Useful indoor plants that should be in every home. Catalog of the best indoor flowers with photos and names

For the first time to grow in pots or greenhouses unusual and flowering plants became in the era of the great geographical discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photographs and names of which in paper form can be placed in several cabinets, is a passionate hobby of millions of people around the world.

Photos and names of decorative home flowers

Ornamental plants are valued for flowers of various shapes and colors, unusual foliage, a variety of forms, including erect, creeping and ampelous, herbaceous and tree-like. Indoor flowers can be of local origin and come from the most remote corners of the world. Such plants differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, require different conditions of maintenance and care.

Someone is keen on succulents, someone is more interested in watching the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all types of home flowers, their photos and names, short catalog will be a great help when choosing a "green pet" to your liking.


An evergreen shrub that easily tolerates crown formation, blooming in late spring and mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids of indoor flowers prefer partial shade, are responsive to care, giving their owner a mass of white, yellow, pink, crimson "bells" up to 10-12 cm in diameter.

To recuperate, the plant needs a cool wintering at 12-15 degrees.


The photo and the name of this house flower in a pot became famous thanks to the famous film "Leon". Today, the herbaceous perennial is popular due to the variegated leathery foliage of the broad-lanceolate shape and unpretentiousness when kept in indoor conditions.

In the color of the leaves different types and varieties are present not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple colors.


Ferns are not uncommon among domestic plants. Herbaceous evergreen crops attract attention with carved fronds and endurance. One of the most popular ferns is the maidenhair, whose young fronds are gracefully folded and have a pinkish-cream color. In the house, the flower needs partial shade and cool maintenance in the winter.


These houseplants with flowers of white, pink, purple color, not all growers obey. But with the creation of the right conditions and constant attention, medium-sized shrubs, related, delight with generous flowering and long life at home.


Among the many types of indoor flowers, there are many cultures belonging to the Aroid family. People from the tropics of the Southern Hemisphere invariably amaze with the splendor of the greenery and the variety of forms.

When you come across a photo of decorative home flowers with the name "alocasia", it is easy to see how these plants differ externally. And this is not surprising, because several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, are unpretentious decorative leafy crops appreciated by amateur flower growers.


Unlike alocasia, which loves moisture, all species are succulents that can survive drought thanks to the water accumulated in the succulent leaves. Aloe tree-like or agave is more often grown as home flowers. The plant, up to one and a half meters high, is decorated with long leaves up to 30 cm long, set on the edges with thorns.

The value of the plant is in its non-capricious disposition and healing juice, which has an emollient, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- another representative of the extensive Aroid family, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant are an underground stem, pointed-heart-shaped dense leaves held on high erect petioles, and inflorescences-cobs, decorated with bright bedspreads up to 15 centimeters long. The modified leaf is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


A related culinary delicacy, asparagus, as a houseplant, has an unpretentious disposition, vigorous growth and a long pot life. Several species of this culture, thanks to the needle-like foliage, ampelous or bush-like shape, have long earned the respect and love of flower growers. The decorative effect of the plant is complemented by a rare but memorable flowering. White flowers collected in a brush are small, but fragrant. After their wilting, red, rounded berries are formed.


From South-East Asia- this is an ornamental deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is large wide-lanceolate leaves up to 80 cm long. In catalogs, among the photos of indoor flowers with the name "aspidistra", you can find specimens with variegated leaves decorated with white or yellowish stripes. Flowers of this species are inconspicuous and even invisible. Corollas reddish-brown or purple in color appear near the ground.


Home flowers in pots, in the photo, are popularly called "Vanka Wet" or "touchy". , which has settled down on the windowsills of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. An extremely unpretentious plant due to the presence of a mass of varieties, it is ready to please the grower with the flowering of simple and double flowers of the most different shades.


Begonia is a rare plant with decorative leaves and flowers. There are more than 1000 cultivated varietal and hybrid forms in the world that are actively used for gardening in the house and outside. Domestic flowers can differ in the way of reproduction, be bush or ampelous, bloom seasonally or constantly.

Connoisseurs of decorative deciduous crops highly appreciate the bright, unlike anything else greenery of these unpretentious, fast-growing flowers.

Indoor geranium (pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundantly and long blooming, Pelargonium is an ideal indoor flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, lends itself to formation, if necessary, renews and reproduces without problems vegetatively. And a sea of ​​varieties of various shapes and colors will help create a unique atmosphere in the house and decorate the interior.


Perennial, related to garden mallows and, in Russian conditions, took root as a houseplant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. At proper care and abundance of food is distinguished by enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly pleases with the appearance of spectacular red, pink, coral flowers.


The bulbous perennial is popular for its easy maintenance and incredibly vibrant bloom. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm tall, peduncles with several simple or double flowers. The color of the corollas depends on the variety and can be variegated, white, pink, scarlet or deep crimson. The leaves form a fur-bearing basal rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In autumn, this type of indoor flower begins a dormant period that lasts several months and requires dry, cool storage of the bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same exquisite "soft" oval-shaped leaves are characteristic features of the home flower of gloxinia. A tuberous plant with a winter dormant period for flowering requires long daylight hours, nutritious soil and a wide pot.

Above one rosette of leaves, several dozen spectacular flowers of all shades from white to deep purple can flaunt at the same time.


Guzmania attracts itself thanks to the bright foliage bordering a not so noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, which begins after 3 years of the planting field and lasts up to 3 months, means the imminent death of the mother plant, which should be replaced by the basal daughter rosettes.


An ornamental deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious, stands out for its high growth rate and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, at home the flower with the name shown in the photo in a pot should receive enough moisture, heat, nutrition and a lot of bright, but diffused light.


Accustomed in nature to truly "Spartan" conditions, the dracaena is not capricious in the apartment. Several varieties are grown as house flowers, eventually forming a "tree" with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or variegated foliage at the top.


Zamioculcas is a tuberous plant from the Aroid family that is often found in the collections of flower growers keen on evergreen decorative deciduous crops. An unpretentious indoor flower from 50 to 150 cm in height forms several powerful dense stems covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Mature plants, when properly cared for, form milky-white cob inflorescences.


Encyclopedias and catalogs of indoor and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with this name are often included in the list of decorative and medicinal crops. We are talking about different related species, interesting and remarkable in their own way.

The common features of all varieties are simplicity, rapid growth, easy reproduction by all available vegetative methods and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze with the splendor of flowering, and the viviparous species of Kalanchoe will help to cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizome plant with a powerful root rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful peduncle with bright orange-yellow corollas gathered at the top in an umbrella. At home, flowers last more than 3 weeks.


Arrowroot is a low, often creeping or ampelous perennial with decorative foliage, combining shades of light and dark greens, purple and pink, white and brownish tones on one leaf plate.

Euphorbia Mil

Euphorbia Mila in Russia is better known as the "crown of thorns". This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In a pot, a succulent with a tough stem covered with long thorns and a bunch of leaves at the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant is completed by small inflorescences, bordered by bright bracts, in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieria or "mother-in-law's language" has been a regular on window sills for many years. Unassuming home flower popular for its tough foliage, with a variegated pattern or light border.

- one of the most common indoor flowers, but a cylindrical variety with pointed, erect leaves original form only gains adherents.

Fat woman

The decorative house flowers in the photo owe their name to the fleshy, coin-like leaves. The fat woman or "money tree" is an excellent home plant that even a beginner can take care of. In terms of endurance and easy reproduction, the flower can only be compared with the Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf will soon take root and give rise to a new plant.


Tradescantia is an excellent ampelous flower for home growing. The plant is distinguished by its rapid growth, high decorativeness, unpretentiousness and light agricultural technology. The presence of varieties with variegated foliage of different shades allows you to create unique compositions using one crop. hygrophilous, amenable to crown formation and easily takes root, in water or on the ground.


Phalaenopsis or "butterfly-like" flower. This most popular orchid in nature is the epiphyte. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. Relatively easy care behind phalaenopsis allows a novice orchid lover to master all the features of these ornamental plants.

Violet Usambar (Saintpaulia)

At first glance, the Uzambar violet captivates with the appearance of a fleecy foliage collected in lush rosettes, over which simple, semi- or double flowers the most bizarre shapes and colors. Modern varieties of Saintpaulias number in the thousands and represent plants giants and dwarfs, monochromatic and variegated flowers, green leaves and greenery with white or pink edging.


A catalog of indoor flowers with photographs and names of various species and varieties of ficuses can be published as a separate book. Today, there are almost a thousand varieties of this plant, several dozen are grown in culture, in the form of a bush, tree, ground cover and even ampel specimens. Most widespread received and rubber-bearing.


- the leader among plants in the ability to purify the air. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of the indoor flower. Non-capricious and easily propagated in the house, herbaceous perennial forms lush rosettes of pointed-lanceolate leaves of green or variegated color. The peculiarity of the culture is the flowers and daughter rosettes of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among domestic vines, the hoya occupies one of the first places in terms of beauty and popularity. An evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense "waxy" leaves and umbrella inflorescences of fragrant star-shaped flowers leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, ivy growing on a suitable surface does not need special care and is excellent for keeping at home.

Indoor plant lovers are more often guided by the external beauty of a particular flower when choosing plants for their home.

Undoubtedly, beautiful flower is able to please the eye, improving the mood of the household with its one appearance.

But some plants can also have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Healthy indoor plants

Of the huge number of houseplants, consider the most useful ones.

Chlorophytum. For an apartment, chlorophytum is considered the most useful. It has the unique ability to purify the air in the apartment. from harmful formaldehyde, which is emitted by synthetic materials that are part of the thermal insulation.

Experiments were even carried out that scientifically proved that in one day chlorophytum completely cleans the apartment of these substances hazardous to health, and adding to flower pots activated carbon multiplies its cleansing effect at times. on the shoulder of any novice florist.

- this plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system person. It soothes, normalizes sleep, and also helps to better endure all kinds of stress and neuroses.

Pelargonium helps with headaches and high blood pressure.

Peppermint- this garden plant can be successfully grown indoors by placing it on a windowsill in a pot. Mint has a pronounced fresh aroma that reduces irritability, improves appetite, and also helps to cope with migraines.

Sansevieria- This small plant is capable of producing a huge amount of oxygen. She has special property, which will be useful to absolutely all people - it increases human immunity. Also, sansevieria neutralizes harmful vapors produced by linoleum and other synthetic materials.

Eucalyptus and myrtle great helpers for people suffering asthma and respiratory diseases... These plants secrete substances that significantly reduce the volume of pathogens in the air, and also relax the muscles of the bronchi, eliminating spasms. It is much easier to breathe in rooms with eucalyptus or myrtle. at home brings joy.

Decorative lemon emits dozens of beneficial volatile substances that suppress pathogens and purify the air. Lemon is recommended to put in bedrooms... It is imperative to follow the basic rules for growing at home.

Laurel- this indoor evergreen plant is considered "Killer" of viruses and bacteria... In addition to its cleansing properties, laurel is good for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, biliary tract and suffering from intestinal spasms.

Hamedorea will be very useful in homes that are near large busy highways, as it can absorb poisonous substances contained in the exhaust gases entering the apartment from the street. not difficult, but it requires adherence to specific rules.

Ficus, in addition to its ability to saturate the air with oxygen, it eliminates toxins and harmful volatiles. Also ficus is active releases phytoncides that suppress the reproduction of microorganisms that contribute to the development of viral diseases in humans.

In addition, ficus reduces dust volume in the air and moisturizes it. A layer of dust can often be seen on the leaves of this plant - this is what should have been hanging in the air. Dust from ficus leaves must be periodically removed with a damp sponge or cloth, and this does not constitute much of a hassle.

Aloe widely known for its healing properties... The leaves of this plant are often used in folk medicine to heal wounds and burns, because they have anti-inflammatory properties... The ideal place to house aloe is in the bedroom, as it releases oxygen at night and not during the day like other plants. simple, but you need to know the specifics of some varieties of this plant, especially when breeding.

Asparagus saturates the air with unique components that accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, and also promote bone healing in fractures. Asparagus is considered a plant that prolongs youth, since the substances secreted by it increase the elasticity of the skin. In addition, this plant removes from the air various heavy metals and also destroys harmful microbes. Asparagus will be very useful for people with lung diseases. In unpretentious.

Rosemary is the most effective assistant in the fight against various diseases respiratory organs. The substances it releases improve the functioning of the respiratory system and also help to heal bronchitis faster. It will be very useful for asthmatics. Rosemary perfectly increases the performance of a person, improves the state of neuroses, relieves fatigue and helps to fight overwork. In a rather delicate plant, requiring knowledge of many nuances and details.

The essential oils secreted by rosemary have a therapeutic effect on hypertension and circulatory disorders. And it also contributes improve brain function increasing concentration of attention.

Coniferous plants- araucaria, juniper, cypress - refresh the air in the room, thereby relieving fatigue after a hard day at work. Ephedra will be especially useful for offices where there are many computers, copiers, printers, etc., since the air in such rooms is usually stale and depleted in elements useful for humans. at home requires special attention.

Cactus, especially with long needles, destroys microbes and protects the human body from harmful electromagnetic radiation reducing air ionization. Therefore, it is recommended to place the cactus in rooms where there is a TV and a computer.

Dwarf chrysanthemums have a wonderful aroma tonic effect raising the mood of a person. When growing at home, you need to follow the basic rules for.

actively combats streptococci in the air and is recommended for large families who often host guests in the house. In addition, aglaonema ionizes and purifies the air, relieves stress and even helps get rid of depressive conditions.

Begonia perfectly humidifies the air, and also draws out dust from it. This plant has outstanding antibacterial properties- it destroys about 90% pathogens and fungi. Begonia also reduces the effect of radiation from household appliances and computers on the human body. quite uncomplicated - just a few minutes of daily attention.

Ferns able to bring a bright natural atmosphere to any home. They also absorb germs and improve energy in room. At home, it is quite simple and does not require a lot of time.

Indoor plants are most often placed on windowsills because of their beautiful and original appearance. But few people think that house flowers have a beneficial or negative effect on the human body.

Useful indoor plants saturate a closed room with oxygen, they improve the general well-being of a person, calm the nervous system, absorb harmful radiation and even disinfect the air. But to feel them on yourself healing effect, you need to place more than 5 plants in one room.

However, many flowers actively absorb oxygen at night, so many plants in the same room can even harm health. Therefore, before you keep any flower in the office or in the apartment, you should find out how it affects the human body.

Plants are healers

The list of indoor flowers that have a healing effect is quite extensive. The most famous healthy house plant is called aloe.

Agave juice has regenerating, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and bactericidal properties. This unpretentious flower stimulates immunity, relieves sinusitis, helps with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Dracaena is an excellent antiseptic. It strengthens the skeletal and muscular system, accelerates the healing of abrasions, wounds and relieves dental diseases and tonsillitis.

Kalanchoe also has regenerating and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, it is used to treat gynecological problems, rhinitis and periodontal disease.

Immortelle is another popular medicinal flower... In alternative medicine, it is used for diseases:

  1. skin;
  2. jaundice;
  3. pancreas;
  4. colds;
  5. dropsy;
  6. digestive tract;
  7. bronchitis.

Decoctions and infusions based on immortelle have an antiseptic and diuretic effect, therefore they are prescribed for diseases of the urinary tract. Dried flowers are used by women for fungal diseases. And for men, the plant will be useful for cystitis, prostate tumors and other disorders in the genitourinary system.

Houseplants useful for the home, such as white oleander, cleanse the bronchi and lungs. The flower improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure.

Many housewives prefer to grow decorative lemon Tree... It exudes not only a pleasant citrus scent, but also emits oils that have a bactericidal, immunostimulating and antiseptic effect.

Some housewives like to grow spices in the kitchen, for example, rosemary. In addition to its pleasant aroma, the plant has a healing effect. It contains phytoncides that alleviate asthma, colds, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders.

The noble laurel can also be kept on the kitchen windowsill. The spice is especially useful for diseases of the digestive system.

Queen of flowers - indoor rose, is not only a beauty, but also a healer. The essential oils contained in its petals stimulate the immune system, calm the nervous system, normalize the digestive tract and rejuvenate the cells of the body.

Useful flowers for the home that bring health are Lamb. Coleus is a prominent representative of the plant family. Due to its unique composition, especially forskolin, it is an indispensable component of various drugs and dietary supplements.

Coleus improves metabolic processes and promotes the absorption of nutrients and vitamins. It also normalizes bowel function and strengthens the body as a whole.

Another useful aromatic herb that can be grown as an ornamental home plant is mint. Its leaves have sedative, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

Peppermint improves digestion and freshens breath. Other amazing properties menthol - it scares away insects (spiders), which most housewives are afraid of.

Flowers that purify the air

Houseplants can be beneficial in that they are good at clearing the air of a number of harmful substances, including toxins and allergens. One of the best natural filters is chlorophytum.

Description of the plant: It has long, linear leaves, with a light center and more saturated green edges. Chlorophytum can bloom with small white flowers on a slender stalk.

In addition to external beauty, the herb has a unique quality of indoor air purification. Moreover, it neutralizes formaldehydes, eliminates the harmful effects of cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide and allergens.

Other useful indoor plants that can purify the air include:

  • codiaum;
  • chamedorea;
  • cypress;
  • aglaonema;
  • begonia;
  • anthuriums;
  • citrus;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • scindapsus;
  • cissus.

Ficus also removes pentachlorophenol, trichloroethane and benzene from oxygen. A dracaena removes pathogenic microorganisms and toxic impurities from the air, including formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia.

Pet owners should get a header. English ivy, in addition to formaldehyde and harmful vapors, removes allergens from the oxygen released along with animal hair.

Gerbera contributes to air disinfection. The plant also removes trichlorethylene from oxygen, which appears during dry harvesting.

Plants that improve indoor energy

In addition to healing and cleansing properties, many flowering plants have an energetic effect on the premises and the people in it. According to the ancient Chinese science "feng shui", some plants are talismans that attract love and good luck.

Fern is considered one of these magical flowers. He gives success and helps to find mutual language with people.

The fat woman is considered the most powerful talisman. This is a symbol of wealth and financial well-being. And to attract finance, you need to bury a coin in a pot with a miniature tree.

Only experienced gardeners grow an orchid at home, as it is a beautiful but demanding plant. According to astrologers, the Yartyshnikovs are able to improve the atmosphere in the house. The flower helps to cope with depression and nervous disorders, and creative people find inspiration with its help.

A list of other plants that bring good luck and improve energy in the home:

  1. Poinsettia - brings success and inspiration.
  2. Yucca - has a strong energy, attracts money.
  3. Camellia - helps creative people to open up.
  4. Zamioculcas - brings financial well-being.
  5. Asparagus - attracts money.

The plant of female happiness, giving love and harmony, is spathiphyllum. This flower should be got by lonely girls in order to find the thieving half as soon as possible.

Other plants that contribute to family well-being are dwarf pomegranate and Aichrizon. The first makes the marriage union stronger, and the second has leaves in the form of hearts that can attract love.

Placing plants in rooms

Pepper, lemon, pomegranate and mint will become a decoration of the kitchen. These plants improve appetite, digestion and neutralize unpleasant odors.

To clean the room from carbon monoxide and humidify the air, an uzumbara violet should be placed on the windowsill. And to absorb excess dust in the kitchen, you can put a pot of ficus.

The golden liana will also become ideal solution for the room where food is prepared. Its advantages are simplicity, air purification and attractive appearance.

The most hardy flower in the kitchen will be the mother-in-law's tongue. Sansevieria is very unpretentious, so it can be placed next to the stove and in a dark place.

In the nursery, it is best to place flowers that relieve stress and calm the nervous system. These types include citrus fruits, which, in addition to a sedative effect, improve sleep and invigorate.

The money tree will purify the air in the nursery and increase efficiency. Cyclamen and Hippeastrum unleash creativity and destroy disease-causing bacteria.

In order not to injure the child or cause him an allergy, you cannot put in his room:

  • ivy;
  • Cactus;
  • philodendron;
  • ficus;
  • dieffenbachia.

The best bedroom flowers are eucalyptus and myrtle. Their leaves are able to facilitate breathing and relieve spasms, which is especially important for asthmatics. You can also put a pot of araucaria in the recreation room, which will fill the room with a coniferous aroma.

According to feng shui, so that happiness reigns in the family, and love is mutual, it is better to put red flowers in the bedroom. For example, spathiphyllum, camellia or anthurium.

It is worth remembering that thorny plants cause irritation and quarrels. And scindapsus, tradescantia, hoya and ivy are driven out of the house of men.

Dangerous indoor plants

Not all indoor flowers are healthy. There are a number of dangerous plants that have a negative impact on health.

One of these is poinsettia. It has bright and showy red flowers, but they should not be touched with your hands, as they are poisonous.

Dieffenbachia is no less dangerous, upon contact with which a person can get poisoned. Particularly toxic is the sap of the plant, which, through negligence, often "feast on" small children and pets.

Because of the bright and juicy flowers primrose is often placed in the children's room. But all parts of the plant are poisonous; contact with them may cause burning and itching on the skin. And during the flowering period, primrose secretes alkaloids that cause dizziness and nausea.

Other harmful indoor plants:

  1. evergreen ivy;
  2. cyclamen (roots are especially toxic);
  3. monstera (flower juice is dangerous, it causes burns);
  4. azalea (has poisonous leaves, which contains a glycoside);
  5. trichocereus (the cactus contains alkaloids and hallucinogens that provoke central nervous system paralysis);
  6. spurge (has poisonous seeds and milky juice);
  7. clivia (hazardous substances are found in the roots and leaves);
  8. ficus (plant sap is very toxic when it gets on the skin - it causes irritation or even burns);
  9. gloriasis (all parts of the plant are poisonous, with internal intoxication, vomiting appears, kidney function is disrupted and hair falls out);
  10. aglaonema (flower juice is toxic).

Aroids, nightshades, kutrovy and euphorbia are contraindicated in people prone to allergies. Even with constant contact with these plants, a runny nose, headache, photophobia may occur. In case of severe intoxication, asthma and bronchitis attacks occur.

Flowers fill our life with aesthetic beauty, looking at them comes relaxation and tranquility. The same applies to aromas that come from plants. But in addition to external attractiveness, almost every flower carries many useful properties, about which few people know. So, today we will give a list of indoor plants that would not hurt to have within the house, as well as what kind of good service they can do.


This plant is a kind of house palm, and it belongs to this family. A very compact and beautiful plant that can easily find a place in the office and even in small apartment. Big advantage hamedorei is that she is not whimsical. The trunk of this plant is very thin, it reaches 1.2 meters in height, however, in indoor conditions it can grow up to two meters. The leaves are thin, have a rich green color... Chamedorea blooms at a young age, about three to four years old, with small yellow flowers that are fragrant. After flowering, small berries appear in these places, the size of which is about a pea.

Hamedorea cleans the indoor air from harmful impurities such as benzene, formaldehyde, etc. The plant serves as a natural air humidifier, which will be very useful in the cold season, when the heating in the apartments dries everything out. In addition, the plant is absolutely safe for people and pets, therefore, if the latter suddenly decide to taste chamedorea, you can be absolutely calm about their health.

Home bamboo palm relieves households from melancholy mood and pessimism, gives vigor. Due to such qualities, it is better to place it in offices, if we are talking about offices, or in the living room, if we talk about an apartment. But the bedroom is not the best place for her "residence", otherwise it will be problematic to sleep, because it contributes to the opposite effect.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, more popular under the title of aloe or fool, is a very useful plant. It is not so much attractive externally as for its unique healing qualities.

The main property of the plant is bactericidal. It resists pests such as staphylococcus, dysentery and diphtheria bacillus and streptococcus. Aloe is effective in radiation, inflammatory diseases, wound healing, as it significantly accelerates cell regeneration. It also acts as an immunomodulator, contributing to the overall health of the body. The active substances in its composition help to improve intestinal motility, providing all possible assistance. In a minimum dosage, it normalizes the processes of digestion and bile secretion.

It was from the juice of this plant that the antibiotic barbaloin was created, which is applicable in the treatment of tuberculosis and skin diseases, as well as its effectiveness in eliminating pancreatitis, stabbing and other health problems.

In the treatment, the sap of the plant is mainly used, the age of which has reached three years. It is upon reaching three years that the maximum amount of nutrients and useful substances accumulates and forms in it. Only the lower leaves are cut, the length of which is no more than 18 cm. However, for the purpose of healing wounds, you can use not the gel (juice), but the leaf itself, cut lengthwise and applied to the sore spot. The same way And if you pour 150 g of carefully crushed leaves with cut thorny "details", pour honey heated in a water bath (300 ml) and insist for 24 hours, you can get a mild and natural laxative. And how not to mention its miraculous benefits in getting rid of acne and post-acne.

In addition to medicine, the plant is widely used in cosmetology. With its help, nourishing and regenerating masks for face and hair, lotions and gels for washing, creams and much more are created. Therefore, it would not be at all superfluous to acquire such a doctor for your own use. It is only best to take a three-year-old plant at once so that you can immediately benefit from it.


This plant has more than three hundred species. Belongs to the asparagus family. Some of the species can be eaten, this is the very famous asparagus. However, this is already a vegetable variety that is grown on plantations. But all these species differ significantly in their appearance. The plant is widespread on all continents, it can be found in a variety of climatic zones. For the most part, these are perennial shrubs, grasses and vines. The leaves are more like small needles. Asparagus is not at all whimsical in care and grows remarkably both in the open and closed ground... Houseplants are often used for landscaping children's rooms, or for creating vertical compositions.

This plant secretes substances that contribute to the rapid and successful healing of wounds, the healing of bone fractures, and also significantly increase the elasticity of the skin. Asparagus is very useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases. It tends to absorb heavy metals and kill harmful bacteria. Ideal for enclosed spaces, be it an office or an apartment. The main thing is to be able to open windows from time to time.


Kalanchoe is a perennial plant that, both in winter and in summer in green... Its shoots are very dense and beautiful. In the wild, Kalanchoe can be found exclusively in Africa, as well as on the nearby islands. Indoors, this flower is grown more as a medicinal plant than as an element of the interior.

Kalanchoe has a haemostatic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. With its help, wounds heal. Fresh plant juice contains a huge number of useful components, which include: tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, enzymes and trace elements. This inner wealth allows it to be used in the treatment of purulent wounds, dead tissue, ulcers, boils, burns. Nice results juice gives with erosion of the cervix and bleeding.

The plant treats acne and acne, removes pigmentation both on the face and on the body. Medicines, which include Kalanchoe extract, help restore and restore vision. And if you grow a flower in dark rooms, then even more nutrients will accumulate in it, which will help to cope with various diseases.

Most often, the plant is used in medicine. So, for example, a tincture made from Kalanchoe is rubbed into the skin, which leads to an improvement in blood circulation, which prevents blockage of blood vessels.

For the treatment of trophic ulcers and boils, you can use just such a simple, self-prepared ointment. Combine 15 ml of plant juice with 25 g of lanolin and 25 g of petroleum jelly. Mix everything so that a homogeneous mass is formed. That's all, the wonderful remedy is ready!

For varicose veins, the following tincture is used. Liter jar need to fill Kalanchoe leaves, finely chopped beforehand. Pour everything with vodka, to the very edges of the container. Close the lid and place in a dark corner for a week. After that, wipe the affected areas with tincture, in a circular motion, moving from bottom to top. The duration of such treatment is from two to three months.

And finally, one more very interesting recipe, which acts as a preventive measure against influenza. It is very simple: squeeze juice from a Kalanchoe leaf and wipe the nasal mucosa with it three times a day. The same fresh juice can be used to treat inflammations of the mouth, ears, eyelids, burns and skin diseases.

It is worth remembering that the plant is strictly contraindicated for use in the perinatal period, in the presence of allergies. Kalanchoe is also contraindicated for people suffering from liver disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, low blood pressure and tumors.


You can often see how pelargonium is referred to as a synonym for geranium, so many people mistakenly believe that this is the same thing. But this is not the case. The only thing that unites them is their belonging to the Geraniev family. Pelargonium is intended for indoor cultivation, and geranium for outdoor cultivation.

Despite all the external attractiveness, the flowers of pelargonium do not smell at all. The scope of this plant is very wide, consider some of them.

  • For the treatment of toothache. Put a cut leaf of a plant on the problem area and wait for the pain to completely disappear.
  • To normalize the pressure to the left hand, where the pulse is felt, tie a leaf of the plant for half an hour.
  • In order to dissolve kidney stones and salt, prepare the following decoction. Chopped leaves and roots, in the amount of one tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, leave to rise for five minutes on the lowest heat. As soon as the prepared broth has cooled, it should be filtered and taken a couple of tablespoons before meals.
  • Pour a couple of tablespoons of dry grass with cool, pre-boiled water (a couple of glasses). Let it brew for about two hours. Strain. The infusion is drunk throughout the day in small portions. This composition is used in the postpartum period, as well as for uterine bleeding. Douching can be done with the same composition.
  • For the treatment of infertility within a month, you need to take the aforementioned infusion in half a glass 3 times a day.
  • To stop hair loss, you need to wash your hair with the following composition for two weeks with an interval of 1-2 days. Pour a couple of tablespoons of dry grass with half a liter of boiling water and boil for about five minutes. Then let it stand for an hour, drain.
  • To treat otitis media, knead a leaf of a plant, roll it into a tube and stick it into your ear.
  • To get rid of anal fissures, boil a couple of tablespoons of dry leaves in a liter of water for a quarter of an hour. Strain the composition and apply in the form of lotions.
  • For sore throat, sore throat and stomatitis, you can rinse with a composition made from a handful of dry grass and a liter of water. All this needs to be boiled for a quarter of an hour. Insist, strain and cool.

Homemade lemon

Many people like to drink tea with lemon, but in order to benefit from this citrus, it must be grown without the use of chemicals. Nobody can guarantee that there are natural products on store shelves. But there is a way out - to grow mini lemons in your own apartment. In addition to a natural product, you will receive a wonderful aroma that will envelop the entire room and a very beautiful plant that will decorate the interior.

The aroma of lemon is not only pleasant, but can strongly influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. Interestingly, a lot of what prompts the scent of this citrus has to do with financial well-being. Therefore, it is very good to place it in rooms where there are constant conversations about money or thoughts about financial well-being. Homemade lemon cleanses the aura of the apartment and frees the thoughts of households from obsessions. Its aroma pushes a person to action and new achievements.

But this plant is useful not only for its aroma, but also for its fruits. By the way, do not try to grow lemon at home from purchased citrus seeds. Firstly, this is no longer a homemade lemon, and secondly, such attempts, as a rule, do not lead to the appearance of fruits.

As with any citrus, lemon contains vitamin C, which helps to increase immune system... The fruits contain a lot of different vitamins that have a beneficial effect on all areas of the human body.

  • Lemon leaves relieve fever.
  • The fruits of the plant increase appetite, improve digestion, and help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • If you rinse your mouth with lemon juice, you can suppress inflammation in the oral cavity. Only the juice must be diluted with water, in the proportion: half the fruit, half a glass of water.
  • Lemon peel can help relieve headaches. To do this, remove the white skin from the peel and attach the latter to the temples on both sides. Sit in this position for about 15 minutes. After that, red spots may appear on these places - do not be alarmed, this is normal, just like the itching and burning feeling. The headache will soon subside.
  • If you feel the onset of sore throat, slowly chew fresh lemon zest. After that, you can not eat or drink for about an hour. During this time essential oils and the acid will "work" with the sore throat. This procedure must be carried out every three hours.
  • Lemon can also be used to treat corns. Thoroughly steam your legs in a decoction of any herb, it is better to take a series, celandine or oak bark. After that, attach the lemon peel with pulp to the problem area and tie. Repeat the same procedure for three days. Then unpread your legs again and very gently remove the corn.

Lemon juice is often used to treat oily and problem skin. Lotions are made from it, added to masks. It perfectly whitens the skin, relieves age spots and post-acne, dries acne and relieves redness. But you need to be extremely careful with it, as it can cause allergic reactions, so do not work with it if you conduct an allergy test before use, and if there are no negative reactions, you can implement what was planned.


Chlorophytum is rightfully called a home ecologist. In addition to its visual appeal, it is especially respected for its ability to purify the air. Considering the quality of oxygen in the modern world, this is an invaluable plus. That is why many hostesses install it in the kitchen or in places where someone regularly smokes. All harmful substances are absorbed by it, and at the exit it gives clean air. In comparison, it can neutralize up to 80% of the harmful effects of gas stoves.

There is scientific evidence that Chlorophytum kills pathogenic microflora on an area of ​​about two square meters. Therefore, in order to sterilize the room air, only a few pots are needed. And one more scientific fact that a flower near it kills up to 80% of microbes.

In addition to its warlike qualities, it perfectly moisturizes the air and creates a favorable microclimate in which it is very easy to breathe. That's just in order for him to give moisture, he first needs to be given it, so do not skimp on watering it. You can increase the release of moisture if activated carbon is added to the water for irrigation.

The flower successfully captures and keeps harmful and dangerous substances inside, such as carbon monoxide, acetone, ammonia and other chemical elements. Therefore, it will become a real salvation in places where there is contact with such "pests". By the way, an interesting feature was noticed, the more harmful and chemical components, the more actively Chlorophytum grows.

A group of scientists once conducted an experiment in order to check how many chemicals Chlorophytum can absorb (and it really feeds on harmful emissions, therefore it grows faster in disadvantaged places). So, what was their surprise when the plant in one day created an almost sterile environment around itself (which is often observed in operating rooms), absorbing all the filth. And the most interesting thing is that it tarnished the reputation of many microclimate generators produced on an industrial scale, showing the best results in air purification and humidification.


This is a very popular houseplant due to several factors. Firstly, it is not at all whimsical to care for, and secondly, it is miniature and will fit perfectly on the windowsill without taking up much space. But before deciding to grow it, you need to know that according to research, this plant is one of the three leaders in terms of the number of those who are capable of causing allergies.

Do not forget that ficus secretes milky juice containing rubber, which has a detrimental effect on asthmatics. In general, milky juice is considered poisonous, so it is better not to contact with it. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause severe irritation. Be careful not to let animals and children come into contact with him. These are just precautions that must be followed strictly.

Speaking about the benefits, it is worth noting its feature to filter the air, absorb the dust that hovers in the apartment. In medicine, ficus is used for the treatment of arthritis, mastitis and radiculitis. Special infusions are prepared from the leaves of the plant, with which lotions and compresses are then made. And, of course, it is simply beautiful, so it will delight the owners with its appearance.


What names does this plant have, and the mother-in-law's tongue, and the pike's tail, and the devil's tongue, and the serpentine scythe. About 70 species of this evergreen stemless plant are now known. He can be very often seen in the most different rooms, from apartments to government agencies, and all because Sansevieria does not require special attention. It can calmly grow and develop in full shade or in direct sunlight, it is almost never touched by pests and the rarest watering is not afraid of it, just like drafts and too dry or humid air. The only thing that can become destructive is the bay and a long stay at 0 ° С.

So, what are the advantages of Sensevieria:

  • the flower gives off a lot of oxygen;
  • it cleans the air and kills bacteria;
  • those who are near the plant significantly increase their immunity;
  • able to neutralize harmful fumes;
  • absorbs the main harm of radiation from computers;
  • in China, they believe that he cleans the energy in the house, absorbing all the bad;
  • the smoke of burning leaves from time immemorial has been used as effective remedy against headache.

Rumor has it that if the flower is placed in the house, then quarrels and troubles in this room will be much less. But it is extremely undesirable to put it in the bedroom and children's room, since it has a very strong energy, the excess of which will not benefit anyone. It is necessary to be treated with this plant very carefully - poisonous substances are included in the composition of its leaves. But it is they who act as an ingredient in some choleretic, diuretic and laxative drugs.

Home geranium

Geranium is one of the popular plants among the people. That's just the right way, it should not grow within the apartment, but on the street. Therefore, such a "pet" is ideal for summer residents and owners of private houses. For some time, everyone was delighted with geraniums, the ladies even decorated their hats with flowers of plants and, in general, decorated themselves with them. A wide variety of medicines were prepared from its juice, which fought against burns, ulcers and inflammations.

Geranium-based oil has been used for a long time to relieve fatigue and pain in the spine from muscles. Compresses with it draw out pus from wounds and contribute to the rapid tightening of ulcers. In order to get rid of a runny nose, you need to drip a couple of drops of geranium oil into your nose. Ear pain can be soothed in the same way.

The headache is relieved by simply applying oil to the temples, and goes away with it. Bad mood and depression. There are a great many recipes using geranium to treat ailments. The leaf of this plant for its medicinal properties can be safely compared with the road one. If you apply it to the wound, then the blood will stop, the reproduction of pathogenic microbes will stop, and the damage itself will heal faster.

Tinctures of plant roots help to cope with hypertension, forget what insomnia and nerves are. It is also applicable for diarrhea, gastritis and colic. At all times, she was credited with the properties of neutralizing poisons and relieving stress.

Mother Nature has made sure that a person always has everything he needs at his fingertips. If you fully cognize the healing power of plants, then you will realize that you will live a happy, long and at the same time healthy life it is possible completely without the use of chemically derived drugs. What we have considered today is only a small fraction of what these plants carry, besides, in addition to them, there are others that are no less useful.

Indoor flowers add colors to our life, create mood and home comfort. They can be of immense benefit to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm in the cold and simply delight the eye.

Useful properties of home plants

Here are the main ones:

  • In poorly ventilated rooms, carbon dioxide builds up. Flowers absorb it and oxygenate the air.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation, which is created by household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person's well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from the emissions of factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Folk beliefs endow indoor flowers with the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We have included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: we choose for ourselves and loved ones


This is a well-known home doctor. It will help with colds, inflammations, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum disease and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep it in the house. It is a bushy plant with thin and bending leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the air of harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


Many favorite plant fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen and does not take up much space. Violet will cleanse and humidify the air from carbon monoxide gases. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. White flowers are believed to help relieve sadness, fatigue, and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They provide peace of mind, stimulate spiritual growth, and build character. Flowers red and Pink colour cheer up and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It copes well with the task of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, soothes and relieves disturbing thoughts.


A beautiful vine, for example, scindapsus looks good in hanging planter... It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish specks. It is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. Scindapsus converts lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

It is a curly flower with hard oval leaves. Has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from trouble and cleans the air from microbes.


Lush curly geranium has many medicinal properties. It scares away moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights disease-causing bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and the fulfillment of desires. The scent of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, then it is believed that one of the household members may get sick.

Fat woman

This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. He is often called money tree... The fat woman has small dark green leaves, which are located on the branches in a symmetrical manner. They look like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is able to attract material goods into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's language)

Enough tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They are solid and dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant is also capable of stopping blood.


This bushy plant is purple in color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. Flower twigs can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition, sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who wish to meet a soul mate and attract attention to themselves.

Cactus (echinopsis)

It has a slightly elongated spherical shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of a cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near a TV or computer and in other places with hazardous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. The tree can be grown from lemon or mandarin seeds. The leaves, just like the fruits, are capable of having a beneficial effect. Plants secrete essential oils that help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and promote healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for a bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchial spasms. It is very beneficial for people with asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds, as it is a symbol of long and happy family relations... It must be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and does not take its well-being with it.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of the coniferous forest. It is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant cleans the air perfectly.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soul mate and keeps the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen the marital relationship if the husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to put red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves. This flower is believed to bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, striving for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single folded flowers. It protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia can help freshen up relationships. Its inflorescences are similar to peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home doctor. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates the skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


Indoor plant with dark, matte leaves, which contain white blotches. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade can be different. Most often, one shade fades into another. Flowers have a strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves, on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs suggest that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Unpretentious indoor plants, or landscaping a house for the lazy

Houseplants that purify the air

Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round

Buying another flower, we do not even know about some harmful properties indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If they live in the house Small child or animals, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to secure their life. Some plant species contain poison in their juice or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, there is an adverse effect on the human body of some flowers. In this case, you need to correctly choose the location of the future green resident, without placing him in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a lot of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All sayings are mixed with various signs that can eventually confuse a novice gardener.
In this article, we'll take a look at the plants to be careful with and be aware of the likely effects on the body and energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children due to extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, is capable of poisoning with similar flowers or getting burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children and animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to wear gloves when handling these colors and rinse tools thoroughly. Do not under any circumstances cut these flowers with a knife intended for food in your kitchen.

Consider this group of plants:

  1. Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia).

    A popular indoor plant that attracts flower growers with huge yellow-green leaves that form a fluffy crown. The flower is dangerous for its sap, which is released when the leaves or stem are cut. If a pet or child decides to chew any part of this flower, then the juice that gets into the body will cause severe poisoning. In addition, dieffenbachia juice causes burns and irritation to the skin.
  2. Oleander (Nerium oleander).

    Popular for its bright crimson flowers. The ingestion of oleander juice into the body causes blindness. The scent of a flowering plant contributes to dizziness and feeling unwell.
  3. Euphorbia (Euphorbia).

    This plant is represented by a huge number of species and various forms, therefore, it cannot be described unequivocally. Many representatives are similar in appearance to cacti and have thorns, the prick of which is also dangerous for a living organism. Euphorbia contains white sap in its stem and leaves, which causes burns and irritation to the skin. When ingested, it causes poisoning.

    By the way, on our website there is a great article about caring for this plant, so we recommend that you read it!

  4. Croton (Croton).

    If we talk about this plant, which belongs to the euphorbia family, then it looks like a small tree with variegated leaves that have an elongated shape. Its flowers are inconspicuous, and it rarely blooms at home. The sap of this plant causes burns on the skin. If the juice gets into the bloodstream when cut or ingested, then the case can end in death or resuscitation.
  5. Azalea (Azalea).

    A common plant among flower lovers. It is famous for its lush and attractive flowering. The colors are very diverse: white, pink, red, yellow in azalea flowers. It is the Azalea of ​​Simsa (Indian Azalea) that is considered dangerous. Ingestion of the leaves of this flower causes intestinal colic and cramps.
  6. Mimosa bashful (Mimosa pudica).

    A bizarre plant that externally is represented by thin stems and small leaves. The leaves look fragile and delicate, and upon contact with an object, they curl up into a tube. Long-term human contact with these flowers leads to hair loss and loss. Sometimes it comes to complete baldness. The fact is that this plant emits harmful and toxic substances that poison the human body.
  7. Evergreen ivy (Hedera).

    This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is a shrub in the form of vines. Cats are very attracted to the bright green color of the leaves of this plant, but in ivy, the leaves and berries are poisonous, so the animal can die or be severely poisoned.
  8. Adenium (Adenium).

    A very beautiful plant, which is represented by a thick, obese stem in the form of a small tree trunk. At the top are sparse leaves and a large number of medium-sized pink flowers. The plant is very toxic, adenium juice is especially dangerous. On contact with the body, it causes poisoning and burns.
  9. Monstera.

    The monster is not very dangerous plant, but still it is better not to start it at home

    A spectacular plant with huge leaves and growing to impressive sizes. Usually, monstera can be found in public places or botanical gardens. Monstera juice can cause burns on the skin, upset the digestive system, and if it gets into your eyes, damage them.

  10. Philodendron

    Belongs to the aroid family. The plant is represented by bushes, vines and lush greenery. Philodendron juice is poisonous. Contact with skin and eyes causes irritation and burns.
  11. Primula (Primula).

    The flower has gained such popularity due to the beautiful flowering of various shades, small size and velvety leaves. During flowering, the plant releases toxic substances that cause nausea and dizziness. The velvety leaves are covered with small villi, contact with which leads to burning sensation and allergies.
  12. Stellera dwarf (Stellera chamaejasme).

    In the photo of Steller in natural habitat. This plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it can only be used for such purposes under the supervision of a doctor. The flower itself has a high stem on which the inflorescences are located. They consist of 20-30 small white flowers. The ingestion of the leaves of the plant in its raw form into the body leads to swelling of the vocal cords and even numbness.
  13. Nightshade (Solanum).

    This flower attracts attention with its bright orange fruits that adorn the evergreen shrub. It is these fruits that are very poisonous and dangerous. May cause poisoning. The bright color of the berries attracts children and animals, so you should not keep such a flower at home.
  14. Tulip Gesner (Tulipa gesneriana).

    This plant blooms very impressively. It has a medium-sized stem on which a large flower is located. The color is varied - from yellow to red. But being with this flower for a long time indoors leads to hair loss and baldness.
  15. Trichocereus (Trichocereus).

    This plant is a species of cactus. It has long and large needles and blooms with large white flowers with a pleasant aroma. The plant contains hallucinogens and toxins that cause paralysis of the nervous system.

By families

List poisonous plants seems to be much longer, so when buying a flower, ask which family it belongs to. There are 4 main families of the most poisonous plants, namely:

  • The euphorbia family. The juice of many members of this class is poisonous and causes burns on the skin.
  • Aroid family. Most members of this group are toxic plants. Their juice is especially dangerous.
  • A family of kurtovs. This class includes the most dangerous plants for human and animal life. They attract with their bright and variegated appearance. Wear gloves when working with this family of flowers.
  • The nightshade family. In this class, far from all plants are poisonous, because the well-known potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. But house flowers are most often toxic, and especially their fruits. Berries cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting.

Watch the video for details:

Sometimes indoor plants are not only beautiful, but also dangerous. For this reason, be sure to use protective equipment when working with flowers. If, in spite of everything, you decide to acquire such flowers, then try to protect them from possible contact with animals and children.

List of plants to be treated with caution

There are a number of indoor flowers that can be harmful. the human body only if it is wrong to place them in the house. In addition, some plant species cause allergies or mild ailments. The list of these plants is as follows:

All flowers with a strong aroma should be placed in a well-ventilated area. Then there will be no problems with feeling unwell.

Folk signs: what is possible, what is not?

To trust folk omens or not is everyone's personal business. At the same time, it is worth remembering that most often signs arise on the basis of long-term observations of ancestors. Consider what the appearance of some indoor plants in the house entails:

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When organizing a flower corner in an apartment or landscaping your home, choose the flowers that best suit you based on your lifestyle, the appearance of the flower and its properties.

Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, it is important to pay attention not only to the type of flower, but also to the state in which it is. There are several basic rules for keeping flowers and plants in the house according to Feng Shui:

  • You should not keep dried flowers in the apartment.
  • All old plants that no longer bloom and do not give young shoots should be thrown away.
  • Sick flowers cannot be kept in the house, as they will take away your health.
  • A flower that you take care of for a long time, but all actions are useless, and it withers, should also be removed from the house. The plant spreads negative energy.
  • It is worth choosing those flowers, the leaves of which are directed upwards. According to Feng Shui, such plants bring positive energy to the house. Plants with leaves that stretch down, on the contrary, land it.
  • It is better to choose flowers with a rounded leaf shape.
  • You shouldn't have a lot of plants in the bedroom and next to the bed.
  • According to Feng Shui, all plants are divided into female and male (Yin and Yang). Women include begonia, violet, fat woman, cyclamen. Citrus fruits, dracaena, chlorophytum and others are considered male plants.
  • For the most favorable energy field in the house, it is necessary to keep Yin and Yang plants.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, there are no favorable or unfavorable types of flowers, but some are still not worth buying for keeping in the house. All plants with poor energy include those that have sharp leaves. It is believed that such flowers bring quarrels and discord to the family. Needles and thorns also provoke scandals, so you should choose plants with soft needles. The main plant that is not recommended to grow in Feng Shui at home is bonsai.

It is a stunted bonsai artificially... Such a tree will stop the development of its owner, negatively affect career success and general well-being.

Videos about plants and feng shui:


In conclusion, I would like to say that the choice of indoor plants is more dependent on your personal preferences. Observe safety precautions when handling poisonous flowers. Do not forget about their danger to children and animals.

What flower to choose for growing at home so as not to harm your health? This material tells about which flowers to choose for certain premises, taking into account the botanical characteristics of crops. Before choosing indoor flowers, it would be a good idea to make sure that all family members are not allergic to them. For more information on how to choose flowers for your home, you can read the tips on this page below. Perhaps the information provided will help answer the question of which indoor flowers to choose for interior design. There are also small tips on how to choose an indoor flower according to its group affiliation.

Houseplants can be purchased at any time of the year, but you must take care of them during the winter. Try not to buy delicate plants that stood out in the open as "discounted" offers.

If you choose bulbs, make sure they are firm and free of holes or sprouts. When buying indoor plants, pay attention to any dangerous symptoms- roots sticking out of drainage holes, empty space between the compost and the inside of the pot, soft leaves, etc.

Plants should be wrapped or plastic wrapped to protect them during the winter. The dangers of cold air when driving home are clear. Less obvious is the damage that can be caused to plants in the trunk of a car during the height of summer. If possible, transport the plant in a box in the back seat.

Try to provide the new plant with an acclimatization period. Keep it out of direct sunlight and drafts for several weeks, and be careful when watering. Do not move it from one place to another, trying to find the "proper" position. Just leave it alone in a moderately warm place away from the sun. Loss of one or two leaves during this period is normal for a new plant.

This is not the case with flowering pot plants such as azaleas, chrysanthemums and cyclamens, which bloom in winter. Put them in their permanent places right away and provide as much light as possible.

What flowers and plants can and should be kept at home

There is a certain standard of what flowers can be kept at home without any health risks. There are also beliefs and conclusions of scientists about which plant should be kept at home for the well-being and good health of the whole family. There are six basic shapes that almost all houseplants fit into. There are also intermediate cases, and some plants change shape from one to another with age. Size is another important factor when buying a plant. Low-growing varieties can be lost against a large, bare wall, and a tall tree-like plant will not work for a narrow window sill. Remember that you can buy young plants that can grow to the size of a child within a few years.

What flowers and plants to plant and grow at home?

Before deciding which flower to plant at home, you need to decide where it will stand and what function it will perform. What plants to plant at home everyone chooses for himself, for example, erect flowers have a distinctly vertical growth pattern. Among them there are both the lowest and the tallest of indoor plants. Medium-sized upright plants are an integral part of the potting group, providing a sense of height and compensating for the horizontal effect created by rosette and ampelous plants. Tall, erect varieties are often used as solitary plants.

Some knowledge will help to determine which flowers to grow at home, for example, columnar plants have thick vertical stems, either leafless or bearing leaves, which do not violate the effect of the column. This growth pattern is found in many cacti and some succulents.


Strauss's Cleistocactus

Notocactus Lehninghouse

Cereus Peruvian.

Trees are used in large rooms as single plants and in many compositions as a centerpiece. Trees have a central branched or unbranched stem and leaves with small petioles. Some are quite small, such as miniature succulent "trees"; others can grow to the ceiling.



Ficus Benjamin,

Ficus rubber



False palms have stems that, while the plants are young, are completely covered by elongated leaf bases. In an adult plant, usually only the upper part of the trunk is covered with leaves and a characteristic "false palm" effect arises.




What flowers to have at home

Before deciding which flowers to start at home, it is worth learning about bushy plants - these are varieties that do not fit into other groupings. They usually have several stems growing straight out of the compost, with a growth pattern that is neither imperceptibly vertical nor horizontal. They can be small and compact, like peperomia, or tall and bushy, like aucuba. Some plants are naturally bushy, others need to be pinched regularly to induce tillering.

Examples of what kind of flower to get at home:


Begonia royal


Which houseplant to choose from cereals

Cereals have long, narrow leaves and a cereal-like growth pattern. Very few true grains are grown as houseplants. If you wish, you can grow an open ground cereal plant in the room. For example, calamus, arundinaria, sedge, and ophiopogon can be used. Which houseplant to choose from cereals largely depends on overall design interior interior.

Broad-leaved cereal plants are much more popular - Chlorophytum crested is widely grown.

Some flowering plants also have gramineous leaves, for example:

Bilbergia drooping

And Tillandsia Linden.

Spherical plants

Globular plants are leafless and ball-shaped. Almost all of them are cacti. The surface of the stem can be smooth or covered with hairs and thorns.



Euphorbia obese


Tiny rebutia


Rosette plants

Rosette plants carry leaves arranged in a circle around a central point of growth.

Most rosette plants are short and blend well with bushy and upright plants in pot groups and indoor gardens.

Flat rosette plants

Flat rosette plants have large leaves, which lie almost horizontally, forming a loose rosette. A number of attractive flowering plants have this growth pattern.




Succulent rosette plants have fleshy leaves arranged in multiple layers and often closely adjacent to each other. This arrangement helps to retain moisture in their natural habitat.


Aloe squat

Rejuvenated roofing

Aeonium disc-shaped

Echeveria is bristly.

Funnel-shaped rosette plants are widespread among bromeliads. Wide, belt-like leaves form a "funnel" that traps rainwater in its natural tropical habitat.




Vines and ampelous plants: which ones to choose

Climbing and ampelous plants have stems that are either tied to a support so that they grow up, or left hanging down the outside of the container. Many varieties can be used in both ways. As curly, they are formed on pegs, cords, trellises, wire hoops, vertical poles, in wall pots to frame a window, or on a support serving as a partition. As ampelous they can be used to grow on a horizontal surface or go down the sides of the pot.

Vines are always grown as upright plants. Curly varieties curl around the provided supports. Clinging varieties with antennae must be attached to supports at regular intervals; if left to grow unattended, the stems will soon become tangled together. Varieties with aerial roots are best grown on a moss stick.




Philodendron is spear-shaped.

Vines / ampelous - extremely useful indoor plants. When growing them as vines, it is generally not recommended to tie all the stems to one peg - they look more attractive when spreading the stems on a trellis or on multiple pegs inserted into a pot. When growing them as ampelous plants, it is sometimes necessary to pinch the growth points.



Philodendron climbing.

Ampelny plants are always grown as hanging plants with stems pointing downwards, or as creepers with stems growing along the soil surface. Many ampelous plants have bright foliage or attractive flowers. They are best grown in hanging baskets or on tall stands.


Drooping begonia



Morgan's sedum



Flowers for dark corners

It is tempting to revitalize a dark corner with houseplants. But for plants to survive, they need light. Flowers for dark corners should have a high level of shade tolerance and do not need a lot of UV light to grow.

Here is a test to see if there is enough light: It should be possible to read the newspaper in the darkest part of the corner in the late morning or early afternoon, and plants on a sunny day should cast at least vague shadows.

It is good if the surfaces of the corner are pasted over or painted in white or light color. The mirrored surface is even more useful. You can use light-loving species for several weeks, and then move them to a brightly lit place for a week or two to recuperate. An alternative way is to buy pots of brightly colored blooming species and treat them as a temporary arrangement in the same way you would treat cut flowers in a vase.

Unpretentious plants

There is a group of plants that can tolerate a variety of conditions - gloomy and cold corners, light and stuffy rooms, periods of oblivion, and so on. Grow some unpretentious plants if you are convinced that everything you touch will perish. These plants will survive if you don't keep the compost moist and you don't burn them in the summer on an unshaded south-facing windowsill. Typically, you can water them once a week during the growing season and once every two weeks during the winter.

When creating coziness in your own home, it is very difficult to find the right wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other items. It is equally difficult to find the right indoor plants that will not only please the eye, but also be beneficial for one reason or another. We bring to your attention a selection of 25 indoor flowers with photos and names that must necessarily grow in the house.

A colorful ornamental shrub of the heather family. The flower comes from India, China, the mountains of Siberia and the Caucasus. The leaves of the flower are small, symmetrical, with long legs. The flowers are large, multi-colored, curly. Azalea has a lot of interpretations about growing at home. Many sources say that a lush and blooming azalea in the house will bring good luck to households in the business sphere.

Shrub plant with dense and fleshy arrow-shaped leaves. The ends of the leaves are covered with thorns. The plant can be light green or with small white specks. Aloe can be called a "home doctor", it is an indispensable plant in the house. Helps with colds, headaches, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the throat and nose, diseases of the oral cavity, boils and abscesses. An excellent remedy for home cosmetology. Effectively stops bleeding.

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are large, cob-shaped with a single petal around. Flowers are most often red, shiny color. Originally a flower with South America... It is believed that Anthurium brings happiness to its male master. The flower symbolizes courage, passion, strength, freedom, love.

Evergreen coniferous plant in the form of a miniature tree with a pyramidal crown. Instead of leaves, the plant has soft green-yellow needles. Araucaria in the house will fill the home with freshness and coniferous aroma. Serves as an excellent air purifier.

An evergreen climbing plant of the Grimaceae family. The plant has dark green heart-shaped or oval leaves. An umbrella blooms with inflorescences, on a long peduncle. The inflorescence can have up to 25 flowers of white, pink or red. A plant originally from China. It is believed that the plant protects households from various misfortunes and removes negative energy. The plant cleans the air well and kills microbes.

A lush houseplant with curly, light green, basal leaves. The flowers are small, lush, on high pedicels, an umbrella in the inflorescence. Flowers can be white, pink, red. Geranium is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. Very often, the plant is used in home medicine for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, otitis media, osteochondrosis, sciatica, headache, toothache, normalization of blood pressure, indigestion and wound healing. Geraniums are also credited with the mystical properties of determining the diseases of households, the plant begins to wither and disappears when someone gets sick.

Perennial bulbous houseplant of the lily family. A plant native to tropical America. Leaves are belt-shaped, dense, dark green in color, up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is single, juicy, dense, up to 90 centimeters in height. The flowers are large, lily-shaped, collected in an umbellate inflorescence of 2-6 flowers. The color of the flowers can be very diverse. The plant cleans the air well.

The cactus has a spherical symmetrical body with small needles. The body color of the cactus is dark green, the body is ribbed. Cactus blooms, with good care, in late spring and every year. The cactus throws out a shaggy soft arrow at the end of which a bud opens. One bud blooms for 1-3 days. Flowers exude wonderful aroma... You need to place the cactus in places where any radiation is possible (computer, TV and other equipment). Cacti attract money and protect the house from thieves.

A lush houseplant with heart-shaped leaves with a white speck or solid, dark green color. Leaves with long legs. The flowers are single on long stalks. The flower consists of one colorful folded petal and the center of the ear. The color of flowers can be white, pink, red, beige, yellow. Originally a flower from South Africa. Calla has the magical ability to transform aggressive energy into the energy of joy and celebration. Calla is considered to be a talisman of the house, and also a generator of goodness and joy.

A bushy houseplant covered with large oval leaves with a grooved pattern. The leaves are dark green with light green or burgundy blotches. The leaves are arranged symmetrically on high succulent legs. It blooms with small yellow silt white flowers. Flowers are low on separate legs. Calathea cleans indoor air well. The flower is considered to be an absorber of negative energy. According to many beliefs, calathea brings peace to the family.

A lush houseplant with spatulate or oval leaves. Leaves are dark green, shiny, on separate legs, basal. Flowers in an umbrella inflorescence, small, color can be different. In the Kalanchoe house it is considered to be a full-fledged “home doctor”. The plant is capable of healing wounds, regenerating the skin, treating a runny nose, treating stomach ulcers, treating varicose veins veins and so on.

Lush bushy houseplant. The leaves are oval, shiny, dark green. The flowers are large, red, on separate pedicels. Outwardly, the flower is similar to a peony flower. Camellia in the house, good luck in creative and career endeavors.

A tree-like houseplant. The trunk of the tree is thin, single. The crown of the tree is formed from small branches and small, frequent leaves. Crown of myrtle in the form of a ball. It is generally accepted to consider myrtle as a plant capable of giving eternal youth. The plant brings home family happiness and eternal love.

Bushy plant. The leaves of the plant are purple. Outwardly, the flower looks like a "flock of purple butterflies." Oxalis blooms with small white flowers in umbellate inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The flower has the ability to weave. Oxalis can be eaten in salads and as a substitute for sorrel. The flower is recommended for home to those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Oxalis has the ability to sharpen the senses and enhance intuition.

Indoor rose has many varieties. A bush rose is similar in appearance to street roses. A weaving rose does not grow in the room. A tree rose or Chinese rose is believed to bring misfortune. Shrub rose in the house - oldest symbol wealth, love and prosperity.

Bushy massive plant. The leaves are juicy, large, and xiphoid. The leaves can be up to 2 meters high. The leaves of the plant can be of a solid dark green color or interspersed with white and even with a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. Sansevieria promotes family well-being and harmony. ethnoscience did not lose sight of the medicinal antiseptic properties of the leaves of the plant. The juice of the leaves heals wounds and stops the blood.

Low-growing houseplant. The leaves of the violet are oval, dense with a rough surface.The color of the leaves is gray-green. Each leaf has a separate leg. The leaves are lying, located in the root part of the plant. The flowers are correct, on separate pedicels. Flowers can be pink, red, purple, white, yellow, or multi-colored. It all depends on the species. According to legends, the violet brings family well-being. The plant is considered a symbol of eternal love.

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped or oval leaves. Corrugated sheets. The flowers are large, cob-shaped with a single petal around. The flowers are white, matte. The flower comes from South America. It is believed that Spathiphyllum brings happiness to its female master. I will return the flower, tenderness, hope, love.

Weaving indoor liana plant. Leaves are oval or heart-shaped, dark green in color. Leaves can be bordered with a yellow stripe or with yellow blotches. The plant is used in most cases as an excellent air purifier. The flower is able to transform the energy of laziness into mobility.

Indoor tree plant. The trunk of the tree is dense, it can be either squat or high (depending on the subspecies of the plant). The leaves are small, oval, juicy, dark green. The leaves are symmetrically arranged along the branches. According to Chinese beliefs, the leaves of the tree resemble coins. It is believed that the plant attracts money into the home.

Tall houseplant. The stem is dense. single, can be up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem can be brown or burgundy. The leaves are large, oval, juicy, dark green. Ficus maintains an even energy balance in the house. An excellent air purifier.

A bushy houseplant. Leaves are light green thin and bending, xiphoid shape. There is a light strip in the middle of the leaf. There are many leaves on the bush. A plant native to the subtropics. Chlorophytum is an excellent air purifier. The plant is able to fill the air with useful phytoncides. The people call the plant "family happiness". According to legends, it brings happiness, comfort and peace to the family.

Lush bushy houseplant. The leaves are dark green. gray, matte. There are whitish blotches in the leaves. Flowers are solitary on their own pedicels. The flowers look like butterflies. The color of the flowers can be varied. Most often, flowers have a correct natural gradient. The plant has powerful energy. An excellent antidepressant. Drives away bad dreams and dispels fears.

Citrus tree in the house can be both lemon and tangerine. The trunk of the tree is strong and massive. The leaves are small, dark green, on thin branches. The crown on such indoor trees is often spherical. Most often, with proper care, fruits are formed on the tree. The citrus tree in the home is an excellent air purifier. Also, the plant fills the house with citrus freshness, which improves the sleep of households and improves the general mood.

A bushy houseplant. The leaves of the plant are small, dark green, symmetrically arranged on separate legs. Eucalyptus purifies and refreshes the air. Eucalyptus leaves are very beneficial for asthmatics. Also, the plant is very useful for people with bronchial diseases and runny nose.

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