Design of the corridor in the apartment, color scheme, choice of wall and floor coverings. Corridor design. What should be the corridor in the apartment

The interior of the apartment is arranged in suitable design... The corridor is an integral part of this process. Its size implies a special approach. Design small corridor has its own rules of arrangement. You need to use the space correctly:

  • Select suitable materials for finishing walls, ceilings, floors, furniture;
  • Install inconspicuous lighting;
  • Apply light colors and associate shades;
  • Think over the amount of furniture, decor items.

The corridor is a windowless space. It is located at the entrance to the bathroom and toilet, or between rooms. Small footage, not a reason to refuse to issue it. It is advisable to choose a design that describes the style of the apartment. Use the minimum amount of furniture. Decide only on shelves for shoes, a hanger, a bench, a built-in miniature wardrobe. The walls are finished with wallpaper. This method is practical. The result of the work done depends on the knowledge of the features of small corridors.

Corridor shapes

The apartment happens different layouts... Rooms and corridors take several forms. When making a design, this factor must be taken into account. There are two types of small corridors:

  • Narrow. The walls are closely spaced, creating a narrow passage. There is little room to move. It is almost impossible to place furniture. You need to attach a hanger. A small chest of drawers or shelving should be placed along this wall. Wallpaper is needed with a small pattern, or plain, light shades... The ceiling is painted white to make it appear high. You can make stretch ceilings with built-in lighting. Thus, two jobs are performed at once. The floor is finished with parquet, laminate, linoleum.
  • Rectangular. A narrow sliding wardrobe, chest of drawers, bench will fit here. Clothes, shoes, accessories must be left in the closet, so you should pay attention to its spaciousness. Wallpaper is needed with patterns of medium size, or combined. The interior design involves the use of light shades. Stretch ceiling milky, cream, light pink will fit perfectly.

Corridor connecting rooms

Thinking over the interior design of a small corridor, this type has its own subtleties. It is designed to move between rooms. It is necessary to select furniture so that it does not interfere with the opening of the doors. Free movement on it is the main issue. If there is no need for doors, they must be removed. It is desirable to close up the opening with nice arches. Thus, the absence of windows will become imperceptible. Daylight enters from the rooms. The interior of the apartment will become a single whole. It is necessary to arrange the corridor in the same style as the rooms. It needs to be supplemented with the following details:

  • Dim lighting. Small lamps or bulbs are installed on the ceiling, walls;
  • Wallpaper with a small pattern, or combined;
  • Roomy, but small furniture... You need a wardrobe, shelves for accessories, a chest of drawers;
  • Stretch ceiling. It is in demand due to its practicality, beauty, quality.

The walls of the corridor can be decorated with paintings, portraits. It is advisable to choose a few small ones.

Corridor with an entrance to the bathroom and toilet

The interior of the small corridor at the entrance to the bathroom and toilet is described by its simplicity in execution. There are some features:

  • The doors of the toilet and the bathroom opening inward do not interfere with the passage. Therefore, the dressing table and shelves are on opposite wall will come in handy;
  • Steam, moisture, water often come out of the bathroom and toilet. This can lead to dampness. Therefore, the floor must be finished with materials that are resistant to these troubles. Tiles, linoleum are suitable for this. Dark colors hide stains, dirt, dust;
  • Ceiling decoration requires similar protection. Painting it is the right solution;
  • It is advisable to paint the walls with antibacterial paint, or glue them with moisture-resistant wallpaper;
  • Suitable colors are beige, light yellow, cream.
  • Get out of the bathroom toilet room, you need to be free. This means that in front of the doors there should be nothing but pictures on the wall;
  • The entrance needs room. The location of a narrow, oversized dresser is a smart solution.

Very small corridor in the apartment

In the apartments, there is the problem of decorating a corridor, a very small area. In its design, simplicity, commonness of style, ease of execution are needed. To make it convenient to enter and move around, you need to place the minimum amount of furniture. It is impossible to put the wardrobe, so the presence of a small bedside table will come in handy. You can add a hanger nearby.

For the interior of a very small corridor, you need to choose one or two pieces of furniture: a chest of drawers, shelves, a rack, a bench. The choice is up to the owner. The built-in mirror visually enlarges the space. Unremarkable fixtures will shine, adding light. The choice of wallpaper must be made in favor of plain, light shades. It is required to take into account the possibility of contamination, therefore it is better to use washable types.

The design of a small corridor near the bath and toilet provides for the absence of the necessary furniture... Shelves, a hanger, a mirror must be placed so as not to interfere with the entrance, exit.

The doors of the bathroom, toilet, rooms, it is advisable to make opening inward so that they do not take up extra space.


The choice of wallpaper will significantly describe the interior of the entire apartment. They are of different quality and appearance. Wallpaper design is able to reduce, increase, lighten, depress the space. Therefore, you need to know about the existing species and their purpose. The small area of ​​the corridor depends on their choice. Types of wallpaper:

  • Liquid;
  • Fabric;
  • Vinyl;
  • Paper;
  • Non-woven;
  • Cork.

For the corridor with bathroom and toilet doors, fabric, vinyl, cork wallpapers are used. They are waterproof, moisture resistant. Easy to clean special means... For narrow options, it is advisable to choose vinyl. Cork and fabric wallpaper able to narrow the space, thanks to the volumetric texture.

The design of the corridor with the transition to the rooms of the apartments provides for a choice of paper, non-woven, liquid wallpaper... They are breathable, which allows the walls to breathe. All are suitable for the design of a narrow and rectangular corridor.

Wallpaper designs with large patterns are used only in combination with plain colors.

Colors of design

The corridor in the interior accumulates the most dirt and dust than the rest of the rooms in the apartment. This fact suggests dark colors for the design. It is necessary to take into account the footage of the corridor. In our case, dark tones contribute to the narrowing of the space, which is undesirable. The finishing materials used make it possible to wash, take care of them, despite the color.

The absence of windows provides for the use of yellow, orange, White color for wallpaper, paint. They give the feeling of the sun. The floor is brown, beige, walnut color combined with a white ceiling. Stretch ceiling cream, light yellow, peach, will be a suitable option.

It is required to choose furniture of light shades. Hazelnut, beige, light brown, perfect.

If the apartment has a single design style, then the design of the corridor can be given shades of the same color palette. Thus, the territory will become one whole.

Corridor in different apartments

The design of a small corridor in an apartment depends on the number of rooms. Its features will help you decorate the interior correctly.

One room Two-room Three-room
Peculiarities Compressed space

Minimum free space,

Not enough furniture

Small and narrow shape.

Rectangular shape,

Roominess of only the most necessary furniture,

Narrow passage.

Elongated shape,

Possibility of placing a large number of paintings,

Possibility of placing the necessary furniture.

Color, shades White, cream, light pink, beige.Beige, white, walnut, yellow, orange.Light pink, white, beige, cream, yellow.
Wallpaper Paper, vinyl, liquid, monophonic.Paper, liquid, vinyl, non-woven.Cloth, cork, vinyl, non-woven, liquid.
Furniture Shelves, hanger, chest of drawers.Pier glass, narrow cabinet, chest of drawers, shelves.Small wardrobe, rack, chest of drawers, hanger, bench.

The first impression about the dwelling, as well as about its owners, is formed here. That's why correct design a corridor or a wide hallway determines not only the comfort of residents and their aesthetic pleasure, but also psychological harmony.

By the way, through Feng Shui, it is along the corridor that Qi energy flows from the entrance throughout the house.

Space concept

Few people think about a complete concept of room design. But this is one of the main components not only of a harmonious perception of the environment, but also of good taste. Eclecticism in the interior is appropriate, but when one separate room, in particular a corridor, takes all the attention, a very one-sided design option turns out. And this applies not only to objects that unite the space with one idea, but also to the color solutions used to implement it.

You can get inspired by ideas and take advantage of experience from the creators of interiors of hotels and hotel complexes, where corridors play a major role and unite all premises. Other options may not be entirely successful, such as corridors of hospitals and public hospitals. Moreover, not only the terrible colors of the walls and information posters on them discourage any desire to inherit such options.

Hotel corridors are usually much wider and it is not always possible to transfer their entire concept to a home version. This is due to the fact that there is not always a lot of space for office space in a house or apartment, and, based on this, projects have to be cut back. However, many designers successfully cope with such a mission, and even on minimum space give vent to creative ideas.

Walls and their filling

The lion's share of the work on the design of such a room falls on the walls. Depending on the layout, they can be load-bearing and have windows, but in most apartments in the country these are closed spaces that are maximally elongated and narrow. Their height can be constant or vary according to the location, which is often the case when the corridor is located in the attic of the room. Such a lack of space can turn into its zest, if you add a little creativity to it. Geometric wall painting will help with this. Broken lines - good way make a narrow long hallway-hallway visually wider. In this case, you can already arm ready-made solutions designers, so as not to completely ruin a difficult situation.

Many associate the corridors with libraries, where rows of shelves with books are installed. They can also be placed under the walls at home, imitating such a space. At the same time, sliding wardrobes built into the walls of the corridor would be an excellent solution. They will allow not only to wisely use the allotted space, but also give the room a neatness that they usually lack.

Plants on the walls in the corridor are an ambiguous thing. Most of all doubts are caused by low-quality artificial "dust collectors", which only add work to those who will perform cleaning, and there is practically no design effect from them. You can only give preference to ikebana and similar structures made of realistic artificial and dried plants, which do not require specific care, but at the same time perform a decorative function. These can be wall wreaths, but there should be few of them. In this case, the decor on the walls can be changeable, according to the season or significant event... But do not clutter the walls with separate shelves, as this is very impractical in a walk-through room.

Ceiling in the hallway

The part where few people look in the corridor is not a corner at all, but a ceiling. This condition works when it is tall enough, but when the walls of the corridor barely exceed the height of visitors or residents, it instantly comes to the fore. And as a result, you can feel like Snow White or Alice Kingsley.

The idea to create a mirrored ceiling in such a room is simply a failure. A small space and an overhead mirror will create a cramped nightclub feeling that doesn't go well with the notion of a stylish and comfortable home.

A suspended ceiling also needs to be appropriate. Its presence can be justified by normal or excessive wall heights. However, with a good selection of lighting, this option will also help to beat the interesting idea of ​​filling the space.

The part of the room that is directly opposite the ceiling deserves, of course, more attention. The floor in the hallway should be covered with a wear-resistant coating. A recent trend, 3D self-leveling floors, will look the best in this room, since there is no bulky furniture that will cover part of the volumetric pattern. With no less success can be used polymer flooring, laminate and natural wood... When using carpet, it is worth giving preference to the most wear-resistant options, for example, based on synthetics, since this room in a house or apartment has the greatest traffic.

Corridor lighting

Corridor design is a solution to several problems determined by design features. Since often a corridor is a room without windows, then first of all it is worth considering lighting... With its help, you can achieve a visual expansion of the space.

Light always adds volume and it is foolish not to use such a technique. It is better to take ceiling lighting as a basis. It can be either built-in or suspended. The built-in backlight can be based on suspended ceiling or specially installed drywall boxes that create additional volume.

Several arranged in a schematic order chiselled luminaire based on LEDs can completely replace the entire lighting. But to achieve high-quality backlighting, it is better to use complex lighting. As a base, you can take one or more central elements of a large form, for example, a chandelier or a set of several lighting fixtures intricate forms, organically fit into the interior.

The lighting itself should not be too bright, as few people read newspapers and books here. It is better to give preference to subdued soft lighting with the selection of individual objects on the walls, for example, mirrors, paintings, photos, and the like.

The hallmark of any home is hallway ... It is with her that the dwelling begins, she is the first to meet upon arrival and creates an impression of the taste and financial capabilities of the owners. Despite the cramped space, hallway and corridor design should be nice and comfortable. You need such a simple and unpretentious link the room with the general design of the apartment.

The rare owner of a city apartment can be congratulated on the possession of a spacious hallway of the correct shape.

Hallway and corridor - bright representatives of specific premises. Finishing the work that is being carried out must meet a number of requirements. They are mainly related to the choice of material. Necessary use only durable, wear-resistant coatings that are resistant to various mechanical influences, dirt, sand.

The hallway is the first room that everyone who enters the household or apartment sees and deserves an appropriate arrangement.

Hallway and corridor - the first room where a person enters from the street. In this regard, the degree of their pollution is overestimated. To in the premises it was clean, it was necessary to clean regularly. It is important to use a floor covering that will make this easy and simple. However, it must tolerate moisture and cleaning agents well.

The correct design of a corridor or a wide hallway determines not only the comfort of residents and their aesthetic pleasure, but also psychological harmony.

If we are talking about a hallway in a private house, then the requirements for the flooring are more stringent. And this is not surprising. To get into apartment , the owner overcomes an entrance and a flight of stairs. In private ownership, these elements are missing. As a result, he immediately falls from the street into hallway. As for the walls then they require a special approach in the process finishes. Material it is better to choose non-marking. Caring for him should be as simple as possible.

In some cases, the surface must be cleaned daily. Especially when there are pets or small children in the house.

Choose the color of finishing materials necessary according to the general home design. Hallway interior should be in harmony with others premises ... This will create an attractive picture of the home's image. And it doesn't matter it's private house or apartment in the city.

The wrong approach to design in this part of the apartment can negate the efforts to create a holistic interior and ruin the first impression.

Finishing directly depends on the type of corridor.

Whatever modern ideas the design of the hallway did not form the basis of the project; in the pursuit of beauty, one should not forget the main thing - the purpose of this part of the home.

Interior the lobby should be easy to operate and practical. Beauty and attractiveness design fades into the background. Stylish hallway can be uncomfortable for the owners and cause a lot of trouble. If the system is not thought out storage things, it will take a long time to decide where to place them. As a result, there is a chance of being late for work. Besides room interior will become cluttered and unsightly.

Before planning the design of this room, you should pay attention to what function the corridor performs.

Typically, the input zone in apartments small size... Configuration premises extremely inconvenient. As a result, its arrangement becomes a real problem. You can cope with them if you correctly approach the solution of the problem. Before starting the arrangement hallway and corridor , you need to prepare a clear plan. It will indicate how all are located. apartment zones depending on their functional purpose. This will allow you to properly distribute space.

We all have different needs, lifestyles and interior design tastes.

Storage space for shoes in the hallway should be close to the door. A pouf or chair should be installed next to it. It will help you put your shoes on quickly and easily. Hangers with hooks should not be placed far away. Adequate distance from the shoe zones is the outstretched arm. You can put on a jacket or coat immediately before going out. Couple looks good shelves open type... They are used to store various little things, handbags.

Often the only way out for avoiding the clutter of small hallways is more than the ascetic setting of this room.

Small room: what to consider when setting up?

Lobby is large in size - a rarity for modern apartments. Entrance area housing is limited in many cases. Its size and area are modest. Place the required furniture it is always difficult in it.

In such a space, only hooks are placed on which clothes are stored, and a shelf for shoes.

Experts recommend arrange small corridors in the style of minimalism. It will allow you to rationally apply space , make it comfortable and beautiful. It is appropriate to use furniture made to order. Its dimensions and volumes will be optimal for a given hallway, as shown in the photo.

Thus, the owners will be able to realize their interesting ideas arrangement.

In a small hallway should only be necessary furniture... Do not overload it with various objects. Keep things can be done in a compact and spacious wardrobe. It is good if it is equipped with sliding mirrored doors as shown in Photo. They will visually increase the area of ​​the room. Place shoes, slippers in the shoe rack. This design looks modern and original.

The visual perception of the hallway forms the shade walls, objects and lighting. For a small hallway, light colors are well suited. They allow you to create an attractive interior of the corridor.

It is important to note that such furniture gets dirty quickly and requires careful maintenance.

Hallway can be separated from the main dwelling zones in the apartment ... A glass sliding table is perfect for this. door leaf... It is transparent and the luminous flux will penetrate the corridor without obstacles.

Thanks to this, the space will visually increase.

Mainly in the hallway no windows filling the room with natural light. This must be taken into account when arranging. It is compensated by artificial sources, a large number of lamps are installed. Otherwise, the lobby will be gloomy, which will visually reduce its area.

If done correctly, then any entrance area will acquire a stylish and beautiful view will be comfortable.

Narrow room

Narrow hallway has a number of disadvantages. They are especially noticeable in the process of her clearance. Modern design ideas will allow you to hide them, the room will become cozy and original. They are shown on photo below.

First you need to allocate to the room functional areas: for storing shoes and clothes.

The placement of furniture and other furnishings is being considered. There must be free space. V narrow hallway basic measurements are disproportionate. You can smooth out this minus with finishing materials. If you combine the surfaces correctly, then the room will have a new look.

Great for the given interior use of mirrors and photowall-paper. They are placed on long walls ... If provided interior door, it is better to refuse it.

An arch-shaped opening will look more harmonious.

As for the shade walls, then the elongated ones should be light, and the short ones should be darker in tone. This will visually change the configuration. corridor. Instead of a narrow one, it will take on a square shape. A lamp is placed in the center of the elongated wall. It will allow you to create an edge-black effect in the room. Such design idea always looks good.

Angular shape of the room

The corner hallway is not the most layer configuration option for the room. Fit wardrobe in such a small room is easy. The main thing is to choose the right shape. A good option will become a corner furniture. It is characterized by increased spaciousness, takes up little space and allows x hurt not only things, but also other things items as shown in the photo.

An excellent interior solution for the corridor will be a sliding wardrobe, which will ideally help to hide from strangers different clothes and accessories.

If the cabinet decorate with mirror inserts, then space visually will have no loss. The selection of furniture on the market is huge. This allows you to pick up one option, which will be optimal for a narrow input zones ... Its area is rational will take shape.

In order to visually expand the hallway space even more, to make it visually more spacious, you can order a sliding wardrobe with a mirrored door.

Staircase in the hallway

Stairs in the hallway can be important element... Under it is space, which is easy to use. It is perfect for organizing the system. storage of things. On this site you can place, as shown in the photo:

  • Shoe shelves;
  • Small locker;
  • Poof, armchair;
  • Hooks for clothes.

Before starting to equip the staircase space, it is necessary to determine what the structure is for.

If it combines a hall and a corridor, then it can be used as a recreation area. For this, a small sofa and a coffee table are installed in it.

Khrushchev's apartment: hallway features

Apartments, built during the reign of Khrushchev, do not differ in a well-thought-out layout. She is quite uncomfortable and typical. Presented as a narrow premises with doors that lead to living rooms. To equip the corridor, you can use such ideas:

  • Redevelop;
  • Install a shoe rack, fasten hooks for things on the wall;
  • Change visual perception premises.

The final design idea is to create a special color scheme.

For wall decoration mirrors are used. The ceiling is finished with a high-gloss finish. The tint of the walls and furniture is light. If the area does not allow installing the cabinet, then mezzanines can be fixed on the ceiling surface, which are designed to store things, as shown in Photo.

All this will allow you to visually expand the entrance part of the housing.

Private home ownership

The country house is different from apartments ... Its construction is carried out according to an individual design decision. As a result, the premises of the building are not standard layout. The corridor was no exception.

In such houses it is necessary to install metal doors. It opens directly to the street, which creates a temperature dissonance inside and outside the house. Also great for this case. double door... One of them is usually wooden.

Do not use drywall or paper materials in such corridors. They are not resistant to moisture.

Such premises are better trim practical materials. For walls paint will do, and the floor is tiled.

Furniture made of wood or chipboard in country houses not appropriate. Exposure to moisture will lead to the fact that it quickly loses its appearance and becomes unusable. Better to choose hardware decorated with forged elements.

Such an environment will be aesthetic and functional.

Which furniture to choose?

Today, modular is often used for arrangement furniture or ready-made structures... These walls are a great place to storage things, shoes. If necessary, you can arrange a women's corner. It provides for a roomy chest of drawers and a mirror.

Furniture in a small hallway should be predominantly light shades.

The lobby is an important part of any apartment. Despite its modest size and non-standard configuration, the correct registration is able to turn it into the main advantage of the house.

If you show your imagination, your hallway will be comfortable, stylish and beautiful.

VIDEO: Hallway and corridor design ideas.

50 modern corridor and hallway design ideas:

The corridor in standard-layout apartments is the most difficult to create a well-thought-out and functional design room, in most apartments there is a long narrow and poorly lit corridor. Often, something is put here that simply somehow fits in size, and the design is not thought out at all. And this approach cannot be considered correct: the corridor is the first room that we see, that our guests see. And in terms of functionality, it can be a very useful room that combines several functions of other rooms, but to create a thoughtful design you will need time and knowledge of some simple rules.

Some problems and solutions

Interior narrow corridor in an apartment of a standard layout assumes the solution of several basic tasks:

  • expansion of the space of a narrow corridor... This task is well performed by mirrors, light tone of the walls and thoughtful lighting;
  • functionality- most of the corridors are practically not used. This can be changed with built-in wardrobes, hanging shelves, footwear stands, umbrellas;
  • with creating an intermediate zone between rooms that will not contrast with their design. Therefore, for the design of the corridor, neutral tones or decoration in a style that is uniform for the entire apartment is preferable;
  • also expands the space getting rid of unnecessary doors... The door to the kitchen or to the salon (living room) is rarely used; they can be replaced with an arch;
  • an obligatory element of an ordinary corridor without windows is good lighting.

When planning a design, you should avoid some of the features inherent in many corridors in modern apartments:

  • dark tones;
  • massive lamps;
  • overwrought large drawing on the wallpaper;
  • cluttering with furniture;
  • bulky finishing materials (stone, tiles with a rich texture) will make the interior of the corridor in a small apartment especially unsuccessful;
  • a sharp contrast to the design of the rest of the apartment. For example: a minimalist hallway design while the rest of the rooms are finished in classic style or the opposite combination;
  • a passage significantly limited by furniture on one of the sites.

All of the above visually reduces the space, gives the corridor a constantly untidy look and will annoy the residents of the apartment themselves, forming a negative mood from the doorway.

Decoration and materials for walls

The color scheme largely determines the overall impression of the room, so it needs to be given special attention. In no case should you choose dark saturated tones as the main color, no matter how practical they are. For wall decoration, it is better to use light, pastel colors. It can be beige, blue or any other pleasant and space-expanding color.

Wear-resistant materials are optimal for walls, since the corridor is constantly exposed to dirt, dust and moisture brought from the street. Washable wallpaper or paint works well in this capacity (it is easier to update it from time to time). Inserts from textured material against the background of smooth walls, they can decorate the doorway or the space around the lamps. But if for this purpose a stone or tile is used under any other coating with a rich texture, it is important not to overdo it, not to overload the space.

There are several details that can expand the space or raise the height of the ceiling:

  • horizontal pattern on the wallpaper;
  • diagonal pattern;
  • lamps, the light of which is directed upwards;
  • wall murals will help to change the configuration of the space.

Colors and flooring

First of all, the floor in the corridor must be functional, tiles are good for these purposes, very badly - carpet, carpet, they will quickly lose their appearance and require replacement, no matter how often you clean. The tile washes well, but has a significant drawback - it is a cold material. Therefore, it is often necessary to look for a compromise - decorating the area with tiles immediately at the entrance, the rest of the space is covered with a carpet or other soft and warm material.

It is better to arrange the floor in the corridor in light tone although this is not too much practical solution... A light floor further expands the space, for which you can sacrifice the need for frequent cleaning. The compromise can be stepped color scheme: floor in dark tone, beige or pastel tone walls and white ceiling... The combination of parallel lines on the floor and ceiling, symmetrical or asymmetrical, also looks advantageous.

Inexpensive and practical option for floor covering - linoleum. But you should choose a good pattern, it can be a monochromatic linoleum or a geometric pattern that expands the space.

Moisture-sensitive materials are not suitable for the floor in the corridor: laminate, parquet board other. On the popular laminate, after the first serious rain, defects may appear if the water is not removed from shoes and umbrellas in time.


For inexpensive design options, a simple ceiling with non-massive or recessed lights is suitable. If financial possibilities permit, a plasterboard ceiling can be of any, even complex shape, but you should not overload the space with details. In the design of the corridor, complex and massive forms of the ceiling rarely look good, and for lighting it is better to use built-in lamps.

The tone of the ceiling should be lighter than the walls, whichever base color is chosen for the decoration.


It also needs to combine functionality and match general design corridor. Built-in furniture, made to order for the size of a particular room, will allow you to use the entire space of the room without losing precious meters. The interior of a long corridor in an apartment should include the required minimum of furnishings: a hanger or wardrobe, a dressing table or a bedside table for keys, an umbrella stand. There should be no unnecessary things in the corridor, they only eat up the space. But you can try to transfer part of the pantry functions to the corridor by installing a wardrobe with mirrors or just a neutral surface along the entire length.

Furniture in the hallway, if possible, should not be overloaded with details and decorative elements(as in any room, but for the corridor, this requirement is especially important). One more interesting option- partial alignment of the corridor and the library if the apartment does not allow equipping a separate room for it. This ennobles the corridor and makes it functional.

Photo gallery

Below you will find many examples of what the interior of a corridor in an apartment can be: photos will help you imagine what your corridor will look like after renovation. The overall concept depends on the configuration of the corridor, a long corridor has different design requirements than a square corridor.

In our gallery there are examples of minimalism in the design of the corridor and the use of inserts under a natural stone, mirrors and light colors to expand the space. The functionality of the room is provided by a wardrobe. In this case, the corridor seems wider than it is, due to the fact that the space does not "eat up" the furniture, there is no closed furniture in the corridor. The general tone of the design is calm shades of brown, the interior is functional enough so that, first of all, the corridor is used for its intended purpose.

In a two-room apartment, the interior of the corridor should be as functional as possible, therefore, it is optimal to place the wardrobe, which will take over part of the storage room functions, which is often not foreseen in typical apartments. In this example, the entrance to the kitchen is successfully decorated, two rooms form a single space by removing the door.

Corridor decoration in a small apartment will make you think about priorities. On the one hand, the space cannot be cluttered, on the other, there is no extra space in the apartment, I want to make the most of every meter. But for small apartments the best solution the problem is minimalism, a design in a similar style from the threshold creates an elevated light mood.

The design of the corridor is no less an art than the design of a bedroom or any other living room. In the corridor, a general impression of the apartment is formed when guests come to you, and your own mood when you return from work. Therefore, it is worth giving its planning the necessary time or contacting a professional designer.

The hallway is the first room that guests see when they come to the hosts. Therefore, it is very important to take care of beautiful design choosing stylish interior corridor in the apartment. Photo different options hallways are plentiful on the Internet, but it is not always easy to choose what is really suitable for a given home.

First of all, you need to consider the layout of the apartment. The entrance hall can be spacious, represent a narrow corridor, have several doors, etc. The personal preferences of the owners are also important: some people prefer ethnic style. In addition, you must not forget about other rooms: the design of the hallway must be ideally combined with them.

Designers use many ways to create beautiful and original interior for the hallway.

Thanks to them, the corridor looks unusual and stylish. Among the various design ideas there are several of the most popular ways to create a beautiful interior:

  • floor tiles with original inserts;
  • stretch ceiling custom color(you can additionally install the backlight);
  • niches with installed lighting;
  • unusual inserts from various materials;
  • mirror inserts;
  • stylish paintings;
  • photo in original frames;
  • unusual lamps.

Finishing materials for the interior of the corridor in the apartment of the panel house, photo

For some reason, most often they save on materials intended for the corridor. This is a wrong decision, because the hallway is a room where it is customary to take off and put on outerwear, as well as shoes. It is here that some of the dirt that is brought from the street remains. The walls are constantly in contact with clothes, and the floor with shoes. As a result, the surfaces darken over time and are subject to abrasion.


It is customary to start repairs from the ceiling. For the hallway, you can use a standard paint or more modern version- installation of a tensioner or plasterboard ceiling... A stretch ceiling is more practical, because its installation is possible at any period of repair, but it has its drawback - a rather high price. TO inexpensive finishing include plastic panels, as well as the usual whitewash.


There are many ways to decorate the surfaces of the walls in the corridor, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Quite often, the owners choose wallpapering. In this case, you need to opt for washable wallpaper, they are perfect for the hallway. You can also choose vinyl wallpapers, they are outwardly beautiful and able to give the room an original style.

In addition to wallpapering, there are many other types of wall decoration. The most popular ways: PVC installation panels, classic wall painting, decoration artificial stone... When choosing the method you like, you must not forget about various nuances... For example, to paint walls, you need to carefully level the surface, and expensive stone finishing can be done only for doorways, corners and mirrors.

Often, designers offer bold original ways wall decoration. For this purpose, an unusual material for the hallway is used - tile, porcelain stoneware, laminate, cork, etc. Such an interior of a narrow corridor in an apartment looks very impressive in the photo.


For the floor in the hallway, be sure to take a durable cleaning material. It must be moisture resistant and not easily soiled. From an inexpensive option, you should choose homogeneous linoleum. Also tiles or porcelain stoneware are great for the hallway. But parquet and - not quite good option for this room.

But if, nevertheless, the choice settled on him, then a moisture-resistant material should be chosen. Or at least the territory in front of front door lay out floor tiles, and laminate - the rest of the corridor. Carpet is also not very well suited for the hallway, especially from natural material and with a long pile.

Lighting and furniture for the interior of a narrow and long corridor

The interior of a narrow and long corridor in an apartment, a photo of which is presented on the Internet, can be skillfully beaten with the help of lighting.

The lighting in the hallway is one of the important points... After all, usually there are no windows in the hallway, and does not penetrate sunlight... Therefore, in this room, it is necessary to create lighting with the help of lighting devices so that the room does not give the impression of being dark and gloomy.

As a backlight, you can use LED strips, various lamps, wall sconces. Designers are actively using some techniques to change the space of a room with the help of lighting:

  1. The use of diffused light. He is able to visually enlarge the space.
  2. Using wall lamps that point upwards. it perfect solution for apartments with low ceilings.
  3. Lighting directed only in one direction or at the end of the corridor. Ideal for narrow corridors.
  4. Harmonious combination of lamps with other interior items. In any case, the design must be in the same style.

Furniture is also an important element for a room.

Most often, a locker and a hanger or a tall wardrobe, which in recent times became very popular. This is a kind of classic for the interior of the corridor in the apartment.

Photos of such sliding wardrobes always make a good impression because of the fashionable and original design.

Narrow furniture is great for the hallway, but at the same time it is roomy. It must certainly have a lot of space for outerwear, as well as shoes. This is one of the most important points. Various shelves are also desirable, they are good for small items.

Some apartments have such a layout that there is practically no space in the hallway for furniture due to the many doors. In this case, the easiest way is to purchase a narrow column cabinet. True, it has one drawback - very few things fit into it. If there is a financial opportunity, it is much more profitable to order custom-made furniture. For non-standard hallways perfect fit corner wardrobes... They are quite roomy, from floor to ceiling, with comfortable sliding doors.

Stylish interior of the corridor in the apartment in Khrushchev

The interior of the corridor in the apartment in Khrushchev, a photo of which can be found on specialized sites, is small. There is little space in the Khrushchev houses, and there is no sunlight.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of correct lighting, then the room will not seem dark and gloomy. In this case, spot lighting is perfect, just a few small bulbs will make the hallway bright and cozy.

You also need to take care of the color combination for the interior of a small corridor in the apartment. Photos of cozy hallways small area they usually look like this: many light shades that go well with each other. Designers often use an interesting technique - a bright color accent. For this purpose, drawing on the wall or on furniture is perfect.

Increase small space dark tiles on the floor will help. In addition, it is quite practical, because the floor in the corridor is most often dirty. Dark colored tiles are versatile, perfect for different styles interior. You just need to choose the right shade. In combination with light walls, this type of floor can visually enlarge a small hallway.

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