Everything about asphalt chips in simple words. Asphalting paths in a suburban area Do-it-yourself asphalt path

Crumb asphalt consists of crushed materials. The material is often used in various areas related to road construction. Most widespread received in modern times, thanks to the advancement of technology, namely after the introduction of a special unit that is capable of removing layers of long-term coating without damaging the base of the “cushion”. In this article we will describe in detail how to lay asphalt chips with your own hands.

Asphalt crumbs contain bitumen and recycled construction crushed stone. Depending on the classification, the fraction does not exceed a few cm. Multi-raw material crumbs, formed from the composition of crushed stone, sand, bitumen, and concrete, are also found. Experience shows that multi-raw material crumb behaves most optimally under our conditions.

The crumb goes through a certain preparatory cycle before it turns into the finished product. The cycle consists of several stages at once:

  • removal of old coating;
  • removal to the factory;
  • splitting up;
  • sorting and dispatch.

Where is this material used?

The use of asphalt crumbs can be found in many areas. To a greater extent it occurs when:

  • Construction of roads, highways;
  • Construction of small sites near country houses;
  • When sprinkling stadiums and play areas in parks and outdoor entertainment centers.

As you can see, it can be used in many areas; it is not uncommon to find crumbs in forested areas of parks, where bicycle and pedestrian paths are sprinkled. When constructing new highways, asphalt chips are used to strengthen exits and shoulders, protecting the new road surface from deformation and vibrations. Interesting feature recent years- this is what many construction companies use crumbs to fill the top layer of the base before laying the finished floor. This serves as additional insulation from the damp foundation.

Today, the baby has become popular among summer residents because of its relatively high cost. Modern village roads are built from crumbs. Indeed, in comparison with similar crushed stone or concrete roads, it has significant differences:

  • It is highly resistant to moisture and various weather conditions;
  • Durable;
  • Not washed away by floods;
  • Significantly lower in cost, given the low production costs.

Technology for laying asphalt chips

This technology began to be used in road construction relatively recently, but in a short time it has fully confirmed its advantage. As mentioned above, asphalt chips are a secondary product, more precisely a consequence of multi-layer removal of the old road surface followed by crushing. Despite the low cost of production, the material is distinguished by its significant strength and can be processed.

One of the main advantages of this material is considered by many to be the ability to densely fill all voids and cracks in the coating. Even with time and gradual compaction with the help of cars, such a coating only becomes stronger and more durable. Due to the dense laying, the road is practically not subject to erosion.

Working with such material is incredibly simple; the main thing is to know the basic cycle and laying technology, which includes several successive stages:

  1. The first thing to do is to clear the masonry area as efficiently as possible, and then lay the so-called “cushion”. In each specific case, it may differ depending on the specification of the future road. For example, you can use crushed stone, concrete or broken brick. In some cases, it is justified to lay several layers of the listed materials.
  2. After this, the surface must be carefully leveled using special road equipment.
  3. Next, pour out the material of the future coating and level it over the entire plane.
  4. The last stage includes compaction with rollers. After all the above stages, the road is ready for use.

Note: here it is necessary to note the peculiarity that for such coatings it is not recommended to use rollers weighing more than 10 tons. And if you pre-fill the canvas with bitumen, you can achieve better strength and impermeability of the coating.

Considering the main advantage of such material as low cost, more and more people are filling the roads in their areas with crumbs. In addition, it is gradually replacing classic materials, such as paving slabs and paving stones, used for arranging playgrounds and park areas.

When installing yourself manually it is necessary to similarly preserve the technology and stage-by-stage work in order to achieve a positive result.

Note: Special attention pay attention to the route of communications. Take into account the fact that sooner or later you will have to change pipes and the like, which will accordingly lead to the destruction of the canvas.

When we have determined the size of the plot, we order about 10-12 tons of asphalt chips per 100 square meters. Consider the amount of work. If the area is really large, it is better to rent a small skating rink. As a rule, the factory selling the material will be happy to lend its equipment for use, of course for an additional fee.

When the material is ordered, you can begin preparing the site, namely removing the top layer of soil. Keep in mind that you will have to remove at least 20 cm. As a result, a characteristic trench will form. If desired, you can put a layer of geotextile on the bottom, it will prevent soil subsidence.

A mound (cushion) of crushed stone and sand is laid on top of the geotextile or earth. Each layer is at least 3-5 cm. In principle, if the site is not planned high pressure, you can do without these materials.

Note: the volume of soil is large, so take care of removing the soil in advance.

After all the preparatory work, you can safely start pouring the crumbs; this must be done sequentially. For convenience, you should get a couple of assistants, because it will be difficult to cope with such a volume of work alone. The crumbs are poured out in small “batches” to avoid the formation of voids. If the area is large, it is better to use a roller. There is nothing complicated in managing it, but at the same time you will save a lot of time and effort. To achieve coating strength, bitumen emulsion should be applied first. Thanks to bitumen, it will only be stronger and will also become resistant to temperature changes during the cold period.

The technology for laying on roadsides and ramps is identical and is carried out according to the same scheme. The material is considered the best alternative to crushed stone and sand, but in comparison with the classic coating it does not have enough strength; after all, the crumb is loose in structure.

Important points

Working with asphalt crumbs is easy, but you need to know certain points. Asphalt crumbs must be placed in several layers - this is a mandatory requirement for large roads. The first layer of at least 7 cm should sink well after compaction. After which only the second “cake” is poured, also at least 7 cm. If the material is placed in parks or in local areas, such as entrances to a house or garage, then it is permissible to use one layer, but not less than 10 cm.

The reliability of an asphalt pavement depends on the use of high-quality components in the mixture, their uniform mixing, and maintaining temperature regime during production and storage. In addition, the planned location for laying the asphalt pavement should be as close as possible to the place of its production, so that the time for transporting the material is as minimal as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The main advantages of laying asphalt are:

  • affordable cost, especially in the case of small-scale applications;
  • possibilities instant cooking in factory conditions;
  • durability of the coating, subject to compliance with the manufacturing and installation technology;
  • the relative simplicity of laying asphalt in the presence of special equipment.

The disadvantages of asphalt and concrete are:

  • a sharp decline technical characteristics when heated by sunlight;
  • evaporation of bitumen when heated and the release of harmful fumes;
  • the need to maintain the required temperature until the asphalt pavement is laid.

At the same time, despite the presence of serious shortcomings, a price alternative to asphalt concrete has not yet been found. A path made from paving slabs will be noticeably more expensive.

Work to improve the quality and versatility of the material is being carried out as part of the selection of more effective mixtures. Good performance is achieved by adding polymer mixtures and reducing the volume fraction of bitumen.

Purpose of the constituent components

Asphalt concrete with and without mineral powder.

The first asphalt was made from natural bitumen. Then they began to use bitumen, obtained as a result of oil distillation, when heating liquid hydrocarbons. Today it is the most common binder for the production of asphalt concrete mixtures.

Sand, gravel or crushed stone in asphalt play the role of the main working fillers. Sand is necessary to more evenly distribute pressure within the asphalt layer and fill voids between individual stones. Together with bitumen, it binds larger fractions of stone, holds them and does not allow them to go up beyond the layer.

Fractions of gravel and crushed stone determine the group of asphalt concrete and its area of ​​application. All asphalt pavements are conventionally divided into three groups according to density, depending on the size of the stones used:

  1. dense, with a gravel fraction of 5-10 mm, for paving courtyards, sidewalks, paths and other surfaces with low load;
  2. porous, with a stone size of 10-20 mm, for laying lower layers in multi-layer coatings;
  3. highly porous, with a crushed stone fraction of 20-40 mm, for use on critical sections of highways.

This porosity distribution determines the ability of asphalt to transmit moisture and drain it into the drainage layer for further drainage into the ground. Therefore, highly porous material is more difficult to install, but its service life is much longer.

Finely ground chalk, limestone or sandstone are added as mineral fillers. They fill the last remaining voids and make the asphalt path more uniform. Moreover, the best mineral filler is made from sandstone, as a chemically neutral substance.

By adding crumbled rubber, crushed to sizes of 1.0-1.5 mm, ductility and hydraulic stability increase.

Therefore, asphalt with it is often used to cover the roofing of workshops of industrial enterprises. Asphalt concrete with rubber crumbs is less likely to crack and has spring properties.

Reinforcement with polymer mesh.

Polymer additives in the form of reinforcing plastic fibers significantly increase the strength of the material. This cooking technology is used only for the most critical areas. The strength of an asphalt path can also be increased by adding cement to it, but in this case you cannot use limestone as a fine filler.

Do-it-yourself asphalt production

  • Self-made asphalt does not allow it to be used for laying highways and city streets. However, such material can be effectively used for arranging garden paths or areas with low weight load during operation. To make your own asphalt you will need:
  • ordinary, even unwashed sand;
  • fine gravel or crushed stone;
  • solid bitumen resin with a melting point of no more than 120°C;
  • wide bucket or concrete mixer;
  • metal barrel and bucket;
  • shovel;

wide sieve or metal mesh for sifting sand.

Prepare a dry mixture of sand and gravel in a bucket or concrete mixer in a ratio of 1:2 by volume. Place the barrel on the stand and light a fire under it. Pour a bucket of water inside.

Pour the crushed stone-sand mixture into the barrel and wait until the water boils. Boil the bitumen in water until the bitumen melts and the water gradually boils away. Then pour the molten bitumen into a barrel with a crushed stone-sand mixture and begin to actively mix. It is recommended to stir metal pipe or other durable object. At the time of pouring, there must be boiling water in the barrel; hot bitumen cannot be poured into cold water.

The ratio of the volume of bitumen to the volume of crushed stone-sand mixture is approximately 1:15. More accurately, the density of asphalt can only be determined visually.

In order to improve the plasticity of the asphalt mass, simplify mixing and facilitate subsequent laying, you can use special or liquid detergent. The plasticizer is added in accordance with the instructions, liquid detergent at the rate of 1 glass per 40-50 liters of asphalt.

As soon as the water has boiled away, the homemade asphalt is ready and can be laid on the path. If by this time you have not finished preparatory work, then add water to the barrel again. Please note that you can only add boiling water, cold water If it gets on a hot surface, it can instantly boil and cause burns.

Laying asphalt pavement

Do-it-yourself installation work begins with making planning decisions and markings. At this stage of work it is necessary to clearly define:

  • with the location of the track;
  • its width and height above ground level;
  • with the type of curb and its installation height;
  • with places for laying drainage systems.

When determining the location of the path, you should take into account the presence of possible underground engineering communications, location garden trees and the direction of slopes for rainwater drainage. After making decisions, you need to drive pegs around the perimeter of the future asphalt pavement, defining its exact contours.

Along the marked contour, it is necessary to dig a so-called “trough” or trench, 15 cm deep. Lay a layer on its bottom, which will prevent the germination of weeds and allow moisture to freely drain into the lower layer of soil.

Install and secure the curb and fill the “trough” to the top with crushed stone. The surface must be thoroughly compacted. The durability of the asphalt pavement depends on the quality of the compaction.

Next, you should buy asphalt or prepare it yourself and lay it on top of crushed stone in a layer 4-5 cm thick at a time. Pre-leveling can be done with an inverted rake or a wooden mop.

During the leveling process, it is necessary to check for slopes using building level. Compaction of the asphalt concrete layer on garden path best to do .

It should be noted that the process of laying asphalt with your own hands depends on weather conditions. These works should not be carried out at sub-zero temperatures or in damp rainy weather.

Technology for recycling asphalt pavements

The need to save money when repairing and building new asphalt roads led to the development of an effective recycling system (reuse of materials). In this case, the asphalt removed from the road surface is processed, both in stationary factory conditions and in mobile equipment at the work site.

With this technology asphalt concrete pavement is removed using a special mechanism with a mechanical cutter - a remixer.

Next, the removed material is crushed into a crushed stone fraction and can be used to prepare dry mixtures for the construction of road bases and fills for suburban highways and roads.

Asphalt base. According to the second technology, the collected and crushed material is placed in a furnace and heated without access to fire to 170°C with the addition of required quantity

fresh bitumen and additives. This processing method is widely used when repairing city streets and courtyards, since the price, production and laying of asphalt in this case is much lower.

Recycling asphalt at home The old road surface made from asphalt mixture allows home handyman arrange on personal plot comfortable and neat asphalt pedestrian paths, which can easily replace paving slabs

. This DIY asphalt can also be used, for example, to cover the floor in a garage or in front of it.

Only the top bitumen layer needs to be removed. The removed material must be broken into pieces as small as possible. The maximum fraction should not exceed 40 mm.

Methodology for checking the quality of asphalt road surfaces Each manufacturer building materials is obliged to issue the buyer of asphalt a certificate of product quality compliance with state standards. To do this, the plant must have a certified laboratory that can conduct necessary complex tests. In addition, in all major cities

There are independent laboratories for checking the quality of construction and manufacturing of materials. construction site testing occurs by drilling a core of a given diameter from road surface followed by restoration of the road surface. Externally, the quality of the delivered asphalt can be determined by its temperature and the presence of a black, greasy film on the surface.

A wide range of repair and construction works includes the use of asphalt granulate - asphalt chips. In terms of its composition, it is a secondary raw material obtained from asphalt concrete during the reconstruction of old roads. The surface is cut using a road milling machine, and then the material is crushed. Obtaining small, medium or large fractions is carried out by sifting. After this, asphalt crumbs are applied at the dacha , for landscaping areas around private houses, offices, etc.

Affordable price and high quality raw materials determines the widespread use of asphalt crumbs. The composition contains bitumen particles, which, when heated, demonstrate high adhesion of the material to other elements. Therefore, granulated asphalt is ideal for:

  • – roads with low traffic;
  • – temporary road surface;
  • – arrangement of parking lots and technological sites;
  • – creation of tennis, basketball and other sports grounds;
  • – filling potholes and holes;
  • – creating reliable roadsides.

In practice, installation takes minimal effort and does not require the use of expensive special equipment. For small roads, sidewalks, paths - this is perfect solution in terms of price and quality. In addition, the coating made of asphalt chips is aesthetically pleasing and looks harmonious in any landscape design.

There are several methods for laying asphalt chips. In the first case, the ground for the road construction is leveled and compacted, then geotextiles, sand and crushed stone are laid. This entire “sandwich” is well compacted and asphalt chips are laid on top, taking into account its future compaction of 10 cm.

If you are interested in how to lay asphalt chips with your own hands, saving time and money, the second option is suitable. In this case, after clearing and leveling the ground, crumbs are laid, and then bitumen is poured onto the required area. After this, granulated asphalt is applied again and only then the area is compacted using a roller.

At correct installation, a road made of asphalt chips will delight you with the following advantages:

  • – Wide range of applications.
  • Affordable price compared to gravel, crushed stone and asphalt.
  • – Durable service in suitable conditions.
  • – Easy to install.
  • – Resistance to negative atmospheric factors.

Compared to other paving materials, an asphalt crumb machine will cost much less. However, before carrying out work, it is necessary to calculate how much granulated asphalt will be needed for laying.

If you are interested in the construction of asphalt chips, then determining the amount of material required is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The optimal layer of crumbs should be 10 cm, however, it is worth taking into account the compaction of asphalt granulate using a roller, which causes the material to shrink by at least 10 cm. Thus, we get a coefficient of 0.2. You can determine how much asphalt chips you need using the following formula:

  • – S x 0.2;

where S is the area of ​​future backfill.

Example: it is necessary to fill 200 sq. m with asphalt granulate. meters. We multiply the area by 0.2 and get 40 m3. If compaction of the crumbs is carried out not by a roller, but by a vibrating plate or machine wheels, then the coefficient will be 1.5. You can also find out how much asphalt chips are needed in this case using the formula - it turns out that for backfilling 200 sq. meters of road or site will require 30 m3.

As a rule, the density of asphalt crumbs depends on the fraction - it can be small, medium and large. Therefore, depending on the composition of the material, 1 cubic meter of asphalt granulate can weigh 1500-1900 kg. And if you need to purchase KAMAZ asphalt crumbs, then approximately 12 cubic meters will fit in the car.

And, finally, about the cost of asphalt chips. The total price of the material depends on the fraction, composition, and the presence or absence of additional additives to achieve coating strength. If delivery is required, the price includes transportation costs, including services for loading and unloading raw materials. You can find out the exact cost of asphalt granulate by contacting the managers of the MSK-Region company.

Asphalt is enough reliable material, used to cover roads. For high loads stamps with best characteristics, for example, M1200.

Less dense material (M1000) cannot withstand the load from the weight of numerous cars, for this reason it is usually laid only when constructing sidewalks and paths.

First of all, it is necessary to plan the area where the asphalt will be laid. Required work are planned taking into account the purpose of the coating. For a “light” highway, with low traffic flow, only 1 layer of crushed stone will be required, but to build a serious highway, a minimum of 3 layers is required.

Crushed stone fractions are arranged from maximum to smallest, after which they are carefully rolled with a roller. This is required to create a special cushion (base), on which asphalt is poured. All asphalt laying work is carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP and GOST.

There are 2 main technologies for pouring asphalt:

  1. Cold way. They are most often used for repairing asphalt pavements, since such material sets in short term, and the repaired asphalt can be used without restrictions;
  2. Hot method. Used to create new asphalt pavement. For this method, the heated bitumen-based mixture must be poured and rolled until it cools down.

The cost of repairing bitumen should not be less than 0.5 liters, and when creating a new route, the material consumption must be calculated separately. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the asphalt surface, but also its structure and possible additional factors.

During work, it is imperative to use a special thermometer, which makes it possible to measure the temperature of the bitumen mixture. Constantly checking this indicator is of great importance, because after the material has cooled, it can no longer be used for asphalt pavement construction.

Application of impregnation

Currently, 3 types of impregnations are used for this purpose:

  1. Based on acrylic polymer. The most expensive coating, it is used only in small spaces, for example, on a tennis court. They create the highest quality protection, and they also come in several colors;
  2. Coal tar. Coating that is resistant to petroleum products. With the help of special components, in addition to a long service life, a visually attractive shade is achieved;
  3. Asphalt emulsion. An affordable and popular material, but it is not able to provide the necessary protection for the coating, which forces the asphalt surface to be repaired more often.

If cracks appear on the asphalt, a non-bitumen mixture can be used for repair. It’s better to use a sealant sprinkled with cement on top.

To ensure maximum pavement strength and prevent the formation of cracks, special meshes are placed under the asphalt.

They create high-quality adhesion of the new coating, increase the performance characteristics of asphalt and increase the time of its use.

Compaction is an essential consideration when laying asphalt pavement. It is produced using special machines- a roller, an asphalt paver, or use a vibrating plate; this is not very mobile equipment, but it has a number of advantages over other rolling methods. For example, an asphalt paver can perform at least 2 types of work, and a vibrating plate is the most maneuverable among them.

Laying asphalt according to GOST

Mixing of components is carried out in accordance with GOST 9128, the mixture is divided into 2 types, according to installation conditions:

  • for use at temperatures exceeding +5 degrees;
  • for use at temperatures in the range -25 - + 5 degrees.

Crushed stone, which is part of the mixture for laying asphalt, must be selected in accordance with the requests specified in GOST 8267; screenings are standardized according to GOST 8736. Bitumen are used as the binder component of the mixture - BND 90\130 and BND 60\90, corresponding to GOST 22245.

The influence of material on the quality of asphalt pavement

In order not to buy low-quality asphalt concrete, the seller must be required to provide a certificate of conformity for the product. There are a number of laboratories that perform asphalt testing and sampling. Asphalt analysis is carried out by examining a selected core (asphalt core).

Improvement of asphalt pavements

Despite their practicality, asphalt sheets can be modernized. One of effective methods is the use of mastics specifically designed to improve asphalt. They contain bitumen and special emulsions for it, which contain rubber and polymer additives.

In most cases, bitumen mastics are used heated, and emulsions are used without heating. Mastics close pores and cracks on the surface of the asphalt; this does not allow moisture to penetrate under the asphalt and destroy its structure - when freezing, moisture breaks the coating and creates water hammer when vehicles pass.

Do-it-yourself asphalt laying

In your home or country house, asphalt pavements are suitable for constructing sidewalks and creating paths; they are used to make blind areas. In addition, this material can be used to create roofing coverings.

The paths are laid in stages:

  1. Pre-clean up trash and remove soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  2. After this, curbs are installed, serving not only as decoration, but also as walls for bitumen;
  3. Next, arrange a pillow. A layer of crushed stone is poured to a depth of 15 cm, then it is compacted, a layer of fine crushed stone is filled in and rolled again. The sand is poured last, in a layer of 5 cm. The prepared pillow must be thoroughly shed with water and then rolled with a hand roller;
  4. Hot asphalt must be spread evenly over the area of ​​the path. After that, the unevenness is leveled with a motor mop, while simultaneously filling the resulting depressions with new portions of asphalt. Since the material cools quickly, it is better to do the work with 1-2 assistants;
  5. After the asphalt has been laid and leveled, you need to compact it with a hand roller. Before work, the roller needs to be lubricated with diesel fuel; this will help create an even and smooth coating (the asphalt will stick to a dry roller). It is advisable to coat all tools used during work with diesel fuel.

When laying asphalt, it is important to monitor its temperature. It must be maintained at a level of at least 120 degrees; a coating laid from cold material will completely deteriorate in a short time.

In addition, when laying, it is important to perform only straight movements with the tools; in no case should they be returned to you along the surface of the coating.

After completing all the work, you can impregnate the coating by replacing the impregnation with a special paint intended for asphalt. With its help you can get the shade you need.

Asphalt repair

The asphalt structure is destroyed not only by physical activity, but also under the influence of the sun's rays, which over time destroys bitumen and makes the surface fragile.

There are 3 main asphalt restoration technologies:

  1. The first method: sealing cracks in the coating using tar. The surface intended for repair is cleaned in advance. Taking into account the size of the crack, 2-3 cm is covered with sand and then filled with tar, or if the width of the defect is small, tar is used immediately. After 10-15 minutes have passed, the sealed asphalt must be leveled with a spatula. Do the same with other cracks on the surface.
  2. Second method: you can buy rolls of ready-made asphalt. This is an inexpensive and practical product and what is important is that it is convenient to use for minor repairs. The rolls are rolled out, and after removing the protective layer, they are placed on the surface with an adhesive surface. Press the roll tightly for a few seconds and the repair is complete.
  3. The third method: will make it possible to eliminate small holes and damage on the asphalt surface. The defect must be cleaned in advance, all debris removed and dust removed. Densely fills all voids with bitumen composition. After 2-3 minutes, the sealed area must be leveled and compacted.

To prevent the destruction of asphalt, it must be renewed every 4-5 years, and any cracks found must be sealed with water and chemically resistant sealant.

If the asphalt begins to crumble, then this coating must be completely changed. It is very easy to apply the sealant, pour it out of the container and brush the surface to be treated well with a stiff brush.

Asphalt repair in winter

For asphalt repair winter period, you will need to first prepare the work site: clear the snow, chop off the ice and treat the defect area with a special compound.

Snow and moisture cool the asphalt; for this reason, it is not worth laying and repairing thick layers of asphalt in wet weather.

In light rainfall, work can only be done on the entire asphalt surface, but work can be done in parts at intervals; during snowstorms and heavy rain, asphalt cannot be poured. Otherwise, after a short time, the bitumen coating will require repairs.

If you eliminate defects in a timely manner, repairing the most worn areas, then it will last much longer. The most important thing during repairs is to carry out milling correctly, this means removing a layer of old coating at the site of the defect using cutters.

A seam cutter is also necessary for removing the used coating layer and for creating seams. Heated asphalt is transported in a kocher; it is designed for transporting hot bitumen mass. To reduce costs manual labor, specialized enterprises use real automated complexes.

For example, for the repair of highways, units are used to remove a layer of worn-out pavement, which simultaneously perform cutting of defective material and milling.

Pothole repair

Complete repair of asphalt is not always carried out; the pitting technique is often used, which consists of filling detected defects, cracks and potholes with a bitumen composition. It is used only if the damage to the canvas is no more than 15%.

Before starting repairs, prepare:

Marking. In addition to defective areas, it is also necessary to mark a small part of the whole canvas. If several holes are located in the same radius, then they will need to be painted with the same outline.

Dismantling. After this, the damaged asphalt is removed, for example, using a jackhammer. In this case, it is advisable to use the cold milling method, since with its help you can obtain smooth walls.

Cleaning up. At this stage, crumbs and debris are removed from the coating, and you can begin treating the defective areas with a bitumen compound.

Material rating:

  • The asphalts used are the purest in environmentally , when compared with similar compositions of previous years;
  • The cost is quite expensive;
  • Can be used to create almost any coating. In addition, it can also be used in the construction of buildings;
  • The new asphalt looks quite attractive in appearance, but over time it begins to fade. You can restore its color by painting the surface with a special paint;
  • It is impossible to prepare asphalt at home;
  • Requires in fast work and use of assistants, because after cooling it is unusable.

When should cold and hot paving be used?

Cold laying of this material is mainly used for repairing coatings. The main thing here is high-quality compaction of the material. A big plus of cold asphalt is that it can be used at any time of the year. The necessary work can be done even in winter.

There are 2 types of cold asphalt:

  • Summer. When laying, the desired air temperature is within +15 - +30 degrees;
  • Off-season. When laying, the desired air temperature is within -5 - +15 degrees.

But such material is not suitable for overhaul or installing a new coating. Here it is better to use hot asphalt.

Road repair is a burning topic that affects absolutely everyone. Drivers complain about the lousy surface that ends up ruining their cars prematurely. Passengers public transport- on the quality of transportation and schedule violations. Officials blame the lack of funding, which makes it impossible to carry out high-quality repair work.

You can look for the culprits for a long time or try to find an economical and effective solution Problems. A step forward in resolving the current situation will be the use of recycled materials, namely the laying of asphalt chips.

What is asphalt crumb good for?

Roads at all levels are in dire straits - from federal highways, where replacement of the coating is necessary, to the tracks local significance. The latter often remain deprived of the attention of the authorities and over the years become completely unsuitable for traffic.

Recyclable materials obtained after recycling old asphalt are a universal resource for highway construction. The technology of laying asphalt chips makes it possible to solve whole line problems, spending a minimum of money. Crushed asphalt is suitable both for the construction of new modern roads and for those with low traffic loads.


Crumbing is a simple process, and in operation it performs better than crushed stone. Such raw materials retain all their driving properties. Mechanical grinding of large layers does not affect the fact that the composition contains bitumen - a substance that is both astringent and creates additional density. This significantly extends the life of the road.

Another advantage of laying asphalt chips is that over time the quality of the road only improves: fragments of the old pavement are crushed and compressed so that the result is a fairly smooth and durable coating. This makes asphalt chips a real panacea for villages, dacha cooperatives and other places where new roads will not be built in the foreseeable future.

Laying asphalt chips yourself

The undeniable advantage of this raw material is that you do not need special qualifications to work with it. The product of processing removed asphalt is becoming an increasingly popular material every day. The popularity of the raw material is also added by the fact that it has become possible to lay asphalt chips with your own hands.

If we are talking about small area and there are no time limits, even one person can cope with such a task. In the case of a large area, it is better to hire a team of workers.

Work order

So, you don’t need a builder’s qualifications to lay asphalt chips. All you need to know before starting work is calculating the material. Taking into account the terrain, the consumption of raw materials will be approximately 15 tons per 100 square meters. m. You need to rent a roller weighing 10-14 tons from a company that supplies asphalt crumbs.

The preparatory activities required for laying asphalt chips include removing bushes and grass and leveling the road topography. If possible, it is better to cover a prepared, flat surface. bitumen mastic. This way you will secure the material and prevent the crumbs from scattering at first, until they are compressed under the constant pressure of the wheels.

The technology for laying asphalt chips with your own hands is not complicated: the work is carried out in 2 stages, pouring each layer of raw material and pressing it with a roller. One layer should be approximately 10 cm thick. After final compaction, the road is ready for use.

Working with asphalt crumbs is easy. Compared to other loose coatings, it wins because over time it becomes stronger and holds better, while sand and crushed stone scatter along the roadsides. In addition, the advantage of recyclable materials is its low cost. And although it's not that good operational characteristics, like new asphalt, this is a real salvation for roads that have not been able to wait for funding for many years.

Thus, in the case of building roads from asphalt crumbs, a very dense and strong surface is formed, which is subsequently rolled by car wheels, becomes harder, and does not collapse or erode.