How to remove old paint from wood. Have you decided to upgrade your wood surface? The main ways to remove old paint from wood

The traditional and familiar wood flooring is regular paint... It is still used to decorate floorboards today because it is one of the cheapest ways to decorate or renew your floor. At the same time, before, wooden floors were made conscientiously, and in some apartments, during repairs, there is even no need to completely remove all the old coating and replace it with a new one - ordinary wooden floors are so durable and reliable. But the paint on such a base wears out over time and needs to be updated. How to remove old paint from a wooden floor? There are several effective ways.

But, like any other coating, the applied paint periodically needs updating. For example, when there is a renovation that does not imply the removal of the old flooring, it becomes necessary to paint the floors again or simply change the color of the floor so that it matches the design and interior of the room, the paint must be removed without fail.

Also, the removal of paint from wooden floorboards is carried out in the case of:

  • deterioration of the general appearance of the floor;
  • peeling paint;
  • changes in the color of the coating;
  • staining;
  • the need to level the floor;
  • mounting tile on a wooden base.

On a note! Many apartment owners, wanting to save time and money, apply a fresh coat of paint to the old one, but this is not recommended. One of the reasons is the formation of a layer that is too thick, which will prevent the doors from opening normally. Also, the new layer can lie ugly, which will ruin the whole appearance floor.

The most problematic is to remove the old paint, with which the floors were painted back in Soviet time... This is due to the fact that for the entire long period of operation of the floors, the pigment paint material managed to penetrate deeply into the structure wooden base, because of which it will not be easy to remove such a layer of coating. But if you wish, you can cope with any paint layer.

Methods for removing paint

There are several methods for removing old paint:

  • chemical;
  • thermal;
  • mechanical.

They differ from each other in technology and materials used. But in general, they are all effective, it remains just to choose exactly the method that is suitable in a particular case.

Mechanical method of cleaning the floor from paint

This is the most popular and familiar method for many, since in general it does not require the purchase of any special formulations and equipment. Although, depending on the capabilities and wishes of the master, some specific tools may still be needed.

Both hand and electric tools can be used for this type of paint removal. The latter make the work as fast as possible. Plus they provide and maximum convenience when carrying out work. Usually it is with their help that large areas are cleaned. Hand tools are used in case of additional cleaning of hard-to-reach areas or for cleaning not large areas.

A hand tool is:

  • scraper;
  • metal brush (wire);
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper attached to a special holder.

An electric tool is:

  • Sander;
  • drill with a metal brush;
  • grinder with a special nozzle;
  • stripping mill.

On a note! Depending on the type of paint used, not all tools are useful. For example, specialty paint stripping machines or routers do not always handle oil formulations.

The mechanical method of removing outdated paint includes sandblasting the surface. With the help of a special device, the floors are exposed to a stream of air and water enriched with sand particles. Since the impact occurs under high pressure, paint is removed from the floor surface quickly and efficiently. Sandblasting equipment is also used to remove rust from metal surfaces. The advantage of this method is the ease of removing the coating in hard-to-reach places, where neither a grinder, nor a drill, nor a grinder can cope.

But, since sandblasting is not a cheap equipment, usually the paint is removed with the help of improvised means that are available at home.

Table. Handy tools for removing paint from the floor.

Tool nameRecommendations for use

It copes well with dense oily coating. The method is usually used for surface treatment before tiling.

Copes well with rust and peeling old paint. However, the brush can damage the structure of the tree, so you need to work carefully.

A small tool typically used for small areas. Easily removes paint, old varnish.

He removes the paint easily, but during work there is a risk of touching the fasteners of the floor (nails, screws). It is recommended to get them out or drown them as deep as possible into the tree before starting work.

A great option for securely "sitting" paint, especially in the corners of the room.

They are used with a special attachment in the form of a metal brush. The fastest and most convenient of all available options. But during operation, in this case, a lot of dust is generated.

On a note! Mechanical stripping is more commonly used to partially remove paint - for example, in areas where it is swollen or peeled off. The tool is only used to clean out areas that have lost their appearance. Then a layer of fresh paint is applied to them.

The main advantage of the mechanical method is its simplicity and versatility. It will handle any type of paint. But the main disadvantage is high level the complexity of the method. To make the work easier, it is recommended to soften the paint, which will be discussed below.

The use of chemicals

The compositions used to remove old paint are made on the basis of alkalis, acids, all kinds of solvents. They are easy to use - they are applied according to the instructions on the floor surface, kept for a certain time, and then removed. Usually, the composition can be simply washed off with water. Although in some cases, after processing with chemicals, you will have to work with your hands - soft and swollen paint is removed with a spatula or a cycle.

Important! Work with any chemicals it is necessary only with gloves so as not to harm the skin of the hands. To use some, you will also need to purchase a respirator.

The main advantage of the chemical method is that you do not need to make strong efforts to get rid of the coating. However, you still have to spend money on the acquisition of the compositions. It is not recommended to use these substances for removing paint from a large surface - it will be very costly in financial plan... Another drawback of the method is that chemistry often does not cope with old paint, the service life of which is more than 2 years. Most likely, in such a case, the floors will have to be processed again.

Important! It is necessary to dispose of the resulting garbage in a special way; in no case should it be flushed down the drain.

TO chemical methods the use of some improvised means also applies. For example, old paint is perfectly removed by mineral kerosene. Sometimes even ordinary warm water can cope with it - it all depends on when the surface was painted, what the floors were made of, and other factors.

Another "popular" way to remove paint from the floor is to use soda ash and lime; 1.2 kg of quicklime is mixed with 400 g of soda and poured with water until a creamy consistency is achieved. This mixture is applied to a layer of paint and kept for 12 hours, after which the paint is scraped off with a scraper. Also, the floors can be simply moistened well with water and sprinkled with soda ash - the old coating will rise and can be easily removed with a spatula.

Application of the thermal method

In this case, the old paintwork is thermally affected. Due to this, the paint softens and then can be easily removed with an ordinary spatula. For heating, burners, construction hair dryers, and sometimes even ordinary irons through a layer of foil are used.

The method is good because it allows you to remove even old paint, which bubbles after heating and can be easily removed with a spatula. In this case, new paint can be applied immediately after removing the old one - there is no need to wait until the floors are dry. No other special preparation is required, thanks to which the repair of the floor will take place quickly.

The thermal method is convenient and easy to implement, but it has its drawbacks. For example, it is important not to create a fire hazardous environment. Also, some types of paint, when exposed to high temperatures, emit toxic substances into the air, which limits the possibility of using the method in unventilated rooms.

Important! If the paint is overheated and not immediately removed from the floor surface, then it will bake and it will be impossible to remove it.

Features of cleaning the floor from paint

Removing paint from the floor is a seemingly simple task, but nevertheless, this type of work has some peculiarities. For example, it is important to follow safety precautions.

How to remove paint from the floor

The paint removal job involves a number of preparatory work. It includes training the necessary tool and acquisition the necessary funds... It is also advisable to free the room from all furniture and various interior items so that they do not interfere, and also so that later the resulting dust does not have to be removed from them.

Usually, paint can be removed from a wooden floor quite easily, but it is important to be careful when working - if the floorboards were attached to the logs with nails, then it is not recommended to use a plane or sander, as the tool is easy to break. As a last resort, make sure that all nail heads are sunk deep into the wood base.

Determine the type of paint

In order for paint removal to be as effective as possible, as well as in order to choose the correct removal method, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the applied paint layer. For the floor, oil, acrylic or water-based paint... Each of them has its own characteristics of adhesion to the base, advantages and disadvantages.

Oil paint to remove - the most difficult, it adheres as firmly as possible to the base of the floor. In addition, it is often applied in several layers, which complicates the removal procedure. For such a coating, it is recommended to use combined method- mechanical and thermal in combination.

WITH acrylic paint , especially fresh, ordinary water or alcohol solution will do just fine. If the surface was painted for a long time, then thermal or mechanical method.

Water emulsion does not like water, therefore it is this liquid that is recommended to be used for removing paint. The surface is moistened with water and then processed manually - such paint is easily removed mechanically.

Important! When choosing a method for removing paint, you should focus on the most difficult option - a large number of layers, old paint, etc.

How do I remove old paint?

Let's consider how the paint is removed from the floor using a construction hair dryer and a spatula. This is a combined thermomechanical method.

Step 1. The surface of the painted wooden floorboards is treated with the included building hairdryer. Hot air easily heats the surface, the paint begins to soften and move away from the wooden base.

Step 2. With a metal spatula, the paint is gently lifted above the surface of the floorboard. It scrapes off easily.

Step 3. Thus, the entire surface of the area to be cleaned is processed. The paint peels off in large enough layers.

Let's get acquainted with how the waste paint remover works.

Step 1. In accordance with the instructions, a paint remover is applied to the painted surface with a regular brush.

Step 2. The composition is on the surface treated with paint for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the coating manages to go into bubbles, swell, soften.

Step 3. After that, the swollen and soft paint can be easily removed from the entire surface of the wooden base with an ordinary metal spatula.

Step 4. The cleaned tree looks like new after the work done.

Video - How to remove old paint from the floor

Video - We remove old paint by mechanical method

Unfortunately, none of the methods for removing paint from the floor is perfect. In special cases, they may not even work, and you will have to remove the entire subfloor to renew the floorboards. However, before moving on to these drastic measures, you should still try all of the above methods.

Most decorators agree that the old decorative layer must be completely removed before repainting wooden objects and facades. But how to remove this "make-up"? And is it possible to do without such a laborious and tedious procedure?

If the paint has been applied once and adheres well, it does not need to be removed. It is enough to walk with fine-grained emery paper to remove noticeable irregularities. But in the case when the staining was done many times, all decorative layers will have to be removed, otherwise the new paint will fall off along with the old one.

There are several ways to remove old paint, and we will look at the main ones.

Mechanical method

The simplest and affordable way removal of paint - mechanical. This will require a few sheets of sandpaper and a lot of patience. First, the surface is treated with a coarse, coarse sandpaper, removing the decorative layer. And then they gradually bring the surface to smoothness, cleaning with ever finer abrasive.

Using sandpaper, you can wrap it around a small block of wood that is comfortable to hold in your hand. This will greatly facilitate the work.

Removing old paint manually is an extremely long and tedious process. It can be easily accelerated using a grinder or drill with the appropriate attachments. A couple of coats of old paint can be easily handled with an emery disc. But in especially advanced cases, you will need a brushed brush with metal bristles.

There are two significant drawbacks to instrumental paint removal. The first is education deep scratches that have to be sanded or filled with putty. The second is the dust generated during work. It is very important to work with a respirator and goggles in order not to harm your health.

Deserves special mention sandblasting method... This requires special machine, which delivers a jet of air or water mixed with fine sand. The grains of sand effectively and at the same time sufficiently gently remove the old paint layer.

The disadvantage of this method is obvious - the need to use special equipment and attract qualified specialists. But if you need to clean large surfaces of old paint (for example, facades), the sandblasting method will be, perhaps, the most profitable, as it will save a lot of precious time.

Thermal method

When removing paints that form a dense thick film on the surface, heating works effectively. For example, you can blow the surface with a construction hairdryer, and then scrape off the melted paint with a knife or spatula.

If there is no building hair dryer at hand, the way out will be ... an ordinary household iron. Cover the wooden surface with a sheet aluminum foil and ironed until the paint begins to flake off. Sure, big wall you can't clean it like that, but for doors, window frames or furniture this way quite acceptable.

But to influence the paint with a blowtorch or a gas torch, as some masters advise, is perhaps not worth it. First of all, for reasons fire safety... But there is another, rather weighty reason. An open fire will dry out the wood at best, which can lead to cracking. At worst, it will simply burn, making further staining impossible. However, the burning of wood itself is a decorative treatment, which we wrote about in the article "Burn it with fire".

Some wood species, when heated, emit resin, which settles on the surface in the form of a film, significantly complicating further painting.

Chemical method

Theoretically, you can use acetone, but as practice shows, it is powerless against a thick, dense layer of paint. A much stronger solvent is needed. For example, a 10-12% solution of caustic soda, thickened with acid-resistant clay powder or plain oat flour. The paste obtained in this way is applied to the surface with a brush, left for 10-20 minutes, and when the paint begins to bubble, remove it with a spatula or stiff brush. Upon completion, rinse the surface thoroughly with water to rinse off the remains of the caustic paste.

The described method is quite effective, but it should be borne in mind that caustic soda is a very aggressive chemical reagent. When working with it, you must use protective gloves and a respirator. If the paint is removed inside the house, it is very important to ventilate the area well immediately after finishing. If the composition gets on the skin, it must be washed off big amount water.

Also, to remove paint, use gasoline, a mixture of turpentine and grated laundry soap and a number of other homemade recipes. And for those who do not want to become an "alchemist", many special flushes have been developed j. There are means for oil coatings, nitro paints, enamels, etc. We emphasize that the overwhelming majority of them are flammable and toxic, therefore, they require the strictest adherence to safety measures. Conscientious manufacturers attach to their product detailed instructions where all necessary measures protection.

Quality, effective means to remove paint can cost as much as the paint itself, and sometimes more

At the end of the topic, we add that, when starting to remove paint, it will be useful to stock up on wood bleach. The fact is that unpleasant surprises are often found under the old decorative layer - darkening from rot and fungus. Theoretically, the surface can be lightened with a chlorine solution, but it would be wiser not to "chemistry" at home, but to purchase finished product designed for these purposes. Almost all large companies that produce paints, antiseptics and fire retardants for wood offer such products.

The renewed surface is washed, dried, primed and painted again. The new decorative composition must be of the same type as the previous one, although there are exceptions to this rule. For example, oil paint can be coated with both oil and acrylic paint.

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we clean the surface of old paint

Painted wooden surfaces (floor, panels, furniture) require timely renovation, since peeling paint spoils the appearance, gets dirty faster, and makes the wooden surface unusable.

How to remove old paint from wood in order to continue the life of wood products without damaging the top layer?

How paint sticks to wood

Depending on the type of paint and the degree of processing (grinding) of the wood surface, the formation of protective film when painting. The wood has a natural, porous structure, so the paint penetrates deep into the wood.

A layer of paint on wood products retains its integrity and lasts longer in dry rooms.

If the wood absorbs moisture, reacts to temperature changes and dries up, then the paint layer also suffers. Cracks, bubbles appear on the painted surface, the paint loses its shine, fades in the sun. The product requires a fresh coat of paint.

Experts recommend how to remove old paint from wood most effectively.

How to remove old paint from wood

Most often, old paint has to be removed from wood floors and furniture that needs restoration.

How to remove old paint from wood in the usual way

Take hand tool(scraper, grinding wheel or machine) and remove the top coat of paint - scraping the floor, sanding furniture. It turns out to work in two directions at once - paint removal and surface leveling.

The method is rather dusty, laborious, the top layer of the wood is removed along with the paint. Often this method cannot be used, since the shape of the product will be disturbed.

Heating the paint layer with subsequent removal

More gentle for wood, but rather unsafe for humans (toxic and fire hazardous) method of thermal exposure to paint.

Fire a wooden floor or other wood products (doors, window frames etc.) using blowtorch or a construction hair dryer. The heated paint swells and is removed in layers from the surface with a spatula.

There is a lot of manual work. After the end of the process, the surface must be sanded, removing paint residues.

Special paint remover

Chemical attack on old paint is only possible when using special means that break down the substance at the molecular level. The usual solvents won't help.

A special wash is applied, made in the form of a gel. It is applied to the painted surface for a certain period of time (follow the instructions).

The swollen and soaked paint layer is removed with a spatula without damaging the surface.

If the first time it was not possible to remove the paint layer completely, you need to repeat the procedure.

Buy old paint remover

You can always buy a special remover for cleaning wooden surfaces from old paint in a specialized store.

Consult with a specialist, study the offer from our company to choose suitable remedy in the required quantity affordable price... With our high quality products, wood products are given a new lease of life!

DOCKER Wood is a paint remover for wood.
Effectively removes paintwork(water-dispersion paints, oil paints, enamels PF-115, PF-133, PF-266, GF-021, etc.) from wooden surfaces. Deep penetration wash. Gel solution.
A special additive allows you to maintain the structure of the wood without damaging the surface of the wood.
Without smell. Fast action (5-12 min.)

Cracked and peeled paint gives the wood a messy look. Corrects the situation by re-painting. Often, the venture can be carried out only after removing the old layer.

There are several ways to remove, but not all meet the safety rules. Therefore, the choice of method must be approached responsibly.

Methods for removing paint vary in degree of exposure. Therefore, when choosing a method, several factors should be taken into account:

  • type of surface to be cleaned;
  • age of wood;
  • terms of Use;
  • weather;
  • options for further decoration;
  • adhesion strength of the old layer to the wood;
  • layer thickness;
  • number of layers;
  • age of coverage;
  • the presence of cracks, chips, swelling;
  • shedding of old paint.

Basic methods for removing old paint from wood

A universal method has not yet been invented, so you have to choose between three methods. Each has its own characteristics and assumes a certain set of tools.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical impact is a popular cleaning method due to its affordability and effectiveness. Removes paint completely or removes only loose areas. Often combined with thermal and chemical action.

Handy tools

This includes chisels, a metal spatula or a special scraper, sandpaper, metal brushes. Also use a knife for working with small and rough areas.

With these tools, the old layers are simply scraped off. It is possible to remove the crumbling, cracked and swollen paint. However, the ingrained layer is beyond the power of these tools. In addition, too much friction can damage the wood.

Power tools

They use electrical appliances, namely grinders or electric drills. The electric drill must be equipped with a special attachment for grinding and cleaning, and the grinder with a disc for grinding and cleaning. As a result, the layer becomes thinner, but the paint is not completely removed. Cleaning hard-to-reach areas, such as carved frames, is not at all possible.

Thermal (high temperature) method

It is used as a preparation for mechanical stress. Under the influence of high temperature, the paint becomes more malleable, so subsequent removal is not difficult.

Step-by-step removal scheme using a construction hair dryer:

  1. Direct a jet of hot air to the area to be treated.
  2. Heat up old layer.
  3. Go over the surface with a scraper, spatula or chisel. If the paint does not respond well, heat up additionally.
  4. Clean off the remains with sandpaper.

In the next video, you can see how to clean painted wood with a hair dryer.

Step-by-step removal scheme using iron and foil:

  1. Cut a piece of metal foil to the correct size.
  2. Apply to a flat surface.
  3. Go through with an iron.
  4. Remove paint with electrical appliances or tools at hand.

However, there are some limitations. It is not recommended to use thermal method in areas with electrical wiring and plastic. It is also worthwhile to provide means for extinguishing the fire in advance, since it is possible for the wood to ignite when overheated.

Chemical surface treatment method

Chemicals cope with stubborn and multi-layered paint. The method is quite aggressive, but effective.

Wood cleaning products come in the form of aerosols, solvents, powders and gels. The stores offer such washes as Antikras, Pramol WOOD CIR-EX, Bosny Paint Remover, White spirit and others.

Application scheme:

  1. Treat the tree with a special product.
  2. Leave for 5-30 minutes. The exposure time depends on the specific product, the type of paint and the thickness of the layer.
  3. Remove the softened layers with a spatula.
  4. Dry the surface.
  5. Sandpaper.

Chemicals have a pungent odor, so it is better to work with them on fresh air or in a non-residential and ventilated area. Solvents often contain harmful substances, so inhalation of vapors is fraught with poisoning. It is also dangerous to get the washes on the skin due to the high likelihood of burns.

How to quickly remove a thick layer of oil paint

Oil paints penetrate deeply into the porous structure of wood. As a result, the pigment eats in, making removal difficult.

As a rule, a thin layer of the coating does not crack, but only slightly fades. Therefore, the color is renewed without resorting to preliminary cleaning of the wood. After a while, the layering begins to peel off and crack, and the wooden product looks unpresentable. Then the question arises of removing the stratification.

Some quick ways solutions to the problem:

  1. Removing paint with top layer wood grinder. Disadvantage - frequent use is impossible due to thinning of the wood.
  2. Thermal method. Feature - the softened layer must be removed instantly. Therefore, it is better to work with small areas.
  3. Chemical solvents for oil paints.

Safety when working with devices and chemicals

Repair work is a rather traumatic process. Caution and concentration are necessary, however, this is not always enough. Therefore, additional measures are required:

  • protect the skin with clothing made of dense material;
  • use protective goggles;
  • when working with chemicals, do not forget about a respirator;
  • keep a fire extinguisher on hand when heat-treating wood;
  • check for wiring in the treated area;
  • use rubber gloves during application chemicals;
  • clean wood in the fresh air or in a non-residential and ventilated area;
  • thoroughly cleanse the skin upon completion of work;
  • Treat cuts and wounds immediately and seal tightly.

Unsafe ways to remove old paint - why should you refrain from them?

Removing paint with gas burners is highly undesirable.

There are several reasons:

  • injury hazard;
  • high risk of ignition;
  • drying out and violation of the structure of the wood;
  • reduction in service life.

Thus, even if you manage to remove the paint, the product will be damaged or will not last long. An alternative is to use a building hair dryer or iron and foil.

You can remove old paint from wood with the help of devices and tools, thermal effects and chemicals. Each method has its own characteristics and is used in certain cases. It must be remembered that all methods are fraught with consequences if safety rules are not followed. Therefore, it is important to organize the work correctly.

During a major or cosmetic repair in residential premises, it becomes necessary to remove the old coating from wooden surfaces. Staining remains one of the most popular wood finishing methods, so it is important to know how to remove old paint from wood.

The quality and durability of the new coating is directly dependent on the preparation. It should be noted right away that removing paint is a complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, if further staining is planned wooden surface, then it may be better not to try to remove, but to apply a new layer on top of the old one.

There are currently three main methods for removing old paint from wood surfaces:

  1. Thermal. It involves the use of various heating devices to soften the paint and then remove it with a spatula or any other sharp instrument.
  2. Chemical. The method is based on the ability of some chemically active substances to destroy the structure of the dried coating. This is due to the alkali content of the substances. As a result, the material can completely dissolve or become very soft.
  3. Mechanical. It implies an abrasive effect on the coating, as a result of which paint particles are removed along with a small layer of wood.

Important! Each of the above methods comes with different dangers, so using individual funds protection (glasses, gloves, heavy clothing and respirators) is mandatory.

Any method of removing the old coating is traumatic, therefore it is necessary to use elementary protective equipment.


This method of removing paint from wood is considered universal. It can be used to remove almost any paint. However, the foundation can be complex from an architectural point of view. This method is perfect for processing large areas. To carry out this operation, you will need certain tools:

  • Gas-burner. It is recommended to use it in cases where a wooden product, for example, a door or window frame, can be taken out into the street. The fact is that you will have to work with an open fire, and this can be unsafe in the house. The surface is burned with a lamp until bubbles or streaks appear. Then the paint is removed with a spatula.
  • Building hair dryer. In this case, you can work inside the house. Electrical equipment is connected to the network and directed to the surface. Then, a spatula is used to remove the paint from the wood. While the tool is still hot, it is necessary to clean it of material so that it is convenient to work further. Any suitable metal tool can be used to remove coating from carved surfaces.

The efficiency of the hairdryer is an order of magnitude higher gas burner, while the wood is not burned, accordingly there will be no tanning

Before removing the old paint from the wooden surface, it is necessary to prepare it. To do this, you need to clean the coating with a stiff metal brush and brush off the resulting debris. Then treat the entire surface with fine-grained sandpaper to smooth out the resulting defects, and at the very end, clean the remnants of the material with white spirit or gasoline.

For wooden surfaces, it is preferable thermal method removing paint. The main thing is to be careful not to start a fire.


This method involves the use of various washes or solvents. You can buy old paint remover from wood at any hardware store or hardware store. When choosing a material, it is important to check with the seller which composition will better cope with the paint and will not spoil the wooden product. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. Open all windows and doors so that the room is well ventilated.
  2. Cover all surfaces that should not be exposed to paint remover with polyethylene.
  3. Open the package and pour the substance into a paint bucket.
  4. Soak a roller or brush in the composition (it is important to select a tool based on the characteristics of the solvent used), then squeeze it against the perforated surface.
  5. After that, you need to transfer the substance to the surface to be treated and wait until it works. This usually takes 10 to 40 minutes.
  6. Then the softened material is scraped off with a spatula.
  7. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Liquid washes are cheaper than gels, but less effective

If it is impossible to ensure good ventilation in the room, then it is better to buy minimally aggressive compounds. It's harder to work with them, but safer. It is also not recommended to buy cheap washes. Russian production... The fact is that several layers oil paint not easy to dissolve. More expensive foreign counterparts cope with this task better.

Another option is caustic soda. This wood remover can replace other solutions. To prepare it, you need to dilute the soda in a small amount of water, then add ground oatmeal to the container. The result should be a substance whose consistency resembles a paste. Then you should apply the paste to the surface, wait until the material is covered with bubbles, and clean it from the surface with a spatula. At the end, you need to degrease the product. Despite the fact that this substance is safe, ventilation and means individual protection required.

There are a number of homemade recipes for removing paint from wood, but their use is ineffective and takes a long time.

Advice! In some cases, the cleaned wooden object begins to darken. In this case, it is recommended to use bleach. To do this, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 3, and then apply to the surface. You can also use oxygen-free bleach.

The use of bleach for wood bleaching is considered dangerous; special products are better suited for this.


When the question arises of how to remove old paint from a tree, the thought immediately appears to take a grinder and grind the surface. In case of wooden products the mechanical method is not always suitable, since together with the paint coating there is a risk of removing part of the wood.

It is much faster to remove paint with a metal cord brush, but along with the old coating, soft wood tissues are removed, therefore, use is considered to be of better quality. grinder

So, before you remove the old paint from the tree, you need to decide on some factors:

  • Is it possible to take the product out into the street. During mechanical processing, a huge amount of dust and small fragments of both paint and wood is formed, so it will be very difficult to work indoors.
  • How thick the layer is. Previously, it was not customary to carefully conduct preparatory work... The craftsmen just covered the tree with a new layer. coloring composition... Therefore, before removing the paint, you need to roughly calculate how long the product has been used and how many times it could be repainted. If 4–5 layers of material are to be removed, then it is better to abandon the mechanical method. Will have to spend a huge amount Supplies, which will lead to significant expenses. In this case, it is better to combine methods: start with mechanical, and finish with chemical or thermal.
  • Is the product mobile? To clean a chair or any other piece of furniture with a grinder is the right decision. But if you want to remove the compound from the frame or door jamb, which is not planned to be removed from the wall, that is, there is a high risk of damaging the finish.
  • How flat the surface is. It is very difficult to remove a substance from an unprepared curved surface, especially mechanical method, the removed material will still remain in cavities, pores and other irregularities. If these defects are removed together with the layer, then the product can be rendered unusable.

Before removing the paint, all of the above factors must be considered. If the coating is thin, and the product can be dismantled and taken out into the street, then the mechanical method is suitable for solving this problem. In all other cases, the cost of cleaning the surface will be too high.

You can remove paint without using a power tool. To do this, try to remove the coating with medium grit sandpaper.

There are devices for stripping wood by hand, but this is very physically difficult and time-consuming.

When you can do without removing paint

Before removing the old layer, you need to make sure that this laborious procedure is really necessary. If the coating has cracks or it has become too uneven due to the large number of layers, then removing the old paint from the wood is necessary. In other cases, it is sufficient to simply apply a layer of material over the old one. To do this, you need to clean the coating, sand it, apply a layer of primer and only then paint.

On a note! If it has been decided to keep the wood texture visible, then the old coating must be removed regardless of the layer thickness.

Before cleaning wooden surfaces, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Reactive chemicals and invasive disposal methods can damage the product. It is important to remember safety and use personal protective equipment.