comes for mass sowing of seedlings for open ground and greenhouses. The green plants available at this time in the greenhouses begin to be cleaned to make room for seedlings intended for the beds in the garden. Also in the middle of spring you can start sowing radishes, carrots, peas and beans. If the soil has warmed up enough in the garden, you should start planting sprouted potatoes. Prevention of the occurrence of diseases and the appearance of pests is carried out until the buds appear on bushes and trees.

The exact work schedule for summer residents of Ukraine and Belarus for April 2016 is compiled in the lunar calendar:

  • 01.04 - 02.04 - sowing radishes, parsley and lettuce in a greenhouse
  • 03.04 - 04.04 - loosening the soil, watering the plants
  • 05.04 - 06.04 - sowing cabbage, fertilizing
  • 07.04 - crushing and preparation of compost
  • 08.04 - 09.04 - planting cucumber seedlings, sowing early ripening tomatoes
  • 10.04 - replanning of landings
  • 11.04 - 12.04 - clearing the site from weeds, picking seedlings
  • 13.04 - 14.04 - care of seedlings, fertilization, watering
  • 15.04 - 16.04 - preparation of seedlings for planting in the ground
  • 17.04 - 18.04 - loosening the soil, preparing the site for planting seedlings
  • 19.04 - 20.04 - sowing flowers, lettuce, asparagus
  • 04.21 - sowing medium-ripe varieties of cabbage
  • 04.22 - an unfavorable day for manipulating plants
  • 23.04 - 24.04 - watering seedlings and indoor plants
  • 25.04 - 26.04 - preparation of the site for planting potatoes
  • 04/27 - 04/28 - sowing onions, spinach, parsley, start planting potatoes
  • 04.29 - 04.30 - thinning sunrises, removing weeds

Potatoes are grown in most of the territory of our country, not only because one cannot live without this vegetable, as much as out of habit, which they have inherited from their ancestors! The peculiarities of the cultivation of this crop are directly related to the peculiarities of the climate prevailing in a particular zone, from the variety that grows most successfully in these places, and, of course, from caring for the plant!

Along with this, gardeners piously believe in the traditions of their ancestors and try to plant and process potato seedlings strictly on favorable days for such matters! If we turn to superstition, then we can find out that it is best to plant such a root crop as potatoes at a time when the satellite of the Earth - the Moon enters the sign of Capricorn! Well, how can you find out, you ask ?!

Experienced summer residents, and those who have someone to tell you, are well guided by folk signs and Orthodox church holidays, remembering this or that feature on a specific day, further comparing it with the planting of fertile crops, including potatoes. However, the simpler people are guided by the "calendars of the summer resident", the "lunar calendars of the gardener", which are kindly compiled especially for us by experts who understand this matter!

Auspicious days in April 2016 for planting potatoes

For 2016, a lot of work and research has already been carried out about which days will be the most favorable for planting potatoes in the month of April. Professionals have studied the features in detail leap year, every April day and tell us the following about this: planting potatoes should be done only on the 1st, 27th and 28th. The rest of the days of April in 2016 are less favorable for such undertakings.

If weather will be supportive to you these days, and it will be possible to plant potatoes in open ground on these dates, then you can be absolutely sure that your planting will be less susceptible to disease and pest attack. As for the tubers themselves, they will be formed in a timely manner, correctly, giving a full-fledged rich harvest, which will last until next summer without problems!

If for some reason you did not have time to plant potatoes in April, then try to plant them on auspicious May days, which fall on the 6th, 24th and 25th this year! The harvest will also be excellent, despite the fact that you will be slightly late with planting! However, do not worry about this, a week back and forth will not give anything, the main thing is that the date is suitable!

What happens if you plant potatoes on an unfavorable day?

It just so happened that 2016 is a leap year. This is the year that does not promise to be fertile and successful for the growth of most crops and potatoes are no exception! Therefore, if, nevertheless, there are no obstacles for this, then planting is best done only on favorable days.

If you did not manage to use auspicious date, you need to organize proper care for seedlings, fertilize in a timely manner and perhaps even water the potato bushes. The harvest, perhaps, will not please you as much as you would like, but the year will certainly not be "hungry" for potatoes!

ATTENTION! This is an archive page, currently relevant:

Gardener lunar calendar 2016 - Planting tomato seedlings, sowing cucumbers

May 2016

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal made for the convenience of planning work related to work on the beds. Garden strawberries are present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view the works related to it in the "garden" section of the calendar.

May decorates the forest, summer awaits guests.

May is the most favorable time for planting most plants. IN middle lane In Russia, cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground at the beginning of the month: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic. In the middle of the month, onion sets are planted, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, potatoes. Seedlings of pumpkin crops are grown. According to weather conditions, seedlings are planted in May different types cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spicy and medicinal plants.

On a note: Abundant watering helps plants to survive the spring night frosts, which still occur in May - moistened soil brings heat to the surface from its deeper uncooled layers, and moisture-saturated air cools down more slowly - excess steam condenses and releases heat. Watering can increase the temperature in the surface air layer by 2-3 degrees.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time... (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

The gardener's lunar calendar is made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to accommodate your comments. For suggestions, please contact

Add-ons based on forum reviews:

Lunar calendar 2016 - I suggest making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information on these columns.

May :
Folk signs about the weather in May:
There are two colds in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak is blooming.
If there is a lot of rain in May, then it is not enough in September.
For wet May - dry June.
Cold May is a grain-growing year.

Based on one rather interesting folk signs, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

May - best month for planting and transplanting all types of plants. First of all, carefully examine the seedlings. If the leaves began to curl downward, and the leaf blades are bent or become convex, then they settled on spider mite... Aphids may appear on pepper seedlings. We urgently need to process the seedlings, and at the same time the indoor plants with Fitoverm or Healthy Garden.

Tomato and pepper seedlings are planted in May. Cucumbers are planted in open and protected ground. The first harvest of greens and radishes is harvested.

Lunar landing calendar for May.Brief recommendations on what to do with the Waxing and Waning Moon in May, landing days in May:

1st of May - Effective spraying fruit trees and shrubs against diseases and pests, as well as spraying with growth stimulants and preparations to improve the fruit formation of flowering fruit trees and berry bushes.

May 2 - Vegetables sown on that day will be unusable. Possible, but not the most favorable time for re-sowing lettuce, spinach, dill. Good time for irrigation, root and foliar dressing vegetable crops.

May 3 - Treat the strawberries (removing old and yellowed leaves, loosening, feeding with mullein and complex fertilizer). A planted mustache is great to root.

May 4th - Aries' barren day from 09.12. It is possible to carry out sanitary pruning of frozen ornamental crops. Removal of overgrowth from fruit trees. Removing unnecessary strawberry whiskers that reduce yields.

May 7 - Plant seedlings of mid- and late-ripening varieties and hybrids of white cabbage and cauliflower in open and protected ground. Planting of flower seedlings is possible. Planted in the sign of Taurus, they have increased stamina. Favorable time for planting the next batch of non-shooting varieties and hybrids. Sowing beet seeds. The best time to fertilize root crops, garlic and onions. Take care of planting and replanting ornamental shrubs.

May 8 - The sign of Gemini is very favorable for transplanting roses. Transplantation and division of faded small-bulbous flowers.

May 9 - Division of perennial rhizomes flower plants, their propagation by cuttings and layering. A favorable period for planting, dividing and transplanting flowers. It is useful to feed the flowers.

May 10 - The growing moon in Cancer. Will well transfer the transfer to permanent place any seedlings.

  • sowing,
  • landing,
  • transplants,
  • vaccinations,
  • fertilizing trees,
  • shrubs,
  • vegetables (except root vegetables).

Favorable time for repeated sowing of lettuce, dill, spinach in open ground.

12 May - Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers of all upward plants:

  • ornamental beans,
  • hops,
  • maiden grapes,
  • climbing rose, etc.

may 13 - Collected during this period medicinal herbs will have the greatest strength, especially herbs that stimulate the heart. Loosening, hilling, mulching, composting.

May 14 - After 09.50, it is possible to sow annual fast-growing flowers, if you didn't manage to do this earlier. Transplant indoor flowers.

May 15Perfect timing for planting ornamental plants and structures, flower beds, sowing, etc .; planted green cuttings will take root well.

May 17 - Possible, but not the most favorable time for planting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses and hotbeds. Outdoor planting of cauliflower, leeks, sorrel, broccoli.

  • white cabbage,
  • dill,
  • sorrel,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkins,
  • squash
  • and potatoes not for storage (planting potatoes on lunar calendar in May 2016).

May 21st - Complete the open field planting started the day before. Indoor flower transplant.

22nd of May - Full moon at 01.16. If you are not going to store your crop for a long time, then you can collect early vegetables (radish, spinach, etc.).

May, 23rd - Place supports under the branches of fruit trees, build fences around bushes. The day is suitable for loosening the soil, spraying, pest control.

May 24 - We are engaged in weeding, hilling, cultivating the soil. A good time to fertilize root crops and potatoes.

May 25 - An auspicious day for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers in greenhouses and hotbeds.

26 of May - Root feeding of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage until 18.25.

May 29 - A good time to root the strawberry whiskers or replant the rooted rosettes to a new location. On this day, you need to water the plants and weeding.

May 30 - It is best to sow vegetables from vegetables that immediately go to the table or for canning and freezing. Vegetables sown on these days will not be suitable for storage. Strawberry whiskers take root well.

May 31 - The sign of Aries. A barren day. Effectively carrying out spraying of all fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases.

In May, gardeners and truck farmers have a very busy calendar of work: sowing vegetables: carrots, peas, corn and flowers, feeding perennials, planting seedlings of tomatoes and peppers in the ground. The most favorable days in May Lunar sowing calendar 2016 - 1-2, 5, 7-12, 16-21.

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Sowing vegetables and flowers under the film and in the ground according to the lunar calendar 2016
In early May, early varieties of white cabbage, watermelons, pumpkin, melons, zucchini, squash, cucumbers and thermophilic annuals: asters, nasturtium, zinnias and marigolds (taghetes) are sown for seedlings in tunnel shelters and under a film for planting in open ground.
In the third decade of the month, decorative perennials and annuals are sown in open ground: godetia, clarkia, calendula, cosmea, lavatera, poppy, nasturtium, tagetes and eschsholzia.

Best timing for sowing and planting vegetables in May 2016 according to the Lunar sowing calendar

  • watermelons and pumpkins - 16–20, melons can still be planted at 9–11.

In the south: south of the Voronezh and Tambov regions, watermelons can be grown by direct sowing of watermelon seeds into the ground. In the middle lane and to the north, watermelons are grown only by seedlings, which are sown in the first decade of May. 25-30 day old seedlings of watermelons are planted in greenhouses, under film shelters, less often in open ground. Therefore, when sowing seedlings of watermelons in the Moscow region this year, one should focus on conditionally favorable days: 5 (after 15.12), 6, 8, 9 and 10 May;
  • zucchini, zucchini and squash: 16–20;

  • peas, beans, beans: 21;

  • root vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips: 1–2, 5, 29–30;

  • cabbage: white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli: 9–11;

  • corn, parsley, lettuce, leafy celery and leafy cabbage: 9-11, 24;

  • cucumbers: 9–11;

  • turnip onions: 19–20;

  • leeks and garlic: 23

  • conditionally favorable days when you can plant crops with ground fruits: 9-11, 14-20.

The best days in May 2016 for sowing annual flowers according to the lunar sowing calendar
  • for summer people: godetia, sweet pea, nasturtium and other most favorable days of the month: 7–8 (these days, be careful with watering crops);

  • conditionally favorable days for sowing flowers: 12-13, 14 (from 10 to 13), 15 (after 14.30), 16-20, 24;

  • for biennial crops: viola, daisies, mallow: 19–20;

  • for sowing and picking: 12 and 13.

When to plant seedlings of vegetables according to the lunar calendar 2016
In early May, plant seedlings of cold-resistant vegetables in the ground under lutrasil, film or other shelter: white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, root celery and March-sown leeks. Seedlings grown in an apartment must be hardened a month before planting in open ground. To do this, after the dive, the room is regularly ventilated so that the seedlings get used to the low temperatures. For 1–2 weeks before planting in the ground, you can leave the window open overnight. If the weather permits, it is advisable to put the planting boxes on the balcony in order to accustom the plants to direct sunlight and wind.
The optimal time for planting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in polycarbonate greenhouses and under film shelters in the middle lane is about May 15. It is too late to plant seedlings in late May or early June - the plants do not have time to give up their entire potential harvest.

May 16-18, on the growing moon in Libra, you can land early ripening vegetable cropshowever, be careful with watering these days. It is also favorable lunar days for planting, dividing and transplanting all perennial flowers.

Auspicious days for planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers in greenhouses and open ground according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2016

  • peppers and tomatoes: 9-11, conditionally favorable days: 7-8, 12-13, 14 (from 10 to 13), 15 (after 14.30), 16-21;

  • cucumbers: 21, conditionally favorable: 7-13 and 14 (from 10 to 13), 15 (after 14.30), 16-20;

  • seedlings of annual flowers: godetia, zinnia, annual aster: 7–8, 14 (from 10 to 13), 15 (after 14.30), 16–20;

  • seedlings of climbing flowers: kobea, morning glory, sweet pea, nasturtium: 7–8, 21.

Planting, dividing and transplanting perennial flowers according to the lunar calendar 2016
The best day of the month for planting perennials according to the Lunar Sowing Calendar 2016: May 7 and 8, on the Growing Moon in Gemini. However, on this day it is better to refrain from watering the garden. Water only newly planted and divided flowers.
Garden and flower garden care in May 2016 according to the Lunar sowing calendar
In May, it is necessary to start caring for the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden (weeding, loosening, watering). It is better to loosen the land after watering: vegetables - between the rows to a depth of 1-2 cm. Watering can be combined with feeding (organic and mineral fertilizers). Planting is useful to mulch. Thickened shoots of beets, carrots and radishes must be thinned out.
Terms of garden works in May according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2016
  • cuttings:

  • mulching and weeding vegetables and flowers: 3–4, 19–20, 24–25, 28–28;

  • watering - any day, except for: 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30;

  • feeding: 3–5, 22–26, 31;

  • applying dry dressing: 7–8;

  • processing from diseases and pests: 3-5, 12-13, 22, 24-25, 31.

Berry care according to the lunar sowing calendar 2016

In May, the beds with strawberries need care: renewal of bushes, loosening, feeding, treatment from diseases and pests. For planting strawberries, it is best to choose May 7-8 or 19-20. When planting on May 7-8, be careful with watering, this is a difficult day, dangerous for the development of root rot and other diseases caused by excessive waterlogging. But for weeding, loosening and mulching berry bushes and garden strawberry the most favorable days in 2016 are 3–6, 19–20, 24–28 May, you can feed it - 3–4, 22–26, 31 May.
To protect against diseases and pests berry bushes must be processed before flowering, according to the lunar calendar, favorable days of the month when the treatment will bring the maximum effect is 3-5, 12-13, 22, 24-25, 31 May.
Care orchard in May according to the gardener's lunar calendar 2016
May begins wide sale seedlings in containers. They can be planted throughout the season, but most interesting varieties run out quickly, so it's better not to delay with the purchase. In May 2016, one of better days to go to the garden center you will have to go on the 7th, in addition, on May 7 you can plant perennial flowers and any trees and shrubs.
In May, the formation and pruning, planting and transplanting of trees and shrubs, as well as soil cultivation in the tree-trunk circles, are completed in the garden. This is the optimal time for grafting: it is done at the stage of active movement of sap in the tree. If worth cold weather and the buds on the trees have not yet blossomed, treatment can be carried out to protect the orchard against diseases and pests. Spray the garden in the morning when the temperature is no higher than + 10 ° C. Repeat the procedure after 5-7 days if necessary. Water during dry periods of the month.
Auspicious days for gardening according to the lunar sowing calendar 2016
  • planting trees and shrubs: 5, 7–8, 16–18, 20;

  • can not be planted: 22–23, 25–30;

  • pruning trees and shrubs: 3–6, 19–23;

  • cannot be trimmed: 1-2, 9-11 and 29-30;

  • mulching and weeding trunk circle: 3–6, 19– 20, 24–28, 31;

  • watering - on any day, except for: 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30;

  • feeding with complex fertilizers fruit and ornamental crops: 3-5, 22-26, 31;

  • top dressing with dry fertilizer: 7–8;

  • treatment for diseases and pests: 3–5, 12–13, 22, 24–25.

Lawn care in May according to the Lunar Sowing Calendar 2016
The main secret of a good lawn is timely care... Mow the grass for the first time when it reaches a height of 7–8 cm. After the first mow, apply top dressing. Water the lawn as needed during dry periods, but this should not be done on dangerous lunar days, as this can provoke the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of mold and moss on the lawn.
Favorable days for working with the lawn according to the lunar sowing calendar 2016
  • sowing lawn grass: 14-15 and 24;

  • lawn mowing: 1–2, 9–11, 26–30;

  • lawn feeding: 7–8; conditionally favorable days for feeding: 3–5, 22–26, 31;

  • mulching and removing weeds from the lawn (dandelions, coltsfoot and others): 3-4, 19-20, 24-25, 28-28;

  • watering - any day, except for: 1-2, 7-8, 16-18, 29-30.

Frosts are quite possible in the middle lane until May 15, less often frosts occur even in early June. Therefore, when sowing in the ground and planting seedlings, be guided not only by the lunar sowing calendar, but also by weather conditions. For other work that needs to be done in May, read our materials:

Care indoor plants in May according to the lunar sowing calendar of the grower in 2016

In May, it is advisable to put indoor plants on a balcony or loggia. It is advisable to spray many crops with plain water more often and, if possible, arrange a light shower, water and feed at least 2 times more often than in winter.

Auspicious days for working with indoor plants in May 2016

planting, transplanting and dividing indoor flowers: 7-8, 24. You can also transplant - 16-20;
transferficuses, hibiscus and other large plants: 5, 7–8, 16–18, 20;
plant, transplant and divide cannot be – 6;
planting bulbous and corms: begonias, gloxinia, etc. - 1–2;
planting succulents and cacti: 12–13;
cuttings: 14 (from 10 to 13), 15 (after 14.30);
watering: on any day except 1-2, 16-18 and 29-30;
top dressing with dry fertilizer: 7–8;
spraying against diseases and pests: 3–5, 12–13, 22, 24–25, 31.