Festive New Year's decoration. Beautiful New Year's decoration of the hall with your own hands

So the magical time of the New Year's holidays is approaching, which both children and adults are looking forward to. Since childhood, we all associate winter with real miracles and long-awaited gifts. One has only to believe in magic, and the most cherished wish will come true! And so that the festive atmosphere completely envelops you even before the New Year and Christmas, play with the New Year's decor at home.

How to decorate a house for the New Year?

Already on the eve of this wonderful time, you can come up with and make new Year decoration do it yourself... If you do not have enough imagination to create your own ideas, the Internet and various glossy publications offer a lot of options. Enough to stock up necessary materials, and most importantly - patience and perseverance, and you will succeed.

Remember, we already decorated the house with our own hands last year? Now let's look at the trends of New Year's decor in 2017.

Decor ideas for the New Year can be manifested in the interior with the help additional elements... It could be Christmas wreaths, garlands, Christmas toys, candles, fruits, balls, light bulbs and more. And of course, do not forget about the transformation of the main attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree do it yourself

Popular ideas for 2017 for DIY New Year's decor are wreaths, candles, champagne. In general, everything that we all associate with this wonderful holiday.

DIY home decoration for the New Year

Some people think that decorating for New Year takes too much time and money. But you can think of something very simple, and at the same time stylish and charming, and your home will shine with new colors.

There are many shops where you can buy everything for decoration, you just need to be inspired by some ideas. But this does not mean that you need to run and buy everything in the world to decorate your apartment for the New Year. It is enough to add a few details to the interior that will add coziness and a festive atmosphere to your home.

Christmas wreaths

Wreaths as DIY decor ideas for the New Year are very popular, therefore, the methods and options for their manufacture are very diverse. You can use almost any material, the main thing is to follow the recommendations, and you will see how you can decorate your house easily and without unnecessary hassle. Detailed master classes how to make Christmas wreaths for home - here and here.

First, imagine how your wreath will look like, what colors will prevail in the elements of its decor, and where you would like to place it. Typically, this Christmas decoration is hung on the door, but you can arrange it anywhere. After the design of the wreath is mentally complex, select suitable materials and the elements that will be needed to make it. The basis for it can be:

  • clothespins;
  • socks;
  • wine corks;
  • newsprint;
  • cardboard;
  • fruits;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • candies;
  • cones;
  • balloons;
  • small items of clothing;
  • beads, fabric, and more.

Candles and champagne

Candles are an essential attribute of New Year's Eve, which will make your home even more comfortable and romantic. All that remains is to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the upcoming holidays in a warm family circle. In addition, it is very simple idea decor for the New Year with your own hands.

You can knit candle cases, or use an old knitted sweater by cutting off the desired piece. This decor will warm and delight you at home on cold winter days.

For the next idea, you will need glass containers and long candles... Put a New Year's candle in their neck, and decorate the free space that forms at their junction with a cloth or pine needles.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a spectacular New Year's decor with your own hands, the photo of which is presented below. These can be whole compositions of cones, twigs, artificial snow, tinsel and other small details.

You can take a non-standard approach to decorating candles and decorate them with Christmas balls, only miniature, bright and neat. It will turn out to be just a wonderful decor for the New Year!

As for the champagne and glasses for it, they also need to be transformed for the holiday. They will become spectacular additions to home decoration for the New Year. Wine glasses can be decorated with interesting beads or paint something New Year's on them.

Champagne can be decorated in the following ways:

  • using colored ribbons that can be tied around the bottle and neck;
  • replace the usual sticker on the bottle with a festive New Year's greetings;
  • paint a winter landscape or any other themed picture on champagne using paints;
  • for a bottle, just like for a candle, you can make a knitted cover, or use some interesting fabric.

As you can see, you already know several ways to decorate your home with your own hands.

DIY Christmas garlands

Garlands are a proven way to create the right atmosphere in your home. They can be used to decorate all rooms and make them more festive. If you are wondering how to decorate a room for the new year, then garlands will be the most suitable option.

You can hang them on the windows, above the door and at the head of the bed. To make the tree shimmer with bright lights and look even more elegant, decorate it with a garland.

Such a New Year's decor of the apartment will delight all family members. And if you want not only the interior of the rooms to flicker, you can use garlands to decorate the house outside, and then not only you, but also the neighbors will be able to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday.

See also: Beautiful Christmas decorations for the street

Decorations for the Christmas tree

Can not imagine new year's eve without this green beauty. Live tree creates a magical holiday atmosphere, and the process of decorating it for the New Year attracts everyone. This is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Trends for Christmas tree decorations change every year, but the main thing is to dress it up the way you like it. It can be anything: balls, pendants, candies, paper snowflakes, garlands with colorful lights, stars, fruits and much more. It all depends on your imagination.

DIY Christmas balls: step-by-step master classes

You can also make your own Christmas tree decorations. This requires:

  • Take balloon and inflate it, just not too much.
  • Coat it on top with ordinary glue.
  • While the glue is not dry, you need to wrap the ball with threads and yarn different colors and leave it all to dry.
  • Take a needle, deflate the balloon and you're done!

Thus, you can make one of the many original Christmas tree decorations for the New Year's decor, which will be remembered by all your guests.

DIY Christmas toys - photo

We decorate windows

If the snow has not yet made you happy this winter, but you want to see frosty drawings outside the window, then you can decorate the windows with homemade white paper snowflakes. New Year's ideas like these will make your home stand out from others, and you will feel winter like no other.

For those who are fond of knitting, you can make multi-colored snowflakes from threads decorated with beads and hang them around the apartment. This DIY New Year's decor, ideas for which you can take from the Internet, is easy to bring to life in any place convenient for you. This requires only diagrams and materials at hand. There are many more ways to make snowflakes:

You can also build such decorations:

  • compose a composition of candles, cones and spruce, and put it on the windowsill;
  • take homemade or purchased balls, and hang them around the perimeter of the window;
  • You can also hang Christmas socks, garlands, and other Christmas decorations for your home.

Do not limit your imagination and create whole New Year's compositions, because it is so much fun and interesting to create something with your own hands. Involve children in this process and help them make something magical.

Wall and door decor for the New Year

Just like windows, walls should be decorated with snowflakes and garlands. self made... Decorating the walls for the New Year will take you a little time, because you just need to attach the decorations with tape or a carnation.

If there is no room in the house for a living Christmas tree, then you can make it from scrap materials and place it right on the wall. Such a home decoration for the New Year will look very original and beautiful, and such an integral attribute of a holiday as a Christmas tree can delight you all winter.

They like to decorate doors in New Year's houses with natural or self-made wreaths. They identify some special festive spirit, and seem to remind that the New Year will be knocking on the door soon.

You can hang rain or tinsel on it and make a horseshoe that will bring good luck and success to the whole family. Thus, decorating a house for the New Year with your own hands can be not only beautiful, but also useful.

Ideas for setting New Year's table

When the interior decoration is completed, and the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year is closed, you can proceed to the final stage - setting the festive table.

Beautiful New Year's table setting

This is the place for which all close people and friends will gather on New Year's Eve, so you need to put your whole soul into its design, and then all guests will appreciate your preparation.

Place the candles and compositions that you have prepared for decorating your home with your own hands on the table. Think about how you can “dress up” the table with festive napkins. Meals should also match the festive atmosphere, so take a look at how you can decorate salads and other cooked goodies.

You can also put a homemade Christmas tree in the center, and let everyone write wishes for each other on it. You can also make gifts with your own hands for the New Year, the videos of which can be viewed on the Internet. This is a good idea, because such a gesture of attention will be doubly pleasant.

New Year's decor trends 2017: photos

New Year's decoration... Home ideas

New Year's decoration of the house. Photo

New Year is just around the corner and we “ full swing»We start to inspire you for creative solutions! After all, many people have the question of how to decorate their home in an unusual way for the New Year and do it better than last year.

New year decoration. Photo

The Christmas tree, of course, is the main attribute of the holiday, but it will not be enough for a full-fledged New Year's decoration. And there is no need to hang garlands in all corners. Yes, and if you think about it, then everyone will come to the conclusion that we no longer love the New Year for festive table and the chimes, and for the "fabulous" atmosphere. So if you have a desire and time, then it is worth working hard, and we will try to help you with this.

Registration for the New Year. Photo

Are you going to decorate the Christmas tree? Of course, you can use Christmas tree decorations or connect your imagination, for example, you can decorate a Christmas tree with completely new items. Such adornments can be things that cause you pleasant memories, associations and simply related to your hobbies. Are you a sweet tooth? Then try to add variety by decorating the tree with various candies with colorful candy wrappers. Motorist? So let miniature car models flaunt on your tree.

Home decoration for the New Year. Photo

This article presents many ideas for New Year's decoration. See if you can find something for yourself. For example, you can create bright flowerpots with Christmas decorations and put them on New Year's table or on shelves in your home to create a sense of the ubiquity of the holiday.

Ideas for New Year's decoration. Photo

Earlier, we have already repeatedly written about the creation of various toys and Christmas trees for New Year's decoration, which you can see in the "New Year's decor" section. Such handmade New Year's toys, of course, will require a little more patience and attention from you. But, on the other hand, they will be original. For their manufacture, you can attract kids. This will extend the feeling of the holiday, make toys a few days or even weeks before the New Year.

We decorate the house for the New Year. Photo

A small Christmas tree in a flowerpot can be an excellent design option. And you can also create small Christmas trees for table decor. For which you need small branches of pine or spruce. They must be tied into a herringbone-shaped bouquet. Tie with a bright satin ribbon!

New Year decoration. Photo

As a child, we all loved to cut snowflakes, which now can be made from paper serpentine or from colored paper. They can decorate a window, a Christmas tree or create whole garlands.

We hope that these ideas will help you in your New Year's decoration!

We create the New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating a house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your monastery a fabulous, festive atmosphere. Ahead is 2018, which needs to be met especially brightly, colorfully and in good spirits. Start preparing now - many great ideas are easy to implement with your own hands!

If at normal times not every one of us is engaged in needlework, decor, embroidery and origami, then in the New Year's Eve, everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done with the whole family with children, and this exciting activity will give you a lot positive emotions... Make your home joyful and light!

Ideas for window decoration

Meet the New Year 2018 outside the windows, painted with frost, even if the outside temperature is above zero. Window- the eyes of the house, outside they are visible to any passer-by, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will be an exquisite decoration for your home. Paper snowflakes look very beautiful on the windows of a private house, but an apartment can also be distinguished from a number of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting paper snowflakes - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with comfortable scissors, be sure to think workplace and start creating window decorations. The more patterns on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass paint and minimal artistic skills, you can create patterns that look very attractive on the outside, warm and cozy. If you are not sure of your talents, just write on the windows: "2018!", "Happy New Year!". Give your younger family members room to be creative. Don't forget to take a photo of the children in front of their work!

New Year's door

Here it is recommended to use western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from pine needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easily decorated with artificial snow, a horseshoe for luck, paper snowflakes. You can make a composition with your own hands, but there are enough ready-made options in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate with tinsel, rain. On it, write congratulations to your loved ones and give them as a gift when you go to visit. Any crafts are good ideas for a presentation or its New Year's addition.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home

How to make a wire star

We bring to your attention another idea of ​​home decoration for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take flexible wire. Bend it to form a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and fold the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

Stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or you can decorate with garlands, rain, serpentine. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the space and create the effect of floating DIY jewelry.

Photo for memory

Each person has a framed photo in their home. Refresh them, give them good New Year spirit: Hang on a serpentine or thick string along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and do-it-yourself drawings.

After the celebration, print new photos and add them to the old ones. Such a composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photos on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, sequins, industrial decorations to decorate the room.

Balloons are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They come in different colors, sizes, glossy, matte, with a rough surface, from different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, fix them in the window opening in the kitchen and in the living room.

As the New Year approaches, we are more and more immersed in an unusual atmosphere: it hovers in the air, is reflected in the pre-holiday city bustle, high spirits, smiles of our loved ones, awakens new hopes and aspirations in our souls. Let's feel like magicians for a while, able to make our wildest desires come true, and decorate the hall so that it turns into a fairy tale.

Decorating main room at home, try to maintain harmony in everything. This year soft pastel shades uniform color scheme. Be sure to update: buy new pendants, garlands, balls. Go shopping, feel the general excitement. And after returning home in high spirits, proceed to decorate the hall.

According to the tradition of the first, we dress up the main attribute of the celebration -.

You can hang it with fruits: oranges, tangerines, apples. Tie satin bows or artificial flowers on the branches, and instead of the traditional star, fix several luxurious feathers on the crown. Be original, experiment!

Christmas tree plantation

Let's surround our Christmas tree queen with mini princesses. We will put several low Christmas trees around it, if, of course, your room allows this. You can buy two or three and decorate them in the same style as the main one. Or buy such small glowing Christmas trees and place them around the big one. Choose the appropriate color scheme, since the selection of New Year's accessories in stores is huge.

You can decorate them like New Year's and place them around the Christmas tree in beautiful glass containers 3 weeks before the holiday. Also, green branches can be placed in vases, wrapped in beads, tinsel and placed throughout the room. The flickering lights of the New Year's garland will add special charm to the compositions. Just decorate your spruce oasis in the same New Year's style.

Or make a separate Christmas tree meadow in the corner of the hall. Build fake locks, teremkas among the mini-Christmas trees, or simply arrange children's toys that are suitable for the concept. The main thing is to avoid chaos, and then Christmas story will turn into reality.

Composition of candles

Arrange live spruce branches and cones around beautiful living spruce branches, creating an imitation of a fabulous winter meadow. In such a composition (as in the photo), natural elements can be replaced with artificial ones, add Christmas tree decorations or other decor.

Or make festive "fire-breathing" bouquets: take an odd number of decorative candles, fasten them at the base with pins and wires. Place in beautiful vases, pour rice on the bottom of the makeshift candlestick (for stability).

Shining rain on the ceiling

Decorate the ceiling with sparkling rain, based on the style of the room. Gather a thin rain or serpentine in bunches and hang on the ceiling, attaching each with pins. Using the same technology, stars can be hung on the ceiling, and other not very heavy DIY jewelry.

We decorate walls, doors, stairs

Involve them in participating in a fabulous show! Fasten Christmas tinsel, satin bows, vinyl decals, toys and pine cones - whatever matches general style decoration of your hall!

On dark background openwork white (or cut from shiny foil) snowflakes look great. If there are doors, decorate them too!

If the living room has a staircase - great!

Do not be too lazy to get sewing machine and sew on the backs of chairs New Year's covers in the form of snowmen, stars, gnomes, Santa Claus hats or decorated with any New Year's motives.

Just do not overdo it, otherwise your fairy tale will take on a life of its own. Everything should be in moderation.

We give the hall a winter look

A few spruce twigs under the "snow" or "frost" will give the hall a magical winter look, and it is very easy to make them. Take a few coniferous branches, gently spread them with glue and sprinkle with pre-grated foam.

Frosty branches will take longer. Prepare a strong saline solution (2 cups per 2 L of water). Dissolve salt in boiling water, cool. Place coniferous branches in it for 5 hours. The shiny crystals of salt will create a beautiful frosting effect on the needles. And where to place the resulting beauty, think for yourself.

Fabulous landscape made of tinsel

Take a chenille wire (or carefully wrap the usual Christmas tinsel) and make New Year's figures: Christmas trees, snowflakes, a pretty face, a gnome ... Figures can be hung in any convenient place, decorate a wall or decorate a mini-Christmas tree plantation with them.


If in your hall beautiful chandelier rather than the now fashionable built-in ceiling lamps, build New Year's pendants from silver beads, bows, balls and other New Year's decorations. The décor of the chandelier can be chaotic or orderly - at your discretion. In the first case, take balls or bows different color and size, hang them on different heights... In the second - place identical balls in a single "bouquet" or scattered, but at the same height. Balls can be complemented decorative elements: stars, garlands, snowflakes, bows.

Chandelier decoration. Photo from the site sistemafly.ru

Or maybe you want to dim the bright light a little? Then make a suspension from satin ribbons, at the lower ends of which, fix the Christmas tree decorations, if, of course, the shape of the chandelier allows. Go back to childhood and cut openwork snowflakes from napkins, decorate the windows with them. Make wreaths out of pine twigs.

Complement the window in the hall with New Year's lighting. The LED grid with the effect of melting icicles is perfect for our fabulous landscape.

And some more inspiring ideas for decorating your home for the holiday.

New Year is a wonderful time that requires an appropriate setting. Therefore, many are racking their brains on how to decorate the house for the new year 2019. The festive atmosphere is largely created by the decorations.: Christmas tree and stylish jewelry, flickering candles, ceremonial dishes, wreaths and New Year's gifts. There should be joy, celebration and a little magic around. You can create a holiday that will be remembered for a whole year by yourself. Well, today he will give you a bunch of original ideas on how to decorate a house on New Year 2019.

Ideas on how to decorate a house or a room in an apartment for the new year 2019

Let's see ideas on how to decorate a house for the new year 2019. Roofs of houses, trees and streets sprinkled with white fluff create a fabulous landscape of holidays. Therefore, you can invite winter to your home and introduce an unusual frosty atmosphere into the interior. Dress the tree in white - white baubles, pendants and garlands are softly combined with silver jewelry... Thus, the decorated tree will shine beautifully throughout the night.

You can also pick up white in the living room winter decorations, sofa cushions and capes that look like they've been dusted with a thin layer of snow. Such a design would be chic, surprisingly cozy and completely timeless.

For those who live in high-rise buildings, the question is also worried: "How to decorate an apartment for the new year 2019?" This year, metallic shades appear in all possible details - decorations, lighting, tabletop objects.

One of the hottest trends is copper combined with wood and neutrals, elegant flowers... Wanting to create an interior in this style, designers put on fur. Ideal on floors, chairs, but also unusual decoration table.

If you really don't know how to decorate a room for the new year 2019, then with We advise you to pay attention to the eco trend, it is gaining more and more fans. Natural materials, muted colors, inspiration from the natural world have also taken root in interiors. It is worth transferring this eco trend to New Year's decorations. Furniture and accessories are made of natural wood- braided with cotton additions, will not only bring a winter aura into the house, but also make it cozy. Instead of traditional balls on festive tree ornaments made of rope, paper or wood will appear.

How to beautifully decorate the house with balloons?

Don't know how to decorate your house with balloons for the new year? Here are some original ideas, photos:

Ideas for decorating your home for the new year 2019 outside

If you live in a private house, then you probably don't mind decorating your home not only inside but also outside, then catch some original ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year outside, not only beautifully, but also in an original way.

  • Wreaths;

The first thing you should pay attention to when decorating a house outside for the new year is the design of the door; various spruce wreaths, as well as wreaths of cones and other natural materials, are suitable for this.

  • Garlands;

Garlands, beautiful iridescent with all the colors of the rainbow, the most good decision in the outdoor home decoration for the new year 2019.

  • Decorative animals;

Believe me, if in your yard there will be a sleigh with decorative deer loaded in them, all passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off. Squirrels or deer from garlands, or rather deer from garlands, will also look very beautiful and original when decorating a house for the new year metal frame covered electric garlands.

Ideas on how to decorate a nursery for the new year 2019

New Year is good time to plan changes and renovations to our interiors. Interesting ideas to decorate the space can awaken the imagination, therefore they justify themselves, especially in the child's room.

Sometimes even the smallest little things are given joy to the kid, which will attract his attention and awaken his imagination.

Christmas decorations can completely change the interior and create a Christmas mood at home. Just a few lanterns, a bouquet of holly twigs and a festive headdress for a magical atmosphere throughout the house. What Christmas decorations to choose for a children's room?

Christmas angel figurines, holly twigs and candles add sparkle to any space. You can make a festive wreath with your child. You just need to purchase a ready-made frame and decorate it with holly twigs, adding the selected decorations.

Multicolored christmas tree

The Christmas tree always looks pretty, no matter how you dress. Decorating a Christmas tree for the new year 2019 should be matched to the tone of the interior. The blue ones go to the boy's room and the gold ones to the girl's room. You can also put on the forefront and buy a colorful Christmas tree. Children love to decorate the Christmas tree with their own hand-made decorations, for example, you can make glazed gingerbread, paper, pasta, or yarn decorations with children and hang them on the tree

To the children's room for decorating a Christmas tree as original idea wall stickers, pillows or linens with New Year's motives. For a nursery, you can buy a very small potted Christmas tree. Hang Christmas decorations made of felt on the door, wall or bed frame, such as socks with Santa Claus, deer, snowman or rooster.

By the way, a simple Christmas tree decoration for meeting the new year 2019 in your child's nursery can be turned into exciting quest, children love this activity very much.

New year lanterns

All kinds of lanterns are wonderful festive decorations. There are many ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year, the brightest and safest interior items should get into the child's room.

You can insert small candles into them, creating beautiful decorations. It is enough to put inside the luminaire aroma candles, and the whole room will be filled with a festive aroma! However, when decorating a room for a child, instead of a candle, it is better to use LEDs for decoration.

Glowing balls

Glowing balls cotton balls are the latest fashion trend and ... beautiful decoration for the holiday. Balloons are perfect for a child's room, will illuminate it with gentle and soft light. The kid may not want to part with them after the New Year. Here's another idea for how to decorate a room for the new year, especially a nursery.

Festive table for New Year's party

White tableware is synonymous with elegance. Many stylists recommend decorating the entire festive table in this color, complementing the service with white candlesticks, candles or a wreath.

When preparing the decorations for the festive table, do not lose sight of the rustic style, especially if the New Year is planned to be celebrated outside the city. Fur skins in combination with wood can act as decoration!

Can be used wooden planks as a stand or take a piece of raw wood to write a menu on it. Create your own composition in the central part of the table made of wood with a few shiny additions. In this role, copper cutlery is ideal, as well as decorated in a similar colors, dishes.

In order for guests to feel the unique atmosphere, it is worth preparing original vignettes for them and placing them on plates, between twigs or attaching to a glass. The main thing in a festive arrangement is to create a good, friendly mood. Copper additives will provide a warm, cozy atmosphere in any apartment!

In the decorations of the festive table, you can use forest cones and spruce branches, and replace paper napkins with cotton napkins.

Black and white as well as red and white are timeless duets. These colors are great for Christmas styling. If you want to create an unusual festive decoration, a black tablecloth complete with white dishes, a Christmas tree dressed in black toys, preferably with a matte shade, and gifts wrapped in white and gold paper will look modern, elegant and dignified.

Decorating a bottle of champagne for the new year

Of course, if you decorate champagne for the new year with your own hands, all your guests will be delighted and the festive table will become much brighter. In order that decorating champagne bottles for the new year with your own hands is not very difficult, there are a lot of ideas for decorating them, below step by step photos ideas that will be useful to you.

If you decide not to decorate a champagne bottle for the new year with your own hands, then there are a lot of options for how you can decorate champagne bottles for the new year, for example, these are ready-made bottle covers, such as in the photo:

How to decorate a store, school and office for the new year 2019

Christmas is a magical period in which everyone wants to feel this special atmosphere, so it is worth taking care of creating it not only in the apartment. Appropriate decoration of an office, shop or classroom will allow everyone in the environment to feel a magical aura.

How to decorate an office for the new year is usually decided by the employees of this office, therefore, having gathered as a friendly team, do not interfere with each other to express their opinions and ideas.

In this case, the Christmas tree creates a festive atmosphere. Therefore, the whole Internet is full of options for how to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year and photo ideas on the eve of the holiday. For the new year, for decorating a Christmas tree, you can use it as natural materials and simple plastic or glass toys. Christmas tree decoration 2019
must be adapted to the size of the room so as not to absorb the interior. A real, fragrant tree requires maintenance, so buying an artificial one is recommended.

If you were instructed to decorate the office for the New Year with your own hands and the hands of employees, please note that color shades Christmas tree decorations and other decorations can be selected according to the company logo. It is better to stick to minimalism in the decor of any formal space. A heterogeneous group of snowflakes, snowmen, angels and rooster figurines will give the office a frivolous look.

Balance and style must be maintained. For example, a small faux Christmas tree and original souvenirs in high-tech or avant-garde style.

Employees will feel the fullness of the holiday when they drink their favorite coffee or tea from a cup with a festive theme. What usually decorates an office for the new year, you can see in the photo below:

On the eve of the holiday, teachers begin to figure out how to decorate the classroom for the new year. Often you can also hear from schoolchildren that we are decorating the class at school for the new year - this is one of the better solutions, since children always have many original and beautiful ideas.

Also in each preschool it is necessary to decorate the group in kindergarten new year. Most garlands and pine wreaths will become common decorations for the class at school and for the group in kindergarten which are great for use in small offices due to the fact that they can be hung almost anywhere. This is how the decoration of a class and a group in a kindergarten for the new year may look like, photo:

So, what do-it-yourself store decorations for the new year are the most accessible and simple, but also beautiful and original?

The simplest will be all sorts of garlands, both luminous and just beautiful balls and pompons. Do not forget to decorate the windows, you can see ideas on how to decorate them just below.

If the space of your store allows, you can put a small Christmas tree and decorate it, and also do not neglect balls and decoration. front door to your store. Here are a few more ideas on how to decorate the store for the new year, photo:

How to decorate windows for the New Year holidays

Before you start decorating the window for the New Year, you need to decide on the style so that it matches the rest of the room. If ideas for a house for the new year do not enter your head in any way, then we will help you.

If the living room is decorated v classic style, traditional jewelry will look more appropriate... There are snowmen, Christmas trees or angels on the windowsills. Glasses adorn winter landscapes made, for example, with artificial snow. Drawings or accessories in white, silver or gold colors will bring light and warmth to your home.

Fashionable additions are also pearl decorations, they can be hung on a Christmas tree, but they will look no less beautiful, fixed on curtains or placed on a windowsill.

Windows can be decorated pine wreaths, garlands of feathers, nuts and pearls. A festive mood will be created by stickers or stencils with Santa Claus, angels and carved snowflakes. To decorate windows, you can use artificial snow in the form of a spray or special easily washable paints.

How to choose a Christmas tree and how to decorate it in Feng Shui, video:

Preparing for the holiday and decorating your home is a way to create warm, enjoyable moments or return to childhood. Their effects will delight the eye and give the interior a unique atmosphere.

Of course, these are not all ideas for decorating a home for the new year 2019, however, we have collected for you today in this article the most beautiful and original options decoration of premises for the holiday. We wish you pleasant holidays and a happy new year!

Beautiful photo ideas decoration of the premises for meeting the new year 2019

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