How to paint old wallpaper with water-based paint. Can I paint vinyl wallpaper

In spite of big choice various finishing materials on the shelves building stores Wallpaper remains the most popular and demanded product for wall cladding.

But one and the same interior of a room quickly gets bored, and dismantling the old coating and gluing a new product are laborious and costly processes.

So that the wallpaper does not have to be changed often, many designers and experts in conducting finishing works recommend to apply wallpaper on vinyl based... The question of whether it is possible to paint vinyl wallpapers, pops up by itself, and the answer is yes.

Vinyl wallpapers and their features

Paintable vinyl wallpaper is a reliable and versatile material that saves time on decorating and replacing cladding. Even 20 years ago, people re-pasted wallpaper in apartments almost every year. The reasons for this action could be different, someone was tired of the color, and someone accidentally smeared the coating, and all the work had to be done anew.

Since the wallpaper was mainly paper, it was often difficult both when covering the wall and when dismantling it.

The material is easily glued to the wall and lends itself to painting

With the advent of vinyl wallpaper, the difficulty in carrying installation works disappeared, since the material is easily glued to the wall and can be easily dismantled from the surface.

Many manufacturers immediately began to create not only wallpaper with a pattern on a vinyl base, but also for painting. Initially, people did not have confidence in this product, and the question of whether it is possible to paint vinyl wallpaper was often asked in all hardware stores.

After a while, all the distrust in vinyl roll products disappeared, since the material has established itself with better side, as a reliable quality product with a long operating period.

They are a two-layer or three-layer material. The bottom layer is usually thick paper or non-woven, and the top is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The middle layer is a masking layer, thanks to which all surface irregularities are hidden. You can see a visual representation of the composition of vinyl wallpaper in the diagram below.

Today, professionals in finishing work distinguish 3 types of vinyl wallpaper:

  1. Foamed. Excellent thick roll material that helps to remove all irregularities from the human eye wall covering and various surface defects. This cover can be either plain or embossed, have a preliminary color, or be white or beige (for painting). Foamed wallpaper is susceptible to mechanical damage due to its structure (a large layer of PVC), therefore additional surface coloring will not only impart the new kind product, but also protects it from various scratches and contacts with any objects, creating a protective layer.
  2. Kitchen wallpaper. Wall products designed for the kitchen have a high density, average thickness and a slightly embossed surface, since the material often gets dirty and needs constant care. The surface of vinyl kitchen wallpaper can be washed with water to remove all stains. If it was not possible to clean up some stained places, the coating can be repainted. Any paint intended for interior decoration, easily fits on this type of wallpaper.
  3. Flat wallpaper. Only this type of wall material from the entire range of vinyl products is not intended for painting. Since it is often decorated with ornaments different colors, and if you paint the wallpaper in one tone, the whole type of product can deteriorate.

All kinds vinyl covering despite their distinctive features have common characteristics.

Characteristics of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is resistant to mechanical damage

Every interested person will ask the question: “How so different types coatings can have the same characteristics in common? ", but this is indeed the case. Since different types of vinyl wallpaper are created by varying the thickness of the layers and the shape outer pvc- surfaces, and the composition of the material does not change.

Vinyl wallpaper has the following characteristics:

  • the excellent density of the material allows people who are unfamiliar with this process to stick the product, since the wallpaper is not easy enough to tear and damage;
  • are not afraid of mechanical damage (except for foamed wallpaper without color);
  • a huge selection of products with different relief;
  • wallpaper does not fade in the sun, like paper;
  • good moisture resistance. For more information on material properties, see this video:

Vinyl wallpaper is not without its drawbacks. One, but significant flaw is the non-conduction of air by the product, therefore, if you do not pre-treat the walls with an antiseptic compound or use non-specialized glue, then mold will appear on the wall under the wallpaper.

Wallpaper painting and material selection

Use water-based, acrylic or latex compounds for painting

Before painting the vinyl wallpaper already glued to the surface, you need to take care of the material and tool with which this action will be performed.

To apply color to the surface, you will need a brush and a special painting container - a "trough", where paint is poured in a small amount to get the roller wet.

Vinyl wallpaper paint may have different composition, each type of coating has its own specific advantages. For painting vinyl wallpaper, you can use:, latex and acrylic paint.

If you have children in your room, it is better to use water-based paints, which give a matte effect to the surface on which handprints do not remain. Application of latex and acrylic paints, suitable for large rooms. These paints dry quickly and give a glossy surface effect.

Face painting can be done by everyone

Today there are 2 popular options for coloring vinyl wallpaper.

The traditional method is face painting, which every owner can do. If the wallpaper is painted for the first time, then two layers of products should be applied at once, in further use one painting will be enough.

Method 2 will seem unusual to many, but this method of applying paint is often used specifically for vinyl wallpaper. Its feature is the application of the composition with back side... This action is possible due to the excellent absorbent qualities of the first non-woven layer. This action will create a uniform, blurry, not saturated color.

It can be produced from 5 to 10 times, depending on the recommendations of the manufacturers. It is customary to apply paint on the wallpaper with a roller, and only in hard-to-reach places ah should apply a brush. For more information on the secrets of the process, see this video:

Do not forget that specialized vinyl-based paintable wallpaper is cheaper than flat vinyl wallpaper with colored ornaments. They are usually wider and require additional paint and tooling costs.

From the above material, each person can draw conclusions for himself which vinyl wallpaper can and should be painted, and which is not worth it. But nothing is impossible, there are craftsmen who repaint flat vinyl wallpaper, peeling off the top color from colored ornaments, re-coloring them with a brush in a different color, but this process is very laborious, and the result is not always pleasing to the eye.

It happens, and special funds for overhaul no, and the vacation is ahead. And so I want to freshen up my apartment, add novelty, zest! There is a solution: paint liquid or vinyl wallpaper in your home. If you pick up high-quality materials and understand the intricacies of the process (what types of wallpaper can be painted (for example, liquid wallpaper), and what it is undesirable to touch), very soon your apartment will sparkle with new bright colors.

Can ordinary wallpaper be painted

No matter how beautiful your favorite wallpapers are, sooner or later their color will fade or just get bored. Agree, from year to year to observe the same design, shade - over time, everything begins to discourage any person. We urgently need to change something, but how to modify aged wallpaper without unnecessary waste and effort? To do this, use their painting. But the question is: is it possible to paint an ordinary coating at all, or are only specially designed materials suitable for this?

TO traditional types wall coverings include paper wallpaper... They can be found in almost every apartment. If you suddenly want to update them, but do not buy new ones and do not spend days and nights gluing new ones roll materials, be careful. Experts say what to paint regular wallpaper better not. Double-layer, single-layer wallpaper, - given view wall covering may suffer from paint. However, a well-organized process will freshen up long-faded colors in your home. It is necessary to study the basic requirements.

You can take up painting the wallpaper only if it does not have serious damage. It is important that the material is not peeled off from the wall, on the contrary, it must adhere tightly to it, otherwise buy coloring composition doesn't make sense.

Special requirements are put forward for the level of paint quality. Among its basic characteristics should be present:

  • strength. Ordinary ones need to be protected from various mechanical damage;
  • environmental friendliness. If toxic elements are found in the dye mixture, the paper coating may not survive such painting;
  • firmness. The paint should retain its color for a long time. It is equally important to protect the coating from the harmful effects of water - select a composition that can cope with this.

You can paint the old coating, but this is done exclusively with water-based paint. V this category include latex colorant. The advantage of its use is its ability to strengthen even an ordinary paper covering. They become durable, can withstand further exposure to water. Feel free to wash the wall covering after using this material. Acrylic composition with a latex base is another popular product. After painting with this material, a conventional coating acquires texture and is less susceptible to corrosion. You can paint them with water-based acrylic paint. Then a feeling of mustiness and steam will not appear in the room, and the composition itself will dry out quickly. The most budgetary option is a water emulsion. It has no smell, dries instantly, but does not differ in water-repellent properties.

The liquid wallpaper

Painting sooner or later liquid wallpaper may also be needed. Over time, stains and dirt appear on liquid wallpaper, which cannot always be removed. Painting is the best way out. Choose a quality coloring composition and get to work. The choice of shades is so diverse that you can safely experiment. Buy either a ready-made paint, or a base and colorants: for example, you yourself remove beautiful shade colors for liquid wallpaper. Whether it will be bright and saturated or, on the contrary, muted, depends entirely on you.

Before deciding to paint liquid wallpaper, pay attention to one key nuance: this material is silky and very soft to the touch. But upon completion of painting liquid wallpaper, the texture features are lost, you get a monochromatic coating, and even quite hard. Water-based coloring compositions are suitable: latex, acrylic, water-based, and also silicone. The last type of paint appeared on modern market finishing materials recently. After using it, you need to wash liquid wallpaper without any fears. However, the cost of such coverage is much higher.

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is based on plain paper, but compared to the standard coating, this product has good water-repellent properties. Foam vinyl is painted first. The non-woven copy is also really paintable, it is durable and withstands mechanical stress. It is possible to paint such a coating several times: do not be afraid to take up such a procedure again, the non-woven wall covering will not suffer from reusable painting.

Use a regular roller to paint vinyl wallpaper and paint with a paintbrush. Don't worry if your drawing talent doesn't work out: alternatively hand-made designs purchased stencils will do, and here you can already give free rein to your imagination. Take advantage of following advice: start painting in inconspicuous places (behind cabinets, sofas). Hone your skills and go to the barricades.

Paper wallpaper

Almost any coloring composition is suitable for paper wallpaper. The main thing is not to use oily liquids. Optimal choice- water-based, acrylic, latex paint... The advantage of painting paper wallpaper lies in the fact that, if you wish, you can mix coloring liquids, trying to achieve the desired shade. Please select qualitative composition- and it will not emit terrible odors, it will dry quickly and will not run. Remember: just before the procedure, you should apply a primer. It will prevent the wall covering from getting wet, and you can safely paint the surface. After finishing painting the walls, wait for the composition to dry, and then apply a second coat if necessary.

Video "Paint for any wallpaper"

This video demonstrates that Dulux Easy can be used to paint any type of wallpaper, even those that are not intended for painting.

Despite the quality and beautiful drawing, sooner or later the wallpaper will lose its color, and the pattern will become boring. Depending on the type and characteristics of roll wallpaper, they can be painted with any paint color you like. The main thing is that the coloring composition is fully consistent with the upcoming work.

Wallpaper type

Before you start painting old wallpaper, you need to determine their type:

  1. Simple paper. Require preprocessing with a water-repellent mixture, and only after that it is allowed to paint with a small amount of paint, otherwise the wallpaper will rise.
  2. Waterproof and dense. It is allowed to paint immediately.
  3. Vinyl, non-woven, fiberglass. They do not require a preliminary primer, they can be painted immediately.

What kind of paint is better to take?

If you decide to paint non-woven paper-type wallpaper with a convex figured pattern, you should choose a water-based dye that contains binders (organic and inorganic). Widely used paints are acrylic paints with a range of positive properties: indelible surface layer quality, water resistance, wide choose colors. If you want to choose a material budget option, it is permissible to take an emulsion composition based on PVA. It is worth considering that a cheap dye does not match the quality, accumulates steam, the palette of shades is minimal.

Tips: Latex suspension in the composition of binders adheres well to curly wallpaper. With this composition, you can safely paint paper or duplex wallpaper. After its application, the canvas acquires a gloss, does not fade in the sun, but, in comparison with acrylic, it is erased faster.

The best option for painting paper wallpaper is water-based paint. This kind of mixture is suitable for coloring children's rooms, as it does not contain harmful components, being an environmentally friendly product. This dye dries up within an hour. During painting works water dispersion paint does not emit a toxic odor.

Choosing a water-based paint

The water-dispersible coloring matter is different. There are three main types: latex, adhesive and acrylic.

The choice of painting decor

Front renovation works, you should think about the variety of shade and pattern. Among the painting options you can consider:

  • color combination;
  • mixing colors;
  • stencil drawing or pattern.

Creative ideas will help create an unusual, unique and original interior at home. It is convenient to use scotch tape to separate strips of wallpaper before painting.

Painting process

Before starting repairs, you should remove furniture and rugs from the room, so as not to stain them with paint, which will be problematic to get rid of. Insulate the outlets in the room with a vacuum cleaner from the surface relief pattern remove dust particles from the wallpaper. If there are corners of the wallpaper peeled off, they need to be glued or cut off. Next, we prime the surface - important factor, allowing to protect the canvas from the penetration of paint into the structure.

Tip: The primer will give the wallpaper strength and reduce wear and tear.

After the soil composition has completely dried, you can start painting the walls. To apply the paint evenly, you need to prepare paint roller with soft bristles. A plastic bath should be taken under the paint. A bucket or bowl will not work, as after taking the paint with a roller, drips will remain on the wall

Use a wide brush to paint on the corner walls. To get a rich color or combined shades, you need to add a couple of drops of color to the general composition of the emulsion. Wall strokes are applied in any direction, the main thing is that the layer is proper, without gaps and differences in shades. We draw with a roller or a wide brush from left to right, heading from the ceiling to the floor. Each subsequent stroke should run a few centimeters of the previous one.

As the paint applied to the roller smears, you should walk over the previous area to remove excess drips. Applying one coat of paint to the wall is unlikely to be enough: after the first application, you need to wait a while and repeat the painting procedure.

The painting should be uniform so that the old color does not show through the new layer, otherwise appearance the walls will be spoiled. Dilute the coloring composition with water, if required by the instructions, mix until smooth.

Tip: Apply emulsion perpendicular to previous strokes.

To avoid stains different color, the paint should be quickly and evenly distributed over the area. It is better to paint the walls in parts so that it does not dry out and the transitions are visible. Re-staining is possible after 2-4 hours.

You can check the painted surface for gaps using a directional light source (lamp) on the wall. Drying of paint occurs within a day, but it depends on the air temperature and moisture in the room.

In order to evenly coat the non-woven wallpaper with the coloring agent, paint should be started from the outside. If there is a relief pattern, several layers of paint should be applied from the wrong side to obtain more saturated color... With this application, the canvas will be impregnated, the background will acquire the required shade. Thin vinyl wallpaper is not suitable for painting. If they are on a non-woven base, it will be difficult to paint them.

Paper canvases are suitable for coloring with any composition. In this case, the priming of the surface will be insufficient; it will be necessary to pre-treat it with water-repellent agents.

Tip: The base for wallpaper paint must be water-repellent.

If the walls in the room are covered with ordinary wallpaper that wrinkles after applying the primer, it is better to refuse the process of painting the wallpaper. If painting is done for the first time, so as not to waste the paint and ruin the paper covering, it is better to invite a painter.

Any paint put on the market is accompanied by instructions that should guide you during the dilution process to paint wallpaper on paper backing... Non-woven fabrics can withstand up to 10 stains. The paper-type material may deform even after the first repainting. Wallpaper on foamed vinyl will not take the coloring composition due to the repulsive reaction of the material. As a result, it turns out that you can paint the old paper-type roll wallpaper, the main thing is to purchase a high-quality coloring composition, a terry roller, a primer and a water-repellent agent, and everything will certainly work out.

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Wallpaper is part of the interior design of many homes. Often we change this finish to a new one, or another way of decorating the walls. The process of removing wallpaper is very long and takes a lot of energy, so not everyone wants to repeat it. But why not just paint the wallpaper in new color and not thereby update the appearance of your home? Moreover, doing it with your own hands is quite simple.

Many of us have heard that there are wallpapers specially designed for painting, but what about the usual look of this wall covering? As it turned out, all paper wallpapers are suitable for coloring, with small nuances, which we will talk about below.

When to apply for a paint like this

Wallpapers begin to displease us for many reasons. They tear or are initially poorly glued. In this case, an exit with staining is not suitable, since it is still better to clean the wall, and then paint on it. However, if your wallpaper is in perfect condition, and you just do not like their color or pattern, then the option with coloring is appropriate here.

What paint for paper wallpaper is ideal?

Acrylic paint is better suited for this purpose than water-based or alkyd paint. The reason is the color fastness and also the fact that this paint can be washed.

For the rest, you need to consider a few points:

  • The paint should cover everything underneath. You don't want the wallpaper pattern to show treacherously through the painted surface;
  • Glossy or Matte? The former is ideal for kitchens, while the latter is ideal for large spaces.
  • Before you start painting, you need to walk over the wallpaper with a roller with a water-repellent coating. It is better to start staining in a day, when the coating is dry;
  • It is best to paint in two layers. The second must be applied after a few hours, as soon as the first dries;
  • It is best to paint from above, use rollers and brushes, and also protect everything that is not suitable for painting, but located "in the affected area" with masking tape.

How to paint paper wallpaper: instructions

Does paper-based wallpaper paint?

Paper wallpapers are one of the most common decoration materials for apartment walls on the market. Be that as it may, over time they deteriorate, and the appearance of the interior becomes not as presentable as after renovation. The question arises before the owners: whether to do new renovation or just update your existing wallpaper? Since completely re-gluing the entire room is long and expensive enough, we will talk about whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper.

In fact, there are different opinions among professionals as to whether it makes sense to paint such canvases. There are circumstances that there is no need to repaint wallpaper made of paper. For example, this applies to those cases when their surface has serious external damage: it is severely torn, has cuts, etc. Nevertheless, if the top decorative layer of the wallpaper is relatively well preserved, you can not completely re-glue the wallpaper yet, having made a choice in favor of repainting. Fortunately, this work can be done by hand. So, let's move on to a more detailed description of the painting process and everything associated with it.

Paper wallpaper for painting: what you need

So, in order to paint paper wallpaper, you need a whole set special tools and materials. Let's see what you need to take in order to do quality work yourself:

  1. Paint (preferably water-based). Its use provides resistance to wetting the wallpaper, which guarantees a strong attachment to the wall surface. This way, the paper-based wallpaper will not come off the surface.
  2. Special coating with a water-repellent layer.
  3. Skirting protection (optimal solution - masking tape).
  4. Paint applicators (large and small brushes and roller). The pile on the roller must be selected taking into account the smoothness of the top layer of the wallpaper: the smoother they are, the shorter the length of the pile should be.

Choosing the right paint

In terms of grain level decorative paint, then it can be different. The most commonly accepted classification of paints is as follows:

As a rule, the choice of a suitable dye depends not only on the aesthetic preferences of the customer, but also on in which room of the apartment the painting will be performed. In addition, a parameter such as the level of natural light intake is taken into account. So, for example, for the living room big size matte dye is best. As for a small dining room or kitchen, then optimal solution may become a glossy or semi-glossy finish.

Helpful advice! Among other things, in order to choose the right paint, which could be used to repaint paper wallpaper, be it duplex or simplex. there are many more characteristics to consider. For example, the ability to close old paint, resistance to damage and light, resistance to moisture and detergents... as well as the environmental safety of a particular product.

As for whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper using acrylic paint, it is necessary to boldly declare that yes, this is quite acceptable and even recommended. In addition, do not forget about options such as water-based, latex, and alkyd-based dye.

Stages of work

Let's take a quick look at the main types of work that you will have to do to paint paper-backed wallpaper.

Necessary preparation

So, preparatory work represent the first stage, the quality of which depends on how successful the entire repair will be. Clean up dust, remove dirt and vacuum the room. Tape skirting boards and other protruding interior parts (film or masking tape is suitable for this). A water repellent coating can then be applied. Only after this protective layer has completely dried, which takes at least 24 hours, you can start preparing the paint.

Attention! In order to subsequently avoid lengthy cleaning, it is advisable to cover the entire surface of the floor with a film or, in extreme cases, with newspapers.

Cooking paint

So, above we examined what paint can be used to paint paper wallpaper for painting. It will not be difficult to prepare the coloring composition. To do this, you just need to open a can of paint and mix everything well. If there is a need and this is required by the design of the room, you can mix in a color tint.

We paint the walls: instructions

The preparatory work has been completed, the coloring composition is ready, and now we can proceed to the main stage: painting. Here's a quick guide:

  1. So, direct application is done using a roller. As for corners, as well as hard-to-reach places - use brushes of different sizes.
  2. First of all, repaint those parts of the walls that will later be covered by pieces of furniture, as this will help to "fill your hand".
  3. It is best to paint the ceiling first (if provided by the project), or upper part walls.
  4. After applying two layers of paint (between them it is necessary to take a break of several hours for complete drying), make sure that the surface is even and the layer is even. That's it, the repainting can be considered complete.

Be sure to look at the instructions for the correct painting:


So, we hope that now you have a more detailed idea of ​​whether it is possible to paint paper wallpapers and how to properly organize the entire workflow. If you do short summary, then we can say that for good result you will need to properly prepare the work surface of the walls, repair damaged fragments, and also make a special layer that is highly resistant to moisture.

Do not forget that when painting you must use acrylic or water-based paint, which is applied using special tools. When carrying out work, all instructions must be strictly followed. This will guarantee that the result of your work will delight both you and all your loved ones.