What is mined in Mexico. Mexico tourist resources

Mexico is the 13th the globe country by area. The variety of resources that nature has awarded Mexico are due not only to the unique geographical location between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and at the same time being in the tropics and subtropics, as well as a very peculiar, predominantly mountainous terrain.

All of these factors lead to very diverse agro-climatic resources of Mexico.


Mexico spread out on an area of ​​1972550 square kilometers. It is located in the south North America. The east coast is washed by the Atlantic (with the help of the Gulf of Mexico and caribbean), the western one - by the Pacific Ocean (not without the participation of the Gulf of California).

Mexico includes and whole line islands located on both sides of the land.
The highland covers the lion's share of the state and consists of 2 parts: Northern and Central mesa. large area has a plateau, which is located at an altitude of one to two thousand meters above sea level. Highlands from the side of the oceans are limited by mountainous the Sierra Madre ranges: respectively Western (about 3 km high) and Eastern (about 4 km high).

In the south of the country, the Transverse Volcanic Sierra stretches, consisting of extinct, dormant and active volcanoes. There are over 300 of them in total. This is one of the largest volcanic belts. Its length is 880 km, and its width varies from 50 to 100 km.

The highest peaks of volcanoes are covered with snow caps. The highest point in the country Orizaba Peak Volcano(Pico de Orizaba, 5611 m.). The California Peninsula is formed by a mountain range about a kilometer high. Plains in the country are present mainly in Yucatan.


As we wrote above, Mexico located in two climatic zones. If in the north and west of the country, as a rule, the weather is dry and cool ( annual rate rainfall 90-250 mm, temperature fluctuations from + 10-15 ° С from November to April, up to + 20-25 ° С from May to October), then in the south and east of the country it is humid and warm (annual rainfall is 2000-3000 mm , temperature fluctuations from + 20-25 ° C from November to April, up to + 30-35 ° C from May to October). In the central regions on the territory of the highlands, precipitation is unlikely, and the temperature is + 10-20 ° С.

Due to the pronounced relief, there is also a significant temperature difference depending on the height above sea level. Air humidity, in turn, depends on tropical cyclones and is of greatest importance in the territory Gulf of Mexico.

Water resources

Marine water resources Mexico has it in abundance. But due to climatic conditions and due to the peculiarities of the relief, the distribution of fresh water resources is extremely uneven. While in the north and west of the country there are only fleeting mountain rivers, on the east coast and in southern Mexico flow longest rivers.
The most significant are the following water arteries (the data are indicated without tributaries and only the part that flows through the territory of Mexico).

Gulf of Mexico Basin:
Aktopan (length 112 km, basin area 2001 sq. km);
Antigua (length 139 km, basin area 2827 sq. km);
Grijalva (length 608 km, basin area 83213 sq. km);
Candelaria (length 150 km, basin area 9628 sq. km).
Kasones (length 910 km, basin area 62881 sq. km);
Coatzacoalcos (length 325 km, basin area 17,369 square kilometers);
Nautla (length 124 km, basin area 2785 sq. km);
Nekasha (length 375 km, basin area 7903 sq. km);
Panuko (length 510 km, basin area 84956 sq. km);
Papaloapan (length 354 km, basin area 46517 sq. km);
Rio Bravo del Norte (length 2018 km, basin area 226280 sq. km);
San Fernando (length 400 km, basin area 17744 sq. km);
Soto la Marina (length 416 km, basin area 21183 sq. km);
Tonala (length 300 km, basin area 5679 sq. km);

Hamapa (length 368 km, basin area 4061 sq. km);
Pacific Basin:
Acaponeta (length 233 km, basin area 5092 sq. km);
Aquillilla (length 50 km, basin area 194 sq. km);
Ameka (length 205 km, basin area 12214 sq. km);
Atoyak (length 200 km, basin area 17109 sq. km);
Baluarte (length 142 km, basin area 5094 sq. km);
Balsas (length 771 km, basin area 112,320 sq. km);
Cañas (length 203 km, basin area 7114 sq. km);
Colorado (length 179 km, basin area 5180 sq. km);
Culiacan (length 875 km, basin area 15731 sq. km);
Magdalena (length 335 km, basin area 25808 sq. km);
Mayo (length 386 km, basin area 15113 sq. km);
Matape (length 205 km, basin area 6606 sq. km);
Ometepek (length 115 km, basin area 6922 sq. km);
Papagayo (length 140 km, basin area 7410 sq. km);
Piashtla (length 220 km, basin area 473 sq. km);
Presidio (length 200 km, basin area 6479 sq. km);
Rio Grande de Santiago (length 562 km, basin area 76416 sq. km);
Rio Fuerte (length 540 km, basin area 590 sq. km);
San Lorenzo (length 315 km, basin area 8919 sq. km);
San Nicolás (length 201 km, basin area 2330 sq. km);
San Pedro Mezquital (length 255 km, basin area 26,480 sq. km);
Sinaloa (length 400 km, basin area 260 sq. km);
Sonoyta (length 311 km, basin area 7653 sq. km);
Sonora (length 421 km, basin area 27,740 sq. km);
Suchyate (length 75 km, basin area 203 sq. km);
Tehuantepec (length 240 km, basin area 10,090 sq. km);
Tijuana (length 181 km, basin area 3231 sq. km);
Tomatlán (length 203 km, basin area 2118 sq. km);
Tushpan (length 150 km, basin area 5899 sq. km);
Yaki (length 410 km, basin area 72540 sq. km);
Caribbean Sea Basin:
Rio Hondo (length 150 km, basin area 2688 sq. km).

Despite the apparent abundance of rivers, and there are more than 150 of them, they are unevenly distributed, and about half of the country's population suffers from a lack of drinking water. Agriculture also mainly depends on irrigation by river waters.

Navigation is possible only on a few rivers. But nevertheless, the rivers, especially in the east of the country, have sufficient water resources, and the energy potential is approaching fifteen million kilowatts. In total, more than 50 hydroelectric power plants have been built on the rivers of Mexico. The most ambitious project is a series of four dams on the river Grijalva.

Mexico has many small lakes. The largest - Chapala - has a mirror area of ​​​​1100 square kilometers, with a maximum depth of 10 meters. Montebello National Park- This is a group of almost six dozen small lakes with completely unimaginable colors from sky blue and dark blue to rich turquoise. In general, Mexico has a wide variety of lakes - from volcanic to underground.

Where surface water resources are scarce, use underground springs. For example, on the peninsula Yucatan is the only source of drinking water. The preliminary estimate of groundwater reserves is positive, and suggests twice the amount of available surface water.

Soil resources

Land Resources of Mexico largely dependent on soil cover. And he, in turn, solo depends on the climate and relief. Much of Mexico and virtually all agricultural land is heavily eroded.
20-25% of the soil cover is gray soil. They predominate in the north and northwest in the desert regions and are suitable for cultivation only if there is constant irrigation.

Chestnut soils are inherent in the more arid regions of the steppe, while at the same time, where the climate is more humid, the steppes are covered with brown soils. Red-brown and red-brown soils of mountain volcanic origin are especially fertile. The humid climate of the tropics has formed a red-yellow color in the southern region of the country. ground cover. The southeast of Mexico is covered with swampy soils.

Agricultural enterprises skillfully enough use natural conditions and resources of Mexico by growing consumer crops specific to each region.


Forest resources of Mexico occupy about 20% of the entire territory. At the moment, the largest forest areas remained only in the tropics and on mountain ranges. The most common forests are coniferous and mixed, their volume reaches 60%, while tropical forests occupy only 40% of the forested area.

mexican vegetation, the main stereotype, occupies only a desert northern part country and consists of all kinds of acacias and mimosas, rubber, three-toothed larrea (with a depth of penetration of roots up to 100 meters), about five hundred varieties of cacti and Mexican pride - agave. By the way, the agave is represented by almost 150 species, for example, sisal is made from the Fourcree-shaped agave for the production of paper, ropes and packaging fabric.

Humid central regions of Mexico covered with mixed forests, in which hornbeams, plane trees, lindens, hickories, magnolias, etc., and conifers grow. The latter are represented by firs, cypresses, cedars, Monte Summa pine. In the temperate region, oaks and liquidambr adjoin the evergreens. And if deciduous species dominate at an altitude of up to 1500 meters, then pine already predominates higher. Alpine meadows stretch around the snow caps of the volcanoes.

Southern tropical areas Mexico still contain mixed forests, but only in the highlands. Basically, there are dense evergreen forests with an abundance of palm trees, bamboos, as well as valuable tree species - mahogany, logwood, cedrela, guayacán.
Eastern slopes with high humidity dressed in deciduous forests with some species of vines and tree ferns.

Industry breeds with industrial value, is pine, red cedar and oak. Most of the cut wood is exported. A part goes for the needs of the pulp and paper and wood-chemical industries (production of tanning and dyeing reagents). Mexico produces over 80% of chicle juice, being the world leader.


Natural resources of Mexico include rich wildlife. The location of the state provides for being in two belts at once: neoarctic and neotropical wildlife.

In northern forest areas frequent representatives are the bear, the forest lynx, the raccoon, steppe coyote, wolf and other forest animals.
In deserts and steppes there are wild felines, prairie dogs, kangaroo rats, hares and others. A frequent visitor is the cougar, as well as wild boars, pronghorns and other animals of the neotropical zone.

Fauna of the south of the country There are also many representatives of nature: howler monkeys and spider monkeys, jaguars, Central American tapirs, Mexican tamandua (anteater), opossums, raccoons and Mexican porcupines.

Variety of birds represented by a variety of hummingbirds, parrots (red macaw and others), as well as toucans, bare-necked umbrella birds, American and royal vultures and others.

world of reptiles represented by common iguanas, olive marine and land turtles and numerous reptiles.

Maritime representatives, especially shrimp, lobster, orange crabs, oysters, bluefin tuna, sardines, marlin and others are of great industrial catch value.

Recreational resources

Recreational Resources of Mexico include worldwide resort areas in Acapulco and Cancun, as well as the Riviera. More than fifty corners of wildlife have the status of national parks. They have an area of ​​about one million hectares.
These are the White Sands of the Tularosa desert, and the mountain forests of Bosanchev and Cumbres de Monterey, the volcanic reserves of Pico de Orizaba and La Molinche, national park all kinds of birds. Water pearls of Garrafon, and. And the famous Crocotown Reserve, where they breed the Yucatan species of crocodiles.

is a natural aquarium located in a mountain cave and filled with sea and fresh artesian water. Incredible clear water and a variety of colorful tropical fish, as well as many different algae have unusual color combinations.

Crococoon Park famous not only for breeding local reptiles, but also for a rich collection of flamingos, tiger pythons, rare parrots, spider monkeys and white-tailed deer.

natural parks Bosenchev and Cumbres de Monterey amaze with the beauty of pine thickets.
The water world of the Garrafon park is full of colors of coral reefs and the ruins of the Mayan civilization.

Rich in mangroves, lagoons of incredible beauty and wild jungle. Here you can easily meet not only turtles, but also exotic birds.
This is only a small part of Mexico's tourism resources. This country is so multifaceted that every visit will be filled with new experiences.

Mineral resources

Mineral resources of Mexico contain many different kinds of minerals. Natural resources graphite in Mexico ranked first in the world. And the total reserves of various minerals have a fifteen percent share in the region. Among the industrially produced are antimony, sulfur, mercury, gold, cadmium, bismuth, tin, tungsten. The mined ores are of high quality composition. Hydrocarbon resources in Mexico are rich in oil, natural gas and anthracite. The country also has significant reserves silver, iron and uranium. In terms of manganese ore reserves, Mexico is also among the leaders in the region.

A wide variety of fossils is caused by a special geological structure. Natural resources for development industry in Mexico also include deposits of lead-zinc ores. In general, the country occupies one of the leading places in terms of reserves and development of various deposits.

Mexico also has a leading position (second in Latin America after Venezuela) in production oil and gas. Offshore deposits are especially rich.
The country has more than two hundred deposits mercury. This allows Mexico to confidently occupy the 3rd position in the world.

More than half of the stock silver on the American continent is also found in Mexico. A quarter of the gold reserves are located right there.
Mexico is also one of the leading developers of sulfur deposits. Almost half all reserves of the American continent are located in this country.

Minerals of Mexico

1. General characteristics

1.2 - 2.5 g/t

Potassium salts, million tons in terms of K 2 O

2. Certain types of minerals

Oil and gas. Detected approx. 350 births. oil and 200 - gas, concentrated g.h. in the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas basin. Childbirth. in the main small, 2 genera are known. with reserves of more than 500 million tons (Bermudez and Cantarelle) and 12 genera. from the beginning explored reserves of more than 100 million tons of oil and 100 billion m 3 of gas. Oil and gas deposits of the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Cretaceous and Jura. The most limestones of the Cretaceous are deep. 350-6500 m. Oil density 778-980 kg/m3, sulfur content 0.1-5.84%.

? ? Minerals of the countries of the world

Australia? Austria? Azerbaijan? Albania ? Algeria? Angola? Argentina ? Afghanistan? Belarus? Belgium ? Bulgaria? Bolivia? Botswana? Brazil ? Burkina Faso? Great Britain ? Venezuela? Vietnam? Armenia? Ghana? Guyana? Gabon? Guinea? Honduras? Greece? Georgia? Estonia? Ethiopia? Egypt? Yemen? Democratic Republic of the Congo? Zambia? Zimbabwe? Republic of the Congo? Israel? India? Indonesia ? Iraq? Iran? Ireland? Spain ? Italy? Kazakhstan ? Canada? Kyrgyzstan? China? Colombia? DPRK? Cuba? Laos? Latvia? Lithuania? Liberia? Libya? Mauritania? Madagascar? Malaysia? Mali? Morocco? Mexico? Moldova ? Mongolia ? Namibia? Nigeria?

Mexico has always fascinated me and I hope one day I will see this country with my own eyes. In the meantime, it remains for me to read and watch programs about it, so I know the features of this camp quite well. Today I will talk about natural resources Mexico.

Minerals of Mexico

The abundance of underground wealth in this country is due to geological factors. First of all, these are volcanoes, and some are still active. As you know, most of the rare minerals are of a volcanic nature, and therefore the places of outpouring of magma become rich deposits. Volcanism is a manifestation of active geological processes, which leads to the formation of geological structures different nature, which also contain valuable elements. Mexico is rich in such geological units as:

  • folding;
  • blocks;
  • deflections.

The largest are folding areas composed of volcanic rocks. They are rich in silver and gold, zinc, lead, copper and other elements. In general, Mexico can be called a country that has reserves of almost all minerals. I will especially note the large oil and gas basin of the Gulf of Mexico.

Mexico: natural resources of the country

the main problem- scarce water resources, however The groundwater many times the surface volume. Actually, due to this, it is possible to somehow stabilize the water supply. Water problems have become an obstacle to the plowing of new lands, so much of the center and south remain untouched.

Forests cover up to a fifth of the territory of Mexico, but are concentrated in that part of the country that is located in the tropics. The wood is exported to other countries and used in the domestic market, but the main wealth of the local forests is chicle juice, the main component of chewing gum. More than 85% of this raw material is produced in Mexico.

I would like to note the huge energy potential of Mexico in the field of alternative energy supply. Today, projects are being implemented that will help to implement it in the near future.

Picturesque Mexico is located in the central part of America. Its total area is 1,964,375 km2 and occupies several climatic zones: from tropical to desert.

Mexico is a country rich in natural resources such as gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, natural gas and oil. The mineral industry in Mexico is an economically profitable sector and the main source of income for the state.

Resource Overview

The main oil-producing regions of Mexico are located in the eastern and southern parts of the country, while gold, silver, copper and zinc can be found in the north and west. Recently, Mexico has become the world's leading silver producer.

As for the production of other minerals, since 2010 Mexico is:

  • the second largest producer of fluorspar;
  • third in the extraction of celestine, bismuth and sodium sulfate;
  • the fourth producer of wollastonite;
  • fifth in terms of production of lead, molybdenum and diatomite;
  • the sixth largest producer of cadmium;
  • seventh in terms of manufacturing graphite, barite and salt;
  • eighth in terms of production of manganese and zinc;
  • 11th in the ranking of reserves of gold, feldspar and sulfur;
  • 12th largest producer of copper ore;
  • 14th largest producer of iron ore and phosphate rock.

In 2010, gold mining in Mexico accounted for 25.4% of the total mineral industry. The gold mines produced 72,596 kg of gold, up 41% from 2009.

In 2010, Mexico accounted for 17.5% of the world's silver production, with 4,411 tons of the raw material produced by the silver mines. Despite the fact that the country does not have significant iron ore reserves, its production is sufficient to meet domestic demand.

Oil is the country's main export. Moreover, according to statistics, Mexico's oil industry ranks sixth in the world. Drilling rigs are located mainly along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The sale of oil and gas accounts for 10% of the total export receipts to the treasury.

Due to the decline in oil reserves, the state in last years reduced oil production. Other reasons for the decline in production are the lack of exploration, investment and development of new projects.

Water resources

The Mexican coast has a length of 9331 km, and stretches along the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. These waters are rich in fish and other marine life. The export of fish is another source of income for the Mexican government.

Along with this, the increase in industry and the dry climate have depleted both ground and underground reserves. fresh water states. Today, special programs are being created to preserve and restore the country's hydrobalance.

Land and forest resources

A truly rich region is rich in everything. Mexico's forests cover an area of ​​about 64 million hectares, or 34.5% of the country's territory. Forests can be seen here:

  • tropical;
  • moderate;
  • foggy;
  • coastal;
  • deciduous;
  • evergreen;
  • dry;
  • wet, etc.

The fertile soil of this region has given the world many cultivated plants. Among them are well-known corn, beans, tomatoes, squash, avocados, cocoa, coffee, different kinds spices and more.

Mexico(United Mexican States) is a country in North America. The population of Mexico is 120 million people. The capital of the state is the city of Mexico City. Other big cities- Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla de Zaragoza, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Leon, Nezahualcoyotl, Zapopan, Acapulco. These cities have a population of over 1 million people. The largest city in the country is Mexico City (13 million people). It is the second largest city in the world (after Tokyo) in terms of population. Mexico is located in three time zones. The first zone is 6 hours behind the universal time, the last (third) is 8 hours behind.

Mexico has land borders: in the north - with the United States, in the south - with Guatemala and Belize. From the west, Mexico is washed by the Pacific Ocean, from the east by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

Mexico is the most populous Spanish speaking country. Mexico is a mountainous and desert country, it also has high mountains, and large deserts. The whole country is located in two climatic zones- subtropical and tropical.

Forests occupy one fifth of the country's territory. 60% of the total forested area is occupied by coniferous and mixed forests, the rest is tropical forests.

Mexico is considered a mountainous country. There is a wide variety of mountain ranges and ranges: the Eastern Sierra Madre mountains, the Western Sierra Madre mountains, the Cordillera of North America, the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, the Southern Sierra Madre mountains, the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. highest point Mexico - Orizaba Peak. The height of this peak is 5700 meters. There are also many volcanoes in Mexico: Nevado de Colima (height 4339 m), Paricutin (height 2774 m), Nevado de Toluca (height 4577 m), Popocatepetl (height 5452 m), Istaxihuatl (height 5286 m), La Malinche (altitude 4461 m), Cofre de Perote (altitude 4282 m) and Sierra Negra (altitude 4580 m). Many of these volcanoes are active or even active.

The most big river in Mexico - the Rio Grande (it also flows through the United States). The length of the riverbed through the territory of Mexico is 3000 km. Other major Mexican rivers are Usumacinta (length 560 km), Balsas Panuco (length 724 km), Grijalva (length 480 km), Rio Conchos (length 910 km). The largest lake in Mexico is Chapala. Other famous and picturesque lakes are Montebello, Cempoala, Arareco, Colina, Camecuaro.

Administratively, the country is divided into 31 states and one federal district. States: Aguascalientes, Veracruz, Guerrero, Guanajuato, Durango, Hidalgo, Campeche, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, Coahuila, Colima, Mexico City, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Zacatecas , San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Jalisco, Chihuahua, Chiapas, Yucatan.

Federal (capital) district: Mexico City. Mexico has no overseas territories or possessions.



Mexico has a dense network railways, however, there is no intercity passenger service. Commuter traffic operates only in the Mexico City area. Prevails on all roads freight traffic, several lines lead to the USA.

Mexico has its own excellent autobahns. Of all the roads, the roads leading from Mexico City to other major cities and to the US border are in the best condition. The rest of the roads require major repairs.


The country has gone through an original rather difficult history. Main periods historical path Mexico:

a) Prehistoric Mexico - the appearance of the first people on the territory of modern Mexico (15 thousand years BC), the Clovis culture (10 - 9 thousand years BC), the Folsom culture (9 - 8 thousand years BC), the emergence of agriculture (7 thousand years BC), the emergence of permanent settlements (about 2500 BC), the emergence of Indian tribes (2000 BC), the Olmec civilization (2000 BC - 400 AD), civilization Aztecs, Maya civilization (2000 BC - 1000 AD);

b) Medieval Mexico (since 1000) - the decline of the Mayan culture, the Toltec civilization (1000 - 1300 years), the Aztec civilization,

c) Colonial Mexico (since the 15th century) - the Spanish reconnaissance expeditions of Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba (1517) and Juan de Grijalva (1518), the landing of the Spanish conquistadors (1519), the uprising of the Indians (1520), the capture of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (future Mexico City) ) (1521), the fall of the Aztec empire, the beginning of the Spanish colonial rule (1521), the formation of New Spain (1522);

d) Independent Mexico - the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence (1810 - 1813), the defeat of Spain, the proclamation of the independence of Mexico (1813);

e) Mexico during the period of Spain's attempts to restore the colonial system - the emergence of a partisan movement and a partisan war with the Spanish colonists (1815 - 1820), the signing of the Treaty of Cordoba in 1821, recognizing the independence of Mexico;

f) Mexican Empire (1821-1822);

g) The Republic of Mexico (since 1822) - the uprising in Veracruz (1822), the fall of the Mexican monarchy, the proclamation of Mexico as a republic (1823), the separation from Mexico of some future southern states of the United States (Texas, California), the Mexican-French War (1838 year);

h) Mexico during the reign of the dictator Santa Anna (since 1841) - an armed coup and the overthrow of the republican form of government in the country (1841), the Mexican-American war (1846), the American occupation (1847), the loss of all northern states and their accession to the United States, the loss of state independence;

i) Mexico during the second reign of Santa Anna (since 1853) - the Mexican Revolution of 1854 and the overthrow of the regime of Santa Anna (1854), the restoration of the republican form of government;

j) Mexico during the Anglo-Franco-Spanish intervention of 1861 - the defeat of England, France and Spain in the war;

k) Mexican-French war of 1864-1865 - French occupation;

l) Restoration of the Republic - since 1867;

m) Mexico during the reign of the military dictatorship of Diaz (since 1876) - a military coup in the country and the coming to power of the Mexican General Porfirio Diaz, establishing diplomatic relations with Russia (1891);

o) The Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917. - the overthrow of the dictatorship of Diaz, the coming to power of his rival in the elections - Francisco Madero (1910), a military coup (1913), the removal of Madero from power and the coming to power of Huerta, military operations in Mexico, the removal of Huerta from power (1914 ), American intervention (1915), end of the American occupation of Mexico (1917), presidential elections (late 1917);

o) Mexico in the period of presidential rule (since 1920) - the coming to power of Alvaro Obregon (1920), the construction of the economy and the industrialization of the country, the removal of the church from government, the Cristeros uprising of 1927, agrarian reform;

p) Mexico in World War II (1939 - 1945) - policy declaration

neutrality, declaration of war on Germany (1942), the participation of the Mexican air squadron in battles with the Japanese on pacific ocean(1945);

c) Mexico after the war during a period of intensive economic growth (since 1945) - industrialization, road construction, development Agriculture, student riots (1968) demanding changes in political system countries, liberal reforms, armed uprising Mexican Indians (1994) and its suppression;

r) Mexican "Cactus Revolution" (2006) - protests against the rigged results of the presidential elections, the inauguration of the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon.


Mexico is a country rich in minerals. The country has deposits of coal, oil and natural gas. However, the country does not have enough gas and Mexico imports the missing part of the blue fuel from the USA and Canada. As in the USA and Canada, in Mexico enough gold and silver mines that are being actively developed.

From other minerals in the country, bismuth, fluorites, graphite, antimony, lead, zinc, cadmium, copper, iron, sulfur, manganese, barites, tin, pyrites, rock salt, arsenic, talc.


On the territory of Mexico, there are two types of climate - tropical and subtropical, and the border between them is very conditional. In the mountainous part of the country, winters are slightly colder, and summers are cooler. In the desert part and in the tropical forest zone, it is almost always warm, the change of seasons there is symbolic - winters are warm and snowless, and summers are dry and hot (in the rainforest area it is more humid).